SFY 2025 Local Warrant Apprehension & Absconding Grant Program
Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)
Online Submission Deadline: Friday, May 24, 2024, by 11:59 PM
Funded by:
State of Maryland
Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy*
100 Community Place
Crownsville, MD 21032-2022
(410) 697-9338
Wes Moore, Governor
Aruna Miller, Lt. Governor
Dorothy J. Lennig, Esq., Executive Director
Funding through this opportunity is available to local law enforcement agencies that conduct warrant
apprehension and absconding services.
Grants Management System: (GMS) Application Instructions
All applications must be submitted online in the Grants Management System (GMS).
Hard copy applications are not accepted.
* Please note that the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services (GOCPYVS) was renamed to the Governor’s Office of
Crime Prevention and Policy by the Moore-Miller Administration, effective immediately, on 1/18/2024. This change does not invalidate previous,
current, or future agreements or documents referencing the agency as GOCPYVS.
Thank you for applying for the SFY 2025 Local Warrant Apprehension & Absconding Grant Program
(WAAG) from the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy. The primary purpose of WAAG
funding is to assist local law enforcement with reducing the number of open warrants, especially warrants for
violent crimes, and the apprehension of individuals who have absconded from a court-ordered drug and/or
alcohol treatment facility. This program supports the Office’s goals of improving the quality of life and creating
safer communities through a reduction in violent crime by apprehending wanted individuals. In addition, this
program supports the Office’s objectives of developing coordinated criminal justice strategies and increasing
the availability of data to support data-driven decisions.
If you need application or technical assistance, please contact:
Genevra Farrare, WAAG Grant Specialist
Courtney Thomas, Fiscal Grant Specialist
Quentin Jones, Criminal Justice Grants Division Director
If you need assistance with program criteria or program design, please contact:
Angelo Giafes, P.R.O.T.E.C.T. Coordinator
Cecil County
Martin Hammond, Director, Criminal Justice
The Governor's Office of Crime Prevention and Policy success is measured by sub-recipient success. It is
critical that we hear from you, our customers. The Moore-Miller administration is committed to providing the
best possible customer service to our citizens. To share your ideas on how the Office can best serve you and
provide support, please email the above program manager to provide your feedback or complete a
three-question customer experience survey.
Governor's Office of Crime Prevention and Policy's Mission:
To serve as a coordinating office that advises the Governor on criminal justice strategies. The Office plans,
promotes, and funds efforts with government entities, private organizations, and the community to advance
public policy, enhance public safety, reduce crime and juvenile delinquency, and serve victims.
Refer to Maryland’s Comprehensive State Crime Control and Prevention Plan 2024-2026 Annual Update.
Table of Content
I. Eligibility Criteria 4
II. Program Description 4
III. Program Requirements 5
V. Training/Technical Assistance (TA) 7
VI. Important Dates 7
VII. Application Evaluation 7
VIII. Funding Specifications 8
IX. Distribution of Funds & Reporting Requirements 9
X. Application Checklist 11
I. Eligibility Criteria
The following entities in Maryland are eligible to submit no more than one (1) application for the SFY
2025 Warrant and Absconding Grant Program:
Local law enforcement agencies
Note: Every applicant entity must comply with all applicable System of Award Management (SAM.gov)
and unique entity identifier(UEI) requirements throughout the grant cycle. Also refer to the Grants
Management System (GMS) Application Instructions. Grant funds are reimbursed based on actual
quarterly expenditures unless noted otherwise under Section VIII: Funding Specification.
II. Program Description
Requiring Agency
Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy (Office)
Opportunity Title
SFY 2025 Warrant Apprehension & Absconding Grant Program (WAAG)
Submission Date
Friday, May 24, 2024, by 11:59 PM
Anticipated Period of Performance
July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025
Funding Opportunity Description
In 2022, the Maryland General Assembly passed Senate Bill 585 which established warrant
apprehension grants generally relating to warrants and absconding. Further, the legislation expanded
the definition of absconding in Correctional Services Article 6-101 to include an individual who leaves
an inpatient residential treatment facility who was placed under a court order for drug or alcohol
treatment without the permission of the administrator.
The main purposes of WAAG is to reduce open warrants, increase coordination and cooperation
between local law enforcement and state and federal authorities, and reduce the number of outstanding
warrants related to violent crime by apprehending wanted and absconding individuals to reduce crime
in Maryland communities.
The Office anticipates the availability of a minimum of $2,000,000 in grant funding and plans to make
up to 35 awards, ranging from $10,000 (minimum) to $150,000 (maximum). Please note, applications
that do not meet the minimum range, or those that exceed the maximum award allocation, are subject
to removal from consideration during the initial technical review.
All funding is contingent upon the final approval of the Governor's Office of Crime Prevention
and Policy's budget during Maryland’s 2024 Legislative Session of the General Assembly.
III. Program Requirements
Goals, Objectives, and Deliverables
Overall Goal
Through coordination and cooperation between local law enforcement and state and federal
agencies, reduce the number of outstanding warrants in an agency’s jurisdiction, especially
those related to violent crimes.
Supported Activities:
Overtime for officers to serve warrants
Overtime for analysts to identify wanted/absconded individuals (prioritizing violent crime
Overtime to administer/manage a warrant program
Travel costs for extradition warrants
Equipment necessary for the safe execution of warrant arrests (i.e. shackles, handcuffs, face
masks, etc.)
Services and resources necessary to carry out grant requirements (e.g., hire an administrator,
overtime for the administrator for timely notification of an absconded individual)
Program deliverables include:
Quarterly, provide proof of grant funded expenditures and the purposes for which the funds were
Quarterly, submit performance metrics, progress reports, and financial report via the Grant
Management System (GMS) and upload supporting documentation
At the end of the fourth quarter, submission of an after action report detailing the
accomplishments and areas for improvement of the projects completed within this program.
Performance Measures
The following is a sample list, and is not all inclusive of all potential outputs and outcomes measures
that may be included in the final awards:
Total number of misdemeanor warrants served
Total number of felony warrants served
Total number of attempted warrant services
Total number of wanted individuals who were arrested related to violent crime(s)
Total number of firearms seized during warrant service
Total number of warrants in the jurisdiction by type of warrant and related offense
Total number of unserved warrants removed from databases through validation methods
(abated by death, charges dropped. etc)
Total number of warrants reduced from the overall number of warrants in the jurisdiction
Total number of apprehended absconding individuals
Describe all situations where the service of a misdemeanor warrant led to the apprehension of a
felony offender
Absconding means willfully evading supervision including leaving an inpatient residential
treatment facility that an individual was placed in under a court order for drug or alcohol
treatment without the permission of the administrator. Absconding does not include missing a
single appointment with a supervising authority.
Administrator means the program director or the clinical director of an alcohol or drug
abuse treatment facility or a healthcare facility.
Arrest Warrant means a written order of the court which commands a law enforcement officer
to arrest a person and bring him before a magistrate. Judges and District court commissioners
issue arrest warrants. However, only judges issue “bench warrants.”
Bench Warrant means an arrest warrant that a judge issues requiring law enforcement officers
to apprehend someone. The judge has the discretion of indicating the amount of the bond that
must be made before the accused may be released or leaving the amount of the bond to the
discretion of the District court commissioner that holds the hearing after the accused is taken
into custody. Bench warrants are often issued when a defendant fails to appear in court when
required to do so.
Local Law Enforcement Agency means:
A police department of a county or municipality corporation in the State; and
The office of the sheriff that provides a law enforcement function in a county or municipal
corporation in the state.
Retake Warrant means a written order signed by a Parole Commissioner, Maryland Parole
Commission, that authorizes and directs any sheriff, police officer, or any employee of the
Division of Parole and Probation authorized by the Director to execute retake warrants to take
the subject into custody and return him to the Department of Corrections. This warrant does not
charge the person with a crime and therefore no appearance before a District court
commissioner is necessary. A subject cannot post bail when taken into custody on the authority
of a Retake Warrant.
IV. Application Process
Applicants are required to apply for grant funding through the Office’s web-based application process,
which may be accessed through the web URL www.goccp.maryland.gov and clicking on Log in to the
Grant Management System (GMS), or by going directly to the login screen using the URL:
In order to use the Office’s web-based application, you must have a User ID. If you have not previously
applied through the web, go to the following URL to obtain instructions and the information required to
obtain a User ID and password: http://goccp.maryland.gov/grants/requesting-access/.
The last day to request a User ID is Wednesday, May 15, 2024. If you have previously applied through
the web, use your existing User ID and password.
