Instructions for Completing Items on the
New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services
Certificate of Death
These instructions pertain to the 2007 version of the Certificate of Death produced from the New Jersey
Electronic Death Registration System (NJ-EDRS). Under certain circumstances a document may not be able
to be completed in the NJ-EDRS application. When this happens the partially completed document should be
printed out and completed manually using these instructions.
e following instructions will explain what information is expected in each field and where applicable, show
a list of valid responses that can be entered in a particular field. All fields should be considered “REQUIRED
INFORMATION” except where noted in the instructions.
1a. Legal Name of Decedent
(First, Middle, Last, Suffix)
Enter the full first, middle and last name of the decedent. Do not abbreviate. If
applicable, enter a valid suffix (Sr., Jr., I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X)
1b. Also Known As (AKA), If
any (First, Middle, Last, Suffix)
Enter the full first, middle and last alias name of the decedent. Do not abbreviate.
If applicable, enter a valid suffix (Sr., Jr., I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X).
DO NOT INCLUDE nicknames or Spelling variations of the first name.
Check this box if the Death Certificate is being generated to dispose of a limb and
no death has occurred.
2. Sex
Valid entries: Male, Female, Undesignated/Non-Binary, and Unknown (if sex
cannot be determined.)
3. Social Security No.
Enter the decedent’s 9-digit Social Security number. Other valid entries: “None”,
“Unknown” or “Not Obtainable”.
4a. Age
If decedent is 1 year old or over, enter age at last birthday in years (i.e. 9 years)
If decedent is less than 1 year old and greater than 1 month old, enter age in
months (i.e. 2 months)
If decedent is less than 1 month old and greater than 24 hours old, enter age in
weeks or days (i.e. 2 weeks or 5 days)
If decedent is less than 24 hours old , enter age in hours or minutes (i.e. 12 hours
or 30 minutes)
5. Date of Birth (Mo/Day/Yr)
Enter the full name of the month (January, February, etc), day and 4-digit year
that the decedent was born. If the date of birth is unknown, then enter
6. Birthplace (City &
State/Foreign Country)
If decedent was born in the U.S., enter the name of the City and State. If not born
in the U.S., enter name of country of birth.
7a. Residence State
Enter decedent’s state of residence.
7b. County
Enter decedent’s county of residence.
7c. Municipality/City
If decedent resided in NJ, enter municipality of residence. Otherwise enter city of
residence. Note: Municipality can be different from the mailing address.
7d. Street and Number
Enter decedent’s number and street of residence.
7e. Apt No.
Enter apartment or room number associated with residence. If none, leave blank.
7f. Zip Code
Enter the ZIP code of the place where the decedent lived.
7g. Inside City Limits?
If decedent resided in NJ, always enter “Yes”. If decedent resided outside of NJ
other valid entries are “No” or “Unknown”.
8a. Ever in US Armed Forces?
If decedent ever served in the US Armed Forces, enter “Yes”. Other valid entries,
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“No” or “Unknown”.
8b. If yes, Name of War
If “Yes” has been entered in field 8a and decedent has served in a military
conflict, enter the name of the conflict. If field 8a is “No”, leave blank.
8c. War Service Dates
If field 8b contains the name of a military conflict, enter the From and To dates
that the decedent served in the US Armed Forces.
9. Domestic Status at Time of
Enter the domestic status of the decedent at time of death. Specify one of the
following: “Married”, “Married, but separated”, “Single/Never married”,
“Widowed”, “Divorced”, “Domestic Partner”, “Domestic Partnership
Terminated”, “Domestic Partner (Deceased)”, “Civil Union Partner”*, “Civil
Union Dissolved”*, “Civil Union (Deceased)”*, “Unknown” or “Not Obtainable”.
* Civil Union can only be used with deaths that occurred after 2/19/2007.
10. Name of Surviving
Spouse/Partner (List name
given at birth or on birth
If the decedent was married, in a Domestic Partnership or in a Civil Union at the
time of death, enter the full name of the surviving spouse/partner. Use the
surviving spouse/partner’s name given at birth or on birth certificate. If no
surviving spouse/partner, leave this field blank.
11. Father’s Name (First,
Middle, Last, Suffix)
Enter the full first, middle and last name of the decedent’s father. Do not
abbreviate. If applicable, enter a valid suffix (Sr., Jr., I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII,
VIII, IX, X). If the father’s name cannot be determined, enter “Unknown” in the
Last Name field.
