Office of Professional School Advising
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OPSA Portal Workshop, 2025
To qualify for the comprehensive file review,
your OPSA Portal must be complete
By Thursday, March 28, 2024, @ 2:00 p.m.
The OPSA Portal for Medical and Dental Applicants
Fall 2025 Admission
In this workshop, you will learn to develop your timeline for applying to medical or dental school
for Fall 2025 admission and how to manage the letters of evaluation.
Being the MOST competitive applicant for medical or dental school requires:
1. Strong letters of evaluation, collected in the OPSA portal.
2. Solid academic record.
3. Strong scores on the MCAT or DAT.
4. Activities illustrating you are a well-rounded and active applicant who has a passion for
medicine or dentistry, who also cares about your community and who is a leader.
5. A solid and early application.
Your OPSA Portal File
Medical and dental admissions offices prefer Aggies send their letters through the OPSA Portal; this indicates
you are utilizing University resources responsibly. Your evaluation letters are reviewed for formatting errors
and compiled into a letter packet, which is preferred by the professional schools. The OPSA Portal is a FREE
letter collection service along with a rough draft of the TMDSAS application questions, so you may get a jumpstart
on your application months in advance! Applicants who meet the designated Portal deadline will receive a
comprehensive file review by OPSA staff to edit, refine, and polish their file, which as you recall is comprised of
the TMDSAS application questions!
The OPSA Portal
The OPSA Portal is an online service run by our staff. The OPSA Portal for EY 2025 will open late October.
You may access the portal directly at After logging in, you will see four sections:
1. My Information
2. Picture for application
3. Questionnaire
4. Evaluation Letters
Office of Professional School Advising
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OPSA Portal Workshop, 2025
My Information
This portion of your file is easy! When you login to the Portal, you will begin on the Home page. This is where
the status of your file is posted, and there is a box for notes from our staff.
Go to the My Information page next. Some of the information on this page has been completed from
official Texas A&M records.
Confirm and/or add your NAME and E-MAIL in this section, otherwise, you will miss important
notifications, and your letters of evaluation will not be processed correctly.
E-mail must be the address you will be checking regularly for application updates.
Complete the remaining questions and hit ‘save.’
Picture for Application
A picture is worth a thousand words-choose wisely! The following are examples of ACCEPTABLE
application photos. YOU WILL BE JUDGED by your photo, so strive to look like the professional
physician or dentist you are striving to become.
The questionnaire is comprehensive and designed to help you organize your information in preparation for the
application. Begin working on the questions ASAP, so you have plenty of time for adding additional information.
To answer a question, click view and insert your answer. You may save your work and come back to it.
When you save answers, that question’s complete box will be checked, but you can still make changes.
If you click ‘view’ again from the Questionnaire page, you can edit the information.
Once you have completed all the questions, including the essays, you will be able to click Complete at
the top of the page.
**Provide thorough information so the individual file review will be maximized, and your application will
ultimately be the most accurate and refined version. **
*** For descriptions, there needs to be a balance of what is/has been accomplished and what you gained
personally/professionally from the experience.**
TMDSAS Myth Busting Activities from Dr. Kellaway Long SOMgreat tips for activity crafting!
Activity: Secretary for TAAHP
Example of weak activity description: I took comprehensive notes for Texas Association of Advisors for the Health Professions for
the 2023-2024 academic year.
**Everything highlighted in blue is “filler,” i.e. it does not tell the reader anything they could not glean from the entry already.
Additionally, the character space is not maximized to share why this leadership opportunity has value for personal and/or
professional development.
Office of Professional School Advising
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OPSA Portal Workshop, 2025
All students at Texas A&M University, and those who recently graduated from
Texas A&M, are eligible to collect evaluation letters in the OPSA Portal.
Activity: Secretary for TAAHP
Example of strong activity description: My primary growth area is supporting those in key positions, rather than calling the shots.
Leveraging my attention to detail and robust communication skills, I prioritize transparent communication throughout the
organization while building a comprehensive repository of accurate minutes. I embrace guidance from others, expanding my
understanding of situational leadership, bolstering my ability to empathize and maintain curiosity with my direct reports, enhancing
our working relationships.
**This description shares professional development that is tied to WHAT is being done in the role of Secretary. There is not any
filler that could be gleaned from another part of the entry, like organization name, time frame, etc.
Office of Professional School Advising
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OPSA Portal Workshop, 2025
Evaluation Letters
Evaluations can be written by science professors, non-science professors, research supervisors, working
professionals (mentors), and employers/supervisors. Avoid letters from individuals who have not directly observed
you in an educational, organizational, or professional situation. Request evaluations from individuals who know
you well enough to describe your personal characteristics and unique traits (including information about
responsibility, dedication, maturity, leadership, interpersonal skills, and motivation).
Three letters are required. It is strongly recommended/required by many
professional schools two of the letters are written by professors who have taught you,
one of whom should be a science/STEM professor. The second letter may be another
science/STEM professor or a professor from another discipline.
o Students applying to dental school must have a dentist write their third letter.
