may 15-17, 2015
9  10:30 A.M.
Hosted by the Nanovic Institute for European Studies
For reservations, please contact the Institute
McGlinn Family Room  210 Visitation Hall
10 A.M.  NOON
Graduates and their families are invited
Remick Commons Visitation Hall
10:30 A.M. NOON
For graduating seniors and their families
Tickets required for celebration. Contact department for information
North Dining Hall  BC-Wing
11 A.M.  1 P.M.
(Inclement weather location: O’Shaughnessy Hall  Great Hall)
West of O’Shaughnessy Hall  South Quad
11 A.M.  1 P.M.
Tickets required
Washington Hall  Auditorium
11:30 A.M.  12:30 P.M.
For degree recipients from the Graduate School and the public
Basilica of the Sacred Heart
Available for check-in to parents and guests
Registration and payment required
NOON  2 P.M.
For Hesburgh Program graduating seniors and their families
LaFortune Student Center  Ballroom
2  4 P.M.
For graduating majors, their guests, and faculty
Short program to begin at 2 p.m. Dessert reception to follow
McKenna Hall Atrium and Auditorium
2  4 P.M.
South Dining Hall  Oak Room
3  5 P.M.
North Dining Hall  F-Wing
3  5 P.M.
Tickets required - contact department for information -
(574) 631-9263
Dessert reception to follow: Irish Green
DeBartolo Performing Arts Center - Patricia George Decio eatre
3  5 P.M.
For Hesburgh-Yusko Scholars Program graduating seniors and
their families. Refreshments will be served
Main Building - Room 120
3  5 P.M.
An open house reception for Sorin parents and new Corby Young
Alumni members and their families to say 'thank you' for your
membership in the Sorin Society. By invitation only
Eddy Street Commons - Family Room
4  5:30 P.M.
Alumni and the Class of 2015 graduates who are legacies are
invited to attend with their families. No R.S.V.P. required
Eck Visitor's Center
4  5:30 P.M.
O’Shaughnessy Hall  Great Hall
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, May 15-17, 2015. Except when noted, all
ceremonies and activities are open to the public and tickets are not required.
4 P.M.
University of Notre Dame Liturgical Choir
Open to the public / Free admission
Basilica of the Sacred Heart
4 P.M.
By invitation only
Legends of Notre Dame
4  5:30 P.M.
Jordan Hall  Room 101
4  5:30 P.M.
Reception honoring graduating senior majors and their families
Appetizers will be served. R.S.V.P. to Emily Hammock Mosby at
[email protected] Address provided upon R.S.V.P.
Residence of Professor Anderson
4:30 P.M.
Reception immediately following
DeBartolo Hall Room 102
4:30 P.M.
DeBartolo Hall - Room 140
4:30  6 P.M.
For graduating International Development Fellows, Latin American
Studies minors, International Development Studies minors,
International scholars, award recipients, their families, and friends
of the Institute Awards presentation begins at 5 p.m.
Hesburgh Center for International Studies  Auditorium and
5 P.M.
Members and families of ACE 22 welcome
Carole Sandner Hall  Remick Commons
5 P.M.
For ESTEEM graduates, their families, and faculty
By invitation only
Morris Inn  Ballroom B and C
5  7 P.M.
For graduating seniors, their guests, and faculty
Rolfs Sports Recreation Center
5:30  8 P.M.
Tickets must be purchased in advance per information and
ticket procurement procedures
South Dining Hall
5:30 P.M.
Free and open to the public. Tickets required - call 574-631-2800
DeBartolo Performing Arts Center  Leighton Concert Hall
6  8 P.M.
See department for tickets. Dinner begins at 6:30 p.m.
McKenna Hall  Lower Level
6  8 P.M.
For graduating Peace Studies undergraduates, their guests, and
Peace Studies faculty and fellows. Light refreshments will be served
McKenna Hall  Auditorium
7 P.M.
Reception immediately following: LaFortune Student
Center  Ballroom
Washington Hall - Auditorium
7:30 P.M.
Contact department for information.
Dessert reception to follow: Irish Green (no ticket required)
DeBartolo Performing Arts Center - Patricia George Decio eatre
8 P.M.
Featuring the Department of Music students
Free and open to the public. Tickets required  call 574-631-2800
DeBartolo Performing Arts Center  Leighton Concert Hall
9  11 A.M.
Tickets required for ceremony
Reception to follow: Irish Green
DeBartolo Performing Arts Center Leighton Concert Hall
9:30 A.M.  NOON
North Dining Hall  F-Wing
9:30 A.M.
Tickets required
Basilica of the Sacred Heart
10 A.M.
Reception immediately following: LaFortune Student Center 
Washington Hall  Auditorium
10 A.M.  NOON
For graduating seniors, their guests, and faculty
McKenna Hall  Atrium
10 A.M.
Students assemble at 9 a.m. Reception to follow
Compton Family Ice Arena
10 A.M.  1 P.M.
Certicate ceremony for graduates at 11 a.m.
McKenna Hall  Room 230
10 A.M.
Joyce Center  Purcell Pavilion
11 A.M.  2 P.M.
Tickets must be purchased in advance per information and
ticket procurement procedures
South Dining Hall  Food Market
11:30 A.M.  12:30 P.M.
Initiates are requested to arrive at 11 a.m. Tickets required
DeBartolo Hall  Room 101
(Inclement weather location: Riley Hall of Art and Design 
Room 309)
Riley Hall of Art and Design  Front Lawn
12:15 P.M.
For MBA graduates and their families
Gillespie Center  Hilton Garden Inn
12:15 P.M.
For MSA graduates and their families
Century Center  Downtown South Bend
12:15 P.M.
For MSM graduates and their families
Century Center  Downtown South Bend
12:30 P.M.
(Inclement weather location: Joyce Center  North Dome)
Hesburgh Library  Reecting Pool
1 P.M.
Snite Museum of Art  Annenberg Auditorium
1  3 P.M.
For graduating seniors and their families
DeBartolo Performing Arts Center  Philbin Studio eatre
1 P.M.
Tickets required. Go to http://socialconcerns.nd.edu/postgraduate/
service_sendo.shtml for more information
Reception to follow: Irish Green
DeBartolo Performing Arts Center  Leighton Concert Hall
1:30  3:30 P.M.
For undergraduate and graduate students in Medieval Studies
Alumni Hall  Chapel
2  4 P.M.
For graduating Peace Studies graduate students, their guests, and
Peace Studies faculty and fellows
Hesburgh Center for International Studies  Auditorium
2  4 P.M.
For graduating Writing Center tutors and their families
Coleman-Morse Center  Room 203
2:30 P.M.
Cap and gown required. Tickets are not required
Compton Family Ice Arena
3  4 P.M.
DeBartolo Performing Arts Center
3  4 P.M.
For graduating seniors and their families
Mendoza College of Business  Potenziani Family Atrium
3  3:45 P.M.
All degree candidates, their families, and guests are welcome to stop
by for a brief visit and photo opportunity with Father Jenkins.
Eck Visitors Center
3:45 P.M.
Cap and gown attire required. No tickets required
Guests - Purcell Pavilion / overow in the North Dome
(Guests enter Main Gate)
All doors open for guests at 3:30 p.m.
Joyce Center  Purcell Pavilion
4:30 P.M.
Cap and gown attire required
Joyce Center  Purcell Pavilion
5  6:30 P.M.
No tickets required
Overow  North Dome (live video screen)
Joyce Center  Purcell Pavilion
6:30  8:15 P.M.
Tickets must be purchased in advance per information and
ticket procurement procedures
North and South Dining Halls
9 P.M.
Tickets available  call 574-631-2800
DeBartolo Performing Arts Center  Leighton Concert Hall
6:30  8 A.M.
Tickets must be purchased in advance per information
and ticket procurement procedures
South Dining Hall
7:30 A.M.
Please be aware of the procedures in the event that the Severe Weather
Plan is implemented. Guest tickets for admission are required
Notre Dame Stadium – Gate C or A
8:15 A.M.
By College or School at assigned locations
Cap and gown attire required
9 A.M.
Guest tickets for admission are required
Guests may begin entering at 7:30 a.m.
Notre Dame Stadium
9:30  11:30 A.M.
Guest tickets for admission are required.
Guests may begin entering at 7:30 a.m.
Notre Dame Stadium – Gate C or A
11:30 A.M.
Mendoza College of Business  Atrium
11:30 A.M.  1 P.M.
Provided to Engineering undergraduates and their guests
DeBartolo Hall Quad Tent
11:30 A.M.  1 P.M.
Tickets must be purchased in advance per information
and ticket procurement procedures
Jordan Science Hall Quad Tent
11:30 A.M.  1 P.M.
Tickets must be purchased in advance per information
and ticket procurement procedures
North and South Dining Halls and Morris Inn Ballroom
1 P.M.
Rolfs Sports Recreation Center
1 P.M.
DeBartolo Performing Arts Center  Leighton Concert Hall
1 P.M.
Luncheon reception preceding ceremony at 11:30 a.m.
R.S.V.P. required – Jordan Science Hall – Galleria
Jordan Science Hall – Room 101
1:30 P.M.
Reception to follow
Snite Museum – Annenberg Auditorium
1:30 P.M.
Bond Hall
For additional commencement information, please visit: http://commencement.nd.edu/
1:30  4 P.M.
Joyce Center – Purcell Pavilion
1:30 P.M.
Reception to follow
Compton Family Ice Arena
1:30 P.M.
Joyce Center  North Dome
1:30 P.M.
Mendoza College of Business  Auditorium
1:30 P.M.
DeBartolo Hall  Room 101
1:30 P.M.
Washington Hall  Auditorium
1:30 P.M.
DeBartolo Hall  Room 141
1:30 P.M.
DeBartolo Performing Arts Center – Patricia George Decio eatre
3 P.M.
Rolfs Sports Recreation Center
3 P.M.
DeBartolo Performing Arts Center  Leighton Concert Hall
saturday, may 16, 2015
10 a.m. edt
Compton ICe arena
Convening of the Convocation
Laura A. Carlson, Ph.D.
Dean of the Graduate School
Vice President and Associate Provost
and Professor of Psychology
Christopher B. Roberts, Ph.D.
Dean of the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering,
Auburn University
Introduction of Speaker
omas G. Burish, Ph.D.
Provost of the University
Commencement Address*
Jane Dammen McAulie, Ph.D.
Director of the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress
Conferral of Doctoral Degrees
John T. McGreevy, Ph.D.
I.A. O'Shaughnessy Dean of the College of Arts and Letters
and Professor of History
Peter K. Kilpatrick, Ph.D.
Matthew H. McCloskey Dean of the College of Engineering
and Professor of Chemical Engineering
Gregory P. Crawford, Ph.D.
William K. Warren Foundation Dean of the College of Science
and Professor of Physics
Recognition of Graduate School Award Recipients
Dean of the Graduate School
Eli J. and Helen Shaheen Graduate School Awards
Engineering: Jerey Arnold Christians
Humanities: Ailbhe Darcy
Science: Douglas Allen Hines
Social Science: Michael omas Hartney, Jr.
Distinguished Graduate Alumnus Award
Christopher B. Roberts, Ph.D.
James A. Burns, C.S.C. Award
Michael Detlefsen, Ph.D.
McMahon-Hank Professor of Philosophy
Director of Graduate Studies Award
Steven A. Corcelli, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Conferral of Master Degrees
Dean of the College of Arts and Letters
Dean of the College of Engineering
Dean of the College of Science
Charge to the Graduates and Benediction
Reverend John I. Jenkins, C.S.C.
President of the University
Closing of the Convocation
Dean of the Graduate School
Notre Dame, Our Mother*  (Alma Mater)
Jamie Lynn Caporizo
M.S.M. Recipient, eology
Notre Dame, Our Mother, tender, strong and true
Proudly in the heavens gleams thy gold and blue.
Glory's mantle cloaks thee, golden is thy fame
And our hearts forever praise thee, Notre Dame;
And our hearts forever love thee, Notre Dame.
* It is customary for men, although not for women, wearing academic garb to
have their caps removed during the Commencement Address and the singing of
the Alma Mater.
College of Arts and Letters
**Fr. John Paul Abdelsayed, Los Angeles, California
Major Subject: eology
Dissertation: Our Great Archpriest: St. Cyril of
Alexandria's Approach to the Priesthood of Christ
Director: Dr. Brian E. Daley, S.J.
Michael Anthony Cruz Abril, Phoenix, Arizona
Major Subject: eology
Dissertation: e Beginning of the End: Original Sin and
Apocalypse in View of Karl Rahner and René Girard
Director: Dr. Cyril J. O'Regan
**Ryan Timothy Anderson, Baltimore, Maryland
Major Subject: Political Science
Dissertation: Neither Liberal nor Libertarian: A Natural
Law Approach to Social Justice and Economic Rights
Director: Dr. Michael P. Zuckert
*Stephen Louis Armet, Pasadena, California
Major Subject: Sociology
Dissertation: Education Policy as a Mechanism for
Secularization in a Catholic Majority Country: e
Case of Uruguay, (18771932)
Director: Dr. Samuel Valenzuela
Sara D'Ann Bramsen, Obera, Argentina
Major Subject: Literature
Dissertation: Responding to Responsibility in the
Fiction of the French Revolution (17891814)
Director: Dr. Julia V. Douthwaite
Katie Ann-Marie Bugyis, Tacoma, Washington
Major Subject: Medieval Studies
Dissertation: Ministers of Christ: Benedictine
Women Religious in Central Medieval England
Co-Directors: Dr. Margot Fassler and
Dr. Kathryn E. Kerby-Fulton
*Peter Philip Campbell, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Major Subject: Political Science
Dissertation: e Essence of War and Military Doctrine:
Military Realism and US Army Warghting Doctrine
from 1960 to 2008
Director: Dr. Michael C. Desch
**Víctor Carmona González, Mexicali, Mexico
Major Subject: eology
Dissertation: Neither Slave nor Free: A Critique of U.S.
Immigration Policy in Light of the Work of David
Hollenbach, Gustavo Gutiérrez, and omas Aquinas
Director: Dr. Todd David Whitmore
**Angela Dawn Carpenter, Murray, Kentucky
Major Subject: eology
Dissertation: Sanctied Children: Natural Moral
Formation and Sanctication in Reformed eology
Director: Dr. Gerald McKenny
*Stephen Reid Case, Kankakee, Illinois
Major Subject: History and Philosophy of Science
Dissertation: Making Stars Physical: John Herschel's
Stellar Astronomy, 181671
Director: Dr. Christopher Hamlin
**Daniel Patrick Castillo, Miami, Florida
Major Subject: eology
Dissertation: Foundations for an Ecological eology
of Liberation: Gustavo Gutiérrez's Concept of Integral
Liberation, Political Ecology, and Salvation
Director: Dr. J. Matthew Ashley
*Shaojin Chai, Chongqing, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Political Science
Dissertation: Enlightened Compassion and Global
Governance with Chinese Characteristics: Oneness,
Care, and Cosmopolitanism in the Political Philosophy
of Wang Yangming (14721529)
Director: Dr. Peter Moody, Jr.
*Peter Y. Choi, Pasadena, California
Major Subject: History
Dissertation: George Whiteeld, the Imperial
Itinerant: Religion, Economics, and Politics in the
Era of the Great Awakening
Director: Dr. Mark A. Noll
**Karen Michelle Clausen-Brown, Walla Walla, Washington
Major Subject: English
Dissertation: Remembering the Sabbath: Law, Labor,
and Liberty in Milton and His Contemporaries
Director: Dr. Stephen M. Fallon
Ciara Máire Conneely, Gorey, County Wexford, Ireland
Major Subject: Literature
Dissertation: Representation and Relocation: Aspects of
Migration in an Irish and Francophone African Context
Director: Dr. Bríona Nic Dhiarmada
Ailbhe Darcy, Dublin, Ireland
Major Subject: English
Dissertation: Lyric Strategies for the Secular
Republic: Poetry and Religion in the New Ireland
Director: Dr. Bríona Nic Dhiarmada
*Gregory James Davis, South Bend, Indiana
Major Subject: Psychology and Computer Science
and Engineering
Dissertation: Modeling the Symbolic Control
of Visual Attention
Co-Directors: Dr. Bradley S. Gibson
and Dr. Gregory R. Madey
*Sarah Gene Dawson Ellison, Chicago, Illinois
Major Subject: English
Dissertation: Until the Resurrection: Poetic Fame and the
Future of the Body in English Renaissance Lyric, 15901641
Director: Dr. Susannah B. Monta
*Leonard James DeLorenzo II, South Bend, Indiana
Major Subject: eology
Dissertation: ose Who Hear Will Live: A eological
Explication of the Communion of Saints
Director: Dr. Cyril J. O'Regan
**Joshua Edwin Dinsman, Las Vegas, Nevada
Major Subject: Sociology
Dissertation: Breaking Institutional Isomorphism:
Urban Branding in Four American Cities
Director: Dr. Robert M. Fishman
Rev. Brian P. Dunkle, S.J., Freeport, New York
Major Subject: eology
Dissertation: Nocturna Lux Viantibus: e Methods,
Meaning, and Mystagogy of Ambrosian Hymnody
Director: Dr. Brian E. Daley
*David Michael Elliot, Toronto, Canada
Major Subject: eology
Dissertation: Rethinking Happiness: e
Role of Hope in Virtue Ethics
Director: Dr. Jean Porter
*Marco Carlos Emerson Hernández, Santa Paula, California
Major Subject: eology
Dissertation: e Seeds of Creation and New Creation:
St. omas Aquinas and His Predecessors on the
Generative Principles of Natural and Supernatural Life
Director: Dr. Joseph P. Wawrykow
*Jennifer Mary L. Fox, Lowell, Arkansas
Major Subject: Literature
Dissertation: Reading Slavery and Agency in the
Ancient Novel: Contexts and Receptions
Director: Dr. Margaret Anne Doody
*Margaret Mary (Peggy) Garvey, South Bend, Indiana
Major Subject: Literature
Dissertation: Jacques Copeau, Maria Montessori, and
a Physical eatre of Aristotelian Embodiment
Director: Dr. Peter D. Holland
*Nathan Melvin Gerth, South Bend, Indiana
Major Subject: History
Dissertation: A Model Town: Tver', the Classical
Imperial Order, and the Rise of Civic Society in
the Russian Provinces, 17631861
Director: Dr. Alexander M. Martin
**Ethan John Guagliardo, Lafayette, Louisiana
Major Subject: English
Dissertation: e Limelight of the Idols: Political
eology as Fiction in Renaissance England
Co-Directors: Dr. Stephen M. Fallon
and Dr. Elliott T. Visconsi
Robert Daniel Gustin, Irvine, California
Major Subject: Philosophy
Dissertation: Kant's Argument for the
Transcendental Ideality of Time
Director: Dr. Karl P. Ameriks
Brian David Hamilton, Harrisonburg, Virginia
Major Subject: eology
Dissertation: Pauperes Christi: Voluntary
Poverty as Political Practice
Director: Dr. Jean Porter
*Lindsay J. Haney, Lynnwood, Washington
Major Subject: English
Dissertation: Performing Anxiety: Masculinities in
Contemporary Irish Literature and Culture
Director: Dr. Susan Cannon Harris
*Michael omas Hartney, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Major Subject: Political Science
Dissertation: Turning Out Teachers: e Causes
and Consequences of Teacher Political Activism
in the Postwar United States
Co-Directors: Dr. David E. Campbell
and Dr. David N. Nickerson
*Kirstin Joy Hasler Brathwaite, Conifer, Colorado
Major Subject: Political Science
Dissertation: Symbols and Sacrice: e Role
of Nationalism in Combat Eectiveness
Director: Dr. Daniel Philpott
is listing is the property of the University of Notre Dame and is subject to copyright protection. It may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of
Dennis K. Brown, Assistant Vice President of News and Information at the University of Notre Dame.
Ning Jia, Chengdu, Sichuan, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Economics
Dissertation: Essays in Education Economics
Director: Dr. Abigail Wozniak
*Kristina Louise Jipson, Lincoln, Maine
Major Subject: English
Dissertation: New Spiritualism: Approaching the
Dead in Twenty-First-Century American Poetry
Director: Dr. Stephen Fredman
*Joshua Abram Kercsmar, Valparaiso, Indiana
Major Subject: History
Dissertation: e Politics of Husbandry:
Managing Animal and Slave Labor in England
and America, 15501815
Director: Dr. Mark A. Noll
Jieon Kim, South Bend, Indiana
Major Subject: Literature
Dissertation: Beatrice the Consummate Lady Wisdom
Director: Dr. Ann W. Astell
*May Kim, Stanton, California
Major Subject: Psychology
Dissertation: e Inuence of Cultural Context on Risk,
Resilience, and Mental Health on Emerging Latino Adults
Co-Directors: Dr. Scott M. Monroe
and Dr. Irene J. Park
*Erik Anthony Koenke, Claremont, California
Major Subject: Medieval Studies
Dissertation: Paul's Divided Patrimony: How Early
Christian Commentators on Galatians Shaped the
Reformation Debate over Justication by Faith Alone
Director: Dr. Randall C. Zachman
**Michelle Marie Kundmueller, Bellaire, Michigan
Major Subject: Political Science
Dissertation: Politics and the Flight from Honor:
Homer and the Human Good
Director: Dr. Catherine H. Zuckert
Dixie Dillon Lane, Riverside, California
Major Subject: History
Dissertation: Skipping School: Homeschooling in
Los Angeles County, 19502010
Director: Dr. John T. McGreevy
Elizabeth Anne L'Arrivee, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Major Subject: Political Science
Dissertation: Converting the Soul from Politics to
Philosophy: e Philosophic Way of Life in Plato's Republic
Director: Dr. Mary M. Keys
Quinn Nathaniel Lathrop, Nevada City, California
Major Subject: Psychology
Dissertation: IRT and SVD: Implementing Psychometric
Methods in New and Complex Situations
Director: Dr. Ying Cheng
Hailey Jane LaVoy, Boise, Idaho
Major Subject: Medieval Studies
Dissertation: "Why Have You Been Silent for So
Long?": Women and Letter Writing in the Early
Middle Ages, 700900
Director: Dr. omas F. X. Noble
*Matthew Brandon Lee, Borger, Texas
Major Subject: Philosophy
Dissertation: Belief, Doubt, and
Condence: A reshold Account
Co-Directors: Dr. Robert Audi
and Dr. Michael R. DePaul
Robert Bertrand Lester, Great Falls, Montana
Major Subject: Economics
Dissertation: ree Essays in Macroeconomics
Director: Dr. Michael J. Pries
*James Martell de la Torre, Mexico City, Mexico
Major Subject: Literature
Dissertation: Writing Derrida inking Beckett: A
Study of the Limits Between Philosophy and Literature
Co-Directors: Dr. Joseph A. Buttigieg
and Dr. Maud Ellmann
Kevin Patrick McCabe, Allen Park, Michigan
Major Subject: eology
Dissertation: Capacities and Capax Dei: eological
Anthropology and Intellectual Disability
Director: Dr. Cyril J. O'Regan
*Jessica Mikels-Carrasco, South Bend, Indiana
Major Subject: Sociology
Dissertation: Closer to the Ground:
Environmental Sociology of Children
Director: Dr. Jessica L. Collett
Yvonne Sonja Mikuljan, San Diego, California
Major Subject: Literature
Dissertation: "Lichama and Limu": Approaches
to Impairment in Anglo-Saxon England
Director: Dr. Christopher P. Abram
*Timothy Stephen Miller, Edgewood, Kentucky
Major Subject: English
Dissertation: Closing the Book on Chaucer: Medieval
eories of Ending and the Ends of Chaucerian Narrative
Director: Dr. Kathryn Kerby-Fulton
Javier Ignacio Mocarquer Vidal, Santiago, Chile
Major Subject: Literature
Dissertation: Políticas de Género y Sexualidad en el
Cono Sur: Gabriela Mistral, Victoria Ocampo y
Cecília Meireles en las Esferas Pblica y Privada
Director: Dr. María Rosa Olivera-Williams
**Lori Molinari, Ambler, Pennsylvania
Major Subject: Political Science
Dissertation: e Ancient Republics and the Mixed
Regime in Montesquieu's Political ought
Director: Dr. Michael P. Zuckert
**Alejandro Montecinos Pearce, Viña del Mar, Chile
Major Subject: Economics
Dissertation: Essays on Strategic Behavior
of Heterogeneous Agents
Director: Dr. omas Gresik
**Stephen Garrett Morgan, Gillette, Wyoming
Major Subject: History
Dissertation: Shepherds of a Dying Flock: e
Rhenish Mission, the Herero, and German Colonial
Conquest in South-West Africa
Director: Dr. Lauren Faulkner Rossi
**Peter John Mundey, Frederick, Maryland
Major Subject: Sociology
Dissertation: American Christianity and Consumerism:
Understanding the Relationship between Christian
Economic Culture and Secular Consumer Culture
Director: Dr. Christian Smith
Nolan James Corry Locke Noble, Fullerton, California
Major Subject: Economics
Dissertation: Long-Run Consequences of
Short-Term Health Shocks
Director: Dr. William N. Evans
Amy Kathleen Nuttall, Loveland, Colorado
Major Subject: Psychology
Dissertation: Identifying Patterns of Adaptive and
Destructive Parentication in Childhood
Director: Dr. Kristin Valentino
**Jerey M. Patton, Crete, Illinois
Major Subject: Psychology
Dissertation: Some Consequences of Response Time
Model Misspecication in Educational Measurement
Director: Dr. Ying Cheng
**Anne Elizabeth Siebels Peterson, Marion, Iowa
Major Subject: Philosophy
Dissertation: Hylomorphism in Aristotle's Metaphysics:
Constituent Ontology Without Derivative Diversication
Director: Dr. Michael J. Loux
**Brandon Reed Peterson, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Major Subject: eology
Dissertation: "Being Salvation": A Reinterpretation
of Rahner's Christ as Savior
Director: Dr. Robert A. Krieg
Eleanor Everett Pettus, Goleta, California
Major Subject: History
Dissertation: Reforming Boys: e English
Reformation and the Conversion of Humanism
Director: Dr. Brad S. Gregory
Rev. Gary Philippe Raczka, West Roxbury, Massachusetts
Major Subject: eology
Dissertation: e Lectionary at the Time of
Saint John Chrysostom
Director: Rev. Maxwell E. Johnson
**Rev. Fr. Leonce Fabian Rambau, C.S.Sp., Moshi, Tanzania
Major Subject: eology
Dissertation: Paul and His Co-Workers:
Equality in Pauline Letters
Director: Dr. David E. Aune
Jacob Riye, Janesville, Wisconsin
Major Subject: English
Dissertation: Making the Divine Economy: Imagination,
Performance, and the Old English Poetry of Prayer
Director: Dr. Christopher P. Abram
*Veronica Eileen Roberts, South Bend, Indiana
Major Subject: Political Science
Dissertation: Romanitas Recast: Augustine's Reeducation
of Rome Against Idolatry and Towards Good Citizenship
Director: Dr. Mary M. Keys
*Joshua Morton Robinson, Tigerville, South Carolina
Major Subject: Medieval Studies
Dissertation: Nicholas of Methone's Refutation of Proclus:
eology and Neoplatonism in 12th-Century Byzantium
Co-Directors: Dr. Brian E. Daley
and Prof. Stephen Gersh
*Paul Joseph Scherz, Huntington Beach, California
Major Subject: eology
Dissertation: Technology and Subjectivity in the
ought of Alasdair MacIntyre and Michel Foucault
Director: Dr. Gerald P. McKenny
*Patrick Lee Schoettmer, Mishawaka, Indiana
Major Subject: Political Science
Dissertation: reat, Faith, and Community:
e Transformation of American Muslim Political
Identity in 21st Century America
Director: Dr. David E. Campbell
**John Douglas Sehorn, Portland, Oregon
Major Subject: eology
Dissertation: Origen of Alexandria's Homilies
114 on Ezekiel: Translation and Commentary
Director: Dr. John C. Cavadini
*Gregory Daniel Shufeldt, Springeld, Illinois
Major Subject: Political Science
Dissertation: Unequal Parties: Partisan
Dierences in Political Behavior
Director: Dr. Christina K. Wolbrecht
*Sara Skiles-duToit, Fort Worth, Texas
Major Subject: Sociology
Dissertation: Aesthetic Taste Expression
and Symbolic Boundary Work
Director: Dr. Omar A. Lizardo
*Sarah Elizabeth Spengeman, Walnut Creek, California
Major Subject: Political Science
Dissertation: Saint Augustine and Hannah Arendt on
Love of the World: An Investigation into Arendt's Reliance
on and Refutation of Augustinian Philosophy
Co-Directors: Dr. Mary M. Keys
and Dr. Dana R. Villa
**Michèle Anik Stanbury, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Major Subject: Medieval Studies
Dissertation: Metaphysics and Dialectic: Plotinus' Reception
of Aristotle as Mediated by Alexander of Aphrodisias
Director: Prof. Stephen E. Gersh
*Sara Melissa Stasik, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Major Subject: Psychology
Dissertation: Nosological Placement of Obsessive-Compulsive
and Related Disorders: A Comprehensive Structural Analysis
Director: Dr. David B. Watson
*Alexis Nicole ompson, Flint, Michigan
Major Subject: Psychology
Dissertation: Event Boundaries, Inconsistency
Detection, and Anaphoric Reference
Director: Dr. Gabriel A. Radvansky
*Xin Tong, Xi'an, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Psychology
Dissertation: Robust Semiparametric Bayesian
Methods in Growth Curve Modeling
Director: Dr. Zhiyong Zhang
Sara Elizabeth Troyani, Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
Major Subject: Literature
Dissertation: Italian America: Latin America as
Italy in the Post-Unication Emigration Literature
of Edmondo De Amicis
Director: Dr. eodore J. Cachey
Eva Van Leemput, Loonbeek, Belgium
Major Subject: Economics
Dissertation: Essays on Macroeconomic
Development and International Trade
Director: Dr. Joseph P. Kaboski
*Ana Milenova Velitchkova, Soa, Bulgaria
Major Subject: Peace Studies and Sociology
Dissertation: Esperanto, Civility, and the Politics
of Fellowship: A Cosmopolitan Movement from
the Eastern European Periphery
Director: Dr. Omar A. Lizardo
Kathryn Leigh Wagner, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Major Subject: Economics
Dissertation: Essays in Medicaid Crowd-Out for
the Disabled
Director: Dr. William N. Evans
**Jordan Joseph Wales, Wilmington, Delaware
Major Subject: eology
Dissertation: "Sacrice" in the eology of
Gregory the Great
Director: Dr. John C. Cavadini
*Raymond Kenney Walters, Concord, California
Major Subject: Psychology
Dissertation: Estimating Variance Explained by All
DNA Loci in a Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis
Director: Dr. Gitta H. Lubke
*Xueying Wang, Waco, Texas
Major Subject: eology
Dissertation: Gregory of Nyssa on the Corporate
Nature of the Human Body
Director: Dr. Brian E. Daley, S.J.
*Michael omas Westrate, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Major Subject: History
Dissertation: Under the Falling Red Star: Living Soviet
in Kharkiv, Ukraine from the 1960s to the Present
Director: Dr. Semion Lyandres
**Lauren Linn Whitnah, Knoxville, Tennessee
Major Subject: Medieval Studies
Dissertation: Patrons of at Place: e Cults of
Anglo-Saxon Saints in Twelfth-Century Northumbria
Director: Dr. John H. Van Engen
Meredith Chase Whitnah, Ipswich, Massachusetts
Major Subject: Sociology
Dissertation: Faith and the Fragility of Justice: Religious
Responses to Gender-Based Violence in South Africa
Director: Dr. Mary Ellen Konieczny
Courtney Lynne Wiersema, Prophetstown, Illinois
Major Subject: History
Dissertation: All Consuming Nature: Provisioning
in Industrial Chicago, 18331893
Director: Dr. Jon T. Coleman
Aaron Lukefahr Willis, Austin, Texas
Major Subject: History
Dissertation: e New Laboratory for Empire: Quebec and
the Reformulation of British Imperial Practice, 17601775
Director: Dr. James Smyth
Carl Jonathan Wojtaszek, Coalport, Pennsylvania
Major Subject: Economics
Dissertation: Essays in Economics Using Military-Induced
Variation to Study Human Capital Development, Excess
Sensitivity to Income, and Labor Market Decisions
Director: Dr. William N. Evans
*Jonathan Stephen Wol, Manseld, New Jersey
Major Subject: Economics
Dissertation: Essays Concerning the Nature of
Business Cycles
Director: Dr. Eric R. Sims
*Joseph Peter Workman, Canal Fulton, Ohio
Major Subject: Sociology
Dissertation: When Sharing Hurts: Sibship
Size, Resource Dilution, and Education
Director: Dr. William J. Carbonaro
*Katy Michelle Wright-Bushman, Rancho Santa Margarita,
Major Subject: English
Dissertation: Reading Lyric Before Lyric: English
Religious Poetry Among Its Late Medieval Readers
Director: Dr. Kathryn Kerby-Fulton
Tihtina Zenebe Gebre, Derbe Zeit, Ethiopia
Major Subject: Economics
Dissertation: Essays on the Eects of Education
Policy Reforms in Developing Countries
Director: Dr. Kasey Buckles
Damian Francis Zurro, Freehold, New Jersey
Major Subject: History
Dissertation: We All Work in Common: Medieval
Cistercian Lay Brothers in the Twelfth and
irteenth Centuries
Director: Dr. John H. Van Engen
College of Engineering
Badi' Abdul-Wahid, Bloomington, Indiana
Major Subject: Computer Science and Engineering
Dissertation: A Software Pipeline for
Ensemble Molecular Dynamics
Director: Dr. Jesús A. Izaguirre
Morgen Elizabeth Anyan, Selah, Washington
Major Subject: Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences
Dissertation: Physical and Environmental Factors Aecting
the Swarm Motility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Director: Dr. Joshua Shrout
**Michael Joseph Arthur, Harrisonburg, Virginia
Major Subject: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: Separation Control Using Plasma
Actuators in a High Pressure Bend
Director: Dr. omas C. Corke
Cheng-Zong Bai, Taipei, Taiwan
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: On the Application of Relative Entropy
in Sequential Detection and Cyber-Physical Security
Director: Dr. Vijay Gupta
**Enrica Balboni, Dosso, Italy
Major Subject: Civil and Environmental Engineering
and Earth Sciences
Dissertation: Crystal Chemistry of Uranyl
Tungstates and Actinide-Mineral Interactions
Director: Dr. Peter C. Burns
**Jeremiah Ross Barr, Mount Vernon, Iowa
Major Subject: Computer Science and Engineering
Dissertation: Gallery-Free Methods for Detecting and
Recognizing People and Groups of Interest "In the Wild"
Co-Directors: Dr. Kevin W. Bowyer
and Dr. Patrick J. Flynn
*Joshua Edward Bennett, Lake Jackson, Texas
Major Subject: Chemical Engineering
Dissertation: Acid Gas and Nitrogen Solubility in
Ionic Liquids for Carbon Capture Applications
Director: Dr. Joan F. Brennecke
*Glenn Joseph Bradford, Chestereld, Missouri
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Rate, Reliability, and Delay of Wireless Relays
Director: Dr. J. Nicholas Laneman
*Wei Chen, Yancheng, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences
Dissertation: Deciphering Mantle Sources and Petrogenetic
History of the Oka Carbonatite Complex, Québec, Canada
Director: Dr. Antonio Simonetti
Jerey Arnold Christians, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Major Subject: Chemical Engineering
Dissertation: Mesostructured in Film Solar Cells:
Examining Hole Transfer Mechanisms and Device Stability
Director: Dr. Prashant V. Kamat
*John Paul Clay, South Bend, Indiana
Major Subject: Chemical Engineering
Dissertation: Comparison of Palladium and Platinum
Water Gas Shift Reaction Kinetics Using Density
Functional eory Models
Director: Dr. William F. Schneider
Lisa Elaine Cole, Cato, New York
Major Subject: Bioengineering
Dissertation: Bisphosphonate-Functionalized Gold
Nanoparticles as a Targeted X-Ray Contrast Agent
for Breast Microcalcications
Director: Dr. Ryan K. Roeder
Dustin Gregory Coleman, Easley, South Carolina
Major Subject: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: Towards a Low-Order Dynamic Stall Model
Using a Parametric Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
Director: Dr. Flint O. omas
Allison Janette Cross, Summit, Illinois
Major Subject: Chemical Engineering
Dissertation: Catalyst Design for Hydrogen
Production from Ethanol
Co-Directors: Dr. Alexander S. Mukasyan
and Dr. Eduardo E. Wolf
*Amin Doostmohammadi, Zanjan, Iran
Major Subject: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: Settling and Swimming in Stratied Fluids:
Rigid Particles to Self-Propelled Organisms
Director: Dr. Arezoo Ardekani
Callan Maire Driscoll, Butte, Montana
Major Subject: Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences
Dissertation: e Characterization of the Inuence of
Cations on the Surface Motility of P. aeuruginosa and the
Utilization of Novel Imaging Techniques
Director: Dr. Joshua D. Shrout
Daniel Peter Fagnant, Jr., Pomfret, Connecticut
Major Subject: Chemical Engineering
Dissertation: Solubility and Solvation of Metal
Species in Ionic Liquids
Director: Dr. Joan F. Brennecke
Fanghui Fan, Hebei, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Chemical Engineering
Dissertation: Risk Management of Energy Commodities 
Valuation and Optimization of an Energy Swap for a
Flexible Fuel Process and Energy Commodity Storage
Director: Dr. Jerey C. Kantor
Faiza Afroz Faria, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: MBE Growth of GaN Heterostructures
for High Performance HEMTs
Director: Dr. Debdeep Jena
Haoyun Feng, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Computer Science and Engineering
Dissertation: Ensemble Methods for Flux Calculation
Director: Dr. Jesús A. Izaguirre
**Shannon Lawson Flynn, Spooner, Wisconsin
Major Subject: Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences
Dissertation: Environmental Behavior of Metals
and Radionuclides
Director: Dr. Jeremy B. Fein
Fernando Antonio García Morales, Caracas, Venezuela
Major Subject: Chemical Engineering
Dissertation: Valuation of Chemical
Operations Under Uncertainty
Director: Dr. Jerey C. Kantor
omas Robert Gohndrone, Midland, Michigan
Major Subject: Chemical Engineering
Dissertation: Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism of the
Absorption of CO
in Amine Functionalized Ionic Liquids
Director: Dr. Joan F. Brennecke
**Jin Hao, Huanggang, Hubei, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: Aeroacoustics of Small Gaps and Steps in
Low-Mach-Number Turbulent Boundary Layers
Director: Dr. Meng Wang
**Joanna Ho, Cupertino, California
Major Subject: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: Experimental Investigation of the Eect
of Wall Suction on Cross-Flow Absolute Instability
in a Rotating Disk Boundary Layer
Director: Dr. omas C. Corke
**Shengyan Hong, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Computer Science and Engineering
Dissertation: Real-Time Scheduling in
Cyber-Physical Systems
Director: Dr. Xiaobo Sharon Hu
Mark Edward Hope, Chicago, Illinois
Major Subject: Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences
Dissertation: Examination and Validation of Winds, Waves,
and Storm Surge Processes for Hurricanes Ike (2008) and
Sandy (2012) and the Integration of Hydrologic Processes
into a Coastal Circulation Model
Director: Dr. Joannes J. Westerink
**Zongyang Hu, Henan, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: GaN HEMTs and MOSHEMTs for
Power Switching Applications
Director: Dr. Huili Grace Xing
Nicholas Andrew Jaa, Arlington, Virginia
Major Subject: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: Unsteady Measurement Techniques
for Turbomachinery Flows
Co-Directors: Dr. Joshua D. Cameron
and Dr. Scott C. Morris
Raj Kumar Jana, Kolkata, India
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Low-Power Electronic Devices
for Energy-Ecient Applications
Director: Dr. Debdeep Jena
**Erin Michele Johnson, Columbia City, Indiana
Major Subject: Bioengineering
Dissertation: Tribology of Large Diameter Head
Total Hip Devices
Director: Dr. Steven R. Schmid
*Mohammad Ashraf Ali Khan, Tangail, Bangladesh
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: ermomechanical Eects in Quilt Packaging
Co-Directors: Dr. Gary H. Bernstein
and Dr. Alfred M. Kriman
*Irena Lanc, London, Canada
Major Subject: Computer Science and Engineering
Dissertation: Novel Methods for Assembly
Validation and Improvement
Director: Dr. Scott J. Emrich
Guowang Li, Nanning, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Nitride Channels on Aluminum
Nitride: Materials and Devices
Director: Dr. Debdeep Jena
**Yingjie Li, Haiyan, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: Analysis of Ion-Enhanced Field Emission
and Field Emission-Driven Microdischarges
Director: Dr. David B. Go
*Jian Lin, Wenzhou, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences
Dissertation: New Insights into Lanthanide and
Actinide Tellurite Chemistry
Director: Dr. omas E. Albrecht-Schmitt
Jie Liu, Rizhao, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Design Problems in Distributed
Control of Multi-Agent Systems
Director: Dr. Vijay Gupta
Qili Liu, Bo Zhou, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: Turbulent Combustion in High
Mach Number Flows
Director: Dr. Hyungrok Do
Yeqing Lu, Zhejiang Haining, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Design and Fabrication of Vertical Tunnel
Transistors for Low-Power Logic Applications
Director: Dr. Patrick J. Fay
**José Emilio Lugo Ortiz, Lajas, Puerto Rico
Major Subject: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: Integrating Product Form Preference
into Engineering Design
Co-Directors: Dr. Stephen Batill
and Dr. James P. Schmiedeler
*Amaresh V. Malipatil, Gulbarga, India
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Parameter Estimation in Distributed Sensor
Networks and CFO Estimation in OFDM Systems
Director: Dr. Yih-Fang Huang
*Marjorie Danièle Massel, Le Muy, France
Major Subject: Chemical Engineering
Dissertation: ermodynamic and ermophysical
Properties of Ionic Liquid Mixtures
Director: Dr. Joan F. Brennecke
*Juan Camilo Medina, Bogota, Colombia
Major Subject: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: Optimization Under Uncertainty: Adaptive
Variance Reduction, Adaptive Metamodeling, and
Investigation of Robustness Measures
Director: Dr. Alexandros A. Taanidis
*Ebrahim MolavianJazi, Isfahan, Iran
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: A Unied Approach to Gaussian
Channels with Finite Blocklength
Director: Dr. J. Nicholas Laneman
**Jian Mu, Nantong, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Computer Science and Engineering
Dissertation: New Algorithms for Biomedical Image
Processing and Computer Vision Problems
Director: Dr. Danny Z. Chen
Gregory omas Neumann, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Major Subject: Chemical Engineering
Dissertation: Tailoring the Active Site and Mesostructure of
ZSM-5 for Deoxygenation and C-C Bond Coupling Reactions
Director: Dr. Jason C. Hicks
Gaurav Nigam, Kanpur, India
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Base Station Cooperation in Downlink
Heterogeneous Cellular Networks
Director: Dr. Paolo Minero
**Cynthia Marie Nikolai, South Bend, Indiana
Major Subject: Computer Science and Engineering
Dissertation: SimEOC: A Virtual Emergency Operations
Center (vEOC) Simulator for Training and Research
Director: Dr. Gregory R. Madey
Dinesh Rajan Pandiarajan, Madurai, India
Major Subject: Computer Science and Engineering
Dissertation: Principles for the Design and Operation of
Elastic Scientic Applications on Distributed Systems
Director: Dr. Douglas L. ain
**Juan Pablo Pavissich Bartolozzi, Santiago, Chile
Major Subject: Civil and Environmental Engineering
and Earth Sciences
Dissertation: Eects of Biolm Morphological and
Mechanical Heterogeneity on Treatment Systems: An
Assessment via Experiments and Modeling
Director: Dr. Robert Nerenberg
Kristi Lynn Pellegrini, Homer Glen, Illinois
Major Subject: Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences
Dissertation: Solid State and Aqueous Behavior of
Uranyl Peroxide Cage Clusters
Director: Dr. Peter C. Burns
Michael William Penninger, Niles, Michigan
Major Subject: Chemical Engineering
Dissertation: Simulation of NO Oxidation Catalysis
on Perovskite Catalysts
Director: Dr. William F. Schneider
**Ethan Perez, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Major Subject: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: Entropy Generation in a Highly-Loaded,
Axial Turbine
Director: Dr. Scott C. Morris
**Lionel Obadiah Pittman, Jr., Chicago, Illinois
Major Subject: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: Aerothermal Experiments in Turbine Rim Seals
Director: Dr. Scott C. Morris
Seemit Praharaj, Bhubaneswar, India
Major Subject: Chemical Engineering
Dissertation: Particle Migration in Conned Shear Flows
Director: Dr. David T. Leighton, Jr.
