Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 1
Revolut Premium
Travel Insurance
Policy Booklet
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet2 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 3
Welcome ...................................................4
How to get in touch ..........................................6
Summary of cover limits ......................................8
What you need to know before you go ..........................10
How this policy works .......................................14
How to make a claim ........................................ 17
What this policy covers ......................................18
Section A: If you have to cancel your trip or cut it short .................20
Section B: If you get sick or injured ..................................25
Section C: If your luggage is lost, damaged or stolen ....................27
Section D: If you miss sporting activities ..............................30
Section E: If your transport is delayed or you miss your departure ........32
What this policy doesn’t cover .................................35
Cancelling this policy ........................................38
How to make a complaint ....................................39
How we use your personal information .........................41
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet4 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 5
When you’re away from home,
it’s reassuring to know that if you
need assistance that, Revolut is
with you every step of the way.
As part of your Premium plan,
Worldwide Annual Holiday Travel
Insurance including winter sports
cover for you and your children
are included as standard.
Revolut, as the issuer, has
arranged with us the following
collective agreement relating to
insurance benets (hereinafter
referred to as ‘collective insurance
agreement’) that account holders
and other beneciaries can benet
from. Based on the collective
insurance agreement, the account
holders are permitted to make a
claim directly to Chubb but do not
have any rights directly with us in
relation to the collective insurance
agreement. These conditions for
beneciaries are not part of an
individual insurance policy, but
give a description of the dierent
benets that are available as
part of the collective insurance
In return for payment of the
premium by Revolut, Chubb
agrees to insure you, and any
children (as dened under ‘When
are children covered’) subject
to the policy Terms, Conditions
including what is not covered in
this wording.
This policy covers the Premium
Plan holder and any other
beneciaries under this group
policy, for the duration of this
group policy, provided the
Premium Plan holder has an active
Premium Plan subscription with
It’s important to read this
document carefully as it tells you
what you’re covered for, as well
as what you’re not covered for. If
you’re unsure of anything you can
get in touch with us on some of
the numbers on the next page.
When we say ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’,
we mean Chubb European Group
SE. When we say ‘you’ and ‘your’,
we mean the rst named account
holder of a Premium Account to
whom Revolut through Chubb
is providing this policy. Anyone
insured on this policy must live in
the United Kingdom (UK) and be
under 76 years old at the time you
begin each holiday.
When we say UK in this
document, we include the
Isle of Man and Channel Islands.
We’ll always communicate with
you in English. The laws of
England and Wales will apply to
this policy. English Courts will
have jurisdiction in any dispute.
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet6 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 7
How to get in touch
You can contact us in the following ways.
By phone
0203 964 3004
Lines are open 9am to 5pm,
Monday to Friday. Please have your
Revolut account number handy.
By email
R[email protected]
By post
Revolut Travel Insurance Claims Team
Chubb European Group SE
PO BOX 1086
Belfast BT1 9ES
By phone
0203 964 3004
Lines are open 9am to 5pm,
Monday to Friday.
By email
By post
The Customer Service Manager
Chubb European Group SE
PO BOX 1086
Belfast BT1 9ES
For medical and other
emergencies abroad
Chubb Assistance helpline
+44 (0) 203 964 3005
Lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week, 365 days a year.
For everything else
Customer Services at Chubb
European Group SE
By phone
0203 964 3004
Lines are open 9am to 5pm,
Monday to Friday.
By email
By post
Revolut Travel Insurance Claims Team
Chubb European Group SE
PO BOX 1086
BT1 9ES.
Large Print, Braille, or Audio
If you need details in Large Print,
Braille, or Audio please call us on
0203 964 3004 for details.
If you have a sight/speech/hearing
impairment and would like to
speak to us and have a textphone
available, you can do so by using
the Action on Hearing Loss
Next Generation Text service.
This is available 24 hours a day,
seven days a week and allows
customers to contact us via a Text
Relay Operator who will relay
instructions and other requests
verbally to us.
To use the Next Generation Text
service, you must have access to a
textphone or a smartphone with
a compatible operating system,
tablet, laptop or PC with an
internet connection.
To use the Next Generation Text
service, just dial 18001 and then
our number - once the call is
connected, a Text Relay Operator
will join the call to relay the
message. Our responses will then
appear as text on your textphone,
smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC.
For the Next Generation
Text service, please call
18001 0203 964 3004.
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet8 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 9
Summary of cover limits
Section A: If you have to cancel your trip or cut it short
This cover is to provide costs of
unused, non-refundable trip costs if
your booking is cut short.
Up to £5,000 10% (deducted
from the claim
amount) up to
a max of £50
This cover is if you need to cancel your
trip before you leave.
Up to £5,000 10% (deducted
from the claim
amount) up to
a max of £50
Emergency accommodation in case of a
trip disruption.
Up to £200 per night
up to 5 days
Additional transport costs if your trip is
cut short.
Economy class
Section B: Medical costs if you get sick or injured
(only for trips abroad)
This cover will pay your medical costs
if you get ill or injured when you’re on
a trip.
£10,000,000 for
trips abroad
We’ll also take care of bringing you
home, or bringing your body home if
you die.
Actual costs £0
Emergency dental expenses abroad. £300 10% (deducted
from the claim
If you require search and rescue by a
professional team.
Up to £5,000 £0
Section C: If your luggage is lost, damaged or stolen
This will cover you to repair or replace
personal belongings that get lost,
stolen, or damaged, including if they’re
lost while you’re travelling.
Up to £1,000 10% (deducted
from the claim
amount) up to
a max of £50
Baggage delay of more than 4 hours if
you have receipts (outbound only).
