Pet Insurance – Accident Only
Policy Wording
Thank you for choosing us for your Pet Insurance.
You may be aware that Legal & General Insurance Limited has been bought
by Liverpool Victoria General Insurance Group (LV=GI). For a transition period,
Legal & General Insurance Limited has been renamed Fairmead Insurance
Limited. This means the provider and underwriter of your policy is Fairmead
Insurance Limited which is part of LV=GI. We look forward to welcoming
you to LV=.
Your policy is made up of this booklet and your policy schedule, which will be
provided when you take out your policy. The policy schedule confirms the sections
of cover you have chosen. Put them somewhere safe, so that you can refer to
them if you ever need to claim. Please carefully check the details in your statement
of fact, this booklet and your policy schedule to make sure your cover meets
your needs.
Useful phone numbers
General enquiries Making a claim
Customer service Pet Insurance
0370 060 0071 0370 060 0078
Customer accounts department
0370 060 0071
Renewals department
0370 060 0071
Sales department
0800 197 0881
Vet advice line Financial Services Compensation Scheme
0800 197 0922 0800 678 1100
Legal helpline Financial Conduct Authority
0800 294 1263 0800 111 6768
Bereavement counselling line Financial Ombudsman Service (For landlines)
0800 107 6197 0800 023 4567
Find a pet sitter Financial Ombudsman Service (For mobiles)
0800 975 4354 0300 123 9123
Find a vet
0800 027 5019
Calls may be recorded and monitored. Call charges will vary for 03 numbers.
Please call us if you are visually impaired and would like this document in
Braille, large print or audio tape or CD.
Pet Insurance – Accident Only
4-7 Policy definitions
8-11 Section 1
Veterinary fees
Section 2 – Death of pet from accident
Section 3 – Pet Funeral/cremation
Section 4 – Overseas travel
Section 5 – Holiday delay
16-18 Section 6
– Third party legal liability (dogs only)
General conditions
Making a claim
21-22 What is not co
Cancellation rights
Complaint handling procedure
24-25 Other inf
Policy definitions
When interpreting this policy:
References to the singular include the plural and vice versa, and to the masculine include the feminine
and vice v
Monetary references are to UK pounds sterling.
Certain words and expressions used in this policy have a specific meaning.
The following words will have the meanings described below wherever they appear in this document.
All defined terms appear in bold throughout this document.
Sudden, unforeseen, and unintended event causing
to your pet.
Age Deduction Table
The total deduction from the price paid, fixed amount
or price sho
wn in the schedule calculated from the
following table based on age determined by the date
of birth shown in the schedule and date of loss.
Age of pet at the Deduction from price
e the pet dies, is paid, fixed amount or
euthanised, stolen or amount shown in the
strays. schedule.
Up to 1 year old Amount minus 0%
Over 1 year and up to Amount minus 10%
2 years old
Over 2 years and up to Amount minus 20%
3 years old
Over 3 years and up to Amount minus 30%
4 years old
Over 4 years and up to Amount minus 45%
5 years old
Over 5 years and up to Amount minus 60%
6 years old
Over 6 years and up to Amount minus 75%
7 years old
Over 7 years and up to Amount minus 90%
8 years old
Over 8 years old Amount minus 100%
Associated Costs
General anaesthetic/sedation, drugs administered
or a treatment, one day’s hospitalisation fee and
interpretation fees.
Benefit Limits
The total amount payable per claim or per condition
per each section of coverage. The maximum benefit
limit that we will pay for a single condition, a recurring
condition or a chronic condition suffered by your pet
is the maximum Benefit Limit that was current in the
policy period when the condition first manifested, as
stated in your schedule. If you stop making premium
payments to us then cover for any ongoing conditions
will cease.
Chronic Condition
A condition
which, once developed, is deemed
incurable or is likely to continue for the remainder of
your pet’s life.
Pet Insurance – Accident Only
Clinical Signs
Changes in your pet’s normal healthy state, its bodily
functions or beha
Complementary Medicine
Physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, osteopathy,
hiropractic, homeopathic, herbal medicines or
laser treatment administered by a suitably qualified
practitioner following a recommendation from a
qualified vet. Laser treatment must be to treat a
condition and the treatment must be carried out
by a qualified Veterinary Surgeon. The following
practitioners are considered to be suitably qualified
and members of the following listed associations:
Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Animal
Therapy (ACPAT), National Association of Veterinary
Physiotherapists (NAVP), The International Association
of Animal Therapists (IAAT), Canine Hydrotherapy
Association(CHA), The Society of Osteopaths in
Animal Practice (SOAP), International Veterinary
Acupuncture Society (IVAS), Association of British
Veterinary Acupuncturists (ABVA) and the British
Veterinary Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine
Association (BVRSMA). Behavioural treatment must
be referred by your vet and provided by a Certified
Clinical Animal Behaviourist by the Accreditation
Committee of Association for the Study of Animal
Behaviour (ASAB) or member of the International
Association of Animal Therapists (IAAT).
Commencement Date
The date and time when the policy period first st
as noted in the schedule.
Any injury
sustained during, or resulting from, a single
accident or any manifestation of an illness having the
same diagnostic classification or resulting from the
same disease process regardless of the number of
incidents or areas of your pet’s body affected.
Continuation Claim
Any claim for on-going treatment for a condition
which has already been claimed for under this
policy and which can be linked back to the original
claim. If two or more claims are initially assessed
as separate conditions then later recognised as a
continuation/recurring/or bilateral condition and/
or claim, we will combine each related claim and
consider as one condition. The total amounts paid
for each related claim shall then be deducted from
the benefit limit applicable. Should this result in
the benefit limit being reached or exceeded, no
further claims for that condition will be paid and
any overpayment will be requested back and/or
deducted from any future claims.
