+1 514-954-8219 ext. 6088
AN 5/28-20/97
23 September 2020
Subject: Facilitating passenger flights, including
repatriation flights, using public health corridors during
the COVID-19 pandemic
Action required: a) note the guidance specifically
applicable to facilitating passenger and repatriation
flights during the COVID-19 pandemic; and b) complete
the online survey on COVID-19 Testing and Quarantine
Measures no later than 15 October 2020
1. I have the honour to inform you that the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
has developed a guidance specifically applicable to facilitating passenger and repatriation flights using
Public Health Corridors (PHC) during the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a significant impact on air transport,
causing disruptions in supply chain delivery and hampering the movement of people. The ICAO
Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil
Aviation (CAPSCA) continues to develop guidance material on the implementation of PHC to facilitate
continued flight operations whilst mitigating the spread of COVID-19.
3. The initial CAPSCA PHC guidance applicable to flight crew conducting cargo operations
(Electronic Bulletin 2020/30, published in May 2020) was updated and expanded to include maintenance,
ferry and delivery flight operations (Electronic Bulletin 2020/36, published in June 2020).
4. For the commencement of operations following extended periods of reduced flying, the
need to ensure adequate flight crew training and proficiency checking is of particular importance, since
failure to do so could have grave consequences. Equally important is the renewal of medical certification
of crew. In some instances crew members are required to undergo aviation medical examinations in States
which might be different to their States of residence. Noting that many States do not have direct access to
training facilities such as flight simulation training devices, it is essential to consider flight crew as key
workers to benefit from PHC initiatives when accessing such facilities or being required to undergo medical
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Civil Aviation
de l’aviation civile
de Aviación Civil
- 2 -
examinations in other States. Flight crew travel facilitation between States for training and medical
certification purposes is essential in re-establishing operations as alleviations to medical certification,
training and checking requirements expire.
5. This new guidance, focusing on cabin crew and passenger protection, has been compiled
on the basis of a recent CAPSCA survey and discussions during CAPSCA and industry coordination
meetings in accordance with the ICAO Global Implementation Roadmap (State Letter EC 6/3-20/80
published on 24 July 2020) supporting the implementation of the Council Aviation Recovery Task Force
(CART) guidance (
6. As an immediate action to assist in facilitating passenger and repatriation flights, States are
requested to take note of this newly issued guidance on the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Platform
( and on the recently redesigned CAPSCA website
7. Please note that the guidance has been developed in the context of the global COVID-19
situation in mid-September 2020. As the pandemic evolves, CAPSCA will review and update
these guidelines.
8. Some States have implemented COVID-19 testing as part of their border control
procedures. ICAO is requesting Member States to provide information about their current COVID-19
testing and quarantine practices. In particular, States are requested to share available data and conclusions
in using these tests. The online survey, in English only, is available at the following link: The survey may also be completed using the attached form.
Responses using the attached form should be returned by email to [email protected]. States are further
requested to share available high-level analytical data on testing results with ICAO by sending it to
[email protected], taking into account medical confidentiality considerations.
9. Pursuant to the above, I would be grateful if your Administration would encourage the
completion of the online survey in consultation with relevant stakeholders as identified above, as soon as
possible, but no later than 15 October 2020.
Accept, Sir/Madam, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Fang Liu
Secretary General
A State COVID-19 Testing and Quarantine Measures
B Facilitating Passenger Flights, including Repatriation
Flights, Using Public Health Corridors During the
COVID-19 Pandemic
ATTACHMENT A to State letter AN 5/28-20/97
Under the framework of the Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public
Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA) programme, ICAO is requesting Member States to provide
information about their current COVID-19 testing and quarantine practices. The responses to this survey
will be used to develop guidance material using a risk-based approach to support the recovery of air traffic
through the re-opening of borders and by means of implementing Public Health Corridors. States are further
requested to share available high-level analytical data on testing results with ICAO by sending it to
[email protected], taking into account medical confidentiality considerations.
Questions 1-7 below relate to testing prior to departure
Q1: Does your State currently require mandatory COVID-19 tests prior to flight in the country of
No, if the passenger or aircrew member provides a health certificate which shows a clean bill of health
Yes, but with exceptions. Please list
Q2. Is your State considering implementing COVID-19 testing, in the country of departure, as a
requirement prior to flight?
Yes, with exceptions. Please list
Q3. What type of COVID-19 test is currently required/accepted? Please indicate if more than one
test is required.
PCR lab test
A rapid test
Antibody testing
Specify test being used
Q4. When is the COVID-19 test required? Please indicate the number of hours/days required for
testing prior to departure.
Prior to departure at the airport state how many hours prior?
A minimum number of days prior to departure indicate how many days?
Q5. Where is the COVID-19 test to be conducted and how long does it take to obtain the results?
