Aquatic Resources of Illinois
Department of
State of Illinois
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
What are aquatic resources?
The term "aquatic"
describes things having
to do with water. About
three-fourths of the
earth’s surface is covered
with water. It is one of the
most common and
valuable substances on
Water can be found in
three separate forms:
solid; liquid; and gas. A
single molecule of water
can float as a vapor
(gas), fall to earth as rain
(liquid) or freeze into ice,
sleet or snow (solid). This
molecule can evaporate
to a gas again or melt to
from one form to another
happens all the time and
is called the water cycle.
Nature’s Water Wheel
Activity: Nature’s Water Wheel
Read each term and its definition. Write the term in the correct box on the water cycle wheel.
When you have finished, answer the question.
condensation: changing water vapor into liquid water
evaporation: changing liquid water to water vapor
groundwater: water found below the surface of the earth
infiltration: process by which water seeps into soil
precipitation: forms of condensed water that are heavy enough to fall to earth;
examples are rain, snow, sleet, hail and fog
runoff: water that drains off the surface of the land
surface water: the water not in the air nor under the ground
transpiration: process by which plants release water vapor into the air
How many ways can you find to move a water molecule through the water cycle?
Write the number here. _______
ground water: water found below the surface of the earth
precipitation: forms of condensed water that are heavy enough to fall to earth; examples are rain, snow,
sleet, hail and fog
The term “aquatic”
What are aquatic resources?
Hydrology is the study of water. Water can be found in the ground, on the earth’s surface and in
the air. Water is also found in all living things. About 97 percent of the earth’s water is salt water,
with most of it in the oceans. The remaining three percent is found in freshwater rivers, ponds,
lakes, icecaps, water vapor, groundwater and in organisms (living things). The two most
available sources of fresh water are surface water and groundwater. The other main source of
fresh water is the ice in the polar regions.
Illinois is a very water-rich state. Water almost surrounds Illinois. The state receives 35 to 42
inches of rainfall each year and has large groundwater supplies.
Activity: Fresh or Salt?
This box contains 100 squares. It
represents all of the water in the
world. Color 97 boxes blue to
represent salt water. Color three
boxes red to represent fresh
What percent of the world's water
is salt water?
Can people drink salt water?
Do any of Illinois’ rivers and lakes
contain salt water?
Why should we take care of the fresh water in the world?
ground water. The other main source of
ground water and in organisms (living things). The two most
Mississippi to the West; the Ohio to the South;
and the Wabash to the East. Lake Michigan,
one of the five Great Lakes, creates Illinois’
northeast border.
Activity: Water Geography
On page 22 of this booklet, label the three
major rivers and Lake Michigan on the map of
Illinois. Use a state road map to find the name
of an Illinois city along each river and along
Lake Michigan’s shore. Put a dot on the map
for each of these cities and label them.
Where are Illinois’ aquatic resources?
Where are Illinois’ aquatic resources?
The system of streams, rivers, lakes, creeks
and other wetlands in our state is called
surface water. If laid end to end, the streams
in Illinois would be more than 87,000 miles
long. This number changes constantly
because streams are always changing. They
lose soil from their banks. They fill in with soil
in other places. They may change their
course due to natural or human causes. There
are nearly 87,000 lakes and ponds in the
state and one million acres of wetlands. At
one time Illinois contained eight million acres
of wetlands!
Much of the water we use exists out of sight
under the earth’s surface. It is called
groundwater. It is often used for drinking
water, in factories and in farming. There is
more groundwater in Illinois than there is
water in all the rivers, lakes and streams.
Activity: Aquatic Amounts
The distance around the earth at the equator
is about 25,000 miles. If you could lay all the
streams in Illinois end-to-end around the earth
at the equator, how many times would they
wrap around the earth?
Illinois has lost nearly seven million acres of
wetlands since the 1800s. What do you think
happened to the wetlands? What do you think
happened to the plants and animals that lived
in these wetlands?
ground water. It is often used for drinking
water, in factories and in farming. There is
more ground water in illinois than there is
in Illinois would be more than 106,900 miles
are nearly 91,400 lakes and ponds in the
Why are aquatic resources important?