Christopher Michael Romick, Chesterland, Ohio
Major Subject: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: On the Eect of Diusion on
Gaseous Detonation
Director: Dr. Joseph M. Powers
**Raymond Paul Seekell III, Holliston, Massachusetts
Major Subject: Chemical Engineering
Dissertation: Dynamics of Dense Microgel Suspensions
Director: Dr. Yingxi Elaine Zhu
Amanda Jean Sgroi, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Major Subject: Computer Science and Engineering
Dissertation: Exploration of the Impostor Score
Distribution for Face-Based Biometrics
Co-Directors: Dr. Kevin W. Bowyer
and Dr. Patrick J. Flynn
Faisal Ahmed Shah, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Exchange-Biased Magnetic Multilayers
for Nanomagnet Logic Applications
Director: Dr. Gary H. Bernstein
Akash Sharma, New Delhi, India, posthumously
Major Subject: Chemical Engineering
Director: Dr. Edward J. Maginn
**Feng Shen, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Computer Science and Engineering
Dissertation: A Visually Interpretable Iris Recognition
System with Crypt Features
Director: Dr. Patrick J. Flynn
Adam Edwin Smith, Kresgeville, Pennsylvania
Major Subject: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: Evaluation of Passive Boundary Layer Flow
Control Techniques for Aero-Optic Mitigation
Co-Directors: Dr. Stanislav Gordeyev
and Dr. Eric J. Jumper
Nisha Srinivas, Bangalore, India
Major Subject: Computer Science and Engineering
Dissertation: Analysis of Facial Marks as Biometric
Signatures for Forensic Facial Identication
Director: Dr. Patrick J. Flynn
*Jared Francis Stefanick, Tallahassee, Florida
Major Subject: Chemical Engineering
Dissertation: Design of Ligand-Targeted Nanoparticles
for Enhanced Cancer Targeting
Director: Dr. Zihni B. Bilgicer
Chad Allen Stephenson, Wilmore, Kentucky
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Growth and Simulation of
Direct Bandgap Germanium Alloys
Director: Dr. Mark Wistey
Farzad Talebi, Ghazvin, Iran
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Stochastic Multipath Modeling of
Wideband Polarized MIMO Channels
Director: Dr. omas G. Pratt
Daniel Taller, San Jose, California
Major Subject: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: Surface Acoustic Wave Microuidics:
Droplets, Pinned Liquid Films, and Biodetection
Co-Directors: Dr. Hsueh-Chia Chang
and Dr. David B. Go
*Joseph W. ompson, South Bend, Indiana
Major Subject: Computer Science and Engineering
Dissertation: Simulation and Analysis of the Impact of
Eye Morphology on Iris Recognition
Director: Dr. Patrick J. Flynn
Amit Kumar Verma, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Modulating Extreme Electron Densities
in Complex Oxides
Director: Dr. Debdeep Jena
**Yunshan Wang, Wuhu, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Chemical Engineering
Dissertation: Novel Optical Biosensors: Singular
Intensity Amplication and Molecular Trapping
Enhancement at Nanoscales
Director: Dr. Hsueh-Chia Chang
Lai Wei, Shenyang, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes and
Cooperative Communication
Co-Directors: Dr. Daniel J. Costello, Jr.
and Dr. omas E. Fuja
*Ernest Miller Wylie, Gainesville, Georgia
Major Subject: Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences
Dissertation: Crystal Chemistry and Application
Development of Uranyl Extended Structure and Nanoscale
Materials and Actinyl Ion-Substituted Mineral Phases
Director: Dr. Peter C. Burns
Meng Xia, JiNan, ShanDong, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Analysis and Design of Cyber-Physical
Systems Using Passivity and Passivation
Director: Dr. Panos J. Antsaklis
Yang Yang, Yangzhou, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Computer Science and Engineering
Dissertation: Network Dynamics: A Social
Inuence Perspective
Director: Dr. Nitesh V. Chawla
**Ravi Kiran Yellavajjala, Bhimavaram, India
Major Subject: Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences
Dissertation: Micromechanics Based Simulation of
Ductile Fracture in Structural Steels
Director: Dr. Kapil Khandelwal
Qiang Yu, Chongqing, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences
Dissertation: e Role of Sulfhydryl Sites in Metal
Binding onto Bacterial Cells
Director: Dr. Jeremy B. Fein
*Yao Zhang, Jiangsu, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences
Dissertation: Boussinesq-Green-Naghdi Rotational
Water Wave eory
Director: Dr. Andrew B. Kennedy
Pei Zhao, Nanjing, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Novel High Frequency Devices
with Graphene and GaN
Director: Dr. Debdeep Jena
**Yingbo Zhao, Harbin, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Fundamental Limitations in
Networked Control Systems
Director: Dr. Vijay Gupta
**Quanling Zheng, e Woodlands, Texas
Major Subject: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation: Investigation of the Mechanical and
ermal Reliability of Quilt Packaging
Co-Directors: Dr. Gary H. Bernstein
and Dr. Alfred M. Kriman
**James Lynn Zokoe, Jr., Grand Rapids, Michigan
Major Subject: Chemical Engineering
Dissertation: Investigation of Potassium Containing
Glass Coatings as Diesel Soot Oxidation Catalysts
Director: Dr. Paul J. McGinn
College of Science
**Aanuoluwa Adeola Adelani, Iworo-Ijebu, Nigeria
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Genetic Approaches and erapeutic
Strategies Against Severe Malaria
Director: Dr. Kasturi Haldar
Anthony August Battaglia, Palatine, Illinois
Major Subject: Physics
Dissertation: Conversion Coecient
Measurements of
Lu Using ICEBall
Director: Dr. Ani Aprahamian
James Benn, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Major Subject: Mathematics
Dissertation: e L
Geometry of the
Symplectomorphism Group
Director: Dr. Gerard K. Misiolek
*Daniel Smith Borkowski, Ludlow, Massachusetts
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Rangewide Population Genetics and
Genomics of Quercus rubra L.
Director: Dr. Jeanne Romero-Severson
**Jill Jena' Bouchard, Billings, Montana
Major Subject: Biochemistry
Dissertation: Ensemble Interpretation of Domain Mobility
in Modular Protein Pin1 by NMR and Molecular Dynamics
Director: Dr. Jerey W. Peng
Cassandra Louise Buchheit, Waterloo, Illinois
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Elucidating Cell Death Mechanisms in
Extracellular Matrix-Detached Epithelial Cells
Director: Dr. Zachary T. Schafer
Amy Lyn Buchmann, Renton, Washington
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
Dissertation: Mathematical and Computational
Modeling of Bacterial Motility and Swarming
Director: Dr. Mark S. Alber
Vishwanatha K. Chandrahas, South Bend, Indiana
Major Subject: Biochemistry
Dissertation: Sequence Diversity in Streptokinase and
M-Proteins, eir Co-Inheritance and Functional
Relationships in Group A Streptococcal Virulence
Director: Dr. Francis J. Castellino
Julie Lynn Chaney, Lafayette, Indiana
Major Subject: Biochemistry
Dissertation: Selection for Synonymous Codon Usage
Director: Dr. Patricia L. Clark
Weiye Chen, Suzhou, Jiangsu, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
Dissertation: Penalized Methods and eir Applications
to Genetic Research and Economic Forecasting
Director: Dr. Jiahan Li
**Matthew James Cooper, Mount Pleasant, Michigan
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Structure and Function of Great
Lakes Coastal Wetlands
Director: Dr. Gary A. Lamberti
*Justin Neil Cross, Tallahassee, Florida
Major Subject: Chemistry
Dissertation: Tuning Actinide Complexes rough
Structure and Oxidation State
Director: Dr. omas E. Albrecht-Schmitt
Quinn Edward Culver, South Bend, Indiana
Major Subject: Mathematics
Dissertation: Topics in Algorithmic Randomness
and Eective Probability
Director: Dr. Peter A. Cholak
Jamie L. Dawson, Phoenix, Arizona
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Trans-Splicing Group I Introns Targeting
Highly Conserved HIV-1 Sequences Coupled with Induction
of Apoptosis Are Eective Mediators of Viral Suppression
Director: Dr. Malcolm J. Fraser, Jr.
**David Gary Flagel, Manchester, Wisconsin
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Trophic Cascades with Mammals in
a Northern Great Lakes Forest
Director: Dr. Gary E. Belovsky
Nicholas Salvatore Geraci, Cincinnati, Ohio
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Proling of Host Immune Responses to
Leishmania Parasites and Phlebotomine Arthropod
Vectors via Investigations of MicroRNA Regulation
and Acquired Immunity
Director: Dr. Mary A. McDowell
Gary Frederick Gerlach II, Port Huron, Michigan
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Development of the Zebrash Pronephros:
Cellular and Genetic Analysis of Nephron Tubulogenesis
and Segment Patterning
Director: Dr. Rebecca A. Wingert
Renato Ghini Bettiol, Campinas, Brazil
Major Subject: Mathematics
Dissertation: On Dierent Notions of Positivity of Curvature
Director: Dr. Karsten Grove
**Joseph Bartholomew Gianino, Lake Orion, Michigan
Major Subject: Chemistry
Dissertation: Development of Titanocene-Catalyzed
Multicomponent Coupling Reactions
Director: Dr. Brandon L. Ashfeld
Ryne Andrew Gorsuch, Albion, Indiana
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Sox2 Is Necessary and Sucient to
Induce Mller Glia Reprogramming and Proliferation
in the Regenerating Zebrash Retina
Director: Dr. David R. Hyde
Kara Marie Harmatys, Homer Glen, Illinois
Major Subject: Biochemistry
Dissertation: Fluorescence Molecular Imaging and
Photothermal erapy Using Small Molecules
Director: Dr. Bradley D. Smith
*Paul Vincent Hickner, Anderson, Indiana
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Enhancement of Genome Investigations and
Analysis of Diapause Induction in Culex pipiens Mosquitoes
Director: Dr. David W. Severson
*Casey Lanea Hill, Sweetwater, Texas
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: e Holistic Inuences and Dynamics
of the Aedes aegypti Microbiome
Director: Dr. David W. Severson
**Justin Mathew Hilyard, La Grande, Oregon
Major Subject: Mathematics
Dissertation: Various Results on Enumerations
of Graph Homomorphisms
Director: Dr. David Galvin
Douglas Allen Hines, Manseld, Ohio
Major Subject: Chemistry
Dissertation: Excited State Reactions at the
Quantum Dot Surface
Director: Dr. Prashant V. Kamat
John Marshall Holmes, Williamsville, New York
Major Subject: Mathematics
Dissertation: e Cauchy Problem for Several
Nonlinear Evolution Equations
Director: Dr. A. Alexandrou Himonas
**Dawn Weseli Hopkins, Indianapolis, Indiana
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: e Genetic Control of Hematopoietic
Progenitor Fate in Drosophila
Director: Dr. Robert A. Schulz
Tian Jiang, Jinhua, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
Dissertation: Krylov Implicit Integration Factor WENO
Methods for Sti Advection-Diusion-Reaction Equations
Director: Dr. Yongtao Zhang
*Maria Olive Jobbins, Owen, Wisconsin
Major Subject: Chemistry
Dissertation: Syntheses of Hydroxamic
Acid-Containing Bicyclic ß-Lactam Cores
Director: Dr. Marvin J. Miller
*Santosh Kandel, Gorkha, Nepal
Major Subject: Mathematics
Dissertation: Examples of Riemannian Functorial
Quantum Field eory
Director: Dr. Stephan A. Stolz
George Maxwell Ibars Kennedy, Fresno, California
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Identication and Characterization of
Novel Loci Required for ESX-1 Protein Secretion in
Mycobacterium marinum
Director: Dr. Patricia A. Champion
*Nicole Rae Kroeger, Apex, North Carolina
Major Subject: Mathematics
Dissertation: Coisotropic Subalgebras of Standard
Complex Semisimple Lie Bialgebras
Director: Dr. Samuel R. Evens
Shailaja Kunda, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Major Subject: Biochemistry
Dissertation: Structural and Functional Relationships of
N-Methyl-D-Aspartate-Receptor Specic Antagonistic
Peptides from the Conus Species of Marine Snails
Director: Dr. Francis J. Castellino
**Victoria Katherine Lam, San Francisco, California
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Regulation and Development of the
Drosophila Hematopoietic Progenitor Niche
Director: Dr. Robert A. Schulz
Matthew omas Leming, Wichita, Kansas
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Light-Dark and Circadian Eects
on the Visual Response of Aedes aegypti
Director: Dr. Joseph E. O'Tousa
Yue Li, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Understanding the Molecular Mechanisms of
Renal Progenitor Patterning During Zebrash Nephrogenesis
Director: Dr. Rebecca A. Wingert
*Collin Michael Lines, South Bend, Indiana
Major Subject: Physics
Dissertation: Simulations and Experiments of
Photon Propagation in Biological Tissue and
Liquid Crystal Waveguides
Director: Dr. Gregory P. Crawford
**Candice Yango Lumibao, Quezon City, Philippines
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Genetic Legacies of 10,000 Years of
Environmental Changes on Forest Trees
Director: Dr. Jason S. McLachlan
*Fengqiao Luo, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Physics
Dissertation: Can Nuclear Structure Be Revealed
in a Reduced Model Space?
Director: Dr. Mark A. Caprio
**Todd Alexander Major, Dorr, Michigan
Major Subject: Chemistry
Dissertation: Acoustic Vibrations of Single Suspended
Gold Nanostructures
Director: Dr. Gregory V. Hartland
*James Mathew Marr, Greenville, Michigan
Major Subject: Chemistry
Dissertation: Atomic Force Microscopy and Raman
Spectroscopy Experiments with Molecular Dynamics
for the Study of Field-Dependent Chemical and
Morphological Changes
Co-Directors: Dr. J. Daniel Gezelter
and Dr. Zachary D. Schultz
**Rachel Nduku Masyuko, Nairobi, Kenya
Major Subject: Chemistry
Dissertation: Correlated Imaging by Confocal Raman
Microscopy and Mass Spectrometry for Studying
Microbial and Plant Systems: Going Beyond Single
Technique Limitations
Director: Dr. Paul W. Bohn
*Timothy Michael McCoy, South Bend, Indiana
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
Dissertation: Mesh-Expanding Homotopies and Numerical
Irreducible Decompostion Over a Number Field
Director: Dr. Andrew J. Sommese
**Nathan Alan Meredith, Evansville, Indiana
Major Subject: Chemistry
Dissertation: Inuences on Neptunium
Incorporation in Uranyl Phases
Co-Directors: Dr. Peter C. Burns
and Dr. omas E. Albrecht-Schmitt
*Chad David Meyer, South Bend, Indiana
Major Subject: Physics
Dissertation: Computational Models of Molecular
Clouds—Connection with Observation and eory
Director: Dr. Dinshaw S. Balsara
**Darshana Chandrakant Patel, Mumbai, India
Major Subject: Physics
Dissertation: A Study of the Isoscalar Giant Monopole
Resonance: e Role of Symmetry Energy in Nuclear
Incompressibility in the Open-Shell Nuclei
Director: Dr. Umesh Garg
**Ali Zeeshan Raja, Schererville, Indiana
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Deciphering the Role of MPS-1 in
the Regulation of Kinetochore Assembly
Director: Dr. Kevin T. Vaughan
Sarah Catherine Rei, Mount Prospect, Illinois
Major Subject: Physics
Dissertation: Radiation Induced Chemical Activity
at Iron and Copper Oxide Surfaces
Co-Directors: Dr. Jay LaVerne
and Dr. Michael C. Wiescher
Alexander Joseph Reisinger, Seward, Nebraska
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Assessing the Role of the Water Column
in Nutrient Dynamics of Lotic Ecosystems
Director: Dr. Jennifer L. Tank
Yihui Ren, Urumqi, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Physics
Dissertation: Betweenness Centrality and Its
Applications from Modeling Trac Flows to Network
Community Detection
Director: Dr. Zoltán Toroczkai
Douglas Robert Rice, Salem, Oregon
Major Subject: Biochemistry
Dissertation: Molecular Imaging Using Nanoparticles
and Small Molecules
Director: Dr. Bradley D. Smith
**Katherine Meredith Rue, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Major Subject: Physics
Dissertation: e Structure and Origins of the ick
Disk Interstellar Medium
Director: Dr. Jay C. Howk
Gilbert Saint Jean, Jr., Miami, Florida
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: e Eects of Geography and Host Plant
Relationships on the Population Genetics of Fruit Flies
in the Rhagoletis cingulata (Diptera: Tephritidae) Sibling
Species Group
Director: Dr. Jerey L. Feder
**Sukesh Shekar, New Delhi, India
Major Subject: Chemistry
Dissertation: Part 1: Molybdenum Amidophenolates and
Catecholates for Nonclassical Oxygen Activation and Atom
Transfer Reactions Part 2: Silicon-Carbon Bond Activation
in Aryloxy-Iminoquinones and Enhanced Reactivity
Over Tin Analogues
Director: Dr. Seth N. Brown
Mary Caitlin Sherman, Ligonier, Pennsylvania
Major Subject: Chemistry
Dissertation: Nonadiabatic Dynamics and Path Sampling
Methods: A New Perspective on the Simulation of
Charge Transfer Reactions in the Condensed Phase
Director: Dr. Steven A. Corcelli
Ali Patrick Snedden, South Bend, Indiana
Major Subject: Physics
Dissertation: Evolution of Baryons in Cosmic
Large-Scale Structure
Co-Directors: Dr. Jay C. Howk
and Dr. Lara Arielle Phillips
Jennifer Laura Starner-Kreinbrink, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
Major Subject: Biochemistry
Dissertation: Investigating B-Sheet Folding and Aggregation
Director: Dr. Patricia L. Clark
*Kelsey Marie Stocker, Grants Pass, Oregon
Major Subject: Chemistry
Dissertation: Development and Application of
Non-Periodic and Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics
Simulation Methods
Director: Dr. J. Daniel Gezelter
Wenzhao Sun, Nanchang, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
Dissertation: A Computational Model for Developmental
Biology with Parallel Implementation on Graphical
Processing Unit
Director: Dr. Zhiliang Xu
Rashi Talwar, New Delhi, India
Major Subject: Physics
Dissertation: Stellar Neutron Sources and
s-Process in Massive Stars
Director: Dr. Michael C. Wiescher
Ryan Cole ompson, Blairsville, Georgia
Major Subject: Mathematics
Dissertation: e Cauchy Problem for the CH2 System
Director: Dr. Alex Himonas Alexandrou
Iogann Tolbatov, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Major Subject: Physics
Dissertation: Electronic Structure Studies of
Electron-and X-Ray-Irradiated Molecules
Co-Directors: Dr. Daniel M. Chipman
and Dr. Sylwia Ptasinska
Cameron Richard Turner, Paradise, California
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Environmental DNA from Aquatic
Macrobiota and Its Use in Ecosystem Monitoring
Director: Dr. David M. Lodge
**Abigail A. Weaver, South Bend, Indiana
Major Subject: Biochemistry
Dissertation: e Development of Field Friendly
Tools for Pharmaceutical Analysis
Co-Directors: Dr. Holly V. Goodson
and Dr. Marya Lieberman
Erin Elizabeth Wilson, Conway, South Carolina
Major Subject: Chemistry
Dissertation: Phosphorus Mediated Reactions Toward the
Advancement of CN and CC Bond Formations
Director: Dr. Brandon L. Ashfeld
*Matthew Ryan Wilson, Goose Creek, South Carolina
Major Subject: Chemistry
Dissertation: Synthesis, Conformational Analysis, and
Biological Evaluation of the Potent Microtubule-Stabilizing
Agents, ()-Zampanolide and ()-Dactylolide
Director: Dr. Richard E. Taylor
**Nicole Marie Windmon, Coconut Creek, Florida
Major Subject: Chemistry
Dissertation: e Development of Novel Heteroatom-
Activated Acylating Agents: Potential Beta-Lactam Mimics
Director: Dr. Marvin J. Miller
**Hui Yu, Haimen, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Biochemistry
Dissertation: Function of Lipid Binding Ability of Nedd4
on Its Regulation of PTEN and Other Substrates
Director: Dr. Robert V. Stahelin
Peng Zhou, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Roles of Chronic Alcohol Feeding and the ID2
Gene in the Regulation of Circadian and Metabolic Function
Director: Dr. Giles E. Dueld
* Graduated August 3, 2014
** Graduated January 4, 2015
Jonah Mbazor Aboni, Accra, Ghana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
**Ruth Janelle Adam, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Degree: Master of eological Studies
Major Subject: eology
Ebenezer Akesseh, Ajumako Besease, Ghana
Degree: Master of eological Studies
Jordan Amspacher, Bualo, New York
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Early Christian Studies
*Katherine Diane Anderson, Franklin, Ohio
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
*Mary Rebecca Anderson, Williamsburg, Virginia
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Samantha Faith Anderson, Waukesha, Wisconsin
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Psychology
Title: Questioning Kindling: An Analysis of Cycle
Acceleration in Unipolar Depression
Director: Dr. Scott M. Monroe
Eduardo José Andino, Jackson Heights, New York
Degree: Master of eological Studies
Elizabeth Carlin Anton, San Francisco, California
Degree: Master of Education
Jesse Siragan Arlen, San Luis Obispo, California
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Early Christian Studies
Ashley Armendariz, Bedford, Texas
Degree: Master of Education
**Cliord Stuart Arnold, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: History and Philosophy of Science
*Sylvia Marie Artiles, Hurst, Texas
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Katherine Ann Baglini, Phoenix, Arizona
Degree: Master of Education
Rachel Lynn Banke, Shabbona, Illinois
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: History
Brendan Spellacy Barker, Media, Pennsylvania
Degree: Master of Sacred Music
Lauren Renee Barnett, Louisville, Kentucky
Degree: Master of Education
*Crystal Louise Barthel, Camby, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
*Debra Lynn Baum, Ligonier, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Hali Nicole Beebe, Pensacola, Florida
Degree: Master of eological Studies
*Jessica Elaine Hagan Bennett, Whitesville, Kentucky
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
*Andrea Dawn Beyke, Mount Carmel, Illinois
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Fernando Augusto Bizzarro Neto, Descalvado, Brazil
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Political Science
Jessica Marie Blaxton, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Psychology
Title: A Process-Oriented Perspective Examining the
Relationships Between Daily Coping, Stress, and Aect
Director: Dr. Cindy S. Bergeman
*Stephanie Ruth Blumenson, Santa Clara, California
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
Katheryn Bay Bodie, Hampton, Virginia
Degree: Master of Education
Rachel Whitney Boggs, Orlando, Florida
Degree: Master of Education
Nicholas Edward Bonneau, Providence, Rhode Island
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: History
Sarah Lovejoy Bosha, Harare, Zimbabwe
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Luis Felipe Botero, Bogota, Colombia
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Anne Margaret Boyle, Elmhurst, Illinois
Degree: Master of eological Studies
*Heather Marie Boyle, Victor, New York
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
Sean Patrick Brani, Elk Grove, California
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Political Science
Melanie Matre Brintnall, Wheaton, Illinois
Degree: Master of Education
Jace omas Brittain, Fallbrook, California
Degree: Master of Fine Arts
Major Subject: English
Title: Dumm Film: A Novel
Director: Prof. Joyelle McSweeney
Jenna Nicole Brumleve, Louisville, Kentucky
Degree: Master of Education
Dallas Matthew Bunsa, Basking Ridge, New Jersey
Degree: Master of Education
*Sr. Mary Catherine Bykerk, C.K., Lincoln, Nebraska
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
*Richard Francisco Camino-Gaztambide, Macon, Georgia
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Karen Kateri Campion, Silver Spring, Maryland
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Jamie Lynn Caporizo, Stamford, Connecticut
Degree: Master of Sacred Music
*Amber Rose Carlson, Saint Augusta, Minnesota
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Philosophy
Andrea Marie Carrera, Rancho Santa Margarita, California
Degree: Master of Education
Kevin Michael Casey, Saint Louis, Missouri
Degree: Master of Education
Alejandro Castrillon, Miami, Florida
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Romance Languages and Literature
Brett Robert Cavanaugh, Metamora, Michigan
Degree: Master of Education
*Shannon Marie Chisholm, Londonderry, New Hampshire
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Benjamin Robert Chleboun, Chicago, Illinois
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Sociology
Title: Negotiated Gratitude: Resettled Refugees
and Social Support
Director: Dr. Erika M. Summers-Eer
Rachel C. Chow, Nutley, New Jersey
Degree: Master of eological Studies
Joseph Andrew Ciskanik, Locust Grove, Virginia
Degree: Master of Sacred Music
**Karen Michelle Clausen-Brown, Walla Walla, Washington
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: English
*omas Ryan Coast, Phoenix, Arizona
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
*John Charles Cole, Salt Spring Island, Canada
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Liam Richard Concannon, West Roxbury, Massachusetts
Degree: Master of Education
**Katie Condit, Bend, Oregon
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Sociology
Title: Special Education and Dropout: Does School
Context Matter?
Director: Dr. William J. Carbonaro
Megan Elizabeth Costantini, Hamilton Square, New Jersey
Degree: Master of Divinity
Major Subject: eology
Kevin Patrick Coughlin, North Easton, Massachusetts
Degree: Master of Education
*Jacqueline Marie Crider, Jeerson City, Missouri
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
**Anthony Joseph Cunningham, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Psychology
Title: Stressing Sleep: e Impact of Psychosocial
Stress on Sleep and Emotional Memory Consolidation
Director: Dr. Jessica D. Payne
Paul Edward Cunningham, Monaca, Pennsylvania
Degree: Master of Fine Arts
Major Subject: English
Title: e House of the Tree of Sores
Director: Dr. Johannes Grannsson
Julie Wernick Dallavis, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Sociology
Title: Religious High Schools and Gender Socialization:
Examining Postsecondary Outcomes of College Degree
and Choice of Major
Director: Dr. David H. Sikkink
Prashan Asiri Jonathan De Visser, Wattala, Sri Lanka
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Title: e Role of Youth in Transforming Conict
Director: Dr. James D. Philpott
*Michael Robert Debri, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
Kaleen Francis DeFilippis, Homer Glen, Illinois
Degree: Master of Education
Lorenzo Dell'Oso, Guardiagrele, Italy
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Romance Languages and Literature
Title: Litre de Stampa son Caliginose: e Role of
Filippo Da Strada (14501505) in the Debate on
Printing in Renaissance Italy
Co-Directors: Dr. Margaret H. Meserve and
Dr. Christian R. Moevs
Benjamin omas DeMarais, Winona, Minnesota
Degree: Master of Education
*Robin A. Dembro, Los Angeles, California
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Philosophy
Anne Elizabeth DeMott, Holland, Michigan
Degree: Master of Education
John Alan Di Tillo, Hannibal, Missouri
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Title: On Solid Ground: Critical Perspectives on
Peace, Ecology, and Education in the 21
Director: Dr. John Paul Lederach
Jonathan Adriel Diaz, Los Angeles, California
Degree: Master of Fine Arts
Major Subject: English
Title: Cantiche
Director: Dr. Orlando R. Menes
William Gerard Dolan, Northbrook, Illinois
Degree: Master of Education
Michael Omalley Donnelly, Park Ridge, Illinois
Degree: Master of Education
Samantha Jane Dotterweich, Sacramento, California
Degree: Master of Sacred Music
Allyn Elizabeth Doyle, Merrimack, New Hampshire
Degree: Master of Education
Emily Zilda Dubie, Faireld, Vermont
Degree: Master of eological Studies
Michael Ross Duryea, Palmetto, Florida
Degree: Master of Sacred Music
Carolyn Ann Edlebeck, Waupaca, Wisconsin
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Erik Zachary Dowden Ellis, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Degree: Master of Medieval Studies
*Maria Isabel Francesca Palma Eugenio, Woodbridge,
Ontario, Canada
Degree: Master of Education
Allison Olivia Evans, Florence, South Carolina
Degree: Master of Fine Arts
Major Subject: Art Studio
Title: Between Something and Nothing:
Phenomenological Light Studies
Director: Prof. Richard L. Gray
*Kathleen Felong-Pietrusinski, Erie, Pennsylvania
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Laura Michelle Fernandez, Hampton, Virginia
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Romance Languages and Literature
*Ellen Martina Fisher, Napa, California
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
**Samuel Kevin Fisher, Bualo, New York
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: History
Lailatul Fitriyah, Jember, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Title: Muslim Peacebuilders of Ambon: A Story of
Building Peace After Interreligious Violence
Director: Dr. Mun'im Sirry
Iain Scott Flannery, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Degree: Master of Education
*Nicholas James Fonte, Alexandria, Virginia
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
Florencia Foxley, Washington, District of Columbia
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Classics
Title: Models of Motherhood? Alcestis and
Medea as Hero Figures
Director: Dr. Christopher A. Baron
Peter Andrew Freddoso, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of eological Studies
Major Subject: eology
Ryan Edward Gallagher, Duluth, Minnesota
Degree: Master of Education
Kevin omas Gallin, Yonkers, New York
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: English
*Francesca Catarina Garcia, San Antonio, Texas
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Connor Cavanaugh Geraghty, Tiburon, California
Degree: Master of Education
*Zachary Kyle German, Granger, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Political Science
Olena Gorbatenko, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
Degree: Master of eological Studies
Donald Charles Green, Cleveland, Ohio
Degree: Master of Education
*Adam Scott Groebner, Richeld, Minnesota
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
*Stephen Michael Guerrero, Sr., Midlothian, Texas
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
Janice Gunther, Mishawaka, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: History
Yesenia Guzman, Houston, Texas
Degree: Master of Education
Lauren Patricia Hamilton, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania
Degree: Master of Education
*Caleb Michael Hamman, Walkerton, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Political Science
Greer Erin Hannan, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Divinity
Major Subject: eology
James Woerner Haring III, Columbus, Ohio
Degree: Master of eological Studies
Eric Russell Harper, Chicago, Illinois
Degree: Master of Education
Julia M. Harris, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Degree: Master of Fine Arts
Major Subject: English
Title: Dodge & Burn
Director: Dr. Orlando R. Menes
Matthew Harmon Hatch, Aztec, New Mexico
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Romance Languages and Literature
Audree Danell Heath, Wilmington, Ohio
Degree: Master of eological Studies
*Patrick Charles Higgins, Wilsonville, Oregon
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Savannah Jane Hobbs, Denton, Nebraska
Degree: Master of Education
Matthew Earle Hovde, C.S.C., Miami, Florida
Degree: Master of Divinity
Major Subject: eology
Nathaniel Ryan Huston, Carthage, Illinois
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Political Science
*Jason Richard Huther, Toledo, Ohio
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
Hudda Omar Ibrahim, Arlington, Virginia
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Title: e Role of Traditional Somali Model in
Peacemaking: Why Reconciliation Was Maintained
in Somaliland but Disintegrated in South of Somalia
Director: Dr. James D. Philpott
Patricia Enedudu Idoko, Gusau, Nigeria
Degree: Master of eological Studies
*Erica Beth Jackson, Dalton, Ohio
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
John Norman Jackson, North Canton, Ohio
Degree: Master of Education
*Sophie Ann Jacobucci, Denver, Colorado
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
eodore George Janiszewski, Rochester, New York
Degree: Master of eological Studies
Jelena (Gordana) Jankovic, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Elizabeth Caitlin Jen, Chappaqua, New York
Degree: Master of Education
omas Lowell Jensen, Berlin, Wisconsin
Degree: Master of Education
Brian Michael Jerger, Oak Lawn, Illinois
Degree: Master of Education
Allison Lee Jeter, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Education
*Lee omas Jirovsky, Hastings, Nebraska
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
Jessica BreAnna Jones, Chicago, Illinois
Degree: Master of Education
*Cara Alyssa Joyce, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
Mitchell D. Kajzer, Granger, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Psychology
Title: Memorability of Computer Security Posters
as Aected by Message Type
Director: Dr. Charles R. Crowell
Rachel Damaris Kaltho, Allen, Michigan
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Early Christian Studies
*Megan Kanatzar, Little Rock, Arkansas
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Michael John Kennedy, Palos Heights, Illinois
Degree: Master of Education
*James Senghuor Khun, Lynn, Massachusetts
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Political Science
Yemsrach Endale Kidane, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
*Matthew Charles Kiernan, Coronado, California
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Muhammet Tahir Kilavuz, Bursa, Turkey
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Political Science
Robert J. Kiley, Cincinnati, Ohio
Degree: Master of Divinity
Major Subject: eology
Jessica Mannen Kimmet, North Plains, Oregon
Degree: Master of Divinity
Major Subject: eology
**Madeleine Marie Klem, Livermore, California
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: History
Kelly Marie Koeth, Staten Island, New York
Degree: Master of Education
Major Subject: Education
*Julie Maura Labelle, Indialantic, Florida
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Lauren Elizabeth LaMore, Grand Haven, Michigan
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Romance Languages and Literature
**Stephanie Anne Larew, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Psychology
Title: Dissociation as a Cross-Cutting Dimension:
Relations with Aectivity, Personality, and Psychopathology
Director: Dr. David B. Watson
Crystal Hye-Yeon Lee, Walnut, California
Degree: Master of Education
Ying Liang, Guangzhou, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Deandra Bari Lieberman, Tyler, Texas
Degree: Master of Education
*Stacey Susanne Lingle, La Porte, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
*Jason Alexander Linster, Monroe, Michigan
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
Yin Liu, Huainan, Anhui, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: History
Benjamin Liufoa Liupaogo, San Francisco, California
Degree: Master of Sacred Music
*Andrew Madison Long, Saint Louis, Missouri
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
Janelle Valencia Louis, Beverly, Massachusetts
Degree: Master of Education
Jianyu Lu, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Economics
Vittoria Luchini, Naples, Italy
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Romance Languages and Literature
Title: Il divo dei poveri: Totó's Journey from
Rags to Fame
Director: Dr. John P. Welle
Michelle Lynn Luna, Pico Rivera, California
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Romance Languages and Literature
Leanne MacDonald, British Columbia, Canada
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: English
Jaime Lynne Malandra, Allentown, Pennsylvania
Degree: Master of Education
Leah Nicole Malm, Plymouth, Michigan
Degree: Master of Education
Matthew Paul Maloney, Providence, Rhode Island
Degree: Master of Education
Aaron Singh Mann, Fairbanks, Alaska
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: English
Title: Reading Military Character in Tim O'Brien's
e ings ey Carried and Phil Klay's Redeployment
Director: Dr. Sandra M. Gustafson
omas Alexander Mann, Jr., Crestwood, Kentucky
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Romance Languages and Literature
Sarah Edmands Martin, Boyds, Maryland
Degree: Master of Fine Arts
Major Subject: Design
Title: e Princess & the Beast: Worlds of
Storied Experience in the Ribbon City
Director: Prof. Robert P. Sedlack
Maria Feliz Jacinta Martinez Hernandez, Denver, Colorado
Degree: Master of Education
Stephen Mckenzie Mattingly, Cincinnati, Ohio
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Psychology
Title: e Impact of Stress and Cortisol on the
Emotional Memory Trade-O Eect
Director: Dr. Jessica D. Payne
*Timothy Flynn McCauley, Atlanta, Georgia
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Amber Rose McChesney-Young, Berkeley, California
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Philip Joel McClanahan, Gallup, New Mexico
Degree: Master of eological Studies
Michael Joseph McDonald, Granger, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
*Christina Grace McDonnell, Rocky Point, New York
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Psychology
Title: Mother-Child Reminiscing At-Risk:
Maternal Attachment, Elaboration, and Child
Autobiographical Memory Specicity
Director: Dr. Kristin Valentino
Steven Christian McDowell, Centennial, Colorado
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Political Science
Timothy Raymond William McEvoy, Lafayette, New Jersey
Degree: Master of Education
Russell Christopher McFall, Calabasas Hills, California
Degree: Master of Education
*Joshua Alan McIntire, New Concord, Ohio
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: History
Mary Beth McLean, Elmhurst, Illinois
Degree: Master of Education
Margaret Adel McMillan, Williamsburg, Virginia
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: English
**Kevin Joseph Melchiorri, Natick, Massachusetts
Degree: Master of Fine Arts
Major Subject: Design
Title: e Collaborative Tribe
Director: Prof. Paul A. Down
*Michael Mewborn, Carmel, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
**Kurt Edward Milberger, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: English
Sarah Miller, Houston, Texas
Degree: Master of Education
*Caitlin Spencer Mills, Collierville, Tennessee
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Psychology
Title: How Do Extrinsic Value and Text
Diculty Impact Engagement During Learning?
An Experimental Approach
Director: Dr. Sidney K. D'Mello
*Mousa Mohammadian, Esfahan, Iran
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Philosophy
*Edel Ann Mooney, Sacramento, California
Degree: Master of Education
Elizabeth Rose Moore, New York, New York
Degree: Master of Education
*Jerremy Cole Moreno, Tucson, Arizona
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
Nicholas Paul Mourlam, Roeland Park, Kansas
Degree: Master of Sacred Music
Michael Breslin Murphy, Cleveland, Ohio
Degree: Master of Education
David Christopher Murray, North Aurora, Illinois
Degree: Master of Education
irii Myo Kyaw Myint, San Jose, California
Degree: Master of Fine Arts
Major Subject: English
Title: e End of Peril, the End of Enmity,
the End of Strife, a Haven
Director: Prof. Valerie L. Sayers
Maximilian George Francis Napier, Menlo Park, California
Degree: Master of Education
MarcAngel Nava, San Francisco, California
Degree: Master of Education
Claudia Navas Caputo, Bogota, Colombia
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Adel Joseph Nehmeh, Beyrouth, Lebanon
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Jessica Sarah Bilofsky Newman, Brooklyn, New York
Degree: Master of Fine Arts
Major Subject: English
Title: Passages and Other Stories
Director: Dr. Steve A. Tomasula
Kuldeep Niraula, Gulariya, Bardiya, Nepal
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Title: Addressing the Neglect of Local
Peacebuilding Practices rough Documentaries:
A Case of Everyday Ghandis
Director: Prof. Hal Culbertson
Zakia Nouri, Kabul, Afghanistan
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Gatwech Ruot Nyoat, Nasir, South Sudan
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Kelly Marie O'Brien, Sunderland, Maryland
Degree: Master of Education
*Maria Katherine O'Halloran, Hesston, Kansas
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Boniface Ojok, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Julius Oziegbe Okojie, Nigeria
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Francis Opio, Gulu, Uganda
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Samantha Elizabeth Pahls, Sturgis, Michigan
Degree: Master of Education
**Enmanuelle Pardilla Delgado, Caguas, Puerto Rico
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Psychology
Title: Does Sleep Inuence the Persistence of
False Memories Across Long Delays?
Director: Dr. Jessica D. Payne
Matthew Robert Pendergast, West Newbury, Massachusetts
Degree: Master of Education
Nicole Anne Perez, Hayward, California
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Sociology
Title: To Leave or Not to Leave? Familism and the
Alignment of Preferences in the Transition to College
Director: Dr. William J. Carbonaro
Georey Bryon Perks, Granger, Indiana
Degree: Master of Education
*Ana Krasimirova Petrova, Varna, Bulgaria
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Political Science
*Kyle Pettijohn, Indianapolis, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Psychology
Title: Causality and Expectedness in
Establishing Event Boundaries
Director: Dr. Gabriel A. Radvansky
*Michael Francis Phelan, Swampscott, Massachusetts
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Chelsea Lee Piper, Marietta, Georgia
Degree: Master of Divinity
Major Subject: eology
*Benjamin Devin Potts, Valparaiso, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
Mary Elizabeth Pullano, Darnestown, Maryland
Degree: Master of Education
Rose Walsh Raderstorf, Columbus, Ohio
Degree: Master of Education
Chelsey Anne Ramos, LaBelle, Florida
Degree: Master of Education
Selena Camacho Rangel, Seguin, Texas
Degree: Master of Education
Emily Grace Rankin, Valrico, Florida
Degree: Master of Education
Nathaniel Edward Reed, Littleton, Colorado
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Sociology
Title: Discomfort, Dissonance, and Prioritization
Among Individuals with Two Stigmatized Identities
Director: Dr. Rory M. McVeigh
*Vincent Joseph Reilly, Orange Park, Florida
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Annie Cecilia Marie Rhodes, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Romance Languages and Literature
*Keiran David Roche, Tucson, Arizona
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
Maria Milagros Rodriguez, Chula Vista, California
Degree: Master of Education
Erin Alexandra Rosario, Los Altos, California
Degree: Master of Education
Sarah Elizabeth Roth, Palm Harbor, Florida
Degree: Master of Fine Arts
Major Subject: English
Title: Historical Bodies
Director: Prof. Valerie L. Sayers
Peter Andrew Ryan, Whittier, California
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Sociology
Title: Sacred Ambiguity: Group Inclusivity
and Distinctiveness at First Community
Unitarian Universalist
Director: Dr. Erika M. Summers-Eer
**Bryan Michael Santin, Toronto, Ohio
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: English
Kathryn Rose Sawyer, Lowell, Massachusetts
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: History
Linda Maria Scheiber, Toledo, Ohio
Degree: Master of Education
David Jacob Schuler, Loveland, Ohio
Degree: Master of Education
Brian David Schwartze, Saint Louis, Missouri
Degree: Master of Education
*Paul Nicholas Schweigl, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Kevin Matthew Scott, Bualo, New York
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Philosophy
**Brandon Ray Sepulvado, Calhoun, Louisiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Sociology
Title: Disentangling Cultural Homophily from
Confounding Mechanisms
Director: Dr. Omar A. Lizardo
*Steven Louis Seran, Rockaway, New Jersey
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Rachel Anne Shehane, Mokena, Illinois
Degree: Master of eological Studies
Karilyn Goden Sheldon, Windham, New Hampshire
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Classics
Title: Materia in the Material World of Butrint:
Wooden Remains from the Roman Forum
Director: Dr. David Hernandez
*Stephen Francis Sheridan, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Michael Joseph Patrick Shippie, Boston, Massachusetts
Degree: Master of Education
*Maggie Shum, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Political Science
Alejandro Sigala, El Paso, Texas
Degree: Master of Education
**Meagan Kimiko Simpson, Middle Island, New York
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: English
*Caroline Elizabeth Sliney, New York, New York
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
Nathan Winship Smith, Indianapolis, Indiana
Degree: Master of Fine Arts
Major Subject: Art Studio
Title: Chien D'Aveugle
Director: Prof. William J. Kremer
Ryan Timothy Smith, Long Valley, New Jersey
Degree: Master of Education
omas Andrew Spring, Saint Cloud, Minnesota
Degree: Master of Education
Amelie Megan St. Romain, River Ridge, Louisiana
Degree: Master of Education
*Anthony Michael Stachowski, Elma, New York
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Bradley John Stalder, Strongsville, Ohio
Degree: Master of Education
*Kasey James Stanton, Miles City, Montana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Psychology
Title: Quantifying the Strength of the Relations
Between Facets of Positive Emotionality and
Psychological Symptoms
Director: Dr. David B. Watson
Lester Stephens, Greenwood, Mississippi
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Classics
Title: Declamatory Language and Structure
in Tacitus' Dialogus
Director: Dr. W. Martin Bloomer
*Nicholas James Sterrett, Salinas, California
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
*Rev. Deacon James D. Stokes, Palm Bay, Florida
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Benjamin Anthony Stone, Potsdam, New York
Degree: Master of Sacred Music
Adelaide J. Stout, Newport, Rhode Island
Degree: Master of eological Studies
Dennis Anthony Strach II, C.S.C., Rochester Hills, Michigan
Degree: Master of Divinity
Major Subject: eology
Nathanael Gratias Sumaktoyo, Jakarta, Indonesia
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Political Science
Benjamin Alton Sunderlin, Lafayette, Indiana
Degree: Master of Fine Arts
Major Subject: Art Studio
Title: Terms of Art
Director: Prof. Austin I. Collins, C.S.C.
