Revolut is adhered to Lithuanian State
Company Deposit and Investment Insurance
(VĮ "Indėlių ir investicijų draudimas"). The
maximum warrantied amount is EUR 100,000
for a single depositor for all his/her deposits
held with Revolut Bank UAB.
The figures set out in this Joint Account Information Form are correct as at <<date>>. It is
important that you are aware that the figures may change throughout the period of your
This pre-contractual information has been drafted according to the provisions settled in
Circular 5/2012 of the Bank of Spain and Order EHA/2899/2011 on transparency of banking
The information highlighted in black and underlined is specially relevant.
Who are we?
Revolut Bank UAB, Sucursal en España (WE) is a credit
institution incorporated in the Republic of Lithuania with
company number 304580906 and whose registered office
and head office is at Konstitucijos ave. 21B, 08130 Vilnius,
the Republic of Lithuania.
In Spain, we are registered within the Commercial Registry
in Madrid at Volume 44863, Book 0, Sheet 1, Section 8,
Page M789831, 1st registration and our address is at Calle
Serrano 20, 28001, Madrid (Spain), with CIF W0250845E.
We are licensed and regulated by the Bank of Lithuania
and the European Central Bank as a credit institution with
authorisation code LB002119.
In Spain, we are also regulated by Bank of Spain and
registered therein with code 1583.
Account description
This is a Euro Joint account with full liquidity which is
aimed at consumers.
For the purposes of this document, a Consumer (YOU)
shall be understood to be a natural person who, for the
purposes of payment services transactions, acts for
purposes other than his or her economic, commercial or
professional activity.
How does the account
The Joint Account is a product in which you can deposit
money with the bank, which is obliged to return it at any
time you request it. You can use your Joint Account to
make, through the App, deposits, payments in general,
order and receive bank transfers, direct debit bills, cash
withdrawals and withdraw the balance of the Joint
You must diligently safeguard and conserve your debit
cards. In the event of theft or loss, you must notify us
without undue delay as soon as you become aware of it.
For how long can you have
your account?
You can have it for an unlimited period of time. If you
want to cancel it, you just have to communicate it to us and
we will cancel it in a 24 hour term (as long as you have
transferred your money to another account). There is no
compulsory minimum initial period for which you are
obliged to have an account with us.
We are entitled to amend the Joint account agreement
(Joint AccountTerms) or terminate it if we give you a 2
months’ prior notice.
We may amend the agreement without prior notice if the
changes are in your favour or if we add a product or
service which does not change the terms of your account.
We are also entitled to close or suspend your account
immediately and end your access to the Revolut app in
exceptional circumstances, as explained in Section 10 of
Joint Account Terms and section 24 of Personal terms.
Do you have to pay for the
Joint account?
No, opening and holding a Joint Account is free. We may
charge some fees for specific services as listed in our
Fees Page. There might be taxes or fees applicable to our
services which are not invoiced or paid through us.
Does the account generate
any retribution?
No, your Joint Account does not generate any
To what Company Deposit
and Investment Insurance
are we adhered?
To Lithuanian State Company Deposit and Investment
Insurance (VĮ "Indėlių ir investicijų draudimas"). The
maximum warrantied amount is EUR 100,000 for a single
depositor for all his/her deposits held with Revolut Bank
Contact information:
State Company "Deposit and Investment Insurance"
Address: Algirdo str. 31, LT-03219 Vilnius
Telephone: +370 5 213 5657
Fax: +370 5 213 5546
More detailed information:
Can you switch your Joint
Yes, you can do it through the Revolut App. We are
adhered to the switching principles of the European
Banking Industry Committee.
Do you have a withdrawal
Yes, you can withdraw from Joint Account agreement
within 14 days from its conclusion by letting us know
through the Revolut app or by emailing us at
[email protected]. You have a right to withdraw
without paying any penalties and without having to indicate
any reason. In case of withdrawal from the agreement we
will return any remaining balance to you.