Up to £400 £0
Baggage delay of more than 4 hours
without receipts (outbound only).
Up to £200 £0
Loss of travel documentation. Up to £500 £0
Section D: If you miss sporting activities
Missed sporting activity. Up to £200 £0
If your sports equipment is damaged,
lost or stolen.
Up to £1,500 £0
If your rental sports equipment is
damaged, lost or stolen.
Up to £300 £0
Section E: If your transport is delayed or you miss your
If your transport is delayed. £100 per hour after
a 4 hour delay, up to
a limit of £500
If your transport is delayed without
expenses incurred.
Up to £70 per hour
after a 4 hour delay,
up to a limit of £350
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet10 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 11
What you need to know before you go
Pre-existing conditions
We won’t cover any medical
conditions present within the 12
months prior to and including the
booking date of the trip.
This is dened as seeking any
medical consultations, diagnosis,
care or treatment by a doctor.
any symptoms present in the
12 months and any medication
prescribed by a doctor (unless
the condition or symptoms are
controlled by that prescription
and the prescription has not
The illness, injury or medical
condition does not need to be
formally diagnosed in order to be
considered a pre-existing medical
If you need help in an
(Chubb Assistance)
If you need help in an emergency,
you should contact Chubb
Assistance. Chubb Assistance is
our dedicated helpline. We’re here
to answer your questions and
give advice.
Call us on +44 203 964 3005.
Make sure you have your policy
with you when you call.
Medical help
while on a trip
You must contact Chubb
Assistance as soon as possible if
you get ill or injured. If you can’t
call, someone else can do it for
you. If you don’t contact Chubb
Assistance, we might not pay your
claim, or we might pay you less.
Chubb Assistance’s panel of
doctors can give medical advice
over the telephone. We can also
give you the names and addresses
of local doctors, dentists, clinics
and hospitals if you need advice
about where to get emergency
treatment. We might also arrange
for a doctor to call on you, or for
you to be sent to hospital.
Chubb Assistance can help with
replacement of lost, damaged
or stolen essential medications,
prescription glasses or contact
lenses. we can also help with
the sourcing and delivery of
compatible blood supplies.
If you’re sent to
hospital abroad
If you’re sent to a hospital abroad,
Chubb Assistance will get in touch
with them directly. We’ll pay the
hospital, so you don’t have to use
your own money.
If you’re sent to hospital, or are
seriously ill, and there’s no one
to look after your children, we can
arrange for them to be brought
home. We can also organise a
responsible adult to bring them
Bringing you home
Chubb Assistance can also
organise getting you back to
the UK. We might use normal
transport like trains and planes
if you’re t to use it. If you need
urgent treatment, or you need
specialist care during the journey,
we might use an air or road
Other things
Chubb Assistance
can help you with
We can also help in non-medical
emergencies. We can help arrange
the right service, but you’ll have to
pay for it yourself.
If your tickets or travel
documents are lost
If your tickets or travel documents
are lost or stolen, we can help
replace them by telling you who
to contact. Cover limits to replace
travel documents can be found
under section C.
If you need to send
an urgent message
If you need to send an urgent
message to your family or work,
we can do this for you. We’d do
this if your trip was interrupted by
medical or travel problems.
If you need translation
If you’re having trouble because
a service you’re using doesn’t
speak English, we can also help to
translate for you.
If you need legal advice
If you need legal advice, we can
put you in touch with a local
English-speaking lawyer. We can
also direct you to the local British
Embassy or Consulate. If you
need us to, we’ll pay your bail and
emergency legal costs, but you’ll
have to pay us back.
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet12 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 13
Healthcare agreements
with other countries
The UK has some healthcare
agreements with other countries.
You might be able to pay less if
you take advantage of this.
You should get a Global Health
Insurance Card (GHIC). The UK
has agreements with European
countries which means that if you
have a GHIC you might pay less
for treatment there. By Europe,
we mean all EU countries, plus
Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway
and Switzerland.
If you still have a European Health
Insurance Card (EHIC), you
can still use this until it expires.
Then you must apply for a GHIC
replacement. You can do this
You can also nd forms online
which you can post to us.
Phone: 0300 330 1350
Following advice
about the country
you’re travelling to
You should check the
Foreign, Commonwealth, and
Development Oce (FCDO)
website for information about the
country you’re travelling to.
We don’t cover any trips to
countries or areas where the
FCDO advise against ‘all travel’
or ‘all but essential travel’.
We will also not cover you if you
have to cancel your trip because
these warnings were introduced
after you booked, but before you
leave. However to see if this aects
your destination, check
To prepare and stay safe, check
the FCDO Travel Aware campaign
on the following:
Vaccinations you need
before you travel
You must have whatever
vaccinations or medication
the UK Department of Health
recommends, unless you have a
good medical reason not to.
This must be conrmed in writing
by a doctor. Check
for details of what you need,
including advice for tropical
When are children
We’ll cover the policyholder’s
children, as well as their partners.
This includes stepchildren, along
with those who are fostered or
adopted for whom you are the
parent or legal guardian. Any
child covered under this policy
must be under 18 (or under 23
if they’re in full time education)
and nancially dependent on the
policyholder or their partner,
even if he or she does not live with
you but they must be unmarried.
Full time education is a mixture of
study and work experience as long
as at least 2/3 of the total time of
the course is spent studying.
Children must travel in the
company of an adult (i.e. someone
not dened as a Child under
this Policy) You or Your Partner
know (other than on an organised
school, college or university trip);
As an unaccompanied minor on
a scheduled air service which
operates an unaccompanied
minor scheme, and then only
if they are travelling with the
intention of joining, or being
subsequently joined by, another
adult insured under this Policy.
