This course will help students analyze why brands are shifting from traditional marketing to content
marketing: the new way to create meaningful and lasting customer relationships. To succeed in our
hyper-connected digital world, students need to understand what is changing, how to create a content
marketing strategy, and how to measure success. The course will focus on the process to design a content
marketing strategy that enables brands to engage customers and build authentic connections across
multiple channels and touchpoints.
X: The Experience When Business Meets Design
Author: Brian Solis | Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 978 1 118 45654 5
Additional materials: To keep this online course up-to-date, the Instructor will utilize a rich series
of online resources from leading content sources, and LinkedIn Learning.
Students who complete this course will demonstrate the following:
An understanding of the importance of a digital content marketing strategy
Ability to develop a content marketing strategy that meets specific marketing goals.
Establish an online footprint or brand using a blog and other content marketing tactics.
Ability to develop and use an editorial calendar
Assess the effectiveness of others' content marketing efforts
Course Number: 22:630:637
Course Title: Content Marketing Strategy MS
I do NOT tolerate cheating. Students are responsible for understanding the RU Academic Integrity Policy
I will strongly enforce this Policy and pursue all violations. On all examinations and assignments,
students must sign the RU Honor Pledge, which states, “On my honor, I have neither received nor given
any unauthorized assistance on this examination or assignment.” I will screen all written assignments
through SafeAssign or Turnitin, plagiarism detection services that compare the work against a large
database of past work. Don’t let cheating destroy your hard-earned opportunity to learn. See
business.rutgers.edu/ai for more details.
Course grades are determined as follows:
Being absent in a fully online class, means you are not doing the necessary preparation for the class,
missing discussion forums and/or assignments. You are expected to actively participate in all threaded
discussions, submission of assignments on time, etc.
You are expected to complete all background reading and written assignments. You cannot learn if you
are not prepared.
Assignments 1, 2, and 3
Twitter Chats [2]
Discussion Forums [13]
Final Project Part 1
Final Project Part 2
Case Study [1]
Content Marketing | LinkedIn Learning [Lynda.com] Courses [6]
Exams [2]
Grading Distribution
Twitter Chats (2) 10
Discussions (13) 20
Final project Part 1 30
Final project Part 2
Case RBR (1) 5
LinkedIn Learning 10
Exams (2) 10
Assignments (3) 15
ASSIGNMENTS (Descriptions)
Discussion Forum
Assignments for weeks when discussions are scheduled.
Pay attention to the dates listed in the syllabus. Below are the specific discussion requirements.
Discussion Forum Requirements
Primary responses (your initial response to the threaded discussion postings) must be at least 200 words.
Quality and frequency of response are key. If you are quoting material, you must include the reference
Secondary responses (these are your responses to other students’ and the instructor’s postings) and
should be at least several sentences in length (a minimum of 100 words, excluding quotes, signature
blocks, etc.) and substantial, meaning that your message has value and helps to further the discussion of
course content. Good responses include additional ideas and sources, insights or questions about
classmates’ comments, connections to the course readings, ways of applying the lessons from the course,
etc. Short comments, such as "Good idea" or "I agree," are not substantial on their own.
Some tips for creating substantial participation:
Explain why you agree or disagree and add some examples.
You may relate your personal or work experiences to the topic.
Make connections between the topic and the weekly topics.
Explain ways the lessons from the class may be applied to your work.
Content Marketing | LinkedIn Learning
The course will leverage the rich series of educational videos from LinkedIn Learning (formerly
Lynda.com) a leading educational source with online courses vetted by LinkedIn, and in many cases, by
The American Marketing Association. Rutgers students have access to LinkedIn Learning. When
LinkedIn Learning courses are assigned, the student will choose from a list of online courses on Content
Marketing. Student will be required to write a summary of the course, key learnings (takeaways) and
identify some implications for content marketers.
Case | Shaping the Future: The New Social Ecosystem
Students will be assigned this case for review and analysis.
Case Abstract: The social ecosystem model provides an effective organizational blueprint for social
media adoption. Because social media marketing is inherently advocacy-based, it depends on authentic,
two-way interactions, peer recommendations, and earned media to succeed. Employees are empowered
under a social ecosystem framework to engage across channels as authentic brand ambassadors. This
ecosystem has three pillars: (1) the social governance council (SGC), (2) the employee experience (EX),
and (3) the customer experience (CX). Through a focus on guidance, listening, and learning by the SGC,
employees become the bridge between brand and customer, resulting in improved business outcomes and
greater brand value.