If you have previously applied to the Office, but do not have your User ID, or are having technical
issues with the system, contact the help desk via email at [email protected] for
assistance. If you need assistance completing the program-specific information required in the online
application, please contact Genevra Farrare at [email protected].
The Grant Management System (GMS) Help Desk operates Monday through Friday from 9 AM to
5 PM. The normal response time is 24 - 72 hours.
V. Training/Technical Assistance (TA)
To help applicants prepare and submit applications that reflect the Office’s established guidelines and
procedures, training is provided through training videos, which are located on the Office’s website, and
may be accessed through the following URL: http://goccp.maryland.gov/grants/gms-help-videos/.
Please review the training videos before you begin your application to familiarize yourself with system
guidelines, fiscal review, tips, civil rights requirements, etc.
Additionally, instructions for completing the online application can be found at GMS Application
Instructions. Applicants are encouraged to review these instructions before completing the online
The Office will conduct a technical assistance conference call to provide further application assistance
and to answer questions. A NOFA technical assistance call will be held on Tuesday, April 16th, 2024,
from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. We encourage applicants to use the Google Meeting link below:
Meeting Link: meet.google.com/wny-wkmk-ruo
Call-in Number: +1 413-659-6993
PIN: 972 622 502#
VI. Important Dates
Application Technical Assistance Call Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Deadline to Request a User ID Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Deadline to Submit an Online Application Friday, May 24, 2024, by 11:59 PM
Letters of Intent Emailed/Denial Letters Emailed July 2024
Award Documents July 2024
Sub-award Start Date July 1, 2024
Sub-award End Date June 30, 2025
VII. Application Evaluation
The Office, along with an internal or external review team, will assess the merits of the proposed
program. Applicants should review this program-specific NOFA in concert with the GMS Application
Instructions located at https://goccp.maryland.gov/gms-application-instructions/ when developing the
application to ensure all required elements are included and addressed. Scoring is as follows:
Problem statement/needs justification (15 points total)
Program goals and objectives (20 points total)
Program strategy/program logic (10 points total)
Performance measurement (outputs, outcomes, and impacts) (20 points total)
Timeline (5 points total)
Spending plan and budget (reasonableness, cost-effectiveness, detailed justification per line
item in GMS) (20 points total)
Management capabilities (5 points total)
Sustainability (5 points total)
The WAAG grant program is a competitive application process. The Office may conduct a three-tier
review, including internal staff and external independent reviewers, of each application submitted in
accordance with this Notice of Funding Availability. As part of the internal review, the Office’s staff will
also review the following for each application:
Noted warrant data
Scope (geographic size and location)
Audit findings
Performance history with previous awards
VIII. Funding Specifications
Funding Cycle
Commencement of awards funded under WAAG for
FY 2025 will begin July 1, 2024, and end on June
30, 2025. Grants funds will support a 12-month period. These funds cannot be extended beyond
June 30, 2025. Funds are paid on a quarterly reimbursable basis.
Allowable Costs for Direct Services
Sample Budget Spreadsheet Tool: For assistance in developing application budgets to include all
required elements, the Office has developed this GOCPP Budget Assistance Spreadsheet tool.
Applicants are encouraged to complete this spreadsheet as a tool, then transfer all information in the
online Grants Management System (GMS). Note: use of this tool is not required and should not be
uploaded into the GMS. The Budget entered into the GMS Budget Tab is the only budget that will be
reviewed and considered for each application.
The following is a list of services, activities, and costs that are eligible for support with WAAG funds
within a sub-recipient’s organization:
Personnel (to include overtime or clerical data entry)
Operating expenses
Contractual services
Other items that have a direct correlation to the overall success of a sub-recipient’s project
objectives and are necessary for the project to reach full implementation will be considered on a
case-by-case basis.
An applicant is strongly encouraged to refer to the GMS Application Instructions in tandem with this
program-specific NOFA before submitting their application to our Office in the GMS. A checklist of
required items can be found at the end of this document. Hard copy applications are not accepted.
Refer to Section IX below for post-award requirements. A successful applicant (post-award) must
submit reimbursable financial reporting requests in the GMS. Costs must be incurred during the
approved budget period and based on actual quarterly expenditures unless noted otherwise. To this
end, funds in excess of those the applicant has the financial capacity to await quarterly reimbursement
should not be requested.
Unallowable Costs
The following services, activities, and costs cannot be supported with the WAAG funding:
Alcoholic beverages
Bad debt
Bonuses or Commissions
Construction/Capital Expenses/Land Acquisition
Lobbying costs (including membership fees to organizations whose primary activity is lobbying)
Trinkets (items such as hats, mugs, portfolios, t-shirts, coins, and gift bags)
Please note that all costs must be reasonable, allocable, and allowable including indirect costs.
Additionally, GOCPP funding is reimbursable quarterly unless otherwise stated. To this end, funds in
excess of those the applicant has the financial capacity to await quarterly reimbursement should not be
The list above is not exhaustive. The Governor's Office of Crime Prevention and Policy reserves
the right to make additional budget reductions/restrictions and adjustments at its discretion.
Consultant Rates
The requirements related to consultant rates apply to all Office awards whether funded by State or
federal funds. The maximum allowable compensation rate for consultant services is $81.25 per hour or
$650 per day. Rates above this threshold will be considered on a case-by-case basis and require prior
approval. Additional information and the required procedures for requesting prior approval are found at
https://goccp.maryland.gov/preauth-for-consultant-fees/. Please note that charges at a rate above the
established maximum rate that are incurred prior to the issuance of an Office written approval will be
IX. Distribution of Funds & Reporting Requirements
The Governor's Office of Crime Prevention and Policy will distribute awarded funds to grantees on a
quarterly reimbursement of expenditures basis following the timely submission of corresponding
quarterly fiscal and programmatic reports. These reports must be submitted through the Grants
Management System. All programmatic electronic reports are due within 15 calendar days of the end of
each quarter. Financial electronic reports are due within 30 calendar days of the end of each quarter. All
reporting activity occurs through the Grant Management System, using the same User ID and
password used for the application process.
For further post-award instructions, read the Special Conditions specific to your award in the GMS and
read the General Conditions which can be found at:
A. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
The Office encourages the use of electronic funds transfer (EFT). To obtain the appropriate form, the
address to submit the form, and a general overview, including FAQs, refer to the following website:
See Form GADX-10 and the GAD 710 Form to instruct first-time vendors to update vendor information
with the General Accounting Division (GAD)/Comptroller of Maryland and to instruct existing vendors on
how to update changes in banking information.
B. Match
There is no match required for this funding source. Do NOT enter a match into your budget. If you
wish to show other financial or in-kind contributions to your program, it may be written into your
C. Supplanting, Transparency, and Accountability
Supplanting is the use of Office grant funds to replace State or local funds that were previously
appropriated/budgeted for, or otherwise would have been spent on, the specific purpose(s) for which
this sub-award has been awarded. Any salaries, positions, personnel expenses, contractual expenses,
equipment, travel, and other expenses paid for with Office grant funds must be used to supplement
your organization's existing budget and may not replace any funds already included in your entity's
existing or projected budget.
A strong emphasis is being placed on accountability and transparency. Grantees must be prepared to
track, report on, and document specific outcomes, benefits, and expenditures attributable to grant
funds. Misuse of grant funds may result in a range of penalties including suspension of current and
future funds and civil/criminal penalties.
X. Application Checklist
What an Application MUST Include by the Deadline to be Considered for Funding:
_____ Face Sheet
_____ Project Summary
_____ Narrative
___ Problem Statement/Needs Justification
___ Program Goals and Objectives
___ Program Strategy/ Logic Model
___ Program Measurement
___ Timeline
___ Spending Plan
___ Management Capabilities
___ Sustainability
___ Applicant Disclosure of Pending Applications Statement
___ Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) and SAM.GOV Expiration Date
_____ Budget and Budget Justification
___ Personnel
___ Operating Expenses
___ Travel
___ Contractual Services (upload existing relevant contracts)
___ Equipment
___ Other
_____ Budget Prioritization
_____ Signed Certified Assurances REQUIRED
_____ Signed Certification Regarding Lobbying REQUIRED
_____ Screenshot Upload of SAM.gov/Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) Registration REQUIRED
_____ NEW: Certification of Applicable Financial Reporting Requirements and Required Financial
Report Uploading REQUIRED
_____ NEW: Subrecipient Organizational Capacity Questionnaire with applicable attachments
*More information on each item above can be found in the GMS Application Instructions.