What legislation and
Courts apply to this
Spanish law applies. Legal action under Personal terms
can only be brought in the courts of the Kingdom of Spain.
What language do we use
with you?
Our agreement and communications will be in Spanish
unless otherwise agreed with you.
Can you make a complaint
to our Customer Support?
In case of complaint, you can reach our customer support
via the Revolut App or write to us at the address c/
Serrano 20, 28001, Madrid (Spain) or by e-mail to
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your
discussions with us, and you have been through our
complaints handling process, you are entitled to take your
complaint to the Bank of Spain or the Bank of Lithuania.
You can refer your complaint to the Bank of Spain or the
Bank of Lithuania within one year of the date that you sent
us your complaint. In this case, the Central Bank of
Lithuania or the Bank of Spain will act as out-of-court
dispute resolution authorities. You can find more
information on their websites Spain / Lithuania.
Please refer to the Complaints Policy on the Revolut
website where you can find full details on our complaints
handling procedure.
Can you bring a judicial
claim against us?
Yes, you are entitled to do so if you esteem we have
breached our obligations. You just have to follow the legal
requirements provided by the Civil Procedural Act.
For how long is this
information valid?
This information will be valid for a 14 calendar days period
from the date when the client has accepted it.
This leaflet has been prepared according to the provisions settled in Orden ECE/1263/2019,
on transparency of conditions and information requirements applicable to payment services
and Circular 2/2019 of the Bank of Spain.
Who are we?
Revolut Bank UAB, Sucursal en España (WE) is a credit institution incorporated in the
Republic of Lithuania with company number 304580906 and whose registered office and
head office is at Konstitucijos ave. 21B, 08130 Vilnius, the Republic of Lithuania.
In Spain, we are registered within the Commercial Registry in Madrid at Volume 44863, Book
0, Sheet 1, Section 8, Page M789831, 1st registration and our address is at Calle Serrano
20, 28001, Madrid (Spain), with CIF W0250845E.
Who supervises our activity?
We are licensed and regulated by the Bank of Lithuania and the European Central Bank as a
credit institution with authorisation code LB002119.
In Spain, we are also regulated by Bank of Spain and registered therein with code XXX.
What are its main characteristics?
This type of account is commonly called a “current account” and it is a type of bank account
where you can store and withdraw money, and make payments. Your money in it will be held
by us as a deposit.
With this Joint account, you may, among others:
- Send money to and receive money from other Revolut accounts and non-Revolut
- Set up SEPA direct debits;
- Make payments and withdraw cash using your Revolut Card;
- View information about and manage your account.
What unique identifier do you have to use when initiating or executing a payment
In order to initiate or execute a payment order you shall provide, among other data and
depending on the specific service, the IBAN code (unique identifier). If you are executing a
payment order on a debit or credit card, the unique identifier will be the card number (called
PAN). Other unique identifiers might exist depending on the specific payment transaction.
What do you need to do in order to initiate a payment order or execute a payment
transaction? Can you stop them once you have made the order?
You can initiate a payment order or execute a payment transaction:
- To other Revolut accounts just by choosing the payee from the contacts list in the
Revolut app, by using their username, or by using any other method we provide to
identify them, and following the prompts. This transfer is immediate.
- To other banks’ accounts (one-off or recurring payment) by means of SEPA credit
transfers just by entering the sort code and account number (or, for international
payments, the BIC and IBAN) of the account you’re sending money to in the Revolut
app and follow the prompts. We may need to ask for other information as well.
- If you provide your payment instruction before 2pm on a business day, we'll
receive it immediately.
- If you provide your payment instruction after 2pm on a business day, we'll
receive it the next business day.
- If you provide your payment instruction on a day that is not a business day,
we'll receive it the next business day.
