October 8 & 9, 2021
Name as you would like it to appear in all printed materials and on www.bellevillechili.com (if different than above):
If you participated in the Chili Cook-off last year, would you like to request the same location again? ___ _ Yes No
Requests are not guaranteed, but we do make every effort to accommodate special requests.
If you are participating in the event as a fundraiser for a charity (other than yourself if your organization is a non-profit), to
whom are you benefitting?
Vendors may sell any entrée, side item, dessert or beverage with the exception of alcoholic beverages. Because this is a
food festival, vendors are not allowed to sell non-food items. Please provide a detailed description of each food
and/or drink item that will be sold at your booth. If you are selling chili, please be specific as to what kind (i.e: white chili,
meatless chili, etc).
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Vendors who are serving chili are invited to enter the Chili Cook-off competition. Vendors can compete in the Non Food Service
Business/Organizationdivision or the Restaurant/Caterer division. A first, second and third place is awarded in each division.
Cash awards ranging from $100 to $300 will be presented to the winners during the festival. (The chili brought to the judging area
must be from the same pot you serve your customers.) More information on the time of the chili judging will be distributed closer
to the festival date. Each chili vendor who is entered into the judging will also be provided with a Peoples Choicebucket. This
award is voted on by the people. One dollar equals one vote. Festival attendees can vote for their favorite chili throughout
Friday and up to 2:30 p.m. on Saturday.
If you will be serving Chili, would you like to be entered into the Chili Cook-off Competition? (There is no additional cost to
have your chili entered):
Yes (Please circle one)
Please check which category your business/organization falls under as these are judged separately:
Non-Food Service Business or an Organization (Please circle one)
NOTE: If you will be entering the Chili Cook-off Competition, your chili must be your own recipe. No store bought chili
can be entered into the competition (the judges can tell the difference). Chili can be made on-site or if making off-site
can be reheated on-site. Please follow all health codes with regard to preparing your chili (updated health codes will be
sent in the vendor packet closer to the event).
CHILI COOK-OFF RELEASE: I hereby release the Greater Belleville Chamber of Commerce from any and all
liabilities for any damages or injuries to myself or any of my volunteers working at the Chili Cook-off while participating in the
37th Annual Chili Cook-off.
Signature Date
PHOTO/VIDEO RELEASE: I hereby grant the Greater Belleville Chamber of Commerce (Chamber) permission to
take photos/video of myself or any of my volunteers while participating in the Chili Cook-off. I authorize the Chamber to
edit, copy, exhibit, publish or distribute the photo/video and grant permission to the Chamber to use the photo/video in any
and all publications including web site entries, without payment or any other compensation to myself or any of my
volunteers. I waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written or electronic copy, wherein my
photo/video appears.
Signature Date
Each vendor space will have up to three 110 volt circuits available. This can accommodate up to 3 high wattage devices
and up to 3 low wattage devices. Each circuit provides 1 outlet with 2 plug-in’s. Vendors that require 220 volt power will be
provided one 60 amp circuit. We can no longer provide 100 amp service due to the growth of the festival.
All vendors are required by the Chili Cook-off to use the 10/3 extension cords (available at hardware supply stores).
50 foot cords are sufficient. Vendors must have a separate extension cord for each circuit. This is for your safety
and that of your fellow vendors. Our electrical codes are stricter than the Fire Department due to the electrical needs
of all vendors. *Generators are NOT allowed.
Please list ALL items you will be using that require electricity:
High Wattage Devices (ex: roaster, cooker, warmer, refrigeration unit) Up to 3 items:
Low Wattage Devices (ex: lights, cash register, radio) Up to 3 items:
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Each vendor area measures 10 x 20 feet (unless a vendor purchases additional space). Vendors are responsible for
providing their own tents, serving tables and other necessary equipment and supplies. All vendor supplies must be
contained within the vendor space.
My space will be setup with (please check one): Tent/Tables
Mobile Unit/Catering Truck(Limited availability)
If using a mobile unit/catering truck will you require more than a 10 x 20 space? Yes (please see additional fees) No
NON-EARLY BIRD Vendor Fees: (Please check one). Registration until all spaces is filled.
Registration until all spaces are filled
Chamber Member Rates
Non-Chamber Member Rates
$350 - 10 X 20 with 110 Power
$450 - 10 X 20 with 110 Power
$550 - 10 X 30 with 110 Power**
$650 - 10 X 30 with 110 Power**
Registration until all spaces are filled.