Revised February 2024
* Please note that the Governor's office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services (GOCPYVS) was renamed to the Governor’s Office of
Crime Prevention and Policy by the Moore-Miller Administration, effective immediately, on 1/18/2024. This change does not invalidate previous,
current, or future agreements or documents referencing the agency as GOCPYVS.
Grants Management System (GMS)
Application Instructions
Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy (GOCPP)*
100 Community Place
Crownsville, Maryland 21032-2022
(410) 697-9338
Wes Moore, Governor
Aruna Miller, Lt. Governor
Dorothy J. Lennig, Esq., Executive Director
Note: All applications must be submitted online in the Grant Management System (GMS).
Hard copy applications are not accepted.
K. PROOF OF 501(c)(3) STATUS 19
The Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy (Office) is the designated State Administering
Agency (SAA) for Maryland. The Office allocates resources statewide and acts to distribute, monitor, and
report on spending under many state and federal grant assistance programs. The Office plans, promotes,
and funds efforts with government entities, private organizations, and the community to advance public
policy, enhance public safety, reduce crime and juvenile delinquency, and serve victims. The Office places
a significant emphasis on instituting strategic planning to align priorities at the State and local levels, to
ensure it remains ahead of threats that impact the State, and to continue to be good stewards of the funds
administered. For updates, refer to Maryland’s Comprehensive State Crime Control and Prevention Plan
2024-2026 Annual Update.
Grant funding is one of several tools that the Office utilizes to achieve its objectives per Executive Order
01.01.2024.05, Code of MD Regulations (COMAR), and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 2 CFR
Part 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements. Beginning in February of each calendar year, the Office
issues a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)
for grant programs based on an annual budget
appropriation. Eligible entities are encouraged to review annual updates to the programmatic and financial
requirements described on the Office’s website. Instructions to help applicants navigate the online
application portal and submit a complete application request are available at Grants Management
System(GMS) Application Instructions. For more information, contact the Program Staff as specified in the
program-specific NOFA or email support@goccp.freshdesk.com by the NOFA due date.
Note: All applications must be submitted online in the Grant Management System (GMS). Paper or email
applications are not accepted. Post-award, grant funds are issued on a quarterly, reimbursable basis.
All applications for grants administered by the Governor's Office of Crime Prevention and Policy
must be submitted utilizing the web-based application process, which may be accessed at
www.goccp.maryland.gov and clicking on GRANT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, or by going directly
to the login screen using the URL: https://grants.goccp.maryland.gov.
In order to use the Office’s web-based application you must have a User ID.
For new applicants, go to the following web URL to obtain instructions and the information required
to obtain a User ID and password: http://goccp.maryland.gov/grants/requesting-access/.
The last day to request a User ID is specified within each Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). If
you have previously applied through the web, use your same User ID and password.
If you have previously applied to the Office using the GMS, but do not have your User ID, or are
having technical issues with the system, contact the helpdesk via email at
support@goccp.freshdesk.com for assistance.The Grant Management System (GMS) Help Desk
operates Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM. The normal response time is 24 - 72 hours.
If you need assistance completing the program-specific information required in the online
application, please contact the Program Staff specified in the program-specific NOFA. Paper or
email applications are not accepted.
NOFAs are publicized through the following websites: https://goccp.maryland.gov/grants/ and Governor’s Grants Office ,
The information collected on the grant application form is collected for the purposes of the
Governor's Office of Crime Prevention and Policy’s function. Failure to provide all of this
information may result in the denial of your application. The Governor's Office of Crime Prevention
and Policy is a government entity; upon submission, this application is considered public
information. The Governor's Office of Crime Prevention and Policy does not sell collected grant
information. Under the Maryland Public Information Act (PIA) (MD State Government Code Ann.
10-617 (h)(5)), you may request in writing to review grant award documentation. Please send
those requests to the Governor's office of Crime Prevention and Policy, 100 Community Place,
Crownsville, Maryland 21032-2022. For more information on the Public Information Act, please
click here: http://goccp.maryland.gov/public-information-act/.
Please refer to the Grant Menu Screen in the GMS. All requested information must be provided in
each section of the GMS in a narrative form.
1. Project Title
The project title should be brief, precise, and reflect the proposed strategy. For example: "Maryland
Criminal Intelligence Network, Heroin Coordinator, Medication Assisted Treatment, Domestic
Violence Shelter Services.”
2. Applicant Agency
The unit of local government (county, city, town, or township), State agency, institution of higher
learning, or state/local public, private, community based or non-profit entity that is eligible to apply
for grant funds. Full details about the Applicant Agency (Federal ID, Unique Entity Identifier (UEI),
etc.) may be viewed by clicking the corresponding underlined organization field. If any information
needs to be revised, contact the Program Staff.
If the Government, Township, or Board of Commissioners mandates that the County Executive,
Mayor, or Commissioner sign all grant award documents (for all subordinate agencies) then the
Government, Township, or Board of Commissioners must be the Applicant Agency.
DUNS Number
: Insert 00-000-0000 only (ie., 9 zeros)
On April 4, 2022, the DUNS number used across the federal government changed to a
twelve-character identification code assigned by the federal System of Award Management
(SAM) registration process. All entities seeking the Office’s grant funds must have an active
registration in the SAM.gov with a valid expiration date.
SAM Expiration Date
: Enter your sam.gov expiration date only (M/D/Y format).
Every applicant entity must comply with all applicable SAM.gov unique entity identifier(UEI)
requirements. SAM.gov is the repository for certain standard information about federal
financial assistance applicants, recipients, and subrecipients. The UEI is a unique twelve-
character identification code assigned to your organization by the SAM.gov upon
DUN & Bradstreet Number feature is defunct in GMS. Enter 9 zeros only.
.For help with first-time registration, visit the Federal Service Desk, FSD.gov.
Once registered, entities must complete annual renewals to maintain an active status. It is
recommended that you begin the SAM.gov registration or renewal process 30 days prior
to any NOFA deadlines to allow for the time necessary to complete the full process,
including SAM.gov's entity validation process. If you intend to apply for a specific
opportunity, refer to the grant program-specific NOFA, and plan your SAM.gov registration
For additional support, visit SAM.gov Help. A screenshot of an active registration must
be uploaded in the document section of the GMS. Active registration must be
maintained throughout the grant life cycle.
SAM. Gov Public Search Record: When registering, please check the box that allows the
record to be a “public display record.'' This will enable periodic GOCPP compliance reviews
of subgrantee SAM.gov status.
Access to SAM.GOV: SAM.gov
More information on the UEI can be found here: Unique Entity Identifier Update | GSA.
3. Authorized Official
The Authorized Official must possess the authority to enter into a legal agreement on behalf of the
entity and bind it to the award terms and conditions. The Authorized Official on the submitted
application is the County Executive, Duly Authorized Official of the local unit of Government,
Mayor, Commissioner, Town Administrator (if confirmed), President (if confirmed), or if agencies
are permitted to apply directly, the head of the agency receiving the subaward.
An agency’s Authorized Official may be viewed by clicking his/her underlined name. A popup box
will appear after clicking their name. Procedures for revising an agency’s authorized official can be
obtained by contacting support@goccp.freshdesk.com; or by viewing the General Conditions at:
4. Implementing Agency
The name of the entity that is responsible for the operation of the project. Full details about the
Implementing Agency (Federal ID, Unique Entity Identifier (UEI), etc.) may be viewed by clicking
the corresponding underlined organization field. Contact the Program Manager to make any
5. 'Is service site?' Checkbox
Clicking these checkboxes automatically adds the Applicant and/or Implementing Organization to
the Service Site tab, which documents the location/locations in which the project will be
implemented (more details below in “12. Service Site Tab Instructions”).
6. Proposed Start/End Dates
Start and end dates are determined by the parameters of the NOFA and are populated
automatically. Projects may not exceed twelve (12) months, unless explicitly stated in the NOFA,
or commence before the Notice of Funding Availability defined start date. Grants must start on the
first day of a month and end on the last day of a month.
7. Preparer Information
Enter information about the person completing the application, including name, phone number, and
email address.
8. Officers’ Tab Instructions
To add a new officer or new contact to the Grant Management System, please view the
instructions located here: http://goccp.maryland.gov/grants/requesting-access/.
9. Project Director
Select the person who will be responsible for oversight and administration of the project on behalf
of the Applicant Agency. The Project Director is a primary contact for the grant who will receive
communications from the Office and will be responsible for disseminating information to others
within the Applicant Agency as needed. Selections are limited to Implementing/Applicant Agency
personnel in the Grant Management System. To make changes to personnel, view the instructions
located here: http://goccp.maryland.gov/grants/requesting-access/.