Maria Anne Surat, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Divinity
Major Subject: eology
Charles Russell Swanson, Lakeville, Minnesota
Degree: Master of Education
Michael Edward Swoboda, Kirkwood, Missouri
Degree: Master of Fine Arts
Major Subject: Design
Title: e Sensory Garden and Playscape: Applying Principles
of Design to Create Eective Outdoor Multi-Activity and
Multi-Sensory Environments for Use at Institutions at
Treat Children with a Broad Range of Special Needs with a
Particular Focus on Autism Spectrum Disorder
Director: Prof. Robert Sedlack
Pedro Sztybel, San Francisco, California
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Psychology
Title: Automatic Shifts of Spatial Attention to Symbolic Cues
at Convey Information About Direction and Distance
Director: Dr. Bradley S. Gibson
Jason Ryan Taulman, Indianapolis, Indiana
Degree: Master of Education
Francy Natalia Tejada Vargas, Bogota, Colombia
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
**Christopher Scott Temple, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: History
*Darren Leonard elen, Mason, Michigan
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
Bridget Eileen omas, Standish, Maine
Degree: Master of Education
Terrance Garret Travis, Bossier City, Louisiana
Degree: Master of Fine Arts
Major Subject: English
Title: Glitterworld: A Novel (Excerpted)
Director: Prof. Azareen Van Der Vliet Oloomi
Anselee P. Trotta, Cos Cob, Connecticut
Degree: Master of Education
Maria Cecilia Ulrickson, McLean, Virginia
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: History
Paola Andrea Uparela Reyes, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Romance Languages and Literature
Justin Christopher Van Ness, Chino Hills, California
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Sociology
Dev Himanshu Varma, Memphis, Tennessee
Degree: Master of Fine Arts
Major Subject: English
Title: No Man's Land
Director: Dr. Steve A. Tomasula
**Kelcie Lynnae Vercel, Portage, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Sociology
Title: Imperfectly Compatible: e Problematic Integration
of Leisure and Work in the Lives of Lifestyle Bloggers
Director: Dr. Terence McDonnell
Leila Vieira de Jesus Gemelli, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Romance Languages and Literature
*Griselda Villarreal, Commerce, California
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
*Erin Haines Vu, Tucson, Arizona
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
Bryson omas Wade, Newark, Ohio
Degree: Master of Education
Yifan Wang, Hefei, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Fine Arts
Major Subject: Design
Title: An Industrial Design Proposal Responding to
Unmet Transportation Needs in the United States
Director: Prof. Paul A. Down
Elizabeth Ann Watters, San Francisco, California
Degree: Master of Education
Kaitlin Marie Wegrzyn, Libertyville, Illinois
Degree: Master of Education
Gregory Peter Westerhaus, Chanhassen, Minnesota
Degree: Master of Education
Carmel Anne Whelton, Ottawa, Canada
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
*Megan Faith Whyte, McAllen, Texas
Degree: Master of Education
Michael T. Wixted, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Degree: Master of Education
Eve Cordelia Wolynes, San Diego, California
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: History
*David Allen Wood, Anchorage, Alaska
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Sociology
Title: Shifting Science, Shifting Politics:
Understanding Conservative Illustrations of the
Science Cultural Object, 19752000
Director: Dr. Robert M. Fishman
Benjamin Allen Wright, Big Rapids, Michigan
Degree: Master of Medieval Studies
Wenxuan Yuan, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of eological Studies
*Penny Lynn Yurkew, Beloit, Wisconsin
Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Leadership
*Mary Jean Zagzebski, Carmel, Indiana
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: eology
Aseel Yousef Ahmad Zahran, Amman, Jordan
Degree: Master of Arts
Major Subject: Peace Studies
Rachel Jeanne Zavecz, Shreveport, Louisiana
Degree: Master of Fine Arts
Major Subject: English
Title: Six
Director: Prof. Joyelle McSweeney
*Qiuye Zhao, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Degree: Master of Medieval Studies
**Michael Joseph Arthur, Harrisonburg, Virginia
Degree: Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering
*Lauren Arta Assour, Walnut Creek, California
Degree: Master of Science in Computer Science
and Engineering
*Carl Ross Berntsen, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering
Title: e Remote Microphone Probe for Unsteady
Surface Pressure Measurement
Director: Dr. Scott C. Morris
**Benjamin Paul Bockstege IV, Mims, Florida
Degree: Master of Science in Computer Science
and Engineering
Title: e Motion-Based Gaming Peripheral
Management (MBP-M) Framework for Robust and
Accurate Program-Device Interaction
Director: Dr. Aaron D. Striegel
*Miranda Dawn Burnette, Auburn, Alabama
Degree: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
*Mingming Cai, Xinyi, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Title: Design and Implementation of a Distributed
Spectrum Access System
Director: Dr. J. Nicholas Laneman
Kai Cao, Gansu, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Casey Marie Casias, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Degree: Master of Science in Civil Engineering
Title: Novel Bridge Forms Composed of Temporary
Modules for Transitional Bridging
Director: Dr. Ashley P. rall
**Jesse Michael Coman, Wabash, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering
*John Paul D'Antonio, Littleton, Colorado
Degree: Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering
*Jimy Joe Encomendero Risco, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
**Faiza Afroz Faria, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Sara Fathipour, Mishawaka, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
*Lawrence William Funke, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
**Sahand Golnarian, Tehran, Iran
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Title: Energy-Ecient and Queue-Aware Resource
Allocation in Uplink OFDM Systems for Wireless
M2M Communication
Director: Dr. J. Nicholas Laneman
Michael James Gonzales, San Antonio, Texas
Degree: Master of Science in Computer Science
and Engineering
**Jiaji Guo, Longkou, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Brian Robert Helgans, Islip Terrace, New York
Degree: Master of Science in Environmental Engineering
Major Subject: Civil Engineering
Title: Turbulent Latent and Sensible Heat Flux
in the Presence of Evaporative Droplets
Director: Dr. David Richter
**Dixianzi Huang, Jinan, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
James Jieming Huang, Cupertino, California
Degree: Master of Engineering
**Yuriy Hulovatyy, Lviv, Ukraine
Degree: Master of Science in Computer Science
and Engineering
Michael Johnson, Littleton, Colorado
Degree: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
**Reid Johnson, Springeld, Illinois
Degree: Master of Science in Computer Science
and Engineering
Aamir Ahmed Khan, Karachi, Pakistan
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Jongsik Kim, Mishawaka, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
*Erich Wesley Kinder, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
**Mingda Li, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
**Wenjun Li, Xi'an, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Title: InGaAs/InP Modied Uni-Travelling-Carrier
Photodiode with a Cli Layer
Director: Dr. Patrick J. Fay
**Zi Lin, Shangrao, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Jie Liu, Rizhao, Shandong, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Joseph Lawrence Loof, Helenville, Wisconsin
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
*Hao Lu, Shanxi, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
**Hongsheng Lu, Xiuwu, Henan,
People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Computer Science
and Engineering
**Mengting Ma, Kunming, Yunnan,
People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
**Xiaoyu Ma, Shenyang, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
Eliseo Tlacaelel Marin Rimoldi, Guadalajara, Mexico
Degree: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
**Curtis Marshall, Champaign, Illinois
Degree: Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering
**Kelly Ann McEnerney, Galt, California
Degree: Master of Science in Civil Engineering
Title: Observations and Dynamics of Low Salinity Cold
Water Pools in the Bay of Bengal
Director: Dr. H.J.S. Fernando
Brendan Joseph McGann, Jamesville, New York
Degree: Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering
Title: Simultaneous Species Concentration and Temperature
Measurements Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
with Direct Spectrum Matching
Director: Dr. Hyungrok Do
**Bhargava Kumar Narayana, Hyderabad, India
Degree: Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering
Title: ree-Dimensional Optical Measurements in an
Ethylene Fuelled Model Scramjet Engine
Director: Dr. Hyungrok Do
Cody Evan Narciso-Widmer, Winter Haven, Florida
Degree: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
**Ashley Marie Nettleman, Troy, Michigan
Degree: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Title: Symmetry Analysis Applied to
Multi-Agent Systems
Director: Dr. John W. Goodwine
Ronald James Nowling, Pompano Beach, Florida
Degree: Master of Science in Computer Science
and Engineering
**Andrew Paul O'Donnell, Norwell, Massachusetts
Degree: Master of Science in Civil Engineering
Anca Ostace, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania
Degree: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Title: Numerical Investigation of the Eect of Inertia on
the Hydrodynamic Interaction of Microorganisms
Director: Dr. Arezoo Ardekani
Yunsong Pang, Anshan, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Alireza Partovi, Shiraz, Iran
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
*Sneha Polisetti, Mishawaka, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
Kasra Pourang, Ardabil, Iran
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Title: Growth and Characterization of Beta-Gallium Oxide
in Films Using Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Director: Dr. Debdeep Jena
*Matthew omas Pruitt, O'Fallon, Illinois
Degree: Master of Science in Computer Science
and Engineering
*Na Qi, Hebei, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
Arash Rahnama Moghaddam, Lubbock, Texas
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
*Piyush Milind Ranade, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Degree: Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering
Title: Multi-Scale Grid Geometries for Internal Flow
Turbulence Generation
Director: Dr. Scott C. Morris
**Curtis Alan Rhodes, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Sarah Elizabeth Roberts, Birmingham, Alabama
Degree: Master of Science in Earth Sciences
Title: Apollo 14 Very High Potassium Basalt Petrogenesis:
Inuence of Magma Chamber and Impact Processes
Director: Dr. Clive R. Neal
*Louisa Catharina Schneider, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Title: Fabrication of Single Electron Transistors Using
Atomic Layer Deposition
Director: Dr. Alexei Orlov
**Faisal Ahmed Shah, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
**Md. Itrat Bin Shams, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
*Kayla Lyn Shaw, Niles, Michigan
Degree: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
Trevor S. M. Stevens, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Degree: Master of Engineering
*Liyuan Sun, Minqin, Gansu, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
James Christopher Sweet, Hinckley, Leicestershire, England
Degree: Master of Science in Computer Science
and Engineering
*Christopher Robert Vetter, Quakertown, Pennsylvania
Degree: Master of Science in Civil Engineering
**Jiazhuo Wang, Handan, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Computer Science
and Engineering
Jennifer Rose Wiegand, Morgantown, West Virginia
Degree: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
**Han Xia, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
Meng Xia, JiNan, ShanDong, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
*Yi Xie, Hunan, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
*Austin Scott Atherton, Gainesville, Georgia
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Global Health
Derek Michael Athy, Tinley Park, Illinois
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Rachel Callahan Baird, Mishawaka, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
*Hillary Caroline Bengtsson, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Ashley Marie Berding, Cincinnati, Ohio
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Chemistry
Lauren Marie Berenato, Havertown, Pennsylvania
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Patent Law
Charles Joseph Berno, Plymouth, Minnesota
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Aparna Bhattacharya, Kolkata, India
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Physics
Claire Mckay Bowen, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
*Macy Bea Brusich, Plaineld, Illinois
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Global Health
Christopher John Cali, Marlboro, New Jersey
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
*Christiane Shizuko Cardoza, Wailuku, Hawaii
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Global Health
Clark Ryan Casarella, Dawsonville, Georgia
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Physics
**Yingying Chen, Hefei, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Physics
*Michael omas Clark, Carmel, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Global Health
Evan George Claudeanos, Berkeley, California
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
*Danny Howard Cole, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
**Jared William Coughlin, Longmeadow, Massachusetts
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Physics
Gregory David Cousins, Ontario, Canada
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Mathematics
*Robert Frederick Crow, Champaign, Illinois
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
*Robert omas Davis, Solon, Iowa
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Title: Assessing the Role of Constructed Floodplains
on the Biogeochemistry of Agricultural Streams
Director: Dr. Jennifer L. Tank
Rory Dunne, Wexford, Ireland
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Christopher Ebsch, La Porte, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
Helga Feiszthuber, Budapest, Hungary
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Roberto Javier Fernandez, Mukwonago, Wisconsin
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Patent Law
Ashley Nicole Ferreira, Mahopac, New York
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Title: Dissecting Brain Circuitry of Fear and Anxiety:
e Medial Pre-Frontal Cortex (mPFC) - Amygdala -
Periaqueductal Grey (PAG) Circuitry
Director: Dr. Patrick L. Sheets
Kelsey Viola Fink, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
*Megan Mariah Finneran, Schaumburg, Illinois
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Global Health
Amy Charlotte Flanagan, Dublin, Ireland
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
**Xiaodong Yan, Shanxi, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
*Yang Yang, Yangzhou, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Computer Science
and Engineering
**Brian S. Yoo, Millbrae, California
Degree: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
**Na Yu, Xishui, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
**Bianca Simone Garcia, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Global Health
Christopher Michael Genco, Jr., Saginaw, Michigan
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Bernard Francis Gray III, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
**Scott Joseph Grimes, Santa Barbara, California
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
VaNae Nierra Hamilton, Charleston, South Carolina
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Patent Law
Matthew Jacob John Hansen, Beaver, Pennsylvania
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Michael Lee Haskel, Mishawaka, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Mathematics
Kasey Courtney Haugen, Jupiter, Florida
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Chemistry
Jennifer Lynn Hellyer, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
**John Douglas Herrington, Mishawaka, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Biochemistry
Title: Elucidation of the Selection and Roles of
Synonymous Codons in Protein Biogenesis
Director: Dr. Patricia L. Clark
*Maria S. Hinson, Portage, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Global Health
James Robert Hodgens, New City, New York
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Benjamin Robert Hoggan, San Jose, California
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
*Christina Marie Horr, Mount Morris, New York
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
*Travis Vincent Howell, Valdosta, Georgia
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Patent Law
Phillip James Jedlovec, Huntsville, Alabama
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Mathematics
**James Kapaldo, Mishawaka, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Physics
Joseph James Kavanaugh, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
*Nathan Kellams, San Pierre, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Physics
Daniel Simon Kestell, Dublin, Ireland
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
*Arnold Bertron Kidd, Crab Orchard, West Virginia
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Chemistry
Title: Synthetic and Mechanistic Studies of Organometallic
Compounds to Activate NO
and Organic Compounds
Director: Dr. Seth N. Brown
Kenneth Andrew Kienlen, Forney, Texas
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
**Karthik Narayan Kotha, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Chemistry
*Katherine E. Kralievits, Miami, Florida
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Global Health
**Stephen Kuhn, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Physics
Nicholas Alexander Kyratzis, Albany, New York
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Doan Vu Ngoc Le, Tay Ninh, Viet Nam
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Mathematics
Ngan Minh Le, Hanoi, Vietnam
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Biochemistry
*Linyu Li, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
**Weichuan Li, Wuhu, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Physics
**Zhou Li, Fuding, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Physics
**Zuohong Li, Chen Zhou, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Physics
Robert Marek Lis, Tarnowskie Gory, Poland
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Yingying Liu, Putian, Fujian, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Patent Law
Michéal Lyne, Cork, Ireland
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Nicholas Michael Machesney, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Nóra Zita Markia, Szolnok, Hungary
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Rachael Irene Marshall, Salt Lake City, Utah
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
*Marcos David Marugan-Wyatt, Seminole, Florida
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Global Health
Emily Rose McBiles, San Antonio, Texas
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Patent Law
**Anna Elizabeth McCoy, Ankeny, Iowa
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Physics
Sean William McGee, Long Beach, California
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
*David Robert McKenna, Spanish Fork, Utah
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Physics
Patrick Miller, Hutchinson, Kansas
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
*Michael addeus Moran, Beverly Hills, Michigan
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Physics
Charles Nicholas Mueller, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Physics
Andrew Timothy Nystrom, Foreston, Minnesota
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Physics
Oluwaferanmi Oyedeji Okanlami, Granger, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Kevin Martin O'Keee, Tralee, Ireland
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Alison Mary O'Shea, Cork, Ireland
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
*Cesar Augusto Padilla, Monterey Park, California
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Global Health
*Francesco Pancaldi, Cento, Italy
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
Nancy Anne erese Paul, Mercer, Pennsylvania
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Physics
*Luke Christopher Peters, Valencia, California
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Global Health
Robert Peter Power, Carlow, Ireland
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Nasiha Tariq Rahim, Chicago, Illinois
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Daniella Alves Rebouças, Vitoria da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
Allan Sheldon Regis, Silver Spring, Maryland
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Charlotte Angèle Riggs, Frederick, Maryland
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
Lynn M. Roy, Lakewood, Colorado
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Patent Law
James Robert Sallee, Zionsville, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Aaron Michael Sant-Miller, Rochester, New York
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
Jonathan Nicholas Schommer, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
*Can Shao, South Bend, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
*Shereen Stanfel Shojaat, West Des Moines, Iowa
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Global Health
Julia Belle Sokel, Princeton, New Jersey
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
*Alicia Taylor Specht, North Andover, Massachusetts
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Statistics
Catherine Marie Stevens, Indianapolis, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Patent Law
Brian Paul Stoyell-Mulholland, Broomall, Pennsylvania
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Mathematics
*Shayna Anne Sura, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Title: Impacts of Harvesting on Brine Shrimp
(Artemia franciscana) in Great Salt Lake, Utah
Director: Dr. Gary E. Belovsky
Arturo Jose Tablada, Miami, Florida
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
*Andrew Hisakazu Taniguchi, San Diego, California
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Global Health
*Rebecca Seeger Tracy, Barrington, Illinois
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Global Health
*omas Allan Ulsby, Minnetonka, Minnesota
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Global Health
Megan Meredith Usovsky, Columbia, Missouri
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Patent Law
John Michael Vernon, Annapolis, Maryland
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
Daniel Joseph Ward, Lumberton, Texas
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
*Sarah Gillian Winiko, Edina, Minnesota
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Biological Sciences
Title: e Inuence of Marine-Derived Nutrient Subsidies
on Streams and Lakes at Izembek National Wildlife Refuge
Director: Dr. Jennifer L. Tank
*Anna Elizabeth Woodard, Merritt Island, Florida
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Physics
*Georey Wayne Wright, Vernon, Indiana
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Global Health
Daniel Runqiao Wu, Iowa City, Iowa
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Engineering, Science & Technology
*Jingmeng Xie, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Science
Major Subject: Global Health
* Graduated August 3, 2014
** Graduated January 4, 2015
Degree awarded January 4, 2015
Li Zhang, Zhumadian, People's Republic of China
Candidates for degree May 16, 2015
Mona Hashem Abolgar, Orlando, Florida
Allen Anslem Adams IV, Fresno, California
Cory Charles Albertson, South Bend, Indiana
Ceaneh Jacqueline Alexis, cum laude, Winona Lake, Indiana
Mark Jonathan Ambrose, cum laude, Bayside, Wisconsin
Nayef Amin, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Mary Beth Kuhr Anderson, magna cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Jasminka S. Arnautovic, cum laude, Ottawa, Canada
Siddhartha Arora, magna cum laude, Kolkata, India
Stephen Jeremy Ashton, cum laude, Salt Lake City, Utah
Angela Roman Aspito, Elmhurst, Illinois
Carmen Mahmoud Awad, magna cum laude, Birmingham,
Bala Murali Balasubramanian, Chennai, India
Benet R. Bartell, magna cum laude, Lisle, Illinois
Matthew Henry Bates, Ardmore, Oklahoma
Steven Alex Beliako, cum laude, Vacaville, California
Bart Charles Benedict, cum laude, Warsaw, Indiana
Matthew Ryan Benscoter, cum laude, Spokane, Washington
Nathaniel Joseph Bette, Loudonville, New York
Marjorie Tumusiime Betubiza, Bethesda, Maryland
Christopher John Bisson, magna cum laude, Guelph, Ontario,
Erik James Bjarnson, Kaysville, Utah
Jon Erik Borgeson, magna cum laude, Winston Salem,
North Carolina
George Michael Boston, Beavercreek, Ohio
Christopher Matthew Brennan, South Bend, Indiana
Blake Fields Breslau, San Diego, California
Bradley Adam Brunaugh, Littleton, Colorado
Jennifer Lauren Buddig, Hinsdale, Illinois
Benjamin Elliott Budish, cum laude, Short Hills, New Jersey
Liam Patrick Rug Byrne, cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Randy Howard Caber, Jr., Altoona, Pennsylvania
Christian F. Cabezas, Elizabeth, New Jersey
Robert Ian Cameron, Houston, Texas
Andrew Scott Campbell, Hobart, Indiana
Daniel Fabian Cantu Gonzalez, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon,
Raymond Michael Caprio, Des Plaines, Illinois
Daniel Leonard Carey, magna cum laude, Santa Rosa, California
Steven Daniel Carlevato, Woodridge, Illinois
Tongbo Cheng, cum laude, Shangrao,
People's Republic of China
Varun Choudhary, cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Christian Douglas Clarke, cum laude, Irwin, Pennsylvania
Austin Charles Collinsworth, South Bend, Indiana
Robert Allan Coly, Schenectady, New York
Sienna Combs, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
Patrick Christopher Covert, magna cum laude, Eden, New York
Fiona Catherine Crawford, Sydney, Australia
Kathleen Elizabeth Curley, Phoenix, Arizona
Christopher James O'Donoghue Cutrara, Chicago, Illinois
John Louis D'Alessandro II, cum laude, Melrose Park, Illinois
Mary Katherine Daly, Louisville, Kentucky
Assaf David, Highland Park, Illinois
Michael Patrick Deasey, Roscoe, Illinois
Gaurav Dembla, cum laude, Delhi, India
Alicia DeNucci, Chicago, Illinois
Joseph Allen Dickey, Salt Lake City, Utah
Glen Henry Dixon, Fort Wayne, Indiana
William Kyle Dooley, cum laude, Arichat, Nova Scotia
Emilie Anne-Gaelle Doron, Chicago, Illinois
Lisa Kelly Douglass, Detroit, Michigan
Michael Vincent Dowe, cum laude, Herndon, Virginia
Richard J. Drew, South Bend, Indiana
Kelly Priscilla Driscoll, cum laude, Andover, Massachusetts
Steven James Durel, Colchester, Connecticut
Soumya Dutta Roy, cum laude, Naperville, Illinois
Michael Andrew Dytrych, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Kevin Rhodie Edwards, Providence, Rhode Island
Mary Elizabeth Henry Edwards, South Bend, Indiana
John D. Emenhiser, cum laude, Columbia City, Indiana
Robert Paul Erzen III, San Jose, California
Brian Joseph Fegan, Batavia, Illinois
Adam James Felicetti, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
Mark Alan Fenstad, Edina, Minnesota
Christopher Joel Fenton, cum laude, Plano, Texas
Jacob D. Fife, magna cum laude, Elkhart, Indiana
Timothy Paul Finn, Chicago, Illinois
Abel Fitz, New York, New York
Mary M. Fletcher, Chicago, Illinois
Margarita Fleyshov, cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Michael David Flynn, Wellesley, Massachusetts
Jacob Leonard Forney, Saint Petersburg, Florida
Lindsay Erin Fortnum, cum laude, Unionville, Canada
Nathan Fosbenner, cum laude, Quakertown, Pennsylvania
omas Slater Foust, Jr., cum laude, Glenview, Illinois
Amanda Franco, Chandler, Arizona
Fabio Henrique Fukuda, cum laude, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Daniel Walker Funk, San Diego, California
Shawn Michael Gancarczyk, Chicago, Illinois
John omas Gavin, Chicago, Illinois
Stephen J. Gawronski, magna cum laude, South Bend, Indiana
John Martin (Jack) Gay, cum laude, Palatine, Illinois
Surendra GC, Kathmandu, Nepal
Christian Gerwien, cum laude, Lage / Lippe, Germany
Trevor Robert Gibbons, magna cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Henry omas Giddins, Jr., magna cum laude, Oak Park,
Anita Marquez-Giraldo, Chicago, Illinois
Kenyatte Waukeen Gladden, Columbia, South Carolina
Marc W. Glasstetter, cum laude, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Jonathan Edward Gonwa, cum laude, Palm Beach Gardens,
Charanpreet Singh Goraya, Naperville, Illinois
Dorina Guga Gorman, Chicago, Illinois
James Edmund Grady, cum laude, Broomeld, Colorado
Brian James Green, cum laude, LaGrange, Illinois
Kimberly Salomé Greenberg, Great Neck, New York
Brian Talbott Greiwe, magna cum laude, Indianapolis, Indiana
L. Troy Grin, Crystal Lake, Illinois
Alexander Daniel Gross, cum laude, Kettering, Ohio
Blake omas Hackett, Middlebury, Indiana
Keith Haines, magna cum laude, Homer Glen, Illinois
David Mark Hall, cum laude, Indialantic, Florida
Minsoo Han, South Bend, Indiana
Jerey David Handy, Blisseld, Michigan
Braden Matthew Hardisty, South Bend, Indiana
Andrea May Henderson, Parker, Colorado
John Gordon Henry, magna cum laude, South Bend, Indiana
Christopher Michael Hernandez, Fresno, California
Manish Hira, New Delhi, India
Scott Matthew Homan, Crete, Illinois
Brian Michael Holz, Cleveland, Ohio
Xiaoyan Hong, People's Republic of China
Christopher Ryan Howald, cum laude, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Ye Huang, magna cum laude, Changsha,
People's Republic of China
Jason John Hyska, Bronson, Michigan
Jessica Claire Swan India, cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Pedro Jose Inzunza, Tuxpan, Mexico
Janelle Kimberly Jacka, cum laude, Federal Way, Washington
Ashu Jain, cum laude, Hisar, India
Susan Ann Jania, cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Andrew James Jerram, magna cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
James Matthew Jimenez, Sicklerville, New Jersey
Bonnie Marie Johnson, Chicago, Illinois
Forrest Douglas Johnson, Hudson, Ohio
Samantha Aranell Mayville Johnson, magna cum laude, Scipio,
Joseph Andrew Johnston-Smith, Indianapolis, Indiana
Paul Ashley Jordan, Granger, Indiana
David Paul Karch, cum laude, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Jordan Zachary Karcher, cum laude, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Brandon Darnell Kelly, Bedford, Ohio
Kevin Patrick Keneck, magna cum laude, Hicksville, New York
Rahul Khobragade, magna cum laude, South Bend, Indiana
Casey Lee Kittredge, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Jonathan Mark Klinepeter, Chicago, Illinois
Jennifer A. Knapp, cum laude, Katonah, New York
omas Charles Koch, Westeld, Indiana
Andrew David Koehler, Chicago, Illinois
Risha Kohli, Granger, Indiana
Xiangzhen Kong, magna cum laude, Weifang, Shangdong,
People's Republic of China
Siva Sriharsha Korukonda, cum laude, Visakhapatnam, India
Robert Lee Kosinski, cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Vinay Kumar, Karnataka, India
Scott Lalor, cum laude, Salt Lake City, Utah
Chase Edward Lane, magna cum laude, Phoenix, Arizona
Kevin Lee Lange, cum laude, Tampa, Florida
Peter G. Lee, cum laude, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Brendan Michael Lesch, Jr., cum laude, Westport, Connecticut
Mark Leu, magna cum laude, LaGrange, Indiana
Alice A. LeVert, Lake Forest, Illinois
Weiqiang Li, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
Nosang Lim, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Valeriano Alves Lima, Gurupi, Brazil
Christina K. Lowhorn, Saint Louis, Missouri
Erik Dixon Maag, cum laude, Moraga, California
Brad MacLeod, magna cum laude, Elmhurst, Illinois
Gregory Michael Mahoney, cum laude, South Bend, Indiana
Americo Joseph Mallozzi, cum laude, Smitheld, Rhode Island
Robert Gerard Malonoski, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania
Scott Douglas Manwaring, magna cum laude, Naperville,
James omas Marlatt, cum laude, Clarksville, Maryland
Gabriel Eduardo Marrero, Miami, Florida
Flavia Mariana Martos Martins, Chicago, Illinois
David Walter Marzec, cum laude, Evergreen Park, Illinois
Vincent Wesley Mayeld, Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Peter Michael McCormick, C.S.C., Grand Rapids, Michigan
William McDonald, Seattle, Washington
Noelle Marie McIsaac, Ridge, New York
Ami Lynn McReynolds, Chicago, Illinois
Samantha Jane McWhite, Chicago, Illinois
Stacey Lynn Meader, cum laude, Lockport, Illinois
Robert Francis Meara, magna cum laude, Houston, Texas
Gerek Lin Meinhardt, cum laude, San Francisco, California
Jason Allen Meloy, Naches, Washington
James Craig Menne, Jr., La Porte, Indiana
Vincent Kenneth Santos Mercado, cum laude, Manila,
George Joseph Michaels, magna cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Carol Ann Michel, Cranbury, New Jersey
James Hill Miller, Granger, Indiana
*Maya Soodan Miller, Chicago, Illinois
Diana Maygin Mo, San Jose, California
Emily Siguenza Morelos, cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Philippe Morizon, cum laude, Santiago, Chile
Brendan Burkhard Mullen, South Bend, Indiana
Derek D. Mullen, cum laude, Seattle, Washington
Christopher Joseph Murphy IV, cum laude, Oak Park, Illinois
Kevin Carmichael Murphy, magna cum laude, Granger, Indiana
Joseph Anthony Nachio III, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Matthew John Nealon, cum laude, Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania
omas Edward Nelson, Madison, Alabama
Vincent Ng, Mississauga, Canada
Gary John Niederpruem II, cum laude, New Albany, Ohio
Clarice N. Nist, magna cum laude, Pierceton, Indiana
Daniel Patrick O'Connor, cum laude, Palos Heights, Illinois
Patrick Davis O'Dowd, Warner Robins, Georgia
Elizabeth Germaine Owens, magna cum laude, Covington,
Camilo Alexis Parris, Jr., Lawton, Oklahoma
Haridimos Partsafas, Mequon, Wisconsin
Jon Lindsay Peck, magna cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Daniel Sheehan Pell, magna cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Scott James Prrman, cum laude, Cincinnati, Ohio
Catherine Elizabeth Phelan, Madison, Wisconsin
Jencil Phil Philip, Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India
Benjamin Michael Pierson, magna cum laude, Alma, Arkansas
Leslie Clay Pinson, Dallas, Texas
Chase Podsiad, Wyandotte, Michigan
John Andrew Polhamus, magna cum laude, Granger, Indiana
Christopher Charles Powers, Haverhill, Massachusetts
Joshua Rabinovitz, cum laude, Los Angeles, California
Tina Rahimian, Salt Lake City, Utah
Eduardo G. Ramírez, San Francisco, California
James Richard Rapuzzi, Anchorage, Alaska
Rex Andrew Redlingshafer, Jr., magna cum laude, Fairway,
Jourdan Elyse Reinhart, Mequon, Wisconsin
Nathan Alan Richards, cum laude, Appleton, Wisconsin
Derek Robert Rinaldo, Chesterton, Indiana
Jason N. Rodrigues, cum laude, Mangalore, India
Mark Jason Rokos, Holland, Michigan
Nicholas Richard Rossy, cum laude, Montreal, Canada
Gargi Roy, Kolkata, India
Trevor A. Rutar, Cheyenne, Wyoming
Pradeep Kumar Sadhu, cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Chelsie Lauren Salib, Batesville, Indiana
Malisha Lakshani Samarasekera, cum laude, Dublin, Ohio
Santiago Samper Livesey, Santiago, Chile
James Arthur Sawdon, Marysville, Michigan
Michael Scharf, cum laude, Orlando, Florida
Katherine Anne Sekardi, San Diego, California
Ashim Sen, New Delhi, India
Reid J. Sessa, Garden City, New York
Sonali Rekha Sharma, West Orange, New Jersey
Christopher David Shipley, magna cum laude, Naperville,
Danielle Nicole Silva, Saco, Maine
Marshel Rae Slater, cum laude, Littleton, Colorado
Roger Lutalo Smedley, cum laude, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Aidan Sloan Smith, cum laude, Concord, New Hampshire
Luke McKim Smith, cum laude, North Potomac, Maryland
Matthew Carl Smith, Greenwood, Indiana
Nicole Elizabeth Smith, Charlevoix, Michigan
Ryan Norton Smith, cum laude, Summit, New Jersey
Xiaolin Song, cum laude, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Derek Troy Sparks, Warsaw, Indiana
Bradley Benjamin Stoub, cum laude, Homer Glen, Illinois
Phillip Tuthill Stout, cum laude, Willowbrook, Illinois
Robert Dennis Stuart, magna cum laude, Rockford, Michigan
Brian Joseph Sullivan, cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Joseph Edward Swanson, cum laude, Mississauga, Canada
Daniel Francis Sweeney, Rockville Centre, New York
Kelsey Rose Sweeney, cum laude, Madison, Wisconsin
Timothy Lawrence Swiss, cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Kathleen Elizabeth Tait, Chicago, Illinois
Julie Anne Talbot, Lowell, Michigan
Alexander Kane Taylor, Rockville Centre, New York
Matthew Louis Terilli, Dallas, Texas
Pulat Tillaboev, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Syed Farooq Tirmizi, cum laude, Karachi, Pakistan
Barron Glen Tompkins, Houston, Texas
Kushal Toshniwal, cum laude, Nanded, India
Meghan Trossen, Washington, District of Columbia
Nicholas Edward Turner, cum laude, Baltimore, Maryland
Alexey Sergeevich Uliyanov, Dickinson, North Dakota
Ryan John Van Wagoner, cum laude, Pleasant Grove, Utah
Kevin Andrew Vater, magna cum laude, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Vincent Peter Veschi, cum laude, Center Valley, Pennsylvania
Sunil Vidhani, cum laude, Mumbai, India
Casey Adam Viegelahn, Rogers City, Michigan
Kishore Reddy Vuyyuru, Guntur, India
Sarah Allyn Wagoner, Chicago, Illinois
Alexander Paul Walker, cum laude, Granger, Indiana
Dalin Wang, Wuhu, People's Republic of China
Todd Xue Tao Wang, cum laude, Beijing,
People's Republic of China
Garron S. Ware, Boston, Massachusetts
Maggie Ilyse Wartik, magna cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Jennifer L. Washicko, Anaheim, California
Jonathan Michael Welch, magna cum laude, Virginia Beach,
Ho Bin Whang, cum laude, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Molly Tannian Whitlock, Seattle, Washington
Holly Ann Wilcox Friedt, cum laude, Inver Grove Heights,
Bill J. Williams, Chicago, Illinois
Joshua omas Willoughby, Columbia, South Carolina
Clarence William Wilson, Jr., Mount Braddock, Pennsylvania
Kimberly Dawn Wilson, cum laude, South Bend, Indiana
Alexander Michael Wolfe, magna cum laude, San Diego,
Michael Blayze Woodlock, cum laude, Sugar Land, Texas
Bingxin Xia, cum laude, Tianjin, People's Republic of China
Jiajia Xu, magna cum laude, Yangzhou,
People's Republic of China
Joseph Chih-Mao Yang, cum laude, Los Angeles, California
Yao Yao, magna cum laude, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
Xiaorong Yi, Dalian, People's Republic of China
Kristofer Lee Yost, Ravenna, Ohio
Cori Anne Zacher, magna cum laude, Geneva, Illinois
Richard omas Zaleskie, Jr., Apple Valley, California
Tao Zhang, cum laude, Chongqing, People's Republic of China
Charles Bradley Ziemba, cum laude, Memphis, Tennessee
James Michael Ziemba, cum laude, Houston, Texas
Degree awarded August 3, 2014
Erin Melin Carlson, cum laude, Seattle, Washington
Loren Elizabeth Eaton, Fort Worth, Texas
Cecilia Gomes, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Mandy K. Helton, cum laude, Frankfort, Kentucky
Yue Liu, magna cum laude, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Rev. Anthony Sebastian Makunde, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Eric E. Martin, South Bend, Indiana
Maria Clarissa Sellers, cum laude, Grafton, Ohio
Mark Andrew Stevens, magna cum laude, Wichita, Kansas
Degree awarded January 4, 2015
Heather Victoria Cassel Asiala, cum laude, Mount Pleasant,
Perrine Sarchet Blakley, magna cum laude, Honolulu, Hawaii
Guo Changyan, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Mark Leroy Madrid, cum laude, Austin, Texas
Elizabeth Ann Moriarty, cum laude, South Bend, Indiana
Laura B. Roether, Toledo, Ohio
Rita M. Udvardy, North Liberty, Indiana
Bradley Joseph Wilson, magna cum laude, Atlanta, Georgia
Candidates for degree May 16, 2015
Christie Jane Holderegger, Roseville, California
Julie Marie Howland, Bangor, Maine
Amber Marie Jones, cum laude, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Elizabeth McKevitt Knollman, cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Kathleen Borio Larrick, cum laude, Joliet, Illinois
Kelly Catherine Medinger, magna cum laude, Towson,
Laura Megan Nikolovska, Chicago, Illinois
Frank Phillips, cum laude, Medford, Oregon
Russell Craig Pierce, cum laude, South Bend, Indiana
Kinsey Nicole Stout, magna cum laude, Rome, Georgia
Erin Colleen Valencia, magna cum laude, Melbourne, Florida
Yi Wang, Tianjin, People's Republic of China
Degree awarded January 5, 2014
Taylor Matthew Blaney, cum laude, Barrington Hills, Illinois
Edward Alfred Hjerpe IV, Barrington, Rhode Island
Katherine Hannah Johnson, cum laude, Fort Lauderdale,
Jennifer Elizabeth Kellner, magna cum laude, Smithtown,
New York
Robin Ann Link, cum laude, Saint Petersburg, Florida
Matthew J. Moore, cum laude, Glenview, Illinois
Ewa Nelip, Katowice, Poland
Sarah M. Weatherburn, Niles, Michigan
Candidates for degree May 16, 2015
Austin Joseph Albury, Tampa, Florida
Matthew Todd Allison, Jr., cum laude, Lakeland, Florida
Gregory Scott Andrews, magna cum laude, Richland, Michigan
Dasuni Janine Baptist, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Samuel omas Biel, cum laude, Fort Myers, Florida
Megan Marie Biven, Louisville, Kentucky
Courtney Carolyn Buchanan, Lighthouse Point, Florida
Timothy Michael Busch, cum laude, Tustin, California
Patrick James Callahan, cum laude, Clarendon Hills, Illinois
Brian B. Carrion, Richmond, Texas
Kriti Chanchani, Bangalore, India
Jiayue Chen, cum laude, Guangzhou,
People's Republic of China
Sikai Cheng, cum laude, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Dylan Robert Crespi, Sacramento, California
Patrick omas Cross, cum laude, West Des Moines, Iowa
Sara Suzanne Cuba, magna cum laude, Holliday, Texas
Sean Kenneth Deehan, San Carlos, California
Benjamin Antonio Diaz, cum laude, Novi, Michigan
Christopher Daniel Dillon, Littleton, Colorado
Casey Marie Dollard, Downers Grove, Illinois
Daniel Sabastian Domingo, Punta Gorda, Florida
Richard Kelley Dropkin, Larchmont, New York
Christopher Michael Edger, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Anne McGuire Egan, Lake Forest, Illinois
Mario Luis Egues, Miami, Florida
John Corley Fischer, Staten Island, New York
Claudia Puente Garcia, magna cum laude, Soledad, California
Melissa Ann Garza, McAllen, Texas
Paul S. George, Jr., cum laude, Miami, Florida
Julia M. Giorgio, Greenwich, Connecticut
Daniel Richard Glaser, cum laude, Greensburg, Indiana
Martin John Grady, South Bend, Indiana
Andrea Lynn Hayes, cum laude, Fort Collins, Colorado
Yisha He, cum laude, Guangzhou, People's Republic of China
Brendan Daniel Henrie, Centerville, Utah
Brian Gregory Hickel, cum laude, Pleasanton, California
Conor Patrick Higgins, cum laude, Randolph, New Jersey
Erin Bailey Hogan, Charlotte, North Carolina
Haohua Huang, Beihai, People's Republic of China
Yilong Huang, cum laude, Tsingtao, People's Republic of China
Christopher Anthony Jasinski, cum laude, Williamsville,
New York
Shakaila Nicole Jones, Dallas, Texas
Matthew Maguire Keenan, cum laude, Greenville, Rhode Island
Atisha Kika Bhagwagar, Gweru, Zimbabwe
Anne Christen Kinman, Clayton, Missouri
Emily Grace Kopetsky, magna cum laude, Indianapolis, Indiana
Miles omas Korth, magna cum laude, Ada, Michigan
Alexandra Julienne Larre, Johns Creek, Georgia
Ding Li, cum laude, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Xinyi Li, magna cum laude, Sichuan, People's Republic of China
Hannah Lin, cum laude, Milford, Connecticut
Andrew Lewis Long, Knoxville, Tennessee
Joshua Christopher Lord, magna cum laude, Louisville,
Faranah Manjiyani, Dallas, Texas
Arturo Daniel Martinez, cum laude, Miami, Florida
James Edward McCarey III, magna cum laude, Pittsburgh,
Aaron McCutcheon, magna cum laude, Wentzville, Missouri
Steven Raymond Miller, cum laude, Columbus, Ohio
Michael Alan Milligan, Syracuse, Indiana
Meghan Elizabeth Moore, Charlotte, North Carolina
Julie Ann Muguira, summa cum laude, Boise, Idaho
Christian Patrick Myler, cum laude, Gaylord, Michigan
Steven Sever Myrtil, Brooklyn, New York
Albertus Jacobus Nel, Tzaneen, South Africa
Michael Joseph O'Connor, Bristol, Vermont
DeRon Anthony Octave, Pugerville, Texas
Arturo Ortega, magna cum laude, San Diego, California
Colin Matthew O'Toole, Granger, Indiana
Xuan Pan, magna cum laude, Zhanjiang,
People's Republic of China
Chan Hyup Park, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Samuel James Pope, cum laude, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Lindsay Anne Powell, Honeoye Falls, New York
Joel Farr Racker, Layton, Utah
Soa Reyes Lastra, magna cum laude, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Rustam Saini, Freeport, Illinois
Andrew omas Sauerwein, cum laude, Westeld, New Jersey
Laura Elizabeth Savoie, magna cum laude, Edwardsville, Illinois
Clark Joseph Sheeld, Highland, Utah
Stefan Krassimirov Slavov, magna cum laude, Lexington,
Brent Richard Smith, summa cum laude, Joliet, Illinois
Francis Joseph Soler, Oyster Bay, New York
Caroline Sullivan omas, South Bend, Indiana
Mollie Kessell Valencia, Melbourne, Florida
Elizabeth Joan Van Kula, Radnor, Pennsylvania
Jie Wang, summa cum laude, People's Republic of China
Peter Myles Wasik, Chicago, Illinois
Francis Quinn White, Havertown, Pennsylvania
Kathleen Anne Woolum, Wellston, Ohio
Xiaotian Xie, magna cum laude, Wuhan,
People's Republic of China
Hang Yin, cum laude, Xu Zhou, People's Republic of China
Aaron Patrick Zeese, Granger, Indiana
Tong Zhao, Shenyang, People's Republic of China
Shanfang Zheng, magna cum laude, Shanghai,
People's Republic of China
Candidates for degree May 16, 2015
Catherine Elizabeth Ake, cum laude, Charlotte, North Carolina
Kevin Vincent Andreassi, magna cum laude, Rochester,
New York
Cipriano Louis Apicelli III, magna cum laude, Kenosha,
Jonathan Jinwook Baek, Busan, Republic of Korea
John Joseph Barry, magna cum laude, Burlington,
Margaret Corinne Baumann, magna cum laude, Louisville,
Erin Elizabeth Brown, magna cum laude, Dayton, Ohio
Walker Richard Carey, Bull Valley, Illinois
Owen David Cobb, Wall, New Jersey
Melissa Marie Correia, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Kathleen Meghan Dollard, Rancho Santa Fe, California
Ryan James Dominguez, magna cum laude, Yorba Linda,
John William Doyle, Towson, Maryland
Jennifer Le Du, Caledonia, Michigan
Mason Wallace Faulk, Rockford, Illinois
Ryan Patrick Fink, Larchmont, New York
Michael Joseph Fischer, Germantown, Wisconsin
Sarah Josephine Fleming, cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
William Lawrence Freeman, cum laude, Saint Louis, Missouri
Dasha Shawntale Giger, South Bend, Indiana
Regina Margaret Gilmour, Beverly Hills, Michigan
Daniel Marko Grimm, Summit, New Jersey
Lucitania Hernandez, Bronx, New York
Stephen Curtiss High, Granger, Indiana
Jerey Michael Homan, Vienna, Virginia
Quan Huang, cum laude, Chongqing,
People's Republic of China
Janese Antoinette Jackson, New Hope, Minnesota
Brian John Kaneb, cum laude, Manchester, Massachusetts
Sian Elizabeth Kresse, Chicago, Illinois
Po-Yu Kung, cum laude, Taipei, Taiwan
Brian Andrew Lojewski, Broomall, Pennsylvania
Mary Grace Mangano, Clinton, New Jersey
Richard Davenport Neville, Vienna, Virginia
Andrea Lea Olsen, Oakland, California
Mariana Prado Anaya, Las Vegas, Nevada
Cody Tyler Riggs, Pembroke Pines, Florida
Cristina Eugenia Salazar, Miami, Florida
Michael Connor Egan Schickel, cum laude, Oak Brook, Illinois
Gabriel Anthony Slavik, Endwell, New York
omas James VanSlochem, magna cum laude, Wellesley,
Jonathan Fitzgerald Vitez, cum laude, Haddoneld, New Jersey
Brandon William West, Bakerseld, California
Max Biron Wipson, magna cum laude, Duluth, Minnesota
Michael William Yanckello, cum laude, Oviedo, Florida
Caroline Mary Yeager, magna cum laude, Madison, Wisconsin
John Patrick Yusko, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
*Participating with his/her class
Degree awarded August 3, 2014
omas Anton Sekula, Santa Barbara, California
Degree: Master of Architectural Design and Urbanism
Joshua M.A. Shearin, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Degree: Master of Architecture
Candidates for degree May 16, 2015
Patrick Buchanan Alles, Portland, Oregon
Degree: Master of Architecture
Mary Elizabeth Bland, Somerville, Tennessee
Degree: Master of Architecture
Brandon Michael Clear, Berrien Springs, Michigan
Degree: Master of Architectural Design and Urbanism
Iulia Codoban, Deva, Romania
Degree: Master of Architectural Design and Urbanism
Abigail Elizabeth Courtney, Holland, Ohio
Degree: Master of Architectural Design and Urbanism
Taksit Jonathan Dhanagom, Cheverly, Maryland
Degree: Master of Architecture
Ricardo Andrés González Bruno, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Degree: Master of Architecture
Melody Vashti Hanna, Nassau, Bahamas
Degree: Master of Architectural Design and Urbanism
Cameron Todd Henry, Old Town, Maine
Degree: Master of Architecture
Kelsie Frances Hoke, Napa, California
Degree: Master of Architecture
James Edward Lenahan, Wheaton, Illinois
Degree: Master of Architecture
Jacques Pierre Levet, Jr., Garyville, Louisiana
Degree: Master of Architecture
Kele Lin, Ningbo, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Architectural Design and Urbanism
Katherine Michele Torvinen, Carson City, Nevada
Degree: Master of Architecture
Daniel Norman Witt, Indianapolis, Indiana
Degree: Master of Architecture
Jingwen Zhao, Xi'an, People's Republic of China
Degree: Master of Architecture
Degree awarded August 3, 2014
Soledad Bertelsen Simonetti, Santiago, Chile
Candidates for degree May 16, 2015
Srishti Agnihotri, magna cum laude, New Delhi, India
Lorena Teresa Bazay Dulanto, cum laude, Lima, Peru
Achille Roland Bledoua, Abidjan, Republic of Cote d'lvoire
Johanna Fröhlich, cum laude, Budapest, Hungary
Hti San (Augustine), Myanmar
Junghoon Kim, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Arnold Kwesiga, Kampala, Uganda
Angela Klara Lamy, Lagarde Paréol, France
Michelle Langlois, summa cum laude, Montreal, Canada
Yueyao Liu, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Messina Laurette Manirakiza, Kabondo, Bujumbura, Burundi
Yufei Meng, Kunming, Yunnan, People's Republic of China
Clara Kasiva Mulli, cum laude, Nairobi, Kenya
Fabiana Núñez del Prado Nieto, cum laude, Arequipa, Peru
Blessing Nyamaropa, cum laude, Mutare, Zimbabwe
Lisepa Fianta Seve Paeniu, Funafuti, Tuvalu
Ryan Jeremiah Donato Quan, magna cum laude,
Valenzuela City, Philippines
Maria Florencia Reggiardo, cum laude, Concordia, Argentina
José Pablo Rencoret Valdés, cum laude, Santiago, Chile
Yuri Shirley Saldarriaga González, cum laude, South Bend,
Fabián Sánchez Matus, Distrito Federal, Mexico
Mona Paula Sehnaoui, Beirut, Lebanon
Xiao Xiao, Chenzhou, People's Republic of China
Yidan Zhu, Anqing, People's Republic of China
Aida Ziganshina, magna cum laude, Kazan, Russia
Degree awarded August 3, 2014
John David Zarate, Jr., Tampa, Florida
Candidates for degree May 16, 2015
Abdullah Abdul Shakoor, Chicago, Illinois
Zachary Adams, North Royalton, Ohio
Lynn Alazem, Franklin, Michigan
Joy L. Anderson, Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Meseret Michael Araya, South Bend, Indiana
Matthew Alexander Arth, Southlake, Texas
Stephen Joseph Astringer, Pennsauken, New Jersey
Alyssa B. Bachman, magna cum laude, Bualo, New York
Lander Beck Baiamonte, Goliad, Texas
Franzcha Sybil Balzer, cum laude, ousand Oaks, California
Edward Matthew Barloh, Cincinnati, Ohio
Kaitlyn Lee Beaudin, cum laude, Costa Mesa, California
Jason Richard Becker, cum laude, Marlton, New Jersey
Frederick Reginald Bentley III, magna cum laude, Louisville,
Candace Diane Berg, magna cum laude, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Blake Anthony Biggar, cum laude, Oneida, New York
Jessica Anne Binzoni, magna cum laude, Pleasanton, California
John Caleb Blodgett, Portland, Oregon
omas V. Bohac, Jr., magna cum laude, Lake Zurich, Illinois
Andrew Tyler Bond, magna cum laude, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Stephanie L. Brennan, Fort Mitchell, Kentucky
Justin Beau Bryant, cum laude, Olympia, Washington
Allison Rose Burke, cum laude, Spokane Valley, Washington
Felicia Caponigri, cum laude, South Bend, Indiana
Christopher R. Cellante, cum laude, Sleepy Hollow, New York
Gregory Logan Chafuen, cum laude, Vienna, Virginia
Jamie I. Chang, Fremont, California
YiKai Chen, Tainan, Taiwan
Kristina Gail Connolly, Orlando, Florida
David A. Cox, Yorba Linda, California
Alexa Eileen Craig, cum laude, Indianapolis, Indiana
Alexandra Antoinette De La Flor, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Matthew C. Deputy, South Bend, Indiana
Catherine Mary Elisabeth Dines, Bualo, New York
Patrick Richard Duey, magna cum laude, Mobile, Alabama
Ryan Patrick Durkin, cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Tyler John Earnest, magna cum laude, LaVale, Maryland
Chaz L. Enerio, Bear, Delaware
Jessica Arden Ettinger, magna cum laude, Potomac, Maryland
Joseph John Ravindra Fernando, cum laude, Phoenix, Arizona
Alisa Christine Finelli, cum laude, Chevy Chase, Maryland
Megan E. Fitzpatrick, cum laude, Irvine, California
Patrick James Folley, Peoria, Illinois
Allison Louise Freed, cum laude, Suttons Bay, Michigan
Kathleen Erin Freeman, Evergreen Park, Illinois
Sarah Jeanne Gallo, cum laude, Oak Park, Illinois
Jackson T. Garvey, summa cum laude, Glenview, Illinois
Francesca Marie Genova, magna cum laude, Honeoye Falls,
New York
Philip George Gerretsen, Jr., summa cum laude, Depew,
New York
Brendan omas Gibson, cum laude, Cumming, Georgia
Samantha Marie Glass, magna cum laude, Deereld, Illinois
Mercy Pierce Goddard, Rockford, Illinois
Ruben Ignacio Gonzalez, Hanover Park, Illinois
Ryan C. Granholm, magna cum laude, Oak Park, Illinois
Hannah Beth Grin, cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Andrew R. Harris, Cleveland, Ohio
Wesley F. Harward, summa cum laude, Lindon, Utah
Kathryn Elizabeth Hau, Fargo, North Dakota
Margaret Anne Hayes, cum laude, Northeld, Illinois
Joseph Stephen Hess, cum laude, Dayton, Ohio
Sarah Patricia Hogarth, summa cum laude, Carmel, Indiana
Marie Elizabeth Hollister, Valatie, New York
Wesley James Horton, cum laude, Chino Hills, California
Michael J. Hoscheit, Saint Charles, Illinois
James Jieming Huang, Cupertino, California
Melinda Lorraine Johns, cum laude, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Matthew Lawrence Jones, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania
Julia Kathryn Kadish, cum laude, Valparaiso, Indiana
Micah L. Kanters, cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Alex Wainwright Karasik, Lake Forest, Illinois
David Paul Karch, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Diva Kass, Los Angeles, California
John Daniel Kelley, Wynantskill, New York
Timothy Patrick Kelly, North Bethesda, Maryland
Elissa K. Kerr, Vancouver, Canada
Jae Yeon Kim, Lewis Center, Ohio
Tiye Kinlow, Washington, District of Columbia
Andrea Grace Klock Mills, cum laude, Austin, Texas
Andrew T. Koester, Engham, Illinois
Bryan Joseph Koorstad, Fullerton, California
Mark Robert Kubisch, summa cum laude, Bloomington, Indiana
Julian David Kurland, cum laude, Nashville, Tennessee
Holly Joy LaCount, cum laude, Eureka, California
Matthew C. Lamb, cum laude, Pacic Palisades, California
Amber Marie Lammers, Boonville, Missouri
Octavius Lamour, Brooklyn, New York
Cassidy Leopold Laux, Mishawaka, Indiana
Corben A. Lee, Valparaiso, Indiana
Michelle Kay Letourneau, magna cum laude, Topeka, Kansas
Gueorgui Lilov, cum laude, Soa, Bulgaria
Yijing Liu, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
Katie Jo Luningham, magna cum laude, Louisburg, Kansas
Kristen Anne Macher, cum laude, Cortlandt Manor, New York
Philip Maier, cum laude, Carson City, Nevada
Dennis Patrick Malloy, magna cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Catherine Lynn Mariani, cum laude, Havre, Montana
Jessica Mark, Houston, Texas
Taylor William Marr, Spokane, Washington
Margaret Clemans McDonald, magna cum laude, Los Angeles,
Anne Elizabeth McKeon, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin
James J. McQuaid, Downers Grove, Illinois
James Patrick Meehan III, Dana Point, California
Lisa Marie Meissner, magna cum laude, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Donovan Mendoza, Eastvale, California
Amy Catherine Miller, cum laude, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
James David Miller, Coronado, California
Natalie Anne Miller, Duneland Beach, Indiana
Preston Christopher Mortemore, Lambertville, Michigan
Mitchell John Moximchalk, Blairsville, Pennsylvania
Kyle Gordon Munns, Glastonbury, Connecticut
Eirene-Gin Nakamura, Los Angeles, California
Rachael Lynn Nave, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
Tiany A. Newman, Pensacola, Florida
Maureen Molloy Nick, Chicago, Illinois
Susan L. Niemier, cum laude, South Bend, Indiana
Steven P. Nyikos, Issaquah, Washington
Gage M. O'Connell, cum laude, Manasquan, New Jersey
Elizabeth Rose O'Connor, Omaha, Nebraska
Udoka Alaribe Odoemene, Seattle, Washington
Peter F. O'Neill, cum laude, Fairway, Kansas
Patrick Joseph O'Rear, magna cum laude, Granger, Indiana
Sean McDermott Parish, magna cum laude, Bloomeld Hills,
Audra Jean Passinault, cum laude, Grand Haven, Michigan
Dalton E. Patterson, Silver Spring, Maryland
Krista Marie Pikus, cum laude, Columbus, Indiana
Andrew omas Pomranke, magna cum laude, Michigan City,
Amy Povinelli, Phoenix, Arizona
K. Adam Pretty, magna cum laude, Midland, Michigan
Clayton J. Pruner, Tampa, Florida
Michael omas Puza, Carmel, Indiana
Paul Christopher Quast, magna cum laude, Saint Paul,
Graeme John Quinn, Sugar Grove, Illinois
Sarah Kathryn Quinn, Rockford, Illinois
Kyle R. Ratli, Seminole, Texas
Meghan Aislinn Rigney, Rockville, Maryland
Kerri-Ann Y. Rowe, Bronx, New York
Grant Edward Schertzing, summa cum laude, Lansing, Michigan
Daniel R. Schipper, magna cum laude, Portage, Michigan
Erin Elizabeth Schmitt, Saint Philip, Indiana
Caroline A. Schneider, Toledo, Ohio
Arielle Annaliese Seidman, magna cum laude, Longmont,
Jason L. Sethen, Garrison, North Dakota
Blake Dennison Sheeley, Goshen, Indiana
Stephanie Marie Shenigo, Mount Holly, North Carolina
Mary Marcia McAllister Shepro, magna cum laude, Wayne,
Emma Marie Sirignano, cum laude, Alexandria, Virginia
Kendall K. Smith, Barrington, Illinois
Katherine A. Snitzer, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Bradley Joseph St. Angelo, Mandeville, Louisiana
Trevor S. M. Stevens, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Christopher Don Stewart, Spring, Texas
J. Kory Strain, Charleston, South Carolina
Christian Paul Struven IV, Las Vegas, Nevada
Cara M. Swindlehurst, Mount Pleasant, Michigan
Joseph Zachary Swist, Pottstown, Pennsylvania
Clyde A. Taylor, cum laude, Arlington, Virginia
Nicole Sophia Tewolde, Miami, Florida
Alan D. Tucker, Layton, Utah
Trista Mara Turley, cum laude, Troy, Missouri
Stephen M. Turner, cum laude, Brick, New Jersey
Amber Marie Underhill, Marne, Michigan
Neal Steven Van Vynckt, cum laude, Stanley, North Carolina
Eve Ariane Vokes, San Antonio, Texas
Bing Rao Wang, Vancouver, Canada
Russell Guy Ward II, cum laude, Melbourne, Florida
Blair Michelle Warner, cum laude, San Jose, California
James Michael Weber, Cincinnati, Ohio
Jerey S. Wells, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Ho Bin Whang, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Sienna Carly White, cum laude, Cody, Wyoming
Shane A. Williams, Los Angeles, California
Clarence William Wilson, Jr., Mount Braddock, Pennsylvania
James Llewellyn Wilson, Chehalis, Washington
Matthew Evans Wine, Columbia, Missouri
Rachael Michelle Winkler, San Ramon, California
Kensington A. Wolgamott, Longview, Washington
Erin Elizabeth Wurst, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Richard omas Zaleskie, Jr., Apple Valley, California
Laura Elisabeth Zell, cum laude, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
order of exerCIses
sunday, may 17, 2015
9:00 a.m. edt
notre dame stadIum
e College of Arts and Letters
e College of Science
e College of Engineering
e Mendoza College of Business
e School of Architecture
Charles T. Hurley III, M.S.A., M.A.
e University Registrar
Chief Marshals
Darren Davis
Political Science
Michael Desch
Political Science
Mace Bearer
Patrick E. Murphy
Processional Music
e Notre Dame Concert Band
Kenneth W. Dye, Ed.D., Director
Convening of the Convocation
omas G. Burish, Ph.D.
e Provost of the University
America the Beautiful
Reverend James K. Foster, C.S.C.
e Notre Dame Concert Band, and Audience
O Beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain.
