DOT HS 813 544 March 2024
Traffic Records Data Quality
Management Guide:
Update to the Model
Performance Measures for
State Traffic Records Systems
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This publication is distributed by the U.S. Department of Transportation, National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in the interest of information exchange.
The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this publication are those of
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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The United States Government
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names, or specific products are mentioned, it is because they are considered
essential to the object of the publication and should not be construed as an
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Suggested APA Format Citation:
Osbourn, C., Ruiz, C., Haney, K., Scopatz, B., Palmateer, C., Bianco, M. (2024, March). Traffic
records data quality management guide: Update to the model performance measures for
state traffic records systems (Report No. DOT HS 813 544).
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Technical Report Documentation Page
Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized
1. Report No.
DOT HS 813 544
2. Government Accession No.
3. Recipient's Catalog No.
4. Title and Subtitle
Traffic Records Data Quality Management Guide: Update to the Model
Performance Measures for State Traffic Records Systems
5. Report Date
March 2024
6. Performing Organization Code
7. Author
Osbourn, C., Ruiz, C., Haney, K., Scopatz, B., Palmateer, C., Bianco,
8. Performing Organization Report No.
9. Performing Organization Name and Address
Venture I
940 Main Campus Drive, Suite 500
Raleigh, NC 27606
10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)
11. Contract or Grant No.
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20590
13. Type of Report and Period Covered
Final Report
14. Sponsoring Agency Code
15. Supplementary Notes
The COR for this report was Tom Bragan.
16. Abstract
The Traffic Records Data Quality Management Guide builds upon the information in the NHTSA 2011 report,
Model Performance Measures for State Traffic Records Systems, by describing data quality performance
measurement in the context of a data quality management program. The performance measurement process
enables stakeholders to quickly identify potential data quality challenges within a traffic records system, track
project progress, and monitor data quality improvements or degradations over defined periods. Establishing
meaningful data quality performance measures is fundamental to that process and is essential to a successful
data quality management program for a State’s traffic records system. NHTSA created this update in response to
a review of State Traffic Records Assessment reports and State Traffic Safety Information System
Improvements grants funding applications. This review found that States struggle with developing and using
meaningful data quality performance measures. To address this challenge, this guide includes information on
data management, stakeholder involvement, and developing and using data quality performance measures.
17. Key Words
performance measure, quality standard, traffic records,
Twelve Pack
18. Distribution Statement
Document is available to the public from the
DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, National Center for Statistics
and Analysis,
20. Security Classif. (of this page)
21. No. of Pages
22. Price
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Table of Contents
Acronyms List ............................................................................................................................... v
Key Terms.................................................................................................................................... vii
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Audience ...................................................................................................................................... 3
The Role of Data Quality Management in State Traffic Safety Programs .................................. 4
Introduction to Data Quality Management ................................................................................ 6
Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Stakeholders ................................................................................................................................ 8
TRCC Involvement ................................................................................................................... 10
Consideration of Data Quality Management When Updating Data Systems ........................... 10
Electronic Data Transfer and How to Use Data Quality Management to Support EDT ........... 11
Traffic Records “Twelve Pack”: Six Core Data Systems and Six Data Quality Attributes 13
Six Core Data Systems .............................................................................................................. 13
Data Quality Attributes ............................................................................................................. 16
Performance Measurement ........................................................................................................ 18
Defining Data Quality Performance Measures ......................................................................... 19
Identifying Stakeholders ........................................................................................................... 21
Developing Performance Measures .......................................................................................... 22
Using Performance Measures .................................................................................................... 23
Example Performance Measures ............................................................................................... 25
Model Performance Measures by System ................................................................................. 25
Key Takeaways............................................................................................................................ 35
Resources ..................................................................................................................................... 37
Traffic Records Program Assessment Advisory, 2018 Edition (NHTSA, 2018) ..................... 37
GO Team Technical Assistance Program ................................................................................. 37
Guide to Updating State Crash Record Systems (DOT HS 813 217) ....................................... 37
State Traffic Records Coordinating Committee Strategic Planning Guide (Peach et al., 2019)38
Crash Data Improvement Program (CDIP) Guide (Scopatz et al., 2019) ................................. 38
Roadway Data Improvement Program (RDIP) (Chandler et al., 206) ...................................... 38
Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (NHTSA, 2024) ...................................................... 38
References .................................................................................................................................... 39
List of Tables
Table 1. Performance Measurement Components ........................................................................ 20
Table 2. Performance Measures Examples Applicable to All Traffic Records System
Databases ....................................................................................................................... 26
Table 3. Crash System Performance Measures Examples ............................................................ 28
Table 4. Driver System Performance Measures Examples ........................................................... 29
Table 5. Vehicle System Performance Measures Examples ......................................................... 30
Table 6. Roadway System Performance Measures Examples ...................................................... 31
Table 7. Citation and Adjudication System Performance Measures Examples ............................ 32
Table 8. Injury Surveillance System Performance Measures Examples ...................................... 33
Acronyms List
AADT average annual daily traffic
AAMVA American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators
ANSI American National Standard Institute
CDIP Crash Data Improvement Program
CDLIS Commercial Driver’s License Information System
CODES Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System
DWI driving while impaired
EDT electronic data transfer
EMS emergency medical services
FARS Fatality Analysis Reporting System
FDE fundamental data element
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
GHSA Governors Highway Safety Association
GIS geographic information system
HPMS Highway Performance Monitoring System
HSIP Highway Safety Improvement Program
HSP Highway Safety Plan
IT information technology
LEA law enforcement agency
LRS linear referencing system
MIDRIS Model Impaired Driving Records Information System
MIRE Model Inventory of Roadway Elements
MMUCC Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria
MOU memorandum of understanding
NEMSIS National Emergency Medical Services Information System
PDO property damage only
QA quality assurance
QC quality control
RDIP Roadway Data Improvement Program
SSN Social Security Number
SMART specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely or time-based
SSOLV Social Security Online Verification
STRAP State Traffic Records Assessment Program
PDPS Problem Driver Pointer System
SHSP Strategic Highway Safety Plan
TRCC Traffic Records Coordinating Committee
TRSP Traffic Records Strategic Plan
VIN Vehicle Identification Number
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Key Terms
This document uses terms that have been defined in the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration’s Traffic Records Assessment Advisory, 2018 Edition (NHTSA, 2018), NHTSA’s
State Traffic Records Coordinating Committee Strategic Planning Guide (Peach et al. 2019), and
the Code of Federal Regulations’ Uniform Procedures for State Highway Safety Grant
Programs, Title 23, Chapter III, Part 1300.
Baseline: A minimum or starting point used for comparisons.
Data attribute: A specific value or selection for a data element (or variable). For example, for
the data element “Type of Intersection,” attributes could include T-Intersection, Y-Intersection,
Circular Intersection, etc.
Data element: Individual variables or fields coded within each record (e.g., Type of
Data file: A dataset or group of records within a data system or database. A data system may
contain a single data filesuch as a State’s driver file—or more than one. For example, the
injury surveillance system consists of separate files for the emergency medical service,
emergency department, hospital discharge, trauma registry, and vital records.
Data governance: A set of processes that verifies that important data assets are formally
managed throughout the enterprise.
Data integration: Refers to establishing connections between the six major components of the
traffic records system (crash, vehicle, driver, roadway, citation and adjudication, and injury
surveillance). Each component may have several sub-systems that can be integrated for
analytical purposes. The resulting integrated datasets enable users to conduct analyses and
generate insights impossible to achieve if based solely on the contents of any singular data
Data interface: A seamless, on-demand connectivity and a high degree of interoperability
between systems that support critical business processes and enhances data quality. An interface
refers to the real-time transfer of data between data systems (e.g., auto-populating a crash report
using a bar code reader for a driver license).
Data linkages: The connections established by matching at least one data element from a record
in one file with the corresponding data element or elements in one or more records in another file
or files. Linkages may be further described as interface linkages or integration linkages
depending on the nature and desired outcome of the connection.
Data system: One of the six State traffic records system components—crash, driver, vehicle,
roadway, citation and adjudication, and injury surveillancethat may comprise several
independent databases with one primary data file.
Goal: A high-level statement of what the organization hopes to achieve.
Need: A challenge that the State considers in the Traffic Records Strategic Plan.
Objective: A quantified improvement the Traffic Records Coordinating Committee hopes or
wants to achieve by a specific date through a series of related projects.
Performance measure: A quantitative statement, established through the performance
measurement process, which is used to assess progress toward meeting a defined performance
target. Refer to Table 1. Performance Measurement Components for an example of a
performance measure.
Performance measurement: The process of creating and maintaining performance measures to
assess progress toward meeting a defined performance target. Refer to the Performance
Measurement section for further information.
Performance value: A numeric indicator used for comparing and tracking performance over
time. Refer to Table 1. Performance Measure Components for an example of a performance
Performance target: A quantifiable level of performance or a goal, expressed as a value, to be
achieved within a specified time period. Refer to Table 1. Performance Measure Components for
an example of a performance target.
Problem identification: The data collection and analysis process for identifying areas of the
State, types of crashes, or types of populations (e.g., high-risk populations) that present specific
safety challenges to efforts to improve a specific program area.
