2023 R32023 R3
Content last updated:
See Change Log for summary of
Short Message ServicesShort Message Services
Technical ReferenceTechnical Reference
This document describes how to set up and congure CIC to send,
receive, and route messages using the Short Message Service (SMS)
For the latest version of this document, see the PureConnect
Documentation Library at: http://help.genesys.com/pureconnect.
For copyright and trademark information, see
Table of ContentsTable of Contents
Table of Contents
Overview of SMS in CIC
SMS Setup and Licensing
How CIC supports SMS
Understanding and choosing SMS Brokers
Recovery of SMS Interactions in Switchover
Configure Web Service Parameters
Set Web Services Parameters to Disconnect Chats
Set Custom Attributes for Web Services Parameters
Configure SMS
SMS Configuration Dialog
Configure Inbound Routing
Configure Outbound Routing
Configure SMS Purge Data setting
Configure SMS Custom Attributes
Document SMS Configuration History
Configure SMS Brokers
International Outbound SMS Messages
HTTP-based SMS Brokers
Configure HTTP Broker Settings
Configure Broker Accounts
Configure Broker Message Originated settings
Configure Broker Message Terminated settings
Configure Broker Proxy settings
Configure Broker Custom Attributes
Document Broker Configuration History
Configure a New Broker
Using SSL
SSL Certificate
SMS Reverse Proxy Setup
IIS Configuration
Reverse Proxy- Proxy Type
Reverse Proxy- URL Rewrite
Reverse Proxy - CIC Server's certificate
Reverse Proxy - Default Web Site HTTPS Binding
Server Farm and Switchover Considerations
URL Rewrite with Server Farm
Health Test for Server Farm
Verification for Health Test
Change Log
Overview of SMS in CICOverview of SMS in CIC
This section covers:
How CIC supports SMS
Understanding and choosing SMS Brokers
Recover of SMS Interactions in Switchover
SMS stands for
Short Message Service
. SMS allows users to exchange text messages between cell phones, e-mail accounts, and
CIC user accounts. SMS messages can be up to 160 characters long when Latin alphabets are used. When non-Latin alphabets such
as Arabic or Chinese are used, SMS messages are limited to 70 characters.
SMS operates over voice networks and uses available voice bandwidth to send messages. In Europe and Asia, SMS messages are
usually sent over the
Global System for Mobile Communications
(GSM). GSM is a system for analog voice with modulated digital
capabilities built in. SMS messages in the USA are sent over CDMA (
Code Division Multiple Access
), which transmits digital
information as a radio signal.
General Packet Radio Service
(GPRS) is gaining popularity as it is faster and packet-driven instead of
SMS Setup and LicensingSMS Setup and Licensing
Customer Interaction Center includes SMS features by default. You do not need to install SMS features separately. To use them,
make sure your server license provides SMS services by checking for I3_FEATURE_SMS in Interaction Administrator License
Management as well as I3_FEATURE_WEB_SERVICES to allow for inbound SMS routing as a chat. Customers with an Intermediate
Server license will need to upgrade to the Advanced Server license which contains this feature.
You must also:
Contract with an SMS broker to route SMS messages to and from your CIC server.
Use HTTP or HTTPS to connect with your chosen SMS broker.
How CIC supports SMSHow CIC supports SMS
Customer Interaction Center provides an integrated SMS Server subsystem that connects with external
SMS brokers
to exchange
messages. The SMS Server subsystem arbitrates between SMS brokers and internal CIC subsystems, such as ACD Server,
Reporting, and Recorder. When a CIC user sends an SMS message to a cellphone, the CIC server forwards the message to an SMS
broker, which sends it on to the cellphone. When a cellphone user sends an SMS message to the phone number of the SMS broker,
the broker pushes the message to the CIC server. The CIC server then converts the SMS message to a specialized SMS object and
routes it to the agent (see figure).
Understanding and choosing SMS BrokersUnderstanding and choosing SMS Brokers
An SMS broker is a company that routes SMS messages to cell phone providers and collects SMS messages from cell phones. To
do this, SMS brokers maintain hardware at the premises of cell phone providers, called Short Message Service Centers (SMS-Cs).
CIC comes with a choice of certified CIC brokers that provide all the long and short codes necessary to send and receive SMS
messages. Genesys already supports the SMS brokers listed in the Broker Configuration dialog box in Interaction Administrator.
These listed brokers have unique characteristics and are the best in the SMS marketplace in both price and functionality.
You can add other brokers, but you need to perform broker integration work for each new broker. To add a broker, the administrator
creates an XML document defining how CIC exchanges data with the broker. For help, call the Genesys Professional Services
Organization. Otherwise just select an SMS broker listed in CIC.
The CIC server connects to the selected SMS Broker, sending messages and receiving messages and status reports. When
selecting an SMS broker for your Use Case consider these broker functions:
Does the broker cover all the geographic areas that you need? This factor is sometimes important if your operations are
Does the broker support "transaction atomicity" so that you can (if needed) track each message individually?
Does the broker support alphanumeric source addresses that contain characters as well as digits?
