Energy Games and Icebreakers
This guide oers entertaining activities to introduce energy, eciency, and conservation
to students, as well as reinforce the information that has already been presented.
Grade Levels:
Subject Areas:
Language Arts
Social Studies
Creative Arts
Public Speaking
All Levels
2 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Printed on Recycled Paper
NEED Mission Statement
The mission of The NEED Project is to promote an energy
conscious and educated society by creating eective
networks of students, educators, business, government and
community leaders to design and deliver objective, multi-
sided energy education programs.
Permission to Copy
NEED curriculum is available for reproduction by classroom
teachers only. NEED curriculum may only be reproduced
for use outside the classroom setting when express written
permission is obtained in advance from The NEED Project.
Permission for use can be obtained by contacting
Teacher Advisory Board
In support of NEED, the national Teacher Advisory Board
(TAB) is dedicated to developing and promoting standards-
based energy curriculum and training.
Energy Data Used in NEED Materials
NEED believes in providing teachers and students with the
most recently reported, available, and accurate energy data.
Most statistics and data contained within this guide are
derived from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
Data is compiled and updated annually where available.
Where annual updates are not available, the most current,
complete data year available at the time of updates is
accessed and printed in NEED materials. To further research
energy data, visit the EIA website at
© 2017
Teacher Advisory Board
Constance Beatty
Kankakee, IL
Amy Constant - Schott
Raleigh, NC
James M. Brown
Saratoga Springs, NY
Nina Corley
Galveston, TX
Linda Fonner
New Martinsville, WV
Shannon Donovan
Greene, RI
Samantha Forbes
Vienna, VA
Michelle Garlick
Bob Hodash
DaNel Hogan
Tucson, AZ
Greg Holman
Paradise, CA
Barbara Lazar
Albuquerque, NM
Robert Lazar
Albuquerque, NM
Leslie Lively
Porters Falls, WV
Jennifer Mitchell -
Pottstown, PA
Mollie Mukhamedov
Port St. Lucie, FL
Don Pruett Jr.
Sumner, WA
Judy Reeves
Lake Charles, LA
Tom Spencer
Chesapeake, VA
Jennifer Trochez
Los Angeles, CA
Wayne Yonkelowitz
Fayetteville, WV
Robert Griegoliet
Naperville, IL
Erin Gockel
Farmington, NY
Long Grove, IL
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 3
Table of Contents
Standards Correlation Information 4
Energy Name Game 5
Electric Connections 6
Energy Source Relay Race 9
Energy Pantomime 10
Energy Chants 12
Primary Energy Chants 16
This Week in Energy Conservation 20
Conservation for Our Nation 24
Energy Roundup 25
Americas Most Wanted Energy Wasters 27
Energy Bingo 28
Energy Match Game 31
Energy Eliminators 33
Energy Bumper Stumpers 35
Energy Squares 37
Energy Source Detective 41
Energy Source Puzzle 43
Energy in the Round 46
Energy Web Games 50
The NEED Clap 59
See, Run, Do 60
Candy Collector 61
Evaluation Form 63
Energy Games and Icebreakers
4 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Standards Correlation Information
Next Generation Science Standards
This guide eectively supports many Next Generation Science Standards. This material can satisfy performance expectations,
science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and cross cutting concepts within your required curriculum. For more
details on these correlations, please visit NEED’s curriculum correlations website.
Common Core State Standards
This guide has been correlated to the Common Core State Standards in both language arts and mathematics. These correlations
are broken down by grade level and guide title, and can be downloaded as a spreadsheet from the NEED curriculum correlations
Individual State Science Standards
This guide has been correlated to each states individual science standards. These correlations are broken down by grade level
and guide title, and can be downloaded as a spreadsheet from the NEED website.
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 5
Get Ready
If you have 20 or more students in the group or class, separate them into groups of 10 to 12.
Get Set
Seat the members of the group in a circle facing inward.
Select a group leader for each group, if necessary.
The group leader should instruct the students that they will be choosing new last names. Their
new last names should begin with the same letter as their rst names and be energy-related—a
source of energy, an energy-consuming or -producing device, or energy term. For example: Bob
Biomass, Martha Microwave, Gina Generator, etc. Tell the members of the group that no relatives will
be allowed in the game—there can’t be both Bob and Barbara Biomass.
Before you get started, ask if anyone in the group is having a problem thinking of an energy
last name. For those who are, ask them to tell the group their rst names. Then have the group
brainstorm several last names for them.
The group leader begins by saying, “Hi, my name is and then his/her rst name, followed by his/
her new energy last name. The person to the left of the leader says the rst person’s rst and last
name, and then his/her own new energy name. The third person continues by giving the rst two
names, then his/her own energy name. This continues until the nal person, sitting to the right of
the group leader, gives everyone’s name and then his/her own name.
If, during the game, someone in the group has a problem remembering a persons rst or last name,
have members of the group give that person a hint. For example: If the persons name is Tim Toaster,
someone in the group could say, You put your bread in it in the morning. If the persons name is
Pedro Petroleum, a group member could say, You make gasoline from it.
Energy Name Game
Energy Name Game is a quick,
easy way to introduce people
to each other in a group. It
requires no preparation and
very little time.
Grade Levels
2 Preparation
5 minutes
10 minutes for a group of 12
6 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Get Ready
Make an appropriate number of copies of the Electric Connections Game Instructions and the U.S.
Electric Power Generation Sources worksheets found on pages 7 and 8.
Get Set
Divide the class into groups of three to ve students.
Give each student a copy of the game instructions. Review the instructions with the students.
Have the students individually rank the ten sources of energy in order of their contribution to U.S.
electricity production. Give them two minutes to complete this task.
As a group, give the students ve to six minutes to rank the ten sources of energy. When they are
nished, give each student a copy of the U.S. Electric Power Generation Sources sheet. Have students
transfer their individual and group rankings to the appropriate columns.
Provide the students with the rankings for column one, or have them research the rankings
independently using NEED’s Energy Infobooks, or an online resource.
(Alphabetical Order) (Numerical Order)
Biomass–6 Coal–1
Coal–1 Natural Gas–2
Geothermal–9 Uranium–3
Hydropower–4 Hydropower–4
Natural Gas–2 Wind–5
Petroleum–8 Biomass–6
Propane–10 Solar–7
Solar–7 Petroleum–8
Uranium–3 Geothermal–9
Wind–5 Propane–10
Electric Connections
Electric Connections teaches
students how dierent
energy sources contribute to
the generation of electricity.
This activity demonstrates
the advantages of working
together in a group and
reinforces the ideas of group
sharing and cooperative
Grade Levels
Elementary, grade 5
Intermediate, grades 6-8
Secondary, grades 9-12
2 Preparation
5-10 minutes
40 minutes
Look up the electricity
generation data for your state.
Have students rank the sources
for their state and compare the
ranking to the U.S. rankings
and discuss similarities and
dierences. Download state
data by visiting
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 7
Almost forty percent of the nations energy is
used to make electricity today. Experts predict
that this gure will continue to increase. The U.S.
is becoming more dependent on electricity to
meet its energy needs as we depend on more
technology. To meet the growing demand, many
energy sources are used to generate electricity.
Some energy sources produce a substantial
amount of the electricity we consume, while
others produce less than one percent.
Individual Instructions
Your task is to rank the ten sources of energy in order of their
contribution to U.S. electricity production. Place a number one by
the source that provides the largest amount of electricity, a number
two by the source that provides the second largest, down to a
number ten by the one that provides the least amount of electricity.
Use critical reasoning skills to determine the order.
Group Instructions
Starting at the top of the list, ask members to contribute any
knowledge they have about each energy source. Brainstorm by
asking group members questions such as:
Is this source limited to a certain area of the country?
Are there any problems or limitations associated with this source?
Have you ever seen a power plant that uses this particular source
of energy?
One person in the group should take notes. Once the group has
gone through the list, it should divide the ten energy sources into
three levels of importance: the top three most signicant energy
sources, the middle four moderately signicant energy sources, and
the bottom three least signicant energy sources. The group should
then rank the ten sources of energy in order of their contribution to
U.S. electricity production.
Electric Connections
8 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Electric Connections
In 2015, biomass produced 64.2 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, 1.6
percent of the nations total. Biomass electricity is usually the result of
burning wood waste, landll gas, and solid waste.
Over 90 percent of the nations coal is consumed by electric utility companies
to produce electricity. In 2015, coal produced 1,356.1 billion kilowatt-hours of
electricity, which was 33.1 percent of the nations electricity.
In 2015, geothermal power plants produced 16.8 billion kilowatt-hours
of electricity, mostly from facilities in the western U.S. Geothermal energy
produced 0.4 percent of the nations electricity.
6.0 percent of U.S. electricity is generated by 2,200 hydro plants nationwide.
Hydro plants produced 246.1 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity in 2015. It is
the leading renewable energy source used to provide electricity.
Natural gas produced 1,335.1 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity in 2015,
generating 32.6 percent of the nations electricity. Natural gas is used by
turbines to provide electricity during peak hours of demand.
Petroleum provided 0.7 percent of U.S. electricity, generating 28.4 billion
kilowatt-hours of electric power in 2015.
There are no statistics available for propane’s contribution to electricity
generation. Very little propane is used to produce electricity.
Solar energy provided just over 0.9 percent of U.S. electricity in 2015,
amounting to 38.6 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity. Electricity was
generated by solar thermal systems or photovoltaic arrays.
99 nuclear reactors provided the nation with 19.5 percent of its electrical
energy needs in 2015. Nuclear energy produced 797.2 billion kilowatt-
hours of electricity.
Wind energy produced 190.9 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity in
2015, providing 4.7 percent of the nations electricity. Most of the wind-
generated electricity is produced in Texas, Iowa, and Oklahoma.
Error points are the absolute dierence between your ranks and
EIAs (disregard plus or minus signs).
Data: Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Report
0-12 Excellent
13-18 Good
19-24 Average
25-30 Fair
31-36 Poor
37-42 Very Poor
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 9
25-30 Fair
31-36 Poor
37-42 Very Poor
Get Ready
Gather together six pieces of paper and two pencils for each group of ve students.
Determine ve energy terms to use during the game. For elementary level students you might
choose simpler terms like: light bulb, solar, wind, television, and petroleum. For middle school
students, coal, insulation, natural gas, biomass, and thermostat would be good choices. High
school level terms might include more complex terms like: propane, nuclear ssion, geothermal,
hydropower, and photosynthesis.
Get Set
Assign one student to be the game leader.
Divide the remaining students into groups of about ve. Arrange the groups of students in circles
on the oor or around a table.
On ve of the six pieces of paper, instruct the students to write the name of their group in small print
on the bottom and number the pages one through ve. They should fold and tear the sixth sheet
into eight equal pieces.
Inform the students that there must be no talking at all during the game, and they must walk to the
game leader and back to their groups. If they run, they will be asked to return and walk. If they talk,
they will automatically be disqualied.
One student from each group is chosen as the opening artist. He/she will approach the game leader
and receive the rst energy term as soon as the starting signal is given. All artists are given the rst
term at the same time. The artists return to their groups and draw representations of the term. Tell
the students that writing words or letters, pointing, or using numbers are forbidden.
When someone in the group thinks he/she knows the answer, he/she should take the second pencil
and write his/her guess on one of the eight small pieces of paper. Remind the students that they
are allowed eight guesses for ve terms, so they can only aord three mistakes. The artist nods to
inform whether or not the guesser is correct. If not, guessing continues.
If the person is correct, he/she takes the drawing and slip of paper with the correct term and gives
them to the game leader. The game leader whispers or shows the next term to the student. The
student then returns to the group and the game continues with that person as the new artist. The
person who correctly guesses the term is always the one who draws next. The game leader should
move around the room to avoid being closer to one group than another.
The rst group to correctly guess all ve terms wins. Follow up with a discussion of the energy terms
and display various drawings from the individual groups.
Energy Source Relay Race
Energy Source Relay Race
tests students’ ability to
recognize important pictorial
representations of energy
sources or energy producing,
consuming, or conserving
devices and materials. It is
based on the game show
“Win, Lose, or Draw.
Grade Levels
Elementary, grades 3-5
Intermediate, grades 6-8
Secondary, grades 9-12
2 Preparation
5-10 minutes
20 minutes
10 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Get Ready
Duplicate the sheet of ten pantomimes on page 11, according to the number of people you want to
have in each group. Feel free to use this sheet, or to make up your own. You will need enough slips
to hand out to everyone. If you have a small group, you may want to use less than ten pantomimes.