***OPSA staff are not responsible for ensuring you choose the correct evaluators.
NOTE: With the exception of MD/PhD applicants, if additional letters are submitted
to your file, ONLY the first 3 letters uploaded in the OPSA Portal will be sent to the
schools. DO NOT ask for additional letters. If you are a MD/PhD applicant, you are
allowed to submit up to 5 letters of evaluation for the purpose of applying to the PhD
programs. Please consult a member of the OPSA staff for additional information if you
are an MD/PhD candidate.
Requesting Letters:
To request a letter of evaluation, you should speak directly with the potential evaluator.
Once they agree, applicants must enter the evaluators’ names and email addresses into the Portal
and fill out the waiver form on-line.
o Medical and dental schools prefer letters you have waived your right of access. Applicants
who retain this right will NOT be able to view the letters in Professional School Advising.
Immediately after you submit the information, an email is sent to that evaluator requesting the
letter be completed and uploaded. An upload link is included in this email, as is your waiver form.
Evaluation letters should be SIGNED by the evaluator, on letterhead and uploaded directly to
OPSA Portal. Your evaluator does NOT return the waiver form to our office.
You will be able to see if the letter has been uploaded by logging into your OPSA Portal.
Tips for requesting your letters:
1. Request letters of evaluation by February 2024. Professors have several responsibilities and appreciate
advance notice.
2. Evaluators should NOT mention a specific program/medical or dental school when writing letters because
these letters are sent to application services then to individual schools.
3. Assist your evaluators by providing them with a resume describing your achievements, activities, personal
qualities, and goals. Many will also want to know why you are applying to medical or dental school.
4. Assist your evaluators by providing them with a cover letter that thanks them for their time, and gives
them the deadline you desire, etc. This will help expedite delivery of the letter.
5. Instruct your evaluators that they must upload a signed letter, printed on letterhead.
6. Thank your evaluators for their assistance, either by email or in a hand-written note.
7. Keep evaluators apprised of your status, such as when you receive interviews and when you gain
Office of Professional School Advising
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OPSA Portal Workshop, 2025
ALL questions about the
OPSA Portal should be sent to
To qualify for the comprehensive file review,
your OPSA Portal must be complete
By Thursday, March 28, 2024, @ 2:00 p.m.
Completing the OPSA Portal File
Within a few days of completing your OPSA Portal File, you must log in and see your file has been marked
Complete on your Home Page. If all of your items have been submitted, and it has been more than a week,
but your file is not marked complete, please contact [email protected] to have a staff member check
your file. Please understand that in mid-late March and mid-late April, hundreds of students are completing
their files, so response times will be slower.
Sending your Evaluation Letter Packet to Application Services
After you have submitted and paid for your applications, you will need to notify OPSA where to send your
evaluation packet. In mid-May, the Request To Send form hyperlink will be activated at the top of your
Portal Home Page for TMDSAS and AMCAS. In the AACOMAS and AADSAS applications, you will
insert an email address for OPSA and they will contact us. We will provide this email address in early May.
Important Notes for the OPSA Portal:
Former students for Portal purposes are August 2023 grads and before.
Do not click “Complete” on the Questionnaire until you are satisfied with your answers
because you cannot ‘unclick’ the ‘Complete’ status.
Your Portal file must be complete before OPSA will send your letters to the application
services. We will not send partial packets.
You must have submitted and paid for your TMDSAS application before we will send
You must have begun your AACOMAS, AADSAS or AMCAS application before we will
send the letters.
Letters of evaluation can only be used for one year past the date on the letter.
Application Workshops will be scheduled in April and May 2024. Make plans to attend.
Interview workshops begin in mid-July.
Office of Professional School Advising
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OPSA Portal Workshop, 2025
How to make yourself a more competitive applicant this year
It is important to look at yourself on paper to reveal any weaknesses now. If some are found, work on them in the
next year or semester to create a well-rounded, solid application. Evaluate yourself in the following categories:
Academics/Grades and MCAT/DAT scores
Medical and dental experiences
Non-health care community service
Extracurricular activities
Honors, awards, scholarships, recognitions
Work experience
These are the categories listed on the application and the schools place a value on. There is not a magical number
of hours or types of involvement that guarantee admission, but you do not want to have blanks in your application
in most of these areas. You may have nothing to write in a few of them, but make sure you are spending your time
in this last year developing the areas which will make you a stronger applicant.
Example: A premed student has a 3.6 grade point average, has taken honors classes and received some
scholarships while in school. They worked about thirty hours a week trying to support themselves, volunteered as a
Big Brother/Sister and as a tutor to underprivileged children for two years each, and has done one semester of
Question: Where would this student need to focus this last year?
Example: A predental student has a 3.7 grade point average, has worked as a dental assistant for 18 months, and
has a leadership position in her sorority. She has taken the DAT and scored a 17 on the Academic Average.