Treatment to the teeth and gums of your pet
h is as a direct result of an accident or injury
to your pet.
End Date
The date on which this policy ends, which will be the
earliest of the f
the date y
our pet dies; or
the expiry of the current policy period:
– if yo
u fail to renew this policy; and/or
we choose not to renew this policy for whatever
reason; or
the date yo
u fail to pay the premium; or
the date yo
u cancel this policy; or
the date we cancel this policy for whatever reason.
Fairmead Insurance Limited
Fairmead Insurance Limited provide and underwrite
this insurance policy
. They are part of the Liverpool
Victoria General Insurance Group.
Pet Insurance – Policy definitions
A vacation or pleasure trip including at least one
vernight stay made by you outside the United
Kingdom which commences and ends in the
United Kingdom. For policyholders living in the Channel
Islands or the Isle of Man, holiday means a vacation
or pleasure trip including at least one overnight stay
made by you outside of the Channel Islands or the Isle
of Man which commences and ends in the Channel
Islands or Isle of Man. Please note that for section 4 –
overseas travel, the definition of a holiday is expanded
to include your pet accompanying you on holiday,
however, cover is restricted to travelling with your
pet in European Union member countries which are
included in the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) only.
Sickness, disease, infection or any change in your pet’s
normal health
y state which is not caused by injury.
Immediate Family
Your parent, brother, sister, son, daughter, spouse, life
partner or civil partner
Damage to one or more parts of your pet’s body as a
result of one
A holida
y or trip to a qualifying country included in the
Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) that starts and ends in the
United Kingdom during the period of insurance.
A dog or cat covered under this policy as named and
described in
your schedule.
Pet Passport
An official Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) document
vided by a vet who has the Governments authority
to do so.
Pet Travel Scheme (PETS)
The UK Government scheme that allows you to t
your pet to certain qualifying European Union (EU)
countries and to re-enter the United Kingdom without
putting your pet into quarantine, as long as you have
met the rules of the scheme.
Policy Documents
Your policy wording, statement of fact, Insurance
roduct Information Document (IPID) and schedule
which contain important information about you, your
pet and your policy. All of these documents should be
read as one.
Policy Period
The continuous 12 months period, effective from
the commencement dat
e, for which we have
agreed to provide cover and for which you have paid
the relevant premium.
Pre-existing Condition
Any condition diagnosed or undiagnosed sho
signs, symptoms, manifesting or existing in any form
prior to the commencement date; or any illness
diagnosed or undiagnosed showing signs, symptoms,
manifesting or existing in any form during the
waiting period.
Recurring Condition
The reappearance of a condition, clinical sign or
symptom of an illness after a period of remission
The document which contains important information
about yo
u and your policy which forms part of the
policy documents.
Any consultation, examination, advice, tests, x-rays,
slides, ultrasound and MRI, medication, surgery or
nursing care that has taken place and been provided
by a veterinary practice or qualified practitioner
recommended by a vet.
Pet Insurance – Accident Only
A veterinary surgeon registered with the
oyal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS).
Veterinary Fees
Customary, necessary and essential fees typically
harged by a vet in the provision of treatment.
Waiting Period
A period of 14 days starting from the commencement
e of the initial policy period during which an illness
occurs or shows clinical signs or symptoms; this will
be excluded from cover unless otherwise agreed by
us. If you upgrade your policy from an Accident Only
policy to any policy which includes illness cover, the
waiting period will apply from the transfer date.
We, Our, Us, Insurer
The underwriter Fairmead Insurance Limited.
egistered in England and Wales number 423930.
Registered office: 57 Ladymead, Guildford,
Surrey GU1 1DB.
Your Vet
The ve
t or veterinary practice you employ to carry out
your pet’s treatment.
You, Your
The person named as the policyholder on the sc
Worrying livestock
To chase or attack livestock (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs,
horses or poultr
y) on agricultural land in contravention
of the Dogs (Protection of livestock) Act 1953.
Pet Insurance – Veterinary fees
Section 1
Veterinary fees
Upgrading/Downgrading cover – If you transfer your pet to a plan with additional or higher benefit limits, the
additional or higher benefit limits will not apply if the condition signs or symptoms started before the transfer
date. If you transfer your pet to a plan with lower benefit limits, the higher benefit limit will no longer apply to
any claims you are currently making.
Bilateral Condition
Any condition affecting body parts of which your pet has two, one each side of the body (e.g. ears, eyes, knees,
cruciate ligaments). When applying a benefit limit or exclusion, bilateral conditions are considered as one condition
if there is evidence that your pet has had symptoms of the condition in the last 24 months and/or your vet records
indicate that the conditions are related.
1. Cover
We will pa
y the claim amount for normal and customary
veterinary fees up to the total benefit limit as shown
in your schedule for treatment. The benefit limit is
applied separately to every unrelated accident claimed
for. If you stop making premium payments to us then
cover for any on-going conditions will cease.
For the avoidance of doubt, please note that the
benefit limit
for complementary medicine,
special diet, CT/MRI Scans and associated costs,
cruciate ligament damage, dentistry and behavioural
treatment is not a separate limit and is therefore
included within the maximum benefit limit amount as
shown in your schedule.
Upgrading cover – If you transf
er your pet to a plan
with additional or higher benefit limits, the additional
or higher benefit limits will not apply if the condition
signs or symptoms started before the transfer date.
2. Level of veterinary fees allowed
ery claim will be reviewed by an internal pet claims
assessor and compared to charges for the same or
similar treatment within the same geographical area
to ensure that the treatment and veterinary fees are
necessary, essential and not excessive.
