Revolut Bank UAB, as the issuer of the Premium current account, has arranged with us the following
collective agreement relating to insurance benefits (hereinafter referred to as "collective insurance
agreement") that account holders and other beneficiaries can benefit from.
Based on the collective insurance agreement, the account holders are permitted to make a claim directly to
us but do not have any rights directly with us in relation to the collective insurance agreement.
These conditions for beneficiaries are not part of an individual insurance policy, but give a description of the
different benefits that are available as part of the collective insurance agreement. In these conditions for
beneficiaries, information is provided about the benefits, different limitations and exclusions, as well as the
obligations of the account holders and other beneficiaries under the collective insurance agreement. The
collective insurance agreement benefits are only available for account holders when they subscribe to a
Premium current account and will end the moment the Premium current account is downgraded or closed,
either by Revolut Bank UAB or by the account holder.
It is important for the account holder and other beneficiaries to read these conditions for beneficiaries
In accordance with the Revolut Plus, Premium and Metal Terms you confirm that you understand English
and you agree that the claims related to the benefits you have under the collective insurance agreement of
Revolut will be handled in English. Alternatively, your claims will be handled in local language if the official
language of your country of residence is English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Polish, Greek,
Slovenian, Hungarian or Romanian.
Revolut Bank UAB will inform the account holder of any substantial change in the collective insurance
agreement or if this collective insurance agreement is ending or will not be continuing under the same terms
and conditions. The collective insurance agreement can end, be changed or can be terminated by us or
Revolut Bank UAB without the approval of the account holder.
Benefit Covered up to Deductible
Reimbursement of non-refundable
trip costs, cancellations fees, and
rebooking fees in case of a trip
€ 5,000 per beneficiary € 50 per beneficiary
Benefit Covered up to Deductible
Reimbursement of unused non-
refundable trip costs in case of a trip
€ 5,000 per beneficiary € 50 per beneficiary
Reimbursement of the additional
transportation costs to return to your
country of residence early
An economy class ticket None
Reimbursement of the additional
costs to enable you to continue your
onward journey
An economy class ticket None
Reimbursement of the cost of
necessary additional
Up to 1,000 in total for all
beneficiaries (up to 200 per
night for a maximum of 5 nights)
Benefit Covered up to Deductible
Reimbursement of additional
expenses incurred as a result of a
transportation delay or missed
departure during a trip
Minimum required delay length is 4
If you have receipts - 500 per
(€ 100 limit for the first complete
4 hours and 100 limit for each
complete hour after this)
If you do not have receipts or
have not incurred expenses -
€ 350 per beneficiary
(€70 limit for the first complete 4
hours and 70 limit for each
complete hour after this)
Benefit Covered up to Deductible
Baggage damage, loss or theft
Up to 1,000 per beneficiary
(but no more than 150 if
receipts cannot be provided),
€ 50
including up to 250 for high
value items
Benefit Covered up to Deductible
Reimbursement for essential items in
case of a delay in luggage arrival at
the trip destination
Minimum required delay length is
4 hours
If you have receipts - 400 per
If you do not have receipts - 200
per beneficiary (outbound
journey only)
Benefit Covered up to Deductible
Reimbursement for the cost of an
emergency passport or visa and
associated expenses in case your
travel documents are lost, stolen or
damaged on your trip
€ 500
The remaining value of each unused
year in the lost, stolen or damaged
Actual costs None
Benefit Covered up to Deductible
Medical expenses € 10,000,000 € 50
Emergency dental expenses € 300 € 50
Benefit Covered up to Deductible
Medical repatriation Actual cost None
Search and rescue € 2,000 None
Transportation of remains Actual cost None
Return of dependents Actual cost None
Transport to bedside Actual cost None
Benefit Covered up to Deductible
Missed activity € 200 None
Sporting equipment € 1,500 None
Sporting equipment rental € 300 None
Search and rescue € 3,000 None
Benefit Covered up to Deductible
Assistance in finding a doctor or
medical facility
information only None
The above is only a brief description of the benefits available under these conditions for beneficiaries. Terms,
conditions, and exclusions apply to all benefits. Please carefully review these conditions for beneficiaries for
complete details. The definitions of the terms in the Definitions section of the conditions for beneficiaries will
also apply to those terms when used in this Benefits Summary. If not otherwise specified, the benefit limits
shown above are per beneficiary.
NOTE: Some specific events, benefits and/or exclusions cannot be applied in certain countries for
legal or regulatory reasons. Please refer to each benefit section and the General Exclusions for full
details of where these restrictions apply.
We are a Dutch branch of AWP P&C S.A., which has its registered office in Saint-Ouen, France. We also
operate under the trading name Allianz Assistance.
Our business address is: Our postal address is:
Poeldijkstraat 4 PO Box 9444
1059 VM Amsterdam 1006 AK Amsterdam
The Netherlands The Netherlands
AWP P&C S.A.Dutch Branch, trading as Allianz Assistance and/or Allianz Travel, is an insurer licensed to
act in all EEA countries and operating in freedom of services, with corporate identification No 33094603, and
registered at the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) No 12000535
AWP P&C S.A., which has its registered office in 7 rue Dora Maar, Saint-Ouen, France, is authorized by
L’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR) 4 Place de Budapest CS 92459, Paris Cedex 09,
These conditions for beneficiaries are not a contract of insurance but summarise the Travel Insurance Policy
which is held by Revolut Bank UAB for the benefit of (and in trust for) their account holders. The account
holder's children (including the stepchildren, foster children, adopted children or children currently in the
adoption process) are also considered to be beneficiaries when they travel with the account holder.
It is important to note that the account holder and other beneficiaries do not have an insurance policy
directly with us. Whilst the conditions for beneficiaries wording summarises the benefits available to account
holders and other beneficiaries under the Travel Insurance Policy held by Revolut Bank UAB, it does not give
them direct rights under the policy held by Revolut Bank UAB.
Please read these conditions for beneficiaries carefully. You will notice that some words are italicised. These
words are defined in the “Definitions section. Words that are capitalised refer to the document and
coverage names found in the conditions for beneficiaries wording. Headings are provided for convenience
only and do not affect your benefits in any way.
The benefits are only for the sudden and unexpected specific situations, events, and losses included in these
conditions for beneficiaries, and only under the conditions described. Please review these conditions for
beneficiaries carefully.
These conditions for beneficiaries consist of three parts:
1. The conditions for beneficiaries wording document.
2. The Insurance Product Information Document (IPID).
3. Statement of insurance.
NOTE: Not every loss is covered, even if it is due to something sudden, unexpected, or out of your control.
Only those losses meeting the conditions described in these conditions for beneficiaries document may be
covered and any payment for a reimbursement claim will be made to the account holder only. Please refer
to the General Exclusions section of this document for exclusions applicable to all coverages under these
conditions for beneficiaries.
Your satisfaction is our priority but we understand that these conditions for beneficiaries may not meet the
needs of all beneficiaries. The account holder is free to cancel the cover under these conditions for
beneficiaries at any time by closing their Premium current account or changing it to another account type.
Doing so will cancel the cover immediately for all beneficiaries.
Under some sections of these conditions for beneficiaries, you will have to pay a deductible. This means that
the account holder will be responsible for paying the first part of the claim for each beneficiary, for each
section, for each claim incident. The amount you have to pay is called the deductible. The Benefits Summary
shows where it applies and, where possible, we will deduct the sum from any claims payment due to the
account holder.
Austria claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Belgium claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Bulgaria claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Croatia claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Cyprus claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Denmark claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Estonia claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Finland claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
France claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Germany claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Greece medical@allianz-assistance.gr medical@allianz-assistance.gr +302111988851
Hungary claims.at@allianz.com assistance.at@allianz.com +3612344901
Iceland claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Ireland claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Italy claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Latvia claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Lichtenstein claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Lithuania claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Luxembourg claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Malta claims.awpeuro[email protected]
Netherlands claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Norway claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Poland claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
pms@mondial-assistance.pl +48222630096
Portugal claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Romania claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
assistance.at@allianz.com +40312296341
Slovakia claims.awpeurop[email protected]
Slovenia claims.at@allianz.com assistance.at@allianz.com +38617775925
Spain claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
Sweden claims.awpeurope@allianz.com
The governing law of these conditions for beneficiaries is the Lithuanian law.
We aim to provide you with a first class service. However, there may be times when you feel we have not
done so. If this is the case, please tell us about it so that we can do our best to solve the problem. If you make
a complaint, your legal rights will not be affected. In the first instance, please contact us as specified above.
Please supply us with your name, address and claim number, and enclose copies of relevant
correspondence, as this will help us to deal with your complaint, in the shortest possible time.
If you are not satisfied with our final response, you can refer the matter to the Ombudsman of your country
of residence for independent arbitration.
Austria Beschwerdestelle über
Versicherungsunternehmen im
Bundesministerium für Arbeit,
Soziales, Gesundheit und
Konsumentenschutz gem. $33
VAG Abteilung III/3,
Stubenring 1,
1010 Wien
Tel: +43 1 71100 –
Belgium Ombudsman van de
Verzekeringen, de Meeûssquare
35, 1000 Brussel
Tel: +32 (2) 547 58 71
Fax: +32 (2) 547 59 75
Bulgaria Financial Supervision
Budapeshta str.16
1000 Sofia
E-mail: delovod[email protected]
Website: www.fsc.bg
+359 2 9404 999
Croatia Croatian Financial Services
Supervisory Agency (HANFA)
Miramarska 24b
HR – 10000
Website: www.hanfa.hr/
+385 1 6173 200
Cyprus Financial Ombudsman of the
Republic of Cyprus.
