Sample Sublet Agreement
1. Sublessor--original tenant
2. Sublessee--new tenant
It is mutually agreed on the date of ____________________________ between
_______________________ (sublessor) and _______________________ (sublessee)
that all rights and duties described below shall be assumed by the sublessee for the
term of the sublet agreement specified below. The sublessor acknowledges that she/he
has sought and received permission to sublet their premises. The sublessee
acknowledges receipt of the original lease and agrees to be bound by the terms of the
original lease consistent with this sublet agreement effective
The sublessee understands and agrees that s/he will be liable for any damage beyond
normal wear and tear to the subleased premises and for any monies due and owing
under the terms of this sublease agreement.
Description of Original Lease and Premises:
Address of Rental Unit:
No. Street Apt# City/State/Zip
Landlord Identity:
Name Phone #
Term of Original Lease:
________/________/________ to ________/________/________
Term of Sublet Agreement:
________/________ /________ to ________ /________/________
Provisions of sublet agreement:
A. Delete (1) or (2)
1. The sublessee shall be liable for the full rent of the sublessor in the amount of
$_________ per month.
2. The sublessee shall be liable for part of the rent of the sublessor in the amount of
$__________ per month. The sublessor shall remain liable for the remaining
$___________ per month.
B. Delete (1) or (2)
1. The sublessee shall pay a security deposit in the amount of $______ to be held
by _______________. [Note: In New Jersey, the security deposit should not be
more than one and one- half month’s rent.]
a. Date sublessor received sublessee's security deposit:
b. Social Security of sublessee: _______-_______-_______ [for purpose of
setting up a separate bank account as required by state law.
c. Name and address of bank or savings institution where sublessee's
money is deposited:
2. The sublessee shall pay no security deposit.
C. Rent of the sublessee shall be payable to ____________________________ at the
address of _______________________________________________________.
D. Rent of the sublessee shall be paid on or before the ______ day of each month.
E. The sublessee shall be responsible for her/his share (which is ________) of the
following utilities (check utilities not included in the rent):
_________ gas (cooking/heat)
_________ telephone service
_________ heating oil
_________ water/sewage
_________ electricity
_________ other _________________
F. The sublessor shall return the sublessee's security deposit within 30 days after the
sublessee moves out. If any deductions are made from the deposit (for damages
beyond ordinary wear and tear or for money due and owing under the terms of the
sublease agreement), these must be completely itemized and given to the sublessee
within the same 30 day period after move-out.
Sublessee _____________________________ Date_______________________
Sublessor _____________________________ Date_______________________
Landlord ______________________________ Date_______________________
The information contained herein is not to be construed as an endorsement by our
service of any terms, conditions, or agreements (oral or written) made between
sublessee and sublessor.
The Off-Campus Living and Community Partnerships department encourages open and
honest communication among tenants and between tenants and landlords. Any major
problems, deficiencies, or questions should be backed up by written communication in
order to verify that notice has been given and to clarify the particular issue for
everyone's benefit.
Please note the following important things to do:
1. Make sure that your landlord allows subletting and that you get permission to
sublet in writing regardless of what was previously communicated to you orally!
2. Inspect your space before you leave and when you return. Any damages must be
noted in writing and charges should be taken from the sublessee's security
deposit. It is to your benefit to ask for a security deposit from the sublessee.
Then, if damages occur, they do not come out of your pocket.
3. Sit down and explain to everyone what is expected from them--including those
staying. Try to avoid personal, legal, and financial squabbles by communicating
effectively with all concerned.#