Drinking Water:
Water for drinking can be taken from surface
water (rivers and lakes) or groundwater to
meet daily needs. Approximately 1.1 billion
gallons per day are removed from Lake
Michigan just for the people in northeastern
Illinois to use.
Irrigation, a way to water crops, is a major
water use in some areas of the state. Illinois
has more than 2,000 farms that use irrigation.
The source of most irrigation water is
groundwater. Water use for farm animals is
important, too.
Cleaning and Other Uses:
People use water for bathing, washing
clothes and dishes, brushing teeth, cooking
and many more tasks. The average person in
the United States uses 80 to 100 gallons of
water per day. The total amount of water used
in Illinois is estimated to be more than 1.9
billion gallons per day. The largest Illinois
public water system is the Chicago
Department of Water which serves more than
five million people within Chicago and the
surrounding areas.
Industry uses large amounts of water to make
products and perform related tasks.
Water is used to keep coal dust down in the
mines as coal is being removed from the
earth. Water is also used to wash the coal
after it is mined. The average coal mine in
Illinois uses about 200,000 gallons of water
per day, some of which can be recycled.
The Mississippi, Illinois, Ohio and Kaskaskia
rivers serve as important transportation routes
for moving products and materials in and
through Illinois.
There are 328,139 acres of water open to the
public in Illinois for recreational purposes. (An
acre is about the size of a football field.)
Swimming, fishing, hunting, trapping, boating,
skiing, snowmobiling and observing wildlife
are the major water-related activities.
Aquatic resources provide study areas for
students of all ages.
Aquatic habitats are very important to wildlife.
They provide breeding, feeding and resting
areas for ducks, geese and shorebirds and
are the home for hundreds of other species.
Power Plants:
The largest use of water in Illinois (95 percent)
is for electric power generation. Most of the
water is for cooling. Clinton Nuclear Power
Plant (De Witt County) uses 568,700 gallons
of water per minute in the cooling process.
The Braidwood Nuclear Power Plant (Will
County) uses 1,459,600 gallons per minute.
The water these power plants use is recycled.
The only water that is actually lost is through
evaporation, but because of the water cycle,
even that will be recycled for the future.
billion gallons per day. The largest Illinois
public water system is the Chicago
Department of Water Management which
delivers nearly one billion gallons of drinking
water to residents of Chicago and 125
suburbs daily.
Industry uses large amounts of water to make
products and perform related tasks.
Water is used to keep coal dust down in the
mines as coal is being removed from the
earth. Water is also used to wash the coal
after it is mined. The average coal mine in
Illinois uses about 150,000 to 195,000 gallons
of water per day.
Power Plants:
The largest use of water in Illinois (95 percent
to 98 percent) is for electric power generation.
Most of the water used is for cooling and is
recycled. The only water that is actually lost is
through evaporation, but that water will be
recycled through the water cycle.
1.474 billion
ground water to
ground water. Water use for farm animals is
Activity: Down on the Farm
Listed here are estimated water uses for some
farm animals including what they drink and
other needs for their care.
Estimated Water Usage (gallons per day)
Dairy Cows ................................................35.0
Beef Cattle ................................................12.0
Horses/Mules ............................................12.0
Hogs ............................................................4.0
Goats ..........................................................3.0
Sheep ..........................................................2.0
Chickens ....................................................0.06
If you had a farm with one of each of these
animals, how much water would you have to
provide each day for the animals?
If you had a herd of 50 dairy cows, how much
water would you need to provide for them
each day?
Why are aquatic resources important?
Activity: Aqua Fact
The total water use in Illinois each day is
estimated to be 1.9 billion gallons. Of that
total, 1.1 billion gallons is taken from Lake
Michigan for use in northeastern Illinois. How
much water per day is required by the people
in the rest of the state?
Activity: Getting Personal
List five things that you have used water for
total, 1.474 billion gallons is taken from Lake
Types of aquatic resources
When precipitation (rain, snow, sleet) falls to
the ground, some of it runs off, some of it
evaporates and some of it soaks into the soil.