Twitter Chat Assignments - [two during the semester]
Two Twitter Chats will be scheduled during the course. To participate, you need to create a Twitter
account (unless you have one already). During the weeks that the Twitter Chats are scheduled, each
student will complete a minimum of three tweets and two retweets of your classmates’ posts during each
Twitter Chat.
The chat will last 30-minutes, and the instructor will ask three questions for students to respond at 10-
minute intervals during the chat. Students are expected to tweet their response to each of the questions
and to retweet their fellow classmates’ posts.
Assignments 1, 2, and 3
Three assignments to include:
1. Assignment 1: Casper
2. Assignment 2: Adobe Spark
3. Assignment 3: Student Reflection Blog
Two exams will be given during the course.
Final Project Specs - Content Marketing & Storytelling | Two-Part Final Project
[Team Assignment]
Students will select a small to mid-size company to analyze based on these core plan components to result
in the creation of a content marketing plan for _________ [insert the brand your team selects here].
Brainstorm possible brands for selection in your team. There are five core components to this project.
The following grading scale will be used in the course.
A 93.0 +
A- 90.0 - <93.0
B+ 87.0 < 90.0
B 83.0 <87.0
B- 80.0 < 83.0
C+ 77.0 <80.0
C 73.0 <77.0
C- 70.0 - <73.0
D 60.0 <70.0
F < 60
All assigned readings are to be completed prior to class. The Instructor may include additional materials
that will be posted to Canvas. As this is a fully online class, it is important that you stay on top of Canvas
announcements by checking on a regular basis.
The course plan below is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion.
Class &
Weekly Content Plan
Assignments Due
Week 1
Introduction to Content Marketing
Creating the Content Marketing Plan
Definition of Content Marketing
The 80 / 20 Rule of Value
The Content Audit
Speaking in One Clear Voice
Discussion Forum (DF1)
Content Marketing | LinkedIn Learning
Week 2
Creating the Target Buyer Persona
Develop the Persona Profile
Brand Value Proposition (BVP)
Customer Decision Journey
Pain points, beliefs, media habits, and
Discussion Forum (DF2)
Assignment 1 (Casper)
Week 3
What’s Your Story?
Discussion Forum (DF3)
Storytelling & Brand Purpose
Humans are not ideally setup to
understand logic they are setup to
understand Stories
Success stories
Telling a story with emotion
The Why and the Golden Circle
Twitter Chat #1
Students submit URL for Reflection blog
Content Marketing | LinkedIn Learning
Week 4
Content Creation, Curation,
AI-Generated Content & SEO
Meeting Business Objectives
Content Curation
Can bots write copy?
SEO Strategies and Keywords
Discussion Forum (DF4)
Content Marketing | LinkedIn Learning
Week 5
Content Sourcing: Making the Right Choices
The leading options for brands
Reviewing alternatives
Pros and Cons
New options
Discussion Forum (DF5)
Assignment 2 Adobe Spark
Week 6
Content Distribution Strategies
Content Channel Strategies to Reach Your
POEM (paid, owned, and earned media)
The Dragonfly Model (Aaker)
Discussion Forum (DF6)
Exam #1
Week 7
The Power of Video Storytelling
Live Streaming platforms
Periscope, Facebook Live, Instagram
Recorded Video Platforms
Discussion Forum (DF7)
Final Project Part 1
Week 8
Building the Content Marketing Team to
Make it All Work
Content Teams Roles
Content Team Models
Content Review Board
Discussion Forum (DF8)
RBR Case Assignment
Read Chapters 1.0 thru 3.1 in textbook
Week 9
Influencer Marketing & W-O-M
Discussion Forum (DF9)
Twitter Chat #2 Discussion Forum (DF1)
Read Chapters 3.2 thru 6.1 in textbook
Week 10
Experience is the New Brand
Discussion Forum (DF10)
Why experience is the new brand
Develop a customer journey map
What is Content Experience and what
role does it play in Content Marketing
Read Chapters 6.2 thru 9.0 in textbook
Content Marketing | LinkedIn Learning
Week 11
Metrics How to Measure your Content
Marketing Plan
Consumption Metrics
Sharing Metrics
Lead Metrics
Sales Metrics
Correlate Content Effectiveness to
Business Results
Discussion Forum (DF11)
Exam #2
Week 12
Empowering Social Employees to Create and
Distribute Authentic Content
Company Social Media Policies
Activation & Deployment
How Content Marketing Empowers
Social Employees & Distribution
Discussion Forum (DF12)
Assignment 3 | Student Reflection Blog
Content Marketing | LinkedIn Learning
Week 13
The Publishing Process
Editorial Calendars
Templates / Guidelines
Publish Content Efficiently
Discussion Forum (DF13)
Content Marketing | LinkedIn Learning
Thanksgiving Break
Week 14
Final Content Marketing Plan Team
Comprehensive Content Marketing
Plan - Parts 1 & 2
If you need accommodation for a disability, obtain a Letter of Accommodation from the Office of
Disability Services. The Office of Disability Services at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey,
provides student-centered and student-inclusive programming in compliance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments of 2008, Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1998, and the New Jersey Law
Against Discrimination. More information can be found at ods.rutgers.edu.
