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Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308
Technical Report
April 2019
International Best Practices for
Implementing and Designing
Renewable Portfolio Standard
Jenny Heeter
Bethany Speer,
and Mark B. Glick
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Hawaii Natural Energy Institute
NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL) at
Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
15013 Denver West Parkway
Golden, CO 80401
303-275-3000 •
Technical Report
April 2019
Bethany Speer,
and Mark B. Glick
Hawaii Natural Energy Institute
. International Best Practices for
Policies. 2019. Golden, CO: National Renewable
This work was authored, in part, by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, operated by Alliance for Sustainable
Energy, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308. Funding
provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under Contract No. IAG-17-2050.The
views expressed in the article do not necessarily represent the views of the DOE or the U.S. Government including
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This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is a national laboratory of the U.S.
Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, operated by the
Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. With U.S. Government Support, NREL collaborates with
the Vietnam Low Emission Energy Program to provide technical assistance to the Government
of Vietnam in strengthening its enabling environment, including its power sector planning
processes, for renewable energy development.
The Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (HNEI), a research unit of the School of Ocean and Earth
Science and Technology, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, conducts research of state, national
and international importance to develop, test and evaluate novel renewable energy technologies.
The Institute leverages its in-house work with public-private partnerships to demonstrate real-
world operations and enable integration of emerging technologies into the energy mix. Founded
in 1974, HNEI was established in statute in 2007 with an expanded mandate to coordinate with
state and federal agencies. In this capacity, HNEI develops, deploys and demonstrates renewable
energy systems and supports energy transitions, often through partnerships with industry and
government, including state, national and international jurisdictions and organizations.
For review of the paper, the authors thank Warren Leon, Clean Energy States Alliance; Ed Holt,
Ed Holt and Associates; Dan Bilello, Sadie Cox, and Emily Newes, NREL; and Son Ha-Dang
and Khanh Tuong Nguyen, Vietnam Low Emission Energy Program. For editorial support the
authors thank Lauryn Dempsey and Mike Meshek (NREL).
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Key RPS Design Elements and Best Practices ................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Use Analysis to Inform RPS Design ........................................................................................... 4
2.2 Gather Stakeholder Input in Developing Targets and RPS Design ............................................... 6
2.3 Identify Eligible Renewable Resource Types and Ages ............................................................... 6
2.4 Clearly Define the RPS ................................................................................................................. 7
2.5 Ensure Compliance via Enforcement ............................................................................................ 9
2.6 Provide a Cost-Containment Mechanism .................................................................................... 10
3 Policy and Procurement Mechanism Interactions ........................................................................................ 12
3.1 Renewable Energy Auctions ....................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Renewable Energy Compensation Policies ................................................................................. 13
3.3 Transmission Planning ................................................................................................................ 14
3.4 Other Policy Interactions ............................................................................................................. 15
4 International RPS Examples ........................................................................................................................... 16
4.1 United States ............................................................................................................................... 16
4.2 Mexico ......................................................................................................................................... 18
4.3 China ........................................................................................................................................... 18
4.4 Korea ........................................................................................................................................... 19
4.5 Australia ...................................................................................................................................... 20
4.6 Philippines ................................................................................................................................... 21
4.7 Summary of International RPS Examples
................................................................................... 22
5 References ......................................................................................................................................................... 23
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List of Figures
Figure 1. Distribution of RPS targets internationally, by terminal year date and
percentage of renewable energy ...................................................................................................... 1
Figure 2. Types of renewable energy potential ............................................................................... 5
Figure 3. Map of state RPSs ......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 4. Growth in non-hydropower renewable generation from 2000 to 2016 ......................... 17
Figure 5. Annual and cumulative RPS capacity additions by technology .................................... 17
Figure 6. Progress toward the 2020 renewable energy target: January 2017–June 2018 ............. 21
List of Tables
Table 1. RPS Targets in Asia .......................................................................................................... 2
Table 2. Examples of Key Components of an RPS ........................................................................ 4
Table 3. Korea’s RPS Interim Targets .......................................................................................... 19
Table 4. Korea’s REC Weighting Scheme ................................................................................... 20
Table 5. Country-Specific Examples of How an RPS Can be Structured .................................... 22
List of Text Boxes
Text Box 1. Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Tracking ....................................................... 10
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1 Introduction
Renewable energy targets have been around since the 1970s and have taken several forms,
including renewable energy action plans, government announcements, and renewable portfolio
standards (IRENA 2015). In this report, we focus on one subset of renewable energy targets:
renewable portfolio standards (RPSs). An RPS is a public policy tool requiring a certain amount
of renewable electricity relative to the entire electricity supply. RPSs are an enforceable form of
renewable energy targets (IRENA 2017); in order to be termed an RPS, there must be a
compliance penalty for non-performance. As of April 2017, 173 countries had set some form of
renewable energy target (IRENA 2017). Of those countries, at least 67 countries had set targets
for renewable capacity or generation (IRENA 2017).
RPSs vary in their end or “terminal” year and percentage of renewable electricity required. Most
countries have set RPSs at or below 30%, with terminal dates of 2020 and 2030 being the most
common (Figure 1)
Figure 1. Distribution of RPS targets internationally, by terminal year date and
percentage of renewable energy
Source: REN21 2017
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
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Within Asia, RPS targets vary from 10% to 30%, with target years between 2020 and 2050
(Table 1).
Table 1. RPS Targets in Asia
Country Target Year
Bangladesh 10% 2020
China 20% 2030
Indonesia 25% 2025
Republic of Korea 11% 2030
Lao People's Democratic Republic 30% 2025
Philippines (draft policy) 35% 2030
Vietnam 20% 2050
Note: Thailand has a 30% target by 2036 as part of its Power Development Plan but the target is not an RPS.
Source: REN21 2017
RPS policies are all unique: different political motivations, target types, and technology
approaches exist. For example, political jurisdictions may implement an RPS because of a desire
for self-sufficiency, carbon emissions reductions/environmental protection, green jobs, economic
development, improvement to the balance of trade, reduction in price volatility, or other reasons.