Does the broker support delivery receipts?
Are delivery receipts sent to the device?
Does the broker support multiple languages?
Does the broker allow multiple recipients in a single request?
Does the broker authenticate messages, based on IP address or other factors?
Does the broker provide shared short codes or Free-To-End-User short codes?
Does the broker provide special long codes or 800 number long codes?
The SMS world is a federally-regulated communication channel and as such SMS can be complicated and difficult to navigate.
Check with Genesys or our partners to make sure that your customer's Use Case requires and uses the proper type of long code or
short code. There are many variations of long and short codes. But, with the help of Genesys, you can make sure that your SMS
requirements are met. We can also provide SMS configuration help and updates to SMS as they become available.
Recovery of SMS Interactions in SwitchoverRecovery of SMS Interactions in Switchover
Previously, following a switchover, SMS users had to reconnect and wait for an agent. Starting with CIC 2016 R4, the Interaction
Recovery Service subsystem recovers SMS interactions with a transition that is almost seamless. Once switchover occurs, the
WebProcessor subsystem prepares the mirrored interactions.
To enable recovery of SMS interactions, set the SMS Interaction Recovery Enabled server parameter to 1. For this parameter to take
effect, you must restart the Web Processor on both the primary and backup servers in a switchover pair. For more information, see
Automated Switchover System Technical Reference
Configure Web Service ParametersConfigure Web Service Parameters
You can use web service parameters to disconnect completed SMS chat interactions automatically. You can also use custom web
service parameter attributes to configure automatic replies.
Set Web Services Parameters to Disconnect Chats
Set Custom Attributes for Web Services Parameters
Set Web Services Parameters to Disconnect ChatsSet Web Services Parameters to Disconnect Chats
By default, agents must manually disconnect each SMS Chat interaction. To disconnect completed SMS Chat interactions
automatically, in Interaction Administrator, navigate to Web ServicesWeb Services > Web Web Services ParametersServices Parameters container. Create these new
parameters and set their values:
Set the value to 11 to enable the timeout
Set to a value such as 300. This parameter sets a completed interaction to an idle state after the specified number of
Set to a value such as 300. This parameter disconnects an interaction after it has been idle for the specified number of
These parameters affect all chat interactions, not just SMS chat interactions. You can set custom attributes for Settings:Settings:
ChatChat and Settings: SMSSettings: SMS which override these global settings. For more information, see Set Custom Attributes for Web
Services Parameters.
Set Custom Attributes for Web Services ParametersSet Custom Attributes for Web Services Parameters
Custom attributes determine the automatic replies that the CIC server sends for notification purposes, such wait time in a queue or
position in a queue.
If you create custom attributes, you can set Web Services parameters for them:
1. Open a command window and navigate to the following directory:
By default, this path is C:\I3\IC\Server\.
2. Shut down Interaction Administrator if it is running.
Interaction Administrator cannot be running when you do the next step.
3. Run the following command:
SendCustomNotification.exe Set IWeb Strings
If you defined any parameters manually for SMS or Chat, this command overwrites them for SMS and Chats.
4. After the command prompt reappears, exit from the command window.
5. Start Interaction Administrator and navigate to the System System ConfigurationConfiguratio n > Web ServicesWeb Services | Web Web Services ParametersServices Parameters
6. Double-click Settings: SMS.
Interaction Administrator displays the Web Services Parameter Web Services Parameter Configuration - Settings:SMSConfiguratio n - Settings:SMS dialog. On the Custo mCustom
AttributesAttributes tab (see figure), you can add, enable, or disable custom attributes. Those attributes can include custom text
notifications to users who send SMS messages to the CIC server.
Custom attributes for the Settings: Settings: SMSSMS parameter override the timeout settings for all chat interactions set by the
corresponding Web Services parameters. Custom attributes for Settings: SMS affect SMS chats only. The syntax for these
attributes is:
The IdleWarningMessage and IdleDisconnectMessage messages are sent only for web chat interactions. They are
not sent for SMS chats.
Configure SMSConfigure SMS
SMS configuration settings control the operation of the SMS server. The SMS server arbitrates between external SMS brokers and
internal CIC subsystems, such as the ACD server, reporting, and Interaction Recorder.
This section covers:
SMS Configuration Dialog
Configure Inbound Routing
Configure Outbound Routing
Configure SMS Purge Data setting
Configure SMS Custom Attributes
Document SMS Configuration History
SMS Configuration DialogSMS Configuration Dialog
The CIC administrator configures the SMS server subsystem in Interaction Administrator. The SMS Configuration dialog is available
under the System Configuration container.
As in other Interaction Administrator configuration dialogs:
Display a configuration dialog for a new route.
Displays the Inbound Route Configuration dialog to edit the selected route.
Deletes the selected route.
NoteNote :
You cannot delete the default route.
Mo ve Up / Move DownMo ve Up / Move Down buttons:
Move the selected route up or down in the priority list.
Saves your input and closes the dialog box.
Closes the dialog box without saving your input.