10. Fiscal Officer
Select the person who will be responsible for financial reporting and record keeping for the project.
The Fiscal Officer is a primary contact for the grant who will receive communications from the
Office and will be responsible for disseminating information to others within the Applicant Agency
as needed. You may select any contact currently in the Grant Management System. Use the
search windows to search by last name, organization, and/or job title. To make changes to
personnel, view the instructions located here: http://goccp.maryland.gov/grants/requesting-access/.
11. Civil Rights Contact
Select the Applicant Agency's point of contact for handling internal civil rights violation complaints
(usually a Human Resources or Personnel Manager). You may select any contact currently in the
Grant Management System. Use the search windows to search by last name, organization, and/or
job title. To make changes to personnel, view the instructions located here:
http://goccp.maryland.gov/grants/requesting-access/. For additional information, please refer to the
guidance provided for this role on completing Civil Rights Compliance forms as applicable.
12. Service Sites Tab Instructions
If the service site is either the Applicant Agency and/or the Implementing Agency, select the
associated "Is service site?" check box/boxes on the application Face Sheet. Otherwise, provide
the site name and full address, for the location/locations in which the project will be
implemented. If there is more than one location, please enter complete information for each site. If
the project has a statewide or countywide impact, please enter "statewide," or "county-wide" in the
'Site Name' field and the county served in the 'City' field. Whether an address is provided, or “state-
wide” or “county-wide” is entered, the ‘City’ field and nine (9) digit zip-code must be provided.
Site Name: Anytown Police Department
Address: 123 Main Street
Some City, MD 21000-0570
OR if Location is ‘County-wide’ or ‘Statewide’, you must still list a City and 9-digit zip for
funding source reporting.
The Project Summary should provide a concise summary of your proposal and be limited to 100
words or less. Use the template provided below for your project summary.
The ____(Implementing Agency's Name)
________(Project Title)
________ program helps to
in ____________
. The program _______.
Program funds provide personnel,
equipment, and training.
Make the following additions/changes to the above template:
1. The beginning of the first sentence contains the Implementing Agency's name and the
Project Title. The project title should be brief, precise, and reflect what is being funded. For
example: "Maryland Criminal Intelligence Network, Heroin Coordinator, Medication Assisted
Treatment, Domestic Violence Shelter Services' ' and not the funding source (for example it
should not be VAWA 2021 Funding).
2. Indicate what the project proposes to accomplish in general terms (examples include:
reduce existing gaps in services, foster collaboration and cooperation among partner
agencies and stakeholders, provide direct victim services, etc.).
3. Indicate the service area covered by the project. Local projects should list the specific
county. Multijurisdictional projects should list all counties covered, and statewide projects
should list Maryland.
4. Include one to two sentences describing the project's main function and who the project
5. The last sentence summarizes the budget categories proposed to be funded. Depending
on the request this could include: personnel, operating expenses, travel, contractual
services, equipment and/or other.
Provide a description of the proposed project and an expected timeline for its implementation. The
contents of the GMS narrative are explained below. Incomplete narratives may be returned for
revision and/or are subject to removal from consideration during the initial technical review.
1. Problem Statement/Needs Justification
Include a detailed description of the nature and extent of the problem and/or need to be
addressed, the target population, and geographical area served. Provide the latest statistical data
to document the problem. What efforts, if any, have been made to address this problem in the
past? Also, refer to the Grant Program NOFA for any program-specific requirements that
should be included in this narrative section.
2. Program Purpose Area
Include a purpose/priority area statement aligned with the requirement section of the program-
specific NOFA.
Example: “Per the program-specific (Juvenile Justice Title II) NOFA, the proposed request for
funding is aligned with Purpose/Priority Area 1 of the NOFA: Youth Diversion.”
The Office strongly encourages the use of data and evidence in policy-making and program
development for criminal justice, juvenile justice, and crime victim services. For additional
information and resources on best practices or evidence-based programs, see the OJP Resource
Guide. In this narrative section of the GMS, the applicant shall describe how the proposed
strategy promotes best practices and Maryland’s current approach to advance public safety and
improve outcomes for youth and crime victims as outlined in Maryland’s Comprehensive State
Crime Control and Prevention Plan 2024-2026 Annual Update. Also, refer to the NOFA for any
program-specific requirements that should be included in this narrative section.
3. Project Goals and Objectives
Provide a statement that conveys the goals of the project. Goals identify the program’s intended
short and long-term results. Identify specific objectives you wish to accomplish through the
implementation of the project. Objectives are specific, quantifiable statements of the project’s
desired results, and should include the target level of achievement, thereby further defining
goals and providing the means to measure project performance.
Please note that if the continuation of a project previously funded by the Office is being
requested, a description of how the goals and objectives continue or build upon previous efforts
must be included. This section may be in an outline-style format (retaining all numbering,
lettering, and headers) with a brief, narrative description.
Goal #1
Objective #1: Enter program specific information
Supporting Activities
Program deliverables - a summary Outcomes versus Outputs is provided in the
reference sheet located at the end of this document.
Also, refer to the NOFA for any program-specific requirements that should be included in
this narrative section.
4. Project Strategy/ Logic Model
Explain in some detail how the project will address the problem and accomplish the project goals
and objectives. Include linkages to other programs, organizations, and stakeholders that will be
involved in or impacted by the project. The strategy should be based on an underlying logici.e., a
set of assumptions regarding the services the project provides, the impacts these services will
have on the clients it serves, and the projected results within the community or the targeted
population (See Figure 1: Program Logic below). Also, refer to the NOFA for any program-
specific requirements that should be included in this narrative section.
At a minimum, the strategy should address the following program elements:
Project Activities - Describe what the project proposes to do (e.g., education / training, case
management, crisis intervention, group therapy, criminal investigation, etc.).
Figure 1: Program Logic
5. Program Measurement
A summary Outcomes versus Outputs is provided in the reference sheet located at the end of this
Output Measures - Identify and describe the immediate services provided by the project. Specify
how these outputs will be measured. (e.g., number of trained or counseled clients, arrests made,
crimes investigated, crimes solved, sessions held, officers trained, hours of patrol / outreach etc.).
Please note, if you are requesting continuation of a project previously funded by the Office, in
this section you must also demonstrate the positive outputs this funding provided through the
inclusion of performance measures data on the previous grant cycle.
Initial Outcome Measures - Identify and describe the substantive changes in the targeted
population’s knowledge, behavior, or disposition that are anticipated to result from the production
of the outputs and will drive the impact. Specify how these initial outcomes will be measured and
the tools that will be used to measure the change. (e.g., percent decrease in reported incidents of
crime; percent decrease in recidivism rates for the population targeted; percent increase in
awareness of victim services; percent increase in cases prosecuted through use of DNA tracking,
Please note, if you are requesting continuation of a project previously funded by the Office, in
this section you must also demonstrate the positive outcomes this funding provided through the
inclusion of performance measures data on the previous grant cycle.
Impacts - Identify and describe the long-term outcomes that are anticipated to result from the
production of the outputs (e.g., lower crime rates, healthier population, increased public safety,
reduced spending on incarceration, etc.).
Please note, if you are requesting continuation of a project previously funded by the Office, in
this section you must also describe the impact of the previous funding and how this funding will
continue or build upon these efforts. Also, refer to the NOFA for any program-specific requirements
that should be included in this narrative section.
6. Timeline
Applicants must submit a detailed timeline/work plan. This timeline/work plan must include the
Key tasks that must be carried out to implement the project successfully
Person(s) responsible for seeing that each task is completed within the proposed timeline
Target dates for task completion
Timeframe for achieving objectives
Also, refer to the NOFA for any program-specific requirements that should be included in
this narrative section.
7. Spending Plan
Detail the timeline for the implementation of each budget line item. Spending plan and timeline
must align with the proposed start/end dates. Also, refer to the NOFA for any program-
specific requirements that should be included in this narrative section.
8. Management Capabilities
Qualifications and Experience of Implementing Agencies: Provide a brief description of the
Implementing Agency’s experience and achievements that qualify the agency to conduct the
project. In a narrative format, also please expand on statements provided in the Applicant
Agency’s Subrecipient Organizational Capacity Questionnaire. (See Section I below).