Record: All the data stored in a database file for a specific event (e.g., a crash record, a patient
hospital discharge record).
State: The 50 States, Tribal Nations, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S.
Territories. These are the jurisdictions eligible to receive State Traffic Safety Information System
Improvements grants. In this context, “State” should be understood to include these additional
Executive Summary
A sustainable data quality management program is fundamental to data that is trustworthy and
dependable for decision-makers. The consequences of making organizational decisions based on
poor quality data can have an undesirable effect on traffic safety. Decisions based on poor data
risk incorrect problem identification or the allocation of resources or funding to areas that have a
lesser impact on improving traffic safety. The proper appropriation of a State’s limited traffic
safety resources is crucial to impacting key safety focus areas such as impaired driving, occupant
protection, distracted driving, and non-motorist safety.
The Traffic Records Data Quality Management Guide builds upon the information in the Model
Performance Measures for State Traffic Records Systems (NHTSA, 2011) by describing data
quality performance measurement in the context of a data quality management program. NHTSA
acknowledges and thanks the expert panel who created the original document for their efforts in
improving data quality.
The performance measurement process enables stakeholders to quickly identify potential data
quality challenges within a traffic records system, track project progress, and monitor data
quality improvements or degradations over defined periods. Establishing meaningful data quality
performance measures is fundamental to that process and is essential to a successful data quality
management program for a state’s traffic records system.
NHTSA created this update in response to a review of State Traffic Records Assessment reports
and State Traffic Safety Information System Improvements grants funding applications. This
review found that States struggle with developing and using meaningful data quality
performance measures. To address this challenge, this guide includes information on data
management, stakeholder involvement, and developing and using data quality performance
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NHTSA developed the Traffic Records Data Quality Management Guide for State data
collectors, managers, and users to implement methods for improving data quality to support
safety decision-making. This guide represents an update to NHTSA’s Model Performance
Measures for State Traffic Records Systems (2011). The original document was a collaboration
between NHTSA and the Governors Highway Safety Association in which an expert panel of
State traffic safety professionals developed example traffic records data quality performance
measures. While States adopted many of those example measures, State TRSPs and grant
funding applications too often show a misunderstanding of the meaning, purpose, and effective
application of data quality performance measures.
This update extends the scope by providing a context for data quality performance measurement
and placing it as a vital part of the formal, comprehensive data quality management program
described in the Traffic Records Program Assessment Advisory, 2018 edition (NHTSA, 2018).
Data users, Traffic Records Coordinating Committee members, and other traffic records
stakeholders can use this guide to:
Identify the roles and responsibilities of their agency personnel in managing data quality;
Measure data quality over time;
Identify opportunities for improvement and develop procedures to measure data quality
over time; and
Improve the understanding of how the traffic records system supports their safety
Data system managers can use this guide to:
Develop performance measures to evaluate system improvements;
Articulate to the TRCC the business need for updating components of the State data
Engage existing TRCC members and other traffic records stakeholders;
Incorporate new stakeholders into performance management;
Recognize the necessity of data system edit checks and articulate how to implement them
as part of a data quality control program; and
Understand and incorporate the needs of the data collectors when developing effective
performance measures.
Data collectors can use this guide to:
Identify the roles and responsibilities of their agencies’ personnel in managing data
Understand why system managers and the TRCC use performance measures to track and
improve the data they collect;
Identify challenges and opportunities to improve the data collection process (including
opportunities for human factors improvement) to inform the data system managers and
the TRCC; and
Articulate feedback to data system managers and the TRCC on the quality control efforts
that have been implemented (e.g., new edit checks, procedures, documentation).
The Role of Data Quality Management in State Traffic Safety Programs
Quality traffic records data is vital for traffic safety analysis and traffic safety programming.
Maintaining a traffic records system that supports data-driven decision-making is necessary to
identify problems and opportunities for improvement; develop, deploy, and evaluate
countermeasures; and efficiently allocate resources.
Strategic Planning
Quality traffic records data is essential to effective strategic planning. States are encouraged to
implement a strategic planning process that is realistic and supported by their current structure,
authority, and capabilities. Over time, States can refine and improve their strategic planning and
implementation processes to address identified traffic records needs for data quality
improvement. Traffic records stakeholders, such as the State TRCC, should engage in strategic
planning efforts to help identify and address traffic safety data quality issues to move the State
towards improved data and better data quality management.
Data Governance
The advisory describes data governance as the formal management of a State’s data assets.
Governance includes a set of documented processes, policies, and procedures that are critically
important to integrate traffic records data. These policies and procedures address and document
data definitions, content, and management of key traffic records data sources within the State.
Such data standards applied across platforms and systems provide the foundation for data
integration and comprehensive data quality management. Data governance is a comprehensive
approach that includes data quality management as a necessary component.
Data governance varies widely by State and involves a variety of traffic safety stakeholders,
including data stewards, custodians, collectors, users, and other traffic safety stakeholders. The
TRCC is ideally positioned to aid in developing the necessary data governance, access, and
security policies for datasets that include several sources from several agencies. This formal data
governance process can lead to improved data quality and traffic record system documentation,
greater support for business needs, more efficient use of resources, and reduced barriers to
Relationship to Other Plans
Quality traffic records data provides the foundation for key State traffic safety plans. States need
timely, accurate, complete, and uniform traffic records data to identify and prioritize traffic
safety issues, develop appropriate countermeasures, and evaluate their effectiveness. There are
many commonalities among State safety planning efforts including data quality performance
measurement. Performance measurement is a key component of traffic records data quality
management. States are responsible for developing, monitoring, evaluating, and updating State
safety plans using performance measures and targets to track their progress toward data quality
One way to reduce duplication of efforts is to incorporate the State TRCCs strategic planning
and data quality management practices into other State safety plans such as the Strategic
Highway Safety Plan, Highway Safety Plan, Highway Safety Improvement Program, local
agency plans, or State agency efforts. Through agency collaboration on these State safety plans,
States are better able to recognize the value of including traffic records data quality in their
planning and encourage broad, multi-agency support for the State’s data quality management
efforts. The State’s traffic records strategic planning process can benefit from stakeholders’
engagement in the development of other safety plans. This can be accomplished by informing
traffic records stakeholders of changes occurring in specific data systems that may have
widespread impacts, expanding the TRSP to include non-§405(c) funded projects, and increasing
visibility of the TRSP with other agencies. These strategic planning efforts enhance the State’s
ability to conduct traffic safety problem identification, select and develop countermeasures, and
measure the effectiveness of said countermeasures.
States that do not have an existing comprehensive, formal data quality management program can
start one by creating traffic records data quality performance measures and targets. The formal
data quality management processes described in the advisory include a role for the TRCC in
reviewing and providing oversight for data quality performance measurements. State TRCCs
identify which Traffic Records Assessment recommendations the State intends to address, which
projects will address each recommendation, and the performance measures used to track
progress. The TRCC’s TRSP performance management should be coordinated with the data
quality performance measures of the State’s SHSP, HSP, and any other traffic records
improvement efforts to prevent States from implementing projects that overlap and to add new
projects as new needs and opportunities are identified.
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Introduction to Data Quality Management
Data quality management is a formal, comprehensive program that includes policies, procedures,
and the people responsible for implementing them. In this guide, data quality improvement has
the specific goal of supporting traffic safety decision-making to save lives, prevent injuries, and
reduce the economic costs of traffic crashes.
As part of data quality management, it is important to distinguish between quality assurance and
quality control. QA comprises the program- and policy-level aspect of data management and is
typically the same for all data a department manages. It sets out the roles and responsibilities,
program components, and expectations for the quality management program. QC comprises the
specific steps and the organization’s reaction to identified data quality problems. It is the list of
data quality initiativeshow quality is measured and the actions that can be taken in response to
specific data quality problems. QA is the manual, and QC is the toolkit. QA and QC together
comprise the organization’s formal, comprehensive data quality management program.
To accomplish this goal, a traffic records data quality management program should include the
following QC components:
Edit checks and validation rules: These are automated evaluations of values in data
fields against defined ranges or allowed (expected) values, including verifications of
logical agreement among the values. Often called data system business logic, validation
rules test the consistency within a data element and edit checks test the consistency
between two or more data elements. The purpose is to objectively assess the data against
established standards, definitions, and requirements. When implemented as part of a data
quality management program, edit checks and validation rules can minimize data entry
errors by alerting data collectors to problems before they submit their report. They can
also serve as filters at data intake so that reports containing errors can be flagged for
rejection or correction. Edit checks and validation rules must be regularly monitored for
effectiveness and efficiency and modified as necessary. Data collector feedback is
essential to confirm that the edit checks and validation rules are working properly.
Periodic quality control data analysis processes: This is a periodic analysis of most (or
at least the key or important) fields in the database to compare newly received data to
data from the past. This type of analysis is used to flag unexpected changes in the data so
that analysts and other key personnel can investigate what may have happened and if the
changes indicate a data quality problem or reflect reality. States may choose to repeat the
monthly, quarterly, or annual QC analyses as best fits their quality management program.