Chamber Member Rates
Non-Chamber Member Rates
$550 - 10 X 20 with 220 Power**
$650 - 10 X 20 with 220 Power**
$700 - 10 X 30 with 220 Power**
$800 - 10 X 30 with 220 Power**
**NOTE: There are a limited number of spots we can place vendors who require a 10 x 30 space or 220 volt power. If
you require more space or electricity, we suggest sending in your application ASAP.
Registration Fees
Fees (per space)
# of Spaces*
Vendor Fees (check one above)
Refundable Clean-Up Deposit (separate check)
*Vendors purchasing two adjacent 10 x 20
spaces, pay only one $100 deposit.
Please send a separate $100 check for the clean-up deposit. The deposit will be returned to you by mail after the festival
if you adhered to the Rules & Regulations. Please also include a legal size self-addressed stamped envelope, so we can
return the check to you.
Please make checks payable to the Greater Belleville Chamber of Commerce and mail to:
Greater Belleville Chamber of Commerce
216 East A Street
Belleville, IL 62220
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Please initial next to each of the following regulations to indicate you have read each one and
agree to it. Then please sign on reverse. Failure to comply with these rules and regulations can
result in forfeiture of deposit. Thank you!
__ FOOD HANDLING SAFTEY COURSE: All Chili Cook-off vendors must provide either a copy of their food
handling license, issued through a verified county Health Department, OR send at least one representative from
their organization to attend one of the classes (dates to be announced; more on page 7). One person who has
earned certification MUST be in the booth at all times. Classes are available at the Chamber at no cost and will
earn a Temporary Food Handler certificate good for one year. Online classes are $15 or less and will earn a
Food Handler certificate good for 3 years. Failure to provide certification by September 4
will result in the
automatic withdrawal of your vendor booth at the 37th Annual Chili Cook-off. Your deposit will not be
refunded. No Exceptions.
__ Non-potable water is available for clean-up purposes only. No cooking items can be washed with it and it cannot be
used for drinking or cooking. There are hook-ups on the square in the Regions Bank quadrant and the Veteran’s
Memorial quadrant that can be used after 10pm Friday and Saturday only.
All water used for cooking, cleaning cooking utensils or handwashing must be potable and must be
brought into Festival grounds by the vendors.
Booths must be set up by 9 a.m. on Friday and in operation by 11 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. No vehicles are
allowed within the festival perimeter after 9 a.m. on FRIDAY. This is for the safety of the other vendors as well
as attendees.
During setup and throughout the festival, vendors are not to park their vehicles in the parking lot behind
the Lincoln Theater (off East A” Street between High and Jackson Streets) or by Bens Crafts (on the
corner of High and Washington). By order of the City of Belleville, these lots are to remain open for
customers of those businesses.
For the safety of festival participants, there will be absolutely no dismantling of booths prior to 10 p.m. Saturday.
Dismantling is not allowed on Friday. If you sell out of food early on Saturday, you may close your booth, but
tables, tents, etc may not be taken down until after 10 p.m. Vehicles cannot be pulled in to load until after
released to do so by the Belleville Police Department.
Vendors will be assigned a set up time. Vendors may not enter festival area before their assigned time, and
must enter & exit at designated locations. This is for everyone’s safety and ease of setting up. Too many
vehicles in the festival grounds make it impossible for anyone to set up. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation.
Vendors are responsible for providing their own tents, serving tables and other necessary equipment and supplies.
All vendor supplies must be contained within the vendor space. NOTHING IS TO BE OUTSIDE, BEHIND,
NEXT TO THIS SPACE OR PLACED ON THE SIDEWALKS, by order of the City of Belleville.
The Belleville Fire Department requires all vendors to have a fire extinguisher at their booth. For vendors who deep
fry, a K fire extinguisher is required for oils and greases. For vendors cooking with an open flame, the 4A40BC
fire extinguisher or larger is required. A 4A40BC fire extinguisher can be accomplished with two extinguishers
with a total of 4A40BC (ie: 2 each 2A20BC). For all other vendors a standard-type fire extinguisher is required.
The City of Belleville will provide large garbage totes around the festival area. Volunteers will take care of
removing full totes and bringing back an empty one. Please do not dump trash in any of the private
dumpsters. Those are for the businesses along East and West Main Street.
No grease is to be dumped on the street or alleys. Please dispose of grease by putting it in a container and
placing it in the garbage tote.
Vendor booth area must be free from trash Friday and Saturday evening before leaving the Cook-Off. Any
trash left on the sidewalks or in the area around your booth, must be picked up or swept to the middle of the street
for the street cleaner.
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All health codes must be met (updated health codes will be sent in vendor packet closer to the event). It is the
responsibility of each participant to keep their area clean and properly store perishable food items. The Health
Dept. will inspect booths both Friday and Saturday so please follow codes or your booth may be subject to
immediate shut down.
