International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management
United Kingdom Vol. V, Issue 12, December 2017
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Lily Chebet Murei
PhD Candidate, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Harriet Kidombo
Deputy Director, School of Open Distance and e-learning Campus
University of Nairobi, Kenya, [email protected]
Christopher Gakuu
Director, School of Open Distance and e-learning Campus
University of Nairobi, Kenya
Project performance is dependent on various factors including specific itemized budget for
achieving set results. Allocation of resources for project implementation and monitoring is a
political one and considered an accountability issue. Although it is appreciated that budget
allocation is crucial in tracking performance, little is known as to what influence monitoring and
evaluation budget has on performance of projects. This study sought to examine the influence
of monitoring and evaluation budget on performance of horticulture projects in Nakuru County in
Kenya. The study was anchored in pragmatism and utilized correlation and cross-sectional
survey. Quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis were employed. A structured
questionnaire of Likert was the main tool for quantitative data. Key Informant Interviews and
Focus Group Discussions were used to triangulate findings. Arithmetic mean and standard
deviation were generated from the descriptive data. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation
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Coefficient(r) was computed. Findings showed that monitoring and evaluation budget was a
major contribution to high performance of horticulture as shown by a correlation coefficient
which was statistically significant. Monitoring and evaluation budget should be clearly delineated
within the overall project budget to give the monitoring and evaluation function the due
recognition it plays in contributing to high project performance.
Keywords: Monitoring, Evaluation, Budget, Performance, Projects
Performance of many projects is to a large extent dependent on both financial and human
related factors. More so achievement of project results depends on availability and utilization of
such resources. Allocation of resources for monitoring and evaluation (M &E) in organizations is
an accountability issue. Implementation of an effective M & E requires a participatory approach
in budgetary planning, allocation and review (Khake&Worku, 2013). Equally important involving
those tasked with the M & E function in budgeting promotes ownership and improves delivery of
project results. Nevertheless, providing resources for M & E is a political process requiring the
support of top management (Mavhiki, Nyamwanza&Dhoro, 2013). Despite this challenge in
allocation of resources for monitoring and evaluation function, M & E is gaining traction and
seen as a tool for strategic learning especially in project management. As such project leaders
as well as project sponsors are setting aside financial resources for monitoring and evaluation.
Though this is the case, the process is top down, creating a scenario seen as an afterthought
by the management (Hastak, Gokhale & Safi, 2011).
Whereas the importance of itemized project budget is a necessity, the actual allocation
and prioritization of monitoring and evaluation (M & E) budget to gauge performance of projects
calls for more attention. Equally, and with adoption of results based M &E, tracking of project
finances has gained a higher importance, even for farmer organization. Despite budget related
performance based developments, projects are still characterized by poor performance of
projects (Nzekwe, Oladejo&Emoh, 2015). Hence concerns have emerged whether allocation of
M&E budget contributes to better project performance. Though there is increasing information
on effects of cost related project implementation challenges and project failure is seen to persist
(Naido, 2011; Ika, 2012; Okello &Mugambi, 2015).More so there appears to be limited empirical
evidence as to what extent M &E budget related factors influence performance of projects.
