SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Suite
Document Version: 4.2 Support Package 2 – 2016-03-07
Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web
1 Document History: Web Intelligence Functions, Formulas and Calculations..................5
2 About this guide...............................................................6
3 Using standard and custom calculations.............................................7
3.1 Standard calculations............................................................ 7
3.2 Using formulas to build custom calculations............................................ 8
Using variables to simplify formulas................................................8
3.3 Working with functions........................................................... 8
Including functions in cells...................................................... 9
Function syntax..............................................................9
Examples of functions..........................................................9
Function and formula operators..................................................14
4 Understanding calculation contexts............................................... 16
4.1 The input context...............................................................16
4.2 The output context..............................................................17
4.3 Default calculation contexts.......................................................19
Default contexts in a vertical table................................................20
Default contexts in a horizontal table.............................................. 21
Default contexts in a crosstab table............................................... 21
Default contexts in a section....................................................22
Default contexts in a break..................................................... 23
4.4 Modifying the default calculation context with extended syntax..............................24
Extended syntax operators.....................................................24
5 Calculating values with smart measures............................................28
5.1 Grouping sets and smart measures..................................................28
Management of grouping sets...................................................29
5.2 Smart measures and the scope of analysis............................................ 29
5.3 Smart measures and SQL........................................................ 30
Grouping sets and the UNION operator............................................ 30
5.4 Smart measures and formulas.....................................................32
Smart measures and dimensions containing formulas..................................32
Smart measures in formulas....................................................32
5.5 Smart measures and filters....................................................... 33
Restrictions concerning smart measures and filters....................................33
Smart measures and filters on dimensions..........................................33
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Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Filtering smart measures...................................................... 34
Smart measures and drill filters..................................................35
Smart measures and nested OR filters.............................................35
6 Functions, operators and keywords................................................36
6.1 Functions....................................................................36
Custom formats.............................................................37
Aggregate functions..........................................................40
Character functions..........................................................80
Date and Time functions......................................................103
Data Provider functions.......................................................120
Document functions......................................................... 137
Logical functions............................................................147
Numeric functions...........................................................157
Set functions.............................................................. 182
Misc functions.............................................................203
6.2 Function and formula operators................................................... 225
Mathematical operators......................................................226
Conditional operators........................................................226
Logical operators...........................................................227
Function-specific operators....................................................230
Extended syntax operators....................................................239
Set operators..............................................................242
6.3 Extended syntax keywords.......................................................243
The Block keyword..........................................................243
The Body keyword..........................................................244
The Break keyword..........................................................245
The Report keyword.........................................................246
The Section keyword.........................................................247
6.4 Rounding and truncating numbers................................................. 248
6.5 Referring to members and member sets in hierarchies...................................249
7 Troubleshooting formulas......................................................251
7.1 Automatic rewrite formula mechanism...............................................251
7.2 Formula error and information messages.............................................252
#ERROR................................................................. 253
#EXTERNAL.............................................................. 254
Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
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#RANK.................................................................. 255
#REFRESH............................................................... 256
#SYNTAX................................................................ 256
#TOREFRESH............................................................. 257
8 Comparing values using functions................................................258
8.1 Comparing values using the Previous function.........................................258
8.2 Comparing values using the RelativeValue function..................................... 258
Slicing dimensions and the RelativeValue function....................................259
Slicing dimensions and sections.................................................261
Order of slicing dimensions....................................................262
Slicing dimensions and sorts...................................................264
Using RelativeValue in crosstabs................................................265
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
1 Document History: Web Intelligence
Functions, Formulas and Calculations
The following table provides an overview of the most important document changes.
Version Date Description
SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence
4.2 Support Package 2
March 2016 The following section has been added to
the guide:
Description of Comment function
Comment [page 204]
SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence
November 2015 The following sections have been added
to the guide:
Description of Automatic Formula
Rewrite mechanism Automatic
rewrite formula mechanism [page
SAP HANA Online mode formulas,
functions and operators
Function and formula
operators [page
Strings to create custom formats
for weeks Custom formats [page
Time zone can be displayed on a
date/time value Custom formats
[page 37]
New ToDecimal function added
ToDecimal [page 179]
Updated Concatenation function
Concatenation [page
Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Document History: Web Intelligence Functions, Formulas and Calculations © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
2 About this guide
The Using Functions, Formulas and Calculations in Web Intelligence guide provides detailed information on the
advanced calculation capabilities that you can use when you perform data analysis. This guide also provides a
syntax reference to the available functions and operators.
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Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
About this guide
3 Using standard and custom calculations
You can use standard calculation functions to make quick calculations on data.
If standard calculations are not sufficient for your needs, you can use the formula language to build custom
3.1 Standard calculations
You can use standard calculation functions to make quick calculations on data.
The following standard calculations are available:
Table 1:
Sum Calculates the sum of the selected data.
Count Counts all rows for a measure object or count distinct rows for a dimension or detail object.
Average Calculates the average of the data.
Minimum Displays the minimum value of the selected data.
Maximum Display the maximum value of the selected data.
Percentage Displays the selected data as a percentage of the total. The results of the percentage are dis
played in an additional column or row of the table.
Percentages are calculated for the selected measure compared to the total results for that
measure on the table or break. To calculate the percentage of one measure compared to
another measure, you need to build a custom calculation.
Applies the default aggregation function to a standard measure, or the database aggregation
function to a smart measure.
When you apply standard calculations to table columns, the calculation results appear in footers. One footer is
added for each calculation.
Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Using standard and custom calculations © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
3.2 Using formulas to build custom calculations
Custom calculations allow you to add additional calculations to your report beyond its base objects and standard
You add a custom calculation by writing a formula. A formula can consist of base report variables, functions,
operators and calculation contexts.
A custom calculation is a formula that can consist of report objects, functions and operators. Formulas have a
calculation context that you can specify explicitly if you choose.
Showing average revenue per sale
If you have a report with Sales Revenue and Number Sold objects and you want to add revenue per sale to the
report. The calculation [Sales Revenue]/[Number Sold] gives this value by dividing the revenue by the
number of items sold in order to give the revenue per item.
3.2.1 Using variables to simplify formulas
If a formula is complex you can use variables to simplify it.
By using variables you break a complex formula down into manageable parts and make it much easier to read, as
well as making building formulas much less error-prone.
You can use previously-created variables in a formula in exactly the same way as you use other report objects.
Variables appear in the formula editor under the Variables folder.
You can type this variable name into a formula or drag the variable to the Formula toolbar as you would for any
report object.
3.3 Working with functions
A custom calculation sometimes contains only report objects, for example [Sales Revenue]/[Number of
Sales]. Calculations can also include functions in addition to report objects.
A function receives zero or more values as input and returns output based on those values. For example, the Sum
function totals all the values in a measure and outputs the result. The formula Sum([Sales Revenue]) outputs
a total of sales revenues. In this case, the function input is the Sales Revenue measure and the output is the total
of all Sales Measures.
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Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Using standard and custom calculations
Related Information
Function and formula operators [page 14]
Functions [page 36]
3.3.1 Including functions in cells
The text in report cells always begins with ‘=’ .
Literal text appears in quotation marks, while formulas appear without quotation marks. For example, the formula
Average([Revenue]) appears in a cell as =Average([Revenue]). The text “Average Revenue?" appears as
="Average Revenue?"
You can use text alone in a cell, or mix formulas and text by using the ‘+’ operator. If you want a cell to display the
average revenue preceded by the text “Average Revenue:", the cell text is as follows: ="Average Revenue: " +
Note the space at the end of the text string so that the text and the value are not placed directly side-by-side in the
3.3.2 Function syntax
The Formula Editor displays the function syntax when you select the function.
To use a function you need to know its name, how many input values it requires and the data types of these input
values. You also need to know the type of data that the function outputs.
For example, the Sum function takes a numerical object as input (for example a measure showing sales revenue)
and outputs numeric data (the sum of all the values of the measure object).
Here is the syntax of the Abs function:
num Abs(number)
This syntax tells you that the Abs function takes a single number as input and returns a number as output.
3.3.3 Examples of functions
This topic offers examples of functions used in formulas.
Showing prompt input with the UserResponse function
You have a report showing Year, Quarter and Sales revenue. The State object also appears in the report data,
although it is not displayed. When the user runs the report they are presented with a prompt and they must
Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Using standard and custom calculations © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
choose a state. You want to show the state that they have chosen in the report title. If your data provider is
called “eFashion" and the text in the prompt is “Choose a State", the formula for the title is:
"Quarterly Revenues for " + UserResponse([Query 1];"Enter values for State:")
The report is as follows when the user has chosen Illinois as the state when refreshing the data provider:
Calculating a percentage using the Percentage function
The Percentage function calculates percentages. This function calculates the percentage of a number in
relation to its surrounding context. For example, the following table shows revenues by year and quarter. The
percentage column contains the formula Percentage ([Sales revenue]).
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Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Using standard and custom calculations
In this case the function calculates each revenue as a percentage of the total revenue. The surrounding context
is the total revenue; this is the only revenue figure that is relevant outside the breakdown by year and quarter in
the table.
If the report is split into sections by year, the surrounding context outside the table becomes the total revenue
in the section.
If the Percentage cell is placed outside the table but still inside the section, the surrounding context becomes
the total revenue. In this case the Percentage function calculates the total revenue for the section as a
percentage of the total overall revenue.
Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Using standard and custom calculations © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Calculating a percentage using the Sum function
You can gain more control over the context in which a percentage is calculated by using the Sum function
rather than the Percentage function. If you divide one figure in a set of figures by the total of those figures, you
get its percentage of the total; for example, the formula [Sales revenue]/Sum([Sales revenue]) gives the sales
revenue as a percentage of the total revenue.
In the following table the Percentage of Total column has the formula:
[Sales revenue]/(Sum([Sales revenue] In Report))
and the Percentage of Year column has the formula:
[Sales revenue]/(Sum([Sales revenue] In Section))
These formulas take advantage of the extended syntax keywords Report and Section to instruct the Sum
function to calculate the overall total revenue and yearly revenue respectively.
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Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Using standard and custom calculations
Related Information
Modifying the default calculation context with extended syntax [page 24] Simplifying a variance formula with variables
Variance is a statistical term. The variance of a set of values measures the spread of those values around their
The Var function calculates the variance in one step, but manual calculation of variance provides a good example
of how to simplify a complex formula using variables. To calculate the variance manually you need to:
calculate the average number of items sold
calculate the difference between each number of items sold and the average, then square this value
add up all these squared differences
divide this total by the number of values - 1
You have a report showing numbers of items sold by quarter and you want to include the variance. Without the
use of variables to simplify it, this complex formula is as follows:
Sum((([Quantity sold] - Average([Quantity sold] ForEach [Quarter]) In
Report)*([Quantity sold] - Average([Quantity sold] ForEach [Quarter]) In Report))
In [Quarter])/(Count ([Quantity sold] ForEach [Quarter]) - 1)
Creating the variance formula
There are several steps involved in creating a variance formula. You encapsulate each of these steps in a variable.
The variables you create are:
average number of items sold
number of observations (that is, the number of separate values of the number of items sold)
difference between an observation and the average, squared
sum of these differences divided by the number of observations - 1
The variable formulas are as follows:
Table 2:
Average Sold Average([Quantity sold] In ([Quarter])) In Report
Number of Observations Count([Quantity sold] In ([Quarter])) In Report
Difference Squared Power(([Quantity sold] - [Average sold]);2)
Variance Sum([Difference squared] In ([Quarter]))/([Number of Ob
servations] - 1)
Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Using standard and custom calculations © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
The final formula becomes the following:
Sum ([Difference Squared])/[Number of Observations] - 1)
This formula is much easier to understand. This simplified version of the formula gives you a high-level view of
what the formula is doing, rather than plunging you into the confusing details. You can then examine the formulas
of the variables referenced in the high-level formula to understand its component parts.
For example, the formula references the variable Difference squared, which itself references the variable Average
sold. By examining the formulas of Difference squared and Average sold, you can drill down into the formula to
understand the details of what it is doing.
3.3.4 Function and formula operators
Operators link the various components in a formula.
Formulas can contain mathematical, conditional, logical, function-specific or extended syntax operators.
SAP HANA Online mode operators restrictions
The table below lists the operators that are not supported in SAP HANA Online mode.
Table 3:
Operator Type
Function-specific operators Drill
Extended syntax operators In
ForAll Mathematical operators
Mathematical operators are familiar from everyday arithmetic.
There are addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/) operators that allow you to perform
mathematical operations in a formula. The formula [Sales Revenue] - [Cost of Sales]contains a
mathematical operator, in this case subtraction.
When used with character strings, the ‘+’ operator becomes a string concatenation operator. That is, it joins
character strings. For example, the formula “John" + “ Smith" returns "John Smith".
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Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Using standard and custom calculations Conditional operators
Conditional operators determine the type of comparison to be made between values.
Table 4:
= Equal to
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
<> Not equal to
You use conditional operators with the If function, as in:
If [Revenue]>10000 Then "High" Else "Low"
which returns “High" for all rows where the revenue is greater than or equal to 10000 and “Low" for all other rows. Logical operators
The logical operators are And, Or, Not, Between and InList.
Logical operators are used in boolean expressions, which return True or False. Context operators
Context operators form part of extended calculation syntax.
Extended syntax allows you to define which dimensions a measure or formula takes into account in a calculation. Function-specific operators
Some functions can take specific operators as arguments.
For example, the Previous function can take the Self operator.
All functions use ) and ( to enclose function arguments. Functions that accept multiple parameters use ; to
separate the parameters.
Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Using standard and custom calculations © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
4 Understanding calculation contexts
The calculation context is the data that a calculation takes into account to generate a result.
This means that the value given by a measure is determined by the dimensions used to calculate the measure.
A report contains two kinds of objects:
Dimensions represent business data that generate figures. Store outlets, years or regions are examples of
dimension data. For example, a store outlet, a year or a region can generate revenue: we can talk about
revenue by store, revenue by year or revenue by region.
Measures are numerical data generated by dimension data. Examples of measure are revenue and number of
sales. For example, we can talk about the number of sales made in a particular store.
Measures can also be generated by combinations of dimension data. For example, we can talk about the revenue
generated by a particular store in 2005.
The calculation context of a measure has two components:
the dimension or list of dimensions that determine the measure value
the part of the dimension data that determines the measure value
The calculation context has two components:
The input context
The output context
Related Information
The input context [page 16]
The output context [page 17]
4.1 The input context
The input context of a measure or formula is the list of dimensions that feed into the calculation.
The list of dimensions in an input context appears inside the parentheses of the function that outputs the value.
The list of dimensions must also be enclosed in parentheses (even if it contains only one dimension) and the
dimensions must be separated by semicolons.
Specifying an input context
In a report with Year sections and a block in each section with Customer and Revenue columns, the input
contexts are:
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Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Understanding calculation contexts
Table 5:
Report part Input context
Section header and block footers Year
Rows in the block Year, Customer
In other words, the section headers and block footers show aggregated revenue by Year, and each row in the
block shows revenue aggregated by Year and Customer (the revenue generated by that customer in the year in
When specified explicitly in a formula, these input contexts are:
Sum ([Revenue] In ([Year]))
Sum ([Revenue] In ([Year];[Customer]))
That is, the dimensions in the input context appear inside the parentheses of the function (in this case, Sum)
whose input context is specified.
4.2 The output context
The output context causes the formula to output a value if it is placed in the footer of a block containing a break.
Specifying an output context
The following report shows revenue by year and quarter, with a break on year, and the minimum revenue
calculated by year:
Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Understanding calculation contexts © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
What if you want to show the minimum revenue by year in a block with no break? You can do this by specifying
the output context in a formula. In this case, the formula looks like this:
Min ([Sales revenue]) In ([Year])
That is, the output context appears after the parentheses of the function whose output context you are
specifying. In this case, the output context calculates the minimum revenue by year.
If you add an additional column containing this formula to the block, the result is as follows:
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Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Understanding calculation contexts
You can see that the Min By Year column contains the minimum revenues that appear in the break footers in
the previous report.
Notice that in this example, the input context is not specified because it is the default context (Year, Quarter)
for the block. In other words, the output context determines which revenue by year and quarter to output. In
full, with both input and output formulas explicitly specified, the formula looks like this:
Min ([Sales revenue] In([Year];[Quarter])) In ([Year])
This formula calculates revenues by year by quarter, then outputs the smallest of these revenues that occurs in
each year.
What would happen if you did not specify the output context in the Min by Year column? In this case, these
figures would be identical to the figures in the Sales revenue column. Why? Remember that the default context
in a block includes the dimensions in that block. The minimum revenue by year by quarter is the same as the
revenue by year by quarter simply because there is only one revenue for each year/quarter combination.
4.3 Default calculation contexts
A measure has a default calculation context depending on its place in the report.
The figures returned by a measure depend on the dimensions with which it is associated. This combination of
dimensions represents the calculation context.
You can change the default context with extended syntax. In other words, you can determine the set of
dimensions used to generate a measure. This is what is meant by defining the calculation context.
Default contexts in a report
This example describes the default calculation context of the measures in a simple report. The report shows
revenue generated by customers and is split into sections by year.
Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Understanding calculation contexts © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Table 6:
2005 Total: 8000
Table 7:
Harris 1000
Jones 3000
Walsh 4000
Total: 8000
Table 8:
Report total: 8000
The table below lists the calculation context of the measures in this report:
Table 9:
Value Context
Report total 20000 Total of all revenues in the report
Section header total 8000 Year
Customer total 1000, 3000, 4000 Year;Customer
Block footer total 8000 Year
Related Information
Understanding calculation contexts [page 16]
Modifying the default calculation context with extended syntax [page 24]
4.3.1 Default contexts in a vertical table
A vertical table is a standard report table with headers at the top, data going from top to bottom and footers at the
The default contexts in a down table are:
Table 10:
When the calculation is in the...
The input context is The output context is
Header The dimensions and measures used to
generate the body of the block
All the data is aggregated then the calcu
lation function returns a single value
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Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Understanding calculation contexts
When the calculation is in the... The input context is The output context is
Body of the block
The dimensions and measures used to
generate the current row
The same as the input context
Footer The dimensions and measures used to
generate the body of the block
All the data is aggregated then the calcu
lation function returns a single value
4.3.2 Default contexts in a horizontal table
The default contexts for a horizontal table are the same as those for a vertical table.
A horizontal table is like a vertical table turned on its side.
The appearance of the horizontal table depends on the Preferred Viewing Locale you have selected in the BI
launch pad preferences. Some locales, like the English locale, use the left-to-right (LTR) interface positioning,
whereas others, like the Arabic locale, use the right-to-left (RTL) interface positioning.
In an LTR locale, headers appear at the left, data goes left to right and footers appear at the right. In an RTL locale,
headers appear at the right, data goes right to left and footers appear at the left.
4.3.3 Default contexts in a crosstab table
A crosstab displays data in a matrix with measures appearing at the intersections of dimensions.
The default contexts in a crosstab are:
Table 11:
The calculation is in the...
The input context is... The output context is...
Header The dimensions and measures used to
generate the body of the block.
All the data is aggregated, then the cal
culation function returns a single value.
Body of the block The dimensions and measures used to
generate the body of the block.
The same as the input context.
Footer The dimensions and measures used to
generate the body of the block.
All the data is aggregated, then the cal
culation function returns a single value.
VBody footer The dimensions and measures used to
generate the current column.
All the data is aggregated, then the cal
culation function returns a single value.
HBody Footer The dimensions and measures used to
generate the current row.
All the data is aggregated, then the cal
culation function returns a single value.
VFooter Same as footer. All the data is aggregated, then the cal
culation function returns a single value.
HFooter Same as footer. All the data is aggregated, then the cal
culation function returns a single value.
Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Understanding calculation contexts © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Default contexts in a crosstab
The following report shows the default contexts in a crosstab:
4.3.4 Default contexts in a section
A section consists of a header, body and footer.
The default contexts in a section are:
Table 12:
The calculation is in the...
The input context is... The output context is...
Body The dimensions and measures in the report, fil
tered to restrict the data to the section data.
All the data is aggregated, then the calcula
tion function returns a single value.
Default contexts in a section
The following report shows the default contexts in a section:
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Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Understanding calculation contexts
4.3.5 Default contexts in a break
A break consists of a header, body and footer.
The default contexts in a break are:
Table 13:
The calculation is in the...
The input context is... The output context is...
Header Current instance of the break. All the data is aggregated, then the cal
culation function returns a single value.
Footer Current instance of the break. All the data is aggregated, then the cal
culation function returns a single value.
Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Understanding calculation contexts © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Default contexts in a break
The following report shows the default contexts in a break:
4.4 Modifying the default calculation context with extended
Extended syntax uses context operators that you add to a formula or measure to specify its calculation context.
A measure or formula context consists of its input context and output context.
Related Information
Extended syntax keywords [page 243]
Extended syntax operators [page 24]
4.4.1 Extended syntax operators
You specify input and output contexts explicitly with context operators.
The following table lists the context operators:
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Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Understanding calculation contexts
Table 14:
Operator Description
In Specifies an explicit list of dimensions to use in the context.
ForEach Adds dimensions to the default context
ForAll Removes dimensions from the default context
The ForAll and ForEach operators are useful when you have a default context with many dimensions. It is often
easier to add or subtract from the context using ForAll and ForEach than it is to specify the list explicitly using In. In context operator
The In context operator specifies dimensions explicitly in a context.
Using In to specify the dimensions in a context
In this example you have a report showing Year and Sales revenue. Your data provider also contains the
Quarter object but you do not include this dimension in the block. Instead, you want to include an additional
column to show the maximum revenue by quarter in each year. Your report looks like this:
Year Sales revenue Max Quarterly Revenue
2001 $8,096,123.60 $2,660,699.50
2002 $13,232,246.00 $4,186,120.00
2003 $15,059,142.80 $4,006,717.50
You can see where the values in the Max Quarterly Revenue column come from by examining this block in
conjunction with a block that includes the Quarter dimension:
Year Quarter Sales revenue
2001 Q1 $2,660,699.50
2001 Q2 $2,279,003.00
2001 Q3 $1,367,841.00
2001 Q4 $1,788,580.00
Max: $2,660,699.50
Year Quarter Sales revenue
Q1 $3,326,172.00
Q2 $2,840,651.00
Q3 $2,879,303.00
Q4 $4,186,120.00
Max: $4,186,120.00
Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Understanding calculation contexts © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Year Quarter Sales revenue
Q1 $3,742,989.00
Q2 $4,006,717.50
Q3 $3,953,395.00
Q4 $3,356,041.00
Max: $4,006,717.50
The Max Quarterly Revenue column shows the highest quarterly revenue in each year. For example, Q4 has the
highest revenue in 2002, so the Max Quarterly Revenue shows Q4 revenue on the row showing 2002.
Using the In operator, the formula for Max Quarterly Revenue is
Max ([Sales revenue] In ([Year];[Quarter])) In ([Year])
This formula calculates the maximum sales revenue for each (Year,Quarter) combination, then outputs this
figure by year.
Because the default output context of the block is Year, you do not need to specify the output context
explicitly in this formula. ForEach context operator
The ForEach operator adds dimensions to a context.