These goals can serve as a starting point when considering the design of an RPS. An RPS can set
a share of energy demand (e.g. 20% of electricity supply) or fixed amount of energy production
or consumption (in GW or GWh) (IRENA 2017). An RPS can also be technology-agnostic or
specific, and it is typically a percentage of retail sales, which includes sales from conventional
As RPSs expand globally, individual countries are working to incorporate them into their energy
sector planning. In Vietnam, the government announced an updated plan for electricity
development and renewable energy use.
The plan calls for (1) increasing electricity supply (from
~39,000 megawatts (MW) in 2015 to 60,000 MW in 2020 and ~130,000 MW in 2030) and (2)
increasing the share of electricity generated from renewable energy (from 6.5% in 2020 to 10.7%
in 2030). The Prime Minister approved the country’s Renewable Energy Development Strategy,
which regulates the RPS for 2020, 2030, and 2050.
To ensure successful implementation of the RPS and other policies, the Government of Vietnam
requested a policy study examining effective RPS policies globally. The key findings of that
study, which were delivered to the Government of Vietnam, are described in this report, the
purpose of which is to provide an overview of RPSs internationally and to highlight key design
elements and best practices for RPSs. This report includes a discussion of the other polices that
can support RPS fulfillment. It draws on case studies of policies in the United States, Mexico,
China, Korea, Australia, and the Philippines.
The Government of Vietnam announced this as part of the Revised National Power Development Plan VII (in short
“the Revised PDP-7”).
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2 Key RPS Design Elements and Best Practices
RPS policies vary internationally, but all are grounded in common elements generally designed
to achieve the desired underlying policy objectives at the least cost. Common elements include a
target, a target year, list of eligible renewable technologies, consideration of renewable imports,
and a compliance and enforcement structure:
RPS targets are typically set as a production target (in MWh). Setting a production target
in megawatt-hours incentivizes project developers to use equipment and installations that
maximize renewable energy generation. In some cases, targets have been set in
megawatts (MW) (capacity). Though setting a capacity target may be less
administratively complex, it does not consider how much electricity is actually produced.
Thus, it could incentivize generators to come online but perhaps be located in areas with
lower-quality resources (e.g., areas lacking steady winds) or in areas with high
congestion, resulting in curtailment of renewable generation.
RPS targets are typically established on an annual basis with an end-year target. For
example, the RPS target may be 30% of annual retail electricity sales in 2030, starting at
20% in 2020 and increasing 1% annually to reach the 30% end-year target. This provides
certainty to project developers. All areas, but especially those with rapid load growth
where end-year retail sales may be difficult to forecast, may need to develop mechanisms
to determine the actual megawatt-hours required based on defined data sources (e.g. retail
sales reports) and defined time frames (e.g. within one quarter after the calendar year
RPS policies provide a list of eligible technologies. Because stakeholders may have
different definitions of “renewable,” having a list of eligible technologies is essential for
tracking compliance. In some cases, countries are establishing “clean” portfolio standards
that include nuclear generation. In addition to which types of technologies are eligible,
RPSs define any temporal constraints. For example, the RPS may include only renewable
generation produced after the RPS was enacted.
RPS policies determine whether renewable imports are eligible. The RPS can also be
designed to either include or exclude renewable generation that is imported from a
neighboring country or region, as (1) in some regions, significant amounts of electricity
may already be imported, (2) renewable energy resources may be able to be developed at
lower costs in other regions and then imported, and (3) legal, contract, or other
restrictions may prohibit discriminating against electricity imports. In contrast, some RPS
policies exclude renewable imports to support local industry and create jobs in-country,
or for other reasons.
A compliance and enforcement structure is essential to assure investors that a market
for renewable technologies will exist over the life of their investment. An RPS is most
impactful for mobilizing private sector investment if it is legally binding to reduce the
likelihood of changes to the policy (IRENA 2017).
Examples of these common elements are provided in Table 2.
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Table 2. Examples of Key Components of an RPS
Key Component
20% renewable electricity by 2050
Interim schedule
5% renewable electricity by 2020, 10% by 2030, 15% by 2040
Eligible resources
All solar photovoltaics, wind, biomass, and hydropower facilities less than 10
MW that began commercial operation on or after July 1, 2019
Compliance entities
All load-serving electricity companies with more than 50,000 customers
Regulatory entity
Public Utilities Commission
Penalties for
In this section, we describe the key elements of RPS design along with RPS best practices,
including (1) using analysis to inform RPS design, (2) gathering stakeholder input in developing
targets, (3) identifying eligible renewable resource types and vintages, (4) clearly defining the
RPS, (5) enforcing compliance, and (6) providing a cost-containment provision.
2.1 Use Analysis to Inform RPS Design
Ideally, analysis is done before the RPS is established; however, RPSs have sometimes been
implemented quickly without much analysis. With better planning tools and economic data on
renewables, setting the upper limits and interim targets of RPS policy can be informed by
analysis of the technical and economic potential of renewable resources within the political
jurisdiction. A fundamental question is the potential amount and value of renewable generating
capacity. Renewable energy potential can be examined in multiple ways:
Resource potential includes consideration of physical constraints, physical potential, and
the energy content of the resource. For example, solar irradiance measures how much
power per unit area is hitting the earth’s surface (e.g., in units of kWh/m
/day) and is key
to establishing solar capacity values. Measurements can also consider cloud cover,
atmospheric water vapor and trace gasses, and other physical features that limit resource
potential. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the World Bank, and
others have developed resource potential maps and Geographic Information System
(GIS) tools. See and for more information.
Technical potential further restricts resource potential to consider only areas where the
resource could technically operate. These factors could include topographic constraints,
land-use constraints, and system performance considerations. For example, solar PV
modules cannot be installed on steep hillsides and may be restricted on federally
protected land.
Economic potential determines how much of the renewable resource is cost-competitive.
For example, though there may be ample off-shore wind resource and technical potential,
the costs may be too high, at least in the short term, to have much economic potential.