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
from sea to shining sea.
Brendan Michael Bell
Havertown, Pennsylvania
Anna Isabel Kottkamp
Wenatchee, Washington
Citations for Honorary Degrees
e Provost of the University
e Conferral of Honorary Degrees
Richard C. Notebaert
e Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Reverend John I. Jenkins, C.S.C.
e President of the University
Introduction of Speaker
e President of the University
Commencement Address*
Christopher Francis Patten
Presentation of Emeritus Faculty
e Provost of the University
Presentation of Awards and Prize Winners
e Provost of the University
Recognition of Student Academic Achievements
e Provost of the University
Citation for the Laetare Medal
e Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Presentation of the Laetare Medal
e Laetare Medal, the University of Notre Dame's highest honor,
has been conferred annually since 1883 on American Catholic men
and women who have served with distinction in their chosen elds
of endeavor. It is so named because the recipient is announced on
Laetare Sunday, the Fourth Sunday of Lent
Aaron Joseph Neville
New Orleans, Louisiana
Presentation of the Candidates for Degrees
e Bachelor degree in the College of Arts and Letters
John T. McGreevy
the I.A. O'Shaughnessy Dean of the College of Arts and Letters
and Professor of History
e Bachelor degree in the College of Science
Gregory P. Crawford
the William K. Warren Foundation Dean of the College of
Science and Professor of Physics
e Bachelor degree in the College of Engineering
Peter K. Kilpatrick
the McCloskey Dean of the College of Engineering and
Professor of Chemical Engineering
e Bachelor degree in the Mendoza College of Business
Roger D. Huang
the Martin J. Gillen Dean of the Mendoza College of Business
and Kenneth R. Meyer Professor of Global Investment
e Bachelor degree in the School of Architecture
Michael N. Lykoudis
the Francis and Kathleen Rooney Dean of the School of
Architecture and Professor of Architecture
e Conferral of Degrees
e President of the University
Charge to the Class
e President of the University
Closing of the Convocation
e Provost of the University
Notre Dame, Our Mother * (Alma Mater)
Reverend James K. Foster, C.S.C.,
e Notre Dame Concert Band, and Audience
Notre Dame, Our Mother, tender, strong and true
Proudly in the heavens gleams thy gold and blue.
Glory's mantle cloaks thee, golden is thy fame
And our hearts forever praise thee, Notre Dame;
And our hearts forever love thee, Notre Dame.
 O'Donnell-Casasanta
Recessional of the Platform Party, Faculty, and Students
* It is customary for men, although not for women, wearing academic garb to
have their caps removed during the Commencement Address and the singing of
the Alma Mater.
Freeman A. Hrabowski III
Baltimore, Maryland
Jane Dammen McAulie
Washington, District of Columbia
Christopher Francis Patten
Oxford, United Kingdom
Shirley Welsh Ryan
Winnetka, Illinois
Reverend omas Francis Stransky, C.S.P.
Washington, District of Columbia
John Edward Kelly III
Armonk, New York
Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa
Baltimore, Maryland
sunday, may 17, 2015
1:30 p.m. edt
joyCe Center - purCell pavIlIon
order of exerCIses
sunday, may 17, 2015
1:30 p.m. edt
joyCe Center - purCell pavIlIon
Processional Music
e Notre Dame Concert Band
Kenneth W. Dye, Ed.D., Director
Lawrence H. Dwyer, Assistant Director
Matthew M. Merten, Assistant Director
Convening of the Convocation
John T. McGreevy
I.A. O'Shaughnessy Dean of the College of Arts and Letters
and Professor of History
National Anthem: e Star-Spangled Banner
Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous ght,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our ag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
Diploma Ceremony Address
John T. McGreevy
I.A. O'Shaughnessy Dean of the College of Arts and Letters
and Professor of History
Distribution of Diplomas (I)
JoAnn DellaNeva
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies and
Professor of French
John T. McGreevy
I.A. O'Shaughnessy Dean of the College of Arts and Letters
and Professor of History
Special Recognition
Distribution of Diplomas (II)
John T. McGreevy
I.A. O'Shaughnessy Dean of the College of Arts and Letters
and Professor of History
Closing of the Convocation
Notre Dame, Our Mother* (Alma Mater)
e Notre Dame Concert Band and Audience
Notre Dame, Our Mother, tender, strong and true
Proudly in the heavens gleams thy gold and blue.
Glory's mantle cloaks thee, golden is thy fame
And our hearts forever praise thee, Notre Dame;
And our hearts forever love thee, Notre Dame.
Notre Dame Victory March
Cheer, cheer for old Notre Dame,
Wake up the echoes cheering her name,
Send a volley cheer on high,
Shake down the thunder from the sky.
What though the odds be great or small
Old Notre Dame will win over all,
While her loyal sons are marching
Onward to victory.
Recessional of the Platform Party, Faculty, and Graduates
* It is customary for men, although not for women, wearing academic garb to
have their caps removed during the Commencement Address and the singing of
the Alma Mater.
Candidates for degree May 17, 2015
William James Cawley, cum laude, South Bend, Indiana
Samantha Grace Coughlin, cum laude, South Bend, Indiana
Anne Goodman, magna cum laude, Lake Blu, Illinois
Colleen Nugent Hancuch, Wilmette, Illinois
Lauren Alexandra Miller, cum laude, Granger, Indiana
Keri Leigh O'Mara, Albany, New York
Dominick M. Padovano, cum laude, Dayton, New Jersey
Ailish Catherine Sheehan, Kildimo, Limerick, Ireland
Degree awarded August 3, 2014
Daniel J. Bettencourt, Raynham, Massachusetts
Marissa LaRae Fandel, Peoria, Illinois
Kylie Danae Gaona, Ontario, Canada
Dong Hwi Kim, Yonginsi, Republic of Korea
Caroline Beau Lang, Arlington, Virginia
Patrick Amari Smith Mathews, Seattle, Washington
Damek Phillip Mitchell, Collierville, Tennessee
John Malcolm Mossman, La Grange Park, Illinois
Emily Katherine Nash, Saint Louis, Missouri
Carmel Patricia O'Brien, Glencoe, Illinois
Matthew James Reilly, Los Angeles, California
Britney Love Sanders, Ontario, Canada
Andrew Vincent Welters, McLean, Virginia
Degree awarded January 4, 2015
Armando Allen, Jr., Miami, Florida
Joshua Alexander Atkinson, Livermore, California
Joseph A. Awad, Hinsdale, Illinois
Kyle Colin Brindza, Plymouth, Michigan
Bradley Douglas Carrico, Columbus, Ohio
Xinyu Cong, cum laude, Harbin, People's Republic of China
Scott Patrick Dawson, Naperville, Illinois
Connor Joseph Doolan, Kansas City, Missouri
Joseph William Doyle, Greenwich, Connecticut
Iheanyi Pete Ekechukwu, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Kevin Christopher Fernandez, magna cum laude, Miami Lakes,
eodore William Hesburgh, Greenwich, Connecticut
Kelsey Ann Kelleher, Southlake, Texas
Meaghan Patrice Kennedy, magna cum laude, Smithtown,
New York
Kaitlyn Marie Kiely, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
Sophia Mijee Lee, Anaheim, California
Laura Elizabeth Livingston, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Alexandra Marie Lorenzo, Tampa, Florida
Cheyney Sanders McWilliams, Granger, Indiana
Robert Dale Michels, Lake Orion, Michigan
Luke Anthony Mishu, Knoxville, Tennessee
Aislinn Murphy, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Alexandra Elena Potter, Westlake, Ohio
Amy Anne Purdy, Snohomish, Washington
Alex Javier Romeu, Parkland, Florida
Nicholas Dillon Ryan, Honolulu, Hawaii
Joseph James Shannon IV, Detroit, Michigan
James Christian Vignali, Clifton Park, New York
Cydney Jo Warburton, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Peter James Weber, Flossmoor, Illinois
Kyle Edward Weiland, Austin, Texas
David Comings Whitmore III, Bethel, Connecticut
Michelle Soyeon Won, North Potomac, Maryland
Wenqi Wu, magna cum laude, Nanjing,
People's Republic of China
Candidates for degree May 17, 2015
Hermon Wolde Abera, Redlands, California
Mitchell Salem Abraham, Canadian, Texas
Ingrid Elena Adams, Valparaiso, Indiana
Olivia Catherine Ahearn, cum laude, Sewickley, Pennsylvania
Emily Marie Ahles, Weston, Florida
Leilani Joelle Aldridge, Queens, New York
Mayra Alexandra Almeida-Trejo, San Antonio, Texas
Guillermo Alonso, magna cum laude, El Paso, Texas
Alexandra Rae Amorati, cum laude, Blacklick, Ohio
Alanna Marie Anderson, Sacramento, California
Eric David Anderson, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Christopher Robert Andrews, Green River, Wyoming
Chisom Ihuoma Anyanwoke, Marietta, Georgia
Kathleen Patricia Ashcraft, cum laude, Missouri City, Texas
David Joseph Augenblick, Williamsville, New York
Mario Angelo Aversa, South Bend, Indiana
Maura Grace Bailey, magna cum laude, Huntsville, Alabama
Jessen Aurora Baker, cum laude, Westminster, Colorado
Jade Paige Barber, Middleburg Heights, Ohio
Douglas Robinson Barnard, summa cum laude, Indianapolis,
Szymon S. Barnas, magna cum laude, Norridge, Illinois
Alexaundria Camille Barnes, Miami, Florida
Amber Leann Barnes, Hyattsville, Maryland
Anthony John Barrett, Roseville, Minnesota
Tyler Daniel Barron, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Heather Elise Bartlow, magna cum laude, Long Grove, Illinois
Kathryne Elizabeth Bascom, magna cum laude, Bel Air,
Madeline Jo Basil, Apple Valley, Minnesota
Lynne Marie Bauman, summa cum laude, Bloomington, Indiana
*Ethan James Beaudòin, Ballston Spa, New York
Brendan Gene Becht, South Bend, Indiana
Hannah Ruth Becker, Zionsville, Indiana
Carlee Anne Beckler, Burbank, California
Brendan Michael Bell, summa cum laude, Havertown,
Samuel Robert Jean-Marie Bellaore, cum laude, Delmar,
New York
Matthew Joseph Benenati, Miami, Florida
Jessica Anne Bertino, Lockport, Illinois
Suzanne Baker Bessire, Orlando, Florida
Conor Joseph Biggio, Houston, Texas
Paul Joseph Black, Kansas City, Missouri
Garrett Nathan Blad, cum laude, North Liberty, Indiana
Abigail Virginia Blanchard, magna cum laude, Rockford,
Ann Margaret Bodien, Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan
Alexander Grin Boehm, Nashville, Tennessee
Julia Murphy Bontempo, Highlands, New Jersey
Anna Kristine Bosler, Cassopolis, Michigan
Patrick Gregory Greene Bottone, Medway, Massachusetts
Hannah Elizabeth Bowen, Lake Elmo, Minnesota
Tyler John Bowen, magna cum laude, Yukon, Oklahoma
Kathleen Ruth Bowie, Granger, Indiana
Jade Marie Bowman, Oxnard, California
Megan Leigh Braconnier, cum laude, Springeld, Pennsylvania
Sarah Ann Bradtke, Schoolcraft, Michigan
Natalie Francies Branch, Lee's Summit, Missouri
Connor Michael Brandt, Stevensville, Michigan
Kathleen Anne Brennan, summa cum laude, Strongsville, Ohio
Beatrice Marie Brenner, Bloomeld, Michigan
Miranda Jean Brickner, Merrill, Wisconsin
Joseph Peter Brogan, Silver Spring, Maryland
Christopher Douglas Brown, Joliet, Illinois
Jalen Dunta Brown, Irving, Texas
Kathleen Marie Brown, cum laude, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Maxwell C. Brown, Bolton, Massachusetts
Robert John Brunner, magna cum laude, Toledo, Ohio
Grace Elizabeth Bunsa, Basking Ridge, New Jersey
Micah James Burbanks-Ivey, San Jacinto, California
Georey James Burdell, cum laude, South Bend, Indiana
Mackenzie Anne Buss, summa cum laude, Minneapolis,
Katherine Lynn Butler, Laguna Niguel, California
Patrick Laurence Butler, cum laude, Garden City, New York
Isaac Joseph Cabe, Akron, Ohio
Madison Dale Cable, Mount Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Deandra Cleante Cadet, cum laude, Newark, New Jersey
Patrick Paul Calderon, summa cum laude, Vancouver, Canada
Duncan Lynch Campbell, summa cum laude, Findlay, Ohio
Dominic Francis Campion, Silver Spring, Maryland
Juan Ramon Cancio Vela, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
Jennifer Leigh Cardinale, cum laude, Princeton Junction,
New Jersey
Catherine (Catya) Clare Carothers, San Diego, California
Catherine Tracey Carreras, Ocala, Florida
Grace Harrington Carroll, summa cum laude, Portsmouth,
Rhode Island
Carmen Olivia Casillas, Dublin, Ohio
Jacqueline Anne Cassidy, cum laude, Scottsdale, Arizona
Alexander Christian Caton, magna cum laude, Geneva, Illinois
Erin Elizabeth Celeste, cum laude, Syracuse, New York
Marco Antonio Cerritelli Martínez, Bethesda, Maryland
Caroline Chang, Englewood, New Jersey
Mary Ellen Chang, Houston, Texas
Connor omas Chelsky, Appleton, Wisconsin
Olivia Lee Chen, Davenport, Iowa
Alisha Shehmein Ching, cum laude, Okemos, Michigan
Arturo Chiquito, Salinas, California
In Hwan Raphael Cho, New York, New York
Woohyun Chun, Seoul, Republic of Korea
James Benedict Clark IV, Basking Ridge, New Jersey
Kathleen Marguerite Clark, Stamford, Connecticut
Ariel Christine Clark-Semyck, summa cum laude, Park Ridge,
Meghan Elizabeth Cleary, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Jared Charles Clemmensen, Carson City, Nevada
Jennifer Marie Cochrane, cum laude, Katy, Texas
Will Xavier Coey, Concord, Massachusetts
Mary Teresa Cole, New York, New York
Kristen Victoria Collins, Sykesville, Maryland
Bret Scott Colman, magna cum laude, Ventura, California
Bryan Jon Cooley, Sturgis, South Dakota
Christian Michael Cooney, cum laude, Littleton, Colorado
Scott Joseph Coppa, South Bend, Indiana
Patrick McNary Corley, Atlanta, Georgia
William Michael Corrigan, South Bend, Indiana
Claire Marie Cosgrove, Kenilworth, Illinois
Seán Michael Cotter, Middletown, Ohio
Benjamin Luke Councell, Asheville, North Carolina
Megan Kotz Covington, cum laude, Shaker Heights, Ohio
Helen Judith Cramer, Granger, Indiana
Brian Victor Credo, Jr., summa cum laude, Metairie, Louisiana
Anna Josephine Crider, Jeerson City, Missouri
Kelly Elizabeth Cronin, Lorena, Texas
Christopher omas Croushore, Gainesville, Florida
Hamil Michael Cupero III, Beaumont, Texas
Ashley Nicole Currey, magna cum laude, Washington,
Bryan Richard Daly, Mechanicsville, Maryland
Madeline Ann Daly, Naperville, Illinois
Carrie Elizabeth Davis, Port Richey, Florida
Prinz Jeremy Llanes Dela Cruz, Stockton, California
Todd James DeRose, cum laude, Silver Spring, Maryland
Matthew Michael Devine, Loveland, Ohio
Victor Manuel Diaz-Rodriguez, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Matthew Allen Diehl, Centerville, Ohio
Ha Young Do, Seoul, Republic of Korea
*Rose Elizabeth Doerer, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Katelyn Elizabeth Doering, magna cum laude, Avon, Indiana
Matthew Chance Doherty, Sewell, New Jersey
John Francis Dolan IV, Wetherseld, Connecticut
Quinn Michael Dolan, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Brian Andrew Donlin, Holliston, Massachusetts
Claire Fiona Donovan, magna cum laude, Boulder, Colorado
John Joseph Donovan, Mequon, Wisconsin
Erin Colleen Doone, Westerville, Ohio
Robert Michael Dorenbusch, Columbus, Indiana
Michael Steven Dorritie, Syosset, New York
Kyle Matthew Dougher, summa cum laude, Farmingdale,
New Jersey
Conor James Doyle, Sr., Towson, Maryland
Lilia Christine Draime, Warren, Ohio
Marc A. Drake, Plaineld, Illinois
Michelle Laura Drappi, Holmdel, New Jersey
Devin Michael Duy, Granger, Indiana
Gregory Sean Duy, East Greenwich, Rhode Island
Nicholas Andrew Dyga, cum laude, Rockford, Michigan
Hannah Elizabeth Eckstein, Middletown, New Jersey
Elizabeth Jo Eilers, Winnetka, Illinois
Shaaya Ellis, New York, New York
Adrienne Sage Engel, Camas, Washington
Bryan John Enriquez, cum laude, Spanish Fort, Alabama
Brendan Mallon Evans, cum laude, Granger, Indiana
Madison Chandler Faller, Maitland, Florida
Matthew David Fallon, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Matthias Clive Farley, Charlotte, North Carolina
Aleshia Marie Faulstich, magna cum laude, Mishawaka, Indiana
Molly Elizabeth Feeney, cum laude, West Wyoming,
Hope Brittany Feist, Knoxville, Tennessee
Janelle Kaitlyn Fennessy, magna cum laude, Lemont, Illinois
Elise Marie Fernandez, magna cum laude, Ridgeeld,
Dakota James Ferrantino, San Diego, California
Giuliana Rose Figliomeni, Clifton Park, New York
Kristina Sun Flathers, cum laude, Salinas, California
*Andrew James Flatley, New Vernon, New Jersey
Mariah Gabrielle Flenniken, Edmond, Oklahoma
Emily Elizabeth Flores, Dayton, Ohio
Susanna Mary Floyd, Warren, New Jersey
Katherine Elizabeth Flynn, magna cum laude, Katonah,
New York
Erin Louise Foley, Foxborough, Massachusetts
Kelly Marie Francis, San Diego, California
Anna Victoria Frankl, cum laude, Ames, Iowa
Joseph Marino Fredrickson, cum laude, Conroe, Texas
Taylor Erin Freeman, cum laude, Dallas, Texas
Steven Richard Froelich, Manorville, New York
Emily Sproson Frydrych, Wilmington, Delaware
Caroline Bernadette Fullam, Staten Island, New York
John Harvey Fuller, Glenwood, Iowa
Olivia Ann Furman, cum laude, Louisville, Kentucky
Timothy Robert Gailius, Milton, Massachusetts
Rafael Galvao Guerra, Salvador, Brazil
Ya Gao, Suzhou, People's Republic of China
Lucas Dionicio Garcia, Albuquerque, New Mexico
John Gregory Gardner, Brookeld, Wisconsin
John Casey Gary, Ada, Michigan
Brenna Marie Gautam, magna cum laude, Clarksville, Tennessee
Laura Maria Gauthier, Charlotte, North Carolina
Jonathan Richard Gaworski, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Phillip Kai Gayoso, Ladera Ranch, California
Cailean Elizabeth Geary, cum laude, New Rochelle, New York
Emily erese Geiger-Medina, Waukesha, Wisconsin
Alexandra René Genord, magna cum laude, Rochester, Michigan
Christine Marie Gerardi, Clovis, California
erese Germain, cum laude, Weston, Florida
Allison Mary Gerspach, cum laude, Garden City, New York
Kimia Sabrina Ghazi, Cincinnati, Ohio
Christine Joan Gibbons, cum laude, Orchard Park, New York
Cody Paul Gilllan, magna cum laude, Morton, Illinois
Katherine Michelle Gillen, cum laude, Springeld, Ohio
Stephen Joseph Gilliam, Addison, Illinois
William R. Gilmartin, Nesconset, New York
Grace Kathryn Girardot, summa cum laude, Naperville, Illinois
Michael James Glynn, Yardley, Pennsylvania
Nicholas James Goldsmith, Des Moines, Iowa
Chen Gong, magna cum laude, Beijing,
People's Republic of China
Jessica Nicole Goston, Fresno, California
Mary-Esther Gourdin, Greer, South Carolina
Evan James Graham, cum laude, Adrian, Michigan
Holdyn Jerian Grant, Bowie, Maryland
Leila Renee Green, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Madelynn Mae Green, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wesley Anderson Greene, Mason, Ohio
John Patrick Groden, Glenview, Illinois
Veronica Alexis Guerrero, Larchmont, New York
eresa Kathryn Gunty, magna cum laude, South Bend, Indiana
Pierre Eghosasere Timothy Guobadia, Brooklyn, New York
Christina Marie Gutiérrez, cum laude, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Christopher Augusto Gutierrez, Mount Vernon, New York
Diana Gutierrez, East Chicago, Indiana
Anne Marie Haas, cum laude, Fort Collins, Colorado
Patrick William Haggerty, Elmhurst, Illinois
Austin Gregory Hagwood, magna cum laude, Quincy, California
#Jacob Alexander Haley, summa cum laude, Murfreesboro,
Catherine Leocadia Hamel, Manseld, Massachusetts
Sean Francis Hamilton, Menlo Park, California
Margaret Josephine Handelman, cum laude, Winnetka, Illinois
Timothy Jacob Hankins, Cincinnati, Ohio
Eilar Michael Hardy, Reynoldsburg, Ohio
Deirdre Mary Harrington, Tinley Park, Illinois
Sarah Elizabeth Dreher Hart, Westborough, Massachusetts
Lauren Salvador Haruno, Mililani, Hawaii
*Kayleigh Beth Hausser, Kinnelon, New Jersey
Jimmy Jiaming He, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Dennis Wade Healey, Miami, Florida
Kaileen Elizabeth Healy, Oak Brook, Illinois
Abigail Marie Hebert, Surprise, Arizona
Megan Elizabeth Heeder, East Lansing, Michigan
Haley Danielle Heibel, summa cum laude, Lincoln, Nebraska
Joseph Alambra Henares, magna cum laude, Avon, Connecticut
John Lee Hensler, Haddon Township, New Jersey
Julia Christine Hermann, cum laude, Scottsdale, Arizona
Alexander Michael Herrmann, Rochester, New York
Lucy Williams Hewitt, Cape Elizabeth, Maine
Leonard Brian Hickman, summa cum laude, South Bend,
Kyle Eugene Hill, cum laude, Saint Louis, Missouri
Kristin Mary Hillgamyer, Chicago, Illinois
Christie Drea Hillsman, Elmhurst, Illinois
Matthew David Hing, magna cum laude, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Margaret Catherine Hodges, College Park, Georgia
Catherine Anne Hogan, cum laude, Cleveland, Ohio
Jacob Michael Holke, Dana Point, California
Whitney Alexis Holloway, Plaineld, Illinois
Kevin James Homa, Carol Stream, Illinois
Channing Summer Hood, Wellington, Florida
Levi Neale Hopkins, Ironton, Ohio
Benjamin Daniel Horvath, South Bend, Indiana
Emily Anne Horvath, Russell Township, Ohio
Jennifer Elaine Houser, Louisville, Kentucky
Katherine Colby Hoyer, summa cum laude, Fort Madison, Iowa
Jingyi Huang, Shenzhen, People's Republic of China
Yue Huang, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
Ryan Christopher Huhn, Orlando, Florida
Ellen Mary Hurley, Wayland, Massachusetts
Kiera Jackson, Chicago, Illinois
Brennan Paul Jacobsen, Whittier, California
Ann Marie Jakubowski, cum laude, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Rebecca Anne Jegier, Charlotte, North Carolina
*Yun Kyung Jeong, Suwon, Gyeonggi, Republic of Korea
Yuhan Jin, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
Eric Russell Johnson, Verona, Wisconsin
Hayley Margaret Johnson, Franklin, Michigan
Hilary Kathryn Johnson, Duluth, Minnesota
Kelsey Ann Johnson, La Canada, California
Molly Virginia Johnson, Princeton Junction, New Jersey
Waleed Elharith Johnson, Detroit, Michigan
Anthony Paul Jones, South Bend, Indiana
Brian Paul Juba, Pensacola, Florida
Sarah Yunjung Jung, summa cum laude, Republic of Korea
Michael Baraldi Junkins, Salt Lake City, Utah
John Alexander Dasek Kaine, Leawood, Kansas
Joseph Michael Kamen, Cincinnati, Ohio
J. Christopher Kane, Jr., Barrington Hills, Illinois
Sarah Marie Karchunas, summa cum laude, Chestereld,
Victoria Eleonora Kasznica, Hingham, Massachusetts
Jennifer Grace Kau, Fredericksburg, Virginia
Paul Robert Kearney, Worcester, Massachusetts
Amber Barbara Kearse, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Allison Stephanie Keenan, South Bend, Indiana
James Edward Kelly, cum laude, Needham, Massachusetts
Meredith Fitzgerald Kelly, Essex, Connecticut
Frances Elizabeth Kelsey, South Bend, Indiana
Alanna Alma Marie Kenney, Dublin, Ohio
Molly Elizabeth Kenney, Prairie Village, Kansas
Shannon Paige Kenny, Cortlandt Manor, New York
*Donald Raymond Keough, Rye, New York
Jessica Catherine Kerins, Atlanta, Georgia
Richard Linus Kessler, magna cum laude, Elkhorn, Wisconsin
Allison Marie Kieer, Evansville, Indiana
Jacob Michael Kildoo, magna cum laude, Grove City,
Esther Kim, Portland, Oregon
Jae Won Kim, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Kevin Kim, East Northport, New York
Nicole Purum Kim, Lewisville, Texas
Yun Jung Kim, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Shannon Louise Kirk, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
omas Andrew Kleiber, Alexandria, Virginia
Scott Eric Klein, Antioch, California
Erin Marie Klosterman, Leonard, Michigan
Mary Christine Knapp, Wheelersburg, Ohio
Rikki Lynn Koebler, Telluride, Colorado
eodore Russell Korolyshun, Derby, Connecticut
Matthew Louis Krambeer, Marion, Iowa
Courtney Ellen Krishnan, Brookings, South Dakota
Joseph Robert Krivos, cum laude, North Olmsted, Ohio
Megan Leigh Krouse, cum laude, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Claire Elizabeth Kucela, magna cum laude, South Bend, Indiana
Paul John Kuczynski, cum laude, Bay City, Michigan
Rebecca Michelle Kudija, Paso Robles, California
Andrew Nicholas Kuhn, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Frank John Kuhny, Wheaton, Illinois
Emma Claire Kusters, Redmond, Washington
Hyezo Kwun, Bayside, New York
Alexander La, Portland, Oregon
John Vincent Lacci, e Woodlands, Texas
Arthur Laciak, cum laude, Lemont, Illinois
Joanna S. Lagedrost, Hinsdale, Illinois
Olivia Noel LaMagna, Carmel, Indiana
Ryan Patrick Langton, magna cum laude, Middlesex, New Jersey
Geri Elizabeth Lanham, cum laude, Charleston, Illinois
Carol Ann Lawless, Morristown, New Jersey
Grace Ann Lawless, Morristown, New Jersey
Elizabeth Francesca Leader, McLean, Virginia
Seung Yeol Lee, Boyds, Maryland
Won Kyu Lee, New York, New York
Jill Christine Leon, Denver, Colorado
Joseph omas Leonard, Holland, Michigan
Samantha Veronica Lessen, Alexandria, Louisiana
Gen (Reagan) Li, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
*Alexandra Lorraine Liggins, Ellenwood, Georgia
Jessica Marie Likens, Vallonia, Indiana
Nicholas Gregory Lisauskas, Aurora, Illinois
Conor Toohey Lloyd, Oradell, New Jersey
Sophia Anne Loftus, cum laude, Peneld, New York
Meghan Christine Lohr, Niles, Michigan
Sean Keenan Long, cum laude, Laguna Beach, California
Diego Lopez Olivas, Calexico, California
Veronica Lopez Rivera, Dorado, Puerto Rico
Isaac Paul Lorton, Prescott Valley, Arizona
David Allen Lowe, cum laude, Scottsdale, Arizona
Paloma Bella Luna, Johnston, South Carolina
Paulina Luna, cum laude, Rockford, Illinois
Hien ao Luu, cum laude, West Hartford, Connecticut
Genevieve Claire Lyons, summa cum laude, Westlake, Ohio
Becca Patrice Macdonald, cum laude, Topseld, Massachusetts
Casey Ruth Macdonald, West Hartford, Connecticut
Nicholas Edward MacDonald, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Ryan Patrick MacDonald, cum laude, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Katharine Maheras, New York, New York
James Anthony Mancino, Jacksonville, Florida
Alan Jerome Markow, Prospect Heights, Illinois
Mayra Samantha Martinez, Portage, Indiana
Sarah Grace Martinez, Seattle, Washington
Nicole Louise Masiello, Mendham, New Jersey
Kathryn Louise Maxeld, magna cum laude, Edmonton,
Rebecca Claire Mayus, summa cum laude, Springeld, Missouri
Megan Boutin McCormick, summa cum laude, Alexandria,
Wyatt Morris McCoy, Shoreview, Minnesota
Cam Abraham McDaniel, Coppell, Texas
Amy Elena McDill, magna cum laude, Chino Hills, California
Annaleigh Jean McDonald, cum laude, Heath, Ohio
Monica Mae McEvoy, summa cum laude, Bloomington,
Peter J. McGinley, cum laude, Reading, Pennsylvania
John Loren McKenna, Hinsdale, Illinois
John Fitzpatrick McKeon, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin
Coley Patrick McKeough, Middleville, Michigan
John Patrick McKeown, cum laude, Bristow, Virginia
William Samuel McMahon, Stuart, Florida
Patrick Michael McManus, cum laude, Eastchester, New York
Audrey Rebecca McMurtrie, Richmond, Virginia
Joseph omas McNally, Ramsey, New Jersey
Anna Hayes McNamara, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Patrick James Meade, Matthews, North Carolina
Emily May Mediate, magna cum laude, Colorado Springs,
Anthony Elias Mendoza, Sacramento, California
Regina Anne Merrill, magna cum laude, Lincoln, Nebraska
Catherine Gabrielle Mezes, magna cum laude, Old Lyme,
Mimi Louise Michuda, Frankfort, Illinois
Sara Elisabeth Middendorf, cum laude, Honolulu, Hawaii
Elizabeth Marie Millea, magna cum laude, Cincinnati, Ohio
Patrick Andrew Miller, summa cum laude, Lake Saint Louis,
Jiwon Min, West Vancouver, Canada
Karin Marcela Miranda, Memphis, Tennessee
Erica Hope Mitchell, cum laude, Centennial, Colorado
Matthew omas Mleczko, magna cum laude, Kenosha,
Jay Michael Monaco, magna cum laude, Cohasset, Massachusetts
Melyssa Rae Moors, Goodrich, Michigan
Kathryn Elizabeth Moran, magna cum laude, Edina, Minnesota
Natalie Ann Mordini, Elmhurst, Illinois
Lauren Anne Morisseau, Verona, New Jersey
Emily Kathleen Morris, London, Ohio
Kelsey Anne Morris, Granger, Indiana
Krystal India Morrison, Providence, Rhode Island
Philip David Mosey, Fishers, Indiana
Nicholas Xavier Muench, Portland, Oregon
Kyle Joseph Mulholland, Yardley, Pennsylvania
Raissa Multaputri, Jakarta, Indonesia
Brent omas Murphy, Biloxi, Mississippi
Maria Clare Murphy, South Bend, Indiana
Sarah Helen Murphy, magna cum laude, Winston Salem,
North Carolina
Elise Dunsmoor Murray, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Camille Marie Muth, Kailua, Hawaii
*Devin Shankar Nagendran, Westlake Village, California
Lucy Negash, Vienna, Virginia
Brandon Louis Neisewander, cum laude, Dixon, Illinois
omas Erl Nelson, Jr., Minnetonka, Minnesota
Christopher Wayne Newton, cum laude, Andover, Massachusetts
Shannon Claire Noonan, cum laude, Pittstown, New Jersey
Christopher omas Norton, Davidson, North Carolina
Kwame Wiredu Nuako, Martin, Tennessee
Charles Russell Nutt, Overland Park, Kansas
Simone Marie Oberschmied, cum laude, Elk Grove Village,
Brendan Patrick O'Brien, magna cum laude, East Greenwich,
Rhode Island
*Meghan Mackenzie O'Brien, Marietta, Georgia
Melissa Lynn O'Brien, cum laude, Palos Heights, Illinois
*Robin Elizabeth O'Brien, Wayne, Pennsylvania
Shannon Duignan O'Brien, Malverne, New York
Shane Anthony O'Connor, Fayetteville, New York
Mark Francis O'Dea, cum laude, Washington Township,
New Jersey
Eric Christopher O'Donnell, Brunswick, Georgia
Holly Kathleen O'Hara, magna cum laude, Troy, Michigan
Molly Elizabeth O'Koniewski, New York, New York
Kyle Andrew Opet, Wayne, Pennsylvania
Martin Penovi Orjales, Arlington, Virginia
Emma Jacqueline O'Shea, Homer Glen, Illinois
Mary Anne Ostrowski, Atlanta, Georgia
Nora eresa O'Sullivan, cum laude, Oak Forest, Illinois
Elisabeth Anne O'Toole, Duxbury, Massachusetts
Katherine Jean Otterbeck, Naples, Florida
Sarah Anne Owens, magna cum laude, Pearl River, New York
Joseph Lawrence Peter Paggi, Wappingers Falls, New York
Robert Keith Pak, magna cum laude, Clive, Iowa
Alexis Cristine Palá, magna cum laude, San Antonio, Texas
Mary Fiona Dolan Paladino, Skillman, New Jersey
Michael Joseph Paluzzi, Shorewood, Illinois
Dylan Marie Parent, Naples, Florida
Debra Michele Parks, Owings Mills, Maryland
Emma Marie Parma, Austin, Texas
Riley Elizabeth Parrott, Lake Forest, Illinois
Kelly Anne Passabet, cum laude, Port Clinton, Ohio
Jaclyn Rose Paul, cum laude, White Bear Lake, Minnesota
Caitlin Conway Peartree, summa cum laude, Rochester,
New York
Nicholas Robert Peier, Vandalia, Ohio
Megan Christine Pelino, Hinsdale, Illinois
Amanda Cecilia Peña, Whittier, California
Tirza Genevieve Peña, cum laude, Flower Mound, Texas
Carolyn Perez, Atlanta, Georgia
Brendan Cecil Perry, South Pasadena, California
Stephen Christian Perry, magna cum laude, Brecksville, Ohio
Niciah Tayler Petrovic, Capitol Heights, Maryland
Nicholas James Pietrini, summa cum laude, Chanhassen,
Matthew Lee Pinover, cum laude, Hudson, Ohio
Emily erese Pollard, magna cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Alexander omas Polo, Ivoryton, Connecticut
Molly Elizabeth Porter, cum laude, Leawood, Kansas
Erin Mary Portman, magna cum laude, Downers Grove, Illinois
Margaret Michelle Prakel, Versailles, Ohio
John omas Pratt, cum laude, Niles, Michigan
Mikaela Marie Prego, Medeld, Massachusetts
Jacqueline Mary Price, Villanova, Pennsylvania
Brittany Carol Prott, South Bend, Indiana
Ashley Elizabeth Puer, magna cum laude, Kittery, Maine
Sara Ann Quashnie, Livonia, Michigan
Anthony Agustin Rabasa, Miami, Florida
Nicholas Robert Rader, Rockford, Illinois
Amarpreet Kaur Rai, Vestal, New York
Carolina Andrea Ramirez, Pennsauken, New Jersey
Juan Jose Rangel, Kerman, California
Michael Alan Rawls, Warrenville, Illinois
Emma Catherine Reaney, Lawrence, Kansas
Taylor Marie Reck, Franklinville, New Jersey
Mary Bridget Regan, Woodbridge, Connecticut
Molly Anne Reidy, Greenwood Village, Colorado
Kendra Ellen Reiser, Seattle, Washington
Julia Catherine Revord, cum laude, Appleton, Wisconsin
Sara Frances Reyes, Kenilworth, Illinois
Joseph Rhee, Tenay, New Jersey
Catherine Mary Rice, cum laude, South Bend, Indiana
Kristin Elizabeth Rice, magna cum laude, Deereld, Illinois
Peter Gerard Richer, Southborough, Massachusetts
Marisa Lynn Rieber, magna cum laude, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Daniel Alfredo Rodriguez, Menlo Park, California
Patrick Hunter Roemer, Great Falls, Virginia
omas Patrick Rogers, Cincinnati, Ohio
Margaret Kirby Rohlk, Okoboji, Iowa
Sebastian Rojas, Lauderhill, Florida
Emily Margaret Romano, Newport Beach, California
Brendan Michael Rooney, Evergreen Park, Illinois
Guillermo José Roque Viaud, San Salvador, El Salvador
Connor Frederick Roth, Strongsville, Ohio
Jordan Christine Russell, Upper Arlington, Ohio
Robert Victor Russo, Westmont, Illinois
Victoria Hanley Ryan, Concord, Massachusetts
Rachel Colleen Saad, cum laude, Pasadena, California
Melanie Anne Sajbel, Fort Mill, South Carolina
Marina Ray Salinas, Edinburg, Texas
Mary Elizabeth Salvi, Mundelein, Illinois
Dionne Danielle Sandoval, Duarte, California
Abbey Jeanne Santanello, Columbus, Ohio
Kathleen Anne Schiavenza, Sacramento, California
Caitlin Elizabeth Schlehuber, Carlsbad, California
Spencer Joseph Schmidt, Streamwood, Illinois
Kincaid James Schmitz, cum laude, Walla Walla, Washington
Taylor Leigh Schneider, Southlake, Texas
Caroline Rose Schuitema, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Ryan Andrew Schultheis, summa cum laude, Evansville, Indiana
Iris Anna Schweier, cum laude, Lindenhurst, Illinois
Melissa Jane Scott, Rochester Hills, Michigan
Christina Marie Senger, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Christina Marie Serena, Babbitt, Minnesota
Lauren Ashton Seubert, Waukesha, Wisconsin
Anne Timmons Seul, Sarasota, Florida
Ashley Marie Severson, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
Nicole Domenica Sganga, cum laude, Cold Spring Harbor,
New York
Meghann Marie Shacklette, magna cum laude, Shreveport,
Luke Daniel Shadley, Cincinnati, Ohio
Marcilena Gladys Shaeer, Phoenix, Arizona
Michael William Shakour, South Bend, Indiana
Kathleen Marie Shaughnessy, cum laude, Indianapolis, Indiana
Yiren Shen, summa cum laude, Beijing,
People's Republic of China
Rose Marie Shepherd, Hillsborough, California
Qineng Shi, cum laude, Nanjing, People's Republic of China
Lindsay Tait Shields, Wyomissing, Pennsylvania
Sara Eleanor Yueun Shoemake, Palatine, Illinois
Natalie Rose Shovlin-Bankole, Hershey, Pennsylvania
Terek A. Shrit, Dayton, Ohio
Christopher Michael Siemann, Naperville, Illinois
Katherine Mayreen Sievers, summa cum laude, Minneapolis,
Charles Edward Skinner, Anaheim, California
Matthew John Skrip, Naperville, Illinois
Wyatt Lombard Smith, New Orleans, Louisiana
Ryan Alexander Snelling, Pine Lake, Georgia
Yichuan Song, magna cum laude, Cixi,
People's Republic of China
Stephanie Leigh Metz Sonnick, magna cum laude, Ridgewood,
New Jersey
Stacy Ellen Soppet, Oak Forest, Illinois
*David Michael Soublet, New Orleans, Louisiana
John Robert Souter III, Chicago, Illinois
James Garrison Southard, Clawson, Michigan
Andrew Nicholas Spas, Coral Springs, Florida
Elizabeth Riedy Spesia, Joliet, Illinois
Cara Michelle Spinosa, Carmel, Indiana
Sara Ann Spittler, Wheaton, Illinois
Monica Chelsea Spitzer, magna cum laude, Vista, California
Anthony Kent Springmann, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Elizabeth Rose Stack, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
Brian James Stahl, Middletown, New Jersey
Gordon McHugh Stanton, Medford, Massachusetts
Sarah Catherine Staten, cum laude, Saint Louis, Missouri
Bailey Anna Stavetski, summa cum laude, Haddoneld,
New Jersey
Jordan James Stella, Roscoe, Illinois
Alexandra Christine Stembaugh, Rockford, Michigan
Kaitlyn Anne Stettnichs, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Erin Margaret Stoyell-Mulholland, Broomall, Pennsylvania
Joseph omas Stratmann, cum laude, Springeld, Missouri
Emily Taylor Strickland, magna cum laude, Leawood, Kansas
Alexandra Joy Stroud, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Katherine Audrey Stultz, magna cum laude, Cleveland, Ohio
Barbara Jean Sullivan, Garden City, New York
Daniel Eugene Sullivan, magna cum laude, Austin, Texas
Erin Kathleen Sullivan, San Mateo, California
George Joseph Sullivan, Winnetka, Illinois
Lucas John Sullivan, Greenville, South Carolina
Megan Mary Sullivan, Saint Louis, Missouri
Michelle Yumi Sumantri, Singapore, Singapore
Nicholas Steven Summers, Columbus, Ohio
Austin Kingsley Swift, Nashville, Tennessee
Mary Alice Szeliga, Wheaton, Illinois
Conor omas Tallet, Baldwinsville, New York
Guan-Ju Tao, Rahway, New Jersey
*Camilla Paola Tassi, Florence, Italy
Julia Maria Teixeira, Granger, Indiana
Dominiq Ashley Telfort, Spring Valley, New York
Emilie Rose Terhaar, cum laude, Litcheld, Connecticut
Linda Terrón Bobadilla, Kokomo, Indiana
BreAnna Lynett omas, Houston, Texas
Laura Gabrielle omas, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Alice Kathleen Tollaksen, Racine, Wisconsin
Colleen Mae Toner, Western Springs, Illinois
Cristian de la Rosa Torres, Rancho Palos Verdes, California
James Marion Towey, Ave Maria, Florida
omas Tran, Olathe, Kansas
Jamie Maureen Trost, Walkerton, Indiana
Brooke Taylor Turrell, Lee's Summit, Missouri
Edmund James Tyrrell, Western Springs, Illinois
Barbara Louise Tyznik, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Patrick Cannon Valencia, West Melbourne, Florida
Amanda Cecilia Varela, Apple Valley, California
Alexander Daniel Vega, Birmingham, Alabama
Anna Jeanne Veit, Lake Park, Minnesota
Emma Jordan Venter, South Bend, Indiana
Tyler J. Verity, magna cum laude, Norridge, Illinois
Connor Duncan Voglewede, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Sarah Margaret Voigt, Middleburg, Florida
Margaret Becker Vonderhaar, Wheaton, Illinois
Emily Frances Voorde, South Bend, Indiana
Francis ien-An Vu, cum laude, Allen, Texas
Nicole Lynn Vujosevich, Cicero, Indiana
Jude Wafai, Hinsdale, Illinois
Vienna Marie Wagner, magna cum laude, Carmel, Indiana
Margaret Marie Waickman, cum laude, Akron, Ohio
Michael Robert Wajda, cum laude, Solon, Ohio
Connor Patrick Walsh, cum laude, Fairport, New York
Kyle Patrick Walsh, Jeerson, South Dakota
Mary Kathleen Walsh, Valparaiso, Indiana
Erin Lee Walters, cum laude, Marysville, Ohio
Céline Yan Wang, magna cum laude, A La Shan,
People's Republic of China
Jonathan Spencer Warren, Orlando, Florida
Christopher Leahy Weber, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Heidi Anne Webking, magna cum laude, Katy, Texas
Andrew Lawrence Weiler, cum laude, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Jake omas Weiner, cum laude, Helena, Montana
Danielle Nicole Welsh, La Habra Heights, California
Zachary Aaron Wendeln, magna cum laude, Aurora, Ohio
Anne Margot Wenzel, Chevy Chase, Maryland
Elizabeth Wetterer, cum laude, Hampton, New Hampshire
*John Stockmann Wetzel, Dallas, Texas
Cassidy Ann Whidden, Parrish, Florida
Anne Nicole Wildenhain, summa cum laude, Pittsburgh,
Isabelle Lee Williams, Santa Cruz, California
Valerie Kay Williams, magna cum laude, Guilford, Connecticut
Stella Margaret Willoughby, Olympia, Washington
Quincee Michele Wilson, Kansas City, Missouri
Brandon Christopher Wiseman, Troy, Michigan
Anastasia Mary Wright, cum laude, Renton, Washington
Markisha Nichole Wright, Des Moines, Iowa
Austin Lee Wuthrich, Anchorage, Alaska
Jenny Xiao, Brooklyn, New York
#Xiao Xiao, summa cum laude, Tianjin,
People's Republic of China
Ziming Yuan, magna cum laude, Shanghai,
People's Republic of China
Rachel Anne Zajdel, cum laude, Syracuse, New York
Nuohan Zhang, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Mengtian Zhao, Zhengzhou, People's Republic of China
Laura Elise Zillmer, magna cum laude, Northbrook, Illinois
Samantha Taylor Zuba, summa cum laude, Wheeling, Illinois
Steven Jerey Zurawski, Granger, Indiana
