This Coverage Summary sets out a brief description only of the coverage provided under each section and the most
we will pay in total for all claims under each section.
Important: Sub-limits apply to some benefits. All costs and expenses must be reasonable and customary costs. Terms,
conditions, limits and exclusions apply as set out in the Policy Wording. Maximum benefits stated, including sub-limits,
are per insured adult.
The definitions of the words and phrases in the DEFINITIONS section of the Policy Wording also apply in this Coverage
Your baggage is lost, damaged, or stolen while on your trip.
Maximum benefit for all high value items: $1,000
Baggage Delay
Your baggage is delayed by an airline, cruise line, or other
travel carrier while on your trip.
Minimum Required Delay 6 hours
No Receipts Daily Limit: $200 (Outbound Only)
With Receipts Daily Limit: $400
Overseas Emergency
Medical and Dental
You have to pay for emergency medical or dental
treatment while on your trip.
Emergency Dental Treatment Maximum Sublimit: $2,000
Continuation of medical treatment in Singapore for
maximum of 14 days sublimit: $2,500
Emergency Transportation
Transportation is needed following a medical emergency
while on your trip.
Emergency Evacuation
Medical Repatriation
Repatriation of Remains
Transport to Bedside
Up to Actual Cost
Up to Actual Cost
Up to Actual Cost
Travel Accident
You suffer a death or disability as a result of a travel
accident during your trip.
Death: $100,000
Loss of sight or limb(s): $50,000
Permanent disablement : $100,000
Aggregate limit per event for medical expenses is SGD$ 2,200,000
This policy is underwritten by Tokio Marine Insurance Singapore Ltd., as the insurer. The insurer may be referred
to as “we”, “our” and “us” in this policy wording.
AWP Services Singapore Pte. Ltd. (operating under the consumer-facing branding of Allianz Travel) has been
appointed by Tokio Marine Insurance Singapore Ltd. to act as agent to arrange the policy and provide general
advice and as service provider to provide other services on our behalf.
This document is our Revolut Travel NAC Insurance Policy Wording.
This travel insurance policy covers only the sudden and unexpected specific situations, events, and losses
included in this policy, and only under the terms and conditions described. Not every loss is covered, even if it is
due to something sudden, unexpected, or out of your control.
You need to read this policy carefully and note the exclusions in each section along with the GENERAL
EXCLUSIONS to make sure you understand it and ensure that it meets your needs.
If you need any clarification on your coverage or our Policy Wording, please contact our Customer Care Team at
[+65 6280 0316]
Your policy consists of three parts:
1. The Policy Wording; and
2. Any other document we tell you forms part of your policy.
Please retain these documents in a safe place.
Who is eligible to be insured on this policy?
You are eligible for this policy if you meet the following criteria:
a) you are the Accountholder or legal spouse of Accountholder of Revolut Premium or Metal; and
b) your Revolut Premium or Metal account remains valid during policy coverage start and end dates; and
c) Prior to leaving Singapore, at least fifty percent (50%) of the total cost of the Accountholder’s / spouse’s
overseas return travel ticket (i.e. Travel ticket from and returning to Singapore) has been paid for from the
Accountholder’s account. If the travel conveyance fare is incorporated as part of a travel package this
requirement is deemed satisfied provided that the total cost of the travel package is fully charged to the
Accountholder’s account.; and
d) you are ordinarily Singapore resident; and
e) you will purchase your policy in Singapore before you start your trip; and
f) you intend to return to Singapore after your trip; and
g) the departure date on your policy reflects the date you are originally scheduled to begin your travel, as
shown on your travel itinerary.
The policy is issued in Singapore and is subject to the Insurance Act (Cap 142) (the “Act”) and all rules, regulations,
subsidiary legislation and government orders enacted thereunder. The Act provides that you are treated as being
ordinarily resident in Singapore if:
a) You are a citizen of Singapore, unless you have resided outside Singapore continuously for 5 or more years
preceding the application date of the policy and are not currently residing in Singapore;
b) You are a permanent resident, unless you have resided in Singapore for less than a total of 183 days in the 12
months preceding the application date of the policy;
c) You have a work pass or permit required under the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act (Cap. 91A), unless
you have resided in Singapore for less than a total of 183 days in the 12 months preceding the application date
of the policy; or
d) You have a pass or permit required under the Immigration Act (Cap. 133) that has duration longer than 90
days and you have resided in Singapore continuously for at least 90 days in the 12 months preceding the
application date of the policy.
If you do not satisfy any one of the aforesaid definitions of being ordinarily resident in Singapore”, you must
notify us immediately.
The insurance will be invalid if we have previously informed you that we do not want to insure you (anymore).
In this case, we will refund any premium paid by you.
If requested by us, you will need to prove your eligibility by providing us with documentation including but not
limited to:
i) a copy of your passport; or
ii) Singapore residency documents; or
iii) a copy of your current visa; or
iv) other official documents confirming your right to reside in Singapore; and
v) a copy of your travel itinerary.
If during your trip you are to be hospitalised, require evacuation or repatriation services, need to make
alternative travel or accommodation arrangements or have lost your baggage, travel documents or money,
please notify us as soon as possible.