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet14 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 15
How this policy works
In return for payment of the
premium by Revolut, Chubb
agrees to insure You and Your
children during the Period of
Insurance to the extent provided
within this policy wording, and
any children as dened subject to
the Policy Terms, Conditions and
When you make a claim, you’ll
have to pay part of the cost - this is
known as the excess. This will be
deducted from the claim amount
up to the £50 maximum, we’ll
pay the rest up to the maximum
limit for each section. The excess
changes depending on what has
happened and which section of
cover you need. For some sections
you don’t have to pay any excess.
You also won’t have to pay the
excess if you use agreements with
foreign healthcare systems like
GHIC or Medicare.
When we might
make a change
We might change your policy
wording for reasons including
but not limited to law or ocial
guidance changes. We’ll write to
you at least 30 days before the
change happens. When we change
your policy, we’ll send you a new
Policy Schedule with the new
information on it. From that date,
you’ll be covered by the
new policy.
When this policy
starts and ends
Cover starts under section A (If
you have to cancel your trip, cut
it short or rearrange it) when a
Holiday is booked or from the
policy commencement date
whichever is later.
Cover under all other Sections
operates for a Holiday which
begins and ends during the
period of the insurance and
includes travel directly to and
from the home of each Person
Insured in the United Kingdom
and Departure from pre-booked
accommodation following
a Holiday within the United
Kingdom which is covered under
this Policy.
If the return of a Person Insured
from a Holiday is unavoidably
delayed due to a Claim, you will
continue to be insured for the
period of the delay.
If there is a change to this Policy,
it will begin on the Eective
Date shown on any subsequent
endorsement that is issued to
record the change in cover.
All cover will cease from the date
that You cease to be a customer.
If you plan to travel out of town
or abroad for up to 90 days,
the individual holiday period is
designed to cover your
pre-booked business or personal
trip. Your journey must
commence and terminate at
your primary residence, which is
your regular place of residence.
The trip commences on the day
you leave your home to go to a
destination that is either outside
your city or country, or at least
100 kilometres away from your
home, and includes an overnight
stay. The journey ends when you
return to your primary residence.
Exclusions from coverage
include travel with the purpose
of obtaining medical attention,
relocating to a new place of
residence, and commuting to and
from work, internships, work
meetings, or work training.
We will not cover any
Which involves you travelling
specically to obtain medical,
dental or cosmetic treatment,
when you have been advised not
to travel by a doctor or you have
received a terminal prognosis,
where on the date it is booked (or
commencement of the period of
Insurance if later), you or your
travelling companion are aware
of any reason why it might be
cancelled or cut short, or any
other circumstance that could
reasonably be expected to result
in a claim under this Policy.
Involving travel to areas where
the Foreign, Commonwealth and
Development Oce has advised
against ‘all travel’. If You are not
sure whether there is a travel
warning for Your destination,
please check their website https://
There is no cover under the
policy unless all of the following
conditions are met:
Each person Insured must be;
A resident in the United
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet16 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 17
Aged under 76 years on the
date the person Insured begins
each holiday.
Children travelling without you
or your partner will only be
insured if they are travelling in the
company of an adult (i.e. someone
not dened as a child under this
Policy) You or Your partner know
(other than on an organised
school, college or university trip)
or as an unaccompanied minor
on a scheduled air service which
operates an unaccompanied
minor scheme and then only
if they are travelling with the
intention of joining or being
subsequently joined by another
adult insured.
Automatic ending of cover
Your cover will end: On Your
76th birthday or on the date You
cease to be a Premium account
customer or on cancellation or
termination of the Worldwide
Holiday Travel Insurance Policy
with Chubb or if You are on
a holiday on the above dates,
immediately upon Your return to
the United Kingdom or When You
die, whichever is earlier.
Cover for children will end on
their 18th birthday (or 23rd
birthday if still in Full Time
Education) or earlier if: Your
cover ends beforehand, They
get married or they stop being
dependent whichever is earlier.
under this policy.
How to make a claim
If you need to make a claim, you
should get in touch with us as
soon as you can.
Medical emergencies
If you’re injured or sick when
abroad and you need medical care
please contact Chubb Assistance
on +44 203 964 3005. If you
can’t call, someone else can do
it for you. If you don’t contact
Chubb Assistance, we might not
pay your claim, or we might pay
you less.
All other claims
For all other claims, please
contact Chubb. You can do this in
the following ways:
By phone
From within the UK:
0203 964 3004
Lines are open 9am to 5pm,
Monday to Friday.
By email
R[email protected]
By post
Revolut Travel Insurance Claims Team
Chubb European Group SE
PO Box 1086
If you have any other insurance
that covers what you’re claiming
for, we’ll only pay our share.
Sometimes claims take a while to
process and be paid. If this is the
case, and the cause of the delay is
outside of our control, we won’t
pay any interest on the amount
we pay. This is also the case if the
payment is delayed.
We also won’t pay any fees
your bank charges you for any
transaction related to a claim.
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet18 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 19
What this policy covers
What activities are you
covered for?
Sports and activities we
If you choose to take part in any
activity and something goes wrong
– you’ll be covered under this
policy. Please bear in mind we
won’t cover you if the activity is
the main reason for going on your
trip. However, this does not apply
to winter sports. As such, your
coverage for winter sports remains
in place.
You must follow all local laws,
regulations and guidelines when
taking part in these activities. You
should also use any recommended
safety equipment.
We don’t cover competitions or
races of any kind. This includes
practicing for speed or time trials.
We also won’t cover you if you’re
taking part as a professional.