Specify the type of facility and average waiting period for results. Please complete all possible options.
Airport/Waiting period until results are available?
Private clinic/Result time?
Public facility/ Result time?
Q6. Which of the following will be required to take the COVID-19 test?
Aircrew only
Passengers only
Both crew and passengers
Q7. Please provide any other additional relevant information concerning COVID-19 testing.
Questions 8-23 below relate to testing upon arrival
Q8. Does your State currently require COVID-19 tests upon arrival?
Yes, from all States
Yes, from some States please list
Yes, but with some exceptions please explain
No, if the passenger or aircrew member provides a health certificate that shows a clean bill of health.
Q9. Is your State considering implementing COVID-19 testing as a requirement upon arrival?
Yes, from all States
Yes, from some States, please provide criteria for requirement
Q10. What type of COVID-19 test is currently required? Please indicate if more than one test would
be required.
PCR lab test
A rapid test
Antibody testing
Specify test being used
Q11. When is the COVID-19 test required?
Immediately upon arrival at the airport?
Upon arrival, but not at the airport? Specify the number of days after arrival.
Both upon arrival and a subsequent test. State the number of days until the subsequent test.
Q12. Which of the following would be required to take the COVID-19 test? Complete all possible
All arriving passengers
Both aircrew and arriving passengers
Only inbound passengers from outside the State
Only inbound passengers from outside the region
Only passengers arriving from high-risk States
Please mention exceptions (e.g. bilateral or multilateral agreements with other States, Public Health
Q13. Where is the COVID-19 testing being conducted? Please select all possible options and provide
On-site (at the airport)
At an approved/certified clinic, health centre, laboratory
At a special designated facility
Q14. Who performs the COVID-19 testing?
Airline personnel
Airport personnel
Health personnel of an accredited health centre
Q15. Who assumes the cost for the COVID-19 testing?
Specify other
Q16. Do aircrew and passengers need to wait before leaving the airport until COVID-19 testing
results are available?
Yes if so is there a designated area for those waiting for their results? Specify.
No what are the follow-up parameters, if any, in place? Are there any conditions for follow-up?
Q17. If aircrew and/or passengers test positive, where are they isolated?
At the airport
At a testing facility
Permitted to leave to a specified address (i.e. home, hotel).
Q18. How long does it take for the COVID-19 test results to be available if tested upon arrival?
Q19. Are passengers quarantined upon arrival? If so, please provide details including duration of
Only if they have been in contact with a suspected COVID-19 case while on board the aircraft
Only inbound passengers from outside the State
Only inbound passengers from outside the region
Only passengers arriving from high-risk States
Only passengers with a positive COVID-19 test result upon arrival
All passengers
Additional details
Q20. How long is the required quarantine? Provide details.
Q21. Does a negative test result eliminate or shorten the quarantine period?
Yes provide details
Q22. Are there procedures in place for contact tracing and further communication with passengers
if testing is conducted upon arrival? If yes, provide details.
Q23. What other COVID-19 health measures is your State considering to implement for aircrew and
ATTACHMENT B to State letter AN 5/28-20/97
Presented by the Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management
of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA)
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, with States in different stages of local transmission and thus
different levels of risk in terms of virus transmission across borders. Some States are experiencing intense
transmission, others have been able to reduce transmission due to the strict implementation of public health
restrictions, while some are experiencing resurgences due to lifting of restrictions. The situation is further
complicated by the lack of a vaccine, limitations in COVID-19 testing, limited treatment options, and
limited human and economic resources to manage the pandemic.
The current variance in the number of COVID-19 cases in different States has resulted in the
implementation of different border control measures regarding COVID-19 requirements, which often
change at short notice. This situation has a significant impact on the availability of air travel, causing
disruptions in the delivery of goods and services as well as passenger flights. Those impacted often include
key personnel in the aviation and maritime industries and citizens that have travelled or worked abroad
needing to return to their home countries.
The continuation of air transport is critical to support the delivery of goods and services. It could be
facilitated by the implementation of public health measures proportionate to the risk, provided that
appropriate risk assessments have been conducted by Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs) in collaboration
with Public Health Authorities (PHAs), and in accordance with ICAO and the World Health Organization
(WHO) recommendations.
The CAPSCA PHC ( has been developed
specifically for the aviation industry, taking into account scientific information, risk management and safety
management principles. Although the risk of contracting COVID-19 during air travel or importing or
exporting the SARS-Co-V2 virus through air travel cannot be completely eliminated, the risk can be
reduced by implementing a multi-layered strategy of public health measures.
The guidance in Appendix A of this document could serve as a framework for harmonizing public health
measures implemented by States in order to facilitate passenger and repatriation flights, in accordance with
ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), the CART report, applicable modules contained
in the CART “Take-off” guidance document (airports, aircraft, crew and cargo) and the WHO and other
public health recommendations.