Tel: +357 2284 8900
PO Box 25735
1311 Nicosia
Fax: +357 22660584,
+357 22660118
Czech Republic Czech National Bank
Consumer Protection
Na Príkope 28
115 03 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Tel: 22 441 4359/2887
Fax: 22 441 2261
Denmark Ankenævnet for Forsikring
Østergade 18, 2
1100 København K
+45 33 15 89 00
Estonia Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise
Järelevalve Amet
Aadress: Endla 10a
10122 Tallinn
Website: www.tarbijakaits
+372 667 2000
Finland FINE - Insurance and Financial
Porkkalankatu 1
00180 Helsinki
Website: www.fine.fi
+358 (0) 9 6850 120
France La Médiation de l’Assurance
TSA 50110
75441 Paris Cedex 09
Germany Bundesanstalt für
Graurheindorfer Straße 108
D – 53117 Bonn
Greece Hellenic Consumers Ombudsman
144 Alexandras Avenue
114 71, Athens
Tel: +30 210 646 0862
Fax: +30 210 646 0414
Hungary Financial Consumer Protection
Hungarian National Bank
BKKP Postafiók: 777
1534 Budapest
ugyfelszolga[email protected]
+368 020 3776
Iceland Umboðsmanns fjárlaþjónustu
til óháðrar umfjöllunar
Höfðatún 2,
105 Reykjavík
Tel: + 354 520 3700
Fax: +354 520 3727
Financial Services and Pensions
Ombudsman for independent
3rd Floor, Lincoln House
Lincoln Place
Dublin 2
D02 VH29
+353 1 567 7000
Italy Institute for Insurance
Supervision (IVASS)
Via del Quirinale 21
00187 Rome
Website: www.ivass.it
800 486661 (from
+(39) 06 42021 095
(from outside Italy)
Fax: +(39) 06 42133
745 or +(39) 06 42133
Latvia Latvijas Apdrošinātāju
asociācijas ombudu
zvērinātu advokāti Kristīnu
Lomonosova iela 9- 10
E-mail: office@laa.lv
+371 67 360 898 or
+371 67 360 838
Liechtenstein Bundesanstalt für
Graurheindorfer Straße 108
D – 53117 Bonn
Lithuania Finansinių paslaugų ir rinkų
priežiūros departamentas
Žalgirio g. 90
Tel: +370 800 50 500
Luxembourg Aufsichtsbehörde ACA
12 rue Erasme
L – 1468 Luxembourg
E-mail: med[email protected]
Within Belgium:
Tel.: 44 21 44 44 1
Fax: 44 02 89
Malta Arbiter
for Financial Services
1st Floor
St Calcedonius Square
Floriana FRN 1530
complaint.i[email protected]
From within Malta:
8007 2366
From abroad: +356
7921 9961
Netherlands Klachteninstituut Financiële
Postbus 93257
2509 AG Den Haag
070-333 8 999
Norway Finansklagenemnda
Postboks 53
Skøyen 0212
Oslo – Norge
(+47) 23 13 19 60
Poland Biuro Rzecznika Finansowego
ul. Nowogrodzka 47A
00-695 Warszawa
E-mail: biuro@rf.gov.pl
Website: www.rf.gov.pl
+48 22 333 73 26 –
+48 22 333 73 27 –
Fax: +48 22 333 73 29
Portugal Autoridade de Supervisão e
Fundos de Pensões
Av. da República, 76
1600-205 Lisbon
www.asf.com.pt (portal do
Tel: +351 21 790 31 00
Fax: +351 21 793 85 68
Romania Autoritatea de Supraveghere
Splaiul Independenţei nr. 15
Sector 5
050092 Bucureşti
Tel: +40 21 668 12 00
Fax: +40 21 659 64 36
Slovakia Národná banka Slovenska
Odbor ochrany finančných
Imricha Karvaša 1
813 25 Bratislava
Slovenia Slovensko zavarovalno zdrenje
Železna cesta 14
SI-1001 Ljubljana
E-mail: irps@zav-
+386 1 300938
Spain Servicio de Reclamaciones de la
Dirección General de Seguros y
Fondos de Pensiones
Paseo de la Castellana 44
28046 – Madrid
Sweden National Board for Consumer
Disputes (ARN)
Reklamationsnämnden Box 174,
101 23
E-mail: arn@arn.se
Website: www.arn.se
08-508 860 00
Throughout these conditions for beneficiaries, words and any form of the word appearing in italics are
defined in this section.
Abroad Means a country, other than the country of residence, where the beneficiary does
not stay for more than 3 months per year.
Accident An unexpected and unintended event that causes injury, property damage, or
Accommodation A hotel or any other kind of lodging for which you make a reservation or where you
stay and incur an expense.
Account holder The person who has subscribed to the Revolut Premium account.
Adoption proceeding
A mandatory legal proceeding or other meeting required by law to be attended by
you as a prospective adoptive parent(s) in order to legally adopt a minor child.
Baggage Personal property you take with you or acquire on your trip.
Beneficiary The account holder who has rights to claim under the collective insurance
agreement along with their children (including the stepchildren, foster children,
adopted children or children currently in the adoption process) up to a maximum
age of 17 years at the time of travel, when they travel with the account holder.
Climbing sports An activity utilizing harnesses, ropes, belays, crampons, or ice axes. It does not
include supervised climbing on artificial surfaces intended for recreational
Cohabitant A person you currently live with and have lived with for at least 12 consecutive
months and who is at least 18 years old.
Computer System Any computer, hardware, software, or communication system or electronic device
(including but not limited to smart phone, laptop, tablet, wearable device), server,
cloud, microcontroller, or similar system, including any associated input, output,
data storage device, networking equipment, or backup facility.
Conditions for
This document outlining the terms and conditions applicable for the benefits to
Country of residence The country where you have your primary residence and the same country where
the account holder’s Revolut account is held.
Covered reasons The specifically named situations or events for which you are covered under these
conditions for beneficiaries.
Cyber Risk Any loss, damage, liability, claim, cost, or expense of any nature directly or
indirectly caused by, contributed to by, resulting from, or arising out of or in
connection with, any one or more instances of any of the following:
1. Any unauthorized, malicious, or illegal act, or the threat of such act(s),
involving access to, or the processing, use, or operation of, any computer
2. Any error or omission involving access to, or the processing, use, or
operation of any computer system;
3. Any partial or total unavailability or failure to access, process, use, or
operate any computer system; or
4. Any loss of use, reduction in functionality, repair, replacement, restoration
or reproduction of any data, including any amount pertaining to the value
of such data.
Departure date The date on which you are originally scheduled to begin your travel, as shown on
your travel itinerary.
Doctor Someone who is legally authorised to practice medicine or dentistry and is licensed
if required. This cannot be you, a travelling companion, your family member, a
travelling companion’s family member, the sick or injured person, or that person’s
family member.
Epidemic A contagious disease recognized or referred to as an epidemic by a representative
of the World Health Organization (WHO) or an official government authority.
Family member
1. Spouse (by marriage, common law, domestic partnership, or civil union);
2. Cohabitants;
3. Parents and stepparents;
4. Children, stepchildren, foster children, adopted children, or children currently
in the adoption process;
5. Siblings;
6. Grandparents and grandchildren;
7. The following in-laws: mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, and
8. Aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews;
9. Legal guardians and wards; and
10. Paid, live-in caregivers;
First responder Emergency personnel (such as a police officer, emergency medical technician, or
firefighter) who are among those responsible for going immediately to the scene
of an accident or emergency to provide aid and relief.
An activity that includes, or is intended to include, going above 4500 meters in
elevation, other than as a passenger in a commercial aircraft.
High value items Collectibles, jewellery, watches, gems, pearls, furs, cameras (including video
cameras) and related equipment, musical instruments, professional audio
equipment, binoculars, telescopes, sporting equipment, mobile devices,
smartphones, computers, radios, drones, robots, and other electronics, including
parts and accessories for the aforementioned items.
Hospital An acute care facility that has a primary function of diagnosing and treating sick
and injured people under the supervision of doctors. It must:
1. Be primarily engaged in providing inpatient diagnostic and therapeutic
2. Have organised departments of medicine and major surgery; and
3. Be licensed where required.
Illegal act
An act that violates law where it is committed.
Injury Physical bodily harm.
Local public
Local, commuter, or other urban transit system carriers (such as commuter rail, city
bus, subway, ferry, taxi, for-hire driver, or other such carriers) that transport you or
a travelling companion less than 150 kilometres.
A mechanical issue, which prevents the vehicle from being driven normally,
including an electrical issue, flat tire, or running out of fluids (except fuel).
Medical escort A professional person contracted by our medical team to accompany an ill or
injured person while they are being transported. A medical escort is trained to
provide medical care to the person being transported. This cannot be a friend,
travelling companion, or family member.
Medically necessary Treatment that is required for your illness, injury, or medical condition, consistent
with your symptoms, and can safely be provided to you. Such treatment must meet
the standards of good medical practice and is not for your or the provider’s
Natural disaster A large-scale extreme weather or geological event that damages property,
disrupts transportation or utilities, or endangers people, including without
limitation: earthquake, fire, flood, hurricane, or volcanic eruption.
Pandemic An epidemic that is recognized or referred to as a pandemic by a representative of
the World Health Organization (WHO) or an official government authority.
Political risk Any kind of events, organised resistance or actions intending or implying the
intention to overthrow, supplant or change the existing ruler or constitutional
government, including but not limited to:
Expropriation (including Selective Discrimination and Forced Abandonment);
Civil commotion assuming to proportion of or amounting to an uprising;
Military and usurped power.
Primary residence Your permanent, fixed home address for legal and tax purposes.
Pre-existing medical
An injury, illness, or medical condition that, within the 120 days prior to and
including the booking date of the trip:
1. Caused a person to seek a medical examination, diagnosis, care or treatment
by a doctor;
2. Presented symptoms; or
3. Required a person to take medication prescribed by a doctor (unless the
condition or symptoms are controlled by that prescription and the prescription
has not changed).
The illness, injury or medical condition does not need to be formally diagnosed in
order to be considered a pre-existing medical condition.