Applies your input immediately but does not close the dialog box. Use this button if you wish to change settings on the
other tabs.
Configure Inbound RoutingConfigure Inbound Routing
Configure a prioritized list of inbound SMS routes. If you do not configure any inbound routes, messages travel through the email
message routing system. If you configure one or more inbound routes, you must also configure a default inbound route.
Use the Move UpMo ve Up and Move DownMo ve Down buttons to order the routes in priority.
1. In Interaction Administrator, navigate to System Configuration > SMS and click ConfigurationConfiguration in the SMS container's list view
window (right pane).
2. Select the Inbo und Ro utingInbound Routing tab.
3. Select a TypeType of route to indicate where the filter operates.
Sender's mobile number
SMS message text
Dialed number
4. Use a Regular expressionRegular expressio n to define a filter that selects which inbound interactions take this route.
For example, if the regular expression is 317.* then the CIC server routes all messages from mobile numbers (ANI) whose
first three numbers are 317317 to the specified destination.
5. Select a Destinatio nDestination for the inbound SMS message.
This specifies where to route the interactions selected by filter.
The SMS object is routed as a Chat interaction.
If you select ChatChat destination, navigate to the System ConfigurationSystem Configuration > Pho ne NumbersPhone Numbers container. Double-click
Configuratio nCo nfiguration. On the DID/DNISDID/DNIS tab, add the phone number that cell phone users call for this route. The number
is the short code from the broker. The chat destination option does not allow SMS interactions to persist through
switchover with the Chat Interaction Recovery Enabled server parameter. However, you can enable
recovery of SMS interactions by setting the SMS Interaction Recovery Enabled server parameter to 1. For more
information, see
Automated Switchover System Technical Reference
A handler processes the SMS object.
If you select Handler, you must also modify the CustomSMSRo utingToHandlerCustomSMSRoutingToHandler handler to route correctly. It
works the same as Interaction Attendant subroutine calls.
The SMS object goes to a user queue or via ACD to a workgroup queue. You are prompted to select a queue.
6. In N ameName , do one of the following:
If the Destination is HandlerHandler, enter the name of the handler.
If the Destination is QueueQueue , select the user or workgroup queue name.
If the destination is ChatChat , this field is unavailable.
7. Click OKOK.
Configure Outbound RoutingConfigure Outbound Routing
Configure an ordered set of rules for routing outbound SMS messages through CIC. SMS uses the highest ranking matching route in
the list. Based on regular expression matching of DNIS, CIC sends outbound directed SMS messages to a broker using the proper
destination number formatting. The routes are defined by type, regular expression, formatted number, broker and account ID.
1. Skip Type.Type. Currently, DNISDNIS is the only option.
2. Use a Regular expressionRegular expressio n to define a filter that selects which outbound interactions take this route.
The Regular expression must match the part (described in the TypeType) of the SMS message to send the message to its
destination. It also provides the pattern matches for the formatted number.
3. Specify the destination number. Enter the Formatted NumberFormatted Number that that CIC uses as the outbound dial number for the SMS
message. All characters are valid. Regular expression pattern replacements are denoted this way:
Use $ for regular expression pattern replacements.
Use $0 for the input expression as a whole.
Use $1 for the first grouped match, and so on.
4. Select a BrokerBroker to deliver the SMS message.
5. Select the Account IDAccount ID at the selected broker to use for the SMS message.
6. In Access ControlAccess Control , select the phone number classifications for the selected outbound SMS route.
You must select at least one phone number classification for the outbound SMS route. If you do not select a phone
number classification, or do not select a call classification that provides the correct access permissions, then agents and
workgroups using this SMS route see an error message when they try to send SMS messages. You manage the available
call classifications as part of your regional dial plans.
7. Click OKOK.
8. Optionally, in the Outbound RoutingOutbo und Routing tab, select Co nso lidate MessagesConsolidate Messages to automatically combine short messages. If a new
message comes in and another message is waiting to be sent, it can be added to the waiting message if the combined length
is less than the SMS maximum length of 160 characters.
Configure SMS Purge Data settingConfigure SMS Purge Data setting
Use this tab to configure when old SMS data is purged from the database. In the Purge data o lder thanPurge data older than box, type a number greater
than 1.
Configure SMS Custom AttributesConfigure SMS Custom Attributes
Custom attributes enable you to reference your own variables and setting through the IceLib interface. You manage custom
attributes in the same way as you do for any other IA feature. For more information, see the topic Custom Attributes in the
Interaction Administrator help.
Document SMS Configuration HistoryDocument SMS Configuration History
In the same manner as any other IA configuration feature, you can use the History page to manually document configuration
changes and when they occurred.
Configure SMS BrokersConfigure SMS Brokers
CIC includes a default HTTP broker, but you can configure any number of SMS HTTP brokers.
