Pediatric Dentistry – 26:3, 2004 Silverman et al. 225Comparison of powered and manual toothbrushes
Scientific Article
ince the introduction of the electric toothbrush, many
articles have been published evaluating its effective-
ness in adults, persons with disabilities, and children
undergoing orthodontics.
However, there has been lim-
ited research performed with healthy children. When
Heasman and McCracken
published an extensive review
of electric toothbrush studies in 1999, only 3 of the stud-
ies were conducted on healthy children. Ritsert and Binns
and Grossman and Proskin
found that an electric tooth-
brush was more effective in removing plaque than a manual
toothbrush when used by children and adolescents. How-
ever, Crawford
found no significant difference in plaque
and gingival scores when electric and manual toothbrushes
were compared in well-motivated 9- to 15-year-olds.
The standard brushing time used in child and adult stud-
ies is 2 minutes.
Some studies have extended that time
to 3 minutes.
MacGregor and Rugg-Gunn,
reported that the average time spent brushing by unsuper-
vised 13-year-olds was only 1 minute. In another study, they
reported that unsupervised 5-year-old children spent an av-
erage of 58 seconds brushing, with only 5% of that time
spent on brushing the lingual surfaces of their dentition.
Kotch et al
conducted a study comparing the
Oralgiene 60 Second Time Machine powered toothbrush
to another powered toothbrush, as well as to a manual
toothbrush. The Oralgiene toothbrush was shown to be
more effective in removing plaque, especially on palatal and
interproximal surfaces. The study was conducted only on
adults and allowed the participants to brush as long as they
liked. In their marketing, Oralgiene claims that only 60
seconds are needed to brush properly. The company be-
gan marketing a smaller brush head for their toothbrush
that is meant to be used by children under 6 years of age
and only for 60 seconds.
Comparison of Powered and Manual Toothbrushes for
Plaque Removal by 4- to 5-year-old Children
Joseph Silverman, DMD, MBA R. Glenn Rosivack, DMD, MS
Pamela B. Matheson, MA, PhD Milton I. Houpt, DDS, PhD
Dr. Silverman is a former postdoctoral student, Dr. Rosivack is clinical professor, and Dr. Houpt is professor and chair, Department of Pediatric
Dentistry, Dr. Matheson is associate dean for Planning and Assessment, New Jersey Dental School, Newark, NJ.
Correspond with Dr. Silverman at [email protected]
Purpose: This study compared the small head Oralgiene 60 Second Time Machine pow-
ered toothbrush, used for 60 seconds, with the Braun Oral-B Mickey Mouse powered
toothbrush and a manual toothbrush (Oral-B Rugrats 20), each used for 2 minutes, for
efficacy in plaque removal and reduction of gingival inflammation in young children.
Methods: Fifty-eight children, ages 4 to 5 years old, were randomly assigned to one of the
3 toothbrush groups. At visit 1, plaque and gingival indices were recorded for all subjects.
Then, the children did not brush for 24 hours. At visit 2, 24 hours later, plaque indices
were recorded, the children brushed with their assigned toothbrush, and plaque indices
were recorded again. Six weeks later, plaque and gingival indices were recorded again. The
data was analyzed to detect plaque reduction after a one-time use (visit 2, prebrushing and
postbrushing) as well as plaque and gingival inflammation reduction after 6 weeks of use.
Results: The Oralgiene toothbrush removed significantly more plaque during the one-
time trial and reduced significantly more gingival inflammation during the 6-week trial.
The Braun Oral B powered toothbrush removed significantly more plaque than the other
toothbrushes during the 6-week trial. However, no clinically meaningful differences were
found between any of the toothbrushes with regard to plaque removal or gingival scores.
Conclusions: There were no clinically meaningful differences found between any of the
toothbrushes tested during either of the trials with regard to plaque removal or improve-
ment in gingival health. (Pediatr Dent. 2004;26:225-230)
Received November 1, 2002 Revision Accepted January 1, 2004
226 Silverman et al. Pediatric Dentistry – 26:3, 2004Comparison of powered and manual toothbrushes
Many previous studies in
children have focused on
plaque removal, however,
found that 64%
of 5-year-olds have gingivi-
tis on 1 or more tooth
surfaces. Therefore, it is also important to assess gingival
health when evaluating toothbrushes used by this age group.