Appendix A
CAPSCA Harmonized Guidance on Facilitating Passenger flights, Including Repatriation flights,
Using Public Health Corridors During the COVID-19 pandemic
1. Applicability
This guidance applies to operations supporting passenger flights, specifically:
1.1 Repatriation flights, as defined in Note 1 below;
1.2 Seafarer changeover flights, as defined in Note 2 below;
1.3 Flights requiring cabin crew on-board;
1.4 Flights carrying passengers on-board.
Note 1. State Letter (SL) EC 6/3 20/55 published on 15 April 2020 refers to “repatriation flights”
as flights, which are organized by States for the sole purpose of repatriating their nationals and other
eligible persons from other States, with no embarkation or disembarkation of other passengers for
“remuneration or hire”.
Note 2. For the purpose of this document Seafarer changeover flights is defined as flights
organized by shipowners
to facilitate crew changes and repatriation of seafarers
Note 3. Relief flights, as defined in Annex 9 Facilitation (flights operated for humanitarian
purposes which carry relief personnel and relief supplies such as food, clothing, shelter, medical and other
items during or after an emergency and/or disaster and/or are used to evacuate persons from a place where
their life or health is threatened by such emergency and/or disaster to a safe haven in the same State or
another State willing to receive such persons) are excluded from this document.
Note 4. Emergency medical flights transporting ill or injured patients for either initial treatment or
a higher level of care (Medical Evacuation flights) and flights returning patients to their home country
following recovery or stabilisation of their condition (Medical Repatriation flights) are excluded from this
Note 5. Guidance material pertaining to the Repatriation of human remains was published in an
Electronic Bulletin (EB 2020/27) on 6 May 2020 and is therefore excluded from this document.
2. Applying a multilayer strategy to implement Public Health Corridors (PHC)
2.1 COVID-19 transmission occurs mainly through respiratory droplets when an infected person
breathes, talks, coughs, sneezes or sings. It may also spread through touching the face after hand shaking
or touching contaminated surfaces (fomite transmission) or through small aerosol particles in crowded and
poorly ventilated closed spaces (airborne transmission). Further studies are needed to determine the role
and extent of fomite and airborne transmission in aviation. Prevention and early detection of persons with
The term shipowner includes ship operator, ship manager, fishing vessel owner, fishing vessel operator, and
fishing vessel manager”.
The term seafarer includes marine personnel, fishers and offshore energy sector personnel”. As of August 2020,
it is estimated that more than 250,000 seafarers require immediate repatriation, with many more serving on extended
crew contracts who are overdue to return home. A similar number of seafarers urgently need to join ships to replace them.
On any given day, nearly one million seafarers are working on some 60,000 large cargo vessels worldwide.
COVID-19 infection, including those without symptoms, are essential steps to limit the spread
of COVID-19.
2.2 Globally, States are implementing border restrictions to mitigate the risk of importation or
exportation of COVID-19. These restrictions often vary as decisions are informed by national COVID-19
epidemiological status and transmission patterns, public health capacities, availability of tests and other
resources, and any other factors considered relevant by the State e.g. level of risk acceptable to the State.
2.3 The epidemiological situation of COVID-19 in each State is available on line from the WHO and
other public health authorities. WHO identifies four transmission scenarios for COVID-19, i.e. no cases,
sporadic cases, clusters and community transmission (States experiencing larger outbreaks of local
transmission). The transmission scenario would need to be considered when deciding on implementing
public health corridors between States, as the difference in transmission between States could be a risk
factor for importation of COVID-19 into the State of arrival.
2.4 The adverse effects of COVID-19 on travel and other sectors could be mitigated by harmonised
implementation of public health measures and the mutual recognition of these measures by States.
2.5 States are encouraged to implement a multilayer strategy to mitigate the transmission of COVID-
19 through air travel, taking into account the feasibility of the implementation of these mitigation measures
in their particular circumstances. Risk assessments should include an aviation-specific component to
determine the most appropriate public health mitigation measures and the prioritization of these measures
in the aviation sector.
2.6 The CART Take-off document supports the implementation of a multilayer strategy of public
health measures applicable to airports, aircraft, crew and cargo and provides a framework (COVID-19
Response and Recovery Implementation Centre (CRRIC) for sharing of information between States.
2.7 In order to facilitate mutual recognition of public health measures States are strongly encouraged
to ensure collaboration between CAAs (CAPSCA focal points) and PHAs (International Health Regulations
Focal points) when conducting risk assessments to determine border restrictions, and to actively share these
risk assessments with other States when discussing options for establishing Public Health Corridors (travel
bubbles) between States. In this respect member States are urged to establish and make use of National
Facilitation Committees in line with Annex 9 Standard 8.19 (SL EC 6/3 20/46).