This section includes:
International Outbound SMS Messages
HTTP-based SMS Brokers
Configure HTTP Broker Settings
Configure Broker Accounts
Configure Broker Message Originated settings
Configure Broker Message Terminated settings
Configure Broker Proxy settings
Configure Broker Custom Attributes
Document Broker Configuration History
Document Broker Configuration History
International Outbound SMS MessagesInternational Outbound SMS Messages
In CIC 2018 R1 and later releases, PureConnect supports receiving all domestic and international inbound SMS and also
international outbound messages via the Genesys SMS broker. This international outbound message support is to any nation that
receives international SMS when those messages include the country code. You supply the country code as part of the phone
number in the Lo cal AddressLo cal Address for the Broker AccountBroker Acco unt .
HTTP-based SMS BrokersHTTP-based SMS Brokers
CIC 4.0 SU4 added support and configuration options for multiple HTTP-based SMS brokers as the preferred SMS interface. By the
time of CIC 4.0 SU6, CIC no longer supported the SMS Gateway-based interface, but the configuration options remained in
Interaction Administrator. Starting in CIC 2017 R2, the SMS Gateway configuration options were removed from Interaction
Administrator and anyone still using the SMS Gateway interface needs to move to the HTTP-based SMS interface.
You configure Broker settings in the Brok er Co nfiguration dialog boxBroker Co nfiguration dialo g box. There are several tabs, on each tab you can use any of
these controls.
Saves your input and closes the dialog box.
Closes the dialog box without saving your input.
Applies your input immediately but does not close the dialog box. Use this button if you wish to change settings on the
other tabs.
Configure HTTP Broker SettingsConfigure HTTP Broker Settings
You can modify the default HTTP broker settings or right-click and create a new set of Broker settings.
1. In Interaction Administrator, navigate to System ConfigurationSystem Configuration > SMSSMS > Bro kersBrokers . Right-click and modify existing settings
or create a new Broker configuration.
2. In the ConfigurationConfiguration tab, do one of the following:
Select EnableEnable to enable the broker configuration for Message Originated (MO) and Message Terminated (MT) processing.
Clear the EnableEnable check box to disable MO and MT processing.
3. Select the desired Broker from the list.
If the broker is not one of the preconfigured brokers, you or an SMS administrator must create and install an XML file to
define the broker. Contact the Genesys Professional Services Organization for assistance in creating this file.
4. From the ProfileProfile list, select the specific configuration profile to use for SMS messages. Many brokers offer only one profile.
5. EncryptionEncryption: Choose basic encryption or no encryption.
Select HTTPS (Basic)HTTPS (Basic) if you are using SSL. If you select this, you must use HTTPS for both inbound and outbound
messages. For more information, see Using SSL.
Configure Broker AccountsConfigure Broker Accounts
You can configure multiple accounts registered to the same broker. These accounts use the same broker interface and
communication ports. You can add new accounts, edit existing accounts, or delete an account.
1. In the AccountsAccounts tab of the Broker ConfigurationBroker Co nfiguration dialog box, add or edit an active broker account.
2. In Account IDAccount ID , enter the account ID that the broker uses for your SMS messages.
The value you specify must be unique among all other account IDs on this broker. If a broker provider does not provide or
use an account ID, then choose an arbitrary account identification.
3. In Local AddressLo cal Address , enter the phone number for the account.
This setting is optional, but if you do specify a number, it must be unique among the other local addresses on this account.
The local address serves two purposes:
CIC populates it on an outbound message if the broker profile requires its specification.
Genesys Brok er Outbound messagesGenesys Brok er Outbound messages : If you are configuring the Genesys SMS brokerGenesys SMS broker for outbound
internationalinternational SMS messages, you must include the country co decountry code as part of this phone number. The Genesys Broker
uses the country code to route the message to the appropriate carrier.
CIC populates it on inbound messages to create a pairing between the external party and an internal account. If the broker
does not provide a local address on incoming messages, CIC uses this value for the message's local address.
4. In LoginLo gin, enter the User ID for logging on to this account.
You can leave LoginLo gin and PasswordPasswo rd blank, if the broker does not require account validation.
5. In Passwo rdPasswo rd, enter the Password for the account. In Confirm Passwo rdConfirm Password, repeat the password entry.
6. Click OKOK.
7. Optionally, in the AccountsAccounts tab, select a broker and click AssociateAssociate. In the Outbound SMS Workgroup and UserOutbo und SMS Workgroup and User
AssociationsAssociations dialog box, select Workgro ups and UsersWorkgroups and Users to associate with this Broker Account.
This enables agents to choose which number appears when they send an SMS message, either their personal number or
the number associated with their workgroup.
8. To save your input and close the dialog box, click OKOK.
Configure Broker Message Originated settingsConfigure Broker Message Originated settings
A Mobile Origination (MO) message is an inbound SMS message that comes from a cellphone. Use this tab to configure settings
when polling for new messages and receiving new messages.
1. In the Message OriginatedMessage Originated tab, do one of the following:
Select EnableEnable to enable the MO functionality.
Clear the EnableEnable check box to disable MO functionality.
If the two check boxes conflict, the E nableEnable check box on the Co nfigurationConfiguration tab takes priority.
2. In Incoming HTTP PortIncoming HTTP Port , enter the number of the IP port to which the SMS broker sends incoming inbound HTTP requests
(SMS messages).
