DOE G 413.3-2
Approved 6-27-08
Chg 1 (Admin Chg) 10-22-2015
[This Guide describes suggested non-mandatory approaches for meeting requirements.
Guides are not requirements documents and are not to be construed as requirements in
any audit or appraisal for compliance with the parent Policy, Order, Notice, or Manual.]
U.S. Department of Energy
Washington, D.C.
AVAILABLE ONLINE AT: INITIATED BY: Office of Project Management
Oversight & Assessments
DOE G 413.3-2 i (and ii)
This Department of Energy (DOE) Guide is for use by DOE elements. This Guide provides
acceptable approaches for implementing the Quality Assurance requirements and criteria
required by DOE O 413.3A, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of
Capital Assets, related to the development and implementation of a Quality Assurance
program for the project. This Guide describes suggested non-mandatory approaches for
meeting requirements. DOE Guides are part of the DOE Directives System and are issued to
provide supplemental information regarding the Department’s expectations of its
requirements as contained in rules, Orders, Notices, and regulatory standards. Guides may
also provide acceptable methods for implementing these requirements. Guides are not
substitutes for requirements nor do they replace technical standards that are used to describe
established practices and procedures for implementing requirements.
DOE G 413.3-2 iii
1.0 Purpose................................................................................................................................ 1
2.0 Scope................................................................................................................................... 1
3.0 Guide Content ..................................................................................................................... 2
4.0 Guide Methodology ............................................................................................................ 2
4.1 Quality Assurance Sources ..................................................................................... 2
4.2 Developing a Quality Assurance Strategy and Policy ............................................ 3
4.3 Developing a Quality Assurance Program.............................................................. 5
4.3.1 Organizational Structure and Responsibilities............................................ 6
4.3.2 Identification of Quality Consensus Standards........................................... 8
4.3.3 Graded Approach........................................................................................ 9
4.4 Quality Assurance Program Development and Implementation by DOE O 413.3A
Critical Decisions.................................................................................................... 9
4.4.1 QA Guidance for CD-0, Approval of Mission Need .................................. 9
4.4.2 QA Guidance for CD-1, Approval of Alternative Selection and Cost
Range ........................................................................................................ 10
4.4.3 QA Guidance for CD-2, Approval of Performance Baseline ................... 11
4.4.4 QA Guidance for CD-3, Approve Start of Construction .......................... 13
4.4.5 QA Guidance for CD-4, Approve Start of Operations or Project
Completion................................................................................................ 14
5.0 Acronyms.......................................................................................................................... 15
6.0 Definitions......................................................................................................................... 16
7.0 References......................................................................................................................... 17
APPENDIX A. DOE Directives and Guides Related to Quality Assurance .............................. A-1
APPENDIX B. Voluntary Consensus Standards........................................................................ B-1
APPENDIX C. Quality Assurance Attributes/Characteristics, and Identification of
Value Added Matrix................................................................................................ C-1
APPENDIX D. Suggested QA Activities to Support Critical Decision Requirements..............D-1
APPENDIX E. Lessons Learned .................................................................................................E-1
iv DOE G 413.3-2
Figure 1. How this Guide is Organized .......................................................................................... 2
Table D-1. CD-0 - QA Activities................................................................................................ D-1
Table D-2. CD-1 - QA Activities................................................................................................ D-1
Table D-3. CD-2 - QA Activities................................................................................................ D-6
Table D-4. CD-3 - QA Activities................................................................................................ D-9
Table D-5. CD-4 - QA Activities.............................................................................................. D-12
Table D-6. Post CD-4 - QA Activities...................................................................................... D-14
1 DOE G 413.3-2
This Guide provides information to assist U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Federal Project
Directors (FPD) and their Integrated Project Teams (IPT) in carrying out their Quality Assurance
(QA)-related roles and responsibilities. The Guide supplements DOE O 413.3A, Program and
Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets. It is consistent with DOE O 414.1C
(Quality Assurance), i.e., DOE QA Order; 10 CFR 830 Subpart A (“Quality Assurance
Requirements”), i.e., QA Rule; and 10 CFR 63.142 (“Quality Assurance Criteria”).
The Guide identifies key areas in which the FPD’s involvement is crucial to QA-related mission
success. The Guide helps FPDs plan, develop, and implement a project-specific QA program that
satisfies QA requirements throughout the Critical Decision process.
Appendix A of this QA Guide identifies the DOE Directives and Guides related to quality
assurance. This QA Guide references applicable guidance and information from these Directives
and Guides related to an FPD’s QA duties and responsibilities as defined by DOE O 413.3A.
This Guide is for use by DOE elements where DOE O 413.3A applies. FPDs can use it to
identify and implement their QA-related roles and responsibilities in accordance with
DOE O 413.3A. This Guide applies to Critical Decisions and projects, including design, design –
build, design – bid – build, operations, maintenance, decontamination, decommissioning, and
environmental restoration.
The role of the FPD is to develop the overall project strategy; establish requirements and
performance expectations; manage the contract; monitor and assess performance; and proactively
anticipate and resolve issues that impact project success. While the overall project is executed
under the direction of the Federal staff, the contractor typically manages daily execution.
Accordingly, this Guide provides contractors insight into the FPD’s expectations of them in
terms of the FPD’s roles and responsibilities.
The methods and references described in this Guide do not add, modify, or delete any
requirements identified in the DOE QA Order or QA Rule. Use of this Guide in conjunction with
appropriate standards will facilitate development of a QA program compliant with the DOE QA
Order and QA Rule. As with any guide, alternative methods can be used as long as the
requirements of the DOE QA Order and QA Rule are satisfied.
Note: A QA program is a management system to help an organization “do work correctly.” The QA
Plan is the document describing the QA program the project will implement. Per DOE O 413.3A, the
project’s application of QA is documented in either the organization- or project-specific QA Plan.
Existing site-wide QA programs may be used, but should be referenced in the project’s project
execution plan (PEP).
4.1 4.2
Where QA
Come From
Developing A QA
2 DOE G 413.3-2
Figure 1 shows how this Guide is organized. The Guide provides information organized by each
Critical Decision.
Essential Steps in
Developing a
QA Program
Structure (4.3.1)
Selecting a Consensus
Standard (4.3.2)
Graded Approach
Developing a
QA Strategy & Policy
QA Program
Development &
by Critical Decision
CD-0 (4.4.1)
CD-1 (4.4.2)
CD-2 (4.4.3)
CD-3 (4.4.4)
CD-4 (4.4.5)
Figure 1. How this Guide is Organized
This Guide also contains five appendices to assist the FPD in establishing their project-specific
QA program:
Appendix A. DOE Directives and Guides Related to Quality Assurance
Appendix B. Voluntary Consensus Standards
Appendix C. Quality Assurance Attributes/Characteristics, and Identification of Value
Added Matrix
Appendix D. Suggested QA Activities to Support Critical Decision Requirements
Appendix E. Lessons Learned
4.1 Quality Assurance Sources
DOE QA requirements are contained in the DOE QA Order and the QA Rule. For nuclear
projects, the FPD should ensure implementation of a QA program compliant with 10 CFR 830
3 DOE G 413.3-2
Subpart A (i.e., QA Rule), and the DOE QA Order. For other non-nuclear projects, the FPD
should ensure application of a QA program compliant with the DOE QA Order covering the
activities of the project. For a Work for Others project, any client-specific QA requirements
should also be identified.
Note: DOE O 414.1C, (3.a) states: “Where a work activity, process or item is specifically identified as
within the scope of a QA regulation (e.g., 10 CFR 830 or 10 CFR 63), that regulation prevails. In the
event of a conflict [such that compliance with both sets of requirements cannot be met because of
contradictory requirements] between this Order (414.1C) and any regulation, the regulation prevails.”
The DOE Directives System contains the QA Order and its accompanying Guides, which specify
requirements and provide guidance respectively and information on principles and practices to
establish and implement effective QA programs. These directives and guides are identified and
summarized in Appendix A. Voluntary consensus standards also provide “how to” information.
Quality Assurance related voluntary consensus standards are summarized in Appendix B.
Note: In the past many contractor QA programs were solely based on the ten (10) DOE QA criteria
without the benefit of the “how to” information made available through voluntary consensus
standards. This approach can result in QA programs with insufficient details and controls.
Note: When using voluntary consensus standards, the project-specific QA program may vary from the
10 DOE QA-criteria format. While this variation is acceptable, the FPD should understand the
relationship between the project-specific QA program and the 10 DOE QA criteria. For example,
quality improvement and management assessment are not addressed in American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Nuclear Quality Assurance (NQA)-1.
4.2 Developing a Quality Assurance Strategy and Policy
As early in the acquisition process as practicable, the FPD should:
Decide whether to use an existing site-wide QA program, use the contractor’s corporate
QA program, or develop a project-specific QA program.
Note: Wherever practicable, it is desirable to use existing QA programs to meet the needs of
new projects. This approach maximizes the use of Federal resources while minimizing
overlapping QA programs that are complex and expensive to implement and maintain. Using
an existing QA program may not be viable for exceptionally large, complex, or unique
projects. In these cases, the contractor should be encouraged to develop a standalone, project-
specific QA program.
Note: FPD experience shows performing a gap analysis between existing QA programs
(i.e., site-wide and/or contractor) and project QA requirements is essential.
4 DOE G 413.3-2
Ensure QA requirements are documented in vendor or subcontractor contracts.
Address when and where the QA oversight and reporting chain will exist in the project
and contractor organizations (i.e., who reports to whom).
Note: For Federal site offices, the QA organization typically has an independent reporting
relationship; that is, a relationship that allows the reporting of issues independent of cost and
schedule considerations and which normally reports to the most senior person in the
organization. The line organization has responsibility for meeting the project’s quality
requirements within its area of responsibility, and individuals are responsible for the quality of
their work. The line organization and the QA organization share the responsibility for the
verification of quality.
Identify the applicable DOE QA requirements from DOE O 414.1C, 10 CFR 830
Subpart A, or 10 CFR 63.142 and applicable voluntary consensus standard or standards,
such as NQA-1, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000, etc.
Ensure implementing procedures are developed and implemented before the requisite
work is performed.
Note: Implementing procedures provide direction to personnel doing the work. Without
procedures, consistent reliable high quality work is unlikely. For example, on a recent DOE
project, unacceptable equipment and services were procured because procedures were not in
Evaluate the adequacy of the project-specific QA program or the corresponding
contractor’s project-specific QA program.
