[Enter company name & logo]
Office Fire Safety Policy
Author and role
Document reference
Issue number
Issue date
Review date
Policy reviews
Issue No.
Amended by
Policy guidance
This policy template aims to assist those who are responsible for office fire safety. It
is a generic template that must be adapted to your particular office premises and
account for the people working and visiting there. It must also include the specific
procedures, processes and equipment that are in place in the office to control fire
safety risks.
The legislation in the policy statement applies to England and Wales. If your office is
in Scotland or Northern Ireland, different legislation will apply, and you will need to
make these changes to this template.
Throughout the document, there are highlighted sections where you can add more
detail or make changes to suit your needs. You can also add additional sections
where required. The template should be used as a guide, and it will give you a good
starting point for your office fire safety policy.
If you do not possess the competence to complete your fire safety policy, you must
always seek professional advice from someone who has the necessary competence
in fire safety.
Please note that using this generic template without making it specific to your
business will not comply with fire safety laws.
Policy contents
Policy statement
[Enter company name] is committed to providing a safe and healthy office
environment for its employees, visitors and contractors (where applicable). Part of
this commitment is protecting all relevant persons from the risks of fire.
Fire is a potential hazard in all non-domestic premises, and offices are no exception.
Even though offices are perceived as relatively safe environments, compared to
other non-domestic premises, fire is a serious risk that can have a devastating
impact on the business. Fire is a threat to life, company assets and the environment
and has the potential to affect business operations.
[Enter company name] takes fire safety extremely seriously and recognises that it
has responsibilities to protect all relevant persons from harm, so far as is reasonably
practicable. The company will endeavour to control associated risks and will comply
with legislation relating to fire safety, such as:
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order (RRFSO) 2005.
Other health and safety legislation, such as the Health and Safety at Work,
etc. Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
UK Government Guidance fire safety risk assessment: offices and shops.
Employees and others working for [enter company name] also have duties under
general health and safety legislation, specific fire safety legislation and this policy.
A copy of this policy and associated procedures will be issued to all employees
during their induction and to other relevant persons where applicable. The policy will
be regularly reviewed to ensure it remains current, and any revisions to it will be
Name: [Enter name]
Signed: [The policy must be signed by the most senior person in the company]
Position: [Enter the signatory's position]
Date: [Enter the date signed]
Policy aims and scope
This Fire Safety Policy provides a framework for [enter company name] fire safety
arrangements. It also underpins the company's approach to fire safety management.
The aim of [enter company name] is to ensure that fires are prevented, so far as is
reasonably practicable, by ensuring that there are reasonable precautions in place in
and around the office. If fires cannot be prevented, the aim is to minimise fire risks
and preserve life by having robust fire safety protective measures and ensuring that
all relevant persons know what actions to take in line with the emergency
This policy applies to all [enter company name] premises, activities, and all relevant
persons (employees, including temporary and agency workers, contractors, visitors,
and others who may be at risk in the event of a fire).
[Add any additional aims, objectives and scope].
The responsible person the employer is the responsible person if the workplace
is, to any extent, under their control. For other types of premises, the responsible
person is:
The person who has control of the premises (as an occupier or otherwise) in
connection with the carrying on by them of a trade, business or other
undertaking (for profit or not); or
The owner where the person in control of the premises does not have control
in connection with the carrying on by them of a trade, business or other
Relevant persons any person who is or may be lawfully on the premises and any
person in the immediate vicinity of the premises at risk from a fire (e.g. employees,
visitors, contractors and anyone else who could be at risk). It does not include
firefighters who are carrying out their duties in relation to a function of a fire and
rescue authority.
Competent persons any person who assists the responsible person in
undertaking fire safety arrangements, e.g. fire preventive & protective measures.
They are appointed by the responsible person, as per the requirements of article 18
of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
[Add any additional definitions as appropriate].
[Organisation chart can be entered here if applicable, as well as details of specific
fire safety responsibilities, e.g. Managing Director and Office Manager.]
The responsible person
The company has appointed a responsible person, as per the requirements of the
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. The responsible person has overall
responsibility for fire safety within the premises. Their main duties under this
legislation are to (this list is not exhaustive):
Take general fire precautions as will ensure, so far as is reasonably
practicable, the safety of all employees and other relevant persons.
Make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the fire risks to which relevant
persons are exposed.
