Journal of Road Safety – Volume 32, Issue 4, 2021
Road Safety Policy & Practice
What does it Take to Improve Road Safety in Asia?
Madan B. Regmi
Transport Division, United Nations, ESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand, Email: [email protected]
Key Findings
Critically reviews road safety policy and practices in Asian countries;
Despite government efforts, road fatalities are increasing in Asia;
Accurate fatality data, VRUs, long-haul trucks, leadership and stakeholder coordination are major issues;
Suggest taking comprehesive and holistic low-cost approach appropriate for LMICs along with best practice
successful demonstration LMIC road safety projects to improve safety.
Despite global, regional, and national efforts in reducing the number of road crashes, the number of fatalities from these
crashes is increasing globally as well as in Asia. The Asia-Pacic region currently accounts for 60% of global road
fatalities. There are wide variations in the number of road fatalities among the regions, subregions, and countries. Within
Asia, the South and South-West Asia subregion has the highest fatality rate of 20.3 fatalities per 100,000 population
followed by South-East Asia with a fatality rate of 17.8 per 100,000 population. This paper reviews and analyses the
road safety situation and implementation of road safety policies and practices in Asian countries. Identied are distinct
risk factors that demand priority consideration. Some of the actions suggested for improving road safety in Asia are:
Ensuring the availability of accurate road safety data, addressing the challenges of Vulnerable Road Users and powered
two-wheelers, changing behaviors of road users and long haul drivers, ensuring safety features in trunk routes, improving
infrastructure and facilities for non-motorised and public transport in cities, prioritising safety in rural and remote areas,
empowering road safety institutions with accountability, focusing on low-cost solutions, and advocacy and education.
Road safety, fatalities, Asia, policies, vulnerable road users, data, governance
Road safety has attracted considerable global, regional and
national attention after the adoption of the period 2011-
2020 as the Decade of Action for Road Safety (WHO,
2011), the inclusion of road safety in two targets of the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) (UN, 2015) and
the adoption of several resolutions on road safety by the
United Nations. Asian countries are implementing various
road safety policies, action plans and projects. Despite
these efforts, the number of road crashes and fatalities
is increasing in Asia (WHO, 2018), with the fatality rate
being especially high in many Asian countries. Progress in
improving road safety varies between countries (Wegman,
The rst Decade of Action (2011-2020) has ended with
many Asian countries missing the SDG target 3.6 to halve
the number of global deaths and injuries from road trafc
crashes by 2020. Given that road crashes still represent
a leading cause of mortality, the United Nations again
proclaimed the period 2021-2030 as the Second Decade
of Action for Road Safety with the objective of reducing
fatalities and injuries by 50% by 2030 and encouraging
efforts to improve road safety in developing countries (UN,
2020). Development of a new global plan of action for the
second decade is progressing and provides the opportunity
for countries to rene their national road safety policies
and practices to reduce trafc crashes, injuries, and
fatalities. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has
Received: 27/06/2021; Received in revised form: 7/07/2021; Accepted: 10/07/2021;
Available on-Line: 10/11/2021
Copyright: © The Author(s). 2021 This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are credited.
Journal of Road Safety – Volume 32, Issue 4, 2021
also recently published “Towards the 12 voluntary global
targets for road safety, a guidance note on 12 road safety
risk factors which were identied by several members of
the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (Van den
Berghe, et al., 2020).
A revisit of national policies and action plans, tackling
of key risk factors and a thorough analysis of local
environment and practices is necessary to determine why
global and national responses to road safety did not bring
anticipated results.
In this context, the paper reviews the current situation of
road safety in Asia and analyses the challenges and causes
for limited progress. It will focus on identifying key risk
National Capacity Building Workshop on Road Safety, 19-22 March 2019, Kathmandu
factors and potential low-cost priority areas to improve
road safety.