Get Set
Cut the pantomime sheets into separate pantomime slips.
If you want your groups to contain a random mixture of people, hand out the slips randomly. If
you want to divide the groups by age level, or by students strengths and personalities, fold the
pantomime slips in half, write a students name on each slip, and distribute the slips.
Explain to the students that they are going to be broken into smaller groups using this activity.
Explain that each of them will be handed a slip of paper with an energy source or user on it. They
must not say the name of their source or energy-producing or energy-consuming device aloud—
just read it and put it in their pockets.
Hand out the pantomimes. Once all the slips have been handed out, tell the students to begin to
pantomime their energy source or user. They may make sound eects and hand motions, but no
talking, whispering, or reading lips.
The students should walk around the room searching for others pantomiming the same source
or object. Once all the members of the groups have found each other, the students will be neatly
divided into groups that can be used for other activities.
Energy Pantomime
Energy Pantomime is a
quick and easy way to
break a group into several
smaller groups. It gets
the participants moving,
looking, thinking, and
acting. Energy Pantomime
will produce a random mix
of groups or a mix of groups
by age depending on how
the slips are handed out.
It is short, easy to prepare,
and fun for your audience.
It requires only one adult
to run, although many can
be involved. This activity is
suited for most ages.
Grade Levels
Primary, grade 2
Elementary, grades 3-5
Intermediate, grades 6-8
Secondary, grades 9-12
2 Preparation
5-10 minutes
5 minutes
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 11
12 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Get Ready
For each student playing the game, make one copy of the Energy Chants sheet found on page 14.
Then, depending on the number of small groups you need and the number of students in each
group, make the appropriate number of copies of the energy symbols, found on page 15. Cut out the
energy symbols and have masking tape ready.
Get Set
Hand out one Energy Chants sheet to each student and tape an energy source symbol to his/her
back. Inform the students that they are not to look at their backs or ask friends what energy sources
they are.
Introduce the energy sources to the students. Go through each source and reinforce one or two
of the facts found on the chant sheet. Tell whether the source is renewable or nonrenewable, and
add some of your own information about each source. Usually, three or four facts are enough—the
students can read the others on their own.
OPTIONAL: You may wish to add visual aids to your presentation. Make posters or project visuals that
relate to each energy source.
After you introduce a source, demonstrate its chant. The words are on the top of the chant sheet.
Hand motions are printed on page 13 to go with each chant.
Tell the students they have an energy source symbol taped onto their backs. Their job is to discover
what source it is. Using their energy chant sheets, they should go around to other students asking
yes or no questions, asking each person no more than one question. Naturally, the rst question
should be, Am I (non)renewable?”
Once the student has discovered his or her source, he or she should start to do the energy chant for
that source, to nd others who are the same source.
After about two minutes of questions and searching, have everyone stop. To help the students who
have not yet found their group, give three clues about one groups source and tell that group to do
their chant once.
Go through this process with each group, and the large group will be successfully divided into
smaller groups by energy source.
Energy Chants
Energy Chants introduces the
ten leading energy sources
in an entertaining manner.
This activity also divides
a large group into ten or
fewer small groups. This
activity is most eective with
elementary students but can
be enjoyable for all.
Grade Levels
Elementary, grades 3-5
Intermediate, grades 6-8
Secondary, grades 9-12
2 Preparation
10 minutes
30 minutes
Check out the video of our
NEED Energy Chants by visiting
our website,
The link to the chants can be
found directly below the title
for this guide.
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 13
PETROLEUM: Blup, blup, petroleum!
Begin with your hands below your waist in a cup shape facing down. As you say “Blup move your hands upward like oil coming from the
ground. When you reach “petroleum!” throw your hands up in the air like an old-fashioned oil well that just struck oil.
COAL: Working in a coal mine (grunt)—hard hat!
While chanting, Working in a coal mine, pretend that you are shoveling coal. At grunt—hard hat!” throw the coal over your shoulder.
NATURAL GAS: Natural gas, gas (snap, snap)...a real gas!
After chanting, “Natural gas, gas, snap once with your right hand, once with your left, and follow with a real gas!”
URANIUM: Uranium, uranium, split goes the atom!
Begin by clenching your hands in sts and begin hitting your sts together. As you say split” take your hands and pull them apart with your
ngers spread like atoms splitting.
PROPANE: Compress, compress,!
During the “Compress sequence, start with your hands apart facing each other and move them closer together. When you clasp your hands
together, say “pro-pane” and begin a wave motion (like a liquid).
HYDROPOWER: Falling water, hydropower, hydropower!
With your nger tips touching, hold your hands under your chin and glide your hands down like a waterfall during “Falling water. For
“hydropower, hydropower” spin your hands like a turbine.
BIOMASS: Garbage, wood, landll’s all biomass!
Hold your nose while chanting, “Garbage, wood, landll gas. During “it’s all biomass!” shake your hands near your shoulders.
Place your hands together at (without interlocking ngers) below your waist. As you say “Shhhhh” slowly move your hands upward and on
geothermal, separate your hands to act like a geyser.
WIND: Wind is moving air; energy is there!
Throughout the chant, spin one arm like a wind turbine.
SOLAR: Sun shine bright, give us light!
Make a circle with your arms over your head as you say “Sun shine bright, then throw your hands out like rays of the sun as you say give us
Hand Motions for the Energy Chants
14 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Petroleum: Blup, blup, petroleum!
Coal: Working in a coal mine (grunt)—hard hat!
Natural Gas: Natural gas, gas, (snap, snap) . . . a real gas!
Uranium: Uranium, uranium, split goes the atom!
Propane: Compress, compress, compress . . . pro–pane!
Hydropower: Falling water, hydropower, hydropower!
Biomass: Garbage, wood, landll’s all biomass!
Geothermal: Shhhhhhhh, ge-o-ther-mal!
Wind: Wind is moving air; energy is there!
Solar: Sun shine bright, give us light!
Nonrenewable Energy Sources
1. My major use is for transportation.
2. Forty-eight percent of me is imported from other countries.
3. Most of me is rened into gasoline.
4. I’m number one in the U.S., providing 35.6 percent of Americas
total energy consumption.
5. Texas, North Dakota, and California are the leading states that
produce me.
6. The United States is the world’s top producer of me.
1. I generate 33.1 percent of the nations electricity.
2. I’m transported mostly by trains.
3. Eorts are made to remove sulfur from me.
4. I’m America’s most abundant fossil fuel.
5. About 8.3 percent of me that is produced in the U.S. is exported
to other countries.
6. Wyoming, West Virginia, and Kentucky are states that produce
1. I heat roughly half of the nations homes.
2. I’m colorless and odorless.
3. My chemical name is methane.
4. Electricity generation and industry are my largest consumers in
the U.S.
5. I’m a cleaner burning fossil fuel.
6. I’m transported mostly by pipeline.
1. I’m the nation’s third leading source for generating electricity.
2. I’m presently being used in 99 reactors in the U.S.
3. I was rst used in 1957 to make electricity.
4. I supply a little more than 19 percent of U.S. electricity.
5. The U.S. leads the world in production of electricity from me.
6. My power plants store my spent fuel waste products on site.
1. I’m colorless and odorless.
2. My supply comes from processing natural gas and petroleum.
3. I’m often used in rural areas and on farms.
4. I supply less than 2 percent of the nations energy.
5. I’m a portable source of heat energy.
6. I’m normally stored under pressure.
Renewable Energy Sources
1. I supply 5-10 percent of U.S. electricity, depending on the
amount of rainfall.
2. I’m limited to certain geographic areas.
3. I provide 17.0 percent of the world’s electricity.
4. I’m being used in over 2,200 locations in the U.S.
5. My facilities can disrupt wildlife and sh populations.
6. I require the Earths gravity to work.
1. Methane gas can be made from me.
2. Photosynthesis stores radiant energy in me.
3. I get my energy from wood, garbage, and agricultural waste.
4. I can be used to generate electricity.
5. Ethanol can be made from me and used as a transportation fuel.
6. Burning me can produce air pollution.
1. I produce less than one percent of U.S. energy.
2. I’m used mainly in western states.
3. I can be used for home heating and cooling.
4. My energy comes from the Earth’s core.
5. My major use is the production of electricity.
6. I get my energy as a result of radioactive decay.
1. Most of my electricity is from Texas, Iowa, and Oklahoma.
2. I convert my motion energy directly into electrical energy with
no cost for the fuel.
3. I produce no air pollution.
4. My turbines operate both on land and oshore.
5. I produce 4.7 percent of U.S. electricity.
6. I’m caused by uneven heating of the Earth’s surface.
1. I’m not available at all hours of the day.
2. I can be converted directly into electricity using photovoltaic
3. I’m great for water and home heating.
4. I work better in some parts of the country.
5. I supply just under 1 percent of the nations electricity.
6. I’m free to use, but you have to purchase and maintain my
Energy Chants
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 15
16 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Get Ready
For each student playing the game, make one two-sided copy of the energy chants sheets found
on pages 18 and 19. Make enough copies of the energy symbols found on page 15 so that you will
have one renewable energy symbol and one nonrenewable energy symbol for each student. Cut
out energy symbols and divide into renewable and nonrenewable sources. You will need a roll of
masking tape, ten large sheets of drawing paper, and crayons or markers.
Get Set
Hand out one energy chant sheet to each student and tape a renewable symbol to his/her back. Tell
students not to look at their symbols or ask their friends for help.
Ask students to look at the renewable energy side of their chant sheets. Explain what renewable
means. Read over the chant sheets with the students, emphasizing the essential facts about each
energy source. For the youngest students, you may only want to use the rst two or three facts
listed. As you introduce each source, demonstrate the energy chant for that source. You can create
your own hand motions, or use the sample hand motions listed on page 17.
After you have practiced each chant with the students, review by reading the rst fact on each
source and having the students act out the chant once they identify the source. For older students,
begin at the bottom of the list to see how many facts it takes before the students gure out which
energy source you are describing.
When you are sure that all students know the chants, explain that each student has an energy
symbol on his/her back and their mission is to discover which energy source they represent. Using
the chant sheets, they must ask fellow students questions that require a yes or no answer. Give
examples of acceptable questions. They may not ask, Am I Biomass?” Explain to them that once
they gure out which energy source they represent, they should begin performing the chant and
seek out their fellow source members. Once all students are in groups, have them design and draw
a poster about their energy source.
Repeat the activity for nonrenewable energy sources.
Primary Energy Chants
Primary Energy Chants
introduces the ten leading
sources of energy to primary
Grade Levels
Primary, grades K-2
2 Preparation
10 minutes
Two 30 minute periods
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 17
Renewable Chants and Hand Motions
BIOMASS: Garbage, wood, landll’s all BIOMASS!
Hold your nose while chanting, “Garbage, wood, landll gas. During “it’s all BIOMASS, shake your hands near your shoulders.
GEOTHERMAL: Geo-Earth, Thermal-heat—GEOTHERMAL—Earth-heat!
Hold arms in a circle in front of you during “Geo-Earth. Cross arms and hug yourself for Thermal-heat. Shout “GEOTHERMAL, then repeat
the motions quickly for “Earth-heat.
With your nger tips touching, hold your hands under your chin and glide your hands down like a waterfall during “Falling water. For
“HYDROPOWER, HYDROPOWER” spin your hands like a turbine.
SOLAR: SOLAR ENERGY—sun shine bright, SOLAR ENERGYgive me light!
Begin with arms over head in a big circle, swaying from side to side during “SOLAR ENERGY. Spread arms out wide during “sun shine bright.
Repeat motions for second part of the chant.
WIND: Energy is owin’ in the WIND!
Make big arm circles, mimicking a wind turbine, as you say this chant.
Nonrenewable Chants and Hand Motions
COAL: COAL in the hole—makes light in the night!
During “COAL in the hole, point down with thumbs, hands in sts. During “makes light in the night, point thumbs upward in rhythm with
the cadence of the chant.
NATURAL GAS: Burn clean, burn fast—NATURAL GAS!
During “Burn clean, bring one hand up in front of you, palm facing inward. During “burn fast, bring the other hand up to the rst hand.
During “NATURAL GAS, move hands upward together to make the shape of a ame.
Place hands together in sts in front of you. During “Pump, pump, partially extend ngers twice and return them to a st. During “PETROLEUM,
fully extend hands and move them upward, representing oil shooting from a well.