Although, performance of projects has been a concern in project implementation for many
years, assessment of project performance is based on traditional critical success factors using
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the triple criteria of time, budget and quality (Styne,2014). Despite these set standards gauging
performance, different projects are characterized by varying sizes and inherent complexities that
provide an opportunity to assess unique individual projects using other criteria (Nzekwe et al.,
2015). This has a bearing in assessing performance of projects since stakeholders interpret
performance differently. Some researchers however argue that these criterions are too limited
and therefore suggest alternatives, such as benefits for the stakeholder, project budgets and
project results (Mavhiki, Kwandayi&Nyaboke, 2013; Styne, 2014)
From empirical literature reviewed, the influence of cumulative project budgets has been
established in social development projects (Ifrah, Kerosi & Ondabu, 2015; Khake& Worku, 2013
& Ika, 2012). However, the influence of M & E budget on performance of horticulture projects
supported through a farmers’ federation has not been established. This study therefore sought
to assess the influence of M & E budget, on performance of horticulture projects in Nakuru
Projects involve defined objectives that need to be achieved. Measures for performance of
projects according to Ika (2012) include time, budget, safety, quality and overall client
satisfaction. Despite this being the case, monitoring and evaluation in many of today’s
organizations is ad hoc, not aligned to strategy, and in most cases underfunded. These have
been found to be true regardless of sector, type or size of projects (Okello &Mugambi
2015;Khake & Worku, 2013). Often, underfunding has led to monitoring and evaluation efforts
being perceived as adding little value to organization decision makers (Kuwaviyah.2010).As
such monitoring and evaluation efforts are perceived to be not worth their cost. Nevertheless,
Mavhiki et al. (2013) argues that monitoring and evaluation as a tool for strategic learning is
gaining traction in project management especially at strategic level for managing projects
budgets. Importantly, M &E budget is considered as key indicator under results based
Despite management consideration for adoption of results based M&E, organizations
implementing projects are doing it cautiously when it comes to resource allocation for M & E
function (Bayraktar et al.,2011).Though concerns about the value of monitoring and evaluation
continue, some organizations are increasing their investments in monitoring and evaluation as
value addition function. This experimentation of new approaches is aimed at improving
effectiveness and impact of M & E in achieving high level of project performance. In their study
of factors affecting municipal service delivery, Khake&Worku (2012) argues that providing
resources for implementation of M & E requires planning and consistent commitment by
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management. Similarly, Guo &Neshkova (2013)study on citizen input on budgetary process
established that citizen participation is positively correlated with higher organizational
Where M& E is taken as performance accountability function for project managers the
responsibility involves allocation of resources and finding value for those resources especially
those allocated for monitoring and evaluation,(Mwangi, Nyang’wara&Kulet,2015). Besides
development of monitoring and evaluation plans, it would not be meaningful, effective and
efficient if the required resources needed to transform its achievement into concrete and
practical results are not available (Mavhiki et al., 2013). According to a report by IFAD (2013)
allocation of financial resources to monitoring and evaluation involves budgetary planning,
management and control of the same resources to achieve desired results. More so involving
those tasked with M & E function in the budgeting process increases the chances of ownership
(Ifrah,Kerosi & Ondabu, 2015). Equally important, when M & E staff or focal points are part of
the budgeting process and understands the investment put into M & E, they are likely to work
towards ensuring that M & E system is effective. Though, this is desirable, many organization
budgeting and planning process is top down (Ijeoma, 2010). The meaningfulness and usability
of monitoring and evaluation information has been limited because of its disconnection from
strategic and organizational level decision making including finances and budgetary decisions
(Kavuyah (2010). Moreover, monitoring and evaluation budgets are a mystery; there is rarely a
dedicated organizational-level budget line item for monitoring, evaluation. Because of the limited
or no allocation of resources for monitoring and evaluation, there are few processes, systems,
and opportunities for learning from and about monitoring and evaluation. This limits the ability of
organization to make sense of project monitoring and evaluation information /findings and to
translate them into action and results including assessing how projects are performing (Agusti,
The decision to put in place monitoring and evaluation is political in nature, requiring top
management support and resource commitment where the project budgets provide a clear and
adequate for monitoring and evaluation activities. According to Kuwaviyah (2010) on relations
between budgeting and performance, specific budget for priority items such as tracking budgets
should be clearly delineated within the overall project budget. This will give the monitoring and
evaluation function the due recognition it plays in project management. According to Yuni&Siti
(2016) for successful implementation of budgets it is advisable to involve all human resources
as this will increase accountability. More so because each will be responsible for ensuring that
budgetary allocation under them are utilized well. This therefore calls for a more scientific
decision making of allocating resources for M & E. One way is to involve those tasked with M &
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E in budgeting process since they understand what is required to carry out a result based M &
E function that helps determine the cost of best performing projects as suggested by
(Kuwaviyah, 2010; Agusti,2012; Yuni& Siti, 2016).