Key Grant Personnel: List the names and provide a short professional biography of the project
director, key consultants, and the assigned fiscal officer. Describe the role of personnel listed on
In addition, applicants must provide the name and title of each staff person requested in the
budget. Please note: All documentation submitted to the Office is subject to the Public Information
Act. If the applicant prefers not to submit names of staff, they must develop a tracking system to be
used across all GOCPP funding sources which clearly identifies positions using non personal
identifiable information within the application. This information must be made available upon
Additionally, indicate how all requested personnel are currently funded (i.e., provide the entire
budget for each position. If funded by more than one source, list percentages for each funding
source). Applicants must determine the appropriate methodology for allocating shared costs that
are budgeted and charged to multiple grants. Reimbursable funds charged to multiple costs in the
accounting and financial management system must be distributed in proportion using the principles
of reasonable, allowable, and allocable expenditures per budget category and line item, as
Also, refer to the NOFA for any program-specific requirements that should be included in
this narrative section.
9. Sustainability
What prospects exist for continued financing of the project when grant funds are terminated? What
efforts have been or will be made to continue the methods, techniques, and operational aspects of
the project when the grant funds are concluded? Indicate planned future sources of funding or
proposed jurisdictional planning efforts. Include your plan to sustain your program to include a
description of match funds as applicable (cash, in kind, volunteer).
Note: Post award, grant funds are reimbursed on a quarterly basis unless otherwise stated in the
NOFA. Also, refer to the NOFA for any program-specific requirements that should be
included in this narrative section.
10. Applicant Disclosure of Pending Applications Statement
Although supplanting is prohibited, the leveraging of federal funding is encouraged. In instances
where leveraging occurs, all federal grant funds must be tracked and reported separately and may
not be used to fund the same line items. Additionally, federal funds may not be used as a match for
other federal awards.
Applicants must disclose all pending applications for federally funded assistance that includes
requests for funding to support the same project being proposed under this solicitation and will
cover the identical cost items outlined in the budget narrative and worksheet in the application
under this solicitation. The disclosure must include both direct applications for federal funding (e.g.
applications to federal agencies) and indirect applications for such funding (e.g. applications to
State agencies that will be subawarding federal funds).
The Office seeks this information to help avoid duplication of funding. Leveraging multiple funding
sources in a complementary manner to implement comprehensive programs or projects is
encouraged and is not seen as inappropriate duplication.
In this section, applicants that have pending applications as described above must provide the
following information about pending applications submitted within the last 12 months:
the federal or state funding agency
the solicitation name/project name
the point of contact for information at the applicable funding agency
the amount of the funding request as applicable
Applicants that do not have pending applications as described above must include a statement to
this effect in this section (e.g. “[Applicant Name] does not have pending applications submitted
within the last 12 months for federally funded assistance that include requests for funding to
support the same project being proposed under this solicitation and will cover the identical cost
items outlined in the budget narrative and worksheet in the application under this solicitation.”)
11. Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) and SAM.gov Expiration Date:
Enter your entity’s 12-character alphanumeric Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) issued by SAM.gov.
List a valid expiration date.
12. Person Completing the Project Narrative:
Include person completing project narrative: Include the following: Name, Job Title, Organization
Name, Telephone, Fax, and E-mail address.
If listed as a requirement in the NOFA, submit letters of commitment by partners who will
participate in the execution of the project or whose cooperation or support is necessary for its
success. Letters of support/commitment will only be accepted when they are uploaded with the
electronic application submission. Letters should be addressed to the Executive Director of the
GOCPP. If required, support letters must be updated in the Document section of the GMS
by the due date.
Also, refer to the NOFA and NOFA Checklist for any program-specific requirements that
should be included in this section.
Complete a detailed budget for the proposed project. All 'Total Budget' fields will be rounded by the
Grant Management System to the nearest whole dollar.
Applicant designated prioritization of line items is required for all applications having multiple line
items. This prioritization will be considered should budgets need to be reduced. This requirement
is addressed following the Budget Tab Instructions under ‘Budget Priority Tab.’
Budgets must be clear and specific. Budgets must reflect one year of spending,unless stated
otherwise in the program specific NOFA and where applicable, be adjusted to reflect the start date
and holidays. The Office reserves the right to reduce budgets. Grant funds are reimbursed on a
quarterly basis unless otherwise noted in the NOFA.
Each budget line item must include a justification entry proportional to the application request.
Total project cost for each budget category tab in GMS may include Match Funds as required by
the program-specific NOFA. Applicants may satisfy match requirements with either Cash or In-Kind
services, including volunteer hours, as applicable per NOFA requirements. Please refer to the
Grant Match Calculator and Provisions as applicable.
The justification sections must contain brief statements (one to two sentences per line item) that
explain each line item and its relevance to the project goals and objectives. Do not state "See
Narrative, Goals, or Objectives”. Refer to the Grant Management System training videos for
further instructions https://goccp.maryland.gov/grants/gms-help-videos/.
Allowable Costs
General guidance on cost allocation and prorate - Applicants must determine the appropriate
methodology for allocating shared costs that are budgeted and charged to multiple grants.
Reimbursable funds charged to multiple costs in the accounting and financial management system
must be distributed in proportion using the principles of reasonable, allowable, and allocable
expenditures per budget category and line item, as applicable.
For example, organizations:
Must explain the process used to prorate the funds between the sources which includes
funding sources and the general operating budget
Identify the different rates in the spending plan.
The organization must have a written policy in place concerning prorating and/or the
calculations used.
Effective SFY 25, reviews are conducted per 2 C.F.R. § 200.413 Direct costs.: Principles: Reasonable, Allowability and Allocability of
expenditures. Budget justifications will be reviewed to include adequate statements by the applicant related to proportional allocation of costs
referenced 2 CFR § 200.405.
A copy of the prorating policy must be provided when requested.
Please visit the following page for additional guidance on suggested prorating strategies for
subgrantees from one of our federal partners:
New Resource: Sample Budget Spreadsheet Tool: For assistance in developing application
budgets to include all required elements, the Office has developed a Budget Assistance
Spreadsheet as a resource. Applicants are encouraged to complete this spreadsheet as a tool,
then transfer all information in the Online Grants Management System (GMS).
Note: The use of this tool is not required and should not be uploaded in the GMS. The Budget
entered into the GMS Budget Tab is the only budget that will be reviewed and considered for each
Unallowable Costs
The following services, activities, and costs cannot be supported by the Office:
Alcoholic beverages
Bonuses or Commissions
Construction/Capital Expenses/Land Acquisition
Corporate Formation (costs associated with incorporation fees, brokers’ fees, fees to
promoters, organizers or management consultants, attorneys, accountants, or investment
counselor in connection with establishment or reorganization of an organization)
Lobbying costs (including membership fees to organizations whose primary activity is
Meals (exception to consider food consumed by clients must be pre-approved.)
Previous Debt Obligations
Trinkets (items such as hats, mugs, portfolios, t-shirts, coins, and gift bags)
Please note that all costs must be reasonable, allocable, and allowable including indirect costs.
Additionally, the Office’s funding is reimbursable quarterly unless otherwise stated. To this end,
applicants must consider if the entity has the financial capacity to await reimbursement following
each reporting period.
The list above is not exhaustive. The Governor's Office of Crime Prevention and Policy
reserves the right to make additional budget reductions/restrictions and adjustments at its
The salaries and fringe benefits for staff required to implement the project are listed in the
personnel category. Consultants must be listed in Contractual Services.
Note: Time and Effort reports (Timesheets) must be maintained for all personnel included in the
grant project. Refer to the bottom of the page at https://goccp.maryland.gov/grants/tips-and-
guidance/time-and-effort-reports/ for more information.
If you are paying an employee directly, they should be entered in the Personnel category. For
each position, list salary and fringe benefits as separate line items.
The ‘Description of Position' field must contain the title of the position.
Position line items (salary and fringe) are grouped via the ‘Description of Position' field.
After completing the first Position's line item, use the dropdown to add additional budget
items to the position. Include Grant Funds request and/or Cash Match contribution.
The ‘Description of Position' field is used to select existing positions and to add new
For multiple staff in the same position, use a suffix (i.e., Position 1, Position 2, etc.)
Multiple positions with the same hourly rate may be grouped (i.e., Overtime Patrols 25
For each salary line item, you must include the full annual salary amount, the
percentage of time that will be spent on the project, and the hourly rate. The hourly
rate can be calculated by full salary divided by 2,080.
Fringe benefits may not exceed 30% of reported salary costs. For each line item entered,
you must include a justification that ties that item to the activities described in your
Example justifications based on the Personnel category:
Justification (line 1):
The Community Outreach Coordinator helps prepare, schedule, and develop training
targeted for hospitals and other medical facilities.
Annual salary is $60,000. She will be devoting 33.33% of her time to this project. We are
requesting $60,000 *.3333 = $19,998, rounded to $20,000, in grant funds to support her
time on this project. Her hourly rate is $28.85.