Provide the port number to the Broker. Do not share this port with any other application on the CIC server, and make sure it
is accessible by the public network.
3. In Incoming PathIncoming Path, type the path with which an incoming request's URL is compared and validated.
This determines that a request should be processed by this broker configuration. It must be unique for each broker.
If this broker shares an incoming HTTP port with other brokers on this CIC server, make sure that the Incoming Path and
Delivery Receipt URL values are unique among all brokers that share this port.
When ordering a service from an SMS provider, you must provide the information on this page. Typically, the information
should be in the form of a URL that the provider can send messages to. This URL is composed of http://<IC server
IP>:< HTTP Port><Path>, so for example,
4. In Delivery Receipt U RLDelivery Receipt URL , enter the path where the broker pushes incoming delivery receipt notifications for outbound
Most brokers support delivery receipts in one of the following ways:
The delivery receipt URL is set in the broker account configuration, for example through the broker's web portal.
The delivery receipt URL is passed by CIC with each outbound message. In this case, you must go to the Message
Terminated tab and specify a value for the ExternalDeliveryStatusURI option.
This must be unique for each broker. If this broker shares an incoming HTTP port with other brokers on this CIC server,
make sure that the Incoming Path and Delivery Receipt URL values are unique among all brokers that share this port.
Configure Broker Message Terminated settingsConfigure Broker Message Terminated settings
A mobile terminated message (MT) is an outbound SMS message that goes to a cell phone. This is the only type of message that
can be used by handlers. Use this tab to configure settings used when CIC sends SMS messages.
1. In the Message TerminatedMessage Terminated tab, do one of the following:
Select EnableEnable to enable the MT functionality.
Clear the EnableEnable check box to disable MT functionality.
If the two check boxes conflict, the E nableEnable check box on the Co nfigurationConfiguration tab takes priority.
2. In GatewayGateway, type the destination of the HTTP or HTTPS request to reach the broker.
To create the complete URL before sending the request, CIC combines this destination with a service path by the
application. For some brokers the default gateway may be sufficient, however some brokers require a URL with a unique
identifier. The default gateway is http://www.24x.com.
3. In Outgo ing PathOutgoing Path, type the path against which an outgoing URL should be validated.
By default, the field contains the outgoing path from the broker file; however, you can override this value.
Both inbound and outbound messages must use either HTTPS or HTTP. For more information about using SSL, see the
PureCloud for CIC Administration Guide in the PureConnect Documentation Library.
4. In TimeoutTimeout, type the duration in seconds for outbound HTTP or HTTPS requests to connect before CIC treats the request as
The default is 60 seconds.
5. To send internationalized phone numbers to SMS brokers, select Internationalize Telephone NumbersInternatio nalize Telepho ne Numbers . Internationalized
phone numbers are formatted as FQTN (+CCdddddddd).
6. In Message Parsing,Message Parsing, configure how messages should be handled if they exceed the size limit.
An SMS message has a limit of either 70 characters or 160 characters, depending on the character encoding.
Do not alter any MT message that exceeds the SMS limit.
Split an MT message that exceeds the SMS limit into multiple messages.
Truncate a message that exceeds the SMS limit. Send only the characters that fit within the limit.
7. In OptionsOptions , specify a N ameName and a V alueValue for a configuration option specific to this broker.
Options are values that are required by some brokers and are too specialized for CIC to consider as a general configuration
option. The broker configuration predefines the Names as empty values. You can specify a value for a name by double-clicking
on the name, and add or modify the value. Some brokers may fail SMS messages if you do not populate the information with
correct values.
If the E xternalDeliveryStatusURIExternalDeliveryStatusURI option appears, then you must specify a value for it in order to receive delivery receipts
for SMS messages. This option contains the external URL that receives delivery receipts for SMS messages:
If the CIC server is directly connected to the Internet, the external URL is typically http://<CIC server IP>:<HTTP Port>
<Delivery Receipt URL>.
If the CIC server is behind a reverse proxy or other device, the external URL may be different.
For more information, see the description of the Delivery Receipt URLDelivery Receipt URL box in Configure Broker Message OriginatedConfigure Bro ker Message Originated
Configure Broker Proxy settingsConfigure Broker Proxy settings
Use this tab to configure the HTTP broker proxy settings if you use a proxy between the CIC server and the HTTP broker endpoint,
for example, a corporate HTTP proxy. You set the login and password credentials on the HTTP broker as the Proxy-
Authorization tag using basic scheme authentication.
1. In the ProxyPro xy tab, in the AddressAddress field, type the address of the proxy server.
2. In LoginLo gin, type the User ID (user name) for the account on the proxy server.
3. In Passwo rdPasswo rd, type the password for the account to use when logging on to the proxy server.
4. In Confirm Passwo rdConfirm Passwo rd, type the password again.
5. In E ncryptionEncryption, select SSLSSL to enable encryption or select NoneNone .
Configure Broker Custom AttributesConfigure Broker Custom Attributes
Custom attributes enable you to reference your own variables and setting through the IceLib interface. You manage custom
attributes in the same way as you do for any other IA feature. For more information, see the topic Custom Attributes in the
Interaction Administrator help.