The purpose of this study was to compare the small head
Oralgiene powered toothbrush, used for 60 seconds, with
another electric toothbrush (Braun Oral-B Mickey Mouse)
and a manual toothbrush (Oral-B Rugrats 20), each used
for 2 minutes, for efficacy in plaque removal and gingivi-
tis reduction in children under 6 years of age.
This study was approved by the University of Medicine and
Dentistry of New Jersey Institutional Review Board. All
toothbrushes used in the study were supplied by Oralgiene
USA, Inc. Oralgiene was provided with a copy of the study
results, however, the company was not involved in the data
collection or interpretation of the results.
A 3-group, 3-treatment, single-blinded clinical trial was
performed on 60 children, 4 to 5 years old. Written informed
consent was obtained from the parents or legal guardians of
all children involved in the study. The subjects were chil-
dren who attended the Moriah School in Englewood, NJ.
The principal investigator and one of the co-investigators
performed the clinical aspects of the trial at the school. All
examinations, instructions, and toothbrushing took place in
the school nurse’s office with the use of a portable dental chair
and light. Exclusion criteria included a history of periodon-
tal disease, mental handicap, physical handicap that restricts
free movement of the hands, acute intraoral lesions, or the
need for subacute bacterial endocarditis prophylaxis prior to
dental treatment.
At baseline, an examination of the oral soft tissues and
dentition was performed. Plaque was scored using the
Turesky modification of the Quigley and Hein index (PI)
(Table 1). Gingival inflammation was scored using the
Gingival Index (GI)
(Table 2). All PI and GI measure-
ments were performed by the same investigator. GI was
recorded at 6 sites around all of the teeth (mesiobuccal,
midbuccal, distobuccal, mesiopalatal, midpalatal,
distopalatal). PI values were recorded for the facial and lin-
gual surfaces of all the teeth following use of a disclosing
agent applied with a cotton applicator. Plaque and gingi-
val indices were performed on all teeth which were present
at the time of the examination. This included fully erupted
primary teeth as well as partially erupted permanent teeth,
as this is the typical dentition of 4- and 5-year-old children.
Using a random numbers table, each subject was randomly
assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups according to the tooth-
brush to be used during the study. The 3 toothbrushes were:
1. Oralgiene 60 Second Time Machine powered tooth-
brush (Figure 1);
2. Braun Oral-B Mickey Mouse powered toothbrush
(Figure 2);
3. Oral-B Rugrats 20 manual toothbrush.
The technical specifications for each toothbrush are
shown in Table 3. The subjects were told to use their regu-
lar toothpaste during the length of the study. The type of
toothpaste used at home was determined from the origi-
nal questionnaire and was distributed evenly among the
treatment groups. After the baseline visit, the subjects were
asked to refrain from tooth cleaning for the next 24 hours.
At visit 2, 24 hours later, the plaque indices were recorded
again and the appropriate toothbrushes were given to each
subject. Instructions on the use of the powered and manual
*Turesky et al.
0 No plaque
1 Separate flecks of plaque at the cervical margin
2 A thin band of plaque at the cervical margin
3 A band of plaque wider than 1 mm but covering
less than one third of the crown
4 Plaque covering at least one third but less than
two thirds of the crown
5 Plaque covering more than two thirds of the crown
Table 1. Plaque Index Scores*
0 Normal gingiva
1 Mild inflammation, no bleeding on probing
2 Moderate inflammation, bleeding on probing
3 Severe inflammation, tendency to spontaneous bleeding
Table 2. Gingival Index Scores*
Figure 2. The Braun Oral-B
Mickey Mouse powered
toothbrush head.
Figure 1. The Oralgiene 60
Second Time Machine
powered toothbrush head.
