(published 6 December 2022)
Please note: All amendments to the Regulations are underlined
1 Title 1
2 Mission Statement 1
3 Ownership 1
4 Players Eligible 1
5A Rules to be Observed 2
5B Enforcement of Regulations and Resolution of Disputes 3
6 International Player Identification Number (IPIN) 5
7 Final Rankings 5
8 Board of Directors 6
a) Management
b) Duties
9 Juniors Committee 6
10-14 Combined Junior Ranking 7
15-18 Tournament Application and Approval 8
19 Insurance 8
20 Sanction Fees 9
21-24 Tournament Responsibilities 9
25 Tournament Offences 9
26 Research 9
27-28 ITF Responsibilities 10
29 National Association Responsibilities 10
30-31 Grades and Allocation of Points 10
32 Proof of Nationality 12
33 Variations to Regulations 12
34 Number of Events 12
35 Match Format 12
36-37 Entries and Draws 13
38 Minimum Duration and Tournament Week 13
39 Singles Entry and Withdrawal 14
40 Administrative Error on Acceptance Lists 17
41 One Tournament per Week 17
42 One Tournament per Week Grand Slam 17
43 Criteria for Acceptances 18
44 National Ranking 20
45 Entry Definitions 21
a) Direct Acceptances
b) Qualifiers
c) Wild Cards
d) Alternates Regional Reserved
e) Alternates
f) On-site Alternates
g) Lucky Losers
h) Special Exempts
i) 16 & Under Team Competition Feed Up Exempt
j) 16 & Under Tournament Feed Up Exempt
k) 16 & Under Regional Reserved
46 Seeds 24
a) Number of Seeds
b) Selection of Seeds
47 Sign-in/Registration 25
a) Qualifying
b) Main Draw
i) Singles
ii) Doubles
48 Composition of Draws 27
a) Qualifying
b) Main Draw
i) Singles
ii) Doubles
49 Making the Draw 28
a) Qualifying
i) Sections and Seeds
ii) Acceptance of Qualifiers into Main Draw
iii) Drawing of Qualifiers
b) Main Draw
i) Placing of Seeds
ii) Byes
iii) Vacancies and Substitutions
iv) Special Exempts
c) Doubles
i) Making the Draw
ii) Vacancies
50 Withdrawal after the Draw and Replacement of Seeds 32
51 Suspension and Postponement 32
52 Related Regulations 32
53 Hospitality 33
54 Tournament Visitor Accreditation 34
55 Travel Assistance 34
56 Schedule 34
57 Order of Play 34
58 Prize Money 34
59 Gifts 35
60 Entry Fees 35
61 Conditions of Play 35
a) Latest Start Time
b) Between Qualifying and Main Draw
c) Between Matches
62 Waiver of Claims 36
63 Publicity and Promotion 37
64 Player Images 37
65 Television, Recording and Radio Rights 37
66 International Sponsorship 39
67 Anti-doping services 39
37 Entries and Draws
43• Criteria for Acceptances
49 Making the Draw
67 Tournaments Included
68 Criteria for Acceptances
69 Nomination of Competitors
70 Invitations to Competitors
71 Selection of Competitors
72 Officials
73 Other Regulations
Article I: General
A Purpose
B Exclusive Applicability
C ITF Supervisor
Article II: Entry Offences 44
A Applicability
B Entry Offences
C Wild Cards
D Falsifying Official Documentation
E Determination and Penalty
F Appeals
Article III: On-site Offences 48
A General
B Punctuality
C Dress and Equipment
D Time Violation / Delay of Game
E Audible Obscenity
F Visible Obscenity
G Verbal Abuse
H Physical Abuse
I Abuse of Balls
J Abuse of Racquets or Equipment
K Coaching and Coaches
L Unsportsmanlike Conduct
M Best Efforts
N Leaving the Court
O Failure to Complete Match
P Leaving the Tournament
Q Ceremonies
R Media Conference
S Point Penalty Schedule
T Defaults
U Doubles Events
V Determination and Penalty
W Appeals
X Suspension Points
Article IV: Tennis Anti-Corruption Program 60
Article V: Major Offences 61
A Aggravated Behaviour
B Conduct Contrary to the Integrity of the Game
C Determination and Penalty
D Appeal
E Commencement of Penalty
Article V-1: COVID 19 Protocols (Covered Persons) 65
A Minimum Standards of Behaviour
B Determination and Penalty
C Appeal
Article VI: Medical Control Anti-Doping Policy 66
Article VII: Tournament Offences 67
A Applicability
B Guarantees
C Wild Cards
D Conduct Contrary to the Integrity of the Game
E ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors Rules
F Late Cancellation
G Covid-19 Protocols
H Determination and Penalty
I Payment of Fines
J Appeals
Article VIII: Welfare Policy 69
Article IX: Reciprocity 70
Article X: Interpretations 70
Article XI: Notice 71
Article XII: Amendments 72
A Medical Condition
B Medical Evaluation
C Medical Time-Out
D Medical Treatment
E Penalty
F Bleeding
G Vomiting
H Incapacity
Extreme Weather Conditions and Lightning
Toilet/Change of Attire Break
1. Title
The Competition, an international junior singles and doubles competition, shall be called the
“ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors”.
2. Mission Statement
The ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors is comprised of the best international junior tournaments
staged by its member nations worldwide. National Associations are responsible for proposing
the best national tournaments for inclusion on the Tour, subject to the final approval of the ITF
Juniors Committee who govern the geographical distribution and grading of Tour tournaments.
The ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors provides a platform for the most successful junior players at
national level to measure their standard against the best players from other nations and by
reference to the ITF Junior World Ranking, which determines the ITF Junior World Champions
at the end of each year.
3. Ownership
The Competition shall be owned and managed by ITF Limited, hereinafter referred to as the
“ITF”. The ITF promulgates these Tournament Regulations for the purpose of providing fair and
reasonable rules for the orderly and uniform conduct of international junior tennis
tournaments sanctioned by the ITF. All references to the International Tennis Federation or ITF
in these Regulations shall mean ITF Limited. These Regulations shall be applicable to the junior
tournaments known as the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors. Ownership shall include, but not be
limited to, the following national and international rights: registered trademarks of the ITF;
commercial exploitation of the Competition; international sponsorship of the Competition;
television, radio, film and video recordings, plus new media and internet coverage.
4. Players Eligible
A player is eligible for the 2023 ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors if they meet all of the following
a) they are under the jurisdiction of a national tennis association affiliated to the ITF;
b) they are born between 1st January 2005 and 31st December 2010. Players are eligible
to compete on the Tour in the year they turn 13 years of age, if they have reached their
13th birthday on or before the start of the Singles Main Draw of the tournament they
are competing in, until the end of the year in which the player turns 18 years of age;
c) they are in “good standing” with their national association as defined in Appendix M of
the Regulations;
d) in accordance with the ITF Junior Age Eligibility Rules set out in Appendix G, they have
not exceeded the limit in the number of tournaments in which they are permitted to
participate in a calendar year according to their age; and
e) All players with a registered IPIN must complete any mandatory modules stipulated by
the ITF within the stated timelines. Modules must be completed on the ITF Academy
educational website ( A player may be suspended from
accessing the IPIN system until the relevant modules have been completed.
A player’s nationality for the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors and the ITF Junior World Ranking
is determined at registration for IPIN by the Nationality on a player’s passport. The ITF may
request from the player at any time a copy of their current, valid passport as proof of
Players wishing to make a request to add/change or update their nationality on the website
should send a copy of their current passport to the ITF and provide the ITF with the following
Written reason(s) setting out why they are seeking to add/change or update
their nationality.
The dates they held nationality in the nation they seek to represent, providing
copies of expired passports and/or ID cards where available.
The nature of their ties and affiliation(s) with the nation they seek to represent
including, but not limited to:
o familial affiliations.
o period(s) of time spent visiting and/or residing in that nation.
o their commitment to life and tennis in that nation.
Details of any second or previous nationalities, including in relation to their
tennis participation at an international level.
On receipt of the information detailed above, the request will be considered by the ITF Internal
Adjudication Panel (IAP) to determine, in its discretion, whether the change of nationality is
genuine and not intended to circumvent the application of the Regulations (i.e. a “flag of
convenience”). The IAP reserves the right to ask the Player to provide and/or supply further
information on request.
The IAP’s first-instance decision is capable of being appealed by the Player to the Independent
This Regulation applies to the ITF World Tennis Tour only, and is without prejudice to any
other regulations applicable to other tournaments (such as ITF Team Competitions), which
may impose different criteria.
5A. Rules to be Observed
a) The Competition is open to all tennis players based on merit and without discrimination
subject only to the conditions herein set forth.
b) The Competition shall take place in accordance with these Regulations, the ITF World
Tennis Tour Juniors Code of Conduct, the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors Organisational
Requirements, the Constitution of ITF Limited 2023 and the 2023 ITF Rules of Tennis,
each of which may be amended from time to time.
c) In submitting an application, a Tournament automatically undertakes to abide by and
fulfill all its obligations under the Regulations.
d) The ITF reserves the right to refuse approval of or cancel any previously sanctioned
Tournament or series of Tournaments for reasons of health, safety, security or any
other potential threat to any persons attending the Tournament(s) or to the successful
running of the Tournament(s). The ITF bears no liability to any Applicant, Tournament
Organiser, Host, National Association, player, Related Person, Covered Person or any
other person or entity for any loss incurred as a result of a delayed, rescheduled,
postponed or cancelled Tournament. For the avoidance of doubt, neither the ITF or the
Applicant shall be liable to any player, Related Person, Covered Person or any other
persons or entities for any costs that they might have incurred in relation to such
delayed, rescheduled, postponed or cancelled Tournaments, including, without
limitation, any travel, transport and/or accommodation costs. This decision (to refuse
approval of or cancel any Tournament) will be made on behalf of the ITF by the ITF
Juniors Committee, or by the ITF Executive if the Committee so delegates its decision-
making power, and may be appealed by the Applicant only, to the Independent
e) In submitting an entry to a tournament sanctioned by the ITF as a constituent
tournament of the Tour, a player automatically undertakes to commit him/herself to
abide by and be bound by the Regulations. It is the responsibility of the ITF Supervisor
on site to enforce these Regulations on behalf of the ITF.
f) Any player that enters and/or participates in the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors, and any
Player Support Team Member of any player that enters and/or participates in the ITF
World Tennis Tour Juniors shall be bound by and shall comply with the provisions of the
Welfare Policy set out in Appendix F.
g) These Regulations and any dispute arising out of or in connection with them (including
any dispute or claim relating to non-contractual obligations) shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with English law, without regard to the conflict of law
principles thereof. Each Player, Covered Person, Nation and each of its Team Members,
directors, officials, officers, members of staff, employees, contractors, agents, and
representatives agrees to submit any disputes or claims or other matters arising in
relation to the Regulations (including any non-contractual disputes or claims) to
arbitration pursuant to Regulation 5B of these Regulations, to the exclusion of any other
5B. Enforcement of Regulations and resolution of disputes
These ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors Regulations may only be amended, repealed or otherwise
modified, in whole or in part, by the ITF Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors may grant dispensation from, modify, waive or otherwise alter these
Regulations or their application in extraordinary circumstances.
On-site enforcement
It is the responsibility of the Supervisor to enforce these Regulations on-site.
First instance proceedings
The Supervisor shall have exclusive jurisdiction, in the first instance, over the following matters:
(a) unless expressly referred elsewhere, an allegation that a player has committed an
offence under the Code of Conduct that is not a Major Offence or a breach of the
Welfare Policy;
(b) any disputes or questions of interpretation that arise on-site at a tournament (to
be resolved in accordance with the Rules of Tennis); and
(c) any other decisions, disputes, questions of interpretation or other matters that
are entrusted under these Regulations to the Supervisor.
The ITF Juniors Committee or other person/entity designated under these Regulations may
decide any issues entrusted to them (respectively) under these Regulations. Unless expressly
provided otherwise, there will be no right of appeal from their respective decisions.
The ITF Internal Adjudication Panel shall have exclusive jurisdiction, in the first instance, over
the following matters (to be determined in accordance with its Procedural Rules):
(a) any request for a decision that is entrusted under these Regulations (including the
Code of Conduct) to the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel;
(b) any dispute or question about the proper interpretation of these Regulations
(including reviewing as appropriate any on-site interpretation by Supervisor);
(c) any dispute or question about player eligibility arising under these Regulations;
(d) any allegation that a Covered Person has committed a breach of the Welfare
(e) any allegation that a player, Related Person or other person or entity bound by
these Regulations has failed to comply with any other aspect of these Regulations
(unless expressly referred elsewhere); and
(f) any other dispute arising out of or relating in any way to these Regulations that is
referred to it by the Board.
The Independent Tribunal shall have exclusive jurisdiction, in the first instance, over the
following matters (to be determined in accordance with its Procedural Rules):
(a) any request for a decision that is entrusted under these Regulations to the
Independent Tribunal;
(b) an allegation that a player, Related Person or other person participating on the
ITF's World Tennis Tour Juniors has breached the Tennis Anti-Doping Programme;
(c) an allegation that a player or Related Person has committed a Major Offence
under the Code of Conduct;
(d) any allegation that a Tournament Offence has been committed under the Code of
Conduct; and
(e) any other dispute arising out of or relating in any way to these Regulations that is
referred to it by the Board.
The Procedural Rules for both the Internal Adjudication Panel and the Independent Tribunal
are available online at, or a hard-copy can be requested in writing to the
Where the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel and/or Independent Tribunal upholds an allegation
of breach of these Regulations, it will determine the sanctions for such breach in accordance
with the sanctions provisions in its Procedural Rules, unless these Regulations specify other
sanctions for such breach, in which case it will apply the specific sanctions.
Save where provided otherwise under these Regulations:
(a) decisions by the Supervisor under these Regulations may only be challenged by way
of appeal to the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel, to be determined in accordance
with its Procedural Rules (save that there shall be no right of appeal against the ITF
Internal Adjudication Panel's decision);
(b) subject to the preceding paragraph (a) above, decisions of the ITF Internal
Adjudication Panel under these Regulations may only be challenged by way of
appeal to the Independent Tribunal, in accordance with the Independent Tribunal's
Procedural Rules (in particular, the section applicable to the Independent Tribunal
sitting as an appeal panel);
(c) decisions of the Independent Tribunal (sitting as a first instance tribunal) may only
be challenged by way of appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, as set out in
the Independent Tribunal Procedural Rules;
Such appeals may only be brought by one of the following persons:
(i) the person or entity that is the subject of the decision being appealed; and/or
(ii) the ITF.
6. International Player Identification Number (IPIN)
In order to enter ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournaments all players must first register for
Junior IPIN Membership (and pay the appropriate fee) and agree, as a condition of their
registration, to accept the related terms and conditions. Failure to register for IPIN
Membership and to accept the related terms and conditions will render a player ineligible to
enter and/or compete in ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournaments.
7. Final Rankings
The final rankings, issued at the end of each calendar year, shall be compiled on the basis of
points earned for success in major individual and team events played on both a round-robin
and knockout basis. Trophies will be awarded to the winners of the two competitions.
Junior Exempt (JE) positions are available in the Singles Main Draw of Men’s and Women’s ITF
World Tennis Tour tournaments. These positions are allocated to the Top 20-ranked junior
players that receive an ITF year-end junior ranking in 2022. Full details are outlined in
Appendix P.
8. Board of Directors
a) Management
The ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors shall be managed by the Board of Directors of the ITF.
b) Duties
The duties of the Board of Directors shall be:
i) To approve, adopt and amend the Rules and Regulations and Code of Conduct
for the Tour.
ii) To register in the name of the ITF any trademarks in connection with the Tour
and to protect such trademarks.
iii) To appoint every two years a Juniors Committee, which shall consist of a Chair,
who shall be a member of the Board of Directors, and further members as
deemed necessary.
9. Juniors Committee
The duties of the Juniors Committee shall be:
a) To manage the Tour and Team Competitions.
b) To recommend changes to and to ensure the uniform application of these Rules
and Regulations and the Code of Conduct.
c) To administer the funds of the Tour and the Team Competitions within the
financial framework of the ITF.
d) To report to the Board of Directors on all financial matters.
e) To impose penalties laid down in these Regulations.
f) To submit regular reports to the Board of Directors.
g) To approve the venue and dates for each of the qualifying competitions and the
final stages of the Team Competitions.
10. Combined Junior Ranking
The Combined Junior Ranking shall take into account the following from the preceding 52
(i) the six best singles results obtained in Grand Slam, J500, ITF Junior Finals, J300
Regional Championships, International Team Competition and J300, J200, J100, J60 or
J30 junior tournaments (together “Ranking Tournaments”).
(ii) one quarter (¼) of the six best doubles results, obtained in Ranking Tournaments.
During 2023, a player may count only their ‘best result’ from up to two (2)
editions of the same J100 or higher graded tournament, if both are included in
the previous 52-week period.
Results from the same J60 and J30 tournament may be counted more than
once within a player’s best six results during the 52-week period.
11. If two or more players receive the same number of points, their ranking will follow the
number of points, within their six best singles results, scored in Grand Slam tournaments. If two
or more are still equal, the number of points won in singles at each grade of tournament will
be used to separate the players, counting backwards through the grades in descending order
until the players are no longer tied: for example, J500 then J300, then J200. For the avoidance
of doubt, points won at International Team Competitions is excluded from this countback.
If two or more players are still equal their ranking will follow the number of points, within their
six best doubles results, scored in Grand Slam tournaments. If two or more are still equal, the
number of points won in doubles at each grade of tournament will be used to separate the
players, counting backwards through the grades in descending order until the players are no
longer tied: for example, J500 then J300, then J200. For the avoidance of doubt, points won at
a International Team Competitions is excluded from this countback.
12. To be ranked a player must reach a round where points are available (see points table, page
13). The number of points available in each round will vary dependent upon the grading of the
tournament and the round reached. Ranking points will not be awarded to any player in breach
of the ITF Junior Age Eligibility Rule or any other breach of these Regulations for which the
penalty is forfeiture of ranking points.
13. The official published rankings will be calculated on a 52-week rollover system.
14. To be eligible for a 2023 year-end ranking a junior must have played in a minimum of six
individual junior singles tournaments, including at least three Grand Slam and/or J500
tournaments and including at least three ranking tournaments outside his/her own country.
Each Grand Slam or J500 tournament won will count as two tournaments played. Each Grand
Slam or J500 tournament won will further count as one foreign tournament played.
15. Tournament Application and Approval
For the purposes of these Regulations, Applicant means any sanctioning National Association
and/or the Tournament Organiser awarded a one (1) year sanction on the ITF World Tennis
Tour Juniors calendar.
Completed Tournament applications for inclusion in the Tour are to be submitted to the ITF in
accordance with the deadlines communicated to National Associations. ITF has full discretion
to grant, refuse or grant with conditions an application, including regarding applications from
existing tournaments which may include upgrading or downgrading.
a) With the exception of the Youth Olympic Games Tennis event, Regional Championships and
any other event sanctioned by the ITF, only tournaments organised by a National Association,
or sanctioned by the National Association concerned, will be considered for inclusion.
b) Applications for tournaments to be held during the same week and at the same venue as a
professional tour event will only be considered for inclusion if the tour event is owned and run
by the relevant National Association.
16. The fact that a tournament is included in a series or group of tournaments does not
automatically entitle the tournament to be part of the Tour, even though other tournaments
of the same series have been accepted.
17. A tournament which begins in late December and ends in January can either be the first
tournament of the Tour, or the last, at the discretion of the Juniors Committee.
18. If a tournament is included in the calendar and subsequently withdraws within nine (9)
weeks of the scheduled first day of play, that tournament shall be subject to the Tournament
Offences provisions as set out in Article VII of the Code of Conduct. This tournament must still
pay the full amount of the sanction fee, as outlined in Rule 20 below.
19. Insurance
(a) The Applicant is responsible for taking out a suitable insurance policy which is compliant
with local laws and regulations, and which insures against claims made for damage to property
and for death/injury caused to people at the event for which the applicant is legally liable. “ITF
Ltd” and “ITF Licensing (UK) Ltd” must be named in the policy and on the certificate of
insurance, and a copy should be provided to the ITF on request.
(b) The Applicant is encouraged to take out those insurance policies that safeguard against
employer’s liability, business interruption and personal injury as well as any other appropriate
insurance policies recognised under local law. In addition, it is strongly recommended that the
Applicant obtain and maintain event cancellation and abandonment insurance which insures
against all reasonably known financial risks arising from the rescheduling, cancellation and/or
abandonment in whole or in part of a Tournament due to force majeure.
20. Sanction Fees
All tournaments on the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors must pay the relevant fee below in
order to be included on the Calendar. Fees listed are in US Dollars (USD).
Junior Grand Slam $750
J500 $725
J300 $600
J200 $450
J100 $325
J60 $250
J30 $180
Approval to sanction a tournament may be subject to conditions imposed by the ITF as sees fit.
21. Tournament Responsibilities
If required, tournaments shall assign to the ITF, free of charge, one (1) page in the Official
Tournament Programme for an ITF editorial or advertisement.
22. Tournaments shall display an ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors banner on their main court.
Tournaments are responsible for creating this banner themselves using the ITF Branding
23. Tournaments shall have internet access on site for the use of the ITF Supervisor.
24. The Tournament Director shall:
a) Nine (9) weeks prior to the tournament send to the ITF a copy of the tournament fact
sheet for approval. This shall not be changed once published. If the fact sheet has not
been received by six (6) weeks prior to the Monday of the tournament week, the
tournament may be cancelled.
b) Following the conclusion of the tournament send to the ITF the tournament report
The ITF Supervisor is the on-site representative of the ITF, and is responsible for:
a) Ensuring the uniform administration and interpretation of the ITF World Tennis Tour
Juniors Regulations including the Code of Conduct and ITF Welfare Policy, the Rules
of Tennis, the Organisational Requirements, and the Duties and Procedures for
b) Using Tournament Planner software before and during the tournament.
c) Ensuring that all players’ passports/photo IDs are checked for date of birth and that
any discrepancies with the information provided in Tournament Planner are
reported to the ITF.
d) Uploading results daily using the Tournament Planner software.
e) On conclusion of the tournament sending to the ITF the ITF Supervisor’s Report
form, including details of any penalties imposed under the Code of Conduct.
A list of any penalties imposed shall be posted during the tournament on the
competitors’ notice board and shall be updated on a daily basis.
Unless specified otherwise, all decisions of the ITF Supervisor are final.
25. Tournament Offences
Any tournament not complying with the 2023 ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors Regulations will
subject the Tournament Organiser and/or sanctioning National Association to the
determination and penalty procedures as set out in the Code of Conduct, under Article VII.
Tournament Offences.
26. Research
No research involving players, coaches or other persons directly associated with a tournament
shall be conducted without prior approval of the ITF.
27. ITF Responsibilities
The ITF is responsible for the overall administration of the Tour and costs involved and shall do
its utmost to ensure that the calendar is widely publicised.
28. The ITF shall process results from all tournaments on the Tour and shall issue on a weekly
basis the latest world ranking points accumulated by competitors. These shall be published on
the ITF Juniors website:
29. National Association Responsibilities
National Associations shall ensure that the tournaments they sanction for inclusion in the ITF
World Tennis Tour Juniors maintain appropriately high standards of organisation and
administration. This includes, but is not limited to, having in place and maintaining appropriate
policies and procedures in respect of safeguarding and ensuring that the tournaments they
sanction comply with such policies and with the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors Organisational
Requirements (as may be amended from time to time).