We will only pay up to a maximum of 100% mark-up on
the manufacturer’s or wholesalers price of veterinary
medicines. This will include any dispensing fees.
Sections of cover: Exclusions:
Costs resulting from any illness or accident/injury
relating to or caused by an illness.
Costs in ex
cess of the specified benefit limit as
shown in your schedule relating to any treatment
for cruciate ligament damage.
Costs resulting from an accident or injury that;
i. is the same as or has the same diagnosis
or clinical signs
as an accident, injury
or clinical signs your pet had before the
commencement date; is caused by, relates
to or results from an accident, injury or
clinical signs your pet had before the
commencement date.
Please note if your pet first showed any clinical signs
or w
as diagnosed with an accident, injury or illness
prior to the commencement date, we will apply an
exclusion to your policy in respect of this condition.
Costs resulting from or related to any excluded
condition as sho
wn in the schedule.
Costs for cosmetic treatment, elective tr
routine treatment or preventative treatment
recommended by a vet to prevent an injury
or illness. This is not limited to but includes
vaccination, spaying, castration, Cryptorchidism
(retained testes), grooming, nail clipping, whelping,
kittening, bathing, dematting, killing and controlling
fleas and worms, spaying to prevent the re-
occurrence of false pregnancy and any claims as
a result of these procedures unless specifically
noted on the schedule.
Costs for any tr
eatment relating to or resulting
from breeding your pet and any complications that
may occur as a result of these procedures.
Pet Insurance – Accident Only
Sections of cover: Exclusions:
3. Cruciate Ligament Damage and CT/MRI Scans
and Associated costs
We will pa
y up to the benefit limit as shown in your
schedule for cruciate ligament damage. This is not a
separate benefit but is limited under veterinary fees.
We will pay up to the benefit limit as shown in your
schedule for CT and MRI Scans and associated costs.
4. Dentistry
We will pay up to the benefit limit as shown in your
schedule for dentistry treatment as a direct result
of an accident and/or injury to your pet. This is not
a separate benefit but is limited under veterinary
fees. The benefit limit is applied separately to every
unrelated accident and/or injury or condition claimed
for per policy period.
5. Complementary medicine
We will pay up to the benefit limit as shown in your
schedule for complementary medicine which is
required as a direct result of an insured incident and
which meets the definition on page 5 of this booklet.
This is not a separate benefit but is limited under
veterinary fees. The benefit limit is applied separately
to every unrelated accident or injury condition
claimed for.
Any dental or gum treatment will be excluded,
unless required as a direct result of an accident or
injury to your pet and limited to the benefit limit.
Please note any routine, preventative or cosmetic
dental or gum treatment; or scaling and polishing
teeth will not be covered.
Any illness resulting from dentistry treatment.
Any dental or gum treatment as a direct result
of an
Any tr
eatment received by your pet after the
end date.
The cost of any treatment f
or behavioural problems
or for any conditions arising as a result of the same.
Any costs for house calls/out-of-hours calls/
non-essential hospitalisation and ambulance
costs (where covered) unless a vet confirms that
your pet was suffering from a life-endangering
condition or your vet can confirm in writing that is
was essential and not to have done so would have
seriously worsened your pet’s condition. If the
out of hours visit was not essential, we will cover
the normal consultation fees only. Please note we
will not pay ambulance fees from your normal
veterinary clinic to a transferred night veterinary
clinic or referral clinic.
Costs of your pet being euthanised except when it
is to alleviate incurable and inhumane suffering and
your vet has recommended it; always excluding
the costs of your pet being euthanised for financial
reasons or because of behavioural problems.
Costs of cremation and disposal, including post
mortem costs, coffins or cask
Costs which are not supported by an original receipt
or in
voice itemising the treatment costs incurred.
Pet Insurance – Veterinary fees
Sections of cover: Exclusions:
The cost of any diet food, even if prescribed.
Any costs associated with routine or investigative
y tests or procedures unless the
clinical signs/symptoms exist and the tests and
procedures are to diagnose a specific condition.
Extra fees on external laboratory fees. We will
only pa
y the external fee plus up to £20 for post,
packaging and interpretation.
Any cost of pheromone products, including
DAP diffusers and Feliway and/or similar feline
facial pheromone products used in either a spray
or an electric diffuser format and any general health
Continuation claims unless you have paid the
required premiums to keep your policy in force.
Claim settlements where you ha
ve failed to pay
the relevant premium due to us or you cancelling
your policy. In these circumstances any eligible
claim payment will be reduced by any outstanding
premium due.
The ex
cess applicable to this section of cover.
Any costs for hiring or buying a cage, basket or
bedding needed f
or the treatment or general
wellbeing of your pet and any general health
Pet Insurance – Accident Only
Sections of cover: Exclusions:
5. Complementary medicine (continued) Any costs associated with prosthetics (artificial
body parts) with the exception of costs related to
replacement hip, elbow and/or knee joints.
Vet Advice Line
Included in your policy is unlimited access to a veterinary support and advice service if you have
concerns about an insured pet’s health or welfare.This is provided by a team of veterinary nurses. If you
have any concerns about your pet’s health or welfare, just call 0800 197 0922 and they can give advice
and clear instructions on what to do next – as most issues don’t require an immediate trip to the vet.
The service is provided by Vetsdirect Limited and is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
Pet Insurance – Death of pet from accident
Section 2
Death of pet from accident
Sections of cover: Exclusions:
1. Cover
If your pet dies or is euthanised for humane reasons
because of injury during the policy period we will pay
a contribution of:
i. Where proof of purchase is available; up to the
price paid or the amount shown in the schedule
(whichever is the lesser) subject to deductions
shown in the age deduction table according
to the pets age at the date the pet dies or is
euthanised, or;
ii. Where proof of purchase is not available; up
to £75 for a cat and up to £150 for a dog (fixed
amount) subject to the age deduction table
according to the pet’s age at the date the
pet dies or is euthanised.