Justification (line 2):
Fringe benefits @ 10% of salary. $20,000 * .10 = $2,000
Justification (line 3):
The Community Outreach Trainer makes presentations at hospitals and other medical
facilities. This position is supported with cash match funds from a private donor.
Annual salary is $40,000. She will be devoting 25% of her time to this project. We are
contributing $40,000 *.25 = $10,000 to support her time on this project. Her hourly rate is
Justification (line 4):
Fringe benefits @ 10% of salary. $10,000 * .10 = $1,000
Rental Space, Printing, and Communications. Communication expenses include items such as
telephone, fax, postage, and other expenditures such as photocopying. Note: Office supplies and
project supplies should NOT be listed under operating, and should be listed in the ‘Other’ category.
Each line item entered, must include a justification that ties that item to the activities described
in your narrative.
Refer to the Funding Specifications section of the NOFA for a list of allowable and unallowable
expenses specific to the program.
Travel expenses may include mileage and/or other transportation costs, meals, and lodging
consistent with the local jurisdiction's travel regulations and may not exceed the State of Maryland
reimbursement rate specified below.
For each line item entered, you must include a justification that ties that item to the activities
described in your narrative. Dates for travel and training must be provided in the justification
and must fall within the award period.
Mileage Reimbursement Allowance cannot exceed the $.67 cents/mile rate as of 1/1/2024.
Current mileage rates can be located at: Fleet Management Services
Per Diem/Meal Allowance cannot exceed the State’s Meal & Incidental Expenses
Reimbursement Rates.
Current per diem rates can be located at:
Lodging Per Diem Allowance cannot exceed the U.S. General Services Administration
(GSA) rates (excluding taxes).
Current lodging rates can be located at: Per Diem Rates | GSA.
Consultant contracts for training or evaluation should be included here and shall be consistent with
federal guidelines. Payments to an outside agency for an employee or any other services are
considered Contractual Services.
For the line item description, enter the agency (consulting firm, temporary agency, etc.), a dash,
and then the nature of the service to be provided (e.g., Consultants ABC training for Seminar).
Each line item entered requires a justification that ties that item to the activities described in your
Consultant Rates: The following requirements related to consultant rates apply to all GOCPP’s
awards whether funded by State or federal funds. The maximum allowable compensation rate for
consultant services is $81.25 per hour or $650 per day. Rates above this threshold will be
considered on a case-by-case basis and require prior approval.
Additional information and the required procedures for requesting prior approval are found in the
Request for Preauthorization of Consultant Fees Form. Please note that charges at a rate above
the established maximum rate that are incurred prior to the issuance of GOCPP’s written approval
will be determined as a disallowed cost.
Important: Contracts in existence at the time of application must be uploaded into the Documents
section of the GMS during the application process. Contracts finalized post award must be
uploaded into the GMS once finalized and before any reimbursement for the related expenses will
be awarded.
Equipment is defined as having a useful life in excess of one year and a procurement cost of
$5,000 or more per unit. Costs may include taxes, delivery, installation and similarly related
charges. Equipment with a unit cost less than $5,000 should be recorded in the ‘Other’ category
(see below). The procurement process used must be consistent with the Applicant Agency’s
written procurement guidelines. If such guidelines do not exist, refer to the State of Maryland
guidelines by accessing General Condition Regarding Procurement on the Office’s website under
the Grant’s Area.
Maintaining internal inventory records for equipment procured under this funding source is
mandatory. For post award inventory requirements, access General Condition Regarding Property
Inventory Report Forms on the Office’s website. Property Inventory Report Form (PIRFs) is
required for equipment that costs $5,000 or more per unit cost, unless the Special Conditions in
your grant packet state otherwise.
Each line item entered requires a justification that ties that item to the activities described in your
Include all other anticipated expenditures which are not included in the previous categories such
as registration fees, program and office supplies, and equipment with a useful life less than
one year and a procurement cost of less than $5,000. Include additional match funds to support
sustainability, as applicable. Refer to the provisions for match requirements. If applicable, upload a
federally Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA) in the Document section of the GMS.
Each line item entered requires a justification that ties that item to the activities described in your
Indirect costs may be charged to a subaward only if:
The subrecipient has a current (unexpired) federally approved indirect cost rate; or
The subrecipient is eligible to use, and elects to use, the de minimis indirect cost rate
described in the Part 200 Uniform Requirements, as set out at 2 C.F.R. 200.414(f).
Important: Applicants must identify in the narrative and budget justification if they are utilizing the
de minimis rate or if they are utilizing a negotiated indirect cost rate, and express mathematically
how they are arriving at the budgeted amount for indirect costs.
An applicant with a current (unexpired) federally approved indirect cost rate must attach a copy of
the indirect cost rate agreement to this application. An applicant that does not have a current
federally approved rate has the option of electing to use the 10% de minimis indirect cost rate. If an
eligible applicant elects the de minimis rate, costs must be consistently charged as either indirect
or direct costs, but may not be double charged or inconsistently charged as both. Please note that
the de minimis rate may no longer be used once an approved federally negotiated indirect cost
rate is in place. The revision to 2 CFR 200.414 (f) expands the use of the de minimis rate of 10
percent of modified total direct costs (MTDC) to all non-Federal entities (except for those described
in Appendix VII to Part 200- State and Local Government and Indian Tribe Indirect Cost Proposals,
paragraph D.1.b).
Indirect Cost Distribution Bases:
Modified Total Direct Cost, or MTDC (to be utilized if claiming De minimis): This base includes all
direct salaries and wages, applicable fringe benefits, materials and supplies, services, travel, and
subawards up to the first $25,000 of each subaward (regardless of the period of performance of
the subawards under the award). MTDC excludes equipment, capital expenditures, charges for
patient care, rental costs, tuition remission, scholarships and fellowships, participant support costs,
and the portion of each subaward in excess of $25,000. Other items may only be excluded when
necessary to avoid a serious inequity in the distribution of indirects costs, and with the approval of
the cognizant agency.
Direct Salaries and Wages: This base includes only the costs of direct salaries and wages incurred
by the organization.
Direct Salaries and Wages plus Fringe Benefits: This base includes the costs of direct salary and
wages and the direct fringe benefits incurred by the organization.
General guidance on cost allocation and prorate - Applicants must determine the appropriate
methodology for allocating shared costs that are budgeted and charged to multiple grants.
Reimbursable funds charged to multiple costs in the accounting and financial management system
must be distributed in proportion using the principles of reasonable, allowable, and allocable
expenditures per budget category and line item, as applicable.
After completing the Budget tab, click on the Budget Priority tab in the Grant Management
System. This tab will provide a list of all budget line items that the applicant has entered in the
previous Budget tab. The Budget Priority tab allows the applicant to ‘drag and drop’ the budget line
items in order of priority for funding, beginning with the most essential line item.
If there are any additional required forms (e.g. Letters of Support) or other documents that the
applicants would like included with their application, use the Documents tab to attach those files.
Applicants can upload documents throughout the application process. This could include:
UEI/Current SAM registration, letters of support, etc. Please see the Documents Attachment
Guidance under Quick Reference Sheets additional information.
After completing and reviewing all sections of the application, use the 'Application Status'
dropdown to submit your application electronically. Selecting 'Submit Application' from the
dropdown performs a final validation check. If the validation check is successful, the application's
status changes to 'Awaiting Hard Copy'.
The GMS will process and send an email confirmation to applicant’s contacts. The email message will
include a pdf attachment of a formatted grant application packet as shown below.
The Certified Assurances and Federal Anti-Lobbying Certification must be signed by an Authorized
Representative. Both forms may only be signed by the Applicant Agency's Authorized
Official or the Alternative Authorized Official. Both forms must be generated by the online
application software. Please see the following Quick Reference Sheets for additional information
on generating and uploading these documents for successful submission:
How to generate grant application signature pages
How to attach documents to a grant application or grant award
In order for an alternate signatory to be valid, the Office must receive a signed, written notification
from the applicant agency's Authorized Official (on agency letterhead) stating that an alternate
signatory has been designated. More information on changing the Authorized Official or adding an
Alternative Authorized Official can be found in the General Conditions and on the Office’s
Changing Authorized Official webpage.
A non-Federal entity that expends $750,000 or more in Federal awards during the non-Federal
entities fiscal year must have a single audit conducted in accordance with 2 CFR §200.514 If this
applies to your organization, provide a screenshot of the audit report submitted to the Federal
Audit Clearinghouse and upload to the documents section of the application.