Ensure the availability of appropriate personnel resources to support project-specific QA
program implementation, including QA oversight.
Note: Many FPDs may not have direct/full-time access to appropriate QA subject matter
expertise (e.g., weld inspectors). If this is the case, the FPD may need to ensure that adequate
funds are available for these services.
Identify key QA leaders in the DOE and contractor organizations.
Identify document control and records management systems, consistent with applicable
codes, regulations, and directives.
Note: It is vitally important that required and expected documentation is clearly identified
early in the project, that resources (funding and system owners) are identified early and loaded
throughout project closeout, and that activities to collect, review, and control these documents
are also started early in the project life.
5 DOE G 413.3-2
Having a QA policy statement for the project is not a DOE QA Order or QA Rule requirement
but may be required by the adopted consensus standard and should be considered as a good
practice. A project QA policy statement should address:
Senior management commitment and acknowledgement of ownership for project quality
Commitment to the QA program as the mechanism to ensure requirements are met
Commitment to define quality requirements before work starts
Commitment to comply with project quality requirements
Commitment to stop work if unable to comply with quality requirements
Commitment to monitor processes continuously
Appropriate management should endorse the QA Policy in writing.
4.3 Developing a Quality Assurance Program
The QA program is an organization’s quality-related management system to “do work correctly.”
When developing the QA program, the FPD should, where consistent with contract or regulatory
Implement the QA criteria identified in the DOE QA Order using a graded approach (and
describe how the criteria and graded approach are applied)
Use national or international consensus standards and identify the standards used
Apply additional standards as necessary to address unique/specific work activities
(e.g., development and use of safety software or establishing the competence of a testing
and calibration laboratory)
Integrate QA criteria as defined in the DOE QA Order (e.g., the suspect/counterfeit item
(S/CI) prevention process and safety software quality requirements) with other QA
criteria or management system requirements in DOE directives and external requirements
The criteria of the DOE QA Rule and QA Order are broadly written. This allows the FPD to
determine how to best apply these documents to a wide range of projects. How the FPD chooses
to implement the criteria depends on a number of factors associated with the project.
For example, in nuclear and environmentally significant (regulatory driven) projects, the FPD
may impose quality requirements that provide objective evidence (i.e., written documentation)
that regulatory requirements are met.
The following sections provide guidance on important aspects of the QA program. They are not
intended to provide detailed guidance on how to develop a project-specific QA plan. Additional
guidance on developing QA plans can be found in the DOE Directives System and voluntary
consensus standards (see Appendices A and B).
6 DOE G 413.3-2
4.3.1 Organizational Structure and Responsibilities
Every project needs to clearly define responsibilities, interfaces, and organizational
accountability. The FPD should define how to work with management, the IPT, and other
participants, including the contractor(s), to ensure safety and quality.
In most cases, except when Federal staff is responsible for direct execution of work, the
contractor will develop and implement a project-specific QA program. The FPD should ensure
the contractor has assigned QA roles and responsibilities, which include:
Identifying key participants in charge of major project activities
Identifying work assigned to each project participant
Defining a detailed project organizational structure including interfaces with internal and
external organizations
Defining individuals' responsibilities and authorities, including authority to stop unsafe or
unsatisfactory work, and for communicating quality or safety concerns, without fear of
reprisal, to a level of management with appropriate authority to resolve concerns
Defining specific QA oversight responsibilities for each project organizational element Federal Organization
In most cases, the FPD’s role in QA focuses on assessing or otherwise verifying that the
contractor has executed its QA-related contractual obligations. Typically, these obligations
include everything from QA program development and implementation to working-level
procedure execution. It is essential that the grading process (see Section 4.3.3) for the project is
understood when performing this oversight function. Knowing why a particular item or activity
has a higher or lower quality level is essential during the performance of oversight activities.
The FPD should ensure that the staff has the relevant experience, qualifications, certifications,
and specialized training to fulfill their responsibilities, including identifying a qualified QA
subject matter expert, as required. The following are recommended QA responsibilities and
composition of the Federal organization:
Federal Project Director:
Ensures that design, construction, environmental, safety, security, health, and quality
efforts comply with the contract (including List A or B requirements), public law, and
Ensures that safety, security, environmental, and quality considerations are fully
integrated into appropriate phases of the project
Applies the DOE QA program and recommends approval, modification, or rejection of
the contractor’s project-specific QA programs to the designated approval authority
7 DOE G 413.3-2
Integrated Project Team:
The IPT is an essential element of DOE’s acquisition process. It is used during the phases of a
project life cycle. The IPT represents diverse disciplines with the specific knowledge, skills, and
abilities necessary to support the successful execution of projects. IPT roles and responsibilities
encompass quality and performance improvement, including:
Performing monthly reviews and assessments of project performance and status against
established performance parameters, baselines, milestones, and deliverables
Planning and participating in project reviews, audits, and appraisals
Reviewing and commenting on project deliverables (e.g., drawings, specifications,
procurement, and construction packages)
Reviewing change requests and supporting change control boards
Note: Some FPDs may choose to include the contractor on their IPT. For more information on
Integrated Project Teams, refer to additional DOE Directives. Contractor Organization
The FPD through the contracting officer imposes requirements on the contractors, including QA,
as defined in the contractor requirements document (CRD). Regardless of who performs the
work for the contractor (e.g., subcontractor, vendor, etc.), the contractor is ultimately responsible
for complying with the requirements of the CRD as included in the contract. The contractor is
responsible for flowing down CRD requirements to subcontractors at any tier, to the extent
necessary to ensure compliance. The project contractor lead and the FPD should have well-
established communication protocol including understanding expectations, interfaces, chain of
command, etc.
The FPD should also consider whether the project requires having and defining the roles
(generally in the contractor’s organization) of:
Quality Assurance Function—Assists with the interpretation of the project-specific QA
program requirements, verifies program implementation, and evaluates effectiveness by
surveillances and assessments
Quality Control Function—Responsible for quality verification, inspection,
documentation, and surveillance of hardware, including structures, systems, and
components (SSC) and services
Quality Engineering Function—Responsible for verification of the design, procurement,
installation, test, inclusion of appropriate inspection acceptance criteria, and turnover
control system
8 DOE G 413.3-2
4.3.2 Identification of Quality Consensus Standards
The QA Order requires that each DOE organization “uses national or international consensus
standards where practicable and consistent with contractual or regulatory requirements.”
Appropriate standards are discussed in Appendix B.
A project’s application of QA is documented in either the organization- or project-specific
QA program. If the decision is made not to use the existing organizational QA program, the
FPD, based on input from the contractor where appropriate, may select a nationally or
internationally recognized quality-related consensus standard to be incorporated into project
contracts. The selection should occur as early as possible, but no later than the beginning of
conceptual design. Consensus standards reflect practices that have “withstood the test of time,”
often decades of successful application, yet are revised on a three- to five-year cycle to ensure
incorporation of emerging technology and practices.
Note: DOE O 414.1C, Attachment 2, paragraph 2a (3) states: “These standards are sometimes referred
to as ‘voluntary standards.’ However, once the practicable standard(s) is adopted through regulation,
code, contract, QA plan, or procedure, compliance with the standard is required and is not voluntary.”
The FPD should ensure the contractor selects a consensus standard that meets project-specific
quality requirements and closely reflects the anticipated work. In some cases, the selected
consensus standard may differ from existing site practice and contractual agreements. The FPD
should request that the selection be formally documented and have an appropriate quality
professional and higher level of management endorse the selection.
If the FPD is not using the existing organizational QA program, the FPD and IPT should develop
and document in a QA plan a project-specific QA program that addresses the criteria of the
DOE QA Order and/or QA Rule, as applicable.
Some sites may be involved in both nuclear and non-nuclear project activities. In such instances,
an organization may have an established QA program based on one or more of the consensus
standards (e.g., ISO 9001 for nonnuclear activities or NQA-1 for nuclear-related activities) and
need to modify it for an additional nuclear or non-nuclear need. While some requirements are
unique to each standard, there are many common requirements (see Appendix B). This enables
an existing QA program based on one standard to be applied with little or no modification to
satisfy specific requirements of an additional standard.
Note: For construction of facilities that include nuclear-related activities, it is acceptable and
appropriate to apply NQA-1 on a graded basis to the entire facility.
Appendix C shows the value added by elements of a QA Program. It also illustrates the
similarities and differences between DOE’s QA requirements contained in 10 CFR 830
Subpart A (QA Rule) and DOE Order 414.1C (DOE QA Order), and two voluntary consensus
9 DOE G 413.3-2
4.3.3 Graded Approach
The FPD should use a graded approach for developing the project’s QA program. The level
of QA required varies with the project’s complexity and risks. It is therefore essential that the
FPD realize the grading process may raise the required QA level depending on the risk.
The challenge for the FPD is to ensure the level of detail and resources are sufficient to meet
the project’s objectives.
At the point when SSCs are known, the FPD should develop a list of items and activities and
determine the significance of the item or activity to the success of the project. Things to consider
in assigning significance include, but are not limited to:
Relative importance to safety, safeguards, and security
Magnitude of any hazard involved
Life-cycle stage of a facility or item
Programmatic mission of a facility
Potential radiological or industrial safety impact to the public and worker
Potential to impact the environment
Potential to impact the acceptability to the customer
Regulatory significance
Grading is accomplished by determining the relative importance of an item or activity to the
success of the project considering the list of characteristics defined above. Although many
different approaches are used, a typical approach is to establish a Quality Level (e.g., 1, 2, 3,
and 4), with Quality Level 1 being the most risk sensitive classification, requiring the most
rigorous application of QA requirements.
The graded approach process should not be used to “grade to zero” (i.e., eliminate requirements).
Even in the least stringent application of the graded approach process, compliance with the
applicable requirements is mandatory.
4.4 Quality Assurance Program Development and Implementation by DOE O 413.3A
Critical Decisions
The following sections summarize important QA-related considerations for the FPD at each
Critical Decision (CD) as identified in DOE O 413.3A. Appendix D contains tables for each CD
that can be used by FPDs as checklists against which to conduct independent assessments of
work. The FPD should apply their judgment regarding the actual applicability of each to their
4.4.1 QA Guidance for CD-0, Approval of Mission Need
DOE O 413.3A, Table 2, CD-0 RequirementNo project-specific QA program is
needed. (At CD-0, an FPD has not been selected; however, the following QA activities
should be considered.)
10 DOE G 413.3-2
Quality of Mission Need products should be controlled by the site or program office QA
Program. See additional DOE Guides for developing mission need products.