Using ForEach to add dimensions to a context
The following table shows the maximum revenue for each Quarter in a report which contains the Quarter
dimension but does not include it in the block:
Year Sales revenue Max Quarterly Revenue
2001 8096123.60 2660699.50
2002 13232246.00 4186120.00
2003 15059142.80 4006717.50
It is possible to create a formula for the Max Quarterly Revenue column that does not include the ForEach
Max ([Sales revenue] In ([Year];[Quarter])) In ([Year])
Using the ForEach context operator, you can achieve the same result with the following formula:
Max ([Sales revenue] ForEach ([Quarter])) In ([Year])
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Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Understanding calculation contexts
Why? Because the Year dimension is the default input context in the block. By using the ForEach operator, you
add the Quarter dimension to the context, giving an input context of ([Year];[Quarter]). ForAll context operator
The ForAll context operator removes dimensions from a context.
Using ForAll to remove dimensions from a context
You have a report showing Year, Quarter and Sales revenue and you want to add a column that shows the total
revenue in each year, as shown in the following block:
To total revenues by year the input context needs to be (Year); by default it is (Year; Quarter). Therefore, you
can remove Quarter from the input context by specifying ForAll ([Quarter]) in the formula, which looks
like this:
Sum([Sales revenue] ForAll ([Quarter]))
Note that you can use the In operator to achieve the same thing; in this case the formula is:
Sum([Sales revenue] In ([Year]))
This version of the formula explicitly specifies Year as the context, rather than removing Quarter to leave Year.
Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Understanding calculation contexts © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
5 Calculating values with smart measures
Smart measures are measures whose values are calculated by the database (relational or OLAP) on which a
universe is based.
They differ from classic measures, which are calculated from the detailed values returned by the database. The
data returned by smart measures is aggregated in ways not supported natively by the Web Intelligence
component of the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
Queries that contain smart measures calculate the measures in all the calculation contexts required in a report.
These contexts can change as the report changes. As a result, the query changes at each data refresh after the
required contexts have changed.
When you edit such a report, automatically the #TOREFRESH message is inserted in the report reminding you
that the report should be refreshed in order to reflect the changes. You can choose to update the report
automatically by selecting the Auto-refresh document option in the Document properties dialog
The measure delegation is static and defined based on the report definition at design time. In some cases
(formula based on “if [choice]= 1 then [dimension 1) else [dimension 2]” ) the dimensional context is variable at
run time. In this case the system cannot delegate the measure calculation and returns an empty value.
Smart measures behave differently from classic measures, which support a basic set of aggregation functions
(Max, Min, Count, Sum, Average) that can be calculated in all contexts without help from the database. For
example, if you build a query containing the [Country] and [Region] dimensions and the [Revenue] measure
(which calculates the sum of the revenue), the initial display shows Country, Region and Revenue in a block. If you
remove Region from the block, the total revenue for each country can still be calculated without a data refresh by
summing the revenues for all the regions in the country. A smart measure requires a data refresh in this situation.
Calculation contexts are represented by grouping sets in the generated query.
5.1 Grouping sets and smart measures
A grouping set is a set of dimensions that generates a result for a measure.
The generated SQL that returns the data in a smart measure includes grouping sets for all the aggregations of
that measure that are included in the report.
Grouping sets in a query
A query contains the [Country], [Region], [City] dimensions and the [Revenue] smart measure. These objects
imply the following grouping sets to calculate revenue in all possible contexts:
Total smart measure value
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Calculating values with smart measures
smart measure value by (Country, Region, City)
smart measure value by (Country, City)
smart measure value by (City)
smart measure value by (Region, City)
smart measure value by (Region)
smart measure value by (Country, Region)
smart measure value by (Country)
If the database supports UNION, each grouping set is represented in a UNION clause in the generated SQL.
The grouping sets are updated according to the calculation contexts required by the report, which can change
in response to changes in the report structure.
5.1.1 Management of grouping sets
When you first build and run a query including smart measures, the generated SQL includes the grouping set
necessary to calculate the smart measures at the most detailed level implied by the query objects.
For example, if you build a query containing the [Country], [Region] and [City] dimensions and the [Revenue]
smart measure, the (Country, Region, City) grouping set appears in the generated SQL. The most detailed
grouping set always appears in the SQL. Other grouping sets are added and removed in response to changes in
the report.
If you remove the [City] dimension from the block, the (Country, Region) grouping set is required to return the
revenue values. This grouping set is not yet available in the query SQL, so #TOREFRESH appears in the [Revenue]
cells. When you refresh the data, #TOREFRESH is replaced with the revenue values.
If you then replace the [City] dimension in the block, the (Country, Region) grouping set is no longer needed. It is
removed from the query SQL and its values discarded the next time you refresh the data.
Each time you refresh the report data, grouping sets are included or discarded according to the calculation
contexts required by the report.
In certain situations, it is not possible to display the value of a smart measure. In this case, #UNAVAILABLE
appears in the measure cells.
5.2 Smart measures and the scope of analysis
When you build a query with a scope of analysis, the initial grouping set contains the result objects, but not the
scope objects.
The query does not generate all the possible grouping sets from the combination of the result objects and the
scope objects.
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A query with a scope of analysis and a smart measure
A query has the result objects [Country] and [Revenue]. The scope of analysis contains the [Region] and [City]
dimensions. When you run the query, its SQL contains the (Country) grouping set and it displays [Country] and
[Revenue] in a block.
5.3 Smart measures and SQL
5.3.1 Grouping sets and the UNION operator
Some databases support grouping sets explicitly with the GROUPING SETS operator.
When you build a query containing smart measures, the generated SQL uses multiple result sets and the UNION
operator to simulate the effect of GROUPING SETS.
Grouping sets retrieved with the UNION operator
This example describes a query containing [Country], [Region], [City] dimensions and the [Revenue] smart
For simplicity, the smart measure calculates a sum. In practice, a smart measure is not needed for this
aggregation because sums are supported natively in Web Intelligence.
When the query is first run, the grouping set is (Country, Region, City). The entire SQL query returns this
grouping set and there is no need for the UNION operator in the SQL.
If you remove the [City] dimension from the table, the (Country, Region) grouping set is required to display the
revenue (which appears initially as #TOREFRESH). After data refresh, the SQL is as follows:
( country.country_id=region.country_id )
AND ( region.region_id=city.region_id )
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( country.country_id=region.country_id )
AND ( region.region_id=city.region_id )
Each grouping set is represented by a SELECT statement, and each has its own ID (the GID column). Grouping
sets that do not contain the full set of dimensions include empty columns (SELECT '') because each SELECT
statement in a query including UNION must have the same number of columns.
If you add a new block containing [Country] and [Revenue] to the report, the (Country) grouping set is
required. The generated SQL now includes three grouping sets as follows:
( country.country_id=region.country_id )
AND ( region.region_id=city.region_id )
( country.country_id=region.country_id )
AND ( region.region_id=city.region_id )
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( country.country_id=region.country_id )
AND ( region.region_id=city.region_id )
5.4 Smart measures and formulas
5.4.1 Smart measures and dimensions containing formulas
If a formula or variable appears as a dimension in the calculation context of a smart measure, and the formula
determines the grouping set required by the measure, the values of the smart measure can be displayed.
For example, smart measures and dimensions now return values for:
A URL created with hyperlink wizard.
Simple concatenation on a dimension (or blank removal).
When FormatDate is used on [date]
The message #UNAVAILABLE is stil returned for the following functions: ForEach, ForAll, In, Where, Rank,
Previous, RelativeValue, RelativeDate, TimeDim, and in the Aggregation function when Min, Max, Last, or First
are used in the formula: if ([selection] =1) then [dim1] else [dim2]
5.4.2 Smart measures in formulas
Smart measures can return values when included in formulas, even when the formula requires a different
calculation context from the context implied by the position of the formula.
For example, a report contains a block as follows:
Table 15:
Region Revenue
US North 10000
US South 15000
US East 14000
US West 12000
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Calculating values with smart measures
If you include an additional column in this table with the formula
[Revenue] ForAll ([Region])
the initial value of the column is #TOREFRESH because the formula, which excludes regions from the calculation,
requires the grouping set (Country). Refreshing the data adds the (Country) grouping set to the query and
displays the values of the measure.
Related Information
ForAll context operator [page 27]
5.5 Smart measures and filters
5.5.1 Restrictions concerning smart measures and filters
A smart measure can be evaluated in the body of a table when there is no filter in the table or in the parent context
(a report filter).
The following table describes how smart measures are evaluated when filters are present.
Table 16: How smart measures are evaluated when a filter is present in the report
When the filter is on a ...
The smart measure is evalueated this way
Measure The smart measure will be correctly evaluated, but some rows
will be removed from the table.
Dimension that is already part of the table axis The smart measure will be correctly evaluated, but some rows
will be removed from the table. The smart measure can be
evaluated, because there is no aggregation after the filtering.
Dimension that is not part of the axis of the table, and when
the filter operand is mono-value (the filter will return one
The smart measure will be correctly evaluated. The smart
measure can be evaluated because there is no aggregation af
ter the filtering.
Dimension that is not part of the axis of the table, and if the
filter operand is multivalue (the filter can return many values/
The smart measure can’t be evaluated (#UNAVAILABLE is
displayed) because in this case, filtering is done before aggre
gation, and for one row of the table, aggregation is required.
5.5.2 Smart measures and filters on dimensions
If you apply a multi-valued filter to a dimension on which the value of a smart value depends, but the dimension
does not appear explicitly in the calculation context of the measure, the smart measure cannot return a value, and
the cell displays #UNAVAILABLE.
This also applies when a report filter comes from an input control.
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#UNAVAILABLE appears because the measure must be filtered in the report and then aggregated, but a smart
measure cannot be aggregated after a report-level filter is applied. Calculating the measure would be possible by
adding a query filter to the generated SQL, but this solution carries the risk of impacting other reports based on
the same query.
A multi-valued filter filters on multiple values using operators such as Greater Than, In List or Less Than. You
can apply single-valued filters such as Equal To without generating the #UNAVAILABLE error.
There is a workaround for cases which do not require aggregation: Define the formula as variable whose
qualification is a measure and be sure that the used dimension is included in the block with the variable (you
can hide that column for a better display).
A smart measure and a filter on a dimension
A query contains the Country and Product dimensions and the Revenue smart measure. Country and Revenue
are displayed in a block. If you apply a report filter restricting the values of Product to "Dresses" or "Jackets",
#UNAVAILABLE appears in the Revenue cells.
Country Revenue
If you restrict Product to "Jackets" only, the values are displayed.
Country Revenue
US 971,444
Sum: 971,444
A multivalue filter on Country will return results because the filter is in the table.
5.5.3 Filtering smart measures
The value in the table footer must be the aggregation of what the user sees in the table.
If what user sees in the table is filtered locally, then the system cannot return delegated aggregation of what is
locally filtered.
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Calculating values with smart measures
Filtering a smart measure
Country OrderAmountDel
Brazil 28,833.36
China 51,384.33
France 68,630.22
USA 3,529,511.14
Total: 3,678,359.05
Sum: 3,678,359.05
When the data in the following table is filtered by OrderAmountDel > 60,000
The table shows the rows for which the OrderAmountDel in the context of table ( per country) is greater than
Sum in footer calculates the sum of the visible rows;
Total returns #UNAVAILABLE because the calculation is pushing the aggregation to the back end, but because
Web Intelligence has performed local filtering, the aggregation cannot be delegated.
Country OrderAmountDel
France 68,630.22
USA 3,529,511.14
Sum: 3,598,141.36
5.5.4 Smart measures and drill filters
A drill filter is a single valued filter.
You can drill using the drill bar directly.
5.5.5 Smart measures and nested OR filters
Nested OR filters in which at least one of the filtered dimensions does not appear in a block generate the
#UNAVAILABLE error for a smart measure in the block.
This is because the smart measure has to be aggregated locally after some local processing (for example,
filtering; some specific Web Intelligence formula) and this is not delegated.
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6 Functions, operators and keywords
6.1 Functions
Formula functions are divided into several categories.
In the following languages, the functions are not translated: Chinese, Japanese, Hungarian, Polish, Turkish,
Thai, and Russian. They appear in the interface in English.
Table 17:
Aggregate Aggregates data (for example by summing or averaging a set
of values)
Character Manipulates character strings
Date and Time Returns date or time data
Document Returns data about a document
Data Provider Returns data about a document’s data provider
Logical Returns TRUE or FALSE
Numeric Returns numeric data
Misc Functions that do not fit into the above categories
Set Returns sets of members from hierarchies
SAP HANA Online Mode functions restrictions
The functions listed in the table below are not supported in SAP HANA Online mode.
Table 18:
Function Category
Function Name
Data Provider Connection
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Functions, operators and keywords
Function Category Function Name
Document DocumentPartiallyRefreshed
Misc ForceMerge
Set Ancestor
6.1.1 Custom formats
In tables, you can use the Custom format type to define a customized format for any cell.
In Web Intelligence functions, the day/date, calendar and time of day character definitions below apply.
You cannot apply custom formats to numbers and dates in tables in the Web Intelligence HTML interface.
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The following table lists the strings you can use to create custom formats:
Table 19:
Character(s) Display(s) Example
The corresponding digit. If the number
has less digits than the number of
characters used to specify the format,
no leading zeros are inserted.
‘12345’ with the format #,##0 gives ‘12,345’
(if your locale defines the grouping separator
as a comma) or ‘12 345’ (if your locale defines
the grouping separator as a space)
The corresponding digit. If the number
has less digits than the number of
characters used to specify the format, a
leading zero(s) is inserted before the
‘123’ with the format #0,000 gives ‘0,123’
The grouping separator as defined by
your locale.
‘1234567’ with the format #,##0 gives
‘1,234,567’ (if you locale defines the grouping
separator as a comma) or ‘1 234 567’ (if your
locale defines the grouping separator as a non-
breaking space)
The decimal separator as defined by
your locale.
‘12.34’ with the format #.#0 gives ‘12.34’ (if
your locale defines the decimal separator as a
period) or ‘12,34’ (if your locale defines the
decimal separator as a comma)
Displays a percentage sign (%) after the
result and multiplies the result by 100.
0.50 becomes 50%.
The % sign after the result, but does not
multiply the result by 100.
0.50 becomes 0.50%
A non-breaking space ( )
‘1234567’ with the format # ##0 gives ‘1234
1, 2, 3, a, b, c, $, £,
(and so on)
The alphanumeric character.
‘705.15’ with the format $#.#0 gives
‘$705.15’ or with the format #,#0 € gives
‘705,15 €’
Alphanumeric characters should be delim
ited by single quotes, otherwise they can be
interpreted as formatting characters. For
example, # # will result in '123 4' while '#' #
will result in '# 1234'
[Red], [Blue], [Green],
[Yellow], [Gray],
[White], [Dark Red],
[Dark Blue], [Dark
The value in the specified color.
‘150’ with the format #,##0[Red] gives
‘150’ in red text, #,##0[Blue] gives ’150’ in
blue text.
Day/date characters
(day, date)
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Character(s) Display(s) Example
The number of the day in the month with
no leading zeros. If the date for day is
less than two characters, the date dis
plays without a zero before it.
The first day of a month with the format d
gives ‘1’
The number of the day with leading ze
ros. If the date for day is less than two
characters, the date displays with a zero
before it.
The first day of a month with the format dd
gives ‘01’
The name of the day abbreviated. The
first letter is capitalized if the selected
locale uses capitalized day names.
'Monday’ with the format ddd gives ‘Mon’ in
English, in French, lundi gives lun.
Forced the capitalization of the day
name, for any locale.
'Monday’ with the format Dddd gives ‘Mon’ in
English, in French, lundi gives Lun.
The name of the day in full. The first let
ter is capitalized if the selected locale
uses capitalized day names.
‘Monday’ with the format dddd gives ‘Mon
day’ in English. In French, the day is lundi.
The name of the day in full, in upper
‘Monday’ with the format DDDD gives ‘MON
DAY’ in English. In French, the day is LUNDI.
dddd dd
The day of the week followed by a space
and the number of the day.
‘Monday’ with the format dddd dd gives ‘Mon
day 01’
Calendar characters
(week, month, year)
The number of the month with no lead
ing zeros. If the number for month is
less than two characters, the number
displays without a zero before it.
‘January’ with the format M gives '1'
The number of the month with leading
zeros. If the number for month is less
than two characters, the number dis
plays with a zero before it.
‘January’ with the format MM gives '01'
The name of the month abbreviated.
The first letter is capitalized if the se
lected locale uses capitalization.
‘January’ with the format mmm gives Jan in
English. In French, this is 'jan'.
The name of the month abbreviated.
The first letter is capitalized for all lo
‘January’ with the format mmm gives Jan in
English. In French, this is 'Jan'.
The name of the month in full. The first
letter is capitalized if the selected locale
used capitalization.
‘January’ with the format mmmm gives January
in English, janvier in French
The name of the month in full all in up
‘January’ with the format MMMM gives JANU
ARY in English, JANVIER in French
The week number of the year.
For the 9th of January 2015, the ww format
gives '02', because it is the seventh week of
the year 2015.
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Character(s) Display(s) Example
The week number of the year without
leading zero.
For the 9th of January 2015, the w format gives
'2', because it is the seventh week of the year
The week number of the month.
For the 9th of January 2015, the W format gives
'2', because it is the second week of January.
The last two digits for year.
‘2003’ with the format yy gives ‘03’
All four digits for year.
‘2003’ with the format yyyy gives ‘2003’
Time of day characters
(hours, minutes, seconds,
hh:mm:ss a
The hour with no leading zeros and the
minutes and seconds with leading zeros.
The “
a" character displays AM or PM af
ter the time when available.
‘21:05:03’ with the format hh:mm:ss a gives
‘9:05:03 PM’ for English locale
The hour according to the 24-hour
clock, starting at 0. No leading zero for
single figure hours.
‘21:00’ with the format H gives ‘21’. Possible
values are 0-23.
The hour according to the 24-hour
clock, starting at 0.
‘21:00’ with the format HH gives ‘21’. Possible
values are 00-23.
The hour according to the 24-hour
clock, starting at 1. No leading zero for
single figure hours.
‘21:00’ with the format k gives ‘21’. Possible
values are 1-24.
The hour according to the 24-hour
clock, starting at 01.
‘21:00’ with the format kk gives ‘21’. Possible
values are 01-24.
The hour according to the 12-hour clock.
‘21:00’ with the format hh gives ‘09’
The hour and minutes with a zero in
front of a single-digit hour.
‘7:15 am’ with the format HH:mm gives ‘07:15’
The hour, minutes, and seconds with a
zero in front of a single-digit hour.
‘7:15 am’ with the format HH:mm:ss gives
The minutes, and seconds with a zero in
front of a single-digit hour.
‘07:15:03’ with the format mm:ss gives ‘15:03’
The time zone information on a date/
time value as follows:
6.1.2 Aggregate functions Aggregate
Returns the default aggregation of a measure for a given member set
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Functions, operators and keywords
Function Group
num Aggregate(measure[;member_set])
Parameter Description Type Required
measure Any measure Measure Yes
member_set The member set used to
calculate the aggregation
Member set
You can use extended syntax context operators with Aggregate.
If you include member_set, Aggregate returns the aggregate value of the measure for all members in the
member set.
member_set can include multiple sets separated by semicolons (;).
The list of member sets must be enclosed in {}.
If the member set expression does not specify a precise member or node, the hierarchy referenced must be
present in the table, then the member set expression references the current member in the hierarchy in the
table. If the hierarchy is not in the table, the function returns the message #MULTIVALUE.
Delegated measure aggregation returns #TOREFRESH when the required aggregation is not available in the
query. The user has to refresh the document to get the new level of aggregation. This occurs for example
when using the filter bar when the user selects a value before “all values” and vice versa when selecting “all
values” before a selected value.
If the default aggregation of the [Sales Revenue] measure is Sum, and [California] is a member in the [Geography]
hierarchy (Country > State > City), Aggregate([Sales Revenue];{Descendants([Geography]&[US].
returns the total sales revenue of all cities in California.
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Related Information
Referring to members and member sets in hierarchies [page 249] Member selection in aggregate functions
For certain aggregate functions you can define a member selection to define the aggregation context when the
block contains a hierarchy.
Function Group
=AggregationFunction([my object];{memberselection})
Parameter Description Type Required
Must be one of the following:
Aggregate function
my object Dimension or a measure Dimension or Measure Yes
A defined member, or a calculated set of member using set
functions. The memberselection must be enclosed in curly
Member or a calculated
set of members using Set
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Parameter Description Type Required
brackets. Each part of the member set is separated with
{[member one];[member
Where CalculatedMemberSet uses one of the set functions:
The set functions use Object, Level, or Member as parameters. If you specify only Object and the object is a
hierarchical object present in the block, then it will use the current member. You can also define a specific
member using the following syntax :
For Microsoft and Essbase .UNX sources you can select select a Level :
The following examples are all taken from an English language data source.
In the following sample, you want to get the internet sales difference between Year 2002 and Year 2001:
=Sum([Internet Sales].[Internet Sales Amount];{[Calendar].[Date.Calendar]&[All
Periods].[CY 2002]}) + Sum([Internet Sales].[Internet Sales Amount];{[Calendar].
[Date.Calendar]&[All Periods].[CY 2001]})
Or either select two members in the member selection :
=Sum([Internet Sales].[Internet Sales Amount];{[Calendar].[Date.Calendar]&[All
Periods].[CY 2002]};[Calendar].[Date.Calendar]&[All Periods].[CY 2001]})
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In the following sample, you have a product hierarchy, and you want to know the internet sales for all products
related to bikes. But two of them are in a different branch:
=Sum([Query 3].[Internet Sales].[Internet Sales Amount];{[Product Model
Categories]&[All Products].[Accessories].[Bike Racks];[Product Model
Categories]&[All Products].[Accessories].[Bike Stands];[Product Model
Categories]&[All Products].[Bikes]})
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Functions, operators and keywords
In the following sample, you want to compare Internet Sales Amount between North America Area countries,
comparing first of all Canada and USA, and then with other countrys worldwide:
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Firstly, get the total for the North American countries, for this sample, you are only interested in Canada and
=Sum([Query 2].[Internet Sales].[Internet Sales Amount];{[Customer
Geography]&[All Customers].[Canada];[Customer Geography]&[All Customers].[United
Then you want to compare all countries with North America :
=[Query 2].[Internet Sales].[Internet Sales Amount] / Sum([Query 2].[Internet
Sales].[Internet Sales Amount];{[Customer Geography]&[All Customers].[Canada];
[Customer Geography]&[All Customers].[United States]})
We can see that the global world total of customers is two and a half times that of North America, and that
Australia is 80% compared to North America.
Related Information
Aggregate [page 40]
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Functions, operators and keywords Average
Returns the average value of a measure
Function Group
num Average(measure[;member_set][;IncludeEmpty])
Parameter Description Type Required
measure Any measure Measure Yes
member_set A set of members Member set No
IncludeEmpty Includes empty rows in the
(Empty rows excluded by
You can use extended syntax context operators with Average.
If you include member_set, Average returns the average value of the measure for all members in the
member set.
member_set can include multiple sets separated by semicolons (;).
The list of member sets must be enclosed in {}.
If the member set expression does not specify a precise member or node, the hierarchy referenced must be
present in the table, then the member set expression references the current member in the hierarchy in the
table. If the hierarchy is not in the table, the function returns the message #MULTIVALUE.