2.8 The CAPSCA PHC activities assist States with implementation of the CART recommendations by
providing assistance with guidelines, risk assessments, training and tools to facilitate mutual recognition by
States and to support multilateral agreements in opening public health corridors between States.
2.9 States are further encouraged to share updated information regarding border restrictions and public
health measures through the CRRIC, Air Information Circulars (AICs) and NOTAMS.
3. Components of a multilayer strategy in aviation
There has been a limited number of studies regarding the transmission of COVID-19 in airports
and on-board aircraft. Further studies are needed to assess the evidence, but the reports published to date
indicate low transmission on-board aircraft. The small number of incidents may be the result of lessons
learned from previous outbreaks (preparedness plans supported by CAPSCA), aircraft design and airflow
patterns within the aircraft, the efficiency of aircraft HEPA filters and existing processes and procedures
minimising face to face contact.
The measures discussed below include essential measures that need to be considered when
implementing a multilayer strategy. It is important to recognise that none of these measures would be
sufficient to mitigate COVID-19 transmission if implemented separately. They have to be implemented as
part of a multi-layer strategy. It should further be noted that the risk of COVID-19 transmission cannot be
completely eliminated; and that States would need to determine an acceptable level of risk when resuming
passenger flights.
3.1 General Hygiene
Passengers, crew and employees should be required to observe the following measures at all times
unless otherwise advised by airport staff or aircrew members:
3.1.1 Hand hygiene by washing their hands with soap and water or, where this is not available, using
alcohol-based hand-sanitising solution.
3.1.2 Respiratory etiquette by covering the mouth and nose with a paper towel cover or a flexed elbow
when sneezing or coughing, even when wearing a face mask.
3.1.3 Limiting direct contact (touch) with any surfaces at the airport and in the aircraft to only when
absolutely necessary.
3.2 Physical distancing
3.2.1 Preventing close contact with infected people is the most effective measure to prevent COVID-19
transmission. However, the application of physical distancing of at least one meter as recommended by the
WHO is not always possible within the confined space of an aircraft cabin or a departure lounge.
3.2.2 Although physical distancing should be implemented at airports and on-board whenever possible,
the implementation of other combined measures such as the wearing of suitable face coverings or masks
for source control, seat assignment processes, orderly boarding procedures and limiting unnecessary
movement of passengers and cabin crew on board could reduce transmission if the target of at least one
meter physical distancing cannot be achieved.
3.3 Use of face coverings or masks
3.3.1 The wearing of suitable face coverings or masks for source control (preventing the wearer of the
mask from transmitting the virus to others) is recommended within airports and aircraft.
3.3.2 For passengers it is recommended that the face covering/ mask be greater than a single layer, is
well fitted snugly over the nose and under the chin and doesn’t have exhalation valves. It is recommended
to wear the face covering during all phases of flight (can be removed for meals) and should be
donned during the use of the bathroom.
3.3.3 One exception to the use of masks is that children aged up to five years should not wear masks for
source control, although some States could recommend a different and lower age cut-off for mask use.
Passengers with mental or physical disabilities could be exempted from wearing masks and it is
recommended that passengers with medical exemptions seek a written medical opinion prior to flight and
have it available for the airlines and cabin crew.
3.3.4 For crew, minimal face coverings is recommended as above, unless the national public health
authority or airline require the use of medical or other masks. Cabin crew may remove face coverings for
meals. Flight crew can be exempt from wearing masks on the flight deck, unless they develop symptoms
suggestive of COVID-19. However, masks should be used whenever they leave the flight deck.
3.3.5 Passengers at high risk e.g. older people, immune compromised patients and people with chronic
diseases should wear a medical mask. Due to supply chain disruptions, there might be limited supplies of
medical masks, which might be prioritized by States for use by healthcare workers, suspected COVID-19
cases and individuals considered to be at high risk for COVID-19. PHA resources should be consulted to
determine the type of mask which would be considered suitable for wearing at airports and on board aircraft.
3.3.6 Masks need to be worn properly to provide sufficient protection for other passengers. In case of
long duration flights masks should be replaced during the journey if it is no longer functional e.g. as soon
as it becomes damp.
3.3.7 The use of respirators (FFP2/3, N95/99) is not recommended for passengers as they have been
designed for professional use in different occupational settings. Their use on board is not appropriate. Some
models of respirators have exhalation valves that could allow the release of unfiltered exhaled air into the
cabin that may contribute to COVID-19 transmission.
3.3.8 If airport security personnel need to identify a person wearing a mask for the purpose of confirming
their identity, the face cover or mask should only be removed if physical distancing or other adequate
mitigation measures are in place.