We provide our customers with easy access to our 24-hour emergency assistance service. A phone call will put
you directly in touch with a medical or travel specialist who will be able to assist you and confirm the cover
available under your policy. You will be advised of any steps you will need to follow in claiming under your policy.
You can call collect from anywhere in the world for emergency medical and travel assistance.
Call: +65 6995 1118
Phone: +65 6280 0316
We may cancel this Policy by sending ninety (90) days’ notice by registered letter to the Policyholder at its last
known address and in such Event will return to the Policyholder the premium paid less the pro rata portion
thereof for the period the Policy has been in force. The Policy may be cancelled at any time by the Policyholder
by giving ninety (90) days’ notice to Us and provided no claim has arisen during the then current Period of
Insurance the Policyholder shall be entitled to a return of premium paid on a pro-rated basis less the period the
Policy has been in force and subject to any adjustment of premium required by the terms or conditions of this
If any claim under this policy is in any respect fraudulent, or if any false declaration is made or false or incorrect
information is used in support of any claim, then we can, at our sole discretion, not pay your claim and cancel
your cover under this policy from the date that the incorrect statement or fraudulent claim was made.
When you use this insurance policy, you must disclose to us all material facts.
A material fact is one that may influence a prudent insurer in deciding whether or not to accept the cover
and, if so, on what terms and conditions.
Examples of information you may need to disclose include:
• anything that increases the risk of an insurance claim;
• any criminal conviction;
• if another insurer has cancelled or refused to insure or renew insurance, has imposed special terms, or refused
any claim;
• any insurance claim or loss made or suffered in the past.
These examples are a guide only. If there is any doubt as to whether any particular piece of information
needs to be disclosed, this should be referred to us.
If you fail to comply with your duty of disclosure it may result in:
us refusing to insure you;
us providing you with this insurance on altered terms;
• the amount we pay if you make a claim being reduced; or
us refusing to pay a claim.
During the period of insurance, you must tell us immediately of any material change in the circumstances
surrounding the subject matter of this insurance that:
• increases the risk we are insuring, or
• alters the nature of the risk we are insuring.
Once you have told us, we may immediately change the terms of your cover or cancel it. If you fail to tell us, we
may apply these changes retrospectively from the date you ought to have reasonably told us.
This policy is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore and you agree to submit to
the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore. You agree that it is your intention that this Jurisdiction and
Choice of Law clause applies.
Notwithstanding anything contained in this policy we will not provide cover nor will we make any payment or
provide any service or benefit to any person or party where providing such cover, payment, service or benefit
would expose us to or violate any applicable trade or economic sanction or any law or
Any dispute about any matter arising under, out of, or in connection with this policy shall first be referred to the
Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd (“FIDReC”). This applies as long as the dispute can be brought
before FIDReC. If the dispute cannot be referred to or resolved by FIDReC, it shall be referred to and finally
resolved by arbitration in Singapore in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International
Arbitration Centre (“SIAC Rules”) for the time being in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by
reference in this clause. The tribunal shall consist of one (1) arbitrator.
Any person or entity who is not a party to this policy shall have no rights under the Contracts (Right of Third
Parties) Act (Cap. 53B) to enforce any terms of the policy.
This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore
Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for the policy is automatic and no further action is required. For
more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage,
where applicable, please contact the Company or visit the GIA or SDIC websites ( or
Any information collected or obtained in relation to this policy, whether contained in the application or
otherwise obtained may be used and/or disclosed to Tokio Marine Insurance Singapore Ltd. associated
individuals/companies within Tokio Marine Group or any independent third parties (within or outside Singapore)
for any matters relating to the application, any policy issued and to provide advice or information about Tokio
Marine Insurance Singapore Ltd.’s products and services which Tokio Marine Insurance Singapore Ltd. believes
may be of the policyholder and/or the insured person’s interest and to communicate with the policyholder
and/or the insured person for any purpose. Such data may also be used for audit, business analysis and
reinsurance purposes, amongst others.
Tokio Marine Insurance Singapore Ltd. may collect, use, disclose and/or process such data in accordance with
the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 for the purposes and uses described in Tokio Marine Insurance Singapore
Ltd.’s Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy can be found at Tokio Marine Insurance Singapore Ltd.’s website.
Throughout this policy, words and any form of the word appearing in italics have the meaning detailed in this
An unexpected and unintended event that causes injury, property damage,
or both.
A hotel or any other kind of lodging for which you make a reservation or
where you stay and incur an expense.
The person who has subscribed to the Revolut Premium or Metal account
Personal property you take with you or acquire on your trip. Refer to the
Baggage Coverage Section for details about any items that are not covered.
Climbing sports
An activity utilising harnesses, ropes, belays, crampons, or ice axes. It does
not include supervised climbing on artificial surfaces intended for
recreational climbing.
A person you currently live with and have lived with for at least 12
consecutive months and who is at least 18 years old.
Computer System
Any computer, hardware, software, or communication system or electronic
device (including but not limited to smart phone, laptop, tablet, wearable
device), server, cloud, microcontroller, or similar system, including any
associated input, output, data storage device, networking equipment, or
backup facility.
Covered reasons
The specifically named situations or events for which you are covered under
this policy.