The paper includes both quantitative and qualitative
analyses of road safety data, policies, and practices. It
reviews the road safety situation and implementation of
road safety policies, action plans and practices in Asian
countries. It also reviews relevant materials and literature
on road safety and compiles some good practices in the
Asian context. It utilises information from WHO and
country reports, and data and feedback received from road
safety stakeholders at three meetings held in Kathmandu
Figure 1: Fatalities per 100,000 population (Source: WHO, 2015 and 2018)
Page 3 of 17
Figure 1: Fatalities per 100,000 population (Source: WHO, 2015 and 2018) 96
Figure 2 shows the fatalities from road crashes from 2007 to 2016 in the Asia-Pacific region. The 98
trend is uneven. While there was some progress in the reduction of road fatalities between 2010 and 99
2013, fatalities increased by 10.8% from 2013 to 2016. 100
Figure 2: Fatalities from road crashes (Sources: WHO reports 2009, 2013, 2015 and 2018) 104
Figure 3 shows the estimated fatalities and fatality rate per 100,000 population for selected Asian 106
countries in 2016. The fatality rate is very high for Thailand (32.7), Vietnam (26.6), India (22.6), 107
Myanmar (19.9) and China (18.2). Pakistan’s fatality rate is moderate, but it faces additional safety 108
Global Asia-Pacifc Pacific East & North-
East Asia
North & Central
South-East Asia South & South-
West Asia
Fatalaties per 100,000 population
2013 2016
2007 2010 2013 2016
No. of fatalities
Figure 2: Fatalities from road crashes (Sources: WHO reports 2009, 2013, 2015 and 2018)
Page 3 of 17
Figure 1: Fatalities per 100,000 population (Source: WHO, 2015 and 2018) 96
Figure 2 shows the fatalities from road crashes from 2007 to 2016 in the Asia-Pacific region. The 98
trend is uneven. While there was some progress in the reduction of road fatalities between 2010 and 99
2013, fatalities increased by 10.8% from 2013 to 2016. 100
Figure 2: Fatalities from road crashes (Sources: WHO reports 2009, 2013, 2015 and 2018) 104
Figure 3 shows the estimated fatalities and fatality rate per 100,000 population for selected Asian 106
countries in 2016. The fatality rate is very high for Thailand (32.7), Vietnam (26.6), India (22.6), 107
Myanmar (19.9) and China (18.2). Pakistan’s fatality rate is moderate, but it faces additional safety 108
Global Asia-Pacifc Pacific East & North-
East Asia
North & Central
South-East Asia South & South-
West Asia
Fatalaties per 100,000 population
2013 2016
2007 2010 2013 2016
No. of fatalities
Journal of Road Safety – Volume 32, Issue 4, 2021
Figure: 3: Estimated road fatalities in Asian countries (Source: WHO, 2018)
Page 4 of 17
and security challenges due to the ongoing effects of the war on terror (Nazir et al, 2016). In terms 109
of aggregate numbers, the number of fatalities is very high in India (299,091) and China (256,180). 110
Figure: 3: Estimated road fatalities in Asian countries (Source: WHO, 2018) 114
Figure 4 shows the trends of fatality rates from road crashes in South Asian countries. There are 116
some recent downward trends in Afghanistan, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. For other countries, 117
the fatality rate has an upward trend. 118
Sri Lanka
Russian Federation
Fatalaties rate per 100,00 population
Number of fatalities
Number of Fatalities Fatality rate
Figure 4: Road fatality trend in South Asia (Sources: WHO reports, 2009, 2013, 2015 & 2018)
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Journal of Road Safety – Volume 32, Issue 4, 2021
New Delhi
, and Bangkok
. Based on the analysis, policy
suggestions are made to improve road safety.
Road Safety Situation in Asia
The Asia-Pacic region accounts for more than 60% of
1.35 million estimated global fatalities from road crashes
(WHO, 2018). The fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants for
the region is 18.35, which is slightly higher than the global
average (18.14). Road safety presents a large challenge
to Asian countries which are paying a high price for it
(Wismans et al., 2016). In the majority of road crashes,
fatalities and serious injuries are preventable by reducing
the risk factors.
Figure 1 shows estimated fatality rates for 2013 and 2016. It
shows some reduction of these rates in East and North-East
Asia, North and Central Asia and South-East Asia. But
the fatality rate has increased globally, in the Asia-Pacic
region, as well as in South and South-West Asia. South and
South-West Asia and South-East Asia subregions had high
fatality rates of 20.3 and 17.8 respectively for 2016.
Figure 2 shows the fatalities from road crashes from 2007
to 2016 in the Asia-Pacic region. The trend is uneven.
While there was some progress in the reduction of road
fatalities between 2010 and 2013, fatalities increased by
10.8% from 2013 to 2016.
Figure 3 shows the estimated fatalities and fatality rate per
100,000 population for selected Asian countries in 2016.
The fatality rate is very high for Thailand (32.7), Vietnam
(26.6), India (22.6), Myanmar (19.9) and China (18.2).