30. Grades
Tournament grading is managed by the ITF Juniors Committee. The current tournament grading
criteria, available at, shall determine: (i) whether an existing tournament is
suitable for an upgrade or downgrade, or (ii) the grade of any new tournament. Tournaments
shall be classified into grades, based on a range of criteria (by way of example only, strength of
draw, player feedback, standards of delivery and geographical balance).
31. Allocation of Points
Ranking points for each tournament grade are as set out below. Please refer to Appendices A,
B and C for special regulations for J500 tournaments, Regional Championships and ITF Junior
Team Competitions.
No Main Draw points will be awarded to a player until he/she has played and won a round in
the Main Draw. Advancement through a bye in the first match will not be equivalent to winning
a round. Advancement by virtue of walkover, or by retirement following the commencement
of a match, will be equivalent to winning a round. An abandoned tournament counts as a
tournament played if the player had not withdrawn before the decision to abandon was taken.
Any player who leaves a tournament prior to his/her elimination from all entered events, or
retires from a tournament for medical reasons, without a valid medical certificate (from the
tournament doctor), will forfeit all ranking points won in all events at that tournament and be
subject to the penalties set forth in the Code of Conduct.
If the singles or doubles event of a tournament is cancelled, e.g. due to poor weather, before
the tournament is concluded, loser points for the round achieved will be awarded to players.
If a tournament is officially terminated and the final(s) have not been completed, the finalists
will each receive runner-up points.
Youth Olympics
Youth Olympics
*Qualifiers losing in the first round of the main draw will receive 30 ranking points.
Players losing in the final round of qualifying will receive 20 ranking points.
**Points are to be given to a player for one result only (their best) in the competition.
Only players from the best 8 teams will be considered for the allocation of World Ranking
This Section IV applies to:
a) all tournaments J300, J200, J100, J60 and J30;
b) Grand Slam, ITF World Tennis Tour Junior Finals and J500 tournaments, subject to the
exceptions given in Appendix A, together with additional clauses. (See Regulations
marked * );
c) Youth Olympic Games, with some exceptions that will be addressed directly with the
participating nations;
d) Unless stated otherwise in Appendix B, Regional Championships;
e) Unless stated otherwise in Appendix C, International Team Competitions.
32. Proof of Nationality
A player competing in a tournament must submit his/her passport/photo identification for
scrutiny by the ITF Supervisor, who shall return it as soon as possible. The ITF may also request
from the player at any time a copy of their current, valid passport as proof of nationality.
33. Variations to Regulations
If a tournament organiser wishes to vary any of the following regulations in Section IV and V,
written application shall be made to the ITF office, giving full reasons for the request. Such
application must be received not later than ten (10) weeks before the first scheduled day of
play in the tournament.
34. Number of Events
The following events shall be held:
Boys’ and Girls’ Singles, Boys’ and Girls’ Doubles.
35*. Match Format
Each Main Draw singles match shall be the best of three Tie-Break sets, unless otherwise
approved by the ITF. Each Qualifying Draw singles match shall be the best of two Tie-Break sets
and a Match Tie-Break (10 point) in place of a third set, unless otherwise approved by the ITF.
Ad scoring shall be used. At the end of each set there shall be a set break of a maximum of one
hundred and twenty (120) seconds. In case of extreme heat play may be modified in
accordance with Appendix E, Extreme weather conditions and lightning, d. Modification of Play
(Singles and Doubles).
Each doubles match shall be two Tie-Break sets and a Match Tie-Break (10 point) in place of a
third set. No-Ad scoring shall be used. At the end of each set there shall be a set break of a
maximum of one hundred and twenty (120) seconds.
For all singles and doubles matches the No Let Rule shall be in effect.
In case of severe weather conditions, the tournament organiser may use alternative scoring
methods as approved in the 2023 Rules of Tennis (available at
36. Entries
J500, J300, J200, J100, J60 and J30 tournaments shall be open to competitors from all countries,
except in exceptional circumstances and with the written approval of the ITF.
The acceptance criteria for Regional Championships is determined by the relevant Regional
Association(s) and/or the ITF.
37 Draws. Tournaments shall have the following minimum number of competitors in each
singles main draw event:
Grade Boys’ Girls’
J500 64 64
J300 32 32
J200 32 32
J100 32 32
J60 32 32
J30 16 16
Tournaments must offer the same draw size for boys’ and girls’ events. In all cases the minimum
number of teams in the doubles main draw shall be half the number in the singles.
Pre-qualifying draws should not be held. However, if held under the sanctioning of the relevant
National Association, pre-qualifying draws are permitted for national players only to determine
Wild Cards for the Qualifying event.
38. Minimum duration and tournament week
The minimum duration of a tournament main draw shall be as follows:
Draw size
64 6/7 days
48 6 days
32 5 days
16 4 days
All tournaments must be scheduled to start no later than Wednesday and finish no later than
Sunday of the same week. In special circumstances, tournaments may apply to the ITF for an
exemption from this rule.
Singles Qualifying must be scheduled on the appropriate day(s) immediately prior to the first
day of the singles Main Draw, unless otherwise approved by the ITF. The maximum duration of
a tournament Qualifying event shall be two days.
39. Singles Entry and Withdrawal
i) Entry and Withdrawal Deadlines
The Entry Deadline is at 14:00 hrs Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) on the Tuesday twenty (20)
days prior to the Monday of the tournament week.
Grand Slam, J500 tournaments and their warm-up events shall have an entry deadline at 14:00
hrs GMT on the Tuesday either forty-one (41), thirty-four (34), twenty-seven (27) or twenty
(20) days prior to the Monday of the tournament week.
Under exceptional circumstances other tournaments (J300, J200, J100, J60 or J30) may apply
to the ITF for an exemption from the 20-day rule.
It is the player’s responsibility before entering a tournament to check the correct entry deadline
on the official tournament fact sheet on the IPIN online service. It is also the player’s
responsibility to check that any online entry made has gone through and that a confirmation
email has been received, and subsequently to check his/her position on acceptance lists.
The Withdrawal Deadline is at 14:00 hrs GMT on the Tuesday thirteen (13) days prior to the
Monday of the tournament week. This applies to both Main Draw players and players on the
Qualifying Acceptance List.
ii) Submission of Entries and Withdrawals
All entries must be submitted online through the IPIN online service or, in exceptional
circumstances, by email on the Official Entry Form to the ITF.
Irrespective of the penalties that may be imposed under Regulation 39(v) and the Code of
Conduct, players must always submit a withdrawal if they are not going to attend a tournament
that they have entered.
Withdrawals must be submitted online through the IPIN online service. Note: Sending a
Withdrawal Form by email is no longer an acceptable method for players to withdraw
themselves from an ITF tournament after the Freeze Deadline. Only in exceptional
circumstances, the Official Withdrawal Form may be sent by email to the ITF and/or ITF
tournament Supervisor by the applicable deadline. Entry and withdrawal forms submitted by
email must be signed by the player and be fully completed.
A player applying for entry shall be deemed to apply for entry into the Main Draw or the
Qualifying of the tournament.
A player may apply for entry into no more than three (3) ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors
tournaments in a specific tournament week. If he/she enters more than one tournament in the
same week, he/she must indicate a priority.
If a player has entered multiple events, he/she should remove him/herself from all events in
which he/she no longer wishes to compete before the Withdrawal Deadline.
iii) Multiple Entries
At the Withdrawal Deadline the following shall occur:
If a player is accepted into the Main Draw or Qualifying of one ITF World Tennis Tour
Juniors tournament, he/she will be immediately withdrawn from the Entry Lists of all
other tournaments.
If a player is accepted into the Main Draw or Qualifying of more than one ITF World
Tennis Tour Juniors tournament occurring during the same period, he/she will remain
on one List and will be immediately withdrawn from the Entry Lists of all other
tournaments according to the following criteria:
1. Main Draw takes priority over Qualifying, and Qualifying over Alternates
2. Tournament Entry Priority (except if a player has been accepted into the Main Draw
of a Grand Slam tournament, in which case he/she will remain on that List even if not
his/her first priority.)
If a player did not state an entry priority, he/she will be immediately withdrawn from
all but one Entry List according to the following criteria:
1. Tournaments with the highest grade will take priority;
2. If equal, the Entry List on which he/she is highest placed will take priority;
3. If equal again, the tournament which is geographically closest to his/her country of
Nationality will take priority.
If a player is not accepted into any ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament occurring
during the same week, he/she may remain on more than one Entry List as an Alternate
until the Freeze Deadline. At the Freeze Deadline, the player will be removed from all
but his/her highest priority tournament. However, once he/she is accepted into any ITF
World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament before the Freeze Deadline, he/she will be
withdrawn from the Entry Lists of all other tournaments occurring during this period.
If a player is accepted into an ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament and a Men’s or
Women’s ITF World Tennis Tour tournament in the same week, he or she will be
withdrawn from the Junior tournament at the Withdrawal Deadline. Exception: If a
player is accepted into the Main Draw of a Junior Grand Slam tournament, that
tournament will be prioritised over all other ITF tournament entries that week (i.e.
including $25,000 tournaments or any other Junior tournament).
iv) Commitment
Except as outlined in Article II. B.3a Playing Another Event/One Tournament per Week, in the
Code of Conduct, a player may not compete:
In an ITF World Tennis Tour Junior tournament if he/she is committed to another ITF
World Tennis Tour tournament (Men’s, Women’s or Juniors) during the same
tournament week; or
In any other ITF World Tennis Tour tournament (Men’s, Women’s or Juniors) if he/she
is committed to an ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament in the same tournament
Prior to the Withdrawal Deadline a player’s status on an Acceptance List is not confirmed. A
player who appears on a Main Draw or Qualifying Acceptance List at any time after the
Withdrawal Deadline is deemed to have been accepted into and is committed to play the
A player can appear on more than one Alternate list and is not committed to play in any one
tournament unless he/she moves into a Main Draw or Qualifying Acceptance List prior to the
Freeze Deadline, in which case he/she will be removed from all other lists.
v) Late Withdrawal
Any withdrawal by a player accepted into Main Draw or Qualifying that occurs after the
Withdrawal Deadline will be considered a Late Withdrawal, unless that player has been
nominated after the Withdrawal Deadline to represent his/her country in an official ITF or
Regional Association team competition.
Please see Article III. X of the Code of Conduct for Late Withdrawal penalties.
A player’s first three (3) late withdrawal offences within a calendar year will be automatically
excused* provided the online withdrawal is made prior to the Sign-in Deadline. It will not be
necessary to provide a medical certificate in the case of this category of Late Withdrawal.
(*an excused withdrawal is valid for two consecutive tournament weeks provided the
player withdraws, as above, and notifies the ITF about the second week’s late
withdrawal by the last day of the tournament).
A player who appears on one or more Alternate list(s) may withdraw at any time, without
penalty, until he/she first moves into a Main Draw or Qualifying Acceptance List, at which time
he/she will be automatically withdrawn from all other Acceptance Lists by the ITF.
vi) Freeze Deadline
The Freeze Deadline is at 14:00 hrs GMT on the Wednesday preceding the tournament week.
After the Freeze Deadline players on the Qualifying Acceptance List will no longer be moved
into the Main Draw, and players on one or more Alternate Lists will no longer be moved into
the Qualifying Acceptance List.
Such Alternates are not committed to play the tournament and therefore are not subject to
Late Withdrawal or No Show penalties.
A player who wishes to withdraw from Main Draw or Qualifying after the Freeze Deadline must
withdraw online through the IPIN online service or, in exceptional circumstances, by email
using the Official Withdrawal Form to both the ITF and ITF Supervisor by the applicable sign-in
deadline, otherwise he/she will be subject to the penalties provided for No Show under the
Juniors Code of Conduct.
vii) Notwithstanding any other provision of these Regulations, the ITF has the absolute right to
refuse to accept or revoke any player's entry to any ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors
tournament(s). The ITF may exercise that right as it sees fit, with or without providing reasons.
40. Administrative Error on Acceptance Lists
If, due to an administrative error, too many players arrive on-site and sign-in to play the
Tournament, the following procedures will be followed: the last two (2) players accepted into
the Tournament based upon the most current updated Acceptance List (excluding Wild Cards
and Qualifiers) will play a preliminary match for one (1) position in the draw.
41. One Tournament per Week
A player may apply for entry into up to three (3) ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournaments for
the same week, but he/she must state a priority at the time of entry and he/she will be
withdrawn from all except one event in accordance with the entry and withdrawal procedures
outlined in Article 39(iii) above.
Except as outlined in Article II. B.3b Playing Another Event/One Tournament per Week, in the
Code of Conduct, a player may not compete:
In an ITF World Tennis Tour Junior tournament if he/she has competed in another ITF
World Tennis Tour tournament (Men’s, Women’s or Juniors) during the same
tournament week;
In any other ITF World Tennis Tour tournament (Men’s, Women’s or Juniors) if he/she
has competed in an ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament in the same tournament
A player who competed in the Qualifying or Main Draw of a Men’s or Women’s ITF World Tennis
Tour tournament is allowed to accept a Wild Card into Main Draw of an ITF World Tennis Tour
Juniors tournament during the same week provided he/she lost in the tournament prior to
being offered the Wild Card. In all other circumstances, a player may not compete in an ITF
World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament if he/she has competed in another ITF tournament in
the same tournament week.
A player who is a no show or who withdraws or retires from either singles or doubles main
draw in any round may not participate in singles or doubles in any other tournament during the
same week.
Violation or attempted violation of this Section shall result in a default by the ITF Supervisor
and forfeiture of all ITF Junior World Ranking points received in that tournament (where
42. One Tournament per Week Grand Slam
a) A player is permitted to play in an ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament if they have
played in a professional Grand Slam Qualifying event the previous week, provided the player
has been eliminated from singles and doubles of the Grand Slam Qualifying prior to the
Qualifying Sign-in Deadline of the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament.
Any such player who is still competing in the Grand Slam tournament at this deadline must
withdraw from the relevant ITF World Tour Juniors tournament. It is the player’s responsibility
to withdraw from the tournament.
A player is allowed to play the doubles event at a professional Grand Slam tournament at the
same time as he /she is still competing in the singles event only of the same week’s ITF World
Tennis Tour Juniors tournament subject to the approval of both Supervisors and provided
that this does not unfairly affect the scheduling at either event.
b) A player is permitted to play in an ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament if they have
played in a Juniors Grand Slam Qualifying event the previous week, provided the player
receives a wild card for the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament and has been
eliminated from singles and doubles of the Grand Slam Qualifying prior to the Qualifying Sign-
n Deadline of the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament.
Any such player who is still competing in the Grand Slam tournament at this deadline must
withdraw from the relevant ITF World Tour Juniors tournament. It is the player’s
responsibility to withdraw from the tournament.
43*. Criteria for Acceptances
The criteria for acceptances shall be:
In determining acceptances of players for the Main Draw and Qualifying, the following
acceptance method will be used:
a) Entered players with an approved ITF Junior World Ranking as of the Monday before the
entry deadline. In a situation where two or more players are ranked equally, acceptance order
will be determined by each players ITF World Tennis Number as of the Monday before the
entry deadline. If tied by ITF Junior Ranking and ITF World Tennis Number, acceptance order
will be drawn by lot.
b) Entered players with an approved ATP/WTA ranking as of the Monday before the entry
deadline Players ranked in the professional game ATP 750 or better or WTA 400 or better will
always be accepted at the bottom of the Main Draw Acceptance List. Players ranked in the
professional game ATP 751-850 or WTA 401-500 will always be accepted and remain at the
bottom of the Qualifying Acceptance List on the day of the Entry Deadline. In a situation where
two or more players are ranked equally, acceptance order will be drawn by lot.
c) Entered and unranked players with an ITF World Tennis Number as of the Monday before
the entry deadline. In a situation where two or more players hold the same ITF World Tennis
Number, acceptance order will be drawn by lot.
d) Entered players with no approved ITF/ATP/WTA ranking and/or ITF World Tennis Number
the following acceptance method shall be followed firstly for vacancies in the Main Draw, if
any, and then for vacancies in the Qualifying Acceptance List and Alternates List:
i) 50% of remaining places within the list will go to players from or resident in the
country where the tournament is organised according to the national ranking*
submitted to the ITF by the host National Association. The remaining spots will be filled
as follows:
ii) Players from, or resident in, other countries within the Region where the tournament
is organised. The country will be drawn by lot and the top ranked player according to
the national ranking who has not already been accepted will be accepted.
iii) - Players from, or resident in, other countries within the Zone where the tournament
is organised. The country will be drawn by lot as above. (This will include players from,
or resident in, bordering countries which are not in the same region/zone e.g.
iv) Players from or resident outside of the Zone where the tournament is organised. The
country will be drawn by lot as above.
v) Any remaining players from or resident in the country where the tournament is
Regions: (Asia) (Oceania) (Europe) (Africa) (South America) (Central America) (North America)
Zones: (Asia/Oceania) (Euro/Africa) (The Americas)
e) On-site Alternates should be accepted according to the ITF junior ranking as of the Monday
seven (7) days before the tournament week.
f) Unranked On-site Alternates should be accepted according to their ITF World Tennis Number.
In a situation where two or more players hold the same ITF World Tennis Number, acceptance
order will be drawn by lot.
g) On-Site Alternates without an ITF Junior Ranking or ITF World Tennis Number should be
accepted according to the latest national rankings if available. If national rankings are not
available, they will be drawn by lot.
In order for the ITF World Tennis Number to be applied, a player must hold a verified singles
ITF World Tennis Number, as defined at A player’s singles ITF World
Tennis Number will be applied to two (2) decimal places; for example, 16.49 is better than
For the purposes of doubles acceptances, Singles Main Draw participants include Main Draw
Direct Acceptances, Regional Reserved(s), Special Exempts/16 & Under Exempts or
Qualifiers/Lucky Loser(s), but exclude Main Draw Wild Cards (see Note 1.)
Singles Qualifying participants are players who played in the Singles Qualifying draw in any
capacity, including Qualifying Wild Cards and Alternates.
Direct Acceptances for Doubles are selected according to the following acceptance methods:
Teams consisting of:
1. Two players, both of them Singles Main Draw participants (as outlined above):
a) Both players ranked, in order of total ranking
b) One ranked and one unranked player, in order of ranking of the one ranked player
c) Two unranked players.
2. Two players, one a Singles Main Draw participant, the other player a Singles Qualifying
participant or Singles Main Draw wild card;
a) Both players ranked, in order of total ranking
b) One ranked and one unranked player, in order of ranking of the one ranked player
c) Two unranked players.
3. Two players, where one player only is a Singles Main Draw participant:
a) Both players ranked, in order of total ranking;
b) One ranked and one unranked player, in order of ranking of the ranked player
c) Two unranked players.
4. Two players, where both players in the team were/are Singles Qualifying participants
and/or a Singles Main Draw wild card(s);
a) Both players ranked, in order of total ranking
b) One ranked and one unranked player, in order of ranking of the one ranked player
c) Two unranked players.
5. Two players, where one player was/is a Singles Qualifying participant or a Singles Main
Draw wild card;
a) Both players ranked, in order of total ranking
b) One ranked and one unranked player, in order of ranking of the one ranked player
c) Two unranked players.
6. Two players, neither a Singles Main Draw nor Singles Qualifying participant:
a) Both players ranked, in order of total ranking
b) One ranked and one unranked player, in order of ranking of the one ranked player
c) Two unranked players.
If two or more teams are tied within any combinations of 1-6 above, the order shall
be drawn by lot.
Note 1: Main Draw Direct Acceptances above do not include Wild Cards
Note 2: Doubles Wild Cards are in addition to this.
Note 3: Lucky Losers are those players who have been accepted into the Singles Main Draw by
the doubles sign-in deadline.
Note 4: Rankings used are those of the Monday seven (7) days prior to the Monday of the
tournament week.
Note 5: For the purposes of doubles acceptances players ranked in the top 500 on the WTA or
the top 850 ATP will be treated as ranked players.
44. National Rankings
All National Rankings must be submitted to the ITF by the National Association at least seven
(7) days before the Entry Deadline if they are to be used for acceptance purposes for a given
If a National Association produces an updated National Ranking during the year, the National
Association may send no more than four (4) updates in a calendar year to the ITF.
45. Entry Definitions
A player’s status in a tournament shall not be official until the later of:
a) the Withdrawal Deadline if the player appears on more than one Acceptance List; and
b) publication of the tournament Acceptance List on the ITF website/IPIN Online Service.
Any arrangement made by a player to participate in a tournament prior thereto is made at
his/her own risk.
a) Direct Acceptances: Entered players accepted directly into the Main Draw or Qualifying Draw
by virtue of their rankings and/or by virtue of the requirements given under rule 43* (criteria
for acceptances).
b) Qualifiers: Players who are included in the Main Draw as a result of their success in the
Qualifying competition.
c) Wild Cards: Players accepted into the Main Draw or Qualifying at the discretion of the
Tournament Organiser and/or the sanctioning National Association.
Wild Cards may be seeded. Wild Cards must be named at the time the draw is made.
An entered player who is nominated to receive a Wild Card into the tournament will continue
to be eligible, up to the start of the Qualifying competition, to compete in the tournament as a
Direct Acceptance or to fill any Qualifying or Main Draw vacancies that arise, in accordance
with the Criteria for Acceptances and Sign-in procedures set forth herein.
If the Qualifying and Main Draw Wild Card(s) move into the draw on merit, such player(s)status
will change to Direct Acceptance and replacement Wild Cards may be nominated up until the
time the draw is made. Any Wild Card places not filled by this time will be filled by the next
eligible players on the Acceptance List, or in the case of Main Draw, by Lucky Losers.
Wild Cards who withdraw cannot be replaced with new Wild Cards after the draw is made. Any
such vacancy shall be filled by the next eligible player on the Acceptance List, or if the Qualifying
competition has commenced, it shall be filled by the eligible Lucky Loser drawn at the same
time as the Qualifiers.
No player who has signed in for and been accepted into the Qualifying of the tournament may
be named as a Wild Card after the Qualifying competition has commenced.
The Qualifying competition commences when the first ball of the first qualifying match is struck.
A tournament shall not offer a Wild Card or accept the entry from any player who has either
accepted a Wild Card or been committed by an entry to another tournament in the same week
except as follows:
i) Player is nominated to receive a Wild Card offering higher event status (i.e. moving
from a Qualifying event to a Main Draw).
ii) Player is nominated to receive a Wild Card into a tournament of a higher grade.
It is the player’s responsibility to ascertain whether they are eligible to accept a particular Wild
Card. Players and Tournaments should retain written confirmation of the offer and acceptance
of a Wild Card. Acceptance of the offer of a Wild Card constitutes a player’s commitment to
the tournament.
Should the ITF gather evidence that a Wild Card has been sold, the Tournament will be subject
to the determination and penalty procedure as set out in the Code of Conduct under Article
VII: Tournament Offences, and the player and/or a Related Person (as that term is defined in
the Code of Conduct) may also face disciplinary action pursuant to Code of Conduct Article II:
Entry Offences and Article V: Major Offences.
d) Alternates Regional Reserved: A junior player who is ranked lower than the two (2) or three
(3), as applicable, players selected as Regional Reserved Direct Acceptances into the singles
Main Draw. In relevant J100, J60 and J30 Tournaments, these players will replace any Junior
Regional Reserved Direct Acceptances that withdraw from the Junior Regional Reserved list
before the Freeze Deadline. If no players eligible for the Regional Reserved place remain, the
place will be filled in accordance with the criteria for acceptances.
e) Alternates: Players who are ranked lower than the direct acceptances into Main Draw and
Qualifying under the applicable criteria for acceptances any time after the Entry Deadline.