Cyber Risk
Any loss, damage, liability, claim, cost, or expense of any nature directly or
indirectly caused by, contributed to by, resulting from, or arising out of or in
connection with, any one or more instances of any of the following:
1. any unauthorised, malicious, or illegal act, or the threat of such act(s),
involving access to, or the processing, use, or operation of, any
computer system;
2. any error or omission involving access to, or the processing, use, or
operation of any computer system;
3. any partial or total unavailability or failure to access, process, use, or
operate any computer system; or
Any loss of use, reduction in functionality, repair, replacement, restoration
or reproduction of any data, including any amount pertaining to the value of
such data.
Departure date
The date on which you are originally scheduled to begin your travel, as shown
on your travel itinerary.
Someone who is legally authorised to practice medicine or dentistry and is
licensed if required. This cannot be you, a travelling companion, your family
member, a travelling companion’s family member, the sick or injured person,
or that person’s family member.
A contagious disease recognised or referred to as an epidemic by a
representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) or an official
government authority.
Family member
1. spouse (by marriage, common law, domestic partnership, or civil union);
2. cohabitants;
3. parents and stepparents;
4. children, stepchildren, foster children, adopted children, or children
currently in the adoption process;
5. siblings;
6. grandparents and grandchildren;
7. the following in-laws: mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, and
8. aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews;
9. legal guardians and wards;
10. paid, live-in caregivers; and
11. service animals.
High-altitude activity
An activity that includes, or is intended to include, going above 4500 meters
in elevation, other than as a passenger in a commercial aircraft.
High value items
Collectibles, jewellery, watches, gems, pearls, furs, cameras (including video
cameras) and related equipment, musical instruments, professional audio
equipment, binoculars, telescopes, sporting equipment, hearing aids,
prescription eyewear, contact lenses, artificial teeth, prosthetics,
orthopaedic devices, wheelchairs, mobility devices, medical equipment,
mobile devices, smartphones, computers, radios, drones, robots, and other
electronics, including parts and accessories for the aforementioned items.
An acute care facility that has a primary function of diagnosing and treating
sick and injured people under the supervision of doctors. It must:
1. be primarily engaged in providing inpatient diagnostic and therapeutic
2. have organised departments of medicine and major surgery; and
3. be licensed where required.
Illegal act
An act that violates the law where it is committed.
External or internal bodily injury caused solely and directly by violent,
accidental, external and discernible means.
Local public transportation
Local, commuter, or other urban transit system carriers (such as commuter
rail, city bus, subway, ferry, taxi, for-hire driver, or other such carriers) that
transport you or a travelling companion less than 150 kilometers.
Medical escort
A professional person contracted by our medical team to accompany an ill
or injured person while they are being transported. A medical escort is
trained to provide medical care to the person being transported. This cannot
be a friend, travelling companion, or family member.
Medically necessary
Treatment that is required for your illness, injury, or medical condition,
consistent with your symptoms, and can safely be provided to you. Such
treatment must meet the standards of good medical practice and is not for
your or the provider’s convenience.
Mental illness
Means any illness, condition or disorder listed in the current edition of the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
An epidemic that is recognised or referred to as a pandemic by a
representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) or an official
government authority.
Permanent disablement
An injury which within 90 days from the accident, results in paraplegia,
quadriplegia, tetraplegia, the loss of one or more limbs, loss of sight in one
or both eyes, loss of hearing in both ears, or total loss of speech.
This travel insurance contract. This Policy Wording and any other document
we tell you forms part of your policy.
Political risk
Any kind of events, organised resistance or actions intending or implying the
intention to overthrow, supplant or change the existing ruler or
constitutional government, including but not limited to:
Expropriation (including Selective Discrimination and Forced
Civil commotion assuming to proportion of or amounting to an uprising;
Military and usurped power.
Primary residence
Your permanent, fixed home address in Singapore for legal and tax purposes.
Pre-existing medical condition
Any medical or physical conditions, injuries, mental illnesses, signs,
symptoms or circumstances:
a) which you are aware of, or ought to have been aware of; or
b) for which advice, care, treatment, medication or medical attention has
been sought, given or recommended; or
c) which have been diagnosed as a medical condition or illness, or which are
indicative of an illness; or
d) which are of such a nature to require, or which potentially may require
medical attention; and
e) which are of such a nature as would have caused a prudent, reasonable
person to seek medical attention prior to the start date of cover under this
The illness, injury, or medical condition does not need to be formally
diagnosed in order to be considered a pre-existing medical condition.
This definition applies to you, your family members and your travelling
Public place
Any area to which the public has access (whether authorised or not)
including but not limited to accommodation foyers and grounds,
restaurants, public toilets, beaches, airports, railway stations, bus
terminals, taxi stands and wharves.
Mandatory involuntary confinement by order or other official directive of a
government, public or regulatory authority, or the captain of a commercial
vessel on which you are booked to travel during your trip, which is intended
to stop the spread of a contagious disease to which you or a travelling
companion has been exposed.
Reasonable and customary
The amount usually charged for a specific service in a particular geographic
area. The charges must be appropriate to the availability and complexity of
the service, the availability of needed parts/materials/supplies/equipment,
and the availability of appropriately skilled and licensed service providers.