The water that soaks into the soil fills the
cracks and other openings between soil and
rock particles. It can move down far enough
that large underground pools of water form.
This water deep under the ground is called
groundwater. It may remain under the ground
for years, or it may flow into water wells drilled
into the ground. It can also flow out of the
ground at springs. A spring is a place where
groundwater comes out of the earth.
Groundwater is affected by the type of soil in
the area. It soaks in and moves slowly in clay
soils (0.06 inches per hour) because the
particles in clay soils are packed tightly
together. Water can soak into and move
quickly through sandy soils (more than 20
inches per hour) because the soil particles
are very loosely arranged.
About half of the people in Illinois use
groundwater from water wells for drinking.
Almost all of the people (98 percent) who live
in rural areas of the state draw their drinking
water from wells. Water wells range in depth
from 20 feet to more than 2,800 feet. The
depth is determined by how deep the well
must be drilled to reach the groundwater.
Even though it’s deep under the ground,
groundwater may be polluted. In some areas
of Illinois, the groundwater is contaminated
with natural minerals, like calcium and
magnesium, which make the water "hard."
Gasoline and other harmful liquids sometimes
leak from underground storage tanks into
groundwater. Landfills and septic systems
can also add pollutants to groundwater, as
can runoff from fertilized fields, livestock
areas, abandoned mines, salted roads and
industrial areas. Even homeowners can
contribute to groundwater pollution by
pouring household chemicals on the ground.
In 1987, the Illinois General Assembly passed
the Illinois Groundwater Protection Act. This
law is meant to help stop pollution of
groundwater sources. Several state agencies
work to make sure that the law is being
carried out. Those agencies include the
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency,
Illinois Department of Natural Resources,
Illinois Department of Public Health, Illinois
Pollution Control Board and the Office of the
State Fire Marshal.
Ground Water
When precipitation (rain, snow, sleet) falls to
the ground, some of it runs off, some of it
evaporates and some of it soaks into the soil.
The water that soaks into the soil fills the
cracks and other openings between soil and
rock particles. It can move down far enough
that large underground pools of water form.
This water deep under the ground is called
ground water. It may remain under the ground
for years, or it may flow into water wells drilled
into the ground. It can also flow out of the
ground at springs. A spring is a place where
ground water comes out of the earth.
Ground water is affected by the type of soil in
the area. It soaks in and moves slowly in clay
soils (0.06 inches per hour) because the
particles in clay soils are packed tightly
together. Water can soak into and move
quickly through sandy soils (more than 20
inches per hour) because the soil particles
are very loosely arranged.
About half of the people in Illinois use ground
water from water wells for drinking. Almost all
of the people (98 percent) who live in rural
areas of the state draw their drinking water
from wells. Water wells range in depth from
20 feet to more than 2,800 feet. The depth is
determined by how deep the well must be
drilled to reach the ground water.
Even though it’s deep under the ground,
ground water may be polluted. In some areas
of Illinois, the ground water is contaminated
with natural minerals, like calcium and
magnesium, which make the water “hard.”
Gasoline and other harmful liquids sometimes
leak from underground storage tanks into
ground water. Landfills and septic systems
can also add pollutants to ground water, as
can runoff from fertilized fields, livestock
areas, abandoned mines, salted roads and
industrial areas. Even homeowners can
contribute to ground water pollution by
pouring household chemicals on the ground.
Types of aquatic resources
Activity: Soak It Up
Get three clear plastic containers or three
clear plastic drinking glasses. The three
containers or three glasses should be the
same size. Fill one container half full with
sand. Fill another container half full with
potting soil. Fill the last container half full of
clay soil. You are going to see which soil type
absorbs water fastest. Make a prediction on
the blank below. Now pour one-quarter cup of
water into the container with sand and keep
track of the time it takes for all of the water to
be absorbed by the sand. Record the time
below. Repeat this process with the other two
containers. Answer the rest of the questions.
type will absorb the water fastest.