We won’t pay claims if a doctor
has advised you not to take part
in any of these activities.
Each section of cover has its own
exclusions, so remember to
check those as well before making
a claim.
What isn’t covered
The policy deems the following
activities as extreme or high
impact sports or activities and
these would not be covered by
the policy, the sports/activities
any high-altitude activity, BASE
jumping, or free climbing;
rafting/kayaking above class V
rapids or canoeing above class
III rapids;
heli-skiing or skiing or
snowboarding in an area
designated unsafe by the
resort management;
personal combat or ghting
sports, running of the bulls, or
rodeo activities;
racing any motorised vehicle
or watercraft other than go-
karts; and
free diving at a depth greater
than 10 metres or scuba diving
at a depth greater than 30
metres or, for non-certied
divers, diving without a
certied dive instructor.
It is important to understand
the potential risks involved and
take appropriate safety measures
before participating in any of
these activities.
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet20 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 21
If you have to cancel your trip or cut it
What’s covered
We’ll pay up to £5,000 if you
have to cancel your trip or cut it
short for a reason listed below.
We’ll refund the cost of travel,
accommodation based on the
number of unused days you
have remaining. We’ll also pay
for accommodation and travel
to get you home to the UK up to
reasonable amounts. We’ll only do
this if someone you’re travelling
with dies, or suers a serious
injury or illness.
What we’ll pay for
We’ll only pay if you can’t get the
money back from anywhere else.
We also won’t cover you if you’re
refunded with a voucher.
You must cancel your bookings as
soon as possible. If you delay and
are charged more as a result, we
won’t cover this.
If you have to book extra
accommodation or travel, this
must be of the same standard
as you had originally, ights are
limited to economy class. For
example, if you traveled in rst
class but you need to return home
early, we won’t pay for a rst class
ticket the policy will provide an
economy ticket. We also wouldn’t
pay for you to stay in more
expensive accommodation.
If you need to cancel
for medical reasons
If you need to cancel your trip
for medical reasons, a doctor
must conrm this. We’ll also
cover emergency pregnancy
complications. These must be
diagnosed by a doctor who
specialises in pregnancy.
The doctor can’t be someone
insured on the policy, or
someone related to you.
We will provide cover should
you or your travel companion be
medically unable to receive an
immunisation that is required to
enter into a destination.
If your close family back
home are seriously ill
We’ll cover you if you have to
cancel or rearrange your trip if
a close family member, service
animal or traveling companion
dies or gets seriously ill, injured
or due to complications in
pregnancy (as diagnosed by a
Qualied Medical Practitioner
who specialises in obstetrics). The
policy will also cover you should
you or your travel companion
be in a trac accident on the
departure date and need medical
attention or the vehicle needs
to be repaired as it is not safe to
We’ll pay reasonably extra travel
and accommodation costs to
bring you home early because of
a close family member’s sudden,
unexpected death, serious illness,
or accident. We’ll only do this if
you were abroad at the time.
The travel and accommodation
must be of a similar standard to
the ones you originally booked.
We will not cover claims for any
serious medical condition that
was diagnosed before your trip
was booked, or for any other
circumstances that you were
aware of at the time of booking
that might cause your trip to be
canceled or cut short.
Close family are dened
as: spouse (by marriage,
domestic partnership or civil
union), cohabitants, parents
and stepparents, children,
stepchildren, foster children,
adopted children or children
currently in the adoption process,
siblings; grandparents and
grandchildren, the following
in-laws: mother, father, son,
daughter, brother, sister and
grandparent; aunts, uncles, nieces
and nephews, legal guardians and
wards and paid, live-in caregivers.
Other reasons you
might need to cancel
If you or your child(ren) test
positive for Covid-19 and are
unable to travel/ denied boarding/
have to quarantine, the policy
will cover up to £5,000 for the
cancellation. To make the claim
you must provide a positive test
in writing and the test must be
recognized by the UK government.
This can include tests from
licensed pharmacies, laboratories,
or your doctor.
We’ll refund your trip if you have
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet22 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 23
to do jury service, or have to be a
witness in a court trial.
We won’t cover this if you or
anyone you’re travelling with
has to go to court because of their
job. For example, if one of you is
a lawyer, or is called as an expert
witness in a trial.
We will also provide cover should
you receive legal notice to attend
an adoption proceeding during
your trip.
We’ll also pay if your home is
burgled and the police need you
to return home. This includes
attempted burglary.
We’ll cover you if your home is
seriously damaged by a re, ood
or storm in the 10 days before you
leave for your trip. If it happens
whilst you’re away on your trip,
we’ll cover you to come
home early.
We’ll cover you if one of you is
made redundant, providing you
have been a permanent employee
for more than 12 months. You
will also be covered should you
or your travel companion start
new employment after the trip
is booked and you are required
to work the scheduled trip dates.
We will also cover you should you
be permanently relocated by at
least 150KM by your employer,
providing this is notied after the
date the trip is booked.
Should a natural disaster or
adverse weather event cause the
travel carrier to cancel , leaving
you out of pocket or with more
than 24 consecutive hours delay
and you are able to to get to your
original destination another
way we will reimburse costs for,
existing or additional travel costs,
necessary costs of the alternative
transport and the loss of any
prepaid accommodation caused
by the delay.
A natural disaster means volcanic
eruption, ood (more than 20,000
square metres of normally dry
land), tsunami, earthquake,
landslide, hurricane, cyclone,
typhoon, tornado or bushre.
It does not mean any infectious
or contagious disease or virus
regardless of transmission
(including pandemic or epidemic
excluding Covid-19 where covered
in this wording).