Cash, credit, or a voucher for future travel that you are eligible to receive
from a travel supplier, or any credit, recovery, or reimbursement you are
eligible to receive from your employer, another insurance company, a credit
card issuer, or any other entity.
Service animal
Any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the
benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory,
psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Examples of work or tasks
include, but are not limited to guiding people who are blind, alerting people
who are deaf, and pulling a wheelchair. Other species of animals, whether
wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not considered service animals.
The crime deterrent effects of an animal’s presence and the provision of
emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship are not
considered work or tasks under this definition.
Terrorist event
An act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence, of any person
or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection
with any organisation(s), which constitutes terrorism as recognised by the
government authority or under the laws of Singapore and is committed for
political, religious, ethnic, ideological or similar purposes, including but not
limited to the intention to influence any government and/or to put the
public, or any section of the public, in fear. It does not include general civil
disorder or unrest, protest, rioting, political risk, or acts of war.
Travel carrier
A company licensed to commercially transport passengers between cities for
a fee by land, air, or water. It does not include:
1. rental vehicle companies;
2. private or non-commercial transportation carriers;
3. chartered transportation, except for group transportation chartered by
your tour operator; or
4. local public transportation.
Travel supplier
A travel agent, tour operator, airline, cruise line, accommodation, railway
company, or other travel service provider.
Travelling companion
A person with whom you have made arrangements before your policy was
issued, to travel with you for at least 75% of the duration of your trip. A
group or tour leader is not considered a travelling companion unless you
are sharing the same room with the group or tour leader.
Your travel to, within, and/or from a location away from your primary
residence, which is originally scheduled to begin on your departure date and
end on the coverage end date listed on your Certificate of Insurance. The
maximum duration of your trip cannot exceed 90 days. All trip related
expenses must be paid for at least fifty percent (50%) of the cost using the
covered account including but not limited to transportation and
Leaving your baggage and any personal effects including money and
Identity documents:
1. who is not a travelling companion or who is not a family member;
2. who is a travelling companion or who is a family member but who
fails to keep your baggage and effects under close supervision; or
3. where they can be taken without your knowledge; or
4. at such a distance from you or outside of your line of sight, that
you are unable to prevent them from being taken.
We, Us, or Our
Tokio Marine Insurance Singapore Ltd. acting through AWP Services
Singapore Pte. Ltd. trading as Allianz Travel.
You or Your
Revolut accountholder and any members of their Family travelling with
them who qualify for cover for the relevant Journey under this policy.
When used in this policy wording or in any other documents which form part of your policy, the phrase pre-
existing medical condition has a special meaning.
Pre-existing medical condition means:
Any medical or physical conditions, injuries, mental illnesses, signs, symptoms or circumstances:
a) which you are aware of, or ought to have been aware of; or
b) for which advice, care, treatment, medication or medical attention has been sought, given or recommended;
c) which have been diagnosed as a medical condition or illness, or which are indicative of an illness; or
d) which are of such a nature to require, or which potentially may require medical attention; and
e) which are of such a nature as would have caused a prudent, reasonable person to seek medical attention prior
to the start date of cover under this policy.
The illness, injury, or medical condition does not need to be formally diagnosed in order to be considered a pre-
existing medical condition.
This definition applies to you, your family members and your travelling companions
You can also find this definition of pre-existing medical condition’ in the DEFINITIONS section of this Policy
General exclusion for pre-existing medical conditions
It is important to know that this policy does not provide coverage for any loss that results directly or indirectly
from, or that is related to:
a) your pre-existing medical condition(s), or any complications attributable to those condition(s); or
b) pre-existing medical condition(s) of your travelling companion or any complications attributable to those
condition(s); or
c) pre-existing medical condition(s) of your family members or any complications attributable to those
Please refer to the GENERAL EXCLUSIONS if:
you are travelling against the medical advice of a doctor;
you are travelling with the intention of obtaining medical treatment.
Coverage start and end dates:
Cover is only provided for losses that occur for any trip commencing on or after 1 July 2022.
Your policy will end on the earliest of:
1. the 90
day of the trip;
2. the day you end your trip and arrive back to your primary residence, if you end your trip early;
3. the day you arrive at a medical facility in Singapore for further care if you end your trip due to a medical
4. When you (the holder of Revolut Technologies Singapore Pte. Ltd.’s Plan Account) cease to hold such
account and whereupon the cover of your legal spouse under this Master Policy (if any) will also terminate
5. When the Master Policy is terminated; or
6. When the Revolut Technologies Singapore Pte. Ltd.’s Plan Account Program is terminated.
Automatic policy extensions:
If your return travel is delayed beyond the end of your policy due to a covered reason under this policy, we will
extend your coverage period until the earliest of when you:
1. reach your final trip destination or your primary residence;
2. decline to continue on to your final trip destination or primary residence once you are able;
3. decline medical repatriation after your treating doctor and we confirm you are medically stable to travel; or
4. arrive at a medical facility in Singapore for further care following a medical evacuation or medical
In this section, we will describe the different insurance coverages which are included in your policy. We explain
each type of coverage and the conditions that must be met for the coverage to apply. If the conditions of
coverage are not met, your claim will not be paid.