This study was guided by Theory of budgeting by Hirst (1987) and Contingency Theory.
Theory of budgeting proposes that for organizations to perform better, an effective budgetary
control is necessary as this will guide in establishing a system of efficient control and manage
potential risks. As such budget becomes the foundation of reliable management process to
guide any performance process including projects related performance measurement.
Contingency Theory proposes that performance is a consequence of the fit between several
factors: such as structure, people, technology, strategy, finances, budgets and culture (Islam &
Hu, 2012). The Contingency Theory acknowledges that relationships that exist between any two
or more variables are influenced by other variables. In this study M & E Budget variables
namely budget allocation and budget review are contingent and influence project performance.
Overall, the two theories were preferred for this study because an understanding of
Theory of Budgeting and Contingency Theory provides an enhanced appreciation of how each
of the sub systems of an organization interconnects and interacts to achieve the set
performance goals. Within the project environment there are those mandated with project
development, allocation of M &E resources, selection and recruitment of M & E staff and
tracking project implementation and performance. Consequently, understanding projects from
contingency perspective help project leader’s knowhow to plan better, how to obtain and
allocate resource, as well as manage information generated from project implementation for
decision making.
The study employed mixed approach to carry out cross sectional, correlation and descriptive
survey. The choice of mixed approach allowed for both descriptive and inferential methods in
data collection, analysis and interpretation. The target population for this study was farmers
groups implementing various projects supported by Kenya National Farmers Federation
(KENAFF) in Nakuru County. Out of 45 groups, 28 purely implemented horticulture projects
hence were purposively selected for the study. Focus on the 28groups implementing projects
was preferred because they were spread across 10 sub Counties out of a total of 12 sub
Counties in Nakuru County hence had greater representation.
Sampling frame for groups implementing horticulture was the project register while the
sampling frame for individual respondents from the specific groups was the membership register
indicating the designation of each individual member. Out of a total of 28 groups, 15 projects
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were clustered per the sub counties and wards. Proportionate sampling was used to get groups
per cluster represented by Sub County as shown in table 1.
Table 1: Sample Size Determination
Name of Cluster
No of Groups
Sampled Groups
Kuresoi North
Nakuru Town East
Nakuru Town West
Respondents were drawn from the sampled groups and at KENAFF secretariat including staff
and management. As such respondents included group leaders who comprised the chairperson,
vice chairperson, secretary, vice secretary treasurer and four other committee members
representing special interest. Focus on group leaders was because they have been trained by
KENAFF in project management including monitoring and evaluation of projects. The second
category of respondents was KENAFF staff supporting implementation of horticulture projects in
Nakuru. While the third category included KENAFF top leadership that oversee the overall
implementation of projects by the groups.
For individual respondents, purposive sampling was used to draw respondents from
each of the sampled 15 farmer groups. The respondents from the groups were purposively
selected according to their designation in the group, out of which five had to be elected officials
comprising chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, vice secretary, and treasurer and at least
four member representatives of special interest groups. Each group has a leadership
management team of nine who are also farmers in their own capacity. Hence from each group
nine (9) respondents were drawn giving a total of 135 respondents from the 15 groups.
For triangulation purpose, respondents from KENAFF secretariat were sampled through
stratified sampling and purposively sampling respectively. KENAFF staffs supporting horticulture
projects were sampled at the different levels (stratum) including those at the secretariat and the
county level. At the secretariat level, stratified sampling was done per department to purposively
select managers and program officers supporting horticulture projects in Nakuru County. For the
management, board members were purposively selected since they sit in the project
management board and make decisions regarding project implementation, including allocation
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of resources, monitoring and evaluating. A summary of respondents from KENAFF is
summarized in the following Table 2.