______________________ time needed for
water absorption in sandy soil
______________________ time needed for
water absorption in potting soil
______________________ time needed for
water absorption in clay soil
Which soil type absorbed the water fastest?
Was your prediction correct?
What could you do to the slowest soil type to
make it absorb water faster?
Name a reason why it’s good for water to be
absorbed quickly into the soil.
Name a reason why it might be bad for water
to be absorbed fast into the soil.
Flowing Water
Streams, canals, creeks and rivers all contain
flowing water. Flowing water is water that
moves. Most of Illinois’ streams are found in
the southern and western parts of the state.
Henderson, Calhoun, Rock Island, Hancock
and Carroll are the counties with the highest
stream acreage.
Activity: Mapping I
On the map of Illinois (page 22) color in blue
the five counties with the highest stream
acreage. From looking at the map, what is
one thing that these counties all have in
Rivers, creeks and streams are flowing
aquatic habitats contained within a channel.
Some of these habitats have water that flows
all year. In others, water flows only part of the
year. Many rivers and streams flood regularly.
Flooding is sometimes a problem for humans,
but it is an important and natural process for
rivers and streams. Floods happen when the
stream channel receives more water than it
can hold. The water then spreads out over the
land next to the river, the flood plain.
Types of aquatic resources
As water flows over objects in the stream
channel, oxygen is added. Increasing oxygen
in the water is important because those
creatures living in water must use oxygen
from the water. Different organisms need
different amounts of oxygen. For example,
pike and trout need a lot of oxygen in the
water, while carp and catfish can survive in
water having lower amounts of oxygen.
Many living things can be found in and along
streams. Crayfish, mussels and some
immature insects live on the stream bottom.
Organisms that float or swim include fishes,
frogs, turtles, water lilies and a variety of
insects. Some species live on the surface of
the water, such as water striders and
duckweeds. Where organisms live in flowing
water is determined by how well they can
deal with water currents. Some organisms
living in swift water anchor to the bottom.
Others stay behind large rocks or in pools
where the current is slower.
Plants that grow next to flowing water provide
shade to the water, slow the rate that soil
washes away (erosion) and decrease the
amount of silt moving into the water. Silt is soil
particles that are washed into the water and
carried along by the current. Silt gives water a
brown or muddy look. It is a major problem in
Illinois. Some plants that grow along Illinois
rivers and streams include willows, cottonwood,
sycamore, box elder, sedges, bulrushes,
cattails, buttonbush and touch-me-not.
Types of aquatic resources
Flowing water can have problems. Soil
particles washed into the water can kill
organisms that live on the bottom, clog the
gills of fishes and mussels and destroy
habitat. Chemicals attached to soil particles
can kill or severely hurt aquatic organisms.
Soil particles that settle from the flowing water
to the bottom can block channels and reduce
the water supply available. Sometimes this
soil accumulation must be removed by
dredging. Invasive species, such as the zebra
mussel, can harm native aquatic life.
Activity: River Ranking
The following list shows the length of the major rivers of Illinois. The numbers include only the
Illinois portion of rivers found in multiple states.
581 mi Mississippi ______ 163 mi Spoon__________ 237 mi Little Wabash ______
332 mi Illinois __________ 206 mi Sangamon______ 230 mi Wabash __________
292 mi Kaskaskia________ 163 mi Rock __________ 220 mi Embarras__________
93 mi Cache ____________ 133 mi Ohio __________ 156 mi Des Plaines ________
166 mi Big Muddy ______ 115 mi Fox ____________
Rank the rivers from longest (1) to shortest.
See if you can find them on a map of Illinois. Which of the rivers are found entirely in Illinois?
The Middle Fork of the Vermilion River is the
only National Scenic River in Illinois. Its good
water quality and habitat provide a home for
many fish species. The Little Vermilion River is
considered to be an "A" stream, a unique
aquatic resource.
considered to be an “A” stream, a unique
Still Water
Still water is water that doesn’t move. Lakes,
ponds and reservoirs have still water. Even
though the water at the surface can be blown
by the wind, and the water inside does move
up and down, the water doesn’t flow like that
in a stream. More than 2,900 lakes, 84,000
ponds and three large reservoirs are found in
Illinois. Lakes are considered to be still water
bodies 20 or more acres in size, while ponds
are still water bodies smaller than lakes.