Important notice
Euthanasia due to any act of any legal or legislative
authority for any reason whatsoever, including any
order made in respect of a ‘notifiable’ disease.
Euthanasia due to behavioural problems or for
financial reasons.
Death during or after a surgical operation or a
general anaesthetic unless a qualified
vet certifies
that it was necessary because of injury.
Death of your pet if aged 8 years and over at the
time of death.
Any death resulting from breeding, pregnancy
or giving birth.
Any claim if the death has been a result of
ventative, routine or elective treatment/
procedure. See veterinary fees.
Any death caused by an illness/clinical signs
first noticed before the commencement
date or within the first 14 days of the policy
commencement date (waiting period).
Age of pet will be determined by the date of birth as shown on your policy schedule.
You must advise us within 30 days of the death of your pet.
Specific conditions applicable to Sections 2 – Death of pet from accident
1. If your pet dies, at your own expense please arrange for your vet to certify your pet’s death.
2. Where your vet is unable to certify your pet’s death; we will require a statement from an independent
witness confirming your pet’s death.
Pet Insurance – Accident Only
Section 3
Pet funeral/cremation
Sections of cover: Exclusions:
1. Cover
If your pet dies or is euthanised for humane reasons
as a result of an accident during the policy period we
will pay;
i) Cremation or Funeral costs of up to £150 for a
dog or £75 f
or a cat.
Cremation costs as a result of euthanasia due to
any act of any legal or legislative authority for any
reason whatsoever, including any order made in
respect of a ‘notifiable’ disease.
Cremation costs as a result of euthanasia due to
vioural problems or for financial reasons.
Cremation costs as a result of death during or after
a surgical operation or a general anaesthetic unless
a qualified
vet certifies that it was necessary
because of injury.
Cremation costs of your pet if aged 8 years and
ver at the time of death.
Cremation costs as a result of death from
, pregnancy or giving birth.
Cremation costs if death has been a result of
preventative, routine or elective treatment/
procedure. See veterinary fees.
Cremation cost if death is caused by an
illness/clinical signs first noticed before the
commencement date or within the first 14 days of
the policy commencement date (waiting period).
Post mortem and necropsy costs, including reports
and f
The cost of memorial plaques, headstones or any
other memorial or commemorativ
e signs.
Crematorium appointment fees and
out of hours costs.
Bereavement counselling helpline
Provides an understanding, confidential and professional service enabling you to talk about the death
or illness of your pet. Help and advice to address the symptoms brought about by bereavement is
available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Telephone 0800 316 2015.
Pet Insurance – Overseas travel
Section 4
Overseas travel
This cover provides veterinary fee cover up to the policy limit for your pet when you are on holiday in a designated
Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) country.
Sections of cover: Exclusions:
1. Cover
If your pet needs emergency veterinary
treatment as a result of an accident while you are
on holiday with your pet, we will pay up to the
maximum benefit limit as shown in the schedule.
This cover applies to a maximum holiday duration
of no more than 30 days made up of no more than
2 holidays in total per policy period. Cover starts
when you have left the UK (or Channel Islands
or Isle of Man if this is your place of residence).
Cover will cease at midnight on the 30th day of the
holiday duration.
Any costs resulting from a holida
y that started
before the commencement date.
Any costs for tr
eatment occurring outside the
maximum holiday duration of 30 days.
Any costs resulting from:
i. An injury or illness that first showed clinical
signs before your holiday started; or;
ii. An injury
or illness that is the same as or has
the same diagnosis or clinical signs that your
pet had before your holiday started; or;
iii. An injury or illness that is caused by, relates
to or results from an injury, illness or clinical
signs your pet had before your holiday started
no matter where these are noticed or happen
in or on your pets body. We shall continue to
provide cover under this policy where your pet
is already receiving treatment for an on-going
condition under an existing policy with us.
The cost of food for your pet.
Costs resulting from an illness that first showed
clinical signs within the waiting period.
Any costs if the holiday was made to get
eatment abroad.
Any costs to take your pets body home if it dies.
Costs of cremation and disposal, including post
mortem costs, coffins or caskets.
Pet Insurance – Accident Only
Section 5
Holiday delay
Sections of cover: Exclusions:
1. Cover
We will pay up to the benefit limit as shown in your
schedule, subject to a maximum of £75 per full 24
hours delayed, for accommodation expenses incurred by
you if your holiday is delayed because your pet needs
immediate lifesaving surgery while you are away. Yo u
must, at your own expense, provide us with receipts
showing the dates and costs you had to pay;
i) You and y
our pet must meet all the conditions of
the PETS and it’s your responsibility to check all
the current rules of this scheme before travelling.
Yo u must have a current pet passport before
you start your holiday and any other necessary
documents needed under the PETS;
ii) Your pet must be in good health and fit to travel at
the start of your holiday;
iii) Your pet must not work on a holiday (other than
as a registered guide or hearing dog);
iv) You must not make more than 2 holidays (which
last no more than 30 da
ys each) in a policy period;
v) Your pet must not have been outside the
qualifying countries included in the
PETS, in the
timeframe detailed in the rules of the PETS before
the start of your holiday.
v) Your pet must not have been outside the
qualifying countries included in the
in the timeframe detailed in the rules of the
PETS before the start of your holiday.
Legal advice helpline
Any costs resulting from a holiday that started
before the commencement date.
Any costs resulting from an injury
or illness from
a pre-existing condition.