Delegated measure aggregation returns #TOREFRESH when the required aggregation is not available in the
query. The user has to refresh the document to get the new level of aggregation. This occurs for example
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when using the filter bar when the user selects a value before “all values” and vice versa when selecting “all
values” before a selected value.
A delegated measure given against a group returns #UNAVAILABLE as it requires local aggregation
(aggregation of the measure value of the grouped values).
Even when you force local aggregaton on a delegated measure against an "if then else" formula or group value
it will still return the #MULTIVALUE message.
If the [Sales Revenue] measure has the values 41569, 30500, 40000 and 50138, Average([Sales Revenue])
returns 40552.
If [California] is a member in the [Geography] hierarchy (Country > State > City), Average([Sales Revenue];
{[Geography]&[US].[California].children}) returns the average sales revenue of all cities in California.
Related Information
Referring to members and member sets in hierarchies [page 249]
IncludeEmpty operator [page 233] Count
Returns the number of values in a set of values
Function Group
integer Count(aggregated_data[;member_set][;IncludeEmpty][;Distinct|All])
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Functions, operators and keywords
Parameter Description Type Required
aggregated_data Any dimension, measure,
hierarchy, level or member
Dimension, measure,
hierarchy, member set
member_set The member set used to
calculate the count
Member set No
IncludeEmpty Includes empty values in the
Keyword No
Distinct|All Includes distinct values only
(default for dimensions) or all
values (default for measures)
in the calculation
Keyword No
You can use extended syntax context operators with Count.
If you specify IncludeEmpty as the second argument, the function takes empty (null) values into
consideration in the calculation.
If you do not specify the Distinct|All parameter, the default values are Distinct for dimensions and All
for measures.
If you include member_set, Count restricts the count to the number of values in member_set.
member_set can include multiple sets separated by semicolons (;).
The list of member sets must be enclosed in {}.
If the member set expression does not specify a precise member or node, the hierarchy referenced must be
present in the table, then the member set expression references the current member in the hierarchy in the
table. If the hierarchy is not in the table, the function returns the message #MULTIVALUE.
Delegated measure aggregation returns #TOREFRESH when the required aggregation is not available in the
query. The user has to refresh the document to get the new level of aggregation. This occurs for example
when using the filter bar when the user selects a value before All values and vice versa when selecting All
values before a selected value.
A delegated measure given against a group returns #UNAVAILABLE as it requires local aggregation
(aggregation of the measure value of the grouped values).
Even when you force local aggregaton on a delegated measure against an "if then else" formula or group value
it will still return the #MULTIVALUE message.
Count("Test") returns 1
Count([City];Distinct) returns 5 if there are 5 different cities in a list of cities, even if there are more than 5
rows in the list due to duplication.
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Count([City];All) returns 10 if there are 10 cities in a list of cities, even though some are duplicated.
Count ([City];IncludeEmpty) returns 6 if there are 5 cities and one blank row in a list of cities.
Count([Product];{[Geography]&[State]}) returns the total number of products at the [State] level in the
[Geography] hierarchy.
Related Information
IncludeEmpty operator [page 233]
Distinct/All operators [page 233] First
Returns the first value in a data set
Function Group
input_type First(dimension|measure)
Description Type Required
dimension|measure Any dimension or measure Dimension or measure Yes
50 © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
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Functions, operators and keywords
When placed in a break footer, First returns the first value in the in the break.
When placed a section footer, First returns the first value in the section.
When placed in a table footer, First([Revenue]) returns the first value of [Revenue] in the table. Interpolation
Calculates empty measure values by interpolation
Function Group
num Interpolation(measure[;PointToPoint|Linear]
Parameter Description Type Required
measure Any measure Measure Yes
The interpolation method:
PointToPoint -
(PointToPoint is default)
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Functions, operators and keywords © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Parameter Description Type Required
Linear - linear
regression with least
squares interpolation
NotOnBreak| reset_dims
NotOnBreak - prevents
the function from
resetting the calculation
on block and section
reset_dims - the list
of dimensions used to
reset the interpolation
Keyword| dimension list
Row|Col Sets the calculation direction Keyword
(Row is default)
Interpolation is particularly useful when you create a line graph on a measure that contains missing
values. By using the function you ensure that the graph plots a continuous line rather than disconnected lines
and points.
Linear regression with least squares interpolation calculates missing values by calculating a line equation in
the form f(x) = ax + b that passes as closely as possible through all the available values of the measure.
Point-to point interpolation calculates missing values by calculating a line equation in the form f(x) = ax + b
that passes through the two adjacent values of the missing value.
The sort order of the measure impacts the values returned by Interpolation.
You cannot apply a sort or a ranking to a formula containing Interpolation.
If there is only one value in the list of values, Interpolation uses this value to supply all the missing values.
Filters applied to an interpolated measure can change the values returned by Interpolation depending on
which values the filter impacts.
Interpolation([Value]) supplies the following missing values using the default point-to-point interpolation
Table 20:
Value Interpolation([Value])
Monday 12 12
Tuesday 14 14
Wednesday 15
Thursday 16 16
52 © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
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Functions, operators and keywords
Day Value Interpolation([Value])
Friday 17
Saturday 18
Sunday 19 19
Related Information
Linear operator [page 234]
PointToPoint operator [page 236] Last
Returns the last value in a dimension or measure
Function Group
input_type Last(dimension|measure)
Description Type Required
dimension|measure Any dimension or measure Dimension or measure Yes
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Functions, operators and keywords © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
When placed in a break footer, Last returns the last value in the in the break.
When placed a section footer, Last returns the last value in the section.
When placed in a table footer, First([Revenue]) returns the first value of [Revenue] in the table. Max
Returns the largest value in a set of values
Function Group
input_type Max(aggregated_data[;member_set])
Description Type Required
aggregated_data Any dimension, measure,
hierarchy, level or member
Dimension, measure,
hierarchy, level or member
member_set A set of members Member set No
54 © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
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Functions, operators and keywords
You can use extended syntax context operators with Max.
If you include member_set, Max returns the maximum value of the aggregated data for all members in the
member set.
member_set can include multiple sets separated by semicolons (;).
The list of member sets must be enclosed in {}.
If the member set expression does not specify a precise member or node, the hierarchy referenced must be
present in the table, then the member set expression references the current member in the hierarchy in the
table. If the hierarchy is not in the table, the function returns the message #MULTIVALUE.
Delegated measure aggregation returns #TOREFRESH when the required aggregation is not available in the
query. The user has to refresh the document to get the new level of aggregation. This occurs for example
when using the filter bar when the user selects a value before “all values” and vice versa when selecting “all
values” before a selected value.
A delegated measure given against a group returns #UNAVAILABLE as it requires local aggregation
(aggregation of the measure value of the grouped values).
Even when you force local aggregaton on a delegated measure against an "if then else" formula or group value
it will still return the #MULTIVALUE message.
If the [Sales Revenue] measure has the values 3000, 60034 and 901234, Max([Sales Revenue]) returns
If the [City] dimension has the values "Aberdeen" and "London", Max ([City]) returns "London".
If [US] is a member in the [Geography] hierarchy (Country > State > City), Max([Sales Revenue];
{[Geography].[US].Children}) returns the highest sales revenue for a US state. Median
Returns the median (middle value) of a measure
Function Group
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num Median(measure)
Parameter Description Type Required
measure Any measure Measure Yes
If the set of numbers has an even number of values, Median takes the average of the middle two values.
Median([Revenue]) returns 971,444 if [Revenue] has the values 835420, 971444, and 1479660. Min
Returns the smallest value in a set of values
Function Group
input_type Min(aggregated_data[;member_set])
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Functions, operators and keywords
Parameter Description Type Required
aggregated_data Any dimension, measure,
hierarchy, level or member
Dimension, measure,
hierarchy, level or member
member_set A set of members Member set No
You can use extended syntax context operators with Min.
If you include member_set, Min returns the minimum value of the aggregated data for all members in the
member set.
member_set can include multiple sets separated by semicolons (;).
The list of member sets must be enclosed in {}.
If the member set expression does not specify a precise member or node, the hierarchy referenced must be
present in the table, then the member set expression references the current member in the hierarchy in the
table. If the hierarchy is not in the table, the function returns the message #MULTIVALUE.
Delegated measure aggregation returns #TOREFRESH when the required aggregation is not available in the
query. The user has to refresh the document to get the new level of aggregation. This occurs for example
when using the filter bar when the user selects a value before “all values” and vice versa when selecting “all
values” before a selected value.
A delegated measure given against a group returns #UNAVAILABLE as it requires local aggregation
(aggregation of the measure value of the grouped values).
Even when you force local aggregaton on a delegated measure against an "if then else" formula or group value
it will still return the #MULTIVALUE message.
If the [Sales revenue] measure has the values 3000, 60034 and 901234, Min([Sales Revenue]) returns 3000.
If the [City] dimension has the values Aberdeen and London, Min([City])returns "Aberdeen".
Min([Sales Revenue];{[Geography]&[US].children}) returns the lowest sales revenue for a US state if
[US] is a member in the [Geography] hierarchy with levels [Country] > [State] > [City]. Mode
Returns the most frequently-occurring value in a data set
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Functions, operators and keywords © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Function Group
input_type Mode(dimension|measure)
Parameter Description Type Required
dimension|measure Any dimension or measure Measure Yes
Mode returns null if the data set does not contain one value that occurs more frequently than all the others.
Mode([Revenue]) returns 200 if [Revenue] has the values 100, 200, 300, 200.
Mode([Country]) returns the most frequently-occurring value of [Country]. Percentage
Expresses a measure value as a percentage of its embedding context
Function Group
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Functions, operators and keywords
num Percentage(measure[;Break][;Row|Col])
Parameter Description Type Required
measure Any measure Measure Yes
Break Accounts for table breaks Keyword No
Row|Col Sets the calculation direction Keyword No
In the following table, the Percentage column has the formula Percentage([Sales Revenue])
Table 21:
Sales Revenue Percentage
2001 1000 10
2002 5000 50
2003 4000 40
Sum: 10000 100
By default the embedding context is the measure total in the table. You can make the function take account of a
break in a table by using the optional Break argument. In this case the default embedding context becomes the
table section.
In the following table, the Percentage column has the formula Percentage([Sales Revenue];Break)
Table 22:
Quarter Sales Revenue Percentage
2001 Q1 1000 10
Q2 2000 20
Q3 5000 50
Q4 2000 20
2001 Sum: 10000 100
Table 23:
Quarter Sales Revenue Percentage
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2002 Q1 2000 20
Q2 2000 20
Q3 5000 50
Q4 1000 10
2002 Sum: 10000 100
You can use the Percentage function across columns or rows; you can specify this explicitly using the optional
Row|Col argument. For example, in the following crosstab, the % column has the formula Percentage([Sales
Table 24:
% Q2 % Q3 % Q4 %
2001 1000 10 2000 20 5000 50 2000 20
2002 2000 20 2000 20 5000 50 1000 10 Percentile
Returns the nth percentile of a measure
Function Group
num Percentile(measure;percentile)
Description Type Required
measure Any measure Measure Yes
60 © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
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Parameter Description Type Required
percentile A percentage expressed as a
Number Yes
The nth percentile is a number that is greater than or equal to n% of the numbers in a set. You express n% in the
form 0.n.
If [measure] has the set of numbers (10;20;30;40;50), Percentile([measure];0.3) returns 22, which is
greater than or equal to 30% of the numbers in the set. Product
Multiplies the values of a measure
Function Group
num Product(measure)
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Parameter Description Type Required
measure Any measure Measure Yes
Product([Measure]) returns 30 if [Measure] has the values 2, 3, 5. RunningAverage
Returns the running average of a measure
Function Group
num RunningAverage(measure[;Row|Col][;IncludeEmpty][;(reset_dims)])
To reset at each section the RunningAverage, we recommend the following syntax:
num RunningAverage(measure;section)
Description Type Required
measure Any measure Measure Yes
Row|Col Sets the calculation direction Keyword No
62 © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
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Functions, operators and keywords
Parameter Description Type Required
IncludeEmpty Includes empty values in the
Keyword No
reset_dims Resets the calculation on the
specified dimensions
Dimension list No
section Dimension on which the
section is set
Keyword Yes in the case of a section
You can use extended syntax context operators with RunningAverage.
You can set the calculation direction with the Row and Col operators.
If you apply a sort on the measure referenced by RunningAverage, the running average is calculated after
the measure is sorted.
You must always place dimensions in parentheses even if there is only one dimension in the list of reset
When you specify a set of reset dimensions you must separate them with semi-colons.
RunningAverage does not automatically reset the average after a block break or new section.
RunningAverage([Revenue]) returns the following results:
Table 25:
Resort Revenue Running Average
US Hawaiian Club 1,479,660 835,420
US Bahamas Beach 971,444 1,225,552
France French Riviera 835,420 1,095,508
RunningAverage([Revenue];([Country])) returns the following results:
Table 26:
Resort Revenue Running Average
US Hawaiian Club 1,479,660 835,420
US Bahamas Beach 971,444 1,225,552
France French Riviera 835,420 835,420
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In an example where you are using RunningAverage in a section on [Quarter], using the formula
RunningAverage([Sales revenue];([Quarter])), you receive the following results:
Table 27:
City Sales revenue Running Average
New York $1,987,114.70 $1,987,114.70
Houston $1,544,627.80 $1,765,871.25
Los Angeles $1,129,177.60 $1,553,640.03
City Sales revenue Running Average
New York $2,028,090.70 $2,028,090.70
Houston $1,380,838.20 $1,704,464.45
Los Angeles $980,405.30 $1,463,111.40
Related Information
IncludeEmpty operator [page 233]
Row/Col operators [page 236] RunningCount
Returns the running count of a number set
Function Group
num RunningCount(dimension|measure[;Row|Col][;IncludeEmpty][;(reset_dims)])
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Functions, operators and keywords
To reset at each section the RunningCount, we recommend the following syntax:
num RunningCount(dimension|measure;section)
Parameter Description Type Required
dimension|measure Any dimension or measure Dimension or measure Yes
Row|Col Sets the calculation direction Keyword No
IncludeEmpty Includes empty values in the
Keyword No
reset_dims Resets the calculation on the
specified dimensions
Dimension list No
section Dimension on which the
section is set
Keyword Yes in the case of a section
You can use extended syntax context operators with RunningCount.
You can set the calculation direction with the Row and Col operators.
If you apply a sort on the measure referenced by RunningCount, the running count is calculated after the
measure is sorted.
You must always place dimensions in parentheses even if there is only one dimension in the list of reset
When you specify a set of reset dimensions you must separate them with semi-colons.
RunningCount does not automatically reset the count after a block break or new section.
RunningCount([Sales revenue]) returns these results in the following table:
Resort Sales revenue Running Count
US Hawaiian Club 1,479,660 1
US Bahamas Beach 971,444 2
France French Riviera 835,420 3
RunningCount([Revenue];([Country])) returns these results in the following table:
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Country Resort Revenue Running Count
US Hawaiian Club 1,479,660 1
US Bahamas Beach 971,444 2
France French Riviera 835,420 1
In an example where you are using RunningCount in a section on [Week], using the formula
RunningCount([Lines];([Week])) and with an input control on [Sales revenue] limiting the list to revenues
over $30,000, returns the following results:
Table 28:
Week 1
Lines Sales revenue Running Count
Sweat-T-Shirts $186,191 1
Shirt Waist $139,082 2
Dresses $70,931 3
Week 2
Lines Sales revenue Running Count
Accessories $344,617 1
Sweat-T-Shirts $196,976 2
Shirt Waist $105,597 3
Dresses $76,290 4
Sweaters $68,364 5
Notice that in Week 1 there are three lines with revenue that exceeded $30,000, while in Week 2, there are five
product lines that exceeded $30,000.
Related Information
IncludeEmpty operator [page 233]
Row/Col operators [page 236]
IncludeEmpty operator [page 233]
IncludeEmpty operator [page 233] RunningMax
Returns the running maximum of a dimension or measure
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Functions, operators and keywords
Function Group
input_type RunningMax(dimension|measure[;Row|Col][;(reset_dims)])
To reset at each section the RunningMax, we recommend the following syntax:
num RunningMax(measure;section)
Parameter Description Type Reqiured
dimension|measure Any dimension or measure Dimension or measure Yes
Row|Col Sets the calculation direction Keyword No
reset_dims Resets the calculation on the
specified dimensions
Dimension list No
section Dimension on which the
section is set
Keyword Yes in the case of a section
You can use extended syntax context operators with RunningMax.
You can set the calculation direction with the Row and Col operators.
If you apply a sort on the measure referenced by RunningMax, the running maximum is calculated after the
measure is sorted .
You must always place dimensions in parentheses even if there is only one dimension in the list of reset
When you specify a set of reset dimensions you must separate them with semi-colons.
RunningMax does not automatically reset the max after a block break or new section.
RunningMax([Revenue]) returns these results in the following table:
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Table 29:
Country Resort Revenue Running Max
France French Riviera 835,420 835,420
US Bahamas Beach 971,444 971,444
US Hawaiian Club 1,479,660 1,479,660
In an example where you are using RunningMax in a section on [City], using the formula RunningMax([Sales
, you receive the following results:
Table 30:
Quarter Sales revenue Running Max
Q1 $775,482.70 $775,482.70
Q2 $667,850.30 $775,482.70
Q3 $581,470.40 $775,482.70
Q4 $674,869.80 $775,482.70
Quarter Sales revenue Running Max
Q1 $312,896.40 $312,896.40
Q2 $291,431.00 $312,896.40
Q3 $249,529.00 $312,896.40
Q4 $429,850.20 $429,850.20
Related Information
IncludeEmpty operator [page 233]
Row/Col operators [page 236] RunningMin
Returns the running minimum of a dimension or measure
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Functions, operators and keywords
Function Group
input_type RunningMin(dimension|measure;[Row|Col];[(reset_dims)])
To reset at each section the RunningMin, we recommend the following syntax:
num RunningMin(measure;section)
Parameter Description Type Required
dimension|detail|measure Any dimension or measure Dimension or measure Yes
Row|Col Sets teh calculation direction Keyword No
reset_dims Resets the calculation on the
specified dimensions
Dimension list No
section Dimension on which the
section is set
Keyword Yes in the case of a section
You can use extended syntax context operators with RunningMin.
You can set the calculation direction with the Row and Col operators.
If you apply a sort on the measure referenced by RunningMin, the running minimum is calculated after the
measure is sorted.
You must always place dimensions in parentheses even if there is only one dimension in the list of reset
When you specify a set of reset dimensions you must separate them with semi-colons.
RunningMin does not automatically reset the minimum after a block break or new section.
RunningMin([Sales revenue]) returns these results in the following table:
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Table 31:
Country Resort Sales revenue Running Min
France French Riviera 835,420 835,420
US Bahamas Beach 971,444 835,420
US Hawaiian Club 1,479,660 835,420
In an example where you are using RunningMin in a section on [City], using the formula RunningMin([Sales
, you receive the following results:
Table 32:
Quarter Sales revenue Running Min
Q1 $775,482.70 $775,482.70
Q2 $667,850.30 $667,850.30
Q3 $581,470.40 $581,470.40
Q4 $674,869.80 $581,470.40
Quarter Sales revenue Running Min
Q1 $312,896.40 $312,896.40
Q2 $291,431.00 $291,431.00
Q3 $249,529.00 $249,529.00
Q4 $429,850.20 $249,529.00
Related Information
IncludeEmpty operator [page 233]
Row/Col operators [page 236] RunningProduct
Returns the running product of a measure
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
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Functions, operators and keywords
Function Group
num RunningProduct(measure[;Row|Col][;(reset_dims)])
Parameter Description Type Required
measure Any measure Measure Yes
Row|Col Sets the calculation direction Keyword No
reset_dims Resets the calculation on the
specified dimensions
Dimension list No
You can use extended syntax context operators with RunningProduct.
You can set the calculation direction with the Row and Col operators.
If you apply a sort on the measure referenced by RunningProduct, the running product is calculated after
the measure is sorted.
You must always place dimensions in parentheses even if there is only one dimension in the list of reset
When you specify a set of reset dimensions you must separate them with semi-colons.
RunningProduct does not automatically reset the product after a block break or new section.
RunningProduct([Number of guests]) returns these results in the following table:
Table 33:
Country of origin
City Number of guests Running Product
Japan Kobe 6 6
Japan Osaka 4 24
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US Chicago 241 5,784
RunningProduct([Number of guests];([Country of origin])) returns these results in the following
Table 34:
Country of origin
City Number of guests Running Product
Japan Kobe 6 6
Japan Osaka 4 24
US Chicago 241 5784
Related Information
IncludeEmpty operator [page 233]
Row/Col operators [page 236] RunningSum
Returns the running sum of a measure
Function Group
num RunningSum(measure[;Row|Col][;(reset_dims)])
To reset at each section the RunningSum, we recommend the following syntax:
num RunningSum(measure;section)
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Functions, operators and keywords
Parameter Description Type Required
measure Any measure Measure Yes
Row|Col Sets the calculation direction Keyword No
reset_dims Resets the calculation on the
specified dimensions
Dimension list No
section Dimension on which the
section is set
Keyword Yes in the case of a section
You can use extended syntax context operators with the RunningSum.
You can set the calculation direction with the Row and Col operators.
If you apply a sort on the measure referenced by the RunningSum function, the running sum is calculated
after the measure is sorted.
You must always place dimensions in parentheses even if there is only one dimension in the list of reset
When you specify a set of reset dimensions you must separate them with semi-colons.
RunningSum does not automatically reset the sum after a block break or new section.
RunningSum([Revenue]) returns these results in the following table:
Table 35:
Resort Revenue Running Sum
France French Riviera 835,420 835,420
US Bahamas Beach 971,444 1,806,864
US Hawaiian Club 1,479,660 3,286,524
RunningSum([Revenue];([Country])) returns these results in the following table:
Table 36:
Resort Revenue Running Sum
France French Riviera 835,420 835,420
US Bahamas Beach 971,444 971,444
US Hawaiian Club 1,479,660 2,451,104
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Functions, operators and keywords © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
In an example where you are using RunningSum in a section on [Quarter], using the formula
RunningSum([Sales revenue];([Quarter])), you receive the following results:
Table 37:
City Sales revenue Running Sum
New York $1,987,114.70 $1,987,114.70
Houston $1,544,627.80 $3,531,742.50
Los Angeles $1,129,177.60 $4,660,920.10
City Sales revenue Running Sum
New York $2,028,090.70 $2,028,090.70
Houston $1,380,838.20 $3,408,928.90
Los Angeles $980,405.30 $4,389,334.20
Related Information
IncludeEmpty operator [page 233]
Row/Col operators [page 236] StdDev
Returns the standard deviation of a measure
Function Group
num StdDev(measure)
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Paramter Description Type Required
measure Any measure Measure Yes
The standard deviation is a measure of the statistical dispersion in a set of numbers. It is calculated by:
finding the average of the set of numbers
subtracting the average from each number in the set and squaring the difference
summing all these squared differences
dividing this sum by (<number of numbers in the set> - 1)
finding the square root of the result
If measure has the set of values (2, 4, 6, 8) StdDev([measure]) returns 2.58.
Related Information
Var [page 78] StdDevP
Returns the population standard deviation of a measure
Function Group
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num StdDevP(measure)
Paramter Description Type Required
measure Any measure Measure Yes
The population standard deviation is a measure of the statistical dispersion in a set of numbers. It is calculated by:
finding the average of the set of numbers;
subtracting the average from each number in the set and squaring the difference;
summing all these squared differences;
dividing this sum by (<number of numbers in the set>);
finding the square root of the result.