[Rutgers University-New Brunswick ODS phone (848)445-6800 or email dsoffice@echo.rutgers.edu]
[Rutgers University-Newark ODS phone (973)353-5375 or email ods@newark.rutgers.edu]
If you are pregnant, the Office of Title IX and ADA Compliance is available to assist with any concerns
or potential accommodations related to pregnancy.
[Rutgers University-New Brunswick Title IX Coordinator phone (848)932-8200 or email
[Rutgers University-Newark Office of Title IX and ADA Compliance phone (973)353-1906 or email
If you seek religious accommodations, the Office of the Dean of Students is available to verify absences
for religious observance, as needed.
[Rutgers University-New Brunswick Dean of Students phone (848)932-2300 or email
[Rutgers University-Newark Dean of Students phone (973)353-5063 or email
If you have experienced any form of gender or sex-based discrimination or harassment, including
sexual assault, sexual harassment, relationship violence, or stalking, the Office for Violence Prevention
and Victim Assistance provides help and support. More information can be found at
[Rutgers University-New Brunswick incident report link: http://studentconduct.rutgers.edu/concern/. You
may contact the Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance at (848)932-1181]
[Rutgers University-Newark incident report link:
https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?RutgersUniv&layout_id=7 . You may also contact the Office
of Title IX and ADA Compliance at (973)353-1906 or email at TitleIX@newark.rutgers.edu. If you wish
to speak with a staff member who is confidential and does not have a reporting responsibility, you may
contact the Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance at (973)353-1918 or email
If students who have experienced a temporary condition or injury that is adversely affecting their ability
to fully participate, you should submit a request via https://temporaryconditions.rutgers.edu .
If you are a military veteran or are on active military duty, you can obtain support through the Office of
Veteran and Military Programs and Services. http://veterans.rutgers.edu/
If you are in need of mental health services, please use our readily available services.
[Rutgers University-Newark Counseling Center: http://counseling.newark.rutgers.edu/]
[Rutgers Counseling and Psychological ServicesNew Brunswick: http://rhscaps.rutgers.edu/]
If you are in need of physical health services, please use our readily available services.
[Rutgers Health Services Newark: http://health.newark.rutgers.edu/]
[Rutgers Health Services New Brunswick: http://health.rutgers.edu/]
If you are in need of legal services, please use our readily available services: http://rusls.rutgers.edu/
Students experiencing difficulty in courses due to English as a second language (ESL) should contact
the Program in American Language Studies for supports.
[RutgersNewark: PA[email protected]gers.edu]
[RutgersNew Brunswick: eslpals@english.rutgers.edu]
If you are in need of additional academic assistance, please use our readily available services.
[Rutgers University-Newark Learning Center: http://www.ncas.rutgers.edu/rlc
[Rutgers University-Newark Writing Center: http://www.ncas.rutgers.edu/writingcenter]
[Rutgers University-New Brunswick Learning Center: https://rlc.rutgers.edu/]
[Optional items that many faculty include:
- Students must sign, date, and return a statement declaring that they understand the RU Academic
Integrity Policy.
- Students must sign, date, and return a statement declaring that they understand this syllabus.]