Data audit processes: An audit process using a random selection of reports from the
database and expert-level review of the data in each of the cases helps data managers
identify if there are any data collection problems (such as misinterpretations of data
element definitions) that are not being flagged as errors by the current edit checks and
validation rules. Audits can prompt changes to training, guidance, manuals, data
definitions, supervisors’ data reviews, and edit checks.
Error correction processes: When errors are identified in accepted data (i.e., in the
production version of the database), a formal procedure for correcting those errors should
include a method for logging the correction, providing information to the original data
collector (and agency), and retaining both the original and the corrected data (i.e., the
potential to review the error and the correction). An error log table in the database serves
this purpose. States can set reasonable limits on the types of changes that can be
implemented and for how long after the original submission. Some errors and corrections
are more important than others and impact specific uses. For example, incorrect location
information affects engineering studies and enforcement effortsthe State may wish to
correct these errors whenever they are noticed.
Data quality performance measures: There are six data quality attributes that NHTSA
recognizes—timeliness, accuracy, completeness, uniformity, integration, and
accessibility—for each of the six core components of a traffic records system. There are
many ways to measure each attribute and there are many databases within the six core
system components. This guide explains performance measurementhow to create
meaningful data quality performance measures that help identify when there is a need to
address a data quality problem and help point to potential solutions.
Data quality management is the concern of those who collect, manage, and use traffic records
data for decisions impacting traffic safety. The stakeholders in data quality management come
from local, Tribal, State, and Federal Government agencies. They may also be members of the
public, research organizations, and advocacy groups. Important roles and responsibilities in a
data quality management program include:
Data owners/system administrators/data managers: These are the custodial agencies
and designated positions, given authority (often defined in statute) over data sources. The
data owner may be charged with establishing the official, required contents and format of
data collection forms; implementing and meeting State and Federal standards or
guidelines for collection, maintenance, and access to data; and managing staff and
resources required to maintain the system. The person exercising this authority may or
may not be an information technology professional but is often tasked with overseeing,
managing, and maintaining responsibility for the work of IT staff and IT contractors
supporting the system.
Data stewards and data custodians: These are often the IT professionals assigned to
maintain and upgrade the system. Where the two roles are separate, data stewards are
tasked with creating datasets, developing policies, and managing high-level
communications about data use and access. Data custodians are IT staff responsible for
the technical aspects of data movement, security, storage, and user access. These
positions are often tasked with system documentation responsibilities.
Data entry specialists, quality assurance QA/QC reviewers, and supervisors: These
are levels of staff trained to handle data intake, post-processing, quality reviews, and
oversight. This type of staff member often reports to the data owner as part of the data
system administration team. As data collection operations move from paper-based to
electronic data collection and data transfer, many States have transitioned these positions
toward data quality review roles with expanded responsibilities focusing especially on
data quality.
Data analysts and data scientists/statisticians: These staff may also report to the
system administrator. They develop QA policies and QC analyses to test the quality of
data. They also conduct analyses to support programs and key users. Data analysts may
also help to maintain user documentation for the system and may take on responsibility
for training content development for data collectors. Data scientists and statisticians may
also work on new ways of integrating and analyzing data that will then be used by the
data analysts. Data scientists are often focused on developing tools and automated
systems for others to use.
Data collectors: Depending on the system, many people may supply records to the
database. This may or may not be their primary job responsibility, and, in most cases,
they do not report to the system administrator, but rather are part of a different office or
agency. For some databases, there are many (sometimes hundreds) agencies with
thousands of data collectors. The data collector role may include trainers and supervisory
personnel in each agency as well.
Data users: These are stakeholders in the system by virtue of their need for data and
analytic results. Data users have a defined role in data quality management because they
can provide valuable feedback on the data’s suitability for meeting specific needs. Their
feedback can take the form of error notifications (a record contains mistakes or is missing
critical information) and by adding to the discussion of data needs (e.g., data gaps).
Each person may take on more than one role—a data collector in one scenario may be a data user
in another situation. Data managers are often data users as well. Data quality management
requires the expertise of specialized roles such as system developers in IT, database
administrators, field personnel, supervisors, data entry specialists and QC staff, executive
decision-makers, engineers, planners, statisticians, research scientists, and more.
The work of data quality management is task-oriented but requires planning, oversight, and
cooperation. To be effective, data quality management should involve collaboration among
stakeholders, preferably within a formal data quality management program or data governance
framework. This can be established for individual systems, at the agency level, or statewide,
depending on the capabilities and maturity level of the programs. This guide describes managing
data statewide or agencywide, but the principles of data quality management apply to individual
systems. The same data quality management structures, policies, and procedures can work for all
traffic records systems or a single system.
TRCC Involvement
The State TRCC may be able to facilitate the multi-agency stakeholder engagement that data
quality management requires, especially to meet the need for oversight and collaboration.
Ideally, TRCCs meet regularly throughout the year and are tasked with improving State traffic
records data. They are charged with creating the State TRSP that includes projects proposed by
stakeholders to address problems and take advantage of opportunities for data improvement and
increased efficiency. Their inputs include the data quality management programs, custodial
agencies, and various stakeholders expressing data needs and ideas for improvement. The TRCC
can take on several important roles in data quality management, including:
Identify stakeholders: The TRCC is a good source of stakeholders for most of the traffic
records system components and the roles and responsibilities defined for the data quality
management program. One possibility is that data quality management can become a
working group within the TRCC.
Review system edit checks and validation rules: The process of reviewing data edit
checks and validation rules often involves a small group of experts with detailed
knowledge from several perspectives (collectors, managers, and users). The TRCC can
include these people or recruit them specifically for review efforts.
Define performance measures: Through the performance measurement process, the
TRCC can help data managers define data quality performance measures if agencies need
assistance. This can happen through collaboration among agencies that have successfully
implemented data quality programs and share that knowledge with partners in the TRCC
setting. The TRCC can also take the lead in creating a formal, comprehensive data quality
management program that all agencies can participate in together. Part of that effort
would be the development of data quality performance measures for each of the systems.
Monitor data quality performance measures and set goals: The data quality
performance measurement effort will include comparisons against baseline performance
and target setting. The TRCC can help agencies establish the goals for data quality
performance and monitor the achievement of the projects aimed at improving traffic
records quality by including periodic reports in the TRCC meetings.
Work with or foster data governance efforts: The TRCC can contribute to data
governance efforts within agencies or at the statewide level by sharing its knowledge of
data quality management for the State’s traffic records system. The formal policies,
procedures, roles, and responsibilities in data quality management are all like those
needed for data governance. The two processes can work well together and the TRCC
can share its progress with the data governance group or borrow from what that group has
already accomplished.
Consideration of Data Quality Management When Updating Data Systems
Data quality management programs involve several activities that can be supported with
automated tools or database records. These include analyses that are run periodically (e.g., trend
analyses and comparisons to prior years’ data), reviews and updates to system edit checks or
validation rules, and creation of error logs when data is corrected. While it is possible to add
features to an existing system, the cost can be quite high and the timeline for execution may be
long. The costs and timing are barriers if the work is not considered part of a critical
departmental priority or if the requested change will not generate revenue. When departments are
upgrading their systems, however, the opportunity arises to include functionality that will
support data quality management as part of the new system specification. At that time, the
additional cost for adding a feature such as flexible analytic output, edit check specifications
controlled by the agency’s management, or a separate data table to track error corrections may be
It is important to have systems designed so that users can specify their own analyses and save
those specifications for reuse and modification. Similarly, suppose the system design includes an
edit check and validation rule tool. In that case, that tool should allow the system’s managers to
write new edits, save them, turn them on and off, and specify what happens when a rule is
violated. Any new edit checks created should be thoroughly vetted in a test environment before
implementation in a production environment to determine that there is no adverse impact to the
system. Also, for the suggested error log data table, the system should track all changes to the
database by who made the change, when they made it, and what the change was so that the data
can always be recovered to the immediately preceding value if desired. These features will give a
State more control over future changes to the system and avoid the costly and time-consuming
need to consult with contractors or IT staff to perform minimal functions such as modifying an
edit check or creating a new analysis. The tools for performing these tasks should be simple to
use and accessible to authorized users based on management’s approval.
Electronic Data Transfer and How to Use Data Quality Management to Support
The EDT protocol is NHTSA’s automated transfer of State motor vehicle crash and injury data
from State data repositories. NHTSA uses EDT to advance near real-time data collection and
transfer, enable more timely decision-making, reduce the burden of data collection, improve data
quality, and make data available sooner. Ultimately this supports the Fatality Analysis Reporting
System and Crash Report Sampling System programs, which align to many MMUCC data
elements. The closer a State aligns to MMUCC and other national data standards, the easier it is
to share data and there is less work to do in translating between the State data elements and
NHTSA’s data elements. States can request additional information about EDT by contacting
their NHTSA Regional Offices.
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Traffic Records “Twelve Pack”: Six Core Data Systems and Six Data
Quality Attributes
Six Core Data Systems
Six core data systems make up a comprehensive traffic records program. These data systems are
briefly described below. More detailed information about the core data systems and their
components can be found in the advisory.