You can use extended syntax context operators with StdDevP.
If measure has the set of values (2, 4, 6, 8) StdDevP([measure]) returns 2.24. Sum
Returns the sum of a measure
Function Group
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
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Functions, operators and keywords
num Sum(measure[;member_set])
Parameter Description Type Required
measure Any measure Measure Yes
member_set A set of members Member set No
You can use extended syntax context operators with Sum.
If you include member_set, Sum returns the sum of the measure for all members in the member set.
member_set can include multiple sets separated by semicolons (;).
The list of member sets must be enclosed in {}.
If the member set expression does not specify a precise member or node, the hierarchy referenced must be
present in the table, then the member set expression references the current member in the hierarchy in the
table. If the hierarchy is not in the table, the function returns the message #MULTIVALUE.
Delegated measure aggregation returns #TOREFRESH when the required aggregation is not available in the
query. The user has to refresh the document to get the new level of aggregation. This occurs for example
when using the filter bar when the user selects a value before “all values” and vice versa when selecting “all
values” before a selected value.
When migrating from XIR2 to XIR3, aggregation functions containing IN and WHERE clauses in XI2 queries
should be included into Sum function definitely by using parenthesis as follows:
In XIR2, the formula: =Sum([Measure] In ([Dim 1];[Dim 2])) In ([Dim 1]) Where ([Dim
From XI3 onwards, modify the declaration: =Sum(([Measure] In ([Dim 1];[Dim 2])) In ([Dim 1])
Where ([Dim 3]="Constant"))
A delegated measure given against a group returns #UNAVAILABLE as it requires local aggregation
(aggregation of the measure value of the grouped values).
Even when you force local aggregaton on a delegated measure against an "if then else" formula or group value
it will still return the #MULTIVALUE message.
If the Sales Revenue measure has the values 2000, 3000, 4000, and 1000, Sum([Sales Revenue]) returns
Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Functions, operators and keywords © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
If [California] is a member in the [Geography] hierarchy (Country > State > City), Sum([Sales Revenue];
{Descendants([Geography]&[US].[California];1)}) returns the total sales revenue of all cities in
California. Var
Returns the variance of a measure
Function Group
num Var(measure)
Paramter Description Type Required
measure Any measure Measure Yes
The variance is a measure of the statistical dispersion in a set of numbers. It is calculated by:
finding the average of the set of numbers
subtracting the average from each number in the set and squaring the difference
summing all these squared differences
dividing this sum by (<number of numbers in the set> - 1)
The variance is the square of the standard deviation.
You can use extended syntax context operators with Var.
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Functions, operators and keywords
If measure has the set of values (2, 4, 6, 8) Var([measure]) returns 6.67.
Related Information
StdDev [page 74] VarP
Returns the population variance of a measure
Function Group
num VarP(measure)
Paramter Description Type Required
measure Any measure Measure Yes
The population variance is a measure of the statistical dispersion in a set of numbers. It is calculated by:
finding the average of the set of numbers
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subtracting the average from each number in the set and squaring the difference
summing all these squared differences
dividing this sum by (<number of numbers in the set>)
The population variance is the square of the population standard deviation.
You can use extended syntax context operators with VarP.
If measure has the set of values (2, 4, 6, 8) VarP([measure]) returns 5.
Related Information
StdDevP [page 75]
6.1.3 Character functions Asc
Returns the ASCII value of a character
Function Group
int Asc(string)
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Parameter Description Type Required
string Any string String Yes
If string contains more than one character, the function returns the ASCII value of the first character in the
Asc("A") returns 65.
Asc("ab") returns 97.
Asc([Country]) returns 85 when the value of [Country] is "US". Char
Returns the character associated with an ASCII code
Function Group
string Char(ascii_code)
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Parameter Description Type Required
ascii_code An ASCII code Number Yes
If number is a decimal, the function ignores the decimal part.
Char(123) returns "{". Concatenation
Concatenates (joins) two character strings. With numbers, the function will sum up the values rather than
concatenate them.
If at least one of the input parameters is a string, then all other input parameters are converted into strings.
Function Group
string Concatenation(first_string;second_string)
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Parameter Description Type Required
first_string The first string String or number Yes
second_string The string added to the first
String or number Yes
You can also use the '+' operator to concatenate strings.
"First " + "Second" returns "First Second".
"First " + "Second" + " Third" returns "First Second Third".
You can use concatenation to include multiple dimensions in an aggregation function. For example,
Count([Sales Person]+[Quarter]+[Resort]) is equivalent to the syntax Count(<Sales
Person>,<Quarter>,<Resort>) that is allowed by Desktop Intelligence.
Concatenation("First ";"Second") returns "First Second".
Concatenation("First ";Concatenation("Second ";"Third")) returns "First Second Third".
If [A] is a number and [A] = 1, Concatenation([A];[A]) returns "2".
If [A] is a string and [A] = 1, Concatenation([A];[A]) returns "11".
If [A] is a string, [B] is a number, [A] = 1 and [B] = 2, Concatenation([A];[B]) returns "12". Fill
Builds a string by repeating a string n times
Function Group
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string Fill(repeating_string;num_repeats)
Parameter Description Type Required
repeating_string The repeating string String Yes
num_repeats The number of repeats Number Yes
Fill ("New York ";2) returns "New York New York ". FormatDate
Formats a date according to a specified format
Function Group
string FormatDate(date;format_string)
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Parameter Description Type Required
date The date to format Date Yes
format_string The format to apply String Yes
The format of the output is dependent on the date format applied to the cell.
The color formatting strings (for example: [Red], [Blue] and so on ) cannot be applied to FormatDate.
FormatDate(CurrentDate();"dd/MM/yyyy") returns "15/12/2005" if the current date is 15 December 2005.
Related Information
Custom formats [page 37] Format_string examples for the FormatDate
In the FormatDate syntax for format_string, you can use the examples in the following table.
You can find these samples in the Format Number dialog box in the Web Intelligence Rich Client or Applet
interfaces; however what samples appear depend on your selected Product Locale in the BI launch pad
preferences. For example, if you select English, then “September 21, 2004” will be an available sample.
Table 38:
Tuesday, September 21, 2004 dddd', 'mmmm d', 'yyyy
September 21, 2004 mmmm d', 'yyyy
Sep 21, 2004 mmm d', 'yyyy
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Sample Syntax
9/21/04 M'/'d'/'yy
Sep 21, 2004 8:45:30 PM mmm d', 'yyyy h':'mm':'ss a
9/21/04 8:45 PM M'/'d'/'yy h':'mm a
9/21/2004 M'/'d'/'yyyy
09/21/2004 MM'/'d'/'yyyy
9/21/04 8:45:30 PM M'/'d'/'yy h':'mm a
8:45:30 PM h':'mm':'ss a
8:45 PM h':'mm a
20:45:30 HH’:’mm’:’ss
20h45 HH’h’mm
We recommend that you represent actual text in the syntax surrounded by apostrophes so that the text is not
confused as pattern symbols. For example, as in the last sample in the table above, ‘h’ in “HH’h’mm”.
Related Information
FormatDate [page 84]
Custom formats [page 37] FormatNumber
Formats a number according to a specified format
Function Group
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string FormatNumber(number;format_string)
Parameter Description Type Required
number The number to format Number Yes
format_string The format to apply String Yes
The format of the output is dependent on the number format applied to the cell.
The color formatting strings (for example: [Red], [Blue] and so on ) cannot be applied to FormatNumber.
FormatNumber([Revenue];"#,##.00") returns 835,420.00 if [Revenue] is 835,420.
Related Information
Custom formats [page 37] HTMLEncode
Applies HTML encoding rules to a string
Function Group
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string HTMLEncode(html)
Paramter Description Type Required
html An HTML string String Yes
HTMLEncode("") returns "http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Esap%2Ecom ". InitCap
Capitalizes the first letter of a string
Function Group
string InitCap(string)
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Parameter Description Type Required
string The string to capitalize String Yes
InitCap("we hold these truths to be self-evident") returns "We hold these truths to be self-
evident". Left
Returns the leftmost characters of a string.
When the selected interface locale is Arabic (Right-To-Left display/reading) this function returns the first
characters from the logical start of the string.
Function Group
string Left(string;num_chars)
Description Type Required
string The input string string Yes
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Parameter Description Type Required
num_chars The number of characters to
return from the start of the
number Yes
Left([Country];2) returns "Fr" if [Country] is "France". LeftPad
Pads a string on its left with another string.
When the selected interface locale is Arabic (Right-To-Left display/reading) this function pads the string before
its logical start with characters of another string.
Function Group
string LeftPad(padded_string;length;left_string)
Description Type Required
padded_string The original string String Yes
90 © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
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Parameter Description Type Required
length The length of the output
Number Yes
left_string The string to be added to the
start of
String Yes
If length is less than the length of left_string and padded_string combined, left_string is
If length is less than or equal to the length of padded_string, the function returns padded_string.
If length is greater than the lengths of padded_string and left_string combined, left_string is
repeated or partially repeated enough times to fill out the length.
LeftPad("York";8;"New ") returns "New York"
LeftPad("York";6;"New ") returns "NeYork"
LeftPad("York";11;"New ") returns "New NewYork"
LeftPad("New ";2;"York") returns "New". LeftTrim
Trims the leading spaces from a string.
When the selected interface locale is Arabic (Right-To-Left display/reading) this function removes the first
space characters from the logical start of the string.
Function Group
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string LeftTrim(trimmed_string)
Parameter Description Type Required
trimmed_string The string to be trimmed String Yes
LeftTrim([Country]) returns "France" if [Country] is " France". Length
Returns the number of characters in a string
Function Group
int Length(string)
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Parameter Description Type Required
string The input string String Yes
Length([Last Name]) returns 5 if [Last Name] is "Smith". Lower
Converts a string to lower case
Function Group
string Lower(string)
Parameter Description Type Required
string The string to be converted to
lower case
String Yes
Lower("New York") returns "new york".
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93 Match
Determines whether a string matches a pattern
Function Group
bool Match(test_string;pattern)
Paramter Description Type Required
test_string The string to be tested
against the text pattern
string Yes
pattern The text pattern string Yes
The pattern can contain the wildcards "*" (replaces any set of characters) or "?" (replaces any single
Match([Country];"F*") returns True if [Country} is "France".
Match([Country];"?S?") returns True if [Country] is "USA".
Match("New York";"P*") returns False.
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Functions, operators and keywords Pos
Returns the starting position of a text pattern in a string
Function Group
int Pos(test_string;pattern)
Paramter Description Type Required
test_string The string to be tested for the
text pattern
string Yes
pattern The text pattern string Yes
If the pattern occurs more than once, Pos returns the position of the first occurrence.
Pos("New York";"Ne") returns 1.
Pos("New York, New York";"Ne") returns 1.
Pos("New York"; "York") returns 5.
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95 Replace
Replaces part of a string with another string
Function Group
string Replace(replace_in;replaced_string;replace_with)
Parameter Description Type Required
replace_in The string in which the text is
string Yes
replaced_string The text to be replaced string Yes
replace_with The text that replaces
string Yes
Replace("New YORK";"ORK";"ork") returns "New York". Right
Returns the rightmost characters of a string (the characters at the end of the string).
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When the selected interface locale is Arabic (Right-To-Left display/reading) this function returns the first
characters from the logical start of the string.
Function Group
string Right(string;num_chars)
Parameter Description Type Required
string Any string string Yes
num_chars The number of characters to
return from the right
number Yes
Right([Country];2) returns "ce" if [Country] is "France". RightPad
Pads a string on its right with another string (adds a string to the start of the original string).
When the selected interface locale is Arabic (Right-To-Left display/reading) this function adds a string to the
first characters from the logical start of the string.
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Function Group
string RightPad(padded_string;length;right_string)
Parameter Description Type Required
padded_string The original string String Yes
length The length of the output
Number Yes
right_string The string to be added to the
end of
String Yes
If length is less than the length of right_string and padded_string combined, right_string is
If length is less than or equal to the length of padded_string, the function returns padded_string.
If length is greater than the lengths of padded_string and right_string combined, right_string is
repeated or partially repeated enough times to fill out the length.
RightPad("New ";8;"York") returns "New York"
RightPad("New ";6;"York") returns "New Yo"
RightPad("New ";11;"York") returns "New YorkYor"
RightPad("New ";2;"York") returns "New".
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Trims the trailing spaces from a string.
When the selected interface locale is Arabic (Right-To-Left display/reading) this function trims the trailing
space from the logical end of the string.
Function Group
string RightTrim(trimmed_string)
Parameter Description Type Required
trimmed_string The string to be trimmed String Yes
RightTrim([Country]) returns "France" if [Country] is "France ". Substr
Returns part of a string
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Function Group
string SubStr(string;start;length)
Parameter Description Type Required
string Any string String Yes
start The start position of the
extracted string
Number Yes
length The length of the extracted
Number Yes
SubStr("Great Britain";1;5) returns "Great".
SubStr("Great Britain";7;7) returns "Britain". Trim
Trims the leading and trailing spaces from a string
Function Group
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string Trim(trimmed_string)
Parameter Description Type Required
string The string to be trimmed String Yes
Trim(" Great Britain ") returns "Great Britain". Upper
Converts a string to upper case
Function Group
string Upper(string)
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Parameter Description Type Required
string The string to be converted String Yes
Upper("New York") returns "NEW YORK". UrlEncode
Applies URL encoding rules to a string
Function Group
string UrlEncode(html)
Parameter Description Type Required
html The URL to be encoded String Yes
UrlEncode("") returns "http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Esap%2Ecom".
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Functions, operators and keywords WordCap
Capitalizes the first letter of all the words in a string
Function Group
string WordCap(string)
Parameter Description Type Required
string The string to be capitalized String Yes
WordCap("Sales revenue for March") returns "Sales Revenue For March".
6.1.4 Date and Time functions CurrentDate
Returns the current date formatted according to the regional settings
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Function Group
Date and Time
date CurrentDate()
CurrentDate() returns 10 September 2002 if the date is 10 September 2002. CurrentTime
Returns the current time formatted according to the regional settings
Function Group
Date and Time
time CurrentTime()
CurrentTime returns 11:15 if the current time is 11:15.
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Functions, operators and keywords DayName
Returns the day name in a date
Function Group
Date and Time
string DayName(date)
Parameter Description Type Required
date The input date Date Yes
DayName([Reservation Date]) returns "Saturday' when the date in [Reservation Date] is 15 December 2001
(which is a Saturday).
The input date must be a variable. You cannot specify the date directly, as in DayName("07/15/2001").
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105 DayNumberOfMonth
Returns the day number in a month
Function Group
Date and Time
int DayNumberOfMonth(date)
Parameter Description Type Required
date The input date Date Yes
DayNumberOfMonth([Reservation Date]) returns 15 when the date in [Reservation Date] is 15 December
2001. DayNumberOfWeek
Returns the day number in a week
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Function Group
Date and Time
int DayNumberOfWeek(date)
Parameter Description Type Required
date The input date Date Yes
The function treats Monday as the first day of the week.
DayNumberOfWeek([Reservation Date]) returns 1 when the date in [Reservation Date] is 2 May 2005 (which
is a Monday). DayNumberOfYear
Returns the day number in a year
Function Group
Date and Time
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int DayNumberOfYear(date)
Parameter Description Type Required
date The input date Date Yes
DayNumberOfYear([Reservation Date]) returns 349 when the date in [Reservation Date] is 15 December
2001. DaysBetween
Returns the number of days between two dates
Function Group
Date and Time
int DaysBetween(first_date;last_date)
You must ensure that the dates given in the arguments are in the same timezone. This applies to all date
operations: comparison and calculation.
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Parameter Description Type Required
first_date The first date Date Yes
last_date The last date Date Yes
DaysBetween([Sale Date];[Invoice Date]) returns 2 if [Sale Date] is 15 December 2001 and [Invoice
Date] is 17 December 2001. LastDayOfMonth
Returns the date of the last day in a month
Function Group
Date and Time
date LastDayOfMonth(date)
Description Type Required
date Any date in the month Date Yes
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LastDayOfMonth([Sale Date]) returns 31 December 2005 if [Sale Date] is 11 December 2005. LastDayOfWeek
Returns the date of the last day in a week
Function Group
Date and Time
date LastDayOfWeek(date)
Parameter Description Type Required
date Any date in the week Date Yes
The function treats Monday as the first day of the week.
LastDayOfWeek([Sale Date]) returns 15 May 2005 (a Sunday) if [Sale Date] is 11 May 2005.
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Returns the month name in a date
Function Group
Date and Time
string Month(date)
Parameter Description Type Required
date The input date Date Yes
Month([Reservation Date]) returns "December" when the date in [Reservation Date] is 15 December 2005. MonthNumberOfYear
Returns the month number in a date
Function Group
Date and Time
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int MonthNumberOfYear(date)
Parameter Description Type Required
date Any date in the year Date Yes
MonthNumberOfYear([Reservation Date]) returns 12 when the date in [Reservation Date] is 15 December
2005. MonthsBetween
Returns the number of months between two dates
Function Group
Date and Time
int MonthsBetween(first_date;last_date)
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Parameter Description Type Required
first_date The first date Date Yes
last_date The last date Date Yes
MonthsBetween([Sale Date];[Invoice Date]) returns 1 if [Sale Date] is 2 December 2005 and [Invoice
Date] is 2 January 2006.
MonthsBetween([Sale Date];[Invoice Date]) returns 1 if [Sale Date] is 31/03/2008 and [Invoice Date] is
MonthsBetween([Sale Date];[Invoice Date]) returns 118 if [Sale Date] is 07/01/1993 and [Invoice Date]
is 06/11/2002. Quarter
Returns the quarter number in a date
Function Group
Date and Time
int Quarter(date)
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Parameter Description Type Required
date Any date in the quarter Date Yes
Quarter([Reservation Date]) returns 4 when the date in [Reservation Date] is 15 December 2005. RelativeDate
Returns a date relative to another date.
Function Group
Date and Time
date RelativeDate(start_date;num;period)
Description Type Required
start_date The start date Date Yes
num The number of period units
added to the start date
Number Yes
period The type of period added to
the start date
Pre-defined Optional
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The num parameter can be a constant, the numerical result of a function, a measure value or a numerical
dimension value, and has to be an integer.
The num parameter can be negative to return a date earlier than start_date.
If omitted, the period parameter works with days (DayPeriod).
When adding or subtracting months (for SemesterPeriod, QuarterPeriod and MonthPeriod), if the day
does not exist in the returned month, then the last day of the returned month must be used.
Possible values for the period parameter are: MillisecondPeriod, SecondPeriod, MinutePeriod,
HourPeriod, DayPeriod, WeekPeriod, MonthPeriod, QuarterPeriod, SemesterPeriod, YearPeriod.
RelativeDate([Reservation Date];2) returns 17 December 2005 when [Reservation Date] is 15 December
RelativeDate([Reservation Date];-3) returns 9 January 2007 when [Reservation Date] is 12 January
RelativeDate([Reservation Date];1;MonthPeriod) returns 12 February 2007 when [Reservation date] is
12 January 2007. TimeDim
The TimeDim time dimension allows you to build a time axis from a date type universe object. TimeDim returns
the data for the dates given as the first parameter over the time periods given as the second parameter. When
there are periods that have no data, the first day of each empty period is returned. This ensures a full axis for the
given period. This guarantees:
That the axis retains the natural time order (oldest objects first, the most recent objects last).
The axis contains all the periods between the minimum and maximum dates in the current context.
You cannot use the TimeDim function to filter on formulas (for example in a filter, input-control, element-link,
filter/drill bar). Instead you should directly filter on the underlaying date dimension.
Function Group
Date and Time
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TimeDim([Date Type]; Period Type)
Description Type Required
Date Type The date object for the
report, for example,
Date Yes
Period Type The period for the results,
from the following values:
When no value is selected,
the DayPeriod is used by
default. This object should be
a data provider object, it
must be available from report
objects, and cannot be a
Pre-defined Optional
Use the above function in conjunction with the following functions:
The first table below contains data that concerns only certain dates. The query examples that follow show how the
results are interpreted.
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Invoice Date Revenue
1/3/00 31,607
1/8/00 31,244
7/3/00 38,154
The following formula DayName(TimeDim([Invoice Date] ; QuarterPeriod) returns daily values from the
above table.
Invoice Date Revenue
1/3/00 31,607
1/8/00 31,244
7/3/00 38,154
You should format the results of the TimeDim function with the Quarter function to return the results by Quarter
(Q1, Q2...) to give you the following result table:
Invoice Date Revenue
Q1 62,851
Q3 38,154 ToDate
Turns a character string into a date. Give the date format as the parameter to indicate to Web Intelligence how to
convert the string into a date. The date format you provide must match the format of the date in the original
string. Refer to the link below for the possible date formats.
Function Group
Date and Time
date ToDate(date_string;format)
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date ToDate(date_string;"INPUT_DATE_TIME")
In scenarios where the Preferred viewing locale can be different depending on the user, a fixed format (for a
particular locale) is not appropriate. In this case use INPUT_DATE_TIME as shown in the second example
Parameter Description Type Required
date_string The string to be interpreted
as a date.
string Yes
The date format used by the
to use the format of the
Preferred viewing locale.
string Yes*
* See the note above. Use the format or INPUT_DATE_TIME depending on your needs.
ToDate("12/15/2002";"MM/dd/yyyy") interprets “12” as a month number, “15” as a day number and “2002”
as a year.
ToDate("Dec/02";"Mmm/yy") interprets “Dec” as an abbreviated month name and “02” as the two last digits
of a year.
ToDate("15-December-02";"dd-Mmmm-yy") interprets “15” as a day number, “December” as a month and
“02” as the last two digits of a year.
ToDate("12/15/02 11:00:00";"INPUT_DATE_TIME") interprets “12/15/02 11:00:00” in the format used by
the Preferred viewing locale on the user's machine.
With INPUT_DATE_TIME, both the date and time must be specified in the date_string input string.
If date_string cannot be interpreted as a valid date with the specified format, the ToDate() formula returns
The way a date is displayed in a cell depends on the chosen date format in that cell. For instance, if the
chosen date format is "MM/dd/yyyy", then ToDate(“Dec/15/02”;”MMM/dd/yy”) will be displayed as
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Related Information
Custom formats [page 37] Week
Returns the week number in the year
Function Group
Date and Time
int Week(date)
Parameter Description Type Required
date The input date Date Yes
Week([Reservation Date]) returns 1 when the date in [Reservation Date] is 4 January 2004 (which occurs in
the first week of the year 2004).
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119 Year
Returns the year in a date
Function Group
Date and Time
int Year(date)
Parameter Description Type Required
date The input date Date Yes
Year([Reservation Date]) returns 2005 when the date in [Reservation Date] is 15 December 2005.
6.1.5 Data Provider functions Connection
Returns the parameters of the database connection used by a data provider
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Function Group
Data Provider
string Connection(dp)
Parameter Description Type Required
dp The data provider Data provider Yes
You must enclose the name of the data provider in square brackets.