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The cost of any required infrastructure improvements, such as new transmission lines,
can also be included when examining economic potential. Because economic potential
will vary depending on technology costs, it is important to consider how these costs may
change over time. To the extent that an RPS has multiple policy objectives (e.g.,
promoting the use of distributed generation, supporting new technologies), economic
potential would be based on an assessment of how the additional objectives could be
achieved as cost-effectively as possible for each of the resource options of the desired
portfolio (Leon 2012).
Market potential limits the renewable resources to those resource with economic
potential that can be implemented in light of any existing policy, regulatory, or finance
restrictions. For example, although a country might have large economic potential for
large-scale hydropower facilities, other restrictions, such as the need to relocate impacted
human populations, may in practice reduce the amount of large-scale hydropower
The hierarchy of the different potential classifications and key assumptions within each are
summarized in Figure 2. Understanding each level of potential (resource, technical, economic,
and market) can help shape an effective RPS.
Figure 2. Types of renewable energy potential
Source: Lopez et al. 2012
When considering high rates of renewable penetration an understanding of electrical grid
operational constraints based on load analysis and other modeling can be completed to ensure
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system reliability.
Operational constraints will differ based on the types of renewable energy
resources used, the percentage target, and other factors. Capacity expansion, production cost and
optimization models, and scenario analysis can support an overall assessment of cost-effective,
grid-connected renewable energy potential that can inform the selection of RPS targets.
2.2 Gather Stakeholder Input in Developing Targets and RPS Design
After analysis is completed, ultimate decisions will need to be made about the key elements
to be specified in the RPS. Because RPS implementation is a long-term process that requires
coordination and support among diverse parties, having stakeholder input and buy-in during the
target development process can lead to smoother policy implementation and sustained support. If
the process involves such things as legislation and rulemaking, the involvement of stakeholders
in preparing the policy may prove critical to adoption of the policy.
For example, in Vietnam, a balanced working group of RPS stakeholders could be assembled to
communicate with the Electricity and Renewable Energy Agency (EREA) about vetting the
design. Such a working group may include any obligated entity (e.g., the utility), the energy
regulator, the grid manager (e.g., the National Load Dispatch Center in Vietnam), renewable and
non-renewable industry representatives, academia, representatives of consumer groups, as well
as appropriate local, state, and federal policymakers. Because stakeholders come from diverse
academic and professional backgrounds, working group members can be selected so that their
experience and knowledge levels cover the technical review tasks and various aspects of the
policy framework. For example, individuals with renewable resource siting and generating
background and experience might gauge the technical feasibility, while community leaders,
consumer advocates, and policymakers would anticipate and mitigate potential barriers that may
need to be addressed to ensure implementation.
2.3 Identify Eligible Renewable Resource Types and Ages
Countries have defined eligible resources in different ways in order to meet their policy
objectives. Policy objectives could include job creation, economic benefits, air quality benefits,
or other objectives. Typically, RPSs define renewable resources to include solar, wind,
geothermal, hydropower, and biomass. However, many countries restrict which renewable
resources can be used based on costs, environmental impact, or other country objectives, for
example, encouraging technologies that could better provide economic development or jobs
benefits. Often, hydropower resources are limited to those with minimal environmental impact,
for example, run-of-river hydropower. Hydropower projects may also be limited by the system
size (e.g., 10 MW). Biomass resources may be restricted based on their carbon footprint, though
that determination may be contentious, as different stakeholders may have different perspective
on methods for examining carbon impacts.
Countries may consider providing mandates for individual technology types. In the United
States, states commonly have a “carve-out” of their RPS policy for solar generation. Technology
carve-outs can ensure the desired diversity of generating technologies; rather than a singular
focus on the least cost option. Renewable energy diversity could be encouraged to limit over-
reliance on a single resource option, which could result in more intermittency than if
See, for example, Energy Transition Initiative (2017) for details on Hawaii’s distributed generation
planning efforts.
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complementary resources are encouraged (e.g. if solar is peaking in midday and wind is peaking
at night).
Countries may also want to consider limiting undesirable renewable energy projects. For
example, if the country has a greenhouse gas reduction goal, it may want to restrict renewable
energy projects that are built on forests or farmland, as cutting down trees and other vegetation
would reduce the carbon reduction benefit of the renewable energy project. Countries may adopt
complementary policies to address land use issues.
Finally, RPS polices may consider the age of qualifying renewable generators. For example,
some countries may wish to include only generators that were installed after the RPS policy was
established. Other RPS policies may establish a target that includes existing renewable resources
and allows all existing and future renewable resources to qualify. Existing renewable energy
projects may be fully paid for through preexisting contracts and may not require additional
payments or contracts to be economically viable. The age of eligible generators can be an
important consideration if the policy goal of the RPS is to drive new renewable energy
generation. Countries may want to (1) consider setting a higher target and including existing
renewable energy generators or (2) consider setting a lower target and excluding existing
renewable generators. If the country does wish to include older renewable energy generators, it
could create a separate tier for these generators so that they are not competing directly with new
2.4 Clearly Define the RPS
Whether an RPS is established by statute, regulation or executive order, it is important that
the authorizing language be clearly defined and unambiguous to avoid misinterpretation or
misunderstanding by energy stakeholders and the public. Essential components that require
clear definition include:
1. Allowable resource types
2. Timing of the interim and final targets
3. Specific entities to be held accountable for meeting targets and the method of
compliance, reporting, and enforcement
4. Whether targets apply to all renewable generation—however defined—or only new
5. Exclusions or waivers, with attention to loopholes that might have unintended
Obligated Entities
Typically, RPSs are applied to entities that supply electricity to consumers. In a regulated
electricity market, this would be the monopoly utility. In a restructured electricity market, it
would be a retail electric supplier. Utilities and retail electric suppliers already procure electricity
supply for their customers, and so may have the required capabilities and finance to procure
renewable energy. In contrast, if an RPS obligation is placed on individual generating units, such
as in Korea (see section 4.4) those units may not know how much renewable energy to procure,
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as they do not have information about retail sales. Generating units may also not have a
contracting pathway to ensure the renewable energy is delivered to customers.