Quarantine Mandatory involuntary confinement by order or other official directive of a
government, public or regulatory authority, or the captain of a commercial vessel
on which you are booked to travel during your trip, which is intended to stop the
spread of a contagious disease to which you or a travelling companion have been
Reasonable and
customary costs
The amount usually charged for a specific service in a particular geographic area.
The charges must be appropriate to the availability and complexity of the service,
the availability of needed parts/materials/supplies/equipment, and the
availability of appropriately-skilled and licensed service providers.
Refund Cash, credit, or a voucher for future travel that you are eligible to receive from a
travel supplier, or any credit, recovery, or reimbursement you are eligible to receive
from your employer, another insurance company, a credit card issuer, or any other
Return Date The date on which you are originally scheduled to end your travel, as shown on
your travel itinerary.
Serious harm The deterioration of an untreated medical condition leading to:
a more intensive or prolonged period of treatment being required;
a permanent and irreversible impact to health; or
Serious illness An illness debilitating enough to prevent the patient from being able to carry out
any of their usual daily activities and which has required the patient to consult a
Service animal Any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of
an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric,
intellectual, or other mental disability. Examples of work or tasks include, but are
not limited to guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, and
pulling a wheelchair. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained
or untrained, are not considered service animals. The crime deterrent effects of an
animal’s presence and the provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort, or
companionship are not considered work or tasks under this definition.
Severe weather Hazardous weather conditions including but not limited to windstorms, hurricanes,
tornados, fog, hailstorms, rainstorms, snow storms, or ice storms.
Sporting equipment Equipment or goods used to participate in a sport.
Terrorist event
An act carried out by an organized terrorist group recognized by the government
authority and applicable law of your country of residence that injures people or
damages property to achieve a political, ethnic, or religious result. It does not
include general civil protest, unrest, rioting, or acts of war.
Traffic accident An unexpected and unintended traffic-related event, other than mechanical
breakdown, that causes injury, property damage, or both.
Travel carrier A company licensed to commercially transport passengers between cities for a fee
by land, air, or water. It does not include:
1. Rental vehicle companies;
2. Private or non-commercial transportation carriers;
3. Chartered transportation, except for group transportation chartered by your
tour operator; or
4. Local public transportation.
Travel supplier A travel agent, tour operator, airline, cruise line, hotel, railway company, or other
travel service provider.
A person or service animal travelling with you or travelling to accompany you on
your trip. A group or tour leader is not considered a travelling companion unless
you are sharing the same room with the group or tour leader.
Trip Your travel for leisure purposes originally scheduled to begin from your primary
residence on your departure date and end on your return date to or within a
at least 100 km away from your primary residence; or
abroad; or
outside your city/town of residence, provided that your travel includes an
overnight stay.
The Travel Cancellation benefit for each trip begins from the start date shown on the account holder’s
statement of insurance or the date you booked your trip (whichever is later) and ends on the earliest of the
below events:
1. When you start your trip;
2. When the account holder’s Premium account becomes no longer active;
3. When the account holder terminates their Premium account;
4. The account holder no longer meets the eligibility criteria for the Revolut Premium current account.
All other benefits for each trip begin when you start your trip and will end on the earliest of the below events:
1. When you return to your primary residence;
2. When the account holder’s Premium account becomes no longer active;
3. When the account holder terminates their Premium account;
4. You have exceeded the maximum per trip length of 90 consecutive days;
5. The account holder no longer meets the eligibility criteria for the Revolut Premium current account.
Provided you follow any travel advice issued by the government in your country of residence and in any
country you are travelling from, to or through, you will be entitled to the benefits in any country in the
In this section, we will describe the many different types of benefits which eligible beneficiaries are entitled
to. We explain each type of benefit and the specific conditions that must be met for the coverage to apply.
Please note that exclusions may apply.
The benefits are provided during leisure trips only and are not valid during
business trips, meaning any travel or stay undertaken for business/work purposes,
including but not limited to, training, meetings, internships or voluntary work.
It cannot include travel with the intent to receive health care or medical treatment
of any kind and it cannot last longer than 90 days. It must be scheduled to start
and end at your primary residence.
Uninhabitable A natural disaster, fire, flood, burglary, or vandalism has caused enough damage
(including extended loss of power, gas, or water) to make a reasonable person find
their home or destination inaccessible or unfit for use.
We, Us, or Our AWP P&C S.A. – Dutch Branch, trading as Allianz Assistance
If your trip is cancelled or rescheduled for a covered reason listed below, we will reimburse you for your non-
refundable trip payments, deposits, cancellation fees, and change fees (less available refunds), up to the
maximum benefit for trip cancellation coverage listed in your Benefits Summary. Please note that this
benefit only applies before you have left for your trip.
Also, if you prepaid for shared accommodations and your travelling companion cancels their trip due to one
or more of the covered reasons listed below, we will reimburse any additional accommodation fees you are
required to pay.
IMPORTANT: You must notify all of your travel suppliers as soon as practicable once you know that you
will need to cancel your trip (this includes being advised to cancel your trip by a doctor). If you notify any
travel suppliers later than that and get a smaller refund as a result, we will not cover the difference. If a
serious illness, injury, or medical condition prevents you from being able to notify your travel suppliers within
that period, you must notify them as soon as you are able.
Covered reasons:
1. You or a travelling companion becomes ill or injured, or develops a medical condition disabling enough
to make you cancel your trip (including being diagnosed with an epidemic or pandemic disease such as
The following conditions apply:
a. A doctor advises you or a travelling companion to cancel your trip before you cancel it.
2. A family member who is not travelling with you becomes ill or injured, or develops a medical condition
(including being diagnosed with an epidemic or pandemic disease such as COVID-19).
The following condition applies:
a. The illness, injury, or medical condition must be considered life threatening by a doctor, or require
3. You, a travelling companion, family member, or your service animal dies on or after the start date shown
on the account holder’s statement of insurance.
4. You or a travelling companion is quarantined before your trip due to having been exposed to:
a. A contagious disease other than an epidemic or pandemic; or
b. An epidemic or pandemic (such as COVID-19), but only when the following conditions are met:
i. The quarantine is specific to you or a travelling companion, meaning that you or a travelling
companion must be specifically and individually designated by name in an order or directive to
be placed in quarantine due to an epidemic or pandemic; and
ii. The quarantine does not apply generally or broadly (a) to some segment or all of a population,
geographical area, building, or vessel (including shelter-in-place, stay-at-home, safer-at-home,
or other similar restriction), or (b) based on to, from, or through where the person is
travelling. This condition (ii) applies even if the quarantine order or directive specifically
designates you or a travelling companion by name to be quarantined.
5. You or a travelling companion is in a traffic accident on the departure date.
One of the following conditions must apply:
a. You or a travelling companion need medical attention; or
b. Your or a travelling companion’s vehicle needs to be repaired because it is not safe to operate.
6. You are legally required to attend a legal proceeding during your trip.
The following condition applies:
a. The attendance is not in the course of your occupation (for example, if you are attending in your
capacity as an attorney, court clerk, expert witness, law enforcement officer, or other such
occupation, this would not be covered).
7. Your primary residence becomes uninhabitable.
8. Your travel carrier cannot get you to your original itinerary’s destination for at least 24 consecutive hours
from the originally scheduled arrival time due to one of the following reasons:
A. A natural disaster;
B. Severe weather;
However, if you can get to your original destination another way, we will reimburse you for the following,
up to the trip cancellation maximum benefit shown in the Benefits Summary:
i. The necessary cost of the alternative transportation, less available refunds; and
ii. The cost of any lost prepaid accommodations caused by your delayed arrival, less available refunds.
The following condition applies:
a. Alternate transportation arrangements must be in a similar or lower class of service as you were
originally booked with your travel carrier.
9. You or a travelling companion is terminated or laid off by a current employer after your trip booking
The following conditions apply:
a. The termination or layoff is not your or your travelling companion’s fault;
b. The employment must have been permanent (not temporary or contract); and
c. The employment must have been for at least 12 continuous months.
10. You or a travelling companion secures new permanent, paid employment, after your trip booking date,
that requires presence at work during the originally scheduled trip dates.
11. Your or a travelling companion’s primary residence is permanently relocated by at least 150 kilometres
due to a transfer by your or a travelling companion’s current employer. This coverage includes relocation
due to transfer by your spouse’s current employer.
12. You or a travelling companion serving as a first responder is called in for duty due to an accident or
emergency (including a natural disaster) to provide aid or relief during the originally scheduled trip
13. You or a travelling companion receive a legal notice to attend an adoption proceeding during your trip.
14. You, a travelling companion, or a family member serving in the armed forces is reassigned or has
personal leave status changed, except because of war or disciplinary action.(Not applicable for
beneficiaries living in Austria and Hungary)
15. You or a travelling companion is medically unable to receive an immunization required for entry into a
16. Your or travel companion's travel documents required for the trip are stolen
The following condition applies:
a. You must make diligent efforts and provide documentation of your efforts to obtain replacement
documents that would allow you to keep the originally scheduled trip dates
17. You or a traveling companion become ill or injured, or develop a medical condition (including being
diagnosed with an epidemic or pandemic disease such as COVID-19) disabling enough to prevent you
or the travelling companion from participating in the activity that is the main purpose of your trip.
The following condition applies:
a. A doctor advises you or the travelling companion not to participate in the activity before your
departure date.
If you have to interrupt your trip or end it early due to one or more of the covered reasons listed below, we
will reimburse you, less available refunds, up to the maximum benefit for trip interruption coverage listed in
your Benefits Summary, for:
i. The prorated portion of your unused non-refundable trip payments and deposits.
ii. Additional accommodation fees you are required to pay, if you prepaid for shared accommodation and
your travelling companion has to interrupt their trip.
iii. Necessary transportation expenses you incur to continue your trip or return to your primary residence.
We will reimburse you either for the return travel carrier ticket to your country of residence or for the
non-refundable portion of your original return ticket, but not both.
iv. Additional accommodation and transportation expenses if the interruption causes you to stay at your
destination (or the location of the interruption) longer than originally planned. There is a maximum
coverage of €200 in total for all beneficiaries per day for 5 days.
