MKTG 3250-Marketing Strategy Consultancy Spring 2021
Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:00-5:15pm.
Instructor: Ms. Cindy Fox Email:
Office: Friday 246 Classroom: Zoom
Office Hours: There will be Check-Ins during class time. If you want to Zoom at another time, let me
know what works for you. My preferred contact is by email, I will answer your weekday email within 24
hours. I usually check my email over weekends but will not promise a weekend return.
As a Capstone course for all Marketing majors, this course is more about application then learning
new material, you are applying the material you have learned through your journey through the
Belk College. As such, the class meeting times include time for collaboration, problem solving, and
presentations. When your section does not meet, you are charged with working on the marketing
plan or the simulation with the other members of your team in whatever format your team
decides. You MUST have a video camera to use in class.
Course Description: MKTG 3250. Marketing Strategy Consultancy (3). Integration of all marketing
elements in a strategic planning framework. Emphasis on areas of strategic importance, especially those
which have significant implications and relevance for marketing policy decisions in competitive
situations. Students will be involved in addressing marketing strategy issues with an actual client.
PREREQUISITES: ALL the following must be met:
Marketing 3110 (Marketing Concepts) with a grade of “C” or better
Completion of three marketing elective courses (MKTG 32XX courses) with “C” or better
Senior standing
Required: Simulation Connection, there is information on Canvas under the Simulation Module heading
for access. There is no textbook for this course, but there is a cost for the Simulation.
Marketing major Course Objectives:
As the capstone course for Marketing majors, the primary goals of this course are for you:
To practice the strategic thinking necessary for marketing professionals
To be able to work in a team and as an individual
To synthesize knowledge learned from courses, experiences, and colleagues
To be able to write and present an effective marketing plan
To express innovative solutions to common marketing problems
To understand that to be a successful marketer is to become a life-long learner
*Synthesize-to combine to form a new, more complex product
Course Methodology: (1) Case Study Presentations; (2) Oral presentations; and (3) Development of a
Marketing Plan; (4) Class discussion, guest speakers, readings: (5) a Simulation
As the capstone course, Marketing Strategy Consultancy has been developed to present a “signature
experience” for our majors. The class provides the opportunity for students to demonstrate their
marketing capabilities and potential as marketing professionals. Each aspect of the course is directed at
accomplishing that purpose, so students should apply themselves in every assignment.
Attendance: Regular attendance is necessary for doing well in this class. You will only be counted
present for the class if you contribute to the conversation in person or in the chat. You must indicate
who you are if you are not using your own name in the Zoom. To be perfectly clear, if you get on the
Zoom but you are just a name and do not contribute anything, you will NOT be counted present.
You are responsible for any material covered, announcements communicated, assignments, and any
other type of work you may miss during any absence from class. If you develop covid, please alert me
Online Behavior: Inappropriate behavior in class distracts from the ability of others to profit from their
class experience. Rude and inappropriate behavior including discriminatory comments will not be
tolerated along with behavior that detracts from the ability of the other students in the class to be
successful. When you are in the Zoom online, you will be totally focused. Any other type of behavior
will result in points subtracted from your grade.
Team Assignments: Each student is responsible for the team’s submission being professional in
appearance; using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation; and including no plagiarized material. If
your name is on it, you are responsible for it and the team grade will apply to you.
Written Assignments: All written assignments are due on the date assigned and should be typed, double
spaced and professional in appearance. Default is always 12 font New Times Roman. Use the APA
format for citations/references.
Oral Assignments: Each student will be responsible for the presentation of a case study to the rest of
the class. The student will lead the discussion afterward and answer any questions.
Mid Term Test: Both the Test and the Exam will use the Lockdown Brower and Respondus Monitor.
Final Exam: I am hoping to have two-time frames for the comprehensive exam.
Peer Evaluations: All teamwork will involve peer as well as self-evaluation of each students contribution
to the team’s work. Teamwork is an important part of the learning experience as well as being an
important part of working as a marketing professional. Each student is expected to report fairly on the
work of the members of the team. Calculations of the entire teams’ scores are related just to that team
and will be used in computing each student’s grades; thus, not all team members will receive the same
number of points on the assignment.
Quality of Work: The expectation is for professional quality work both in terms of content and
Spelling, grammar, punctuation, clarity of expression, presentation and appropriate documentation
(use APA style) will count in every piece of work you do for this course. If you have trouble with spelling,
grammar or punctuation, have someone proofread your submission. Use the Writing Center it is free
and helpful! Citations are extremely important is our data driven world, any numbers or general
statements of a situation need to be cited. No citations will result in a 0 on the submission.
Good ideas sloppily expressed will receive mediocre grades, as will flashy presentations that lack
content. Creativity is an important part of Marketing, but not being able to justify your creative ideas
will not make your successful in your career or in this class.
