123 Main Street
Hometown, TX 77008
November 12, 2023
Mark Smith
Customer Relations Director
Sofa Showroom
555 Broadway
Cityland, KS 66214
Re: Broken sofa
Order Number: S-7654
Dear Mr. Smith:
On October 1, 2023, I bought a Plush sofa model number 25811 from the Sofa
Showroom website. I paid $650 on my credit card for the sofa and delivery.
Sofa Showroom delivered the sofa to my home on October 10, 2023.
Unfortunately, your product has not performed well because the sofa is defective.
One of the legs broke o on October 30, 2023. The sofa is unsteady and rocks
while I sit on it, so it is not comfortable or relaxing. I have not used this sofa in a
way that would cause any damage. I filed reports about this problem on the Sofa
Showroom’s website Customer Service page on November 5 and 8. I left my
email and asked someone to contact me, but no one has written back.
To resolve the problem, I would like your company to pick up this sofa, for free,
and refund the $650 I paid. I have enclosed copies of my records, including my
receipt, delivery invoice, and photos of the broken sofa.
I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem. I will wait until
December 12, 2023 before I contact my state consumer protection oce or
get other help.
Please contact me at the above address or by phone at 123-456-7890.
Jane Doe
Enclosures: Receipt, Delivery invoice, Photos