International Journal of Racket Sports Science
Volume 1, Issue 2
44 © 2019 IJRSS
Footwork technique used in elite table
tennis matches
Ivan Malagoli Lanzoni
, Michail Katsikadelis
, Gunter Straub
and Zoran Djokić
Department for Life Quality Studies, University of Bologna, Italy
School of Physical Education and Sport Science, University of Thrace, Greece
Association of German Table Tennis Coaches, Germany
Faculty of Sport and Tourism, University EDUCONS, Novi Sad, Serbia
Notational and Match analysis are very well-recognized methods to collect information about the most common
technical-tactical performance indicators in table tennis: footwork and stroke types. The aim of this study was to
compare footwork distributions in men (M) and women (W) elite table tennis competitions. Nine men’s and nine
women’s matches were analyzed. All players were in the top 120 (M) and 111 (W) positions of the ITTF world
ranking. An expert coach analyzed game video recordings in slow motion with the software Kinovea and collected
data about the footwork types used by the players during the games. The results showed differences between M
and W: M prefer to use one step (35.6%, W: 21.9%), W prefer to hit the ball without performing any step (W:
40.2%, M: 20.4%), the chassé is equally used (M: 19.7%, W: 21.7%), and the crossover is mainly used by M
(11.1%, W: 3.7%). The pivot is mainly used by M (9.9%, W: 7.8%), and W prefer the slide (4.9%, M: 3.2%). In
conclusion, this study can be useful for physical trainers, performance analysts, and coaches, to design specific
footwork training sessions for M and W elite table tennis players.
Keywords: Racket sports, Match Analysis, Notational Analysis, Footwork
Correspondence author: Ivan Malagoli Lanzoni
Cite this article as:
Malagoli Lanzoni, I., Katsikadelis, M., Straub, G., & Djokic, Z. (2019). Footwork technique used in elite table
tennis matches. International Journal of Racket Sports Science, 1(2), 44-48.
International Journal of Racket Sports Science 1 (2) Malagoli et al.
Table tennis is one of the most popular and played
racket sports in the world and has been included in the
Olympic programme since 1988. Technical and tactical
skills are very well recognised as the most important
performance factors in table tennis. They could be
evaluated using notational analysis in order to collect
and summarise sport-specific performance indicators
(Hughes, 1998; Hughes & Barlett, 2002). Stroke types
were examined comparing different table tennis groups
or individual players (Djokic, 2002; Drianovsky &
Otcheva, 2002; Zhang et al., 2014; Malagoli Lanzoni et
al., 2014).
Another crucial aspect of the specific technique is
the footwork performed before hitting the ball, as
using a proper footwork technique allows the athletes
to be in the best position for an effective shot (Malagoli
Lanzoni et al., 2007).
Fuchs et al. (2018) reviewed all the literature about
match analysis in table tennis, including a dedicated
paragraph about footwork analysis and its
development. In 2003, Tepper presented a basic
classification of the main steps used by table tennis
players. In 2007, Malagoli Lanzoni et al. suggested a
standard definition of the different types of steps used
by the athletes: one step, short steps (chassé, slide,
turn/pivot), crossover, and “stroke without step”.
Malagoli Lanzoni et al. (2007) collected data about
four top-class table tennis players, showing that the
most frequent steps are: one step (37.3%), turn/pivot
(21.1%), chassé (15.2%), stroke without step (11.5%),
slide (7.5%), and crossover (7.3%). In 2009, Malagoli
Lanzoni and Lobietti compared footwork techniques
used by two groups of international and national
players. Footwork analysis continued to evaluate
different kinds of steps in relationship with other
variables: shots and outcome of the rallies (Malagoli
Lanzoni et al., 2010), and different group of players
(Malagoli Lanzoni et al., 2013a, b, 2014).
To improve footwork technique, coaches use a large
variety of exercises focused on a similar distribution of
steps, for men and women, respectively, not clearly
distinguishing training sessions.
The purpose of this study was to compare footwork
distributions in men (M) and women (W) elite table
tennis competitions.
Nine M and nine W matches were randomly
selected, and one match per player was taken into
account. The 18 male players were in the first 120
positions of the ITTF official World Ranking, whereas
the 18 female players were in the first 111 positions
when the matches were played.
All players adopted an offensive playing style
because they did not use long-pimple rubbers, the
typical rubbers used by defenders, and they were not
using a backhand chop stroke when playing far from
the table.
All the players were rigth-handed, considering the
hand used to hold the racquet.
The mean ± SD age, height, and body mass were
29.8 ± 4.7 years, 179.5 ± 6.9 cm, 73.5 ± 5.8 kg for
males, and 24.3 ± 3.7 years, 162.9 ± 6.3 cm, 55.0 ±
5.0 kg for females.