If there is no singles Qualifying event, signed-in Alternates shall take any vacant places in the
singles Main Draw, in accordance with their position on the Acceptance List. For vacancies that
occur after the Order of Play has been released for the first day of play, the selection shall be
made from the players who have signed-in for each day as applicable.
f) On-Site Alternates: Non-entered players who appear at the tournament (prior to the
Qualifying sign-in deadline) to sign in for the Qualifying, to fill any available spaces in the draw
If a Qualifying is not held, On-Site Alternates may fill any available spaces in the Main Draw.
On-site Alternates will be placed below players on the Alternates List created when entries
closed. In order to be eligible to be an On-site Alternate, a player must pay the entry fee and
must personally sign-in with the ITF Supervisor on site. Eligible players shall be accepted
according to the ITF Junior World Ranking of the Monday seven (7) days prior to the Monday
of the tournament week. Unranked On-site Alternates should be accepted according to the ITF
World Tennis Number of the Wednesday twelve (12) days prior to the Monday of the
tournament week, followed by latest national rankings, if available. If national rankings are not
available, they should be drawn by lot.
g) Lucky Losers: Players who have lost in the final round of the Qualifying competition or, if
more Lucky Losers are required for substitutions, those players who have lost in the previous
qualifying round(s).
If a player is forced to retire from the final round of Qualifying due to illness or injury, he/she
will retain his/her Lucky Loser status provided he/she has received clearance from the
Tournament Doctor or Sports Physiotherapist.
Lucky Losers shall be selected as follows: The order of players with an ITF junior ranking or
professional ranking ATP 850 or better or WTA 500 or better shall be randomly drawn,
thereafter the order of the unranked players shall be randomly drawn.
h) Special Exempts: Players on the Qualifying Acceptance List at the Freeze Deadline who apply
for and receive exemption from the Qualifying event because they are still competing in singles
or doubles at a “Qualified Tournament” on the day the Qualifying event is scheduled to begin.
For a tournament to count as a “Qualified Tournament”, the next week’s tournament can be
the same grade, a lower grade, or no more than one grade higher. The two tournaments must
be within the same region (or bordering countries not in the same region, e.g.
Russia/Kazakhstan). If there are not sufficient Special Exempt places in the Main Draw for all
applicants, the players shall be selected as follows:
a) players still competing in the singles draw in order of ranking
b) players still competing in the doubles draw in order of ranking
The ranking used will be that of the Monday seven (7) days before the tournament week.
For the avoidance of doubt, Grand Slams and Grade As are considered the same grade for the
purpose of determining whether a tournament is a Qualified Tournament.
i) 16 & Under Team Competition Feed Up Exempt: A player who, by virtue of being part of a
team which finished in 1
, 2
or 3
place in the Davis Cup Juniors or Billie Jean King Cup Juniors
Finals, gains Direct Acceptance into a designated ITF World Tour Juniors tournament. (See
Appendix I)
j) 16 & Under Tournament Feed Up Exempt: A player who, by virtue of being the top 16 &
Under ranked player in their region, gains Direct Acceptance into a designated ITF World Tour
Juniors tournament. (See Appendix J)
k) 16 & Under Regional Reserved: A player who, by virtue of his/her 16 & Under ranking in a
region taking part in the Regional Reserved Project, gains Direct Acceptance into a designated
ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament. (See Appendix K)
46. Seeds
a) Number of Seeds
i) The Number of Seeds for Main Draw shall be as follows:
For a draw of 128: 16 seeds
For a draw of 96: 16 seeds
For a draw of 64 : 16 seeds
For a draw of 48 : 16 seeds
For a draw of 32 : 8 seeds
For a draw of 24 : 8 seeds
For a draw of 16 : 4 seeds
For a draw of 8 : 2 seeds
ii) The Number of Seeds for Qualifying shall be as follows:
For a draw with 2 sections: no more than 4 seeds
For a draw with 4 sections: no more than 8 seeds
For a draw with 6 sections: no more than 12 seeds
For a draw with 8 sections: no more than 16 seeds
b) Selection of Seeds
Seedings shall be based on the ITF Junior World Ranking of the Monday seven (7) days prior
to the Monday of the tournament week. Seed order shall be drawn by lot where players are
tied based on ITF Junior World Ranking. Seedings of players with ATP or WTA rankings shall
be calculated following the Seeding Comparison Chart Appendix L.
Players without ITF or professional rankings cannot be seeded.
Seedings shall be based on the ITF Junior World Ranking of the Monday seven (7) days prior to
the Monday of the tournament week. Doubles seeding of players with ATP or WTA rankings
shall be based on the Seeding Comparison Chart (Appendix L). If two teams are considered
equal, seeding shall be based on:
i) Players’ combined ITF Junior ranking (if both players have an ITF Junior ranking)
ii) ITF Junior ranking (if only one player has an ITF Junior ranking) followed by the
ATP/WTA Singles ranking of the remaining player
iii) Players’ combined ATP/WTA Singles ranking (if neither player has an ITF Junior
iv) ATP/WTA Singles ranking (if neither player has an ITF Junior ranking and only one
player has an ATP/WTA Singles ranking)
v) If teams are still tied, draw by lot.
Note: ATP/WTA Doubles rankings are not considered.
47. Sign-in/Registration
a) Qualifying
Each player (except for Wild Cards who are in contact with the ITF Supervisor) must sign-in to
the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament by one of the following sign-in methods:
1) Sign-in personally on site with the ITF Supervisor (or by telephone sign-in if stated in the
tournament fact sheet) within the sign-in window of 3.00 p.m. (1500 hours) until 6.00
p.m. (1800 hours) local time the day before the start of play in the Qualifying
competition (unless a different sign-in-window is stated in the tournament fact sheet);
2) Only if provided by the tournament, eSign-in via the tournament’s online payment
system by 5.00 p.m. (1700 hours) local time the day before the start of play in the
Qualifying competition. eSign-in will open no earlier than 24 hours before this deadline
and is only available to players who have paid their entry fee.
Requests for information on eSign-in procedure must be made at least 24 hours in advance of
the qualifying sign-in deadline to the e-mail address provided by the tournament in the fact
sheet. eSign-in is confirmed upon receipt of payment confirmation. If a player is unable to
complete eSign-in for any reason, they must ensure they are present on-site to sign in by the
deadline above.
In exceptional circumstances, the ITF may extend the sign-in deadline in which case players will
be notified.
Any player may be signed in for the Qualifying Draw by the Supervisor of an ITF or Regional
Association sanctioned tournament, or a national competition (if requested by the relevant
National Association and approved by the ITF at least two weeks in advance), in the previous
week, if such player has completed that tournament in the two days preceding the start of the
Qualifying competition. This player must be on site and play his/her first match by the end of
the first round of Qualifying. Players travelling as part of a team under one coach may be signed
in by the Supervisor of an ITF or Regional Association sanctioned tournament in the previous
week, if any other member of that team is still competing in that tournament in the two days
preceding the start of the Qualifying competition.
Except as otherwise stated herein, players who fail to sign in shall not be included in the
Qualifying Draw.
Any unused Special Exempt place(s) or Main Draw vacancies (following withdrawals after the
Freeze Deadline) shall be filled by entered players who have either signed in for Qualifying or
preserved their eligibility for such place(s) by personally contacting the ITF Supervisor prior to
the Qualifying sign-in deadline. Players who preserve their eligibility must get written
confirmation from the ITF Supervisor. These players are to be selected in accordance with their
position on the Acceptance List. If the Special Exempt places are used or there are no Main
Draw vacancies, players who preserved their eligibility are not eligible to play the Qualifying
and are subject to the Late Withdrawal/No-Show provisions set forth in the Code of Conduct.
b) Main Draw
i) Singles
There will be no sign-in requirement for players accepted directly into the Main Draw at
Grand Slam, J500 or J300 tournaments. However, players should arrive the day before, ready
to play on the first day of the competition.
For all other tournaments each player (with the exception of Wild Cards who are in contact
with the ITF Supervisor) must sign-in by one of the following sign-in methods:
1) Sign-in personally on site with the ITF Supervisor (or by telephone sign-in if stated in
the tournament fact sheet) within the sign-in window of 3.00 p.m. (1500 hours) until
6.00 p.m. (1800 hours) local time the day before the start of play in the Qualifying
competition (unless a different sign-in-window is stated in the tournament fact sheet);
2) Only if provided by the tournament, eSign-in via the online tournament entry
payment system by 5.00 p.m. (1700 hours) local time the day before the start of the
Main Draw. eSign-in will open no earlier than 24 hours before this deadline and is
only available to players who have paid their entry fee.
Requests for information on eSign-in procedure must be made at least 24 hours in advance of
the main draw sign-in deadline to the e-mail address provided by the tournament in the fact
sheet. eSign-in is confirmed upon receipt of payment confirmation. If a player is unable to
complete eSign-in for any reason, they must ensure they are present on-site to sign in by the
deadline above.
In exceptional circumstances, the ITF may extend the sign-in deadline in which case players will
be notified.
An entered player may be signed in for the Main Draw by the Supervisor of an ITF or Regional
Association sanctioned tournament, or a national competition (if requested by the relevant
National Association and approved by the ITF at least two weeks in advance), in the previous
week, if such player has completed that tournament in the two days preceding the start of the
Main Draw competition. This player must be on site and play his/her first match by the end of
the first round of the Main Draw. Players travelling as part of a team under one coach may be
signed in by the Supervisor of an ITF or Regional Association sanctioned tournament in the
previous week, if any other member of that team is still competing in that tournament in the
two days preceding the start of the Main Draw competition. Except as otherwise stated herein,
players who fail to sign in shall not be included in the Main Draw.
ii) Doubles
Each player must have entered and signed-in personally with the ITF Supervisor by 12 noon
(1200 hours) on the first day of the singles Main Draw.
48. Composition of Draws
Pre-qualifying draws should not be held. However, if held under the sanctioning of the relevant
National Association, pre-qualifying draws are permitted for national players only.
a) Qualifying
The Qualifying Draw shall not be greater in size than the Main Draw.
Tournament Organisers of new or existing tournaments with 32 Qualifying and 32 Main Draw
events are recommended to use a 24 Qualifying draw and a 48 Main Draw.
Draw size 16 24 32 48 64 96 128
Wild Cards 2 4 6 7 8 8 8
Direct Acceptance 14 20 26 41 56 88 12
b) Main Draw
i) Singles
Draw size 16 24 32 48 64 96 128
Wild Cards 2 2 4 6 8 8 8
Special Exempts* 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2
Qualifiers 2 2 4 6 8 8 8
Direct Acceptances 8-12 16-20 19-24 31-36 43-48 75-80 107-112
Regional Reserved* (if applicable) 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3
J100, J60 and J30 tournaments may use a 32 main draw consisting of 8 qualifiers, 2 wild cards
and between 17-22 direct acceptance, allowing for 2-3 regional reserved places and/or 0-2
special exempts.
Note: Tournaments requested by the ITF to provide 16 & Under Team and Individual Exempt
Positions and Regional Reserved must use the following Main Draw composition:
Draw size 16 24 32 48 64 96 128
Wild cards 2 2 4 6 8 8 8
Special Exempts* 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2
16 & Under Exempts* 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2
Qualifiers 2 2 4 6 8 8 8
Direct Acceptances 6-12 14-20 17-24 29-36 41-48 73-80 105-112
Regional Reserved* (if applicable) 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3
*If Special Exempt, 16 & Under Exempt or Regional Reserved Positions are not used, the
positions revert to Direct Acceptances.
ii) Doubles
Draw size 8 16 24 32 48 64
Wild cards 1 2 2 4 6 8
Direct Acceptances 7 14 22 28 42 56
49*. Making the Draw
All draws should be made immediately after the respective sign-in has closed.
All draws shall be made by the ITF Supervisor in public (i.e., individuals are permitted to attend
and witness the making of the Draw). The ITF Supervisor shall appoint one or more players at
each ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors Tournament to witness the draws, with preferably one of
those players being a different nationality to that of the host country. Interested parties
wishing to view the making of the draw should contact the ITF Supervisor.
a) Qualifying
Players from the same nation shall be drawn in different sections as far as possible.
i) Sections and Seeds
The Qualifying Draw shall be made in sections, and the winner of each section shall be given a
place in the Main Draw. If four (4) qualifiers are required, there shall be four (4) sections; six (6)
qualifiers, six (6) sections; and so on. The draw shall be seeded and the selection of seeds shall
be consistent with the criteria used for the main draw. Each section shall have two seeded
players. The first seed shall be placed at the top of the first section, the second seed shall be
placed at the top of the second section and so on until all sections have one (1) seed on the top
line of each section. The remaining seeds shall be drawn as one group. The first drawn shall be
placed on the bottom line of the first section, the second drawn shall be placed on the bottom
line of the second section and so on until all sections have one (1) seed on the bottom line of
each section.
If there are not a sufficient number of seeded players to fill all the positions for seeds in the
draw, the section(s) with the highest seed(s) shall not have a second seeded player. If no players
are seeded, all players are drawn randomly.
ii) Acceptance of Qualifiers into Main Draw
Once the Qualifying event has begun, only those players who ultimately win their qualifying
section and Lucky Losers may be accepted into the Main Draw. The Qualifying event
commences when the first ball of the first Qualifying match is struck.
iii) Drawing of Qualifiers
At the conclusion of the Qualifying event, the name of one Qualifier shall be randomly drawn
for each qualifying place in the Main Draw. There shall be no prior designation of qualifying
sections to qualifying places in the Main Draw. Likewise, when more than one Lucky Loser is to
be inserted into the Main Draw, their position in the Main Draw shall be determined by
drawing. Vacancies occurring before the Qualifying is completed to be filled by Lucky Losers
shall be drawn in conjunction with those players that qualified.
b) Main Draw
If there are two players from the same National Association competing, they shall be drawn in
different halves of the draw.
If three or four players from the same National Association are competing, they shall be drawn
in separate quarters.
This principle of separation of players shall extend to cover all players in the draw, including, as
far as possible, qualifiers drawn manually if the draw is made before the qualifying event is
i) Placing of Seeds
If there are two seeded players from the same National Association competing, they shall be
drawn in different halves of the draw.
If three or four seeded players from the same National Association are competing, the first and
second players shall be drawn as above and the third and fourth seeded player shall be drawn
into the quarters which do not already contain one of that National Association’s players.
This principle of separation of seeded players shall extend to cover all seeded players in the
Taking into account the provisions above, seeds shall be placed or drawn as follows:
1. Place Seed 1 on line 1 and Seed 2 on line 16 (16 draw), 32 (24/32 draw), 64 (48/64 draw) or
line 128 (96/128 draw).
2. To determine the placement of the remaining seeds, draw in pairs of two (Seeds 3 and 4)
and groups of four (Seeds 5-8, 9-12 and 13-16) from top to bottom as follows:
16 draw 24/32 draw 48/64 draw 96/128 draw
(4 seeds) (8 seeds) (16 seeds) (16 seeds)
Seeds 3, 4 5 9 17 33
12 24 48 96
Seeds 5, 6, 7, 8 8 16 32
16 32 64
17 33 65
25 49 97
Seeds 9,10,11,12 9 17
25 49
40 80
56 112
Seeds 13,14,15,16 8 16
24 48
41 81
57 113
ii) Byes
In the event that there are not enough competitors to fill the draw, then after the seeds are
placed in the draw, the required number of byes shall be awarded to the highest seeds as a first
priority and any remaining byes shall be drawn by a lot in a manner so as to distribute them as
evenly as possible throughout the sections of the draw.
iii) Vacancies and Substitutions
Vacancies shall be filled with substitutes in accordance with the following:
a) From the Withdrawal Deadline until the Freeze Deadline:
i) Vacancies in the Qualifying and Main Draw shall be filled by entered players selected
in accordance with their position on the Acceptance List.
In J100, J60 and J30 tournaments, where the Regional Reserved project (Appendix K) is
applicable, vacancies in the Regional Reserved places will be filled by the next eligible
entered player on the Regional Reserved Alternate List. If no players eligible for the
Junior Regional Reserved place remain, the place will revert to a Direct Acceptance
place and be filled in accordance with the criteria for acceptances. There will be no
Regional Reserved Alternate List for J200 tournaments.
If at the Freeze deadline the total number of entered players on the Main Draw and
Qualifying acceptance lists is less than or equal to the main draw size (all positions
including DA, SE, Q but not WC), there shall be no Qualifying event. All Qualifying
acceptances shall be moved to the Main Draw acceptance list as Direct Acceptances.
There shall be no Qualifying sign-in. For those tournaments which have Main Draw sign-
in, on-site Alternates may sign in on or before the time announced for the Main Draw
sign-in in order to take any vacant positions at this time.
b) From the Freeze Deadline until the Qualifying Sign-in Deadline:
i) Vacancies in the Qualifying or Main Draw shall be filled at the time of the Qualifying
sign-in deadline by entered players who have signed in for the Qualifying event or
preserved their eligibility for Main Draw selected in accordance with the applicable
criteria for acceptances, and thereafter by ranked On-site Alternates who have signed
in for the Qualifying event selected in accordance with the computer rankings of the
Monday seven (7) days prior to the Monday of the tournament week. Where players
have no such ranking, the order of priority shall be decided by lot.
c) From the Qualifying Sign-in Deadline until the commencement of the Qualifying
Vacancies in the Qualifying or Main Draw shall be filled by entered players who have
signed in for the Qualifying event selected in accordance with the applicable criteria for
d) After commencement of the Qualifying competition:
Vacancies in the Main Draw may only be filled by Lucky Losers (please see definition in
rule 45g). A Lucky Loser shall be inserted as a substitute for any player who withdraws
or is withdrawn before the first point is played in his/her first match. Vacancies in the
Qualifying shall be filled by players who have signed the Alternate List for each day as
applicable, selected in accordance with their position on the Acceptance List.
e) Sign-in Requirements for Substitutes
i) At the end of the Qualifying, the ITF Supervisor will fill the Main Draw with all of the
Qualifiers and, if necessary, Lucky Losers in the order that they were drawn.
On the day of the completion of the Qualifying, all players who lost in the last round of
Qualifying will be considered for a Lucky Loser position.
Therefore, it is the player’s responsibility to inform the ITF Supervisor by the end of
the Qualifying if they do not want to be considered for a Lucky Loser position.
ii) On subsequent days, Alternates and Lucky Losers must be present and sign-in with
the ITF Supervisor at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of play, to be eligible
as Alternates / Lucky Losers.
iii) If the eligible Lucky Loser is not available to play, he/she shall be placed at the bottom
of the Lucky Loser Priority List for the day corresponding to the qualifying round in which
he/she lost. Such player is not subject to penalties for late withdrawal/no show. If the
eligible player is playing in the doubles event at the time he/she is called as a Lucky
Loser in singles, the singles match may be rescheduled so he/she can fill the Lucky Loser
position, provided the ITF Supervisor determines that such rescheduling of the singles
match does not cause an unreasonable disruption in the schedule; otherwise the next
available Lucky Loser shall be selected to fill such vacancy.
iv) Alternates and Lucky Losers must be ready to play in proper tennis attire within a
total time of (5) minutes after the announcement of a vacancy. Matches must
commence without delay after the selection of the Alternate or Lucky Loser.
iv) Special Exempts
Prior to the time of the Qualifying sign-in deadline, an ITF Supervisor may accept a verbal or
written request for Special Exempt status on behalf of a player qualified to make such a request
(please see definition in rule 45h) but only from the Supervisor of the tournament at which the
player is still participating.
If there is no Qualifying competition, or if Special Exempts are not needed prior to the time that
the Qualifying draw is made, then the places in the Main Draw reserved for Special Exempts
shall become places for Direct Acceptances who have signed in for Qualifying or preserved their
eligibility, to be selected in accordance with their position on the Acceptance List.
A player still competing at a Qualified Tournament at the time of the Qualifying Sign-in deadline
can request a Special Exempt place (as above). However he/she must notify the ITF Supervisor
of the result of his/her match no later than one (1) hour following the completion of the match.
If, after the completion of the match, the player is not eligible for the Special Exempt, the
Special Exempt place will be filled either by another player who requested a Special Exempt or
as per section b.iii. “Vacancies/Substitutions” above. In this case the player will not be eligible
to play in the Qualifying draw.
The maximum number of Special Exempts is as follows:
16 Draw 1
32 Draw 2
48 Draw 2
64 Draw 2
96 Draw 2
128 Draw 2
c) Doubles
i) Making the Draw
The placing of seeds and byes and the drawing of the remaining teams shall be in accordance
with the same principles used in the singles Main Draw.
ii) Vacancies
A team shall constitute a doubles entry. Therefore, if either of the players of a team cannot
play, that doubles entry is subject to immediate substitution. However, if a player has to
withdraw through injury or other unavoidable circumstances after the sign-in deadline, but
before the draw, his/her partner may enter again with another player who had not already
been accepted in the doubles event. With this exception players may not change partners after
the doubles entry deadline.
50. Withdrawal after the Draw and Replacement of Seeds
Any vacancy created by the withdrawal of a seed shall be filled immediately by the next highest
ranked player in the Main Draw eligible to be seeded. The position vacated by that next highest
ranked player shall then be filled immediately by the next player on the original Acceptance List
if prior to the commencement of Qualifying or by the eligible Lucky Loser if after
commencement of Qualifying. Any vacancy created by the withdrawal of a seed which occurs
after the release of the Order of Play on the day preceding commencement of play in the main
draw shall be filled by an eligible Lucky Loser/Alternate.
Any replacement of seeds should be made without consideration to the placement of players
from the same nation (as explained in Regulation 49 b).
51. Suspension and Postponement
The ITF Supervisor, chair umpire or off-court umpire may suspend a match temporarily due to
darkness or conditions of the grounds or weather. Any such suspension by the chair umpire or
off-court umpire must be reported immediately to the ITF Supervisor. The ITF Supervisor must,
however, make all decisions on the postponement of a match until a later day. Unless and until
a match is postponed by the ITF Supervisor, the players, chair umpire and all on-court officials
must remain ready to resume the match.
Upon suspension of a match, the chair umpire or off-court umpire shall record the time, point,
game and set score, and the name of the server, the sides on which each player was situated
and shall collect all balls in use for the match. If suspension is due to darkness it should be after
an even number of games have been played in the set in progress or at the end of a set. There
shall be five (5) minutes of warm-up before a match. In the case of a suspended or postponed
match, the period of warm-up shall be as follows:
0 - 15 minutes delay - no warm-up
15 30 minutes delay - three (3) minutes of warm-up
30 or more minutes of delay - five (5) minutes of warm-up
52. Related Regulations
To the extent not covered herein The Constitution of ITF Limited 2023 and the 2023 Rules of
Tennis shall be applicable to all ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors Tournaments. Such applicability
shall not affect the right of the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors Tournaments to promulgate and
enforce their own special regulations insofar as they are consistent with the applicable
provisions of these Rules and Regulations and have been approved by the ITF.
This Section V applies to:
a) all tournaments J300, J200, J100, J60 and J30;
b) Grand Slam, ITF World Tennis Tour Junior Finals and J500 tournaments, subject to the
exceptions given in Appendix A, together with additional clauses. (See Regulations
marked * );
c) Youth Olympic Games, with some exceptions that will be addressed directly with the
participating nations;
d) Unless stated otherwise, in Appendix B, Regional Championships;
e) Unless stated otherwise in Appendix C, International Team Competitions.
53. Hospitality
All tournaments must comply with the hospitality requirements set out in the ITF World Tennis
Tour Juniors Organisational Requirements (as may be amended from time to time).
Official coaches must be nominated by a National Association by the Freeze Deadline in order
to be given hospitality. No other coaches shall be guaranteed hospitality.
