Version: June 2016
Functional Capacity Evaluation Elements
A standard FCE evaluation will need to include the following 6 elements:
1. Worker Information
Worker subjective pain complaints
Medications - related to injury or would impact test, was scheduled medication taken?
Assistive devices used during evaluation
Worker’s report of functional ability in self-care, chores, yard work, driving, shopping, recreation, exercise
Worker’s self-reported goal(s)
Blood Pressure, Oxygen saturation, Pulse
2. Musculoskeletal Screen
As determined by the evaluator. May include these areas: Balance, Posture, Range of Motion (Passive/Active),
Gait Abnormalities, Sensation, Extremity Edema Measurements (Pre/Post), Strength UE/LE, Other Clinical
3. Capacity Testing Positional, Material
Handling, Non-Material Handling
Standard categories:
Climb Ladders
Climb Stairs
Twist Neck
Twist Truck
Squat Partial/Full
Reach forward
Reach waist to shoulder
Work above shoulders
Grasp (forceful)
Fine Manipulation
Lifting Floor to Waist
Lifting Waist to Shoulder
Lifting Shoulder to Overhead
Additional Categories if noted on any job
description/analysis to include:
Perform work on ladders
Wrist flexion/extension
Operate Foot controls
Vibration high/low
4. Cardiorespiratory Endurance Testing
Best practices are in development
5. Consistency/Level of Effort Testing:
a) Consistency
b) Level of Effort
Includes combined approach:
Observational hard and soft signs
Consistency of test performance distraction, placebo, test/retest
Heart rate monitoring/response
Isometric grip test battery
Version: June 2016
Developed by the members of the L&I Therapy Stakeholder Group
6. Musculoskeletal/Psychosocial Questionnaires:
Include reliability as it relates to a worker’s report of pain and abilities
Selection based on characteristics of the client
Available from: L&I’s Functional Scales resource:
Oswestry (ODI)
Roland (RMQ)
Neck Disability (NDI)
Shoulder Pain and Disability (SPADI)
Patient Health (PHQ-9)
Fear-Avoidance Belief (FABQ)
Tampa Kinesiophobia (TSK-11)
EPIC Hand Function Sort
PACT Spinal Function Sort
Pain Disability Index (PDI)
McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ-SF)
World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS)
Dalles Pain Questionnaire
Orebro Musculoskeletal Pain Questionnaire (OMPQ)
Ransford Pain Drawing
Injustice Experiences Questionnaire (IEQ)
The Effect of Pain Scale (EOP)
MTAP (combines EPIC/PACT requires a fee)
Version: June 2016
Functional Capacity Evaluation
Additional Testing Considerations for the Upper Extremity
Upper Extremity: Shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand
Additional testing to consider with the comprehensive evaluation elements
Same battery of screening/testing for injured and uninjured side based on job demands
Early/late day comparison testing (except for material handling)
1. UE musculoskeletal screen (may include cervical)
Active/Passive Range of Motion
o Grip
o Pinch
Sensibility: May include light touch, warm/cold, 2 point discrimination (Stereognosis if 2
point diminished; Monofilament testing if light touch/2 point discrimination is diminished.)
Edema (circumference/volume)
Skin: Inspection (cleanliness presence of dirt, grease, etc.) color, temperature, integrity,
atrophy, callous formation
Tone/Neural Tension
Quality of Movement
2. Coordination/dexterity testing (involved and uninvolved side based on job demands)
Fine motor
Gross motor
3. Unilateral and bilateral functional testing based on job demands
Reach forward, reach waist to shoulder, work above shoulders, forceful grasping,
handle/grasp (power), fine manipulation, lift floor to waist, waist to shoulder, shoulder to
overhead, carry, push, pull.
As needed: keyboarding, wrist flexion/extension, vibration high/low, handle/grasp (hook,
cylindrical, spherical)
Unique job specific tasks for handling/grasping/coordination (consider awkward spaces)
4. Brace/Splint (if worn, type, fit)
Version: June 2016
Sample Testing Protocol:
1. Intake interview
2. Pain questionnaires
3. Seated resting blood pressure and heart rate
4. Brief active/functional range of motion screen for initial quality of movement
5. Volumetric/circumferential measurements
6. Inspection: color; temperature; trophic changes; atrophy; scar integrity, swelling, cleanliness (dirt/grease),
clubbing, color, callous formation, splint/brace
7. Sensory testing:
Light touch
Protective sensation to include temperature
2-point discrimination
8. Full musculoskeletal screen of bilateral upper extremities to include:
Muscle testing
Neural tension (Median, Radial, Ulnar)
Provocative testing as indicated. (Purpose: to assess consistency)
9. Functional motion tests:
Overhead reach - measured in inches, compare each side
Forward reach bilateral upper extremity
10. Repetitive motion test/endurance testing: examples may include:
Overhead reach
Forward reach
Elbow flexion/extension
11. Jamar Grip test: 5-position and Rapid exchange (Purpose: to assess consistency and to match tool usage)
12. Pinch Test:
Palmar, Tip, Lateral
Version: June 2016
13. Functional Testing:
Perform back to back MTM and time duration tests to measure repetitive fingering/fine
manipulation; grasping/handling for frequency tolerances
o May include: Purdue Pegboard; Minnesota Dexterity test: Valpar 7; Valpar 8; Valpar 9;
Valpar 1; Matheson panel system; Bennett Tool Task test; Bus Bench assembly/disassembly
14. Material handling based on job demands:
15. Maximum lift test:
Occasional basis:
o Lifting: Floor to waist; waist to shoulder; shoulder to overhead; Carry
o Push-pull
Frequent basis
o Lifting: Floor to waist; waist to shoulder; shoulder to overhead;
16. Work circuit: May include work simulation for Job of Injury/job goal/potential retraining goal: tool use;
impact tool use; vibratory tools use; keyboarding on computer; Repetitive and sustained reaching and
grasping/handling tasks
17. Post-test/repeat testing of:
a) Functional testing
b) Functional motion tests
c) Repetitive motion test/endurance testing
d) Jamar grip test on position of peak force
e) Sensory testing as appropriate
f) Volumetric/circumference measurements
**This sample is provided for educational purposes only. It is not meant to be an all-inclusive format. Use
your clinical reasoning and judgement to fully evaluate the client based on their individual needs and job
Developed by the members of the L&I Therapy Stakeholder Group