The crash data system is the repository for law enforcement reported motor vehicle traffic crash
reports. The crash system collects and maintains critical crash data used to develop and
implement data-driven traffic safety countermeasures. At a minimum, crash data includes
information about who was involved in the crash, what types of vehicles were involved, when
and where the crash occurred, how the sequence of events of the crash played out, and any
related factors. See the Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (NHTSA, 2024) for more
information on data collected for the crash system.
Interfacing the crash data system with other traffic records data systems can increase the ease
and efficiency of data collection, while creating potential for robust data analysis efforts. Data
analysis provides information about driver behavior, environmental factors, injury severity, and
medical outcomes of crash-related injuries.
Refer to Table 3. Crash System Performance Measures Examples for examples of crash system
performance measures.
The driver system contains personal information about motor vehicle operators. Each licensed
driver should have one identity, one license, and one driver history record. The driver history
record includes prior traffic crashes, sanctions, convictions, administrative actions, license
classes, and endorsements, license issuance and expiration dates, and any restrictions. The driver
system may contain information on unlicensed drivers and out-of-State drivers who were
involved in in-State crashes or received in-State traffic sanctions. Custodial responsibility usually
lies with the State’s Department or Division of Motor Vehicles. See the American Association of
Motor Vehicle Administrators Data Element Dictionary for Traffic Records Systems (2020) for
more information on data collected for the driver system.
Data from the driver system can be used by law enforcement officers to populate data on crash
and incident reports, complete citation forms, and determine appropriate sanctions or charges.
Data analysis of driver system data can identify drivers with a pattern of high-risk behaviors who
pose a safety risk to other road users. Driver data is useful as a source of demographic data and
in effectiveness evaluations for driver training, information campaigns, and various behavioral
countermeasures focusing on specific driver types or violations. Linking driver data to the
citation and adjudication system can be particularly useful because doing so supports improved
updates to records on people and can help States keep better track of repeat violators who may be
subject to enhanced charges.
Refer to Table 4. Driver System Performance Measures Examples for examples of driver system
performance measures.
The vehicle registration system is the repository for information on titled and registered vehicles
within the State. Usually, a State’s Department or Division of Motor Vehicles has custodial
responsibility for this data system. The vehicle system may include information on vehicles
registered out-of-State but involved in a crash or traffic violation in-State. Data housed in the
vehicle system includes vehicle specifications (e.g., make, model), owner/registrant information,
motor carrier information, vehicle history (including recalls), and identifies financial
responsibility. See the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators Data Element
Dictionary for Traffic Records Systems (2020) for more information on data collected for the
vehicle system.
Law enforcement officers may use vehicle registration data to populate data on crash, incident,
and citation reports. The Vehicle Identification Number can be used to identify patterns of
specific vehicle involvement in crashes and other traffic-related incidents and to identify stolen
vehicles more readily during traffic stops. When driver and owner records are expected to match
with respect to other key data elements (e.g., address changes), linking the two can help with
data validation and update processes.
Refer to Table 5. Vehicle System Performance Measures Examples for examples of vehicle
system performance measures.
The roadway system contains data about the characteristics, conditions, operation, and ownership
of roadways within the State. Ideally, this system includes information on Federal, State, Tribal,
and local roadways. The custodial agency for the roadway system is generally each State’s
Department of Transportation. Examples of data collected in the roadway system include road
classification, condition, number of travel lanes, shoulder type and width, traffic control devices,
pavement type, and average annual daily traffic. See the Federal Highway Administration’s
Model Inventory of Roadway Elements – MIRE 2.0 (Lefler et al., 2017) for more information on
the data collected for the roadway system.
Analysis of roadway data supports network screening and traffic safety countermeasure
development. Integrating roadway and crash or citation data allows for a better understanding of
the circumstances of crashes and other traffic incidents. This combined data analysis can identify
locations for safety improvements and assists project prioritization to allocate funds to high-risk
locations. Creating an interface between the crash report and the roadway system can allow
officers to select the crash location on the State’s linear reference system to populate roadway
data onto the crash report. The LRS and traffic volume data are useful in law enforcement
planning and EMS response. Agencies that prepare community-level safety analyses can use the
roadway spatial data to identify areas of high risk and compare those with information about
their areas that have a high concentration of night life, locations of schools and universities, lack
of sidewalks, density of vulnerable road users, or other factors that may contribute to the risk of
injuries or fatalities. Additional data may include things like prevailing speeds, distance or time
to nearest level 1 or level 2 trauma center, average EMS response times, and other information
not usually captured in a linkage to crash reports alone.
Refer to Table 6. Roadway System Performance Measures Examples for examples of roadway
system performance measures.
Citation and Adjudication
The citation and adjudication system is made up of component repositories that store traffic
citation, arrest, and final disposition of charge data. Responsibility for the systems is
interdependent on the data-owning agencies, which includes Federal, State, Tribal, and local
agencies. A functional traffic records citation and adjudication system relies on the willingness
of data-owning agencies to share data. Ideally, all relevant traffic records-related citations are
housed in a central, statewide repository to allow for thorough data analysis.
Citation and adjudication data are used by the driver and vehicle systems to maintain accurate
driver history and vehicle records. Citation and adjudication data are also used in national safety
data repositories, such as the Problem Driver Pointer System (PDPS) and the Commercial
Driver’s License Information System (CDLIS). Integrating crash and traffic citation data with
other crime data can identify hot spots or high-risk areas to aid in effective resource allocation.
Analyzing citation and adjudication data can also support traffic safety programs by examining
the effectiveness of law enforcement campaigns. Accurately tracking impaired drivers helps
reduce recidivism. See the NHTSA Model Impaired Driving Records Information System (Greer,
2011) for more information.
Refer to Table 7. Citation and Adjudication System Performance Measures Examples for
examples of citation and adjudication system performance measures.
Injury Surveillance System
The injury surveillance system is a network of data repositories, comprising several component
systems (e.g., EMS, trauma registry, emergency department, hospital discharge, vital statistics,
and rehabilitation). The injury system is responsible for tracking the frequency, severity,
causation, cost, and outcome of injuries. The data contained in this system is representative of
the patient care lifecycle. Custodial responsibility is usually shared among several State and
other agencies. Stakeholders from traffic safety, public health, and law enforcement communities
drive the development of a statewide injury surveillance system. The injury surveillance system
family of records begins with a patient care record from EMS responsesee the National
Emergency Medical Services Information System’s EMS Data Standard (NHTSA, 2023) for
more information on the data collected by EMSs. There is also a national standard for trauma
registry data captured once a patient has been seen in an emergency department and coded into a
trauma registrysee the American College of Surgeons (n.d.) National Trauma Data Bank Data
Integrating crash and injury data can provide information about the outcome of injuries sustained
in motor vehicle crashes and other traffic related incidents. Injury data analysis supports problem
identification, research into prevention, and the development of traffic safety countermeasures.
Analysis of injury data can inform policy-level decision-making, including changes to
legislation, and the allocation of resources. Although no longer directly sponsored by NHTSA,
the data linkage techniques developed for the Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System are still
used by some States to support data analysis, problem identification, project evaluation, and
programmatic decisions. Injury data can also be linked to traffic and roadway data to help inform
planning, safe communities, and transportation equity efforts.
Refer to Table 8. Injury Surveillance System Performance Measures Examples for examples of
injury surveillance system performance measures.
Data Quality Attributes
A comprehensive traffic records program tracks the six core data quality attributes for each of
the six core traffic records data systems. These attributes are briefly described below and are
used as the basis for measuring data quality in the next section.
Timeliness reflects a measure of the length of time between the event and the entry of data into
the appropriate data system. Timeliness could also measure the length of time between when the
data is entered into the system and when the data is available for analysis.
Accuracy measures the degree to which the data is error-free. An error occurs not when the data
is missing (see completeness, later in this section), but when the data in the system are incorrect.
Erroneous data can be difficult to detect but edit checks and validation rules for data entry can
help minimize errors and direct the user to a more appropriate response. Verifying data with
external sources is another method for identifying errors. Accurate data is error-free, pass edit
checks and validation rules, and are not duplicated within a single database.
A complete database contains records for all relevant events where each record is not missing
data. Missing data does not indicate errors (see accuracy, above), but it does make a database
incomplete. Completeness can be measured internally (e.g., the number of records in a system
that are not missing data element selections) or externally (e.g., the percentage of incidents that
are entered into a system out of all known incidents).
A database is uniform when there is consistency among records and among procedures for data
collection across the State. Uniformity should be measured against an independent data standard,
preferably a national standard if available. Uniformity may assess consistency among data
collection sources (e.g., law enforcement, health care providers, courts, vehicle registration
clerks, etc.) that provide records to the database. Uniformity may also assess how closely a data
system aligns to the applicable national standard such as the MMUCC) and the American
National Standard Manual on Classification of Motor Vehicle Traffic Crashes (ANSI D.16-2017)
for crash data, NEMSIS for EMS data, MIRE for roadway data, and others.