*Participating with his/her class
#Graduating with Senior esis
Degree awarded August 3, 2014
Isaac omas Evans, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Chelsea Lee Merriman, Boise, Idaho
Christopher Lane Sander, Medford, New Jersey
Xuan Wang, Shijiazhuang, People's Republic of China
Degree awarded January 4, 2015
Emily Rose Adams, Austin, Texas
Chase Michael Anderson, Fairview, Texas
Matthew Neil Apker, Omaha, Nebraska
Colleen Ann Burke, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Matthew William Bush, Holland, Michigan
Jumoke Jane Cadmus, Waxhaw, North Carolina
Ishaan Dixit, Cleveland, Ohio
Milica Mina Golubovich, summa cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Da Hye Lee, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Min Kyu Park, Ulsan, Republic of Korea
Delaney Erin Pster, Tavares, Florida
Mary Elizabeth Rolfes, Lake Zurich, Illinois
Jessica Lynn Binder Schaefer, summa cum laude, Greendale,
Ryann Nance Sypniewski, cum laude, Rochester, New York
Daniel Runqiao Wu, Iowa City, Iowa
Candidates for degree May 17, 2015
Mary Elizabeth Acosta, North Palm Beach, Florida
Jerey Glenn Adams, magna cum laude, Sarasota, Florida
Michael James Ahlers, summa cum laude, Le Mars, Iowa
Nicole Parisa Ameli, Las Vegas, Nevada
Kathleen Patricia Anthony, summa cum laude, Allentown,
Andrew Joseph Baglini, summa cum laude, Cumberland,
Rhode Island
Mary Olivia Balmert, cum laude, San Diego, California
Kaila Denae Barber, Middleburg Heights, Ohio
Christopher Robert Barnes, cum laude, Royal Oak, Michigan
Michael David Bass, magna cum laude, Fort Worth, Texas
Joyce Becerra Lovera, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Claire Olivia Bedalov, cum laude, Downers Grove, Illinois
Orrin Shea Belden, magna cum laude, Diamond Bar, California
Madeline Isabella Bender, magna cum laude, Madison, Alabama
Kevin Joseph Berens, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Ryan Patrick Bernet, Valrico, Florida
Joshua Michael Bindon, magna cum laude, Canton, Michigan
Marielle Grace Blumenthaler, Brecksville, Ohio
Heather Leigh Boldt, Saint Cloud, Minnesota
Nathan Patrick Bombardier, Hadley, Massachusetts
Stephen Newbury Bowen II, magna cum laude, Avon, Ohio
Colleen Alicia orpe Boyle, Encinitas, California
Claire Helen Brady, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Elena Catherine Brindley, Downingtown, Pennsylvania
Johnathan Michael Britsch, cum laude, Sylvania, Ohio
Megan Mary Bryck, New London, New Hampshire
Matthew Robert Buche, Crestwood, Illinois
Amanda Nicole Buerger, cum laude, West Chester, Ohio
Rebecca Diane Bullis, magna cum laude, Kenosha, Wisconsin
Sarah Rose Burbank, magna cum laude, Maitland, Florida
#Jack David Burkart, summa cum laude, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Kathryn Mary Bush, Somerset, New Jersey
Sarah Elizabeth Bush, Somerset, New Jersey
Kaylee Patricia Calles, e Colony, Texas
Robert Luke Callus, Morrisville, North Carolina
Maria Isabel Camara, Hinsdale, Illinois
William Alexander Cantrell, summa cum laude,
West Bloomeld, Michigan
Matthew William Caponigro, South Bend, Indiana
Andrew Michael Cardoza, Schaumburg, Illinois
Kathryn Elizabeth Carpenter, Millstadt, Illinois
Shannon Grace Carpenter, Canton, Michigan
Julianne Rose Carson, Princeton Junction, New Jersey
Mary Alexis Cherveny, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
William Nicholas Christy, Palos Park, Illinois
Craig James Chval, Jr., magna cum laude, Columbia, Missouri
Jenna Marie Ciesielski, Des Plaines, Illinois
Sarah Elizabeth Claeys, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Marie Sophia Cole, cum laude, Sycamore, Illinois
Emma Kathleen Collis, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Sienna Combs, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
Carolyn Elizabeth Comes, Maumee, Ohio
Madelynn Megan Conlin, magna cum laude,
Arlington Heights, Illinois
Brian Taylor Connor, Rye, New York
Margaret Clare Corcoran, Indianapolis, Indiana
Michael Francis Cosiano, magna cum laude, Findlay, Ohio
Shanice Nakadia Cox, Lauderdale Lakes, Florida
Francesca Eileen Cozzi, Elmhurst, Illinois
Genevieve Elizabeth Crum, Louisville, Kentucky
Karmela Marie Garcia Dalisay, Cincinnati, Ohio
Alexander ien Dang, Columbus, Ohio
Ryan Mary Anne Davidson, Tarpon Springs, Florida
Ryan Louis Davila, San Antonio, Texas
Nicholas Deason, Beltsville, Maryland
James Michael DeFrieze, Eldridge, Iowa
Daniel Joseph Delaney, Jr., Salem, New Jersey
Margaret Caroline Dickson, Naperville, Illinois
William Patrick Dillon, Sugar Land, Texas
Eric Kegan Donahue, cum laude, Brentwood, Tennessee
Amanda Michelle Dougherty, Bend, Oregon
Ellen Marie Dowling, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Elizabeth Barron Driscoll, Westport, Connecticut
Danielle Jacqueline Duarte, Saint Charles, Illinois
Hannah Murphy Duehren, cum laude, Needham,
Peter Michael Durbin, Prospect Heights, Illinois
Sienna Marie Durbin, magna cum laude, Newton,
Jerey Spencer Edman, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Megan Maureen Ellis, Bristol, Indiana
Ethan Graham Englert, magna cum laude, Franklin, Tennessee
Kellyn Kathryn Engstrom, West Bend, Wisconsin
Matthew Taitague Feeley, cum laude, Honolulu, Hawaii
Katia Fernandez Soto, Avon, Indiana
Kirsten Faith Fernandez, Danville, California
Charles Wineld Fiessinger, Mason, Ohio
Lauren Elizabeth Firanek, Villa Park, Illinois
Joseph ompson Fisher, Birmingham, Alabama
Nathan Alan Foje, Omaha, Nebraska
Daniel Eugene Forney, Murrieta, California
Jacob Leonard Forney, Saint Petersburg, Florida
Stephany Ann Fournier, North Port, Florida
Stephen James Fox, cum laude, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan
Megan Frances Fuerst, cum laude, Perrysburg, Ohio
Colleen Patricia Furey, cum laude, Alexandria, Virginia
Robert Preston Gallegos, Aptos, California
Shannon Rose Garvey, San Francisco, California
Kevin Patrick Gates, South Bend, Indiana
Alexander Bancroft George, Lebanon, Kentucky
Payton Elizabeth George, Chesapeake, Virginia
Molly Clare Geraghty, Peoria, Illinois
Kelley Elizabeth German, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Dominick Lewis Ghirardo, Richland, Washington
Robert Christopher Gilson, San Antonio, Texas
Nicolas Antonio Giraldo, Houston, Texas
Mark James Godding, New Bedford, Massachusetts
Anna Janelle Goike, Royal Oak, Michigan
Elizabeth Joan Golebie, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Gabriella Trinidad Gonzales, magna cum laude, Florence,
Joseph Isaac Grathwohl, cum laude, East Hampton, New York
Mari Masako Grief, Honolulu, Hawaii
Marissa Zi Qi Guo, cum laude, Plainsboro, New Jersey
Kimberly Rose Hagel, magna cum laude, Lombard, Illinois
Clara Marie Hageman, cum laude, Omaha, Nebraska
William Morgan Hallas II, cum laude, Canton, Ohio
Jerey Lawrence Hansen, cum laude, Vienna, Virginia
Justin Mark Hansen, Palos Verdes Estates, California
Julia Adele Hart, Mundelein, Illinois
Andrea Marie Hawkins, Kentwood, Michigan
Daniel Richard Hawkins, Rancho Cucamonga, California
Stephen August Hawn, magna cum laude, Hinsdale, Illinois
Katherine Elizabeth Hayman, Marblehead, Massachusetts
Christopher Robert Hebig, Plano, Texas
Elizabeth Susan Heilmann, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Kevin David Hendzel, Tinley Park, Illinois
Christopher Gerald Henneman, ree Rivers, Michigan
Emily Marie Hergenrother, Kingwood, Texas
Kirby Michael Hermansen, Apple Valley, Minnesota
#Vijay Bryan Higgins, Springeld, Ohio
Alexander Hinnenkamp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Jason Charles Hoard, summa cum laude, Carmel, Indiana
Sara Marie Hockney, cum laude, Crown Point, Indiana
Shannon Evelyn Hogan, Westwood, Massachusetts
Timothy Daniel Hosty, Mokena, Illinois
Sean omas Howard, magna cum laude, Racine, Wisconsin
Briggs Stewart Hoyt, Paradise Valley, Arizona
*Gavin Hsu, Taipei, Taiwan
Karen Huang, Brooklyn, New York
Kelly Nelson Human, La Crosse, Wisconsin
Rachel Elise Hughes, magna cum laude, Cincinnati, Ohio
William Donald Hughes, cum laude, Utica, New York
Alyssa Danae Hummel, cum laude, Granger, Indiana
Caitlin Rose Hutchison, Warrenville, Illinois
Carolyn Ann Hutyra, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Angela Michong Hwang, Honolulu, Hawaii
Samuel omas Hyder, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Alex B. Im, Corona, California
Vanessa Reine Issema, Lansing, Illinois
Allison Leigh Jacobs, cum laude, Centreville, Virginia
Caroline Lake Jansen, Flushing, Michigan
Guozijun Jiang, Taiyuan, People's Republic of China
Amy Rebecca Johnson, magna cum laude, Saint Charles, Illinois
Olivia Rose Johnson, Andover, Massachusetts
Bryce Alan Jones, magna cum laude, Saint Joseph, Michigan
Georgia-Rae Jones, Fort Gratiot, Michigan
Jonathan Jou, Chicago, Illinois
Joanna Mirembe Kabuye, Nairobi, Kenya
Alysa Virginia Kane, Lake Zurich, Illinois
Liam omas Kane, summa cum laude, Washington Crossing,
Benjamin Joseph Kass, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Ann Marie Kebede, summa cum laude, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Brianna Elizabeth Kemm, cum laude, Tampa, Florida
Megan Elizabeth Kennelly, Charlotte, North Carolina
Maggie Marie Kerper, Anniston, Alabama
Edward Spencer Kielb, Ann Arbor, Michigan
William L. Kim, Oakland Gardens, New York
Russell Joseph King, Pepper Pike, Ohio
Grant Michael Kippenbrock, Brownsburg, Indiana
Connor Nicholas Kirol, Elgin, South Carolina
Kelly Ann Klein, Carrollton, Texas
*Brendan Patrick Koehr, Warrenton, Virginia
Leah Jane Koenig, cum laude, Oakmont, Pennsylvania
Evan James-Lawrence Kohler, Commerce Township, Michigan
Amanda Naa-Adoley Kotey, South Brunswick, New Jersey
Anna Isabel Kottkamp, summa cum laude, Wenatchee,
Michelle Ann Kraay, Lakewood, Ohio
Patrick Joseph Krach, Fort Wayne, Indiana
#Eric omas Krakowiak, magna cum laude, Arlington Heights,
Michael Francis Kreft, Solon, Ohio
Julia Mary Elizabeth Kruep, Los Altos Hills, California
Rita Andreja Kuseliauskas, Lemont, Illinois
Daniel omas Kwasnieski, magna cum laude, Middletown,
Troy Daniel Laedtke, Brookeld, Wisconsin
Amber Marie Lalla, Las Cruces, New Mexico
Danica Joy Lapid, e Woodlands, Texas
Amanda Katherine LaPorte, Ocoee, Florida
Erin Scarlett Lavin, magna cum laude, Wantagh, New York
Donghoon Lee, Pittsford, New York
Elaine Hyeyun Lee, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Eric Joseph Lee, Pleasant Hill, Iowa
Jennifer Young Hae Lee, Colorado Springs, Colorado
#David Charles Lenz, cum laude, Evanston, Illinois
Teresa Michelle Lester, Houston, Texas
Ivan Chun-To Leung, Foster City, California
Kyle Andrew Lewellen, Indianapolis, Indiana
Crystal Zhiyue Lin, Vancouver, Canada
Connor Liam Little, Lake Elmo, Minnesota
Wenxin Liu, cum laude, Okemos, Michigan
Michael Christopher Loftus, Brewster, New York
Yiwei Lu, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Cara Lynn Ludwick, Peachtree City, Georgia
Gordon Alexander MacDougall, Arlington, Virginia
Kevin Andrew Maciuba, Skokie, Illinois
Miranda Nicole Madrid, Fort Worth, Texas
Katrina Cruz Magno, Marlborough, Massachusetts
Nicholas James Mahan, cum laude, Bellevue, Washington
Krystin Puanani Manguba-Glover, Wahiawa, Hawaii
Andrew Willie Marlin, Middletown, New Jersey
Michael John Marshall, cum laude, Jamison, Pennsylvania
Travis Marshall-Roth, cum laude, Charlottesville, Virginia
Megan Karolyn Marshalla, cum laude, Lake Zurich, Illinois
Elizabeth Laverne Martin, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Marissa Anne Martin, cum laude, North Oaks, Minnesota
Meaghan Rebecca Martinez-Palmer, Chimayo, New Mexico
Matthew Nicholas Mattera, Exton, Pennsylvania
Matthew Michael David Mazur, Grosse Pointe Shores,
Ann Elizabeth Mazza, Western Springs, Illinois
Conor Flynn McCarthy, Oneida, New York
Shayna Mari McCarthy, Honolulu, Hawaii
Yolandis Sharay McCaskill, Chicago, Illinois
William Patrick McCormack III, summa cum laude,
Los Angeles, California
James Joesph McEldrew IV, North Wales, Pennsylvania
Anna Kathleen McGinn, Rochester, New York
Julia Karlie McGinty, Hudson, Massachusetts
Christine Erin McGough, Houston, Texas
Isla Marianne McKerrow, Lake Oswego, Oregon
Kevin Patrick McMannis, Houston, Texas
Maria Patricia McMullen, Rochester, New York
Mitch Alexander McNanna, magna cum laude, Hinckley, Illinois
Kayla Marie McReynolds, cum laude, Beebe, Arkansas
Madison Olivia Meese, Huntington, Indiana
Evan Samuel Merryman, magna cum laude, South Bend,
Keith P. Mesidor, Brooklyn, New York
Matthew James Messana, magna cum laude, Milford, Michigan
Matthew Nicholas Metzinger, magna cum laude, Youngstown,
Rachel Rose Miceli, Queens, New York
Cameron Michael Miller, Michigan City, Indiana
Cameron Raymond Miller, Savoy, Texas
Jasmine Naomi Miller, Brandon, South Dakota
Kevin Patrick Miller, cum laude, Pittsford, New York
Melanie Areta Mironovich, magna cum laude, Parma, Ohio
Mason Edward Mocarski, De Pere, Wisconsin
Elizabeth Ann Monahan, Woodland, Minnesota
Geralyn Colette Moody, Rochester, Michigan
Jacklyn Moon, Norwood, New Jersey
Maria Mercedes Moreno Caaro, Guatemala, Guatemala
Kelly Marie Morgan, magna cum laude, North Royalton, Ohio
Sabine Renée Mosal, Saint Johns, Florida
John David Mueller, summa cum laude, Billings, Montana
Michelle Suzanne Mueller, Aurora, Illinois
Helen Elizabeth Mulcahy, Northville, Michigan
Raymond Paul Mumme, cum laude, Katy, Texas
Kyle Conor Murphy, Casper, Wyoming
Daniel Paul Neal, Gurnee, Illinois
Sean Bradford Nees, Granger, Indiana
Peter Johannes Neidecker, magna cum laude, Dublin, Ohio
Sally Ng, Brooklyn, New York
Tiany Ann Nguyen, Mercer Island, Washington
Weston Lawrence Niermeyer, magna cum laude, Columbus,
Rebecca Martin Noble, summa cum laude, Needham,
Jennifer Guadalupe Noyola, Weston, Florida
Kathleen Marie O'Brien, Munster, Indiana
Michael Charles O'Brien, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
Jack Nicklaus Olding, cum laude, Minster, Ohio
Nicholas James Organ, cum laude, Franklin, Wisconsin
Zachary John Osterholz, East Dubuque, Illinois
Lewis Glendal Owens III, Del Rio, Texas
Brian Jacob Panish, Solana Beach, California
Erin Nicole Penicka, cum laude, Saratoga Springs, New York
Samantha Nicole Piekos, magna cum laude, Naperville, Illinois
Andrew James Piper, magna cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Connor Joseph Ploue, Braintree, Massachusetts
Kayla Ann Polcari, Ridgewood, New Jersey
Michael Benjamin Prough, cum laude, Goshen, Indiana
Catherine Caroline Puma, Brooklyn, New York
Dale Russell Purdy, Ligonier, Pennsylvania
Kari Lynn Quinlan, cum laude, South Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Christopher Lawrence Quinn, Hilliard, Ohio
Lisa Ann Raaf, Naperville, Illinois
William Michael Raaf, Naperville, Illinois
Connor James Rademaker, Medford, New Jersey
Shella Kirin Raja, summa cum laude, Laguna Niguel, California
Alexa Isabel Rakoski, magna cum laude, Camas, Washington
Nicholas Christopher Ranalli, Highland, New York
Brian Keenan Randall, cum laude, Pittsford, New York
Robert omas Reed, cum laude, Northbrook, Illinois
Lindsay Nicole Renz, Plymouth, Indiana
omas Joseph Ridella, Detroit, Michigan
Brian Edward Roddy, Traverse City, Michigan
omas Joseph Rogers, Green Pond, New Jersey
Rachel Teresa Ruddick, Des Plaines, Illinois
Patrick M. Ryan, Jr., cum laude, Irving, Texas
John Elliott Salomone, magna cum laude, Mentor, Ohio
Anthony Carlos Sanchez, cum laude, Naperville, Illinois
Mariah Claire Sasson, magna cum laude, Hilliard, Ohio
Christopher William Sausen, Nisswa, Minnesota
David Lee Schipper, Leo, Indiana
Sarah Louise Schluckebier, East Lansing, Michigan
Mary Elizabeth Schmidt, Hinsdale, Illinois
Matthew David Schreier, Shoreview, Minnesota
James Dylan Franklin Schuster, Huntington, New York
Joseph Patrick Scollan, Mahopac, New York
Sarah Mary Semanek, magna cum laude, Neenah, Wisconsin
Anne Marie Sescleifer, Chestereld, Missouri
Brian Daniel Shannon, De Pere, Wisconsin
Farrell Charles Sheehan, Washington, District of Columbia
Ningzhou Shen, magna cum laude, Jiaxing,
People's Republic of China
John Fendell Shields, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
Michael David Shockley, cum laude, Jupiter, Florida
Laura Aisling Shute, summa cum laude, Beaver, Pennsylvania
Rebecca Leigh Shute, cum laude, Beaver, Pennsylvania
Neil Lawrence Sielski, Williamsville, New York
Kaitlyn Ann Simmons, cum laude, Mesa, Arizona
Anna Katerina Simon, cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Katherine Ann Simons, cum laude, Glenview, Illinois
Anna Sliwinski, Troy, Michigan
Andre Raschad Smith, Davie, Florida
Grin Todd Smith, Robbinsdale, Minnesota
Luke McKim Smith, North Potomac, Maryland
James Sullivan Snitzer, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Tatum Summer Snyder, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Michael C. Son, Yuma, Arizona
Fernanda Souto Maior Ostho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Michael John Spear, Mokena, Illinois
Ava Marina Stachelski, Franklin, Michigan
Adam Zale Stepanovic, summa cum laude, Munster, Indiana
Anna Bette Stephenson, cum laude, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Matthew Patrick Stewart, Evansville, Indiana
William Dennis Stith, Geneva, Illinois
Herbert Parker Stride, Lake Forest, Illinois
Abby Marguerite Suckow, Granger, Indiana
Alexander Paul Sun, Columbia, Missouri
Rachel Marie Supple, Leawood, Kansas
Michael Andrew Talamo, cum laude, Greensburg, Pennsylvania
Joy Tao, Saint Louis, Missouri
Denise Alberta Tarnowski, Stevensville, Michigan
Michael Edward Temple, Mitchell, South Dakota
Elizabeth Helen Terino, Montgomery, Alabama
Weston Anthony Terrasse, Lake Forest, Illinois
Steven Edward Tomasko, cum laude, Valley View, Ohio
Brian Tong, Coralville, Iowa
Christopher Michael Torres, Sterling Heights, Michigan
Vivian Van Anh Tran, Portland, Oregon
Christopher Tricarico, summa cum laude, Merrick, New York
Kristen Giovanna Tripicchio, cum laude, Clark, New Jersey
Nicholas W. Troetti, cum laude, East Northport, New York
Rachel Anastasia Tullio, cum laude, Rochester, New York
Adam Clinton Tullos, Brownsville, Texas
Elena Marina Tumminello, magna cum laude, Baton Rouge,
Morgan Blaine Twardowski, Byron, Illinois
Tyler Lee VanVoorhees, Marengo, Illinois
Philip Michael Vazquez, Rosharon, Texas
Fortino Velasco, San Antonio, Texas
Meredith Ann Vieira, Wilmington, Delaware
Alexander Stephen Vinett, cum laude, New Windsor, New York
Katelyn Michelle Virga, Shelby Township, Michigan
Christopher James Von Bargen, summa cum laude, Rochester,
New York
Stephanie Lauren Wachs, Marietta, Georgia
Peter Michael Wade, Winchester, Illinois
Tyler Hashimori Wagner, Eugene, Oregon
Joseph Jay Walbridge, cum laude, Hickory Corners, Michigan
Vanessa Tra-Mi Wall, South Jordan, Utah
Kevin Patrick Walsh, Burr Ridge, Illinois
Martin Gerard Walsh, Burr Ridge, Illinois
Patrick omas Walsh, Staten Island, New York
Victoria Gannon Ware, Concord, Massachusetts
Rachel Ann Weigel, Chanhassen, Minnesota
Ronald Edward Weir, Jr., summa cum laude, Cobalt,
Alexandria Chloe Wellman, Bloomington, Illinois
John Howard Werner, cum laude, Billings, Montana
Alexandra Elizabeth Whelan, Atlanta, Georgia
Courtney Marie Whyte, Lafayette, California
Mary Catherine Wickert, Westerville, Ohio
Annie Grace Williams, Dallas, Texas
Stephanie Marie Winsch, Darien, Connecticut
Amity Kaitlyn Wipson, Duluth, Minnesota
Patrick Joseph Wirth, Chesapeake, Virginia
Matthew Jesian Wong, Powell, Ohio
Katherine Lindsey Wood, Dallas, Texas
Kayla Marie Woodlock, cum laude, Rochester, New York
Daniel Patrick Wrapp, Chandler, Arizona
Daniel Drake Wright, Pleasanton, California
Yijun Xie, magna cum laude, Changzhou,
People's Republic of China
Ivy Jeanette Yen, Granger, Indiana
Jeerson Yu, Redmond, Washington
Emily Yuan, Brooklyn, New York
Samuel Martin Zappa, Owatonna, Minnesota
Jiatai Zhang, Shenzhen, People's Republic of China
Qingyang Zhang, cum laude, Changsha,
People's Republic of China
Junyi Zhou, Nanjing, People's Republic of China
Elizabeth Garrett Zolper, cum laude, Vienna, Virginia
Sylvia Elizabeth Zureich, Marysville, Ohio
Meghan McCarthy Zwahlen, Faireld, Connecticut
*Participating with his/her class
#Graduating with Senior esis
Candidates for degree May 17, 2015
Kevin Francis Clancy, Sandwich, Massachusetts
Steven Lee Claucherty, Royal Oak, Michigan
Katherine Kendall Disser, Alpharetta, Georgia
Alec Joseph Domotor, Mount Airy, Maryland
Margaret Mary Fisher, Raleigh, North Carolina
Nicholas Ryan Frecker, Leesburg, Indiana
Brian Patrick Gaouette, Lakewood, Colorado
Cassandra Grace Gettinger, Elkridge, Maryland
Ryan Butcher Grin, cum laude, Palos Heights, Illinois
Connor James Halloran, Lexington, South Carolina
Nicholas Dudley Kelsey, Phoenix, Arizona
Claire Virginia Mariani, Montclair, New Jersey
Michael Donald Martel, cum laude, Aberdeen, South Dakota
Andrew James McCarthy, Middletown, Ohio
Andrew Patrick McGloin, magna cum laude, Wheateld,
New York
Keldan Charles Mulvey, New Berlin, Wisconsin
Erik Edward Uziemblo Nelson, Richland, Washington
Jesus Pulido, Laredo, Texas
Michael Walter Quinlan, cum laude, Merrimack,
New Hampshire
Cecilia Ruiz, Brea, California
Carson Lee Running, Owatonna, Minnesota
Brian George Smith, cum laude, Kingsport, Tennessee
Ryan Alexander Snelling, Pine Lake, Georgia
John Michael Sontag, cum laude, Indianapolis, Indiana
Danielle Nicole Welsh, La Habra Heights, California
Harrison Budzinski Yates, Charlottesville, Virginia
Degree awarded January 4, 2015
Matthew omas Hickey, Winnetka, Illinois
Candidates for degree May 17, 2015
Liyana Abdul Mu'is, Selangor, Malaysia
Katherine Agnes Andreasen, Madison, Indiana
Christopher Robert Andrews, Green River, Wyoming
Azunne Ijeamashi Anigbo, Schererville, Indiana
Matthew Linden Bedell, cum laude, Houston, Texas
Brian Miller Beringer, Macon, Georgia
Margaret Ellen Best, magna cum laude, Boulder, Colorado
#Kathleen Ruth Bowie, Granger, Indiana
Dominic J. Boyer, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
*Matthew John Boylan, Jr., Flemington, New Jersey
Ryan Edward Byers, cum laude, Michigan City, Indiana
Marissa Nicole Cirillo, Huntingtown, Maryland
Christian Douglas Clarke, cum laude, Irwin, Pennsylvania
Patrick omas Connelly, magna cum laude, Wilton,
Joseph Hughes Copp, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Kyle Robert Cowdrick, Lilburn, Georgia
Monica Loren Daegele, Manhattan Beach, California
Christopher Joseph Dearolf, summa cum laude, Jenkintown,
*Douglas Claude DiGiorno, Naples, Florida
#Evan Leo Doney, Westerville, Ohio
Sean Padrac Driscoll, magna cum laude, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Sean Roger Dwyer, cum laude, Weymouth, Massachusetts
Mia Kathleen Eppler, Fenton, Missouri
Mark Stephen Festa, Orange, Connecticut
Steven Richard Froelich, Manorville, New York
Laura Katherine Gardner, magna cum laude, Glenview, Illinois
*Christopher James Gerik, Waco, Texas
Nick James Gibson, Houston, Texas
Haley Elizabeth Gordon, Medford, New Jersey
omas Patrick Goresen, Jr., e Woodlands, Texas
#Sarah Elizabeth Halweg, Naperville, Illinois
#Katelin Marie Hansen, cum laude, Granger, Indiana
Brendan Patrick Heaney, Medeld, Massachusetts
Emma Lynn Henderson, Grand Island, New York
eresa Hyengju Her, Palatine, Illinois
Mariah Lynne Jackson, Bloomington, Indiana
Peter Joseph Jochens, Saint Louis, Missouri
John Jay Johnstone, Mountain Brook, Alabama
Daniel Matthew Kerekes, magna cum laude, Barrington, Illinois
John Edward Kim, Bartlett, Illinois
Emily Frances Kitchin, magna cum laude, Cumming, Georgia
Hannah Marie Knochelmann, magna cum laude, Florence,
Matthew Richard Kowalski, magna cum laude, Bloomeld Hills,
Kathleen Elizabeth Krah, cum laude, Medeld, Massachusetts
Ryan Joseph Landis, Columbus, Ohio
Samuel Lin Tin Chee Leung, summa cum laude, Granger,
*Ryan Alan Lim, Folsom, California
Charles Joseph Magiera, Rochester, New York
Michael Anthony Marino, Jr., Clarence Center, New York
#Lesli Oiling Mark, cum laude, South Bend, Indiana
Laura Elizabeth Mellitt, Columbia, Missouri
Margaret eresa Miller, Fayetteville, Tennessee
Brendan omas Miner, e Woodlands, Texas
Benjamin Joseph Moeller, Cincinnati, Ohio
Macy Maureen Mulhall, Omaha, Nebraska
Garima Narang, Newbury Park, California
Andrew Paul Neils, Fairfax Station, Virginia
Conor Bryant Nicholl, Manitou Beach, Michigan
Jacob Michael Nichter, Crittenden, Kentucky
Kendall Graham Niemann, Houston, Texas
Michael Patrick Nolan, Deereld, Illinois
Kyle Paul Osborne, cum laude, Maplewood, Minnesota
Daniel James Padden, Duluth, Minnesota
Keith William Podgorski, magna cum laude, Denver, Colorado
Phillip Russel Posway, Sugar Land, Texas
Ryan Matthew Prom, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Allison Ann Ralfs, magna cum laude, Durant, Iowa
Stephanie Melissa Rinaldi, Novi, Michigan
Max Alfred Roesler V, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Patricia Eileen Ryan, Tewksbury, Massachusetts
Rebecca Patrice Ryan, Cincinnati, Ohio
Michael Jon Scott, magna cum laude, Houston, Texas
Charmagne Lee Solomon, Arcadia, California
Christine Jisoo Song, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Ernie Francis Soto, Jr., Davie, Florida
Cory William Stockard, Streetsboro, Ohio
Adam Joseph Sundholm, Everett, Washington
Megan Jane edwall, cum laude, Indianapolis, Indiana
Adelia Louise Tuse, Niles, Michigan
Danielle Marie Valcourt, Sterling, Massachusetts
*Mary Alyssa Varsanik, Rochester, Michigan
Diana Christine Veit, magna cum laude, Saint Louis, Missouri
Maxwell Eric Veregge, San Jose, California
Vincent Peter Veschi, Center Valley, Pennsylvania
John Andrew Whitney, San Jose, California
Madeline Marie Wimberly, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Xiaoran Zhu, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
Degree awarded August 3, 2014
Will Francis Clarke Connors, San Carlos, California
Patrick Amari Smith Mathews, Seattle, Washington
Candidates for degree May 17, 2015
Nicholas Michael Bette, Delmar, New York
Michael Robert Brandes, Kendall Park, New Jersey
Elizabeth Grace Byrne, Syracuse, New York
Brian James Calcutt, Faireld, Connecticut
Kevin Fernando Camacho, magna cum laude, Merrick,
New York
Teresa Ann Ciambrone, magna cum laude, Flossmoor, Illinois
Michael Francis Conry, Deephaven, Minnesota
Daniel Paul Courtney, cum laude, Bualo, New York
Angelene Jo Dascanio, Santa Barbara, California
Robert Donald Devine, summa cum laude, Oceanport,
New Jersey
Ryan Patrick Duy, Orland Park, Illinois
Abigail Elizabeth Flory, Lincoln, Nebraska
Sean Patrick Gervais, Los Angeles, California
Matthew David Hardegger, Burnsville, Minnesota
Elizabeth Rita Holzenthal, cum laude, Mandeville, Louisiana
Quinn James Horvath, cum laude, Poughkeepsie, New York
*Broderick Dunn Kelley, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Kathleen Maura King, Geneva, Illinois
Christian James Knight, Houston, Texas
Erin Marie Kolasinski, Chicago, Illinois
*Claire Eileen Kozlowski, West Chester, Ohio
Katherine Marie Kreienkamp, Saint Louis, Missouri
Allison Karen Lee, cum laude, Memphis, Tennessee
Rose Marie McClimans, Homer, New York
Kaleigh Alexa McLaughlin, Princeton, New Jersey
Meghan Elizabeth Monahan, Lyndhurst, Ohio
William Russ Murray, Charlottesville, Virginia
Quinn Martin O'Heeney, cum laude, Nashville, Tennessee
Jessica Lynn Orlando, Southold, New York
William Crowder Pecor, South Bend, Indiana
Carolyn Ann Quigley, summa cum laude, Burr Ridge, Illinois
Tara Elizabeth Rabinek, Larkspur, Colorado
Kyle Angelo Sant, cum laude, Sterling Heights, Michigan
Dylan Michael Scarpato, Lynbrook, New York
Amanda Jean Schockling, cum laude, Sugar Land, Texas
Allegis Marie Snider, Moline, Illinois
John Francis Stumpf, Saint Louis, Missouri
David Isaac Terry, magna cum laude, Shirley, Massachusetts
Alexandra Marie Westby, Media, Pennsylvania
eodore James Williams, Sierra Madre, California
Jonathan Louis Williamson, Bloomington, Illinois
Timothy Edlund Woodcock, cum laude, Norton Shores,
Candidates for degree May 17, 2015
Nikita Amelchenko, Canton, Massachusetts
Sean omas Fitzgerald, Concord, New Hampshire
Hannah Mae Garvey, Sueld, Connecticut
George William Georgaklis, Westwood, Massachusetts
Waleed Elharith Johnson, Detroit, Michigan
Jodi Jo Yee Lo, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Nicole Dianne Mariani, Montclair, New Jersey
Matthew Joel McGlynn, magna cum laude, Englewood,
Pham Phuong Dung, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Phillip Lee Hwo Shiu, São Paulo, Brazil
Tyler James Wahl, Walla Walla, Washington
Degree awarded August 3, 2014
Ryan Michael Liebscher, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Degree awarded January 4, 2015
Iheanyi Pete Ekechukwu, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Kaitlyn Marie Kiely, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
Nicholas Christopher LaRosa, summa cum laude, Crystal Lake,
Candidates for degree May 17, 2015
Jonathan Michael Alvarez, Munster, Indiana
DeVonte' Alexander Applewhite, Gary, Indiana
Cody Michael Barron, Ranson, West Virginia
Michael Martin Bau, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Nicholas Edward Burns, magna cum laude, Milwaukee,
Catherine (Catya) Clare Carothers, San Diego, California
Jonathan Alberto Cobian, magna cum laude, Orlando, Florida
Stuart Gilray Colianni, Naperville, Illinois
Michael Andrew Creehan, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Laura Rodwick Cronin, Westeld, Indiana
Christopher Croson, cum laude, Allenwood, New Jersey
Katherine Rose Eckart, cum laude, El Dorado, Arkansas
Paul Martin Fortin, magna cum laude, East Peoria, Illinois
Kelly Diane Gawne, cum laude, Burke, Virginia
*Henry J. Gens, Palo Alto, California
Christine Marie Gerardi, cum laude, Clovis, California
Caroline Marie Gerstle, cum laude, Louisville, Kentucky
Sean Anthony Gleason, Rochester, New York
Dol Dietrich Hanke, Laguna Beach, California
Alexander William Hathaway, Powell, Ohio
Tera Rebecca Joyce, cum laude, Beavercreek, Ohio
Erich Austin Kerekes, summa cum laude, Barrington, Illinois
Umer Ahmed Khan, Spring, Texas
Oliver John Lamb, magna cum laude, Los Gatos, California
Benjamin Mark Laws, summa cum laude, Maumee, Ohio
Zachary Robert Lipp, magna cum laude, East Amherst,
New York
Raymond Sirui Lu, Missouri City, Texas
Matthew Dillon Mahan, cum laude, Bellevue, Washington
Andres Martin, Los Angeles, California
Michael Israel Martinez, El Paso, Texas
Conor Patrick McCarter, magna cum laude, Naperville, Illinois
Daniel John McCormack, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Jillian Marie Montalvo, cum laude, Overland Park, Kansas
Kyle Joseph Mulholland, Yardley, Pennsylvania
Sean Michael Murphy, Novato, California
Matthew George Nulle, magna cum laude, Bellingham,
Michael Oluseyi Oduala, Chicago, Illinois
Nathaniel Philip Pawelczyk, Frankfort, Illinois
Michael Alexander Powers, Long Grove, Illinois
Katherine Lee Privateer, Papillion, Nebraska
Mary Elizabeth Rauh, cum laude, Cary, North Carolina
Nollan Harrison Reed, Brookeville, Maryland
Esteban Rojas, Lauderhill, Florida
Matthew Norris Rundle, cum laude, Jeerson City, Missouri
Lindsey Jean Sansone, Saint Louis, Missouri
Sofyan Saputra, magna cum laude, Clackamas, Oregon
Joshua Ryan Schultz, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Bradley James Stalcup, cum laude, Ashburn, Virginia
*Ethan Patrick Swan, Latrobe, Pennsylvania
Daniel Yuichi Tamaru, Honolulu, Hawaii
Stephanie Margaret Tilden, cum laude, Dallas, Texas
omas Edward Wack, Warsaw, Indiana
Jason Martin Wassel, summa cum laude, Pittsburgh,
Ryan Patrick Wheeler, cum laude, Cincinnati, Ohio
Alexander J. Yeh, South Bend, Indiana
Boyoung Yoo, magna cum laude, Scarsdale, New York
Austin James Zebrowski, Brighton, Michigan
Degree awarded August 3, 2014
Nicholas Jose Yulan, Houston, Texas
Degree awarded January 4, 2015
Ignacio Aranguren, Guadalajara, Mexico
Candidates for degree May 17, 2015
Genaro Alfredo Andazola Flores, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua,
Arnaud Mickael Bacye, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso,
Northwest Africa
*Ryan Connor Bernhold, Minster, Ohio
James Michael Blaha, Phoenix, Arizona
Calvin Joseph Campopiano, Statesboro, Georgia
Christopher James Catalino, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
Matthew Charles DePorre, Rochester Hills, Michigan
Rachel Kathleen Drumm, magna cum laude, West Chester,
Karina Renée Lu Dubé, Saugus, Massachusetts
Justin Daniel Erman, cum laude, Clearwater, Florida
Samantha Alysha Flores, Harlingen, Texas
Meaghan Reilly Hannon, Bethesda, Maryland
James Gerard Heisler, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Matthew Taylor Henne, Clayton, Ohio
Christopher James Homa, cum laude, Stockholm, New Jersey
eodore Dakota Howe, Roswell, Georgia
*Eric Michael Jesse, Westlake, Ohio
Frank John Kuhny, Wheaton, Illinois
Anjolaoluwa Lanre-Ladenegan, Lagos, Nigeria
Matthew Laurence Martin, San Antonio, Texas
Margaret Mary McGonigle, Excelsior, Minnesota
Eleanor Haley Mershon, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Sarah Elizabeth Ritter, Cincinnati, Ohio
William Joseph Schell, magna cum laude, Honeoye Falls,
New York
Christopher Michael Short, cum laude, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Michael Paul Silvernagel, summa cum laude, Billings, Montana
Evan David Syers, Marlborough, Massachusetts
Colin Christopher Terndrup, magna cum laude, Redwood City,
Colleen Mary Tigani, Derwood, Maryland
*Ashley Christine Towne, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst,
New Jersey
Anthony Daejin Villano, Granger, Indiana
John Weisenberger, Wilmette, Illinois
Michael James Williams, summa cum laude, Saint Paul,
Candidates for degree May 17, 2015
Sarah Eva Prizio, Brimeld, Massachusetts
Candidates for degree May 17, 2015
Kathryn Margaret Peruski, cum laude, Scarsdale, New York
Zachary Augustus Torrano, cum laude, Wilton, California
Degree awarded January 4, 2015
Michael John Dobbertin, Rochester, New York
Lauren Elizabeth Imho, Dallas, Texas
Timothy Ramon Oliu, Tewksbury Township, New Jersey
Candidates for degree May 17, 2015
Ishmael Amegashie, Germantown, Maryland
Christopher Ryan Aquino, Flanders, New Jersey
Ashley Allison Armstrong, summa cum laude, Flossmoor, Illinois
Anthony Minh Banh, Houston, Texas
Joshua Mark Bartusch, Valparaiso, Indiana
Brendan Gene Becht, South Bend, Indiana
Stephen Carter Bedard, magna cum laude, Primm Springs,
Catherine Emilie Bentzen, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Samuel Peter Bevilacqua, Bloomington, Illinois
Andrew Gregory Boratenski, cum laude, Silver Spring,
Timothy Matthew Bresnahan, Grayslake, Illinois
*Julie Kay Brown, Gulf Breeze, Florida
Christopher Daniel Brucker, cum laude, Bulger, Pennsylvania
Molly Frances Burke, Lake Barrington, Illinois
Daniel Aaron Carpenter, Osceola, Indiana
Nicholas Alexander Carpenter, San Clemente, California
Stephen Joseph Charnley, Livonia, Michigan
Kevin John Connor, Poolesville, Maryland
Olivia Ann Dietzel, Dickeyville, Wisconsin
Patrick Andrew Dorin, magna cum laude, Eden Prairie,
Steven David Dusing, summa cum laude, Brookeld, Wisconsin
Ariel Elizabeth Etienne, Tell City, Indiana
Michael Peter Flanigan, Tiverton, Rhode Island
Andrew Garrett Fonacier, Roanoke, Virginia
Brock Anthony Friedman, Raleigh, North Carolina
Benjamin Zenas Gerig, Elkhart, Indiana
Paul Mariano Gigioli, cum laude, Brookeville, Maryland
Trevor Enrique Gonzales, Allen, Texas
Daniel Joseph Gregory, Hinsdale, Illinois
Pierre Eghosasere Timothy Guobadia, Brooklyn, New York
Anna Harriot Halverson, Lawton, Oklahoma
Peter Francis Harvey, Levittown, New York
Wade Joseph Hawkins, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Alexandra Breanne Hippen, Omaha, Nebraska
John Patrick Hollkamp, summa cum laude, Dayton, Ohio
*Michael David Hunckler, South Bend, Indiana
John Robert Hussey, Peneld, New York
Kelsey Sinclair Hutchinson, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Sean Michael Hynes, Morton Grove, Illinois
Katherine Elizabeth Ili, Indianapolis, Indiana
Alex Brett Jones, summa cum laude, Columbus, Ohio
John Shapland Kearns, Champaign, Illinois
John Patrick Keller, Nashville, Tennessee
Michael Alan Kelly, cum laude, Monroeville, Pennsylvania
Spencer Joseph Kieer, summa cum laude, East Amherst,
New York
Alexander Young Ho Nobuo Ko, Aiea, Hawaii
Joel Gregory Kolb, West Bend, Wisconsin
Taylor Louis Kolbus, Goshen, Indiana
Kenneth John Kraynik, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Cameron omas Kupfer, magna cum laude, Kingshill,
Virgin Islands
*Brien Bishop Kurtz, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Kathleen Marie Landers, Woodstock, Illinois
*Alison Elizabeth Leddy, Shaker Heights, Ohio
Patrick Joseph Marino, cum laude, Birmingham, Alabama
William Henry Meckling, Denver, Colorado
*Participating with his/her class
#Graduating with Senior esis
Eduardo Meraz Trejo, El Paso, Texas
Sean O'Neill Moore, Independence, Ohio
Emily Mae Moser, Carpentersville, Illinois
Matthew James Nagy, cum laude, Zionsville, Indiana
*Monica Anh-u Nguyen, San Jose, California
Douglas Gregory Noe, cum laude, Moline, Illinois
Erin Elizabeth O'Brien, Omaha, Nebraska
Patrick Michael O'Meara, magna cum laude, Berkeley Heights,
New Jersey
Quinn Andrew O'Rourke, Overland Park, Kansas
Patrick Bryce Ortenzio, Cockeysville, Maryland
Eric Michael Palutsis, magna cum laude, Louisville, Ohio
Kristen Anne Parkinson, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Eric Lawrence Peace, Chardon, Ohio
Brennan Michael Pinnock, Fredericksburg, Virginia
Alejandro Rene Porras De Stefano, El Paso, Texas
James Scott Ramey, Westeld, Indiana
Austin Alexander Reed, Evergreen, Colorado
Sean omas Reed, Bellevue, Washington
Anthony Michael Regalbuto, Santa Clara, California
Michael Patrick Reinsvold, magna cum laude, Urbandale, Iowa
Taylor James Roberts, Brooklyn, New York
Daniel Alfredo Rodriguez, Menlo Park, California
Joseph David Saiz, Onalaska, Wisconsin
Matthew Paul Samora, San Diego, California
James Donald Schmidt, cum laude, Lake Villa, Illinois
Diana Lyn Schmoe, Sugar Land, Texas
Hillary Elizabeth Shesterkin, Livonia, Michigan
Caitlin Elizabeth Smith, Long Valley, New Jersey
Joshua Nason Smith, summa cum laude, Springeld, Illinois
John Michael Soisson, Rochester Hills, Michigan
Yichuan Song, magna cum laude, Cixi,
People's Republic of China
Peter Alan Steiner, cum laude, West Bend, Wisconsin
Quoc Anh Peter Tran, North Richland Hills, Texas
Nicholas Edward Turner, cum laude, Baltimore, Maryland
eodore Caney Wagner, Naperville, Illinois
Alex Patrick Walters, Wichita, Kansas
Loyd Collin Weldy, cum laude, Mishawaka, Indiana
Elizabeth Marie Wendelberger, Los Alamos, New Mexico
Ryan Andrew Williams, summa cum laude, Scottsdale, Arizona
Samantha Catherine Wright, cum laude, Greensburg,
John-Paul Robert Zebrowski, Brighton, Michigan
Caitlin Elisabeth Zeiler, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Mario Roberto Zeron Hernandez, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
James Michael Ziemba, Houston, Texas
order of exerCIses
sunday, may 17, 2015
1:30 p.m. edt
joyCe Center - north dome
Processional Music
e Notre Dame Concert Band
Kenneth W. Dye, Ed.D., Director
Lawrence H. Dwyer, Assistant Director
America the Beautiful
O Beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain.