Illinois contains a variety of lake types.
Northern Illinois has some lakes which were
formed thousands of years ago as glaciers
moved. Oxbow lakes are made when a
stream cuts a new and straighter channel.
The old bend in the stream, now cut off from
the main channel, becomes a lake.
Impoundments and reservoirs are created by
blocking the flow of a river with a dam. Ponds
are built by digging out or enlarging a lowland
area. There are three large reservoirs in
Shelbyville. Only about seven percent of Lake
Michigan is considered to be within the state
of Illinois. This amount accounts for about 61
percent of the surface water of Illinois. Lake
Michigan borders Cook and Lake counties.
Still water bodies are considered to be
temporary because over time they fill in with
dirt, decayed plant and animal materials and
other items. Water moves much more slowly
through a lake or pond than it does through a
stream. Materials that are brought into a lake
by flowing water may quickly settle to the
bottom of the lake.
Types of aquatic resources
Many organisms live in lakes and ponds.
Some stay on or near the bottom, like
crayfish and bacteria. Some, like fishes and
turtles, swim in the water. Plankton are small,
free-floating organisms. Other creatures, like
water striders and duckweeds, live on the
surface film of water.
Temperature is one of t h e k e y factors that
regulates the kind of species that can live in
lakes. The amount of oxygen that water
holds varies with the temperature. Warm
water holds much less oxygen than cold
water. Temperature also affects feeding,
growth and reproduction of many aquatic
organisms. Oxygen enters a lake from the
air and by photosynthesis.
Wetlands are areas that are either covered
with shallow water or have soils soaked with
water for periods during the growing
season. They also have soils that are low in
oxygen and plants that can grow in water or
wet soil.
Wetland areas include marshes, fens,
swamps and bogs. They are fed by runoff,
rainfall, seepage from groundwater or a
combination of all these sources. Wetlands
consist of living and nonliving things.
Wetlands serve very important environmental
functions. They absorb large amounts of
storm water and reduce flooding by storing
and slowing down the water force. They
improve water quality. Wetlands provide
food, water and shelter for a variety of plants
and wildlife. They provide recreational
activities, too.
ground water or a
that were
Types of aquatic resources
Most wetland areas in Illinois are in the
northeastern and southern parts of the state
and along the Illinois River. However, all
counties in Illinois have wetland areas, with
the number of acres varying from only 1,014
acres in Stark County to 35,502 acres in
Clinton County.
Activity: Mapping II
The top five counties in regard to
impoundment acreage are Lake, Mason,
Williamson, Fulton and Cook. Find these
counties on the map on page 22 and color
them green.
The three reservoirs in Illinois are in Clinton,
Bond, Fayette, Shelby, Moultrie, Franklin and
Jefferson counties. On page 22, color these
counties red.
Activity: What Lives There?
Circle the names of the species that can be found in wetland areas.
badger cattail duck big bluestem bullfrog
dragonfly beaver pine tree crayfish
American bullfrog
American badger
American beaver
soil and other substances into a body of
water. The watershed for the Illinois River
drains about one-third of the state. A
watershed impacts lives on a daily basis. It
affects what lives in an area. It affects the
drinking water available. It affects human
travel, trade and communication. A watershed
shapes and is shaped by the land. Humans
make changes to watersheds. Everyone is
responsible for the health of a watershed.
Tur n off water when you are not using it.
Don’t let it run while you are brushing your
teeth or washing your hands. When
shampooing, turn off water while lathering
If your home has a dripping faucet, you
may be losing more than 20 gallons of
water per day. Replace worn-out washers
to stop faucet leaks.
If your toilet "runs" between flushes, you
are losing water. Normally, you can’t hear a
leaky toilet valve unless you are losing
more than 250 gallons of water a day.
Repair the toilet to save water.