Pakistans fatality rate is moderate, but it faces additional
safety and security challenges due to the ongoing effects of
the war on terror (Nazir et al, 2016). In terms of aggregate
numbers, the number of fatalities is very high in India
(299,091) and China (256,180).
Figure 4 shows the trends of fatality rates from road
crashes in South Asian countries. There are some recent
downward trends in Afghanistan, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri
Lanka. For other countries, the fatality rate has an upward
This high number of fatalities in Asian countries calls for
a lot more focused and targeted polices and actions at the
national level to improve road safety.
Ideally no one should be killed in a road crash. Some
developed countries are pursuing ambitious safety plan
and policies of vision zero (Kristianssen et. al, 2018). The
assessment of road safety in Asia revealed that instead of
decreasing, road fatalities are increasing in many
Conference on Safe Mobility and Regional Connectivity, 20 22 January 2020, New Delhi
ATRANS Conference, 4 December 2020, Bangkok
countries. The following sections present a broad analysis
with respect to progress, road safety policies and practices,
vulnerable road users, road safety in urban areas, data, and
investment and governance.
Assessment of Progress
Table 1 shows the comparison of fatalities for Asian
countries for the year 2010 and 2016. Only Maldives,
Indonesia and Singapore showed meaningful reductions.
However, the overall fatalities increased by 25% in South-
Asia with only a reduction of 3% in South-East Asia.
The number of fatalities increased signicantly in the
Philippines, Myanmar, Bhutan, and Bangladesh. Brunei
Number of
Fatalities in
Number of
in 2016
Afghanistan 6,209 5,230 -16%
Bangladesh 17,289 24,954 44%
Bhutan 96 139 45%
India 231,027 299,091 29%
Maldives 6 4 -33%
Nepal 4,787 4,622 -3%
Pakistan 30,131 27,582 -8%
Sri Lanka 2,854 3,096 8%
292,399 364,718 25%
Cambodia 2,431 2,803 15%
Indonesia 42,434 31,726 -25%
Laos 1,266 1,120 -12%
Malaysia 7,085 7,374 4%
Myanmar 7,177 10,540 47%
Philippines 8,499 12,690 49%
Singapore 259 155 -40%
Thailand 26,316 22,491 -15%
Vietnam 21,651 24,970 15%
117,118 113,869 -3%
Total 409,517 478,587 17%
Table 1: Comparison of number of fatalities in selected
(Source: WHO, 2013 and 2018)
Journal of Road Safety – Volume 32, Issue 4, 2021
also made substantial progress in reducing fatalities, from
47 to 13 from 2011 to 2019, a reduction of 72% (The Star,
2020). Despite the high number of fatalities in India, road
safety has not received priority attention, and thus requires
more political attention and commitment (Singh, 2017).
Road Safety Polices and Practices
Asian countries have been implementing subregional
frameworks (e.g. ASEAN Secretariat, 2016) and national
road safety polices and action plans (e.g. MORTH, 2010,
MOPTM, 2013). Most of these national policies, and
action plans are aligned with the ve safety pillars of the
global plan for the Decade: (i) road safety management;
(ii) safer vehicles; (iii) safer users; (iv) safer roads; and (v)
post-crash care (WHO, 2011). However, while it is good to
have national strategies and policies, their implementation,
monitoring and follow-up has been lacking in many cases.
It is evident
that many Asian countries have been
implementing similar activities and projects to improve
road safety. Most national level activities focused on
developing policies and strategies, improving black spots,
capacity building, road safety campaigns and awareness
raising, adding safety features to infrastructure, and
developing regulations and guidelines. It is promising to
see the comprehensive list of national road safety activities
implemented, but these efforts have not led to a substantial
reduction in the number of crashes and fatalities. But it
can be argued that these road safety activities have helped
to slow down the rate of crashes and fatalities in some
countries. Consequently, in absence of these road safety
policies and activities, the number of crashes and resulting
fatalities could have been much higher.
Drink driving and speeding are two major causes for
crashes in many countries, limiting speed, placing speed
breakers in dangerous areas, strict enforcement of drink
driving, and social engagement appear to be effective.
For example, Kathmandu implemented a successful “Anti
Drink Driving Campaign”, whereby trafc police were
provided incentives to enforce the law and received 25%
of the penalty charged to the offenders. The programme
was very effective in reducing crashes, serious injuries and
fatalities and received positive feedback resulting in its
continuance (Chand, 2015). To support this initiative some
restaurants in Kathmandu have now started arranging
drivers for their drinking patrons. Common now is that
one person in the group of friends would volunteer not to
drink, i.e. designated driver. Drink driving offenders also
need to attend a road safety course at the trafc ofce.