IMPORTANT: You must notify all of your travel suppliers as soon as practicable once you know that you
will need to interrupt your trip (this includes being advised to interrupt your trip by a doctor). If you notify
any travel suppliers later than that and get a smaller refund as a result, we will not cover the difference. If
a serious illness, injury, or medical condition prevents you from being able to notify your travel suppliers
within that period, you must notify them as soon as you are able.
Covered reasons:
1. You or a travelling companion becomes ill or injured, or develops a medical condition disabling enough
to make you interrupt your trip (including being diagnosed with an epidemic or pandemic disease such
as COVID-19).
The following conditions apply:
a. A doctor must either examine or consult with you or the travelling companion before you make a
decision to interrupt the trip.
b. You must not have travelled against your home country’s government advice or against local
authority advice at your trip destination.
2. A family member who is not travelling with you becomes ill or injured, or develops a medical condition
(including being diagnosed with an epidemic or a pandemic disease such as COVID-19).
The following condition applies:
a. The illness, injury, or medical condition must be considered life threatening by a doctor, or require
3. You, a travelling companion, family member, or your service animal dies during your trip.
4. You or a travelling companion is quarantined during your trip due to having been exposed to:
a. A contagious disease other than an epidemic or pandemic; or
b. An epidemic or pandemic (such as COVID-19), but only when the following conditions are met:
i. The quarantine is specific to you or a travelling companion, meaning that you or a travelling
companion must be specifically and individually designated by name in an order or directive to
be placed in quarantine due to an epidemic or pandemic; and
ii. The quarantine does not apply generally or broadly (a) to some segment or all of a population,
geographical area, building, or vessel (including shelter-in-place, stay-at-home, safer-at-home,
or other similar restriction), or (b) based on to, from, or through where the person is travelling.
This condition (ii) applies even if the quarantine order or directive specifically designates you or
a travelling companion by name to be quarantined.
5. You or a travelling companion is in a traffic accident.
One of the following conditions must apply:
a. You or a travelling companion needs medical attention; or
b. The vehicle needs to be repaired because it is not safe to operate.
6. You are legally required to attend a legal proceeding during your trip.
The following condition applies:
a. The attendance is not in the course of your occupation (for example, if you are attending in your
capacity as an attorney, court clerk, expert witness, law enforcement officer or other such
occupation, this would not be covered).
7. Your primary residence becomes uninhabitable.
8. Your travel carrier cannot get you to your original itinerary’s destination for at least 24 consecutive hours
from the originally scheduled arrival time due to one of the following reasons:
A. A natural disaster; or
B. Severe weather.
However, if you can get to your original destination another way, we will reimburse you for the following,
up to the trip interruption maximum benefit shown in the Benefits Summary:
i. The necessary cost of alternate transportation, less available refunds; and
ii. The cost of any lost prepaid accommodations caused by your delayed arrival, less available refunds.
The following condition applies:
a. Alternate transportation arrangements must be in a similar or lower class of service as you were
originally booked with your travel carrier. (Not applicable for beneficiaries living in France)
9. You or a travelling companion serving as a first responder is called in for duty due to an accident or
emergency (including a natural disaster) to provide aid or relief during the originally scheduled trip
10. You or a travelling companion is a traveller on a hijacked aircraft, train, vehicle, or vessel.
11. You, a travelling companion, or a family member serving in the armed forces is reassigned or has
personal leave status changed, except because of war or disciplinary action. (Not applicable for
beneficiaries living in Austria and Hungary)
12. You miss at least 50% of the length of your trip due to one of the following:
A. A travel carrier delay (this does not include a travel carrier’s cancellation prior to your departure
B. A strike, unless threatened or announced prior to the date your trip was booked;
C. A natural disaster;
D. Roads are closed or impassable due to severe weather;
E. Lost or stolen travel documents that are required and cannot be replaced in time for continuation
of your trip;
i. You must make diligent efforts and provide documentation of your efforts to obtain replacement
F. Civil disorder, unless it rises to the level of political risk.
13. A travel carrier denies you or a travelling companion boarding based on a suspicion that you or a
travelling companion has a contagious medical condition (including an epidemic or pandemic disease
such as COVID-19). This does not include being denied boarding due to your refusal or failure to
comply with rules or requirements to travel or of entry to your destination.
If your or a travelling companion’s trip is delayed for one of the covered reasons listed below, we will
reimburse you for the following expenses, less available refunds, up to the maximum benefit shown in your
Benefits Summary for travel delay:
i. Your lost prepaid trip expenses and additional expenses you incur while and where you are delayed for
meals, accommodation, communication and transportation, subject to a limit for the first complete 4
hours and a limit for each complete hour thereafter, as listed in your Benefits Summary, as follows:
If you provide receipts, the With Receipts Daily Limit applies; or
If you do not provide receipts or do not incur expenses, the No Receipts Daily Limit applies.
ii. If the delay causes you to miss the departure of your cruise or tour, necessary transportation expenses
to either help you rejoin your cruise/tour or reach your destination.
iii. If the delay causes you to miss the departure of your flight or train due to a local public transportation
delay on your way to the departure airport or train station, necessary transportation expenses to either
help you reach your destination or return home.
The delay must be for at least the Minimum Required Delay listed in your Benefits Summary and due to one
of the following covered reasons:
1. A travel carrier delay (this does not include a travel carrier’s cancellation prior to your departure date);
2. A strike, unless threatened or announced prior to date of booking your trip.
3. Quarantine during your trip due to having been exposed to:
a. A contagious disease other than an epidemic or pandemic; or
b. An epidemic or pandemic (such as COVID-19), but only when the following conditions are met:
i. The quarantine is specific to you or a travelling companion, meaning that you or a travelling
companion must be specifically and individually designated by name in an order or directive to
be placed in quarantine due to an epidemic or pandemic; and
ii. The quarantine does not apply generally or broadly (a) to some segment or all of a population,
geographical area, building, or vessel (including shelter-in-place, stay-at-home, safer-at-home,
or other similar restriction), or (b) based on to, from, or through where the person is travelling.
This condition (ii) applies even if the quarantine order or directive specifically designates you or
a travelling companion by name to be quarantined.
4. A natural disaster;
5. Lost or stolen travel documents;
6. Hijacking, except when it is a terrorist event;
7. Civil disorder, unless it rises to the level of political risk; or
8. A traffic accident.
9. A travel carrier denies you or a travelling companion boarding based on a suspicion that you or a
travelling companion has a contagious medical condition (including an epidemic or pandemic disease
such as COVID-19). This does not include being denied boarding due to your refusal or failure to comply
with rules or requirements to travel or of entry to your destination.
If your baggage is lost, damaged, or stolen while you are on your trip, we will pay you, less available refunds,
the lesser of the following, up to the maximum benefit listed for baggage loss in your Benefits Summary:
i. Cost to repair the damaged baggage; or
ii. Cost to replace the lost, damaged, or stolen baggage with the same or similar item, reduced by 10% for
each full year since the original purchase date, up to the maximum of 50% reduction.
The following conditions apply:
a. You have taken necessary steps to keep your baggage safe and intact and to recover it;
b. You have filed and retained a copy of a report giving a description of the property and its value with the
appropriate local authorities, travel carrier, hotel, or tour operator within 24 hours of discovery of the
c. You must file and retain a copy of a police report in the case of theft of any items;
d. You must provide original receipts or another proof of purchase for each lost, damaged, or stolen item.
For items without an original receipt or a proof of purchase, we will only cover 50% of the cost to
replace the lost, damaged, or stolen item with the same or similar item; and
e. You must report theft or loss of a cellular device to your network provider and request to block the device
The following items are not covered:
1. Animals, including remains of animals;
2. Cars, motorcycles, motors, aircraft, watercraft, and other vehicles and related accessories and
3. Bicycles, skis, and snowboards (except while they are checked with a travel carrier) (Not applicable
for beneficiaries living in Germany);
4. Hearing aids, prescription eyewear, and contact lenses;
5. Artificial teeth, prosthetics, and orthopaedic devices;
6. Wheelchairs and other mobility devices (Not applicable for beneficiaries living in Italy);
7. Consumables, medicines, medical equipment/supplies, and perishables;
8. Tickets, passports, deeds, blueprints, stamps, and other documents;
9. Money, currency, credit cards, notes or evidences of debt, negotiable instruments, travellers cheques,
securities, bullion, and keys;
10. Rugs and carpets;
11. Antiques and art objects;
12. Fragile or brittle items;
13. Firearms and other weapons, including ammunition;
14. Intangible property, including software and electronic data;
15. Property for business or trade;
16. Property you do not own;
17. High value items stolen from a vehicle, locked or unlocked;
18. Baggage while it is:
a. Shipped, unless with your travel carrier;
b. In or on a car trailer;
c. Unattended in an unlocked motor vehicle; or
d. Unattended in a locked motor vehicle, unless baggage cannot be seen from the outside;
If your baggage is delayed by a travel supplier during your trip, we will reimburse you for expenses you incur
for the essential items you need until your baggage arrives, up to the maximum benefit shown in your
Benefits Summary for baggage delay.
The following conditions apply:
a. Your baggage must be delayed for at least the Minimum Required Delay listed under baggage delay in
your Benefits Summary.
b. If you do not provide receipts, the maximum amount payable is the No Receipts Limit listed in your
Benefits Summary. Only available for your outbound travel (not your return travel).
If your passport or visa is lost, stolen or destroyed while you are on your trip, we will reimburse you, up to the
maximum benefit listed for Loss of Travel Documents in your Benefits Summary for the following:
i. The cost of your necessary extra travel and accommodation expenses as well as administration
costs for the issuing of the emergency passport and/or visa you need to continue your trip or return
to your primary residence; and
ii. The equivalent cost (based on the current standard replacement costs) of the period remaining on
your passport that is lost or has been stolen or destroyed.