Document Broker Configuration HistoryDocument Broker Configuration History
In the same manner as any other IA configuration feature, you can use the History page to manually document configuration
changes and when they occurred.
Configure a New BrokerConfigure a New Broker
You configure a new broker in the same way as you configure one of the default brokers. First, however, your SMS administrator
creates an XML file defining values and parameters the new broker needs. This administrator places the XML file in
i3\ic\resources\i3sms\ and then restarts the SMS server.
For help creating an XML broker file, contact Genesys Professional Services.
To configure a new broker:
1. Verify that your SMS administrator created and installed the XML file for the broker.
2. In the SMSSMS | BrokersBro kers container of Interaction Administrator, right-click a blank area and click NewNew.
3. In the E ntry NameEntry Name dialog (see figure), type the broker name and click OKOK.
4. On the Co nfigurationConfiguratio n tab of the Brok erBro ker dialog, expand the BrokerBrok er list and select the new broker.
5. Configure the broker in the same way as you configure a default broker. See Configure SMS Brokers.
Using SSLUsing SSL
SSL (HTTPS) works with brokers for both MO (inbound SMS) and MT (outbound SMS). One specific caveat is that both MO and MT
from the CIC server can use either HTTP or HTTPS, but you must use the same for bo th.same for bo th.
Typically, SMS brokers use HTTPS for their side of the service so MO (inbound) also has to use HTTPS. It is simple to do HTTPS
from the reverse proxy to the CIC server (trusting the IC HTTPS certificate authority at the reverse proxy). From there, one can do
HTTP from the broker to the reverse proxy. For best security, it should be HTTPS all the way. (The broker must trust the CA for the
certificate used at the reverse proxy).
This section documents at a high level the requirements for using end to end SSL when consuming SMS services in PureConnect
environments via the Genesys SMS broker service.
SSL Certificate
Most SMS broker services (service) can provide SSL encryption on inbound SMS messages that are PUSHed to PureConnect
(endpoint). The service can also receive SSL encrypted outbound SMS message requests from the endpoint. When configured
together the service and endpoint use SSL encryption for both inbound and outbound SMS messages at all times.
The primary consumption method for most customers is inbound SMS messaging. In this scenario, the endpoint acts as an HTTP
server that is capable of receiving POST messages from the service. The service is configured with a URL value that corresponds to
the endpoint which is the target for each inbound message. A proper URL consists of an FQDN portion and an action portion.
Example:Example: https://webportal.xyzcorp.com/SMSGenesys
The FQDN portion is webportal.xyzcorp.com and the action portion is /SMSGenesys. In this case, SSL is requested when the
https:// connection method is specified. The connection method and action portion are trivial and are easily specified. The
FQDN portion requires additional action on the part of the endpoint custodian.
See also Using SSL.
An FQDN must be publicly resolvable. The endpoint custodian must formally register its entire value with either their own publicly
accessible DNS infrastructure or a known DNS hosting provider. In the example above, webportal.xyzcorp.com was registered
with the endpoint custodian's corporate public DNS servers. After the FQDN is registered with a public DNS server or multiple
servers, the public IP must be formally associated with the FQDN. Only after this process is completed will inbound SMS messages
encrypted with SSL be possible.
See also Using SSL.
SSL CertificateSSL Certificate
Once an FQDN is registered and associated, the endpoint custodian must purchase an SSL certificate from one of the main public
Certificate Authorities (CA). The endpoint custodian cannot use a self-signed certificate without breaking SSL negotiations with the
service. The certificate can be a named or wildcard certificate.
In case of the example above a certificate for webportal.xyzcorp.com or *.xyzcorp.com from Thawte, Digicert, or Verisign
would be more than sufficient. The endpoint custodian's budget determines the duration and type of certificate that they purchase.
Once the certificate is purchased, it must be applied to the endpoint(s). Generally, it is easiest to use a reverse proxy between the
service and endpoint(s) and apply the certificate there for simpler administration. If any one piece of the valid URL is missing then
SSL negotiations between the service and the endpoint will fail.
In the case of outbound SMS messages from the endpoint to the service, the same principals apply. However, the service typically
has already configured and registered their SSL certificates and FQDNs so there is nothing needed on the part of the endpoint
See also Using SSL.
SMS Reverse Proxy SetupSMS Reverse Proxy Setup
For switchover, load balancing, and so on, it may be necessary to use a reverse proxy for SMS. Proper setup and configuration of
the reverse proxy is required to get this to work with our product.
First install the proper roles and extensions:
Install the IIS role on a valid Windows Server machine.
Install the Application Request Routing (ARR) extension.
Install the URL Rewrite extension.
Then proceed to:
IIS Configuration
Server Farm and Switchover Considerations
IIS ConfigurationIIS Configuration
After installing the roles and extensions, configure the reverse proxy.