PROPANE: Put a little pressure on me—PROPANE!
Begin with hands wide apart and bring palms closer together at each word of the chant.
URANIUM: URANIUM, URANIUM—split goes the atom!
Clap twice during “URANIUM, URANIUM. During “split goes the atom, clap and bring hands out and up, representing the splitting atom.
Hand Motions for the Primary Energy Chants
18 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Garbage, wood, landll’s all BIOMASS!
1. Bio means life. I am the energy in things that used to be alive.
2. My energy is stored in trees, plants, and garbage.
3. My energy comes from the sun.
4. You can burn me to make heat and electricity.
5. I can pollute the air when I am burned.
Geo-Earth, Thermal-heat—GEOTHERMAL—Earth-heat!
1. Geo means Earth. Therme means heat. I am heat energy from inside the Earth.
2. I heat underground rocks and water.
3. My hot water can heat houses.
4. My power can make electricity.
5. I am clean energy.
1. Hydro means water. I am the energy in moving water.
2. Dams can harness my energy.
3. I am only available in certain parts of the United States.
4. My power can make electricity.
5. I am clean, cheap energy.
SOLAR ENERGY—sun shine bright, SOLAR ENERGY—give me light!
1. Sol means sun. I am energy from the sun.
2. I make plants grow and I give you light.
3. When my energy reaches the Earth, it can heat homes and water.
4. Photovoltaic cells can turn my energy into electricity.
5. I am clean, free energy, but my equipment can be expensive.
Energy is owin’ in the WIND!
1. I am the energy in moving air.
2. The sun makes the air move.
3. Some places have a lot of me, others only a little.
4. I can’t make electricity 24 hours a day.
5. I don’t pollute the air, except with sound.
Renewable Energy Chants
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 19
COAL in the hole—makes light in the night!
1. I look like shiny, black rock.
2. I am a fossil fuel that is buried underground.
3. There is a lot of me in the United States.
4. I am burned to make electricity.
5. I can pollute the air when I am burned.
Burn clean, burn fast—NATURAL GAS!
1. I am a gas with no color, no taste, and no smell.
2. I am a clean burning fossil fuel.
3. Companies drill wells to pump me from the ground.
4. I am moved by pipeline.
5. I am burned to heat buildings and to make electricity.
Pump, pump—PETROLEUM!
1. I am buried underground and under the ocean.
2. I am a fossil fuel that makes more energy than any other energy source.
3. I am made into lots of things—like gasoline and plastics.
4. The U.S. must buy some of my supply from other countries.
5. I can pollute the air when I am burned.
Put a little pressure on me—PROPANE!
1. I am a gas with no color, no taste, and no smell.
2. I am a clean burning fossil fuel.
3. I am buried underground with other fossil fuels.
4. I turn into a liquid under pressure.
5. I am used on farms and in backyard grills.
URANIUM, URANIUM—split goes the atom!
1. I am buried underground in rocks.
2. There is plenty of me; I am cheap.
3. My energy is used to make electricity.
4. Using me doesn’t pollute the air.
5. My waste is radioactive; it can be dangerous.
Nonrenewable Energy Chants
20 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Get Ready
Prior to class, make copies of the six lead stories on pages 21-23 that you will be distributing among
the student groups. You may also want to gather the supplies students may use in constructing props
to accompany their energy stories.
Get Set
Review with the students the structure of an actual news program. Explain the role of an anchor
in providing the background information or “lead to a news story. Ask the students to recall the
various ways they have seen news stories covered in the past (in a studio, on-site, through interviews,
or video recordings). This will help them understand what they will be asked to do during the This
Week in Energy Conservation show.
Divide the class into six groups, and distribute a news lead to each group.
Explain to the students that each group is now a team of energy reporters. They should read the
introduction to their segment of This Week in Energy Conservation, making note of the energy
conservation tips listed below each lead. Their job will be to develop a story that follows the
guidelines of the anchors introduction and includes six of the energy tips listed on their sheet of
paper. Each story should be limited to two or three minutes and the groups will be allowed 20
minutes to develop and rehearse their stories.
After each story is presented, the other groups will have one minute to try to list six energy
tips from the presentation they just heard. Next, the presenting group reveals their tips.
Each group grades themselves using the honor system, getting one point for every tip they
remembered correctly. Tally the scores of all the groups watching the presentation, and
award this amount to the presenting group. This gives the presenters an incentive to do a
thorough job conveying their facts and information to the audience. The team with the highest
score after all the presentations is the winner. Either you or a student from each group can
serve as the anchor, providing the shows introduction and the lead-in to each news story.
OPTIONAL: This activity can be expanded to include props and costumes for actual public service
announcements on school TV stations for Energy Awareness Month, NEED Week, or Earth Day.
This Week in Energy Conservation
This Week in Energy
Conservation is designed
as a television show with
reporting on a variety of
energy conservation topics.
This activity will introduce
students to ways of saving
energy both in the home and
on the road.
Grade Levels
Elementary, grade 5
Intermediate, grades 6-8
Secondary, grades 9-12
2 Preparation
5 minutes
45 minutes
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 21
Hot Water Heating Energy News Team Introduction
Now for tonight’s micro-cam report. We have once again miniaturized a member of our Energy News Team sta to give
you an inside look at what actually goes on inside your hot water heater. Heating water is the second largest energy job in
the home, so it’s important to know what these drops of water are thinking while theyre still inside the tank. We nd their
biggest fear is that their lives may be wasted by carelessness. Heres _______________, who always seems to be getting
into hot water, with this in-depth report.
Home Heating Energy News Team Introduction
The theft of home heating energy is a normal occurrence. So why the next story? Because our undercover reporter has
been able to inltrate a gang of home heating energy criminals. For the rst time ever, we can bring you the story from
the point of view of the criminals. Seeing how they operate might help you, our Energy News Team viewer, prevent them
from stealing your energy dollars.
This Week in Energy Conservation
Do not let hot water run needlessly. About 18 percent of all
the energy we consume in our homes is used to heat water.
Use cold water instead of hot water when running the
garbage disposal and when rinsing dishes before they go
in the dishwasher. Using cold water saves energy.
Repair leaky faucets promptly. A leaky faucet can waste
gallons of water in a short period of time. A leak of one
drip per second can cost $1 per month.
Wash and rinse clothes in cold water. Operating a washing
machine takes very little energy. Most of the energy used
by clothes washing machines goes to heating the water.
Use low-ow shower heads. These easy-to-install devices
save energy and still provide more than adequate shower
Lower the water heaters thermostat to 120 degrees. Most
hot water heaters are set for 140 degrees or higher. You
can save on your energy bill by lowering the temperature.
Insulate hot water storage tanks and water pipes
connected to the water heater.
Keep heating equipment well maintained. To get the
most from your heating fuel, keep furnace lters clean
and equipment well tuned.
Add insulation in the attic and walls where needed.
Adding insulation can pay for itself within a few years.
Plant trees to act as a windbreak. Trees act as a natural
barrier to cold air in the winter and hot sun in the summer.
During the winter, set the thermostat to 68 degrees
during the day, and lower at night or when no one is
home. Use a programmable thermostat to easily adjust
the temperature for dierent times of the day. Lowering
the thermostat 7 to 10 degrees for eight hours can save
approximately 10 percent of your energy costs a year.
Close o unoccupied rooms, and shut o their heating
vents. Shutting heat vents in rooms that are not used
every day saves fuel.
Caulk and weatherstrip doors, windows, and other areas
in the home where drafts might occur. Caulking and
weatherstripping is one of the quickest energy- and
money-saving tasks you can do.
Keep draperies and shades open in sunny windows, and
closed at night. Energy from the sun provides natural
warmth. Close drapes in summer when you want the
house cooler.
22 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Cooking Energy News Team Introduction
Do you hate to cook? If slaving over a hot stove isn’t your idea of a good time, tonights Energy Gourmet segment is for
you. Imagine telling your family, We’re having microwaved pizza for dinner tonight because I’m trying to save energy.
The Energy Gourmet has a few simple tips that will save you energy and money. Who knows, you may even save enough
money to eat out more often.
Lighting Energy News Team Introduction
And now for the segment of the show that enables you, the viewer, to help put a dangerous energy criminal behind bars.
Its time for Americas Most Wanted Energy Criminals. The FBI has just put Killer Kilowatt-hour on its most wanted list. He
has been terrorizing homes throughout the nation by forcing families to waste energy in lighting their homes. Recently,
he forced a family to leave ten 100-watt light bulbs on for an hour. If you recognize him from this next segment, please
don’t try to apprehend him yourself, just call our toll-free number, 1-800-TURNOFF. Remember, he’s very dangerous
because hes very bright.
This Week in Energy Conservation
Always boil water in a pan that is covered. Water will boil
faster and use less energy in a covered pan.
Whenever possible, use a toaster oven or microwave
instead of a regular oven. These smaller appliances take
less time to cook food so you save energy.
When baking, keep the oven door closed rather than
opening it to look inside — use the oven light to see
inside. An open door lets valuable heat escape; maintain
the heat by keeping the door shut.
Clean range pans (under the burners) regularly. A clean
range pan reects more heat than a dirty one.
Only preheat the oven for ve minutes or not at all. It’s
also a good energy practice to cook several dishes in the
oven at once to make maximum use of this concentrated
heat source.
Use the right size pan for each burner. A small pan on a
large burner wastes energy because the air surrounding
the pan will be heated, too.
Make sure lights are turned o in rooms where you don’t
regularly go, such as the basement or attic. Consider
installing indicator lights to tell you when those unseen
lights are on.
Use outdoor lights only when needed. Consider using an
automatic timer that switches o outdoor lighting in the
Use uorescent lights, CFLs, or LEDs whenever possible.
A uorescent light lasts 10 times longer and uses 75
percent less energy than an incandescent bulb. LEDs use
even less energy and last even longer!
Dust bulbs and light xtures frequently because dirt
absorbs light. Clean xtures and bulbs give you more
Reduce light in non-working areas. Lighting needs vary
with each task. Over-lighting an area wastes lots of
energy. Adjust your lights accordingly.
Turn down three-way light bulbs to the lowest setting
when watching television. Dimmer light reduces glare on
the TV and saves energy.
Use one large bulb, instead of several small ones, in areas
where bright lights are needed. Concentrate lighting in
study areas and in stairwells where it’s needed for safety.
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 23
Auto Driving Habits Energy News Team Introduction
Our next story may have some of you saying that group therapy sessions have gone too far. This time it’s automobiles.
Their operators have very bad driving habits, and these habits are driving the cars crazy. We visited one of these sessions
to learn what can be done to reduce this conict between cars and their drivers.
Auto Maintenance Energy News Team Introduction
I’ve just been handed a bulletin. American automobiles have just called a wildcat strike. They refuse to operate again until
their list of demands is met. Their major concern is health care. They feel that their previous owners did not give them
the maintenance they deserved. An Energy News Team mobile unit brings us this late breaking story from a used car lot,
where used cars are refusing to leave the car lot with their new owners until they are promised better care. Thats right
folks, these autos are demonstrators.
This Week in Energy Conservation
Drive the speed limit and don’t exceed it. Driving faster
than 50-60 mph decreases gas mileage. Slow down to
save fuel.
Do not overll the gas tank. To avoid spilling gasoline,
consider your tank full when the automatic valve shuts
Eliminate unnecessary or frequent starts and stops.
Aggressive driving can lower highway gas mileage by 33
Be a carpooler, and share a ride. Carpooling can save
energy, reduce pollution, and make your car last longer.
Do not let an automobile idle for more than one minute
when waiting for someone. Idling equals zero miles per
gallon in fuel economy.
Eliminate unnecessary trips, and plan trips carefully.
Combining errands can use less gasoline than several
independent trips.
Use public transportation. Try to substitute another
means of transportation (bus, subway, bicycle, walking)
for your automobile at least once a week.
When replacing tires, look for ones with low rolling
resistance. This type of tire will use less energy to roll
along the road.
Keep the oil and air lters clean. For older cars with a
carburated engine, clean air lters can increase gas
mileage 2 to 6 percent. For fuel-injected, computer-
controlled engines, a clean air lter can improve
acceleration time.
Remove unnecessary weight from the car. A heavier car
uses more gas to reach its destination. The lighter the
load, the better the gas mileage will be.
Check tire pressure every two weeks. Properly inated
and aligned tires improve gas mileage.
Have the car’s engine tuned regularly. A well-tuned
engine can improve gas mileage.