The following conditions apply:
You must:
a. have taken necessary steps to keep your passport and/or visa safe and to recover it, where
b. file and retain a copy of a police report in the case of theft;
c. have filed and retained a copy of a loss report from the consulate or embassy you reported it to;
d. provide receipts for all expenses, including from the consulate or embassy confirming the cost of
the replacement or emergency passport or visa.
The following exclusions apply:
1. Reimbursement, unless you can provide receipts for the expenses claimed;
2. Losses caused by differences in exchange rates;
3. Passports or visas left unattended in a motor vehicle or a public area;
4. Foreign currency transaction fees imposed by your bank or credit card issuer;
5. The cost of any upgrades, pre-checking services or shipping fees;
If you receive emergency medical or dental care while you are on your trip abroad for one of the following
covered reasons, we will reimburse the reasonable and customary costs of that care for which you are
responsible, up to the maximum benefit listed for emergency medical/dental coverage in your Benefits
Summary (dental care is subject to the maximum sublimit listed for dental care):
1. While on your trip abroad, you have a sudden, unexpected illness, injury, or medical condition that could
cause serious harm if it is not treated before your return home (including being diagnosed with an
epidemic or pandemic disease such as COVID-19).
2. While on your trip abroad, you have a dental injury or infection, a lost filling, or a broken tooth that
requires treatment.
If you need to be admitted to a hospital as an inpatient, we may be able to guarantee or advance payments,
where accepted, up to the limit of your emergency medical/dental benefit.
The following conditions and additional exclusions apply:
a. The care must be medically necessary to treat an emergency condition, and such care must be
provided by a doctor, dentist, hospital, or other provider authorized to practice medicine or dentistry.
b. This coverage will not pay for any care provided after your trip ends.
c. This coverage will not pay for any care for any illness, injury, or medical condition that did not
originate during your trip abroad;
d. This coverage will not pay for any non-emergency care or services in general and the following care
and services in particular:
1. Elective cosmetic surgery or care;
2. Annual or routine exams;
3. Long-term care;
4. Allergy treatments (unless the allergic reaction is life threatening);
5. Exams or care related to or loss of/damage to hearing aids, dentures, eyeglasses, and contact
6. Physical therapy, rehabilitation, or palliative care (except as necessary to stabilize you);
7. Experimental treatment; and
8. Any other non-emergency medical or dental care.
e. You must not have travelled against the orders or advice of any government or other public authority
at any location to, from, or through which you are travelling on your trip.
If your emergency is immediate or life threatening, seek local emergency care at once.
We are not, and shall not be deemed to be, a provider of medical or emergency services.
We act in compliance with all national and international laws and regulation, and our services are
subject to approvals by appropriate local authorities and active travel & regulatory restrictions.
Emergency Evacuation (Transporting you to the nearest appropriate medical facility)
If you become seriously ill or injured or develop a medical condition (including being diagnosed with an
epidemic or pandemic disease such as COVID-19) while on your trip, we will pay for local emergency
transportation from the location of the initial incident to a local doctor or local medical facility. If we
determine that the local medical facilities are unable to provide appropriate medical treatment:
1. Our medical team will consult with the local doctor to obtain information necessary to make
appropriate decisions regarding your overall medical condition; We will identify the closest
appropriate available hospital or other appropriate available facility, make arrangements to
transport you there, and pay for that transport; and
2. We will arrange and pay for a medical escort if we determine one is necessary.
The following conditions apply to items 1 and 2 above:
a. You or someone on your behalf must contact us, and we must make all transportation arrangements in
advance. If we did not authorize and arrange the transportation, we will only pay up to what we would
have paid if we had made the arrangements. We will not assume any responsibility for any transportation
arrangements that we did not authorize or arrange;
b. All decisions about your evacuation must be made by medical professionals licensed in the countries
where they practice;
c. You must comply with the decisions made by our assistance and medical teams. If you do not comply,
you effectively relieve us from any responsibility and liability for the consequences of your decisions, and
we reserve the right to not provide coverage;
d. One or more emergency transportation providers must be willing and able to transport you from your
current location to the identified hospital or facility.
e. You must not have travelled against the orders or advice of any government or other public authority at
any location to, from, or through which you are travelling on your trip.
Medical Repatriation (Getting you home after you receive care)
If you become seriously ill or injured or develop a medical condition (including being diagnosed with an
epidemic or pandemic disease such as COVID-19) while on your trip and our medical team confirms with the
treating doctor that you are medically stable to travel, we will:
1. Arrange and pay for you to be transported via regularly scheduled service on a common carrier in the
same class of service that you originally booked, unless a different class of service is otherwise medically
necessary, for the return leg of your trip, less available refunds for unused tickets. The transportation
will be to one of the following:
a. Your primary residence;
b. A location of your choice in your country of residence; or
c. A medical facility near your primary residence or in a location of your choice in your country of
residence. In either case, the medical facility must be willing and able to accept you as a patient and
must be approved by our medical team as medically appropriate for your continued care.
2. Arrange and pay for a medical escort if our medical team determines that one is necessary.
The following conditions apply:
a. Special accommodations must be medically necessary for your transportation (for example, if more than
one seat is medically necessary for you to travel).
b. You or someone on your behalf must contact us, and we must make all transportation arrangements in
advance. If we did not authorize and arrange the transportation, we will only pay up to what we would
have paid if we had made the arrangements. We will not assume any responsibility for any transportation
arrangements that we did not authorize or arrange;
c. All decisions about your repatriation must be made by medical professionals licensed in the countries
where they practice;
d. You must comply with the decisions made by our assistance and medical teams. If you do not comply,
you effectively relieve us from any responsibility and liability for the consequences of your decisions, and
we reserve the right to not provide coverage;
e. One or more emergency transportation providers must be willing and able to transport you from your
current location to the identified hospital or facility.
f. You must not have travelled against the orders or advice of any government or other public authority at
any location to, from, or through which you are travelling on your trip.
Transport to Bedside (Bringing a friend or family member to you)
If you are told by the treating doctor that you will be hospitalized for more than 72 hours during your trip or
that your condition is immediately life-threatening, we will arrange and pay for round-trip transportation in
economy class on a travel carrier for one friend or family member to stay with you.
The following condition applies:
a. You or someone on your behalf must contact us, and we must make all transportation arrangements in
advance. If we did not authorize and arrange the transportation, we will only pay up to what we would
have paid if we had made the arrangements.
b. You must not have travelled against the orders or advice of any government or other public authority at
any location to, from, or through which you are travelling on your trip.
Return of Dependents (Getting minors and dependents home)
If you die or are told by the treating doctor you will be hospitalized for more than 24 hours during your trip,
we will arrange and pay to transport your travelling companions who are under the age of 18, or are
dependents requiring your full-time supervision and care to one of the following:
1. Your primary residence; or
2. A location of your choice in your country of residence.
We will arrange and pay for an adult family member to accompany your travelling companions who are
under the age of 18 or are dependents requiring your full-time supervision and care, if we determine that it
is necessary.
Transportation will be on a travel carrier in the same class of service that was originally booked. Available
refunds for unused tickets will be deducted from the total amount payable.
The following conditions apply:
a. This benefit is only available while you are hospitalized, or if you die, and if you do not have an adult
family member travelling with you that is capable of caring for the travelling companions under the age
of 18 or dependents.
b. You or someone on your behalf must contact us, and we must make all transportation arrangements in
advance. If we did not authorize and arrange the transportation, we will only pay up to what we would
have paid if we had made the arrangements.
c. You must not have travelled against the orders or advice of any government or other public authority at
any location to, from, or through which you are travelling on your trip.
Repatriation of Remains (Getting your remains home)
We will arrange and pay for the reasonable and necessary services and supplies to transport your remains
to one of the following:
1. A funeral home near your primary residence; or
2. A funeral home located in your country of residence
The following conditions apply:
a. Someone on your behalf must contact us, and we must make all transportation arrangements in
advance. If we did not authorize and arrange the transportation, we will only pay up to what we would
have paid if we had made the arrangements; and
b. The death must occur while on your trip.
If a family member decides to make funeral, burial, or cremation arrangements for you at the location of
your death, we will reimburse the necessary expenses up to the amount it would have cost us to transport
your remains to a funeral home near your primary residence.
Search and Rescue
We will pay the cost of search and rescue activities by a professional rescue team, up to the maximum benefit
listed for search and rescue coverage in your Benefits Summary, if you are reported missing during your trip
or have to be rescued from a physical emergency.
Missed activity
If you cannot participate in one or more of your prepaid activities during your trip for a covered reason
listed below, we will reimburse you for your nonrefundable costs that you paid for the activities, less
available refunds, up to the maximum benefit for Missed Activity Coverage listed in your Benefits
Summary. Please note that this coverage only applies before the start of the activity.
Covered reasons:
1. You, a traveling companion, or a family member who is participating in the activity becomes ill or
injured, or develops a medical condition (including being diagnosed with an epidemic or a pandemic
disease such as COVID-19).
The following conditions apply:
a. The illness, injury, or medical condition must be disabling enough to make a reasonable person
not participate in the activity; and
b. A doctor advises you, a traveling companion, or a family member not to participate in the
activity before the activity takes place. If that isn’t possible, a doctor must either examine or
consult with you, the traveling companion, or the family member within 72 hours of the activity,
or as soon as reasonably possible, to confirm the decision not to attend.
2. Your family member who is not participating in the activity becomes ill or injured, or develops a
medical condition.
The following condition applies:
a. The illness, injury, or medical condition must be considered life threatening by a doctor, require
hospitalization, or require your care.
3. Your or a traveling companion dies on or after your policy’s coverage effective date.
4. Your family member or your service animal dies on or within 30 days prior to the scheduled start date
of the activity and on or after your policy’s coverage effective date.
5. Your prepaid activity is canceled by the supplier of the activity due to severe weather.
6. Your ski resort closes 75% or more of its ski trails due to lack or excess of snow.
The following condition applies:
a. The closure is for at least 50% of the normal operating hours on the calendar day you intend to
use the lift tickets.