Specific exclusions may apply to individual coverages, and you must check the GENERAL EXCLUSIONS for
exclusions applying to all coverages under this policy.
We will only provide cover under this policy for events and covered reasons that are sudden, unforeseeable and
outside of your control occurring during your coverage period.
If your baggage is lost, damaged, or stolen while you are on your trip, we will pay you, less available refunds, the
lesser of the following, up to the maximum benefit listed for Baggage Coverage in your Coverage Summary:
i. cost to repair the damaged baggage; or
ii. cost to replace the lost, damaged, or stolen baggage with the same or similar item, depreciated by 10% for
each full year since the original purchase date, up to the maximum of 50% depreciation.
The following conditions apply:
a. You must have taken reasonable steps to keep your baggage safe and intact and to recover it;
b. You must have filed and retained a copy of a report giving a description of the property and its value with
the appropriate local authorities, travel carrier, accommodation, or tour operator within 24 hours of
discovery of the loss;
c. You must file and retain a copy of a police report in case of theft of any one or more high-value items;
d. You must provide original receipts or another proof of purchase for each lost, damaged, or stolen item. For
items without an original receipt or a proof of purchase, we will only cover 50% of the cost to replace the
lost, damaged, or stolen item with the same or similar item; and
e. You must report theft or loss of a cellular device to your network provider and request to block the device
What is not covered
The following items are not covered under this section:
1. Animals, including remains of animals;
2. Cars, motorcycles, motors, aircraft, watercraft, and other vehicles and related accessories and equipment;
3. Bicycles, skis, and snowboards (except while they are checked with a travel carrier);
4. Tickets, passports, deeds, blueprints, stamps, and other documents;
5. Money, currency, credit cards, notes or evidences of debt, negotiable instruments, travellers’ cheques,
securities, bullion, and keys;
6. Rugs and carpets;
7. Antiques and art objects;
8. Fragile or brittle items;
9. Firearms and other weapons, including ammunition;
10. Intangible property, including software and electronic data;
11. Property for business or trade;
12. Property you do not own;
13. High value items stolen from a car, locked or unlocked;
14. Baggage while it is:
a. shipped, unless with your travel carrier;
b. in or on a car trailer;
c. unattended in an unlocked motor vehicle; or
d. unattended in a locked motor vehicle, unless the baggage cannot be seen from the outside;
15. Baggage left unattended in a public place.
If your baggage is delayed by a travel supplier during your trip, we will reimburse you for expenses you incur for
the essential items you need until your baggage arrives, up to the maximum benefit shown in your Coverage
Summary for Baggage Delay.
The following condition applies:
a. Your baggage must be delayed for at least the Minimum Required Delay listed under Baggage Delay in your
Coverage Summary.
b. If you do not provide receipts, the maximum amount payable is the No Receipts Limit listed in your Coverage
Summary. This coverage is only available for your outbound travel (not your return travel).
Overseas Emergency Medical Care:
We will reimburse the reasonable and customary costs for which you are responsible for your emergency
medical care, if, during your trip, you require immediate medical attention because you have:
1. a sudden, unexpected illness, injury, or medical condition (including being diagnosed with an epidemic or
pandemic disease such as COVID-19).
We will reimburse you up to the maximum benefit listed for Emergency Medical and Dental Coverage in your
Coverage Summary.
If you need to be admitted to a hospital as an inpatient, we may be able to guarantee or advance payments,
where accepted, up to the maximum benefit listed for Emergency Medical and Dental Coverage in your Coverage
Emergency Dental Treatment:
We will reimburse the reasonable and customary costs of your emergency dental treatment, if during your trip:
1. you develop a dental infection; or
2. you break a tooth or experience a dental injury; or
3. you lose a filling.
We will reimburse you up to the maximum sub-limit listed for Emergency Dental Treatment listed in the
Emergency Medical and Dental Coverage section of your Coverage Summary.
Continuation of medical care in Singapore
We will reimburse you up to the maximum benefit listed in the Coverage Summary for your continuing medical
care in Singapore.
The following conditions apply:
i. The illness, injury or medical condition must have occurred during your trip.
ii. The costs must be reasonable and customary costs incurred within 14 days of the date you return to
iii. If you did not have treatment for the illness, injury or medical condition during your trip, you must seek
treatment within 48 hours of the date and time you arrived back to Singapore or we will not pay.
iv. In all cases, for claims related to COVID-19, you must have received a positive COVID-19 test during your
trip or we will not pay regardless of condition iii.
The following conditions apply to Overseas Emergency Medical and Dental coverage:
a. The care must be medically necessary to treat an emergency condition, and such care must be provided by
a doctor, dentist, hospital, or other provider authorised to practice medicine or dentistry;
b. You, or someone acting on your behalf, must wherever possible contact us prior to treatment or
hospitalisation. Failure to obtain our prior approval before any hospitalisation or treatment may result in
your claim being declined; and
c. We have the option of returning you to Singapore for further treatment if you are medically fit to travel and
we will cover the costs for your repatriation. If you decline to return, we will not reimburse you for any
ongoing overseas medical expenses including medication; and
d. You must not have travelled against the orders or advice of any government or other public authority at any
location to, from, or through which you are traveling on your trip.