Select the correct gasoline octane and grade of oil for
your car. If you change the oil yourself, take the used oil
to a service station for recycling
24 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Get Ready
You will need a marker and a large sheet of poster paper for each group. Seat the group in a circle
near a chalkboard or wall where you can hang up the paper.
Get Set
Divide the class into groups of eight to fteen students. Select one person from each group as the
group leader, and one person from each group as the recorder.
Instruct the groups to brainstorm ideas on energy conservation. Each idea should be simple and
no longer than ve syllables. For example, Turn o lights, Tune-up, and “Insulate. Continue
brainstorming until the group has at least the same number of ideas as there are group members.
Explain the game to the group with this introduction: “Slap your thighs once with both hands and
say CON; clap once and say SER; snap your right ngers and say VA; and then snap your left ngers
and say TION. Slap your thighs again and say FOR; clap your hands and say OUR; snap your right
ngers and say NA; and snap your left ngers and say TION. Slap your thighs a third time and say
CON, clap once and say SER; snap your right ngers and say VA; and then snap your left ngers
and say TION. Slap your thighs a fourth time and say READY, clap your hands and say GO. This time
between the snaps you must give a conservation tip.
After the introduction, you should give three or four sample conservation tips between
consecutive snaps. Do not repeat the introduction with each tip. You can reinforce the cadence
by giving the instructions to the class between the snaps.
Tell the groups to study the sheet of paper because it will not be posted during the game.
If someone forgets or repeats, the circle must begin again. The person who has made
the mistake begins with the introduction, and the game continues until you have made
a complete circle with everyone giving a tip between the snaps.
NOTE: If you are running more than one circle at a time, instruct the groups that they may have to
begin again on their own.
Conservation for Our Nation
This activity teaches
brainstorming and
cooperation skills to a group
or groups of 8-15 people. It
also reinforces knowledge of
some energy conservation
Grade Levels
2 Preparation
Less than 5 minutes
20 minutes for a group of ten
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 25
Get Ready
Print the Energy Chants graphics on page 15 so that you have one slip per student and an equal
number of each energy source. Cut the graphics out and laminate, if necessary.
On sheets of plain paper, write down six energy facts for each energy source, found on the Energy
Chants sheet located on page 14. Do NOT write the names of the energy sources on these plain
sheets of paper. (See the extension on page 26)
Number ten pieces of dark colored paper, one through ten, in large numbers.
Prepare ve black poster boards for the nonrenewable energy sources and ve yellow poster boards
for the renewable energy sources, as follows. Mount one fact sheet to the lower half of each poster
board, making sure the fact sheets correspond to the colors of the poster boards. Mount the top
edge of the number sheets near the top of the posters. Do not secure the bottom edge of the
number sheets to the posters; the number sheets will be used as aps.
Write the names of the energy sources on the posters, underneath the number sheet aps. Lightly
secure the bottom edge of the number sheets with tape to the posters.
Mount the posters around the walls of the room. Space the posters equally apart and set up chairs
for each station, if desired. Place a piece of paper and a pencil by each poster station. The players will
use these toward the end of the game.
Get Set
Assign players to groups using the Energy Chants graphics cards you cut out. Let the players draw
these out of a hat or pass them out randomly. (You can assign players to fewer than ten groups by
eliminating one or more energy sources from the hat. Even if you have fewer groups, keep all ten
posters on the walls.) Make sure each source you will use is represented by at least one student.
Instruct the players NOT to tell anyone which group they’ve picked.
Give the players these instructions for playing the game:
You have all been assigned to an energy source group. In a minute, you’ll be getting into these
groups. You must follow these instructions.
You cannot speak or communicate with anyone during the rst phase of the game.
Decide if your energy source is a renewable or nonrenewable source of energy. The ten posters on
the walls around the room have been color-coded to help you nd your energy source. The yellow
posters represent renewable energy sources; the black posters represent nonrenewable sources. If
you don’t know if your energy source is renewable or nonrenewable, then it may take you a little
longer to nd your group.
When I say go, walk to the closest poster and read the six clues that describe the energy source.
If you think these clues describe your energy source, remain beside that poster. If the clues don’t
describe your energy source, move on to another poster. Repeat the process until you think you’ve
found your energy source.
You’ll have three minutes to nd your energy source. Remember, no talking or communicating is
Energy Roundup
Energy Roundup is a good
activity to introduce an
energy unit or to reinforce
students’ knowledge of the
nations leading sources of
energy. Energy Roundup
divides a large group into ten
or fewer small groups.
Grade Levels
Elementary, grades 4-5
Intermediate, grades 6-8
Secondary, grades 9-12
2 Preparation
15-30 minutes
10-50 minutes
2Set-up Tip
Pre-made poster sheets with
facts can be printed by visiting The link to
the posters be found directly
below the title for this guide.
26 Energy Games and Icebreakers
allowed. Does anyone have any questions? Ready? The rst round lasts three minutes. Go!
Your three minutes are up and everyone must be at their poster. Remember, remain silent. Now,
will the person closest to each poster lift the ap of the poster so that only the people in your
group can see which energy source the clues describe. (Players lift aps to reveal energy sources.)
Please close the ap. If you’re in the correct group, remain at your poster. If you’re not, look for
your energy source again. This time you have only one minute. No talking or communicating. Go!
(Round two lasts one minute. You can continue rounds until everyone has found his or her energy
source. Subsequent rounds last 30 seconds to one minute each.)
After all the rounds are nished, give the groups these instructions:
You will be allowed to talk during this part of the game. The members of your group must now
decide which three of the six clues reveal the least about your energy source. Keep the least
revealing clues and eliminate the three clues that reveal the most. I’ll give you two minutes to do
this, and then I’ll ask three people in your group to each read a clue one at a time. After the third
clue has been read, everyone in your group will say in unison, What are we?”
Now, one person in your group should take the pencil and paper at your station and write the
numbers one through ten down the side of the paper. After a groups says What are we?” the
other groups will have 15 seconds to write down the name of the energy source. Since every
source has a number, just write the groups name by the corresponding number on your piece of
The group that correctly identies the most energy groups wins.
*Reminder: Use the clues and graphics on pages 14-15 for this activity.
Have your students read the Energy Infobook sections on each of the sources and provide the facts
to create posters.
Utilize alternative colors for the posters instead of black and yellow as suggested in the instructions.
For an added challenge, do not tell students what the colors signify until after they have begun
the game.
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 27
Get Ready
Before class, make a sample wanted poster. Have an ink pad, paper, and markers available.
Get Set
Explain the activity to the students. Exhibit the sample wanted poster.
Use a digital camera to take front and side view “mug shots” of each student to generate enthusiasm
for the activity. Print out the pictures.
Brainstorm with the students a list of the common ways that they waste energy daily, for example:
Leaving the TV on.
Taking long (or too many) showers.
Leaving the water running while brushing teeth/washing dishes.
Leaving doors/windows open with heat/AC on.
Asking for a ride when walking or riding a bike would be appropriate.
Running dishwasher/washing machine half empty.
Leaving unnecessary lights on.
Brainstorm appropriate punishments for the crimes. (Skipping a favorite TV show, for example, as
punishment for leaving the TV on. Or, washing the dishes by hand as punishment for running the
dishwasher half empty.)
Using the list, have each student keep a daily record of the energy crimes that he/she has committed
over a designated time period.
Construct wanted posters for each student. If you did not take “mug shots” of the students before
you began the activity, have the students draw or take pictures of themselves. Use a water-soluble
ink pad to take ngerprints. Students should write their own crime descriptions using their daily
crime records.
America’s Most Wanted Energy Wasters
America’s Most Wanted Energy
Wasters increases students’
awareness of their energy
wasting habits and reinforces
simple energy-saving
Grade Levels
2 Preparation
10-30 minutes
30 minutes, or longer
depending on student interest
28 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Get Ready
Duplicate as many Energy Bingo sheets on page 30 as needed for each person in your group. In
addition, decide now if you want to give the winner of your game a prize and what the prize will be.
Get Set
Pass out one Energy Bingo sheet to each member of the group.
Give the group the following instructions to create bingo cards:
This bingo activity is very similar to regular bingo. However, there are a few things you’ll need to
know to play this game. First, please take a minute to look at your bingo sheet and read the 16
statements at the top of the page. Shortly, you’ll be going around the room trying to nd 16 people
about whom the statements are true so you can write their names in one of the 16 boxes.
When I give you the signal, you’ll get up and ask a person if a statement at the top of your bingo
sheet is true for them. If the person gives what you believe is a correct response, write the persons
name in the corresponding box on the lower part of the page. For example, if you ask a person
question “D” and he or she gives you what you think is a correct response, then go ahead and write
the persons name in box D. A correct response is important because later on, if you get bingo,
that person will be asked to answer the question correctly in front of the group. If he or she can’t
answer the question correctly, then you lose bingo. So, if someone gives you an incorrect answer,
ask someone else! Don’t use your name for one of the boxes or use the same persons name twice.
Try to ll all 16 boxes in the next 20 minutes. This will increase your chances of winning. After the 20
minutes are up, please sit down and I will begin asking players to stand up and give their names. Are
there any questions? You’ll now have 20 minutes. Go!
During the next 20 minutes, move around the room to assist the players. Every ve minutes or so
tell the players how many minutes are remaining in the game. Give the players a warning when just
a minute or two remains. When the 20 minutes are up, stop the players and ask them to be seated.
Give the class the following instructions to play the game:
When I point to you, please stand up and in a LOUD and CLEAR voice give us your name. Now, if
anyone has the name of the person I call on, put a big “X” in the box with that persons name. When
you get four names in a row—across, down, or diagonally—shout “Bingo!” Then I’ll ask you to come
up front to verify your results.
Let’s start o with you (point to a player in the group). Please stand and give us your name. (Player
gives name. Let’s say the player’s name was Joe.”) Okay, players, if any of you have Joes name in one
of your boxes, go ahead and put an “X” through that box.
When the rst player shouts “Bingo, ask him (or her) to come to the front of the room. Ask him to
give his name. Then ask him to tell the group how his bingo run was made, e.g., down from A to M,
across from E to H, and so on.
Now you need to verify the Energy Bingo winner’s results. Ask the bingo winner to call out the rst
persons name on his bingo run. That player then stands and the bingo winner asks him the question
which he previously answered during the 20-minute session. For example, if the statement was can
name two renewable sources of energy, the player must now name two sources. If he can answer
Energy Bingo
Energy Bingo is a great
icebreaker for a NEED
workshop or conference. As
a classroom activity, it also
makes a great introduction to
an energy unit.
Grade Levels
2 Preparation
5 minutes
45 minutes
Bingos are available on
several dierent topics.
Check out these resources for
more bingo options!
Science of Energy Bingo—
Science of Energy guides
Transportation Bingo
Transportation guides
Renewable Energy Bingo—
Energy Infobook Activities
Wind Energy Bingo—Wind
Biomass BingoEnergy Stories
and More
Hydrogen Bingo—H
Solar Bingo—Solar guides
Hydropower Bingo—
Hydropower guides
Change a Light BingoEnergy
Conservation Contract
Energy Eciency Bingo
Monitoring and Mentoring and
Learning and Conserving
Nuclear Energy Bingo—
Nuclear guides
Oil and Natural Gas Bingo
Oil and Natural Gas guides
©2015 The NEED Project P.O. Box 10101, Manassas, VA 20108 1.800.875.5029 29
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 29
the question correctly, the bingo winner calls out the next persons name on his bingo run. However, if he does not answer the question
correctly, the bingo winner does not have bingo after all and must sit down with the rest of the players. You should continue to point to
players until another person yells “Energy Bingo.
In case of a tie, ask the winners to come to the front one at a time to verify their results. If time permits, you may wish to continue the game
for second or third place winners. You may want to change some of the questions to t your group. Below are eight extra statements you
can use instead.
Knows what energy source C
is (propane)
Knows what ethanol is made from in the U.S. (corn)
Knows which state produces the most oil (Texas)
Knows which state produces the most coal (Wyoming)
Can name two products made from petroleum (gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, fuel oil, plastic, tires, etc.)
Knows which energy source generates the most electricity (coal)
Knows the main ingredient in natural gas (methane)
Student should share location.
coal, petroleum, natural gas,
(no answer needed)
Students should be able to
describe a clothes line.
Students should describe plant
or location of plant.
turning o lights, insulation,
saving water, etc.
(no answer needed)
tire pressure, maintenance,
removing excess weight
(no answer needed)
Student should describe
volcano, geyser, or hot spring.