Appendix D – Table D-1 presents a crosswalk of key products and activities supporting CD-0
requirements (DOE O 413.3A – Table 2) and suggested QA activities and QA criteria (from
DOE O 414.1C, 10 CFR 830 Subpart A, and 10 CFR 63.142).
4.4.2 QA Guidance for CD-1, Approval of Alternative Selection and Cost Range
DOE O 413.3A, Table 2, CD-1 Requirement - Determine that the QA program is
acceptable and continues to apply. The QA program must fully address all applicable
QA criteria as defined in 10 CFR 830 Subpart A (QA Rule) and the DOE QA Order.
With regard to QA program development, there are instances where the FPD develops the QA
program. However, it is more typical for the FPD to oversee the contractor’s development of the
QA program prior to CD-1 submittal. In either event, the following should be performed:
Develop a project-specific QA program that includes portions of the existing site QA
program, as appropriate, with emphasis on:
Building quality into design prior to starting work (in preparation for CD-2)
Defining roles and responsibilities, including interfaces, of project, contractor, and
subcontractor personnel, in detail
Ensuring that records management and document control processes are consistent
with applicable codes, regulations, and directives
Note: It is important that required documents and records are identified/defined early in the
project and activities to identify, collect, review, maintain, and control these records, as well
as a processes to determine if any records are to be dispositioned as permanent or life-time
QA records, are developed early in the project’s life.
Design activities, including: constructability, vendor capability, component and
system attainability, testability/acceptability, maintainability, and sustainability
Designing QA/Quality Control (QC) processes and procedures (and management
systems) to control the design and changes (see Section 6.0, “Definitions”)
Software control, especially safety software
S/CI control
Personnel training and qualification
Ensure independence of the QA organization (QA organization is independent from the
line organization and has the ability to raise issues independent of cost and schedule)
Determine how and where to address QA in the PEP
11 DOE G 413.3-2
Investigate the project acquisition strategy and quality levels (grading process) and
ensure consistency between the acquisition strategy and QA Program
Confirm there are adequate numbers of trained and qualified QA organization staff
Appendix D – Table D-2 presents a crosswalk of key products and activities supporting CD-1
requirements (DOE O 413.3A – Table 2) and suggested QA activities and QA criteria (from
DOE O 414.1C, 10 CFR 830 Subpart A, and 10 CFR 63.142).
4.4.3 QA Guidance for CD-2, Approval of Performance Baseline
DOE O 413.3A, Table 2, CD-2 Requirement - Determine that the QA program is
acceptable and continues to apply. The QA program must fully address all applicable
QA criteria as defined in 10 CFR 830 Subpart A (QA Rule) and the DOE QA Order.
Either the cognizant FPD and their IPT or the contractor performs the following to refine the QA
program prior to CD-2 submittal:
Further refine the existing comprehensive project-specific assessment program that
includes the levels of Federal and contractor activities
Ensure that work processes covered by the QA Program are established and documented
in procedures
Note: It is possible for the project to lose configuration control of their procedures and/or
design documents (i.e., procedures or design documents can be changed based upon internal
or external commitments). Over time, the reasons for the changes are lost and the change is
“undone” in a subsequent revision. An experienced QA individual can assist by providing
simple tools such as an implementation matrix for maintaining and referencing a revision
history to help the project avoid these problems.
Review and revise the QA program based on improved knowledge of the project
Ensure the Federal and contractor organizations have the correct balance of quality-
related expertise (i.e., individuals with requisite training and qualifications)
Ensure there is appropriate QA organization representation during the development of
and subsequent revisions to the PEP
Ensure there is appropriate QA organization representation during safety reviews
Either the cognizant FPD or contractor should understand:
Flowdown of requirements and expected implementation (including oversight activities)
SSCs and associated quality levels
National standard design and construction tolerance relationships
12 DOE G 413.3-2
Example: During design, one project placed unrealistically close tolerances on building
construction. This caused significant constructability issues and resulted in many change
notices and nonconformance reports. FPDs need to consider constructability carefully during
all phases of the design and resist attempts to rush project designs to meet unrealistic
time/cost. expectations.
Design philosophy (identification and flowdown of requirements into the
design/performance specifications) to ensure it is coordinated with the acquisition
strategy and QA strategy
The FPD may need to assign funding from the contractor baseline to ensure independent
assessment is conducted as required (possibly by applying directly to a support contractor). If an
FPD does not have the necessary in-house QA support, they may need to request funds to
conduct assessments.
Note: Often the requirements for external/internal oversight, assessments, and surveillances are not
adequately covered in the baselines (both in terms of cost and schedule) of contractors (including
Maintenance and Operations contractors), subcontractors, vendors, etc. It is essential that the FPD
ensures these requirements are clearly defined and flowed down in contractual language of all types;
especially when fixed-price subcontracting is used. In addition to the flowdown of requirements, it is
essential that contractors/vendors clearly understand the requirements. This is especially true for such
things as nuclear grade construction and design where the contractor pool may not truly understand
the costs for implementing an effective QA program (which includes an oversight function). The FPD
should ensure that during procurement evaluation these requirements are included in contractor
technical approach, cost, and schedule. Weighted procurements should be strongly considered when
high or unusual quality levels are required for a project.
For projects with a significant construction component, the FPD should understand and consider
the following during CD-2 preparation:
Ensure the IPT and the contractor have a common understanding of the QA requirements
established in the latest versions of applicable DOE Orders, 10 CFR 830 Subpart A, and
the contract and have qualified personnel in place to manage, perform, and assess work
Ensure the IPT and the contractor have a common understanding of the acquisition
strategy/plan and how the QA requirements are going to be identified, allocated, and
Ensure the IPT, the contractor, and the contractor procurement manager have a common
understanding of the technical and programmatic risks associated with implementing the
stated QA requirements within the acquisition strategy/plan and initiate the necessary
mitigating activities to ensure the industry/market that will be solicited or performing the
work clearly understands the expectations/requirements
13 DOE G 413.3-2
Ensure proper organizational QA processes and implementing procedures are developed,
and assigned personnel are properly trained and qualified
Ensure QA resources are defined, communicated to management, and incorporated into
project budget requests
Appendix D – Table D-3 presents a crosswalk of key products and activities supporting CD-2
requirements (DOE O 413.3A – Table 2) and suggested QA activities and QA criteria (from
DOE O 414.1C, 10 CFR 830 Subpart A, and 10 CFR 63.142).
4.4.4 QA Guidance for CD-3, Approve Start of Construction
DOE O 413.3A, Table 2, CD-3 Requirement - Update the Quality Assurance
program for construction, field design changes, and procurement activities.
Either the cognizant FPD and their IPT or the contractor performs the following prior to CD-3
Ensure the QA program is updated prior to the submittal of CD-3
Ensure acquisition documents (e.g., construction Request for Proposal, etc.) include
appropriate QA requirements
Ensure the technical evaluation is supported by experienced QA individuals
Ensure design interfaces are reviewed and approved
Ensure the use of qualified vendors
Ensure in-depth oversight of the QA program(s) of the prime contractor and key
subcontractors (if applicable) is conducted
Ensure SSCs are properly graded
Ensure adequate systems, processes, implementing procedures are in place and mature,
and supported by experienced personnel
Ensure integrated oversight/assessment/surveillance/inspection plans and schedules are
developed, implemented, and maintained
Ensure proper contractor performance metrics are established
Ensure IPT and project meetings include a QA representative and a review of QA
Ensure there is appropriate QA organization representation during revisions to the PEP
14 DOE G 413.3-2
Ensure there is appropriate QA organization representation during external independent
reviews for construction or execution readiness
Ensure there is a process in place to integrate the results of project oversight programs
Ensure the distribution of oversight is adjusted based on the level of maturity of the
contractor’s oversight programs
Ensure the quality-related activities (e.g., hold points, assessments, oversight, etc.) are
reflected in the integrated project schedule and work breakdown structure (WBS)
Ensure documents and records (objective evidence) for in-process and completed quality-
related items and activities are maintained and readily retrievable, consistent with
applicable codes, regulations, and directives
Ensure, through independent assessments, that quality is being incorporated into the work
processes (e.g., design, construction, etc.) – not inspected in (i.e., not relying on oversight
to find and fix issues)
Evaluate/accommodate changes in skills mix and specific disciplines (e.g., electrical,
civil, mechanical) as the project progresses through the construction phase.
Appendix D – Table D-4 presents a crosswalk of key products and activities supporting CD-3
requirements (DOE O 413.3A – Table 2) and suggested QA activities and QA criteria (from
DOE O 414.1C, 10 CFR 830 Subpart A, and 10 CFR 63.142).
4.4.5 QA Guidance for CD-4, Approve Start of Operations or Project Completion
DOE O 413.3A, Table 2, CD-4 Requirement: Issue an updated QA Plan to address
testing, identified deficiencies, startup, transition, and operation activities.
Either the cognizant FPD and their IPT or the contractor performs the following prior to CD-4
Ensure continuous improvement; execution, oversight, feedback from oversight, and
Ensure, through observation, oversight, the use of QA representatives, and independent
assessments, that quality is being incorporated into the work processes and activities
(e.g., design, construction, etc.) – not inspected in
Evaluate/accommodate changes in skills mix and specific disciplines (e.g., electrical,
civil, mechanical) as the project progresses through the construction phase
Routinely evaluate QA organization performance and make staffing adjustments as
15 DOE G 413.3-2
Ensure project lessons learned (positive and negative) are produced
Ensure complex wide lessons learned are analyzed and project changes are implemented,
as necessary
Ensure as-builts are developed, including maintaining plant configuration
Note: Like oversight, the FPD may have to “set aside” funding to ensure this important
Ensure the project is implementing an effective issues management system
Provide an updated QA program plan and lessons learned to operations as a source for
updating existing operational QA program plans and other operational-related
Ensure records validation/authentication and turnover, consistent with applicable codes,
regulations, and directives
Appendix D – Table D-5 presents a crosswalk of key products and activities supporting CD-4
requirements (DOE O 413.3A – Table 2) and suggested QA activities and QA criteria (from
DOE O 414.1C, 10 CFR 830 Subpart A, and 10 CFR 63.142).
Some FPD responsibilities at CD-4 will vary depending on project type. For example, new
construction will require preparations for readiness reviews, systems checks, etc. Cleanup
projects may require communications with the DOE Office of Legacy Management.