Brunei adopted a comprehensive safe system approach
and has managed to tackle road safety challenges (Haque
and Haque, 2018). Its fatality rate indicates that it now the
leader in South-East Asia and is now rapidly approaching
Australias rate. Furthermore, there is a proposal to use a
Presentations by national road safety experts at the New Delhi Conference.
road safety development index (Chen et al., 2017) to track
progress towards road safety goals in South-East Asia.
Singapore is also taking a safe system approach.
Thailand has made some progress in reducing the number
of fatalities, but the fatality rate of 32.7 per 100,000
population is the highest in Asia. Most of the fatalities
relate to two major cultural events in Thailand – the Thai
New Year (April) and the Gregorian calendar New Year
(January). Data indicates that speed, drink, and careless
driving were the main causes of road crashes during these
festive periods. There was an increase of 9% in fatalities
during the New Year holiday period in 2021 compared
to 2020 (Bangkok Post, 2020). A recent review of 12
of the WHO voluntary road safety targets in Thailand
recommended the creation of strong leadership and high-
level support for road safety improvements, formation of a
more effective lead agency for road safety, a much stronger
focus on implementation, development of intermediate
indicators to help achieve targets and the establishment of
an effective capacity-building framework (WHO, 2020).
Due to the lack of strict enforcement of trafc laws of
unauthorised use of footpaths by motorcycles, vendors,
street food stalls, such use is a common sight in many
Asian cities such as Dhaka, Bangkok, Jakarta, and
Kathmandu. These activities obstruct the use of footpaths
by pedestrians and pose safety risks when pedestrians have
to use the road with other motorised trafc. Advocacy and
awareness campaigns targeting road users and drivers with
smart policing and innovative enforcement of trafc rules
related to the use of seat belts, child restraints and helmets,
drug use, mobile phone use, speeding, and drink driving
can enhance road safety (Kuo and Lord, 2019).
One of the common concerns in countries which have hilly
and mountainous terrain like Nepal is the high number
of casualties per crash. The authorities sometimes heed
to the pressure of politicians and open new stretches of
road still under construction, risking the lives of potential
users. Proper safety audit of roads in remote hilly terrain,
implementation of safety features such as road barriers,
regular safety inspection of vehicles, enhanced driver
training, advocacy and enforcement of trafc rules can
help improve safety in these types of terrains.
Effective post-crash care can save lives. Tamil Nadu State,
India focused on improving post-crash care and reducing
response time when there is a crash injury. The response
time for an ambulance to reach the crash site was reduced
to 10 minutes. A network of trauma centres provide
primary care to stabilise the victim and refer victims to
nearby or other hospitals (Balasubramanian, 2020).
Inuencing the behaviour of Vulnerable Road Users
(VRUs) and young driver’s through education and
awareness campaigns can help reduce crashes and
Journal of Road Safety – Volume 32, Issue 4, 2021
fatalities. The “Our Road Our Lives” community
engagement campaign in Madhya Pradesh, India targets
VRUs and young drivers to encourage safe behaviour
(Sanghi, 2020). The programme demonstrated that
continuous community engagement, road safety awareness
campaigns at schools and in communities can improve
pedestrian behaviours, such as making them more aware
and thus careful while crossing roads and using pedestrian
foot paths. Another important risk factor is the fatigue of
long-haul drivers on major trunk routes. One community
in Madhya Pradesh, India invited heavy truck drivers to
take a short break and offered them refreshment, which
reduced fatigue and contributed to a substantial reduction
of crashes involving trucks and thus fatalities along that
stretch of the road that implemented the program.
Vulnerable Road Users
In recent years, road safety experts have highlighted the
need to target safety measures which protect Vulnerable
Road Users (VRUs). VRUs include pedestrians, cyclists
and powered 2 and 3 wheelers. Powered-two-wheelers
offer a low-cost mobility option for many citizens in South
Asia and South-East Asia. Their popularity is partly due to
economic prosperity, the lack of accessible public transport
and their ability to slip through congested streets. Table 2
shows the total vehicle eet and number of powered two
and three wheelers. It shows that the share of powered
two and three wheelers range from 54% to 93% in Asian
countries. Its share is 93% in Vietnam, 84% in Myanmar,
83% in Indonesia, 80% in Maldives and 73% in India. The
share of two wheelers is low in Afghanistan, Bhutan, and
Table 3 shows the share of road trafc deaths by user types.