Student should list where:
home, street light, calculator,
hydropower, solar, geothermal,
wind, biomass
12.7 cents/kWh national
pipeline propane ssion
A Has seen a wind turbine B Can name two fossil fuels C Has never seen coal D Uses a solar clothes dryer
E Has visited a power plant F Can name two ways to save energy at
G Uses a hand-operated can opener H Can name two ways to increase a car’s
I Recycles aluminum cans J Has seen geothermal energy K Has seen a photovoltaic cell L Can name two renewable energy
M Knows the cost of a kilowatt-hour of
N Knows how natural gas is usually
O Knows which fuel is used in barbecue
P Knows how uranium atoms give o
30 Energy Games and Icebreakers
For each letter, nd one person about whom the statement is true. Write each name in one of the boxes below.
A Has seen a wind turbine B Can name two fossil fuels C Has never seen coal D Uses a solar clothes dryer
E Has visited a power plant F Can name two ways to save
energy at home
G Uses a hand-operated can
H Can name two ways to
increase a car’s MPG
I Recycles aluminum cans J Has seen geothermal energy K Has seen a photovoltaic cell L Can name two renewable
energy sources
M Knows the cost of a kilowatt-
hour of electricity
N Knows how natural gas is
usually transported
O Knows which fuel is used in
barbecue grills
P Knows how uranium atoms
give o energy
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 31
Get Ready
Select eight of the energy match questions listed on the next page, according to the grade level of
the students playing the game. The two most dicult questions of the eight will serve as the nal
Energy Match Game questions and will be awarded a double point value. For each student, take two
sheets of 8 1/2” x 11” paper and cut them in half or use small dry erase boards.
Get Set
Put students into four to six rows so that students cannot see what their fellow team members are
writing. You need a minimum of four students per team.
Prepare a scoreboard to keep point values for each team.
Give each student four sheets of paper or a markerboard. Explain to the students that if they are
using paper, they will have to write on both sides of each sheet of paper in order to have enough
paper for all eight rounds.
Give the students the following instructions for how to play the game:
Today, we’re going to play the Energy Match Game. There will be eight rounds in the game. The nal
two rounds will have double point value.
To begin a round, I will read a statement and you will have to write your answer in large letters on
one of the pieces of paper I have given you. You may not look at the responses that any of your team
members are writing down. If you do, your team will be penalized 25 points and will be eliminated
from that round. You will have 15 seconds to write your answer and then you must put your pen or
pencil down. Every match will be worth ve points for the rst six rounds.
Let me give you an example of how the game is played and scored. The sample statement is “Name
a renewable source of energy. You will have 15 seconds to write your answer on one of the sheets
of paper, and then everyone will put their pens and pencils down.
Next, the rst person on team one will show me his/her answer while telling the class what his/her
answer is. Say, for example, he has written SOLAR.
The next person on the team will then show me his answer. If the second person has written SOLAR,
then team one would have a match and it will receive ve points. If the second person has written
WIND, then there would be no match. The third person on the team will then show me his answer.
If the third persons answer matches either the rst or second persons answer, then team one will
receive ve more points. The fourth person on the team will then show me his answer. If the fourth
persons answer matches either the rst, second, or third persons answer, then team one will receive
another ve points.
We will continue in this manner until all members of team one have revealed their answers. Then,
we will repeat this process for the remainder of the teams. Are there any questions? Let’s go! Here’s
the rst statement.
Energy Match Game
Energy Match Game reviews
and reinforces students’
knowledge about energy. The
activity can take as little as
ten minutes or as much as an
entire class period.
Grade Levels
2 Preparation
5-10 minutes
10-30 minutes
32 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Energy Match Questions
Name an energy source, other than coal, that is used to generate electricity.
(wind, uranium, natural gas, etc.)
Name a nonrenewable source of energy.
(petroleum, coal, propane, natural gas, uranium)
Name a way to save energy in your car using proper driving habits.
(drive the speed limit, carpool, limit quick trips, etc.)
Name a way to save energy in your car using proper maintenance.
(regular oil changes, proper tire pressure, etc.)
Name a major energy consuming device in your home.
(refrigerator, clothes washer/dryer, air conditioner, etc.)
Name a country from which the U.S. imports petroleum.
(Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Venezuela, etc.)
Name a product, other than gasoline, made from petroleum.
(plastics, medicines, kerosene, motor oil, etc.)
Name a chemical characteristic of propane. (ammable)
Name a unit used to measure electric power. (watt, kilowatt)
Name a source of energy that does not produce air pollution when used.
(hydropower, solar, wind, geothermal, nuclear)
Other than the United States, name a country that uses a lot of energy.
(China, Germany, Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc.)
Name a major petroleum producing state in the U.S.
(Texas, North Dakota, Alaska, California, etc.)
Name a major coal producing state in the U.S.
(Wyoming, West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, etc.)
Name an energy consuming device you could not live without.
(cell phone, television, gaming system, etc.)
Name your favorite source of energy. (answers will vary)
Name the rst energy source used by people. (solar)
Name the source that will be the leading provider of U.S. energy in the year 2030.
(answers will vary)
Name a way of saving energy for home heating.
(use a programmable thermostat, insulating or sealing cracks, etc.)
Name an energy saving device you could use in your home.
(CFL or LED bulb, power strip, etc. )
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 33
Get Ready
Divide the students into ten teams. For each team, make a list of ve to ten words or phrases that
describe the teams energy source. The number of words or phrases you use will depend on the age
level and experience of the students playing the game. You may use the lists on page 34 and cross
out the words and phrases that you do not want to use, leaving ve to ten words or phrases for each
energy source. (If you feel that the words provided are too dicult, or revealing, feel free to make up
your own list of words.) Next, write the name of each energy source on the top of a blank sheet of
paper. Students will use these sheets to brainstorm their own lists.
Get Set
Give students an overview of the game. Give each team the sheet of paper with their energy source
name and remind them not to reveal their energy source to the other teams.
Give the students the following instructions for how to play the game:
Each team has been given a sheet of paper with the name of an energy source. Remember, don’t let
the other teams see your name. You will have four minutes to brainstorm as many words or phrases
as possible that relate to your energy source. For example, if your energy source is ELECTRICITY,
what words might you brainstorm that relate to electricity? (List student examples on the board—
words might include: kilowatt-hour, generator, megawatt, power plant, and peak demand.) You will
now have four minutes to brainstorm words and phrases for your energy source. Write the words
you have brainstormed on the sheet of paper that I have given you. Please do your brainstorming
quietly so that the other teams will not be able to hear you.
Now, I will give each team a list of words and phrases that I have selected for their energy source.
Compare my list with the list of words you have developed. On your list, cross o all the words that
match the ones on my list.
Next, take your sheet of paper and write the numbers one through ten on the reverse side. A student
from team one will now stand up and tell the class in a loud, clear voice the words and phrases that
have not been crossed o their list. The other teams will write these words next to the number one
on their sheet of paper. After all ten teams have given their remaining words, you will have three
minutes to decide which energy source each team represents.
One at a time, each team will stand up and tell the class the energy source they represent. On your
sheet of paper, place check marks next to the teams that you guessed correctly. Do not check your
own team—the most you can guess correctly is nine. You receive ten points for each correct guess.
Starting with team one, how many teams correctly guessed the rst teams identity? Team one
receives ve points for each team that guessed their identity. (The leader continues this process
with the remaining teams.)
Teams should now add up their scores. The group that has the most points wins.
Energy Eliminators
Energy Eliminators
strengthens students’
brainstorming skills while
reviewing major energy
Grade Levels
Elementary, grades 4-5
Intermediate, grades 6-8
Secondary, grades 9-12
2 Preparation
5-10 minutes
45 minutes
34 Energy Games and Icebreakers
organic matter
bacterial decay
hot springs
radioactive decay
plate tectonics
Ring of Fire
heating buildings
nuclear fusion
space heating
greenhouse eect
passive system
active system
photovoltaic cells
water wheels
grind grain
Niagara Falls
kinetic energy
turbine generator
tidal power
Grand Coulee
rotor blades
wind farms
pump water
kinetic energy
chain reaction
99 reactors
cooling towers
Three Mile Island
surface mines
underground mines
fossil fuel
fossil fuel
heating oil
oshore drilling
air pollution
pressurized tanks
portable gas
fossil fuel
barbecue grills
fossil fuel
processing plant
cubic feet
compressor stations
Energy Eliminators
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 35
Get Ready
Before class, choose ve to ten of the license plates listed on page 36. The number of license plates
you use will depend on the age level and experience of the students playing the game.
Get Set
Divide the students into ve or more teams. Explain to the students how the game is played. Instruct
each team to take out one sheet of paper for their answers.
Write the license plates that you have chosen on the board.
In the rst round, give the students ve to ten minutes to solve the Energy Bumper Stumpers without
the clues. Once the round is over, check the teams’ answers. The teams receive ten points for each
Energy Bumper Stumper they guessed correctly.
In round two, read the clues that correspond to the license plates on the board. The teams should
now try to guess the Energy Bumper Stumpers they missed in the rst round. When round two is
completed, check the teams’ answers again. The teams receive ve points for each Energy Bumper
Stumper they guessed with the clues. The team with the most points is the winner.
Energy Bumper Stumpers
Energy Bumper Stumpers
is an activity to review
and reinforce students’
knowledge about energy.
Grade Levels
Elementary, grades 3-5
Intermediate, grades 6-8
2 Preparation
5 minutes
20 minutes
36 Energy Games and Icebreakers
1. NRGWSTRThis license plate would be ideal for a person who doesn’t believe in conserving our resources. (Energy
2. NDSTREThis plate would be appropriate for the leading consumer of energy. (Industry)
3. SRMIKThis plate describes the protective covering that surrounds a uranium fuel pellet. (Ceramic)
4. DSTL8NThis plate refers to the process in which petroleum is separated into various components. (Distillation)
5. SWNDOOThis plate identies the most favorable method of access for passive solar heating. (South Windows)
6. CREWDOYLThis plate suggests another name for a liquid fossil fuel. (Crude Oil)
7. SLRNRGThis plate describes a type of renewable energy. (Solar Energy)
8. GNR8RThis plate names a device containing a magnet and a coil of wire. (Generator)
9. NSL8ORSThis plate describes the type of materials that do not conduct electricity well. (Insulators)
10. POWRLYNThis plate identies the method of transporting electricity across our nation. (Power Line)
11. NCANDSNTThis plate refers to one type of device that turns electrical energy into light energy. (Incandescent)
12. FLAMNTThis plate describes the wire inside an incandescent light bulb that conducts the electricity. (Filament)
13. YRAINEMThis plate refers to the source of a nonrenewable energy that is not a fossil fuel. (Uranium)
14. POLUTNTThis plate identies a hazard of burning fossil fuels. (Pollutant)
15. DARYKThis plate refers to the tower rig that is used to drill for petroleum. (Derrick)
16. GRENHOWSThis plate describes a building that eectively uses passive solar heating. (Green House)
17. NEWKLEYEThis plate identies the place where nuclear ssion takes place. (Nuclei)
18. RAD8This plate describes heat energy transfer. (Radiate)
19. SLYCONThis plate identies the element used in turning solar energy into electrical energy. (Silicon)
20. POWRTOWRThis plate refers to a device used to collect solar energy. (Power Tower)
21. POWRPULThis plate names the cooperative of utilities linked together to share electricity eciently. (Power Pool)
22. BBKUGRILThis plate names a device that many people use during the summer, some of which require propane
to operate. (Barbecue Grill)
23. DSYLFULThis plate identies a product of petroleum distillation used by large trucks. (Diesel Fuel)
24. SIZMIKThis plate names a method of exploration used to locate types of fossil fuels. (Seismic)
25. C-NMLSThis plate names what scientists believe to be the source of several fossil fuels. (Sea Animals)
26. SDIMNTThis plate refers to the material that settled on top of ferns to form fossil fuels. (Sediment)
27. FIRTLIZRThis plate identies a way to encourage plant growth for biomass fuels. (Fertilizer)
28. YOTYLTEEThis plate identies the companies responsible for distributing electricity. (Utilities)
29. RSRFORThis plate names the location of potential energy at a hydropower plant. (Reservoir)
30. PNSTOKThis plate signals the portion of a hydropower plant that brings the water to the turbine. (Penstock)
31. FASYLFULThis plate identies a term given to several of the nonrenewable energy sources. (Fossil Fuel)
32. TITLPOWRThis plate names a type of hydropower that is aected by the moon. (Tidal Power)
33. WINTRBINThis plate refers to another name for a windmill. (Wind Turbine)
34. LYMSTONThis plate identies a type of rock in which petroleum is often trapped. (Limestone)
Energy Bumper Stumpers
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 37
Get Ready
Before class, make nine nametags for the celebrity energy guests. Next, make a copy of the game
board found on page 40 to project for the class. Cut out X and O shapes from black construction
paper or make sure interactive board markers are available. There are ve questions provided for
each guest. Most likely, only three or four questions will be needed, so choose the ones you feel are
most important. You can also come up with alternative questions appropriate to the grade level of
the students playing the game.