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
from sea to shining sea.
Convening of the Convocation
William D. Nichols
Associate Dean of the Mendoza College of Business
and Professor of Accountancy
Diploma Ceremony Address
Roger D. Huang
Martin J. Gillen Dean of the Mendoza College of Business
and Professor of Global Investment Management
Distribution of Diplomas
Department of Accountancy
H. Fred Mittelstaedt
Deloitte Foundation Professor of Accountancy
and Department Chair
Department of Finance
Richard R. Mendenhall
William and Cassie Daley Professor of Finance
and Department Chair
Department of Management
David B. Hartvigsen
John W. Berry, Sr., Professor of Business
and Department Chair
Department of Marketing
Shankar Ganesan
John Cardinal O'Hara C.S.C., Professor of Business
and Department Chair
Closing of the Convocation
Notre Dame, Our Mother (Alma Mater)
Notre Dame, Our Mother, tender, strong and true
Proudly in the heavens gleams thy gold and blue.
Glory's mantle cloaks thee, golden is thy fame
And our hearts forever praise thee, Notre Dame;
And our hearts forever love thee, Notre Dame.
Recessional of the Platform Party, Faculty
Notre Dame Victory March
Cheer, cheer for old Notre Dame,
Wake up the echoes cheering her name,
Send a volley cheer on high,
Shake down the thunder from the sky.
What though the odds be great or small
Old Notre Dame will win over all,
While her loyal sons are marching
Onward to victory.
* It is customary for men, although not for women, wearing academic garb to
have their caps removed during the Commencement Address and the singing of
the Alma Mater.
Degree awarded August 3, 2014
Kimberly Anne Bretz, South Bend, Indiana
Carlos Alberto De Obaldia Navarro, Sunny Isles Beach, Florida
Brendan Robert Dolan, Albany, New York
omas Patrick Falkenberg, Elmhurst, Illinois
Kyle Joseph Gurrola, Houston, Texas
Gina Marie Klingel, South Bend, Indiana
Anders Mark Lee, Edina, Minnesota
Gregory W. Morman, Traverse City, Michigan
Caroline Anne Mungenast, Saint Louis, Minnesota
Tyler Austin Plantz, Frankfort, Illinois
Ronald J. Seman, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Quintin Lavell Vawters, Houston, Texas
Aaron James Weber, Hendersonville, Tennessee
Nicole Jen Zhang, magna cum laude, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Degree awarded January 4, 2015
Marc William Ackermann, magna cum laude, Lake Barrington,
Margarita Pilar Arcenas, Laguna Niguel, California
Lauren Nicole Barnes, Baldwin City, Kansas
Ricardo Juan Barrios, Pearland, Texas
Nicholas Martin Besler, Overland Park, Kansas
Shannon Elizabeth Bosche, Bozeman, Montana
Edward Mcmillin Bruce, South Bend, Indiana
Connor Robert Cavalaris, Lake Forest, Illinois
Patrick Charles Conroy, Naples, Florida
Dana Marie Coury, Omaha, Nebraska
Kara Eileen Cronin, North Easton, Massachusetts
Cara Sager Curran, Corning, New York
Richard Joseph Dupont, San Clemente, California
Allison Eleanor Fachetti, magna cum laude, Needham,
Mary Clare Fonseca, Saint Louis, Missouri
Alphonse Henry Harding, Granger, Indiana
Logan Wilhelm Hayward, Chestereld, Missouri
Shailee Kumar, Munster, Indiana
Moojung Lee, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Bridget Kathleen Lewis, New York, New York
Zhelun Li, cum laude, Chengdu, People's Republic of China
Michelle Jingjing Liang, Toledo, Ohio
Liam Powers Madden, Glendale, California
Moises Avilio Martinez, Wasco, California
Robert Henry McGeehan, summa cum laude, Bayville,
New Jersey
Joseph Carl Mueller, cum laude, Johns Creek, Georgia
Erin Elizabeth Murphy, cum laude, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Allison Lynn Murray, Exton, Pennsylvania
Andrew L. Paisley, Tewksbury Township, New Jersey
Brandon James Rake, San Dimas, California
Bethany Nicole Reimbold, summa cum laude, Carmel, Indiana
John Henry Schneider III, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Kevin Andrew Schneider, summa cum laude, Tucson, Arizona
Liang-Kai Hsia Stotler, cum laude, Rowland Heights, California
Christopher Michael Tamme, West Bloomeld, Michigan
Karen Ann Wisniewski, magna cum laude, Culver City,
Gyeongsun Yun, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Candidates for degree May 17, 2015
David Ramon Abadin, Miami, Florida
Gabriel Guido Acuna, e Woodlands, Texas
Joseph William Aiken, Whitesh Bay, Wisconsin
Matthew omas Albano, Westeld, New Jersey
Mary Margaret Allare, Tyler, Texas
Stephen David Allison, cum laude, Houston, Texas
Antoinette Ijeoma Alugbue, Hawthorne, California
Kelsey Lynn Amarosa, cum laude, Nesconset, New York
Alexander Dean Anderson, magna cum laude, Eden Prairie,
Alisha Marie Anderson, summa cum laude, Eden Prairie,
Devlin Duarte Anes, Waterbury, Connecticut
Paul Richard Anthony, South Bend, Indiana
Molly Sullivan Anzelc, Las Vegas, Nevada
John Peter Aronica, magna cum laude, Norwich, Connecticut
Anton Mark Auerbach, Naperville, Illinois
Uma M. Avinash, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
Joshua G. Cambrin Bachleda, Bridgman, Michigan
Matthew Joseph Badyna, cum laude, Mundelein, Illinois
Ryan Andrew Baer, San Jose, California
Kevin Patrick Balho, Marriottsville, Maryland
Julia Sophia Banasikowski, Savage, Minnesota
*Carson James Barnes, Ottawa, Kansas
Caroline Brutico Barns, Wayland, Massachusetts
Adelle Genevieve Barte, Woodland Hills, California
Bret Timothy Basilone, Chicago, Illinois
Jacob Patrick Bebar, Crest Hill, Illinois
Nicholas Michael Beer, Sudbury, Massachusetts
Haley Erin Bellis, Granger, Indiana
Amanda Fay Bellomo, Sunsh Lake, Minnesota
Ryan Patrick Bernet, Valrico, Florida
Kelsey Eileen Birsic, Wexford, Pennsylvania
Keali Joyce Bjork, Mequon, Wisconsin
Steven Marc Blazer, La Grange, Illinois
Kevin Daniel Blonien, Dallas, Texas
Michael Keefe Blume, cum laude, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Patrick John Boduch, cum laude, Geneva, Illinois
Alexander Marek Bogucki-Baran, Simsbury, Connecticut
Lauren Ashley Bohaboy, Mission Viejo, California
Trevor Michael Bonventre, cum laude, Novi, Michigan
Andrew Robert Borchert, magna cum laude, Alpharetta, Georgia
Victoria Marie Botsford, Barrington, Illinois
Gregory Wilson Bourdon, magna cum laude, Fulton, Maryland
Andrew Joseph Boyce III, Oak Lawn, Illinois
Taylor Ann Boyd, magna cum laude, Saginaw, Michigan
Shannon Elizabeth Brady, magna cum laude,
San Juan Capistrano, California
Morgan Elizabeth Brennan, summa cum laude, Madison,
Evan Scott Brizius, magna cum laude, Evansville, Indiana
Edward Randolph Broun, Jr., Cincinnati, Ohio
Noni Tara Em Pesh Brown, cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Connor John Brutocao, Spokane, Washington
Cameron Vincent Bryan, South Bend, Indiana
Elena Gabrielle Buckley, Pasadena, California
Ryan Patrick Buckley, Alpharetta, Georgia
Andrea Marie Buechler, cum laude, Shawnee, Kansas
Julia Catherine Bu, Brooklyn, New York
Ryan Carl Bull, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Lane Carlton Bullock, Nashville, Tennessee
Nathaniel Arthur Burggraf, Saint Louis, Missouri
Julia Ann Burton, Marion, Ohio
Kevin Michael Byrne, Jr., Red Bank, New Jersey
Angelo Joss Calderon, Sandusky, Ohio
Dadyn Marie Calderone, South Bend, Indiana
Bridget Jane Callaghan, Michigan City, Indiana
Kevin Daniel Callaghan, Glastonbury, Connecticut
Joseph Anthony Calzaretta, cum laude, Naperville, Illinois
Charles Joseph Camisasca, cum laude, Tarpon Springs, Florida
Daniel Christian Cannata, Miami, Florida
Aedan O'Rourke Cannon, Ridgewood, New Jersey
Amir Elijah Carlisle, Santa Clara, California
Julio Enrique Carrera, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
Allison Ume Casareto, La Habra Heights, California
Bridget Kathleen Casey, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Joseph Anthony Casino, Stamford, Connecticut
Joseph Andrew Celeste, summa cum laude, Kennesaw, Georgia
Antoinette Angeline Chan, Brooklyn, New York
Justin Li Min Chen, cum laude, Homan Estates, Illinois
Linyuan Chen, Taizhou, People's Republic of China
Mengyue Cheng, Nanjing, People's Republic of China
Kathleen Archer Christian, Oakland, California
Vincent Dominic Cicciarelli, Peoria, Illinois
Matthias Hunter Clark, River Forest, Illinois
Anne Maureen Clarke, Lower Gwynedd, Pennsylvania
Daniel Louis Cleary, Cranford, New Jersey
Ernst Agadino Alcantara Cleofe II, cum laude, Cerritos,
Olivia George Cogan, summa cum laude, Louisville, Kentucky
Conner James Cole, Scottsdale, Arizona
Timothy Robert Cole, Manhasset, New York
Kaitlyn Rose Coleman, Brooklyn, New York
Matthew Dawson Conaghan, Bethesda, Maryland
Carl Joseph Condon, magna cum laude, Louisville, Kentucky
Patrick Bergin Connaughton, Arlington, Massachusetts
Logan Victor Connolly, Davidsonville, Maryland
Sarah Allison Connors, Hingham, Massachusetts
Sarah Brine Connors, Knoxville, Tennessee
James Joseph Corish, Vienna, Virginia
Mary D. Corneld, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
Joseph Nicholas Corsaro, cum laude, Indianapolis, Indiana
Daniel Tyler Cortese, cum laude, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Virginia Shannon Coyne, Silver Spring, Maryland
Patrick Michael Creagh, Deer Park, Illinois
Caitlin Claire Crommett, Dove Canyon, California
Patrick Eugene Cruser, Highland, New York
Justin Paul Cunningham, cum laude, Lawrenceville, New Jersey
Elizabeth Anne Curtin, Houston, Texas
Jennifer Marie Daily, Newtown, Connecticut
William Francis Dalton, Needham, Massachusetts
Emily Alice Danaher, Clifton Park, New York
Jeremy Stephen Dancu, summa cum laude, Tinley Park, Illinois
Justin eodore Dancu, summa cum laude, Tinley Park, Illinois
R. Zachary Daniel, Sugar Land, Texas
Marie Susan Davidson, summa cum laude, Saint Louis, Missouri
Mary Kathleen de Groot, Dunwoody, Georgia
André De Janón Eisenmann, Panama City, Panama
omas Joseph Dean, Indianapolis, Indiana
Matthew Michael DeBlasio, Dix Hills, New York
Kevin Michael DeFilippis, Homer Glen, Illinois
Connor Joseph Demarais, South Bend, Indiana
Gregory Francis Denis, Manchester, New Hampshire
Ariel A. DeSmet, Troutdale, Oregon
Henry Joseph DeTrempe, Barrington, Illinois
Patrick Charles Dever, Raleigh, North Carolina
Carolina Isabel Diaz, Coral Gables, Florida
Dragomir Dimitrov, South Bend, Indiana
Alessandro Antonio DiSanto, summa cum laude, Harrisburg,
Eric Minh Huan Doan, Placentia, California
Hamilton Bryan Doane, North Palm Beach, Florida
Brett Patrick Dolan, Atlanta, Georgia
Vincent William Dour, Bremerton, Washington
Caitlin Marie Doyle, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Colleen Marie Doyle, Granger, Indiana
Steven Michael Doyle, Jr., cum laude, Seminole, Florida
Phelim Dunleavy, Ardara, Republic of Ireland
Nicholas James Dunn, cum laude, Livonia, Michigan
Erin Colleen Dustin, magna cum laude, Gambrills, Maryland
David Dziedzic, Vienna, Virginia
Audrey Ann Eaton, magna cum laude, Downers Grove, Illinois
Collin Michael Ebert, summa cum laude, Huron, Ohio
Andrew Charles Eckert, cum laude, Maple Glen, Pennsylvania
*Christina Marie Edmonds, Granger, Indiana
Yegor Elkin, cum laude, Lake Blu, Illinois
James E. Elliott, cum laude, Summit, New Jersey
Evan O'Neill Escobedo, summa cum laude, Aurora, Colorado
Anastasia Christine Evanich, magna cum laude, Brookeld,
Oyetoritsemoje Eyeguokan, Baltimore, Maryland
Daniel James Falkenberg, Elmhurst, Illinois
*Andrew John Fausone, Wilmette, Illinois
Anastasia Rose Fay, cum laude, Braintree, Massachusetts
Christopher James Federighi, magna cum laude, Cary, Illinois
Kaela T. Feliz, Boston, Massachusetts
Jonathon Patrick Ferguson, cum laude, Perrysburg, Ohio
Michael Benjamin Fernandes, Port Reading, New Jersey
Michael Jerey Fertl, Mequon, Wisconsin
Joseph Wallace Finley, Austin, Texas
Christopher Joseph Firlan, Ocean, New Jersey
Connor James Fitzgerald, Chicago, Illinois
Suzanne Florence Fitzpatrick, magna cum laude, Darien,
Daniel Francis Flood, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Edward Leo Flood, Omaha, Nebraska
Gregory omas Florio, magna cum laude, Stamford,
Brendan Patrick Flynn, Wheaton, Illinois
Rebecca Jane Flynn, Cheektowaga, New York
Alec Richard Fogarty, cum laude, Chaska, Minnesota
Sophia Catherine Forney, Saint Petersburg, Florida
Michael James Fredericka, Warren, Ohio
Mark Charles Frego, Hudson, Ohio
Katherine Anne Friedli, cum laude, Wilmette, Illinois
Qing Qing (Angela) Fu, magna cum laude, Brooklyn, New York
Lauren Adrianne Gabel, Oak Lawn, Illinois
Leah Connor Gallagher, Wayne, Pennsylvania
Caileigh Frances Gallahue, San Diego, California
Timothy Garvey Gancer, Oak Park, Illinois
Caitlin Erin Gargan, Rocky Point, New York
Aminah Gbadamosi, Los Angeles, California
Sara S. Gbadamosi, Los Angeles, California
Kate Elizabeth Geppert, Mendham, New Jersey
Joseph omas Germino, Orland Park, Illinois
Mark Daniel Gianfalla, Baiting Hollow, New York
Brittany Ann Gibler, Cincinnati, Ohio
Christopher Carl Giesting, Batesville, Indiana
Stephen Wayne Gilcrest, Mullica Hill, New Jersey
Cailin Maire Gillespie, Monroe, Connecticut
Taylor Christopher Gillig, Milton, Georgia
Michael Anthony Giuliano, North Reading, Massachusetts
Megan Elizabeth Golbranson, Pasadena, California
Everett Demone Golson, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Laura González, cum laude, Weston, Florida
Alexandra Rae Good, Greenwood Village, Colorado
Jonathan Clarke Gordon, magna cum laude, Las Vegas, Nevada
Madeline Anne Gore, Glade Park, Colorado
Jarrett Joel Grace, Cincinnati, Ohio
Blake Jewell Graham, Barrington, Illinois
Patrick omas Grahek, Alpharetta, Georgia
Daniel Spencer Groom, summa cum laude, Naples, Florida
Timothy Daniel Hackett, Columbus, Ohio
Robert John Haddad, summa cum laude, Clark, New Jersey
Shannon Elizabeth Hagedorn, cum laude, Manhattan Beach,
David Alan Haimes, Jr., Weston, Florida
Peter Andrew Hall, Fort Branch, Indiana
Brandon Joseph Hank, Westmont, Illinois
Morgan Amanda Hankamer, Tiburon, California
Michael William Hanley, magna cum laude, Peoria, Illinois
Robert Ramey Hann, Norcross, Georgia
Conor Hugh Hanratty, New Canaan, Connecticut
Tyler James Hanson, Palatine, Illinois
Lauren Elizabeth Harbauer, cum laude, Downers Grove, Illinois
Eleanor Clare Harding, cum laude, Granger, Indiana
Michael Sean Harrison, New Orleans, Louisiana
Brian Gerard Hartnett, Clark, New Jersey
Brian Patrick Hartnett, Tampa, Florida
Ryan Michael Harvey, Scottsdale, Arizona
Katey Lynne Haus, Oceanside, California
Andrea Peters Hayen, magna cum laude, Rochester Hills,
Albert Feng He, New York, New York
Nicholas Joseph Hebert, Beverly Hills, California
Matthew Vincent Hegarty, Aztec, New Mexico
Keira Bridget Heneghan, Point Lookout, New York
Georgeann Marie Herr, Chicago, Illinois
Chase Tyler Hibbard, Detroit, Michigan
Bernard Andrew Hiles, Dunwoody, Georgia
Allison Jane Hill, Malibu, California
Morgan Ann Hillin, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Sean Terrence Hipskind, Glenview, Illinois
Samuel Charles Hocking, Holmdel, New Jersey
Nicole Elyse Hodgins, Grosse Ile, Michigan
Andrew James Hof, cum laude, Columbus, Ohio
Rachael Lee Holland, Aurora, Illinois
William Blake Phillips Holzgrafe, cum laude, Peoria, Illinois
Jun Gi Hong, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Woongpyo Hong, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Casey Margaret Horan, magna cum laude, South Windsor,
Andrew John Hosbein, South Bend, Indiana
Joel Benedict Hotovy, Omaha, Nebraska
Kathleen Maire Hough, magna cum laude, Kansas City,
Chase Elliot Hounshell, Kirtland, Ohio
Nicholas James Howard-Johnson, Chatham, New Jersey
Ethan QiQi Hu, cum laude, Columbus, Massachusetts
Zhaoze Hu, cum laude, South Bend, Indiana
Justin Guanjie Huang, magna cum laude, Shanghai,
People's Republic of China
Kevin W. Huang, magna cum laude, Charlotte, North Carolina
Yingdong Huang, Shenzhen, People's Republic of China
Yixin Huang, Overland Park, Kansas
Abigail Niland Huber, Gainesville, Florida
Edward McCall Hudgins, Richmond, Virginia
Erin Elizabeth Hughes, New Providence, New Jersey
Kevin John Hughes, Rye, New York
Alexander Grant Hunnewell, Dedham, Massachusetts
James Joon Hwang, cum laude, Plainview, New York
Onyinyechukwu Geraldine Igboanugo, Lagos, Nigeria
Peter Alfred Ingallinera, Greenwich, Connecticut
Kamala Iodice, Roslyn, New York
Charitha Reddy Isanaka, cum laude, Bangalore, Karnataka,
Kristin Anne Jacobsen, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Michael Gregory Janes, magna cum laude, Grosse Pointe Woods,
Jennifer Taylor Jasper, Fort Worth, Texas
omas George Jeries, Old Bridge, New Jersey
Jana Julia Jenkins, Omaha, Nebraska
Rebecca Christine Jhung, Seattle, Washington
Alex John Jirschele, South Barrington, Illinois
Haley Joyce Johnson, Potomac, Maryland
Lauren Elizabeth Josephson, cum laude, Whitehall, Michigan
Zachary Joseph Juarez, Modesto, California
Michael Jerome Judd, magna cum laude, Cincinnati, Ohio
Edward James Jurkovic, magna cum laude, Bourbonnais, Illinois
Jennifer Louise Kalan, magna cum laude, Greenwood Village,
Leah Kalas, Rochester Hills, Michigan
Madeline Christine Kalish, Lafayette, Indiana
Keith William Kane, Grand Haven, Michigan
Michael Patrick Kane, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey
Seung Eui Kang, magna cum laude, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Kevin Michael Katalinic, cum laude, Orland Park, Illinois
Christopher Michael Keber, South Bend, Indiana
Alan John Keck, cum laude, Gilbert, Arizona
Joseph Frederick Keidel, Lexington, Kentucky
Caroline Grace Kelley, cum laude, Houston, Texas
Gerard Christopher Kelliher, cum laude, San Francisco,
Jack Henry Kelly, cum laude, Clarendon Hills, Illinois
Maura Aileen Kelly, Allison Park, Pennsylvania
Maura Colleen Kelly, cum laude, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Robert Conor Kelly, Saint Davids, Pennsylvania
Caitlin Alexandra Tatad Kennel, Portland, Oregon
Caroline Marie Kent, cum laude, Cincinnati, Ohio
John Michael Keough, Atlanta, Georgia
Scott Patrick Kerrigan, Saugus, California
Catherine Mae Kesman, cum laude, Lake Forest, Illinois
Michelle Cruz Kilgallon, Boca Raton, Florida
Jeanette Kim, Tenay, New Jersey
Min Jeong Kim, Anyang, Republic of Korea
Yeonsoo Kim, magna cum laude, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Andrew Kramer Kimball, magna cum laude, White Bear Lake,
Andrew J. King, San Antonio, Texas
Allyson Rose Kirst, cum laude, Plymouth, Minnesota
Timothy William Klinker, Tinley Park, Illinois
David Gregory Kloke, South Bend, Indiana
Stephanie Michelle Klotter, cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Emilee Johanna Koerner, Tustin, California
Alexander Andries Korenstra, Goshen, Indiana
Adam Kenneth Kourajian, magna cum laude, Sartell, Minnesota
Katrina Elizabeth Kovalik, Orinda, California
Brooke Marie Kovanda, Lockport, Illinois
Benjamin Andrew Koyack, Oil City, Pennsylvania
Alexander Robert Kroeger, summa cum laude, Cincinnati, Ohio
omas Christopher Krotine, Sacramento, California
William George Krug, magna cum laude, Burr Ridge, Illinois
Olivia Camille Kwitny, Los Angeles, California
Trent Minh La, Sugar Land, Texas
Maxwell Anthony Lachowecki, Evansville, Indiana
Juliana Isabel Lacouture, Barranquilla, Colombia
Vinh Tuan Lam, Metairie, Louisiana
Katherine Ann Lang, Branchburg, New Jersey
Nancy Meredith Lang, cum laude, Nashville, Tennessee
Joseph Patrick Lawless, cum laude, Hawthorn Woods, Illinois
Margaret Doris Lawrence, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Jack William Lawson, Dublin, California
Matthew Patrick Lawton, cum laude, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Casey Rudd Leary, Cincinnati, Ohio
Jason Michael LeBlanc, York, Maine
Jacob omas Lee, cum laude, Mclean, Virginia
Matthew Yau Leong Castañares Lee, Ka'a'awa, Hawaii
Christen Kelly Leen, magna cum laude, Naperville, Illinois
Daniel John Lempres, Wellesley, Massachusetts
Brianna Lynn Leon, summa cum laude, Grayslake, Illinois
Karen Kathleen Lesiewicz, Schaumburg, Illinois
Teresa Michelle Lester, Houston, Texas
Kevin Michael Leuck, Saint Charles, Missouri
Chung On Amanda Jane Leung, cum laude, Hong Kong,
Hong Kong
Christine Annie Lewis, cum laude, Skillman, New Jersey
Blaise Vincent Lezynski, Newtown, Pennsylvania
Xule Lin, Xiamen, Fujian, People's Republic of China
Jose Maria Linardi, Montevideo, Uruguay
Ryan Anthony Lindquist, Orchard Park, New York
George JB Liu, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Carly Rose Loeel, Cary, Illinois
Elizabeth Derna Roggi Lombard, magna cum laude,
Western Springs, Illinois
omas Quinn Londergan, Marsheld, Massachusetts
Joshua Patrick Looby, Midland, Michigan
Madeline Margaret Loper, Chesapeake, Virginia
Alexis Lopez Medina, Trinidad, Colorado
Jia Lou, Chengdu, People's Republic of China
Paul Chester Luczak, cum laude, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Zachary Steven Luetkehans, Wheaton, Illinois
Claire Amelia Lupo, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Emily Marie Lutkewitte, cum laude, Colts Neck, New Jersey
Ryan omas Majsak, Livonia, Michigan
Ying Ying Mak, summa cum laude, Hong Kong
Connor Edward Malone, cum laude, La Crosse, Wisconsin
Brian Sullivan Maloy, cum laude, San Diego, California
Daniel James Martin, cum laude, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Nicholas Jacob Martin, Indianapolis, Indiana
Daniel Louis Martine, Mendota Heights, Minnesota
Maria Joaquina Martinez Barrios, summa cum laude, Managua,
Mary Katherine Martinson, Basking Ridge, New Jersey
Julia Rose Masano, Wyomissing, Pennsylvania
Eric Albert Mazelis, magna cum laude, Chatham, New Jersey
Mack Conrad Mazeski, Barrington, Illinois
Megan Elizabeth McAveeney, cum laude, Naperville, Illinois
Catherine Callahan McCabe, Flanders, New Jersey
Madeline Niamh McCabe, New City, New York
Morgan King McCann, Canton, Ohio
John Connor McCollough, Charlottesville, Virginia
Mary Elizabeth McCormick, Erie, Pennsylvania
Robert John McCurrie, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Alexander Joseph McDermott, Chicago, Illinois
Ryan omas McDonough, Long Grove, Illinois
Kathryn Michelle McElligott, cum laude, New Berlin,Wisconsin
James Joseph McEntee, Jr., summa cum laude, Swarthmore,
Anne Marie McGuire, Palatine, Illinois
Michael Tyler McGuire, Council Blus, Iowa
James Vincent McKelvey, Cohasset, Massachusetts
Allison Marie McKown, Irvine, California
John Robert McKune, Cary, Illinois
Meghan Marie McLaughlin, Newport Beach, California
John Brian McMahon, Pittsford, New York
Cullen Joseph McNamee, cum laude, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Garrity Gray McOsker, San Pedro, California
Mary Helen McStravick, Katy, Texas
Connor Gerard Meehan, Staten Island, New York
Lisa Marie Menendez, Fox River Grove, Illinois
John Murtagh Meyers, Toledo, Ohio
Joseph Michael Michalek, East Northport, New York
Matthew O'Hara Miklavic, Cape Elizabeth, Maine
Bria Patrice Miller, South Holland, Illinois
Ryan Matthew Miller, Tampa, Florida
Alexander George Miram, cum laude, Redwood City, California
Anna Rose Mire, cum laude, Knoxville, Tennessee
Molly Frances Mohr, Dallas, Texas
Conor Tiernan Montijo, Tucson, Arizona
Brandon Kevin Moore, Chesterton, Indiana
Eliza Nicole Moore, Carmel, Indiana
Timothy Davenport Moots, Norcross, Georgia
Jacob Cody Morse, Buhl, Idaho
Maryanna Dashney Morton, Eugene, Oregon
Stuart Ambrose Moss, cum laude, Centerville, Ohio
Kenneth Charles Moulton, Carmichael, California
Gregory Glennon Moyers, Dunwoody, Georgia
Julia Ann Muldowney, Edina, Minnesota
Christopher Kevin Mullen, e Woodlands, Texas
Patrick J. Mungovan, Tinley Park, Illinois
Demetrius Miles Murphy, Gary, Indiana
Kevin Philip Murphy, Island Park, New York
Patrick Sullivan Murphy, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
Mary-Margaret Rose Muscarello, Burr Ridge, Illinois
Anthony Joseph Musso, cum laude, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
John Francis Nappi, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Camille Talia Neal, Long Beach, California
John Williams Near, Jr., Bronxville, New York
Patrick omas Neeb, London, United Kingdom
Blake Edward Nelson, summa cum laude, Minnetonka,
Madison Mary Nelson, Granger, Indiana
Nicholas Strebel Nemetz, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Ryan Christopher Newell, magna cum laude, Winnetka, Illinois
Michael Christopher Nichols, Westlake, Ohio
Edward Timothy Nickels, Clarendon Hills, Illinois
Xianjun Nie, cum laude, Nanjing, People's Republic of China
Michael Anton Noelke, cum laude, Chatham, New Jersey
Christian Tyler Nofziger, magna cum laude, Perrysburg, Ohio
Ryan Nicholas Nolan, cum laude, Timonium, Maryland
Grin Alexander Norman, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
Akosua Clara Oben-Nyarko, Henderson, Nevada
Timothy Joseph O'Brien, magna cum laude, Westlake, Ohio
James Colin O'Connor, Leawood, Kansas
Robert Patrick O'Hara, magna cum laude, Ponte Vedra Beach,
Michael William Oleferchik, Clarendon Hills, Illinois
John Patrick Olson, Hinsdale, Illinois
Patrick James Olson, Marlton, New Jersey
Clare Alana Church O'Mara, Aurora, Illinois
Jameson omas Ondrof, magna cum laude, Charlotte,
North Carolina
James Edmund O'Neill, magna cum laude, Danville, California
Michael G. O'Neill II, Wayne, Pennsylvania
Nicholas Emeka Onwunumagha, Houston, Texas
Kelli Hideko Oride, Lihue, Hawaii
Colin Michael O'Shea, Orland Park, Illinois
Nicolas Guy Ossello, Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Zachary Edward Ostapchenko, Carlsbad, California
Alexander Anthony Pacelli, magna cum laude,
Arlington Heights, Illinois
Cristin Carroll Pacico, Sarasota, Florida
Andrea Palm Martin, cum laude, Weston, Florida
Jasmine Park, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Kyung Min Park, Portland, Oregon
Emma Marie Partridge, summa cum laude, Westeld,
New Jersey
John Patrick Pearl, Dover, New Hampshire
Patrick John Peek, Elkhart, Indiana
Andrew Ryan Pemberton, LaGrangeville, New York
Zackary Christian Perow, Gilbert, Arizona
Garrett Phillip Peterson, Mokena, Illinois
Kelsey Hews Peterson, Cincinnati, Ohio
Lauren Marie Pierce, magna cum laude, Naperville, Illinois
Anne Nichole Plachta, magna cum laude, Duluth, Minnesota
John Peter Planek, Oak Park, Illinois
John Alexander Plantemoli, magna cum laude, Chatham,
New Jersey
Zachary Jacob Plantz, Frankfort, Illinois
Erik Prieto, Lyons, Nebraska
Blake Lloyd Prunsky, Mokena, Illinois
Phillip-George St. Peter Pryce, Kingston, Jamaica
Robyn Rene Przybylski, cum laude, Lake in the Hills, Illinois
Shauna Pugliese, Rochester, New York
Katherine Elizabeth Puziol, magna cum laude, Sunnyvale,
Caroline Davies Quinn, Weston, Connecticut
Elizabeth Marie Quinn, summa cum laude, Highland, Indiana
William Michael Raaf, cum laude, Naperville, Illinois
omas Norman Rajkovich, Winnetka, Illinois
Carl A. Ramos, Riverside, Illinois
Karina Andrea Rappaccioli, Managua, Nicaragua
Kendra Kanani Rask, Honolulu, Hawaii
James Brendan Reagan, South Bend, Indiana
Michael Joseph Reagor, Tampa, Florida
Sydney Rebne, magna cum laude, Troy, New York
Ryan James Reding, cum laude, Saint Louis, Missouri
Christopher Taylor Reiche, Pennington, New Jersey
Samuel Paul Rei, Rogers, Arkansas
John Joseph Reising, cum laude, Rolling Meadows, Illinois
Sarah Marie Ren, LaGrangeville, New York
Noelle Dominique Bolos Reyes, magna cum laude, Manila,
Eleanor Mary Reynolds, Lake Forest, Illinois
Nicholas Michael Rich, Costa Mesa, California
Kelsey Marie Richards, magna cum laude, San Diego, California
Anthony Edward Rios, La Mirada, California
Marissa Briahanna Marie Rivera, magna cum laude,
New Hudson, Michigan
Robert John Roetzel, San Antonio, Texas
Andrew Michael Romero, Woodstock, Georgia
Andrea Anita Romeros, McAllen, Texas
Jacqueline Marie Ronayne, Springeld, Pennsylvania
Ellen James Roof, Granger, Indiana
Laura Marie Rosas, Sugar Land, Texas
Patrick Ross, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Michael John Rotar, Youngstown, Ohio
Michelle Ann Rotondo, Garden City, New York
Scott Blaise Rousseau, Cincinnati, Ohio
Kyle Austin Rubbinaccio, Manalapan, New Jersey
Kyle Wild Runyon, Coronado, California
Michael Patrick Russell, Winnetka, Illinois
William Connor Ryan, Metairie, Louisiana
Francisco Javier Sabal Farah, cum laude, Lima, Peru
Kevin M. Sabitus, Millis, Massachusetts
Michael John Samide, Hudson, Ohio
Nicolas Agustin Sanchez, La Mirada, California
Michael Scala, Staten Island, New York
Timothy Patrick Scanlan, Jr., Harvey, Louisiana
Judith Helen McDonnell Scharf, Orlando, Florida
Ryan Franklin Scheer, cum laude, Medford, New Jersey
Stephanie Cristina Scherer, Glenview, Illinois
Joseph John Schmidt IV, Orange, California
Anne Evans Schneider, Bedford Corners, New York
Michael Andrew Schneider, summa cum laude, Tucson, Arizona
Peter Schneider, summa cum laude, Vienna, Austria
Stephen James Schroder, Chatham, New Jersey
Renee Marie Scire, cum laude, Hopewell Junction, New York
Samantha Carol Scoeld, Geneva, Illinois
Ashley Catherine Scott, Plano, Texas
John Kearney Seeberg, Northeld, Illinois
Federico Sebastian Segura, Mclean, Virginia
Kathleen Kaye Severyn, Naperville, Illinois
Jennifer Anne Sewell, Indianapolis, Indiana
Andrew James Seymour, Winnetka, Illinois
Claire Marie Shadid, Kansas City, Missouri
John William Shaft, Grand Forks, North Dakota
Colleen Nicole Sheehy, cum laude, Barrington, Illinois
Yiwei Shen, Chengdu, People's Republic of China
Charles Jeong Shim, New Hyde Park, New York
Hunbo Shim, Phelan, California
Jennifer Bissell Simon, Granger, Indiana
Karin Simonian, Westbury, New York
William omas Sinnott V, Ellicott City, Maryland
Matthew Jerey Skly, magna cum laude, Palos Park, Illinois
Madeleine Regina Skorcz, Lynchburg, Virginia
Andrew Michael Smith, cum laude, Forest Hill, Maryland
Grace Ann Smith, magna cum laude, Wilmette, Illinois
J. Albert Smith, summa cum laude, Summit, New Jersey
Khayla Monae Smith, Dayton, Ohio
Nicholas Charles Nassau Smith, Carmel, Indiana
Kelsey Margaret Sobczak, cum laude, Bothell, Washington
Frank Edward Somich, cum laude, Norwich, New York
Heeju Son, Lexington, Kentucky
Kevin Sun Song, Green Brook, New Jersey
Sean Orion Spatz, magna cum laude, Wycko, New Jersey
Catherine Anne Spreen, Bellaire, Texas
Connor Michael Stacy, Houston, Texas
William Andrew Stengle, Fort omas, Kentucky
Emily Grace Stent, Hinsdale, Illinois
Zachary John Stephens, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania
Marina Lynn Stingley, Villa Park, Illinois
Ellen Hines Stucky, summa cum laude, Lisle, Illinois
Pedro Benjamin Suarez, magna cum laude, Miami, Florida
Peter Riley Sullivan, Hillsdale, Michigan
Christopher Robert Swarbrick, Indianapolis, Indiana
Gregory Joseph Sweetman, cum laude, Nutley, New Jersey
Katherine Marie Sylva, Sacramento, California
Carlene Teressa Syta, Los Angeles, California
*Hung Anh Ta, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
David Louis Taiclet, Jr., Saint Louis, Missouri
Matthew Phillip Talent, Frankfort, Illinois
Sara Chen Tan, cum laude, Aurora, Illinois
Jocelyn Amanda Tellez-Amado, Tucson, Arizona
Matthew David Ternowchek, Glenmoore, Pennsylvania
Tyler Patrick ornton, cum laude, Terre Haute, Indiana
Zachary Nolan Tomaso, magna cum laude, Plano, Texas
Jordan Lindsay Tomchaney, South Bend, Indiana
Eric Michael Tommarello, summa cum laude, Baldwinsville,
New York
Margaret Patricia Townsend, cum laude, Sioux Falls,
South Dakota
Dylan Michael Tracy, Dallas, Texas
Matthew Frank Tulig, Northbrook, Illinois
Katherine Ellen Tully, Chicago, Illinois
Robert Clayton Uhl, Dallas, Texas
Victoria Alexandra Ulvert, magna cum laude, Key Biscayne,
David Joseph Valenti, River Forest, Illinois
Caroline Aurora Valenzuela, San Dimas, California
Rebecca Lynn Van Handel, cum laude, Little Chute, Wisconsin
Christian Dale Vavuris, Novato, California
Sarah Danielle Very, cum laude, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Ashley ais Veselik, Naperville, Illinois
Lauren Amanda Vidal, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
*Matthew omas Vincent, Sacramento, California
Michael Anthony Vitek, magna cum laude, Saint Paul,
Peyton Wilke Vitter, New Orleans, Louisiana
Michael James Voge, Solana Beach, California
Justin Mazeka Vogt, magna cum laude, Breese, Illinois
Colleen Grace Wade, cum laude, Staord, Virginia
Connor Jeremiah Walsh, South Bend, Indiana
Keli Marie Walsh, magna cum laude, Chicago, Illinois
Kaitlin Marie Ward, Naperville, Illinois
Ryan Patrick Watt, South Saint Paul, Minnesota
Alexandra Michelle Weaver, magna cum laude, Northville,
Megan Marie Wehner, Wilmington, North Carolina
Sijia Amie Wei, Auckland, New Zealand
Kurt Francis Wemhoener, cum laude, Saint Louis, Missouri
Keith Ryan Wertsching, cum laude, Winter Garden, Florida
Melissa Erin Whelan, cum laude, Katonah, New York
Ian McAllister White, Arlington, Virginia
Katherine Dougherty White, Columbus, Georgia
Victoria Catherine White, Devon, Pennsylvania
omas Bernard Wiegand, South Bend, Indiana
Daniel Edward Wiegandt, cum laude, Hilliard, Ohio
Fiona Michelle Wilkie, Austin, Texas
Henry Mallet-Prevost Williams, Potomac, Maryland
Margaret Marie Wilmouth, summa cum laude, Billings,
Jerey William Joseph Wilush, Jr., cum laude, Holland,
Tyler Anthony Wingo, summa cum laude, Fairfax, Virginia
Andrew Gray Winterstein, Princeton Junction, New Jersey
Matthew omas Woebkenberg, cum laude, Cincinnati, Ohio
Kristen Marie Wolf, Bloomingdale, Illinois
Emma Joanne Wol, Toledo, Ohio
Anne Kristen Wooding, Western Springs, Illinois
Trevor Allen Worby, Bourbonnais, Illinois
Natalie Laura Wozniak, Kearney, Nebraska
Alexander Hormaechea Wray, Boise, Idaho
Christian Alexander Wray, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Nini Wu, summa cum laude, Nanjing, People's Republic of China
Patrick James Wynne, summa cum laude, Los Alamitos,
Lisa Yang, Herndon, Virginia, posthumously
Ellen Louise Yokum, magna cum laude, New Orleans, Louisiana
Elaine I. Yin Yu, New York, New York
Sean Shuai Yuan, magna cum laude, North Wales, Pennsylvania
Kevin omas Zahren, magna cum laude, Pittsburgh,
Matthew Robert Zajac, San Martin, California
Angel Ignacio Zambrano, Cape Coral, Florida
Madison Emily Zeiss, Culver City, California
Matthew Alexander Zepeda, Phoenix, Arizona
Jiatai Zhang, cum laude, Shenzhen, People's Republic of China
Jiaqi Zhou, Suzhou, People's Republic of China
Junyi Zhou, cum laude, Nanjing, People's Republic of China
Qi Zhu, People's Republic of China
Marybeth Noel Zier, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
*Participating with his/her class
Candidates for degree May 17, 2015
Michi Greta Aman, magna cum laude, Pittsford, New York
Tyler Albert Buchheim, Liberty Township, Ohio
Andrew Francis Califano, magna cum laude, Roslyn, New York
Amalia Eileen Carmona, Lubbock, Texas
Carlos Andres Concha Neme, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Phillip Robert Dudeck, cum laude, Goshen, Indiana
Gerardo Flota, San Antonio, Texas
Timothy James Galano, Little Silver, New Jersey
Courtney Rae Haddick, Riverton, Utah
Kathleen Marie Joyce, cum laude, Oakmont, Pennsylvania
Marie Michelle Kruse, magna cum laude, Lansing, Iowa
Megan M. Leicht, Goleta, California
Matthew Samuel Maehara, Huntington Beach, California
Paige Ann Melinis, South Huntington, New York
Benjamin Hunter Moore, Waco, Texas
Connor James Moran, Naperville, Illinois
Malorie Anne Nowak, Hinckley, Ohio
Constance Shirley Owens, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Patrick Michael Riordon, Hyattsville, Maryland
Francis Avila Rogg, Naperville, Illinois
Elaine Rita Rose, Upper Montclair, New Jersey
David Wojciech Sagan, Oak Forest, Illinois
Lisa Anne Schumaker, summa cum laude, Grand Rapids,
Anna Michelle Simunich, Boise, Idaho
Natalie Margaret Stenger, cum laude, Iowa City, Iowa
Scott omas Varian, cum laude, Woodhaven, New York
Nicolette Elizabeth Wojtak, Oak Park, Illinois
Qianchi Yang, Shenzhen, People's Republic of China
Brendan Michael Bell
Patrick Paul Calderon
Andrew Francis Califano
William Alexander Cantrell
Brian Victor Credo, Jr.
Marie Susan Davidson
Liam omas Kane
Spencer Joseph Kieer
Anna Isabel Kottkamp
Alexander Robert Kroeger
Benjamin Mark Laws
Megan Boutin McCormick
Patrick Andrew Miller
Lisa Anne Schumaker
Christopher John Tricarico
Ryan Andrew Williams
Valerie Kay Williams
Mario Angelo Aversa
Tyler Daniel Barron
Kathleen Anne Brennan
Antoinette Angeline Chan
Ha Young Do
Molly Elizabeth Feeney
Emily erese Geiger-Medina
Wesley Anderson Greene
Yun Kyung Jeong
Trent Minh La
Diego Lopez Olivas
Daniel James Martin
Coley Patrick McKeough
Sara Elisabeth Middendorf
Emily Kathleen Morris
Shannon Claire Noonan
Jaclyn Rose Paul
Megan Christine Pelino
Alexandra Elena Potter
Marissa Briahanna Marie Rivera
Wyatt Lombard Smith
Rebecca Lynn Van Handel
Amanda Cecilia Varela
Keli Marie Walsh
Jerey William Joseph Wilush, Jr.
Rachel Anne Zajdel
Eric Kegan Donahue
Arthur Laciak
Kevin Andrew Maciuba
Kathryn Louise Maxeld
Elise Dunsmoor Murray
Stephen James Schroder
Joseph Patrick Scollan
Peter Alan Steiner
Joseph omas Stratmann
Jamie Maureen Trost
Samantha Taylor Zuba
Peri E. Arnold, Professor of Political Science
Harriett E. Baldwin, Associate Professional
Specialist, Dean's Oce, Arts and Letters
D'Arcy J. Boulton, Professional Specialist of
Medieval Institute and History
Carol A. Brach, Librarian, Hesburgh
Laurel P. Cochrane, Associate Librarian,
Law Library
Martine M. De Ridder, Associate
Professional Specialist, College Seminar
Paul A. Down, Professor of Art, Art History
and Design
Patrick F. Dunn, Professor of Aerospace
and Mechanical Engineering
Laura S. Fuderer, Librarian, Hesburgh
Michele Gelfman, Associate Professional
Specialist, Physical Education
George S. Howard, Professor of Psychology
Carlos Jerez-Farran, Professor of Romance
Languages and Literature
Carmela R. Kinslow, Associate Librarian,
Law Library
William J. Krier, Associate Professor of
David J. Ladouceur, Professor of Classics
Francois M. Ledrappier, Professor of
A. Eugene Livingston, Professor of Physics
Patrick I.Martin, Associate Professional
Specialist of Romance Languages and
Michael A. Mogavero, Professional
Specialist of Economics
William A. O'Rourke, Professor of English
Vera B. Prot, Professor of German and
Russian Languages and Literatures
Frank K. Reilly, Professor of Finance
Raymond G. Sepeta, Professional Specialist,
Dean's Oce, First Year of Studies
John E. Smithburn, Professor of Law
Julianne C. Turner, Associate Professor of
Carroll William (Bill) Westfall, Professor
of Architecture
Edward B. Williams, Professor of
Eduardo E. Wolf, Professor of Chemical
and Biomolecular Engineering
Olivia George Cogan
Carolyn Elizabeth Comes
Katherine Colby Hoyer
Ryan Christopher Huhn
Megan Leigh Krouse
Rebecca Claire Mayus
Megan Boutin McCormick
Sara Elisabeth Middendorf
Lauren Anne Morisseau
Alexis Cristine Palá
Brendan Michael Rooney
Mary Elizabeth Schmidt
Kaitlyn Ann Simmons
Connor Patrick Walsh
Alexander Dean Anderson
Mario Angelo Aversa
Szymon S. Barnas
Heather Elise Bartlow
Andrew Robert Borchert
Ernst Agadino Alcantara Cleofe II
Carl Joseph Condon
Dragomir Dimitrov
Alessandro Antonio DiSanto
Gregory Sean Duy
Bryan John Enriquez
Madison Chandler Faller
Jonathon Patrick Ferguson
Kristina Sun Flathers
Alec Richard Fogarty
Alexandra René Genord
Cody Paul Gilllan
Kyle Eugene Hill
Joseph Patrick Lawless
Ryan Patrick MacDonald
Mack Conrad Mazeski
Matthew omas Mleczko
Christopher omas Norton
Charles Russell Nutt
Brendan Patrick O'Brien
Melissa Lynn O'Brien
Matthew Lee Pinover
Kristin Elizabeth Rice
Connor Frederick Roth
Renee Marie Scire
Kelsey Margaret Sobczak
Yichuan Song
Michael Robert Wajda
Fiona Michelle Wilkie
Isabelle Lee Williams
Tyler Anthony Wingo
John Peter Aronica
Lynne Marie Bauman
Taylor Ann Boyd
Joseph Nicholas Corsaro
Alessandro Antonio DiSanto
Anastasia Rose Fay
Giuliana Rose Figliomeni
Jonathan Richard Gaworski
Allison Mary Gerspach
Christina Marie Gutiérrez
Christie Drea Hillsman
Victoria Eleonora Kasznica
Maura Colleen Kelly
Genevieve Claire Lyons
Maria Patricia McMullen
Anthony Elias Mendoza
Mimi Louise Michuda
Simone Marie Oberschmied
Emma Marie Partridge
Alexa Isabel Rakoski
Karina Andrea Rappaccioli
Molly Anne Reidy
Christina Marie Senger
Christina Marie Serena
Sara Ann Spittler
Jordan James Stella
Rachel Anne Zajdel
Monica Loren Daegele
Rachel Elise Hughes
Alexandra Marie Lorenzo
Melyssa Rae Moors
Lauren Anne Morisseau
Michael Patrick Nolan
Nora eresa O'Sullivan
Kristin Elizabeth Rice
Michael James Ahlers
Kathleen Patricia Anthony
Kathryne Elizabeth Bascom
Lynne Marie Bauman
Brendan Michael Bell
Madeline Isabella Bender
Joshua Michael Bindon
Stephen Newbury Bowen II
Tyler John Bowen
Kathleen Anne Brennan
Rebecca Diane Bullis
Sarah Rose Burbank
Mackenzie Anne Buss
Patrick Paul Calderon
Duncan Lynch Campbell
William Alexander Cantrell
Grace Harrington Carroll
Ariel Christine Clark-Semyck
Bret Scott Colman
Madelynn Megan Conlin
Brian Victor Credo, Jr.