Table 2: Sampling of Respondents
Category of respondents
Number of respondents
Group Respondents- nine respondents per group (15 * 9)
Top Management
Board including CEO
Regional Back stopper
KENAFF Secretariat Implementing Team
Project coordinators
M & E Project officers
County Coordinator
Project Managers
The overall total respondents for this study was 154, comprising 135 drawn from the groups, 19
from KENAFF secretariat.
This being a mixed research the study used quantitative and qualitative methods for data
collection. A likert scale Questionnaire was the main tool for quantitative data was used for
farmers and KENAFF implementing team. Interview schedule was used for key informants
drawn from KENAFF top management. Focused group discussions were used to gather
information from farmers who did not participate in responding to the questionnaires.
To test construct validity, of the study operationalized the research variables and
ensured that translation reflected the true meaning of the constructs. Reliability of instruments
for this study was assured through methodological triangulation, which strengthened the study
by combining methods. To ensure internal consistency Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Coefficient
is determined. Creswell (2012) indicate that a reliable research instrument should have a
composite Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Coefficient of at least 0.7 for all items under the study.
Cronbach’s Alpha for Performance of horticulture projects was 0.844 while that of M &E budget
was 0.817 and was deemed adequate. Data analysis began by clean up, reduction and
describing data sets. Arithmetic mean and standard deviation were generated from the
descriptive data. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient(r) was computed.
Hypothesis was tested using correlation and regression analysis
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Data analysis began by clean up, reduction and describing data sets. Descriptive and inferential
statistics of the influence of M & E budget on performance of horticulture projects was done.
Arithmetic mean and standard deviation were generated from the descriptive data. Pearson’s
Product Moment Correlation Coefficient(r) was computed. Hypothesis was tested using
correlation and regression analysis.
Descriptive Analysis of Project Performance
Questionnaires were used as the main tool for data collection. Out of the 154, a total of 150
were filled which was a return rate of (97.4%) which was adequate for the study. A response
rate of 85% or more is desirable for social science research (Fan & Yan, 2010). The high
responses rate was attributed to administration of the questionnaires at sites that were
convenient to the respondents.
The indicators for performance of horticulture projects measured were; economic status
of farmers, technical performance of projects and farmers satisfaction of products and services.
Economic status was measured in terms of: source of income to farmers, improved
opportunities for income generation for farmers, connection of farmers to markets, differences in
lives of farmers, satisfactory of profits and creation of job opportunities to farmers. Technical
performance of projects was based on: engagement of project leaders to successful project
performance, contribution of skilled project leaders/managers to high project performance,
quality of produce being improved by M&E, improvement of overall project performance due to
provision of technical advisory. Farmers’ satisfaction of products and services was based on:
relevance of project products and services, positive impact of project products and services to
beneficiaries, satisfaction and dissatisfaction of project products and services by majority of the
A look at the mean of the performance indicators revealed that respondents were of the
view that technical performance was an important aspect of performance of horticulture projects
in the County. This is according to the 5 point Likert scale indicator which produced a Mean of
3.801 and an SD of 0.849 for this category. This was followed by farmers’ satisfaction of
products and services which had a mean of 3.197 and an SD of 0.758, and finally economic
status of farmers with a mean of 3.103 and a standard deviation of 0.874. Table 3 presents the
views of respondents about the performance of horticulture projects supported in Nakuru
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Table 3: Performance of Horticulture Projects
Economic status of farmers
Technical Performance of projects
farmers satisfaction of products and service
According to Table 4 the means M &E budget allocation and Budget Review was 2.633 and
2.779 respectively, while the composite mean is 2.706. The means are approximately3, which
falls under Neutral according to Likert scale rating indicating that the respondents may not be
involved in budget allocation and review processes. However, 43.3% of the respondents agreed
that budget allocation was important for project performance in the County though not all the
project members are involved in budget issues. Another 32.6% was of the view that budget
review is necessary in project performance assessment.