VRUs account for 54.8% of fatalities in the Asia-Pacic
region and 75.2% of fatalities in South-East Asia.
Given the high percentage of powered two- and three-
wheelers in Asian countries and the high share of fatalities
among VRUs, road safety in cities can be substantially
improved by accommodating the infrastructure needs of
VRUs and providing adequate space for non-motorised
transport (NMT) modes (Mohan et al., 2020). While
there has been greater focus on the enforcement of helmet
use for riders and pillion riders, it is also important that
the helmet meets a quality standard. But many Asian
countries do not have specied helmet standards as well
as a lack of regulation and enforcement of helmet use. It
is equally important to address other risk factors related
to infrastructure and their integration into policies.
For example, some Asian cities have banned the use of
motorcycles in cities (Yangon), and exclusive lanes for two-
wheelers have been developed and planned in Malaysia.
Vietnam provides a good example of the use of helmets
where the compliance of helmet use soared to 92.5% after
the introduction of a mandatory helmet law (Nguyen et al.,
2013). However, there are questions about the standards
and quality of helmets available in markets in Vietnam as
Powered 2- and 3-
number of
vehicle eet
Number Share
Afghanistan 655,357 68,090 10.39%
Bangladesh 2,879,708 1,980,246 68.77%
Bhutan 86,981 9,786 11.25%
India 210,023,289 154,297,746 73.47%
Maldives 92,983 75,053 80.72%
Nepal 2,339,169 1,547,312 66.15%
Pakistan 18,352,500 13,538,200 73.77%
Sri Lanka 6,795,469 4,815,617 70.87%
Sub -total
South Asia
241,225,456 176,332,050 73.10%
Cambodia 3,751,715 2,714,193 72.35%
Indonesia 128,398,594 106,570,833 83.00%
Laos 1,850,020 1,422,869 76.91%
Malaysia 27,613,120 12,677,041 45.91%
Myanmar 6,381,136 5,391,505 84.49%
Philippines 9,251,565 5,329,770 57.61%
Singapore 933,534 142,439 15.26%
Thailand 37,338,139 20,407,296 54.66%
Vietnam 50,666,855 47,131,928 93.02%
266,184,678 201,787,874 75.81%
Total 507,410,134 378,119,924 74.52%
Table 2: Share of 2 and 3 wheelers in vehicle eet, 2016
Source: WHO, 2018
Ty p e Global
4-wheeled vehicles 25.3% 20.2% 7.1%
Others/unspecies 21.5% 24.9% 17.8%
Pedestrians 20.6% 13.5% 10.7%
Cyclists 2.7% 2.1% 2.8%
Powered 2 and 3
29.3% 39.2% 61.7%
Total for VRUs 52.6% 54.8% 75.2%
Table 3: Share of fatalities by type of users, 2016
Source: WHO, 2018
Journal of Road Safety – Volume 32, Issue 4, 2021
well as other Asian countries.
Additional efforts are required to reduce risk to VRUs as
these modes constitute the highest share of urban travel
and a high percentage of fatalities (Larson and Henning,
2013; Mohan, 2011; Houque et al., 2008; Gutierrez and
Mohan, 2020). Yet specic issues related to VRUs are not
part of the WHOs 12 voluntary road safety targets (Van
den Berghe et. al., 2020). Addressing the safety of VRUs
presents an opportunity to substantially reduce fatalities
and is also a relatively low-cost option.
Road Safety in Urban Areas
Safety is one of the indicators of the Sustainable Urban
Transport Index (SUTI) (Gudmundsson and Regmi, 2017).
The assessment of safety of urban mobility in selected
cities (Regmi, 2020) and their comparison with their
respective national road fatality rates is shown in Table 4.
For most of the cities the fatality rates from road crashes
are better than the national road fatality rate. This could
be partly due to the concentration of population in cities
slower vehicle speed resulting from trafc congestion,
strict enforcement of trafc rules, and awareness of trafc
rules among urban residents. However, the fatality rates in
Dhaka, Greater Jakarta, and Khulna, are surprisingly low
and suggest the possibility of under-reporting.