The ability to link data records from one traffic records data system to records in another of the
six core component data systems presents States with an opportunity to conduct complex data
analysis. This integration between two or more traffic records systems involves matching records
from one system to another by using common or unique identifiers. Rather than measuring
performance in one system only, integration measures the ability of two or more systems to
successfully match their records. Integration can be measured at the database level (e.g., two
traffic records source files are linked, so a State might show a simple performance measure value
of “two”). A more informative measure is the percentage of records that can be matched from
two or more data systems. For example, 1,000 people were transported to hospital emergency
departments because of crash-related injuries and 800 were admitted to the hospitals. The
integration of crash data and health data would be measured on the expectation of up to 800
linked in-patient records and up to 1,000 EMS and emergency department records. If 600 in-
patient records are successfully linked with crash records, the measure is 75 percent.
Accessibility is unique among the traffic records data quality attributes. Unlike the first five,
which focus on the overall quality of data in the six core component data systems, accessibility
evaluates the ability of data users to obtain data. Data users and traffic safety stakeholders need
timely access to data that is accurate, complete, and uniform. However, measuring users’ ability
to access the data they need for traffic safety programs and data-driven decision-making can be
One method for measuring accessibility is to consider it in terms of customer satisfaction.
Legitimate data users must be able to request and obtain the data necessary for their business
needs. Are these data users able to access the relevant data? Are they satisfied with the data they
can access and the process in place for obtaining the data? To answer these questions and
measure a system’s accessibility, States can develop and administer a survey to data users. States
should first identify who the principal users of the data are. Next, query the principal users to
assess both their ability to access the data and their level of satisfaction with the data (e.g., in
terms of timeliness, accuracy, completeness, uniformity). Finally, States should document the
methodology and responses from their principal users.
Another method for measuring accessibility is to measure the number of unique users who access
the data system over a set period. This is possible by tracking internal system data, such as
logins, data queries, or data extracts. With a nationwide increase in electronic data reporting,
many States are offering public data dashboards. These dashboards allow access to traffic safety
stakeholders who are not principal data users and would not historically have access to the data.
Tracking the number of website or dashboard hits, or the number of data queries run, can also
inform States of data accessibility.
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Performance Measurement
Performance measures are intended for use by traffic safety stakeholders to develop, implement,
and monitor traffic records data systems with a focus on data quality. They can be used in
strategic plans, data improvement grant processes, and data governance efforts. They should be
used to quantify system improvements and for ongoing monitoring of the quality of traffic safety
data collected by a state’s traffic records system. The information outlined in this document is
expected to help stakeholders quantify and evaluate quality improvements to their traffic records
The data quality performance measure examples in this guide serve to assist States in developing
their own measures to monitor and improve the quality of traffic records data. Performance
measures gauge the performance of a specific data system in one of the six core traffic records
component systems. The measures should be based on State needs and can be used to track
progress in a TRSP, HSP, SHSP, or any system-specific planning efforts. Performance measures
help accurately measure the impact of system improvement or enhancements, assess the quality
of data being captured, create transparency, and answer important questions about overall system
performance. Performance targets can be used to measure past, current, and future performance.
They can help identify both weaknesses and strengths.
Performance measures can originate from several sources. One important origin is the State’s QC
data analyses resulting in problem identification. When data quality problems are identified, one
QC step may be to establish a performance measure that quantifies the problem and helps the
State monitor improvements toward an established goal over time. Another frequent source of
performance measures is data improvement projects, especially those funded with traffic records
grants and highlighted in the State’s traffic records strategic plan. A well-constructed project
description will include data quality performance measures with a baseline value and predicted
improvements over the life of the project. States and agencies can choose which of their data
quality performance measures are included in strategic plans, reports to the TRCC or NHTSA,
and which are kept primarily for internal tracking by the data custodians and data managers.
Different measures can serve different purposes. The important common feature is that all the
performance measures are quantifiable and that they each serve a specified need for the State.
Defining Data Quality Performance Measures
A complete data quality performance measure arises from an identified need, works toward a
goal, identifies an objective, contains a baseline measure, and defines a performance target
within a set timeframe. Table 1 shows an example of the components of performance
measurement and how these parts fit together.
In this example, a State identified the need for a timeliness performance measure for crash report
submissions. The State noted the data system and data quality attribute being measured and set
the goal of increasing timeliness. Next, the State created a time-bound objective (the next 5
years) over which the State would achieve the timeliness improvement. The State defined the
performance measure using a quantitative statement to achieve the desired 10-day submission
performance target move from the baseline of 65 percent (year 0—2023) of crash reports
entered the Crash Data System within 10 days after the crash to the performance target of 95
percent by year 5 (2028). Further, the State set annual performance values for each year of the
defined time period to compare and track performance. The table shows planned and actual
performance, providing evidence that the State has tracked performance and that it has achieved
its crash report submission timeliness goal.
Table 1. Performance Measurement Components
Establish a timeliness performance measure
related to crash report (electronic and paper)
Data System
Data Quality
Increase the timeliness of traffic records data.
Improve the timeliness of the Crash Records
Data System in the next 5 years.
Performance Measure
Increase the percentage of crash reports
entered in the Crash Records Data System
within 10 days after the crash, from 65% in
2023 to 95% in 2028.
Baseline (e.g., 2023)
Performance Target
Performance Values
Year 1 (e.g., 2024)
Year 2 (e.g., 2025)
Year 3 (e.g., 2026)
Year 4 (e.g., 2027)
Year 5 (e.g., 2028)
Performance measures should:
Be quantifiable—able to be expressed or measured as a quantity (amount or number).
Be measurable—able to estimate or assess the extent, quality, value, or effect of
Be meaningful and useful to States.
Contain a baseline (current/historic value).
Reference a target.
When the performance measure components are put together to form a statement, it should read
something like this:
Increase the percentage of crash reports entered in the crash records data system within
10 days after the crash, from 65 percent in 2023 to 95 percent in 2028.
Over the life of the performance measure, the State can track actual progress against the target
measures to see if they are on course. For example, in year 2 the State finds that they are only at
70 percent instead of the target measure of 75 percent. The State now knows how to adjust their
efforts to get back on track to reach the year 3 target measure of 80 percent. Setting and routinely
monitoring smaller targets (e.g., quarterly) can add greater safety nets to help keep projects from
straying off course.
Identifying Stakeholders
Defining Stakeholders
When creating performance measures for traffic records systems, first identify stakeholders and
system owners. Below is a list of questions agencies can use to identify stakeholders.
Who is responsible for oversight of the system?
Who can affect changes, improvements, or enhancements to the system?
What people have a vested interest in how the system performs and the quality of data it
Whose work is impacted by the quality of data collected by the system?
Who can help determine if there are mechanisms in place to collect data for the
performance measures selected?
Who can help evaluate if the performance measures established have meaning,
usefulness, and relevance to stakeholders and system owners?
Various stakeholders and system owners can develop meaningful and realistic performance
measures. Stakeholders of traffic records systems may include system users, data collectors, data
users, system owners and managers, TRCC members, and others. Identify people from each of
these groups for each respective traffic records system before beginning to draft performance
measures. Ideally people networking and building connections with traffic records professionals
across State agencies from all traffic records systems is vital to a successful TRCC as well as
establishing useful and meaningful performance measures for each system.
Addressing Challenges
States may not always have someone with the expertise to draft appropriate performance
measures for each respective system. The State Highway Safety Office has program management
authority over NHTSA-funded traffic records grants and should know how performance
measures are created and reported on a statewide level. Often this task falls to the TRCC, or the
person(s) tasked with updating the State’s TRSP. Also, lack of TRCC involvement from data
system representatives can make it harder to develop performance measures representative of the
core component systems. Lack of contributions to TRSP updates can also make identifying
performance measures challenging. States are encouraged to establish contacts, network, build,
and maintain relationships with traffic records system owners, database managers and users, and
other stakeholders. States may want to focus on the areas with the greatest potential for
improving data quality and enhancing the collection of traffic safety data.
The TRCC’s Role in Performance Measurement
Performance measures are designed to provide important actionable information to data system
managers. The development, implementation, and maintenance of a TRSP, as well as including
each core component area in the plan is a key responsibility of the TRCC. Ideally, each traffic
records system would have meaningful and useful performance measures including baselines,
goals, and targets. It is important when establishing performance measures for a data system that
the measures selected are meaningful to system owners and stakeholders.
Routine monitoring of performance measures and reporting on progress toward performance
targets at TRCC meetings is important to an effective strategic plan. The tracking of problems,
successes, and solutions benefit the entire traffic safety community. This helps establish that the
performance measures in place continue to be useful and can also help to identify when it may be
time to review, update, or revise existing performance targets as traffic records systems evolve
through the years.
Developing Performance Measures
Well-crafted performance measures with meaningful goals, baselines, and targets are crucial to
monitoring a system’s progress over time and provide a mechanism to evaluate system
improvements or enhancements. States might consider asking the following questions during the
development of each performance measure.
Is it meaningful?
Is it relevant?
Is it useful or does it have value to data collectors, data users, or system owners?
Is it realistic (i.e., is it achievable)?
Do changes in the measure reflect changes in the datas quality?
Is it reliable? Will stakeholders trust what the measure tells them?
Is it helpful to inform decision-making when evaluating system improvements or
Is the quality of data collected improving?
When establishing performance measures for a traffic records system, incorporate the following
SMART principles.
Specific: Measures are well-defined, appropriate, understandable, and target the area of
Measurable: Measures are quantifiable and detect changes over time using data that are
readily available at reasonable cost.