Pediatric Dentistry – 26:3, 2004 Silverman et al. 227Comparison of powered and manual toothbrushes
toothbrushes were given by the principal investigator with
the use of a pediatric dental typodont. The time for brush-
ing was 1 minute for the Oralgiene powered brush and 2
minutes for the Braun Oral-B Mickey Mouse electric tooth-
brush and Oral-B Rugrats 20 manual toothbrush. The
powered toothbrushes each had built-in timers and the
manual toothbrushes were distributed with egg timers. The
subjects were then asked to brush their own teeth, under
supervision, to check compliance with the technique. The
assignment of toothbrushes and brushing were performed
without the presence of the examining investigator. The
plaque indices were then recorded again.
The subjects were asked to use their allocated tooth-
brushes at home for the next 5 to 7 weeks, brushing 2 times
a day: morning and before bed. At visit 3, 6 weeks later,
the examination was repeated and plaque and gingival in-
dices recorded. The examinations at visits 1 and 3 were
undertaken within 3 to 5 hours after the subjects had
cleaned their teeth. At the end of visit 3, each subject had
completed the trial.
Analysis of data
Sample size estimation was con-
ducted to determine the
necessary group sizes in order to
assure detection of significant
differences should they occur
(alpha=0.05, power 0.8). Us-
ing the variability data associated
with plaque index in the sample
evaluated by Kotch et al
and es-
timating a medium effect size (Cohen’s convention=0.32),
it was determined that the minimum number of cases re-
quired was 51 participants, with 17 in each treatment group.
Prior to the study, an intrarater reliability test was per-
formed using 6 subjects. Gingival indices were scored by
the examiner. Each subject was then rescored in a differ-
ent order by the same examiner. The same procedure was
used for scoring the plaque indices following the use of a
disclosing agent. Agreement was 93% for the gingival in-
dex; however, there was a problem with the attempt to
evaluate intrarater reliability with the plaque index. Since
the disclosing agent fades between measurement intervals,
the outcome being measured changed, resulting in an in-
ability to assess intrarater reliability with the disclosing
agent. Given the excellent intrarater reliability with the
gingival index, it was assumed that the observer would be
internally consistent in his measurements across all study
Oralgiene 60 Second
Time Machine electric Oral B Mickey Mouse Oral B Rugrats 20
Toothbrush toothbrush (compact) electric toothbrush manual toothbrush
Number of tufts 52 21 (16 white and 5 blue) 23
Filaments per tuft 80 White=48Blue=68 20
Total number of filaments 4,160 1,108 460
Number of rows White=1Blue=3 N/A 3
Weight 6.8 oz 4.3 oz 0.3 oz
Handle length 180 mm 130 mm 105 mm
Handle circumference 135 mm 90 mm 30 mm
Head size 20 mm diameter 12.4 mm diameter 9.5x 24 mm
White=8.3–8.8 mm White=6 mm
Filament length Blue=3.2±0.3 mm Blue=7 mm 9.5±0.8 mm
Compressive load needed to activate 3.3 pounds 2.3 pounds N/A
Oscillation frequency 360-410/min 5,600/min N/A
Oscillation angle 72˚ 50˚ N/A
Filament material Nylon Nylon Nylon
Angle of bristles 45˚ 90˚ 90˚
Bristle ends Flat Round Round
Table 3. Comparison of Toothbrush Specifications
Assigned N baseline N 6-week Gingival index Gingival index
toothbrush and visit 2 follow-up at baseline at 6-week follow-up
Manual 20 20 0.14±0.11 0.11±0.11
Oral B 19 18 0.11±0.09 0.05±0.05
Oralgiene 20 20 0.13±0.1 0.06±0.06
Table 4. Comparison of Gingival Indices Among Assigned Toothbrushes
228 Silverman et al. Pediatric Dentistry – 26:3, 2004Comparison of powered and manual toothbrushes
An analysis of variance (ANOVA) test at the 0.05 level of
significance for independent groups was performed for baseline
(visit 1) and visit 2 prebrushing findings to detect any
preintervention differences which may have occurred despite
random assignment to treatment groups. Generalized linear
models were used to conduct analyses of covariance
(ANCOVA) to control for any pretest differences if found.