12. Mother’s Name (First,
Middle, Last, Suffix)
Enter the full first, middle and surname that the decedent’s mother used prior to
first marriage, commonly known as the maiden name. Do not abbreviate. If
applicable, enter a valid suffix (Sr., Jr., I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X). If
the mother’s name cannot be determined, enter “Unknown” in the Last Name
13a. Name of Informant
Enter the full first, middle and last name of the person who supplied the personal
facts about the decedent and his or her family. Do not abbreviate. If applicable,
enter a valid suffix (Sr., Jr., I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X).
13b. Relationship to Decedent
Enter the relationship of the informant to the decedent. Specify one of the
following: “Child”, “Parent”, “Sibling”, “Spouse”, “Domestic Partner”, “Other
Relative” or “Other”
13c. Mailing Address (Street
and Number, City, State, Zip
Enter the complete mailing address of the informant whose name appears in item
13a. Be sure to include the ZIP Code.
14. Method of Disposition
Enter one of the following methods of Disposition: “Burial”, “Cremation”,
“Donation”, “Entombment”, “Removal from State” or “Other:”. If “Other:” is
used, specify the method of Disposition in the same space.
15. Place of Disposition (Name
of cemetery, crematory, other)
Enter the name of the cemetery, crematory or other place of disposition. If the
body is removed from the State, specify the name of the cemetery, crematory, or
other place of disposition to which the body is removed.
16. Location City or Town
and State
Enter the name of the city, town, or village and the State where the place of
disposition is located.
17. Name and complete address
of funeral facility
Enter the name and complete address of the facility handling the body prior to
burial or other disposition. Include Phone Number.
18. Signature of Funeral
The funeral service licensee charged with responsibility for completing the death
certificate should sign in permanent black ink.
19. NJ License Number
Enter the NJ State license number of the funeral service licensee.
20. Decedent Education
Enter the highest level of education that the decedent completed from the
following options: “8
grade or less”, “9
grade, no diploma”, “High School
Graduate or GED completed”, “Some college credit, but no degree”, “Associate
Degree (e.g., AA, AS)”, “Bachelor’s Degree (e.g., BA, AB, BS)”, “Master’s
Degree (e.g., MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)” or “Doctorate (e.g., PhD,
EdD) or Professional Degree (e.g., MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)”
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21. Decedent of Hispanic
Based on the informant’s response, select the description that best identifies the
decedent’s ethnic identity. The response should reflect what the decedent
considered himself or herself to be. The informant is encouraged to select only
one response. If the informant is unable to select a single response, enter all
responses that apply. If informant indicates an ethnic origin not on the list, it
should be entered even if it is not a Hispanic origin Enter one (or more) of the
following: “No, Not Spanish/Hispanic/Latino”, “Yes, Mexican, Mexican
American, Chicano”, “Yes, Puerto Rican”, “Yes, Cuban” or
“Yes, Other Spanish :** “
** Specify race
22. Decedent’s Race
The informant should indicate the race or races of the decedent. The following are
valid responses: “White”, “Black or African American”, “American Indian or
Alaska Native - **”, “Asian Indian”, “Filipino”, “Korean”, “Chinese”,
“Japanese”, “Vietnamese”, “Other Asian - ***”, “Native Hawaiian”, “Guamanian
or Chamorro”, “Samoan”, “Other Pacific Islander - ***”, “Other - ***”.
** These race descriptions require a tribe to be entered.
*** These entries are for races that are not listed.
23. Occupation of Decedent
(Type of work done most of
life, even if retired)
Enter the usual occupation of the decedent. This means the type of job the
individual was engaged in for most of his or her working life (i.e. farmhand,
janitor, store manager, civil engineer, etc.) Never enter Retired.
24. Kind of Business/Industry
Enter the kind of business or industry to which the occupation listed in item 23 is
related, such as insurance, farming, retail clothing, university or government. Do
not enter firm or organization names. If not known, enter “Unknown”.
25. Name and Address of Last
Enter the complete mailing address of the decedent’s last employer. Include the
ZIP Code. If not known, enter “Unknown”
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26. Date Pronounced Dead
Enter the exact month, day and four-digit year that the decedent was pronounced
dead. Enter the full name of the month January, February, March, etc. Do not
use a number or abbreviation to designate the month.