Install water-saving devices. Take shorter
showers. Don’t let water run down the
drain while waiting for it to get hot (for
Wait until you have a full load before
washing your dishes or clothes. Use the
water or energy-saving cycle whenever
you can.
Keep gutters and storm drains free of litter,
pet waste, leaves and other debris.
Apply lawn and garden chemicals
sparingly. Try biological insecticides
instead of human-made ones. Use the
most pest resistant plants. Plant native
species. Use pest traps or barriers.
Utilize plants for ground cover to control
soil erosion in lawns.
Maintain your septic system.
Water gardens and lawns only in the
evening or early morning. Irrigate slowly,
deeply and infrequently. Reduce
evaporation by using organic mulches or
plastic ground covers.
Never dispose of used motor oil, paints or
household chemicals into a storm sewer or
down a drain.
If your toilet “runs” between flushes, you
Activity: Which Watershed
Are You In?
Using a road map, find the location of your
city. Go to page 22 and put a dot on the map
where your city is located. Label your city.
Now find the nearest stream to your city on
this map. Using a brown crayon or marker,
trace this stream away from your city and into
the next stream. Keep following the stream
flow until you reach the end of the map.* Now,
if your location isn't at the very upper reaches
of the river, trace upward on the stream using
surrounding the purple and brown marks. Use
around any streams that drain into the purple
and brown markings because all those
streams are in your watershed, too.
If pollution were to enter your watershed in the
purple area, what affect could it have on your
How would you feel about it?
What if pollution were to enter the watershed
in the brown area on the map instead? How
would you feel then?
into Lake Michigan. For purposes of this
activity, if you live in this part of Illinois, follow
the directions as they are written anyway.
Illinois’ aquatic resources have been
important to Native Americans, early
explorers, fur traders, river boat operators,
settlers and many other groups of Illinoisans.
Native Americans were the first humans to
use Illinois waterways, starting about 12,000
years ago.
Native American settlements were made
along rivers where, besides the available
water supply, people relied on the abundant
wildlife in and on the river. Mounds were often
built by Native Americans along rivers. These
large mounds of earth were sometimes used
as burial sites for the tribes’ important
members and contained beautiful pipes,
jewelry and ornaments. Some objects found
in burial mounds were brought to Illinois by
the trade network established with other tribes
along the rivers. The Hopewell people grew
plants along the rivers. This activity was one
of the earliest forms of agriculture.
French traders have an important role in
Illinois aquatic history. Louis Jolliet and Father
Jacques Marquette were two of the first
explorers in Illinois. On June 20, 1673, they
paddled their canoes past present-day
Galena in search of a trade route to the
Orient. Fur traders, frontiersmen and others
settled into what was to become Illinois.
Several forts were constructed along Illinois
waterways. Fort St. Louis (Starved Rock) and
Fort Creve Coeur were built along the Illinois
River. Fort Massac was constructed on the
Ohio River. Five forts were built along the
Mississippi River--Cahokia, Prairie du Rocher,
Fort de Chartres, St. Genevieve and
Kaskaskia. Forts served as trading posts and
military and governmental centers.
Illinois history and aquatic resources
Activity: Long Ago and Far Away
In the space below, draw a scene of what you
think a fort and its nearby river area looked
like in the early 1700s. In the next space,
draw what you think this area will look like 100
years from today.
1700s Scene
100 Years From Now Scene
Mississippi River–Cahokia, Prairie du Rocher,
Illinois history and aquatic resources
Pioneers used rivers as a means to move
West. In the early 1800s, thousands of people
traveled down the Ohio River from West
Virginia to Illinois before settling in the area or
as a means to reach the Mississippi River.
Travel by river was quicker than travel by
land. People formed settlements along big
rivers in places where a river joined with
another river or where a fort was located.
Flatboats were often used for travel. Pioneers
floated downstream with all their belongings
strapped to these large awkward floating
decks. Travel upstream required keelboats,
which were moved by pushing long poles into
the river bottom.
Activity: Floating Through Time
Match the event to the time it occurred.
You may need to use a history book or the Inter net to help you.