1. To open the IIS Manager, in the RunRun dialog box, run the command inetmgr.
2. Select the server name (on the left-pane) and open the Application Application Request Routing CacheRequest Ro uting Cache node.
3. Select the Server Pro xy settings...Server Proxy settings... link for the ARR.
4. On the proxy settings, select the Use URL Rewrite to Use URL Rewrite to inspect inco ming requestsinspect incoming requests checkbox.
5. Additionally, select the E nable SSL offlo adingEnable SSL offloading checkbox.
6. Finally, in the Reverse pro xyReverse proxy text box, add the CIC server's IP address.
7. Apply the changes.
Reverse Proxy- Proxy TypeReverse Proxy- Proxy Type
Reverse Proxy- URL RewriteReverse Proxy- URL Rewrite
After configuring the reverse proxy and ARR, configure the URL Rewrite to manipulate the incoming requests.
1. Navigate back to the IIS Manager home screen.
2. Open the URL RewriteURL Rewrite extension node.
3. By default there should be at least one inbound route because we added an IP address when we configured the proxy, open that
existing route (ARR_server_proxy).
4. In the Actio nAction section, change Rewrite Rewrite URLURL to the following:
https://<IP ADDRESS OF CIC server>/receivesms.php{R:0}
In the example in this section, the URL is unique to EzTexting. If you use another broker, change /receivesms.php to the
broker's incoming patch as defined in Interaction Administrator. If the CIC server is receiving on a port different than port
80 or 443, you must define the port here as well. For example, https://IPAddress:8191/receiveTexts.php{R:0}.
5. Apply the changes.
If you are using HTTPS, you need to trust the CIC Server's certificate on the Reverse Proxy. The SMS Server uses the Server
certificate to secure the connection. The Server certificate is signed by the CIC Certificate Authority certificate, and the CIC
Certificate Authority certificate is signed by the Server Group certificate. The Server Group certificate is self-signed. Both the CIC
Certificate Authority certificate and the Server Group certificate need to be in the certificate store on the reverse proxy. The CIC
Certificate Authority could go in either the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities store, or more appropriately the Intermediate
Certificate Authorities store. The Server Group certificate should go in the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities store.
The following steps explain how to do that:
It is not a requirement that you use HTTPS between the web server and the CIC server.
1. Copy the CIC Server's ServerGroup certificate to the Reverse Proxy.
2. Open mmc.exemmc.exe and add the "Certificates" snap-in.
Ensure you add this for the computer account.
3. Expand the Trusted Root Certification AuthoritiesTrusted Root Certification Authorities and select the CertificatesCertificates container.
4. Right-click in that container and select All TasksAll Task s | ImportImpo rt .
5. Follow the on-screen instruction and import the ServerGroup certificate.
: The Reverse Proxy can now connect to the CIC server and it can forward requests from the broker to the CIC server.
Configuring the URL Rewrite address to use HTTPS does not mean only incoming HTTPS messages will be accepted.
Technically speaking, SSL is first stripped off incoming HTTPS packets from an SMS Broker. URL Rewrite then negotiates
SSL with the CIC server and encapsulates the HTTP (previously HTTPS) message. In other words, regular HTTP messages
from the SMS Broker can be sent to the reverse proxy while HTTPS is configured.
Reverse Proxy - CIC Server's certificateReverse Proxy - CIC Server's certificate
Reverse Proxy - Default Web Site HTTPS BindingReverse Proxy - Default Web Site HTTPS Binding
In addition to configuring HTTPS between the reverse proxy and CIC server, inbound HTTPS must also be accepted. The following
steps outline how to create a self-signed certificate and bind port 443 to the default website (created automatically during previous
1. To open the IIS Manager, in the RunRun dialog box, run the command inetmgr.
2. Select the server name (left-most pane) and double-click Server Server CertificatesCertificates .
3. In the right-hand pane, select Create Self-Signed CertificateCreate Self-Signed Certificate.
4. Enter a name and select OKOK.
5. Expand the SitesSites folder (left-most pane) and select the site titled Default Web SiteDefault Web Site.
6. In the right-most pane, click BindingsBindings .
7. To add a new binding, set the following values:
TypeType httpshttps
IP Address All UnassignedAll Unassigned
Port 443443
SSL Certificate <Cert Name from step 4><Cert Name from step 4>
: The reverse proxy will now accept both HTTP and HTTPS traffic from SMS Brokers. You can verify this by navigating to
For inbound SMS to work properly, the SMS Broker must import the self-signed SSL certificate. If the broker won't do this,
you must purchase and configure a signed certificate from a certificate authority (CA) to replace the self-signed certificate.
Server Farm and Switchover ConsiderationsServer Farm and Switchover Considerations
In addition to the standard reverse proxy configurations, some installations use a switchover CIC server pair. To route interactions
if the primary server goes down, the reverse proxy must know what the two servers are in this switchover pair. The following
section describes how to configure the reverse proxy to connect to the switchover pair.
URL Rewrite with Server FarmURL Rewrite with Server Farm
First, create a Server Farm to point to both servers.