Pablo Petroleum Naima Natural Gas Colin Coal
Reba Renewable Ursula Uranium Christy Conserve
Priya Propane Eli Electricity Hector History
Get Set
Choose nine students to act as energy guests for the game. Provide each guest with a nametag and
stand them in front of the room. Another student acts as the game show host. Props and costumes
may be used.
Divide the remaining students into four teams. Each team must choose one spokesperson.
Only two teams can participate at one time—decide which two teams will play in the rst round
and which two will play in the second round.
Flip a coin to determine which rst round team begins the game. The winner of the coin toss decides
who goes rst, and the losing team chooses either X or O as their symbol. Repeat this procedure
with the second round teams.
Give the students the following instructions for how to play the game:
This game is similar to tic-tac-toe. The goal is to get three X’s or O’s in a row on the game board. The
rst two teams will play each other and then the remaining two teams will play. The winners will
face o in the nal championship round.
The rst team chooses a guest and his or her accompanying square on the game sheet. The guests’
names correspond to the topic of the question they will be asked. The host asks the guest a question
and the guest answers to the best of his knowledge and ability. It is now the teams responsibility
to decide whether or not they agree with the answer given by the energy guest. If they answer
correctly, the team’s symbol is placed in the square. However, if they answer incorrectly, the other
teams symbol is placed in the square. After each question, it is the other teams turn to choose a
When choosing guests, keep in mind that this game is played like tic-tac-toe. You are trying to get
three of your symbols in a row while blocking your opponents from doing the same thing. Play
continues in this manner until a team succeeds in getting three in a row or all squares are lled with
either X’s or O’s. One nal rule—when a team is going for the winning square to get three in a row,
the team members must answer the question correctly. If the question is answered incorrectly, the
other team does not place its symbol in that square. Again, this is only applicable when one of the
teams is going for the winning square. In case neither team succeeds in getting three in a row, the
team with the most symbols on the board wins.
Energy Squares
Based on tic-tac-toe, Energy
Squares reinforces students’
knowledge of energy sources
and energy-related topics.
Grade Levels
Elementary, grades 3-5
Intermediate, grades 6-8
Secondary, grades 9-12
2 Preparation
10-15 minutes
30 minutes
38 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Energy Squares
1. What is the major use of petroleum in the U.S.? (Transportation)
2. What is the major product produced during petroleum rening? (Gasoline)
3. How many gallons of oil are in one barrel? (42)
4. True or false? Alaska is the nations top oil producing state. (False, Texas is)
5. What percentage of U.S. petroleum supply is imported—26%, 48%, 67%, or 79%? (48%)
1. How is natural gas usually transported? (By pipeline)
2. True or false? Natural gas is a light yellow color. (False, it’s colorless)
3. What is the major use of natural gas by a family? (Home heating)
4. What is the chemical name for natural gas? (Methane)
5. True or false? Natural gas is measured in, and sold by, gallons? (False, by cubic feet)
1. What is the major use of coal? (Producing electricity)
2. True or false? Canada is the world leader of known reserves of coal. (False, the United States is )
3. How is coal mainly transported? (By railroad)
4. On average, is coal typically older or younger than other fossil fuels? (Younger)
5. Most U.S. coal is produced from which type of mining, surface or underground? (Surface)
1. What type of solar cell produces electricity directly from sunlight? (Photovoltaic cell)
2. Renewables make up approximately what percentage of total U.S. energy demand—2%, 10%, 20%, or 50%?
3. Which renewable source of energy is NOT a result of the suns energy striking the Earth? (Geothermal)
4. True or false? Wind is the result of uneven heating of the Earths mantle. (False, uneven heating of the Earths
5. Which energy source gets its energy from garbage and agricultural wastes? (Biomass)
1. Where is nuclear waste stored? (On-site in spent fuel pools and dry casks/vaults)
2. True or false? The isotope of uranium that splits in nuclear reactors is U-238. (False, it’s U-235)
3. What is the name of the subatomic particle that causes nuclear ssion when it strikes U-235—an electron, a
neutron, or a proton? (A neutron)
4. Plus or minus ten years, in what year did Americas rst nuclear power plant go into operation? (1957 (accept
5. In what part of a nuclear power plant does nuclear ssion take place? (The reactor)
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 39
1. Which letter of the alphabet is used to measure the value of insulation? (R value)
2. True or false? Incandescent light bulbs provide the same amount of light that uorescent bulbs do for one-fourth
the energy. (False, it’s exactly the opposite)
3. After home heating and cooling, what is the most energy-consuming job in the home? (Water heating)
4. What two items are used to seal cracks around windows and doors? (Caulking and weatherstripping)
5. As the energy eciency rating of an appliance increases, the amount of energy it requires to operate: increases,
decreases, or remains the same? (Decreases)
1. Is propane used mostly in metropolitan or rural areas? (Rural)
2. By what quantity is propane sold? (By the gallon)
3. What physical state does propane turn into when it’s stored under moderate pressure or cooled to -45° Fahrenheit?
(A liquid)
4. Propane comes from processing which fossil fuels? (Natural gas and petroleum)
5. Is the density of propane lower than, higher than, or equal to the density of air? (Higher)
1. How is electricity used, measured, and sold? (By the kilowatt-hour)
2. What is the average cost of a kilowatt-hour of electricity for consumers? (12.7 cents (accept 10 to 14 cents))
3. Is electricity produced by rotating wires in a magnetic eld in a turbine or a generator? (A generator)
4. In the summer, during what time period does the demand for electricity peak—6:00 a.m. to noon, noon to 6:00
p.m., or 6:00 p.m. to midnight? (Noon to 6:00 p.m.)
5. What is the leading energy source used to generate electricity? (Coal)
1. Whose motorized vehicle created a great demand for gasoline? (Henry Ford)
2. Where was the world’s rst hydroelectric power plant built in 1882? (Appleton, Wisconsin on the Fox River)
3. Who invented the steamboat, Robert Fulton or Edwin Drake? (Robert Fulton)
4. Who invented the light bulb and other electrical devices? (Thomas Edison)
5. After World War II, this energy source replaced coal as the number one energy source consumed in the U.S.
40 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Pablo Petroleum Naima Natural Gas Colin Coal
Reba Renewable Ursula Uranium Christy Conserve
Priya Propane Eli Electricity Hector History
Energy Squares
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 41
Get Ready
Make one copy of the activity on page 42 for each student.
Distribute a copy of the activity to each student.
Explain to the students how to complete each energy source box, using hydropower as an example.
The students begin with number 1 and decide whether the energy source is 1a or 1b, write the
correct number in the box, draw an arrow, then follow the directions after the number until they
discover the name of the energy source. When they discover the correct name, they write it at the
bottom of the box.
For the example for hydropower, the students must rst decide whether hydropower is renewable
or nonrenewable. It is renewable, so 1a is the rst number to be written in the box. They follow the
directions to 2 and decide whether the source can be burned. Hydropower is not burned, so they
write the number 2b and follow the directions to the next clue, until they discover the name of the
energy source.
Have students work in pairs to design a ow chart that displays all of the information in this game,
and extra information if they desire. It may serve as a graphic study tool for later.
Energy Source Detective
Energy Source Detective is a
critical thinking activity to
reinforce understanding of
the basic characteristics of
the major energy sources.
Grade Levels
Primary, grade 2
Elementary, grades 3-4
2 Preparation
Less than 5 minutes
10 minutes
42 Energy Games and Icebreakers
1a Renewable .......................... go to 2
1b Nonrenewable .................... go to 6
2a Can be burned .................... Biomass
2b Is not burned ...................... go to 3
3a Energy from space .............. Solar
3b Energy in/on the Earth ....... go to 4
4a Inside the Earth .................. Geothermal
4b On the Earths surface ........ go to 5
5a Moving water ...................... Hydropower
5b Moving air ........................... Wind
6a Fossil fuel ............................ go to 7
6b Energy-rich mineral ............ Uranium
7a A gas.................................... go to 8
7b A solid or liquid .................. go to 9
8a Moved by pipeline .............. Natural Gas
8b Shipped in tanks ................. Propane
9a Mined from the Earth ........Coal
9b Pumped from the Earth ...... Petroleum
Energy Source Detective
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 43
Get Ready
Make one copy of the puzzle you choose from pages 44-45 for each student.
Distribute a copy of the puzzle to each student.
Instruct the students to color the squares in each column using the key at the top of the puzzle, then
cut apart the squares. While the students are doing this, discuss which energy sources the icons
represent, how they are used, and whether they are renewable or nonrenewable.
Explain to the students that the goal of the activity is to arrange the squares so that only one icon
and one color is in each row and column. Explain that there are several ways to solve the puzzle
and to look for patterns to help solve it. Hint: The key is to nd a pattern, such as beginning with a
diagonal row of the same color or icon.
Sample Solutions:
Energy Source Puzzle
Energy Source Puzzle is a
critical thinking activity
to reinforce renewable
and nonrenewable energy
Grade Levels
Primary, grades K-2
Elementary, grades 3-5
2 Preparation
Less than 5 minutes
15–30 minutes
44 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Blue RedYellow
Yellow Blue Red
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 45
Yellow Green Blue Red
Yellow Green Blue Red
46 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Get Ready
Copy one set of the Energy in the Round cards on pages 47-49 on card stock and cut into individual
Have a class set of the Energy Infobooks available for quick reference.
Get Set
Distribute one card to each student. If you have cards left over, give some students two cards so that
all of the cards are distributed.
Have the students look at their bolded words at the top of the cards. Give them ve minutes to
review the information about their words using the Energy Infobooks.
Choose a student to begin Round 1 and give the following instructions:
Read Question 1 on your card. The student with the correct answer will stand up and read the
bolded answer, “I have _____.
That student will then read Question 1 on his/her card, and the round will continue until the rst
student stands up and answers a question, signaling the end of the round.
Continue the game with Rounds 2 and 3.
If there is a disagreement about the correct answer, have the students listen to the question carefully,
looking for key words (forms versus sources, for example), and discuss until a consensus is reached
about the correct answer.
Answer Key
Energy in the Round
Energy in the Round is a quick,
entertaining game to reinforce
information about energy
sources, forms of energy, and
general energy information
from the Energy Infobook.
Grade Levels
Elementary, grade 5
Intermediate, grades 6-8
Secondary, grades 9-12
2 Preparation
5-10 minutes
10–15 minutes
Alternative Instructions
Give each student or pair a set of
Students will put the cards in
order, taping or arranging each
card so that the answer is directly
under the question.
Have students connect the cards
to t in a circle or have them
arrange them in a column.
“In the Rounds” are available on
several dierent topics. Check
out these guides for more, fun
“In the Round” examples!
Hydrogen in the Round—H
Oil and Natural Gas Industry
in the Round—Fossil Fuels to
Products, Exploring Oil and
Natural Gas
Conservation in the Round—
Monitoring and Mentoring,
Learning and Conserving
Forms of Energy in the Round—
Science of Energy guides
Uranium in the Round—Nuclear
Solar Energy in the Round—
Energy from the Sun
Transportation Fuels in the
Round—Transportation guides
Natural Gas
Thermal Energy
Fossil fuel
Nuclear Fusion
Energy Sources
Power Plant
Nuclear Fission
Radiant Energy
Water Cycle
Round 1—Starting with Propane’s clue
Round 2—Starting with Propane’s clue
Round 3—Starting with Propane’s clue
Power Plant
Nuclear Fusion
Water Cycle
Nuclear Fission
Thermal Energy
Radiant Energy
Fossil Fuels
Natural Gas
Energy Sources
Fossil Fuel
Power Plant
Thermal Energy
Nuclear Fission
Radiant Energy
Energy Sources
Natural Gas
Nuclear Fusion
Water Cycle
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 47
1. Who has the energy source converted directly into
electricity using PV cells?