What is not covered:
We will not pay for losses arising directly or indirectly from:
a. private medical care when public health care or treatment is available to you, or for any medical care you
receive under a Reciprocal Healthcare Agreement between Singapore and the country you are in;
b. any care for any illness, injury, or medical condition that did not originate during your trip while outside
c. hospitalisation or surgical treatment where our prior approval has not been sought and obtained, unless
notification is not possible;
d. non-emergency care or services including but not limited to the following care and services:
1. Elective cosmetic surgery or care;
2. Annual or routine exams;
3. Long-term care;
4. Allergy treatments (unless life threatening);
5. Exams or care related to or loss of/damage to hearing aids, dentures, eyeglasses, and contact lenses;
6. Physical therapy, rehabilitation, or palliative care (except as necessary to stabilise you);
7. Experimental treatment; and
8. Any other non-emergency medical or dental care.
If your emergency is immediate or life threatening, seek local emergency care at once.
We are not, and shall not be deemed to be, a provider of medical or emergency services.
We act in compliance with all national and international laws and regulations, and our services are subject
to approvals by appropriate local authorities and active travel and regulatory restrictions.
Emergency Evacuation (Transporting you to the nearest appropriate medical facility)
If you become seriously ill or injured or develop a medical condition (including being diagnosed with an epidemic
or pandemic disease such as COVID-19) while on your trip, we will pay for local emergency transportation from
the location of the initial incident to a local doctor or local medical facility. If we determine that the local medical
facilities are unable to provide appropriate medical treatment:
1. Our Emergency Assistance Team will consult with the local doctor to obtain information necessary to make
appropriate decisions regarding your overall medical condition;
2. We will identify the closest appropriate available hospital or other appropriate available facility, make
arrangements to transport you there, and pay for that transport; and
3. We will arrange and pay for a medical escort if we determine one is necessary.
The following conditions apply to items 1, 2, and 3 above:
a. You or someone on your behalf must contact us, and we must make all transportation arrangements in
advance. If we did not authorise and arrange the transportation, we will only pay up to what we would have
paid if we had made the arrangements. We will not assume any responsibility for any transportation
arrangements that we did not authorise or arrange;
b. You must comply with the decisions made by our Emergency Assistance Team. If you do not comply, you
effectively relieve us from any responsibility and liability for the consequences of your decisions, and we
reserve the right to not provide coverage;
c. One or more emergency transportation providers must be willing and able to transport you from your
current location to the identified hospital or facility.
d. You must not have traveled against the orders or advice of any government or other public authority at any
location to, from, or through which you are traveling on your trip.
Medical Repatriation (Getting you home after you receive care)
If you become seriously ill or injured or develop a medical condition (including being diagnosed with an epidemic
or pandemic disease such as COVID-19) while on your trip and our Emergency Assistance Team confirms with the
treating doctor that you are medically stable to travel, we will:
1. Arrange and pay for you to be transported via regularly scheduled service on a common carrier in the same
class of service that you originally booked, unless a different class of service is otherwise medically necessary,
for the return leg of your trip, less available refunds for unused tickets. The transportation will be to one of
the following:
a. Your primary residence;
b. A location of your choice in your country of primary residence; or
c. A medical facility near your primary residence or in a location of your choice in your country of primary
residence. In either case, the medical facility must be willing and able to accept you as a patient and
must be approved by our medical team as medically appropriate for your continued care.
2. Arrange and pay for a medical escort if our medical team determines that one is necessary.
The following conditions apply:
a. Special accommodations must be medically necessary for your transportation (for example, if more than
one seat is medically necessary for you to travel).
b. You or someone on your behalf must contact us, and we must make all transportation arrangements in
advance. If we did not authorise and arrange the transportation, we will only pay up to what we would have
paid if we had made the arrangements. We will not assume any responsibility for any transportation
arrangements that we did not authorise or arrange;
c. You must comply with the decisions made by our assistance and medical teams. If you do not comply, you
effectively relieve us from any responsibility and liability for the consequences of your decisions, and we
reserve the right to not provide coverage;
d. One or more emergency transportation providers must be willing and able to transport you from your
current location to the identified hospital or facility;
e. You must not have traveled against the orders or advice of any government or other public authority at any
location to, from, or through which you are traveling on your trip.
Transport to Bedside (Bringing a friend or family member to you)
If you are told by the treating doctor that you will be hospitalised for more than 120 hours during your trip or
that your condition is immediately life-threatening, we will arrange and pay for round-trip transportation in
economy class on a travel carrier for one friend or family member to stay with you.
The following conditions apply:
a. You or someone on your behalf must contact us, and we must make all transportation arrangements in
advance. If we did not authorise and arrange the transportation, we will only pay up to what we would have
paid if we had made the arrangements.
b. You must not have traveled against the orders or advice of any government or other public authority at any
location to, from, or through which you are traveling on your trip.
Repatriation of Remains (Getting your remains home)
We will arrange and pay for the reasonable and customary cost to transport your remains to one of the following:
1. A funeral home near your primary residence; or
2. A funeral home located in your country of primary residence
The following conditions apply:
a. Someone on your behalf must contact us, and we must make all transportation arrangements in advance.
