Asian Social Science; Vol. 13, No. 7; 2017
ISSN 1911-2017 E-ISSN 1911-2025
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
A Study of Customer Preferences of Recurring Deposits in Post Offices
over Banks
M. Rajeswari
Department of Management Studies, Hindustan University, Padur, Chennai, India
Correspondence: M. Rajeswari, Associate Professor. E-mail: [email protected]
Received: April 14, 2017 Accepted: May 6, 2017 Online Published: June 23, 2017
doi:10.5539/ass.v13n7p103 URL:
The study aims to understand the recurring deposit scheme of post office & the allied services along with the
customer satisfaction level towards recurring deposits. The study also paves way to identify the areas which
require improvement. The critical success factors are also identified in the study. Comparative analysis of the
recurring deposit in post office and banks will enable the post office employees to identify their key
differentiating factors and also help them to retain and expand their base of the recurring deposit holders.
Multiple choice questions have been chosen to collect the responses from 100 recurring deposit holders.
Convenience sampling method is employed in the research work. The data collected is analyzed through various
statistical tools like Karl Pearson’s Correlation and One-way Anova test. Suggestions given in the study will help
the postal department to retain and attract new recurring deposit account holders.
Keywords: post office, recurring deposit, retain, banks
1. Introduction
People with regular income have the opportunity to deposit a fixed amount every month through recurring
deposit. It is a special kind of term deposit which help the investors to earn interest at the rate applicable to fixed
deposits. It is an alternative for fixed deposit when the investors are not in a position to invest huge amount they
can invest in monthly installments for example Rs 1000 every month. This deposit matures on a specific date in
the future along with all the deposits made every month. Thus, recurring deposit schemes allow customers with
an opportunity to build up their savings through regular monthly deposit of fixed sum over a fixed period of
When the recurring deposit account is opened, the maturity value is indicated to the customer assuming that the
monthly installments will be paid regularly on due dates. If any installment is delayed, the interest payable in the
account will be reduced and will not be sufficient to reach the maturity value. Therefore, the difference in
interest will be deducted from the maturity value as a penalty. The rate of penalty will be fixed upfront. Interest
is compounded on quarterly basis in recurring deposits.
Rate of Interest offered is similar to that in Fixed Deposits. At present it seems to be one of the best method to
save the amount yield after years of deposit because Taxation of Recurring Deposit Tax Deducted at Source
(TDS) is not applicable on recurring deposit. However interest from recurring deposit is not tax free. Income tax
is to be paid on interest earned from a recurring deposit at the rate of tax slab of the investor. Through this study,
the key areas that need improvement in order to increase customer satisfaction towards the recurring deposit
schemes in post offices will be identified. This will help the post office to make its success and also toughen its
standing in the market share of recurring deposits.
2. Review of Literature
Preeti Singh (2002) found that post office schemes go on par with commercial bank and post office deposits
schemes. Accounts included in the scheme are recurring deposits, saving and time deposits (a kind of recurring
deposit). The savings in post office is similar to that of banks where cheques are issued, but there is no limit on
Rajkumari (2007) in her study has undertaken to identify the customers attitude towards investment in
recurring deposits and concludes that there is a low level of awareness among customers in India. Alinvi &
Babri (2007) are of view that customers’ preferences change on a constant basis, and organizations adjust in Asian Social Science Vol. 13, No. 7 2017
order to meet these changes to remain competitive and profitable.
Bhagaban Das, Ms Sangeeta Mohanty & Mr. Nikhil Chandra Shil (2008) observed that different investment
pattern do not provide the same level of services with respect to age of retail investors in India. It was also
observed that graduate and post graduate investors invest more in life Insurance while professionals in Mutual
Funds. Simon Gervais (2009) in “Behavioural Finance: Capital Budgeting and other Investment Decisions” has
made a survey of literatures on the effects of behavioural biases on capital budgeting.
Nagpal Sushant and Bodla B. S., (2009) brings out the demographic characteristics of investors, relationship
between lifestyle clusters of the respondents and their investment patterns and sources of information tapped by
them. The study concluded that investors prefer less risky investments such as recurring deposits, insurance
policies, fixed deposits with banks and post office, PPF and NSC.
Dr.R.Ganapathi (2010) study concluded that advertisement is a major source to make people understand about
post office schemes. Mostly in order to help people in high tax liability and small investors numerous small
saving schemes were mainly established. In order to increase the deposits and to make even a lay man
understand about the deposits advertisements play a crucial role. Because safety and security is increased when
the money is invested in post office.
SK Das (2011) revealed in his study that people who invested in insurance followed by banks are those whose
education level is below tenth standard. Dr. C. Thilakam and Dr. Ganesan (2012) identified that business
channels acts as a vital source to learn about investment and savings for the investors.