Sporting equipment coverage
If your sporting equipment is lost or damaged by a travel supplier, or stolen, while you are on your trip, we
will pay you, less available refunds, the lesser of the following, up to the maximum benefit listed for Sporting
Equipment Damage, Loss, or Theft in your Benefits Summary:
i. Cost to repair the damaged sporting equipment; or
ii. Cost to replace the lost, damaged, or stolen sporting equipment with the same or similar item, reduced
by 10% for each full year of use since the original purchase date, up to the maximum of 50% reduction.
The following conditions apply:
a. You have taken necessary steps to keep your sporting equipment safe and intact and to recover it;
b. You have filed and have a copy of a report giving a description of the property and its value with the
appropriate local authorities, travel carrier, hotel, or tour operator within 24 hours of discovery of the
c. You must provide original receipts or another proof of purchase for each lost, stolen, or damaged item.
For items without an original receipt or a proof of purchase, we will only cover 50% of the current
market price of each item.
The following are not covered:
1. Items other than sporting equipment;
2. Animals, including remains of animals;
3. Cars, motorcycles, motors, drones, aircraft, watercraft, and other vehicles and related accessories
and equipment;
4. Hearing aids, prescription eyewear, and contact lenses, unless specifically designed for use in a
particular sport;
5. Prosthetics, and orthopedic devices, unless specifically designed for use in a particular sport;
6. Wheelchairs and other mobility devices, unless specifically designed for use in a particular sport;
7. Intangible property, including software and electronic data;
8. Property for business or trade;
9. Property you do not own;
10. Your gross negligence or willful and wanton conduct leading to loss, theft, or damage of your sporting
equipment; and (Not applicable for beneficiaries living in Germany);
11. Sporting equipment while it is:
a. Shipped, unless with your travel carrier;
b. In or on a car trailer; or
c. Unattended in an unlocked motor vehicle.
Sporting equipment rental coverage
If your sporting equipment is lost, damaged, or delayed by a travel supplier during your outbound travel, or
stolen while on your trip, we will reimburse the necessary costs for renting replacement sporting equipment
to use during your trip, up to the maximum benefit listed for Sporting Equipment Rental Coverage in your
Benefits Summary. This coverage does not include motorized equipment or vehicles.
The following condition applies:
a. You have filed a report giving a description of the property with the appropriate local authorities,
travel supplier, hotel, or tour operator within 24 hours of discovery of the loss.
Search and Rescue
We will pay the cost of search and rescue activities by a professional rescue team, up to the maximum benefit
listed for search and rescue coverage in your Benefits Summary, if you are reported missing during your trip
or have to be rescued from a physical emergency. The maximum benefit listed for this coverage is in addition
to any other search and rescue benefit that this policy provides.
If you need travel services during your trip, we are available 24 hours a day. With our global reach and
multi-lingual staff, we are here to help you.
Finding a Doctor or Medical Facility
If you need care from a doctor or medical facility while you are travelling, we can assist you in finding one.
This section describes the general exclusions applicable to all benefits under these conditions for
beneficiaries. An “exclusion” is something that is not covered and therefore no payment or service would
be available.
These conditions for beneficiaries do not provide benefits for any loss that results directly or indirectly
from any of the following general exclusions if they affect you, a travelling companion, or a family
1. Any loss, condition, or event that was known, foreseeable, intended, or expected when your trip was
2. Pre-Existing medical conditions;
3. Your intentional self-harm or if you attempt or commit suicide;
4. Normal, complication-free pregnancy or childbirth, except when and to the extent that normal,
complication-free pregnancy or childbirth is expressly referenced in and covered under trip
cancellation coverage or trip interruption coverage (not applicable for beneficiaries living in France);
5. Fertility treatments
6. The use or abuse of alcohol or drugs, or any related physical symptoms. This does not apply to drugs
prescribed by a doctor and used as prescribed;
7. Acts committed with the intent to cause loss;
8. Operating or working as a crew member (including as a trainee or learner/student) aboard any
aircraft or commercial vehicle or commercial watercraft;
9. Participating in or training for any professional or semi-professional sporting competition;
10. Participating in or training for any amateur sporting competition while on your trip. This does not
include participating in informal recreational sporting competitions and tournaments organized by
hotels, resorts, or cruise lines to entertain their guests.
11. Participating in extreme, high-risk sports and activities in general and the following activities in
a. Any high-altitude activity, BASE jumping, or free climbing;
b. Rafting/kayaking above Class V rapids or canoeing above Class III rapids;
c. Heli-skiing or skiing or snowboarding in an area designated unsafe by the resort management;
d. Personal combat or fighting sports, Running of the Bulls, or rodeo activities;
e. Racing any motorized vehicle or watercraft other than go-karts; or
f. Free diving at a depth greater than 30 feet (10 meters) or scuba diving at a depth greater than
100 feet (30 meters) or, for uncertified divers, diving without a certified dive master
For high-risk sports and activities that are not expressly excluded to be covered, they must be:
i. Arranged to take place during the duration of the trip;
ii. Provided by a company that is regulated or licensed where required; and
iii. Not otherwise prohibited by law.
You must wear all recommended safety equipment while participating in your sporting activities in
order to be eligible for coverage.
12. An illegal act, except when you, a travelling companion, a family member or your service animal is
the victim of such an act;
13. An epidemic or pandemic, except when and to the extent that an epidemic or pandemic is expressly
referenced in and covered under trip cancellation coverage, trip interruption coverage, travel delay
coverage, or emergency medical/dental coverage;
14. Natural disaster, except when and to the extent that a natural disaster is expressly referenced in and
covered under trip cancellation coverage, or trip Interruption coverage, or travel delay coverage;
15. Air, water, or other pollution, or the threat of a pollutant release, including thermal, biological, and
chemical pollution or contamination;
16. Nuclear reaction, radiation, or radioactive contamination;
17. War (declared or undeclared) or acts of war;
18. Military duty, except when and to the extent that military duty is expressly referenced and covered
under trip cancellation coverage or trip interruption coverage;
19. Political risk;
20. Cyber risk;
21. Civil disorder or unrest, except when and to the extent that civil disorder or unrest is expressly
referenced in and covered under trip interruption coverage or travel delay coverage;
22. Terrorist events, except when and to the extent that terrorist events are expressly referenced in and
covered under trip cancellation coverage, trip interruption coverage, or travel delay coverage.
23. Acts, travel alerts/bulletins, or prohibitions by any government or public authority, except when and
to the extent that an act, travel alert/bulletin, or prohibition by a government or public authority is
expressly referenced in and covered under trip cancellation coverage or trip interruption coverage;
24. Any travel suppliers complete cessation of operations due to financial condition, with or without
filing for bankruptcy;
25. A travel supplier’s restrictions on any baggage, including medical supplies or equipment;
26. Ordinary wear and tear or defective materials or workmanship;
27. An act of gross negligence by you or a travelling companion (Not applicable for beneficiaries living
in Germany); or
28. Travel against the orders or advice of any government or other public authority.
These conditions for beneficiaries do not provide any coverage, benefit, or services for any activity that
would violate any applicable law or regulation, including without limitation any economic/trade
sanction or embargo.
IMPORTANT: You are not eligible for reimbursement under any benefits if:
1. Your travel carrier tickets do not show travel date(s);
2. You intend to receive health care or medical treatment of any kind while on your trip.
To get a claim form, please refer to the contact data on page 6.
You should fill in the claim form and send it to us as soon as possible with all the information and
documents we ask for. You must give us as much detail as possible so we can handle your claim quickly.
Please keep copies of all the information you send us.
You will need to obtain some information to support your claim. Below is a list of actions you will need
to take and documents we will need in order to deal with your claim. Further information and/or
evidence may be required by us after your claim has been submitted. If this is the case, we will inform
you as quickly as possible.
For all claims
Your original trip booking invoice(s) and travel documents showing the dates and times of
Original receipts and accounts for all out-of-pocket expenses you have to pay.
Original bills or invoices you are asked to pay.
Details of any other insurance you may have that may cover the same loss, such as household or
private medical.
As much evidence as possible to support your claim.
Trip Cancellation
Original cancellation invoice(s) detailing all cancellation charges incurred.
For claims relating to illness or injury a medical certificate will need to be completed by the
treating doctor. A certified copy of the death certificate is required in the event of death.
If your claim results from any other circumstances, please provide independent evidence of
these circumstances.
Trip Interruption
If you need to cut short your journey, please call the appropriate phone number from the table
on page 6 as soon as possible to get our prior agreement.
Your original booking invoice(s) showing your revised time and date of departure and detailing
whether any refunds can be provided.
For claims relating to illness or injury a medical certificate will need to be completed by the
treating doctor. A copy of the death certificate is required in the event of death.
If your claim results from any other circumstances, please provide independent evidence of
these circumstances.
Travel Delay
Written confirmation from the airline, rail company, shipping line or their handling agent of the
scheduled and actual departure times and why the departure was delayed.
Detailed account of the circumstances causing you to miss your departure together with
supporting evidence from the public transport provider or accident / breakdown authority
attending the private vehicle you were travelling in.
If your claim results from any other circumstances, please provide independent evidence of
these circumstances.
Baggage/Sports equipment
Report the theft, damage or loss to the police within 24 hours of discovery and ask them for a
written police report.
If applicable, you should also report the theft, damage or loss to your travel carrier, tour
operator, handling agent or accommodation manager and ask for a written report.
For delays losses and damage whilst in the care of a travel carrier, report this as soon as
possible and obtain a written report from them. For airlines specifically, you must obtain a
Property Irregularity Report (PIR) from the airline or their handling agent. This should be done
within 7 days of any delay, loss or damage. You then have 21 days to write to the airline
confirming the details of any essential replacement items purchased.
Original receipts, vouchers or other suitable evidence of purchase / ownership / value for lost,
stolen or damaged baggage.