Attainable: Measures are realistic, achievable, and reasonable.
Relevant: Measures are pertinent to the traffic records system, have meaning and
usefulness to a system’s owners, managers, and users and align with the values, long-
term goals, and objectives for the system.
Timely or Time-Based: Measures have a defined period during which improvement will
be measured or quantified; from a beginning date to an end date that relates back to the
goals and objectives.
Steps to Create Measures
The steps to creating quality performance measures:
1. Engage stakeholders: Identify and seek input from those most affected by the data
quality issues (collectors, managers, and users) to be addressed.
2. Identify the problem: Describe the data quality issue(s) with as much precision as
possible using available data.
3. Establish the baseline: Use historical or most-recent-year data as the baseline (starting
point) against which to plan and assess improvements.
4. Set a goal: Establish an ultimate quantitative value of the performance measure to
5. Define the time period: Establish the time range over which the goal will be achieved.
6. Plan the action steps: Develop an action plan for achieving the goal over the established
time period.
7. Set targets: Set numeric targets throughout the identified time period (e.g., quarterly,
yearly) of the action plan.
8. Measure progress: Compare the actual performance values and the planned performance
values periodically throughout the identified time period, and report at least annually.
9. Monitor and adjust: Judge the continued validity and utility of the performance
measure, goals, targets, time periods, and action plans. Update or adjust as needed.
10. Evaluate: Assess the actual improvements in data quality against the plan.
Using Performance Measures
Establishing performance measures for each traffic records data system allows States to
continually seek improvement in data quality. By adopting SMART performance measures,
States can monitor the quality of collected data and manage regressions in data quality. Decision-
makers rely on data that are trustworthy, reliable, and accurate to inform their decisions and
efficiently allocate resources. States use traffic records data to develop and implement
countermeasures to increase traffic safety, save lives, and reduce injuries on roadways.
When creating performance measures, define baseline values, performance targets, and goals
from which to measure and evaluate progress. It is also important to decide on a process for
regular monitoring of the performance measure, whether that be on a monthly, quarterly, bi-
annual, or annual basis. Without baselines, targets, goals, and regular monitoring, performance
measures are not useful. States can measure progress and regress by comparing the current
system status to the baseline. Establish a standard schedule for monitoring performance
measures, either through regular reporting to stakeholders at quarterly TRCC meetings, or along
some other consistent and relevant time interval. Performance measures that are not regularly
monitored may be forgotten and States may miss out on important information that could better
inform decision-making. Tracking performance measures will help States accurately assess
situations and make the necessary adjustments to get programs back on track when issues arise.
The scope of performance measures is variable and can change over time. Some measures assess
performance at a statewide or systemwide level, while others assess the performance of specific
jurisdictions, agencies, or organizations. States may be tempted to only focus on the system, but
tailoring performance measures to local groups can provide valuable insight to data collectors
and users at the local level. Local data collectors and users can assist with identifying and
addressing data quality trends that may be applicable statewide. For example, States can create a
performance measure for the data quality attribute Timeliness that assesses the time between a
crash incident occurring and when the corresponding crash report is submitted to the State’s
crash database. Track this statewide but applying this performance measure to local law
enforcement agencies can highlight areas that fall below the State’s average. Working with local
agencies to improve their reporting capabilities improves the quality of the data throughout the
system. States can also use performance measures to assess individual performance by county
sheriff offices, city police departments, driver license service centers, judicial districts, court
systems, court or county clerks, hospitals, trauma centers, or others. Applying performance
measures to the local level can also help States identify gaps in reporting. By only tracking the
number of crash reports submitted statewide, States may miss if an agency, city, or county slows
down or stops submitting crash reports. States can identify and correct data quality anomalies by
routine monitoring of performance at the local level.
For example, in the process of monitoring report submissions each month or quarter, a State
identifies that a certain department has ceased sending reports to the repository, or their report
submission volume has decreased by an abnormal percentage for a given time period. This
enables system managers to take corrective action to certify that system data remains complete,
timely, and accurate. The information gained from monitoring submissions at the agency level in
this scenario informs the system manager and allows them to reach out to the relevant
department and troubleshoot any problems to facilitate the restoration of processes that might
have been interrupted.
States can use performance measures in many ways. Performance measures can be used to
monitor an overall system’s data quality, but also to see fluctuations or changes in reporting from
different jurisdictions, agencies, or geographic areas over time. Performance measures can help
States focus on specific user groups who may need additional training or assistance to verify that
their reporting is timely, reliable, and accurate.
Retiring Measures
Traffic records systems evolve over time. The quality of data collected by a system also changes
as part of that evolution. Performance measures that were established while a system was in its
infancy, or immediately after rollout, may not have the same merit years later. For example,
there are many performance measures in place across various States that measure percentage or
volume of electronic reporting or paper-based/manual reporting to the statewide system. If a
system is still transitioning users over to electronic reporting, that measure might still be relevant
and meaningful. But for States where their respective system has achieved full electronic
reporting, or perhaps gets to the point where most records are received electronically, those
original measures may no longer be relevant. Performance measures must evolve with their
respective traffic records systems.
Agencies should regularly ask themselves, is this measure still a good performance measure?
Is it still meaningful?
Does it still have relevance?
Does it still provide actionable information to help drive decisions?
Has the performance target become stagnant or plateaued?
Depending on the answer to these questions, it may be time to consider retiring a performance
measure and begin the transition to new performance measures that have value in the agency’s
current environment and meaning to current stakeholders. Agencies regularly evaluate their
performance measures to identify when it is time to update them. Agencies should periodically
review their measures using the SMART framework (i.e., are the measures still specific,
measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely). For example, once a State has incorporated uniform
data elements, established data linkages, or provided appropriate data file access, further
improvement may not be expected. At this point the measure no longer serves the State and
should be replaced by a more relevant measure.
Periodic review of performance measures and performance measure retirement is crucial for
States’ performance measures to remain current and applicable. Measures may become stagnant
or no longer useful when trying to demonstrate continued improvement in States traffic records
systems to outside entities. If a State regularly monitors, reviews, and retires the performance
measures, the whole system of performance measurement for the State will be much more useful
for the agency and its stakeholders.
Example Performance Measures
The example performance measures that follow are classified in two sections. The first section
(Table 2) contains example performance measures that can be applied across all six core
component traffic records systems by performance attribute. In these cases, the measures can be
applied to the data captured within each respective traffic records system component. While the
subject matter of the data collected within a system differs (e.g., crash data, driver data, vehicle
data), the example performance measure can still be applied to any one of or each of the six core
component traffic records systems. The second section (Table 3 to Table 8) contains additional
example performance measures that are specific to a certain component data system (only to
Roadway, only to Injury Surveillance, etc.).
Additionally, the boundaries between some performance attributes are not exclusive. For
example, correct location coding in the crash system could be an accuracy measure (verified
against the State’s roadway database), a completeness measure (capturing latitude and longitude
coordinates), or an integration measure (linked with a geographic information system master
database). The example measures are used in the performance attribute that appears to be most
appropriate. Some measures could be used for other performance attributes as well.
Model Performance Measures by System
When creating measures for traffic records data systems, States may use the examples below
when relevant to their systems and meaningful to their stakeholders. However, they are intended
to give States ideas for how to create their own performance measures that are unique and
specific to their needs. States should create, implement, and monitor performance measures that
have value and usefulness and help inform decision-making regarding ongoing improvement
projects and future enhancements to data quality and data systems.
If a State can apply the same example performance measure across all six core component traffic
records systems, it is included in Table 2 rather than repeated in all six traffic records system
sections (Table 3 to Table 8). For these example performance measures that can be applied
across all traffic records systems, the only thing that changes from one system to the next is the
data type. There are several general performance measures in each category (Timeliness,
Accuracy, Completeness, Uniformity, Integration, and Accessibility) that can be applied to any
one of the six traffic records core component systems.
Table 2. Performance Measures Examples Applicable to All Traffic Records System Databases
Decrease the average time from (a) the incident/action date to (b) the date the record/report is
entered into the database, from X days in 20XX to X days in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of reports entered into the database within XX days after the
incident/action from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Crash reports
Vehicle records
Driver adverse action/disposition notification
Roadway data element (e.g., AADT)/Roadway project completion
EMS runs
Increase the percentage of database records with no errors in critical data elements from XX
percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Crash severity
Date of birth (Driver)
Surface/pavement (Roadway)
Time citation issued
Citation reference number (Adjudication)
Response time (EMS patient care reports)
Increase the percentage of records with no missing critical data elements from XX percent in
20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of records with no missing data elements from XX percent in 20XX to
XX percent in 20XX.
Decrease the percentage of unknowns or blanks in critical data elements for which unknown is
not an acceptable value from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the number or percentage of records or data elements entered into a database or
obtained via linkage with other databases that are standards-compliant from XX (or XX
percent) in 20XX to XX (or XX percent) in 20XX.