2. Who has the sector of the economy that uses
about 22 percent of the nations energy?
3. Who has the processes of surface, deep,
underground, room-and-pillar, and longwall?
1. Who has the energy source that generates about 33
percent of the nations electricity?
2. Who has the number one state for producing
natural gas?
3. Who has the gas that becomes a liquid under
moderate pressure or when cooled?
1. Who has an energy concept based on eciency
and conservation?
2. Who has the process during which precipitation
replenishes oceans, rivers, and lakes?
3. Who has the alcohol made by adding yeast to
1. Who has a renewable fuel often made from corn
that is mixed with gasoline to burn cleaner?
2. Who has the item that can use many dierent fuels
to produce most of the electricity in the U.S.?
3. Who has the form of energy released by a compact
uorescent light bulb?
1. Who has the energy source transported by more
than two million miles of underground pipeline?
2. Who has the resource that fuel cells use to
generate electricity?
3. Who has the energy source that produces
volcanoes and hot springs?
1. Who has the internal energy of atoms and
2. Who has something can be changed into other
forms, but cannot be created or destroyed?
3. Who has the process in which atoms are split apart,
releasing thermal energy as radiation?
1. Who has the energy source that makes renewable
methane gas?
2. Who has a secondary source of energy dened as
moving electrons?
3. Who has the state that generates the most
electricity from wind?
1. Who has the energy source caused by uneven
heating of the Earth’s surface?
2. Who has the process in which water, carbon
dioxide, and sunlight are turned into glucose and
3. Who has the energy source that requires the Earth’s
gravity to work?
1. Who has the energy sources that are replenished
in a short time?
2. Who has a transportation fuel that can be made
from biomass?
3. Who has the group of nonrenewable energy
sources used most in the U.S.?
1. Who has a term that describes petroleum, coal,
natural gas, and propane?
2. Who has the process in which uranium and coal are
brought to the Earths surface?
3. Who has the item that is generated when a magnet
is spun in a coil of copper wire?
48 Energy Games and Icebreakers
1. Who has the process in which the suns extremely
high pressure and hot temperature cause
hydrogen atoms to combine?
2. Who has a clean burning fossil fuel used to heat
many homes in the U.S.?
3. Who has something that uses a generator, turbine,
and transformer?
1. Who has the type of energy source we can’t make
more of in a short time?
2. Who has the group of sources that were formed
from plant and animal remains long ago?
3. Who has resources that are used specically to
meet energy needs?
1. Who has the energy source that depends on the
amount of rainfall?
2. Who has energy sources whose supplies are
readily replenished?
3. Who has the process in which water changes from
liquid to vapor and back?
1. Who has the gases that make up one percent of the
2. Who has the energy source that uses sunlight in
photosynthesis to store radiant energy?
3. Who has a long-term energy plan that meets the
needs of today as well as tomorrow?
1. Who has the smallest element, which is only
found on Earth combined with other elements?
2. Who has the energy source that takes eight
minutes to reach the Earth?
3. Who has the source of energy that can be
concentrated on a dish, trough, or tower to create
1. Who has the radioactive mineral used to produce
electricity in 99 reactors in the U.S.?
2. Who has the form of energy released deep within
the Earth by the slow decay of radioactive particles?
3. Who has a renewable source of energy from wood,
garbage, and agricultural waste?
1. Who has the secondary energy source generated
by a waste-to-energy plant?
2. Who has the energy source that produces noise
pollution but no air pollution?
3. Who has the item that makes light, heat, motion,
growth, and powering technology possible?
1. Who has the resources that can be categorized as
either renewable or nonrenewable?
2. Who has natural resources that are used to do
3. Who has the energy source that consists mostly of
1. Who has the energy source whose major use is for
2. Who has the energy source that is the nations
third leading producer of electricity?
3. Who has the energy source that can produce acid
rain when it is burned?
1. Who has the production facility where electricity is
2. Who has the portable energy source used in
barbecue grills and hot air balloons?
3. Who has the energy sources whose supplies are
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 49
1. Who has the energy source that comes from the
Earths core?
2. Who has the belief that every generation should
meet their energy needs without compromising
the energy needs of future generations?
3. Who has the form of energy commonly called
1. Who has the process green plants use to change
radiant energy into chemical energy?
2. Who has the process nuclear power plants use to
produce electricity?
3. Who has the energy source of which most is rened
into gasoline?
1. Who has the process in which an atom of uranium
is split by a neutron?
2. Who has the energy source that might disrupt sh
and wildlife when its production facility is built?
3. Who has the process used by green plants to store
the suns energy?
1. Who has the number one petroleum producing
2. Who has the form of energy transformed by plants
into energy stored in its roots and leaves?
3. Who has the energy source whose waste products
can be stored in spent fuel pools?
1. Who has the form of energy that comes from the
2. Who has the eect that traps heat in the
3. Who has the renewable energy source that
produces most of its electricity in Texas, Iowa, and
1. Who has the process of evaporation, condensation,
and precipitation?
2. Who has the energy source that is abundant in the
Ring of Fire in the Pacic Ocean?
3. Who has the nuclear combining process that gives
o radiant energy?
1. Who has the sector of the economy that makes
the goods and materials we use every day?
2. Who has the energy source that the U.S. must
import from other countries like Canada and
Saudi Arabia?
3. Who has the energy carrier that may become a
signicant transportation fuel in the future?
1. Who has the continuous process used to reach
energy sources buried underground?
2. Who has the type of energy sources in which fossil
fuels are grouped?
3. Who has the sector of the economy that uses
natural gas and propane the most?
1. Who has the ability to do work or make a change?
2. Who has the energy source that is transported
chiey by train?
3. Who has the type of energy source that includes
biomass, solar, geothermal, hydropower, and
1. Who has the energy source Dr. Walter Snelling
discovered in 1911?
2. Who has the process in which larger atoms are
made by combining smaller atoms?
3. Who has the gases that include CO
, methane, and
water vapor?
50 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Get Ready
Copy one set of hang tags (school or home) on pages 51-58.
Cut the cards horizontally so the object and its description are in one strip.
Fold in half on the dotted line. For extra durability, copy on card stock and laminate.
Get a ball of yarn or string.
Use a single hole punch to make holes in the top corners of each folded card.
Lace one length of yarn or string through each and tie o creating a necklace.
Get Set
Explain that a building is an interactive system consisting of the occupants, the mechanical systems,
and the movement of heat, air, and moisture. All of these aspects relate to indoor air quality, the
cost of energy, and environmental quality. This activity will help students understand the systemic
nature of energy use and its impacts on the broader environment.
Hand out the role card hang tags and ask students to read the backs of their cards. Give students a
chance to ask any questions they have about what is written on their cards.
Have students put on their hang tags and stand in a circle.
Hand the ball of yarn to one of the students. Explain that he/she should look around the circle and
identify another component of a system that is related to his/hers.
The student should hold on to the end of the yarn, then pass or toss the ball of yarn to the identied
student, explaining how that part of the system is related. The next student repeats the process,
holding onto the yarn and passing the ball to another student with a related component of the
Continue passing the yarn around until all students are holding onto the yarn. The students will
have created a web made of yarn connecting all of them.
Choose one student to give a tug on the string. Explain that this tug represents a stress of some sort
on that part of the system. For instance, the person wearing the Heating System tag might give a
tug, and you would say, There is a malfunction in our heating system. It is not operating eciently.
Repeat this several times with dierent students tugging on the yarn. For each tug, describe a
possible scenario for the component that is causing stress on the system.
Ask students to describe how the system is dependent on all of the components. Students should
be able to explain that a change in one part of the system can aect all other parts of the system—
sometimes in unexpected ways!
Energy Web Games
Energy Web Games help
students understand the
interactions that aect energy
use, energy costs, and indoor air
Grade Levels
Elementary, grade 5
Intermediate, grades 6-8
Secondary, grades 9-12
2 Preparation
10-15 minutes
20–30 minutes
Check out NEED’s other web
games that can found within the
following resources:
Liqueed Natural Gas as a
system—Exploring Oil and
Natural Gas
Climate Web—Climate Change
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 51
School Hang tags
Its important to have good quality lighting in a
school and enough light to complete tasks.
Lights use electricity, which costs money and can
cause pollution.
Air Conditioning
AC helps you stay cool in hot weather.
AC uses a lot of electricity, which costs money and
can cause pollution.
Is there AC anywhere in your school?
Electric Bills
Electricity costs money. Whenever you use
electrical devices or lighting, the school district is
This means there is less money available for
classroom books and supplies and other things the
district must provide.
Most areas need heat in the winter. The heat in a
school building probably comes from a boiler that
burns natural gas or oil.
It takes a lot of these fuels to heat a building. This is
very expensive for the school district.
52 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Books and Supplies
You probably don’t think about it much, but the
materials you use in class cost money.
The more money spent on energy, the less money
there is to get the materials you need to help you
The weather greatly aects energy use.
The colder it is outside, the more it costs to heat the
building. The hotter it is, the more it costs to run the
When you are comfortable, you learn better.
Schools need to heat and cool buildings to maintain
comfortable temperatures, which costs money.
Students can do a lot to save energy around the
school. Can you think of some ways?
Oil and Natural Gas
The boiler that heats your school probably runs
on oil or natural gas. When the cost of these fuels
increases, it costs more to heat the building. The
cost of these fuels usually rises during winter
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 53
Indoor Air Quality
Clean air in a school is important for students to be
healthy and comfortable. Your building has a system
that brings in fresh air.
This system uses a lot of energy, which costs money.
The more students there are in a building, the harder
these systems must work.
District Budget
The school district has a limited amount of money it
can spend each year.
The less money it spends on energy, the more it
can spend on classroom supplies and hiring more
Heating Bills
Heating a building costs money. The more heat used,
the more the school district has to pay.
This means there is less money available for classroom
books and supplies and other things the district must
Hot Water
Heating water costs money. Your school probably
uses natural gas or oil to heat water. The more hot
water used, the more the school district has to pay.
This means there is less money available for classroom
books and supplies and other things the district must
54 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Air Pollution/
Global Warming
Every time the heating system is operating in your
building, the boiler is releasing emissions that can
pollute the air. The electricity used in the building
comes from a power plant, which can also add
pollution to the air.
Many of these emissions can contribute to global
Computers use electricity that costs money. If you
leave computers on when theyre not in use, it
wastes energy.
Computers also cost a lot of money to buy. The
more your district has to pay for energy, the less
money there is to buy computers.
Teachers are more eective when the building is at a
comfortable temperature. Buildings must be heated
in cold months, which costs money.
Teachers can do a lot to save energy around the
school. Can you think of some ways?
Your comfort is important. You need heat in the
winter. You need good lighting and clean air in your
All of these use energy, which the school district has
to pay for.
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 55
Home Hang tags
Its important to have good quality lighting at home
and enough light to accomplish tasks.
Lights use electricity, which costs money and can
cause pollution.
Air Conditioning
AC helps you stay cool in hot weather. AC also
removes moisture from your home, which helps
you be more comfortable when the air is humid.
In humid climates, drier air is also better for your
health in the summertime.
AC uses a lot of electricity, which costs money and
can cause pollution.
Electric Bills
Electricity costs money. Whenever you use electrical
appliances or lighting, your parents are charged for
This means there is less money available for other
things your family needs and wants.
Insulation helps keep your house warm in winter
and cool in summer. If your house is well insulated,
the heating and AC systems don’t have to work as
Good insulation saves money on heating and
cooling costs and can reduce air pollution.
56 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Clean Air
You need clean air to be comfortable and healthy.
If too much air ows through your home, however,
it removes heat, making the heating system work
Sealing your home too tightly, on the other hand, can
trap moisture, causing health problems.
The weather greatly aects energy use.
The colder it is outside, the more it costs to heat a
home. The hotter it is, the more it costs to keep it
You want to be comfortable in your home. That
means you need heat in the winter, which costs
One way that people aect indoor air quality is by
adding moisture to the air through their activities.
Oil and Natural Gas
Most homes are heated by a furnace that burns oil or
natural gas.
When the cost of these fuels increases, it costs more
to heat your home. The cost of these fuels usually
rises during winter months.
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 57
Too much moisture in a home can lead to mold
growth, which can cause health problems. Too little
moisture in the air can cause health problems, too.
How does moisture get into your home? How does
it get into the air?
Household Budget
Your family has a limited amount of money it can
spend each month.
The less money your family spends on energy, the
more you can spend on other things that you need
and want.