1. To open the IIS Manager, in the RunRun dialog box, run the command inetmgr.
2. Right-click the Server FarmsServer Farms section and select Create Server FarmCreate Server Farm.
3. Enter a name for the server farm and select NextNext .
4. Add the corresponding IP addresses for the two CIC servers.
5. If the SMS broker does not use port 80 or port 443, click Advanced Advanced SettingsSettings and change the port number.
6. Select FinishFinish and make sure the system creates a URL rewrite for the server farm.
: There is a new URL rewrite that uses the server farm as the server we are going to send it to, as in the following
The URL now routes to the specific server in question now, but there is no check to determine if ServerA or ServerB is the primary.
To get around this, use a health check that points to the SMS path. The SMSServer will respond to the HTTP request (however there
will be no SMS created since the information will be incorrect).
To set up the health check:
1. Select the container for the server farm that was created.
2. The features for that farm will be displayed, double-click Health Health TestTest .
3. Input the SMS URL to send the Health Test to.
See the screenshot for an example for a specific broker. Use the appropriate URL for your SMS broker.
Starting in IC 4.0 SU6, adding the parameter healthcheckignore=1 to the end of the URL suppresses certain error
messages in logging that occur when SMSServer receives an invalid URL for an SMS.
4. Click ApplyApply.
This option attempts to send a
SMS message to the SMS server. However, the SMS server sends a response back indicating
that it is alive. The V erify URL TestVerify URL Test button can be selected in order to determine if the URL is working. Here is an example of what
you should see:
Health Test for Server FarmHealth Test for Server Farm
Verification for Health TestVerification for Health Test
In this example, this URL test indicates that is the active server in the switchover pair and is the backup
server. Any HTTP messages sent to this server are redirected to the server and not the backup.
Change LogChange Log
DateDate ChangesChanges
30-March-2011 Created beta release version of this document.
02-August-2011 On title page and in "Installing the SMS Feature," changed the e-mail address for contacting the Beta
03-November-2011 Updated for IC 4.0 SMS beta release.
20-March-2012 Updated beta information because only HTTP-based SMS is still in beta.
15-August-2013 Updated for IC 4.0 Service Update 4 with new dialogs, new brokers, setting Web Services parameters, and the
ability to define additional brokers. Updated SMS Gateway material and moved it to an appendix.
19-August-2013 Made cosmetic alteration in figure and added HTTP as an option.
26-August-2013 Added notes that users cannot delete the default routes.
25-March-2014 Removed Appendix on SMS Gateway.
08-August-2014 Updated documentation to reflect changes required in the transition from version 4.0 SU# to CIC 2015 R1,
such as updates to product version numbers, system requirements, installation procedures, references to
Product Information site URLs, and copyright and trademark information.
13-January-2015 Added information to configuration sections that the chat destination option does not support resilience.
15-July-2015 Updated cover page with new logo. Removed incorrect information about types of routing allowed in the
outbound routing tab.
Added info about outgoing path, internationalize phone numbers, and message parsing to "Message
Terminated Tab."
Added information about consolidate messages option in "Outbound Routing Tab."
Updated screenshots.
19-February-2016 Added note to contact PSO if help creating a broker file is needed.
Added information about Delivery Receipt URL to "Message Originated Tab."
Added information about SMS Recovery to "Recovery of SMS Interactions in Switchover."
Added "Associate Workgroups and Users."
Updated broker list screenshot.
28-June-2016 Added SMS Reverse Proxy Setup section.
11-November-2016 Added Note about the deprecated gateway configuration interface. Fixed missing Outbound Route image,
updated copyright page, and other minor cleanup.
28-February-2017 Updated screen capture in Broker Configuration Dialog: HTTP to remove deprecated gateway configuration.
01-August-2017 Added Using SSL section, with references from the Configuration Tab and Message Terminated Tab
19-Janurary-2018 Rebranded this document to apply Genesys lexicon.
02-February-2018 Converted to HTML format.
07-March-2018 Added International Outbound SMS Messages section to Configure SMS Brokers.
14-June-2018 Review and revision of entire document.
29-October-2018 Updated Installing the SMS Feature. I3_FEATURE_WEB_SERVICES license is required to allow for inbound
SMS routing as a chat.
11-February-2019 Added step 4. Click Apply. to Health Test for Server Farm.
07-May-2019 Reorganized the content only, which included combining some topics and deleting others that just had an
introductory sentence such as, "In this section..." For more details, see CICDOC-184.
24-September-2019 Added note to the Set Web Services Parameters to Disconnect Chats topic and Set Web Services
Parameters to Disconnect Chats topics point out the custom attributes for Setting: SMSSetting: SMS which can
override timeout settings for all chat interactions.
29-June-2020 Fixed typo in Configure a New Broker topic.
21-October-2020 Added to note in Set Custom Attributes for Web Services Parameters topic: The IdleWarningMessage and
IdleDisconnectMessage messages are sent only for web chat interactions. They are not sent for SMS chats.
8-February-2021 Updated Broker_GenesysCloud image in Configure a New Broker topic.