Any costs resulting from an injury
or illness that
first showed clinical signs before the date you
booked your holiday.
Any claim caused by you failing to meet the
conditions of the PETS. This applies to conditions
set by the UK Government, a carrier or other
countries involved in the scheme.
Any claim as a result of travel outside the qualifying
countries co
vered by the PETS.
Any costs that the carrier may charge to carry out
Your costs in meeting the conditions of the PETS
unless they are specifically covered in this policy.
Any claim as a result of a malicious act, deliberate
injury or neglect caused b
y you or anyone
travelling with you.
Yo u bringing your pet home if it dies.
Any shortfall in payment or loss as a result of
rency exchanges.
Lawyers are available to provide advice and explain legal issues relating to your pet in a friendly and
helpful w
ay.The Legal Advice Helpline number 0800 294 1263 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a
year. Please quote your policy number.
Pet Insurance – Third party legal liability (dogs only)
Section 6
Third party legal liability (dogs only)
Sections of cover: Exclusions:
1. Cover
Where property is damaged accidentally or
someone is accidentally killed or accidentally
injured or becomes ill as a result of an incident
occurring within any member country or state
of the European Union during the policy period
involving your dog and for which you are legally
responsible we will indemnify you in respect of:
i. Compensation and the claimant’s costs and
ii. The legal costs and expenses incurred with
written consent for defending a claim made
against you under this section.
The maximum we will pa
y for third party legal
liability is shown in your schedule in respect of
any one occurrence or all occurrences of a series
consequent on or attributable to any one original
cause or source.
This section shall not apply to liability in respect of:
Any compensation, costs or expenses:
i. For defending yo
u which we have not agreed
to in writing beforehand
ii. If yo
u are legally liable because of a contract
you have entered into;
iii. If the claimant is a person who lives with you,
is a member of y
our immediate family or is
employed by you;
iv. Which involves y
our employment, profession,
occupation or business;
v. If yo
u, a member of your immediate family or
any person who lives with you or is employed
by you is responsible for or is looking after the
property damaged;
vi. Where yo
u have not followed advice given
to you by previous owners of your dog or by
any re-homing organisation about your dog’s
behavioural traits;
vii. For an incident at y
our workplace;
viii. If y
ou are insured under any other insurance
policy that covers the same loss unless that
cover has been exhausted.
Pet Insurance – Accident Only
Sections of cover: Exclusions:
Any claims:
i. Arising from loss or destruction of, or damage
to, an
y property, or death of or bodily injury
to any person, directly or indirectly caused
by pollution or contamination, unless the
pollution or contamination is directly caused
by a sudden, identifiable, unintended and
unexpected incident which occurs in its
entirety at a specific time and place during
the period of insurance. All pollution or
contamination which arises out of one incident
shall be deemed to have occurred at the time
such incident takes place.
ii. Arising as a result of any deliberate act, wilful
default or neglect by you.
iii. As a result of your dog
worrying livestock.
iv. As a result of any person handling your dog
without y
our permission or consent.
v. The ex
cess applicable to this section of cover
vi. The matters referred to in the what’s not
vered section.
vii. The cost of fines, penalties, punitive,
xemplary, aggravated, liquidated and multiple
Any claim or other proceedings against you or
your immediate family lodged or prosecuted in a
court outside the United Kingdom.
Pet Insurance – Third party legal liability (dogs only)
Specific conditions applicable to Section 6 – Third party legal liability (dogs only)
1. Yo u must not admit responsibility, agree to pay any claim or negotiate with any other persons following an incident.
2. Yo u must provide us with any information relating to the claim we ask for including detail of your pet’s medical
and behavioural history, history of ownership and details of any other insurance policies that might contribute
towards compensating the claimant.
3. Yo u agree f
or us to take charge of your claim and allow us to prosecute, defend or settle the same on terms
we are advised are reasonable in your name for our benefit.
4. Yo u agree to help us ascertain all the circumstances of an incident leading to a claim, provide written statements
and go to court if we require it.
5. You must immediately send us an
y writ, summons or legal documents of whatever nature relating to a claim
made against you and you must never send any replies to such documents.
Pet Insurance – Accident Only
General conditions applicable
to this policy
1. If at the time of an event giving rise to a claim under
this policy, there is any other insurance policy in your
name which is in force and which provides cover for
the same expense, loss, damage or liability then we
will only be liable for our proportionate value of the
claim, such proportion being determined by reference
to the cover provided under each of the relevant
policies. This General Condition does not apply to
section 6 – third party legal liability (dogs only).
2. A dog on a public highway must be on a collar
and lead under control. Reasonable steps must
be taken to ensure a dog does not escape or
stray and any area in which a dog is kept must
be secure and appropriately fenced or otherwise
secured. If in the UK, your dog must have a collar
that shows your details so you can be contacted
if your dog becomes lost.
3. Yo u must be the o
wner of your pet who must
live with you at your home address, as detailed
within your schedule. If you are no longer the
owner or your pet stops living with you at your
home address you must notify us immediately as
this may invalidate your policy or reduce the level
of claim payments. Yo u must live in the UK, the
Isle of Man, or the Channel Islands where you and
your pet live permanently for at least 9 Months
within the period of insurance.
4. Yo u must inf
orm us as soon as possible of any
change in circumstances relevant to this policy,
including change of address, change of ownership,
if your pet has been used for breeding, if your pet
has had complaints made about its behaviour or
any other change relating to your pet concerning
information we have previously asked for. Failure
to do so may invalidate this policy or reduce the
level of claim payments. We may alter the terms of
this policy when we are notified of such changes.
5. During the policy per
iod you must take care of
your pet including arranging and paying for any
treatment normally recommended by your vet to
prevent or reduce the risk of illness or injury.