Any official coach nominated by his/her National Association to receive hospitality must have
registered for an annual Player Support Team ID at this website:
The Player Support Team ID must be communicated to the tournament by the National
Association when nominating the official coach. Any coach without a valid Player Support Team
ID will not be entitled to hospitality.
54. Tournament Visitor Accreditation
Any Covered Person, as defined in the ITF Welfare Policy (Appendix F) or Tournament Visitor,
as defined below, attending an ITF Junior event must report to the Tournament Organiser upon
arrival and request accreditation for the full duration of his/her stay. For the purposes of the
accreditation the full name of the attendee and the organisation he/she represents must be
provided. Tournament Visitor Accreditation does not entitle the visitor to access private
playersareas, such as the locker rooms or player lounge. Where possible, tournament visitors
should be provided with photo identification guest passes that are clearly distinguishable (e.g.
by colour) from player identification passes.
Note: Tournament Visitor includes, but is not limited to, the following groups:
Any prospective or current agent, suppliers, sports manufacturers, the media, recruitment
organisations, or training, development and academic institutions of any description. For the
avoidance of doubt, it does not include anyone visiting an event solely as a tennis spectator.
55. Travel Assistance
Any travel assistance shall be arranged only in advance and offered only to National
Associations. It shall not be conditional upon a named player taking part. Travel assistance shall
not be offered to individual players neither shall it be linked to a player’s success in the
tournament, nor shall it be conditional on a player’s participation in any other tournament.
Regional Associations may co-ordinate the travel assistance offered to players taking part in a
group of tournaments under their control.
56. Schedule
The ITF Supervisor shall, whenever possible, allow a player who has competed on the final day
of the preceding tournament, a full day for travelling and rest before that player is obliged to
play the first round of the succeeding tournament.
57. Order of Play
a) Release of the order of play
Once the ITF Supervisor has determined the following day’s order of play, it should be released
by the ITF Supervisor, both on-site and via ITF Tournament Planner program, as soon as possible
but no later than 10pm (2200 hours) local time.
b) Amendments to the order of play
Once officially released, the order of play shall not be amended unless the ITF Supervisor deems
it necessary and/or appropriate.
58. Prize Money
No prize money in any form shall be paid at any ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament,
either to the players or to their National Associations. Wild Cards into professional level events
are not considered as Prize Money.
59. Gifts
The value of a gift to the winner of a tournament may not exceed the value of US $750.00.
Tournament Directors are responsible for ensuring that gifts and services provided to players
are suitable for minors and comply with any legal requirements of the jurisdiction where the
players resides and of the country where the event is held.
60. Entry Fees
One entry fee (covering singles and doubles) shall be reasonable and shall not exceed:
Grade & Hospitality Tier
Maximum Entry Fee per player
Outdoor J500, J300, J200,
J100, J60 & J30
with Tier 1 full hospitality
$100 (USD) or equivalent per player
Outdoor J200, J100, J60, J30
with Tier 2 or Tier 3 reduced hospitality)
$70 (USD) or equivalent per player
Outdoor J60 and J30
(without hospitality)
$55 (USD) or equivalent per player
Indoor J500, J300, J200, J100
(J60 and J30 with full hospitality)
$110 (USD) or equivalent per player
Indoor J200, J100, J60, J30
with Tier 2/Tier 3 reduced hospitality
$80 (USD) or equivalent per player
Indoor J60 and J30
without full hospitality
$65 (USD) or equivalent per player
Any J60 or J30 tournaments charging a combined entry/hospitality fee must reduce the
amount of the fee in accordance with this rule if a player elects to make his/her own
hospitality arrangements.
61. Conditions of Play
a) Latest Start Time
It is mandatory that the latest start time for any match is not later than 9pm (2100hrs). Any
match that is not completed by midnight (0000hrs) should be interrupted and postponed
until the following day. (The ITF Supervisor can extend the time of play if, in his/her opinion,
the match can be concluded in a reasonable time.)
A tournament can apply to the ITF for an exemption to the mandatory latest start time no later
than three months before the entry deadline. If play is seriously delayed during the week due
to adverse weather, the tournament can apply to the ITF to extend the latest start time to
9.30pm (2130hrs).
b) Between Qualifying and Main Draw
Other than in exceptional circumstances, no player shall be required to play his/her first round
match in the singles Main Draw until at least twelve (12) hours after the completion of his/her
final Qualifying match.
c) Between Matches
Except when weather or other unavoidable circumstances causes schedule disruption, players
shall be scheduled for a maximum of one (1) main draw singles match and one (1) main draw
doubles match per day, which shall not be scheduled less than twelve (12) hours after the
completion of the last match of such player on the preceding day or round.
Whenever it is necessary to schedule more than one match in the same day such player shall,
unless he/she is in a singles and doubles final to be played consecutively, be given the following
minimum rest periods:
a) Played less than one (1) hour - half (½) hour rest
b) Played between one (1) hour and one and one half (1½) hours - one (1) hour rest
c) Played between one and one half (1½) hours and two (2) hours - one and one half
(1½) hours rest
d) Played more than two (2) hours two (2) hours rest
If a player is involved in the singles and doubles finals, he/she shall be allowed a rest period of
one half hour.
A player may play before the end of the rest period if all participants are in agreement.
If play has been interrupted for thirty (30) minutes or more due to rain or other warranted
delay, the length of match time would be assessed from the moment play resumes following
the delay.
If play is interrupted for less than thirty (30) minutes, match time would be considered
continuous from the moment the first ball of the match was put into play.
No rest is allowed after the second set in a three-set singles match unless the extreme weather
conditions rule is in effect.
62. Waiver of Claims
In submitting an entry into an ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors event, all players agree, as a
condition of entry, that subject to the limits set out below, for themselves, their executors,
administrators, heirs and personal representatives, all claims of any kind, nature and
description are waived, including past, present or future claims and injuries, if any, sustained
in travelling to or from, or participating in an ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors event, and/or any
of its related activities and/or while in the location of an ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors event,
against the ITF, the National Association or Regional Association sanctioning such events,
officials, promoters, sponsors, television or other broadcast licensees, vendors, venues, local
organizers and others connected with such ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournaments,
including its employees, officers, directors, volunteers, and representatives.
Nothing in these Regulations excludes or limits the liability of the ITF or any of the other parties
listed above
i) for death or personal injury caused by their (respective) negligence;
ii) for fraud; or
iii) to the extent that such exclusion or limitation is not permitted by applicable law.
63. Publicity and Promotion
(a) Each player grants to the ITF, the tournament’s sanctioning National Association, the
tournament and their agents and assignees the right, in perpetuity and for commercial and
non-commercial purposes:
(i) to use or authorise the use of his or her name, voice, photograph, likeness, signature,
biographical material and other identification, in any and all media, for the purpose of
publicising and promoting the sport of tennis, the ITF, the tournament’s sanctioning
National Association, the tournament and their respective affiliates and events
including the right to use the same on event posters, photos, programs, merchandise
and other materials, and for the televising broadcasting and filming of the same; and
(ii) to make, show and otherwise use, in any and all media, still and moving pictures,
whether live or otherwise, and any other visual and/or audio-visual reproductions of his
or her performance or appearance as a sportsman on and off the court during the event.
(b) With respect to sub sections (a)(i) and (a)(ii) above:
(i) there will be no compensation payable in relation to the grant of such rights; and
(ii) the rights granted may not be used in such a way as to constitute an endorsement
by the player of any product or company.
(c) Players acknowledge that their tennis biography and complete tournament history shall be
published on the ITF’s website for the purposes of transparency and promotion of the sport.
64. Player Images
Notwithstanding rule 63, it is prohibited for any Covered Person to obtain, transmit, store or
distribute any images and/or recordings (whether audio or visual) of players, unless they are
the parent or legal guardian of the player, without the express written authorisation (which
includes permission about how the image(s) will be used) of i) the parent or legal guardian of
the player, and ii) the ITF Supervisor. Images and/or recordings taken with permission under
this Regulation must be exclusively of tennis matches, practice or the presentation of trophies.
Please see the ITF’s Process For ITF Tournament Supervisors, Coaches and Parents on Video
Recording of Junior Matches For Performance Analysis.
65. Television, Recording and Radio Rights
ITF is the exclusive owner of all "audio" and "audio-visual" media rights to the Event
including but without limitation to all forms of television, internet, mobile, radio and other
electronic media.
(a) Traditional Television Broadcast
ITF hereby agrees to assign to the Host Organiser the exclusive right to appoint and enter into
any contracts with Host Broadcasters to produce and broadcast coverage of the Event taking
place during the term of the Agreement by means of Traditional Broadcast Television and
Traditional over the air radio within the Host Territory, provided that the Host Organiser will
procure a full assignment of copyright and other IP rights in any coverage to ITF (including but
not limited to "archive rights").
Any revenues generated by the Host Organiser from such contracts will be for the sole benefit
of the Host Organiser.
The Host Organiser will make best efforts to negotiate with the Host Television Broadcaster to
provide the ITF, free of charge, with recordings of all matches at the Event in such format as
requested by ITF. In the event a charge is incurred, subject to acceptance of the same by the
ITF, this will be paid by the ITF.
(b) Live Streaming
Except for the rights granted directly below, the National Association does not have any rights
to carry out or authorise Live Streaming of a tournament.
The National Association may conduct and/or authorise third parties to conduct Live Streaming
of the tournament in its domestic territory subject to the following conditions:
(a) the prior written approval of the ITF in its sole discretion;
(b) such Live Streaming not being transmitted or made available with a less than 30 second
delay between the action taking place at the Tournament and the Live Streaming being
available to viewers;
(c) such Live Streaming being satisfactorily geoblocked to within the domestic territory of
the Tournament;
(d) such Live Streaming not being made available for gambling or betting purposes, or in
any way associated with gambling or betting;
(e) the Live Stream being available to the ITF free of charge and in a timely manner on
request for publication on its own digital channels; and
(f) the National Association granting, or procuring that the producer of the Live Stream
grants, all copyright in the Live Stream to the ITF at the conclusion of the tournament.
For the purposes of this provision, “Live Streaming” means the transmission and/or making
available of coverage from a tournament through a live audio-visual signal by means of the
internet, mobile wireless technology or mobile broadcast technology or any similar or
derivative technologies.
Archive Rights
Upon expiration of the Agreement ITF shall remain the exclusive owner of all audio and audio-
visual media rights (“archive rights”).
66. International Sponsorship
The ITF retains the right to secure international sponsors (Title & Ancillary) for the Competition.
An international sponsor will have the right to exposure at select events of the Competition,
and it will be the responsibility of the ITF to negotiate an agreement with each Host Organiser
of these events with regards to this exposure. The ITF grants all Host Organisers of events the
right to secure local sponsors.
The ITF retains the exclusive right for net branding at each event of the Competition. The Host
Organiser of each event of the Competition is not allowed to place branding on the net unless
agreed otherwise in writing with the ITF.
The ITF insists that there should be no tobacco or e-cigarette organisations or betting
companies secured as sponsors for any events of the Competition. For the avoidance of doubt,
Host Organisers and National Associations are permitted to accept financial grants from
national, regional or state lottery providers, provided that the respective Host Organiser or
National Association: (i) has obtained the ITF’s prior written approval to the proposed
arrangements; (ii) uses all proceeds from any such financial grants solely for the purposes of
supporting its sporting activities; (iii) does not grant any sponsorship or other promotional
rights to the lottery provider; and (iv) complies with the terms of any other applicable
guidelines as the ITF may issue from time to time.
The ITF also insists that alcohol brands cannot be secured as a sponsor to events of the
Competition in any circumstances.
The ITF will have the right to instruct individual tournaments on the ITF World Tennis Tour
Juniors to use the balls of the Official Ball manufacturer providing that the balls are given to the
tournament free of charge.
The ITF accepts that certain tournaments may have existing agreements in place with ball
manufacturers and in such circumstances, the ITF will waive the right to require the use of the
Official Ball at these tournaments for the duration of the existing agreement.
Should the ITF inform a tournament of the intention to use an Official Ball, that tournament
agrees that once their current agreement has expired, no new agreement with a ball
manufacturer will be entered into.
67. Anti-Doping services
To facilitate testing under the ITF Tennis Anti-Doping Programme, all ITF World Tennis Tour
Junior Tournaments must provide on request, and at their own cost:
(a) A Doping Control Station that, at a minimum, satisfies the requirements of the prevailing
version of the WADA International Standard for Testing and Investigations; and
(b) Sufficient chaperones to notify players selected for anti-doping sample collection,
accompany and observe such players until their arrival at the Doping Control Station, and
witness provision of those players’ samples as necessary.
J500 tournaments shall follow the Regulations for J300-J30 tournaments. Exceptions and
additions other than those stated below may be allowed for the Grand Slam tournaments, the
ITF World Tennis Tour Junior Finals and the Youth Olympic Games where these are approved
in advance of the event by the ITF Juniors Committee.
The following wording REPLACES the applicable wording in the main Regulations:
37•. Entries and Draws
J500 tournaments shall have the following minimum number of competitors in each
Boys’ Singles: 64 Boys’ Doubles: 32 Girls’ Singles: 64 Girls’ Doubles: 32
If a J500 event fails to have the above entry, or fails to accept players in accordance with
Regulation 43•, the following year the number of points awarded to the tournament
will be decreased.
If the entry falls below 48 for either of the singles events, J500 status may no longer be
Tournament organisers should bear in mind that no points are awarded to a player until
he/she has won a round and should therefore do their utmost to ensure that the
number of competitors in the draw allows the maximum number of points to be
The following wording is in ADDITION to the applicable wording in the main Regulations:
43•. Criteria for Acceptances
In addition, if any region South America; North America; Central America and
Caribbean; Europe; Asia; Africa; and Oceania - does not have any players accepted
under a) or b) above, the highest ranked entrant from that region shall be accepted for
main draw if their ranking is 80 or higher or qualifying if their ranking is 150 or higher.
49•. Making the Draw
An official representative, if nominated by the ITF, may be present for the draw.
The following regulations apply IN ADDITION to the main Regulations, and where there is any
conflict, these regulations shall take precedence over the wording in the main Regulations:
68. Tournaments Included
Tournaments in this group shall be staged either by a Regional Association or by another group
of National Associations, and shall be open only to competitors fulfilling the qualification
requirements as set out by the relevant Association(s).
Applications for tournaments to be held during the same week and at the same venue as a
professional tour event will only be considered for inclusion if the tour event is owned and run
by the relevant National Association.
69. Criteria for Acceptances
Regional Associations and/or relevant National Association(s) are responsible for the Criteria
for Acceptances of each of their Regional Championships. These Criteria must be agreed by the
70. Nomination of Competitors
Unless otherwise decided by the relevant Regional Association and ITF, only players nominated
by their National Association may compete. A Regional Association may approve the use of
entry through the IPIN system, in which case the Regional Association and/or relevant National
Association(s) will review and approve the final Acceptance Lists.
An eligible player may compete in the following Regional Championships: one Regional
Championships and one inter-Regional Championships in one calendar year within the same
region. A player who is a dual passport holder must be listed in the ITF database under the
nation he/she represents at the Regional Closed Championships.
The following regulations apply IN ADDITION to the main Regulations, and where there is any
conflict, these regulations shall take precedence over the wording in the main Regulations:
71. Invitations to Competitors
An invitation to take part may only be sent to a Nation whose National Association is a Class B
or Class C Member of the ITF. Under no circumstances may invitations be sent direct to players.
72. Selection of Competitors
Only teams nominated by those National Associations may compete.
73. Officials
The ITF Supervisor shall be of minimum White Badge Referee standard.
There shall be a Chair Umpire from the semifinals onwards. Chair Umpires may be provided
for earlier rounds at the discretion of the Host Organiser.
Line Umpires may be provided at the discretion of the Host Organiser.
For matches not requiring a Chair Umpire, a suitable number of off-court umpires must be
74. Other Regulations
In addition to the above, International Team Competition Regulations which are approved by
the International Committee concerned and by the ITF shall be followed. These regulations
shall be submitted to the ITF each year as soon as these are available.
For any matters not covered by those regulations, the regulations for J300-J30 tournaments
shall be observed.
The International Tennis Federation (ITF) promulgates this ITF Code of Conduct (Code) in order
to maintain fair and reasonable standards of conduct by junior players, Related Persons,
Tournament Participants (for the purposes of Article V-1) and the organisers of all tournaments,
regional championships and international team competitions included in the ITF World Tennis
Tour Juniors, and to protect their respective rights, the rights of the public and the integrity of
the Sport of Tennis. All references to the International Tennis Federation or the ITF shall mean
the ITF Limited.
This 2023 ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors Code of Conduct shall be the exclusive basis for
disciplinary action against any player, Related Person, Covered Person (for the purposes of
Article V-1) or tournament on the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors, except to the extent that
disciplinary jurisdiction is established in relation to such tournaments under (i) the Tennis Anti-
Doping Programme; (ii) the Tennis Anti-Corruption Program; and/or (iii) the ITF Welfare Policy.
For the purposes of this Code, 'Related Person' is defined as any coach, trainer, therapist,
physiotherapist, physician, management representative, agent, family member, tournament
guest, business associate or other affiliate or associate of any player, or any other person who
receives accreditation at an ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament at the request of the
player or any other Related Person.
For the purposes of Article V-1, ‘Covered Person’ means any player, Related Person (as defined
herein this Code), medical personnel (including, without limitation, tournament doctor,
physiotherapist, or health care provider), tournament personnel (including, without limitation,
official, tournament director, staff member, volunteer, ITF staff member, members of the
media) and any other individual who receives an ITF accreditation to attend an ITF World Tennis
Tour Juniors tournament.
The approved ITF Supervisor for each tournament shall be the final authority for the
interpretation of these Regulations, Code of Conduct and the Rules of Tennis as to all matters
arising that require immediate resolution at the tournament site.
This Article shall only apply to ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournaments.
1. Late Withdrawal/No-Show
A player who has entered and been accepted as a Direct Acceptance into the Main Draw or
Qualifying and not timely withdrawn therefrom, shall appear for play. Any withdrawal from a
player accepted into Main Draw or Qualifying that occurs after the Withdrawal Deadline shall
be considered a late withdrawal. A player’s first three (3) late withdrawal offences within a
calendar year are automatically excused* (“late withdrawal amnesty”), provided the
withdrawal is submitted online through the player’s IPIN account prior to the relevant Sign-in
(*an excused withdrawal is valid for two consecutive tournament weeks provided the
player withdraws, as above, and notifies the ITF about the second week’s late
withdrawal by the last day of the tournament).
A player who is on the Qualifying Acceptance List but who is still playing in another ITF World
Tennis Tour Juniors tournament at the time of the Qualifying Sign-In Deadline and who is not
eligible to apply, or has been unsuccessful in applying, for a Special Exempt place will not be
penalized for Late Withdrawal.
A player will have committed a No Show Offence if:
a) He/she is accepted into the Main Draw or Qualifying and fails to sign in by the relevant
Deadline; or
b) He/she is accepted into the Main Draw of a Grade A or Grade B1/1 tournament, or has
a wild card entry, and fails to arrive on-site for his/her first match in the tournament.
The ITF Supervisor may waive the No Show offence for a player who arrives on-site
after the scheduled commencement time for his/her first match, and penalize him/her
for the On-Site Offence of Punctuality instead.
A player that commits a No Show violation may not use an on-site medical certificate to appeal
a penalty.
In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of the tournament,
or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major
Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour”.
2. On-Site Medical Withdrawal
a) If a player is forced to withdraw on-site at a tournament for medical reasons, the ITF
Medical Certification form must be completed (in English, French or Spanish) by the
medically qualified physician on-site indicating the nature of the medical condition and
verifying that the player is unfit to continue playing in the current tournament. For the
purpose of this sub-paragraph (a), the player must withdraw before the start of his first
match and the ITF Medical Certification form must be completed and submitted to the
ITF no later than the last day of the tournament.
b) A player that has sustained a medical condition during the Tournament Week may
obtain a Medical Certificate from the Tournament Doctor/Sports Physiotherapist that
can be used to withdraw from the following week’s tournament without penalty. The
player must obtain the Medical Certificate within 24 hours of completing their final
match or of retiring from a match.
If the player wishes to use the Medical Certificate to withdraw from the following
week’s tournament then the player must inform the ITF and the following week’s ITF
Supervisor (if after the Freeze Deadline), no more than 48 hours after obtaining the
Medical Certificate or before the Qualifying Sign-in, whichever is earliest.
Players who complete their final match of the tournament after the Qualifying Sign-in
of the following week’s Tournament must obtain a Medical Certificate before leaving
the site and must inform the following week’s ITF Supervisor as soon as possible.
c) An ITF Medical Certification form obtained and submitted in accordance with sub-
paragraph (b) above will excuse a late withdrawal penalty for any subsequent
tournament until the player next competes in any tennis event, provided a withdrawal
for each tournament is submitted online through the player’s IPIN account prior to the
relevant sign-in deadline.
3. Playing Another Event/One Tournament per Week
a) No player who has entered and been committed to the Qualifying or Main Draw of a
Men’s, Women’s or Juniors ITF World Tennis Tour tournament shall play in any other
ITF World Tennis Tour tournament during the period of such tournament, except as
Participation by a player in an alternative tournament is permitted in the following
specific circumstances, provided the player first submits an official withdrawal for the
tournament he/she was originally committed to, prior to its Qualifying Sign-in Deadline:
i) Player is nominated after the Withdrawal Deadline to represent his/her country in
an official ITF or Regional Association team competition;
ii) Player is nominated to receive a Wild Card offering higher event status (i.e. moving
from a Qualifying event to a Main Draw);
iii) Player is nominated to receive a Wild Card into a tournament of a higher grade;
iv) Player is forced to withdraw from a Qualifying event because he/she is still
committed in a previous week’s tournament but is not eligible to apply, or has been
unsuccessful in applying, for a special exempt place.
v) A player accepted into Qualifying or Main Draw of a Men’s or Women’s ITF World
Tennis Tour Tournament is nominated to receive a Wild Card into the Main Draw
or Qualifying of a Juniors ITF World Tennis Tour (Junior Grand Slam, J500, J300)
A player accepted into Qualifying or Main Draw of an ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors
Tournament is nominated to receive a Wild Card into the Main Draw or Qualifying
of a Men’s or Women’s ITF World Tennis Tour Tournament, or of a Professional
(ATP or WTA) Tournament.
b) No player who has played in the Qualifying or Main Draw of an ITF World Tennis Tour
Juniors tournament shall play in any other tennis event, including national and regional
tournaments, during the period of such tournament, except in the following
i) A player may represent his/her country in an ITF Team Competition
in the same week as he/she has competed in an ITF World Tennis
Tour Juniors tournament, provided the player has already lost in
the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament.
ii) A player eliminated from all events (Singles and Doubles) at the ITF
World Tennis Tour Juniors Tournament is permitted to play in
another national or regional tournament in the same tournament
week provided written approval, via the player release form, is
obtained by the ITF Supervisor.
iii) A player eliminated from all events (Singles and Doubles) at the ITF
World Tennis Tour Juniors Tournament is permitted to receive a
wild card and play in an ITF World Tennis Tour Tournament in the
same tournament week.
iv) A player eliminated from all events (Singles and Doubles) at an ITF
World Tennis Tour Men’s or Women’s Tournament is permitted to
receive a wild card and play in an ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors
Tournament in the same tournament week.
v) A player may play in the doubles event at a professional Grand Slam
tournament and the singles event only of an ITF World Tennis Tour
Juniors tournament provided they are in compliance with
Regulation 42a).
c) Any player who is found to have breached the requirements of these Regulations
regarding playing another event (see Regulations 39iv), 41 and 42, and Appendix D,
Article II, B.3.) will not receive ranking points for the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors
tournament, unless as outlined in Article II. B. 3a and 3b.