- To other bank accounts by means of a SEPA direct debit. You may:
- limit the amount of a SEPA direct debit or how often it is paid from your
account (or both);
- cancel SEPA direct debits paid from your account; and
- choose to only allow SEPA direct debits to be paid to certain people.
If you have set up a SEPA direct debit, the payee’s bank will ask for it on the
business day before it is due and we will pay it to the bank on the due date. If the due
date is a non-working day for the payee’s bank (this is normally a weekend or bank
holiday), it will reach the bank on the next working day.
- You can also make payments or withdraw cash using your Revolut Card. You can do
this by entering the details of your Revolut Card (the card number, expiry date and
CVC number) or your PIN or by any of the other ways contained in the T&C. These
payments are immediate.
You can cancel a payment (including a recurring payment or a SEPA direct debit) at any time
up to the end of the business day before the payment is due to be paid from your account.
You can't cancel a payment on the same day it's due to be paid from your account. This
means that you can cancel neither transfers between Revolut accounts nor from Revolut
Do you have any limit when using your card?
You may have some limits when using your card. For instance, for contactless transactions,
the maximum amount without inserting a PIN code is 150 Eur.
What are our normal fees?
Our account is free of charges, except as foreseen in fees pages
Can we change the reference interest or the exchange rates?
We are entitled to change the reference interest or exchange rates. Being this the case, we
will inform you without undue delay.
What is our normal way to contact you?
We'll usually communicate with you through the Revolut app (IOS, Android) and it’s free of
charge.We may also communicate with you by text message, phone call or email, so you
should regularly check your text messages and email account.
How do we provide information to you?
This precontractual information and the Personal terms shall be available to you before their
acceptance. You will be entitled to access to them though the Revolut App at any time.
Before the execution of a payment order, we will inform you, under your request, of the
maximum execution period and the applicable fees through the Revolut App.
After the execution or reception of a payment order, we will also inform you of amount of the
transaction, the date and other important information through the Revolut App.
Once a month, we will send you through the Revolut App, a statement with all the
movements in your account.
What language do we use with you?
Our agreement and communications will be in Spanish unless otherwise agreed with you.
How can you preserve the security of your card?
We do everything we can to keep your money safe. We ask you to do the same by keeping
your security details and Revolut Card safe. This means you shouldn't keep your security
details near your Revolut Card, and you should disguise or protect them if you write them
down or store them. Don’t share your security details with anyone other than an
open-banking provider or third-party provider who is acting in line with regulatory
requirements. We've explained more about open-banking providers and third-party providers
in section 10 of our Personal terms.
Sometimes it's easy to forget to take the steps you must take to keep your money safe. Here
are a couple of tips:
make sure you close down the Revolut app when you're not using it; and
keep your mobile phone and your email account secure and don't let other people
use them.
What to do if your card is lost, stolen or misappropriated or it is used without your
Contact us through the Revolut app, as soon as possible, if your Revolut Card is lost or
stolen, or if your Revolut Card or security details could be used without your permission.
If you can, you should, without undue delay, also freeze your Revolut Card using the Revolut
app or by calling +34 900 94 32 45. If you later realise there’s not a risk to your Revolut
Card's security, you can unfreeze it.
By means of which secure procedure do we notify you in the event of suspected
fraud, actual fraud or threats to security?
We will inform you through the Revolut App.
Can we block your card?
We are entitled to suspend your card if:
- If we're reasonably concerned about its security or that it might be used fraudulently
or without your permission.
- We might also have to block your account or Revolut Card to meet our legal
obligations arising from the laws of the Kingdom of Spain.
We'll tell you through the Revolut app before, or as soon as possible after, we block your
Revolut app or Card. We'll also let you know why we've done it (unless it would reduce your
or our security or it would be unlawful). We will unblock your account as soon as the reasons
for blocking your account no longer exist.
Are you liable if there are unauthorised payment transactions?