Adverse weather means weather
of such severity that the police (or
appropriate authority) warn by
means of public communications
network (including but not limited
to television or radio) that it is
unsafe for individuals to attempt
to travel via the route originally
planned by You.
If you are an active rst responder
and are called upon to provide aid
or relief following an emergency
during the original trip date the
policy will provide cover. We
will also cover you if you or your
traveling companion are serving
in the armed forces are recalled
during your trip.
We will refund your trip should
you or your travel companions
essential travel documents be
stolen or lost , you must make
every eort and provide proof
of your attempts to secure
We will provide cover should you
or your traveling companion be a
passenger on a hijacked aircraft,
train, vehicle or vessel.
What isn’t covered
We won’t cover you if you don’t
get any passports, permits, or
visas you’ll need to travel. We also
won’t pay if you just don’t want to
We won’t cover you if you have
to cancel your trip or cut it short
because laws or regulations
change. We also won’t cover you
if these laws or regulations mean
you now have to pay extra costs.
We’ll not provide cover if you
had been unemployed when you
booked the trip. You must not
have volunteered for redundancy,
known you were going to become
unemployed or made redundant
due to misconduct. We won’t
cover you if you’re self-employed,
a contract worker, or if you
resigned. We also won’t cover you
if you can’t aord the trip.
We’ll only pay you if the money
isn’t recoverable from any other
source, whether you’re successful
in getting it back or not.
e.g. Calum is ying out with
Skyhigh airlines, but the ight is
seriously delayed. Skyhigh doesn’t
oer any refunds, so we’d pay him
a claim.
Marianne is ying with Jetstream
airlines, which is also severely
delayed. Jetstream oers refunds,
but says that customers have to
apply for one within 3 weeks of
the delay. Marianne misses the
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet24 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 25
deadline, so she can’t get a refund
from Jetstream. However, because
she could have got the money
back, we won’t pay her claim.
We also won’t cover you if you’re
refunded with a voucher.
We won’t cover you if industrial
action, a strike, riot or civil
commotion, is public knowledge
when a Holiday is booked and the
fare is paid. We also won’t cover
you if you travel against the advice
of the authorities.
If ocial advice about the
country you’re travelling
to changes
This Policy does not cover
any Journey involving travel
to areas where the Foreign,
Commonwealth and Development
Oce has advised against ‘all
travel’. If You are not sure whether
there is a travel warning for Your
destination, please check their
You can follow
@FCDOtravelGovUK on Twitter
and @FCDOtravel on Facebook
to keep up to date with the latest
travel advice.
If you get sick or injured
(Only for trips abroad)
What’s covered
We’ll cover the cost of medical
treatment while you’re abroad
if you get sick or injured. Any
medical treatment you receive
must be within a year of the injury
or illness rst happening.
You must contact us as soon as
possible, or someone else can
do it for you. Chubb Assistance
is our dedicated support line.
You must follow any advice we
give you and get our permission
for any extra costs like travel
or accommodation. Make sure
you keep your receipts because
you’ll need them if you make a
claim. Chubb Assistance will help
organise things like moving you
back to the UK or to a dierent
hospital. If we advise you move
hospital or come home and you
don’t, and this ends up costing
you money, we won’t cover it.
Medical treatment
A medical professional must
prescribe or give any treatment
you receive. This can include
surgery and tests to diagnose
what’s wrong with you. It must
be directly related to the injury or
illness you tried to get treatment
for. The person treating you
must say any treatment you get
is medically necessary and an
emergency. By emergency, we
mean that it can’t be delayed until
you return to the UK. The doctor
treating you will be responsible for
deciding whether or not it’s
an emergency.
We’ll cover you for pregnancy
complications, as long as you
didn’t know about them before
you left. They must be
diagnosed by a doctor or a
specialist in pregnancy and
childbirth. If you’re traveling
within 12 weeks of the expected
date of delivery, a medical
certicate must be provided which
is dated no earlier than 5 days
before the outbound travel date
– issued by a doctor or midwife
conrming the number of weeks
of pregnancy and that they are t
to travel.
We’ll cover up to £300 if you need
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet26 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 27
emergency dental treatment to
relieve pain.
We will pay the costs of search and
rescue activities by a professional
rescue team if you are reported
missing during your trip or have
to be rescued from a physical
emergency up to £5,000.
Bringing you home
We’ll pay for you to return home
if you get sick or injured and a
medical professional says it’s
necessary. We’ll also pay if a child
covered by this policy gets sick
or injured and you need to travel
back to the UK with them.
If you can’t return home when
you were due to, and need to stay
abroad longer, we’ll pay
costs for additional travel and
hotel expenses including those for
any one other person if a Person
Insured has to be accompanied on
medical advice or a Child needs to
be escorted home. These must be
authorised in advance by Chubb
If you die when traveling abroad,
we will pay the costs for your body
or ashes to be returned home.
We can also pay for cremation or
burial costs in the country where
you die, if your next of kin prefers.
What isn’t covered
We won’t pay any claims
if your doctor has advised you
not to travel.
We won’t cover any medical
treatment abroad if that was the
reason for your trip. Additional
travel and hotel expenses incurred
which have not been authorised
in advance by Chubb Assistance.
We also won’t cover any cosmetic
We won’t pay for any medication
you started taking before your
trip. We also won’t cover any
medical treatment in the UK.
We won’t pay any extra for
accommodation or transport
which is better than you originally
booked. We also won’t pay extra
for you to get a single or private
room in hospital.
We won’t pay any additional
travelling expenses not authorised
by Chubb Assistance if a Person
Insured has to return home earlier
than planned or be repatriated
from a Holiday.