3.4 Temperature screening at exit or entry points
3.4.1 Temperature screening could provide a false sense of security as there is limited evidence that it is
an effective screening tool. It will not detect asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic people with COVID-19 or
individuals who have used temperature lowering medication. Temperature monitoring on board long-haul
flights may be of limited value.
3.4.2 If temperature screening does form part of a multilayer strategy, non-contact thermometers certified
for use by PHAs should preferably be used e.g. thermal cameras capable of scanning the temperature of
multiple passengers rapidly and unobtrusively.
3.4.3 Any individual with a high temperature as defined by the applicable PHA, will need to undergo
further secondary assessment by public health officers.
3.5 Passenger Self Declaration Form
3.5.1 Some States require the completion of passenger health self-declaration forms, proof of a negative
PCR test taken within a prescribed period, and/or the submission of medical certificates prior to departure.
It is recommended that passenger health self-declaration forms be used for all passengers.
3.5.2 ICAO, with the assistance of CAPSCA, has designed a Public Health COVID-19 Passenger
Self-Declaration Form (Annex C) to promote the use of a consistent format to facilitate the exchange of
health-related information between passengers and PHAs, in line with applicable data privacy protection
rules (SL EC 6/3 - 20/90).
3.5.3 States are strongly encouraged to use this form when requiring passengers to declare their health
status. The form is currently in paper format, but States are encouraged to use electronic options (e.g. mobile
applications and QR codes), or as part of their web portals, to enable sending of data in advance to States.
3.6 COVID-19 diagnostic testing
3.6.1 ICAO does not recommend routine COVID-19 testing as a pre-condition for air travel at the time
of publication of this guidance.
3.6.2 However, some States are conducting COVID-19 testing as part of their border management
policies and require evidence of a negative COVID-19 test either prior to check-in, prior to boarding or
upon arrival.
3.6.3 Such testing could potentially be useful to diagnose active COVID-19 infection and might mitigate
the risk of importation into the arrival State; or could be used to decrease the quarantine period required by
arrival States, provided that:
a) accredited tests are conducted in accordance with the parameters and procedures prescribed
by the relevant national PHA;
b) testing is conducted within a specified timeframe prior to departure or on or shortly after
c) sufficient testing capacity is available within the State;
d) it does not prevent passengers from travelling due to the departure State’s inability to conduct
testing prior to departure (if pre-departure testing is a requirement for travel);
e) passengers are informed in advance of such testing requirements; and
f) there is follow up with the passenger upon arrival.
3.6.4 The RT-PCR COVID-19 test is currently the only test recommended by the WHO to diagnose an
active COVID-19 infection. However, it is important to recognize that a RT-PCR COVID-19 test result
could be false negative, meaning that although the RT-PCR COVID-19 test result is negative, the individual
was infected with COVID-19 at the time of the test.
3.6.5 If RT-PCR COVID-19 testing is required prior to departure it would be preferable to conduct the
test within the three days (72 hours) immediately prior to the flight, although it could be accepted up to four
days (96 hours) before the flight taking into account delays in obtaining RT-PCR COVID-19 test
appointments or the results of RT-PCR COVID-19 tests. States that require testing should clearly define
and communicate the acceptable timeframes relating to testing.
3.6.6 Any testing being conducted in States prior to departure would necessitate that there are facilities
available to conduct testing, results are available prior to the flight, that the passenger should not fly if the
test is positive and that a procedure is in place should a test result not be available at the time of the flight.
3.6.7 States requiring pre-departure testing are thus reminded to consider the logistical challenges of
obtaining a test in the departure State, and are encouraged to communicate testing requirements to relevant
stakeholders and passengers timeously or consider other options such as providing testing upon arrival
should testing be required by the State.
3.6.8 RT-PCR COVID-19 testing might not be practically feasible at either the departure or arrival
airport, due to physical distancing and other constraints. States should consider alternative locations for
conducting RT-CR COVID-19 tests.
3.6.9 Testing requirements for crews should be no more than that required for passengers. States are
encouraged to consider that crew present a different risk profile than the passengers and that more flexibility
and relaxation of testing requirements and/or quarantine could be considered (including exemptions), in
accordance with PHA recommendations.
3.6.10 WHO does not recommend the use of antigen rapid diagnostic tests (Ag-RDTs) in settings or
populations with low expected prevalence of disease such as screening at airport. At the time of publication
ICAO, in accordance with WHO recommedndations, does not recommend the use of Ag-RDTsas a
condition for travel., although it has been implemented in some States.
