Chhabria, Harsha
From: IN-FM KPMG CCS Bulletin
Wednesday, August 16, 2017 5:50 PM
KPMG in India's Software Licensing Bulletin | Topic 35 (Aug Issue 3) | HPE Load Runner
Dear Sir / Madam,
We present to you the thirty-fifth edition of our Software Licensing Bulletin, which highlights
information on HPE® Load Runner®.
Load Runner is a regression testing software which is used to test applications, and
measure its behavior and performance under generated load.
It tests an application by simulating user activities in an application components and/o
simulating user activities with an application using an interface with help of an input
device (i.e.) keyboard, and mouse.
Load Runner is available in two variants: Perpetual and Term.
Perpetual license lasts for life, but not support. Term license last for set period, based
on customer's choice. Customers are required pay an annual maintenance fee, if they
require technical assistance and availability of new version of software. Annual
maintenance fee generally cost 22 per cent of license.
Licensing component of Load Runner: Controller, virtual user /user days.
Controller is most integral component of Load Runner software, without which
software isn't complete, as it generates script to test application.
Virtual user, as its name suggests, gives number of virtual user controller can
Virtual user days metric allows controller to run a virtual user for a day. Such that
thousand VUD lets controller run thousand virtual users in a day of one virtual user fo
thousand days.
We hope the bulletin was informative. We would be happy to arrange for any additional
information that you may require on the subject. Please write to us at
[email protected], for any queries or feedback.
KPMG in India
About KPMG in India’s software licensing team: We have an experienced team of over
160 professionals in India with diverse and in-depth knowledge of software licence, software
asset management tool, Intellectual Property (IP) and contract review.
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