Table 4. Descriptive analysis of M &E Budget
Budget Allocation
Budget Review
Similarly, responses from focused group discussions indicated that in most instances, only
group leaders comprising chairperson, secretary and treasurer are involved in budget allocation
as well as reviews. On the specific item of whether M &E budget was a priority, majority of the
respondents to a large extend agreed it is of priority despite them not being involved in these
processes. In another FGD, it was noted that at group level a specific M &E budget is planned
for the monthly review meetings. From those interviewed; one board member pointed out that:
At the secretariat level, budget is allocated for all M & E functions covering costs for M &E staff
and for monitoring activities and evaluations. The M &E staff is assigned to specific groups
implementing projects”
Another board member noted that: Allocating M & E resources is considered a priority
like any other, KENAFF projects are guided by a results framework with indicators and targets
that guides implementation…. M &E staff is involved in budget allocation process as well as
reviews since they understand better what is required to carry out M & E activities”
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On the same aspect of allocation of M &E budget another board member interviewed noted that:
Initially we had a challenge of how to allocate M &E resources, this has improved since we
adopted a result base M &E system, where there is a budget line for each activity, however we
need to strengthen M &E at the group level so that more are involved… this way we will create a
sustainability path for the projects we support”.
Regression Analysis and Hypothesis Testing
Study hypothesis aimed at establishing whether monitoring and evaluation budget had a
significant influence on performance of horticulture projects. Data analysis from Quantitative and
qualitative data revealed a linear relationship between M &E budget and performance of
horticulture projects. To assess the extent to which M &E budget predicted performance of
horticulture project a linear regression was conducted using a regression model of the form:
y= β
0 +
+ ε was estimated, where:
y = Performance of horticulture projects
= Constant
= Beta coefficient
= Monitoring and evaluation budget variable
ε = Error term
Results as indicated in Table 5 show that the correlation coefficient (r) of 0.890 indicates M&E
budget had a significant influence on performance of horticulture projects in Nakuru County. The
coefficient of determination (adjusted R-squared) of 0.694 suggested that M&E budget
explained 69.4% of performance of horticulture projects while 30.6% was explained by other
factors other than M&E budget. The Durbin-Watson Statistic of 1.012 showed absence of
autocorrelation as such indicating the model was statistically good for estimation.
Table 5. Regression Results of the Influence of M&E budget on Performance of Horticulture Projects
Adj. R-
Durbin Watson
Coefficients B
M&E Budget
F (1,145) = 11.433, p=0.000<0.05
The F-ratio of 11.433 is statistically significant at 5% [p=0.000<0.05] implying M&E budget had a
significant influence on performance of horticulture projects supported in Nakuru County.
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These findings show that M &E budget has a significant influence and therefore facilitate the
achievement of project performance. Both farmers and staff were of the view that M &E budget
should be a priority like any other budget with a mean of 3; and that budget review should be
participatory to make it more meaningful. The study findings agree with the views of
Nyang’wara&Kulet (2015) who suggests that one of the key performance accountability for
project managers is the extent to which they allocate resources for monitoring and evaluation.
Besides, developing an M &E plan or system would not be meaningful and effective if the
required resources to transform it into concrete and practical results are not availed (Mavhiki et
al., 2013). Likewise, the study results support the views of Khake&Worku (2013) argue that
allocation of financial resources for monitoring and evaluation involves not the process of
allocation but also planning, management and control of the same resources to achieve the
desired results.
From descriptive analysis, outcome for budget review process indicated both staff and
farmers were neutral implying that they may not be participating in budget allocation review.
On the contrary, the study result disagrees with the reports by Okello &Mugambi (2015)
who observed that M &E in organizations is an ad hoc and underfunded. Though concerns have
been raised regarding the value for M & E, most organization including famer organizations like
KENAFF are increasing their investment in monitoring and evaluation. Further, M &E budget
need to be clearly delineated within the overall project budget to give the due recognition it
requires. The current study findings show that M &E is given priority in budgeting and has
contributed to great extent to performance of projects in Nakuru County.