If your luggage is lost, damaged or stolen
What’s covered
We’ll pay up to £1,000 for repair
and replacement costs if your
luggage is damaged, lost or stolen.
We’ll pay up to £250 for each
item. We’ll also pay up to £400 if
you have receipts or £200 without
receipts if it was delayed for more
than 4 hours on your outward
We will pay the costs to replace
the lost, damaged or stolen
personal items with the same or
similar items, reduced in price by
10% for each full year since the
original purchase date, up to a
maximum of 50% reduction.
For items without an original
receipt or proof of purchase we
will only cover 50% of the cost
to replace the lost, damaged or
stolen item with the same or
similar type.
What you need to do
If your luggage is lost, damaged,
or delayed while in the care of
an airline or other transport
company, you must get a written
report from them. You must also
tell them within 24 hours.
If you lose anything, or think
something’s been stolen, you
must tell the police and your
accommodation provider
(e.g. hotel) within 24 hours.
We’ll need you to give us a copy of
the original police report.
Replacing documents
We’ll pay up to £500 to replace
your passport, Visa or driving
licence if it’s lost, damaged or
stolen when you’re abroad. You
must do everything you can to
keep it safe and try your best to
get it back if it goes missing. If
this doesn’t work, we’ll pay the
replacement fee. We’ll cover the
cost of getting these documents to
you if you need them to get back
into the UK. If this happens, we’ll
also cover extra travel and room
costs to let you fetch your new
The policy will cover the
remaining value of each unused
year in the lost, stolen or damaged
passport, the amount payable is
determined as the equivalent cost
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet28 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 29
(based on the current standard
replacement costs) of the period
remaining on your passport that is
lost, stolen or destroyed. You must
provide receipt for the expenses
claimed and a police report should
the passport or visa be stolen.
The benet will not pay for any
upgrades or pre-checking services
or postage fees.
This benet is payable separate
to the £500 limit mentioned
prior and is determined by the
calculation mentioned.
What isn’t covered
We won’t cover you if your items
are taken by ocials like customs
or police. We’ll also consider wear
and tear when we decide how
much to pay. ‘Wear and tear’ is
damage that happens naturally as
something gets old and aects its
value. You might not get the same
amount you paid for something if
you’ve had it for a while.
We also won’t pay if it becomes
faulty or stops working without
being damaged.
We wont cover a theft or loss
unless it is reported to police (and
hotel management if the lose or
theft occurred in a hotel) within
24 hours of discovery and Chubb
is provided with an original copy
of the police report.
There are some items we won’t
cover at all. These are:
For animals, including remains
of animals;
For cars, motorcycles, motors,
aircraft, watercraft and
other vehicles and related
accessories and equipment;
For bicycles, skis and
snowboards (except while
they’re checked with a travel
See section D for sports
equipment cover;
For hearing aids, prescription
eyewear and contact lenses;
For articial teeth, prosthetics
and orthopaedic devices;
For wheelchairs and other
mobility devices;
For consumables, medicines,
medical equipment/supplies
and perishables;
For tickets, deeds, blueprints,
stamps and other documents;
For money, currency, credit
cards, notes or evidences of
debt, negotiable instruments,
travellers’ cheques, securities,
bullion and keys;
For rugs and carpets;
For antiques and art objects;
For fragile or brittle items;
For rearms and other
weapons, including
For intangible property,
including software and
electronic data;
For property for business or
For property you do not own;
For a valuable item stolen from
a vehicle, locked or unlocked.
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet30 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 31
If you miss sporting activities
What’s covered
If you cannot participate in
one or more of your prepaid
sport activities during your trip
we’ll reimburse you for your
nonrefundable costs that you paid
for the activities, less available
refunds, up to £200. This cover
only applies before the start of the
Should your ski resort close 75%
or more of its ski trails due to lack
or excess of snow. The closure
must be for at least 50% of the
normal operating hours on the
calendar day you intend to use the
lift tickets.
We will provide cover should a
family member or your service
animal die within 30 days of
the scheduled start date of the
activity. We will also provide cover
should the activity be canceled
due to severe weather and lack of
snow. The policy will not provide
cover if it is known/expected at
time of booking the trip.
We will cover up to £1,500 should
your sport equipment become
damaged, lost or stolen.
We will replace the equipment
with the same or similar item,
reduced in price by 10% for
each full year since the original
purchase date up to a maximum
of 50% reduction.
We’ll also cover up to £300
for necessary costs for renting
replacement sporting equipment
to use during your trip should
your equipment be lost or
damaged by a travel supplier
on your outbound trip or stolen
whilst you are on your trip. The
policy does not cover motorised
equipment or vehicles.
What isn’t covered
The policy will not cover any
items other than sporting
equipment, the equipment must
be used correctly and the policy
would not provide cover should
gross negligence or malicious
conduct lead to lost or damage.
We will also not provide cover
during the time the equipment is
being shipped unless with your
travel carrier, if left in or on a
car trailer or unattended in an
unlocked vehicle.
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet32 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 33
If your transport is delayed or
you miss your departure
What’s covered
If your transport is
We’ll pay £100 for the rst
completed 4 hours delayed then
£100 per hour thereafter, up to
£500 should expenses be incurred
or if no expenses are incurred we
will pay £70 for the rst completed
4 hours delayed then £70 per hour
thereafter, up to £350.
This can be on your outbound or
inbound journey, for example, if
you caught a train from London
to Bruges, we’ll cover the full
journey. This delay must be
caused by a strike, bad weather,
mechanical breakdown, or your
plane being grounded because
there’s something wrong with it.