Appendix D – Table D-6 presents a crosswalk of key products and activities supporting post CD-
4 requirements (DOE O 413.3A – Table 2) and suggested QA activities and QA criteria (from
DOE O 414.1C, 10 CFR 830 Subpart A, and 10 CFR 63.142).
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASQ American Society for Quality
CD Critical Decision
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CRD contractor requirements document
DOE U.S. Department of Energy
ES&H environmental safety and health
FPD Federal Project Director
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
16 DOE G 413.3-2
IPT Integrated Project Team
ISMS Integrated Safety Management System
ISO International Organization for Standardization
M&TE measuring and test equipment
NDE Non-Destructive Examination
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
NQA Nuclear Quality Assurance
OECM Office of Engineering and Construction Management
OMB Office of Management and Budget
PEP project execution plan
PMI Project Management Institute
PMBOK Project Management Body of Knowledge
QA quality assurance
QAP quality assurance plan
QC quality control
RIDS records inventory and disposal schedule
S/CI suspect/counterfeit item
SMS Safety Management System
SQA software quality assurance
SSC structures, systems, and components
WBS work breakdown structure
Note: Sources for many of the definitions in this section are the DOE Orders. Refer to the
DOE Directives Management System for additional definitions of items, terms, and concepts.
Federal Project Director (FPD). The individual responsible and accountable to the Acquisition
Executive/Program Secretarial Officer for project execution; one who is responsible for the
management of services provided to DOE on a specific project, beginning at the start of design
and continuing through the completion of construction, for planning, organizing, directing,
controlling, and reporting on the status of the project. Responsibilities include developing and
maintaining the project management plans; managing project resources; establishing and
implementing management systems, including performance measurement systems; and
approving and implementing changes to project baselines. (DOE O 361.1A)
17 DOE G 413.3-2
Integrated Project Team. A cross-functional group organized for the specific purpose of
delivering a project to an external or internal customer. (DOE O 413.3A)
Project. A unique effort that supports a program mission having defined points for starting and
ending, undertaken to create a product, facility, or system and containing interdependent
activities planned to meet a common objective or mission. A project is a basic building block (in
relation to a program) that is individually planned, approved, and managed. A project is not
constrained to any specific element of the budget structure (e.g., operating expense, plant, or
capital equipment). Projects include planning and execution of construction, assembly,
renovation, modification, environmental restoration, decontamination and decommissioning,
large capital equipment, and technology development activities. Work that does not include the
above elements-e.g., basic research, grants, ordinary repairs, maintenance, and operation of
facilities-are not considered projects. However, these activities can be managed as projects.
(DOE O 413.3A)
Quality Control. The organization or group typically responsible for quality verification,
inspection, documentation, and surveillance of hardware, including SSCs and services.
QA Plan. The document describing the QA program (requirements) the project will implement.
The QA plan typically includes a matrix of the QA requirements and the associated
implementing procedures used by the project.
QA Program. The overall program or management system established to assign responsibilities
and authorities, define policies and requirements, and provide for the performance and
assessment of work. (10 CFR 830.3)
10 CFR 63, “Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in a Geologic Repository at Yucca
Mountain, Nevada,” Code of Federal Regulations, as amended.
10 CFR 830, Subpart A, “Quality Assurance Requirements,” Code of Federal Regulations, as
ASME-NQA-1-2000, Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications,
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, International, New York, New York.
ASME-NQA-1-2004, Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications,
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, International, New York, New York.
DOE O 413.3A, 2006, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital
Assets, Change No. 1, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Management, Budget and
Evaluation, Washington, D.C.
DOE O 414.1C, 2005, Quality Assurance, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Health,
Safety and Security, Washington, D.C.
18 DOE G 413.3-2
ISO 9001:2000, Quality Management Systems, International Organization for
Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. 4321-4347, as amended.
DOE G 413.3-2 Attachment A
6-27-08 A-1 (and A-2)
APPENDIX A. DOE Directives and Guides Related to
Quality Assurance
Directive Number Directive Title Purpose
DOE O 413.3A
Program and Project
Management for the
Acquisition of Capital
To provide project management direction for the acquisition
of capital assets with the goal of delivering projects on
schedule, within budget, and fully capable of meeting
mission performance, safeguards and security, and
environmental, safety, and health standards.
DOE G 414.1-1B
Management Assessment
and Independent
Assessment Guide
To provide information on establishing processes and
performing effective assessments when required to perform
management and independent assessments per DOE Policies,
regulations, and Orders.
DOE G 414.1-2A
Quality Assurance
Management System
Guide for Use with 10
CFR 830 Subpart A,
Quality Assurance
Requirements, and DOE
O 414.1C, Quality
To provide information on principles and practices used to
establish and implement an effective quality assurance
program or quality management system in accordance
with the requirements of 10 CFR 830 Subpart A and
DOE O 414.1C.
DOE G 414.1-3
Suspect/Counterfeit Items
Guide for Use with 10
CFR 830 Subpart A,
Quality Assurance
Requirements, and DOE
O 414.1B, Quality
To assist in mitigating the safety threat of suspect/counterfeit
items (S/CI).
DOE G 414.1-4
Safety Software Guide for
Use with 10 CFR 830,
Subpart A, Quality
Assurance Requirements,
and DOE O 414.1C,
Quality Assurance
To provide acceptable methods for implementing the safety
software quality assurance requirements of DOE O 414.1C.
DOE G 414.1-5
Corrective Action
Program Guide
To assist in the development, implementation, and followup
of corrective action programs utilizing the feedback and
improvement core safety function within DOE's Integrated
Safety Management System (ISMS).
DOE O 414.1C
Quality Assurance
To ensure that the quality of products and services meets or
exceeds the customers' expectations.
DOE G 413.3-2 Appendix B
6-27-08 B-1
APPENDIX B. Voluntary Consensus Standards
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-119 directs Federal agencies, like the
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), to use voluntary consensus standards. Voluntary consensus
standards are considered voluntary, in that users select the one standard or combination of
standards that best serves their purposes. Once selected and incorporated into licensing
documents or contracts, the standard or standards become mandatory for the work the user
designates. Voluntary consensus standards are consensus because “standards bodies"
(e.g., American National Standards Institute [ANSI]/American Society of Mechanical Engineers
[ASME] and the International Organization for Standardization [ISO]) consisting of private
sector and federal representatives plan, develop, establish, and coordinate them.
Voluntary consensus standards provide detailed information and guidance on “how to” meet
requirements. There are many voluntary consensus standards from which to select, each with a
different focus and constituency. The most widely accepted and used are (1) ANSI/ASME NQA-
1; (2) ISO 9000 series; (3) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 50-SG-Q Safety Guide
Series; and (4) the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Project Management Body of
Knowledge (PMBOK).
NQA-1 is a management system organized into 18 criteria (like 10 CFR 50, Appendix B and
10 CFR 63.142). As stated in ASME, “The Standard reflects industry experience and current
understanding of the quality assurance requirements necessary to achieve safe, reliable, and
efficient utilization of nuclear energy, and management and processing of radioactive materials.
The Standard focuses on the achievement of results, emphasizes the role of the individual and
line management in the achievement of quality, and fosters the application of these requirements
in a manner consistent with the relative importance of the item or activity.” NQA-1 is primarily a
nuclear-related standard, but can be used in non-nuclear applications as well.
ISO 9001
ISO 9001 is a management system consisting of eight quality management principles. According
to ISO, “ISO 9001 specifies requirements for a quality management system for any organization
that needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide a product that meets customer and
applicable regulatory requirements and aims to enhance customer satisfaction. The standard is
used for certification/registration and contractual purposes by organizations seeking recognition
of their quality management system.” ISO 9001 is a manufacturing/industrial-oriented standard
with nuclear and non-nuclear application.
IAEA Safety Guide Series 50-SG-Q
IAEA Safety Guide Series 50-SG-Q is a management system organized into 10 criteria (like
IAEA QA Code 50-C-Q, DOE Order 414.1C, and 10 CFR 830 Subpart A). In the IAEA’s words,
“The Safety Guides are issued to describe to Member States acceptable methods of
Attachment B DOE G 413.3-2
B-2 6-27-08
implementing particular parts of the relevant Codes.” IAEA standards 50-SG-Q are primarily
nuclear-related, but can be used in non-nuclear applications as well.
PMI Project Management Body of Knowledge
The PMBOK represents an extensive collection of project management standards, including QA.
The PMI standards focus exclusively on project management and have broad industrial,
manufacturing, nuclear, and non-nuclear application.
Several voluntary consensus standards contain matrices that provide guidance to users who elect
to use another standard to meet the project-specific QA program requirements. A listing of where
these matrices can be found is provided below.
ASME NQA-1-2004, Part IV, Subpart 4.5, “Application Guide on the Use of NQA-1-
2000 for Compliance With Department of Energy Quality Assurance Requirements
10 CFR 830 Subpart A and the DOE O 414.1C”
ASME NQA-1-2004, Part IV, Subpart 4.3, “Guide to Modification of an ISO 9001-2000
Quality Program to Meet NQA-1-2000 Requirements”
ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9001-2000, “Annex A, Correspondence Between ISO 9001:2000 and
ISO 14001:1996”
ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9001-2000, “Annex B, Correspondence Between ISO 9001:2000 and
ISO 9001:1994”
ANSI/ASQ E4-2000, “Annex C, Crosswalk Between ANSI/ASQ E4 and ISO 9001”
Note: When using these matrices as guidance, it is important to note the version number of the
source document (e.g., DOE O 414.1A versus DOE O 414.1C) to ensure that all applicable
uirements are considered.