Ashley Nicole Currey
Katelyn Elizabeth Doering
Kyle Matthew Dougher
Sienna Marie Durbin
Ethan Graham Englert
Janelle Kaitlyn Fennessy
Elise Marie Fernandez
Kevin Christopher Fernandez
Grace Kathryn Girardot
Milica Mina Golubovich
Gabriella Trinidad Gonzales
Kimberly Rose Hagel
Austin Gregory Hagwood
Stephen August Hawn
Haley Danielle Heibel
Leonard Brian Hickman
Matthew David Hing
Jason Charles Hoard
Sean omas Howard
Katherine Colby Hoyer
Rachel Elise Hughes
Sarah Yunjung Jung
Liam omas Kane
Sarah Marie Karchunas
Meaghan Patrice Kennedy
Anna Isabel Kottkamp
Eric omas Krakowiak
Genevieve Claire Lyons
Rebecca Claire Mayus
William Patrick McCormack III
Megan Boutin McCormick
Monica Mae McEvoy
Mitch Alexander McNanna
Evan Samuel Merryman
Patrick Andrew Miller
Kathryn Elizabeth Moran
John David Mueller
Peter Johannes Neidecker
Weston Lawrence Niermeyer
Rebecca Martin Noble
Brendan Patrick O'Brien
Sarah Anne Owens
Caitlin Conway Peartree
Stephen Christian Perry
Samantha Nicole Piekos
Nicholas James Pietrini
Shella Kirin Raja
Alexa Isabel Rakoski
John Elliott Salomone
Ryan Andrew Schultheis
Sarah Mary Semanek
Ningzhou Shen
Yiren Shen
Laura Aisling Shute
Katherine Mayreen Sievers
Stephanie Leigh Metz Sonnick
Bailey Anna Stavetski
Adam Zale Stepanovic
Emily Taylor Strickland
Daniel Eugene Sullivan
Christopher Tricarico
Christopher James Von Bargen
Vienna Marie Wagner
Ronald Edward Weir, Jr.
Zachary Aaron Wendeln
Anne Nicole Wildenhain
Xiao Xiao
Samantha Taylor Zuba
Leilani Joelle Aldridge
Mackenzie Anne Buss
Patrick Laurence Butler
Dominic Francis Campion
Carmen Olivia Casillas
Patrick Charles Dever
Victor Manuel Diaz-Rodriguez
Anastasia Christine Evanich
Elise Marie Fernandez
Brenna Marie Gautam
Cailean Elizabeth Geary
Christine Joan Gibbons
Chen Gong
Jessica Nicole Goston
John Patrick Groden
Timothy Jacob Hankins
Joseph Alambra Henares
Michael Jerome Judd
Ryan Patrick Langton
Sophia Anne Loftus
Genevieve Claire Lyons
Joseph omas McNally
Patrick James Meade
Sarah Helen Murphy
Emma Jacqueline O'Shea
Anne Nichole Plachta
Jacqueline Mary Price
Melanie Anne Sajbel
Kincaid James Schmitz
Luke Daniel Shadley
Brian James Stahl
Gregory Joseph Sweetman
Patrick Cannon Valencia
Connor Patrick Walsh
Peter James Weber
Cassidy Ann Whidden
Anastasia Mary Wright
Alisha Marie Anderson
John Peter Aronica
Maura Grace Bailey
Brendan Michael Bell
Patrick Paul Calderon
Jennifer Leigh Cardinale
Alexander Christian Caton
Katelyn Elizabeth Doering
Bryan John Enriquez
Kevin Christopher Fernandez
Anna Victoria Frankl
Taylor Erin Freeman
Alexandra René Genord
Sarah Yunjung Jung
Sarah Marie Karchunas
Meaghan Patrice Kennedy
Arthur Laciak
Ryan Patrick Langton
Geri Elizabeth Lanham
Sean Keenan Long
Patrick Michael McManus
Matthew omas Mleczko
Christopher Wayne Newton
Ryan Andrew Schultheis
Meghann Marie Shacklette
J. Albert Smith
Tyler Patrick ornton
Eric Michael Tommarello
Erin Lee Walters
Céline Yan Wang
Laura Elise Zillmer
Olivia Catherine Ahearn
Alexandra Rae Amorati
Megan Leigh Braconnier
Alisha Shehmein Ching
Ariel Christine Clark-Semyck
Mary Teresa Cole
Christian Michael Cooney
Megan Kotz Covington
Haley Danielle Heibel
Leonard Brian Hickman
Rebecca Anne Jegier
Amy Rebecca Johnson
Ann Marie Kebede
Mimi Louise Michuda
Elizabeth Marie Millea
Erica Hope Mitchell
Nora eresa O'Sullivan
Sarah Anne Owens
Samantha Nicole Piekos
Kayla Ann Polcari
Mikaela Marie Prego
Kendra Ellen Reiser
Catherine Mary Rice
Marisa Lynn Rieber
Sarah Mary Semanek
Monica Chelsea Spitzer
Michael Anthony Vitek
Elizabeth Wetterer
Mayra Alexandra Almeida-Trejo
Madeline Ann Daly
Prinz Jeremy Llanes Dela Cruz
Claire Fiona Donovan
Molly Clare Geraghty
Christina Marie Gutiérrez
Georgeann Marie Herr
Bernard Andrew Hiles
Victoria Eleonora Kasznica
Brianna Elizabeth Kemm
Jae Won Kim
Paulina Luna
Ryan Patrick MacDonald
Mayra Samantha Martinez
Christine Erin McGough
Sarah Helen Murphy
Andrea Palm Martin
Debra Michele Parks
Caitlin Conway Peartree
Erin Mary Portman
Anne Timmons Seul
Linda Terrón Bobadilla
Scott omas Varian
Nuohan Zhang
Meghan McCarthy Zwahlen
Kevin Fernando Camacho
Teresa Ann Ciambrone
Daniel Paul Courtney
Robert Donald Devine
Elizabeth Rita Holzenthal
Quinn James Horvath
Broderick Dunn Kelley
Christian James Knight
Allison Karen Lee
Quinn Martin O'Heeney
Carolyn Ann Quigley
Kyle Angelo Sant
Amanda Jean Schockling
David Isaac Terry
Timothy Edlund Woodcock
Christopher Robert Barnes
Matthew Taitague Feeley
Sean omas Howard
Patrick Joseph Marino
William Patrick McCormack III
Mitch Alexander McNanna
Raymond Paul Mumme
Jack Nicklaus Olding
Andrew James Piper
Alexa Isabel Rakoski
Anna Bette Stephenson
Mayra Alexandra Almeida-Trejo
Grace Harrington Carroll
Michael Steven Dorritie
Audrey Ann Eaton
Janelle Kaitlyn Fennessy
Alec Richard Fogarty
Taylor Erin Freeman
Grace Kathryn Girardot
Julia Christine Hermann
Kyle Eugene Hill
Matthew David Hing
Jason Charles Hoard
Rachael Lee Holland
Alyssa Danae Hummel
Ann Marie Jakubowski
Georgia-Rae Jones
Megan Leigh Krouse
Erin Scarlett Lavin
Brianna Lynn Leon
Nicholas Edward MacDonald
Megan Karolyn Marshalla
Sarah Grace Martinez
James Joseph McEntee, Jr.
Matthew Nicholas Metzinger
Mary-Margaret Rose Muscarello
Brendan Patrick O'Brien
Melissa Lynn O'Brien
Mary Anne Ostrowski
Emma Marie Partridge
Ryan Andrew Schultheis
Kathleen Marie Shaughnessy
Stephanie Leigh Metz Sonnick
Jordan James Stella
Adam Zale Stepanovic
Victoria Gannon Ware
Kathleen Patricia Ashcraft
Patrick Laurence Butler
Jacqueline Anne Cassidy
Ariel Christine Clark-Semyck
Katherine Michelle Gillen
Michael Anthony Giuliano
Leila Renee Green
eresa Kathryn Gunty
Austin Gregory Hagwood
Ann Marie Jakubowski
Claire Elizabeth Kucela
Catherine Gabrielle Mezes
Emily erese Pollard
Julia Catherine Revord
Melissa Jane Scott
Katherine Mayreen Sievers
Emma Jordan Venter
Vienna Marie Wagner
Margaret Marie Waickman
Zachary Aaron Wendeln
Margaret Marie Wilmouth
Samantha Taylor Zuba
Olivia Ann Furman
Kevin W. Huang
Emily May Mediate
Keith P. Mesidor
Demetrius Miles Murphy
Conor omas Tallet
Ashley ais Veselik
Alec Joseph Domotor
Ryan Butcher Grin
Michael Donald Martel
Andrew James McCarthy
Andrew Patrick McGloin
Michael Walter Quinlan
Carson Lee Running
John Michael Sontag
Ashley Allison Armstrong
Margaret Ellen Best
Teresa Ann Ciambrone
Jonathan Alberto Cobian
Patrick omas Connelly
Daniel Paul Courtney
Christopher Joseph Dearolf
Robert Donald Devine
Rose Elizabeth Doerer
Patrick Andrew Dorin
Rachel Kathleen Drumm
Steven David Dusing
Katherine Rose Eckart
Laura Katherine Gardner
Kelly Diane Gawne
John Patrick Hollkamp
Elizabeth Rita Holzenthal
Alex Brett Jones
Michael Alan Kelly
Spencer Joseph Kieer
Emily Frances Kitchin
Hannah Marie Knochelmann
Matthew Richard Kowalski
Cameron omas Kupfer
Oliver John Lamb
Benjamin Mark Laws
Samuel Lin Tin Chee Leung
Patrick Joseph Marino
Andrew Patrick McGloin
Matthew Joel McGlynn
Jillian Marie Montalvo
Matthew James Nagy
Douglas Gregory Noe
Quinn Martin O'Heeney
Patrick Michael O'Meara
Eric Michael Palutsis
Kristi Lynn Pellegrini
Seemit Praharaj
Carolyn Ann Quigley
Michael Walter Quinlan
Allison Ann Ralfs
Michael Patrick Reinsvold
Christopher Michael Romick
William Joseph Schell
Amanda Jean Schockling
Michael Jon Scott
Christopher Michael Short
Michael Paul Silvernagel
Brian George Smith
Joshua Nason Smith
Yichuan Song
John Michael Sontag
Colin Christopher Terndrup
David Isaac Terry
Diana Christine Veit
Jason Martin Wassel
Ryan Andrew Williams
Timothy Edlund Woodcock
Boyoung Yoo
Ashley Allison Armstrong
Olivia Ann Dietzel
Patrick Andrew Dorin
Steven David Dusing
Paul Mariano Gigioli
John Patrick Hollkamp
Michael David Hunckler
Alex Brett Jones
John Shapland Kearns
John Patrick Keller
Michael Alan Kelly
Spencer Joseph Kieer
Cameron omas Kupfer
Douglas Gregory Noe
Patrick Michael O'Meara
Patrick Bryce Ortenzio
Eric Michael Palutsis
Joseph David Saiz
James Donald Schmidt
Joshua Nason Smith
Elizabeth Marie Wendelberger
Ryan Andrew Williams
Samantha Catherine Wright
Calvin Joseph Campopiano
Christopher James Catalino
Justin Daniel Erman
Meaghan Reilly Hannon
Matthew Taylor Henne
Christopher James Homa
William Joseph Schell
Christopher Michael Short
Michael Paul Silvernagel
Colin Christopher Terndrup
John Weisenberger
Michael James Williams
Kelsey Lynn Amarosa
Alexander Dean Anderson
Margarita Pilar Arcenas
Julia Sophia Banasikowski
Dasuni Janine Baptist
Trevor Michael Bonventre
Andrew Robert Borchert
Noni Tara Em Pesh Brown
Andrea Marie Buechler
Kriti Chanchani
Jiayue Chen
Dylan Robert Crespi
Patrick omas Cross
Sara Suzanne Cuba
Marie Susan Davidson
Hamilton Bryan Doane
Audrey Ann Eaton
Anastasia Christine Evanich
Anastasia Rose Fay
Sophia Catherine Forney
Melissa Ann Garza
Lauren Elizabeth Harbauer
Andrea Lynn Hayes
Morgan Ann Hillin
Casey Margaret Horan
Onyinyechukwu Geraldine Igboanugo
Katherine Hannah Johnson
Atisha Kika Bhagwagar
Min Jeong Kim
Emily Grace Kopetsky
Miles omas Korth
Shailee Kumar
Juliana Isabel Lacouture
Matthew Patrick Lawton
Chung On Amanda Jane Leung
Hannah Lin
Paul Chester Luczak
Faranah Manjiyani
Mary Helen McStravick
Lisa Marie Menendez
Meghan Elizabeth Moore
Julie Ann Muguira
John Patrick Olson
Jameson omas Ondrof
Robyn Rene Przybylski
Katherine Elizabeth Puziol
Elizabeth Marie Quinn
Soa Reyes Lastra
Kevin Andrew Schneider
Michael Andrew Schneider
Matthew Jerey Skly
Grace Ann Smith
Catherine Anne Spreen
Ellen Hines Stucky
Rebecca Lynn Van Handel
Ashley ais Veselik
Jie Wang
Daniel Edward Wiegandt
Kathleen Anne Woolum
Xiaotian Xie
Tong Zhao
Shanfang Zheng
Jonathan Alberto Cobian
Kelly Diane Gawne
Tera Rebecca Joyce
Erich Austin Kerekes
Oliver John Lamb
Benjamin Mark Laws
Matthew Dillon Mahan
Jillian Marie Montalvo
Matthew Norris Rundle
Bradley James Stalcup
Stephanie Margaret Tilden
Jason Martin Wassel
Boyoung Yoo
Michi Greta Aman
Andrew Francis Califano
Kathleen Marie Joyce
Marie Michelle Kruse
Lisa Anne Schumaker
Scott omas Varian
Alisha Marie Anderson
Mary Beth Kuhr Anderson
Christopher John Bisson
Andrew Robert Borchert
Jon Erik Borgeson
Gregory Wilson Bourdon
Shannon Elizabeth Brady
Morgan Elizabeth Brennan
Evan Scott Brizius
Benjamin Elliott Budish
Daniel Leonard Carey
Joseph Andrew Celeste
Olivia George Cogan
Carl Joseph Condon
Patrick Christopher Covert
Jeremy Stephen Dancu
Justin eodore Dancu
Marie Susan Davidson
Alessandro Antonio DiSanto
Audrey Ann Eaton
Collin Michael Ebert
Evan O'Neill Escobedo
Christopher James Federighi
Jacob D. Fife
Suzanne Florence Fitzpatrick
Gregory omas Florio
Qing Qing (Angela) Fu
Stephen J. Gawronski
John Martin (Jack) Gay
Trevor Robert Gibbons
Henry omas Giddins, Jr.
Brian Talbott Greiwe
Daniel Spencer Groom
Alexander Daniel Gross
Robert John Haddad
Keith Haines
Michael William Hanley
John Gordon Henry
Casey Margaret Horan
Kathleen Maire Hough
Ye Huang
Janelle Kimberly Jacka
Susan Ann Jania
Andrew James Jerram
Seung Eui Kang
Kevin Patrick Keneck
Andrew Kramer Kimball
Xiangzhen Kong
Adam Kenneth Kourajian
Alexander Robert Kroeger
Chase Edward Lane
Brianna Lynn Leon
Mark Leu
Brad MacLeod
Ying Ying Mak
Scott Douglas Manwaring
Eric Albert Mazelis
James Joseph McEntee, Jr.
Robert Henry McGeehan
Robert Francis Meara
Gerek Lin Meinhardt
George Joseph Michaels
Kevin Carmichael Murphy
Blake Edward Nelson
Ryan Christopher Newell
Clarice N. Nist
Robert Patrick O'Hara
Jameson omas Ondrof
Elizabeth Germaine Owens
Emma Marie Partridge
Jon Lindsay Peck
Daniel Sheehan Pell
Lauren Marie Pierce
Benjamin Michael Pierson
Anne Nichole Plachta
John Alexander Plantemoli
John Andrew Polhamus
Elizabeth Marie Quinn
Sydney Rebne
Malisha Lakshani Samarasekera
Kevin Andrew Schneider
Michael Andrew Schneider
Peter Schneider
Christopher David Shipley
Matthew Jerey Skly
Marshel Rae Slater
Grace Ann Smith
J. Albert Smith
Phillip Tuthill Stout
Eric Michael Tommarello
Victoria Alexandra Ulvert
Ryan John Van Wagoner
Kevin Andrew Vater
Vincent Peter Veschi
Michael Anthony Vitek
Justin Mazeka Vogt
Maggie Ilyse Wartik
Jonathan Michael Welch
Margaret Marie Wilmouth
Tyler Anthony Wingo
Alexander Michael Wolfe
Michael Blayze Woodlock
Jiajia Xu
Yao Yao
Ellen Louise Yokum
Cori Anne Zacher
Kevin omas Zahren
Honors faculty members who have had a profound inuence on
undergraduate students through sustained exemplary teaching
Brandon L. Ashfeld, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Jessica L. Collett, Sociology
Jerey A. Diller, Mathematics
Dennis Doordan, Architecture
David W. Fagerberg, eology
Timothy J. Gilbride, Marketing
Gerald Haeel, Psychology
Susan C. Harris, English
David R. Hyde, Biological Sciences
S. Alex Kandel, Chemistry and Biochemistry
A. Graham Lappin, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Bill D. McDonald, Finance
Maria K. McKenna, Africana Studies
James Arthur O'Brien, Sr., Accountancy
Karen E. Richman, Latino Studies
Michael J. Seelinger, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Eric R. Sims, Economics
Gregory L. Snider, Electrical Engineering
Sandra M. Teixeira, Romance Languages and Literatures
Meng Wang, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Dockweiler Award for Excellence in Undergraduate
Recognizes faculty and sta who have demonstrated a sustained
commitment to Notre Dame undergraduates through outstanding
mentoring, academic advising or career counseling services
Philippe A. Collon, Physics
Denise M. DellaRossa, Nanovic Institue for European Studies
Tracy Kijewski-Correa, Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences
Frank O’Malley Award
Presented to a faculty member who exhibits the ideals of Frank
O’Malley by demonstrating a commitment to excellence in
undergraduate teaching
Christopher L. Stevens, Adjunct Instructor of Management
Notre Dame Law School Distinguished Faculty Award
Anthony J. Bellia, Professor of Law
Charles E. Sheedy Award for Excellence in Teaching
Robert P. Sedlack, Jr., Associate Professor of Art, Art History, and
Shilts-Leonard Teaching Award
Anthony K. Hyder, Professor of Physics
Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award
Patrick J. Fay, Professor of Electrical Engineering
Leo Burke Outstanding Teacher Award
Charles E. Bamford, Adjunct Professor of Management
James Dincolo Outstanding Teacher Award
Robert H. Battalio, Professor of Finance
Elizabeth S. Moore, Associate Professor of Marketing
Arnie Ludwig Outstanding Teacher Award
John Aeck-Graves, Professor of Finance
Master of Business Administration Outstanding
Professor Award
Timothy J. Gilbride, Associate Professor of Marketing
Master of Nonprot Administration Outstanding
Teacher Awards
Kristen Collett-Schmitt, Associate Professional Specialist of Finance
Master of Science in Accountancy Dincolo
Outstanding Professor Award
Brian R. Levey, Professional Specialist of Accountancy
Master of Science in Management Outstanding
Professor Award
D. Katherine Spiess, Associate Professor of Finance
Joe and Gina Prochaska Family Teaching Award
Recognizes a faculty member teaching in the undergraduate
program for outstanding achievement in preparing students to
be leaders in the eld of business
Kristen Collett-Schmitt, Associate Professional Specialist of Finance
American Institute of Chemists Award
Christopher Joseph Dearolf, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania
O.H. Ammann Research Fellowship Award
Ravi Kiran Yellavajjala, Bhimavaram, India
Association for Institutional Research/National
Science Foundation Dissertation Grant
Ning Jia, Chengdu, Sichuan, People's Republic of China
Bradley Fellowship
Peter Y. Choi, Pasadena, California
Chinese Scholarship Council Graduate Fellowship
Jian Lin, Wenzhou, People's Republic of China
H. B. Earhart Fellowship
Ryan Timothy Anderson, Baltimore, Maryland
Zachary Kyle German, Granger, Indiana
Ford Foundation Fellowship
Erik Anthony Koenke, Claremont, California
Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship
Michael omas Westrate, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Fulbright Fellowship
Nathan Melvin Gerth, South Bend, Indiana
Sean William McGee, Long Beach, California
Kuldeep Niraula, Gulariya, Bardiya, Nepal
Sara Elizabeth Troyani, Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
Michael omas Westrate, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Grant
Sean William McGee, Long Beach, California
GLOBES Fellowship/NSF-IGERT Traineeship
Daniel Patrick Castillo, Miami, Florida
Matthew James Cooper, Mount Pleasant, Michigan
George Maxwell Ibars Kennedy, Fresno, California
Jessica Mikels-Carrasco, South Bend, Indiana
Nolan James Corry Locke Noble, Fullerton, California
Gilbert Saint Jean, Jr., Miami, Florida
Graduate Assistantships in Areas of National
Need Fellowship
Badi' Abdul-Wahid, Bloomington, Indiana
Kara Marie Harmatys, Homer Glen, Illinois
Cynthia Marie Nikolai, South Bend, Indiana
Matthew omas Pruitt, O'Fallon, Illinois
Hispanic eological Initiative Dissertation Fellowship
Víctor Carmona González, Mexicali, Mexico
Hispanic eological Initiative Doctoral Studies
Víctor Carmona González, Mexicali, Mexico
Hispanic eological Initiative Fellow
Daniel Patrick Castillo, Miami, Florida
Huntington Library Fellowship
Peter Y. Choi, Pasadena, California
Louisville Institute Dissertation Fellowship
Víctor Carmona González, Mexicali, Mexico
Kevin Patrick McCabe, Allen Park, Michigan
Billy Maich Academy of American Poets Prize
Julia M. Harris, Colorado Springs, Colorado
e George C. Marshall Award
To the senior Army cadet ocer for excellence in leadership
Colin Michael O'Shea, Orland Park, Illinois
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship
Timothy Stephen Miller, Edgewood, Kentucky
Microsoft Graduate Women's Scholarship
Claire Mckay Bowen, South Bend, Indiana
National Academy of Education/Spencer
Dissertation Fellowship
Michael omas Hartney, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
National Institutes of Health Young
Scientist Training Fellowship
Douglas Robert Rice, Salem, Oregon
National Science Foundation Doctoral
Dissertation Improvement Grant
Candice Yango Lumibao, Quezon City, Philippines
Alexander Joseph Reisinger, Seward, Nebraska
Sara Skiles-duToit, Fort Worth, Texas
National Science Foundation Graduate
Research Fellowship Program
Claire Mckay Bowen, South Bend, Indiana
Katie Condit, Bend, Oregon
Enmanuelle Pardilla Delgado, Caguas, Puerto Rico
Nancy Anne erese Paul, Mercer, Pennsylvania
Nicole Anne Perez, Hayward, California
Shayna Anne Sura, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin
Anna Elizabeth Woodard, Merritt Island, Florida
National Science Foundation IGERT Fellowship
Cameron Richard Turner, Paradise, California
Schlumberger Faculty for the Future Fellowship
Shailaja Kunda, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Dan Searle Fellowship (Humane Studies
Zachary Kyle German, Granger, Indiana
Nicholas Sparks Award
Paul Edward Cunningham, Monaca, Pennsylvania
Carlos Aballi Award in Hispanic Cultural Awareness
To the senior who has studied Spanish at Notre Dame, demonstrated
pride in their Hispanic culture, and given signicant service to the
Hispanic community
Mayra Alexandra Almeida-Trejo, San Antonio, Texas
e David L. Appel Award
To the marketing senior involved in signicant community service
Abigail Niland Huber, Gainesville, Florida
Band Service Award
Awarded to band members for dedication and service to the Notre
Dame Band
Ariel Elizabeth Etienne, Tell City, Indiana
Kirby Michael Hermansen, Apple Valley, Minnesota
Emily Anne Horvath, Russell Township, Ohio
Caitlin Elisabeth Zeiler, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
e George Boynton Award
Awarded to the person who has made a signicant contribution
to the Band in the areas of service and citizenship
Connor Michael Brandt, Stevensville, Michigan
e George Brinkley Award
To the student who exemplies the Political Science department's
ideals of public service through service to the department, the
University, or the wider community
Christina Marie Gutiérrez, Saint Paul, Minnesota
e James B. Carroll Annual Prize
For the best contribution to the Juggler and/or for best artwork
contribution to the Juggler
Erin Mary Portman, Downers Grove, Illinois
Citation of Merit Award
For contribution to Notre Dames residential mission through
service in the student’s residence hall
Andrew Robert Borchert, Alpharetta, Georgia
Amanda Nicole Buerger, West Chester, Ohio
William Alexander Cantrell, West Bloomeld, Michigan
Steven Lee Claucherty, Royal Oak, Michigan
Joseph Marino Fredrickson, Conroe, Texas
Steven Richard Froelich, Manorville, New York
Shannon Elizabeth Hagedorn, Manhattan Beach, California
Nicole Purum Kim, Lewisville, Texas
Kathleen Maura King, Geneva, Illinois
Joseph Patrick Lawless, Hawthorn Woods, Illinois
Jason Michael LeBlanc, York, Maine
Connor Edward Malone, La Crosse, Wisconsin
Maria Clare Murphy, South Bend, Indiana
Nora eresa O'Sullivan, Oak Forest, Illinois
Stephen Christian Perry, Brecksville, Ohio
Jesus Pulido, Laredo, Texas
Shella Kirin Raja, Laguna Niguel, California
Marisa Lynn Rieber, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Sarah Elizabeth Ritter, Cincinnati, Ohio
Ryan Andrew Schultheis, Evansville, Indiana
Phillip Lee Hwo Shiu, São Paulo, Brazil
Caitlin Elizabeth Smith, Long Valley, New Jersey
Stephanie Leigh Metz Sonnick, Ridgewood, New Jersey
John Michael Sontag, Indianapolis, Indiana
Bradley James Stalcup, Ashburn, Virginia
Bailey Anna Stavetski, Haddoneld, New Jersey
David Joseph Valenti, River Forest, Illinois
Emily Frances Voorde, South Bend, Indiana
Margaret Marie Waickman, Akron, Ohio
e Reverend A. Leonard Collins, C.S.C. Award
To a graduating senior who has made substantial personal eorts
to advance the interest of students at the University of Notre Dame
Juan Jose Rangel, Kerman, California
Community Service Award
Awarded to band members for dedication and service to the
community that the Notre Dame Band serves
Anna Kristine Bosler, Cassopolis, Michigan
Jack David Burkart, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Anastasia Mary Wright, Renton, Washington
e Reverend John Considine, MM Award
For outstanding student contributions to the study of, or service
to, the Catholic Church in Latin America
Kathleen Patricia Anthony, Allentown, Pennsylvania
e Tara K. Deutsch Award
To a senior in the Department of Accountancy for exemplary social
consciousness and devotion to eorts to give hope to the less fortunate
Michael Andrew Schneider, Tucson, Arizona
e Mara Fox Award for Service to the Hispanic
To the seniors who have studied Spanish at Notre Dame and
contributed outstanding service to the Hispanic community
Ryan Andrew Schultheis, Evansville, Indiana
Anne Marie Sescleifer, Chestereld, Missouri
e John W. Gardner Leadership Award
To a graduating senior, graduate, or professional student who
has exemplied the ideals of the University through outstanding
volunteer service beyond the university community
Christina Marie Gutiérrez, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Hall Spirit Award
To seniors who have most exemplied the spirit of Notre
Dame through personality, character, and actions
Brendan Michael Bell, Havertown, Pennsylvania
Abigail Virginia Blanchard, Rockford, Michigan
Kathleen Marguerite Clark, Stamford, Connecticut
Emma Kathleen Collis, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Bret Scott Colman, Ventura, California
Jennifer Marie Daily, Newtown, Connecticut
Daniel Joseph Delaney, Jr., Salem, New Jersey
Olivia Ann Dietzel, Dickeyville, Wisconsin
Margaret Mary Fisher, Raleigh, North Carolina
James Gerard Heisler, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Kevin James Homa, Carol Stream, Illinois
Michael David Hunckler, South Bend, Indiana
Samuel omas Hyder, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Alanna Alma Marie Kenney, Dublin, Ohio
Rikki Lynn Koebler, Telluride, Colorado
Patrick Joseph Krach, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Julia Karlie McGinty, Hudson, Massachusetts
Anna Hayes McNamara, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Conor Tiernan Montijo, Tucson, Arizona
Emily Kathleen Morris, London, Ohio
Jameson omas Ondrof, Charlotte, North Carolina
Lewis Glendal Owens III, Del Rio, Texas
Joseph Lawrence Paggi, Wappingers Falls, New York
William Michael Raaf, Naperville, Illinois
Tatum Summer Snyder, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Erin Margaret Stoyell-Mulholland, Broomall, Pennsylvania
Morgan Blaine Twardowski, Byron, Illinois
Andrew Lawrence Weiler, Minneapolis, Minnesota
John Stockmann Wetzel, Dallas, Texas
e Reverend M. eodore Hesburgh, C.S.C. Award
Honors graduating seniors whose leadership has signicantly
advanced the climate of welcome and inclusion within or
beyond the University of Notre Dame community
Mark Leroy Madrid, Austin, Texas
Matthew Jesian Wong, Powell, Ohio
Irish Clover Award
Established in 1985, this award is given annually by Student
Government to recognize students, faculty or sta for outstanding
service to the students of the Notre Dame community
Hermon Wolde Abera, Redlands, California
Katherine Lindsey Wood, Dallas, Texas
e Byron V. Kanaley Award
Awarded to the senior monogram winners who have been
most exemplary as student athletes and as leaders
Ashley Allison Armstrong, Flossmoor, Illinois
Emily Sproson Frydrych, Wilmington, Delaware
Anna Isabel Kottkamp, Wenatchee, Washington
Emma Catherine Reaney, Lawrence, Kansas
Peter Schneider, Vienna, Austria
e Kobak Memorial Scholarship
University Bands Award given for outstanding
instrument achievement
Anna Kristine Bosler, Cassopolis, Michigan
Stephen Wayne Gilcrest, Mullica Hill, New Jersey
omas George Jeries, Old Bridge, New Jersey
Melyssa Rae Moors, Goodrich, Michigan
Denise Alberta Tarnowski, Stevensville, Michigan
Caitlin Elisabeth Zeiler, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
David J. LaBarre Community Service Award
To the MNA student who is well regarded by his/her fellow
MNA classmates, possesses the integrity and character consistent
with Notre Dame ideals, demonstrates a willingness to help other
students, and displays a commitment to both Notre Dame and the
surrounding communities
Mark Leroy Madrid, Austin, Texas
Albert Le May Award for Service to the Hispanic
To the senior who participated in the Pueblo Program and used
the Spanish language to serve the community
Matthew Nicholas Metzinger, Youngstown, Ohio
Sister Jean Lenz, O.S.F. Leadership Award
Recognizes a post-baccalaureate student who has displayed
leadership in promoting a more diverse, inclusive campus
community for all students
Aamir Ahmed Khan, Karachi, Pakistan
e J. Sinnot Meyer Award
To a graduating American Studies senior for outstanding service
to the University
Scott Joseph Coppa, South Bend, Indiana
e Denny Moore Award for Excellence in Journalism
To the senior who exemplies the qualities for which Denny was
known, including personal integrity and character, commitment to
Notre Dame, and writing ability
Jonathan Spencer Warren, Orlando, Florida
Blessed Basil Moreau, C.S.C. Leadership Award
Awarded to a senior who embodies Father Moreau’s vision of
educating both the heart and mind, and who has demonstrated
signicant eort to advance the Catholic character of the University
Grace Harrington Carroll, Portsmouth, Rhode Island
Robert F. O’Brien Award
Awarded for outstanding service and dedication to the
Notre Dame Band
Melyssa Rae Moors, Goodrich, Michigan
Outstanding Band Member Award
Awarded to a band member for loyalty, dedication, and leadership
omas George Jeries, Old Bridge, New Jersey
Outstanding Marching Band Member Award
Awarded to a band member for loyalty, dedication, and leadership
Nicole Dianne Mariani, Montclair, New Jersey
Michael J. Palumbo Award
Presented to a member of the undergraduate student body for
their outstanding commitment and dedication to the Notre Dame
Student Union
Michael Robert Wajda, Solon, Ohio
e Charles and Simone Parnell Award
To the senior who attended the Angers International Study
Program and has demonstrated a high level of international
awareness and social service activities participation
Claire Fiona Donovan, Boulder, Colorado
e Daniel H. Pedtke Memorial Award
Presented to seniors in the Notre Dame Glee Club in recognition
of musical leaderhsip, exemplary personal character, and overall
contribution to the success of the group
Brendan Mallon Evans, Granger, Indiana
Nicholas James Goldsmith, Des Moines, Iowa
John Jay Johnstone, Mountain Brook, Alabama
Michael William Shakour, South Bend, Indiana
e Mike Russo Spirit Award
is award honors an outstanding undergraduate student who
exemplies the qualities for which Mike Russo was known,
including service, personal character, and those who strive to bring
the best out of themselves and others.
Lauren Amanda Vidal, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Center for Aquatic Conservation Fellowship
Candice Yango Lumibao, Quezon City, Philippines
CEST/Bayer Predoctoral Fellowship
Enrica Balboni, Dosso, Italy
Jerey Arnold Christians, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Matthew James Cooper, Mount Pleasant, Michigan
Gregory omas Neumann, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Yunshan Wang, Wuhu, People's Republic of China
Nicole Marie Windmon, Coconut Creek, Florida
James Lynn Zokoe, Jr., Grand Rapids, Michigan
e CRC Award for Computational Sciences
and Visualization
Aparna Bhattacharya, Kolkata, India
Anna Elizabeth Woodard, Merritt Island, Florida
Deans' Fellowship
Ruth Janelle Adam, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Eduardo José Andino, Jackson Heights, New York
Daniel Patrick Castillo, Miami, Florida
Rachel C. Chow, Nutley, New Jersey
Florencia Foxley, Washington, District of Columbia
Joanna Ho, Cupertino, California
George Maxwell Ibars Kennedy, Fresno, California
Michelle Lynn Luna, Pico Rivera, California
Juan Camilo Medina, Bogotá, Colombia
Patrick Miller, Hutchinson, Kansas
irii Myo Kyaw Myint, San José, California
Curtis Alan Rhodes, South Bend, Indiana
Gilbert Saint Jean, Jr., Miami, Florida
Lester Stephens, Greenwood, Mississippi
Eck Institute for Global Health Graduate Fellowship
Nicholas Salvatore Geraci, Cincinnati, Ohio
Eck Institute for Global Health Segerson Fellowship
Callan Maire Driscoll, Butte, Montana
Patrick and Jana Eilers Graduate Student Fellow
Jerey Arnold Christians, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Joseph L. Gaia Distinguished Fellowship in
Latino Studies
Víctor Carmona González, Mexicali, Mexico
Dissertation Year Fellowship, Kellogg Institute
for International Studies
Nolan James Corry Locke Noble, Fullerton, California
Michael omas Westrate, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Kinesis - Fernández Richards Family Fellowship
José Emilio Lugo Ortiz, Lajas, Puerto Rico
Enmanuelle Pardilla Delgado, Caguas, Puerto Rico
Lilly Presidential Fellowship
Sara D'Ann Bramsen, Oberá, Argentina
Ciara Máire Conneely, Gorey, County Wexford, Ireland
Sarah Gene Dawson Ellison, Chicago, Illinois
Joshua Abram Kercsmar, Valparaiso, Indiana
Matthew Brandon Lee, Borger, Texas
Anne Elizabeth Siebels Peterson, Marion, Iowa
Joshua Morton Robinson, Tigerville, South Carolina
Michèle Anik Stanbury, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Jordan Joseph Wales, Wilmington, Delaware
Clare Booth Luce Fellowship
Julie Lynn Chaney, Lafayette, Indiana
Sarah Catherine Rei, Mount Prospect, Illinois
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Grant for
Religion Across the Disciplines
Benjamin Robert Chleboun, Chicago, Illinois
Kathryn Rose Sawyer, Lowell, Massachusetts
Nathanael Gratias Sumaktoyo, Jakarta, Indonesia
Nanovic Institute Paul G. Tobin Disseration Fellowship
James Martell de la Torre, Mexico City, Mexico
e Ray Siegfried Award for Leadership Excellence
Awarded annually to a senior at Notre Dame who exemplies the
qualities for which Notre Dame Trustee Ray Siegfried was known,
including leadership, generosity, devotion to the Catholic faith,
and anity for the spirit of athletic competition
Megan Elizabeth Heeder, East Lansing, Michigan
Jose Tito Siguenza Award for Service to Hispanic Youth
To the senior who has studied Spanish at Notre Dame and
contributed outstanding service to Hispanic youth
Grace Kathryn Girardot, Naperville, Illinois
Gerald F. Smith Memorial Award
Awarded to a band member for citizenship and loyalty to the
Notre Dame Band
Stephen Wayne Gilcrest, Mullica Hill, New Jersey
Student Activities Leadership Award
To students who best exemplify the spirit of Notre Dame in social,
recreational, residential, service, and religious activities that
promote the welfare of the University and extended communities
Garrett Nathan Blad, North Liberty, Indiana
Deandra Cleante Cadet, Newark, New Jersey
Caitlin Claire Crommett, Dove Canyon, California
Hilary Kathryn Johnson, Duluth, Minnesota
Hyezo Kwun, Bayside, New York
Gen (Reagan) Li, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
Ryan omas Majsak, Livonia, Michigan
Demetrius Miles Murphy, Gary, Indiana
Jaclyn Rose Paul, White Bear Lake, Minnesota
Peter Schneider, Vienna, Austria
Michael Robert Wajda, Solon, Ohio
Naughton Fellowship
Charles Joseph Berno, Plymouth, Minnesota
Rory Dunne, Wexford, Ireland
Amy Charlotte Flanagan, Dublin, Ireland
Alison Mary O'Shea, Cork, Ireland
NDnano Fellowship
Sean William McGee, Long Beach, California
e Richard and Peggy Notebaert Premier Fellowship
Katie Ann-Marie Bugyis, Tacoma, Washington
John Paul D'Antonio, Littleton, Colorado
Erik Zachary Dowden Ellis, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Timothy Stephen Miller, Edgewood, Kentucky
Francesco Pancaldi, Cento, Italy
Paul Joseph Scherz, Huntington Beach, California
John Douglas Sehorn, Portland, Oregon
Nathanael Gratias Sumaktoyo, Jakarta, Indonesia
Notre Dame Arts and Letters Postdoctoral Fellowship
Katy Michelle Wright-Bushman, Rancho Santa Margarita,
Notre Dame Extended Research Community
NSF GK-12 STEM Fellowship
Jessica Mikels-Carrasco, South Bend, Indiana
Katherine Meredith Rue, Virginia Beach, Virginia
O’Brien Dissertation Fellowship
Michael Anthony Cruz Abril, Phoenix, Arizona
Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award
Jesse Siragan Arlen, San Luis Obispo, California
Rachel Lynn Banke, Shabbona, Illinois
Katie Ann-Marie Bugyis, Tacoma, Washington
Angela Dawn Carpenter, South Bend, Indiana
Ailbhe Darcy, Dublin, Ireland
Allison Olivia Evans, Florence, South Carolina
Fernando Antonio García Morales, Caracas, Venezuela
Patrick Xavier Gardner, Bay Village, Ohio
Joseph Bartholomew Gianino, Lake Orion, Michigan
Ryne Andrew Gorsuch, Albion, Indiana
Robert Daniel Gustin, Irvine, California
Brian David Hamilton, Harrisonburg, Virginia
Michael omas Hartney, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
John Douglas Herrington, Mishawaka, Indiana
Joshua Abram Kercsmar, Valparaiso, Indiana
Mohammad Ashraf Ali Khan, Tangail, Bangladesh
Victoria Katherine Lam, San Francisco, California
Lauren Elizabeth LaMore, Grand Haven, Michigan
Quinn Nathaniel Lathrop, Nevada City, California
Robert Bertrand Lester, Great Falls, Montana
James Martell de la Torre, Mexico City, Mexico
Gregory omas Neumann, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Ronald James Nowling, Pompano Beach, Florida
Seemit Praharaj, Bhubaneswar, India
Douglas Robert Rice, Salem, Oregon
Veronica Eileen Roberts, South Bend, Indiana
Raymond Paul Seekell III, Holliston, Massachusetts
Mary Caitlin Sherman, Ligonier, Pennsylvania
Gregory Daniel Shufeldt, Springeld, Illinois
Jared Francis Stefanick, Tallahassee, Florida
Kelsey Marie Stocker, Grants Pass, Oregon
Wenzhao Sun, Nanchang, People's Republic of China
Shayna Anne Sura, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin
Michael Edward Swoboda, Kirkwood, Missouri
Ryan Cole ompson, Blairsville, Georgia
Xin Tong, Xi'an, People's Republic of China
Sara Elizabeth Troyani, Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
Dev Himanshu Varma, Memphis, Tennessee
Ana Milenova Velitchkova, Soa, Bulgaria
Amit Kumar Verma, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Christopher Robert Vetter, Quakertown, Pennsylvania
Yunshan Wang, Wuhu, People's Republic of China
Lauren Linn Whitnah, Knoxville, Tennessee
Jonathan Stephen Wol, Manseld, New Jersey
Katy Michelle Wright-Bushman, Rancho Santa Margarita,
Damian Francis Zurro, Freehold, New Jersey
John J. Reilly Center Phillip R. Sloan Prize
Stephen Reid Case, Kankakee, Illinois
Arthur J. Schmitt Leadership Fellowship
Matthew James Cooper, Mount Pleasant, Michigan
David Gary Flagel, Manchester, Wisconsin
Lawrence William Funke, South Bend, Indiana
Michael Lee Haskel, Mishawaka, Indiana
Phillip James Jedlovec, Huntsville, Alabama
James Kapaldo, Mishawaka, Indiana
Nicole Rae Kroeger, Apex, North Carolina
Anne Michelle Legault, San Gabriel, California
Timothy Michael McCoy, South Bend, Indiana
Kevin Allen Mueller, Granger, Indiana
Ashley Marie Nettleman, Troy, Michigan
Alexander Joseph Reisinger, Seward, Nebraska
Curtis Alan Rhodes, South Bend, Indiana
Alicia Taylor Specht, North Andover, Massachusetts
Daniel Taller, San Jose, California
Cameron Richard Turner, Paradise, California
Christopher Robert Vetter, Quakertown, Pennsylvania
Scully Scholarship
Prashan Asiri Jonathan De Visser, Wattala, Sri Lanka
e Eli J. and Helen Shaheen Graduate School Award
For Engineering:
Jerey Arnold Christians, Grand Rapids, Michigan
For Humanities:
Ailbhe Darcy, Dublin, Ireland
For Science:
Douglas Allen Hines, Manseld, Ohio
For Social Science:
Michael omas Hartney, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
University of Notre Dame Environmental Research
Center Research and Mentoring Fellowships
David Gary Flagel, Manchester, Wisconsin
ABA-Bloomberg BNA Award
For excellence in the study of Health Law
Natalie Anne Miller, Duneland Beach, Indiana
Audra Jean Passinault, Grand Haven, Michigan
For excellence in the study of Intellectual Property
Joseph John Ravindra Fernando, Phoenix, Arizona
Andrea Grace Klock Mills, Austin, Texas
ALI-ABA Scholarship and Leadership Award
In recognition for being the graduate in this law school class who best
represents a combination of scholarship and leadership, the qualities
embodied by the ALI-ABA parent organizations, the American Law
Institute, and the American Bar Association
Mark Robert Kubisch, Bloomington, Indiana
ALI-CLE Scholarship and Leadership Award
In recognition for being one of the up to ve graduates in this Law
School class who best represents a combination of scholarship and
leadership, the qualities embodied by the American Law Institute
Edward Matthew Barloh, Cincinnati, Ohio
Andrew Tyler Bond, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Jessica Arden Ettinger, Potomac, Maryland
Jae Yeon Kim, Lewis Center, Ohio
Amy Povinelli, Phoenix, Arizona
American Bar Association Section of Labor and
Employment Law and the Bureau of National
Aairs, Inc. Award
For excellence in the study of Labor and Employment Law
Lynn Alazem, Franklin, Michigan
Daniel R. Schipper, Portage, Michigan
Erin Elizabeth Wurst, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Award for Outstanding Achievement
In the program of study in Business Law:
Sean McDermott Parish, Bloomeld Hills, Michigan
In the program of study in Criminal Law:
Melinda Lorraine Johns, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
In the program of study in Environmental Law:
Marie Elizabeth Hollister, Valatie, New York
In the program of study in Global Law:
Trista Mara Turley, Troy, Missouri
In the program of study in Intellectual Property and Technology Law:
Justin Beau Bryant, Olympia, Washington
Tyler John Earnest, LaVale, Maryland
In the program of study in Law, Ethics, and Public Policy:
Paul Christopher Quast, Saint Paul, Minnesota
In the program of study in Public Law:
Mark Robert Kubisch, Bloomington, Indiana
Edward F. Barrett Award
For outstanding achievement in the art of trial advocacy
Jessica Arden Ettinger, Potomac, Maryland
Krista Marie Pikus, Columbus, Indiana
Paul Christopher Quast, Saint Paul, Minnesota
e Joseph Ciraolo Memorial Award
To a law student who exemplies spirit, service, and signicant
achievement in the face of adversity as did Joe, beloved member
of the class of 1997
Andrew R. Harris, Cleveland, Ohio
Clinical Legal Education Association Outstanding
Student Award
Sienna Carly White, Cody, Wyoming
e Farabaugh Prize
For high scholarship in law
To be announced at a later date
e Colonel William J. Hoynes Award
For outstanding scholarship, application, deportment,
and achievement
To be announced at a later date
University Presidential Fellowship
Rev. Brian P. Dunkle, S.J., Freeport, New York
Patrick Xavier Gardner, Bay Village, Ohio
Janice Gunther, Mishawaka, Indiana
Brian David Hamilton, Harrisonburg, Virginia
Caleb Michael Hamman, Walkerton, Indiana
Robert Bertrand Lester, Great Falls, Montana
Kevin Patrick McCabe, Allen Park, Michigan
Patrick Miller, Hutchinson, Kansas
Amy Kathleen Nuttall, Loveland, Colorado
Ana Krasimirova Petrova, Varna, Bulgaria
Eleanor Everett Pettus, Goleta, California
Veronica Eileen Roberts, South Bend, Indiana
Kasey James Stanton, Miles City, Montana
Sara Elizabeth Troyani, Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela
Maria Cecilia Ulrickson, McLean, Virginia
Courtney Lynne Wiersema, Prophetstown, Illinois
Voll Family Presidential Fellowship
Robin A. Dembro, Los Angeles, California
Kristina Louise Jipson, Lincoln, Maine
e Reginald Bain Award
To the Notre Dame student who produces remarkable theatre
projects from any area of theatre during the academic year
Abigail Marie Hebert, Surprise, Arizona
e Gary F. Barnabo Political Science Writing Award
For outstanding writing in political science
Simone Marie Oberschmied, Elk Grove Village, Illinois
e Dr. Robert Joseph Barnet Award
To the outstanding Arts and Letters Preprofessional senior who has
demonstrated, in addition to excellent character, superior academic
achievement across the arts and sciences
Leonard Brian Hickman, South Bend, Indiana
e Paul Bartholomew Prize
For the best senior thesis in the eld of political theory
Marcilena Gladys Shaeer, Phoenix, Arizona
Walter R. Beardsley Award
For excellence in the M.F.A. show
Sarah Edmands Martin, Boyds, Maryland
e Otto A. Bird Award
To the Program of Liberal Studies student who submits the
best senior research essay
Christine Joan Gibbons, Orchard Park, New York
e Joseph Italo Bosco Senior Award
To graduating seniors for excellence in Italian studies
Joseph Nicholas Corsaro, Indianapolis, Indiana
Genevieve Claire Lyons, Westlake, Ohio
e Broad Avenue Filmmakers Award
To a graduating senior for the most outstanding student lms
Lauren Elizabeth Josephson, Whitehall, Michigan
International Academy of Trial Lawyers Award
For distinguished achievement in the art of advocacy
Andrea Grace Klock Mills, Austin, Texas
Matthew C. Lamb, Pacic Palisades, California
Peter F. O'Neill, Fairway, Kansas
Jessup International Moot Court Award
For excellence in advocacy
Micah L. Kanters, Chicago, Illinois
Rachael Lynn Nave, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
Mary Marcia McAllister Shepro, Wayne, Illinois
Christopher Don Stewart, Spring, Texas
Conrad Kellenberg Award
For service toward the betterment of the Law School
and local community
Alisa Christine Finelli, Chevy Chase, Maryland
William T. Kirby Award
For excellence in brief writing
Jason Richard Becker, Marlton, New Jersey
J. Kory Strain, Charleston, South Carolina
Dean Konop Legal Aid Award
For outstanding service in the Legal Aid Clinic
Megan E. Fitzpatrick, Irvine, California
e Jon E. Krupnick Award
For excellence in the art of trial advocacy
Blake Anthony Biggar, Oneida, New York
Kyle R. Ratli, Seminole, Texas
Matthew Evans Wine, Columbia, Missouri
David T. Link Award
For outstanding service in the eld of social justice
Alisa Christine Finelli, Chevy Chase, Maryland
e Judge Joseph E. Mahoney Award
For outstanding leadership
Sarah Jeanne Gallo, Oak Park, Illinois
e Arthur A. May Award
To a member of the Barristers team who demonstrates a
commitment to professional ethical standards and exhibits
excellence in trial advocacy
Frederick Reginald Bentley III, Louisville, Kentucky
Captain William O. McLean Law School Community
Citizenship Award
Awarded to the person(s) who has done the most to contribute
to the lives of students at the Law School
Alisa Christine Finelli, Chevy Chase, Maryland
e Dean Joseph O’Meara Award
For outstanding academic achievement
To be announced at a later date
e A. Harold Weber Moot Court Awards
For outstanding achievement in the art of oral argument
Allison Rose Burke, Spokane Valley, Washington
Gregory Logan Chafuen, Vienna, Virginia
Patrick Richard Duey, Mobile, Alabama
Sarah Jeanne Gallo, Oak Park, Illinois
Jae Yeon Kim, Lewis Center, Ohio
Kyle R. Ratli, Seminole, Texas
e A. Harold Weber Writing Award
For excellence in essay writing
Paul Christopher Quast, Saint Paul, Minnesota
H. King Williams Memorial Award
To a graduating student who has made a signicant
contribution to building community at the Law School
Matthew Evans Wine, Columbia, Missouri
e Reverend Lawrence G. Broestl, C.S.C.