No player or Related Person, directly or indirectly, shall offer, give, solicit, receive or accept, or
agree to offer, give, solicit, receive or accept anything of value in exchange for a Wild Card.
Violation of this section by a player or Related Person shall be dealt with in accordance with
the disciplinary procedure at Article E below and may result in a maximum penalty of
permanent denial of access to any ITF tournament, event or circuit, ITF Junior Team
Competitions and Regional Junior Tour tournaments organized by any Regional Association.
In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of an ITF World
Tennis Tour Juniors tournament, or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this section
shall also constitute the Major Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour”.
Should a player submit documentation that the ITF deems to be false evidence, including but
not limited to documents pertaining to tournament entry and withdrawal and Code of Conduct
appeals, the player shall be subject to disciplinary procedures in accordance with Article E
In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of the tournament,
or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this section shall also constitute the Major
Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour”.
The ITF or ITF Supervisor shall make such investigation as is reasonable to determine the facts
regarding all entry offences and upon determining that a violation has occurred shall specify
the punishment therefore and where possible notify the player.
Any player found to have committed an Entry Offence may appeal to the ITF Internal
Adjudication Panel, which shall determine the matter in accordance with its Procedural Rules
(save that there shall be no right of appeal against the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel's
decision). The appeal shall be made in writing and must be filed with the ITF by 5.00pm GMT
within fourteen (14) days from the date the player is notified of the violation (the “Notice of
Appeal”). The Notice of Appeal must include a statement by the player as to the facts and
circumstances of the incident along with any other evidence the player wishes to submit.
Please note that appeals made more than fourteen (14) days following the notification to a
player of an Entry Offence will not be accepted.
The use of an amnesty may not be appealed.
Every player and Related Person, shall, during all matches and at all times while within the
precincts of the site of an ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament, conduct himself/herself
in a professional manner. The provisions below shall apply while within the precincts of each
such site, and references to the site shall include tournament hotels, transport, all tournament
facilities and locations of tournament functions or activities.
Matches shall follow each other without delay in accordance with the announced order of play.
The order of play shall be posted in a highly visible place in a general players’ area as designated
by the ITF Supervisor.
Matches shall be called in accordance with the order of play using all available and reasonable
means. Players shall be ready to play when their matches are called.
Any player not ready to play within fifteen (15) minutes after his/her match is called shall be
defaulted unless the ITF Supervisor in his sole discretion, after consideration of all relevant
circumstances, elects not to declare a default.
The player may also be subject to the additional penalties set out in Article III V P.
This section applies only to those players who are or have been on-site during the
Tournament Week.
Every player shall dress and present himself/herself for play in a professional manner. Clean
and customarily acceptable tennis attire shall be worn.
Any player who violates this Section may be ordered by the Chair Umpire or ITF Supervisor to
change his/her attire or equipment immediately. Failure of a player to comply with such order
may result in an immediate default.
1. Unacceptable Attire
Sweatshirts, gym shorts, dress shirts, T-shirts or any other inappropriate attire shall not be worn
during a match (including the warm-up).
a. Shoes
Players are required to wear tennis shoes generally accepted as proper tennis attire. Shoes
shall not cause damage to the court other than what is expected during the normal course of a
match or practice. Damage to a court may be considered as physical or visible, which may
include a shoe that leaves mark beyond what is considered acceptable. The ITF Supervisor has
the authority to determine that a shoe does not meet these criteria and may order the player
to change.
i. Grass Court Shoes
At tournaments played on grass court, no shoes other than those with rubber
soles, without heels, ribs, studs or coverings, shall be worn by players. Shoes
with pimples or studs around the outside of the toes shall not be permitted. The
foxing around the toes must be smooth.
The ITF Supervisor has the authority to determine that a tennis shoe’s sole does
not conform to such customs and standards and can prohibit its use at ITF World
Tennis Tour Juniors events played on grass courts.
ii. Clay Court Shoes
Players are required to wear tennis shoes generally accepted for play on clay
courts or granular surfaces. The ITF Supervisor has the authority to determine
that a tennis shoe’s sole does not conform to such customs and standards and
can prohibit its use at ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors events played on clay courts.
Grass court shoes shall not be worn during a match on clay courts.
2. Identification
No identification shall be permitted on a player’s clothing, products or equipment on court
before, during or after a match or at any press conference or tournament ceremony, except as
a. Boys ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors
1. Shirt, Sweater or Jacket
i. Sleeves. Two (2) positions for commercial (i.e. non-manufacturer’s) or
manufacturer’s identification for each sleeve shall be permitted, neither of
which exceeds six (6) square inches (39 Maximum of two (2)
identifications may be placed within each six (6) square inch position.
Identifications may contain writing.
ii. Sleeveless. Two (2) positions for the manufacturer’s or commercial (i.e. non-
manufacturer's) identification for the front or collar of the shirt shall be
permitted, neither of which exceeds six (6) square inches (39 If no
more than one (1) identification is placed on the front or collar of the shirt,
then one (1) manufacturer identification may be placed on the back of the
shirt, not to exceed four (4) square inches (26 sq. cm). Identifications may
contain writing.
iii. Front, Back and Collar. Two (2) manufacturers or commercial identifications,
neither of which exceeds six (6) square inches (39 may be placed in any
location on the front or on the collar. Alternatively, one (1) manufacturers or
commercial identification which may not exceed six (6) square inches (39 may be placed on the front or collar and then an additional
manufacturer’s identification, not to exceed four (4) square inches (26,
may be placed on the back. Identifications may contain writing.
iv. Other. Identification of the clothing manufacturer, without the name of the
manufacturer or any other writing, may be placed once or repeatedly within
an area not to exceed twelve (12) square inches (77.5 in one of the
following positions:
a. On each of the shirt sleeves (if a manufacturer’s identification is not on the
sleeves pursuant to the section i. above); or
b. On the outer seams (sides of torso) of the shirt.
2. Shorts
Two (2) manufacturer’s identifications, neither of which exceeds two (2)
square inches (13, may be placed on the front or back of the shorts; or
two (2) manufacturer’s identifications neither of which exceeds four (4)
square inches (26, may be placed as follows: one (1) identification on
the front and one (1) identification on the back of the shorts. Identifications
may contain writing.
On compression shorts and/or compression sleeves, two (2) manufacturer’s
identifications not to exceed two (2) square inches (13 or one (1)
manufacturer’s identification not to exceed four (4) square inches (26
are permitted in any location. These shall be in addition to the manufacturer’s
identifications permitted on shorts.
3. Socks/Shoes
Manufacturer’s identifications on each sock and on each shoe shall be
4. Racquet
Manufacturer’s identifications on racquet and strings shall be permitted.
5. Hat, Headband, Wristband and Face Covering
One (1) manufacturer’s identification and/or one (1) commercial
identification, neither of which exceeds four (4) square inches (26, shall
be permitted on hats and headbands. The commercial identification must be
located on the side of the garment and worn so that it is positioned on the
side of the head.
One (1) manufacturer’s identification not to exceed four (4) square inches (26 will be permitted on wristbands or face covering.
6. Bags, Towels, Other Equipment or Paraphernalia
Tennis Equipment Manufacturer’s identifications shall be permitted on each
item plus two (2) separate commercial identifications on one (1) bag, neither
of which exceeds six (6) square inches (
b. Girls ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors
1. Shirt, Sweater or Jacket
i. Sleeves. One (1) commercial (non-manufacturer’s) identification for
each sleeve shall be permitted, neither of which exceeds four (4) square
inches (26, plus one (1) manufacturer’s identification on each
sleeve, neither of which exceeds four (4) square inches (26
Identifications may contain writing.
ii. Sleeveless. The two (2) commercial (non-manufacturer’s) identifications
permitted on the sleeves above may be placed on the front of the
garment. Identifications may contain writing.
iii. Front, Back and Collar. Total of two (2) manufacturer’s identifications,
neither of which exceeds two (2) square inches (13 or one (1)
manufacturer’s identification, which does not exceed four (4) square
inches (26, may be placed in any of these three locations.
Identifications may contain writing. These shall be in addition to the
positions permitted for either a sleeved or sleeveless shirt, sweater or
iv. Other. Identification of the clothing manufacturer, without the name of
the manufacturer or any other writing, may be placed once or repeatedly
within an area not to exceed twelve (12) square inches (77.5 in
one of the following positions:
c. On each of the shirt sleeves (if a manufacturer’s identification is
not on the sleeves pursuant to the section i. above); or
d. On the outer seams (sides of torso) of the shirt
2. Shorts / Skirts/ Compression Shorts / Leggings
On short and skirts, two (2) manufacturer’s identifications shall be permitted,
neither of which exceeds two (2) square inches (13, or alternatively
one (1) manufacturer’s identification which does not exceed four (4) square
inches (26
On leggings or mid-thigh compression shorts, worn with a skirt or shorts, one
(1) manufacturer’s identification shall be permitted, not to exceed two (2)
square inches (13 and which shall be in addition to the manufacturer’s
identifications on shorts/skirts.
On leggings or mid-thigh compression shorts, worn without a skirt or shorts,
up to two (2) manufacturer’s identifications shall be permitted, neither of
which exceeds two (2) square inches (13, or alternatively one (1)
manufacturer’s identification which does not exceed four (4) square inches
Identifications may contain writing.
Note: A dress for the purposes of permissible identification shall be treated
as a combination of a skirt and a shirt (dividing dress at waist).
3. Socks / Shoes
Manufacturer’s identifications on each sock and on each shoe shall be
permitted. The identifications on the sock(s) on each foot shall be limited to
a maximum of two (2) square inches (13 Identifications may contain
4. Racquet
Manufacturer’s identifications on racquet and strings shall be permitted.
5. Hat, Headband, Wristband and Face Covering
One (1) manufacturer’s identification not to exceed three (3) square inches
(19.5 shall be permitted on wristbands or face covering.
For hats and headbands, one (1) manufacturer’s identification is permitted
on the front and one (1) commercial (non-manufacturer’s) identification on
the side, neither of which to exceed three (3) square inches (19.5
Identifications may contain writing.
6. Bags, Other Equipment or Paraphernalia
Tennis Equipment Manufacturer’s identifications on each item plus two (2)
separate commercial identifications on one (1) bag, neither of which exceeds
four (4) square inches (26 shall be permitted.
c. Another Tennis, Sport or Entertainment Event
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Regulations, the identification
by use of the name, emblem, logo, trademark, symbol or other description of any
tennis circuit, series of tennis events, tennis exhibition, tennis tournament, any
other sport or entertainment event other than the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors is
prohibited on all dress or equipment, unless otherwise approved by the ITF.
d. General
All identifications should be firmly attached at all points on the clothing or
No identification shall be permitted on player's clothing or equipment that
promotes/displays betting companies, tobacco or e-cigarette products, alcohol
products, political activity or other category deemed to be detrimental to the
sport of tennis, the ITF or the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors.
No identification shall be permitted that violates any applicable governmental
regulation with respect to television even if it would otherwise be permitted by
the above.
For the purposes of this rule, the manufacturer means the manufacturer of the
item of clothing or equipment.
Tennis Equipment Manufacturer. The tennis equipment manufacturer is the entity
that distributes, or offers for sale, tennis racquets, clothing, strings, or shoes.
Clothing Manufacturer- Clothing manufacturer is the corporate or product
identification, trademarks (regardless of registration status) or other recognizable
names presented in the form of a logo or mark on the clothing product in
Commercial Identification. Corporate or product identification other than the
manufacturer of the item, including social media usernames, hashtags, and URLs.
In addition, the size limitation shall be ascertained by determining the area of the
actual patch or other addition to a player’s clothing without regard to the colour
of the same. In determining area, depending on the shape of the patch or other
addition, a circle, triangle or rectangle shall be drawn around the same and the
size of the patch for the purpose of this Rule shall be the area within the
circumference of the circle or the perimeter of the triangle or rectangle as the
case may be.
3. Warm-up Clothing
Players may wear warm-up clothing during the warm-up and during a match provided it
complies with the foregoing provisions and provided further that the players obtain approval
of the ITF Supervisor prior to wearing warm-up clothing during a match.
4. Taping
No taping over of logos/patches shall be allowed.
A maximum of sixty (60) seconds shall elapse from when the last player arrives to his seat on
court until the players are ready for the pre-match meeting with the Chair Umpire. This will be
followed immediately by the warm-up period of five (5) minutes. At the end of the warm-up
period the players have sixty (60) seconds to be ready to start the match.
Following the expiration of the warm-up period play shall be continuous and a player shall not
unreasonably delay a match for any cause.
A maximum of twenty-five (25) seconds shall elapse from the moment the ball goes out of play
at the end of the point until the time the ball is struck for the first serve of the next point. If
such serve is a fault then the second serve must be struck by the server without delay.
When changing ends a maximum of ninety (90) seconds shall elapse from the moment the ball
goes out of play at the end of the game until the time the first serve is struck for the next game.
If such first serve is a fault the second serve must be struck by the server without delay.
However, after the first game of each set and during a tie-break, play shall be continuous and
the players shall change ends without a rest period.
At the conclusion of each set, regardless of the score, there shall be a set break of one hundred
and twenty (120) seconds from the moment the ball goes out of play at the end of the set until
the time the first serve is struck for the next set.
If a set ends after an even number of games, there shall be no change of ends until after the
first game of the next set.
The receiver shall play to the reasonable pace of the server and shall be ready to receive within
a reasonable time of the server being ready. A Time Violation may be issued prior to the
expiration of twenty-five (25) seconds if the receiver’s actions are delaying the reasonable pace
of the server.
The first violation of this Section, as either server or receiver, shall be penalised by a Time
Violation - Warning and each subsequent violation, as either server or receiver, shall be
penalised as follows:
Server The Time Violation shall result in a “fault
Receiver The Time Violation shall result in a “point penalty”
In each case, the Chair Umpire/Supervisor may determine that an extension of time is
necessary and/or decide not to impose any penalty.
When a violation is a result of a medical condition, refusal to play or not returning to the court
within the allowed time a Code Violation (Delay of Game) penalty shall be assessed in
accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule.
Players shall not use audible obscenity within the precinct of the tournament site. If such
violation occurs during a match (including the warm-up), the player shall be penalised in
accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule below. In circumstances that are flagrant and
particularly injurious to the success of a tournament, or are singularly egregious, a single
violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour” and
shall be subject to the additional penalties below.
For the purposes of this Rule, audible obscenity is defined as the use of words commonly known
and understood to be profane and uttered clearly and loudly enough to be heard by Court
Officials or spectators.
Players shall not make obscene gestures of any kind within the precincts of the tournament
site. If such violation occurs during a match (including the warm-up), the player shall be
penalised in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule below. In circumstances that are
flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a tournament, or are singularly egregious,
a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major Offence of “Aggravated
Behaviour” and shall be subject to the additional penalties below.
For the purposes of this Rule, visible obscenity is defined as the making of signs by a player with
his/her hands and/or racquet or balls that commonly have an obscene meaning.
Players shall not at any time verbally abuse any official, opponent, spectator or other person
within the precincts of the tournament site. If such violation occurs during a match (including
the warm-up), the player shall be penalised in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule
below. In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a
tournament, or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute
the Major Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour” and shall be subject to the additional penalties
For the purposes of this Rule, verbal abuse is defined as a statement about an official,
opponent, sponsor, spectator or other person that implies dishonesty or is derogatory,
insulting or otherwise abusive.
Players shall not at any time physically abuse any official, opponent, spectator or other person
within the precincts of the tournament site. If such violation occurs during a match (including
the warm-up), the player shall be penalised in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule
below. In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a
tournament, or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute
the Major Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour” and shall be subject to the additional penalties
For the purposes of this Rule, physical abuse is the unauthorised touching of a Court Official,
opponent, spectator or other person.
Players shall not violently, dangerously or with anger hit, kick or throw a tennis ball within the
precincts of the tournament site except in the reasonable pursuit of a point during a match
(including warm-up). If such violation occurs during a match (including the warm-up) the player
shall be penalised in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule below. In circumstances that
are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a tournament, or are singularly
egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major Offence of
“Aggravated Behaviour” and shall be subject to the additional penalties below.
For the purposes of this Rule, abuse of balls is defined as intentionally or recklessly hitting a
ball out of the enclosure of the court, hitting a ball dangerously or recklessly within the court
or hitting a ball with negligent disregard of the consequences.
Players shall not violently or with anger hit, kick or throw a racquet or other equipment within
the precincts of the tournament site. If such violation occurs during a match (including the
warm-up), the player shall be penalised in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule below.
In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a tournament, or
are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major Offence
of “Aggravated Behaviour” and shall be subject to the additional penalties below.
For the purposes of this Rule, abuse of racquets or equipment is defined as intentionally and
violently destroying or damaging racquets or equipment or intentionally and violently hitting
the net, court, umpire’s chair or other fixture during a match out of anger or frustration.
Players shall not receive coaching during a match (including the warm-up). Communications of
any kind, audible or visible, between a player and a coach (includes representative or relative
of player) may be construed as coaching. Players shall also prohibit their coaches (1) from using
audible obscenity within the precincts of the tournament site, (2) from making obscene
gestures of any kind within the precincts of the tournament site, (3) from verbally abusing any
official, opponent, spectator or other person within the precincts of the tournament site, (4)
from physically abusing any official, opponent, spectator or other person within the precincts
of the tournament site and (5) from giving, making, issuing, authorising or endorsing any public
statement within the precincts of the tournament site having, or designed to have, an effect
prejudicial or detrimental to the best interests of the tournament and/or of the officiating
If such violation occurs during a match (including the warm-up), the player shall be penalised
in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule below. In circumstances that are flagrant and
particularly injurious to the success of a tournament, or are singularly egregious a single
violation of this section shall also constitute the Major Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour” and
shall be subject to the additional penalties below therefore and the ITF Supervisor may order
the Coach to be removed from the site of a match or the precincts of the tournament site and
may declare an immediate default of such player.
For the purposes of this Rule, a “coach” shall also include any representative and/or relative of
a player.
Players shall at all times conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner and give due regard to
the authority of officials and the rights of opponents, spectators and others. If such violation
occurs during a match (including the warm-up), the player shall be penalised in accordance with
the Point Penalty Schedule below. In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious
to the success of a tournament, or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section
shall also constitute the Major Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour” and shall be subject to the
additional penalties below.
For the purposes of this Rule, Unsportsmanlike Conduct is defined as any misconduct by a
player that is clearly abusive or detrimental to the Competition, the ITF or the sport of tennis.
In addition, unsportsmanlike conduct shall include, but not be limited to, the giving, making,
issuing, authorising or endorsing any public statement having, or designed to have, an effect
prejudicial or detrimental to the best interests of the tournament and/or the officiating thereof.
A player shall use his best efforts to win a match when competing in an ITF World Tennis Tour
Juniors tournament.
For purposes of this Rule, the ITF Supervisor and/or Chair Umpire shall have the authority to
penalise a player in accordance with the Point Penalty Schedule. In circumstances that are
flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of the tournament, or are singularly egregious,
a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major Offence of Aggravated
Behaviour” and shall be subject to the additional penalties below.
A player shall not leave the court area during a match (including the warm-up) without the
permission of the Chair Umpire or ITF Supervisor. A player who violates this section may be
defaulted by the ITF Supervisor and subjected to the additional penalties for “Failure to
complete a match” as hereafter set forth.
A player must complete a match in progress unless he is reasonably unable to do so. A player
who violates this section may be defaulted forthwith by the ITF Supervisor.
If a doubles team fails to complete a match in progress, the ITF Supervisor shall have discretion
over whether one or both of the team members will be sanctioned under this Section.
In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of the tournament,
or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major
Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour”.
Any player that leaves a tournament prior to his/her elimination from all entered events, or
retires from a tournament for medical reasons, without a valid medical certificate (from the
tournament doctor), will forfeit all ranking points won in all events at that tournament and be
subject to the penalties set forth in X. Suspension Points.
If a doubles team fails to complete the tournament, the ITF Supervisor shall have discretion
over whether one or both of the team members will be sanctioned under this Section.
In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of the tournament,
or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major
Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour”.
A player participating in the finals of an ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament event must
attend and participate in the final ceremonies after the match unless he is reasonably unable
to do so.
In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of the tournament,
or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major
Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour”.
Unless injured and physically unable to appear, a player or team must attend the post-match
media conference(s) organised immediately or within thirty (30) minutes after the conclusion
of each match whether the player or team was the winner or loser, unless such time is extended
or otherwise modified by the ITF Supervisor for good cause.
In circumstances that are flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of the tournament,
or are singularly egregious, a single violation of this Section shall also constitute the Major
Offence of “Aggravated Behaviour”.
The Point Penalty Schedule to be used for violations set forth above is as follows:
However, after the third Code Violation, the ITF Supervisor shall determine whether each
subsequent offence shall constitute a default.
The imposition of a penalty under the Point Penalty Schedule shall be final and unappealable.
The ITF Supervisor may declare a default for either a single violation of this Code (Immediate
Default) or pursuant to the Point Penalty Schedule set out above.
In all cases of default, the decision of the ITF Supervisor shall be final and unappealable.
Subject to the exceptions specified below, any player who is defaulted shall be subject to the
following additional penalties:
a. Loss of all points earned for that event at that tournament, and
b. At the ITF Supervisor’s discretion, default from all other events, if any, in that tournament
The exceptions to the additional penalties set out above are:
a. The Player or team was defaulted for a violation of the Punctuality or Dress and
Equipment provisions set forth in Article III. B and C, or
b. The Player or team was defaulted as a result of a medical condition, or
c. The Player’s doubles partner committed the Code Violation which caused the default.
Default of a player from the remainder of the tournament or competition may include at the
ITF Supervisor’s discretion the removal of accreditation and denial of access to the site. A
default as a result of a violation by a Team Member / person other than a player may subject
that person to removal of accreditation, and at the ITF Supervisor’s discretion, denial of access
to the site.
Warnings/Point Penalties/Game Penalties/Defaults
Warnings, Point Penalties, Game Penalties and/or a Default if assessed for violation of the Code
shall be assessed against the team.
The ITF Supervisor shall make such investigation as is reasonable to determine the facts
regarding all On-Site Offences and upon determining that a violation has occurred shall specify
the punishment, other than under the Point Penalty Schedule, and give written notice thereof
to the player.
Any player found to have committed an On-Site Offence may appeal the determination of a
violation and/or the punishment imposed under Article III. V. Determination and Penalty (but
not any point penalties or defaults) to the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel, which shall
determine the matter in accordance with its Procedural Rules (save that there shall be no right
of appeal against the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel's decision). The appeal shall be made in
writing using the form prescribed by the ITF and must be filed with the ITF by 5.00pm GMT
within fourteen (14) days from the date the player is notified of the violation (the “Notice of
Appeal”). The Notice of Appeal must include a statement by the player as to the facts and
circumstances of the incident along with any other evidence the player wishes to submit.
Suspension points shall be recorded against a player for the following:
Suspension Points
a) Late withdrawal
13-7 days (14:00 GMT) before Monday of Main Draw week 1
7 days before the Monday of Main Draw week to Freeze Deadline 2
After Freeze Deadline 3
After Qualifying Sign-in Deadline 4
b) No Show/Failure to sign in at a tournament 6
c) For first warning given 1
d) For warning + point penalty 2
e) For warning + point penalty + first game penalty 3
f) For warning + point penalty + second game penalty 4
g) For any subsequent game penalty +1
h) Default after any of the above +1
i) Any Default for a single violation of the Code (Immediate Default) 6
j) Any Default for punctuality 4
k) Leaving the Tournament 5
The ITF Internal Adjudication Panel may reduce or waive the suspension points on appeal.