APPENDIX C. Quality Assurance Attributes/Characteristics, and Identification of
Value Added Matrix
This appendix shows the value added by elements of a QA Program. It also illustrates the similarities and differences between DOE’s QA
requirements contained in 10 CFR 830 Subpart A and DOE O 414.1C, and two voluntary consensus standards, ISO 9001:2000 and
DOE O 414.1C and
10 CFR 830
Subpart A
QA Criterion
Attributes/Characteristics Value Added ISO 9001:2000 NQA-1-2000
Organizational structure Confidence that there is a structure to
4.0 Quality Management System 1. Organization
Establish an
structure, functional
responsibilities, levels
Organizational Chart
Defining Document
Functional Responsibilities & Levels of
Authority & Interfaces
implement work
Increased assurance of
compliance/legal requirements
Senior management
4.1 Quality Management
System- General
4.2 Documentation
2. Quality Assurance
of authority, and
Defined roles, responsibilities, authorities,
accountability/Line management
Requirements -General
interfaces for those
managing, performing,
and accountabilities, for workers
Interfaces are defined
Clear roles and responsibilities
4.2.2 Quality Manual
and assessing work
Identification of senior management
Balanced priorities
5.0 Management Responsibility
Establish management
position responsible for the development,
implementation, assessment, maintenance
Provides increased assurance
5.1 Management Commitment
processes, including
and improvement of the Quality
product/service integrity
5.3 Quality Policy
planning, scheduling,
and providing
resources for work
Assurance Plan (QAP)
Endorsement of QAP by senior
Autonomy of Quality personnel from line
management and access to senior
Only appropriate levels of controls are
applied (graded approach)
Communication and resolution of
issues is clearly defined
5.4.1 Quality Objectives
5.4.2 Quality Management
System Planning
5.5.1 Responsibility and
Identify lines of communication
Management Process
Requirements are captured in
- QA Order/QA Rule and other
applicable contractual requirements
- Requirements built into Management
System (First order policy &
procedures applicable to the staff)
QA policy and objectives support
management and customer mission areas
- Allows for the application of a graded
Effective and economical use of
manpower, equipment, facilities, and
Future opportunities, problems, and
obstacles are anticipated
Current decisions made to support
future goals and objectives
Clearly defined objectives help
motivate people
Sound procedures ensure consistency
in performing repetitive work
5.5.2 Management
5.5.3 Internal Communication
5.6.1 Management Review -
5.6.2 Review of Input
5.6.3 Review Output
6.1 Provision of Resources
6.2.1 Human Resources-General
DOE G 413.3-2 Appendix C
6-27-08 C-1
Appendix C DOE G 413.3-2
C-2 6-27-08
DOE O 414.1C and
10 CFR 830
Subpart A
QA Criterion
Attributes/Characteristics Value Added ISO 9001:2000 NQA-1-2000
- Rigor of implementation based on risk,
Meet or exceed customer expectations 6.3 Infrastructure
consequence and cost
6.4 Work Environment
Integration of ISM principles into QAP
7.1 Planning of Product
implementing processes
Annual planning and budgeting processes
7.2.1 Determination of
- Links to highest level of mission, goals
Requirements Related to
and objectives of organization
the Product
- Provided necessary resource allocation
7.2.2 Review of Requirements
for Quality program implementation
Related to the Product
7.2.3 Customer Communication
8.2.1 Monitoring and
Measurement of Customer
8.2.3 Monitoring and
Measurement of Processes
8.4 Analysis of data
8.5.1 Continual Improvement
Training requirements clearly defined
Regulatory drivers and
Job requirements analyzed
Management and customer have
confidence that personnel are trained
and qualified to work effectively and
6.2.2 Competence, Awareness
and Training
2. Quality Assurance
Train and qualify
Functional training, Certification and
personnel to be capable
Qualification program
Provides systematic processes and
of performing assigned
Responsibility for training and development
processes, tools, and documentation is
tools for training
Integrated hiring practices and
Provide continuing
training processes
training to personnel to
Training program includes minimum
Improved knowledge, attitudes, and
maintain job
training, continuing training and
skills of workforce
acceptable mode of delivery
Training and Qualification—requirements
for each employee are derived from
procedures and documented
Competence commensurate with
Documented training and qualification
procedures and guidelines
Regulatory requirements are
Documented procedures simplify
DOE G 413.3-2 Appendix C
6-27-08 C-3
DOE O 414.1C and
10 CFR 830
Subpart A
QA Criterion
Attributes/Characteristics Value Added ISO 9001:2000 NQA-1-2000
Line managers responsible for ensuring staff
are trained & qualified
Periodic reviews of training assignments
conducted by line management
Training measures and metrics developed
Data from assessment processes
Monitoring process
Feedback and continuous
8.3 Control of Nonconforming
2. Quality Assurance
Establish and
implement processes to
detect and prevent
Metrics to monitor continuous
Standardized processes
Improved communication
8.5.2 Corrective Action
8.5.3 Preventive Action
15 Control of
quality problems
Identify, control, and
correct items, services,
Input from Lessons Learned/Best
DOE/HQ, S/CI, defective items, safety
alert dissemination
Problems prevented initially and/or
from recurring
Data driven management decisions
16 Corrective Action
and processes that do
not meet established
Corrective Action Management Program for
process issues contains processes for
identification, control, correction prevention
Improved process performance
Intensifies focus and resources on
issue identification and prevention vs.
Identify the causes of
of recurrence, extent and significance
issue resolution
problems and include
prevention of
recurrence as a part of
corrective action
determination, and defines reporting
Documented processes and system which
allow for tracking and trending and provides
input to the lessons learned program
Prompt, decisive steps to correct
matters that are out of control
Defective items managed and
prevented from getting into processes
Review item
Process for identification of nonconforming
characteristics, process
items, administrative, physical segregation,
implementation, and
tagging, etc.
other quality-related
information to identify
items, services, and
Effective disposition (use-as-is, repair,
rework, scrap, etc.)
processes needing
Personnel performing disposition have
discipline specific competence
Defined responsibility and authority for
evaluation and disposition of nonconformance
Addresses causal analysis requirements
including methods, types, rigor, and
binning issues into categories
Follow-up performed to verify completion of
Appendix C DOE G 413.3-2
C-4 6-27-08
DOE O 414.1C and
10 CFR 830
Subpart A
QA Criterion
Attributes/Characteristics Value Added ISO 9001:2000 NQA-1-2000
corrective action
Customer feedback loop established
Prepare, review,
approve, issue, use, and
revise documents to
prescribe processes,
specify requirements,
or establish design
Document Control
Provides document control system
Provides for preparing, distributing and
closeout of documents
Provides revision control and receipt
verification processes
Documents reviewed and approved for
release by authorized personnel
Integrity of documentation is
Current and effective documents are
used to perform work
Documentation supports the decrease
of re-work and the elimination of
performing the wrong work because
of the verification and validation of
4.2.3 Control of Documents
4.2.4 Control of Records
5. Instructions,
Procedures and
6 Document Control
17 Quality Assurance
Specify, prepare,
Latest documents to control work are
pre-work documentation
review, approve, and
maintain records
available at the work location
Establishes a document hierarchy
A formal records management program is
implemented that:
Defines and specifies records that provide
objective evidence of product or service
Provides for authentication of records
Establishes Records Inventory and
Disposal Schedule requirements
Records documenting work
performed are readily available and
Assurance that records are available
when needed
Provides complete and accurate
records to protect the interests of the
enterprise and it’s customers
Formal and consistent method for
structuring documents
Provides for storage and retrieval
Supports project needs
Provides objective evidence that work
controls and processes have been
Identify method for work to be controlled Work force is included in walk down 7.5.1 Control of Production and 5. Instructions,
Perform work
consistent with
Work documents are developed for work
of processes and working conditions
Hazards are identified, analyzed, and
Service Provision
7.5.2 Validation of Processes for
Procedures and
technical standards,
Based on integrated safety and security
mitigated; work instructions are Production and Service 8. Identification and
administrative controls,
principles which identify risks, hazards,
generated to ensure work can be Provision Control of Items
and hazard controls
adopted to meet
regulatory or contract
requirements using
approved instructions,
and required controls
Are validated and verified to ensure
identified hazards are addressed with
appropriate controls
performed safely and securely
Work processes defined in the three
major operating levels
(enterprise/facility/activity) within the
7.5.3 Identification and
7.5.4 Customer Property
12. Control of
Measuring and
Test Equipment
13. Handling, Storage
DOE G 413.3-2 Appendix C
6-27-08 C-5
DOE O 414.1C and
10 CFR 830
Subpart A
QA Criterion
Attributes/Characteristics Value Added ISO 9001:2000 NQA-1-2000
procedures, etc.
Work process control provides:
7.5.5 Preservation of Product
and Shipping
Identify and control
items to ensure their
proper use
Maintain items to
prevent their damage,
loss, or deterioration
Calibrate and maintain
equipment used for
process monitoring or
data collection
Identification and traceability control
when required
Control of special processes where
qualified personnel and qualified
procedures are required
Control for handling, storing, cleaning,
packaging, shipping, and preserving of
items to prevent damage or loss and
minimize deterioration
Equipment used to collect data or take
measurements for quality purposes is
identified, controlled, calibrated when
necessary, adjusted, and maintained to
required accuracy limits
Present infrastructure enables
effective planning, safe work
execution and continuous
Ensures work is performed with
calibrated M&TE
Ensures items are proper and in good
Ensures that only correct and accepted
items are used or installed
Specified quality is achieved where
quality of the product cannot be
readily determined by inspection or
7.6 Control of Monitoring and
Measuring Devices
8.1 Measurement, Analysis and
8.2.4 Monitoring and
Measurement of Product
14. Inspection, Test
and Operating
Part 1 Introduction
test (special process control)
Cost avoidance to replace lost,
damaged, or deteriorated items
Accurate and reliable data used for
product acceptance or process
Work performed safely and in
compliance with orders/laws
Work is accomplished in accordance
with requirements
Define the design process The SSC will perform its intended 7.3.1 Design and Development 3. Design Control
Design items and
Design control applied to manufacturing or
function and support the mission Planning
processes using sound
production systems (process design) as well Modifications and changes for 7.3.2 Design and Development
engineering/ scientific
as hardware items procurements during construction will Inputs
principles and
appropriate standards
Incorporate applicable
requirements and
design bases in design
Identify the design authority
Quality Engineering function defined and
implemented throughout the design process
Definition of the function of the structure,
be kept to a minimum
Overall cost will be lower
Schedule will be maintainable
Failures can be quickly analyzed and
7.3.3 Design and Development
7.3.4 Design and Development
work and design
system, process, component, hardware and addressed 7.3.5 Design and Development
Performance requirements
Future changes will be able to be
made more efficiently
7.3.6 Design and Development
Appendix C DOE G 413.3-2
C-6 6-27-08
DOE O 414.1C and
10 CFR 830
Subpart A
QA Criterion
Attributes/Characteristics Value Added ISO 9001:2000 NQA-1-2000
Identify and control
design interfaces
Applicable codes, standards, and design
Design conditions
Provides objective evidence for future
7.3.7 Control of Design and
Development Changes
Verify/validate the
adequacy of design
Interfaces defined
S/CI considerations
Demonstrates the ability of the Design
process to meet customer expectations
products using
individuals or groups
other than those who
performed the work
Verify/validate work
before approval and
implementation of the
Selection of design inputs documented,
reviewed, and approved
Design analysis sufficiently detailed to allow
independent verification
Computer programs used for design analysis
are pre-verified and documented for
Safety design subject to DOE O 414.1C
software QA
S/CI program integration into the
engineering process
Final design meets design input
Design basis is maintained to support
evaluation of future changes to
operating facility configuration
Configuration is maintained
consistent with design requirements
Design adequacy independently verified
Define design verification methods
Design changes justified and controlled
commensurate with controls applied to the
original design
Configuration management program
established commensurate with the beginning
of final design Interface control established
for design information transmitted
between/within organizations
Design process documented, approved, and
controlled (see SQA section below)
Design documentation and records allow
retracing important steps in the design process
As-built and modification documents
accurately reflect facility configuration
Procure items and
services that meet
requirements and
Definition of desired product/work
Technical specs/critical attributes
Quality requirements
Vendor access
Delivery needs
Item performs satisfactorily when
placed in service and incorrect or
defective items are prevented from
entering the process
Minimal rework
7.4.1 Purchasing Process
7.4.2 Purchasing Information
7.4.3 Verification of Purchased
4. Procurement
7 Control of
Purchased Items
and Services
DOE G 413.3-2 Appendix C
6-27-08 C-7
DOE O 414.1C and
10 CFR 830
Subpart A
QA Criterion
Attributes/Characteristics Value Added ISO 9001:2000 NQA-1-2000
perform as specified
S/CI clause
Evaluate and select
prospective suppliers
on the basis of
specified criteria
Qualified vendors (audits/history)
Selection process/criteria
Supplier (QAP) evaluation process
Oversight during manufacture of critical
Low overall cost
Elimination of bad suppliers from
Establish and
implement processes to
ensure that approved
On time delivery
Receipt inspection for items
Project schedules and costs
S/CI program integration into the
suppliers continue to
Critical attributes
procurement process
provide acceptable
Supplier submittals
Customer/supplier partnerships
items and services
Evaluation for services
Certification program for lead auditors who
evaluate suppliers
Commercial grade item dedication process
S/CI program prevention tools (S/CI clause,
inspection attributes, etc.)