For security reasons, the output of the function does not include the database host name, user name and user
password. DataProvider
Returns the name of the data provider containing a report object
Function Group
Data Provider
string DataProvider(obj)
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Parameter Description Type Required
obj A report object Report object Yes
DataProvider([Total Revenue]) returns "Sales" if the [Total Revenue] measure is in a data provider called
DataProvider requires an object name to return its data provider name. If you use another function as a
parameter of DataProvider, for example a dimension variable, that does not give an object name, the
DataProvider function will return an error. DataProviderKeyDate
Returns the keydate of a data provider
Function Group
Data Provider
date DataProviderKeyDate(dp)
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Parameter Description Type Required
dp The data provider Data provider Yes
You must enclose the name of the data provider in square brackets.
The returned keydate is formatted according to the document locale.
DataProviderKeyDate([Sales]) returns 3 August 2007 if the keydate for the Sales data provider is 3 August
2007. DataProviderKeyDateCaption
Returns the keydate caption of a data provider
Function Group
Data Provider
string DataProviderKeyDateCaption(dp)
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Parameter Description Type Required
dp The data provider Data provider Yes
You must enclose the name of the data provider in square brackets.
DataProviderKeyDateCaption([Sales]) returns "Current calendar date" if the keydate caption in the Sales
data provider is "Current calendar date". DataProviderSQL
Returns the SQL generated by a data provider
Function Group
Data Provider
string DataProviderSQL(dp)
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Parameter Description Type Required
dp The data provider Data provider Yes
You must enclose the name of the data provider in square brackets.
DataProviderSQL([Query 1]) returns SELECT country.country_name FROM country if the data
provider SQL is SELECT country.country_name FROM country. DataProviderType
Returns the type of a data provider
Function Group
Data Provider
string DataProviderType(dp)
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Functions, operators and keywords © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Parameter Description Type Required
dp The data provider Data provider Yes
DataProviderType returns "Universe" for universe data providers or "Personal Data" for personal data
You must enclose the name of the data provider in square brackets.
DataProviderType([Sales]) returns "Universe" if the "Sales" data provider is based on a universe. IsPromptAnswered
Determines whether a prompt has been answered
Function Group
Data Provider
bool IsPromptAnswered([dp;]prompt_string)
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Parameter Description Type Required
dp The data provider containing
the prompt
Data provider No
prompt_string The prompt text String Yes
You must enclose the name of the data provider in square brackets.
IsPromptAnswered returns a Boolean value that you can use with the If function.
If you place IsPromptAnswered directly into a column, it returns an integer (1=true, 0=false). You can format
this integer using a Boolean number format.
IsPromptAnswered("Choose a city") returns true if the prompt identified by the text "Choose a city" has
been answered.
IsPromptAnswered([Sales];"Choose a city") returns true if the prompt identified by the text "Choose a
city" in the [Sales] data provider has been answered. LastExecutionDate
Returns the date on which a data provider was last refreshed
Function Group
Data Provider
date LastExecutionDate(dp)
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Parameter Description Type Required
dp The data provider Data provider Yes
If your report has one data provider only you can omit the dp parameter.
You must enclose the name of the data provider in square brackets.
You can use the DataProvider function to provide a reference to a data provider.
LastExecutionDate([Sales Query]) returns "3/4/2002" if the Sales Query data provider was last
refreshed on 4 March 2002.
Related Information
DataProvider [page 121] LastExecutionDuration
Returns the time in seconds taken by the last refresh of a data provider
Function Group
Data Provider
num LastExecutionDuration(dp)
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Parameter Description Type Required
dp The data provider Data provider Yes
You must enclose the name of the data provider in square brackets.
LastExecutionDuration([Sales]) returns 3 if the "Sales" data provider took 3 second to return its data the
last time it was run. LastExecutionTime
Returns the time at which a data provider was last refreshed
Function Group
Data Provider
time LastExecutionTime(dp)
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Functions, operators and keywords © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Parameter Description Type Required
dp The data provider Data provider Yes
If your report has one data provider only you can omit the dp parameter.
You can use the DataProvider function to provide a reference to a data provider.
You must enclose the name of the data provider in square brackets.
LastExecutionTime([Sales Query]) returns "2:48:00 PM" if the Sales Query data provider was last
refreshed at 2:48:00 PM.
Related Information
DataProvider [page 121] NumberOfDataProviders
Returns the number of data providers in a report
Function Group
Data Provider
int NumberOfDataProviders()
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NumberOfDataProviders() returns 2 if the report has two data providers. NumberOfRows
Returns the number of rows in a data provider
Function Group
Data Provider
int NumberOfRows(dp)
Parameter Description Type Required
dp The data provider Data provider Yes
You must enclose the name of the data provider in square brackets.
You can use the DataProvider function to provide a reference to a data provider.
NumberOfRows([Query 1]) returns 10 if the "Query 1" data provider has 10 rows.
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Related Information
DataProvider [page 121] RefValueDate
Returns the date of the reference data used for data tracking
Function Group
Data Provider
date RefValueDate()
RefValueDate() returns 15 December 2008 if the reference date is 15 December 2008. RefValueUserReponse
Returns the response to a prompt when the reference data was the current data
Function Group
Data Provider
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
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Functions, operators and keywords
string RefValueUserResponse([dp;]prompt_string[;Index])
Description Type Required
dp The data provider Data provider No
prompt_string The prompt text String Yes
Index Tells the function to return
the database primary keys of
the prompt values
Keyword No
The function returns an empty string if data tracking is not activated.
You must enclose the name of the data provider in square brackets.
You can use the DataProvider function to provide a reference to a data provider.
If you selected more than one value in answer to a prompt, the function returns a string consisting of a list of
values (or primary keys if the Index operator is specified) separated by semi-colons.
RefValueUserResponse( "Which city?" ) returns "Los Angeles" if you entered "Los Angeles" in the "Which
City?" prompt at the time when the reference data was the current data.
RefValueUserResponse([Sales Query];"Which city?") returns "Los Angeles," if you entered "Los
Angeles" in the "Which City?" prompt in the "Sales Query" data provider at the time when the reference data was
the current data. ServerValue
Returns the database value of a measure
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Function Group
Data Provider
num ServerValue([measure])
Parameter Description Type Required
measure Any measure Measure Yes
ServerValue ignores all local filters applied to dimensions or hierarchies used to calculate the measure
ServerValue([Internet Sales Amount] returns the database value of the measure [Internet Sales
Amount] UniverseName
Returns the name of the universe on which a data provider is based
Function Group
Data Provider
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string UniverseName(dp)
Parameter Description Type Required
dp The data provider Data provider Yes
The value of dp in the formula is automatically updated if the name of the data provider changes. If the data
provider is renamed to "Q1", the formula becomes UniverseName([Q1]).
You must enclose the name of the data provider in square brackets.
You can use the DataProvider function to provide a reference to a data provider.
UniverseName([Query 1]) returns "eFashion" if the [Query 1] data provider is based on the eFashion universe.
Related Information
DataProvider [page 121] UserResponse
Returns the response to a prompt
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Function Group
Data Provider
string UserResponse([dp;]prompt_string[;Index])
Parameter Description Type Required
dp The data provider Data provider No
prompt_string The prompt text String Yes
Index Tells the function to return
the database primary keys of
the prompt values
Keyword No
You must enclose the name of the data provider in square brackets.
You can use the DataProvider function to provide a reference to a data provider.
If you select more than one value in answer to a prompt, the function returns a string consisting of a list of
values (or primary keys if the Index operator is specified) separated by semi-colons.
UserResponse("Which city?") returns "Los Angeles if you entered "Los Angeles" in the "Which City?"
UserResponse([Sales Query];"Which city?") returns "Los Angeles," if you entered "Los Angeles" in the
"Which City?" prompt in the "Sales Query" data provider.
UserResponse([Sales Query];"Which city?";Index) returns 23 if you entered "Los Angeles" in the
"Which City?" prompt in the "Sales Query" data provider, and the database primary key of Los Angeles is 23.
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6.1.6 Document functions DocumentAuthor
Returns the InfoView logon of the document creator
Function Group
string DocumentAuthor()
DocumentAuthor() returns "gkn" if the document author's login is "gkn". DocumentCreationDate
Returns the date on which a document was created
Function Group
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date DocumentCreationDate()
DocumentCreationDate() returns 15 December 2008 if the document was created on 15 December 2008. DocumentCreationTime
Returns the time when a document was created
Function Group
time DocumentCreationTime()
DocumentCreationTime() returns 11:15 if the document was created at 11:15. DocumentDate
Returns the date on which a document was last saved
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Function Group
date DocumentDate()
DocumentDate() returns 8 August 2005 if the document was last saved on 8 August 2005. DocumentName
Returns the document name
Function Group
string DocumentName()
DocumentName() returns "Sales Report" if the document is called "Sales Report".
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Functions, operators and keywords © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
139 DocumentOwner
Returns the BI launch pad logon/user name of the owner of the document (the last person who saved the
document). (To return the original author/creator of the document, use the DocumentAuthor function.)
Function Group
string DocumentOwner()
DocumentOwner() returns "gkn" if the last person who saved the document has the user name or login "gkn". DocumentPartiallyRefreshed
Determines whether a document is partially refreshed
Function Group
bool DocumentPartiallyRefreshed()
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DocumentPartiallyRefreshed returns a boolean value that you can use in the If function.
DocumentPartiallyRefreshed() returns True if the document is partially refreshed. DocumentTime
Returns the time when a document was last saved
Function Group
time DocumentTime()
The format of the returned time varies depending on the cell format.
DocumentTime() returns 15:45 if the document was last saved at 15:45.
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Functions, operators and keywords © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
141 DrillFilters
Returns the results of drill filters applied to a document or object in an declared report in drill mode. You can
declare a different report within the document. If you do not declare a report, the current active report is used.
Function Group
string DrillFilters([obj|separator[;report]])
Parameter Description Type Required
obj A report object Report object
Either obj or separator
separator The drill filter separator String
Either obj or separator
report Optional. The name of the
report you want to use. It
must be in the document. If
no report is declared, then
the current report is used.
Either obj or separator
You can insert DrillFilters directly without the need to enter the formula manually by inserting a
DrillFilters cell.
If you do not specify an object, the function returns all drill filters applied to the document.
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DrillFilters() returns "US" if the document has a drill filter restricting the [Country] object to US.
DrillFilters() returns "US - 1999" if the document has a filter restricting [Country] to "US" and [Year] to
DrillFilters("/") returns "US / 1999" if the document has filters restricting [Country] to "US" and [Year] to
DrillFilters ([Quarter]) returns "Q3" if the document has a drill filter restricting [Quarter] to "Q3". PromptSummary
Returns the prompt text and user response of all prompts in a document
Function Group
string PromptSummary()
Example output of the PromptSummary function appears as follows:
Enter Quantity Sold: 5000
Enter value(s) for State (optional): California, Texas, Utah
Enter Customer (optional):
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143 QuerySummary
Returns information about the queries in a document
Function Group
string QuerySummary([dp])
Parameter Description Type Required
dp A data provider Data provider No
You must enclose the name of the data provider in square brackets.
QuerySummary() returns information about all the queries in a document.
QuerySummary([Query 1]) returns information about the queries based on the [Query 1] data provider.
Output example:
Query 1:
Universe: eFashion
Last execution time: 1s
NB of rows: 34500
Result objects: State, Year, Sales Revenue
Scope of analysis: State, City, Year, Quarter, Month
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(State inlist{"US";"France";}
And (Sales Revenue Greater Than 1000000
Or Sales Revenue Less Than 10000))
Query 2:
Source file: D:\Data\datacar.xls
Result objects: State, Year, Sales Revenue ReportFilter
Returns the report filters applied to an object or report
Function Group
string ReportFilter(obj)
Parameter Description Type Required
obj A report object Report object Yes
ReportFilter([Country]) returns "US" if there is a report filter on the Country object that restricts it to "US".
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145 ReportFilterSummary
Returns a summary of the report filters in a document or report
Function Group
string ReportFilterSummary(report_name)
Parameter Description Type Required
report_name The name of the report String No
If report_name is omitted, ReportFilterSummary returns a summary of all the report filters in all the reports in
the document.
ReportFilterSummary() returns information about all the report filters in a document.
ReportFilterSummary("Report1") returns information about the report filters in the "Report1" report.
Example output of the ReportFilterSummary function appears as follows:
Filters on Report1:
(Sales Revenue Greater Than 1000000
Or (Sales Revenue Less Than 3000))
Filters on Section on City:
(City InList{"Los Angeles";"San Diego";})
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Ranking Filter:
(Top 10 & Bottom 10 [Customer] Based on [Sales
Revenue] (Count))
6.1.7 Logical functions Even
Determines whether a number is even
Function Group
bool Even(number)
Parameter Description Type Required
number Any number Number Yes
Even returns a boolean value that you can use in the If function.
If you place Even directly into a column, it returns an integer (1=true; 0=false). You can format this integer
using a Boolean number format.
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Even(4) returns True.
Even(3) returns False.
Even(23.2) returns False.
Even(-4) returns True.
Even(-2.2) returns False. IsDate
Determines whether a value is a date
Function Group
bool IsDate(obj)
Parameter Description Type Required
obj Any report object Report object Yes
IsDate returns a boolean value that you can use in the If function.
If you place IsDate directly into a column, it returns an integer (1=true; 0=false). You can format this integer
using a Boolean number format.
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IsDate([Reservation Date]) returns True if [Reservation Date] is a date.
Or one of the following to return "Date" if [Reservation Date] is a date:
If(IsDate([Reservation Date])) Then "Date" Else "Not a date"
If IsDate([Reservation Date]) Then "Date" Else "Not a date"
Related Information
If...Then...Else [page 210] IsError
Determines whether an object returns an error
Function Group
bool IsError(obj)
Description Type Required
obj Any report object Report object Yes
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IsError returns a boolean value that you can use in the If function.
If you place IsError directly into a column, it returns an integer (1=true; 0=false). You can format this integer
using a Boolean number format.
IsError([Revenue]) returns False if the [Revenue] variable does not return an error.
IsError([Average Guests]) returns True if the [Average Guests] variable returns a division by zero (#DIV/0)
If IsError([Average Guests]) Then "Error" Else "No error" returns "Error" if the [Average Guests]
variable returns a division by zero (#DIV/0) error.
Related Information
If...Then...Else [page 210] IsLogical
Determines whether a value is boolean
Function Group
bool IsLogical(obj)
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Parameter Description Type Required
obj Any report object Report object Yes
IsLogical returns a boolean value that you can use in the If function.
If you place IsLogical directly into a column, it returns an integer (1=true; 0=false). You can format this
integer using a Boolean number format.
IsLogical(IsString([Country])) returns True.
IsLogical([Country]) returns False if country returns any data type other than boolean.
If IsLogical(IsDate([Country])) Then "Boolean" Else "Not boolean" returns "Boolean".
Related Information
If...Then...Else [page 210] IsNull
Determines whether a value is null
Function Group
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bool IsNull(obj)
Parameter Description Type Required
obj Any report object Report object Yes
IsNull returns a boolean value that you can use in the If function.
If you place IsNull directly into a column, it returns an integer (1=true; 0=false). You can format this integer
using a Boolean number format.
IsNull([Revenue]) returns False if the [Revenue] variable is not null.
IsNull([Average Guests]) returns True if the [Average Guests] variable is null.
Related Information
If...Then...Else [page 210] IsNumber
Determines whether a value is a number
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Function Group
bool IsNumber(obj)
Parameter Description Type Required
obj Any report object Report object Yes
IsNumber returns a boolean value that you can use in the If function.
If you place IsNumber directly into a column, it returns an integer (1=true; 0=false). You can format this
integer using a Boolean number format.
IsNumber([Revenue]) returns True if the [Revenue] variable is a number.
IsNumber([Customer Name]) returns False if the [Customer Name] variable is not a number.
If IsNumber([Customer Name]) Then "Number" Else "Not a number" returns "Not a number" if the
[Customer Name] variable is not a number.
Related Information
If...Then...Else [page 210]
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153 IsString
Determines whether a value is a string
Function Group
bool IsString(obj)
Parameter Description Type Required
obj Any report object Report object Yes
IsString returns a boolean value that you can use in the If function.
If you place IsString directly into a column, it returns an integer (1=true; 0=false). You can format this
integer using a Boolean number format.
IsString([Revenue]) returns false if the [Revenue] variable is not a string.
IsString([Customer Name]) returns true if the [Customer Name] variable is a string.
If IsString([Customer Name]) Then "String" Else "Not a string" returns "String" if the
[Customer Name] variable is a string.
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Related Information
If...Then...Else [page 210] IsTime
Determines whether a variable is a time variable
Function Group
bool IsTime(obj)
Parameter Description Type Required
obj Any report object Report object Yes
IsTime returns a boolean value that you can use in the If function.
If you place IsTime directly into a column, it returns an integer (1=true; 0=false). You can format this integer
using a Boolean number format.
IsTime([Reservation Time]) returns true if the [Reservation Time] variable is a time variable.
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IsTime([Average Guests]) returns false if the [Average Guests] variable is not a time variable.
If IsTime([Average Guests]) Then "Time" Else "Not time" returns "Not time" if the [Average
Guests] variable is not a time variable.
Related Information
If...Then...Else [page 210] Odd
Determines whether a number is odd
Function Group
bool Odd(number)
Parameter Description Type Required
number Any number Number Yes
Odd returns a boolean value that you can use in the If function.
If you place Odd directly into a column, it returns an integer (1=true; 0=false). You can format this integer
using a Boolean number format.
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Odd ignores the fractional parts of decimal numbers.
Odd(5) returns True.
Odd(4) returns False.
Odd(23.2) returns True.
Odd(24.2) returns True.
Odd(-23.2) returns True.
Odd(-24.2) returns True.
Related Information
If...Then...Else [page 210]
6.1.8 Numeric functions Abs
Returns the absolute value of a number
Function Group
num Abs(number)
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Parameter Description Type Required
number Any number Number Yes
Abs(25) returns 25.
Abs(-11) returns 11. Ceil
Returns a number rounded up to the nearest integer
Function Group
num Ceil(number)
Description Type Required
number Any number Number Yes
158 © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
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Ceil(2.4) returns 3.
Ceil(3.1) returns 4.
Ceil(-3.1) returns -3. Cos
Returns the cosine of an angle
Function Group
num Cos(angle)
Parameter Description Type Required
angle An angle in radians Number Yes
Cos(180) returns -0.6.
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159 EuroConvertFrom
Converts a Euro amount to another currency
Function Group
num EuroConvertFrom(euro_amount;curr_code;round_level)
Parameter Description Type Required
euro_amount The amount in Euros Number Yes
curr_code The ISO code of the target
String Yes
round_level The number of decimal
places to which the result is
Number Yes
The currency code must be the code of one of the 12 EU currencies whose values were fixed in relation to the Euro
prior to their abolition in January 2002. If it is not, the function returns #ERROR. The currencies are:
Table 39:
Belgian franc
DEM German mark
GRD Greek drachma
ESP Spanish peseta
160 © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
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FRF French franc
IEP Irish punt
ITL Italian lira
LUF Luxembourg franc
NLG Dutch guilder
ATS Austrian schilling
PTS Portuguese escudo
FIM Finnish mark
EuroConvertFrom(1000;"FRF";2) returns 6559.57.
EuroConvertFrom(1000;"FRF";1) returns 6559.60.
EuroConvertFrom(1000.04;"DEM";2) returns 1955.83.
EuroConvertFrom(1000.04;"DEM";1) returns 1955.80.
Related Information
Rounding and truncating numbers [page 248] EuroConvertTo
Converts an amount to Euros
Function Group
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num EuroConvertTo(noneuro_amount;curr_code;round_level)
Parameter Description Type Required
euro_amount The amount in the non-euro
Number Yes
curr_code The ISO code of the non-euro
String Yes
round_level The number of decimal
places to which the result is
Number Yes
EuroConvertTo(6559;"FRF";2) returns 999.91.
EuroConvertTo(6559;"FRF";1) returns 999.90.
EuroConvertTo(1955;"DEM";2) returns 999.58.
EuroConvertTo(1955;"DEM";1) returns 999.60.
The currency code must be the code of one of the 12 EU currencies whose values were fixed in relation to the Euro
prior to their abolition in January 2002. If it is not, the function returns #ERROR. The currencies are:
Table 40:
Belgian franc
DEM German mark
GRD Greek drachma
ESP Spanish peseta
FRF French franc
IEP Irish punt
ITL Italian lira
162 © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
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LUF Luxembourg franc
NLG Dutch guilder
ATS Austrian schilling
PTS Portuguese escudo
FIM Finnish mark
Related Information
Rounding and truncating numbers [page 248] EuroFromRoundError
Returns the rounding error in a conversion from Euros
Function Group
num EuroFromRoundError(euro_amount;curr_code;round_level)
Description Type Required
euro_amount The amount in Euros Number Yes
curr_code The ISO code of the target
String Yes
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Parameter Description Type Required
round_level The number of decimal
places to which the result is
Number Yes
The rounding error in the calculation
EuroFromRoundError(1000;"FRF";2) returns 0. (There is no difference between the unrounded conversion
and the conversion rounded to 2 decimal places.)
EuroFromRoundError(1000;"FRF";1) returns 0.03. (The unrounded conversion is 6559.57. The conversion
rounded to 1 decimal place is 6559.60. The rounding error is 0.03.)
EuroFromRoundError(1000;"DEM";2) returns 0. (There is no difference between the unrounded conversion
and the conversion rounded to 2 decimal places.)
EuroFromRoundError(1000;"DEM";1) returns -0.01. (The unrounded conversion is 1955.83. The conversion
rounded to 1 decimal place is 1995.80. The rounding error is -0.03.)
The currency code must be the code of one of the 12 EU currencies whose values were fixed in relation to the Euro
prior to their abolition in January 2002. If it is not, the function returns #ERROR. The currencies are:
Table 41:
Belgian franc
DEM German mark
GRD Greek drachma
ESP Spanish peseta
FRF French franc
IEP Irish punt
ITL Italian lira
LUF Luxembourg franc
NLG Dutch guilder
ATS Austrian schilling
164 © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
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PTS Portuguese escudo
FIM Finnish mark
Related Information
Rounding and truncating numbers [page 248] EuroToRoundError
Returns the rounding error in a conversion to Euros
Function Group
num EuroToRoundError(noneuro_amount;curr_code;round_level)
Parameter Description Type Required
euro_amount The amount in the non-euro
Number Yes
curr_code The ISO code of the non-euro
String Yes
round_level The number of decimal
places to which the result is
Number Yes
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EuroToRoundError(6559;"FRF";2) returns 0. (There is no difference between the unrounded conversion and
the conversion rounded to 2 decimal places.)
EuroToRoundError(6559;"FRF";1) returns -0.01. (The unrounded conversion is 999.91. The conversion
rounded to 1 decimal place is 999.90. The rounding error is -0.01.)
EuroToRoundError(1955;"DEM";2) returns 0. (There is no difference between the unrounded conversion and
the conversion rounded to 2 decimal places.)
EuroToRoundError(1955;"DEM";1) returns 0.02. (The unrounded conversion is 999.58. The conversion
rounded to 1 decimal place is 999.60. The rounding error is 0.02.)