Ensure the principles of prevention are applied when implementing any
preventive or protective measures to eliminate, reduce or control fire risks.
Ensure there are appropriate fire safety arrangements in place.
[Add any additional specific duties as appropriate].
The responsible person for [enter company name] is [enter role and/or name].
The day-to-day responsibilities for managing fire safety in the office have been
delegated to [enter role].
Fire wardens
The company has appointed fire wardens to assist in the undertaking of fire
preventive and protective measures within the office. Fire wardens duties include:
Preventive (proactive) duties
o Assisting the responsible person with fire risk assessments and
emergency evacuation plans.
o Conducting regular internal inspections and testing (where applicable)
of firefighting equipment, fire detection and warning systems, fire
doors, emergency lighting, and emergency routes and exits.
o Organising the external inspection and servicing of fire safety
equipment, fire doors and fire detection systems.
Protective (reactive) duties
o Assisting with emergency evacuations and fire drills.
o Carrying out roll calls or sweeps.
o Tackling small fires with local firefighting equipment (if trained and does
not put their safety at risk).
o Liaising with the fire rescue service in the event of a fire.
[Add or change any duties as appropriate]
The fire warden(s) for [enter company name] is/are [enter role(s) and/or name(s)].
All employees have general fire safety duties, under the Regulatory Reform (Fire
Safety) Order 2005, whilst they are at work. To comply with the law, every employee
Take reasonable care for the safety of themselves and of other relevant
persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.
Cooperate with their employer, so far as is necessary, to enable them to
comply with the requirements of the Order.
Inform their employer, or other employees with specific fire safety
responsibilities, of:
o Any work situation that poses a serious and immediate danger to
safety; and
o Any shortcomings in their employer's fire safety protection
[Add any duties as appropriate].
Employees also have general duties under the Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act
1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
Employees should report all fire-related dangers or shortcomings in fire safety
arrangements to [enter role and/or name] [add contact details].
Fire risk assessment (FRA)
A fire risk assessment (FRA) will be completed for the office premises, with the
assistance of a competent person, as per the requirements of article 9 of the
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
The [enter role] is responsible for carrying out the FRA, who will:
Identify the fire hazards.
Identify who is at risk.
Evaluate, remove, reduce and protect relevant persons from the risks.
Record the findings, prepare an emergency plan and provide training.
Review the fire risk assessment.
The aim of the FRA is to identify the preventive and protective measures required to
eliminate, reduce or control fire safety risks.
Where dangerous substances are present in or around the office premises, the FRA
will include the considerations detailed in Schedule 1 (Part 1) of the Regulatory
Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
If young people are employed at any time in the office, the FRA will be reviewed to
include the considerations detailed in Schedule 1 (Part 2) of the Regulatory Reform
(Fire Safety) Order 2005.
The significant findings of the FRA, and details of any groups of persons identified as
being especially at risk, will be recorded and brought to the attention of employees
and other affected persons.
The responsible person will ensure that the findings of the risk assessment are acted
upon as appropriate.
The FRA will be reviewed [enter the frequency]. Significant changes to the office
premises, work processes, staff, equipment, substances, and building layout will also
trigger a review. If there is a fire incident in or around the office, the FRA will be
reviewed immediately.
A hard copy of the FRA will be kept in a safe place [enter the location of the FRA].
Fire safety precautions
Equipment maintenance, inspection and testing
All fire protective measures in and around the office, including fire safety and
electrical equipment, shall be selected, installed, modified, maintained, inspected
and tested by competent persons in accordance with:
Relevant standards, e.g. British Standards;
The fire risk assessment; and
The manufacturer's instructions.
Fixed and portable electrical equipment
All office electrical equipment will be on a planned preventive maintenance
programme, and the frequency will be determined by risk assessment.
All office portable electrical equipment will be subject to a PAT test. It will be
inspected and tested [enter the frequency] by [enter who is responsible].
The fixed electrical installation and associated systems will be maintained and tested
by an external competent contractor [enter the frequency]. The company contracted
to maintain and test the fixed electrical installation is [enter the company name], and
their contact details are [enter their contact details].
All inspections and tests will be recorded in the [enter the details].
Firefighting equipment
Firefighting equipment is used to extinguish fires. The types of firefighting equipment
in the office includes [enter the types of firefighting equipment, e.g. sprinklers, hoses,
fire extinguishers or fire blankets, and locations].