Procurement requirements are commensurate
with the risk of the purchased items or
services to the project or activity
Regulatory requirements are contractually
flowed down to contractors and lowest levels
of suppliers (e.g., 10 CFR Parts 851; 830)
Clear communication of expectations
between customer and supplier
Engineering involvement in
procurement process
Inspect and test
specified items,
services, and processes
using established
Development of a program that critically
evaluates items manufactured or purchased to
assure they meet the criteria of requirements
for their intended use including:
Incorporation of S/CI criteria into
inspection processes
Evaluation and documentation of the
Consistency in the Inspection and
Acceptance Program
Documentation of inspection and test
Equipment that is in calibration or
7.5.3 Identification and
7.6 Control of Monitoring and
Measuring Devices
10. Inspection
11. Test Control
12. Control of
Measuring and
Test Equipment
acceptance and
rational for required
Certifications are traceable to
performance criteria
inspection/acceptance and the type of
results required
standards used
Calibrate and maintain
equipment used for
Inspection and acceptance techniques that
are traceable to acceptable standards
S/CI program integration into the
inspection process
inspections and tests
Minimization of measurement uncertainty
Documentation of individual item
requirements and status of
The correct item performs
satisfactorily when placed in service
Appendix C DOE G 413.3-2
C-8 6-27-08
DOE O 414.1C and
10 CFR 830
Subpart A
QA Criterion
Attributes/Characteristics Value Added ISO 9001:2000 NQA-1-2000
Procurement of goods
Process to verify integrity of work
- QC/Non-Destructive Examination
(NDE)/Peer Review for products
Calibration Program
Use of M&TE in accordance with Sec. 5
(Work Processes)
Ensure that Managers
Managers assess their processes to ensure
results contribute to improved performance of
the programs, systems, and work processes
Results oriented management system
Introspective self-analysis to
determine whether the management
5.6.1 Management Review—
5.6.2 Review Input
2. Quality Assurance
assess their
management processes
Managers receive timely, objective feedback
from assessments
infrastructure is properly focused on
achieving desired results
5.6.3 Review Output
and identify and correct
problems that hinder
the organization from
achieving its objectives
Assessment feedback is a tool used to
addresses the effectiveness of applicable
policies, requirements, standards, processes,
and procedures, and their implementation
Mechanism to ensure that the
organizations products and services
are meeting the customer’s
7.2.3 Customer Communication
8.2.1 Monitoring and
Measurement Customer
Assessment process is planned, coordinated
and integrated to promote efficiency and
effectiveness of assessments
Organizational culture is one of seeking
quality improvement, and assessments are
accepted as contributors to the improvement
Promotes continuous improvement
Provides objective evidence of those
areas needing improvement
Managers more knowledgeable of
organization’s performance and
pressing problems
8.2.3 Monitoring and
Measurement Processes
8.4 Analysis of Data
8.5.1 Continual Improvement
Assessment processes and results support
management’s goal to protect people and the
environment from harm
Quality problems (including Environmental
Safety and Health [ES&H] issues) are
identified for resolution by management
Management takes timely and appropriate
actions to resolve quality problems
Enhanced line management
ownership in quality of work
processes and products
DOE G 413.3-2 Appendix C
6-27-08 C-9
DOE O 414.1C and
10 CFR 830
Subpart A
QA Criterion
Attributes/Characteristics Value Added ISO 9001:2000 NQA-1-2000
Plan and conduct
assessments to measure
item and service quality
and the adequacy of
work performance and
to promote
Establish sufficient
authority and freedom
from line management
for independent
assessment teams
Ensure that persons
conducting independent
assessments are
technically qualified
and knowledgeable in
the areas to be assessed
Evaluates the performance of work processes
with regard to requirements, compliance and
expectations for performing the work and
achieving the goals of the organization
Establishes compliance as a minimum
requirement and incorporates effectiveness
and performance based assessment methods
Have no direct responsibility for the work
or organization being audited
Verify effectiveness of corrective actions
Improved product/service
performance and process effectiveness
Provides senior executive
management information on
operational activities and programs
Continuous improvement is facilitated
by identifying ways programs,
systems and processes can be
Builds confidence that management
can meet customer expectations
Measures QAP implementation and
Results may identify areas for
improvement and status of
Unbiased assessments
May provide justification for
reduction in the number of total
assessments needed
May provide information to develop
effective corrective actions
5.0 Management Responsibility
5.5.1 Responsibility and
5.5.2 Management
5.6.1 Management Review—
8.2.2 Internal Audits
8.3 Control of Nonconforming
8.4 Analysis of Data
8.5.1 Continual Improvement
8.5.2 Corrective Action
8.5.3 Preventive Action
18. Audits
DOE G 413.3-2 Appendix D
6-27-08 D-1
APPENDIX D. Suggested QA Activities to Support Critical
Decision Requirements
Table D-1. CD-0 - QA Activities
CD-0 Requirements
QA Activities
Perform Pre-conceptual
Planning Activities
1 Determine whether adequate resources have been identified to
describe management processes, including planning, scheduling, and
providing funding for the work.
Prepare Mission Need Statement N/A (See additional DOE Guides)
Prepare Tailoring Strategy, if
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
6 Ensure that a design process that provides appropriate control of
design inputs, outputs, verification, configuration and design
changes, and technical and administrative interfaces is implemented.
Perform Mission Validation
Independent Project Review on
all Major System Projects
10 Ensure that lines of inquiry for the review are developed and that
QA expertise is utilized.
Note: Ensure that the review team has the right skill mix, including a
review team member assigned to review QA-related lines of inquiry.
For larger, more complex projects, one or more of the team members
should have QA expertise and focus on QA-related lines of inquiry.
(See additional DOE Guides)
Prepare Program Requirements
Document (for National Nuclear
Security Administration only)
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
Evaluate Projects for
Information Technology
Elements within Departmental
Enterprise Architecture
N/A None
Table D-2. CD-1 - QA Activities
CD-1 Requirements
QA Activities
Prepare Conceptual Design
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for specification, preparation, review,
approval, and maintenance of records are implemented.
6 Ensure that a design process is in place that provides appropriate
control of design inputs, outputs, verification, configuration and
design changes, and technical and administrative interfaces.
6 Ensure that verification of design activities is covered by a
documented process.
Appendix D DOE G 413.3-2
D-2 6-27-08
Table D-2. CD-1 - QA Activities
CD-1 Requirements
QA Activities
Prepare Acquisition Strategy 4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
7 Ensure that QA expertise is utilized to assist with procurement
(acquisition) planning.
7 Ensure that a procurement (acquisition) process to ensure items
and/or services provided by suppliers meets the requirements and
expectations of the end user is implemented.
Note: Quality level determination should be factored into the
acquisition strategy, especially when procuring services to perform
(See additional DOE Guides)
Comply with One-for-One
Replacement Legislation
N/A None
Prepare a Preliminary Project
Execution Plan
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented
Notes: (1) Significant QA participation is emphasized in the
development and review of this document. Most projects with a PEP
have a robust preliminary QA program. (2) Need to ensure that
sufficient quality resources are planned and included in the project
baseline to support quality systems, processes, and procedures
required for design work after CD-1 approval.
(See additional DOE Guides)
Approve Appointment of
Federal Project Director
2 Ensure that policies and procedures that describe personnel
selection, training, and qualification requirements are implemented.
Establish and Charter Integrated
Project Team
2 Ensure that policies and procedures that describe personnel
selection, training, and qualification requirements are implemented.
2 Ensure that a QA representative (with specific QA expertise) is a
member of the IPT. In instances where it is impractical to include
Federal QA expertise, ensure QA functional support on the IPT.
(See additional DOE Guides)
Conduct Design Review of
Conceptual Design
2 Ensure that personnel achieve initial proficiency; maintain
proficiency; and adapt to changes in technology, methods, or job
DOE G 413.3-2 Appendix D
6-27-08 D-3
Table D-2. CD-1 - QA Activities
CD-1 Requirements
QA Activities
6 Ensure that processes for conducting design reviews are
implemented to ensure that the design inputs were correctly selected
and incorporated; assumptions necessary to perform the design were
adequately described, reasonable, and where applicable, identified as
requiring confirmation as the design proceeds; appropriate design
methods, and computer programs when applicable, were used;
design outputs are reasonable compared to design inputs; and the
necessary design inputs from interfacing organizations were
specified in the design documents.