Heating Bills
Heating your home uses a lot of energy and costs
money. The more heat you use, the more your
parents must pay.
This means there is less money available for other
things you need and want.
Hot Water
Heating water uses energy and costs money. Most
homes use electricity or burn natural gas or oil to
heat water.
The more hot water you use, the more your parents
have to pay. This means less money is available for
other things you need and want.
58 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Air Pollution/
Global Warming
When you heat your home, the furnace is releasing
emissions that can pollute the air. The electricity you
use comes from a power plant, which may also add
pollution to the air.
Many of these emissions can contribute to global
Heating System
The colder it is outside, the more fuel your heating
system uses.
Insulation in the walls and attic can reduce the
amount of heat your home needs, saving energy
and money, and reducing pollution.
Electrical Appliances
Refrigerators, TVs, and other appliances use
electricity, which costs money. If you leave
appliances on when theyre not being used, that
wastes energy. Appliances also add heat to a home.
In the summer, that means the AC has to work
harder, using more energy.
Comfort is important. You need heat in the winter.
You need good lighting and clean air in your home.
All of these use energy, which your parents have to
pay for.
©2015 The NEED Project P.O. Box 10101, Manassas, VA 20108 1.800.875.5029 59
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 59
We are NEED energy students,
Saving energy is our plan,
We save energy for our future,
Saving energy throughout the land.
Hydropower, geothermal, solar, wind, and biomass,
Coal and petroleum, uranium, propane,
the clean burning ame of natural gas.
Energy sources light our future,
Saving energy takes all hands,
Working together, conserving forever,
Saving energy throughout the land.
The 14 Easy Steps
Find a partner and place your palms together (thumbs up) in front of you. Face your partner.
1. Slap your hands back and forth (keeping palms together).
2. Slap hands back and forth once with the backs of your hands landing together and stop.
3. Take your right hand away from the left and clap once.
4. Clap once with your right hand and your partners hand above your left hands.
5. Clap your hands together once as in number 3.
6. Grab your partners right hand with your right hand below your left hands.
7. Take your left hand below your right hand and grab your partners other hand.
8. Take your right hand and slap your right hip twice.
9. Move that hand above your other two, shaking hands, and slap your partners hand once back and forth.
10. Grab your partners hand and hold together with thumbs up.
11. Hit the top of your hand once.
12. Hit the top of your hand again.
13. Repeat steps 1-12.
14. Have FUN!
The NEED Clap
60 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Get Ready
Construct a 3-D energy collage or scene. The collage can use markers, paper, streamers, cotton balls,
paper bags, toys, etc. Incorporate as much or as little of a challenge as youd like.
Gather materials for students to use to recreate your collage. Be sure to include the materials you
used in the original, plus some others of varied colors, textures, etc. Create art stations with materials
for students to recreate the original.
Set up the collage in a part of the room where it will be hidden, in the hallway, or in a separate room
as space and supervision allow.
Set a boundary line with masking tape between the collage and the area where artwork will occur.
The boundary should be placed so that runners may not see the collage as they approach its hidden
Make a set of name tags for each student group that include “SEE”, “RUN”, “DO.
Secure an impartial judge for the nal work, if necessary.
Get Set
Place students in groups of 3-5.
Explain to the groups that they will each assume a role. One person from each group will be a “See-
er, one person will be a “Runner, and the remaining student(s) will assume the role of “Do-er. Ask
students to choose their roles and wear a name tag for their chosen role.
Ask the “Do-ers” to pick their home base area where they will assemble their collages, Show the
“Runners” and “See-ers” the boundary lines that they may not cross. Take the “See-ers” to the
sheltered collage area where the original is placed.
Explain the goal and rules for the game by reading the following: Each group will work together
to re-create the collage or scene that is hidden. The only person who can look at it, however, is the
person who has chosen to be the See-er. The See-er. will stay by the collage and observe it. See-ers
will meet the Runners at the boundary line and share information about what they see and how to
recreate what they see. The Runners will return to the home base to communicate instructions to
the Do-ers. Do-ers will remain at home base, using the art supplies provided to recreate the original
based on their instructions. Runners can go back and forth as many times as they need in the time
allotted to ask questions and take instructions from the See-ers.
After the allotted time, bring together all of the recreated collages and post on the wall for all to see.
Have the class discuss the dierences, accuracies, and inaccuracies about each version. The class can
vote on the most accurate recreation, or an impartial judge can do the voting. Award groups prizes
if you desire.
See, Run, Do
See, Run, Do is a wonderful
icebreaker and team building
activity that tests students’
communication skills
and creativity. It makes a
wonderful activity to use as
an introduction to a topic
or unit, and can be used
in the classroom, during
multidisciplinary lessons, and
even during adult workshops
or conferences. See, Run, Do
is very easy to implement
with all ages by adjusting the
complexity of the collage.
Grade Levels
2 Preparation
10-30 minutes, depending on
the collage
45 – 60 minutes
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 61
Get Ready
Gather supplies needed for the game. Each group will need the following:
50 M&Ms candies or similar
3 jelly beans
2 plastic bowls
Plastic straws
A small plastic cup
Put the M&Ms candies into bowls for each group. Set up stations so that each group will have each
of the materials listed above, exept the jelly beans. The jelly beans will be passed out later.
Get Set
Divide the students into groups of 2-4. Place a group at each station with the materials.
Explain to the students that the candy in the bowl will represent energy. The empty bowl is their
discard bowl.
Tell students that during the game they will transfer candy from the full bowl to the plastic cup
to consume energy. However, they may only use the straws to transfer the energy – NO hands
Make sure students know they must wait to eat the candy until the end of the game.
Set a timer for 15 seconds.
Tell groups that when the time starts, they will need to provide energy for their town. They must use
their straw to provide suction to extract energy from the full bowl. They must transfer this energy
into the cup. They may transfer as many candies as they can before the year ends, but they may not
use their hands at all – not even to hold the straw! A year will last 15 seconds.
After 15 seconds, have students count how many candies made it into their cups during the “year.
Ask students to keep a tally of how much they extracted and how much remains.
Place any candy in the cup into the extra discard bowl.
Extract energy for 3 more “years, following the steps above. Ask students how much energy remains
in their bowl (if any). Ask them to predict how many years their energy sources would last.
Tell students to place ALL candies back into one bowl. Add three jelly beans to each groups bowl.
Explain to students that as time went on their town has become better able to predict how much
energy it needs. Explain to them that they will still transfer candy, but each year are only required to
get 2 pieces of candy per person.
Set the timer for 15 seconds. Remind students they may only use their suction – NO HANDS!
Allow students to extract their energy for 15 seconds, transferring 2 candies per person into the
cup. Ask students if all groups met their energy needs of 2 candies per person? How many candies
remain in their original bowl?
Candy Collector
Candy Collector is a fun game
to introduce students to
the terms “renewable and
“nonrenewable. Students
will get a closer look at
how long energy sources
will last when using only
nonrenewable sources,
and when incorporating
renewable sources of energy.
Grade Levels
Elementary, grades 3-5
Intermediate, grades 6-8
Secondary, grade 9
2 Preparation
5-10 minutes
30-45 minutes
62 Energy Games and Icebreakers
Ask groups to discard ONLY the M&Ms from their cup into the discard bowl. The jelly beans represent renewable resources and may be
placed back into the original full bowl to be gathered for future years!
Complete three more 15-second “years”, each time discarding the M&Ms and returning the jelly beans. Ask students if their energy candy
will last longer knowing they can reuse the jelly beans? How many “years” might their candy last?
Explain to the class the denitions of renewable and nonrenewable energy sources. Ask the class which candies represent renewable
energy sources, and which candies represent the nonrenewable energy sources. Discuss as a class how this game is similar and dierent
to using energy sources in the real world.
Have students graph their results on a class spreadsheet for each round. Groups can use the graphs to compare and discuss strategies,
successes, and challenges experienced by each group, and create mathematical models to predict how long each candy will last.
Adjust the numbers of candies for each round and the time in a year to suit the coordination of your students.
Play another round where certain bowls have dierent numbers of candies of both types. Ask students to describe how this situation
might be more similar to the real world.
© 2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 63
Energy Games and Icebreakers
Evaluation Form
State: ___________ Grade Level: ___________ Number of Students: __________
1. Did you conduct all of the activities? If no, specify which ones below. Yes No
2. Were the instructions clear and easy to follow? Yes No
3. Did the activities meet your academic objectives? Yes No
4. Were the activities age appropriate? Yes No
5. Were the allotted times sucient to conduct the activities? Yes No
6. Were the activities easy to use? Yes No
7. Was the preparation required acceptable for the activities? Yes No
8. Were the students interested and motivated? Yes No
9. Was the energy knowledge content age appropriate? Yes No
10. Would you teach these activities again? Yes No
Please explain any ‘no’ statement below.
How would you rate the activities overall? excellent good fair poor
How would your students rate the activities overall? excellent good fair poor
What would make the activities more useful to you?
Other Comments:
Please fax or mail to: The NEED Project
8408 Kao Circle
Manassas, VA 20110
FAX: 1-800-847-1820
National Sponsors and Partners
Air Equipment Company
Alaska Electric Light & Power Company
Albuquerque Public Schools
American Electric Power
American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers
Arizona Public Service
Armstrong Energy Corporation
Barnstable County, Massachusetts
Robert L. Bayless, Producer, LLC
BG Group/Shell
BP America Inc.
Blue Grass Energy
Cape Light Compact–Massachusetts
Central Falls School District
Chugach Electric Association, Inc.
Clean Energy Collective
Colonial Pipeline
Columbia Gas of Massachusetts
ConEdison Solutions
Cuesta College
David Petroleum Corporation
Desk and Derrick of Roswell, NM
Direct Energy
Dominion Energy
Donors Choose
Duke Energy
East Kentucky Power
Energy Market Authority – Singapore
Escambia County Public School Foundation
Exelon Foundation
Foundation for Environmental Education
The Franklin Institute
George Mason University – Environmental
Science and Policy
Gerald Harrington, Geologist
Government of Thailand–Energy Ministry
Green Power EMC
Guilford County Schools – North Carolina
Gulf Power
Hawaii Energy
Idaho National Laboratory
Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation
Illinois Institute of Technology
Independent Petroleum Association of New
James Madison University
Kentucky Department of Energy Development
and Independence
Kentucky Power – An AEP Company
Kentucky Utilities Company
League of United Latin American Citizens –
National Educational Service Centers
Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative
Llano Land and Exploration
Louisville Gas and Electric Company
Mississippi Development Authority–Energy
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community Foundation
Mojave Environmental Education Consortium
Mojave Unied School District
Montana Energy Education Council
The Mountain Institute
National Fuel
National Grid
National Hydropower Association
National Ocean Industries Association
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
NC Green Power
New Mexico Oil Corporation
New Mexico Landman’s Association
NextEra Energy Resources
Nicor Gas
Nisource Charitable Foundation
Noble Energy
Nolin Rural Electric Cooperative
Northern Rivers Family Services
North Carolina Department of Environmental
North Shore Gas
Oshore Technology Conference
Ohio Energy Project
Opterra Energy
Pacic Gas and Electric Company
Pecos Valley Energy Committee
Peoples Gas
Performance Services, Inc.
Petroleum Equipment and Services
Phillips 66
PowerSouth Energy Cooperative
Providence Public Schools
Quarto Publishing Group
Read & Stevens, Inc.
Renewable Energy Alaska Project
Rhode Island Oce of Energy Resources
Robert Armstrong
Roswell Geological Society
Salt River Project
Salt River Rural Electric Cooperative
Saudi Aramco
C.T. Seaver Trust
Secure Futures, LLC
Shell Chemicals
Sigora Solar
Singapore Ministry of Education
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Society of Petroleum Engineers – Middle East,
North Africa and South Asia
Solar City
David Sorenson
South Orange County Community College
Tennessee Department of Economic and
Community Development–Energy Division
Tesoro Foundation
Tri-State Generation and Transmission
TXU Energy
United Way of Greater Philadelphia and
Southern New Jersey
University of Kentucky
University of Maine
University of North Carolina
University of Tennessee
U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Department of Energy–Oce of Energy
Eciency and Renewable Energy
U.S. Department of Energy–Wind for Schools
U.S. Energy Information Administration
United States Virgin Islands Energy Oce
Wayne County Sustainable Energy
Western Massachusetts Electric Company
Yates Petroleum Corporation
©2017 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029