In some cases, large customers procuring their own electricity must also comply with RPS
requirements. This is the case, for example, in Mexico. Large customers there may procure
electricity via a power purchase agreement (PPA) with a renewable generator or via an electricity
supplier that provides a specified percentage of renewable energy in its supply. For more on
corporate procurement of renewable energy internationally, see Bird et al. (2017).
Policymakers can consider exemptions to the RPS when it may be reasonably expected to create
an economic hardship to the electricity consumer or utility. RPS policies may consider the
unknown cost of integrating renewable energy into the grid by providing exemptions for some
utilities or customer types. For example, in the United States, some states have exempted small
electricity suppliers (e.g., those that have less than a certain number of customers), particularly in
remote locations, where renewable resources may be more difficult to develop or higher cost.
Other entities may be exempt if the energy law or regulation does not or cannot apply to them.
Determining the Target Timing
Introducing an RPS may require some significant preparation time. The first compliance year
may need to be years after the RPS law is passed. This will provide time for obligated entities to
develop a compliance strategy, let some existing electricity contracts lapse, and allow time for
new renewable energy projects to be built.
In order to support market development, RPSs also typically specify interim targets. Without
this, compliance entities may under-procure renewable energy and be unable to meet a final
target obligation. For example, if there is only one mandated target, 30% by 2030, and no interim
targets were established, such as 20% by 2020, increasing one percentage point per year until
2030, compliance entities may reach 2030 and already have procured non-renewable resources to
meet their load.
A final timing issue can exist when the RPS target is based on a percentage of retail sales.
Because a year’s final retail sales figures will be unavailable until after the year is concluded,
compliance entities may need some time, for example, in the first quarter of the following year,
to make sure their RPS purchases fulfill their obligation. This can be especially true in retail
choice markets where a year’s retail sales are more unpredictable than in a monopoly utility
market. Rapid load growth may also lead to uncertainty about how much renewable energy will
be required.
Existing or New Contracts
Policymakers should consider existing energy supply contracts when setting the final and interim
targets of an RPS. Compliance entities may have existing power contracts or own non-renewable
generation that has not recovered all its costs. To ensure the RPS can be met, compliance entities
may be required to file an RPS compliance plan with their energy regulator. Such a plan would
include details about how the compliance entity plans to transition from its existing power
contracts and supply.
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Another option to address existing contracts is to make the RPS apply only to new contracts and
renewable energy resources. Policymakers and regulators could work together to determine
whether exempting existing contracts would still allow enough renewable generation to come
online to meet the RPS.
2.5 Ensure Compliance via Enforcement
Oversight and enforcement are required for an RPS to be effective at deploying new renewable
resources and meeting targets. Investors need to be confident a renewable energy market will
exist over the life of the investment before making what in many cases are very large capital
expenditures. Therefore, the methodology for assessing and verifying compliance needs to be
clear, and it must ensure a designated oversight governmental body or authoritative entity that
can enforce all penalties prescribed according to the RPS policy. Without these measures, critical
investments may not be made due to lack of investor confidence and the RPS would function
more as an aspiration rather than a firm, irrefutable objective on which renewable developers and
investors could not rely.
Typically, compliance and enforcement are functions of the regulatory body that oversees
electricity or energy. The RPS can set a schedule for the compliance entity to file reports (usually
annually) to the regulatory body on its performance and progress toward interim targets. The
reporting will depend on how the compliance entity procures renewable energy, its market
structure, and other factors. For example, if the compliance entity is a monopoly utility that
procures renewable energy vis-à-vis PPAs, an annual report might include both (1) an update on
the amount of renewable energy produced during the year relative to the next interim target and
(2) a copy of any contracts for renewable energy that were signed during the reporting year.
Monopoly utilities may also own their renewable generation assets directly. In addition to
providing contracting information, monopoly utilities would need to show some documentation
via a meter reading or other measure, that the energy owned or contracted for was actually
delivered. Another option to show compliance is to require compliance to be demonstrated with
the use of renewable energy certificates (RECs), and defining a REC as the environmental
attributes of one MWh from an eligible generator. Compliance entities could then show proof of
RECs via a REC tracking system account. (See Text Box 1 for details on international tracking
If the regulatory body determines that the compliance entity has not met its obligations, a penalty
or other means to address enforcement of the requirement can help ensure future annual targets
will be met. Penalties established via law or regulation provide certainty that they will be
enforced. One type of penalty is the alternative compliance payment (ACP). If the RPS requires
a certain number of megawatt-hours of renewable electricity, an ACP might specify that the
compliance entity must pay a penalty, such as $100 for each MWh out of compliance. Regulators
may find that a declining ACP schedule is appropriate, given anticipated declines in renewable
energy costs. An ACP could start at a particular level and decline over time (e.g., starting at
$100/MWh in the first year and declining by $10/MWh per year before plateauing at $50/MWh
in all subsequent years). In the United States, ACPs have been structured so that they differ for
solar carve-outs and the main tier of the RPS, in recognition that solar costs have historically
been higher than costs of main tier resources (primarily wind).
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Other types of penalties could be used for noncompliance. For example, in California, there is
not an ACP, but regulators are allowed to assess fees on the utility for noncompliance. The fees
cannot be passed on to ratepayers but instead must be absorbed by the utility’s shareholders.
Text Box 1. Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Tracking
Around the globe, there are systems to track RECs, which may also be termed “energy attribute
certificates”, “green energy certificates” or other terms. While some operate in multiple countries,
others are country-specific. Tracking systems are electronic registries and as such, require software
and database expertise to develop. Typically, a third-party with expertise in software and database
development will develop and maintain the tracking system. The government may fund the third-party
directly or have it funded via participant fees. In the United States, most tracking systems have a
governance board that sets and revises operations protocols. Governments and other users of the
tracking system participate in the governance. Tracking systems that cover multiple regions include:
International REC (I-REC) Standard: This standard was developed by a nonprofit organization as a
framework for standardization across REC tracking systems. It supports issuing, tracking and
redeeming RECs in 24 countries as of February 2019. It provides a central tracking platform that
local tracking systems may use.