If applicable, original receipts for the rental sports equipment
Keep any damaged items as we may need to inspect them. If we make a payment or we replace
an item, the item will then belong to us.
Obtain an estimate for repair for all damaged items.
Block lost or stolen mobile phones with your network provider and obtain written confirmation
of this action from them.
Baggage Delay
Report the loss to the travel carrier and obtain a written report from them. For airlines, you must
obtain a Property Irregularity Report (PIR) from the airline or their handling agent. This should
be done within 7 days of any delay, loss or damage. You then have 21 days to write to the
airline confirming the details of any essential replacement items purchased.
Original receipts, vouchers or other suitable evidence of purchase for essential replacement
Loss of Travel Documents
A receipt from the Embassy or Consulate confirming the cost of the emergency replacement
passport or visa and a written report from the police if your passport or visa is stolen.
Emergency Medical/Dental Benefits Abroad and Emergency Transportation
Always contact our 24-hour emergency medical service when you are hospitalised, require
repatriation or where medical fees are likely to exceed €500.
Medical evidence from the treating doctor to confirm the illness or injury and treatment given,
including hospital admission and discharge dates, if this applies.
The following conditions apply to the whole of these conditions for beneficiaries. Please read these
conditions carefully as we can only pay your claim if you meet them.
1. You must:
a. have your primary residence in the country where the account holder’s Revolut Premium account is
held; and
2. You must take reasonable care to protect yourself and your property against accident, injury, loss and
damage, as if you were not insured, and to keep any potential claim to a minimum.
3. The account holder must have a valid statement of insurance.
4. You must contact us as soon as possible with full details of anything which may result in a claim, and
give us all the information and documentation we ask for throughout the claims process. Please see
‘Claims Information’ above for more information.
5. You accept that the terms and conditions of the conditions for beneficiaries cannot be changed by you
unless we agree to the change in writing.
We have the right to do the following:
6. Cancel the benefits available to you under these conditions for beneficiaries if you tell us something that
is not true and this influences our decision to provide cover.
7. Cancel the benefits available to you under these conditions for beneficiaries and make no payment if
you, or anyone acting for you:
a. make a claim that is dishonest, intentionally exaggerated or fraudulent in any way; or
b. provide any false or misleading information when supporting a claim.
In these circumstances we may report the matter to the police.
8. Only cover you for the whole trip and not provide cover if you have started your trip before the start date
shown on the account holder’s statement of insurance, unless the account holder holds concurrent
Revolut statements of insurance stating Allianz Assistance as the Insurer, covering the full length of the
9. Cancel the collective insurance agreement and these conditions for beneficiaries by giving Revolut 6
months’ notice in writing. Revolut will notify the account holder of any cancellation.
10. Cancel your participation under these conditions for beneficiaries by giving the account holder and
Revolut 30 days’ notice in writing to the account holder’s last known address or by email to the
addresses the account holder and they have given us.
11. Only provide cover if your trip starts and ends in your country of residence.
12. Take over and deal with, in your name, any claim you make under these conditions for beneficiaries.
13. Take legal action in your name (but at our expense) and ask you to give us any details we need, and to
fill in any necessary forms, which will help us to recover any payment we have made under these
conditions for beneficiaries.
14. With your or your personal representative’s permission, get information from your medical records to
help us or our representatives deal with any claim. This could involve you being medically examined or
having a post-mortem after your death. We will not give personal information about you to any other
organisation without your permission.
15. Return you to your country of residence at any time during your trip if you are taken ill or injured. We will
only do this if the doctor treating you and our medical advisers agree. If there is a dispute, we will ask for
an independent medical opinion.
16. Not accept liability for the costs of repatriation or treatment if you refuse to follow advice from the doctor
treating you and our medical advisers.
17. Refuse to pay any claim under these conditions for beneficiaries for any amounts covered by another
insurance, or by anyone or anywhere else (for example, any amounts you can get back from private
health insurance, any reciprocal health agreement, travel suppliers, home contents insurers or any other
claim amount that can be recovered by you). In these circumstances we will only pay our share of the
18. Ask you to pay us back any amounts that we have paid and which are not covered under the conditions
for beneficiaries.
19. Make changes to the conditions for beneficiaries wording and its benefits. When changes occur, the
account holder will be given at least 60 days’ notice in writing, unless these changes have to be made
sooner by law or regulation (in which case the account holder will be given a reasonable and
proportionate amount of notice).
In addition to the definitions that apply throughout these conditions for beneficiaries, the following words
and any form of the word appearing in italics throughout this section, are defined as below.
Pursuant to art. 13 and 14 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 dated 27 April 2016 (General Data
Protection Regulation - GDPR)
We care about your personal data
AWP P&C S.A. – Dutch Branch, trading as Allianz Travel or Allianz Assistance (“we”, usour”), is a Dutch
branch of AWP P&C S.A, a French insurance company which has its registered office in Saint-Ouen, France,
and is part of Allianz Partners Group. AWP P&C S.A. - Dutch branch is registered at the Netherlands Authority
for the Financial Markets (AFM) and is authorized by ‘L’Autorité de Controle Prudentiel et de Résolution’
(ACPR) in France to provide insurance products and services on a cross-border basis.
Protecting your privacy is a top priority for us. This privacy notice explains how and what type of personal
data will be collected, why it is collected and to whom it is shared or disclosed. Please read this notice
1. Who is the data controller?
A data controller is the individual or legal person who controls and is responsible to keep and use personal
data in paper or electronic files.
AWP P&C S.A. - Dutch Branch is the data controller as defined by relevant data protection laws and
regulations in regard to the personal data that we request and collect from you for the purposes detailed in
this privacy notice.
2. What personal data will be collected?
We will (or may) collect and process various types of personal data about you, other persons and third
parties affected by a covered event, such as:
Personal Information of the Revolut account holder:
Surname, first name, any middle names;
Contact details (your postal address and postcode, telephone number and email address);
Place of residence;
Date of birth (which may be required for fraud detection purposes) and/or confirmation that you
are over 18 years of age so eligible for the insurance cover;
Personal details of the other beneficiaries:
Surname, First name
Insurer AWP P&C S.A. – Dutch Branch, trading as Allianz Travel or Allianz Assistance
Konstitucijos pr. 21B
Vilnius LT-08130T, Lithuania
Identification Document number (e.g. Identity card number, Passport number, government ID,
driver’s license) and expiry dates
Age/date of birth
Depending on the claim submitted, we could also collect and process ‘sensitive personal data’ for example:
Medical Conditions (physical and/ or psychological)
Medical history and reports
Identification Document number (e.g. Identity card number, Passport number, government ID,
driver’s license) and expiry dates
Details of your trip
Death Certificates
Details of the claim (e.g. product, your subscription ID number)
Phone number and contact details if not provided previously
Debit card and bank account details if not provided previously
IP address of the claimant if the claim is submitted by our available portals/ apps
By entering, as beneficiary, the collective insurance agreement of the issuer, you commit to give
the information contained in this Privacy Notice to any third party whose personal information
you may provide to us (e.g. other beneficiaries, third parties involved in the claim, third persons
to contact in case of emergency, etc), and you accept not to provide that information otherwise.
3. How will we obtain and use your personal data?
We will collect and use the personal data that you provide to us and that we receive about you (as explained
below) for a number of purposes and with your express consent unless applicable laws and regulations do
not require us to obtain your express consent, as shown below:
Purpose Your express consent?
To provide you the benefits and/or services
(including claims handling) as defined in the
Terms and Conditions of the Collective Insurance
Agreement between the Issuer (Policyholder)
and the Data Controller (Insurer), to be provided
to the beneficiaries (end-customers) of the Issuer.
We will process your data in order to comply
with our obligations under the referred
Collective Insurance Agreement as required
by civil, commercial and insurance laws, in
the legitimate interest of both parties and
your own one, as beneficiary
Administration (e.g., claims handling, handling of
complaints, necessary investigations and
assessments in order to determine the existence
of the covered event and the amount of the
compensations to be paid, or the kind of
assistance to be provided, etc).
We will request your express consent on the
occasion of claims requiring necessarily the
processing of the following categories of
data: racial or ethnic origin, political
opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs,
trade union membership, genetic or
biometric data, health, sex life or sexual
orientation, criminal convictions or offences
Purpose Your express consent?
However, we will be entitled to process these
data without consent if (1) there is a vital
interest of the owner of the data or any other
natural person, and (2) if the owner of the
data is not physically or legally capable to
give the consent (e.g. in emergency
If the handling of the claim does not require
the processing of those categories of data,
we will not be required to collect your
consent, to the extent that they are
necessary to provide to you the benefits
and/or services that you are entitled to.
To defend in case of complaints or even litigation
cases that the Issuer or its beneficiaries could
trigger claiming contractual or third party
liabilities related to any service provided by Data
Controller or our collaborators
No. We are entitled to process any personal
data that you will provide to us, and that will
be adequate, relevant and non-excessive for
these purposes, on the basis of our legitimate
interest to defend.
To conduct quality surveys about the services
provided, with the purpose to assess your level of
satisfaction and to improve them.
We have a legitimate interest to contact you
after handling a claim or after providing
assistance to ensure we have complied with
our obligations in relation to the benefits
and/or services that you are entitled to, in a
satisfying way for you. However, you have
the right to object by contacting us as
indicated in section 9 below.
To provide information to the Issuer with the
purpose of monitoring the correct performance
by the Data Controller of its obligations as
defined in the Collective Insurance Agreement.
No, to the extent these processing activities
are a legitimate interest of the Issuer as
To perform statistical and quality analysis on the
basis of aggregated data, as well as claims rate.
If we carry out any of these processing
activities, we will do so by aggregating and
anonymizing data. As a result, the data are
not considered "personal" data anymore and
your consent is not required.
To meet any legal obligations (e.g. those arisen
from laws on civil, commercial and insurance
agreements, and assistance business activities,
regulations on tax, accounting and
administrative obligations, to prevent money
laundry, or with purposes of sanction screening.