6. Yo u must ensure that
your pet is vaccinated against:
i. For dogs: distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis;
and when entering a boarding k
ennel or show:
parvovirus and kennel cough;
ii. For cats: distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis,
enteritis, leukaemia and cat flu;
iii. You must k
eep your pet’s vaccinations up to
date, as recommended by your vet. If any of
the above diseases are not vaccinated against
they will be excluded from the policy;
iv. If you go against y
our vet’s advice for a
specific vaccination the disease will be
excluded from your policy.
7. You must ensure that your pet is wormed and flea
treated regularly and if there is a risk of contagion,
to keep your pet isolated from the same.
8. Yo u must not misrepresent, misstate, omit or
conceal any information, (such as current and past
health of your pet, previous medical treatment or
conditions, behavioural issues, previous or existing
legal proceedings against you in respect of your
pet, etc.) from the application for this insurance
or when renewing it or claiming against it. Failure
to do so may result in us cancelling or voiding this
policy and retaining any paid premiums or reducing
the level of claims payments depending on the
circumstances in respect of any period of cover.
9. If we ha
ve made any overpayment regarding claim
settlements, this will be requested back in full
and/or deducted from any future claims.
10. When inviting renewal of this policy we may, at our
sole discretion amend the premium and/or terms
and conditions of your policy.
11. We may pursue in your name, but for our benefit and
at our cost, any claims for damages or other costs.
12. Where a dispute arises due to a difference of
opinion bet
ween vets then we shall appoint an
independent vet whose decision shall be binding.
The costs of the independent vet will be shared
equally by you and us.
13. Rights of third parties. T
he parties do not intend
any term of this agreement to be enforceable
pursuant to the Contract (rights of third parties)
Act 1999 nor any amendments to the Act or
replacement legislation.
Pet Insurance – Making a claim
Making a claim
Pet Insurance 0370 060 0078
Calls may be recorded and monitored. Call charges will vary
In the event of an accident, injury, illness, loss,
destruction or damage giving rise or likely to give
rise to a claim under this policy, you must either:
1. Download a claim form from
2. Contact us by email on [email protected].
3. Contact us by telephone 0370 060 0078 and
request we send you a claim form. Full instructions
of how to complete the claim form will be provided.
Yo u must co-operate fully and truthfully to give us
any information they may need.
Conditions of settling claims
1. If requested by us, the vet attending to your
pet or the usual or previous vet must, at your
expense, provide us with all information about
your pet, including its full medical history or its
treatment as we may require.
2. Yo u and
your vet will have to complete all
applicable sections of our claim forms and submit
the same to us before a claim can be assessed
by us. An incomplete claim form will be returned
and this will delay settlement of your claims.
We will not pay any fee charged by your vet for
completing the claim form. Your fully completed
claim form should be returned to us without
undue delay and in any event within 90 days of
the incident occurring or your renewal if sooner.
4. Write to Fairmead Insurance Limited, 3rd Floor,
he Podium, Centre City House, 5 Hill Street,
Birmingham B5 4US and request we send you a
claim form. Full instructions of how to complete the
claim form will be provided. Yo u must co-operate
fully and truthfully to give us any information we
may need.
3. As to section 2 – death of pet from accident and
section 3 –
pet funeral/cremation, in order for a
claim to be made it is your responsibility to prove
the price paid for your pet. If proof of purchase is
not provided, we will pay up to £75 for a cat and up
to £150 for a dog subject to the deductions shown
in the age deduction table.
4. For a claim under section 2 death of pet from
accident y
ou must provide us with documentary
evidence of the reward offer made and details of
the beneficiary.
5. Yo u must continue to pa
y your premium and
renew your policy in order to receive payment for
claims. In the event you fail to pay your premium,
lapse your policy or cancel your policy, all claim
payments will cease from the date the policy is
either lapsed or cancelled, or from the date of
default in the event of non-payment and no further
monies will be due from us.
Pet Insurance – Accident Only
What is not covered
We will not be liable for any claim for or involving:
Any pre-existing conditions.
Any claims for illness displaying clinical signs
within 14 days of the commencement date.
Any claims arising from your pet being neutered
or spa
Any claim arising as a result of any sexually
transmitted disease, rabies, Aujesky’s disease,
leishmaniasis, epidemic outbreaks or any
‘notifiable’ disease as listed by the Department
for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
We will not pa
y a claim that is in any way untrue
or fraudulent, or arises from a malicious, wilful or
criminal act on the part of any person.
Any claims arising as a result of Acts of Parliament,
y law or central or local government regulation
Any costs which are not incurred as a direct
consequence of the e
vent which led to the claim
you are making under this policy.
Any claims arising as a result of your pet
undergoing organ transplants or an
y experimental
surgical procedures.
Any loss or damage to any property, or any legal
liability, directly or indirectly caused by or contributed
to or arising from:
a. Ionising radiations or contamination by
y from any nuclear fuel, or from
any nuclear waste from the combustion
of nuclear fuel, the radioactive, toxic,
explosive, or other hazardous properties of
any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear
component of such assembly;
b. War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities
(whether w
ar be declared or not), civil war,
rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or
usurped power.
Any loss, injury, damage, death or legal liabilit
directly or indirectly caused by, happening through,
in consequence of or contributed to:
a. An epidemic, pandemic or other such
health w
arning, and declared as such by the
Department of Health and Children and/or the
World Health Organisation;
b. Arising from any fear or threat (whether actual
or perceiv
ed) of such epidemic or pandemic
being declared or occurring;
c. Any action taken in controlling, preventing,
suppressing or in any way relating to any
outbreak of such epidemic or pandemic.