Tradable Instruments for Global Renewables (TIGRs): Developed by environmental registry
service provider APX, TIGRs are energy attribute certificates hosted on a tracking platform and
with certain standards for eligible generation types. TIGRs are predominantly used in Southeast
Asia (e.g., Singapore and Philippines).
Country-specific REC tracking systems include the following:
1. Australia’s Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) and small-scale technology certificates
(STCs): In Australia, the government supports a REC registry that tracks and allows for the transfer
of LGCs and STCs. LGCs are used to demonstrate compliance with the country’s renewable
energy target. They have broad resource eligibility and are produced by over 500 generators and
target wholesale markets with minimum parcel sizes of 5,000 certificates.
2. Mexicos Certificados de Energía Limpia (CELs): These certificates were established for
compliance with national clean energy requirements for corporate and industrial customers. CELs
have broad resource eligibility, including nuclear and cogeneration in addition to renewable
generation, though the formula for calculating CEL generation favors renewables and distributed
3. South Africa’s zaRECS: The zaRECs market has 29 registered generators and is based on the
European Energy Certificate System.
4. United States’ RECs: REC markets were established for compliance with state-level RPSs and
voluntary markets.
Source: IRENA (2018)
2.6 Provide a Cost-Containment Mechanism
Given uncertainty in future generation costs, most RPSs have a cost containment mechanism.
This mechanism ensures customers are protected from excessive cost increases associated with
the policy by lawfully exempting the obligated entity from complying with the RPS during that
reporting period.
Common ways to cap costs include:
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Alternative Compliance Payment (ACP): As discussed in the previous section, an ACP
places a ceiling on the cost of compliance as entities are allowed to pay the ACP in lieu
of contracting for renewable generation. This makes the ACP effectively a cap on the
cost of compliance because obligated entities will not pay more for RECs than the ACP.
Cost Cap: Retail rate caps are designed to ensure end-use consumer electricity rates do
not rise above a specified percentage or dollar amount. Rate caps are typically structured
to examine the incremental costs of the RPS compared to the cost of retail electricity
service. Obligated entities are exempt from RPS procurement to the extent that
incremental costs exceed the retail rate cap. Retail rate caps can be challenging to
calculate, as the rates are based on “incremental RPS costs;” those costs need to be
calculated based on what the compliance entity would have done absent an RPS policy
(Heeter et al. 2014). For example, the cost of renewable procurement would be compared
to the projected cost of the resource the compliance entity would have used without the
RPS mandate. Because that purchase did not actually occur, the cost has to be estimated.
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3 Policy and Procurement Mechanism Interactions
Setting an RPS target is only one step in supporting renewable energy deployment. It may be
desirable to also develop policies and procurement strategies that enable financing of new
renewable energy projects. Renewable energy developers need a clear, often long-term method
to be compensated for the electricity produced. As of early 2015, at least 60 countries were
addressing the need for long-term financing by using renewable energy auctions to procure
renewable energy (IRENA and CEM 2015). Some countries have mandates for renewable
energy auctions that can work either separately from or in conjunction with an RPS. In other
countries, feed-in-tariffs, bilateral contracting, and/or competitive solicitations are used for RPS
procurement (Kreycik, Couture, and Cory 2011). These renewable procurement options are also
used in countries without an RPS. This section highlights policies and procurement mechanisms
that can assist in RPS implementation.
3.1 Renewable Energy Auctions
Renewable energy auctions are one way to provide long-term contracts for renewable energy that
can then be used to meet an RPS. Without long-term contracts, the revenue a project will receive
via energy sales is uncertain. Long-term contracting is important so that project developers can
provide the revenue certainty needed to secure project financing. Renewable energy auctions can
be structured in multiple ways. Internationally, it is common for a utility or government to issue
a solicitation for a certain amount of capacity or generation. Project developers then submit their
price bids, and bids are selected based on cost and possibly other criteria (IRENA and CEM
2015). Auctions may include a component that screens developer qualifications before allowing
them to bid. After that, bidders are allowed to submit sealed-bids; selection is done based on
price alone. In this way, auctions allow for both price competition and greater price transparency
and discovery than other procurement avenues.
Key considerations for auctions include:
Ensure a Sufficiently Large Marketplace: Without a significant pool of bidders, pricing
will not be competitive. Factors that impact market size include the timing of the auction
as well as the amount of renewable energy being purchased (Kreycik, Couture, and Cory
Mitigate Against Project Failure: If bidders bid at too low a price, they may not have the
funds needed to build their projects. To ensure against project failure, the auction could
require that winning bidders be penalized for noncompliance. Winning bidders could
be required to post a construction bond to ensure funds are available to assess
Lower Transaction Costs by Streamlining Procurement: Developing a bid may be time-
consuming, especially for new project developers. This has the effect of limiting the
market to more experienced developers, which could result in less price competition.
Reverse auctions create a streamlined process that may minimize costs to bidders (Cox et
al. 2015).
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3.2 Distributed Renewable Energy Generation Compensation Policies
Generation from on-site distributed generation is typically allowed in an RPS. A method for
compensating these distributed generation systems for their electricity output is needed, as they
will not be selling directly to a wholesale market or utility. Common compensation policies
include policies such as a feed-in-tariff (FIT) and net metering.
FITs provide administratively set prices for renewable energy compensation (e.g., 10 cents per
kilowatt-hour) under a long-term, fixed-price contract. Renewable developers see benefits from
a FIT because their long-term revenue is relatively fixed, allowing them to gain access to
financing. From an administrative and economic perspective, setting and adjusting FIT pricing
can be challenging, particularly with declining renewables costs. That means that once the tariff
is set, it could provide less or more compensation than developers need to finance their projects.