No generators allowed.
If using a propane tank, the tank must be secured. The smaller 20 lb tanks can be in a milk crate secured with
bungee cords, but larger tanks need to be secured with a light weight chain, not bungee cords.
Due to health codes, no pets are allowed at the Chili Cook-off.
All vendors must sell some type of entrée, side item, dessert or beverage (with the exception of alcoholic
beverages). Because this is a food festival, vendors are not allowed to sell non-food items.
No Alcohol may be sold - Water, soda, tea, lemonade, fruit drinks, etc may be sold at each
vendor location.
Electrical: Each vendor space will have up to three 110 volt circuits available. This can accommodate up to 3
high wattage devices (ie: roasters, cookers, warmers) and up to 3 low wattage devices (ie: lights, cash register,
small electronics). Each circuit provides 1 outlet with 2 plug-ins.
Vendors that require 220 volt power will be provided one 60 amp circuit. We can no longer provide 100 amp
service due to the growth of the festival.
All vendors are required by the Chili Cook-off to use the 10/3 extension cords (available at hardware supply
stores). 50 foot cords are sufficient. Vendors must have a separate extension cord for each circuit. This is for
your safety and that of your fellow vendors. Our electrical codes are stricter than the Fire Department due to the
electrical needs of all vendors.
Chamber staff will verify power usage prior to the event start on Friday by 11 a.m. Vendors will be asked to
comply with rules regarding available electric.
I have read and initialed all the above rules and regulations for the 37
Annual Chili Cook-off indicating I understand
and agree to comply with these rules and regulations. I also understand that if I am not in compliance during the
festival, I may not be allowed to open my booth, my $100 deposit may be forfeited and/or I may not be asked to
participate in next years Chili Cook-off.
Signature Date
Please keep a copy of the Vendor Application/Rules & Regulations for your records. If you have any questions,
please contact the Greater Belleville Chamber of Commerce at (618) 233-2015.
Before mailing, please check to make sure the following are enclosed…
Completed and signed Vendor Application and initialed and signed Rules & Regulations
Check for the Non-Refundable Vendor Fees
Separate $100 check for the Refundable Deposit
Self-Addressed Stamped Business-Sized Envelope for us to mail your deposit back after the
Completed Code Red Event Sign Up Form, required by Belleville Fire Department
(located on next page)
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Greater Belleville Chamber of Commerce
Code Red Event Sign Up Form
Please fill form out and return with your application to receive both verbal and text emergency notifications
from the Belleville Fire Department.
First Name
Last Name
Work Phone
Cell Phone
Text Number
Mobile Provider
Work Email
This form is a 2021 REQUIREMENT issued by the Belleville Fire Department.
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2021 Vendor Training Opportunities
All Chili Cook-off vendors must provide either a copy of their food handling license, issued through a verified county
Health Department, OR send at least one representative from their organization to attend one of the classes listed below.
Classes are available at the Chamber at no cost and will earn a Temporary Food Handler certificate good for one year.
Online classes are $15 or less and will earn a Food Handler certificate good for 3 years. Failure to provide certification
by September 4th will result in the automatic withdrawal of your vendor booth at the Chili Cook-off. Your deposit
will not be refunded. No Exceptions.
Cost: No Charge
Cost: $15 or less
The following web sites are locations for the Illinois Food Handler Training. Individuals log onto the website and complete
the training, as well as take a 40 question test. After they pass the test, they will be allowed to print a food handler card. At
least one person from the establishment must take the course and be present in the booth. Both the Food Manager Certificate
and the food handler cards must be at the food service establishment at the time of inspection. Both the course and
assessment for the food handler can be completed online, 24 hours/day.
1. Southern Hospitality Education call or text (844) 768-8433 or you can register online at www.southern-edu.com
2. Info@southern-edu.com; private, public and online certification available (English and Spanish)
3. www.statefoodsafety.com AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: English, Española, 普通, 한국어, Tagalog, Serbo-
Croatia $10
4. www.eFoodhandlers.com AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: English, Española $10.00
5. www.nehatraining.org AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: English, Española $7.50
6. www.NRFSP.com AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: English, Español, Chinese $ 12.95
7. www.servsafe.com AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: English, Español $15.00
8. www.premierfoodsafety.com AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: English, Spanish (Española), Korean (한국어) , Chinese (
), and Vietnamese (Việt) $6.95
9. www.safefoodtest.com AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: English $9.95
10. www.Safewayclasses.com AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: English, Española, Chinese/Mandarin $ 10.00
11. www.tapseries.com AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: English, Española $9.95
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