Any player receiving a total of ten (10) suspension points within one 52-week period shall be
suspended from competing in ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors Tournaments for a period of four
(4) weeks. At the Appeal Deadline, the suspended player will be automatically removed from
the entry list of any tournament entered that is due to commence during the period of
suspension, and prevented from entering any tournament due to commence during the period
of suspension. Once the period of suspension has been served, the ten (10) points will be
deducted from the player’s suspension points total. Should a player have more than ten (10)
suspension points when he/she commences his/her period of suspension, the balance of the
points will be carried over.
The suspension shall commence from a date to be specified by the ITF, which shall take into
account the time required to notify the player’s National Association and all other relevant
The ITF is responsible for notifying the National Associations and entry authorities of the ITF
World Tennis Tour Juniors tournaments of any suspension incurred by a player.
Supervisors of ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournaments shall be in breach of the regulations
governing these tournaments if they allow any player appearing on the suspension list sent to
them by the ITF to play. Such players will be red flagged in the Tournament Planner system.
All players should be aware of the Tennis Anti-Corruption Program and its provisions. This
can be found at
No player or Related Person at any ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors event shall engage in
“Aggravated Behaviour” which is defined as follows:
1. One or more incidents of behaviour designated in this Code as constituting “Aggravated
2. One incident of behaviour that is flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of an ITF
World Tennis Tour Juniors event, or is singularly egregious.
3. A series of two (2) or more violations of this Code within a twelve (12) month period which
singularly do not constitute “Aggravated Behaviour”, but when viewed together establish a
pattern of conduct that is collectively egregious and is detrimental or injurious to the ITF World
Tennis Tour Juniors.
Any player or Related Person who, directly or indirectly, offers or provides or receives any
money, benefit or consideration to or from any other covered person or third party in exchange
for access and/or accreditation to the tournament site shall be deemed to have engaged in
Aggravated Behaviour and be in violation of this section.
Any player who, directly or indirectly, receives money in exchange for his/her participation in
an ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament shall be in violation of this section.
Violation of this section by a player, directly or indirectly through a Related Person or others
shall subject the player to a maximum penalty of permanent suspension from play in any ITF
tournament, event or circuit, ITF Junior Team Competitions and Regional Junior Tour
tournaments organized by any Regional Association.
Violation of this Section shall subject a Related Person to a maximum penalty of permanent
denial of access to any ITF tournament, event or circuit, ITF Junior Team Competitions and
Regional Junior Tour tournaments organized by any Regional Association.
No player or Related Person shall engage in conduct contrary to the integrity of the Game of
Tennis. If a player or Related Person is convicted of a violation of a criminal or civil law of any
country, he/she may be deemed by virtue of such conviction to have engaged in conduct
contrary to the integrity of the Game of Tennis and the ITF Executive Director may provisionally
suspend such player from further participation in ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournaments
and ITF Junior Team Competitions pending a final determination in Section C. In addition, if a
player or Related Person has at any time behaved in a manner severely damaging to the
reputation of the sport, he/she may be deemed by virtue of such behaviour to have engaged
in conduct contrary to the integrity of the Game of Tennis and be in violation of this section.
Violation of this section by a player, directly or indirectly through a Related Person or others
shall subject the player to a maximum penalty of permanent suspension from play in any ITF
tournament, event or circuit.
Violation of this Section shall subject a Related Person to a maximum penalty of permanent
denial of access to any ITF tournament, event or circuit.
The ITF will investigate all facts concerning any alleged Major Offence. All Players and Related
Persons must cooperate fully with such investigations. The ITF may make a written demand to
a Player or Related Person (a "Demand") to furnish to the ITF any information that may
evidence or lead to the discovery of evidence of a Major Offence, including (without limitation)
requiring the Player or other Related Person to attend an interview and/or to provide a written
statement setting forth his/her knowledge of the relevant facts and circumstances. The Player
or Related Person must furnish such information within seven business days of the making of
such Demand, or within such other deadline as may be specified by the ITF.
Where, as the result of an investigation under this Article V.C, the ITF forms the view that a
Player or Related Person has a case to answer for commission of a Major Offence, the ITF shall
refer the matter to the Review Board.
Review Board
The ITF shall identify one or more individuals who are independent of the ITF and who have the
expertise required by the nature of the particular case to form the Review Board and to review
the evidence to determine whether there is a case to answer. The ITF shall send the entire
dossier of evidence to the Review Board member(s). Where necessary, the Review Board may
request that the ITF provide additional information for the Review Board's consideration. There
shall be no obligation for the Review Board to meet in person to deliberate. However, any
decision by the Review Board that the Player or other Person has a case to answer must be
Where the Review Board concludes that there is no case to answer, then the ITF shall notify
the Player or Related Person and any other party with a right of appeal, and (subject to the
rights of appeal) the matter shall not proceed any further.
When the Review Board determines that a Player or Related Person has a case to answer, the
ITF will send a written notice to the Player or Related Person (the "Notice of Charge"), with a
copy to the Chairman of the Independent Tribunal, setting out:
(a) the Major Offence(s) alleged to have been committed, a summary of the facts upon
which such allegations are based;
(b) the potential consequences applicable if it is determined that the alleged Major Offence
has been committed; and
(c) the Player or Related Person's entitlement to respond to the Notice of Charge in one of
the following ways:
(i) to admit the Major Offence(s) charged, and accede to the consequences
specified in the Notice of Charge;
(ii) to admit the Major Offence(s) charged, but to dispute and/or seek to mitigate
the consequences specified in the Notice of Charge, and to have the
Independent Tribunal determine the consequences at a hearing; or
(iii) to deny the Major Offence(s) charged, and to have the Independent Tribunal
determine the charge and (if the charge is upheld) any consequences, at a
(d) if the Player or Related Person wishes to exercise his/her right to a hearing before the
Independent Tribunal, he/she must submit a written request for such a hearing so that
it is received by the ITF as soon as possible, but in any event within 10 days of the Player
or Related Person's receipt of the Notice. The request must also state how the Player or
Related Person responds to the charge in the Notice and must explain (in summary
form) the basis for such response. In the event no such response is received by that
deadline, the Player or Related Person will be deemed to have admitted the Major
Offence(s) charged, and to have acceded to the consequences specified in the Notice of
In the event that the ITF withdraws the Notice of Charge, or the Player or Related Person admits
the Major Offence(s) charged and accedes to the consequences specified by the ITF (or is
deemed to have done so), a hearing before the Independent Tribunal shall not be required.
Instead the ITF shall promptly issue a decision confirming (as applicable) its withdrawal of the
Notice of Charge or the commission of the Major Offence(s) and the imposition of the specified
consequences, and shall send a copy of the decision to the Player or Related Person.
Provisional Suspension
At the time, afterwards, or (exceptionally) before, it issues a Notice of Charge, the ITF may
impose a Provisional Suspension on the Player or Related Person in question pending
determination of the charge(s), where it considers it necessary to protect the integrity and/or
reputation of the Competition, the ITF, and/or the sport of tennis.
Where a Provisional Suspension is imposed, the ITF shall notify the Player or Related Person of
his/her right:
(a) at his/her election, to make an application to the Chairman of the Independent
Tribunal convened to hear his/her case, either immediately or at any time prior to the
full hearing, for an order that the Provisional Suspension should not be imposed (or, if
the Provisional Suspension has been imposed, that it should be vacated). The Chairman
of the Independent Tribunal, sitting alone, will rule on the application as soon as
reasonably practicable; and
(b) to have the proceedings before the Independent Tribunal expedited so that the
hearing is held, and the charge against him/her is determined, as soon as possible,
consistent with the requirements of due process.
In circumstances where the ITF decides not to impose a Provisional Suspension, the Player or
Related Person shall be offered the opportunity to accept a voluntary Provisional Suspension
pending the resolution of the matter. If the Player or Related Person wishes to accept the offer
(and receive credit against any period of suspension that might be imposed), the Player or
Related Person must communicate his/her acceptance in writing to the ITF, in a form
acceptable to the ITF.
No admission shall be inferred, or other adverse inference drawn, from the decision of a Player
or Related Person (a) not to make an application to avoid (or to vacate) a Provisional
Suspension, or (b) to accept a voluntary Provisional Suspension.
A Player or Related Person may not, during the period of any Provisional Suspension, play,
coach or otherwise participate in any capacity in any tournament, event or circuit owned or
sanctioned by the ITF.
Any period of Provisional Suspension served by the Player or Related Person (whether imposed
or voluntarily accepted in writing, in a form acceptable to the ITF) shall be credited against any
period of suspension imposed by the Independent Tribunal, provided that the Player or Related
Person must have respected the terms of the Provisional Suspension in full. No credit against a
period of suspension shall be given for any time period before the effective date of the
Provisional Suspension (whether imposed or voluntarily accepted in writing, in a form
acceptable to the ITF), regardless of the Player's or Related Person's status or lack of
participation during such period. If a period of suspension is served pursuant to a decision that
is subsequently appealed, then the Player or Related Person shall receive a credit for such
period of Provisional Suspension served against any period of suspension that may ultimately
be imposed on appeal.
If the player or Related Person charged exercises his/her right to a hearing, the matter shall be
referred to the Independent Tribunal and shall be resolved in accordance with the Independent
Tribunal's Procedural Rules.
The ITF, the Player and/or the Related Person may appeal the Independent Tribunal’s decision
to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. The appeal proceedings shall be conducted in accordance
with the CAS Code of Sports-related Arbitration, in the English language, and shall be governed
by English Law.
A suspension imposed on a Player for a Major Offence shall take effect from the later of the
following, unless specified otherwise by the Independent Tribunal or the ITF when issuing the
a) the date of notification by the ITF or Independent Tribunal;
b) if the player is participating in a Tournament on the date of the notification, the day
after he/she finishes competing in that Tournament.
The revocation of accreditation or denial of access to all ITF tournaments, events or circuits
imposed on a Related Person shall take effect immediately upon notification.
Any breach by a player or Related Person of the terms of their sanction under this section V
shall be referred to the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel and dealt with pursuant to clause 5 of
the Procedural Rules governing an Internal Adjudication Panel convened under ITF Rules.
All Covered Persons shall comply with the ITF Return to International Tennis Protocols including
without limitation the Minimum Standard of Behaviour (the ‘Protocols’). Any failure to comply
with the Protocols shall amount to a violation of this Article V-1. Violation of this Article V-1
may result in the following sanctions:
(i) For a player: one or more point penalties in accordance with the Suspension Points
Schedule pursuant to Article III.X (Suspension Points) or an Immediate Default and six
(6) suspension points in accordance with Article III.T (Defaults). If such violation occurs
during a match (including the warm-up), the player shall be penalised in accordance
with the Point Penalty Schedule at Article III.S.
One violation of this Article V-1.A that is flagrant and particularly injurious to the success
of the tournament, or is singularly egregious, or a series of two (2) or more violations of
this Article V-1.A within a twelve (12) month period which when viewed together
establish a pattern of conduct that is collectively egregious and is detrimental or
injurious to the tournament may also constitute the Major Offence of “Aggravated
(ii) For a Related Person or any other Covered Person: immediate revocation of
accreditation and denial of access to the tournament. One or more violations which are
singularly or collectively flagrant or egregious or detrimental or injurious to the
tournament may also result in permanent revocation of accreditation and denial of
access to all ITF tournaments, competitions and events as determined by the ITF.
The ITF Supervisor shall make such investigation as is reasonable to determine the facts
regarding an alleged violation of Article V-1.A. Upon determining that a violation has occurred,
the ITF Supervisor shall specify the sanction(s) to be imposed and give written notice thereof
to the Covered Person. The ITF Supervisor shall not revoke a Covered Person’s entry and/or
access to an ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament without first consulting the ITF
Executive Director save where the immediate revocation of entry and/or access to a
tournament is, in the reasonable opinion of the ITF Supervisor, necessary to preserve the health
and safety of other Covered Persons.
Any Covered Person found to have committed an offence under Article V-1.A may appeal the
determination of a violation and/or the punishment imposed under section A. above (but not
any Immediate Default issued to a player) to the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel, which shall
determine the matter in accordance with its Procedural Rules (save that there shall be no right
of appeal against the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel's decision). The appeal shall be made in
writing, using the form prescribed by the ITF and must be filed with the ITF by 17:00 (5.00pm)
GMT within fourteen (14) days from the date the Covered Person is notified of the violation.
The Notice of Appeal must include a statement by the Covered Person as to the facts and
circumstances of the incident along with any other evidence the Covered Person wishes to
Any Player, Player Support Personnel or other Person who enters or participates in the ITF
World Tennis Tour Juniors shall be bound by and shall comply with all of the provisions of the
ITF Tennis Anti-Doping Programme 2023.
The ITF Tennis Anti-Doping Programme 2023 is set out in full on the ITF website
( and in a separate
rulebook that is published and distributed by the ITF to all National Associations. The ITF Tennis
Anti-Doping Programme 2023 is also available upon application.
This Article shall apply to each ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors Tournament and Applicant.
References in this Article to a “Tournament” shall hereafter mean an ITF World Tennis Tour
Juniors Tournament or applicant for such a tournament, and where applicable refers to the
legal entity (personal or corporate) that is administering, operating or otherwise organising the
ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors Tournament.
The owner(s), operator(s), sponsor(s) or agent(s) of a Tournament shall not offer, give or pay
money or anything of value, nor shall such a Tournament permit any other person or entity to
offer, give or pay money or anything of value to a player, directly or indirectly, to influence or
guarantee a player’s appearance at a Tournament. Violation of this Section shall subject the
Tournament to disqualification and loss of sanction. In the event the ITF Executive Director
believes that a Tournament may be violating this Section, then upon demand the Tournament
must furnish or cause to be furnished to the ITF Executive Director or his agent access to and
copies of all records to which it has access relating in any way to such alleged guarantee, or, in
the absence of such records, an affidavit setting forth the facts in detail with respect to any
transaction under question by the ITF Executive Director.
No Tournament, directly or indirectly, shall offer, give, solicit, receive or accept, or agree to
offer, give, solicit, receive or accept anything of value in exchange for a Wild Card. Violation of
this section shall subject the Tournament to a maximum fine of US$5,000, downgrade and/or
withdrawal of its sanction.
No Tournament, or any owner, promoter or operator thereof, shall engage in conduct contrary
to the integrity of the Sport. Violation of this section shall subject the Tournament to a
maximum fine of US$5,000, downgrade and/or withdrawal of its sanction.
No Tournament shall violate any provisions of these ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors Rules.
Violation of this Section shall subject the Tournament to a maximum fine of US$5,000,
downgrade, forfeiture of all sums, if any, previously paid to the ITF, and/or withdrawal of its
No Tournament shall cancel less than nine (9) weeks prior to the scheduled commencement of
the event.
Violation of this section shall subject the Tournament to a fine of up to $5,000, reimbursement
of unrecoverable expenses incurred, downgrade and/or withdrawal of its sanction.
A Tournament shall comply with the ITF Return to International Tennis Protocols including
without limitation the Minimum Standard of Behaviour (the ‘Protocols’). Any failure to comply
with the Protocols shall amount to a violation of this Article VII.G. Violation of this Article VII.G
shall subject the Tournament to a fine of up to $5,000, forfeiture of all sums, if any, previously
paid or due to the ITF, an order for reimbursement of unrecoverable expenses incurred by
Covered Persons, withdrawal of its sanction and/or denial of subsequent applications to host.
The ITF shall cause an investigation to be made of all facts concerning any alleged Tournament
Offence by a Tournament and shall provide written notice of such investigation to the
Tournament involved. The Tournament must cooperate fully with such investigations.
The ITF may make a written demand to a Tournament (a "Demand") to furnish to the ITF any
information that may evidence or lead to the discovery of evidence of a Tournament Offence,
including (without limitation) requiring the Tournament to attend an interview and/or to
provide a written statement setting forth its knowledge of the relevant facts and
circumstances. The Tournament must furnish such information within seven business days of
the making of such Demand, or within such other deadline as may be specified by the ITF.
Where, as the result of an investigation under this Article VII.G, the ITF forms the view that a
Tournament has a case to answer for commission of a Tournament Offence, the ITF shall refer
the matter to the Review Board.
Review Board
The ITF shall identify one or more individuals who are independent of the ITF and who have the
expertise required by the nature of the particular case to form the Review Board and to review
the evidence to determine whether there is a case to answer. The ITF shall send the entire
dossier of evidence to the Review Board member(s). Where necessary, the Review Board may
request that the ITF provide additional information for the Review Board's consideration. There
shall be no obligation for the Review Board to meet in person to deliberate. However, any
decision by the Review Board that the Tournament has a case to answer must be unanimous.
Where the Review Board concludes that there is no case to answer, then the ITF shall notify
the Tournament and any other party with a right of appeal, and (subject to the rights of appeal)
the matter shall not proceed any further.
When the Review Board determines that a Tournament has a case to answer, the ITF will send
a written notice to the Tournament (the “Notice of Charge”), with a copy to the Chairman of
the Independent Tribunal, setting out:
(a) the Tournament Offence(s) alleged to have been committed, a summary of the facts
upon which such allegations are based;
(b) the potential consequences applicable if it is determined that the alleged Tournament
Offence has been committed; and
(c) the Tournament’s entitlement to respond to the Notice of Charge in one of the
following ways:
(i) to admit the Tournament Offence(s) charged, and accede to the consequences
specified in the Notice of Charge;
(ii) to admit the Tournament Offence(s) charged, but to dispute and/or seek to
mitigate the consequences specified in the Notice of Charge, and to have the
Independent Tribunal determine the consequences at a hearing; or
(iii) to deny the Tournament Offence(s) charged, and to have the Independent
Tribunal determine the charge and (if the charge is upheld) any consequences,
at a hearing;
(d) if the Tournament wishes to exercise its right to a hearing before the Independent
Tribunal, it must submit a written request for such a hearing so that it is received by the ITF as
soon as possible, but in any event within 10 days of the Tournament's receipt of the Notice.
The request must also state how the Tournament responds to the charge in the Notice and
must explain (in summary form) the basis for such response. In the event no such response is
received by that deadline, the Tournament will be deemed to have admitted the Tournament
Offence(s) charged, and to have acceded to the consequences specified in the Notice of Charge.
In the event that the ITF withdraws the Notice of Charge, or the Tournament admits the
Tournament Offence(s) charged and accedes to the consequences specified by the ITF (or is
deemed to have done so), a hearing before the Independent Tribunal shall not be required.
Instead the ITF shall promptly issue a decision confirming (as applicable) its withdrawal of the
Notice of Charge or the commission of the Tournament Offence(s) and the imposition of the
specified consequences, and shall send a copy of the decision to the tournament.
If the tournament charged exercises its right to a hearing, the matter shall be referred to the
Independent Tribunal and shall be resolved in accordance with the Independent Tribunal's
Procedural Rules.
All fines levied for Tournament Offences shall be paid by the Tournament to the ITF within
thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice of the fine.
Any Tournament found to have committed a Tournament Offence may, after paying all fines as
above provided, appeal the decision of the Independent Tribunal to the Court of Arbitration for
Sport. The appeal proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the CAS Code of Sports-
related Arbitration, in the English language, and shall be governed by English Law.
Covered Persons (as defined in the ITF Welfare Policy) that attend and/or participate on the ITF
World Tennis Tour Juniors shall be bound by and shall comply with the provisions of the Welfare
Policy set out in Appendix F.
The ITF reserves the right to ask the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel to affirm, modify, extend
or reject, with respect to any or all ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournaments and ITF Junior
Team Competitions, a suspension or other sanction issued against a Covered Person (as defined
in the ITF Welfare Policy, Appendix F) either by or on behalf of the ITF pursuant to a conduct or
disciplinary process under any ITF code or policy or by any other tennis organisation (including
but not limited to the Women’s Tennis Association, Association of Tennis Professionals, the
Grand Slam Board, and each member national association) or other relevant authority.
The ITF shall have the right in its absolute discretion to share information concerning any
complaint against a Covered Person with and/or conduct an investigation in conjunction with
any other tennis organisation or any other relevant authorities. The ITF Internal Adjudication
Panel may also refer the complaint and/or any information received during the course of
investigating an allegation or prosecuting a charge to any authorities it considers appropriate
in its absolute discretion. The ITF shall have the absolute discretion, where it deems
appropriate, to stay its own investigation pending the outcome of investigations being
conducted by any other tennis organisations and/or any relevant authorities.
A decision by the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel to affirm, modify or reject a suspension or
other sanction issued against a Covered Person may be appealed by the Covered Person to the
Independent Tribunal, which shall determine the matter in accordance with its Procedural
Rules (save that there shall be no right of appeal against the Independent Tribunal’s decision).
A Player with unpaid fines of $500 or above owing to the ITF, having been afforded sufficient
time to pay the fine(s), shall not be considered in ‘Good Standing’ and shall be ineligible to play
in ITF Team Competitions until the fine(s) have been paid.
Any person or entity subject to this Code may file with the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel a
request for an interpretation or clarification of the Code and/or its applicability and effect on a
particular event or transaction.
All written communications to the ITF Senior Executive Director or Head of ITF World Tennis
Tour Juniors should be addressed as follows, unless notice of change is subsequently published:
ITF Senior Executive Director (ITF Tours & Player Pathway)
and/or Head of ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors (as applicable)
International Tennis Federation
Bank Lane
London SW15 5XZ
Tel: (44) 20 8878 6464 Fax: (44) 20 8392 4737
Notice that a player is being investigated pursuant to a possible Major Offence charge shall be
served personally upon him. Service of any other document required by the Code shall be
deemed complete if mailed to the subject player at his home address or other address
designated by the player, along with a copy to any player association of which he is a member
provided that the Manager of ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors has notice of such membership.
Service of any document on an ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors Tournament as required by this
Code shall be deemed complete if mailed to the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors Tournament
Director along with a copy to the relevant National Association.
This ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors Code of Conduct may only be amended, repealed or
otherwise modified, in whole or in part, by the ITF Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors may grant dispensation from, modify, waive or otherwise alter this ITF
World Tennis Tour Juniors Code of Conduct or its application in extraordinary circumstances.
A. Medical Condition
A medical condition is a medical illness or a musculoskeletal injury that warrants
medical evaluation and/or medical treatment by the Sports Physiotherapist (as defined
in the ITF Guide to Recommended Health Care Standards) during the warm-up or the
Treatable Medical Conditions
o Acute medical condition: the sudden development of a medical
illness or musculoskeletal injury during the warm-up or the match
that requires immediate medical attention.
o Non-acute medical condition: a medical illness or musculoskeletal
injury that develops or is aggravated during the warm-up or the
match and requires medical attention at the changeover or set break.
Non-Treatable Medical Conditions
o Any medical condition that cannot be treated appropriately, or that
will not be improved by available medical treatment within the time
o Any medical condition (inclusive of symptoms) that has not
developed or has not been aggravated during the warm-up or the
o General player fatigue.
o Any medical condition requiring injections or intravenous infusions,
except for diabetes, for which prior medical certification has been
obtained, and for which subcutaneous injections of insulin may be
o Any medical condition requiring oxygen, unless prior medical
approval has been given by the ITF. Except as permitted by this
provision, the use of supplemental oxygen is not permitted at any
time, for any reason.