Transport policies need to embrace the tenets of safe and
sustainable mobility by prioritising public transport and
discouraging personal mobility (Stevenson and Bhalla,
2020). In many Indian cities fatalities are 30% higher
than the national average (Mohan et al., 2020). One of the
options for improving road safety in cities is to enhance
accessibility of public transport systems and integrating
with facilities for NMT (Duduta et al., 2014, Mohan et al.,
2020). This is useful in the current context of COVD-19 to
maintain physical distance as well as to reduce number of
private vehicles in streets which can contribute to reducing
the number road crashes. Informal (unregulated smaller
vehicle) transport is prevalent in many Asian cities and
complement public transport. However, quality of service
and safety is also a major concern (Phun and Yai, 2016).
For countries with lower fatality rates in cities, there may
be a need to be prioritisation and implementation of safety
measures for roads in remote areas and rural roads.
Road Safety Data
The availability of periodic and accurate road safety data
greatly assists with implementing evidence based polices
and monitoring progress. But there are often discrepancies
among the road safety data and underreporting of
crashes, injuries and fatalities is frequent. Country data is
modelled in WHO reports which takes into consideration
the possibility of underreporting. Table 5 shows reported
Fatality gure divided by population in city gives a low fatality rate.
WHO issues global status report on road safety every two year.
and estimated fatality data for some Asian countries. The
difference between reported and estimated data ranges
from 1.5 to 10 times multiplier. For example, the estimated
fatalities is almost double the reported number of fatalities
in India and Myanmar, almost three times that ofcially
reported in Vietnam, more than three times that ofcially
reported in Afghanistan, more than six times that ofcially
reported in Pakistan and more than 10 times that ofcially
reported in Bangladesh (WHO, 2018). Police and hospitals
are usually the primary sources of national road safety
The most current fatality data available in 2021 is presently
provided in the 2018 WHO report
which in turn is based
on the analysis of 2016 data. This is a data lag of 4 years.
Furthermore, there is often a discrepancy between date
sources reporting fatalities for the lower and middle
income countries (LMICs). It is worth noting that fatality
data presented by LMICs at recent road safety meetings
are often different than that reported and estimated in the
WHO reports. In the absence of accurate data, the planning
and monitoring of progress becomes difcult. WHO
reports are widely used and referred to by researchers,
regional and international organisations.
Table 4: Fatality rate per 100,000 population in cities
and their respective country
City, Country
rate, city
fatality rate
Tehran, Iran 7.4 20.5
Colombo, Sri Lanka 8.3 14.9
Kathmandu, Nepal 7 15.9
Surat, India 4.6 22.6
Bhopal, India 9 22.6
Thimphu, Bhutan 8 17.4
Dhaka, Bangladesh 1.6 15.3
Khulna, Bangladesh 1.9 15.3
Bangkok, Thailand 10.3 32.7
Greater Jakarta, Indonesia 1.9 12.2
Yangon, Myanmar 8.6 19.9
Hanoi, Vietnam 6 26.4
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam 8 26.4
Bandung, Indonesia 4.3 12.2
Surabaya, Indonesia 6.4 12.2
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 9.7 16.9
(Source ESCAP city assessment reports and WHO, 2018)
Journal of Road Safety – Volume 32, Issue 4, 2021
The importance of accurate crash and fatality data has
been discussed on many occasions and at many fora,
but it is still a persistent issue. Some researchers have
questioned the quality of road safety data in Asia in WHO
reports and stressed the need to harmonise road trafc
fatality data (Phathai, 2019, Mohan, 2011). Additional
efforts and resources are necessary to ensure availability of
accurate and up-to-date road safety data. This can ensure
development of evidence-based national road safety polices
and plans based on accurate data.
Investment for Road Safety and Governance
Many researchers had called for increased institutional
capacity and scaled up implementation and investment
for improving road safety (Bliss and Breen, 2017). Recent
reports on road safety set high investment needs for
delivering road safety (World Bank, 2020a, 2020b, 2020c,
2020d and 2020e). To reducing the road crash fatalities
by half by 2030 in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal
the estimated investment needs are US$118 billion. The
majority of investment is targeted at facilitating transport
along major highway corridors and for four-wheeled
vehicles. It is worth noting that four-wheelers only account
for 20% of fatalities in the Asia-Pacic region and just
7% in South-East Asia. On the other hand, the share of
VRUs fatality is 55% in the Asia-Pacic region and 75%
in South-Asia. Low-cost measures can be employed to
address fatalities from road crashes involving VRUs in
most Asian countries. In the current context of COVID-
19, there have been calls to give more emphasis to active
mobility in order to facilitate social distancing. Improving
infrastructure and facilities for pedestrians, cyclists, and
motorcyclists can provide low-cost mobility solutions in
cities and reduce signicant numbers of fatalities (Leather
et al., 2011, Mohan, 2011).