Firefighting equipment will be inspected internally [enter the frequency] by [enter who
is responsible]. Inspections will include the following checks:
It is in good condition and not damaged.
It is in the correct location and position.
It has not been discharged, and the safety pin and plastic tags are in place
(fire extinguishers).
It has been serviced.
The signage is in place and correct.
[Add any additional checks].
Firefighting equipment will be maintained and serviced by an external competent
contractor [enter the frequency]. The company contracted to maintain and service
firefighting equipment is [enter the company name], and their contact details are
[enter their contact details].
All inspections and tests will be recorded in the [enter the details].
Only those who have been trained to use firefighting equipment will be permitted to
tackle small manageable fires (i.e. the size of a small waste paper bin). They should
never endanger themselves and others to extinguish a fire. The priority should
always be to evacuate the building quickly and safely.
Fire detection systems
Fire detection systems detect fire and warn occupants of the danger. The types of
fire detection systems around the office are [enter the types of fire detection
equipment, e.g. fire alarms, smoke detectors, call points or a manual system, and
locations. Also, include any systems in place for workers with impairments and
Fire detection systems will be tested internally [enter the frequency and test method
for the system in place].
Fire detection systems will be inspected internally [enter the frequency] by [enter
who is responsible]. Inspections will include the following checks:
It is clear, visible and unobstructed.
It is not damaged.
The signage is in place and correct.
It has been serviced.
[Add any additional checks].
Fire detection systems will be maintained and serviced by an external competent
contractor [enter the frequency]. The company contracted to maintain and service
the fire detection system is [enter the company name], and their contact details are
[enter their contact details].
All inspections and tests will be recorded in the [enter the details].
Fire doors
Fire doors prevent the spread of fire and smoke. The types of fire doors around the
office are [enter the types of fire doors, e.g. manual or automatic].
Fire doors will be tested internally [enter the frequency and test method for the doors
in place].
Fire doors will be inspected internally [enter the frequency] by [enter who is
responsible]. Inspections will include the following checks:
They are clear, visible and unobstructed.
They have appropriate signage/labelling.
They close properly.
They are kept closed at all times (unless they are doors that automatically
close when the alarm is sounded).
There is no damage or defects that could encourage the spread of fire, smoke
and toxic fumes.
[Add any additional checks].
Fire doors will be maintained and serviced by an external competent contractor
[enter the frequency]. The company contracted to maintain and service the fire doors
is [enter the company name], and their contact details are [enter their contact
All inspections and tests will be recorded in the [enter the details].
Emergency lighting
Emergency lighting guides relevant persons to their nearest exit. The emergency
lighting around the office is [enter the types of emergency lighting and locations].
Emergency lighting will be tested internally [enter the frequency and test method for
the system you have in place].
Emergency lighting will be inspected internally [enter the frequency] by [enter who is
responsible]. Inspections will include the following checks:
It is clear, visible and unobstructed.
It has appropriate signage/labelling.
It is not damaged.
The indicator lights are on.
[Add any additional checks].
Emergency lighting will be serviced by an external competent contractor [enter the
frequency]. The company contracted to maintain and service the emergency lighting
is [enter the company name], and their contact details are [enter their contact
All inspections and tests will be recorded in the [enter the details].
Fire safety signage
Fire safety signage provides instructions to relevant persons on preventing fires or
the actions to take if there is a fire. The fire safety signage around the office includes
[enter the types of signage, e.g. fire action notices, fire exit signs, escape route signs
and fire equipment signs, and locations].
Fire signage will be inspected [enter the frequency] by [enter who is responsible].
Inspections will include the following checks:
It is clear, visible and unobstructed.
There is no damage or defects.
It is in the correct location and position.
It has appropriate symbols and not just writing to account for those with
limited English skills.
[Add any additional checks].
All inspections will be recorded in the [enter details].
Means of escape
If there is a fire in the office, relevant persons need to use their nearest route and
exit to escape the building. All escape routes, such as corridors, landings and
stairways, and fire exits will be checked [enter the frequency] by [enter who is
responsible] to ensure that they are kept clear of any obstructions and combustibles.
Checks will also be completed externally to ensure that there is nothing blocking fire
exit doors from the other side.
