Surgical Program
Form # 001470 © 2010_09 REV 2020_08 (REVIEWED 2024_01)
What is hypoglycemia?
Hypoglycemia = Low blood sugar = a blood sugar level < 4.0 mmol/L
What are the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia?
When your blood sugar drops below 4.0 mmol/L, the supply of sugar to
the brain reduces. As your body tries to x this, you may feel:
Sweating Trembling Palpitations Anxiety
Hunger Nausea Headache Tingling
Weird dreams
Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia)
after Bariatric Surgery
What causes
The following are
some possible reasons
for a low blood sugar:
Taking too much
diabetes medicine
Not eating enough
carbohydrate food
Skipping a meal
or snack
Delaying your
next meal
Exercising more
than usual
Drinking alcohol
4.0 mmol/L)
may become
a medical
if you do not
treat it quickly.
Nightmares, sleep walkng, early morning sweats, or headaches at night
may tell you that a low blood sugar happened while you were sleeping.
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EAT 15 g of a fast-acting carbohydrate
= 4 glucose tablets
(such as Dex4 tablets)
= 15 g fast-acting sugar
(such as 6 Life Savers® or
2 rolls Rocket Candy)
WAIT 15 minutes and CHECK blood sugar
How do I treat hypoglycemia?
Always test your blood sugar, if possible. If you are
experiencing any hypoglycemia symptoms or your
blood sugar is below 4.0 mmol/L, treat this low blood
sugar by following these steps:
Your next meal is
within the hour
Blood sugar is ABOVE 4.0 mmol/L
Blood sugar is BELOW 4.0 mmol/L
Eat your next meal
Your next meal is
MORE than 1 hour away
AFTER TREATING your low blood sugar:
Record your blood sugar readings in your log book (see page 8 for Blood Glucose Log Sheet).
Tell your doctor or diabetes nurse educator if you have low blood sugars more than 2 times a week.
We may need to adjust your diabetes medicine.
Never use honey, juice, regular
soft drinks, or table sugar to treat
hypoglycemia. It may cause dumping
syndrome in post-bariatric patients.
EAT a snack of 15 g carbohydrate + protein:
7 Premium Plus™ crackers
1 slice whole wheat bread
1 oz low-fat cheese
30 ml (2 tbsp) low-
fat peanut butter
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How do I treat severe hypoglycemia?
Severe Hypoglycemia = a blood sugar level < 2.8 mmol/L
If your blood sugar is below 2.8 mmol/L, treat this severe low
blood sugar by following these steps:
If you experienced severe hypoglycemia before, ask your doctor about using glucagon in the future.
Never use honey, juice, regular
soft drinks, or table sugar to
treat severe hypoglycemia. It
may cause dumping syndrome
in post-bariatric patients.
EAT 15 g of a fast-acting
= 4 glucose tablets
(such as Dex4 tablets)
EAT 20 g of a fast-acting carbohydrate
= 5 glucose tablets (such as Dex4 tablets)
WAIT 15 minutes and CHECK blood sugar
Blood sugar is ABOVE 4.0 mmol/L
Blood sugar is BELOW 4.0 mmol/L
Your next meal is
within the hour
Eat your next meal
Your next meal is
MORE than 1 hour away
EAT a snack of 15 g carbohydrate + protein:
7 Premium Plus™ crackers
1 slice whole wheat bread
1 oz low-fat cheese
30 ml (2 tbsp) low-
fat peanut butter
It is important to have a snack after treating a low
blood sugar to prevent a low from occurring again.
At this level, you may experience a loss of consciousness, poor coordination, and unusual
behaviour. If this happens, you will need someone to help you get your blood sugar level back up.
If you are UNCONSCIOUS, your family and friends must call 9-1-1.
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How do I prevent hypoglycemia?
To prevent hypoglycemia:
Never skip meals.
Do not go more than 4 hours without eating food, especially if you are physically active.
Eat well balanced meals, with carbohydrate and protein choices.
If you are doing vigorous physical activity for more than 1 hour, eat a small snack with a carbohydrate and
protein of choice.
How do I prevent hypoglycemia from happening overnight?
If you are on insulin and your blood sugar before bed is less than or equal to 7.0 mmol/L, you can prevent
overnight hypoglycemia by having an evening snack that contains carbohydrate WITH protein.
The following guidelines and examples can help you choose your evening snack.