Two separate split plot ANOVAs—one to compare
baseline to visit 3 and one to compare visit 2 prebrushing
and postbrushing—were conducted for each outcome vari-
able (plaque and gingival indices). The first was a 2×3
ANOVA of time (visit 2 prebrushing and postbrushing)
and treatment (toothbrush type: Oralgiene powered, Braun
Oral B powered, or Oral-B manual toothbrush). The sec-
ond was a 2×3 ANOVA of time and treatment, where the
first level of time was baseline taken at visit 1 and the sec-
ond level was measurements taken at visit 3, 6 weeks later.
If scores between the treatment groups were different at
baseline or visit 2 prebrushing, the second analysis used
baseline or visit 2 prebrushing as a covariate when the 6-
week observations among the 3 groups were compared.
There were 60 subjects that participated at the beginning
of the study. One subject dropped out after the first visit
and was, therefore, not included in the results of this study.
Another subject was unable to be present at the final phase
of the study and was, hence, only included in a portion of
the results. All plaque and gingival indices were performed
on primary and erupting permanent teeth.
The whole-mouth mean gingival scores for each tooth-
brush type for each visit of the study are displayed in
Table 4. There was a statistically significant interaction
between the toothbrush type and changes in gingival score
from baseline to the 6-week follow-up visit (P=.0001). The
Oralgiene toothbrush resulted in a larger reduction in gin-
gival score when compared to the manual and the Braun
Oral B toothbrushes (
×=0.07, 0.03, and 0.06, respectively).
Since this study may have suffered from a “basement ef-
fect” because the GI was so low at baseline, no clinically
meaningful decreases in gingival scores could be detected.
The whole-mouth mean plaque scores for each tooth-
brush type for each visit of the study are shown in Table 5.
An ANCOVA analysis was conducted to control for visit 2
prebrushing differences while examining postbrushing
plaque scores. The whole mouth plaque scores were signifi-
cantly different at visit 2 postbrushing. Post hoc analysis via
Scheffe showed that the whole-mouth adjusted mean plaque
scores at visit 2 postbrushing for Oralgiene were significantly
lower than those of the manual and Braun Oral B tooth-
brushes (P<.0001 and P=.028, respectively). Based on
baseline plaque findings, a difference of 0.5 for PI was arbi-
trarily chosen as being clinically meaningful. Consequently,
these observed differences in plaque reduction were not clini-
cally meaningful.
An evaluation was also performed to see if there were
any differences among toothbrushes when individual tooth
surfaces were examined. The mean plaque scores at all 3
visits for facial surfaces are shown in Table 6. An ANOVA
determined that all toothbrush types had significant reduc-
tion between visit 2 prebrushing and postbrushing facial
surface plaque. However, no toothbrush type decreased
facial plaque significantly (P=.990) more than the others.