All work submitted for evaluation (including team and individual work) must be neat and clearly
marked indicating the assignment topic, team letter/number and team members’ names in alphabetical
order. Whether individual work or group work, thoroughly review what has been written before
Teamwork: Each team is responsible for organizing itself, dividing up the work, and deciding how
relative contributions should be measured. It is the responsibility of the team to ensure that all team
members understand all concepts related to the simulation, completed paper and presentations.
Being a Life Long Learner: You will not be successful as a marketing professional unless you are able to
adjust to the changing environment that is marketing today. As such, part of the goal of this class is to
start you on this journey. You are required to watch (or attend if that becomes a choice) a presentation
(choices will be listed or contact me with others) and then submit an analysis of what you heard. You
will also analyze an article about the changing nature of marketing. There is additional information on
Canvas for these assignments. These must be submitted by the due date on Canvas.
Grading: Possible Points and Topics
1. ____ 150 Marketing Plan-Written and Oral Presentation
2. ____ 150 Final Exam
3. ____ 150 Your Presentation and Lead for Class Discussion
4.____ 100 Mid Term Test
5. ____ 50 Class Participation
6. ____ 250 Marketing Simulation
7. ____ 25 Analysis of Article
8. ____ 25 Writing Assignment
9. ____ 25 Analysis of Presentation
10. ___ 75 Presenting parts of the Final Plan
Total Points 1000 _______
A = Superior Performance: 900-1000 points, Total understanding of all material, superior ability to apply
B = Good Performance: 800-899 points, Excellent understanding and good ability to apply material.
C = Average Performance: 700-799 points, Surface understanding of most material and some ability to
apply material.
D = Passing Performance: 600-699 points, Incomplete understanding of material with some ability to
apply material; lack of team participation.
F = Failure to Perform: Below 600, Lack of understanding of material and little ability to apply material.
Lack of timely submission, excessive absences, poor performance evaluation by the team for group
Final Grades: This grading scale is based on total points earned. Grades are given by points only, not by
percentage. Every point earned counts toward your final grades.
Policy will be followed. The student is responsible for reading and understanding the policy: Students
have the responsibility to know and observe the requirements of The UNC Charlotte Code of Student
Academic Integrity. This code forbids cheating, fabrication or falsification of information, multiple
submissions of academic work, plagiarism, abuse of academic materials, and complicity in academic
dishonesty. Any special requirements or permission regarding academic integrity in this course will be
stated by the instructor and are binding on the students. Academic evaluations in this course include a
judgment that the student’s work is free from academic dishonesty of any type, and grades in this
course therefore should be and will be adversely affected by academic dishonesty. Students who violate
the code can be expelled from UNC Charlotte. The normal penalty for a first offense is zero credit on the
work involving dishonesty and further substantial reduction of the course grade. In almost all cases the
course grade is reduced to F. Copies of the code can be obtained from the Dean of Students Office.
Standards of academic integrity will be enforced in this course. Students are expected to report cases of
academic dishonesty to the course instructor.
Plagiarism is a violation of academic integrity. All ideas, statements, quotes, etc. should be properly
attributed to the source. Follow the APA style. Our UNC Charlotte librarians are knowledgeable about
appropriate referencing/documentation of others work or ideas.
Your peer evaluation must be a fair representation of each member’s contribution. It is a violation of
academic integrity to decide among the group, or members of the group, as to point allocations. Base
your individual evaluation on the contribution of each group member, including yourself, in a fair
manner. You are assessing their contribution, not whether you like them or not.
UNIVERSITY POLICY on WITHDRAWALS: Students are expected to complete all courses for which they
are registered at the close of the add/drop period. If you are concerned about your ability to succeed in
this course, it is important to make an appointment with me as soon as possible. The University policy
on withdrawal allows students only a limited number of opportunities to withdraw from courses. It is
important for you to understand the financial and academic consequences that may result from course
STATEMENT of INCLUSION: The Belk College of Business strives to create an inclusive academic climate
in which the dignity of all individuals is respected and maintained. Therefore, we celebrate diversity that
includes, but is not limited to ability/disability, age, culture, ethnicity, gender, language, race, religion,
sexual orientation, and socio-economic status. This course affirms people of all gender expressions and
gender identities. If you prefer to be called a different name than what is indicated on the class roster,
please let me know. Feel free to correct me on your preferred gender pronoun. If you have any
questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
DISABILITY STATEMENT: UNC Charlotte is committed to access to education. If you have a disability and
need academic accommodations, please submit your paperwork to Disability Services early in the
semester. For more information on accommodations, contact the Office of Disability Services at 704-687-
BEING A PROFESSIONAL: You are in our capstone Marketing course. The next step is to represent the
major, the College of Business and UNC Charlotte to the world. As such, you will need to start thinking
and acting more like a Professional. This includes email communication, interacting with our client,
communicating with other professionals in the college and your classmates, focusing on the information
given in class and continuing to take advantage of your Canvas resources. Most of your instruction in a
professional work situation will be not be in writing. All instructions DO NOT need to be written and
communicated in Canvas. You must focus while in any of the formats.