All inspections will be recorded in the [enter the details].
[Add additional relevant fire safety precautions here, e.g. dangerous
substances, housekeeping and smoking policy].
Emergency procedures
Fire emergency evacuation procedures and escape plans will be established and will
be based on the findings of the fire risk assessment. Emergency procedures will be
reviewed [enter the frequency] and if there are any significant changes.
Emergency evacuation procedures will be regularly tested by carrying out fire drills
and practice exercises.
Personal emergency evacuation plans (PEEPs)
All employees who would need assistance in an emergency will have a PEEP, which
will include:
Their safest escape route, nearest emergency exits and closest refuges.
Who would assist the person in evacuating the office.
The step-by-step method of how they would be evacuated.
Any additional aids, equipment or support required to alert the person of a fire
and assist them in evacuating.
[Add any additional detail].
A PEEP will also be completed if there are any visitors or contractors who would
need assistance in an emergency.
Reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010 will be considered where a
disabled person requires a PEEP.
Fire drills
Fire drills will be carried out by [enter who is responsible] at least [enter frequency].
The frequency of fire drills will be based on the findings of the fire risk assessment.
The outcome of the fire drill exercise will be recorded in the [enter the details]. If
there are any issues, the responsible person will ensure that appropriate action is
Assembly points
Clearly marked assembly points will be established, which will be detailed on the
escape plan, along with the locations of fire protective equipment.
Fire action notices, evacuation procedures and escape plans will be displayed so
that employees and visitors can familiarise themselves with the office emergency
[Add additional emergency arrangements here]
Staff training
Article 21 of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires the
responsible person to provide their employees with adequate fire safety training.
[Enter role here] is responsible for organising and coordinating training.
All employees will undertake fire safety training as soon as is practicable after the
commencement of employment, which will include:
The fire safety policy and any relevant procedures.
The significant findings of the fire risk assessment.
Who the fire wardens are and others with fire safety responsibilities.
The actions to take on discovering a fire or hearing the alarm.
The locations of the emergency routes, fire exits and assembly points.
Where the fire alarm activation points are and how to activate them.
The locations of fire safety equipment.
Emergency evacuation procedures.
[Add or change any topics as appropriate].
Refresher training will be carried out on an [enter frequency] basis. If there are any
significant changes to fire safety risks, procedures or systems, refresher training will
be provided before the specified frequency.
Fire wardens will undertake additional training relating to their responsibilities and
All fire safety training (including fire drills and practice exercises) will take place
during normal office working hours, and a written record of attendance will be kept in
the [enter the details].
Information for visitors and contractors
Visitors and contractors will be notified of any particular fire risks and precautions on
their arrival, including what to do if there is a fire in the office building [enter how
instruction will be given, e.g. an induction]. They will be expected to follow all
relevant fire safety procedures.
Contractors carrying out any work in or around the office must include fire safety in
their risk assessment and method statement before being permitted to proceed. If
any 'hot work' is carried out, additional precautions will be required.
All visitors and contractors will sign in and out in the [enter the details], so office staff
know who is on the premises.
[Enter company name] has fire safety procedures in place, which includes the
[List relevant fire safety procedures].
The procedures should be read in conjunction with this policy.
Records will be kept of:
Fire risk assessments.
Fire detection equipment internal inspections and tests.
Fire detection equipment external services and repairs.
Firefighting equipment internal inspections and tests.
Firefighting equipment external services and repairs.
Fire door internal inspections and tests.
Fire door external services and repairs.
Any visits from the fire inspector.
Fire evacuation procedures.
Fire drills and practice evacuations.
Fire safety training and instructions given.
[Add any additional records that will be kept].
Records will be kept [enter location, e.g. log book].
Monitoring and review
Fire safety performance will be monitored by [enter monitoring procedures, e.g.
inspections, audits, logging of fire incidents/near misses. Include the frequency of
This fire safety policy will be reviewed [enter the frequency]. A review will also be
required if there are any:
Significant changes within the office premises.
Fire-related incidents or near misses.
Changes to fire safety legislation, standards or guidelines.
Any changes to the policy will be communicated to employees and other relevant
persons (where appropriate).
[Add any additional relevant sections to your fire safety policy].
[You can use your appendices for your emergency procedures, evacuation
plans, fire inspections forms, check sheets etc.].