When we say ‘bad weather’, we
mean the weather is so bad the
authorities have warned people
not to travel.
We’ll only pay if you checked in
before the time your transport
was due to leave. You must do
whatever the travel company asks
you to. You’ll also have to give us
written details from the public
transport operator telling us how
long your delay was, and the
reason for it.
If the delay causes you to miss
the departure of your cruise or
tour, we will provide cover for
necessary transport expenses to
help you rejoin your cruise/tour
or reach your destination.
Should a delay be caused due to
your travel documents being lost
or stolen, Hijacking except when
it is a terrorist event, civil disorder
(unless raised to the level of
political risk) or a trac accident
the policy will be able to provide
this benet.
Should you be denied boarding
by a carrier due to suspected
contagious medical condition
(including epidemic or pandemic
disease such as Covid-19) we will
provide cover.
If you miss your departure
We’ll pay up to £200 per night
for all insured for up to 5 nights
if you miss your departure for
a trip abroad for one of the
reasons listed below. This is to
cover your travel and any extra
accommodation costs you might
need to help
you get to your destination.
We’ll do this if your public
transport doesn’t arrive on time,
or if your car or taxi breaks down
or is involved in an accident.
You must make sure you give
yourself long enough to arrive
on time.
You may be required to provide
receipts for the extra travel
and accommodation costs. If
your car breaks down, or is
involved in an accident on the
way to the departure point, we’ll
need a written report from the
breakdown service or garage
which helped you. Alternatively,
you could give us proof that your
car was roadworthy and broke
down at the time, not before. If
your public transport arrives late,
you must give us evidence of the
time it was supposed to arrive,
and the time it actually arrived.
What isn’t covered
We’ll only pay you if the money
isn’t recoverable from any other
source, whether you’re successful
in getting it back or not.
e.g. Calum is ying out with
Skyhigh airlines, but the ight is
seriously delayed. Skyhigh doesn’t
oer any refunds, so we’d pay him
a claim.
Marianne is ying with Jetstream
airlines, which is also severely
delayed. Jetstream oers refunds,
but says that customers have to
apply for one within 3 weeks of
the delay. Marianne misses the
deadline, so she can’t get a refund
from Jetstream. However, because
she could have got the money
back, we won’t pay her claim.
We also won’t cover you if you’re
refunded with a voucher or
you did not check in before the
departure time shown on his or
her travel itinerary.
We won’t cover you if you knew
there was going to be a strike
when you booked your journey.
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet34 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 35
We won’t pay claims if the public
transport you were due to travel
on was taken out of service by the
authorities. We also won’t cover
you if you travel against the advice
of the authorities.
If you have to book extra
accommodation or travel, this
must be of the same standard as
you had originally. For example,
if you travelled in economy,
we won’t pay for a rst class
ticket. We also wouldn’t pay for
you to stay in more expensive
What this policy doesn’t cover
Alcohol and drugs
We won’t pay any claims caused
by you drinking so much alcohol
that it signicantly aects your
judgement. You can drink alcohol
on your trip, but we won’t pay any
claims relating to you drinking too
much. We may ask for a doctor or
medical report to conrm this.
We also won’t cover you if you
take any drugs that are illegal
in the country you’re in, abuse
medications, or use legal highs.
Harming yourself
We won’t cover you if you commit
suicide, attempt to commit
suicide, or deliberately injure
yourself. We also won’t cover you
if you put yourself in unnecessary
danger or ignore warning signs,
unless you’re trying to save
another person’s life.
Breaking the law
We won’t cover you if you break
the law in the country you’re
travelling to.
We won’t pay any claims which
would cause us to break the law of
the UK, EU, or USA. This includes
trade and economic sanctions,
and UN resolutions. Sanctions,
laws, and regulations can prevent
us from doing business with
or involving certain countries,
groups, companies, and people.
Call us on 0203 964 3004 for
more information, especially if
you think you’ll be travelling to an
aected country.
We won’t pay claims that result
from you ying in any aircraft
that doesn’t have a commercial
licence for carrying passengers.
The aircraft must be provided by
a licensed airline or air charter
company, and you must be a
fare paying passenger. The one
exception to this is if the activity
is covered under Sports and
Activities on page 18.
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet36 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 37
We won’t cover anything caused
by a war or act of war, whether
or not one has been declared.
Contagious disease
We won’t cover you if you can’t
travel because a contagious
disease, or the fear of one,
leads to any authority, travel or
accommodation provider putting
restrictions in place. We’ll still pay
for your medical treatment, or to
bring you home.
A contagious disease is an
illness caused by a bacteria,
virus, or other microorganism that
can be passed on from one person
to another.
We won’t pay any claims relating
to radioactivity. This could be
from nuclear fuel (e.g. uranium),
nuclear waste, or nuclear
machinery. It could be caused
by an explosion, the nuclear
product being set on re, or just
if you come into contact with it.
This includes toxic, explosive, or
dangerous substances.
Other things
we don’t cover
We won’t cover you if you
buy services from a company
which goes bust. This includes
tour operators, travel agents,
ticketing agents, transport or
accommodation. We will also not
cover you if an aircraft, sea vessel
or train service is withdrawn
on the orders of the recognised
regulatory authority in any
We won’t cover you if you lose
money exchanging currency.
This includes conversion fees,
or if the money loses value
because of the exchange rate.
We won’t pay any claims relating
to sound waves. This happens if
an aircraft travels at or above the
speed of sound, causing pressure
waves. When we say aircraft,
we mean planes and any other
airborne devices, for example
drones, missiles, and rockets.