Most of the support provided by development partners
focus on soft issues such as the development of national
polices, strategies and action plans to improve road
safety in LMICs (Pedan and Puvanachandra, 2019).
Most road safety projects are either a component of
larger infrastructure projects or soft capacity building
projects. Comprehensive result oriented standalone road
safety projects can be more effective. The United Nations
partnered with local stakeholders in Nepal and organised
a national workshop to develop a new road safety action
plan for 2021-2030 (MOPIT, 2020). Governments need to
commit resources for the implementation of action plans.
It is usually observed that some countries lack adequate
implementation and absorptive capacity, as seen from
ratio of actual expenditure against allocated budget. For
example, a recent report from Nepal suggested that only
14% of development funds on road safety were expended
during a period of six months (Ratopati, 2020). Therefore,
in addition to the funding, strengthening implementation
capacity of national road safety institutions would be
To translate high-level commitment to road safety into
actions and monitor progress, Bangladesh, Myanmar,
Nepal and Sri Lanka have established National Road
Safety Councils (Ashrafuzzaman et al., 2020; Khin, 2020).
But the results of councils’ actions are yet to be seen. In
many cases these high-level safety councils do not meet
frequently, and it takes considerable time to translate the
decisions into actions in the eld. Therefore, these high-
level institutions need to be supported by strengthened
institutional arrangements to pursue national policies into
actions in the eld.
Road safety involves many national and local level
government institutions such as transport, police, hospitals,
and schools. Lack of a lead road safety agency at the
national level in many countries adds to governance,
coordination and accountability challenges for road safety
planning and management (Eusofe and Evdorides, 2017).
This calls for a strong national safety leadership and cross-
sector collaboration. Further, networking and collaboration
among countries and safety research institutes with shared
projects funding can ensure implementation of the safe
systems approach in Asia (Abdelhamid et. al., 2018, World
Bank, 2019).
Key Findings
This paper identied the following major safety issues in
Asian countries:
The number of road crash fatalities is increasing in
many Asian countries.
A lack of periodic and accurate road safety data and
data analysis for focused and targeted road safety
number of
number of
Ratio of
to reported
Afghanistan 1,565 5,230 3.34
Bangladesh 2,376 24,954 10.50
India 150,785 299,091 1.98
Nepal 2,006 4,622 2.30
Pakistan 4,448 27,582 6.20
Cambodia 1,852 2,803
Myanmar 4,887 10,540
Vietnam 8,417 24,970
Table 5: Difference between reported and modelled
fatality data, 2016
Source: WHO, 2018
Journal of Road Safety – Volume 32, Issue 4, 2021
The share of fatalities among VRUs, NMT, and
long-haul trucks along trunk routes is high and which
includes a high share of powered 2 and 3 wheelers in
vehicle eets.
A lack of effective implementation of polices and
activities to improve road safety and thus there needs to
be more focus on development of effective policies and
planning to reduce road fatalities.
A lack of systemic investment in low-cost solutions
such as tackling the issues of VRUs and NMT as
well as a lack of advocacy, awareness campaigns and
enforcement of safety rules and regulations.
A lack of national lead safety agencies with
strong leadership, accountability and cross- sector
Availability of many best practice successful
demonstration road safety projects within Asia thus
providing opportunities for other Asian neighbouring
countries to learn from the experiences of the country
carrying out the project.
The track record of road safety efforts in Asia is mixed,
with some countries making a little progress against a
background of increasing road fatalities. The core question
is how can Asian countries improve road safety? Do the
countries need to plan and implement road safety activities
Most of the national road safety policies and action plans
of Asian countries were aligned with the recommended
ve safety pillars. It was evident that countries were
implementing road safety policies and activities, but
without substantial reduction in the number of road crashes
and fatalities. In some cases, the response seems to be
reactive to one or two major crashes. It is now critical for
countries to shift the focus on rening policies and plans
with emphasis on achieving results. The availability of
accurate road safety data and their analysis is essential
for evidence-based planning. By focusing on critical risk
areas and taking both holistic top-down and bottom-up
approaches, Asian countries need to plan and implement
activities differently to achieve results. Development of
robust monitoring framework can help track results.