BEING SUCCESSFUL AFTER GRADUATION: My goal for this course is to help prepare you to be successful
in the Marketing field, not only in your first job, but for years after that. I am on the Board of the Charlotte
Chapter of the American Marketing Association and regularly connect with other marketing professionals.
I will be sharing what I have learned from others in the classroom, but also reach out if you have specific
questions or goals you are trying to achieve, will see how I can help. I want to Celebrate when we hear
good news about a future job also, please let me know!
TENTATIVE Course Outline for M/W sections
The Marketing Plan project is the Business part of a University Project, it will evolve over the
semester so the schedule must be flexible.
(Assessment-Case Study Presentations will be scored within the week after they are
presented/uploaded. Writing/Article/Presentation submissions will be graded within two weeks of
submission. The simulation will be providing team feedback and a final assessment based on your
Days Topics
1/20 Week 1 Topic-Introduction to Class/Presentation Skills/Writing Skills and each other,
Week 1 Explain Focus of the course
Week 1 Resources-Course Syllabus-first module in Canvas, Presentation and Writing Skills
-see Module in Canvas
Case Study options under Case Study Module
Week 1 Assignments-Begin thinking of your Simulation team, Sign up for Case Study.
Presentation and discussion, Writing Assignment-400 Characters!
1/25-27 Topic-Simulation Introduction/Case Study Review, Cause Marketing Exercise
Week 2 Week 2 Resources-Under the Marketing Plan Module, Cause Marketing Info, websites and
news articles
Week 2 Assignment-Simulation Teams Form-Meet, Quarter 1 Simulation due Sunday
Writing Assignment due
2/1-3 Topic-Review other city solutions, Omar Jorge guest speaker.
Week 3 Week 3 Resources-Under Plan-other city info, Simulation
Power Points
Week 3 Assignment-Teams complete second week of Simulation, Quarter 2 due Sunday
2/15-17 Topic-Marketing Plan Components-Start Research on each, Library Resources.
Week 4 Resources-Marketing Plan resources on Canvas, Library Resources, Simulation Info
Week 4 Week 4 Assignment-Team work on simulation, Work on Research. Sim Quarter 3 due.
2/22-24 Topic-Begin Case Study Presentations, Design Thinking Introduction
Week 5 Resources-Design Thinking notes on Canvas.
Week 5 Week 5 Assignment-take notes on cases -these will be on the test! Simulation work,
Teams working on each section.
3/1-3 Topic-Present Environmental Analysis, SWOT, Target Market info, Goals/Objectives
Week 6 Resources-Info on Canvas
Week 6 Week 6 Assignment-Focus on the first section of the Marketing Plan, Sim Quarter 4 due.
3/8-10 Topic- Simulation/Plan Check-In; Marketing Plan Update: Data Visualization Part 1.
Week 7 Week 7 Assignment-Be prepared to update.
3/15-17 Topic-Mid Term on 3/15; Teams started working on Design Thinking Tactics
Week 8 Resources-Simulation Feedback, Other solutions information
Week 8 Week 8 Assignment-Present, Discuss and take notes: work on Simulation and Plan.
Reflect on Mid Term Peer Eval, Sim Quarter 5 due.
3/22-24 Topic-Case Study Presentations, Teams work on Tactics.
Week 9 Week 9 Resources-Look over Plan resources.
Week 9 Assignment-Take Notes on Cases, Work on Solutions/Simulation
Deadline for Mid Term Peer Evaluations is this week.
3/29-3/31 Topic-Ethics Case/Class Discussion, Ally Bank Presentation
Week 10 Week 10 Assignment-Discuss and take notes, Teamwork on Solutions. Sim Quarter 6 due.
4/5-7 Topic-Last Case Studies, Wednesday meet with teams at scheduled times.
Week 11 Week 11 Assignment-Take notes on cases, working on Plan and Simulation.
4/12-14 Topic-Data Visualization Part 2, Teams meet.
Week 12 Week 12 Assignment-Team work. Quarter 7 due Sunday.
4/19-21 Topic-Team Check-In on Simulation and Marketing Plans-Schedule Times for each
Week 13 Week 13 Assignment-Work on Simulation and Plans.
4/26-28 Topic-Present Marketing Plan on assigned day, Class watches each presentation.
Week 14 Week 14 Assignment-Submit final written marketing plan and power points.
Simulation Quarter 8 Due Sunday. Articles and Presentation Analysis latest due date.
5/3 Topic-Wrap-Up
Week 15 Assignment-Submit Final Peer Evaluation, Final Plan Due, Simulation Reflection Paper due.
Final Exam at two of the assigned times.