B. Medical Evaluation
During the warm-up or the match, the player may request through the Chair Umpire for
the Sports Physiotherapist, in conjunction with the Tournament Doctor, to evaluate
him/her during the next change over or set break. Only in the case that a player
develops an acute medical condition that necessitates an immediate stop in play may
the player request through the Chair Umpire for the Sports Physiotherapist to evaluate
him/her immediately.
The purpose of the medical evaluation is to determine if the player has developed a
treatable medical condition and, if so, to determine when medical treatment is
warranted. Such evaluation should be performed within a reasonable length of time,
balancing player safety on the one hand, and continuous play on the other. At the
discretion of the Sports Physiotherapist, such evaluation may be performed in
conjunction with the Tournament Doctor, and may be performed off-court.
If the Sports Physiotherapist determines that the player has a non-treatable medical
condition, then the player will be advised that no medical treatment will be allowed.
C. Medical Time-Out
A Medical Time-Out is allowed by the ITF Supervisor or Chair Umpire when the Sports
Physiotherapist has evaluated the player and has determined that additional time for
medical treatment is required. The Medical Time-Out takes place during a change over
or set break, unless the Sports Physiotherapist determines that the player has
developed an acute medical condition that requires immediate medical treatment.
The Medical Time-Out begins when the Sports Physiotherapist is ready to start
treatment. At the discretion of the Physiotherapist/Sports Physiotherapist, treatment
during a Medical Time-Out may take place off-court, and may proceed in conjunction
with the Tournament Doctor.
The Medical Time-Out is limited to three (3) minutes of treatment. However, at non-
professional events, the ITF Supervisor may extend the time allowed for treatment if
A player is allowed one (1) Medical Time-Out for each distinct treatable medical
condition. All clinical manifestations of heat illness shall be considered as one (1)
treatable medical condition. All treatable musculoskeletal injuries that manifest as part
of a kinetic chain continuum shall be considered as one (1) treatable medical condition.
Muscle Cramping: A player may receive treatment for muscle cramping only during the
time allotted for change of ends and/or set breaks. Players may not receive a Medical
Time-Out for muscle cramping.
In cases where there is doubt about whether the player suffers from an acute medical
condition, non-acute medical condition inclusive of muscle cramping, or non-treatable
medical condition, the decision of the Physiotherapist/Sports Physiotherapist, in
conjunction with the Tournament Doctor, if appropriate, is final. If the Sports
Physiotherapist believes that the player has heat illness, and if muscle cramping is one
of the manifestations of heat illness, then the muscle cramping may only be treated as
part of the recommended treatment by the Sports Physiotherapist for the heat illness
A player who has stopped play by claiming an acute medical condition, but is
determined by the Sports Physiotherapist and/or Tournament Doctor to have muscle
cramping, shall be ordered by the Chair Umpire to resume play immediately.
If the player cannot continue playing due to severe muscle cramping, as determined by
the Sports Physiotherapist and/or Tournament Doctor, he/she may forfeit the
point(s)/game(s) needed to get to a change of ends or set-break in order to receive
treatment. There may be a total of two (2) full change of ends or set-break treatments
for muscle cramping in a match, not necessarily consecutive.
If it is determined by the Chair Umpire or ITF Supervisor that gamesmanship was
involved, then a Code Violation for Unsportsmanlike Conduct could be issued.
A total of two (2) consecutive Medical Time-Outs may be allowed by the ITF Supervisor
for the special circumstance in which the Sports Physiotherapist determines that the
player has developed at least two (2) distinct acute and treatable medical conditions.
This may include: a medical illness in conjunction with a musculoskeletal injury; two or
more acute and distinct musculoskeletal injuries. In such cases, the Sports
Physiotherapist will perform a medical evaluation for the two or more treatable medical
conditions during a single evaluation, and may then determine that two consecutive
Medical Time-Outs are required.
D. Medical Treatment
A player may receive on-court medical treatment and/or supplies from the Sports
Physiotherapist and/or Tournament Doctor during any changeover or set break. As a
guideline, such medical treatment should be limited to two (2) changeovers/set breaks
for each treatable medical condition, before or after a Medical Time-Out, and need not
be consecutive. Players may not receive medical treatment for non-treatable medical
E. Penalty
After completion of a Medical Time-Out or medical treatment, any delay in resumption
of play shall be penalised by Code Violations for Delay of Game.
Any player abuse of this Medical Rule will be subject to penalty in accordance with the
Unsportsmanlike Conduct section of the Code of Conduct.
F. Bleeding
If a player is bleeding, the Chair Umpire must stop play as soon as possible, and the
Sports Physiotherapist should be called to the court by the Chair Umpire for evaluation
and treatment. The Physiotherapist/Sports Physiotherapist, in conjunction with the
Tournament Doctor, will evaluate the source of the bleeding, and will request a Medical
Time-Out for treatment if necessary.
If requested by the Sports Physiotherapist and/or Tournament Doctor, the ITF
Supervisor may allow up to a total of five (5) minutes to assure control of the bleeding.
If blood has spilled onto the court or its immediate vicinity, play must not resume until
the blood spill has been cleaned appropriately.
G. Vomiting
If a player is vomiting, the Chair Umpire must stop play if vomiting has spilled onto the
court, or if the player requests medical evaluation. If the player requests medical
evaluation, then the Sports Physiotherapist should determine if the player has a
treatable medical condition, and if so, whether the medical condition is acute or non-
If vomiting has spilled onto the court, play must not resume until the vomit spill has
been cleaned appropriately.
H. Incapacity
If any concern arises about a player's medical condition (whether physical or
psychological) they are unable to compete, or they pose a serious health risk to players,
officials or tournament organisers or staff, the Sports Physiotherapist and/or
Tournament Doctor should be called to assist the player.
If the issue arises during a match, the Chair Umpire should immediately call for the
Tournament Doctor and/or Sports Physiotherapist to assist the player.
The Tournament Doctor is responsible for ensuring that the player is afforded the best
medical attention, that his/her well-being is not put at risk, and that his/her medical
condition is not a risk to other players or the public at large. All discussions between
the Tournament Doctor and the player take place within the context of a doctor-
patient relationship and are therefore confidential and may not be divulged to a third
party without the informed consent of the player. However, if the Tournament Doctor
determines that the player’s medical condition makes the player unable to participate
safely in the tournament, the player must permit the Tournament Doctor to advise the
ITF Supervisor of their determination (only disclosing medical information to which the
player has consented). Upon receipt of such report from the Tournament Doctor, the
ITF Supervisor will decide whether to retire the player from the match in progress or
withdraw the player from the match to be played (as applicable). The ITF Supervisor
shall use great discretion before taking this action, and should base the decision on
the best interests of professional tennis, as well as taking all medical opinion and
advice, and any other relevant information into consideration.
If the player’s medical condition improves sufficiently to return to match play, the
Tournament Doctor may inform the ITF Supervisor accordingly. At the discretion of the
ITF Supervisor, the player may subsequently compete in another event at the same
tournament, (e.g. doubles), either that day or on a subsequent day.
It is recognized that national laws or governmental or other binding Regulations
imposed upon the tournament by authorities outside its control may require more
compulsory participation by the Tournament Doctor in all decisions regarding diagnosis
and treatment.
a. Definitions
Extreme Heat Condition: Modification of Play
Extreme Heat Condition: Modification of Play criterion is defined as when the Web-Bulb Globe
Temperature (WBGT) on court meets or exceeds 30.1°C (86.2°F). If the WBGT cannot be
measured, then the Heat Index should be calculated using the chart below, and Extreme Heat
Condition: Modification of Play criterion is defined as when the Heat Index meets or exceeds
34.0°C (93.2°F).
Extreme Heat Condition: Suspension of Play
Extreme Heat Condition: Suspension of Play criterion is defined as when the WBGT on court
meets or exceeds 32.2°C (90.0°F). If the WBGT cannot be measured, then the Heat Index should
be calculated using the chart below, and Extreme Heat Condition: Suspension of Play criterion
is defined as when the Heat Index meets or exceeds 40.1°C (104.2°F).
Air temperature
Heat Index
(combined index of air temperature and relative humidity)
b. Measurement Procedure
The WBGT or Heat Index should be measured at least three (3) times daily by the ITF Supervisor
or his/her designee. Ideally, measurements should be taken every 2 hours, but a minimum
three (3) readings should be taken at the following times:
1. 30 minutes before match play begins;
2. Middle of the scheduled day’s play; and
3. Just prior to beginning the last match of the day, or just prior to the start of the first
evening session match.
The WBGT or Heat Index should also be measured under the following circumstances:
1. Following any suspension of play; and
2. At the discretion of the ITF Supervisor, in consultation with the Tournament Doctor
and/or Sports Physiotherapist.
Details on the measurement of WBGT and Heat Index are provided in the current edition of the
ITF Guide to Recommended Health Care Standards for Tennis Tournaments.
c. Extreme Heat Condition: Modification of Play
When the Extreme Heat Condition: Modification of Play criterion is met before the start or
resumption of a match, the procedures set out below in sub-section (d) should be followed. For
the avoidance of doubt, the ITF Supervisor has the discretion to apply the procedures set out
in sub-section (d) at a WBGT or Heat Index below the Extreme Heat Condition: Modification of
Play criterion, if in his or her opinion it is required in the safety and wellbeing of players,
officials, spectators or others.
If there is a change in weather conditions and the Extreme Heat Condition: Modification of Play
criterion is met while a match is in progress, as determined by the periodic monitoring set out
above in sub-section (b), the procedures set out below in sub-section (d) should be followed on
all courts, including matches already in progress. Once notified that the Extreme Weather
Condition: Modification of Play criterion is met, the Chair Umpire must inform the players at
the next change of ends or set break.
If there is a change in weather conditions and the Extreme Heat Condition: Modification of Play
criterion is no longer met, as determined by the periodic monitoring set out above in sub-
section (b), those matches already in progress should continue to follow the procedures set out
below in sub-section (d) until they are completed or suspended.
d. Modification of Play Procedures (Singles and Doubles)
A 10-minute break will be allowed between the second and third sets (in a best of 3 tie-break
sets match only) if one or more of the players requests such a break. If neither/none of the
players requests such a break, then play will continue.
However, if a match has already resumed following the suspension of play and one set was
completed before the suspension of play (in a best of 3 tie-break sets match), the 10-minute
break will no longer be available, unless otherwise decided by the ITF Supervisor.
The ITF Supervisor, in consultation with the Tournament Doctor/Sports Physiotherapist, may
choose to delay the starting time for matches until such a time as the Extreme Heat Condition:
Modification of Play criterion is no longer met.
i. During the 10-minute break:
a. No coaching is allowed.
b. A Medical Evaluation, Medical Time-Out or Medical Treatment is not
allowed, unless approved by the ITF Supervisor. This would normally be
restricted to requests for the Tournament Doctor/Sports Physiotherapist
that are made on-court to the Chair Umpire, or were already agreed before
the end of the second set (in a best of 3 sets match). However, a player is
allowed to receive an adjustment of medical support, medical equipment
and/or medical advice from the Tournament Doctor/Sports Physiotherapist
during the 10-minute break.
ii. Immediately following the 10-minute break:
a. Any delay in resumption of play will subject a player to Time Violations
(Warning, Point Penalties only apply).
b. No re-warm up is allowed.
c. A player is not allowed to receive a Medical Evaluation, Medical Time-Out or
Medical Treatment, unless approved by the ITF Supervisor.
iii. Consecutive Breaks
An Extreme Weather Condition: Modification of Play 10-minute break and a
Bathroom/Change of Attire break cannot be taken consecutively.
e. Extreme Heat Condition: Suspension of Play (Singles and Doubles)
When the Extreme Heat Condition: Suspension of Play criterion is met before the start or
resumption of a match, the start or resumption of play should be suspended until Extreme Heat
Condition: Suspension of Play criterion is no longer met. If a game is in progress when the
Extreme Heat Condition: Suspension of Play criterion is met, play should be suspended at the
end of that game. Once the Extreme Heat Condition: Suspension of Play criterion is no longer
met, the ITF Supervisor should give the players reasonable notice of the time at which play will
resume. For the avoidance of doubt, the ITF Supervisor has the discretion to suspend play at a
WBGT or Heat Index below the Extreme Heat Condition: Suspension of Play criterion, if in his
or her opinion it is required in the safety and wellbeing of players, officials, spectators or others.
f. Lightning
The ITF Supervisor or his/her designee is responsible for monitoring the local weather for
lightning. The ITF Supervisor has the authority to suspend play when a thunderstorm appears
imminent (for instance if lightning is sighted and thunder occurs in 30 seconds or less).
Everyone on-site should be advised to seek appropriate shelter immediately. Play should not
resume until the likelihood of a lightning strike has passed (as a guideline, at least 30 minutes
after the last lightning strike is seen and the last sound of thunder is heard). Additional
information on thunderstorms and lightning is provided in the ITF Guide to Recommended
Health Care Standards for Tennis Tournaments.
A player is allowed to request permission to leave the court for a reasonable time for a toilet
break / change of attire break (girlsmatches).
Toilet breaks / change of attire breaks must be taken on a set break.
In girls’ singles events, a player is entitled to one (1) break during a match. In boys’ singles
events, a player is entitled to one (1) toilet break.
In a doubles match, and in any singles matches played with a reduced format of two tiebreak
sets and a match tiebreak, a toilet break/change of attire break is not permitted before the
match tiebreak.
In a doubles match, each team is entitled to two (2) breaks. If partners leave the court
together, it counts as one (1) break. If only one player leaves the court, it also counts as one
(1) break.
These breaks may be taken for toilet visits, change of attire (girls’ matches), or both, but for
no other reason whatsoever.
Any time a player leaves the court for a toilet/change of attire break, it is considered one of the
authorised breaks regardless of whether or not the opponent has left the court. Any
toilet/change of attire break taken after a warm-up has started is considered one of the
authorised breaks. Toilet breaks taken not on a set break will be authorised, but will be
penalised in accordance with the point penalty schedule if the player is not ready to play within
the allowed time.
The ITF Supervisor shall have the authority to deny a player permission to leave the court during
a match for a toilet and/or change of attire break if it is interpreted by the ITF Supervisor as
gamesmanship and/or flagrant abuse of the Rules.
A player should not take a toilet/change of attire break and a medical time out consecutively
unless approved by the ITF Supervisor.
A player may change her attire during a toilet break.
Any player abuse of this rule will be subject to penalty in accordance with the Unsportsmanlike
Conduct section of the Code of Conduct.
A “Covered Person” is bound by all sections of this Welfare Policy, and is defined as any
person who:
Receives accreditation and/or otherwise competes, coaches, officiates, works at, or
otherwise participates in any tennis tournament, event or activity organised or
sanctioned by the ITF;
Holds a valid player registration to enter or compete in any ITF tennis tournament
Is a parent, legal guardian or chaperone of a Player;
Is a coach, trainer, manager, agent, team staff, official, medical, paramedical
personnel, therapist or any other Person supporting, working with, treating or
assisting any Player participating in or preparing to participate in a tennis tournament,
event or activity organised or sanctioned by the ITF;
Attends, or is a resident or is employed at, an ITF Regional Training Centre;
Is a member of an ITF Touring Team in any capacity;
Is an ITF employee or ITF-appointed consultant;
Holds an ITF or ITF-recognised Officiating or Coaching qualification or certification;
Attends, whether by payment or otherwise, any ITF tournament, event or activity; or
Acts as an ITF contractor or volunteer or is involved in the administration of or
preparation for any of the above.
Each Covered Person is deemed, as a condition of their participation in the activities
described above, to have agreed to be bound by this Policy, and to have submitted to the
authority of the ITF to enforce this Policy, including any consequences for breach thereof, and
to the jurisdiction of the hearing panels identified in these Regulations and in the ITF
Safeguarding and Case Management Procedures to hear and determine cases and appeals
brought under this Policy.
Section A.
Criminal Conduct illegal drugs and substances
Any Covered Person convicted of or having entered a plea of guilty or no contest to a criminal
charge or indictment relating to the use, possession, distribution or intent to distribute illegal
drugs or substances will be deemed to be in violation of this Section A of the ITF Welfare
Policy and shall be subject to sanction in accordance with the Procedural Rules Governing
Proceedings before an Internal Adjudication Panel Convened Under ITF Rules.
Section B.
Children Safeguarding Policy Published separately and available in full on the ITF website at
Section C.
Adult Safeguarding Policy
Published separately and available in full on the ITF website at
Section D.
Safeguarding and Case Management Procedures
Published separately and available in full on the ITF website at
1. ITF Junior Age Eligibility Chart
Number of tournaments permitted
16 (unless player achieves a top 20 ITF Junior Ranking in which case an additional
4 tournaments permitted)
14 (unless player achieves a top 20 ITF Junior Ranking in which case an additional
4 tournaments permitted)
10 (unless player achieves a top 50 ITF Junior Ranking in which case an additional
4 tournaments permitted)
1. The number of tournaments permitted is counted between the date of a player’s
birthday and the day before their next birthday, not between 1
January and 31
2. Participation in an ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament includes singles and/or
doubles and/or qualifying.
3. Minors under the age of thirteen (13) shall not be eligible for entry.
4. The number of tournaments permitted by the ITF Junior Age Eligibility Rule is in addition
to the number of professional tournaments permitted by the Age Eligibility Rule (please
refer to ITF World Tennis Tour Regulations, and WTA Regulations for details on the Age
Eligibility Rule.)
For the purposes of this Rule, the player’s age as of the first day of the tournament Main Draw
shall be used.
The following rules set forth eligibility rules and restrictions for competitions and other events
(including Games) for players who are 12 and under:
a) There shall be no 11 and under, no 10 and under and no 9 and under (or younger) age
category international or regional individual or team competitions. Only regional
festival type activities sanctioned by a Regional Association may be held for players who
have reached their 9
birthday on or before the event start date.
b) In any calendar year players may only compete in a maximum of ten tournaments for
12 and under events sanctioned by the ITF, or by a Regional Association or by the *USTA
and Tennis Canada.
c) Players under the age of 10 shall not be eligible for entry into any international
individual tournament, team competition, or games sanctioned by a Regional
Association, a National Association and/or any other national or international
organisation. In accordance with the ITF Junior Age Eligibility Rule, the player’s age as
of the first day of the tournament Main Draw shall be used. Players are allowed to play
in a 12 and under event from the year they turn 10 years of age, and have reached their
birthday on or before the start of the Singles Main Draw, until the year the player
turns 12 years of age.
d) Players are eligible to compete in tournaments for players aged 14 and under
sanctioned by the ITF, or by a Regional Association or by the *USTA and Tennis Canada
in the year they turn 11 years of age, and have reached their 11
birthday on or before
the start of the Singles Main Draw, until the year the player turns 14 years of age, but
participation in such tournaments will count towards the maximum of ten events
e) Competition for players 12 and under organised by a Regional Association must be a
team competition.
f) Players aged 12 and under shall not compete in 16 and under international or regional
individual or team competitions.
g) There shall be no international or regional rankings for players aged 12 and under.
h) There shall be no World Championship, team or individual, for players aged 12 and
under. The title ‘World Champion’(or any similar title) shall not be awarded to a player
winning an event restricted to players who are 12 and under.
*Note: For the purpose of this Rule only National Championships in the USA and in Canada
count as tournaments covered.
The following Rules are applicable to all international team competitions worldwide for players
in 14 and under age group events.
Competitors for these competitions in 2023, in 2024, and 2025, including the ITF World Junior
Tennis Competition, must have been born between the following eligible birth years and must
have reached their 11
birthday on or before the first day of Competition:
Competition Eligible Birth Years
2023 2009-2012
2024 2010-2013
2025 2011-2014
The following Rules are applicable to all international team competitions worldwide for players
in 16 and under age group events. No competitor may participate who is still eligible for 12 and
under age group events.
Competitors for these competitions in 2023, in 2024, and in 2025, including the Davis Cup
Juniors and Billie Jean King Cup Juniors, must have been born between the following eligible
birth years and have reached their 13
birthday on or before the first day of Competition:
Competition Eligible Birth Years
2023 2007-2010
2024 2008-2011
2025 2009-2012
1. 16 & Under Team Competition Feed Up Exempt Positions will be offered to players in teams
placed 1
, 2
and 3
in the Davis Cup Juniors and Billie Jean King Cup Juniors Finals.
2. Two 16 & Under Team Competition Feed Up Exempt Positions will be offered to each eligible
3. 16 & Under Team Competition Feed Up Exempt Positions will only be offered within a
players’ home region except in exceptional circumstances i.e. there is no relevant Grade
tournament in the home region.
4. The level of pre-determined ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournaments within the players’
home region where main draw 16 & Under Team Competition Feed Up Exempt Positions will
be offered is as follows:
Place Team
Place Team
Place Team
No.1 Player
1 x J500
1 x J300
2 x J300
1 x J300
1 x J200
No.2 Player
2 x J300
1 x J300
1 x J200
2 x J200
No.3 Player
2 x J200
1 x J200
1 x J100
2 x J100
Place Team
Place Team
Place Team
No.1 Player
1 x J500
1 x J300
2 x J300
1 x J300
1 x J200
No.2 Player
2 x J300
1 x J300
1 x J200
2 x J200
No.3 Player
2 x J200
1 x J200
1 x J100
2 x J100
5. 16 & Under Team Competition Feed Up Exempt Positions for players in teams placed 1
, 2
and 3
in the 2023 Davis Cup Juniors and Billie Jean King Cup Juniors Finals will be available in
tournaments starting from the week beginning 31 October 2023 until the week beginning 11
September 2024.
6. 16 & Under Team Competition Feed Up Exempt Positions will be cancelled for eligible
players from the 2023 Finals after 18 September 2024.
7. A maximum of two 16 & Under Team Competition Feed Up Exempt Positions will be
available at each relevant tournament. Priority for positions will be according to the finishing
position of the team and the position of the player within the team.
1. 16 & Under Tournament Feed Up Exempt Positions will be offered to players selected
through the regional 16 & Under year-end ranking or, if 16 & Under regional ranking is
not available, through results in the 16 & Under Regional (or national for USA and
Canada) Individual Championships.
2. Two 16 & Under Tournament Feed Up Exempt Positions will be offered to each eligible
player in the singles main draw of pre-determined ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors
3. 16 & Under Tournament Feed Up Exempt Positions will be offered only within the
player’s home region except in exceptional circumstances i.e. there is no relevant Grade
tournament in the home region.
4. The level of pre-determined ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournaments within the
players’ home region where singles main draw 16 & Under Tournament Feed Up
Exempt Position will be offered is as follows:
5. No player can obtain an exempt position by virtue of his/her 16 & Under year-end
ranking in another region (i.e. a South American player finishing in a top position of the
16 & Under year-end ranking in Europe).
Boys & Girls
No. of
Tournament &
No.1 Player in
the region
2 x J300
No.2 Player in
the region
1 x J300
1 x J200
No.3 Player in
the region
2 x J200
Player in the
2 x J100
6. The number of players (Boys & Girls) per region to benefit from the 16 & Under
Tournament Feed Up system in 2023 is as follows:
Africa 2
Asia 4
Canada (North America) 2
Central America & The Caribbean 2
Europe 7
Oceania 2
South America 3
USA (North America) 2
Players ranked in the top 50 of the Tennis Europe 16 & Under rankings and/or ranked in the
top 50 of the COSAT 16 & Under rankings will be eligible to use the ranking to be accepted into
a Regional Reserved place in the Main Draw of certain ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors
tournaments, to the extent set out in the table below. In determining acceptances of players
for Regional Reserved places the relevant Regional 16 & Under ranking will be used from one
(1) week prior to the tournament entry deadline, unless otherwise stated.