The currency code must be the code of one of the 12 EU currencies whose values were fixed in relation to the Euro
prior to their abolition in January 2002. If it is not, the function returns #ERROR. The currencies are:
Table 42:
Belgian franc
DEM German mark
GRD Greek drachma
ESP Spanish peseta
FRF French franc
IEP Irish punt
ITL Italian lira
LUF Luxembourg franc
NLG Dutch guilder
ATS Austrian schilling
PTS Portuguese escudo
FIM Finnish mark
Related Information
Rounding and truncating numbers [page 248]
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Functions, operators and keywords Exp
Returns an exponential (e raised to a power)
Function Group
num Exp(power)
Parameter Description Type Required
power The power Number Yes
An exponential is the constant e (2.718...) raised to a power.
Exp(2.2) returns 9.03. Fact
Returns the factorial of a number
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Function Group
int Fact(number)
Parameter Description Type Required
number Any number Number Yes
The factorial of number is the product of all the integers from 1 to number.
Fact(4) returns 24.
Fact(5.9) returns 120. Floor
Returns a number rounded down to the nearest integer
Function Group
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Functions, operators and keywords
int Floor(number)
Parameter Description Type Required
number Any number Number Yes
Floor(24.4) returns 24. Ln
Returns the natural logarithm of a number
Function Group
num Ln(number)
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Parameter Description Type Required
number Any number Number Yes
Ln(10) returns 2.3 Log
Returns the logarithm of a number in a specified base
Function Group
num Log(number;base)
Parameter Description Type Required
number Any number Number Yes
base The base of the logarithm Number Yes
Log(125;5) returns 3.
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Returns the base 10 logarithm of a number
Function Group
num Log10(number)
Parameter Description Type Required
number Any number Number Yes
Log10(100) returns 2. Mod
Returns the remainder from the division of two numbers
Function Group
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num Mod(dividend;divisor)
Parameter Description Type Required
dividend The dividend Number Yes
divisor The divisor Number Yes
Mod(10;4) returns 2.
Mod (10.2;4.2) returns 1.8. Power
Returns a number raised to a power
Function Group
num Power(number;power)
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Parameter Description Type Required
number The number to raise to a
Number Yes
power The power Number Yes
Power(10;2) returns 100. Rank
Ranks a measure by dimensions
Function Group
int Rank(measure;[ranking_dims][;Top|Bottom][;(reset_dims)])
Description Type Required
measure The measure to be ranked Measure Yes
ranking_dims The dimensions used to rank
the measure
Dimension list No
Top|Bottom Sets the ranking order: Keyword
No (Top is default)
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Parameter Description Type Required
Top - descending
Bottom - ascending
reset_dims The dimensions that reset
the ranking
Dimension list No
The function uses the default calculation context to calculate the ranking if you do not specify ranking
You must always place dimensions in parentheses even if there is only one dimension in the list of ranking or
reset dimensions.
When you specify a set of ranking or reset dimensions you must separate them with semi-colons.
By default the ranking is reset over a section or block break.
In the following table the rank is given by Rank([Revenue];([Country])):
Table 43:
Revenue Rank
France 835,420 2
US 2,451,104 1
In the following table the rank is given by Rank([Revenue];([Country]);Bottom). The Bottom argument
means that the measures are ranked in descending order.
Table 44:
Revenue Rank
France 835,420 1
US 2,451,104 2
In the following table the rank is given by Rank([Revenue];([Country];[Resort])):
Table 45:
Resort Revenue Rank
France French Riviera 835,420 3
US Bahamas Beach 971,444 2
US Hawaiian Club 1,479,660 1
174 © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
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In the following table the rank is given by Rank([Revenue];([Country];[Year]);([Country])). The rank is
reset on the Country dimension.
Table 46:
Year Revenue Rank
France FY1998 295,940 1
France FY1999 280,310 2
France FY2000 259,170 3
US FY1998 767,614 3
US FY1999 826,930 2
US FY2000 856,560 1
Related Information
Bottom/Top operators [page 231] Round
Rounds a number
Function Group
num Round (number;round_level)
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Parameter Description Type Required
number The number to be rounded Number Yes
round_level The number of decimal
places to which the number is
Number Yes
Round(9.44;1) returns 9.4.
Round(9.45;1) returns 9.5.
Round(9.45;0) returns 9.
Round(9.45;-1) returns 10.
Round(4.45;-1) returns 0.
Related Information
Rounding and truncating numbers [page 248] Sign
Returns the sign of a number
Function Group
int Sign(number)
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Parameter Description Type Required
number Any number Number Yes
Sign returns -1 if number is negative, 0 if number is zero and 1 if number is positive.
Sign(3) returns 1.
Sign(-27.5) returns -1. Sin
Returns the sine of an angle.
Function Group
num Sin(angle)
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Parameter Description Type Required
angle An angle in radians Number Yes
Sin(234542) can return, depending on the decimal point setting, -0.116992 or -0.12. Sqrt
Returns the square root of a number
Function Group
num Sqrt(number)
Parameter Description Type Required
number Any number Number Yes
Sqrt(25) returns 5.
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Functions, operators and keywords Tan
Returns the tangent of an angle
Function Group
num Tan(angle)
Parameter Description Type Required
angle An angle in radians Number Yes
Tan(90) returns -2. ToDecimal
Returns a decimal.
Function Group
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num ToDecimal(number|string)
Parameter Description Type Required
number|string A number or a string that can
be interpreted as a number
Number or string Yes
If string is not a number, ToDecimal returns #ERROR.
ToDecimal("1234567890.1234567890") returns 1234567890.1234567890.
ToDecimal("1234567890.12345") returns 1234567890.12345.
ToDecimal("abcdefijkl") returns #ERROR. ToNumber
Returns a string as a number
Function Group
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num ToNumber(string)
Parameter Description Type Required
string A number as a string String Yes
If string is not a number or a datetime, ToNumber returns #ERROR.
ToNumber("45") returns 45. Truncate
Truncates a number
Function Group
num Truncate(number;truncate_level)
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Parameter Description Type Required
number The number to be rounded Number Yes
truncate_level The number of decimal
places to which the number is
Number Yes
Truncate(3.423;2) returns 3.42.
Related Information
Rounding and truncating numbers [page 248]
6.1.9 Set functions Ancestor
Returns an ancestor member of a member
Function Group
member Ancestor(member;level|distance)
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Parameter Description Type Required
member Any member member Yes
level The level of the ancestor level
Either level or distance
is required
distance The distance of the ancestor
level from the current level
Either level or distance
is required
Ancestor is not used as a standalone function. It is used in the input parameter in aggregate functions that
specifies the member set for aggregation.
member is the current member of a hierarchy. When the hierarchy is not in the context of the block, the
formula returns an empty value.
distance must be positive.
The following examples are all taken from an English language data source.
Based on the following geography hierarchy, you want to know the Internet Sales Amount impact of each
customer independant of the customer's city.
Firstly, for each City, you want the Internet Sales Amount value for its Country:
=Sum([Query 2].[Internet Sales].[Internet Sales Amount];{Ancestor([Customer
Geography];[Customer Geography].[City])})
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Then you calculate the contribution of each City in the country's global Internet Sales amount :
=[Query 2].[Internet Sales].[Internet Sales Amount] / Sum([Query 2].[Internet
Sales].[Internet Sales Amount];{Ancestor([Customer Geography];[Customer Geography].
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When using BICS connections to SAPBW providers, you need to specify an offset level instead of naming the
=[Query 2].[Internet Sales].[Internet Sales Amount] / Sum([Query 2].[Internet
Sales].[Internet Sales Amount];{Ancestor([Customer Geography];2)})
In this case you will have results also for State Province and Country.
Related Information
Aggregate [page 40]
Average [page 47]
Count [page 48]
Max [page 54]
Min [page 56]
Sum [page 76]
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185 Children
Returns the child members of a hierarchy member within an aggregate function.
Function Group
member_set member.Children
Parameter Description Type Required
member Any member member Yes
Children is not used as a standalone function. It is used in the input parameter in aggregate functions that
specifies the member set for aggregation.
member is the current member of a hierarchy. When the hierarchy is not in the context of the block, the
formula returns an empty value.
[Geography].[US].[California].Children returns [Los Angeles], [San Francisco], [San Diego].
[Geography].Children returns [Los Angeles], [San Francisco], [San Diego] if [California] is the current
member in the [Geography] hierarchy.
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Related Information
Aggregate [page 40]
Average [page 47]
Count [page 48]
Max [page 54]
Min [page 56]
Sum [page 76] Depth
Returns the depth of a member in a hierarchy
Function Group
int member.Depth
Parameter Description Type Required
member Any member member Yes
The depth is the distance of the member from top level of the hierarchy.
The top level of the hierarchy is level 0.
member is the current member of a hierarchy. When the hierarchy is not in the context of the block, the
formula returns an empty value.
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You want to know the depth of hierarchy members:
Now combine with the Children functions to check if you have all days listed every month:
=If [Calendar].[Date.Calendar].Depth = 4 Then Count([Internet Sales].[Internet
Sales Amount];{[Calendar].[Date.Calendar].Children()})
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Functions, operators and keywords Descendants
Returns descendants of a hierarchy member within an aggregation function.
Function Group
member_set Descendants(member[;level|distance][;desc_flag])
Description Type Required
member Any member member Yes
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Parameter Description Type Required
level The level of the descendants level
No (the level of member is
the default)
distance The distance of the
descendant level from the
current level
No (the level of member is
the default)
desc_flag Determines which
descendant members are
No (default is Self)
Descendants is not used as a standalone function. It is used in the input parameter in aggregate functions
that specifies the member set for aggregation.
member is the current member of a hierarchy. When the hierarchy is not in the context of the block, the
formula returns an empty value.
Self in desc_flag refers to the level specified by the level|distance parameter.
Before in desc_flag refers to all levels above the level specified by the level|distance parameter.
After in desc_flag refers to all levels below the level specified by the level|distance parameter.
The values of desc_flag are as follows:
Returns the descendants at the level specified by the
level|distance parameter, including the current
member if it is at this level.
Before Returns the current member and all descendants above
the level specified by the
level|distance parameter.
After Returns the descendants below the level specified by the
level|distance parameter.
Self_Before Returns the current member and all descendants above
and including the level specified by the
Self_After Returns the current member and all descendants at and
below the level specified by the
Before_After Returns the current member and all descendants except
those at the level specified by the
Self_Before_After Returns the current member and all descendants.
Leaves Returns all members between the current member and the
level specified by the
level|distance parameter that
do not have child members.
distance must be positive.
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You have a financial hierarchy, some of the nodes are not always cumulative ones, but you want to sum their
descendants. In this example, you will get the sum of descendants of each Balance Sheet member, only 1 level
=Sum([Query 3 (1)].[Financial Reporting].[Amount];{Descendants([Accounts]&[Balance
=Sum([Query 3 (1)].[Financial Reporting].[Amount];{Descendants([Accounts]&[Balance
Sheet].[Assets].[Current Assets];1;Leaves)})
Now you want to sum all members below Current Assets :
=Sum([Query 3 (1)].[Financial Reporting].[Amount];{Descendants([Accounts]&[Balance
Sheet].[Assets].[Current Assets];0;After)})
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Now add Current Assets itself :
=Sum([Query 3 (1)].[Financial Reporting].[Amount];{Descendants([Accounts]&[Balance
Sheet].[Assets].[Current Assets];0;Self_After)})
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Functions, operators and keywords
Related Information
Aggregate [page 40]
Average [page 47]
Count [page 48]
Max [page 54]
Min [page 56]
Sum [page 76] IsLeaf
Determines whether a member is a leaf member
Function Group
bool member.IsLeaf
Parameter Description Type Required
member Any member member Yes
A leaf member is a member that does not have any child members.
member is the current member of a hierarchy. When the hierarchy is not in the context of the block, the
formula returns an empty value.
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You want to know if the line is a day:
=[Calendar].[Date.Calendar].IsLeaf() Key
Returns the key of a member
string member.Key
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Function Group
Description Type Required
member Any member member Yes
The key is the internal identifier of a member.
member is the current member of a hierarchy. When the hierarchy is not in the context of the block, the
formula returns an empty value.
[Geography].[US].Key returns "XYZ" if the key of the [US] member is "XYZ". Lag
Returns a member at the same level as the current member and a given distance after it, within an aggregate
member member.Lag(distance)
Function Group
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Parameter Description Type Required
member Any member member Yes
distance The distance of the member
from the current member
int Yes
Lag is not used as a standalone function. It is used in the input parameter in aggregate functions that
specifies the member set for aggregation.
If distance is positive, Lag returns the member distance places after member. If distance is negative,
Lag returns the member distance places before member.
member is the current member of a hierarchy. When the hierarchy is not in the context of the block, the
formula returns an empty value.
Lag uses the member order in the hierarchy and query to return the related member.
You want to get the differences in internet sales from week to week.
=Max([Internet Sales].[Internet Sales Amount];{[Calendar].[Date.Calendar].Lag(7)})
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Or you want to compare a specific year to another year two years previously:
Now you want to combine Lag and IsLeaf to know over a one week period the difference for the amount sold. The
formula set in the last column will be :
=If [Calendar].[Date.Calendar].IsLeaf() Then [Internet Sales].[Internet Sales
Amount] - Max([Internet Sales].[Internet Sales Amount];{[Calendar].
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Related Information
Aggregate [page 40]
Average [page 47]
Count [page 48]
Max [page 54]
Min [page 56]
Sum [page 76] Parent
Returns the parent member of a hierarchy member within an aggregate function.
Function Group
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member member.Parent
Description Type Required
member Any member member Yes
Parent is not used as a standalone function. It is used in the input parameter in aggregate functions that
specifies the member set for aggregation.
member is the current member of a hierarchy. When the hierarchy is not in the context of the block, the
formula returns an empty value.
The second column contains the formula that allow yous to obtain the Parent of each hierarchy member:
=Max([Customer Geography];{[Customer Geography].Parent})
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Related Information
Aggregate [page 40]
Average [page 47]
Count [page 48]
Max [page 54]
Min [page 56]
Sum [page 76] Siblings
Returns the member and sibling members of the hierarchy member within an aggregate function.
Function Group
member_set member.Siblings
Parameter Description Type Required
member Any member member Yes
Siblings is not used as a standalone function. It is used in the input parameter in aggregate functions that
specifies the member set for aggregation.
member is the current member of a hierarchy. When the hierarchy is not in the context of the block, the
formula returns an empty value.
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Sibling members are members from the same level and with the same parent as member.
You have a time hierarchy and want to know the percentage of each Quarter within a year or the percentage of
each year within the period.
=[Query 1].[Internet Sales].[Internet Sales Amount] / Sum([Query 1].[Internet
Sales].[Internet Sales Amount];{[Query 1].[Calendar].[Date.Calendar].Siblings()})
In a free form cell you want to know the contribution of Year 2004 in the overall period :
=Sum([Query 1].[Internet Sales].[Internet Sales Amount];{[Query 1].[Calendar].
[Date.Calendar]&[All Periods].[CY 2004]}) / Sum([Query 1].[Internet Sales].
[Internet Sales Amount];{[Query 1].[Calendar].[Date.Calendar]&[All Periods].[CY
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Related Information
Aggregate [page 40]
Average [page 47]
Count [page 48]
Max [page 54]
Min [page 56]
Sum [page 76]
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6.1.10 Misc functions BlockName
Returns the block name
Function Group
string BlockName()
BlockName() returns "Block1" if it is placed in a block called "Block1". ColumnNumber
Returns the column number
Function Group
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int ColumnNumber()
ColumnNumber() returns 2 if the formula is placed in the second column of a table. Comment
Returns the comment of a cell
Function Group
string Comment()
The comment returned by the function is either the first or last comment entered in the cell, depending on how
you have set the parameter in the Document Properties.
Comment() returns "Increase the gross margin in Q3" if the comment in the cell is "Increase the gross margin in
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Functions, operators and keywords CurrentUser
Returns the BI launch pad login of the current user
Function Group
string CurrentUser()
CurrentUser() returns "gkn" if the current user's login is "gkn". ForceMerge
Includes synchronized dimensions in measure calculations when the dimensions are not in the measure's
calculation context
Function Group
num ForceMerge(measure)
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Parameter Description Type Required
measure Any measure Measure Yes
The result of the calculation with the synchronized dimensions taken into account
ForceMerge returns #MULTIVALUE if applied to a smart measure because the grouping set necessary to
calculate the smart measure does not exist.
ForceMerge is the equivalent of the BusinessObjects/Desktop Intelligence Multicube function.
ForceMerge([Revenue]) returns the value of [Revenue], taking into account any synchronized dimensions that
do not appear in the same block as the [Revenue] measure. GetContentLocale
Returns the locale of the data contained in the document (the Document Locale)
Function Group
string GetContentLocale()
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The Document Locale is used to format the data in a document.
GetContentLocale() returns "fr_FR" if the Document Locale is "French (France)". GetDominantPreferredViewingLocale
Returns the dominant locale in the user's Preferred Viewing Locale group
Function Group
string GetDominantPreferredViewingLocale()
Each group of related locales has a dominant locale, used as a base for all the other locales in the group. For
example, US English ("en_US") is the dominant locale in the English locales group. New Zealand English
("en_NZ") is also a member of this group.
The Translation Manager Guide lists all the Dominant Preferred Viewing Locales.
GetDominantPreferredViewingLocale returns "en_US" when the Preferred Viewing Locale is "English (New
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Related Information
GetPreferredViewingLocale [page 210] GetLocale
Returns the user's locale used to format the user interface (the Product Locale)
Function Group
string GetLocale()
The Product Locale is the locale of the user interface (for example, menu items and button text).
GetLocale() returns "en_US" if the user's Product Locale is "English (US)". GetLocalized
Returns a string localized according to the user's Preferred Viewing Locale
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string GetLocalized(string[;comment])
Parameter Description Type Required
string The string to be translated string Yes
comment A comment to aid translators string No
The string parameter can be a string in any formula (for example, in a cell, an alerter message or a variable
When designing a report, you can use the comment parameter to provide further information to help
translators translate the string. The comment appears with the string in the Translation Manager tool which
translators use to translate reports.
Each string + comment pair generates a separate string to be translated in the Translation Manager tool. As
a result, GetLocalized("Product Total";"Max 20 characters") and GetLocalized("Product
Total";"Use no more than 20 characters") might return different translations.
GetLocalized("Total for all products") returns the French translation of "Total for all products" if the
Preferred Viewing Locale is "fr_FR".
GetLocalized("Total for all products";"Try not to use more than 20 characters") returns
the German translation of "Total for all products" if the Preferred Viewing Locale is "de_DE". The function also tells
the translator of the report not to use more than 20 characters if possible when translating the string.
Related Information
GetPreferredViewingLocale [page 210]
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209 GetPreferredViewingLocale
Returns the user's preferred locale for viewing document data (the Preferred Viewing Locale)
Function Group
string GetPreferredViewingLocale()
GetPreferredViewingLocale returns "en_US" if the Preferred Viewing Locale is "English (US)".
Related Information
GetLocalized [page 208]
GetDominantPreferredViewingLocale [page 207] If...Then...Else
Returns a value based on whether an expression is true or false
Function Group
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If bool_value Then true_value [Else false_value]
Parameter Description Type Required
bool_value A boolean value Boolean Yes
true_value The value to return if
bool_value is true
Any Yes
false_value The value to return if
bool_value is false
Yes if Else is included
true_value and false_value can mix datatypes.
You can use the boolean operators And, Between, InList, Or and Not with If.
You can nest If conditions by replacing any Else clause with an ElseIf clause. This syntax describes one
level of nesting:
If bool_value Then true_value [ElseIf bool_value Then true_value Else
The original syntax of the If function, If(bool_value;true_value;false_value), is also supported.
If [Sales Revenue]>1000000 Then "High Revenue" returns "High Revenue" for all rows whose revenue is
larger than 1,000,000 and nothing for all other rows.
If [Sales Revenue] >1000000 Then "High Revenue" Else [Revenue] returns "High Revenue" for all
rows whose revenue is larger than 1,000,000 and the revenue value for all other rows.
If [Sales Revenue]>1000000 Then "High Revenue" Else "Low Revenue" returns "High Revenue" for
all rows whose revenue is larger than 1,000,000 and "Low Revenue" for all rows whose revenue is less than
If [Sales Revenue]>1000000 Then "High Revenue" ElseIf [Sales Revenue] > 800000 Then
"Medium Revenue" Else "Low Revenue" returns "High Revenue" for all rows whose revenue is larger than
1000000, "Medium Revenue" for all rows whose revenue is between 800000 and 1000000, and "Low Revenue"
for all other rows.
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Related Information
If [page 212]
And operator [page 227]
Between operator [page 228]
InList operator [page 229]
Or operator [page 227]
Not operator [page 228] If
Returns a value based on whether an expression is true or false
Function Group
Description Type Required
bool_value A boolean value Boolean Yes
true_value The value to return if
bool_value is true
Any Yes
false_value The value to return if
bool_value is false
Any Yes
212 © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
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true_value and false_value can mix datatypes.
You can nest If conditions by replacing false_value with additional If conditions. This syntax shows one
level of nesting:
The If...Then...Else syntax is also supported.
If([Sales Revenue]>1000000;"High Revenue";"Low Revenue") returns "High Revenue" for all rows
whose revenue is larger than 1,000,000 and "Low Revenue" for all rows whose revenue is less than 1,000,000.
If([Sales Revenue]>1000000;"High Revenue";[Revenue]) returns "High Revenue" for all rows whose
revenue is larger than 1,000,000 and the revenue value for all other rows.
Related Information
If...Then...Else [page 210] LineNumber
Returns the line number in a table
Function Group
int LineNumber()
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Numbering of the lines in a table starts with the header, which is line 1.
LineNumber() returns 2 when the function appears at the second line in a table. NameOf
Returns the name of an object
Function Group
string NameOf(obj)
Parameter Description Type Required
obj Any report object Report object Yes
The NameOf function appears in column and row headers in reports.
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NameOf([Reservation Date]) returns "Reservation Date". NoFilter
Ignores filters when calculating a value. NoFilter is used with measure objects. It does not apply to dimensions.
Function Group
input_type NoFilter(obj[;All|Drill])
Parameter Description Type Required
obj Any report object Report object Yes
No keyword specified -
ignore report and block
All - ignore all filters
Drill - ignore report
and drill filters
Keyword No
NoFilter(obj;Drill) does not work in query drill mode because the drill filters are added to the query
rather than applied to the report data.
If you end drill mode with drill filters applied, the drill filters become report filters and can change the value of
any objects to which NoFilter(obj;Drill) is applied.
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When placed in a block footer, NoFilter(Sum([Sales Revenue])) returns the total sales revenue of all
possible rows in the block, even when rows are filtered out of the block.
NoFilter(Sum([Sales Revenue]);All) returns the sum of the sales revenue for all countries including
France, even though there is a filter that excludes France from the report.
NoFilter(Sum([Sales Revenue]);Drill) returns the sum of the sales revenue for all countries, even when
there is a drill filter on the [Country] dimension. NumberOfPages
Returns the number of pages in a report
Function Group
integer NumberOfPages()
NumberOfDataPages() returns 2 if the report has two pages. Page
Returns the current page number in a report
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Function Group
integer Page()
Page() returns 2 if it appears in the second page of the report. Previous
Returns a previous value of an object
Function Group
input_type Previous(dimension|measure|Self [;Row|col][;(reset_dims)][;offset]
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Parameter Description Type Required
dimension|measure|Self The dimension or measure
whose previous value the
function returns, or the Self
Dimension, measure or
Row/Col Sets the calculation direction Keyword No
reset_dims The list of dimensions used to
reset the calculation
Dimension list No
offset Specifies the value of
dimension or measure
that is offset rows
previous to the current row
Integer No (default is 1)
NoNull Tells the function to return
the first non-null value
starting from the offset
Keyword No
The default value of offset is 1. Previous([Revenue];1) and Previous([Revenue]) are functionally
the same.