If we did not authorise and arrange the transportation, we will only pay up to what we would have paid if
we had made the arrangements; and
b. The death must occur while on your trip.
If a family member decides to make funeral, burial, or cremation arrangements for you at the location of your
death, we will reimburse the necessary expenses up to the amount it would have cost us to transport your
remains to a funeral home near your primary residence.
We will pay up to the maximum benefit for Travel Accident Coverage listed in your Coverage Summary if:
a) an accident occurs during your trip outside of Singapore; and
b) you sustain an injury which within 90 days from the date of the accident, causes your death or permanent
We will pay according to the following Schedule of Compensation:
Schedule of Compensation
Percentage of Capital Benefit
1. Death
2. Permanent total disablement
3. Permanent and Incurable paralysis of all limbs
4. Permanent total loss of sight of both eyes
5. Permanent total loss of or the of use of two limbs
6. Permanent total loss of speech
7. Permanent total loss of hearing in:
a) both ears
b) one ear
8. Permanent total loss of sight in one eye
9. Loss of or the permanent total loss of use of one limb
The following condition applies:
a. If the accident is during a flight, the flight must be operated by a commercial airline company and be
between two commercial airports.
What is not covered:
We will not pay claims arising directly or indirectly from:
1. Your participation in manual or hazardous work;
2. Deliberate exposure to danger unless in the attempt to save a human life;
3. Disease or any disease process, illness or any natural causes;
4. The accidental death or permanent disablement of any person under the age of 16 years;
5. You not following our instructions or requirements under any other coverage this policy provides.
The General Exclusions apply to each coverage. An “exclusion” is something that is not covered by this insurance
policy, and if an exclusion applies to your claim, no payment is available to you.
This policy does not provide coverage for any loss that results directly or indirectly from or that is related to any
of the following:
Things you were aware of
Any loss, condition, or event that was known, foreseeable, intended, or
expected when your policy was purchased.
Pre-existing medical
a) Your pre-existing medical condition(s), including any complications
attributable to those condition(s).
b) Pre-existing medical condition(s) of your travelling companion including
any complications attributable to those condition(s);
c) Pre-existing medical condition(s) of your family members including any
complications attributable to those condition(s).
Travelling for medical
You travelling with the intention to receive health care, medical treatment,
or dental treatment of any kind while on your trip.
Travelling against medical
You travelling against the medical advice of a doctor regarding your health
or medical condition.
Self-harm and suicide
Your intentional self-harm or your suicide or attempted suicide.
Pregnancy and childbirth
Pregnancy or childbirth except for sudden unforeseen medical
complications or emergencies occurring within the first 20 weeks/140 days
of your pregnancy.
A child born overseas
A child born overseas during your coverage period, unless, after the birth
you apply for cover and we agree in writing to include the child in this
Fertility and abortion
Fertility treatments or you undergoing an abortion where it is not deemed
medically necessary to do so by a doctor.
Alcohol and drugs
The use or abuse of alcohol or drugs, or any related physical symptoms.
This does not apply to drugs prescribed by a doctor and used as prescribed.
Intent to cause loss
Acts committed by you, your travelling companion or your family member
with the intent to cause loss.
Working as a crew
Operating or working as a crew member (including as a trainee or
learner/student) aboard any aircraft or commercial vehicle or commercial
Motorcycles and mopeds
You riding a moped or motorcycle in the following circumstances:
i. without a helmet (whether as a driver or a passenger); or
ii. without a valid driver’s license as required in the country you
are in; or
iii. where a valid license is not required in the country you are
in, and you do not have a full Singapore license qualifying
you to ride the moped or motorcycle you are riding on, as
specified by Singapore’s regulators.
Professional sports
Participating in or training for any professional or semi-professional
sporting competition.
Amateur sports
Participating in or training for any amateur sporting competition while on
your trip. This does not include participating in informal recreational
sporting competitions and tournaments organised by accommodations,
resorts, or cruise lines to entertain their guests.
Extreme Sports
Participating in extreme, high-risk sports and activities including but not
limited to:
a. Skydiving, BASE jumping, hang gliding, or parachuting;
b. Bungee jumping;
c. Caving, rappelling, or spelunking;
d. Skiing or snowboarding outside marked trails or in an area
accessed by helicopter;
e. Climbing sports or free climbing;
f. Any high-altitude activity;
g. Personal combat or fighting sports;
h. Racing or practicing to race any motorised vehicle or watercraft;
i. Free diving; or
j. Scuba diving at a depth greater than 20 meters or without a dive
Illegal acts
An illegal act resulting in a conviction, except when you, a traveling
companion, a family member, or your service animal is the victim of such
Epidemics and pandemic
An epidemic or pandemic, except when and to the extent that an epidemic
or pandemic is expressly referenced in and covered under Overseas
Emergency Medical/Dental Coverage.
Natural disasters
Natural disaster, except when and to the extent that a natural disaster is
expressly referenced in.
Pollution and
Air, water, or other pollution, or the threat of a pollutant release, including
thermal, biological, and chemical pollution or contamination.
Nuclear reaction and
Nuclear reaction, radiation, or radioactive contamination.
War (declared or undeclared) or acts of war.
Military duty
Military duty.