The onus on planning and implementing holistic and
comprehensive road safety policies and strategies rests
with national road safety authorities and institutions.
From the results of the last Decade, it is clear that there is
no room for complacency. The new plan of action being
developed for the second Decade continue to focus on
the safe system approach that needs high level political
support and good governance. Countries and stakeholders
can utilise available guidelines (ADB, 2012; Small and
Runji, 2014; WHO-ROSEA, 2015; and Van den Berghe,
2020) and frameworks (ESCAP, 2019a and ESCAP, 2020)
to rene national polices and strategies for improving
road safety. Some of the frameworks provide guidance on
specic challenges such as institutional issues (Small and
Runji, 2014), impaired driving (ESCAP, 2019b), managing
speed (ESCAP, 2019c), safe road infrastructure (UNRSC,
2020) and targeting the ve risk factors for improving road
safety (Hyder et al., 2017, WHO-ROSEA, 2015, Pedan and
Puvanachandra, 2019). Countries could also consider new
approaches in enforcing seat belt use, speed management,
and their relationship in tackling road safety (Mwebesa et
al., 2018, Gupta et al., 2017) and exploring the interactions
between road safety risk and inuencing factors (Shah et
al., 2018).
While it is difcult to prescribe a one-t-all strategy,
this review suggests that future national plans should
include elements of data, address the issues of VRUs
and urban safety, improve coordination, governance and
accountability of road safety institutions, consider low-cost
innovative solutions such as improved enforcement of
trafc rules (related to use of seat belt, child restraint and
helmets, drug use, mobile phone use, speeding, drink
driving), advocacy, education and awareness training,
changing road users behaviours, use of technology, and
post-crash care.
A review of road safety in Asian countries was presented.
Implementation of road safety policies and action plans
in most countries have not led to an overall reduction in
fatalities from road crashes. Many Asian countries like
Thailand, Vietnam, India, Myanmar and China continue
to have high fatality rates. Compared with 2010, the
number of fatalities from road crashes increased by 25%
in South Asia and only reduced 3% in South-East Asia.
Countries such as Singapore, Maldives and Indonesia have
managed to reduce fatalities, but fatalities increased in the
Philippines, Myanmar, Bhutan, and Bangladesh.
Some of the distinct characteristics of the road safety
problem in Asia are a high share of powered two- and
three- wheeler vehicles in their vehicle eets, more
fatalities among VRUs, high number of fatalities per
crashes in countries with mountainous terrain, high
number of crashes involving truck drivers on major trunk
routes, high speed and careless driving during festive
seasons and lack of accurate and timely road safety data.
In many cases, countries also lack a systematic and holistic
approach to tackle these road safety issues.
The new Decade of Action for Road Safety (2021-2030),
with the target to reduce fatalities and serious injury from
road crashes by 50% by 2030, provides new opportunity
for countries to translate their commitments to results. The
target translates to a 7.5% annual reduction for the next 10
years. Only the effective implementation of comprehensive
national road safety strategies taking a safe system
approach, reducing risk factors, and addressing the distinct
Journal of Road Safety – Volume 32, Issue 4, 2021
characteristics identied in this paper can contribute to
the reduction of serious injuries, and fatalities. Some good
practices from Asia discussed in the paper are: success of a
comprehensive safe system approach in Brunei, helmet use
compliance in Vietnam; success of “Anti Drink and Drive
Campaign” in Kathmandu, Nepal, reduction of response
time of emergency care in Tamil Nadu, India and enforcing
rest time for long route truck drivers in India. There are
ample benets of learning from these good practices and
other successful demonstration projects in Asian countries.
Replication of good practices can be one of the effective
ways to address road safety challenges.
An empowered and accountable road safety lead agency
at the national level supported by road safety stakeholders
and with a focus on low-cost strategies such as advocacy
and education of users and drivers, enforcement of trafc
rules, focus on VRUs, prioritising safety in remote and
rural areas, and the provision of safe infrastructure for
NMT and public transport, can help make up for lost
opportunities during the last decade.
The author appreciates the feedback received from the
policy makers, experts, and stakeholders at three road
safety meetings. The views expressed in this paper are of
the author and do not necessarily reect the views of the
United Nations. This research did not receive any specic
grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or
not-for-prot sectors. The author would like to thank Fuyo
Jenny Yamamoto for her support in editing the paper.
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