No, to the extent these processing activities
are expressly and legally authorized, even
required, we are entitled to process your
personal information, and to keep the
necessary supporting documentation, with
Purpose Your express consent?
i.e. to check whether you, your country or your
sector are subject to sanctions impeding or
restricting us to make payments if relevant).
these purposes without having to request
your consent.
Fraud prevention and detection, including, when
appropriate, for example, comparison of your
information with previous service requests
and/or previous claims, or checking of common
claims filing systems.
No, it is understood that the detection and
prevention of fraud is a legitimate interest of
the data controller and therefore we are
entitled to process your data for this purpose
without collecting your consent.
Audit purposes, to comply with legal obligations
or internal policies.
We can process your data in the framework
of internal or external audits either required
by law, or by internal policies. We won't
request your consent for these processing to
the extent that they are legitimated by the
applicable regulations or our legitimate
interest. However, we will ensure that only
the strictly necessary personal data are used,
and treated with absolute confidentiality.
Internal Audits are usually conducted by our
holding company, Allianz Partners SAS (7
Rue Dora Maar, 93400 Saint-Ouen, France)
For the purposes indicated above, we will process personal data we receive directly from you and/or
personal date we receive about you from public databases, third parties such as the Issuer, brokers,
insurance intermediaries and distributors, business partners, other insurers, credit reference and fraud
prevention agencies, banks, (assistance) providers, advertising networks, analytics providers, search
information providers, loss adjustors, surveyors, (premium) finance companies, delegated authorities,
lawyers or contact persons you authorize.
We will need your personal data if you would like to make use of the benefits and/or services that the Issuer
has a contract for with us for its beneficiaries. If you do not want to provide the requested information to us,
and the consent when it is necessary for data processing, we may not be able to provide the benefits and/or
services that you request.
For those purposes indicated above where we have indicated that we do not require your express consent
or where we otherwise require your personal data to process your claim, we will process your personal data
based on our legitimate interests and/or to comply with our legal obligations deriving from the Collective
Insurance Agreement between us and the Issuer as aforementioned.
4. Who will have access to your personal data?
We will ensure that your personal data is processed in a manner that is compatible with the purposes
indicated above.
For the stated purposes, your personal data may be disclosed to the following parties who operate as third
party data controllers:
public authorities, other Allianz Partners and Allianz Group companies (e.g. for audit purposes),
other insurers, co-insurers, re-insurers, insurance intermediaries/brokers, and banks, third parties
collaborators and partners participating in the provision of the services (such as healthcare services
and professionals including doctors, travel agencies, airlines, repairers, fraud investigators, loss
adjusters, lawyers) and independent experts.
To the extent informed in this Privacy Notice, we can also share your personal information with the Issuer, in
its condition of Policyholder of the benefits and/or services you are beneficiary of.
For the stated purposes, we may also share your personal data with the following parties who operate as
data processors, i.e., processing the data under our instructions:
other Allianz Partners and Allianz Group companies or third party companies acting as
subcontractors of internal activities (e.g. other companies belonging to Allianz Partners Group,
acting as subcontractors of Data Controller handling the services in the countries covered by the
Collective Insurance Agreement existing between the Issuer and the Data Controller), companies
belonging to ALLIANZ TECHNOLOGY Group providing of IT support and maintenance, other IT
providers, tax management consultants, postal providers, document management providers,
technical consultants, surveyors, experts, loss adjustors, repairers and service companies to
discharge operations; and
Advertisers and advertising networks to send you marketing communications, as permitted under
local law and in accordance with your communication preferences. We do not share your personal
data with non-affiliated third parties for their own marketing use without your permission.
Finally, we may share your personal data in the following instances:
in the event of any contemplated or actual reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment,
transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of our business, assets or stock (including in any
insolvency or similar proceedings; and
to meet any legal obligation, including to the relevant ombudsman if you make a complaint about
the product or service we have provided to you.
5. Where will my personal data be processed?
Your personal data may be processed both inside and outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) by the
parties specified in section 4 above, subject always to contractual restrictions regarding confidentiality and
security in line with applicable data protection laws and regulations. We will not disclose your personal data
to parties who are not authorized to process them.
Whenever we transfer your personal data for processing outside of the EEA by another Allianz Group
company, we will do so on the basis of Allianz’ approved binding corporate rules known as the Allianz
Privacy Standard (Allianz’ BCR) which establish adequate protection for personal data and are legally
binding on all Allianz Group companies. Allianz’ BCR and the list of Allianz Group companies that comply
with them can be accessed here https://www.allianz-partners.com/en_US/allianz-partners---binding-
corporate-rules-.html. Where Allianz’ BCR do not apply, we will instead take steps to ensure that the transfer
of your personal data outside of the EEA receives an adequate level of protection as it does in the EEA. You
can find out what safeguards we rely upon for such transfers (for example, Standard Contractual Clauses)
by contacting us as detailed in section 9 below.
6. What are your rights in respect of your personal data?
Where permitted by applicable law or regulation, and within the scope therein defined, you have the right
access your personal data held about you and to learn the origin of the data, the purposes and ends
of the processing, the details of the data controller(s), the data processor(s) and the parties to whom
the data may be disclosed;
withdraw your consent at any time where your personal data is processed with your consent;
update or correct your personal data so that it is always accurate;
delete your personal data from our records if it is no longer needed for the purposes indicated above;
restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances, for example where you have
contested the accuracy of your personal data, for the period enabling us to verify its accuracy;
obtain your personal data in an electronic format for you or for your new insurer/provider; and
file a complaint with us and/or the relevant data protection authority.
You may exercise these rights by contacting us as detailed in section 9 below providing your name, email
address, account identification, and purpose of your request.
7. How can you object to the processing of your personal data?
Where permitted by applicable law or regulation, you have the right to object to us processing your personal
data, or tell us to stop processing it (including for purposes of direct marketing). Once you have informed us
of this request, we shall no longer process your personal data unless permitted by applicable laws and
You may exercise this right in the same manner as for your other rights indicated in section 6 above.
8. How long do we keep your personal data?
We will retain your personal data only for as long as they are necessary for the purposes communicated in
this privacy notice, and deleted or anonymized when no longer required. Here below we inform you of some
of the retention periods applicable to the purposes informed on in section 3 above.
However, please be aware that sometimes additional specific requirements or events may override or
modify them, such as ongoing legal holds over relevant information, or pending litigation or regulatory
investigations, which may supersede or suspend these periods until the matter has been closed, and the
relevant period to review or to appeal has expired. In particular, retention periods based on specified
periods for legal claims can be interrupted and then start to run again.
Personal Information related to the benefits
and/or services as defined in the Terms and
Conditions of the Collective Insurance
Agreement between the Issuer and the Data
We will keep the personal information relating to your
benefits and/or services under the Collective Insurance
Agreement and the specified period of any litigation cases
that may arise from it, as a general rule for a minimum of 7
Controller (claims handling, management of
complaints, litigation cases, quality surveys,
fraud prevention/detection, debt recoveries,
Collective Insurance Agreement purposes,
additional years. This period may be longer or shorter as
determined by the local applicable laws on insurance
Personal Claims information (claims handling,
management of complaints, litigation cases,
quality surveys, fraud prevention/detection,
debt recoveries, co-insurance and re-insurance
We will retain the personal information you provide to us or
we collect and process according to this privacy notice for a
minimum period of 7 years as from the date of settlement of
the claim. This period may be longer or shorter as determined
by the local applicable laws on insurance contracts.
Supporting documents to provide evidence of
compliance with legal obligations such as
taxation or accounting.
We will process in these documents the personal data you
provide to us, or we collect and process according to this
privacy notice, only to the extent they're relevant for this
purpose, and for a minimum of 10 years from the first day of
the relevant tax year.
We will not retain your personal data for longer than necessary and we will hold it only for the purposes for
which it was obtained.
9. How can you contact us?
If you have any queries about how we use your personal data, you can contact us by email or post as follows:
Austria dataprivacy.fos.at@allianz.com
Belgium dataprivacy.fos.be@allianz.com
Bulgaria dataprivacy.fos.bg@allianz.com
Croatia dataprivacy.fos.hr@allianz.com
Cyprus dataprivacy.fos.cy@allianz.com
Czech Republic dataprivacy.fos.cz@allianz.com
Denmark dataprivacy.fos.dk@allianz.com
Estonia dataprivacy.fos.ee@allianz.com
Finland dataprivacy.fos.fi@allianz.com
France dataprivacy.fos.fr@allianz.com
Germany dataprivacy.fos.de@allianz.com
Greece dataprivacy.fos.gr@allianz.com
Hungary dataprivacy.fos.hu@allianz.com
Iceland dataprivacy.fos.is@allianz.com
Latvia dataprivacy.fos.lv@allianz.com
Lichtenstein dataprivacy.fos.li@allianz.com
Lithuania dataprivacy.fos.lt@allianz.com
Luxembourg dataprivacy.fos.lu@allianz.com
Malta dataprivacy.fos.mt@allianz.com
Netherlands dataprivacy.fos.nl@allianz.com
Norway dataprivacy.fos.no@allianz.com
Poland dataprivacy.fos.pl@allianz.com
Portugal dataprivacy.fos.pt@allianz.com
Romania dataprivacy.fos.ro@allianz.com
Slovakia dataprivacy.fos.sk@allianz.com
Spain dataprivacy.fos.es@allianz.com
Sweden dataprivacy.fos.se@allianz.com
Postal address:
AWP P&C S.A. – Dutch Branch
Attn. Data Protection Officer
Poeldijkstraat 4
1059 VM Amsterdam
The Netherlands
You can also use these contact details to exercise your rights, or to submit your queries or complaints to other
Allianz Partners entities acting as controllers (see section 4 above) to which we may have shared your
personal data. We will address them your request and support their handling and answer to you in our local
10. How often do we update this privacy notice?
We regularly review this privacy notice. This privacy notice was last updated on October 2020.