No. If money has been taken from your account, let us know as soon as possible through the
Revolut app (and no later than within 13 months from the date the money was taken from
your account). We'll pay the money back into your account if any of the following apply:
- you couldn't have known that your security details or Revolut Card were at risk of
being misused;
- the payment happened because someone we're responsible for made a mistake;
- the payment was taken after you told us that someone knew your security details or
your Revolut Card was lost or stolen, or we didn't give you a way to tell us about this;
- the law required us to make you follow certain prompts when you instructed us to
make the payment and we didn't do this; or
- you made a payment to pay for certain goods or services you bought online or
through some other method that is not face-to-face.
We'll also pay back any charges you had to pay as a result of the payment being taken from
your account.
We won't refund any money if you've acted fraudulently, or you intentionally or carelessly
failed to keep your security details or Revolut Card safe (unless you told us about this before
the payment was taken from your account).
How and when do you have to notify us of any unauthorised, incorrectly initiated or
executed payment transaction?
Let us know as soon as possible through the Revolut app (and no later than within 13
months from the date the money was taken from your account).
Are we liable for any unauthorised payment transactions?
We will be liable for unauthorised payment transactions as long as:
- you couldn't have known that your security details or Revolut Card were at risk of
being misused;
- the payment happened because someone we're responsible for made a mistake;
- the payment was taken after you told us that someone knew your security details or
your Revolut Card was lost or stolen, or we didn't give you a way to tell us about this;
- the law required us to make you follow certain prompts when you instructed us to
make the payment and we didn't do this; or
- you made a payment to pay for certain goods or services you bought online or
through some other method that is not face-to-face .
Are we liable for the non-execution or defective or delayed execution of a payment
We won't be responsible for any losses you suffer as a result of us refusing or delaying a
When can we refund you the amount corresponding to the authorised payment
We can refund if:
- you agreed that a payment could be taken, but didn't agree the actual amount of the
- the amount taken is more than you reasonably expected in all the circumstances
(including your spending pattern);
- the person you paid is in the EEA;
- you didn't authorise the payment directly with us;
- we and the person you paid did not give you any information about the payment
during the four weeks before it was taken; and
- you ask us for a refund within eight weeks of the payment being taken from your
Can we modify the account agreement?
If we add a new product or service that doesn't change the terms and conditions of your
account, we may add the product or service immediately and let you know before you use it.
Otherwise, we'll give you at least two months' notice through the Revolut app and/or email
before we make any change.
We'll assume you're happy with the change unless you tell us that you want to close your
account before the change comes into effect.
Can we or you terminate the account agreement?
The duration of the account agreement is illimited but you can terminate it at any time by
communicating it to us. You can do this through the Revolut app, by writing to us at our head
office in Spain or by emailing us at [email protected]. There is no charge or fee to
close your account.
We can terminate the agreement giving you at least two months' prior notice through the
Revolut app and/or email.
We are also entitled to close or suspend your account immediately and end your access to
our website in exceptional circumstances, as explained in Section 10 of Joint Account Terms
and section 24 of Personal terms.
What legislation and Courts apply to this agreement?
According to clause 33 of the Personal terms, Spanish law applies. Legal action under
Personal Terms can only be brought in the courts of the Kingdom of Spain.
Can you make a complaint to our Customer Support?
In case of complaint, you can reach our customer support via the Revolut App or write to us
at the address c/ Serrano 20, 28001 Madrid (Spain) or by e-mail to
What to do if your are not satisfied with our answer to your complaint?
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your discussions with us, and you have been
through our complaints handling process, you are entitled to take your complaint to the Bank
of Spain or the Bank of Lithuania.
You can refer your complaint to the Bank of Spain or the Bank of Lithuania within one year
of the date that you sent us your complaint. In this case, the Central Bank of Lithuania or the
Bank of Spain will act as out-of-court dispute resolution authorities. You can find more
information on their websites Spain / Lithuania.
Please refer to the Complaints Policy on the Revolut website where you can find full details
on our complaints handling procedure.