Chubb will not pay any claims
relating to Chemical, Biological
Terrorism, Tropical disease where
not vaccinated.
We will also not cover any
loss, charge or expense due to
you deciding not to travel or
prohibited regulation of any
We won’t cover you for the
following specied diseases;
Infection with Human Immune
Deciency Virus (HIV) or other
forms of the virus, Acquired
Immune Deciency Syndrome
(AIDS) and AIDSRelated Complex
(ARC). Sexually transmitted
We won’t cover you if, on the date
the trip is booked (or start date
of your policy if later), you or any
persons you are travelling with are
aware of any reason why it might
be cancelled or cut short, or any
other circumstance that could
reasonably be expected to result
in a claim under this policy.
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet38 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 39
Cancelling this policy
The terms and conditions of your
Premium plan indicate that it is
not possible to cancel your travel
insurance cover. If you want to
end your travel insurance cover
you will need to cancel your
Premium plan at which point all
account benets including your
travel insurance policy, will cease.
When we might
cancel your policy
We can only cancel your policy
for a good reason, for example
if you have committed fraud or
tried to commit fraud. We would
also cancel it if we were ordered
to by a court, regulator, or law
enforcement agency.
How to make a complaint
We want to give a high quality
service at all times. If you aren’t
happy with something, we want
to hear from you so we can
put things right. If you want to
make a complaint, please get in
touch. You can contact us in the
following ways:
If you want to
complain about the
customer service
By email
By phone
0203 964 3004
Lines are open 9am to 5pm,
Monday to Friday.
By post
The Customer Service Manager
Revolut Travel Insurance Claims Team
Chubb European Group SE
PO BOX 1086
If you want to
complain about a
By email
R[email protected]
By phone
0203 964 3004
Lines are open 9am to 5pm,
Monday to Friday.
By post
The Claims Manager
Revolut Travel Insurance Claims Team
Chubb European Group SE
PO BOX 1086
If you’re not happy
with our response
If you’re not happy with how your
complaint is handled, you can
contact the Financial Ombudsman
Service (FOS).
The FOS is an independent
complaints service that’s free to
use. You can refer your complaint
to the FOS if you’re not happy
with our nal response, or eight
weeks after you rst complained.
You have six months from the date
of our last response to refer your
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet40 Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet 41
complaint to the FOS.
You can nd out more about them
and how to complain at
You can also ask them for a
leaet with more information
on it.
You can also contact them in the
following ways:
By phone
0800 023 4567
Calls are free from a
UK landline or mobile.
To call from outside the UK:
+44 (0)300 123 9123
Calls charged at the same rate as
01 or 02 numbers on a mobile phone.
By email
By post
The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange Square
E14 9SR
Taking a complaint to the FOS
doesn’t aect your legal rights.
You can still choose to take your
complaint to court. If you do
the laws of England and Wales
apply to this policy and English
Courts will have jurisdiction in
any dispute. All communication
on this policy will be in English.
You can nd out more about this
through Citizens Advice.
Financial Services
Compensation Scheme
In the unlikely case we’re
unable to pay claims, we’re still
backed by the Financial Services
Compensation Scheme (FSCS).
You can nd out more about
the FSCS at
You can get in touch with them
in the following ways:
By online form
By phone
0800 678 1100 or 020 7741 4100
By post
Financial Services Compensation
PO Box 300
GL17 1DY
How we use your personal information
Chubb uses personal information
which You supply to Chubb in
order to write and administer
this Policy, including any claims
arising from it.
This information will include basic
contact details such as Your name,
address, and policy number, but
may also include more detailed
information about You (for
example, Your age, health, details
of assets, claims history) where
this is relevant to the risk Chubb
are insuring, services Chubb are
providing or to a claim You are
Chubb are part of a global group,
and Your personal information
may be shared with Chubbs
group companies in other
countries as required to provide
coverage under Your policy or to
store Your information. Chubb
also use a number of trusted
service providers, who will also
have access to Your personal
information subject to Chubbs
instructions and control.
You have a few rights in relation to
when we use your data:
You can have your
personal data corrected
if there’s a mistake.
You can object to us
processing your personal data.
You can have your
personal data erased.
You can see your personal
data and how we use it.
You can see the full details of how
we use your personal information
Chubb Revolut Premium Travel Policy Booklet48
Chubb European Group SE (CEG) is a Societas Europaea, a public company registered in
accordance with the corporate law of the European Union. Members’ liability is limited.
CEG is headquartered in France and governed by the provisions of the French insurance
code. Risks falling within the European Economic Area are underwritten by CEG,
which is authorised and regulated by the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution
Authority (4 Place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09, France). Registered
company number: 450 327 374 RCS Nanterre. Registered oce: La Tour Carpe Diem, 31
Place des Corolles, Esplanade Nord, 92400 Courbevoie, France. Fully paid share capital
of €896,176,662.
CEG’s UK branch is registered in England & Wales. UK Establishment address: 100
Leadenhall Street, London EC3A 3BP. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by
the Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of our regulation by the
Prudential Regulation Authority are available from us on request. Details about our
authorisation can be found on the Financial Conduct Authority website (FS Register
number 820988).
Chubb European Group SE is a subsidiary of a US parent and Chubb Limited (a NYSE
listed company) and part of the Chubb Group of companies. Consequently Chubb
European Group SE is subject to certain US laws and regulations in addition to EU, UN
and national sanctions restrictions which may prohibit it from providing cover or paying
claims to certain individuals or entities, and from insuring certain types of activities in or
connected with certain countries and territories such as, but not limited to, Iran, Syria,
North Korea, North Sudan, Cuba and Crimea.
C1779/02 0124