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
10 Ensure that persons conducting reviews are technically qualified and
knowledgeable in the areas to be reviewed.
10 Ensure that persons conducting independent reviews have sufficient
authority and freedom from line management.
Note: In addition to participating as a formal reviewer, focusing
specifically on QA-related lines of inquiry, utilize QA expertise to
help determine appropriate skill mix for review team, and to assist
FPD with conducting the design review.
Prepare Project Data Sheet for
Line Item Projects
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for specification, preparation, review,
approval, and maintenance of records are implemented.
Approve Long-Lead
Procurements, if necessary
4 Ensure that processes for specification, preparation, review,
approval, and maintenance of records are implemented.
5 Ensure that work processes consist of a series of actions planned and
carried out by qualified personnel using approved procedures,
instructions, and equipment under administrative, technical, and
environmental controls.
7 Ensure that the selection of procurement requirements is
commensurate with the importance of the end use of the purchased
item or service and that management controls exist for DOE
procurement and subcontracts.
Note: QA expertise should be utilized to ensure that required QA
requirements are adequately incorporated into contracts,
subcontracts, and other vendor procurement documents. This should
be done early in the procurement process and checked prior to
contract award.
Appendix D DOE G 413.3-2
D-4 6-27-08
Table D-2. CD-1 - QA Activities
CD-1 Requirements
QA Activities
Implement Integrated Safety
1 Ensure that the QA program complements and is integrated with the
Safety Management System (SMS).
1 Ensure that the QA program provides processes and tools for
ensuring that Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS)
objectives are achieved.
5 Ensure that procedures, work instructions, or other appropriate
means used to define work processes are documented and controlled.
5 Ensure that the control of processes, skills, hazards, and equipment
are clearly specified, understood, and fully documented.
Prepare Environmental
Documents including National
Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) Strategy and Analyses,
and Permit Applications
4 Ensure that processes for specification, preparation, review,
approval, and maintenance of records are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
5 Ensure that procedures, work instructions, or other appropriate
means used to define work processes are documented and controlled.
Document High Performance
Sustainable Building
Considerations, as appropriate
6 Ensure that applicable design inputs (such as design bases,
conceptual design reports, performance requirements, regulatory
requirements, codes, and standards) are controlled (i.e., identified
and documented and that changes from approved design inputs and
reasons for the changes are identified, approved, documented, and
(See additional DOE Guides)
Prepare Preliminary Security
Vulnerability Assessment
4 Ensure that processes for specification, preparation, review,
approval, and maintenance of records are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
Prepare Initial Cyber Security
Plan for Information
Technology Projects
5 Ensure that procedures, work instructions, or other appropriate
means used to define work processes are documented and controlled.
5 Ensure that work processes consist of series of actions planned and
carried out by qualified personnel using approved procedures,
instructions, and equipment under administrative, technical, and
environmental controls.
(See additional DOE Guides)
Prepare Conceptual Safety
Design Report for Hazard
Category 1, 2, and 3 Nuclear
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for specification, preparation, review,
approval, and maintenance of records are implemented.
DOE G 413.3-2 Appendix D
6-27-08 D-5
Table D-2. CD-1 - QA Activities
CD-1 Requirements
QA Activities
6 Ensure that design processes that provide appropriate control of
design inputs, outputs, verification, configuration and design
changes, and technical and administrative interfaces are
6 Ensure that processes for verification of design activities are
Prepare Preliminary Hazard
Analysis Report
1 Ensure that processes (which adequately addresses hazards) for
grading the application of requirements are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
Prepare Preliminary Safety
Validation Report
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
6 Ensure that work is verified/validated before approval and
implementation of the design.
Determine Quality Assurance
Program is Acceptable and
Continues to Apply
1 Ensure that the QA program describes the established organizational
structure, functional responsibilities, levels of authority, and
interfaces for those managing, performing, and assessing the work.
1 Ensure that adequate resources have been identified for quality
program activities, such as planning, auditing, supplier qualification,
technical document review, inspection, calibration, etc.
9 Ensure that managers at every level periodically assess their
organizations and functions to determine how well they meet
customer and performance expectations and mission objectives,
identify strengths or improvement opportunities, and correct
Notes: (1) In-process quality standards for design for
constructability, maintainability, sustainability, etc should be
established/defined to allow in-process assessments and
surveillances prior to starting design activities. (2) Quality-level
determinations and flow down of QA requirements should be
evaluated. (3) The FPD/IPT should evaluate if a project-specific QA
program is required.
Appendix D DOE G 413.3-2
D-6 6-27-08
Table D-3. CD-2 - QA Activities
CD-2 Requirements
QA Activities
Establish Performance Baseline 4 Ensure that processes for document preparation, review, approval,
and change control are implemented.
(See additional DOE Guides)
Update Project Execution Plan 4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
(See additional DOE Guides)
Employ Earned Value
Management System
4 Ensure that processes for document preparation, review, approval,
and change control are implemented.
(See additional DOE Guides)
Perform Performance Baseline
Validation External
Independent Review or
Performance Baseline
Validation Independent Project
4 Ensure that processes for document preparation, review, approval,
and change control are implemented.
10 Ensure that processes to plan and conduct independent reviews to
measure item and service quality and the adequacy of work
performance and to promote improvement are implemented.
10 Ensure that persons conducting reviews are technically qualified and
knowledgeable in the areas to be reviewed.
10 Ensure that persons conducting independent reviews have sufficient
authority and freedom from line management.
Note: Ensure that the review team has the right skill mix, including a
review team member assigned to review QA-related lines of inquiry.
For larger, more complex projects, one or more of the team members
should have QA expertise and focus on QA-related lines of inquiry.
(See additional DOE Guides)
Develop Independent Cost
Estimate or Perform
Independent Cost Review for
Major System Projects
4 Ensure that processes for document preparation, review, approval,
and change control are implemented.
10 Ensure that processes to plan and conduct independent reviews to
measure item and service quality and the adequacy of work
performance and to promote improvement are implemented.
10 Ensure that persons conducting reviews are technically qualified and
knowledgeable in the areas to be reviewed.
10 Ensure that persons conducting independent reviews have sufficient
authority and freedom from line management.
Note: Ensure that the review team has the right skill mix, including a
review team member assigned to review QA-related lines of inquiry.
For larger, more complex projects, one or more of the team members
should have QA expertise and focus on QA-related lines of inquiry.
(See additional DOE Guides)
Determine Quality Assurance
Program is Acceptable and
Continues to Apply
1 Ensure that the QA program describes the established organizational
structure, functional responsibilities, levels of authority, and
interfaces for those managing, performing, and assessing the work.
DOE G 413.3-2 Appendix D
6-27-08 D-7
Table D-3. CD-2 - QA Activities
CD-2 Requirements
QA Activities
1 Ensure that adequate resources have been identified for QA program
activities, such as planning, auditing, supplier qualification, technical
document review, inspection, calibration, etc.
9 Ensure that managers at every level are periodically assessing their
organizations and functions to determine how well they meet
customer and performance expectations and mission objectives,
identify strengths or improvement opportunities, and correct
Notes: (1) In-process quality standards for design for
constructability, maintainability, sustainability, etc should be
established/defined to allow in-process assessments and
surveillances prior to starting design activities. (2) Quality-level
determinations and flow down of QA requirements should be
evaluated. (3) The FPD/IPT should evaluate if a project-specific QA
program is required.
Prepare Preliminary Design 2 Ensure that processes are implemented for personnel to achieve
initial proficiency; maintain proficiency; and adapt to changes in
technology, methods, or job responsibilities.
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for specification, preparation, review,
approval, and maintenance of records are implemented.
6 Ensure that applicable design inputs (such as design bases,
conceptual design reports, performance requirements, regulatory
requirements, codes, and standards) are controlled (i.e., identified
and documented and changes from approved design inputs and
reasons for the changes are identified, approved, documented, and
6 Ensure that design processes use sound engineering/scientific
principles and appropriate standards; incorporate applicable
requirements and design bases in design work and design changes;
identify and control design interfaces; verify/validate the adequacy
of design products using individuals or groups other than those who
performed the work; verify/validate work before approval and
implementation of the design.
6 Ensure that processes for verification of design activities are
Update Project Data Sheet, if
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for specification, preparation, review,
approval, and maintenance of records are implemented.
Appendix D DOE G 413.3-2
D-8 6-27-08
Table D-3. CD-2 - QA Activities
CD-2 Requirements
QA Activities
Conduct Design Review of
Preliminary Design
2 Ensure that processes are implemented for personnel to achieve
initial proficiency; maintain proficiency; and adapt to changes in
technology, methods, or job responsibilities.
6 Ensure that processes for conducting design reviews are
implemented to ensure that the design inputs were correctly selected
and incorporated; assumptions necessary to perform the design were
adequately described, reasonable, and where applicable, identified as
requiring confirmation as the design proceeds; appropriate design
methods, and computer programs when applicable, were used;
design outputs are reasonable compared to design inputs; and the
necessary design inputs from interfacing organizations were
specified in the design documents.
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
10 Ensure that persons conducting reviews are technically qualified and
knowledgeable in the areas to be reviewed.
10 Ensure that persons conducting independent reviews have sufficient
authority and freedom from line management.
Note: In addition to participating as a formal reviewer, focusing
specifically on QA-related lines of inquiry, utilize QA expertise to
help determine appropriate skill mix for review teams and to assist
the FPD with conducting the design review.
Prepare Preliminary Safety
Design Report
1 Ensure that processes (which adequately addresses hazards) for
grading the application of requirements are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for specification, preparation, review,
approval, and maintenance of records are implemented.
6 Ensure that design processes that provide appropriate control of
design inputs, outputs, verification, configuration and design
changes, and technical and administrative interfaces are
Prepare Hazard Analysis
1 Ensure that processes (which adequately addresses hazards) for
grading the application of requirements are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
6 Ensure that processes for appropriate control of design inputs,
outputs, verification, configuration and design changes, and
technical and administrative interfaces are implemented.