Political risk
Political risk.
Cyber risk
Cyber risk.
Civil unrest
Civil disorder or unrest, except when and to the extent that civil disorder
or unrest is expressly referenced in.
Terrorist events. This exclusion does not apply to Emergency Medical or
Emergency Transportation Coverage.
Government authorities
Acts, travel alerts/bulletins, or prohibitions by any government or public
authority, except when and to the extent that an act, travel alert/bulletin,
or prohibition by a government or public authority.
Travel supplier
A travel supplier’s restrictions on any baggage, including medical supplies
or equipment.
Damaged property
Ordinary wear and tear or defective materials or workmanship.
Gross negligence
An act of gross negligence by you or a travelling companion.
Travel against
government advice
Travel against the orders or advice of any government or other public
Any coverage, benefit, or services for any activity that would violate any
applicable law or regulation, including without limitation any
economic/trade sanction or embargo.
First check you are covered by your policy by reading the appropriate coverage section in this policy and
the GENERAL EXCLUSIONS applying to all sections to see exactly what is, and is not covered.
You must give notice of your claim as soon as possible. The fastest and easiest way to make a claim is to visit our
online claims portal:
Alternatively, you can call the contact number shown on the back cover of this Policy Wording for assistance. If
there is a delay in claim notification, or you do not provide sufficient detail to process your claim, we can reduce
your claim by the amount of prejudice we have suffered because of the delay.
You must give any information we reasonably ask for to support your claim at your expense, such as but not
limited to:
Your original trip booking invoice(s) and travel documents showing the dates and times of travel.
Relevant reports such as police reports, valuations and medical reports;
Original receipts or proof of purchase, bills or invoices and account ownership for all out-of pocket
expenses that you have to pay. If required we may ask you to provide us with translations into English
of any such documents to enable our assessment of your claim.
You must co-operate at all times in relation to providing supporting evidence and such other
information that may reasonably be required Including details of any other insurance you have convert
for the same losses.
If you think that you may have to cancel your trip or shorten your trip you must tell us as soon as
possible. Contact us using the contact number shown on the back cover of this Policy Wording.
For medical, or dental claims, contact us as soon as practicable.
For loss or theft of your baggage, report it immediately to the police and obtain a written notice of your report.
For damage or misplacement of your baggage, caused by the airline or any other operator or accommodation
provider, report the damage or misplacement to an appropriate official and obtain a written report, including
any offer of settlement that they may make. Submit full details of any claim in writing within 30 days of your
return to your primary residence.
We will pay all claims in Singapore dollars. We will pay you unless you tell us to pay someone else. The rate of
currency exchange that will apply is the rate at the time you incurred the expense. Payment will be made by
direct credit to a Singapore bank account nominated by you.
You must not admit that you are at fault, for any accident, incident or event causing a claim under your policy,
and you must not offer or promise to pay any money, or become involved in legal action, without our approval.
If we have a claim against someone in relation to the money we have to pay or we have paid under your policy,
you must do everything you can to help us do that in legal proceedings. If you are aware of any third party that
you or we may recover money from, you must inform us.
If you can make a claim against someone in relation to a loss or expense covered under this policy and they do
not pay you the full amount of your claim, we will make up the difference. You must claim from them first.
If any loss, damage or liability covered under this policy is covered by another insurance policy, you must give us
details of that insurance policy. We will only make any payment under this policy once the other insurance policy
is exhausted. If we have paid your claim in full first, we may seek contribution from your other insurer. You must
give us any information we reasonably ask for to help us make a claim from your other insurer.
We may, at our discretion undertake in your name and on your behalf, control and settlement of proceedings
for our own benefit in your name to recover compensation or secure indemnity from any party in respect of
anything covered by this policy. You are to assist and permit to be done, everything required by us for the
purpose of recovering compensation or securing indemnity from other parties to which we may become entitled
or subrogated, upon us paying your claim under this policy regardless of whether we have yet paid your claim
and whether or not the amount we pay you is less than full compensation for your loss. These rights exist
regardless of the section of this policy under which your claim is paid.
We will apply any money we recover from someone else under a right of subrogation in the following
1. To us, our costs (administration and legal) arising from the recovery.
2. To us, an amount equal to the amount that we paid to you under your policy.
3. To you, your uninsured loss (less your excess).
4. To you, your excess.
Once we pay your total loss we will keep all money left over.
If we have paid your total loss and you receive a payment from someone else for that loss or damage,
you must pay us the amount of that payment up to the amount of the claim we paid you.
If we pay you for lost or damaged property and you later recover the property or it is replaced by a third
party, you must pay us the amount of the claim we paid you.
Insurance fraud places additional costs on honest policyholders. Fraudulent claims force insurance premiums to
rise. We encourage the community to assist in the prevention of insurance fraud. You can help by reporting
insurance fraud by calling Allianz Partners on +65 6280 0316. All information will be treated as confidential and
protected to the full extent under law.
For Customer Service and Claims Enquiries
Call: +65 6280 0316
To File a Claim, please:
Call: +65 6995 1118
This policy is issued and managed by AWP Services Singapore Pte. Ltd. trading as Allianz Travel and underwritten
by Tokio Marine Insurance Singapore Ltd