Plaque index Plaque index Plaque index
N baseline N 6-week Plaque index at visit 2: at visit 2: at 6-week
toothbrush and visit 2 follow-up at baseline prebrushing postbrushing follow-up
Manual facial 402 402 2.9±1.30 3.51±1.14 1.78±1.41 2.37±1.35
Oral B facial 392 369 2.83±1.26 3.38±1.10 1.64±1.23 2.03±1.24
Oralgiene facial 401 401 2.67±1.17 3.38±1.08 1.65±1.19 2.35±1.21
Manual lingual 402 402 1.51±1.12 1.92±1.09 1.11±0.96 1.14±0.98
Oral B lingual 392 369 1.51±1.09 1.75±1.11 0.93±0.83 1.02±0.88
Oralgiene lingual 401 397 1.45±1.12 1.72±1.17 0.63±0.73 1.11±0.99
Table 6. Comparison of Facial and Lingual Surface Plaque Indices Among Assigned Toothbrushes
Plaque index Plaque index Plaque index
N baseline N 6-week Plaque index at visit 2: at visit 2: at 6-week
toothbrush and visit 2 follow-up at baseline prebrushing postbrushing follow-up
Manual 20 20 2.21±0.55 2.71±0.36 1.44±0.53 1.75±0.53
Oral B 19 18 2.17±0.42 2.56±0.35 1.29±0.32 1.52±0.45
Oralgiene 20 20 2.07±0.43 2.55±0.35 1.14±0.38 1.73±0.5
Table 5. Comparison of Whole Mouth Plaque Indices Among Assigned Toothbrushes
Pediatric Dentistry – 26:3, 2004 Silverman et al. 229Comparison of powered and manual toothbrushes
The mean plaque scores at all 3 visits for lingual sur-
faces are shown in Table 6. An ANCOVA was conducted
to control for pretest differences. The ANCOVA, using
visit 2 prebrushing scores as the covariate, found the lin-
gual plaque scores were significantly different among the
3 toothbrush groups. Post hoc analysis via Scheffe showed
that the lingual adjusted mean plaque scores for Oralgiene
were significantly lower than those of the manual and
Braun Oral B (P<.0001 and P=.040, respectively) at visit
2 postbrushing. This reduction, however, was not clinically
Plaque reduction was also tested over a 6-week trial pe-
riod. An ANCOVA was conducted to control for pretest
differences. Therefore, using an ANCOVA with baseline
whole-mouth plaque scores as the covariate, the whole-
mouth plaque scores at visit 3 were significantly different.
Post hoc analysis via Scheffe showed that the whole-mouth
adjusted mean plaque scores at visit 3 for Braun Oral B were
significantly lower than those of the manual and Oralgiene
(P<.0001). These differences in plaque reduction, however,
were not clinically meaningful.
An ANCOVA was conducted to evaluate facial surface
plaque scores. With the ANCOVA using baseline scores
as the covariate, the facial plaque scores were significantly
different. Post hoc analysis via Scheffe showed that the fa-
cial adjusted mean plaque scores at visit 3 for Braun Oral
B were significantly lower than those of the manual and
Oralgiene (P<.0001). These differences in plaque reduc-
tion, however, were not clinically meaningful.
An ANOVA which evaluated lingual plaque scores deter-
mined that there were no significant differences between
toothbrush type for the amount of lingual plaque reduction
achieved between baseline and the 6-week follow-up (P=.0504).
Tests for compressive load needed to activate the tooth-
brushes were performed using the Enduratec ELF 3200
Series Mechanical Test System with a 50-lb load cell maxi-
mum. Oralgiene was found to have a higher compressive
load than Oral B (3.3 lbs and 2.3 lbs, respectively).
The results from the one-time-use trial correspond with
results of previous studies conducted by Savastino,
Lefkowitz and Robinson,
Conroy and Melfi,
Ritsert and
Hall and Conroy,
Grossman and Proskin,
Jongenelis and Wiedemann.
All these previous studies
showed that the powered toothbrush was more efficient in
removing plaque when compared to a manual toothbrush.
In the present study, however, comparisons were also made
between 2 different powered toothbrushes.
It was found that, in a one-time-use trial, the Oralgiene
60 Second Time Machine toothbrush removed significantly
more plaque than the Braun Oral B Mickey Mouse tooth-
brush. Possible explanations for the greater success of the
Oralgiene toothbrush might be found in the specifications of
each toothbrush. The oscillation frequency of the Oralgiene
is 336 to 410 times per minute as compared to the Braun Oral
B, which is 5,600 times per minute. Oralgiene claims that this
slower rate, which is comparable to the manual toothbrush,
allows the bristles adequate time to straighten and penetrate
between the teeth. The angle of the bristles for the Oralgiene
is 45 degrees, as compared to the Braun Oral B which is 90
degrees. The 45-degree angle allows the bristles to reach un-
der the loose gingiva that covers the cervical portion of the
teeth. Finally, the bristle ends of the Oralgiene are flat while
those of the Braun Oral B are rounded.