To ensure subrecipient compliance with applicable fiscal audit/reporting requirements and the
timely submission of copies of the subject documents to the Office, applicants must upload to the
Documents section of the GMS application the:
Executed Certification of Applicable Financial Reporting Requirements Form; and
Most recent editions of the financial reports that are indicated as applicable to the applicant
on the submitted Certification of Applicable Financial Reporting Requirements Form.
If the applicant indicates on the Certification of Applicable Financial Reporting Requirements Form
that their organization must file a single audit under 2 CFR §200.514, a screenshot verifying
submission to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse must be uploaded to the documents section of the
Please note that the GOCPP is responsible for issuing a management decision for audit findings
that relate to grants awarded with federal funds in compliance with 2 CFR §200.521(c). Applicants
must submit copies of any Audit Findings and Corrective Action Plans with the application. Do not
send a copy of your audited financial statements; ONLY the applicable audit findings and/or
corrective action plan is required.
K. PROOF OF 501(c)(3) STATUS
New non-profit organizations applying for funding must upload to the Documents section of the
GMS application U. S. Internal Revenue Service documentation that substantiates the
organization’s tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The GOCPP’s desk review and site visit compliance areas, for issuing subaward, include
administering a pre-award assessment tool to determine risk and monitoring levels. The SOCQ is
a checklist used to review an applicant’s organizational stability, financial management practices,
and program operations. SOCQ is part of a complete application submitted in the online
GMS. Effective SFY 25, this assessment tool is required at the time of the application. In
addition, applicants must upload supporting Policy and Procedure attachments in the “Document”
section of the GMS. Depending on the risks posed, the Office will categorize “Risk Status” in the
GMS to track during the grant’s lifecycle. This form must be reliable information collected from the
applicant entity’s Chief Executive or Financial Officer.
Please refer to the program-specific NOFA to comply with all requirements and upload of
additional documents as applicable.
Distribution of Funds and Reporting Requirements
For further post-award instructions, review the General Conditions and Special Conditions specific
to your award in the GMS.
The Office will distribute awarded funds to grantees on a quarterly reimbursement of expenditures
basis following the timely submission of corresponding quarterly fiscal and programmatic reports.
These reports must be submitted through the Grants Management System. All programmatic
electronic reports (Progress Reports and Performance Measures) are due within 15 calendar days
of the end of each quarter. Financial electronic reports are due within 30 calendar days of the end
of each quarter. All reporting activity occurs through the Grant Management System, using the
same User ID and password used for the application process.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
The Office encourages the use of electronic funds transfer (EFT). To obtain the appropriate form,
the address to submit the form, and a general overview, including FAQs, refer to the following
website, Comptroller of Maryland Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Program.
Grant financial reimbursement requests are processed on a quarterly schedule unless stated
otherwise in the program-specific NOFA. Please allow up to 30 days for the Office and the
Comptroller of Maryland to process financial reimbursement requests and complete bank
transactions. Refer to the Financial Reporting Tips for more information.
Qualifying nonprofit entities may be eligible to apply for the Maryland Department of
Commerce’s Nonprofit, Interest-Free Micro Bridge Loan (NIMBL) Program. NIMBL Program
will allow entities to fill a funding gap between the award dates of a government grant and the
actual receipt date of those awarded funds that allow for the continued support of the entity’s
Refer to General Conditions , Grants Tips and Guidance, Civil Rights Compliance , 2 CFR
Subrecipient Monitoring and Management Guidance, and Federal Grants Financial Guide (DOJ
sample) for additional resource information.
To review additional resources on a grant life cycle, refer Grants.gov Grants Learning Center
OUTPUT: A statistic that quantifies the number of services or products provided/produced as a result of
specific activities related to the program/project.
OUTCOME: A measurable change in the quality of life, change in behavior by a client, or an impact as a
result of the program. Outcomes can be numerical counts, standardized measures, level of functioning
scales, or client satisfaction.
Objective 1: Develop criminal justice strategies that are coordinated at the Local, State, and
Federal level.
# of agencies/organizations receiving and sharing information since the implementation of the
technical solution
# of programs reporting an increase in program success due to coordination.
During current fiscal / calendar year, # of project partners actively participating and
collaborating in programs.
Objective 2: Improve victim services for Maryland residents.
# of victims served.
# of victims that received medical accompaniment.
# of victims that received services and reported increased safety (self reported by victim).
# of victims that received services who felt more informed of their rights.
Objective 3: Reduce victimization and criminal behavior in Maryland’s children.
# of family engagement activities for youth in secure confinement.
# of educational opportunities provided to youth upon re-entry from secure confinement.
# of youth who exhibited an improvement in family relationships during the reporting period.
# of youth who have exhibited increased educational participation upon reentry from secure
confinement during the reporting period.
Objective 4: Maximize the public safety returns on Maryland’s corrections spending.
Percentage decline in prison population.
# of dollars reinvested in treatment or evidence-based alternatives to incarceration.
# of offenders rehabilitated and reintegrated into society.
Objective 5: Increase the availability of data to support data-driven approaches to criminal justice
issues in Maryland.
# of additional data sources provided to the Office.
# of data-driven criminal justice policies enacted.
*Please provide a narrative in the GMS to justify Section C. Narrative Tab Instructions.
This signed form must be generated by the Online Application Software
1. That Federal funds made available under this grant will
not be used to supplant State or local funds, but will be used
to increase the amounts of such funds that would, in the
absence of Federal Funds, be made available for program
2. That matching funds required to pay the non-Federal
portion of the cost of each project, for which grant funds are
made available, shall be in addition to funds that would
otherwise be made available for program activities by the
recipient of the grant funds and shall be provided as
required in the Grant Award document.
3. That if the subrecipient has expended $750,000 or more
in federal funds during the entities fiscal year, a single audit
has been conducted in accordance with 2 CFR §200.514
and submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse
4. That fund accounting, auditing, monitoring, evaluation
procedures and such records as the Governor's Office of
Crime Prevention, Youth and Victim Services shall prescribe
to and shall be provided to assure fiscal control, proper
management and efficient disbursement of funds received.
5. That the Grantee shall maintain such data and
information and submit such reports in such form, at such
times, and containing such information as the Governor's
Office of Crime Prevention, Youth and Victim Services may
reasonably be required to administer the program.
6. Subrecipients will comply (and will require any
subgrantees or contractors to comply) with any applicable
statutorily-imposed nondiscrimination requirements, which
may include Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,which
prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national
origin, religion or sex in the delivery of services (42 U.S.C. §
2000d), and the DOJ implementing regulations at 28 C.F.R.
Part 42, subpart C; The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe
Streets Act of 1968, which prohibits discrimination on the
basis of race, color, national origin, religion, or sex in the
delivery of services and employment practices (34 U.S.C. §
10228(c)(1)), and the DOJ implementing regulations at 28
C.F.R. Part 42, Subpart D; Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits discrimination
on the basis of disability in the delivery of services and
employment practices (29 U.S.C § 794), and the DOJ
implementing regulations at 28 C.F.R. Part 42, Subpart G;
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,
which prohibits discrimination in the delivery of services and
employment practices (42 U.S.C. § 12132), and the DOJ
implementing regulations at 28 C.F.R. Part 35; Title IX of
the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits
discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs
(20 U.S.C. § 1681), and the DOJ implementing regulations
at 28 C.F.R. Part 42, Subpart I; The DOJ regulations on
the Partnerships with Faith-based and other
Neighborhood Organizations, which prohibit
discrimination on the basis of religion in the delivery of
services and prohibit organizations from using DOJ funding
on explicitly religious activities (28 C.F.R. Part 38); Age
Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, which prohibits
discrimination on the basis of age in the delivery of services
(42 U.S.C. § 6102), and the DOJ implementing regulation at
28 C.F.R. pt. 42, subpart I; Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, as amended, which
prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national
origin, sex, and religion in the delivery of services and
employment practices (34 U.S.C. § 11182 (b)), and DOJ
implementing regulations at 28 C.F.R. §§ 31.202, .403 &
part 42, subpart D; Victims of Crime Act of 1984, as
amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of
race, color, national origin, sex, religion, and disability in the
delivery of services and employment practices (34 U.S.C. §
20110(e)), and the DOJ implementing regulation at 28
C.F.R. § 94.114; and Violence Against Women Act of
1994, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the
basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability,
sexual orientation, and gender identity in the delivery of
services and employment practices (34 U.S.C. §
12291(b)(13)). These laws prohibit agencies from retaliating
against individuals for taking action to secure rights
protected by these laws.