Model Impaired Driving Records Information System (MIDRIS)
*Where applicable, analogous national standards for uniformity may be used as follows: State
Emergency Dept. File & Universal Billing 04 (UB04) State Hospital Discharge File &
Universal Billing 04 (UB04) State Trauma Registry File & National Trauma Data Standards
(NTDS) State Vital Records & National Association for Public Health Statistics and
Information Systems (NAPHSIS).
Increase the percentage of appropriate records in the database that are linked with (or
populated from) another system or file from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Crash with in-State driver linked with or populated from Driver file
Crash with in-State vehicle linked with or populated from Vehicle file
Crash with EMS response linked with EMS file
Vehicle registration linked with Driver file
Driver in crash linked with Adjudication file
Bridge inventory linked with roadway basemap
Driving while impaired citation linked with Adjudication file
EMS response linked with Trauma file
Increase the number of signed current Memoranda of Understanding governing data sharing
agreements for data integration for traffic records components from XX in 20XX to XX in
To measure accessibility:
Identify the principal users of the database
Query the principal users to assess (a) their ability to obtain the data or other services
requested and (b) their satisfaction with the timeliness of the response to their request
Document the method of data collection and the principal users’ responses
Increase the number of unique users accessing system data over a set period of time from X
in 20XX to X in 20XX.
Increase the number or times system data is accessed from X in 20XX to X in 20XX. This
can be done by tracking logins, queries, data retrievals or extracts run, web site or dashboard
hits, or other methods.
Table 3 to Table 8 contain examples of data quality performance measures that are targeted
toward each traffic records component system.
Crash - Performance Measures Examples
Table 3. Crash System Performance Measures Examples
Decrease the average time it takes from crash occurrence to entry into the governing agency’s
crash reporting system from X days in 20XX to X days in 20XX. (Hours and/or minutes may
also be included for improved granularity.)
Decrease the average time it takes for crash data to be available for analysis and traffic safety-
related projects from X days in 20XX to X days in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of in- State registered vehicles on the State crash file with VIN
matched to the State vehicle registration file from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in
Decrease the percentage (or number) of non-motorists that were coded as an incorrect non-
motorist type (e.g., should have been reported as bicyclists but incorrectly reported as
pedestrians, or vice versa) from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Decrease the percentage of miscoded lighting condition on crash reports (e.g., daytime hours
coded “dark,” nighttime coded “daylight,improper use of “unknown”) from XX percent in
20XX to XX percent in 20XX. This measure is used in the Crash Data Improvement Program
(CDIP) as an indicator of data quality and potential need for additional data validation edit
Increase the percentage of crash records (initially with pending test results) amended to
include alcohol and/or drug test results from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Verify all agencies are within 10 percent of the statewide proportion of serious (fatal +
injury)/total crashes reported by law enforcement from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in
20XX. *
*This measure is used as a conversation starter to help assess uniform application of the
State's reporting threshold among law enforcement agencies. States use it to encourage
agencies to submit data on all reportable crashes and (as needed) to encourage agencies to
accurately indicate when they are submitting reports of crashes that do not meet the reporting
Increase the percentage of crash reports entered into the crash database that use the same
standard statewide schema with uniform data elements and attributes collected across all crash
report forms and electronic submission methods, from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in
Increase the number of MMUCC-aligned data elements on the State’s crash report form from
X data elements in 20XX to X data elements in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of crashes linked with the statewide GIS master database by
intersection or segment from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the number of authorized agencies with access to crash data for analysis and reporting
from XX agencies in 20XX to XX agencies in 20XX.
Driver - Performance Measures Examples
Table 4. Driver System Performance Measures Examples
Decrease the average time to post convictions after receipt at the Department of Motor Vehicles
from XX days in 20XX to XX days in 20XX.
Decrease the average time from court disposition to receipt at the DMV from XX days in 20XX
to XX days in 20XX.
Decrease the percentage of records on the State driver file with Social Security Numbers
successfully verified using Social Security Online Verification (SSOLV) or other means from
XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Decrease the number (and percentage) of possible duplicate driver licenses and identification
cards from XX duplicates in 20XX to XX duplicates in 20XX.
Improve the percentage completeness of reporting conviction data in the Driver System from
XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of driver records requested (and received) from prior States of
licensure from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of SSN and Vital Statistics documents verified online prior to Driver
License issuance from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the number of AAMVA D.20-aligned data elements in the driver data system, from
XX data elements in 20XX to XX data elements in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of driver judgments that link with enforcement citations written in the
State’s Citation system from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of people placed in high-risk insurance pool with required flags set in
vehicle registration system (requires linkage with vehicle owner file) from XX percent in 20XX
to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of traffic courts using online portal to driver histories at time of court
hearing from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Vehicle - Performance Measures Examples
Table 5. Vehicle System Performance Measures Examples
Increase the average time from a) the date of a critical status change in the vehicle record to b)
the date the status change is entered into the database from XX days in 20XX to XX days in
20XX. (Hours and/or minutes may also be included for improved granularity.)
Increase the percentage of registrations and title brands posted within 24 hours from XX percent
in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of VINs successfully validated with VIN checking software from XX
percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of records with complete owner name and address from XX percent
in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the number of AAMVA D.20-aligned data elements entered into a database or
obtained via linkage with other databases from XX data elements in 20XX to XX data
elements in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of vehicle owners and operators that can be linked with the driver
database from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of people placed in high-risk insurance pool with required flags set in
vehicle registration system (requires linkage with driver records file) from XX percent in 20XX
to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the number of State agencies that can access vehicle registration data from XX
agencies in 20XX to XX agencies in 20XX.
Roadway - Performance Measures Examples
Table 6. Roadway System Performance Measures Examples
Decrease the average time from (a) the date a roadway project is completed to (b) the date the
updated critical data elements are entered into the database from XX days in 20XX to XX days
in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of all roadway segment records with no errors in critical data elements
(example: Surface/Pavement) from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of public road miles or jurisdictions identified on the State’s basemap
or roadway inventory file from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of total roadway segments that include location coordinates, using
measurement frames such as a GIS basemap from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in
Increase the number of MIRE-compliant data elements entered into a database or obtained via
linkage with other databases from XX data elements in 20XX to XX data elements in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of appropriate records in a specific file in the roadway database that are
linked with another system or file from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of locations with valid LRS location code, roadway attributes from the
inventory, and traffic volume data linked in spatial database from XX percent in 20XX to XX
percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of appropriate MIRE Fundamental Data Elements (FDE) linked with
crash locations in the Crash database from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the number of authorized Traffic Records users with access to roadway file from XX
in 20XX to XX in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of roadway data that is available for online spatial reporting from XX
percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Citation and Adjudication - Performance Measures Examples
Table 7. Citation and Adjudication System Performance Measures Examples
Decrease the average time from citations issuance to entry into the court system (centralized
database) from XX days in 20XX to XX days in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of convictions sent to the DMV within 10 days of conviction from XX
percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of citations that can be located on the State-supplied GIS-basemap from
XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of citations in the Statewide Citations Repository from XX percent in
20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of citation records entered into the database with common uniform
statewide violation codes from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the number of agencies using the State’s uniform traffic citation form from XX
agencies in 20XX to XX agencies in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of court case dispositions linked with citation or crash records
management systems from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of citation and court records in the citation management system and
court management system linked with the associated impaired driving crashes (positive test
value) in the crash database from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of dispositions in the court records data system linked with the
associated impaired driving crashes (positive test value) in the crash database from XX percent
in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of criminal traffic-related charges that authorized users can track
through a central citation system from LEA to courts and then to DMV from XX percent in
20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of DUI-related cases that can be tracked from offense (initial
charge/arrest) through to final disposition, treatment, interlock program participation, etc. from
XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Injury Surveillance System - Performance Measures Examples
Table 8. Injury Surveillance System Performance Measures Examples
Decrease the average time from death to appearance of record in mortality database from XX
days in 20XX to XX days in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of EMS run reports sent to governing agency in the prescribed time
from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Decrease the average time for EMS reports to be processed from XX days in 20XX to XX days
in 20XX.
Decrease the percentage of EMS reports with invalid entries from XX percent in 20XX to XX
percent in 20XX.
Increase the average validity score for records in the EMS Data Repository from XX in 20XX
to XX in 20XX. (Agency records entered into the EMS Data Repository are given a “validity
score” that rates the level of completeness of the record against the State and NEMSIS data
element requirements. The higher the score, the more complete/accurate the records are
compared to the State and NEMSIS validation.)
Decrease the percentage of EMS reports with any blank fields from XX percent in 20XX to
XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of records on the State EMS data file that are NEMSIS compliant from
XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the number of EMS records linked (using the Patient Care Report or EMS UUID) to
the corresponding people and crashes in the State’s crash database from XX in 20XX to XX in
Increase the percentage of EMS reports electronically populated with EMS dispatch data from
XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of EMS records on seriously injured crash-involved persons linked
another injury data system (e.g., Emergency Department, Trauma, Hospital Discharge) from
XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Increase the percentage of trauma registry data available for analysis in a web-based Trauma
Dashboard Reporting System from XX percent in 20XX to XX percent in 20XX.
Key Takeaways
NHTSA developed the Traffic Records Data Quality Management Guide for State data
collectors, managers, and users to implement methods for improving data quality to
support traffic safety decision-making.