EAT 1 carbohydrate serving (15 g) WITH protein
15 g Carbohydrate example Protein example
1 slice whole grain bread 30 ml (2 tbsp) low-fat peanut butter
250 ml (1 cup) 1% milk 8 to 10 almonds
7 Premium Plus™ crackers 1 oz low-fat cheese
If your blood sugar before bed is between 6.0 to 7.0 mmol/L:
EAT 2 carbohydrate servings (30 g) WITH protein
30 g Carbohydrate example Protein example
1 medium banana 30 ml (2 tbsp) low-fat peanut butter
3 plain digestive cookies 1 oz low-fat cheese
If your blood sugar before bed is between 4.0 to 5.9 mmol/L:
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Always keep a fast-acting sugar and other snacks within reach; not in the back seat.
STOP the vehicle in a safe location if you feel symptoms of low blood sugar while
driving. Remove keys from the ignition and put on your hazard lights.
After treating a low, WAIT until your blood sugar is ABOVE 5.0 mmol/L to start
driving. Wait 40 minutes to recover fully from low blood sugar.
5.0 to Drive!
Be aware of your blood sugar level. Test your blood sugar level right before driving.
For long drives, check your blood sugar at least every 4 hours.
If your blood sugar before driving is
below 4.0 mmol/L
Do not drive. Follow the instructions on
page 2 to treat the low blood sugar.
If your blood sugar before driving is
between 4.0 and 5.0 mmol/L
Eat a carbohydrate snack (such as a
granola bar, sandwich, crackers and
cheese, etc.) BEFORE you begin to drive.
If you have a history of recurrent severe low blood sugars (where you lost consciousness
or needed help from another person), or have hypoglycemia unawareness, you must test
your blood sugar before driving and at least every 2 hours while driving.
How do I prevent hypoglycemia while driving?
To prevent low blood sugar while driving, please follow these
diabetes driving guidelines:
Tell your healthcare provider as soon as possible if your sugar went below
2.8 mmol/L while driving, or if someone had to help you treat your low blood sugar.
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What is hypoglycemia unawareness?
Symptoms from low blood sugars are helpful as they
tell you that your blood glucose is low and that you
need to take action to bring it back into a safe range.
However, many people can have low blood sugars
and feel NO symptoms. This is called hypoglycemia
People with hypoglycemia unawareness:
Cannot tell when their blood sugar gets low, so
they do not know they need to treat it. This puts
them at an increased risk for severe low blood
sugars and may need help from others to treat
their low blood sugar.
Are less likely to be awakened from sleep when a low
occurs at night.
Need to take extra care to check blood glucose often.
This is especially important before and during critical
tasks such as driving.
Regaining the early warning signs:
You can regain your early warning symptoms by avoiding
any hypoglycemia, even mild, for several weeks. This helps
your body re-learn how to react to low blood sugar levels.
To do this, you may have to raise your target blood
glucose level. You may end up with a higher A1C level, but
regaining the ability to feel symptoms of lows is worth the
temporary rise in blood glucose levels.
Did you know?
Hypoglycemia unawareness occurs
more often in those who:
Frequently have low blood sugar
episodes, as this can cause you to
stop sensing the early warning signs
of hypoglycemia
Have had diabetes for a long time
Tightly control their diabetes.
If you think you have hypoglycemia
unawareness, speak with your health
care provider.
They may adjust or raise your blood
glucose targets to avoid further
hypoglycemia and reduce the risk of
future episodes.
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Listen to your bodys warning signs of falling blood sugars.
Always carry a “fast acting sugar source, such as glucose tablets, in your purse, pocket,
briefcase, and car in case you have low blood sugar.
When out, carry some food (such as fruit, plain cookies, or a granola bar), Dex4 tablets or
glucose tablets, and a source of portable protein food, so that if a meal is delayed, you
can have your snack to prevent low blood sugar.
Keep identication on you that shows you have diabetes, such as a MEDIC ALERT®
bracelet, wallet card, or set up your smart phone’s Medical ID.
At work, home, or school, teach someone how to identify and treat low blood sugars.
Try to gure out what caused the low blood sugar so that you can prevent future low
blood sugars.
If you do not have your meter with you, treat the symptoms anyway. It is better to
be safe.
For further information on diabetes and hypoglycemia, please refer to
the Diabetes Canada website.
English: This information is important! If you have
trouble reading this, ask someone to help you.
Italian: Queste informazoni sono importanti! Se ha
dicoltà a leggere questo, chieda aiuto a qualcuno.
Spanish: ¡Esta información es importante! Si tiene
dicultad en leer esto, pida que alguien le ayude.
© 2024 Humber River Health. All rights reserved.
The information provided in this booklet is for educational purposes. It does not replace the advice or specic instructions from your doctor, nurse, or other
healthcare provider. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat. If you have questions about your own care, please speak with your healthcare provider.
Keep a record of your blood sugar levels. You do not need to ll out all spaces. Only check and record your
blood sugar test results when needed or according to your schedule.
Before 2 Hr After Before 2 Hr After Before 2 Hr After
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