7. That in the event a Federal or state court or
administrative agency makes a finding of discrimination after
a due process hearing on the grounds of race, color,
religion, national origin, sex, or disability against the
Grantee, a copy of the finding will be forwarded to the
Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth and Victim
8. Subrecipients receiving Federal (Safe Streets Act which
authorizes VAWA), VOCA, or Title II JJDPA) Department of
Justice Funding are governmental or for-profit entities, that
have fifty or more employees and that receive a single
award of $25,000 or more are required to prepare and
submit electronically their Equal Opportunity Plan and
certification utilizing the Equal Employment Opportunity
Reporting tool located on the Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
website at https://ojp.gov/about/ocr/eeop.htm
Subrecipients receiving Federal (Safe Streets Act which
authorizes VAWA), VOCA, or Title II JJDPA) Department of
Justice Funding that are Medical or Educational Institution,
Indian Tribe, or non profit, governmental or for-profit entities
with largest individual grant received is less than $25,000
and have less than 50 employees will need to submit an
online certification form to the Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
utilizing the Employment Opportunity tool at
https://ojp.gov/about/ocr/eeop.htm but would be exempt
from completing the Equal Opportunity Plan.
The Office for Civil Rights has training presentations
available to recipients of OJP, OVW and COPS Office
funding to assist them in meeting their federal civil rights
obligations. These trainings can be accessed at
9. That the Grantee will comply with the provisions of the
Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth and Victim
Services’s General and Special Conditions for
Grants. General Conditions are posted on the Governor's
Office of Crime Prevention, Youth and Victim Services'
website (http://www.goccp.maryland.gov/grants/general-
10. That the Grantee will comply with the provisions of 28
CFR Part 66 applicable to grants and cooperative
agreements awarded with DOJ funding.
11. Subrecipients are obligated to provide services to
Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals. Refer to the
DOJ’s Guidance Document. To access this document see
U.S. Department of Justice, Guidance to Federal Financial
Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against
National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English
Proficient Persons (67 Federal Regulation 41455 (2002)).
This regulation may be accessed at:
CERTIFICATION: I certify that this program will comply with the provisions set forth by the State of Maryland and the
Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy
This signed form must be generated by the Online Application Software
Applicants should refer to the regulations cited below to determine the certification to which they are required to attest. Applicants should also
review the instructions for certification included in the regulations before completing this form. Acceptance of this form provides for compliance
with certification requirements under 28 CFR Part 69, "New Restrictions on Lobbying," 2 CFR Part 2867, “DOJ Implementation of OMB Guidance
on Nonprocurement Debarment and Suspension,” and 28 CFR Part 83, "Government-wide Debarment and Suspension,” and Government-wide
Requirements for Drug-free Workplace (Grants)." The certification shall be treated as a material representation of fact upon which reliance will be
placed when the Department of Justice determines to award the covered transaction, grant, or cooperative agreement.
As required by 31 U.S.C. § 1352, as implemented by 28 C.F.R. Part
69, the Applicant certifies and assures (to the extent applicable) the
(a) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by
or on behalf of the Applicant, to any person for influencing or
attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a
Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an
employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the making of
any Federal grant, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, or
the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of
any Federal grant or cooperative agreement;
(b)If the Applicant’s request for Federal funds is in excess of
$100,000, and any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have
been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to
influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of
Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a
member of Congress in connection with this Federal grant or
cooperative agreement, the Applicant shall complete and submit
Standard Form - LLL, “Disclosure of Lobbying Activities” in
accordance with its (and any DOJ awarding agency’s) instructions;
(c) The Applicant shall require that the language of this certification be
included in the award documents for all subgrants and procurement
contracts (and their subcontracts) funded with Federal award funds
and shall ensure that any certifications or lobbying disclosures
required of recipients of such subgrants and procurement contracts (or
their subcontractors) are made and filed in accordance with 31 U.S.C.
§ 1352.
A. Pursuant to Department regulations on nonprocurement debarment
and suspension implemented at 2 C.F.R. Part 2867, and to other
related requirements, the Applicant certifies, with respect to
prospective participants in a primary tier “covered transaction,” as
defined at 2 C.F.R. § 2867.20(a), that neither it nor any of its
(a)is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment,
declared ineligible, sentenced to a denial of Federal benefits by a
State or Federal court, or voluntarily excluded from covered
transactions by any Federal department or agency;
(b) has within a three-year period preceding this application been
convicted of a felony criminal violation under any Federal law, or been
convicted or had a civil judgment rendered against it for commission of
fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to
obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, tribal, or local)
transaction or private agreement or transaction; violation of Federal or
State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery,
bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false
statements, tax evasion or receiving stolen property, making false
claims, or obstruction of justice, or commission of any offense
indicating a lack of business integrity or business honesty that
seriously and directly affects its (or its principals’) present
(c) is presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by
a governmental entity (Federal, State, tribal, or local) with commission
of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (b) of this certification;
(d) has within a three-year period preceding this application had one
or more public transactions (Federal, State, tribal, or local) terminated
for cause or default.
B. Where the Applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in
this certification, it shall attach an explanation to this application.
Where the Applicant or any of its principals was convicted, within a
three-year period preceding this application, of a felony criminal
violation under any Federal law, the Applicant also must disclose such
felony criminal conviction in writing to the Department (for OJP
Applicants, to OJP at Ojpcompliancerepor[email protected]; for OVW
Applicants, to OVW at OVW.GFMD@usdoj.gov; or for COPS
Applicants, to COPS at AskCOPS[email protected]), unless such
disclosure has already been made.
A. If the applicant is a corporation, the applicant certifies that either (1)
the corporation has no unpaid Federal tax liability that has been
assessed, for which all judicial and administrative remedies have been
exhausted or have lapsed, that is not being paid in a timely manner
pursuant to an agreement with the authority responsible for collecting
the tax liability, or (2) the corporation has provided written notice of
such an unpaid tax liability (or liabilities) to OJP at
Ojpcompliancereporting@usdoj.gov, and, after such disclosure, the
applicant has received a specific written determination from OJP that
neither suspension nor debarment of the applicant is necessary to
protect the interests of the Government in this case.
B. Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in
this certification, he or she shall attach an explanation to this
As required by the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, and
implemented at 28 CFR Part 83, Subpart F, for grantees, as defined at
28 CFR Part 67, Sections 83.620 and 83.650:
A. The applicant certifies that it will or will continue to provide a drug-
free workplace by:
(a) Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful
manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a
controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and
specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for
violation of such prohibition;
(b) Establishing an on-going drug-free awareness program to inform
employees about
(1) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace;
(2) The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace;
(3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee
assistance programs; and
(4) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug
abuse violations occurring in the workplace;
(c) Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the
performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement required by
paragraph (a);
(d) Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph (a)
that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will
(1) Abide by the terms of the statement; and
(2) Notify the employer in writing of his or her conviction for a violation
of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five
calendar days after such conviction;
(e) Notifying the Department, in writing, within 10 calendar days after
having received notice under subparagraph (d)(2) from an employee
or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Employers of
convicted employees must provide notice, including position title of
any such convicted employee to the Department, as follows:
For OJP and OVW award recipients - U.S. Department of Justice,
Office of Justice Programs, ATTN: Control Desk, 810 7th Street, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20531.
Notice shall include the identification number(s) of each affected
(f) Taking one of the following actions, within 30 calendar days of
receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2), with respect to any
employee who is so convicted --
(1) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up
to and including termination, consistent with the requirements of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or
(2) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug
abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such
purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement, or
other appropriate agency;
(g) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free
workplace through implementation of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e),
and (f).
I acknowledge that a materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement
(or concealment or omission of a material fact) in this certification, or
in the application that it supports, may be the subject of criminal
prosecution (including under 18 U.S.C. §§ 1001 and/or 1621, and/or
34 U.S.C. §§ 10271-10273), and also may subject me and the
Applicant to civil penalties and administrative remedies for false claims
or otherwise (including under 31 U.S.C. §§ 3729-3730 and 3801-
3812). I also acknowledge that the Department’s awards, including
certifications provided in connection with such awards, are subject to
review by the Department, including by its Office of the Inspector
As the duly authorized representative of the applicant, I hereby certify that the applicant will comply with the above
This signed form must be generated by the Online Application Software. Upload signed copy in the
Document section by program-specific NOFA due date.
1. Grantee Name and Address:
2. Application Number and/or Project Name
3. Grantee IRS/Vendor Number
4. Typed Name and Title of Authorized Representative
5. Signature
6. Date