When you include the NoNull argument, the function returns the first non-null value of the object beginning
from the cell offset rows before the current row and counting backwards.
You can use extended syntax context operators with Previous.
The Self operator allows you to refer to the previous value of a cell when it contains content other than one
report object.
You must always place dimensions in parentheses even if there is only one dimension in the list of reset
When you specify a set of reset dimensions you must separate them with semi-colons.
Previous is applied after all report, section and block filters, and all sorts, are applied.
You cannot apply sorts or filters on formulas that use Previous.
If Previous is applied on a measure and the measure returns an undefined value, Previous returns an
undefined value even if the previous line returned a value.
Previous ignores breaks when placed outside a break header or footer.
Previous returns the value in the previous instance of the footer when placed in a break footer.
Previous is reset in each report section.
When used in a crosstab, Previous does not treat the last value in a row as the previous value of the first
value of the next row.
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Previous([Country];1) returns the following values in the following table:
Table 47:
Revenue Previous
US 5,000,000
UK 2,000,000 US
France 2,100,000 UK
Previous([Revenue]) returns the following values in the following table:
Table 48:
Revenue Previous
US 5,000,000
UK 2,000,000 5,000,000
France 2,100,000 2,000,000
Previous([Revenue];([Country]) returns the following values in the following table:
Table 49:
Region Revenue Previous
US North 5,000,000
South 7,000,000 5,000,000
UK North 3,000,000
South 4,000,000 3,000,000
Previous([Revenue]) returns the following values in the following crosstab:
Table 50:
2004 Previous 2005 Previous
US 5,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000
UK 2,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000
France 3,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000
Previous([Revenue]) returns the following values in the following table with a break on [Country]:
Table 51:
Region Revenue Previous
US North 5,000,000
South 7,000,000 5,000,000
US 12,000,000
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Table 52:
Country Region Revenue Previous
UK North 3,000,000 7,000,000
South 4,000,000 3,000,000
UK 7,000,000 12,000,000
Previous([Revenue]);2;NoNull) returns the following values in the following table:
Table 53:
Quarter Revenue Previous
2008 Q1 500
2008 Q2
2008 Q3 400 500
2008 Q4 700 500
2008 Q1 300 400
2008 Q2 700
2008 Q3 300
2008 Q4 200 300
2*Previous(Self) returns the sequence 2, 4, 6, 8, 10...
Related Information
Comparing values using the Previous function [page 258]
Self operator [page 238] RefValue
Returns the reference value of a report object when data tracking is activated
Function Group
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input_type RefValue(obj)
RefValue([Top Performing Region]) returns "South West" if the value of the [Top Performing Region]
variable is "South West" in the reference data.
RefValue([Revenue]) returns 1000 if the value of the [Revenue] measure is 1000 in the reference data.
The RefValue() function can be used with either a measure or a dimension object. However, when used in a
variable qualified as a dimension or a detail, the RefValue() function will return the current values of that
object, rather than its reference values. In order to get the reference values, the variable must be qualified as a
When created directly in a section, table, form, or chart, a formula will always be qualified as a measure, so if
the formula uses the RefValue() function, it will return the expected reference values.
Example of RefValue function with a variable
We have the list of values for the [State] dimension: California, Florida, Texas and New York. After a data refresh,
this list becomes: Arizona, California, Florida, Texas and New York. A variable such as Variable=RefValue([State])
will either return:
Table 54:
Variable is quali
fied as
List of values returned is
Dimension or de
Arizona, California, Florida, Texas and New York
Measure (null value), California, Florida, Texas and New York
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221 RelativeValue
Returns previous or subsequent values of an object
Function Group
input_type RelativeValue(measure|detail;slicing_dims;offset)
Parameter Description Type Required
measure|detail Any measure or a detail of a
dimension in the block
Measure or detail Yes
slicing_dims The dimensions that provide
the calculation context
Dimension list Yes
offset Specifies the value of
measure or detail that is
offset rows removed from
the current row
Integer Yes
The object must be a measure or a detail of a dimension available in the block.
The sort order of the list of values of the slicing dimensions is used to determine the output of the function.
The sort order is determined by two factors: sorts applied to the slicing dimensions, and the order in which
the slicing dimensions are listed in the function.
A dimension used as a section master can be specified as a slicing dimension.
All the slicing dimensions must be present in the block or section header of the block in which the function is
placed. If a slicing dimension is later removed from the block, the function returns the #COMPUTATION error.
If the offset exceeds the number of rows in the list of values of the slicing dimension, the function returns null.
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RelativeValue cannot be used recursively.
You must always place dimensions in parentheses even if there is only one dimension in the list of slicing
The RelativeValue column in the table below contains the following formula:
Year Quarter Sales Person Revenue RelativeValue
2007 Q1 Smith 1000
2007 Q2 Jones 2000
2007 Q3 Wilson 1500
2007 Q4 Harris 3000
2008 Q1 Smith 4000 1000
2008 Q2 Jones 3400 2000
2008 Q3 Wilson 2000 1500
2008 Q4 Harris 1700 3000
Related Information
#COMPUTATION [page 252]
Comparing values using the RelativeValue function [page 258] ReportName
Returns the name of a report
Function Group
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string ReportName()
ReportName() returns "Sales Report" if it is placed in a report called "Sales Report". RowIndex
Returns the number of a row
Function Group
integer RowIndex()
Row numbering starts at 0.
RowIndex returns #MULTIVALUE when placed in a table header or footer.
RowIndex returns 0 when it appears on the first row of a table.
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Functions, operators and keywords UniqueNameOf
Returns the unique name of an object
Function Group
string UniqueNameOf(obj)
Parameter Description Type Required
obj Any report object Report object Yes
UniqueNameOf([Reservation Date]) returns "Reservation Date".
6.2 Function and formula operators
Operators link the various components in a formula.
Formulas can contain mathematical, conditional, logical, function-specific or extended syntax operators.
SAP HANA Online mode operators restrictions
The table below lists the operators that are not supported in SAP HANA Online mode.
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Table 55:
Operator Type Operator
Function-specific operators Drill
Extended syntax operators In
6.2.1 Mathematical operators
Mathematical operators are familiar from everyday arithmetic.
There are addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/) operators that allow you to perform
mathematical operations in a formula. The formula [Sales Revenue] - [Cost of Sales]contains a
mathematical operator, in this case subtraction.
When used with character strings, the ‘+’ operator becomes a string concatenation operator. That is, it joins
character strings. For example, the formula “John" + “ Smith" returns "John Smith".
6.2.2 Conditional operators
Conditional operators determine the type of comparison to be made between values.
Table 56:
= Equal to
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
<> Not equal to
You use conditional operators with the If function, as in:
If [Revenue]>10000 Then "High" Else "Low"
which returns “High" for all rows where the revenue is greater than or equal to 10000 and “Low" for all other rows.
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6.2.3 Logical operators
The logical operators are And, Or, Not, Between and InList.
Logical operators are used in boolean expressions, which return True or False. And operator
The And operator links boolean values.
If all the boolean values linked by And return true, the combination of all the values also returns true.
bool_value And bool_value [And bool_value...]
If [Resort] = "Bahamas Beach" And [Revenue]>100000 Then "High Bahamas Revenue" returns
"High Bahamas Revenue" if [Resort] = "Bahamas Beach" And [Revenue]>100000. Or operator
The Or operator links boolean values.
If any one boolean value linked by Or returns true, the combination of all the values also returns true.
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bool_value Or bool_value [Or bool_value...]
If [Resort] = "Bahamas Beach" Or [Resort]="Hawaiian Club" Then "US" Else "France"
returns "US" if [Resort]="Bahamas Beach" or "Hawaiian Club", or "France" otherwise. Not operator
The Not operator returns the opposite of a boolean value.
bool Not(bool_value)
If Not([Country] = "US") Then "Not US" returns "Not US" if [Country] has any value other than "US". Between operator
The Between operator determines if a variable is between two values.
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bool Between(first_value;second_value)
You use Between with the If function and the Where operator.
Changing the document locale can impact the result returned by the Between operator.
If [Sales revenue] Between(800000;900000) Then "Medium revenue" returns "Medium revenue" if
[Sales revenue] is between 800000 and 900000.
[Sales revenue] Between (10000;20000) returns true if the Sales revenue is between 10000 and 20000.
If ([Sales revenue] Between (200000;500000);"Medium revenue";"Low/High revenue") returns
"Medium revenue" if [Sales revenue] is 300000.
Related Information
If...Then...Else [page 210]
Where operator [page 238] InList operator
The InList operator determines if a value is in a list of values.
bool test_value InList(value_list)
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It is the combination of test_value + InList that returns a boolean value, not InList alone.
If Not ([Country] InList("England";"Scotland";"Wales")) Then "Not Britain" Else
"Britain" returns "Not Britain" if [Country] is not equal to "England", "Scotland" or "Wales", or "Britain"
If [Resort] InList("Bahamas Beach";"Hawaiian Club") Then "US Resort" returns "US Resort" if
[Resort] is equal to "Bahamas Beach" or "Hawaiian Club".
Related Information
If...Then...Else [page 210]
Where operator [page 238]
6.2.4 Function-specific operators
Some functions can take specific operators as arguments.
For example, the Previous function can take the Self operator.
All functions use ) and ( to enclose function arguments. Functions that accept multiple parameters use ; to
separate the parameters. All operator
The All operator tells the NoFilter function to ignore all filters.
The All operator can also tell the Count function to count all values, including duplicates.
Related Information
Count [page 48]
Distinct/All operators [page 233]
NoFilter [page 215]
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All/Drill operators [page 231] All/Drill operators
The All/Drill operators work with the NoFilter function.
The All/Drill operators determine which filters the NoFilter function ignores.
Not specified - NoFilter ignores report and block filters
All - NoFilter ignores all filters
Drill - NoFilter ignores report filters and drill filters Bottom/Top operators
The Bottom/Top operators work with the Rank function.
The Bottom/Top operators tell the Rank function to rank in descending or ascending order.
Top - ranks in descending order
Bottom - ranks in ascending order
Rank([Revenue];([Country]);Top) ranks countries by revenue from highest to lowest.
Related Information
Rank [page 173]
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231 Break operator
The Break operator works with the Percentage function.
The Break operator tells Percentage function to account for table breaks.
The formula Percentage([Revenue]) gives the following result in the following table (percentages are
calculated on the total revenue in the block):
Table 57:
Quarter Revenue Percentage
2005 Q1 10000 10%
2005 Q2 20000 20%
2006 Q1 30000 30%
2006 Q2 40000 40%
The formula Percentage([Revenue];Break) gives the following result in the following table (percentages are
calculated on the total revenue in each part of the block):
Table 58:
Quarter Revenue Percentage
2005 Q1 10000 33.3%
2005 Q2 20000 66.6%
2006 Q1 30000 42.9%
2006 Q2 40000 57.1%
Related Information
Percentage [page 58]
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Functions, operators and keywords Distinct/All operators
The Distinct/All operators work with the Count function.
The Distinct/All operators tell the Count function to count distinct values only, or all values.
Count([Revenue];Distinct) returns 3 if [Revenue] has the values (5;5;6;4).
Count([Revenue];All) returns 4 if [Revenue] has the values (5;5;6;4).
Related Information
Count [page 48] IncludeEmpty operator
The IncludeEmpty operator works with aggregate functions.
The IncludeEmpty operator tells some aggregate functions (Average, Count, RunningAverage, RunningCount)
to include empty values in calculations.
Average([Revenue];IncludeEmpty) returns 3 if [Revenue] has the values (5;3;<empty>;4).
Related Information
Average [page 47]
Count [page 48]
RunningAverage [page 62]
RunningCount [page 64]
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233 Index operator
The Index operator works with the UserResponse and RefValueUserResponse functions.
The Index operator tells the UserResponse and RefValueUserResponse functions to return the database
primary key of the prompt response.
Related Information
UserResponse [page 135]
RefValueUserReponse [page 132] Linear operator
The Linear operator works with the Interpolation function.
The Linear operator tells the Interpolation function to use linear regression with least squares interpolation
to supply missing measure values.
Linear regression with least squares interpolation calculates missing values by calculating a line equation in the
form f(x) = ax + b that passes as closely as possible through all the available values of the measure.
Related Information
Interpolation [page 51]
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Functions, operators and keywords NoNull operator
The NoNull operator works with the Previous function.
The NoNull operator tells the Previous function to ignore null values.
When used with NoNull, Previous returns the first non-null value of the object, beginning from the cell offset
rows before the current row and counting backwards.
Related Information
Previous [page 217] NotOnBreak operator
The NotOnBreak operator works with the Interpolation function.
The NotOnBreak operator tells the Interpolation function to ignore section and block breaks.
Related Information
Interpolation [page 51]
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235 PointToPoint operator
The PointToPoint operator tells the Interpolation function to use point-to-point interpolation to supply
missing measure values.
Point-to point interpolation calculates missing values by calculating a line equation in the form f(x) = ax + b that
passes through the two adjacent values of the missing value.
Related Information
Interpolation [page 51] Row/Col operators
The Row operator calculates each value in the row as a percentage of the total value of all the rows in the
embedding context. The Col operator calculates each value in the column as a percentage of the total value of all
the columns in the embedding context.
The Row/Col operators set the calculation direction of the following functions: Percentage, Previous,
RunningAverage, RunningCount, RunningMax, RunningMin, RunningProduct, RunningSum.
In a crosstab, the value in each cell is calculated by default as a percentage of the total value in the crosstab. The
Row operator calculates the values in the rows as percentages of the total value for the row. The Col operator
calculates the values in the columns as percentages of the total value in the column.
In a crosstab, Percentage([Measure]) gives the following result:
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Table 59:
Measure Percentage Measure Percentage
100 10% 500 50%
200 20% 200 20%
Percentage([Measure];Row) gives the following result:
Table 60:
Percentage Measure Percentage
100 16.7% 500 83.3%
200 50% 200 50%
Percentage([Measure];Col) gives the following result:
Table 61:
Percentage Measure Percentage
100 33.3% 500 83.3%
200 66.6% 200 16.7%
The Row operator calculates the running aggregate by row. The Col operator calculates the running aggregate by
In a crosstab, RunningSum([Measure]) or RunningSum([Measure];Row) gives the following result:
Table 62:
RunningSum Measure RunningSum
100 100 200 300
400 700 250 950
In a crosstab, RunningSum([Measure];Col) gives the following result:
Table 63:
RunningSum Measure RunningSum
100 100 200 700
400 500 250 950
Related Information
Percentage [page 58]
RunningAverage [page 62]
RunningCount [page 64]
RunningMax [page 66]
RunningMin [page 68]
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RunningProduct [page 70]
RunningSum [page 72] Self operator
The Self operator works with the Previous function.
Refers the Previous function to the previous cell when it does not contain a report object.
5 + Previous(Self) returns the sequence 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30...
1 + 0.5 * Previous(Self) returns the sequence 1, 1.5, 1.75, 1.88...
Related Information
Previous [page 217] Where operator
The Where operator restricts the data used to calculate a measure.
The formula Average ([Sales Revenue]) Where ([Country] = "US") calculates the average sales where
the country is "US".
The formula Average ([Sales Revenue]) Where ([Country] = "US" Or [Country] = "France")
calculates the average sales where the country is "US" or "France".
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The formula [Revenue] Where (Not ([Country] Inlist ("US"; "France"))) calculates the revenue
for the countries other than US and France.
The variable [High Revenue] has the formula [Revenue] Where [Revenue > 500000]. When placed in a
block, [High Revenue] displays either the revenue when its value is greater than 500000, or nothing. When placed
in a footer at the bottom of the [High Revenue] column, the formula
Average ([High Revenue]) returns the
average of all the revenues greater than 500000.
Related Information
And operator [page 227]
Between operator [page 228]
InList operator [page 229]
Or operator [page 227]
Not operator [page 228]
6.2.5 Extended syntax operators
You specify input and output contexts explicitly with context operators.
The following table lists the context operators:
Table 64:
In Specifies an explicit list of dimensions to use in the context.
ForEach Adds dimensions to the default context
ForAll Removes dimensions from the default context
The ForAll and ForEach operators are useful when you have a default context with many dimensions. It is often
easier to add or subtract from the context using ForAll and ForEach than it is to specify the list explicitly using In. In context operator
The In context operator specifies dimensions explicitly in a context.
Using In to specify the dimensions in a context
In this example you have a report showing Year and Sales revenue. Your data provider also contains the
Quarter object but you do not include this dimension in the block. Instead, you want to include an additional
column to show the maximum revenue by quarter in each year. Your report looks like this:
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Year Sales revenue Max Quarterly Revenue
2001 $8,096,123.60 $2,660,699.50
2002 $13,232,246.00 $4,186,120.00
2003 $15,059,142.80 $4,006,717.50
You can see where the values in the Max Quarterly Revenue column come from by examining this block in
conjunction with a block that includes the Quarter dimension:
Year Quarter Sales revenue
2001 Q1 $2,660,699.50
2001 Q2 $2,279,003.00
2001 Q3 $1,367,841.00
2001 Q4 $1,788,580.00
Max: $2,660,699.50
Year Quarter Sales revenue
Q1 $3,326,172.00
Q2 $2,840,651.00
Q3 $2,879,303.00
Q4 $4,186,120.00
Max: $4,186,120.00
Year Quarter Sales revenue
Q1 $3,742,989.00
Q2 $4,006,717.50
Q3 $3,953,395.00
Q4 $3,356,041.00
Max: $4,006,717.50
The Max Quarterly Revenue column shows the highest quarterly revenue in each year. For example, Q4 has the
highest revenue in 2002, so the Max Quarterly Revenue shows Q4 revenue on the row showing 2002.
Using the In operator, the formula for Max Quarterly Revenue is
Max ([Sales revenue] In ([Year];[Quarter])) In ([Year])
This formula calculates the maximum sales revenue for each (Year,Quarter) combination, then outputs this
figure by year.
Because the default output context of the block is Year, you do not need to specify the output context
explicitly in this formula.
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Functions, operators and keywords ForEach context operator
The ForEach operator adds dimensions to a context.
Using ForEach to add dimensions to a context
The following table shows the maximum revenue for each Quarter in a report which contains the Quarter
dimension but does not include it in the block:
Sales revenue Max Quarterly Revenue
2001 8096123.60 2660699.50
2002 13232246.00 4186120.00
2003 15059142.80 4006717.50
It is possible to create a formula for the Max Quarterly Revenue column that does not include the ForEach
Max ([Sales revenue] In ([Year];[Quarter])) In ([Year])
Using the ForEach context operator, you can achieve the same result with the following formula:
Max ([Sales revenue] ForEach ([Quarter])) In ([Year])
Why? Because the Year dimension is the default input context in the block. By using the ForEach operator, you
add the Quarter dimension to the context, giving an input context of ([Year];[Quarter]). ForAll context operator
The ForAll context operator removes dimensions from a context.
Using ForAll to remove dimensions from a context
You have a report showing Year, Quarter and Sales revenue and you want to add a column that shows the total
revenue in each year, as shown in the following block:
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To total revenues by year the input context needs to be (Year); by default it is (Year; Quarter). Therefore, you
can remove Quarter from the input context by specifying ForAll ([Quarter]) in the formula, which looks
like this:
Sum([Sales revenue] ForAll ([Quarter]))
Note that you can use the In operator to achieve the same thing; in this case the formula is:
Sum([Sales revenue] In ([Year]))
This version of the formula explicitly specifies Year as the context, rather than removing Quarter to leave Year.
6.2.6 Set operators
Set operators work on members in hierarchical data. Range operator
The range operator (:) returns a set of members between and including two members at the same level
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[Geography]&[US].[California].[Los Angeles]:[Geography]&[US].[California].[San
Francisco] returns [Los Angeles], [San Diego], [San Francisco] if the members at the level are in the order ...
[Los Angeles], [San Diego], San Francisco]...
Sum([Revenue];{[Geography]&[US].[California].[Los Angeles]:[Geography]&[US].
[California].[San Francisco]})
returns the total revenue for Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco.
6.3 Extended syntax keywords
Extended syntax keywords are a form of shorthand that allows you to refer to dimensions in extended syntax
without specifying those dimensions explicitly.
These keywords help future-proof reports. If formulas do not contain hard-coded references to dimensions, they
will continue to work even if dimensions are added to or removed from a report.
There are five extended syntax keywords: Report, Section, Break, Block and Body.
Extended syntax keywords are not supported in SAP HANA Online mode.
6.3.1 The Block keyword
This topic describes the dimensions referenced by the Block keyword, depending on where it is placed in a report.
The Block keyword often encompasses the same data as the Section keyword.
The difference is that Block accounts for filters on a block whereas Section ignores them.
Table 65:
When placed in...
References this data...
A block Data in the whole block, ignoring breaks, respecting filters
A block break (header or footer) Data in the whole block, ignoring breaks, respecting filters
A section (header, footer, or outside a block) Not applicable
Outside any blocks or sections Not applicable
The Block keyword
You have a report showing Year, Quarter and Sales revenue. The report has a section based on Year. The block
is filtered to exclude the third and fourth quarters.
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The Yearly Average column uses the following formula:
Average([Sales revenue] In Section)
The First Half Average column uses the following formula:
Average ([Sales revenue]) In Block
You can see how the Block keyword takes account of the filter on the block.
6.3.2 The Body keyword
This topic describes the dimensions referenced by the keyword in a block Body, depending on where it is placed in
a report.
Table 66:
When placed in...
References this data...
A block Data in the block
A block break (header or footer) Data in the block
A section (header, footer, or outside a block) Data in the section
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When placed in... References this data...
Outside any blocks or sections Data in the report
The Body keyword
You have a report showing Year, Quarter and Sales revenue, with a break on Year. The report has a section
based on Year and a break on Quarter.
Year Quarter Sales revenue Body
2001 Q1 2,660,700 2,660,699.5
Q2 2,279,003 2,279,003
Q3 1,367,841 1,367,840.7
Q4 1,788,580 1,788,580.4
2001 8,096,123.6
The Body column has the formula
Sum ([Sales revenue]) In Body
The totals in the Body column are the same as those in the Sales revenue column because the Body keyword
refers to the data in the block. If you were to remove the Month object, the figures in the Block column would
change to correspond with the changed figures in the Sales revenue column. If you were to place the formula in
the report footer it would return the total revenue for the body.
6.3.3 The Break keyword
The following table describes the dimensions referenced by the Break keyword depending on where it is placed in
a report.
Table 67:
When placed in...
References this data...
A block Data in the part of a block delimited by a break
A block break (header or footer) Data in the part of a block delimited by a break
A section (header, footer, or outside a block) Not applicable
Outside any blocks or sections Not applicable
The Break keyword
You have a report showing Year, Quarter and Sales revenue:
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Year Quarter Sales revenue Break Total
2001 Q1 $2,660,700 $8,096,124
Q2 $2,279,003 $8,096,124
Q3 $1,367,841 $8,096,124
Q4 $1,788,580 $8,096,124
The report has break on Year. The Break Total column has the formula:
Sum ([Sales revenue]) In Break
Without the Break keyword this column would duplicate the figures in the Sales revenue column, because it
would use the default output context ([Year];[Quarter]).