The selected matches were played in the Olympic
Games, Team World Championships, ITTF Pro Tour
Circuit, ITTF World Cup, and Pro Tour Grand Finals.
The matches were downloaded from the official
websites and Each match
was analyzed in slow motion (0.2 recorded speed) with
the software Kinovea (
Data collection was carried out through a Visual
Basic-based application to create a data base directly in
the Microsoft Excel software. An experienced table
tennis coach collected the data about the footwork
technique used during the matches. Krippendorff’s
alpha (Krippendorff, 2004) was calculated to evaluate
intra-observer reliability. Alpha value can range
between -1 and 1, and 1 indicates perfect agreement.
For footwork type, alpha value was 0.99. Previous
studies showed a very good intra- and inter-observer
reliability of footwork types using the present
classification and methods (Malagoli Lanzoni et al.,
2012; 2014).
The statistical analysis was performed with the SPSS
statistical software, performing one way ANOVA with
significance indicated as p0.05*, p0.01**.
International Journal of Racket Sports Science 1 (2) Malagoli et al.
The classification of footworks included the
following categories (Malagoli Lanzoni et al., 2007):
one step (Fig. 1), chassé step (Fig. 2), slide step (Fig.
3), crossover (Fig. 4), pivot step (Fig. 5), and shot
without step (Fig. 6).
Figure 1. One step
Figure 2. Chassé step
Figure 3. Slide step
Figure 4. Crossover step
Figure 5. Pivot step
Figure 6. Shot without step
A total of 18 matches (M = 9, W = 9), 96 sets (M =
50, W = 46), 1713 rallies (M = 902, W = 811), and
7095 steps (M = 3322, W = 3773) were considered.
One way ANOVA showed significant differences (p
0.05*, p 0.01**) between M and W in the
distribution of footwork types.
Table 1 shows the footwork distribution in M and
W. M prefer to use one step (35.6%, W: 21.9%), W
prefer to hit the ball without performing any step (W:
40.2%, M: 20.4%), the chassé is equally used (M:
19.7%, W: 21.7%), and the crossover is mainly used by
M (11.1%, W: 3.7%). The pivot is mainly used by M
(9.9%, W: 7.8%), and W prefer the slide (4.9%, M:
International Journal of Racket Sports Science 1 (2) Malagoli et al.
Table 1.
Distribution of footwork types for men (M) and women (W)
athletes (p0.05*, p0.01**)
one step**
shot without step**
chassé step
crossover step**
pivot step
slide step*
The aim of this study was to compare footwork
distributions in men (M) and women (W) elite table
tennis competitions.
The results showed similarities between M and W in
using chassé step which is a basic technique used to
perform various sets of shots by making easy side
movements in front of the table (Malagoli Lanzoni et
al., 2014).
The pivot step is exclusively performed to play
forehand shots from the backhand corner (Malagoli
Lanzoni et al., 2014), and it is used by M and W with a
similar distribution (9.9 and 7.8%). Moreover, M and
W players showed limited differences in using the slide
step, consisting of sliding laterally first the foot
corresponding to the direction of displacement, and
then the other foot (Malagoli Lanzoni et al., 2014). W
prefer to use this technique, compared to M, showing
limited differences (p0.05).
Instead, the main differences between M and W
table tennis elite athletes with respect to footwork
types concerned the One step, Shot without step, and
crossover step (p0.01).
The one step is mainly used to answer the serve, and
represents a key step for the first phases of the rally
(Malagoli Lanzoni et al., 2014). It is mainly used by M
to hit a close-to-the-net ball at the beginning of every
rally. The difference to W could be connected with the
use of long services performed in W competitions.
The shot without step category was strongly
associated with W category. This demonstrates a less
dynamic play concerning the footwork technique,
connected with the use of backhand shots, which
confirms previous literature about W footwork specific
technique (Malagoli Lanzoni et al., 2013a).
The crossover allows the player to move for
relatively long distances in the shortest time possible,
and it is representative of the modern dynamic play
(Malagoli Lanzoni et al., 2014). It is mainly used by M
athletes and it is most likely linked to an offensive and
risky style of play.
Hypothetical explanation of the different
percentages of types of footwork can also be addressed
considering constitutional differences, played systems,
ball speed, placement of the balls, etc. It may be
concluded, therefore, that the difference between M
and W in elite table tennis competitions may have
multifactorial origins, showing links with both
technical and physical aspects.
This study should be extremely useful for physical
trainers, performance analysts, and coaches, to design
specific training sessions for M and W elite table tennis
players, in order to improve footwork technique.
Moreover, it should be used to plan specific physical
trainings in order to prevent injuries in both categories
planning different exercises.
In conclusion, future perspectives should be
linked to the comparison of different categories of
players, evaluating the connection with other variables
(directions, shots, outcome, etc), and including
quantitative analysis about footwork technique.
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