27. Time Pronounced Dead
Enter the exact time (hour and minute using a 24-hour clock) the decedent was
pronounced dead according to local time. Be sure to indicate the time using a 24
hour clock. (Examples: for 12:15AM enter 0015, for Noon enter 1200, for
3:00PM enter 1500, for midnight enter 2400).
28. Signature of Person
Pronouncing Death
Obtain the signature of the Physician or Registered Nurse who pronounced the
death in black ink.
29. License Number
Enter the State License number of the Physician or Registered Nurse who
pronounced the death.
30. Date Signed (Mo, Day, Yr)
Enter the exact month, day and year that the pronouncing Physician or Registered
Nurse signs the certificate. Do not use a number to designate the month.
Name of Decedent as known by
If the decedent’s name on his/her medical records are different then the decedent’s
legal name, enter the name on the medical records. IF THE MEDICAL
31. Date of Death
Enter the exact month, day and four-digit year that the decedent died. Enter the
full name of the month January, February, March, etc. Do not use a number or
abbreviation to designate the month. If an estimate is made, enter date as
“APPROX-date”. If no estimate can be made, use the date found and enter
“FOUND-date”. If date of death was determined by court order, enter “Court
Determined-date” this does not apply to individual that are declared dead by the
courts, only to those cases where the court determines the date of death.
32. Time of Death
Enter the exact time (hour and minute using a 24-hour clock) the decedent was
pronounced dead according to local time. Be sure to indicate the time using a 24
hour clock. (Examples: for 12:15AM enter 0015, for Noon enter 1200, for
3:00PM enter 1500, for midnight enter 2400). If an estimate is made, enter time as
“APPROX-time”. If no estimate can be made, enter “Unknown”. If time of death
was determined by court order, enter “Court Determined-time”.
33. Was Medical Examiner
If the Medical Examiner was contacted concerning this case, enter “Yes”.
Otherwise enter “No”.
34. Place of Death
If death occurred in a Hospital, enter one of the following valid entries:
“Hospital: Inpatient”, “Hospital: Emergency or Outpatient” or “Hospital: Dead on
Arrival”. If death DID NOT occur in a Hospital, enter one of the following valid
entries: “Hospice Facility”, “Nursing Home / Long Term Care Facility”,
“Decedent’s Home” or “Other: **”
** Specify location.
35a. Facility Name (If not
institution, give street and
If the death occurred in a Hospital, on the way to a Hospital or in any medical or
Health care facility, enter the full name of the institution. If the death occurred at
home, enter the house number and street name. If the death occurred at some
place other than those described above, enter the number and street name of the
place or building where the decedent died.
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35b. Municipality
Enter the municipality where the death took place. Note: Municipality can be
different from the mailing address.
35c. County
Enter the county where the death took place.
36a. Cause of Death, Part I,
Immediate Cause: Line A
The immediate cause of death is reported on Line A. This is the final disease,
injury or complication directly causing the death. An immediate cause of death
must always be reported on Line A. It can be the sole entry in the cause-of death
section if that condition is the only condition causing the death. NOTE: The
mechanism of death (for example, cardiac or respiratory arrest) should not be
reported as the immediate cause of death as it is a statement not specifically
related to the disease process, and it merely attests to the fact of death.
Line A: Interval between Onset
and death
Enter the interval between the presumed onset of the condition listed on Line A
(not the diagnosis of the condition) and the date of death (for example, 10
minutes, 3 months, 10 years). These intervals are established based on available
information. If the time of onset is entirely unknown, enter “Unknown”. Do not
leave this field blank.
36a. Cause of Death, Part I,
Immediate Cause: Lines B, C,
D due to (or as a consequence
On line B, enter the disease, injury or complication, if any, that gave rise to the
immediate cause of death reported on Line A. If this in turn resulted from a further
condition, enter that condition in Line C. If this in turn resulted from a further
condition, enter that condition in Line D. Write the full sequence, one condition
per line, with the most recent condition on top.
Line B, C, D: Interval between
Onset and death
Enter the interval between the presumed onset of the condition listed on Lines B,
C and D (not the diagnosis of the condition) and the date of death (for example, 10
minutes, 3 months, 10 years). These intervals are established based on available
information. If the time of onset is entirely unknown, enter “Unknown”. Do not
leave these fields blank if a condition is entered on the line.
36b PART II Enter other
significant conditions
contributing to death but not
resulting in underlying cause
given in PART I.