If we allege that, by reason of this exclusion, any claim
is not covered by this policy the burden of proving the
contrary shall be your responsibility.
Where you have not followed advice given to
you by previous owners of your pet or by any
re-homing organisation.
Payments where we have not received the correct
premium before the start of each policy period.
Payments under this policy unless yo
u have
complied with all the terms, conditions and
endorsements of this policy.
We shall not pay any claims where your pet has
been used in any trade, profession or business, other
than show dogs, including breeding, unless we have
agreed in writing to cover such use. Show dogs are
covered subject to policy terms and conditions.
We shall not be liable f
or any claims of any kind
which are caused by your pet straying, escaping,
damaging property, or attacking persons or pets if
your pet has done this on any previous occasion.
Excluded pets
Any dogs used for trade, profession or business.
Any dogs used as gundogs, used for or in connection
with shooting or f
or the purposes of hunting of any
kind whether for business or recreational purposes.
Any dogs used for guarding, racing, coursing or
beating whether for business or recreational
Any pets used for breeding (any more than one
accidental pregnancy would be classed as breeding).
Please note there is no cover for any injury/illness/
treatment resulting from or relating to breeding,
whelping or kittening.
Pet Insurance – What is not covered
The following dogs, as outlined in the Dangerous
Act 1991, and/or any dogs crossbred from
these, are specifically excluded from cover under
any section of this policy:
i. Pit Bull Terrier;
ii. Japanese Tosa/Tosa Inu;
iii. Dogo Argentino (also referred to as Argentine
Dogo and
Argentinian Mastiff);
iv. Fila Brasileiro.
Including any “type, as defined in the Dangerous
Dogs Act 1991, considered to match the
description of a prohibited “type”; any breed
crossed with the above; and any other breed or
type deemed be dangerous by the Secretary of
State and subsequently added to the Dangerous
Dogs Act 1991.
In addition, the following types/breeds and/or any
dog crossbred from these are also e
xcluded from
cover under any and all sections of this policy:
African Crested Dog Inuit Dog
American Bandogge Irish Staffordshire
Bull Terrier
American Mancon Japanese Tosa
Argentinian Mastiff Korean Jindo
American Pit Bull Terrier Laika
American Staffordshire Libyan Desert Dog
Australian Dingo Northern Inuit Dog
Bandogge Mastiff Perro de Presa
Boerboel Pit Bull Mastiff
Bully Kutta Pit Bull Terrier
Canary Dog Presa Canarios
Canadian Inuit Dog Racing Greyhound
Cane Corso Sarloos Wolfhound
Cão Fila Shar Pei
Chinese Shar Pei Tamaskan Dog
Czechoslovakian Tosa Inu
Dogo Argentino Utonagan Dog
Dogue Brasileiro Wolf Hybrid
Fila Brasileiro W
orking Sheepdog
Any pet less than 8 weeks old.
Claim settlements where you ha
ve failed to pay
the relevant premium due to us or you cancel your
policy. In these circumstances any eligible claim
payment will be deducted from any outstanding
premium due.
The Applicable ex
cess, as shown in your schedule.
Loss, damage, cost or expense of whatever nature
arising directly or indirectly from an act of ter
regardless of any other cause or event contributing
at the same time or in any other sequence to the
loss. For the purpose of this General Exclusion
an act of terrorism means the use of biological,
chemical and/or nuclear pollution or contamination
and/or threat thereof by any person or group
of persons whether acting alone or on behalf
of or in connection with any organisation(s) or
government(s) committed for political, religious,
ideological or similar purposes including the
intention to influence any government and/or to
put the public or any section of the public in fear.
Any previous and/or existing occasions where
our pet has shown (or displayed) any adverse
behavioural or aggressive characteristics which
has been noted by you, the breeder, veterinary
practice, rehoming organisation or any previous
Any loss or costs relating to your pet as a result
of worrying livestock including but not limited to,
cattle, sheep, pigs and horses.
Any illness
that your pet contracted while outside
the United Kingdom that it would not normally
have contracted in the United Kingdom.
Pet Insurance – Accident Only
Our cancellation rights
We may cancel your policy if there are serious grounds to do so such as, but not limited to, fraud, non-payment or
if you have provided us with incorrect information.
Where we cancel
your policy we will provide you 14 days’ prior written notice to your last known address
unless we are required to cancel earlier.
We will refund a proportion of the premium, calculated on a daily pro-rat
a basis equivalent to the period of unused
cover, providing no claims have been made. If a claim has been made in the period of insurance, or there has been
an incident which may lead to a claim, no refund of premium will be given and all premiums will be due from you.
If we cancel your policy on the grounds of fraud, cancellation may be immediate and we may keep any premium
you have paid. We may also inform the police of the circumstances.
Your cancellation rights:
If yo
u cancel this policy within 14 days of the start
date or renewal date, or after you receive your
policy documents, whichever is later, we will
refund you for the period of unused cover.
If yo
u decide you don’t want this policy after 14
days of the start date or renewal date, or after you
receive your policy documents, whichever is later,
and you have not made a claim, we will charge you
for the period that we have provided cover to you.
If you have made a claim during the period of insurance then you will have to pay the full annual premium, so you
won’t receive a refund. With the exception for claims applicable to death, loss, straying or theft of your pet where
we will refund you on a pro-rata basis.
Yo u can cancel this policy at any time by calling us on 0370 060 0071. We may record and monitor calls.
Call charges will vary.
Our complaints procedure
If you have a complaint in relation to your policy
or a claim:
Please contact us quoting y
our policy number or
claim number.
0370 060 0089 We may record and monitor
calls. Call charges will vary.