Mathumitha (2015) revealed in the study that in order to meet the future plans of the children many people
invest in recurring deposit. The study also suggested that adopting advertisement strategy will increase the
number of deposits. D. Koreshashikant and Dr. R.B. Teli (2015) in their study identified that towards post
office schemes people who have clear perception are medium and small investors. The study also recommends
that, in order to create awareness about the financial schemes in post offices an essential strategic planning is
necessary to fight against private institutions.
3. Objectives
To understand the socio-economic profile of the respondents
To analyze the impact of having recurring deposits in banks and post office.
To determine the impact of the satisfaction and rate of interest in post office.
To examine the major drawback of recurring deposit in post office
To provide suggestions to improve the number of recurring deposits accounts in post offices
3. Methodology
The research design selected to be used in this study is descriptive research. The number of respondents
considered for the survey is 100. The sampling technique used in this study is Convenience sampling. The data
was analysed by using tools such as Karl Pearson’s Correlation and One-way Anova test.
4. Findings and Suggestions
4.1 Socio-Economic Profile of the Respondents
Out of the respondents surveyed 65 per cent of the respondents are female. 72 per cent of the customers having
recurring deposits are in the age group of above 36 to 45 years. 47 per cent of the respondents are uneducated. 54
per cent of the respondents are employed in government jobs. 59 per cent of the employees have income within
the range of Rs.10,000-25,000.
4.2 Impact of Having Recurring Deposits in Banks and Post Office
One way ANOVA test is employed to determine the impact of having recurring deposits in banks and post office.
Table 1. Test of Homogeneity of Variances
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error
95% Confidence Interval for Mean
Minimum Maximum
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Post office 54 4.07 1.385 .189 3.70 4.45 1 5
Banks 34 3.29 1.643 .282 2.72 3.87 1 5
Both 12 4.92 .289 .083 4.73 5.10 4 5
Total 100 3.91 1.485 .148 3.62 4.20 1 5 Asian Social Science Vol. 13, No. 7 2017
Table 2. ANOVA
Sum of squares df Mean Square F Sig
Between groups 26.511 2 13.255 6.708 0.002
Within groups 191.679 97 1.976
Total 218.190 99
Tabulated value = 6.708; Calculated value= 4.79
F = F cal> F tab F= 6.708 > 4.79
Alternate hypothesis is accepted as the calculated F value is higher than tabulated F value.
Figure 1. Mean Plot
4.3 Impact of the Satisfaction and Rate of Interest in Post Office
To determine the relationship between satisfaction of the respondents and the rate of interest in recurring deposit
correlation analysis is performed.
Null hypothesis (H0):
There is no significant relationship between the satisfaction and rate of interest among the customers
Alternate hypothesis (H1):
There is a significant relationship between the satisfaction and rate of interest among the customers
Table 3. Correlation Analysis
Rate of Interest Satisfaction
Rate of Interest 1 0.048
Satisfaction 0.048 1
Since the correlation values are significant null hypothesis stating There is no significant relationship between
the satisfaction level and rate of interest among the customers is rejected.
4.4 Major Drawback of Recurring Deposit in Post Office
Based on the interview with the respondents drawbacks of recurring deposits in post office were found out. 82
per cent of the respondents are not satisfied about the services offered by post office. 74 per cent of the
respondents feel that waiting in long queues acts as a major drawback for investing in recurring deposit’s in post
office over banks. 93 per cent of the respondents feel that the immediate need is to improve the number of RD Asian Social Science Vol. 13, No. 7 2017
accounts in post offices is to improve basic facilities at the post office
4.5 Suggestions
Post offices across the country have to market about their features and interest rates in an aggressive manner
through TV Ads, Online Ads and paper ads to get more customers for recurring deposit accounts in a short period.
As customer prefer better ambience including waiting seats, water facilities and air-conditioned office. It is
necessary for the post office to provide all these basic amenities to the customers in order to ease their payment
process and waiting time. A separate customer care number has to be created to provide round the clock services
for the post office account holders. Better service to the customers is the only means to retain the existing
recurring deposit account holders. Interest rate for the recurring deposit accounts can be increased to pull more
accounts from banks to the post office. With an improved ambience and interest rate, post office will continue to
be the first and foremost choice to have a recurring deposit account. Post office can develop a Mobile App for
easy payment transactions for all the recurring deposit account holders. This will enable the post offices to get
more youth customers.
5. Conclusion
This study has been undertaken to understand the overall effectiveness of the RD services in the post office and
assess the reason for customer’s preference of Recurring Deposit’s in post offices over banks. For this purpose,
responses from the RD account holders of post offices have been collected and analyzed. Based upon the
findings out of the research, few valuable suggestions have been given to the postal department to improve the
overall RD services to retain and expand its RD accounts holders base.
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