3.6.11 Some studies have been published indicating acceptable results with Ag-RDTs which could
potentially be considered for use as an alternative when RT-PCR COVID-19 tests are not available or where
time delays in RT-PCR COVID-19 poses significant barriers to air travel. It should be noted that very few
Ag-RDTs have undergone stringent regulatory review and that a limited number of tests has been approved
for use in States. (
3.6.12 In cases where States are considering the use of Ag-RDTs or have already implemented rapid
testing, it is essential that decisions are based on scientific evidence, that it is considered as part of a
comprehensive risk-based strategy, that the use of such tests has been validated by the national PHA for its
intended use and that it has been communicated to all stakeholders. Further discussions regarding the
possible use of these tests in the aviation context is currently taking place within CAPSCA in consultation
with WHO.
3.7 COVID-19 antibody testing
3.7.1 ICAO does not support conducting antibody testing in the aviation environment. Antibody tests
cannot be used to diagnose active COVID-19 infection; they indicate whether a person previously had an
infection and developed antibodies against the SARS-CoV2 virus.
3.7.2 It is presently uncertain whether or for how long antibodies can provide immunity against COVID-
19, thus removing the practical use of these tests in aviation.
3.7.3 In accordance with WHO recommendations ICAO does not support the use of “Immunity
3.8 Cleaning and disinfection
3.8.1 CART guidance needs to be considered in terms of cleaning and disinfection.
3.8.2 Guidance should be provided by airlines regarding the permitted amounts of alcohol-based
sanitisers carried on board, including that carried by passengers, in view of their flammability. Hand
sanitation and PPE needs to be available for crew use (including flight deck) in adequate amounts.
3.8.3 The use of ultra-violet cleaning methods and its efficacy against COVID-19 is under consideration
and has not yet been approved by the WHO as a recommended method. There are now multiple studies
underway to understand the effect of UV-C light on SARS-CoV-2 and whether it could be used effectively
in airports or on board aircraft.
3.9 Managing passengers with suspected COVID-19 infection
3.9.1 States should manage suspected cases at the airport in accordance with the National Aviation Plan
for Public Health Emergencies (ICAO Annex 9), facilities required for implementation of public health
measures (ICAO Annex 9), the aerodrome emergency plan (ICAO Annex 14 Aerodromes), the airport
public health contingency plan and any other relevant International Health Regulations (IHR) requirements.
3.9.2 In the absence of such plans any symptomatic passengers should be referred to the PHA at the
airport for further assessment and management.
3.9.3 An aircraft shall be equipped with accessible and adequate medical supplies. Universal precaution
kits should be carried on aircraft that are required to operate with at least one cabin crew member (ICAO,
Annex 6 Operation of Aircraft).
3.9.4 Aircraft operators should follow the procedures for reporting a suspected COVID-19 case on-board
in accordance with the Procedures for Air Navigation Services (Air Traffic Management - PANS-ATM,
Doc 4444), and by completing the Aircraft General Declaration (ICAO
Annex 9, Appendix 1).
3.9.5 Any passengers or crew who develop symptoms should, as far as possible, isolated from others
and provided with a medical mask. It is recommended that the symptomatic passenger not be moved, but
that the other passengers be moved away; specifically those in the same row, two rows in front and two
rows behind the symptomatic passenger.
3.9.6 A designated aircraft parking position for PHE management should be identified at each airport
and provided with adequate facilities.
3.9.7 Aircraft operators should follow the procedures for aircraft parking and further assessment by PHA
personnel prior to allowing passengers to disembark.
3.10 Managing flights from high risk areas
3.10.1 If entry screening is utilized, States should, if practicable, prioritise entry screening or other
measures for crew and passengers arriving on direct flights from high-risk areas as identified by the PHA.
3.10.2 Crew screening should be performed in dedicated checkpoints and separately from passengers (as
an additional preventive health measure), where possible.
3.10.3 In addition, airports should have dedicated areas where passengers with symptoms can undergo
secondary health assessments by PHA personnel.
3.10.4 Where possible, flight baggage should be allocated to carousels in a manner that facilitates physical
distancing between passengers, with dedicated baggage carousels to be used for flights from high risk areas.
3.11 Contact tracing, isolation or quarantine
3.11.1 Aircraft operators should assist PHAs with contact tracing by distributing the Public Health
Passenger Locator Form (PLF) (Appendix, ICAO Annex 9 ) to passengers in accordance with ICAO, WHO
and national PHA requirements. States are encouraged to use electronic options or their web portals to
enable completion and submission of the PLF on-line.
3.11.2 States implementing isolation or quarantine of crew or passengers upon arrival, should determine
the appropriate measures (isolation or quarantine) and the minimum effective duration (based on a risk
assessment or mitigation measures such as COVID-19 testing, passenger health status, etc.) in accordance
with national PHA regulatory practices and WHO guidance on isolation and quarantine of contacts in the
context of COVID-19.