Fairmead Insurance Limited, 3rd Floor,
The Podium, Centre City House, 5 Hill Street,
Birmingham B5 4US
If you remain dissatisfied, you can complain to:
0800 023 4567
0300 123 9 123
Financial Ombudsman Service,
Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR
Online Dispute Resolution Platform
The European Commission has established an Online Dispute Resolution Platform (ODR Platform) at: that is specifically designed to help EU consumers who ha
ve bought
goods or services online from a trader based elsewhere in the EU and subsequently has a problem with that
online purchase. The ODR platform will refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service who will
pass it on to Fairmead Insurance Limited.
Other information
In conducting business, we ma
y communicate your
personal information to organisations to whom we
may outsource certain functions or to associated
companies. Any such communication is performed
with strict adherence to our privacy policy.
All communication between you and us will be
conducted in English.
Updating your records
If you think your records are wrong or out of date,
particularly y
our contact details, you must contact
us immediately to correct them. Yo u can do this
by calling 0370 060 0071 or by emailing
Altering your policy
Should yo
u wish to alter your policy please contact
our office. This can be done in writing by post to
Fairmead Insurance Limited, 3rd Floor, The Podium,
Centre City House, 5 Hill Street, Birmingham
B5 4US or by email to
y telephone on 0370 060 0071. If you have not
received an acknowledgement from us within 14
days, you must post the details by recorded delivery.
The information you gave us
When providing information about your pet’s health,
condition or behaviour we require you to take
reasonable care and answer any questions honestly and
to the best of your knowledge as this may influence our
decision whether or not to insure your pet. If you fail
to do this we may be entitled to amend or cancel this
policy, retaining premiums or reduce the benefits due.
Fraudulent information and claims inevitably result in
increases on all policyholders
’ premiums. If you make
a false or exaggerated claim or provide us with false
information we will not pay your claim and we may
void your policy (cancel your policy and not return
any premiums paid to date). If we have already issued
payments in settlement of any claim, we will request
reimbursement of the full amount. We also have the
right to inform the relative authorities or share this
information with the Insurance Fraud Investigators
Group (IFIG) or other relevant Fraud authorities.
Policy Duration
All our
policies are annual policies which run for 12
consecutive calendar months. Before the end of
each 12 month period we will write to you to inform
you about any changes to the premium and/or policy
terms and conditions for the next 12 months. In the
event of payment default, you have 7 days from this
date to contact us to arrange payment. If payment is
not received, your policy will be cancelled from the
default date.
If yo
u pay your premium by Direct Debit there is no
need for you to take further action, your policy will
automatically continue at the end of the 12 month
period subject to policy terms and conditions. A further
12 equal monthly payments will be taken, reflecting the
premiums stated within your renewal documentation.
If you pay by debit or credit card you need to contact
us to make payment before the renewal date.
If yo
u do not wish your policy to renew at the end of
the policy period you should inform us immediately
and before the date of renewal at the latest. Yo u
should also cancel your Direct Debit or continuous
credit card mandate.
At our discretion, we ma
y offer to renew this policy.
if we do, we will send details to you about any
conditions and the premium for the year ahead
21 days in advance of your cover ending.
Yo u should t
ake reasonable care to inform us of any
factors relating to your pet which have changed since
the policy started or since the last renewal.
About the Insurer
Policies are underwritten by Fairmead Insurance
Limited. Registered in England No. 00423930.
Registered Office: 57 Ladymead, Guildford, Surrey
GU1 1DB.
Fairmead Insurance Limited is authorised by the
rudential Regulation Authority and regulated by
the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential
Regulation Authority. (Financial Services Register
number: 202050)
Pet Insurance – Accident Only
This can be checked on the Financial Services
Governing Law and Courts
Register by visiting the FCAs website at
This policy booklet, your policy schedule, any or
applicable endorsements and amendment notices we which includes a register
issue to yo
u at renewal, together all form the contract
of all the firms they regulate, or by contacting them
between you and us. This contract will be governed
on 0800 111 6768.
under the laws of England and Wales, and any
reference we mak
e to specific statutes will mean the
As the underwriter, Fairmead Insur
ance Limited is
UK statute and equivalent laws in the Channel Islands
responsible for this policy document.
or Isle of Man.
Changes to the Policy
If there are changes to y
our policy as described in parts
of general conditions applicable to this policy which alter
the risk covered, we may either decline any insurance
risk or make changes to the premium and the terms
Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You may be entitled to
compensation from the scheme if we cannot meet our obligations. Whether or not you are able to claim
and how much you may be entitled to will depend on the specific circumstances at the time.
For further information about the scheme, please visit the FSCS at or call them
on 0800 678 1100.
Change in circumstances
Yo u must inform us as soon as possible of any change in circumstances relevant to this policy, including change
of address, change of ownership, if your pet has been used for breeding, if your pet has had complaints made
about its behaviour or any other change relating to your pet concerning information we have previously asked
for. Failure to do so may invalidate this policy or reduce the level of claim payments. We may alter the terms of
this policy when we are notified of such changes.
Legal & General, L&G, L&G – EVERY DAY MATTERS and the Legal & General Logo are registered
trade marks of Legal & General Group PLC and are used by Fairmead Insurance Limited under licence.
Legal & General Group PLC has no responsibility for the products of Fairmead Insurance Ltd
or the servicing of those products. This policy is underwritten by Fairmead Insurance Limited
which is a member of the Liverpool Victoria General Insurance Group. Fairmead Insurance Limited
is not a member of the Legal & General group of companies.
Fairmead Insurance Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated
by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Financial Services
Register number 202050. Registered in England and Wales Number 00423930. Registered office:
57 Ladymead, Guildford, Surrey GU1 1DB.
QGI14115 01/20