DOE G 413.3-2 Appendix D
6-27-08 D-9
Table D-3. CD-2 - QA Activities
CD-2 Requirements
QA Activities
Update Preliminary Security
Vulnerability Assessment
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
Update Initial Cyber Security
Plan for Information
Technology Projects
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
Prepare Preliminary Safety
Validation Report
1 Ensure that processes (which adequately addresses hazards) for
grading the application of requirements are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
Incorporate Preliminary
Sustainable Environmental
Stewardship-High Performance
Sustainable Building provisions
into Preliminary Design and
Design Review
6 Ensure that applicable design inputs (such as design bases,
conceptual design reports, performance requirements, regulatory
requirements, codes, and standards) are controlled (i.e., identified
and documented and changes from approved design inputs and
reasons for the changes are identified, approved, documented, and
(See additional DOE Guides)
Complete (or obtain approval
of) Final National
Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) Documentation
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
Table D-4. CD-3 - QA Activities
CD-3 Requirements
QA Activities
Complete and Review Final
Design or Determine Design is
Sufficiently Mature to Start
Procurement or Construction
2 Ensure that processes are implemented for personnel to achieve
initial proficiency; maintain proficiency; and adapt to changes in
technology, methods, or job responsibilities.
6 Ensure that applicable design inputs (such as design bases,
conceptual design reports, performance requirements, regulatory
requirements, codes, and standards) are controlled (i.e., identified
and documented and changes from approved design inputs and
reasons for the changes are identified, approved, documented, and
Appendix D DOE G 413.3-2
D-10 6-27-08
Table D-4. CD-3 - QA Activities
CD-3 Requirements
QA Activities
6 Ensure that processes for conducting design reviews are
implemented to ensure that the design inputs were correctly selected
and incorporated; assumptions necessary to perform the design were
adequately described, reasonable, and where applicable, identified as
requiring confirmation as the design proceeds; appropriate design
methods, and computer programs when applicable, were used;
design outputs are reasonable compared to design inputs; and the
necessary design inputs from interfacing organizations were
specified in the design documents.
6 Ensure that design processes use sound engineering/scientific
principles and appropriate standards; incorporate applicable
requirements and design bases in design work and design changes;
identify and control design interfaces; verify/validate the adequacy
of design products using individuals or groups other than those who
performed the work; verify/validate work before approval and
implementation of the design.
6 Ensure that processes for verification of design activities are
Update CD-2 Project
Documentation and Required
Approvals to Reflect Any
Changes Resulting from Final
Design, including the PEP,
Performance Baseline, Project
Data Sheet, etc.
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for document preparation, review, approval,
and change control are implemented.
Perform External Independent
Review for Construction or
Execution Readiness
10 Ensure that processes to plan and conduct independent reviews to
measure item and service quality and the adequacy of work
performance and to promote improvement are implemented.
10 Ensure that persons conducting reviews are technically qualified and
knowledgeable in the areas to be reviewed.
10 Ensure that persons conducting independent reviews have sufficient
authority and freedom from line management.
Note: Ensure that the review team has the right skill mix, including a
review team member assigned to review QA-related lines of inquiry.
For larger, more complex projects, one or more of the team members
should have QA expertise and focus on QA-related lines of inquiry.
(See additional DOE Guides)
Prepare Preliminary
Documented Safety Analysis
1 Ensure that processes (which adequately addresses hazards) for
grading the application of requirements are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
DOE G 413.3-2 Appendix D
6-27-08 D-11
Table D-4. CD-3 - QA Activities
CD-3 Requirements
QA Activities
4 Ensure that processes for specification, preparation, review,
approval, and maintenance of records are implemented.
6 Ensure that design processes that provide appropriate control of
design inputs, outputs, verification, configuration and design
changes, and technical and administrative interfaces are
Update Hazard Analysis Report
and Obtain DOE Approval
1 Ensure that processes (which adequately addresses hazards) for
grading the application of requirements are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
6 Ensure that design processes that provide appropriate control of
design inputs, outputs, verification, configuration and design
changes, and technical and administrative interfaces are
Update Preliminary Security
Vulnerability Assessment
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
Update Cyber Security Plan for
Information Technology
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for specification, preparation, review,
approval, and maintenance of records are implemented.
Prepare Safety Evaluation
1 Ensure that processes (which adequately addresses hazards) for
grading the application of requirements are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for specification, preparation, review,
approval, and maintenance of records are implemented.
6 Ensure that design processes that provide appropriate control of
design inputs, outputs, verification, configuration and design
changes, and technical and administrative interfaces are
Prepare Construction Project
Safety and Health Plan
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
Appendix D DOE G 413.3-2
D-12 6-27-08
Table D-4. CD-3 - QA Activities
CD-3 Requirements
QA Activities
Incorporate Final Sustainable
Environmental Stewardship-
High Performance Sustainable
Building Provisions into Final
Design and External
Independent Review
6 Ensure that applicable design inputs (such as design bases,
conceptual design reports, performance requirements, regulatory
requirements, codes, and standards) are controlled (i.e., identified
and documented and changes from approved design inputs and
reasons for the changes are identified, approved, documented, and
(See additional DOE Guides)
Update Quality Assurance
Program for Construction, Field
Design Changes, and
Procurement Activities
1 Ensure that the QA program describes the established organizational
structure, functional responsibilities, levels of authority, and
interfaces for those managing, performing, and assessing the work.
9 Ensure that managers at every level are periodically assessing their
organizations and functions to determine how well they meet
customer and performance expectations and mission objectives,
identify strengths or improvement opportunities, and correct
Note: This revision/update to the QA program should represent the
final acquisition strategy and flow down of QA-related requirements.
Table D-5. CD-4 - QA Activities
CD-4 Requirements
QA Activities
Verify Key Performance
Parameters or Project
Completion Criteria Have Been
Met and Mission Requirements
3 Ensure that processes to identify, control, and correct items, services,
and processes that do not meet established requirements are
5 Ensure that work is performed consistent with technical standards,
administrative controls, and hazard controls adopted to meet
regulatory or contract requirements using approved instructions,
procedures, etc.
Complete Readiness
Assessment or Operational
Readiness Review
3 Ensure that processes to identify, control, and correct items, services,
and processes that do not meet established requirements are
5 Ensure that the planned scope of work demonstrates that work
prerequisites have been satisfied, personnel have been suitably
trained and qualified, detailed implementing documents and
management controls are available and approved.
10 Ensure that persons conducting reviews are technically qualified and
knowledgeable in the areas to be reviewed.
Note: Ensure that the review team has the right skill mix, including a
review team member assigned to review QA-related lines of inquiry.
For larger, more complex projects, one or more of the team members
should have QA expertise and focus on QA-related lines of inquiry.
DOE G 413.3-2 Appendix D
6-27-08 D-13
Table D-5. CD-4 - QA Activities
CD-4 Requirements
QA Activities
Issue Checkout, Testing, and
Commissioning Plan
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
8 Ensure that performance expectations, acceptance criteria,
inspections and tests, and hold points are identified/considered early
in the design process and/or specified in the design output and
procurement documents. Address the calibration of measuring and
testing equipment (M&TE).
Issue Project Transition to
Operations Plan
1 Ensure that processes to implement a quality management approach
are established and implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
Issue Updated Quality
Assurance Plan
1 Ensure that the QA program describes the established organizational
structure, functional responsibilities, levels of authority, and
interfaces for those managing, performing, and assessing the work.
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
Revise Environmental
Management System
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
5 Ensure that actions are planned and carried out by qualified
personnel using approved procedures, instructions, and equipment
under administrative, technical, and environmental controls.
Prepare Documented Safety
Analysis Report with Technical
Safety Requirements for
Hazard Category 1, 2, and 3
Nuclear Facilities
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
6 Ensure that applicable design inputs (such as design bases,
conceptual design reports, performance requirements, regulatory
requirements, codes, and standards) are controlled (i.e., identified
and documented and that changes from approved design inputs and
reasons for the changes are identified, approved, documented, and
Update Construction Project
Safety and Health Plan
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
5 Ensure that actions are planned and carried out by qualified
personnel using approved procedures, instructions, and equipment
under administrative, technical, and environmental controls.
Finalize Hazard Analysis
1 Ensure that processes (which adequately addresses hazards) for
grading the application of requirements are implemented.
Appendix D DOE G 413.3-2
D-14 6-27-08
Table D-5. CD-4 - QA Activities
CD-4 Requirements
QA Activities
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
6 Ensure that design processes that provide appropriate control of
design inputs, outputs, verification, configuration and design
changes, and technical and administrative interfaces are
Finalize Security Vulnerability
Assessment Report
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
Finalize Cyber Security Plan
for Information Technology
Projects and Complete
Certification and Accreditation,
as required
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for specification, preparation, review,
approval, and maintenance of records are implemented.
Prepare Safety Evaluation
Report Based on Review of
Preliminary Documented
Safety Analysis for Category 1,
2, and 3 Nuclear Facilities
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
5 Ensure that actions are planned and carried out by qualified
personnel using approved procedures, instructions, and equipment
under administrative, technical, and environmental controls.
Table D-6. Post CD-4 - QA Activities
Post CD-4 Requirements
QA Activities
Perform Final Administrative
and Financial Closeout and
Prepare Final Project Closeout
3 Ensure that the organization established, implemented, and
documented processes to detect and prevent quality problems and
that problems have been corrected.
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
Prepare Lessons Learned
Report and Submit to Office of
Engineering and Construction
Management (OECM)
3 Ensure that processes to detect and prevent quality problems are
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
DOE G 413.3-2 Appendix D
6-27-08 D-15 (and D-16)
Table D-7. Post CD-4 - QA Activities
Post CD-4 Requirements
QA Activities
Complete Project Required
Operational Documentation
4 Ensure that processes for preparation, review, approval, issuance,
use, and revision of documents that prescribe processes,
requirements, and design are implemented.
4 Ensure that processes for specification, preparation, review,
approval, and maintenance of records are implemented.
Conduct Post Implementation
Review for Information
Technology Projects
9 Ensure that processes to plan and conduct reviews to measure item
and service quality and the adequacy of work performance and to
promote improvement are implemented.
DOE G 413.3-2 Appendix E
6-27-08 E-1 (and E-2)
APPENDIX E. Lessons Learned
By definition, a lessons learned is:
A "good work practice" or innovative approach that is captured and shared to promote
repeat applications or an adverse work practice or experience that is captured and
shared to avoid a recurrence.
One of the primary goals of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) lessons learned process is to
connect DOE Sites through shared information so DOE employees can benefit from each other's
innovations and prevent repeating unfortunate events. DOE encourages its employees to utilize
this valuable tool. Federal project directors (FPD) are encouraged to contact their site Lessons
Learned program office for more information.
An essential lessons learned source is the Office of Health, Safety and Security Corporate
Operating Experience webpage at This site is continually
updated to improve content and usefulness.
FPDs may also want to refer to the Energy Facility Contractors Group (EFCOG) Best Practices
website at