Enter all other important diseases or conditions that were present at the time of
death and that may have contributed to the death, but did not lead to the
underlying cause of death listed in PART I or were not reported in the chain of
events in PART I. More than one condition can be reported per line in PART II.
37. Was an Autopsy
Enter “Yes” if a partial or complete autopsy was performed. Other valid entries
are “No”, “No-Religious Objection”, “No-Refused” or “Unknown”
38. Were Autopsy Findings
Available to complete cause of
If a partial or complete autopsy was performed, valid answers are “Yes”, “No” or
“Unknown”. If an autopsy was not performed this should be left blank.
39. Date of Injury (Mo/Day/Yr)
Enter the exact month, day and four-digit year that the injury occurred. Enter the
full name of the month January, February, March, etc. Do not use a number or
abbreviation to designate the month. The date of the injury may not be the same
as the date of death. If the exact date cannot be determined, enter
40. Time of Injury
Enter the exact time (hour and minute using a 24-hour clock) the injury occurred
according to local time. Be sure to indicate the time using a 24 hour clock.
(Examples: for 12:15AM enter 0015, for Noon enter 1200, for 3:00PM enter
1500, for midnight enter 2400). If the exact time cannot be determined, enter
41. Place of Injury
Enter the general type of place (such as restaurant, vacant lot, baseball field,
construction site, office building or decedent’s home) where the injury occurred.
42. Injury at work?
Enter “Yes” if the injury occurred at work. Other valid entries would be “No” or
43a. Location of Injury
(Number and Street, Zip Code)
Enter the street address where the injury took place. Include zip code if known.
43b. Municipality
If the injury took place in New Jersey, enter the municipality where the injury
occurred. Otherwise enter the city where the injury occurred. Note: Municipality
can be different from the mailing address.
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43c. County
If the injury took place in New Jersey, enter the county where the injury occurred.
Otherwise leave blank.
43d. State
Enter state where injury occurred.
44. Describe how the injury
Enter a brief narrative describing how the injury occurred. Explain the
circumstances or cause of the injury, such as “fell off ladder while painting
house”, “driver of car ran off roadway” or “passenger in car in car-truck
45. If Transportation Injury:
Enter the role of the decedent in the transportation accident. Valid entries are
“Driver/Operator”, “Passenger”, “Pedestrian”, “Unknown”, “Not Applicable” and
“Other: ** “. “Other” applies to watercraft, aircraft, animal or people attached to
outside of vehicles (e.g., “Surfers”) but are not bonafide passengers or drivers.
** Specify Role.
46. Manner of Death
Enter the Manner of Death. Valid entries are “Natural”, “Accident”, “Suicide”,
“Homicide”, “Pending Investigation” and “Undetermined”. Deaths not due to
external causes should be identified as “Natural”. Indicate “Pending
Investigation” if the manner of death cannot be determined within the statutory
time limit for filing the death certificate. This should be changed later to one of
the other terms. Indicate “Undetermined” ONLY when it is impossible to
determine the manner of death.
47. Did decedent have
If the decedent had been diagnosed with diabetes, enter “Yes”. Other valid entries
are “No” or “Unknown”.
48. Did Tobacco use contribute
to Death?
If, in the physician’s opinion, any use of tobacco or tobacco exposure contributed
to death, enter “Yes”. Other valid entries “No”, “Probably” or “Unknown”.
49. If Female, Pregnancy state
If the decedent is female, enter one of the following entries: “Not pregnant within
past year”, “Pregnant at time of death”, “Not pregnant, but pregnant within 42
days of death”, “Not pregnant, but pregnant 43 days to 1 year before death” or
“Unknown if pregnant within the past year”.
50. Certifier Type
The Certifying Physician is the person who determines the cause of death.
If Medical Examiner, enter “Medical Examiner”. If performing Pronouncement
and Certifying death, enter “Pronouncing and Certifying Physician”. If only
certifying death, enter “Certifying Physician”.
51. Name, Address and zip
code of certifier
Print the full name and address of the person whose signature or authentication
appears in item 52.
52. Signature of Certifier
The Certifying Physician’s signature is entered here.
53. License Number
Enter the State license number of the physician who signs or authenticates the
certificate in item 52.
54. Date Certified
Enter the exact month, day and four-digit year that the certifier signed the
certificate. Enter the full name of the month January, February, March, etc. Do
not use a number or abbreviation to designate the month.
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