According to Cox and Esterly (2016), key components of FIT design—some of which address
some of the previously mentioned challenges—include:
Setting and Revising FIT Payment Levels: FIT payments can be set based on the
technology type and market status. Policymakers may want to decrease the FIT payments
as renewable energy costs decline.
Providing a Cost Containment Approach: This can be done by limiting either the capacity
of projects that will be eligible for the FIT or the total funding available through the FIT
Establishing long-term contracts and guaranteeing grid access.
Net metering policies provide another method for compensating distributed renewable energy
generation. Customers receive either a monetary or a kilowatt-hour reduction in their monthly
bill for generation consumed, while the excess is exported to the grid.
Key components of net metering design include:
Determining the Compensation Rate: In the United States, net metering compensation is
usually set at the retail rate, though other methodologies exist. Some utilities compensate
distributed generation at a time-of-use rate, which can be favorable to solar if the solar
peak coincides with the peak time-of-use rate. Utilities and policymakers may also want
to consider how their rates may incentivize the use of storage paired with distributed
generation. For example, net metering policies that provide low compensation rates for
sending energy back to the grid at certain times may have the effect of incentivizing
distributed generation paired with storage.
Providing a Cost Containment Approach: Similar to FIT design, net metering policies can
cap the amount of generation allowed under the program (i.e., implementing a “program
cap”) and/or the size of individual generators allowed (Heeter et al. 2014).
Treatment of Excess Generation: When a customer generates more electricity than is
used, net metering policies can determine whether the generation is rolled over to the
next month, the next year, or indefinitely. Some policies proscribe that excess generation
FITs can also be used to compensate utility-scale generators.
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at the end of the year be compensated rather than continually rolled over to the next
For example, compensation policies played a key role in developing distributed energy in
Hawaii. Early-stage renewable energy growth there was primarily driven by customer
participation in net metering and standard interconnection agreement programs. Together, these
programs accounted for more than 90% of the distributed energy resources capacity installed in
the Hawaiian Electric Company service territories. The feed-in tariff program accounted for the
remainder. These programs were established to encourage customers to install distributed energy
resources with standardized agreements and simpler compensation mechanisms. The net
metering program was successful in creating a local market for distributed energy resources,
spurring such rapid growth that the 2015 interim RPS target of 15% was exceeded by 8.4%
(Energy Transition Initiative 2017).
3.3 Transmission Planning
Depending on the aggressiveness of the RPS and other factors, countries may want to consider
expanded transmission capacity. In particular, if renewable energy resources are far from where
energy demand is located, new transmission may be required (Cochran et al. 2012). Without
adequate transmission capacity to transport renewable energy to where it is needed, that
renewable energy may not be delivered. As a result, the RPS targets may not be met.
For example, transmission planning and stakeholder engagement efforts were successful in
enabling new transmission projects in Texas through its “competitive renewable energy zone”
(CREZ) process. Senate Bill 20 directed the state’s public utilities commission to develop a
CREZ process, ultimately leading to the development of transmission projects to transmit more
than 18,000 MW of wind from the western part of the state to the eastern part.
According to Cochran et al. (2012) and Lee, Flores-Espino and Hurlbut (2017), key components
of a renewable energy zone process include:
Delegating Planning Authority to One Centralized Institution: The goal here is to ensure
one institution has planning authority to streamline the planning process. This lead
organization can oversee planning and be responsible for its completion. Separate
working groups can be established to identify appropriate zones and modeling
transmission expansion options.
Allowing Public Input into Transmission Siting: Even when one institution leads the
planning process, engaging stakeholders throughout the process is still important.
Engaging the public can provide input into which locations might be available for
transmission development.
Aligning Planning of Timescales for Generation and Transmission Development:
Renewable energy projects can be developed in a few years, while constructing new
transmission typically takes 10 or more years, from start to finish. As a result, renewable
energy projects may be developed but be constrained by existing transmission capacity.
By speeding up transmission development, renewable energy projects and transmission
capacity timing can be aligned.
Net Metering,” NREL,
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In cases where transmission build out may be too costly or otherwise unfeasible, jurisdictions
may want to evaluate the benefits of off-grid or micro-grid solutions.
3.4 Other Policy Interactions
Countries may have complementary polices that interact with an RPS, including:
Tax Incentives: Providing tax incentives, such as the federal production tax credit in the
United States, to renewable energy projects improves the economic viability of renewable
energy projects. The tax code can also be used to provide property tax or other tax
exemptions for renewable energy projects.
Financial Incentives: These can include upfront payments for renewable energy
deployment, ongoing payments, or credit mechanisms such as loan programs, guarantees,
and credit enhancements (Cox 2016).
Carbon Reduction Policies: Cap-and-trade or carbon tax policies can effectively raise the
price of carbon-emitting generation, thereby making the price of renewable energy more
Energy Efficiency Mandates: Where an RPS is based on a percentage of retail sales,
if the amount of retail sales declines, the amount of renewable energy required would
decline accordingly. Setting an energy efficiency portfolio standard or target can be a
desirable strategy for areas with significant projected energy growth.
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4 International RPS Examples
The RPS case studies described in this section provide examples of the various ways RPSs
can be structured, given local power markets and government priorities. We review policies in
the United States, Mexico, China, Korea, and Australia to provide examples of policy structures.
We also discuss the draft RPS design in the Philippines in this section. Policy examples are
summarized in Table 5.
4.1 United States
The United States has both vertically integrated and restructured power markets, providing a
variety of policy examples. Policy structures vary in terms of targets, time frames, obligated
entities, technologies, vintages, locations, resource tiers/carveouts/multipliers,
mechanisms, contracting requirements, compliance mechanism, cost caps, and other features
(Barbose 2017).
In the United States, RPSs have been implemented at the state level since the 1980s. They are
enacted in 29 states and the District of Columbia (Figure 3), and they apply to 56% of total U.S.
retail electricity sales (Barbose 2017).