_____ 1673 A. Construction begins on the Illinois and Michigan Canal.
_____ 1680 B. Fort Dearborn is built on current site of Chicago.
_____ 1754 C. Jolliet and Marquette cross Illinois.
_____ 1775 D. French and Indian War begins.
_____ 1803 E. Fort Massac becomes the first Illinois state park.
_____ 1806 F. American Revolution begins.
_____ 1818 G. Illinois becomes a state.
_____ 1836 H. Fort Creve Coeur is the first fort built in Illinois.
_____ 1872 I. Shawneetown is settled and is the largest port on the eastern side of Illinois.
_____ 1908 J. Illinois legislature passes the first fish conservation law.
Flatboats were also used as stores,
transporting dishes, silverware, clothing items
and tools between settlements.
By the 1830s the Great Lakes were used as
an additional route to the West. Steamships
provided a means of carrying huge shipments
of materials including meat, dairy and grain
products. Construction of the Illinois and
Michigan Canal began in 1836. The canal
was to be a link between the Great Lakes and
the Illinois River. It was a safe and cheap way
to transport goods and passengers. The
canal was successful until railroad travel
made it outdated.
The quality of most Illinois bodies of water is
monitored by the Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency (IEPA). Water quality in
Illinois has improved considerably since the
early 1970s.
Pollution hurts water quality. Most of the time
pollution alters water in ways so that it
becomes hazardous to wildlife, wildlife habitat
and humans. There are many types of
pollution. Acid rain and pesticides are types
of chemical pollution. Thermal pollution
changes the temperature of water from its
Water quality
normal state. It can occur in water next to
power plants or industries. Organic pollution
happens when too many nutrients, for
example, fertilizers, enter a water system.
Even natural substances can cause pollution
if they are added to a place where they are
not normally found or if there is too much of
them. The major sources of pollution for
Illinois rivers and streams are agriculture,
point sources, habitat modification, urban
runoff and mining. The three leading causes
of water quality problems are nutrients,
siltation and habitat alteration.
Activity: Pollution Solution
Fill in the blank with the correct term.
____________________________ something that hurts water quality
____________________________ a type of pollution caused by changes in water temperature
____________________________ agency that monitors water quality
____________________________ fertilizers can be this type of pollution
____________________________ weed killers can be this type of pollution
____________________________ three leading causes of water pollution problems in Illinois
Exotic species
Organisms tend to live in one general area on
earth. They may find it hard to spread to new
places because of their size or because of
barriers, like mountains, oceans, deserts and
rivers. Most species are very well suited for
where they live.
Sometimes organisms do move to new areas.
For instance, their seeds may be blown or
carried by ocean currents to new areas.
Humans can be involved in moving species,
too, either on purpose or by accident.
Organisms introduced into habitats where
they are not native are called exotic species.
Just because a species is introduced to a
new habitat does not mean that it will survive.
However, there are times when species adapt
very well to their new surroundings. They may
have no predators, parasites, diseases and/or
competitors that were present in the native
habitat. Often, adding species where they
don’t normally live can cause many problems.
These invaders can crowd out native species.
Native species may no longer be able to
survive. Once established in an area, exotics
can rarely be eliminated.
Activity: Mapping III
On the world map, fill in the blanks with the names of the species which are native to each area.
common carp Asia purple loosestrife Europe and Asia zebra mussel Asia
spiny water flea Europe rainbow trout – Pacific coast of North America rusty crayfish Ohio, Kentucky,
Ten nesse e
All of the species listed in Question #1 now also live in Illinois.
How do you think they might have traveled so far?
All of the species listed in the Mapping III activity now also live in Illinois.
Exotic species
Activity: Aquatic Exotics
Match the exotic organism to its picture.
A. purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria):
This plant reached Illinois in the 1940s or
1950s. It has spread along marshes and
lake shores and crowds out many native
species. Each plant can release about 2
million seeds annually. The seeds are
spread by water and animals. In Illinois, no
native species are known to eat it. A 1985
law bans the planting of this species in
B. zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha):
The zebra mussel was accidentally
brought to the Great Lakes by ballast
water released from ships in 1986. The
water was picked up in Europe and had
immature zebra mussels in it. This species
has spread through all of the Great Lakes
and into many rivers and other lakes. It is
easy to identify with its two yellow or
brown shells with wavy bands. Female
zebra mussels can produce 30,000 to 1
million eggs per year. Zebra mussels
attach to water intake pipes of power
plants and water treatment plants. They
also clog the cooling systems of boat
engines. Zebra mussels can grow on living
mussels and snails, sometimes
killing them.
C. rusty crayfish (Orconectes rusticus):
Native to streams in Michigan, Indiana,
Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee, the rusty
crayfish was first released in Illinois in
1973. It is now found throughout the
northern half of Illinois. It has been spread
by anglers who use this species for bait,
then release any crayfish left after the
fishing trip is over. These crayfish
reproduce rapidly and eat large amounts
of plants, taking away shelter and food
from native species. It is easy to identify
the rusty crayfish by the single rust-brown
spot found on each side of the back of the
shell. Current Illinois law prohibits the
possession and sale of live rusty crayfish.
D. common carp (Cyprinus carpio):Native
to Asia, the common carp was brought to
North America in the late 1800s. This fish
became established in nearly every
waterway in the country. Carp are found
statewide in Illinois in all types of aquatic
habitats. They eat plant and animal
materials. Females lay 790,000 to 2 million
eggs which hatch in 12 days. The average
life span for carp in Illinois is seven to eight
years. Carp provide a good fight for anglers,
and some people like to eat the meat.
eggs that hatch in 12 days. The average
Exotic species
Activity: Multiplying Mess
two million seeds per year. If only half of the
seeds become new plants, how many new
plants could grow after one year?
If these new plants each had the same
number of seeds released and surviving each
year, how many plants could develop by the
second year?
What do you think would happen to the area
where the first plant began to grow?
E. rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri):The
rainbow trout is a fish with a pink stripe on
its side and large jaws to catch prey. It
lives in water with cool temperatures,
where it eats insects, snails and small
fishes. The rainbow trout has been
released into Lake Michigan and other
Illinois lakes and rivers as a sport fish.
F. spiny water flea (Bythotrephes
tiny crustacean with a large, single eye. It
was accidentally brought to the Great
Lakes by ships. Because it has a long
spine with barbs, young fish do not like to
eat it. Many spiny water fleas are thus able
to survive. Some adult fish do eat it,
though, which can help keep its
population in check.
spiny water flea (Bythotrephes
longimanus): The spiny water flea is a
rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss):
The rainbow trout is a fish with a pink stripe
on its side and large jaws to catch prey. It
Illinois counties and rivers
blue = counties with highest stream acreage
green = counties with highest impoundment acreage
red = counties with reservoir
brown = downstream
purple = upstream
Using this activity book
Using this activity book: For the Educator
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Using this activity book: For the Educator
This activity book from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ (IDNR) Division of Education is designed to
make students of grades four through middle school familiar with the aquatic resources of our state. For some of
the activities, an Illinois road map is needed. You can obtain a free map from the Illinois Department of
Transportation. Lessons from the Aquatic Illinois unit support the topics from this activity book. You will find them as
well as a resources trunk, video podcasts, publications and other supplemental items through the Web pages at and Contact the
IDNR Division of
Education at 217-524-4126 or for more information.
Equal opportunity to participate in programs of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and those funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service and other agencies is available to all individuals regardless of race, sex, national origin, disability, age, religion or other nonmerit factors.
If you believe you have been discriminated against, contact the funding source’s civil rights office and/or the Equal Employment Opportunity
IDNR, One Natural Resources Way, Springfield, IL 62702-1271; 217-785-0067; TTY 217-782-9175.
Aquatic Resources of Illinois © 2020, Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Aqua Fact: 0.426 billion gallons
Aquatic Amounts: 4.3;
Printed by the Authority of the State of Illinois • 08/20 • DNR-ED-210010 • web
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Division of Education
One Natural Resources Way
Springfield, IL 62702-1271