4. Communication and information sharing
All stakeholders, including national CAAs, PHAs, aircraft operators and airports are strongly
encouraged to establish effective communication channels to inform ICAO (through the CRRIC web site
and PHC tools), crew (through AIC, NOTAMS and other means) and passengers (through the web site, or
other relevant communication means e.g. flight briefings), as far as possible on a real-time basis, of:
4.1 State departure and arrival requirements relating to entry and exit screening, required health
declarations or medical certificates, COVID-19 testing (if required), isolation procedures and quarantine
procedures (where required);
4.2 Public health measures being applied at airports and by aircraft operators in terms of physical
distancing, the wearing of masks, disinfection processes, etc.; and
4.3 The need to self-monitor for the potential onset of symptoms upon arrival for 14 days, and to report
to PHAs at the destination any symptoms of COVID-19 as soon as becoming aware of them.
5. Specific recommendations for repatriation and seafarer changeover flights
5.1 CAPSCA survey results
5.1.1 CAPSA received 67 responses from States following a mini-survey on their practices regarding
repatriation flights, with 93 per cent of respondents confirming that their States offer repatriation flights. In
general respondents interpreted repatriation flights as evacuation flights to bring home national citizens
stranded abroad, which in some cases also include permanent residents of other nationalities.
5.1.2 The majority of repatriations is done by means of scheduled commercial airline flights; with
alternatives being use of non-scheduled charter flights specifically for repatriation purposes or use of State-
owned airlines or military aircraft.
5.1.3 Costs for repatriation flights are paid either by the State or the passenger, in some cases funded
by the State initially but then recuperated from the passenger.
5.2 State arranged repatriation flights
Where repatriation flights are organized by States for the sole purpose of repatriating their nationals
and other eligible persons from other States, the following factors need to be considered:
5.2.1 Flights, with no embarkation or disembarkation of other passengers for “remuneration or hire”,
could be designated as “repatriation flights” to ensure that necessary authorizations for the entry, departure
and transit of aircraft carrying out such “repatriation flights” are granted expeditiously (SL EC 6/3 20/55);
5.2.2 For “repatriation flights” carried out on a commercial basis, States are encouraged to review their
authorization procedures with a view to granting speedy approval to such “repatriation flights,” in line with
the relevant provisions relating to international non-scheduled flights found in Section F of Chapter 2 to
Annex 9 to the Chicago Convention (SL EC 6/3 20/55);
5.2.3 Advanced bilateral communication, coordination, and planning between the relevant State
authorities and aviation stakeholders are essential prior to departure as it can facilitate flight clearances,
5.2.4 States are encouraged to establish in advance the health status of the repatriates and the urgency for
repatriation, if possible, to determine the need for carrying qualified healthcare personnel on board;
5.2.5 If the State PHA has determined that there is a need to carry qualified healthcare personnel on-
board to render support to high risk passengers; airlines should ensure that the aircraft is equipped with
sufficient qualified healthcare personnel, medical equipment and medical supplies (as determined by the
PHA) to respond to potential in-flight emergencies;
5.2.6 In cases where qualified healthcare personnel are not deemed to be necessary on board, the airline
should ensure that the flight is staffed with appropriately trained cabin crew members familiar with
procedures for managing suspected COVID-19 cases on board;
5.2.7 Aircraft must be equipped, at all times, with accessible and adequate medical supplies for the
number of passengers on board (ICAO Annex 6); and
5.2.8 The travel of passengers showing symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 should be delayed; they
should be referred to the local PHA for further evaluation and treatment, with travel being rearranged when
they are declared “fit to fly” by the PHA.
5.3 Seafarer changeover flights
5.3.1 The world relies on seafarers to transport more than 80 per cent of trade by volume, including
vital food and medical goods, energy and raw materials, as well as manufactured goods across the globe.
Travel restrictions have resulted in many seafarers being stranded on ships, or unable to join ships.
5.3.2 The shipping industry identified the need for approximately 300,000 seafarers a month to access
international flights to enable ships crew changeover. This is in accordance with the International Labour
Organization’s Maritime Labour Convention (MLC, 2006) providing for seafarers repatriation at the end
of their contracts.
5.3.3 Cancellation of seafarer changeover flights and border restrictions hampering routine crew
changes, despite the endorsement of a Framework for ensuring safe ship crew changes
, have created an
urgent need for facilitating seafarer changeover flights.
5.3.4 Advanced bilateral communication, coordination, and planning between shipowners, aviation
stakeholders and the relevant responsible authorities is essential in arranging seafarer changeover flights.
Recommended framework of protocols for ensuring safe ship crew changes and travel during the coronavirus
(COVID-19) pandemic, issued by IMO Circular Letter No.4204/Add.14 of 5 May 2020
5.4 Ensuring rapid authorizations for flights
States are requested to grant rapid authorizations for the entry, departure and transit of aircraft of
the following flights (in no specific order):
a) Repatriation flights as defined in SL EC 6/3 20/55;
b) Cargo transport flights carrying essential medical equipment and supplies; and
c) Seafarer changeover flights.
