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T320 E-business technologies:
foundations and practice
Configuring an Application Server in
Prepared for the course team by Neil Simpkins
Introduction 1
Viewing the configured servers 2
Configuring an application server 3
To perform certain operations, such as deploying and testing a web service or Java
application, Eclipse requires that an application server is configured for its use. A wide
range of application servers can be used with Eclipse, such as IBM WebSphere,
JBoss and BEA's WebLogic server. Here, however, I shall focus on the use of Apache
Tomcat because this is a popular, commercially used but open source (free)
application server.
Before configuring Eclipse to use an application server, you must install the server in
question onto your machine. You should already have installed Tomcat as part of the
Eclipse installation in Block 2, but if not you can do so by running the software
installation wizard on DVD 2.
To configure the Tomcat application server you must know where in the file system it
has been installed. The T320 software installation should have created a shortcut on
your desktop called 'T320 configuration'. If you double-click on this it will open a file
containing the installation paths of Tomcat and the Java Development Kit, which are
required for setting up Eclipse. These should be similar to the following:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_14
You will need the path to Tomcat later.
T320 E-business technologies: foundations and practice
Configuring an Application Server in Eclipse |
Viewing the configured servers
Eclipse can be configured to access several application servers. When you create
certain types of project or perform some operation that uses an application server, you
may then select the appropriate server from the list of those available. Eclipse will
manage the server, starting it and displaying its status for you.
To view the servers that have been set up within Eclipse, open Eclipse by double-
clicking on the 'Eclipse for Block 3' shortcut. If this is the first time you have used this
shortcut you will see the Welcome screen; either click on the 'Workbench' button or
close the tab in the top left-hand corner. Once the workbench is showing, select
Window > Show view > Servers…, (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Selecting the Servers view
The Servers view will open at the bottom of Eclipse. It may be empty or it may list one
or more configured servers. In Figure 2 the list is empty but in Figure 3 a single
Tomcat 5.5 server is shown. You need to have at least one such server configured to
run applications on.
Figure 2 Eclipse Servers view without any application server configured
T320 E-business technologies: foundations and practice
Configuring an Application Server in Eclipse |
Figure 3 Single Tomcat 5.5 server listed in Servers view
Configuring an application server
A wizard is used to configure a new server. Select File > New > Other…, then open
the 'Server' folder and select 'Server' (Figure 4). Click 'Next'.
Figure 4 Selecting the New Server wizard
You will then see a dialogue box that allows you to select from the types of server that
you have available (Figure 5). Select the Tomcat 5.5 server under the ‘Apache’ folder,
unless you have installed another server that you prefer to use, and click 'Next'.
T320 E-business technologies: foundations and practice
Configuring an Application Server in Eclipse |
Figure 5 Choosing the type of server to create
In the next dialogue box (Figure 6) you are required to specify the path to the installed
server and to select a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Set the server path to point
to your installed Tomcat (see the 'T320 configuration' shortcut).
If you have used DVD 2 to install Eclipse and Java then you may leave the selected
JRE to be the 'Workbench default JRE' option, as shown in Figure 6. If you have an
installation of Java outside the Eclipse installation then this should appear in the drop-
down list; if this is not the case but you have installed Java then you can add your
installation to the list by clicking the 'Installed JREs…' button and browsing to the
When you are ready, click 'Next'.
T320 E-business technologies: foundations and practice
Configuring an Application Server in Eclipse |
Figure 6 Specifying the server installation path
The next dialogue box allows you to add any projects to the server (Figure 7). This will
mean that the project code is run on the specified server. If you have yet to create a
project that you want to run on the server then this can be done later when you create
or start to run the project.
Add whatever projects you require to the server (Figure 8) and click 'Finish'.
The server you have specified should now appear in the Servers view (Figure 9).
A server can be started or stopped by right-clicking on the server in the Servers view,
but Eclipse will itself offer to start the server when this is required.
Now that a server has been configured, it can be used to host web pages, applications
and web services.
T320 E-business technologies: foundations and practice
Configuring an Application Server in Eclipse |
Figure 7 Adding projects to a server
T320 E-business technologies: foundations and practice
Configuring an Application Server in Eclipse |
Figure 8 Selected projects added to the server
T320 E-business technologies: foundations and practice
Configuring an Application Server in Eclipse |
Figure 9 New server listed in Servers view