This study established that budgeting process was top down, and only involved a few of
the group officials hence affirming findings by Ijeoma, (2010) that in many organizations
budgeting and planning process is top down. As such the meaningfulness and usability of
monitoring and evaluation information has been limited because of its disconnection from
strategy. Additionally, the study findings resonate with the observation of previous studies which
indicate that budgeting process can sometimes be a mystery only known to a few (Bamberger
et al 2012; Kuwaviyah, 2010;Mavhiki et al., 2013;Ifrah, Kerosi & Ondabu, 2015). However, study
finding corroborate with other observation that involving those tasked in M & E function in
budgeting process increases the chances of ownership as well as improved performance
(Khake&Worku, 2013: Mavhiki et al., 2013: Yuni& Siti, 2016). From the focused group
discussion, it was recommended that management need to embrace a participatory approach
on issues of budgeting. These study findings views are in line with other study observations
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which pointed out that the decision of putting in place M &E system is a political requiring top
management support and resource commitment (IFAD, 2013; Nyang’wara&Kulet, 2015)
Overall the study revealed that there is a positive correlation between M &E budget and
Performance of horticulture projects. This finding supports agrees with Guo&Neshkova (2013)
conclusion that citizen input on budgetary process is positively correlated with higher
organizational performance. The study finding confirms that there is a relationship between M
&E Budget and performance of horticulture projects. M & E budget therefore positively
influences performance of horticulture projects in Nakuru County
The study investigated the influence of M &E budget on performance of horticulture projects in
Nakuru County. Indicators for the independent variable (M &E budget) and dependent variable
(performance of horticulture projects) were developed and included in the research instruments.
Descriptive analysis revealed that though respondents were not involved in budget allocation
and review M & E budget had an influence on projects performance of horticulture projects. It
can therefore be concluded that adopting a participatory budgeting process would improve
project performance. Inferential statistics indicated that M &E budget had a strong influence on
performance of horticulture projects. Overall conclusion deducted from the study is that M &E
budget had a statistically significance on performance of horticulture projects in Nakuru county.
Understanding the influence of monitoring and evaluation budget and performance of projects
will help organizations and government institutions plan better on how to improve project
performance and better allocation of resources. Hence, organizations implementing project
need to put M&E budget at the center of strategic decision making as this will improve
achievement of project performance goals. It was also established from project stakeholders
that though the agriculture function have been devolved from the national government to the 47
county governments, there is no clear strategy or policy on how M & E related function and
specifically M& E budget are factored into county integrated development plans. This study
therefore recommends that issues of project monitoring and evaluation be part of the county
integrated development plans. Budget is allocated for carrying out monitoring and evaluation.
Limitations of the Study
Some of the limitations encountered during research were during data collection. Despite the
limitations the study was carried out successfully. Location and geographic distribution of the
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groups covering some sub counties made it difficult to access. This was mitigated by hiring and
training research assistants to help collect data in each sub county. Some of the farmer
respondents did not understand the technical meaning of monitoring and evaluation. To address
this challenge translation was done and research assistant administered the questionnaire in
the language that the respondents understood. In some instances, individual respondents
differed in their views posing a challenge in making generalization. In this case cross-sectional
research design was used thus ensuring that respondents only participate once in the study.
Scope for Further Studies
Overall the study was scientifically designed and informed through careful literature and
theoretical review. Literature reviewed has identified varied factors that influence performance of
different projects. For instance, this study has interrogated the theoretical approaches of earlier
studies and tested them empirically using opinions of farmers, project staff and management. It
therefore provides an opportunity to use the same methodology to carry out studies in other
sectors. Methodologically the use of mixed method approach in data collection that included
questionnaire, key informant interview and focused group discussions provided a reach data
that informed conclusions and recommendation. This proved that mixed method provides value
addition in triangulation findings. The result of the study adds to the body of knowledge on M&E
budget and performance of projects.
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