German Award
To a graduating senior for excellence in the study of
German language and literature
Samantha Taylor Zuba, Wheeling, Illinois
e Peter Brown Professional Achievement Award
To the anthropology student with outstanding performance
in the tasks of a professional academic in one or more of the
following areas: publication, presentation at professional
meetings, grants, or fellowships
Rebecca Claire Mayus, Springeld, Missouri
e Dr. John E. Burke Award
To an outstanding Arts and Letters Preprofessional senior who
has demonstrated, in addition to excellent academic achievement,
outstanding leadership qualities through service within and/or
beyond the Notre Dame community
Matthew David Hing, Ann Arbor, Michigan
e Reverend Joseph H. Cavanaugh, C.S.C. Award
To the senior who has evidenced high qualities of personal
character and academic excellence in theological studies
Patrick Paul Calderon, Vancouver, Canada
e Susan Marie Clements Award
To the Program of Liberal Studies female seniors who
exemplies outstanding qualities of scholarly achievement,
industry, compassion, and service
Caitlin Conway Peartree, Rochester, New York
Erin Mary Portman, Downers Grove, Illinois
e Edward J. Cronin Award
To the student who submits the year's best essay in a
Program of Liberal Studies course
Molly Elizabeth Porter, Leawood, Kansas
e Roberto Damatta Excellence in
Anthropology Award
To all students who achieve a 4.0 in the Anthropology major
Olivia George Cogan, Louisville, Kentucky
Megan Boutin McCormick, Alexandria, Virginia
e Dockweiler Medal for Philosophy
To the seniors in the College of Arts and Letters who
submit the best essay on a philosophical theme
Patrick Andrew Miller, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
Joseph omas Stratmann, Springeld, Missouri
East Asian Languages and Cultures Award
To seniors for excellence in the study of Chinese, Japanese,
and Korean
Chinese: Joseph Andrew Celeste, Kennesaw, Georgia
Japanese: Brandon Kevin Moore, Chesterton, Indiana
Korean: Heeju Son, Lexington, Kentucky
e Margaret Eisch Memorial Prize in Sociology
To the most outstanding senior majoring in sociology
Jaclyn Rose Paul, White Bear Lake, Minnesota
Endowment for Excellence Award in Romance
Languages and Literature
To a graduating senior for excellence in Romance
Languages and Literature
Emma Marie Partridge, Westeld, New Jersey
e Jerey Engelmeier Award
To an oustanding student of German whose contribution to the
life of the department, its students, or the community is especially
conspicuous; or whose leadership enhances the role of the German
Club or is evident in the organization of a campus or community
Joseph Patrick Scollan, Mahopac, New York
e Paul Farmer Anthropology Service Award
To the student who has used their anthropological training
for public service
Alexis Cristine Palá, San Antonio, Texas
e William and Connie Greif Award
Awarded to outstanding Bachelor of Fine Arts students
William James Cawley, South Bend, Indiana
Samantha Grace Coughlin, South Bend, Indiana
Anne Goodman, Lake Blu, Illinois
Colleen Nugent Hancuch, Wilmette, Illinois
Lauren Alexandra Miller, Granger, Indiana
Keri Leigh O'Mara, Albany, New York
Dominick M. Padovano, Dayton, New Jersey
Ailish Catherine Sheehan, Kildimo, Limerick, Ireland
Samuel and Mary Anne Hazo Poetry Award
Rachel Jeanne Zavecz, Shreveport, Louisiana
e Helen Hritzu and Jewell Erickson Award
For excellence in Arabic or Classical Studies
Jacob Michael Kildoo, Grove City, Pennsylvania
Monica Mae McEvoy, Bloomington, Minnesota
Nora eresa O'Sullivan, Oak Forest, Illinois
Hyezo Kwun, Bayside, New York
Jake omas Weiner, Helena, Montana
e Irwin Press Prize in Medical Anthropology
For the best paper in medical anthropology
Megan K. Marshalla, Lake Zurich, Illinois
e Emil Jacques Gold Medal of Fine Arts
Awarded to a student by the Department of Art, Art History,
and Design for excellence in studio art
William James Cawley, South Bend, Indiana
e Emil Jacques Silver Medal of Fine Arts
Awarded to a student by the Department of Art, Art History,
and Design for excellence in studio art
Samantha Grace Coughlin, South Bend, Indiana
e Donald and Marilyn Keough Award
For excellence in Irish Studies
Kathleen Anne Brennan, Strongsville, Ohio
e Stephen Kertesz Prize
For the best senior thesis in the eld of international relations
Victor Manuel Diaz-Rodriguez, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Christopher Wayne Newton, Andover, Massachusetts
Walter Langford Award for Excellence in
French Literature
To the graduating senior major whose work was deemed most
outstanding in French literature by the Romance Languages and
Literatures faculty
Caitlin Conway Peartree, Rochester, New York
Walter Langford Award for Excellence in
Spanish Literature
To the graduating senior majors whose work was deemed most
outstanding in Spanish literature by the Romance Languages
and Literatures faculty
Matthew David Hing, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Father Anthony J. Lauck Award
Awarded to best of show for seniors in Design and Studio Art
Design: Julia Murphy Bontempo, Highlands, New Jersey
Studio Art: John Harvey Fuller, Glenwood, Iowa
e R.V. Ley Journalism Award
To a graduating senior in the Gallivan Program in Journalism,
Ethics, and Democracy for achievement and promise
Samantha Taylor Zuba, Wheeling, Illinois
Liu Family Distinguished Achievement Award
in Asian Studies
Honors the student whose character and undergraduate work best
exemplify the qualities of commitment, diligence, and imagination
in the study of Asia
Ziming Yuan, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
e Gertrude Austin Marti Award in eology
To the graduating senior who has given evidence of qualities of
personal character and academic achievement in theological studies
Hope Brittany Feist, Knoxville, Tennessee
Eleanor Meehan Award for Literary Excellence
To the undergraduate English major who submits the best
original essay on a literary subject
Leila Renee Green, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Michel Prize in Medieval Studies
Outstanding essay on a medieval topic by a graduating senior
Anne Nicole Wildenhain, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
e William Mitchell Memorial Award
For distinguished achievement and contributions during residency
for the MFA degree in the Graduate Creative Writing Program
Sarah Elizabeth Roth, Palm Harbor, Florida
Dev Himanshu Varma, Memphis, Tennessee
Mabel L. Mountain Painting Prize
Awarded to an art student for excellence in painting
Waleed Elharith Johnson, Detroit, Michigan
e James E. and Barbara L. Murphy Award
To a graduating senior in the Gallivan Program in Journalism,
Ethics, and Democracy for exceptional journalism
Nicole Domenica Sganga, Cold Spring Harbor, New York
e Reverend Raymond W. Murray, C.S.C. Award
in Anthropology
To the outstanding senior majoring in anthropology
Rebecca Claire Mayus, Springeld, Missouri
e Paul Neville Journalism Award
To a graduating senior in the Gallivan Program in Journalism,
Ethics, and Democracy for excellence in journalism
Ann Marie Jakubowski, Grand Rapids, Michigan
e Robert D. Nuner Modern and Classical
Language Award
To a graduating senior in the College of Arts and Letters with a rst
or second major in any classical or modern foreign language who has
earned the highest cumulative grade point average
Brian Victor Credo, Jr., Metairie, Louisiana
e Willis D. Nutting Award
To the Program of Liberal Studies senior who best embodies
the departments high teaching and learning ideals
Molly Elizabeth Porter, Leawood, Kansas
e Monsignor Francis A. O’Brien Award
To a history major for the best research paper
To be announced at a later date
Reverend Marvin R. O’Connell Award
For the best essay written in the history workshop
To be announced at a later date
e Guillermo O’Donnell Prize
For the best senior thesis in the eld of comparative politics
Madelynn Mae Green, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
e Hugh O’Donnell Award in American Studies
To a senior who demonstrates outstanding academic achievement
in American Studies, intellectual curiosity, and engagement in
the major
Bailey Anna Stavetski, Haddoneld, New Jersey
e John A. Oesterle Awards in Philosophy
Award given when meritied to a graduating philosophy major
for excellence in philosophy
Patrick Andrew Miller, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
e O’Hagan Award
Awarded by the Department of History to a history major
for the best original essay on a phase of Irish history
To be announced at a later date
e Joseph P. O’Toole Jr. Award
To graduating seniors for excellence in lm studies
Ying Ying Mak, Hong Kong
Zachary Aaron Wendeln, Aurora, Ohio
Outstanding Creative Writing Student
To the graduating senior who has excelled in creative writing
Zachary Aaron Wendeln, Aurora, Ohio
Outstanding Senior Award
Awarded to the most outstanding music department seniors, by vote
of the undergraduate committee
Erin Elizabeth Celeste, Syracuse, New York
Elizabeth Anne Curtin, Houston, Texas
Outstanding Student in Pre-1700 Literary Studies
To the graduating senior who has excelled in the study of literature
from the era before 1700
Catherine Caroline Puma, Brooklyn, New York
John J. Reilly Scholar Award
To Arts and Letters/Engineering seniors with outstanding
performances in their careers as Notre Dame students
Christopher Robert Andrews, Green River, Wyoming
Waleed Elharith Johnson, Detroit, Michigan
Julia Maria Teixeira, Granger, Indiana
Eugene M. Riley Prize in Photography
For excellence in photography by a photography major
Lauren Alexandra Miller, Granger, Indiana
Radwan and Allan Riley Prize
Awarded to a senior for excellence in their respective eld
Art History:
Evan James Graham, Adrian, Michigan
Karilyn Goden Sheldon, Windham, New Hampshire
Anne Goodman, Lake Blu, Illinois
Studio Art:
Katherine Elizabeth Flynn, Katonah, New York
e James E. Robinson Award
To the outstanding senior English major
Austin Gregory Hagwood, Quincy, California
e John Roos Prize
For the best senior thesis in the eld of American politics
Emily Elizabeth Flores, Dayton, Ohio
Russian Senior Award
To a graduating senior for excellence in the study of Russian
Language and Literature
Molly Elizabeth Porter, Leawood, Kansas
e Ernest Sandeen Poetry Award
Awarded to the undergraduate student submitting the
best original poetry
Teresa Kathryn Gunty, South Bend, Indiana
e John F. Santos Award for Distinctive Achievement
in Psychology
In recognition of outstanding achievement in research, academic
performance, and student-life activities
Leonard Brian Hickman, South Bend, Indiana
Julia Catherine Revord, Appleton, Wisconsin
Senior Recognition Award in Psychology
In recognition of outstanding achievement in research, academic
performance, and student-life activities while pursuing a major
course of study in psychology
Haley Danielle Heibel, Lincoln, Nebraska
Erica Hope Mitchell, Centennial, Colorado
Kendra Ellen Reiser, Seattle, Washington
Kristin Elizabeth Rice, Deereld, Illinois
Marisa Lynn Rieber, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
John Harold Sheehan Prize Essay Award
To the senior in the Department of Economics who has
written the best senior honor essay
To be announced at a later date
e Brother Simeon, C.S.C. Award
For distinction in Irish Language and Literature
Kathleen Anne Brennan, Strongsville, Ohio
e Sociology Outstanding Senior Essay Award
For the most outstanding senior sociology essay
Kathleen Anne Brennan, Strongsville, Ohio
e Frederic Syburg Award
e award is given to a theatre student who has done outstanding
work in the area of playwriting or literature
Lucas Dionicio Garcia, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Television Studies Award
To graduating seniors for outstanding work in television studies
Jay Michael Monaco, Cohasset, Massachusetts
Nicole Domenica Sganga, Cold Spring Harbor, New York
e eatre Alumni Award
To a graduating senior for outstanding work in theatre
Guillermo Alonso, El Paso, Texas
e Lauren B. omas Scholarship
To an outstanding Russian major who exhibits nancial need
Kathryne Elizabeth Bascom, Bel Air, Maryland
e Genevieve D. Willis Senior esis Prize
Awarded to the Gender Studies major or minor judged to have
produced the most outstanding senior thesis
Sarah Helen Murphy, Winston Salem, North Carolina
e Professor James Withey Award
To a senior in American Studies for notable achievement in writing
Bailey Anna Stavetski, Haddoneld, New Jersey
e Judith A. Wrappe Memorial Award
To rst semester seniors majoring in art who demonstrate the
qualities of talent, tenacity, spirit, good humor, and goodness
Lauren Alexandra Miller, Granger, Indiana
Dominick M. Padovano, Dayton, New Jersey
e Peter Yarrow Award in Peace Studies
Awarded to a student in Peace Studies who demonstrates academic
excellence and a commitment to peace and justice in the world
Brenna Marie Gautam, Clarksville, Tennessee
e Lawrence H. Baldinger Award
Given to graduates who demonstrate academic excellence, broad
leadership skills, and professionalism at the undergraduate level
as they prepare for medical training
Gabriella Trinidad Gonzales, Florence, Kentucky
Matthew Nicholas Metzinger, Youngstown, Ohio
Adam Zale Stepanovic, Munster, Indiana
Robert P. Balles Distinguished Mathematics Scholar
For excellence in mathematics
Andrew Joseph Baglini, Cumberland, Rhode Island
Robert P. Balles Honors Program Mathematics Scholar
For excellence in mathematics
Jacob Alexander Haley, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Robert Braco, M.D. Honors Research Award
is award is given to an outstanding senior honors student who
has excelled in all aspects of the biology honors program, including
signicant research accomplishments, graduate-level academic
work, and an exemplary senior thesis
Samantha Nicole Piekos, Naperville, Illinois
e Paul Chagnon Award in Physics
To be given to a senior physics major for demonstrated character and
leadership, and service to the University, Department of Physics, and
his or her fellow physics majors
Katrina Cruz Magno, Marlborough, Massachusetts
Samuel J. Chmell M.D. Award
Given to preprofessional students who demonstrate a high level
academic achievement, exemplary character, and integrity
Liam omas Kane, Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania
Christopher Tricarico, Merrick, New York
e Deans Award
Presented to the outstanding graduating seniors in the College of
Science in recognition of exemplary personal character, leadership,
service, and outstanding achievement
Jerey Lawrence Hansen, Vienna, Virginia
Anna Isabel Kottkamp, Wenatchee, Washington
e Deans Research Award
Presented to the outstanding graduating seniors in the College of
Science in recognition of exceptional research within and across
the traditional boundaries of scholarly disciplines who embrace,
facilitates, and fosters an environment of scientic inquiry
Sienna Marie Durbin, Newton, Massachusetts
Anna Bette Stephenson, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
e Haaser Scholarship in Mathematics
For excellence in mathematics
Andrew Joseph Baglini, Cumberland, Rhode Island
Jack David Burkart, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Jacob Alexander Haley, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Eric omas Krakowiak, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Ningzhou Shen, Jiaxing, People's Republic of China
Xiao Xiao, Tianjin, People's Republic of China
e Kolettis Award in Mathematics
For excellence in mathematics
Jack David Burkart, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDonald Undergraduate
Research Award
is award is given to the senior who has demonstrated extraordinary
promise in biological research, as evidenced by outstanding
undergraduate research accomplishment and dedication, including
signicant intellectual contribution to her project
Rachel Rose Miceli, Queens, New York
e Patrick J. Niland, M.D. Award
To preprofessional studies students who have demonstrated a high
level of academic achievement, professionalism, and integrity
Michael David Bass, Fort Worth, Texas
Michael Francis Cosiano, Findlay, Ohio
Outstanding Biochemist Award
For leadership, academic achievements, research, and scholarship
in biochemistry
Evan Samuel Merryman, South Bend, Indiana
Outstanding Biochemistry Research Award
For excellence in research in biochemistry
Travis Marshall-Roth, Charlottesville, Virginia
Outstanding Biological Scientist Award
is award is given to graduating seniors who have demonstrated
extraordinary promise in the biological sciences as evidenced by both
academic and research excellence
Mary Olivia Balmert, San Diego, California
Eric Kegan Donahue, Brentwood, Tennessee
Sienna Marie Durbin, Newton, Massachusetts
Outstanding Biology Student Leader Award
Seniors nominated for this award must be exemplary student leaders
in the Department of Biological Sciences. e students will have
made outstanding contributions, through their leadership and
service, to advance the interests of other students in the department.
Elena Catherine Brindley, Downingtown, Pennsylvania
Jonathan Jou, Chicago, Illinois
Outstanding Chemist Award
For academic and research achievements in chemistry
as an undergraduate
Michael James Ahlers, Le Mars, Iowa
Outstanding Chemistry Research Award
For excellence in research in chemistry
Daniel omas Kwasnieski, Middletown, Delaware
Outstanding Environmental Scientist Award
is award is given to a senior who has demonstrated extraordinary
promise in the environmental sciences as evidenced by both academic
and research excellence
Julia Adele Hart, Mundelein, Illinois
e Aero Propulsion Award
To the senior Aerospace Engineering major for outstanding
performance in the Gas Turbines and Propulsion class
Alex Brett Jones, Columbus, Ohio
American Society of Civil Engineers Activity Award
For participation in the services and activities of the American
Society of Civil Engineers
Kaleigh Alexa McLaughlin, Princeton, New Jersey
Quinn Martin O'Heeney, Nashville, Tennessee
Chemical Engineering Alumni Award
In recognition of high scholastic standing and involvement
in extra curricular activities
Daniel Matthew Kerekes, Barrington, Illinois
Hannah Marie Knochelmann, Florence, Kentucky
Keith William Podgorski, Denver, Colorado
Chemical Engineering Faculty Award
To the senior having the highest scholastic average after
seven semesters
Samuel Lin Tin Chee Leung, Granger, Indiana
Chemical Engineering Research Award
In recognition of outstanding undergraduate research
Christopher Joseph Dearolf, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania
Samuel Lin Tin Chee Leung, Granger, Indiana
e Americo Darin Prize
To signicant improvement over the rst four semesters
of Engineering
Caroline Marie Gerstle, Louisville, Kentucky
Anthony Daejin Villano, Granger, Indiana
e Patrick J. Deviny Scholarship Award
To the senior in Aerospace Engineering displaying the
most diligence and persistence in their studies
Carson Lee Running, Owatonna, Minnesota
e Vincent P. Goddard Award for Aerospace Design
For the best design in the senior Aerospace Design course
Cecilia Ruiz, Brea, California
Leroy D. Graves Academic Improvement Award
To senior civil engineering students for signicant development
in academic performance
Michael Robert Brandes, Kendall Park, New Jersey
Elizabeth Grace Byrne, Syracuse, New York
Dr. Raymond C. Gutschick Award
To the graduating senior who has demonstrated the most promise
in geological research as evidenced by a successful undergraduate
research project
Kathryn Margaret Peruski, Scarsdale, New York
Brian Hederman Award for Advances in Robotics
In recognition of outstanding integration of microprocessors
and controls with mechanical systems
Joshua Nason Smith, Springeld, Illinois
Gibran Kareem Research Prize
To a senior civil engineering student who has demonstrated
outstanding scholarship through undergraduate research
Robert Donald Devine, Oceanport, New Jersey
Outstanding Physics Major
Outstanding senior physics major
William Patrick McCormack III, Los Angeles, California
Anna Bette Stephenson, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award
Outstanding research by an undergraduate physics major
Mitch Alexander McNanna, Hinckley, Illinois
Alexa Isabel Rakoski, Camas, Washington
Senior GE Prize for Honors Majors in Mathematics
For excellence in mathematics
Jack David Burkart, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Jacob Alexander Haley, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Xiao Xiao, Tianjin, People's Republic of China
Senior GE Prize for Mathematics Majors
For excellence in mathematics
Erin Elizabeth Celeste, Syracuse, New York
Eric omas Krakowiak, Arlington Heights, Illinois
William Patrick McCormack III, Los Angeles, California
William Michael Raaf, Naperville, Illinois
Ningzhou Shen, Jiaxing, People's Republic of China
e Reverend Joseph L. Walter, C.S.C. Award
To preprofessional students dedicated to service
Jason Charles Hoard, Carmel, Indiana
Rachel Elise Hughes, Cincinnati, Ohio
Paul F. Ware, M.D. Excellence in Undergraduate
Research Award
is award is the highest honor bestowed upon a graduating senior
in the department. It is based on outstanding research, GPA, and
leadership and/or service in the department or college.
Jerey Lawrence Hasen, Vienna, Virginia
William R. Wischerath Outstanding Chemistry
Major Award
For academic achievements of a graduating senior chemistry major
Kathleen Patricia Anthony, Allentown, Pennsylvania
Sydney Kelsey Excellence Prize
To graduating seniors, recognizing outstanding achievement
in the eld of structural mechanics
John Patrick Hollkamp, Dayton, Ohio
Katherine Marie Kreienkamp, Saint Louis, Missouri
Timothy Edlund Woodcock, North Shores, Michigan
Reverend Alexander Kirsch, C.S.C. Award
To the senior in geological sciences who has evidenced high
qualities of personal character, scholarship, and leadership
Zachary Augustus Torrano, Wilton, California
e Kenneth R. Lauer Award
To a senior civil engineering student for leadership, integrity, and
service to fellow students and community as determined by his
or her classmates
Daniel Paul Courtney, Bualo, New York
e James L. Massey Award
For achievement in electrical engineering, recalling communication
theory, undergraduate teaching, and the Binary Examination
Michael James Williams, Saint Paul, Minnesota
e James A. McCarthy Scholarship
Presented to a civil engineering student for outstanding academic
and professional excellence in their junior year
Daniel Paul Courtney, Bualo, New York
e Basil R. Myers Award
For achievement in electrical engineering, recalling circuit theory,
the English language, and Saint George Day at Notre Dame
William Joseph Schell, Honeoye Falls, New York
Jerome L. Novotny Design Award in ermal Science
For best design in the senior Heat Transfer course
John Shapland Kearns, Champaign, Illinois
Ryan Andrew Williams, Scottsdale, Arizona
Outstanding Computer Engineering Senior Award
For outstanding academic achievement in the computer
engineering program
Matthew Joel McGlynn, Englewood, Colorado
Outstanding Computer Science Senior Award
For outstanding academic achievement in the computer
science program
Erich Austin Kerekes, Barrington, Illinois
Jason Martin Wassel, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Boyoung Yoo, Scarsdale, New York
Pi Tau Sigma Honor Award
Notre Dame chapter recognition for outstanding academic
performance and demonstrated professional potential
Cameron omas Kupfer, Kings Hill, Virgin Islands
e Arthur J. Quigley Award
For achievement in electrical engineering, recalling electronics,
service to our neighbor, and the little man in the circuit
Rachel Kathleen Drumm, West Chester, Ohio
Rockwell Automation Design Award
For the best design in the senior mechanical engineering
capstone design course
Steven David Dusing, Brookeld, Wisconsin
Ariel Elizabeth Etienne, Tell City, Indiana
e Walter L. Shilts Award for Undergraduate
To senior civil engineering students who have best fullled their
potential through hard work and dedication to obtaining the
best possible education
Angelene Jo Dascanio, Santa Barbara, California
Amanda Jean Schockling, Sugar Land, Texas
Sigma Gamma Tau Honor Award
To the outstanding graduate in aerospace engineering
John Michael Sontag, Indianapolis, Indiana
e Lawrence F. Stauder Award
For achievement in electrical engineering, recalling electrical
power, the IEEE Student Branch, and the Notre Dame Alumni
Colin Christopher Terndrup, Redwood City, California
e Reverend omas A. Steiner Prize
To outstanding students in the College of Engineering who
have displayed all-around excellence as students
Ashley Allison Armstrong, Flossmoor, Illinois
Benjamin Mark Laws, Maumee, Ohio
Samuel Lin Tin Chee Leung, Granger, Indiana
Andrew Patrick McGloin, Wheateld, New York
Kaleigh Alexa McLaughlin, Princeton, New Jersey
Michael Paul Silvernagel, Billings, Montana
John Treacy Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
To the student with the highest score in ermodynamics in
the spring of their sophomore year
Margaret Ellen Best, Boulder, Colorado
Zahm Prize for Aeronautical Engineering
To the senior who has achieved the most distinguished record
in professional subjects
Andrew Patrick McGloin, Wheateld, New York
Zahm Prize for Mechanical Engineering
To the senior who has achieved the most distinguished record
in professional subjects
Spencer Joseph Kieer, East Amherst, New York
e Accountancy Chairmans Award
To a senior for outstanding service to the Department of Accountancy
Hannah Lin, Milford, Connecticut
e Accountancy Faculty Award
To an outstanding senior in the Department of Accountancy
Marie Susan Davidson, Saint Louis, Missouri
e William G. Barth Award
is award is designed to assist Department of Accountancy students
who have accepted a full-time volunteer experience after they leave
Notre Dame, or who plan to work for a not-for-prot organization
Ryan omas Majsak, Livonia, Michigan
e Wesley C. Bender Award for Marketing
To the seniors with the highest grade point average in the
marketing concentration
Katherine Anne Friedli, Wilmette, Illinois
e Peter Brady Award
To an outstanding senior in the Department of Accountancy
Bethany Nicole Reimbold, Carmel, Indiana
e Justin Harris Brumbaugh Memorial Award
To the MIS/IT Management senior who classmates select as having
had the most impact on their lives during their stay at Notre Dame
Stephanie Michelle Klotter, Chicago, Illinois
e Paul F. Conway Award
Given to the senior in the Department of Finance who embodies
those characteristics that dene our tradition of excellence: a person
of keen intellect who enriches the ideals of Notre Dame
Collin Michael Ebert, Huron, Ohio
e Herman Crown Award
Given to the senior in the Department of Finance with the
highest overall grade point average
Alexander Robert Kroeger, Cincinnati, Ohio
e Brother Cyprian, C.S.C. Award
To outstanding seniors in the Department of Accountancy
Audrey Ann Eaton, Downers Grove, Illinois
James Joseph McEntee, Jr., Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
Lauren Marie Pierce, Naperville, Illinois
Elizabeth Marie Quinn, Highland, Indiana
e Deans Award
To the student whose leadership within the Mendoza College
of Business was outstanding
Alisha Marie Anderson, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Deans MBA Award
To the Executive MBA student in both the Chicago and South Bend
classes and the traditional MBA student nominated by MBA faculty
in their respective program, who demonstrate strong leadership
amongst his/her classmates, show promise for future professional
success and have a strong record of scholarship
Christopher John Bisson, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Daniel Leonard Carey, Santa Rosa, California
Christopher David Shipley, Naperville, Illinois
Deans MSM Award
To the MSM student nominated by MSM faculty, who demonstrate
strong leadership amongst his/her classmates, show promise for future
professional success and have a strong record of scholarship
Cipriano Louis Apicelli III, Kenosha, Wisconsin
e James Dincolo Award
To outstanding seniors in the Department of Accountancy
Evan Scott Brizius, Evansville, Indiana
Casey Margaret Horan, South Windsor, Connecticut
Michael Andrew Schneider, Tucson, Arizona
Ellen Hines Stucky, Lisle, Illinois
e Le Clair Eells Award
Given to the seniors in the Department of Finance who have
demonstrated outstanding leadership
Alessandro Antonio DiSanto, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Sydney Rebne, Troy, New York
e Eugene D. Fanning Award
To the senior man and woman who demonstrate exceptional
achievement in business communication, excellence in writing,
speaking, listening, and interpersonal communication, and who
demonstrate leadership potential, initiative, integrity and respect
for the dignity and rights of others
Joseph John Schmidt IV, Orange, California
Lauren Amanda Vidal, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
e Federation of Schools of Accountancy Student
Achievement Award
To a graduate student for outstanding performance in the Master of
Science in Accountancy program in the Mendoza College of Business
Sara Suzanne Cuba, Holliday, Texas
e Department of Finance Outstanding
Service Award
Given to the senior in the Department of Finance for rendering
outstanding service to the department
Cristin Carroll Pacico, Sarasota, Florida
e Yusaku Furuhashi Award
To the senior or junior in the Marketing Department for the
best essay capturing the marketing insights gained through the
international study experience
Ellen James Roof, Granger, Indiana
e Paul D. Gilbert Award
To the seniors in the Department of Marketing demonstrating
outstanding leadership in departmental, college, and university
Catherine Mae Kesman, Lake Forest, Illinois
Julia Rose Masano, Wyomissing, Pennsylvania
e Hamilton Award for Accountancy
To the outstanding senior in the Department of Accountancy
Kevin Andrew Schneider, Tucson, Arizona
e Hamilton Award for Finance
Given to seniors in the Department of Finance with high
academic credentials
Jeremy Stephen Dancu, Tinley Park, Illinois
Justin eodore Dancu, Tinley Park, Illinois
Ryan Christopher Newell, Winnetka, Illinois
Eric Michael Tommarello, Baldwinsville, New York
Tyler Anthony Wingo, Fairfax, Virginia
e Hamilton Award for Management
To the outstanding consulting or entrepreneurship senior in the
Department of Management with the highest cumulative grade
point average
Kevin omas Zahren, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
e Hamilton Award for Marketing
To the outstanding senior in the Department of Marketing
Emma Marie Partridge, Westeld, New Jersey
e Reverend eodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C.
Founder’s Award
To the MNA student who demonstrates strong leadership amongst
his/her classmates, shows promise for future professional success,
and has a strong record of scholarship
Mark Leroy Madrid, Austin, Texas
e Raymond P. Kent Award
Given to seniors in the Department of Finance for outstanding
performance in nance courses
Carl Joseph Condon, Louisville, Kentucky
Evan O'Neill Escobedo, Aurora, Colorado
Daniel Spencer Groom, Naples, Florida
Robert John Haddad, Clark, New Jersey
Ying Ying Mak, Hong Kong
Margaret Marie Wilmouth, Billings, Montana
e Elmer Layden Award
To the outstanding seniors in the Department of Accountancy
Andrew Robert Borchert, Alpharetta, Georgia
Kevin W. Huang, Charlotte, North Carolina
Jameson omas Ondrof, Charlotte, North Carolina
Nini Wu, Nanjing, People's Republic of China
John R. Malone Academic Achievement Award
To the Chicago MBA, Executive MBA, and traditional MBA
students with the highest cumulative grade point average
To be announced at a later date
John R. Malone Academic Achievement Award
To the junior in the Department of Marketing with the highest
cumulative grade point average and conferred on the winner
during their senior year
Emma Marie Partridge, Westeld, New Jersey
e Management Award
To the outstanding IT Management senior in the Department of
Management with the highest cumulative grade point average
Edward James Jurkovic, Bourbonnais, Illinois
e Master of Non-Prot Administration
Excellence Award
To a graduating student for exemplary eorts to enhance
the MNA learning community
Kelly Catherine Medinger, Towson, Maryland
e Charles G. Morrow Award for Business Excellence
Given in honor of the late Charles G. Morrow ‘38, to the
graduating seniors in the Mendoza College of Business who have
demonstrated business excellence through University service and
leadership. is award also acknowledges the student's academic
and professional integrity
Jacob Patrick Bebar, Crest Hill, Illinois
Demetrius Miles Murphy, Gary, Indiana
Colleen Grace Wade, Staord, Virginia
J.D. Stuart Pegg Outstanding Male Student Award
To the male traditional MBA student nominated by fellow students,
who demonstrates outstanding academic prowess, has shown
leadership, and exhibited character during his MBA experience
Braden Matthew Hardisty, South Bend, Indiana
e Lucy Blandford Pilkinton, Ph.D. Memorial Award
To a graduating MBA candidate demonstrating exceptional
achievement in management communication, excellence in writing,
speaking, listening, and interpersonal communication, and who
demonstrates integrity and respect for the dignity and rights of others
Forrest Douglas Johnson, Hudson, Ohio
Marylyn S. Rosenthal Outstanding Female
Student Award
To the female traditional MBA student, nominated by fellow
students, who demonstrated outstanding academic prowess, has
shown outstanding leadership, and exhibited character during
her MBA experience
Marshel Rae Slater, Littleton, Colorado
Marylyn S. Rosenthal Outstanding Male Student Award
To the male traditional MBA student, nominated by fellow students,
who demonstrated outstanding academic prowess, has shown
outstanding leadership, and exhibited character during his
MBA experience
John Gordon Henry, South Bend, Indiana
e Robert M. Sattereld Award
To a student for bringing enthusiasm, integrity, and a spirit
of teamwork to the classroom
Aminah Gbadamosi, Los Angeles, California
Donna M. Sclafani Memorial Award Scholarship
Given as a memorial to the 1981 graduate of the University of
Notre Dame, it is presented annually to an outstanding female MBA
marketing student as voted by the Department of Marketng faculty
Marshel Rae Slater, Littleton, Colorado
Frederick B. Snite, Jr. Notre Dame Leadership Award
To the student who demonstrates a commitment to the traditional
MBA program, it's students, faculty, and administration, presents
a sense of purpose for other MBA students, and enhances the MBA
program through his/her actions
Alexander Kane Taylor, Rockville Centre, New York
e Henry Adams Certicate
Second ranked graduating student in an accredited
undergraduate professional degree program
Andrew Francis Califano, Roslyn, New York
e Henry Adams Medal
First ranked graduating student in an accredited
graduate professional degree program
Lisa Anne Schumaker, Grand Rapids, Michigan
e Henry Adams Medal and Certicate
First ranked graduating student in an accredited
undergraduate professional degree program
To be announced at a later date
e Leon Battista Alberti Award
To a graduate student for overall academic excellence in a
post-professional degree program
To be announced at a later date
e Alpha Rho Chi Medal
To a graduating student who has shown an ability for leadership,
performed willing service for the school and gives promise of real,
professional merit through attitude and personality
Michi Greta Aman, Pittsford, New York
Amico Award
For design excellence in the fth-year of study
To be announced at a later date
Association of Licensed Architects Student Merit Award
To the graduating student recognized for exemplary
achievements throughout the scholastic year
To be announced at a later date
e Noel Blank Design Award
Best fth-year design completed during the fall semester
To be announced at a later date
Bond Hall Civic Award in Architecture and Urbanism
To a graduating student for contributions to a culture of
environmental sustainability and civic virtue in the School
of Architecture
To be announced at a later date
Norman A. Crowe Award
To a graduating student for contributions to the ideas of
sustainability in architecture and urbanism
To be announced at a later date
Deans Undergraduate Award for Advanced Design
Excellence in Architecture
To the student with overall excellence in fth-year thesis in
the fall semester
To be announced at a later date
Ferguson and Shamamian Graduate Prize
To a graduating Masters student for excellence in design
exhibited in thesis
To be announced at a later date
Ferguson and Shamamian Undergraduate Prize
Awarded to a fth-year student in the Bachelor of Architecture
Program for overall excellence in classical design exhibited
throughout the course of study
To be announced at a later date
Jane Jacobs Award
For demonstrated commitment to community building and
urban planning
To be announced at a later date
Andrew F. Kervick Award
Awarded to the student of the school whose work in design
and drawing is of the highest merit
To be announced at a later date
Paris, Rome, Athens Prize
For scope exploration and quality of individual building design
successfully uniting architecture and urban design
To be announced at a later date
e Gertrude S. Sollitt Award
To the student who submits the best work as a solution to a
special problem in structure assigned in the scholastic year
To be announced at a later date
e Ralph omas Sollitt Award
To the student in the School of Architecture who submits the
best design as a solution to the thesis architecture problem
To be announced at a later date
Frederick B. Snite, Jr. Spirit of Notre Dame Award
To the student who is well regarded by his/her fellow traditional
MBA students, possesses the integrity and character consistent with
the Notre Dame ideals, demonstrates a willingness to help other
students, and displays a commitment to both the Notre Dame and
surrounding communities as demonstrated through community
Derek D. Mullen, Seattle, Washington
e Robert Vecchio Leadership Award
Award is given at the discretion of the faculty to a consulting or
entrepreneurship student who embraces the spirit of Notre Dame and
has excelled in developing leadership skills
Colleen Nicole Sheehy, Barrington, Illinois
e Carter Family Award
An ocers sword is presented to a midshipmen who has consistently
demonstrated the highest standards of leadership, initiative,
professionalism and service before self
Katherine Lee Privateer, Papillion, Nebraska
e Chicago Navy League Award
To the Navy Option midshipman graduate who has exemplied the
Navy’s core values of honor, courage, and commitment and has served
in one of the senior midshipman sta positions during the past year
Maxwell C. Brown, Bolton, Massachusetts
Chief of Naval Operations Distinguished Midshipman
Award to honor one graduating midshipman at each NROTC unit,
who demonstrates the highest standards of leadership, academic and
military performance
Elizabeth Helen Terino, Montgomery, Alabama
Detachment 225 Commanders Leadership Award
To the outstanding Air Force ROTC senior with the highest
combined merit of character, leadership, and ocer potential
Claire Virginia Mariani, Montclair, New Jersey
Easby-Smith Award
To the midshipman graduate who has exemplied the core values of
integrity, service, and leadership and has served in one of the senior
midshipman sta positions during the past year
Kelsey Sinclair Hutchinson, Virginia Beach, Virginia
e Gallagher-Snider Award
To the midshipman graduate who has an outstanding record in
academic achievement, superior military bearing, and exceptional
leadership and physical tness throughout their four years at
Notre Dame
Bryan Jon Cooley, Sturgis, South Dakota
e Captain McGurty Award
To the midshipman graduate who has exemplied the leadership
and service traits of a naval ocer and has served in one of the
senior midshipman sta positions during the past year
James Gerard Heisler, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
e Naimoli Award
To the senior midshipman demonstrating, without fanfare, superior
dedication and eort in academic achievement, student activities,
and leaderhship throughout four years as an NROTC midshipman
Cassandra Grace Gettinger, Elkridge, Maryland
Colonel Brian C. Regan Award
To the Marine Option midshipman rst class who has made an
outstanding record in academic achievement, student activities, and
leadership qualities throughout four years as an NROTC candidate
John Casey Gary, Ada, Michigan
e Captain Paul Roberge Memorial Award
To the outstanding Air Force ROTC senior cadet that exemplies
the Air Force Core Value of integrity, service before self and
excellence in all we do
Connor James Halloran, Lexington, South Carolina
e Strake Award
To the midshipman rst class who has made an outstanding record
in academic achievement, in student activities, and in leadership
qualities throughout four years as an NROTC candidate
Elizabeth Helen Terino, Montgomery, Alabama
e USAA Achievement Award
An ocers sword is presented annually to the top Naval
ROTC Midshipman graduate who best exemplies USAA’s
values of service, loyalty, honesty and integrity
Sean omas Fitzgerald, Concord, New Hampshire
St. Joseph Award in Furniture Design
To the furniture design student best resolving issues of concept,
design, and craftsmanship
To be announced at a later date
Liang Ssu-Ch’eng Award
For excellence in non-western architecture
To be announced at a later date
Tau Sigma Delta Honor Society Bronze Medal
Awarded by the individual chapter of the Tau Sigma Delta Society
to a fth-year student who has demonstrated excellence in design
To be announced at a later date
Alvarez-Diaz Villalon Award
For architectural excellence in sustainability
To be announced at a later date
ARCHITECTURE ...........................................................Lilac
ARTS, LETTERS, HUMANITIES ............................... White
BUSINESS .....................................................................Drab
EDUCATION (ACE) ............................................. Light Blue
EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION .......................... White
ENGINEERING ........................................................ Orange
FINE ARTS .................................................................. Brown
LAW ............................................................................. Purple
SCIENCE ........................................................ Golden Yellow
THEOLOGY AND SACRED MUSIC ........................Scarlet
Tassels are worn on the right side and shifted to the left after the
degree has been conferred.
Our time at Notre Dame will never be forgotten.
e Senior Legacy is a two-part campaign involving
the Senior Class. Most importantly, it is an eort
to create an appreciation for the signicant role
alumni support plays in making our experiences at
Notre Dame possible. About 40,000 alumni give
back to the University every year, not merely because
of personal relationships, but because they want to
ensure that future generations of students will share
in the same great Notre Dame experience.
In expressing our gratitude, the Senior Legacy calls
upon the Senior Class to make a three-year pledge to
the University. Whether giving back means joining
the Corby Society or making a smaller pledge, every
person can make an impact. Our goal is to have the
entire Senior Class participate, coming together one
last time in remembrance of the amazing memories
we have made at Notre Dame.
e Presidential Medal was introduced at the
inauguration of Notre Dames 16th President, the Reverend
Edward A. Malloy, C.S.C. e medal, struck in bronze and
plated in gold, was made by the Medallic Art Company,
Danbury, Connecticut.
e seal of the University forms the center of
the medal and is mounted in relief against a larger cross
representing the Congregation of Holy Cross, the religious
community which founded the University in 1842. In
traditional heraldry, the shield unsupported and central in the
seal is appropriate for an institution of learning. At the base of
the shield are two waves which symbolize the waves of Saint
Mary’s Lake on whose shores the University was founded.
In the upper left, the six-pointed star, considered the perfect
form, signies “Star of the Sea,” a title accorded the Virgin
Mary for whom Notre Dame is named. A cross symbolizes
Christianity. e open book, emblematic of education, is
inscribed with the Latin words, “Vita, Dulcedo, Spes,” or
“Our life, our sweetness, and our hope.” ese words, rst
addressed to Our Lady by Saint Bernard, are taken from the
familiar prayer, “Salve Regina,” or “Hail Holy Queen.
e academic scepter, or mace, was one of the
earliest distinctive signs of medieval university ocials.
e mace was originally a wooden sta carried by royal
messengers. e early wooden sta on the university beadle,
a subaltern ocial, evolved in the 14th century into an
elaborate silver mace. It was carried by the beadle during
processions and graduation ceremonies, and was displayed
as a symbol to command order during classes. In the 15th
century it became symbolic of academic dignity. An essential
part of the mace was the sta or cylindrical rod (tibia),
originally a tube of silver lled with wood or some other base
materials. e sta, divided into several sections, was held
together by a ring-shaped excrescence (nodus). e sta was
crowned with a bell-shaped head (caput); at the base was a
nial (membrum terminale).
e Notre Dame mace was designed and executed
by the late Reverend Anthony Lauck, C.S.C., professor
emeritus of art, art history, and design. e bronze caput
repeats the University seal found on the Presidential Medal,
but brings the star outside the shield where its separate
rendering emphasizes the patronage of the Virgin Mary.
Its shaft is in walnut and the star and the nial bear the
University colors gold and blue.