6. Operational guidance for cabin crew on passenger flights
CART guidance needs to be implemented in terms of cabin crew recommendations during travel
and layover. In view of updated information, the following is recommended:
6.1 Crew should not report for duty if they have any symptoms suggestive of COVID-19. Upon
reporting for duty, crew members are required to complete the revised Crew COVID-19 Status Card
(Appendix D);
6.2. Safety demonstrations should highlight to passengers that face masks should be removed before
donning emergency oxygen masks, should they be needed. Note that this could be achieved by an additional
announcement after screening of the safety video;
6.3 Passengers should be informed to limit movement and touching of surfaces, to the extent
practicable during the flight, to reduce exposure to other passengers; and
6.4 Passengers should be informed that closing the lavatory lid before flushing is an effective method
to mitigate the spreading of potentially infectious particles.
Appendix B
Organizations that contributed to the development of the guidance
Global CAPSCA Partners
1. International Air Transport Association (IATA)
2. Airports Council International (ACI)
3. International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA)
4. International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations (ICCAIA)
5. International Business Aviation Council (IBAC)
6. International Organization for Migration (IOM)
7. International Maritime Organization (IMO)
8. International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)
9. Global Express Association (Cargo representative)
10. The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA)
Regional and other CAPSCA Partners
1. European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
2. European Union (EU)
3. African Union (AU)
4. Aviation Medicine Advisory Service (AMAS)
5. MedAire
ICAO Medical Provisions Study Group
1. Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS)
2. UK Civil Aviation Authority
3. Transport Canada
4. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
5. Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)
6. South African Civil Aviation Authority
7. Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA)
8. Aviation Medicine Doctors Association (AMDA) (Russia)
9. Kenya Civil Aviation Authority
10. Egyptian Aviation Academy
11. Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority
12. Jordan Civil Aviation Authority
Appendix C
Proposal a health declaration to include on the reverse of the existing PLF.
Purpose of this form:
This form is intended to support public health authorities by allowing arriving passengers to easily
provide relevant information pertaining to their health status, particularly with regard to COVID-19.
Information needs to be recorded by an adult member of the group or travel group.
Notwithstanding completion of this form, a passenger might still be subjected to additional health
screening by the Public Health Authority as part of a multi-layer prevention approach.
Your information is intended to be held in accordance with applicable national laws and used only for
public health purposes.
1) Traveller Information:
First Name(s):
Last Name(s):
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy):
Travel document No. &
issuing country:
Country of residence:
Port of Origin:
2) During the past 14 days, have you, or a member of your group travelling with you, had
close contact (face-to-face contact for more than 15 minutes or direct physical contact)
with someone who had symptoms suggestive of COVID-19? Yes No
3) Have you, or any member of your group travelling with you, had any of the following
symptoms during the past 14 days:
Fever Yes No Shortness of breath Yes No
Coughing Yes No Sudden loss of sense of taste or smell Yes No
4) Have you, or any member of your group travelling with you, had a positive COVID-19 test
in the last 3 days? Yes No
Please attach report if available
5) Please indicate all countries and cities that you and the group travelling with you have
visited or transited through in the last 14 days (including airports and ports), providing
the dates of the visit. List the most recent country first.
For more information on penalties related to the provision of false information on this form, please
refer to the applicable national legislation and/or local health authorities.
Appendix D
Crew COVID-19 Status Card
Purpose of this card:
Information to be recorded by crew prior to departure to confirm their COVID-19 health status and to
facilitate processing by State’s Public Health Authorities.
Notwithstanding completion of this card, a crew member might still be subjected to additional screening
by Public Health Authorities as part of a multilayer prevention approach e.g. when recorded temperature
is 38 C° (100.4 F°) or greater.
1. During the past 14 days, have you had close contact (face-to-face contact within 1 meter and
for more than 15 minutes or direct physical contact) with someone who had symptoms
suggestive of COVID-19?
Yes No
2. Have you had any of the following symptoms during the past 14 days:
Fever Yes No
Coughing Yes No
Breathing difficulties Yes No
Sudden loss of sense of taste or smell Yes No
3. Temperature at duty start:
Temperature not recorded due to individual not feeling/ appearing feverish
Temperature in degrees C° / F° : _______
Date: ______ Time: _______
Recording method : Forehead Ear Other ____________
4. Have you had a positive COVID-19 test during the past 3 days?
Yes No
Attach report if available
Crew member Identification:
Airline/ aircraft operator:
Nationality and Passport No:
Public health corridor (PHC) Form 1