Figure 3. Map of state RPSs
Source: Barbose 2017
IOU = investor-owned utility
Since RPSs were initially adopted, policy details have evolved significantly. One key change
has been increased end-year targets, with states such as Hawaii (75% by 2040 and 100% by
2045), Vermont (75% by 2032), California (50% by 2030), and Oregon (50% by 2040) pursuing
Resource tiers or carveouts refers to a set percentage of the RPS that is dedicated to a particular resource type or
class of renewable energy (e.g. solar or distributed generation). Multipliers are incentives (e.g. 2x credit) for
particular resource types or classes.
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the highest penetration levels. About 18 states have established solar or distributed generation
RPSs have contributed to approximately 50% of total U.S. renewable energy generation growth
for renewable energy since 2000 (Barbose 2017). Total renewable energy growth actually
exceeded RPS requirements owing to voluntary corporate procurement and green power markets,
utility purchases of renewable energy based on economic decisions, and RPS requirements being
exceeded by obligated entities (Figure 4). Although historically wind was the primary resource
making up RPS requirements, today solar is contributing the most on a capacity basis, due to
solar carve-outs and the economic competitiveness of utility-scale solar in some markets (Figure
Figure 4. Growth in non-hydropower renewable generation from 2000 to 2016
Source: Barbose 2017 TWh = terawatt-hours
Figure 5. Annual and cumulative RPS capacity additions by technology
Source: Barbose 2017
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4.2 Mexico
In 2012, Mexico passed the General Climate Change Law with clean energy generation targets
( 2017). Then, beginning in 2013, Mexico began to undertake extensive constitutional
power sector reforms including separating generation and distribution and creating a wholesale
power market controlled by an independent grid operator. As part of those reforms, Mexico
established new clean energy targets for electricity generation: 25% by 2018, 30% by 2021, and
35% by 2024 (Zinaman et al. 2018).
Compliance entities include load-serving entities and large consumers that purchase energy from
the wholesale market. To comply, obligated entities must purchase clean energy certificates
(or CELscertificados de energías limpias in Spanish) which are akin to RECs and represent
one megawatt-hour of power generated without fossil fuels (IEA 2017). CELs can be purchased
separately from electricity through the wholesale market or together with electricity as part of
long-term PPAs, including via renewable energy auctions. The penalty for noncompliance is
$200 per certificate. Oversight is provided by the Comisión Reguladora de Energía (the
Commission on Energy Regulation, or CRE) (Zinaman et al. 2018). As of June 2017, Mexico
was well on its way to meeting its clean energy standard with renewable energy representing
20.82% of total electricity generation (Rodrigues 2017).
4.3 China
In 2016, China’s National Energy Administration adopted the 13
Renewable Energy
Development Five Year Plan, for 2016–2020. This plan established renewable energy targets
through 2020. The targets were to increase non-fossil energy to 15% by 2020 and 20% by 2030
(IEA 2018). And in 2018, the National Energy Administration released a draft national policy—
titled Renewable Portfolio Standard and Assessment Methods (NEA 2018)—that proposes key
changes to the renewable mandate, including the following:
1. Regulated Entities: Include provincial grid companies, distribution companies and retail
electricity companies, industrial users with captive power plants, and commercial and
industrial users who purchase power bilaterally.
2. Mandatory RPS with a Penalty System: State power grids will determine a replacement
REC price, and entities can buy replacement RECs to make up any shortcoming in their
obligation. If the mandate is not met, the government can delay approval of new fossil
fuel capacity, or it can reduce the approved capacity. For retail electricity companies that
do not comply, their market trading power can be reduced or canceled in the following
3. Shift from Capacity Targets to Generation Targets: The draft obligation is based on a
percentage of the megawatt-hours of renewable production compared to total electricity
sales. This is a shift from China’s earlier megawatt targets, which resulted in capacity
installations that suffered high levels of curtailment, in some cases (Hove and Wetzel
The draft policy also provides non-hydropower renewable energy power targets for 2020, by
province, along with 2018 targets (NEA 2018). According to the draft policy, all market entities
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in the same province have the same target. The 2018 targets average 9.4% and the 2020 targets
average 12.2% (Hove and Wetzel 2018).
4.4 Korea
Korea’s RPS was implemented beginning in 2012, and it has since been revised. The RPS
requires generation companies (gencos) with over 500 MW of capacity to procure a minimum of
10% of “new” and renewable energy by 2023. While the compliance entity is set at the genco
level, the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) has monopoly rights on transmission,
distribution, and retail sales and a near monopoly on generation.
The RPS includes annual interim targets (Table 3). The obligated entities can either produce
renewable energy or procure the power and RECs through the Korean Power Exchange, which is
the required forum for nearly all gencos to sell power, excluding those in island communities
(KEPCO 2018; Lee, Kim and Kim 2018). Penalties for noncompliance are a maximum of 150%
of trading prices of RECs. The penalty varies depending on the cause and frequency of
Table 3. Korea’s RPS Interim Targets
Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Source: KEPCO 2018
Examples of “new” energy include hydrogen, fuel cells, liquified coal, and other technologies.
The Korean definition of renewable energy includes solar, wind, water, marine, geothermal,
biomass, waste-to-energy, and other technologies. Rather than using carveouts, Korea is using
a weighted REC scheme
to incent investments in certain technologies and applications. For
example, floating solar PV, fuel cells, tidal waves, and energy storage connected to wind power
receive greater REC weights. See Table 4 for details on the weighting scheme.
Renewable energy suppliers smaller than 1 MW can opt to sell power to the Korea Electric
Power Corporation (KEPCO) via a PPA. Larger suppliers can use the Korean Power Exchange
to trade both power and RECs, with electricity prices being determined by the system marginal
price. Suppliers need to register their projects and apply to the Korea Energy Agency’s New and
Renewable Energy Center (KEMCO) to certify RECs within 90 days of the power being
generated. KEMCO issues RECs to qualifying suppliers within 30 days. However, given the
fluctuation in electricity prices, a recent change enabled renewable energy suppliers over 1 MW
to also bundle the sale of power and RECs via fixed price, 20-year contracts. This was done to
reduce the risk to renewable energy suppliers by providing stable revenue over the economic life
of a project.