After 6 weeks, the results showed that the Braun Oral B
electric toothbrush removed significantly more plaque than
the Oralgiene toothbrush. Possible explanations for this find-
ing are that the Oralgiene toothbrush is manipulated
differently than other powered and manual toothbrushes. On
the day of the one-time-use study, the children were given
instructions on the use of all the toothbrushes. They were
then asked to brush immediately after the instructions were
given. At that point, the children understood how to use the
Oralgiene toothbrush. Later, with no instructional reinforce-
ment, the children may have used the Oralgiene toothbrush
improperly and this may have led to a decrease in the
toothbrush’s efficacy. Another possible explanation may be
found in the specifications of the toothbrushes. The
Oralgiene toothbrush was found to have a larger handle,
weigh more, and take a larger compressive load to activate
the toothbrush. These factors may have contributed to the
children having difficulty in using the toothbrush, which
then could have resulted in less plaque reduction.
The present study also compared the efficacy of the
toothbrushes for plaque removal on the facial and lingual
surfaces. The Oralgiene toothbrush was more efficient in
removing plaque on the lingual surface and the Braun Oral
B toothbrush was more efficient on the facial surface. These
results correspond with those of Kotch et al
who also
found that the Oralgiene brush performed superiorly on
lingual surfaces. A possible explanation for these results may
be that the design of the Oralgiene toothbrush includes
built-in bristles for the lingual surfaces, and these may help
children correctly clean this surface.
In clinical research, “Once differences between groups have
been determined to be statistically significant, there yet remains
the question as to whether those differences are meaningful.
This becomes a rather arbitrary but important interpretation
of the findings with specific reference to the question being
Clinicians and patients should not choose a tooth-
brush based on statistically significant differences alone, but
rather on clinically meaningful differences. While Oralgiene
may have performed significantly better in the one-time-use
trial with regard to plaque removal, and Braun Oral B per-
formed significantly better in the 6-week trial for plaque
removal, neither of them were clinically better in either trial.
The fact that the Oralgiene toothbrush was used for only 60
seconds, as compared to 2 minutes for the other 2 tooth-
brushes, becomes an important feature. According to
the duration of brushing affects the amount of
plaque removal. As previously discussed, unsupervised 5-year-
old children brush for approximately 1 minute. Therefore, the
reduced time required for the Oralgiene powered toothbrush
could help address the issue of time-related compliance.
230 Silverman et al. Pediatric Dentistry – 26:3, 2004Comparison of powered and manual toothbrushes
There are a number of issues with powered toothbrushes that
require further research. Authors
agree that 3- to 5-year-old
children do not have the motor skills to adequately brush their
teeth without supervision. Manufacturers of powered tooth-
brushes are attempting to overcome this manual dexterity
dilemma by improving the design of their brushes, which are
marketed to children. Studies should be conducted to see what
impact design differences have on the efficacy of each tooth-
brush (ie, oscillation frequency, bristle angle, bristle ends, handle
size and weight, and finger pressure needed to activate the unit).
Further understanding of each design feature may enable manu-
facturers to design better toothbrushes in the future.
Since all 3 toothbrushes showed a decrease in plaque scores,
it is unlikely that the type of toothbrush contributed to this
improvement. The plaque reduction could be due to other fac-
tors such as toothbrushing instructions that were given,
awareness by children that they were participating in a study,
or the timer that was given to the children. A repeat of this study
may prove valuable if all 3 toothbrushes are used for the same
amount of time, if the children use their toothbrushes without
instructions from the investigator, or if the children using
manual toothbrushes are not given a timer. If toothbrushing
instructions are found to improve plaque and/or gingival scores
over a 6-week period, it would demonstrate the importance of
performing further studies to evaluate the long-term efficacy of
oral hygiene instructions given to children in the dental office.
There were no clinically meaningful differences found between
any of the toothbrushes tested during either of the trials with
regard to plaque removal or improvement in gingival health.
The contribution of all powered and manual toothbrushes by
Oralgiene USA, Inc. is acknowledged with grateful appreciation.
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