6.3.4 The Report keyword
This topic describes the data referenced by the Report keyword, depending on where it is placed in a report:
Table 68:
When placed in...
References this data...
A block All data in the report
A block break (header or footer) All data in the report
A section (header, footer, or outside a block) All data in the report
Outside any blocks or sections All data in the report
The Report keyword
You have a report showing Year, Quarter and Sales revenue. The report has a column, Report Total, that shows
the total of all revenue in the report.
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Functions, operators and keywords
The formula for the Report Total column is as follows:
Sum([Sales revenue]) In Report
Without the Report keyword, this column would duplicate the figures in the Sales Revenue column because it
would use the default output context ([Year];[Quarter]).
6.3.5 The Section keyword
This topic describes the data referenced by the keyword for a Section, depending on where it is placed in a report.
Table 69:
When placed in...
References this data...
A block All data in the section
A block break (header or footer) All data in the section
A section (header, footer, or outside a block) All data in the section
Outside any blocks or sections Not applicable
The Section keyword
You have a report showing Year, Quarter, and Sales revenue.
Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
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The report has a section based on Year. The Section Total column has the formula:
Sum ([Sales revenue]) In Section
The figure in the Section Total column is the total revenue for 2001, because the section break occurs on the
Year object. Without the Section keyword this column would duplicate the figures in the Sales revenue column,
because it would use the default output context ([Year];[Quarter]).
6.4 Rounding and truncating numbers
Several functions contain a parameter that determines to what level the function rounds or truncates the value it
This parameter accepts an integer that is either greater than 0, 0, or less than 0. The following table explains how
numbers are rounded and truncated in these cases:
Parameter Description
> 0
The function rounds/truncates to <parameter> decimal
Round(3.13;1) returns 3.1
Round(3.157;2) returns 3.16
The function rounds/truncates to the nearest integer.
Truncate(3.7;0) returns 3
Truncate(4.164;0) returns 4
< 0
The function rounds/truncates to the nearest 10 (parameter
= -1), 100 (parameter = -2), 1000 (parameter = -3) and so on.
Round(123.76;-1) returns 120
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Functions, operators and keywords
Parameter Description
Round(459.9;-2) returns 500
Truncate(1600;-3) returns 1000
Numbers are represented internally using double-precision floating-point formats and have 15 to 17 digits of
Related Information
Round [page 175]
Truncate [page 181]
EuroConvertTo [page 161]
EuroConvertFrom [page 160]
EuroFromRoundError [page 163]
EuroToRoundError [page 165]
6.5 Referring to members and member sets in hierarchies
You refer to members and member sets in functions using the syntax [hierarchy]&path.function.
The path and function parts are optional. In path, you refer to each member in square brackets, with members
separated by full stops. The names of members and levels are case-sensitive.
You use member sets to override the default calculation context for a hierarchy. In functions that accept
member sets, you enclose the member set in {}.
You refer to ranges of members using a colon (:) between the start and end member, and with the full path
specified for each member. A range includes all members at the same level as the specified members.
An example of range syntax is: [Sales Hierarchy]&[Customer_Type].[ENTERPRISE];[Large].[Nancy
Davolio]: [Sales Hierarchy]&[Customer_Type].[ENTERPRISE];[Large].[Andrew Smith].
Referring to members and member sets
You have the following hierarchy:
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Table 70:
Sales Hierarchy Order Amount
Customer_Type 277,290,434
ENTERPRISE 180,063,361
Large 113.905,997
Nancy Davolio 44,855,689
Janet Leverling 44,050,308
Andrew Smith 30,000,000
GLOBAL 91,157,363
[Sales Hierarchy]&[Customer_Type].[ENTERPRISE].[Large].Children refers to the [Nancy
Davolio], [Janet Leverling] and [Andrew Smith] members.
Sum([Order Amount];{[Sales Hierarchy]&[Customer_Type].[ENTERPRISE].
[Large].children}) returns 113,905,997 (the sum of the measure for the three child members).
[Sales Hierarchy]&[Customer_Type].[ENTERPRISE].[Large].[Janet Leverling] refers to
the [Janet Leverling] member.
Sum([Order Amount];{[Sales Hierarchy]&[Customer_Type].[ENTERPRISE].[Large].[Janet
Leverling];[Sales Hierarchy]&[Customer_Type].[ENTERPRISE].[Large].[Nancy
Davolio]}) returns 88,905,997 (the sum of the measure for the two members).
[Sales Hierarchy]&[Customer_Type].[ENTERPRISE].[Large].[Nancy Davolio]:[Sales
Hierarchy]&[Customer_Type].[ENTERPRISE].[Large].[Andrew Smith] refers to the [Nancy
Davolio], [Janet Leverling] and [Andrew Smith] members.
Sum([Order Amount];{[Sales Hierarchy]&[Customer_Type].[ENTERPRISE].[Large].[Nancy
Davolio]:[Sales Hierarchy]&[Customer_Type].[ENTERPRISE].[Large].[Andrew Smith]})
returns 113,905,997 (the sum of the measure for the three members in the range).
[Sales Hierarchy].children refers to all members in the [Sales Hierarchy] hierarchy.
Sum([Order Amount];{Sales Hierarchy].children}) returns 277,290.434.
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Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence
Functions, operators and keywords
7 Troubleshooting formulas
7.1 Automatic rewrite formula mechanism
The succession of corrective maintenance releases for Web Intelligence can sometimes lead to calculation result
differences between versions.
Since version 4.1 SP3, Web Intelligence provides an Automatic Formula Rewrite mechanism that automatically
modifies a selection of formulas (see list below) in a document migrated from a previous version. These formulas
follow a certain pattern. After modification, the formulas return the same result than before the calculation
change. Therefore, it is recommended to save the document so that the modifications are stored in the
document, thus completing the formula rewrite mechanism.
The Automatic Formula Rewrite mechanism is available by default for documents migrated to BI 4.1 SP3 and
later, for the following formula patterns:
1. Where() operator with a dimension as parameter in a condition,
2. Running calculations with reset in sections,
3. Running calculations with reset in cross-tables.
This list of rules could be extended in future releases with more formula patterns.
In previous versions, the data was calculated in a specific way if you had a Where() operator with a dimension as a
parameter in a condition. Indeed, the dimension was added to the measure context. Rule(1) reproduces the
former behavior.
This rules applies to every document migrated from XI 3.1 FP3.6, XI 3.1 FP4.1, XI 3.1 FP5.1 and. 4.0 SP5.
In previous versions, running calculations in sections was not properly executed, as calculations would reset at
each section instance. Rule(2) reproduces the former behavior.
This rules applies to every document migrated from XI R2 SP4.
In previous versions, running calculations with reset cross-tables meant that calculations were executed in an “N”
pattern (column after column) instead of a “Z” pattern (row after row).
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Rule(3) introduced a FORCE_COL keyword that forces Web Intelligence to run calculations in a “N” pattern.
For example, with Rule(3), the RunningSum([Sales revenue];([State])) formula will be forced to execute column
after column when modified as RunningSum([Sales revenue];FORCE_COL;([State])).
This rule applies to every document migrated from every version of XI 3.x, 4.0 Patch 2.20, 4.0 SP5, 4.0 SP6, 4.0
SP7, 4.1 and 4.1 SP1.
7.2 Formula error and information messages
You can format report data that returns error messages using conditional formatting.
In some cases a formula cannot return a value and returns an error or information message beginning with '#".
The message appears in the cell in which the formula is placed.
#COMPUTATION occurs when a slicing dimension specified in the RelativeValue function is no longer available
in the calculation context of the block where the function is placed.
#COMPUTATION also occurs when a merged object containing a hierarchy is included in a report.
#COMPUTATION is also related to the misuse of context operators in a formula.
Related Information
RelativeValue [page 222]
7.2.2 #CONTEXT
#CONTEXT appears in a measure when the measure has a non-existent calculation context.
#CONTEXT is related to the #INCOMPATIBLE and #DATASYNC error messages, which appear in dimensions
when a block contains a non-existent calculation context.
In the case of #INCOMPATIBLE the context is non-existent because the dimensions are incompatible; in the case
of #DATASYNC the context is non-existent because the dimensions are from multiple unsynchronized data
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Troubleshooting formulas
Non-existent calculation context in a query
If a block based on the Island Resorts Marketing universe contains the Reservation Year and Revenue objects,
the #CONTEXT error message appears because it is not possible to aggregate revenue by reservation year.
(Reservations have not yet generated any revenue.)
#DATASYNC occurs when you place a dimension from a different data provider in a block containing dimensions
from another data provider, and the two data providers are not synchronized through a merged dimension.
#DATASYNC appears in all dimensions in the block and #CONTEXT in the measures.
Dimensions from different data providers in a block
If a report based on the Island Resorts Marketing universe contains data providers with the objects (Year,
Revenue) and (Quarter), a block containing Year, Quarter and Revenue displays #DATASYNC in the Year and
Quarter columns because the two data providers are not synchronized through a merged dimension.
7.2.4 #DIV/0
#DIV/0 occurs when a formula tries to divide a number by zero, which is mathematically impossible.
Zero can never appear as a divisor.
Determining revenue per item
You have a report showing sales revenues, numbers of items sold and the revenue per item (which is calculated
by dividing the sales revenue by the number of items sold).
You had a very bad quarter in which you didn’t create any revenue; the Revenue per Item column returns
#DIV/0 for this quarter, because the formula is attempting to divide by zero; that is, divide the revenue by zero
number of items sold.
7.2.5 #ERROR
#ERROR is the default error message that covers all errors not covered by other error messages.
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#EXTERNAL occurs when a formula references an external function that is not available to use in Web
#INCOMPATIBLE occurs when a block contains incompatible objects.
Incompatible objects in a query
If a block based on the Island Resorts Marketing universe contains the Year and Reservation Year dimensions,
the columns containing these dimensions show #INCOMPATIBLE because these objects are incompatible.
7.2.8 #MIX
#MIX occurs when an aggregated measure has different units.
For example, a cell shows #MIX if it aggregates currency values denominated in different currencies.
#MULTIVALUE occurs when you place a formula that returns more than one value in a cell that outputs one value
Multivalue in a cell
You have a report showing Country, Resort and Revenue and you add a cell to the report containing the formula
[Revenue] ForEach ([Country]). This cell returns #MULTIVALUE because Country has two values in the report:
‘US’ and ‘France’.
One cell cannot display the revenues for both the US and France. Placed outside the table, a cell containing
revenue can only aggregate the revenues in the table in some way (for example by summing or averaging
If the report is broken into sections on Country, the formula is correct when placed in a section because there is
only one value of Country per section. Outside a section, however, the formula still returns #MULTIVALUE
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7.2.10 #N/A
When there is a value for a cell in report that is based on a value from a report that is not available on the
underlying data base (for example, a BW error in a BEx Cell), the cell displays #N/A (not available), meaning that
the cell is empty because the data cannot be retrieved.
7.2.11 #OVERFLOW
#OVERFLOW occurs when a calculation returns a value that is too large for the software to handle.
This value, in exponential form, is 1.7E308 (1.7 followed by 307 zeros).
#PARTIALRESULT occurs when all rows associated with a report object were not retrieved.
If #PARTIALRESULT occurs often in your reports and you have the appropriate security rights, modify the
MaxRowsRetrieved query property to allow the retrieval of more data. If you do not have the right to modify the
query, contact the BI administrator.
If your report contains smart measures it is more likely to display #PARTIALRESULT because smart measures
require the retrieval of larger amounts of data than classic measures.
7.2.13 #RANK
#RANK occurs when you try to rank data based on an object that depends on the order of values.
Objects that use the Previous function or any running aggregate function depend on the order of values.
Ranking causes these objects to recalculate their values, which then changes the ranking, resulting in a circular
dependency. Such a dependency can occur either when you use the Rank dialog box to create a ranking, or when
you use the Rank function.
Ranking on running average or previous values
If you attempt to rank a block on a column that contains the Previous function or any running aggregate
function, the entire block returns #RANK.
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#RECURSIVE occurs when it is not possible to perform a calculation due to a circular dependency.
Using the NumberOfPages() function
If you place the NumberOfPages function in a cell whose Autofit Height or Autofit Width properties are set, the
cell returns #RECURSIVE because the placing of this formula in an Autofit cell creates a circular dependency.
The function needs the exact size of the report to return a value, but the size of the cell, which affects the size of
the report, is determined by the cell content.
7.2.15 #REFRESH
#REFRESH appears in report cells whose values are derived from objects that were stripped from a query and
then re-added to the query.
Objects are stripped from a query when the Enable query stripping query property is selected and the objects do
not contribute to any reports based on the query.
The cells are re-populated with values from the objects when the query is refreshed.
7.2.16 #SECURITY
#SECURITY occurs when you attempt to use a function for which you do not have security rights.
Using the DataProviderSQL() function
If a user who does not have the right to view data provider SQL places the DataProviderSQL() function in a cell,
the #SECURITY message appears in the cell.
7.2.17 #SYNTAX
#SYNTAX occurs when a formula references an object that no longer exists in the report.
Referencing a non-existent object
You have a report that originally showed Year, Quarter and Sales revenue, with an additional column showing
difference between the revenue and the average yearly revenue. This figure is given by the variable Difference
from Yearly Average.
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If the Difference from Yearly Average variable is deleted from the report, the column containing it returns
#TOREFRESH appears in cells based on smart measures when the value returned by the smart measure is not
This situation occurs when the grouping set containing the value is not available in the data provider.
You remove the #TOREFRESH error by refreshing the data.
Some of the measures are “delegated” (for BW, this refers to a measure which is not aggregating with SUM);
when you define a table or calculation on a measure, this measure is queried in specific context of aggregation
(the measure is given for a set of dimensions). If this set of dimensions is a subset of the query dimension set, the
measure has to be aggregated along the given dimension set (or grouping set that is referring to a group by clause
in SQL).
For normal measures the system is carrying out the aggregation, for delegated measures this aggregation is
delegated to the underlying database. For this the system needs to query again this database. Since this is not
automatic, it displays #TOREFRESH and waits for the user to proceed with a refresh. Once the user refreshes, the
system will run the additional query to get the requested aggregation and then replace #TOREFRESH by the
appropriate value.
#UNAVAILABLE appears when it is not possible to calculate the value of a smart measure.
This occurs when it is not possible to display the values in a filtered smart measure without applying a filter to the
query. Because this carries a risk of impacting other reports based on the same query, no filter is applied.
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8 Comparing values using functions
8.1 Comparing values using the Previous function
The Previous function returns a comparative previous value of an expression.
The value returned depends on the layout of the report.
For more powerful comparison capabilities, use the RelativeValue function. RelativeValue returns a
previous or subsequent comparative value of an expression. The value returned does not depend on the layout of
the report.
Related Information
Previous [page 217]
RelativeValue [page 222]
Comparing values using the RelativeValue function [page 258]
8.2 Comparing values using the RelativeValue function
The RelativeValue function returns comparative values of an expression. The function returns these values
independently of the layout of a report.
When using RelativeValue, you specify the following:
The expression whose comparative value you want to find (the expression must be a measure or a detail of a
dimension available in the block)
The list of slicing dimensions
The offset.
The function uses the slicing dimensions, the offset, and the sub-axis dimensions (which are implied by the slicing
dimensions) to return a comparative value. The sub-axis dimensions are all the other dimensions in the
calculation context apart from the slicing dimensions.
Expressed in general terms, RelativeValue returns the value of the expression in the row which, in the list of
values of the slicing dimensions, is offset rows removed from the current row, and where the values of the sub-
axis dimensions are the same as in the current row.
All slicing dimensions must always be in the calculation context of the block in which the function is placed. If a
slicing dimension is subsequently removed, the function returns #COMPUTATION.
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Comparing values using functions
In this example, the RelativeValue column contains the following formula:
The expression is [Revenue];
The slicing dimension is [Year];
The offset is -1 (the function returns the immediately previous value in the list).
Quarter Sales Person Revenue RelativeValue
2007 Q1 Smith 1000
2007 Q2 Jones 2000
2007 Q3 Wilson 1500
2007 Q4 Harris 3000
2008 Q1 Smith 4000 1000
2008 Q2 Jones 3400 2000
2008 Q3 Wilson 2000 1500
2008 Q4 Harris 1700 3000
Expressed as a business question, the formula returns the revenue generated by the same sales person in the
same quarter in the previous year.
Expressed as a calculation in words, the formula returns the value of [Revenue] (the expression) in the row
where the value of [Year] (the slicing dimension) is the previous value from the list of values of the [Year]
object, and where the values of [Quarter] and [Sales Person] (the sub-axis dimensions) are the same as in the
current row.
Related Information
RelativeValue [page 222]
8.2.1 Slicing dimensions and the RelativeValue function
The RelativeValue function uses the list of values of the slicing dimensions to find the comparative row.
The function returns the comparative value of the expression specified in the function that is offset number of
rows away in the list of slicing dimensions.
As a result, the sort order of the slicing dimensions is crucial in determining the function output.
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Multiple slicing dimensions
In the table below, the RelativeValue column has the following formula:
The expression is [Revenue];
The slicing dimensions are ([Year];[Quarter]);
The offset is -1 (the function returns the immediately previous value in the list).
Year Quarter Sales Person Revenue RelativeValue
2007 Q1 Smith 1000
2007 Q2 Smith 2000
2007 Q3 Smith 1500
2007 Q4 Smith 3000*
2007 Q1 Jones 4000
2007 Q2 Jones 3400
2007 Q3 Jones 2000
2007 Q4 Jones 1700
2008 Q1 Smith 5000** 3000*
2008 Q2 Smith 3000*** 5000**
2008 Q3 Smith 2700**** 3000***
2008 Q4 Smith 6800 2700****
Expressed as a business question, the formula returns the revenue generated by the same sales person in the
previous quarter.
Expressed as a calculation in words, the formula returns the value of [Revenue] in the row where the values of
[Year] and [Quarter] represent the previous value in the ([Year];[Quarter]) list of values, and where the value of
[Sales Person] is the same as in the current row.
The function uses the list of values of the slicing dimensions to find the comparative revenue:
Year Quarter
2007 Q1
2007 Q2
2007 Q3
2007 Q4 *
2008 Q1 **
2008 Q2 ***
2008 Q3 ****
2008 Q4
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Comparing values using functions
The sort order of the slicing dimensions determines the output of the function. The * in the tables show the sort
Related Information
RelativeValue [page 222]
8.2.2 Slicing dimensions and sections
A slicing dimension can be in the section master cell of a report.
Slicing dimension in a section header
In the table below, the RelativeValue column has the following formula:
Quarter Sales Person Revenue RelativeValue
Q1 Smith 1000
Q2 Smith 2000
Q3 Smith 1500
Q4 Smith 3000*
Q1 Jones 4000
Q2 Jones 3400
Q3 Jones 2000
Q4 Jones 1700
Quarter Sales Person Revenue RelativeValue
Q1 Smith 5000** 3000*
Q2 Smith 3000*** 5000**
Q3 Smith 2700 **** 3000***
Q4 Smith 6800 2700****
The function uses the list of values of the slicing dimensions to find the comparative revenue:
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Comparing values using functions © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Year Quarter
2007 Q1
2007 Q2
2007 Q3
2007 Q4 *
2008 Q1 **
2008 Q2 ***
2008 Q3 ****
2008 Q4
The sort order of the slicing dimensions determines the output of the function. The * in the tables show the sort
Related Information
RelativeValue [page 222]
8.2.3 Order of slicing dimensions
Because the sort order of the list of values of the slicing dimensions determines the output of RelativeValue,
the order in which the slicing dimensions are specified impacts the output of the function.
Order of slicing dimensions
In the table below, the RelativeValue column has the following formula:
Year Quarter Sales Person Revenue RelativeValue
2007 Q1 Smith 1000
2007 Q2 Smith 2000
2007 Q3 Smith 1500
2007 Q4 Smith 3000*
2007 Q1 Jones 4000
2007 Q2 Jones 3400
2007 Q3 Jones 2000
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Year Quarter Sales Person Revenue RelativeValue
2007 Q4 Jones 1700
2008 Q1 Smith 5000** 3000*
2008 Q2 Smith 3000*** 5000**
2008 Q3 Smith 2700**** 3000***
2008 Q4 Smith 6800 2700****
Expressed as a business question, the formula returns the revenue generated by the same sales person in the
previous quarter.
The sort order of the slicing dimensions is as follows:
Year Quarter
2007 Q1
2007 Q2
2007 Q3
2007 Q4 *
2008 Q1 **
2008 Q2 ***
2008 Q3 ****
2008 Q4
The function is changed to:
The sort order of the slicing dimensions becomes:
Quarter Year
Q1 2007 *
Q1 2008 **
Q2 2007 ***
Q2 2008 ****
Q3 2007 *****
Q3 2008 ******
Q4 2007 *******
Q4 2008 ********
The sort order has the following impact on the function result:
Quarter Sales Person Revenue RelativeValue
2007 Q1 Smith 1000*
2007 Q2 Smith 2000***
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Year Quarter Sales Person Revenue RelativeValue
2007 Q3 Smith 1500*****
2007 Q4 Smith 3000*******
2007 Q1 Jones 4000
2007 Q2 Jones 3400
2007 Q3 Jones 2000
2007 Q4 Jones 1700
2008 Q1 Smith 5000** 1000*
2008 Q2 Smith 3000**** 2000***
2008 Q3 Smith 2700****** 1500*****
2008 Q4 Smith 6800******** 3000*******
Expressed as a business question, the formula now returns the revenue generated by the same sales person in
the same quarter of the previous year.
The change in the sort order of the slicing dimension changes the meaning of the formula. The * in the tables
indicate the sort order.
Related Information
RelativeValue [page 222]
8.2.4 Slicing dimensions and sorts
Because the sort order of the list of values of the slicing dimensions determines the function output, a sort applied
to any dimension in the slicing dimensions impacts the function output.
A custom sort applied to a slicing dimension
In the table below, the RelativeValue column has the following formula:
A custom sort (Q1, Q2, Q4, Q3) is applied to [Quarter], giving the following result for the function:
Quarter Sales Person Revenue RelativeValue
2007 Q1 Smith 1000
2007 Q2 Smith 2000
2007 Q4 Smith 3000
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Comparing values using functions
Year Quarter Sales Person Revenue RelativeValue
2007 Q3 Smith 1500*
2007 Q1 Jones 4000
2007 Q2 Jones 3400
2007 Q4 Jones 1700
2007 Q3 Jones 2000
2008 Q1 Smith 5000** 1500*
2008 Q2 Smith 3000*** 5000**
2008 Q4 Smith 6800**** 3000***
2008 Q3 Smith 2700 6800****
The sorted list of slicing dimensions is as follows:
Year Quarter
2007 Q1
2007 Q2
2007 Q4
2007 Q3 *
2008 Q1 **
2008 Q2 ***
2008 Q4 ****
2008 Q3
The * in the tables show the sort order.
Related Information
RelativeValue [page 222]
8.2.5 Using RelativeValue in crosstabs
The RelativeValue function works in crosstabs in exactly the same way as in vertical tables.
The layout of the data in a crosstab has no impact on the function output.
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RelativeValue [page 222]
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