Question: Which area of her application is weakest?
Admissions Tests
Dental Admissions Test (DAT)
The DAT is given in Prometric Testing Centers, including the testing center in the General Services Complex at
Texas A&M. Prometric Testing Centers located throughout the country, The test is
administered Monday through Friday, and you should register 60 to 90 days in advance as your preferred date as
locations fill quickly. The exam will cost ~ $530. You must indicate which dental schools should receive your
scores when you register. After you complete the exam, you will receive your unofficial scores before you leave;
dental schools will receive the scores two to three weeks later. The soonest you may retest is 90 days after the first
Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)
The MCAT is computerized and there are 30 dates on which examinations will be offered throughout 2024. The
exam covers applications of biology, physics, inorganic and organic chemistry, biochemistry, psychology,
sociology and critical analysis and reasoning. In 2022, the MCAT fee was ~$325; the cost goes up the closer the
Office of Professional School Advising
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OPSA Portal Workshop, 2025
time to the test date. Medical schools consider each score, so prepare early and thoroughly the first time. NEVER
take the actual MCAT for practice. You can schedule to retake the MCAT 48 hours after the exam you just
completed, pending space availability. Please remember this is also when the fee to schedule another time to retake
the MCAT can increase.
Registration for the MCAT opens mid-October
Again, there are 30 dates in 2024 for MCAT testing. (Please release your scores to the health professions
advisor when you register for the test.) The test is offered at Pearson sites across the country. You may
take the MCAT only three times per year, four times in consecutive years, and seven times in a lifetime.
Regardless of when you take the MCAT, ideally submit your PRIMARY applications beginning in
mid-MAY and BEFORE the end of the first week of JUNE.
Texas Medical Schools
Baylor College of Medicine
Dell Medical School
Long School of Medicine (UT)
San Antonio
McGovern Medical School (UT)
Paul Foster School of Medicine
El Paso
Sam Houston State University
Texas A&M School of Medicine
TTUHSC-School of Medicine
Texas Christian University School of
Ft. Worth
University of Houston Medical
University of North Texas HSC-
Ft. Worth
University of the Incarnate Word
School of Osteopathic Medicine
San Antonio
UT Medical Branch
UT Rio Grande Valley
UT Southwestern Medical Center
UT Tyler
Office of Professional School Advising
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OPSA Portal Workshop, 2025
To qualify for the comprehensive file review,
your OPSA Portal must be complete
By Thursday, March 28, 2024, @ 2:00 p.m.
Texas A&M College of Dentistry ~ Dallas
UT Health/School of Dentistry ~ Houston
UT Health/School of Dentistry ~ San Antonio
Texas Tech HSC ~ El Paso
AACOMAS- Schools of Osteopathic Medicine
AADSAS- Schools of Dentistry
AMCAS- Schools of Allopathic Medicine
Career Center | Professional School Advising
Accessing OPSA Portal:
General questions, email: [email protected]
OPSA Portal specific questions, email:
ALL questions about the
OPSA Portal should be sent to
Office of Professional School Advising
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OPSA Portal Workshop, 2025
For those students applying for fall 2025 admission to
professional school, the following timeline can help you
plan for the upcoming months:
Oct-Dec 2023
Jan-Mar 2024
April-May 2024
June -July 2024
Aug-Dec 2024
Jan-Apr 2025
July-Aug 2025
Attend OPSA Portal
Start OPSA file. Portal
Late Oct/early Nov.
Study and prepare for
Make excellent grades.
Continue to shadow and
Work on getting to know
the professors and people
you want to ask to write
your letters of evaluation.
Dec-Reapplicants &
Former Students can
request access to the
Work on OPSA
OPSA file by:
Students: late
Follow up on
evaluation letters
and file status
through your online
Study and prepare
Make excellent
Continue to shadow
and volunteer.
Complete OPSA file by:
Fmr Students: late-April
Once OPSA file complete, await
comprehensive file review from
OPSA Staff.
Attend OPSA Application Workshop
TMDSAS available online EARLY
Study and prepare for DAT/MCAT.
Order official transcripts to be sent
directly to application AMCAS,
Complete the online request through
the OPSA Portal to send evaluations
to TMDSAS after application is
Complete Secondary applications for
Texas Schools.
Study and prepare for DAT.
For MCAT it is
recommended to take June
test and no later for this
admission cycle.
Submit TMDSAS if you
have not already done so!
Submit AMCAS,
Complete secondary
applications for out-of-state
Request OPSA to send
Attend OPSA Interview
Continue to make
excellent grades.
Interviews begin in July
& continue into
Complete Free
Application for Federal
Student Financial Aid
(FAFSA) Oct.1.
Texas dental schools
acceptance letters begin
December 1
Rolling Admissions begin
medical schools
Oct 15 - Dec 31
Medical Match
Results Announced
Dental Acceptance
Complete financial
aid forms if not
already done.
ALL questions about the
OPSA Portal should be sent to