Data quality management is a formal, comprehensive program and is the concern of those
who collect, manage, and use traffic records data for decisions that impact traffic safety.
To be effective, data quality management should involve collaboration among
stakeholders, preferably within a formal data quality management program or data
governance framework.
It is imperative to establish a sustainable data quality management program that
facilitates good data quality so that data can be trustworthy and dependable for decision-
makers. Decisions based on poor data risks incorrect problem identification or the
allocation of resources or funding to areas that have lesser impact on improving traffic
Traffic records stakeholders, such as the State TRCC, should engage in strategic planning
efforts to help identify and address traffic safety data quality issues to move the State
towards improved data and better data quality management. One way to reduce
duplication of efforts within a State’s traffic records system is to incorporate the State
TRCC’s strategic planning and data quality management practices into other State safety
plans (e.g., SHSP, HSP, HSIP).
Data governance is a comprehensive approach to collecting and managing data. Formal
data governance can lead to improved data quality, traffic record system documentation,
greater support for business needs, more efficient use of resources, and reduced barriers
to collaboration.
States that do not have an existing comprehensive, formal data quality management
program can start one by creating traffic records data quality performance measures and
Performance measures are tools used to gauge the performance of a specific system in
one of the six core traffic records areas and can help accurately measure the impact of
system improvement or enhancements, assess the quality of data being captured, create
transparency, and answer important questions about overall system performance.
Performance measures can be developed by system owners and various stakeholders.
Stakeholders of traffic records systems may include system users, data collectors, data
users, system owners and managers, TRCC members, and others.
The development, implementation, and monitoring of a TRSP, as well as including each
core component area in the plan is a key responsibility of the TRCC. Ideally, each traffic
records system should have meaningful and useful performance measures including
baselines, goals, and targets.
States can use performance measures in many ways. Performance measures can be used
to monitor an overall system’s data quality, but also to see fluctuations or changes in
reporting from different jurisdictions, agencies, or geographic areas over time.
Performance measures can help States focus on specific user groups who may need
additional training or assistance to verify that their reporting is timely, reliable, and
It is important to periodically review performance measures and ask if they are still
specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. Over time, some measures can get
to the point where they are no longer useful to stakeholders.
Improvement to data system performance measures can be accomplished by making use of
NHTSA resources, described below. For those systems where development of performance
targets can be challenging, this guide serves as a resource for identifying and implementing
appropriate measures for all traffic records systems.
Traffic Records Program Assessment Advisory, 2018 Edition (NHTSA, 2018)
The traffic records assessment is a review of a state’s traffic records system, analyzing the traffic
records “Twelve Pack” as a part of the State’s structure. Within the assessment, each of the
State’s six core data systems are evaluated in the context of the six data quality attributes,
providing an in-depth look of the status of these to the State TRCC and other stakeholders. An
accurate image of the current standing of a state’s traffic records system allows for informed
decisions on improvements to data collection, governing, and examination.
NHTSA’s State Traffic Records Assessment Program (STRAP) provides a traffic records
assessment to a State upon request. STRAP peer reviews a State’s system with questions from
the NHTSA traffic records assessment tool, headed by a designated facilitator and consisting of
both on-site meetings and online reports. Performing the assessment are a selection of
independent, qualified assessors, who, in response to the State’s assessment question answers,
return an evaluation, recommendations, and a report. NHTSA provides traffic records
assessments performed through STRAP to the States at no cost.
While traffic records assessments have traditionally reviewed the entirety of a State’s traffic
records system, NHTSA recently introduced a customizable traffic records assessment. This
option provides the ability for States to build their own traffic records assessments based on their
needs, choosing which component system (e.g., crash, vehicle, roadway) to assess, and selecting
any single or combination of modules. There is no 5-year waiting period from prior assessments
and States can request this assistance at any time. A State could pair the NHTSA customizable
assessment with other related assistance, such as a GO Team.
GO Team Technical Assistance Program
NHTSA’s Traffic Records GO Team program responds to State’s requests for technical
assistance and support for their traffic records systems, delivering help based on State’s
identified needs. Each GO Team consists of subject matter experts selected for their knowledge
in the areas of the State’s request, having up to three members. GO Teams provide tailored
training, resources, and assistance to traffic records professionals within the State, supporting
and supplementing their goals in bettering the adeptness of their traffic records systems.
The GO Team technical assistance program has helped agencies develop and deliver training on
performance measures and satisfy State TRCC goals with tailored support. NHTSA encourages
States to submit GO Team requests that address a specific improvement needed within their
traffic records system, whether it was identified in a State’s traffic records assessment or by the
State’s TRCC and Highway Safety Office. NHTSA’s Regional Offices can provide additional
Guide to Updating State Crash Record Systems (DOT HS 813 217)
NHTSA’s Guide to Updating State Crash Data Systems provides tools to crash data system
owners and stakeholders for improvements and updates specific to State crash data systems.
Processes, procedures, and noteworthy practices aim to practice stakeholder engagement,
identify, and analyze database gaps, and develop action plans for deploying a new system.
State Traffic Records Coordinating Committee Strategic Planning Guide (Peach et
al., 2019)
NHTSA’s State Traffic Records Coordinating Committee Strategic Planning Guide provides
processes to State TRCCs for creating and administering strategic plans that successfully
improve State Traffic Records data systems. A TRSP details the goals for a State’s traffic records
data systems in which to promote data-based safety decisions, as well as how to reach those
goals. NHTSA developed this guide as an answer to State’s requests for specific guidance on
traffic records strategic plans, with strategic planning processes, templates, and examples. State
TRCCs using this guide can promote identification of, and interactions with, stakeholders across
their traffic records systems, as well as generating wide-reaching improvements to their traffic
records strategic plan.
Crash Data Improvement Program (CDIP) Guide (Scopatz et al., 2019)
The CDIP provides the means for data quality assessment and measurement of a State’s crash
database. The CDIP guide supplies a synopsis of crash data quality, with direction on how to use
the six data quality attributes to address it, alongside additionally providing support for mapping
a State’s police crash report to MMUCC. The CDIP guide was developed for use by State crash
database owners, State TRCC members, SHSOs, and other traffic safety professionals across a
range of jurisdictions.
Roadway Data Improvement Program (RDIP) (Chandler et al., 206)
FHWA developed the RDIP as the means for data quality assessment and measurement of a
State’s roadway data inventory. The RDIP is a review of a State’s methods to handle its roadway
data in relation to safety, supplying a technical assistance team to complete the process, who
assesses the State’s roadway data system and delivers recommendations in turn. Other features of
the RDIP include analyzing the State's ability to coordinate and exchange roadway data with
local agencies such as cities, counties, and metropolitan planning organizations.
Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (NHTSA, 2024)
NHTSA’s MMUCC guideline identifies a minimum set of motor vehicle crash data elements and
their attributes that States should consider collecting and including in their State’s crash data
system. This standard set of data elements and attributes effectively detail a motor vehicle traffic
crash and are essential to improving traffic safety both at the State and national level. Most
elements in MMUCC are designed for collection from the traffic crash scene by law enforcement
officers. Much of the MMUCC guideline is based on the ANSI D.16-2017 Manual on
Classification of Motor Vehicle Traffic Crashes, intending the two national standards to function
together for crash data collection uniformity.
23 CFR Part 1300, Uniform procedures for state highway safety grant programs [Docket
submission in Docket No. NHTSA–2022–0036]. (2023, February 6).
American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators. (2020, November). Data element
dictionary for traffic records systems (D20),7.0.
American College of Surgeons . (n.d.) National trauma data standard. [Web page and portal].
American National Standards Institute (2017, December). Manual on classification of motor
vehicle traffic crashes, 8th edition, ANSI D.16-2017.
Chandler, B., Smadi, Omar., & Cheema, Adil. (2016, December). Roadway data improvement
program technical assistance (Report No. FHWA-SA-17-027). Federal Highway
Greer, P. (2011, July). Model impaired driving records information systems – Tying together
data systems to manage impaired drivers (Report No. DOT HS 811 489). National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Lefler, N., Zhou, Y., Carter, D., McGee, H., Harkey, D., & Council, F. (2017, July). Model
inventory of roadway elements - MIRE 2.0 (Report No. FHWA-SA-17-048). Federal
Highway Administration.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (2011, February). Model performance
measures for state traffic records systems (Report No. DOT HS 811 441).
NHTSA. (2024, January). MMUCC guideline: Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria, 6th
edition (Report No. DOT HS 812 433).
NHTSA. (2018, August). Traffic records program assessment advisory, 2018 edition (Report
No. DOT HS 813 525a).
NHTSA. (2023, March). National Emergency Medical Services Information System EMS data
standard, v3.5.0.
Peach, K., Brown, R., DeFisher, J., Zhou, Y., Haney, K., Bryson, M., Scopatz, B., & Chestnutt,
C. (2019, July). State Traffic Records Coordinating Committee strategic planning guide
(Report No. DOT HS 812 773a). National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Scopatz, B., Brown, R., Zhou, Y., Benac, J., Peach, K., Bryson, M., & Lefler, N. (2017,
December). Crash data improvement program guide (Report No. DOT HS 812 419).
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
DOT HS 813 544
March 2024