The 16 & Under Tennis Europe ranking is eligible for use in tournaments in Tennis Europe
member nations only. The 16 & Under COSAT ranking will be eligible for use in tournaments in
COSAT member nations only.
Players must enter the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament through IPIN as is standard
process. Unless otherwise stated in the table below players are permitted to use the relevant
16 & Under regional ranking for entry into an unlimited number of tournaments, in accordance
with the ITF Junior Age Eligibility Rules set out in Appendix G.
The following Regional Reserved places are available:
ITF Junior Tournament Grade
Tennis Europe*
(2 places per tournament)
Top 5 boys and Top 5 girls
maximum of 4 places per
player per calendar year**
(2 places per tournament)
Top 10 boys and top 20 girls
Top 20 boys and Top 10
(3 places per tournament)
Top 50 boys and Top 50 girls
Top 30 boys and Top 30
(3 places per tournament)
Top 50 boys and Top 50
*Only players born between 1 January 2007 and 31 December 2008 are eligible for Tennis
Europe Regional Reserved places on the 2023 ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors.
** A live Tennis Europe shadow ranking will be used for all tournaments from week
commencing 26 December 2022 up to and including 23 January 2023 to include the top 50
players born between 1 January 2007 and 31 December 2008.
Tennis Europe ranking from 3 January 2023 to be used for tournaments from week
commencing 30 January 2023 up to and including week commencing 24 July 2023.
Tennis Europe ranking from 4 July 2023 to be used for tournaments from week commencing
31 July 2023 up to and including week commencing 22 January 2024.
Regional Reserved places are only available for players who are not otherwise accepted into
the Main Draw of the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors tournament.
A player whose Tennis Europe or COSAT 16 & Under ranking is lower than the two (2) or three
(3) players, as applicable, accepted in the Regional Reserved places for relevant J100, J60 and
J30 tournaments will be listed on the Alternates Regional Reserved list (as well as in a Qualifying
acceptance place or Alternates list as appropriate).
At relevant J200 tournaments, after the Entry Deadline, any Regional Reserved places that
become available through a Withdrawal will be filled by the next eligible entered player,
according to Regulation 43, Criteria for Acceptances.
At relevant J100, J60 and J30 Tournaments, Regional Reserved Alternates will replace any
Junior Regional Reserved Direct Acceptances that withdraw from the Junior Regional Reserved
list before the Freeze Deadline. Any vacancies in the Regional Reserved places that become
available after the Freeze Deadline will be filled by the next eligible entered player, according
to Regulation 43, Criteria for Acceptances.
The following chart should be used to compare players with professional ranking against
players with ITF Junior rankings for seeding purposes in both singles and doubles. If two players
are on the same line of the chart ITF Junior Ranking has priority. If two players are both seeded
based on a professional ranking on the same line of the chart, the player with the higher ITF
Junior Ranking has priority.
Seed 1ITF Junior Ranking No.2
Seed 2ATP Ranking 275
Seed 3ITF Junior Ranking No.3
For doubles seeding, a player with a professional ranking is considered the equal of the lowest
ITF Junior Ranking in the same group. For example, a player with an ATP ranking of 501-550 is
considered the equal of a player with an ITF Junior Ranking of 12.
1. Definition of “Good Standing” of a Player
A National Tennis Association shall deem a player to be of good standing where he/she:
(a) is free from a suspension imposed by his/her National Tennis Association, or by the
ITF, or through the imposition of a suspension under a Code of Conduct accepted and
approved by the ITF.
(b) is accepted by his/her National Tennis Association as being under its jurisdiction
while competing in events for which the National Tennis Association has selected
(c) makes himself/herself available for selection for ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors
tournaments, for official team championships, including the Olympic Games and Youth
Olympic Games, and accepts the jurisdiction of his/her National Tennis Association
while competing in events for which they have selected him/her.
(d) respects the spirit of fair play and non-violence at all times;
(e) accepts the conditions of entry of the events he/she enters, including the conditions
of any Code of Conduct adopted for those events and the terms and conditions
contained in the IPIN registration system.
(f) agrees to undergo any medical control in operation at any event which he/she enters.
(g) has not been convicted by a competent court of a country of an offence:
(i) in respect of which an unsuspended sentence of at least 12 months was
imposed; or
(ii) which involved any act or omission which would reasonably be considered
by the ITF to compromise the integrity of tennis, the National Tennis Association, the
ITF and/or the safety of those taking part in and/or attending an ITF World Tennis Tour
Juniors tournament, an official team championships, the Olympic Tennis Event and
Youth Olympic Tennis Event;
(h) has not otherwise engaged in conduct which brings his/her National Tennis
Association and/or the ITF into disrepute; or
(i) does not have unpaid fines of $500 or above owing to the ITF, having been afforded
sufficient time to pay the fine(s).
A player who fails to satisfy any of the criteria at (a)-(h) above must establish to the
satisfaction of his/her National Tennis Association that he/she is of good standing
notwithstanding his/her failure.
Any appeal against a final decision handed down by a National Tennis Association with respect
to g) and h) shall be lodged with the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel within 21 days of
notification of the decision in question. Recourse may only be made to the ITF Internal
Adjudication Panel after all other internal channels of appeal to a National Tennis Association
have been exhausted. The decision of the ITF Internal Adjudication Panel be final and binding
(there shall be no further rights of appeal). The ITF Internal Adjudication Panel in its absolute
discretion may set aside the determination of a National Tennis Association.
2. Transgender Players
The ITF will deal with any cases involving transgender players in accordance with the principles
set out in the ITF Transgender Policy, which can be found on the ITF website:
1. Definitions
The following terms shall have the following ascribed meanings:
“DATA RIGHTS” shall mean the right to in any way use or create or assemble
official data including without limitation the right to collect,
collate, store, use, reproduce, exploit, onward supply or
make available any and all official data including but not
limited to the live scoring rights.
“MATCH PERIOD” shall mean in respect of each match the period commencing
at the start of that match and expiring 30 seconds after
conclusion of the last game in said match.
“LIVE SCORING RIGHTS” shall mean the right to exercise data rights during the
applicable match period.
“OFFICIAL DATA” shall mean any order of play/schedule, draw, scoring
(including, without limitation live match scores/in-match
incident such as match starting, challenge, a point being
scored, number of aces etc.) And/or other statistical
information relating to the competition, any match and/or
the participants therein, howsoever generated and
including without limitation PAT data;
“PAT DATA” shall mean player performance analysis data and/or other
data or information (and any analysis derived from that
data or information) that is collected (a) during a match in a
tournament, and (b) by means of any system of Player
analysis technology that is approved by ITF for use in the
Competition, whether or not it is collected by or in co-
operation with the ITF, a nation or the Player.
2. Data rights
The ITF will have the exclusive right to exercise the data rights including without limitation the
live scoring rights in respect of any and all matches and/or any and all elements of the
competition. Each host organiser will assist the ITF in its efforts to exercise the data rights.
ITF hereby confirms that each host organiser may on a royalty free basis use official data by the
following means:
(a) the right to use the official data excluding PAT data in official publications and on
official websites, mobile applications and/or other media outlets provided that any
such use takes place after the applicable match period and is for non-gambling
(b) the right to supply the official data excluding PAT data to official sponsors provided
that any such supply takes place after the match period and is for non-gambling
purposes; and
(c) the right to use the official data excluding PAT data for in-venue purposes (including
by way of example and not limitation on in-venue scoreboards) before the expiry of
the match period for non-gambling purposes;
In addition the host organiser of an event and (if applicable) the licensees of traditional
broadcast television in the host country may use official data in their live and/or delayed
transmissions of that event provided that (i) such use is an integral part of the transmission of
the television signal of the event; (ii) the official data is not used in connection with gambling
or for gambling purposes; and (iii) the official data used relates only to the event which is being
In addition ITF confirms that where ITF provides a live score centre of any match on the ITF
website the host organiser may request ITF’s permission to incorporate a link on their
respective official websites that enables viewers to access and view such live score centre. ITF
will not unreasonably refuse any request to incorporate such a link provided that the link is
incorporated in accordance with ITF directions.
All other rights to use or create or assemble official data or in any way to exercise the data
rights are reserved exclusively to ITF and may be exploited by ITF at its sole election, save for
as provided at Regulation 65 (Television, Recording and Radio Rights) of the Regulations.
3. Data rights protection
Host organiser shall not allow or authorise the dissemination, transmission, publication or
release of any official data and/or any match score or other related statistical data from the
The use of laptop computers, mobile phones or other handheld electronic devices within the
venues to collate, collect, use, store, reproduce, onward supply or make available any official
data and/or any match score or other related statistical data or for purposes relating to
gambling shall be prohibited and each host organiser national association shall take reasonable
steps to enforce such prohibition (including without limitation by means of venue regulations,
ticket conditions and accreditation terms), save for incidental use within editorial reporting.
The exception to this provision is host organiser and/or ITF credentialed personnel when used
in the performance of their duties.
The host organiser shall co-operate with the ITF in relation to:
- Any system or scheme that the ITF implements for the exercise, collection, supply
and/or licensing (in each case by the ITF itself or via an appointed 3
party) of live
scoring rights;
- Any measures that the ITF takes to protect the exclusivity of live scoring rights and the
prevention of any unauthorised collation, collection, use, storage, reproduction,
onward supply or making available of official data.
The ITF and the host organiser shall at all times co-operate with and comply with the
requirements of the tennis anti-corruption program.
4. PAT data exploitation
“PAT Data” shall mean player performance analysis data and/or other data or information
collected by and/or with the co-operation of the player and/or analysis derived therefrom
during a match in any Men’s or Women’s ITF World Tennis Tour tournament
(“Tournament”) by means of any system of Player Analysis Technology that is approved by
ITF for use in that Tournament.
The ITF has, subject to the rules of tennis, agreed that players using approved PAT systems may
collect, collate, assemble and store PAT data from matches played in the competition subject
to the following conditions:
i. During the match the coaches and players and any technology providers or service operators
involved in the collection, collation and/or analysis of PAT data shall only use such PAT data for
internal analysis and coaching purposes of the respective player and/or team and such use shall
be strictly subject to rule 30 of the rules of tennis
ii. Each host organiser coach and player shall and undertakes to procure that any technology
provider or service operator involved in the collection, collation and/or analysis of PAT data at
any time shall:
a) Not publish, use or otherwise exploit any PAT data or supply any PAT data or analysis derived
therefrom to third parties for any purposes other than as described in 4(i) above or that have
otherwise been pre-approved in writing by ITF and shall take such steps as ITF may reasonably
require to prevent any unauthorised access to and/or use of such PAT data, in particular but
without limitation no PAT data or analysis or product derived therefrom shall be used or
supplied to any third party for any purpose related to betting and/or gambling;
b) Ensure that ITF shall be able to access free of charge any and all such PAT data live and/or
delayed at the venue of the match and/or such other point as may be agreed and ITF shall be
free to use such PAT data and authorise third parties to use such PAT data for any purposes;
In the event that such PAT data is accessed by unauthorised third parties and/or ITF reasonably
believes that PAT data and/or PAT equipment and/or services are being used for any purposes
in breach of these regulations ITF shall be entitled to rescind its approval and the coaches and
players will immediately cease use of the PAT system pending resolution.
Entered players with an approved ITF Combined Junior Ranking of 1-100 shall be selected for a
maximum of three (3) Main Draw places at each ITF World Tennis Tour 15s tournament. A Top
100 ITF Combined Junior Ranking can be achieved in two ways:
i) Current ITF Combined Junior ranking
In accordance with the player’s position on the approved ITF Combined
Junior Ranking list available on the Entry Deadline and dated twenty-one
(21) days prior to the Monday of the Tournament Week;
ii) “Carry-over” ITF Junior ranking
In addition, players born in 2004 may carry over their 12 December 2022 ITF
Combined Junior ranking for the purposes of entering $15,000 Tournaments
until they turn 19 years of age. The Monday of each week determines the
player’s age for that week. Thus, a player who is 18 on Monday but turns 19
on Tuesday would be eligible to use their ITF Combined Junior Ranking for
that week but would no longer be able to use their ITF Combined Junior
Ranking the following week. If two players share the same ranking (one with
a current ranking, the other with a carry-over ranking), then the player with
the current ITF Ranking will be ordered before the player holding the carry-
over ranking on the System of Merit.
Junior Reserved Places are only available for players who cannot otherwise be accepted into
the Main Draw on the basis of their ATP or WTA Singles Ranking or their ITF World Tennis
Ranking in singles. A player must also have turned 14 years of age in order to be accepted into
a 15s Tournament.
Junior players ranked outside the ITF Combined Junior Ranking Top 100 on the Entry Deadline
are not eligible for a Junior Reserved Main Draw place.
There will be no Qualifying or Alternate places reserved in a 15s Tournament based on ITF
Combined Junior ranking.
Junior Exempt (JE) positions are available in the singles Main Draw of Men’s and Women’s ITF
World Tennis Tour tournaments. These positions are allocated to the Top 20-ranked junior
players that receive an ITF year-end junior ranking in 2022. An eligible player shall be entitled
to use their JE allocation to gain direct entry to the Main Draw of the applicable tournament
where they would not otherwise gain entry on the basis of their ATP / WTA / ITF World Tennis
/ National ranking. The ITF allots only 1 JE place per tournament.
A JE Application Form must be completed by each player and sent to the ITF. Applications
received by or on 3 January 2023, for published tournaments in the calendar, will be processed
by the ITF and tournaments allocated based on a player’s position in the ITF Top 20 year-end
junior ranking list in 2022. If two or more players apply for the same tournament, the JE
position will be allocated to the player with the highest year-end junior ranking.
All applications received after 3 January 2023 will be treated in the order that they are received.
A player may change/add tournaments at any point during the year as more tournaments are
added on the ITF World Tennis Tour calendar, however the player is required to request to the
ITF the use of their Junior Exempt position at least one (1) week before the relevant entry
The ITF will not enter a player into a tournament allocated to a player under the JE Project. It
is the responsibility of the player to enter into an allocated tournament by using the player’s
IPIN account. If at the Entry Deadline a player is allocated a position in the Main Draw with their
own ranking, and the JE allocated to the player is not required, then the JE allocation shall be
retained by the player for a future use.
If after the Freeze Deadline a player is allocated a position in the Main Draw with their own
ranking, and the JE allocated to the player is not required, then the JE allocation shall not be
retained by the player for a future use. A withdrawal after the withdrawal deadline may see
the player not retain their JE allocation for a future use.
Junior Exempt positions will be allocated according to the following criteria:
Men’s ITF World Tennis Tour
2022 year-end ITF
Junior Ranking
Number of ITF World Tennis Tour Tournaments
Five (5) Tournaments up to and including $25,000+H
Five (5) Tournaments up to and including $25,000 (excluding
Five (5) Tournaments up to and including $15,000 (excluding
Women’s ITF World Tennis Tour
2022 year-end ITF
Junior Ranking
Number of ITF World Tennis Tour Tournaments
One (1) Tournament up to and including $100,000 (excluding
Four (4) Tournaments up to and including $80,000 (excluding
Two (2) Tournaments up to and including $80,000 (excluding
Three (3) Tournaments up to and including $60,000 (excluding
Two (2) Tournaments up to and including $60,000 (excluding
Three (3) Tournaments up to and including $40,000 (excluding
One (1) Tournament up to and including $40,000 (excluding
Four (4) Tournaments up to and including $25,000 (excluding
One (1) Tournament up to and including $25,000 (excluding
Four (4) Tournaments up to and including $15,000 (excluding
1978 Ivan Lendl (Czechoslovakia) Hana Mandlikova (Czechoslovakia)
1979 Raul Viver (Ecuador) Mary-Lou Piatek (USA)
1980 Thierry Tulasne (France) Susan Mascarin (USA)
1981 Patrick Cash (Australia) Zina Garrison (USA)
1982 Guy Forget (France) Gretchen Rush (USA)
1983 Stefan Edberg (Sweden) Pascale Paradis (France)
1984 Mark Kratzmann (Australia) Gabriela Sabatini (Argentina)
1985 Claudio Pistolesi (Italy) Laura Garrone (Italy)
1986 Javier Sanchez (Spain) Patricia Tarabini (Argentina)
1987 Jason Stoltenberg (Australia) Natalia Zvereva (USSR)
1988 Nicolas Pereira (Venezuela) Cristina Tessi (Argentina)
1989 Nicklas Kulti (Sweden) Florencia Labat (Argentina)
1990 Andrea Gaudenzi (Italy) Karina Habsudova (Czechoslovakia)
1991 Thomas Enqvist (Sweden) Zdenka Malkova (Czechoslovakia)
1992 Brian Dunn (USA) Rossana De Los Rios (Paraguay)
1993 Marcelo Rios (Chile) Nino Louarssabichvili (Georgia)
1994 Federico Browne (Argentina) Martina Hingis (Switzerland)
1995 Mariano Zabaleta (Argentina) Anna Kournikova (Russia)
1996 Sebastien Grosjean (France) Amelie Mauresmo (France)
1997 Arnaud Di Pasquale (France) Cara Black (Zimbabwe)
1998 Roger Federer (Switzerland) Jelena Dokic (Australia)
1999 Kristian Pless (Denmark) Lina Krasnoroutskaia (Russia)
2000 Andrew Roddick (USA) Maria Emilia Salerni (Argentina)
2001 Gilles Muller (Luxembourg) Svetlana Kuznetsova (Russia)
2002 Richard Gasquet (France) Barbora Strycova (Czech Republic)
2003 Marcos Baghdatis (Cyprus) Kirsten Flipkens (Belgium)
2004 Gaël Monfils (France) Michaella Krajicek (Netherlands)
2005 Donald Young (USA) Viktoria Azarenka (Belarus)
2006 Thiemo De Bakker (Netherlands) Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova (Russia)
2007 Ricardas Berankis (Lithuania) Urszula Radwanska (Poland)
2008 Tsung-Hua Yang (Chinese Taipei) Noppawan Lertcheewakarn (Thailand)
2009 Daniel Berta (Sweden) Kristina Mladenovic (France)
2010 Juan Sebastian Gomez (Colombia) Daria Gavrilova (Russia)
2011 Jiri Vesely (Czech Republic) Irina Khromacheva (Russia)
2012 Filip Peliwo (Canada) Taylor Townsend (USA)
2013 Alexander Zverev (Germany) Belinda Bencic (Switzerland)
2014 Andrey Rublev (Russia) Catherine Bellis (USA)
2015 Taylor Fritz (USA) Dalma Galfi (Hungary)
2016 Miomir Kecmanovic (Serbia) Anastasia Potapova (Russia)
2017 Axel Geller (Argentina) Whitney Osuigwe (USA)
2018 Chun Hsin Tseng (Chinese Taipei) Clara Burel (France)
2019 Thiago Agustin Tirante (Argentina) Diane Parry (France)
2020 Not awarded in 2020 as a result of Covid-19 pandemic
2021 Juncheng Shang (China) Petra Marcinko (Croatia)
1982 Fernando Perez (Mexico) Beth Herr (USA)
1983 Mark Kratzmann (Australia) Larissa Savchenko (USSR)
1984 Augustin Moreno (Mexico) Mercedes Paz (Argentina)
1985 Petr Korda (Czechoslovakia) & Mariana Perez-Roldan (Argentina) &
Cyril Suk (Czechoslovakia) Patricia Tarabini (Argentina)
1986 Tomas Carbonell (Spain) Leila Meskhi (USSR)
1987 Jason Stoltenberg (Australia) Natalia Medvedeva (USSR)
1988 David Rikl (Czechoslovakia) & Jo-Anne Faull (Australia)
Tomas Zdrazila (Czechoslovakia) Andrea Strnadova (Czechoslovakia)
1989 Wayne Ferreira (South Africa) Karina Habsudova (Czechoslovakia)
1990 Marten Renstroem (Sweden) Eva Martincova (Czechoslovakia)
1991 Karim Alami (Morocco) Laurence Courtois (Belgium) &
1992 Enrique Abaroa (Mexico) Nancy Feber (Belgium)
1993 Steven Downs (New Zealand) Cristina Moros (USA)
1994 Benjamin Ellwood (Australia) Martina Nedelkova (Slovakia)
1995 Kepler Orellana (Venezuela) Ludmilla Varmuzova (Czech Republic)
1996 Sebastien Grosjean (France) Michaela Pastikova (Czech Republic)&
Jitka Schonfeldova (Czech Republic)
1997 Nicolas Massu (Chile) Cara Black (Zimbabwe) &
Irina Selyutina (Kazakhstan)
1998 Jose De Armas (Venezuela) Eva Dyrberg (Denmark)
1999 Julien Benneteau (France) & Daniela Bedanova (Czech Republic)
Nicolas Mahut (France)
2000 Lee Childs (Great Britain) & Maria Emilia Salerni (Argentina)
James Nelson (Great Britain)
2001 Bruno Echagaray (Mexico) & Petra Cetkovska (Czech Republic)
Santiago Gonzalez (Mexico)
2002 Florin Mergea (Romania) & Elke Clijsters (Belgium)
Horia Tecau (Romania)
2003 Scott Oudsema (USA) Andrea Hlavackova (Czech Republic)
Following the introduction of the Combined Junior Ranking in 2004 only two World
Champions are recognized in junior tennis.
1983 Stefan Edberg (Sweden)
Bank Lane, Roehampton, London, SW15 5XZ, Great Britain
Telephone: (44-20) 8878 6464
Facsimile: (44-20) 8392 4735
Jackie Nesbitt Senior Executive Director, ITF Tours & Player Pathway
Matt Byford Head of Juniors & Masters, ITF Tours & Player Pathway
Asian Tennis Federation (ATF) Confederacion de Tenis de
R. K. Khanna Tennis Stadium Centroamerica Caribe (COTECC)
Africa Avenue C/o Federacion Salvadorena de Tenis
New Delhi Centro de Tenis Parque del Este
110 029 San Salvador,
India El Salvador
Telephone: (91) 1126176287/6258 Telephone: (503) 2278 8850
Fax: (91) 1126176258 Fax: (503) 2278 8087
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail cote[email protected]
Confederacion Sudamericana de Tenis Confederation of African Tennis (CAT)
(COSAT) BP 315
Avda. Santisimo Sacramento 2376 El Mensah
Asuncion 1004 Tunis
Paraguay Tunisia
Telephone: (595) 21 299608 Telephone: (216) 71 84 77 85
Email : Fax: (216) 71 84 10 45 Email:
Tennis Europe Oceania Tennis Federation (OTF)
Zur Gempenfluh 36 PO Box 453
CH-4059 Basel Lautoka
Switzerland Fiji
Telephone: (41-61) 335 9040 Telephone: (679) 6666642
Fax: (41-61) 331 7253 Email:
Mr Ulrich Klaus
Mr Ulrich Klaus (GER/BoD)
Mr Alois Beust (FRA)
Mr Carlos Bravo (CRC/BoD)
Ms Kristie Boogert (NED)
Ms Roberta Burzagli (BRA)
Mr Riad Davids (RSA)
Ms Tracy Davies (USA)
Mr Michelangelo Dell'Edera (ITA)
Mr Anil Kumar Dhupar (IND)
Mr Hassan El Aroussy (EGY)
Ms Merve Gültekinler Sadi (TUR)
Ms Suzana Knezevic (CRO)
Mr Dennis Makoi (TAN)
Ms Marion Maruska (AUT)
Mr Patrick O’Rourke (NZL)
Mr Avraham Perets (ISR)
Mr David Samudio Gomez (COL)
Dr Eva-Maria Schneider (GER)
Mr Aleksandar Sekulovic (MNE)
Mr Martin Weston (GBR)
Mr Wenxue Zhou (CHN)
© ITF Limited t/a International Tennis Federation
All rights reserved