Also referred to as a “multiplier” in the United States. Multipliers have been less common that the use of set-asides
or carve-outs for individual technologies in the United States (Wiser, Barbose, and Holt 2010).
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Table 4. Korea’s REC Weighting Scheme
Category REC
Energy Source and Criteria
Facility Type Criteria
Solar PV 1.2 Facility installed on general site Less than 100 kW
1.0 More than 100 kW
0.7 More than 3,000 kW
1.5 Facility installed on existing buildings Less than 3,000 kW
1.0 More than 3,000 kW
1.5 Facilities floating on the water
Others 0.25 Integrated gas combined cycle, byproduct gas
0.5 Waste, landfill gas
Hydro, onshore wind, bioenergy, refuse derived fuel, waste
gasification, and tidal power (with embankment)
1.5 Wood biomass
Offshore wind (grid connection of less than 5 km)
2.0 Fuel cell, tidal power
2.0 Offshore wind (grid connection of more than 5 km), geothermal, tidal
power (without embankment)
1.0-2.5 Energy storage systems (connected to
wind power)
Origination Year
5.5 2015
5.0 2016
4.5 2017
Source: KEPCO Research Institute 2018
4.5 Australia
In Australia, RPSs have been used at the federal and state levels. At the federal level, the
Renewable Energy Target (RET) went into effect in 2011. It requires compliance entities to
supply 16% renewable energy, which increases to 23.5% in 2020 (Clean Energy Regulator
2018a; IEA 2017a). Compliance entities are usually electricity retailers, which are defined as
any “individual or company who is the first person to acquire electricity on a grid which has an
installed capacity of 100 MW or more” (Clean Energy Regulator 2018a).
The RET includes one target for generation from large-scale generators and one from small-scale
generators. Targets use RECs to determine compliance based on the size of the generator, termed
large-scale generation certificates (LGCs) and small-scale technology certificates (STCs).
Compliance entities must retire a certain number of LGCs and STCs (IEA 2017a). LGCs are
issued for every megawatt-hour of large-scale renewable energy. STCs are issued to small-scale
generators upfront for estimated generation through 2030; the upfront issuance allows STC
developers (e.g., homeowners) to fund their purchases.
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If compliance is not met, a non-deductible shortfall charge must be paid, though 10% of a
shortfall can be carried forward to the following year with no penalty. Penalties are AUD 65
for each REC (IEA 2017a).
The policy does allow for exemptions by businesses involved with Emissions-Intensive Trade-
Exposed, or EITE, activities (Clean Energy Regulator 2018b). EITE industries are those with
high emissions that are price sensitive to international markets, for example, aluminum smelting.
The Clean Energy Regulator, which tracks progress toward the 2020 target, estimates that 6,400
MW of projects would be needed to meet the target. As of June 2018, there were 8,309 MW of
projects: 2,290 MW were in operation, 5,275 MW were committed, and 744 MW were probable
(Clean Energy Regulator 2018c). See Figure 6.
8,309 MW
Accredited Capacity Committed Capacity
2,290 MW 5,275 MW
Operating Firmly Announced
Figure 6. Progress toward the 2020 renewable energy target: January 2017June 2018
Source: Clean Energy Regulator 2018c
4.6 Philippines
While Philippines does not currently have an RPS, it has completed a draft design of an RPS.
Until recently, the Philippines had driven renewable energy development largely through a FIT
that provided a kilowatt-hour payment to qualified renewable energy generators. However, the
policy required interconnection to the grid before a project could be considered eligible, thus
putting considerable risk on the project developer. The tariff level was also aggressive, resulting
in a program that was ultimately oversubscribed and that left many projects stranded.
Given the political and cost challenges associated with a FIT, the Philippines government
decided to move toward an RPS—the first in Southeast Asia. The RPS, currently in draft form,
sets a 35% by 2030 target and requires distribution utilities, electric cooperatives, and retail
electricity suppliers to source a portion of their energy supply from eligible renewable energy
facilities. Eligible technologies include biomass, waste-to-energy, wind energy, solar energy,
run-of-river hydropower, impounded hydroelectric power systems, ocean energy, hybrid
systems, and geothermal. Eligible projects are issued RECs and can sell them to compliance
entities. Compliance entities may also source renewable energy from PPAs or from their own
The current target is set at 1% annual increments. However, this is estimated to only achieve a
23% penetration by 2030 and may not result in the building of renewable energy capacity
beyond business-as-usual projections. Annual increments may need to be raised if the 35% by
2030 target is to be reached (Duffy and Janubas 2018).
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4.7 Summary of International RPS Examples
Countries have set different RPS target levels and end years (Table 5). They provide examples of
how energy attributes have been used for demonstrating RPS compliance. They also highlight
how compliance penalties have been set, and which entities are required to comply with the RPS.
Table 5. Country-Specific Examples of How an RPS Can be Structured
(or State)
RPS Target
(End Year)
Energy Attribute
50% (2030) renewable energy
certificate (REC)
utilities (some smaller
utilities are exempt)
penalties at the
discretion of the
Mexico 35% (2024) clean energy
certificate (CELs)
load-serving entities
and large consumers
that purchase energy
from the wholesale
penalties of
(draft policy)
20% (2030) in development provincial grid
companies and retail
electricity companies,
industrial users with
captive power plants,
and commercial and
industrial users who
purchase power
requirement to buy
replacement RECs;
penalties can include
delay or cancellation
of fossil fuel capacity
or reduced market
trading power
Korea 11% (2030)
RECs self-generated
or purchased
generation companies
with over 500 MW of
maximum of 150% of
REC trading prices
are imposed for
amount of penalties
depends on causes
and frequency of
Australia 23.5%
RECs; up to 10% of
non-compliance may
be forgiven in year
one if the shortfall is
made up in the
following year
electricity retailers AUD 65 per REC
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
5 References
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