Astronomical and
Historical Evidence for
Dating the Nativity in 2 BC
James A. Nollet
It is commonly accepted that Jesus Christ was born either before 4 BC (working
from references in Matthew, Flavius Josephus) or after AD 6 (working from informa-
tion in Luke). However, Flavius Josephus’s dates are unreliable and sometimes argue
against themselves. Astronomically, the eclipse of March 13, 4 BC, is highly unlikely
to have been the eclipse which Josephus states heralded the death of King Herod,
who, therefore, did not die in 4 BC; neither did Herod die in 3 BC or 2 BC, since
there were no lunar eclipses visible in Judea in those years. However, 1 BC had two
eclipses; either of these, more likely the latter, was the eclipse which just preceded
Herod’s death. Herod, therefore, died either in 1 BC or AD 1, and Jesus, therefore,
was born either from 3 BC to 1 BC, or from 2 BC to AD 1. The Quirinius census of
Luke’s gospel was not the Quirinius census of AD 6, but rather the Pater Patriae
census in 2 BC. Jesus was probably born then in 2 BC. This date is consistent with
the records of Matthew, Luke, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, and Eusebius.
hen I attended Catholic
parochial schools, the nuns
taught us that Jesus was
born “in the Year 0.”
Today, it is gener-
ally taught that Jesus was born during
or before 4 BC. But there is no actual
record of this date. This supposition rests
solely on Flavius Josephus’s passing
remark that a lunar eclipse occurred
shortly before King Herod died, and we
know there was an eclipse visible in Jeru
salem on March 13, 4 BC. Since we know
from the Gospel of Matthew that Jesus
was up to two years old or younger
when Herod died, this means Jesus
could have been born as early as 6 BC.
This date, however, seems to clash with
the Nativity account in Luke, which says
that the Nativity occurred during a cen
sus conducted by the Roman Governor
of Syria Quirinius, who we know con
ducted a census of Judea in AD 6. This
article proposes that the likeliest date of
the Nativity was not 4 BC, but instead
about 1 BC. This is also the year when
Herod actually died, and it reconciles the
apparent discrepancy of dates in the
Nativity accounts of Matthew and Luke.
There are actually many estimates for
the earliest include the placement of the
of Emperor Augustus, about 3–2 BC by
Irenaeus in AD 180.
In AD 194, Clement
of Alexandria estimated that Jesus was
born 194 years before the death of the
emperor Commodus who died on the
last day of AD 192; therefore Jesus was
born around 2 BC.
Early in the fourth
century, Eusebius wrote that Jesus was
born in the 42nd year of the reign of
Augustus, and in the 28th year after the
death of Cleopatra.
Leaving aside the
issue of inclusive or exclusive counting,
that places the birth of Jesus at around
2 BC. The Gospel of Luke states that
Volume 64, Number 4, December 2012 211
James A. Nollet
James A. Nollet currently lives in Poland, after a primary career as a bench
chemist with the US Food & Drug Administration, and a secondary profession
as a trombonist.
there was a “universal census” of the entire Roman
world shortly before Jesus was born, when P. Sulpi
cius Quirinius was governor of Syria. Quirinius
was governor twice, in 3 BC and in AD 6.
we generally and popularly suppose that Luke was
referring to the latter term, because that was the
year in which a local census for taxation purposes
occurred; this would mean that Luke exaggerated
when he spoke about a census of the whole (Roman)
According to Josephus, Augustus sent Quirinius
to be governor of Syria at the same time that he sent
Coponius to be the first procurator of Judea,
also that this census occurred in the 37th year “after
Caesar’s victory over Antony at Actium” (31 BC)
which, counting inclusively, brings us to AD 6.
However, we will see that Josephus was wrong on
many of his dates. Therefore, as a working hypothe
sis, I regard it as possible that Josephus got his fact
wrong about Coponius, confusing Quirinius’s first
term as governor with his second term. If so, most
of the discrepancy between the dates of the Nativity
which exists between Luke and Matthew vanishes,
thereby placing Luke’s census and subsequent
Nativity, not in AD 6, but in 2 BC, and as we will
see, the other apparent discrepancies between Luke
and Matthew vanish as well.
John P. Pratt summarizes the dominant argument
very well and succinctly for Jesus’s birth from 6 BC
to 4 BC, and I will begin by simply quoting from
Josephus says that Varus was Governor of Syria at
Herod’s death and Varus is indeed indicated as
such in 4 BC by coins.
The problem, pointed out
by Martin,
is that the coins also show Varus was
Governor in 6 and 5 BC, whereas Josephus indi
cates that Saturninus was Governor for the two
years preceding Herod’s death.
Martin’s solution
is that an inscription found near Varus’ villa,
which describes a man who was twice Governor
of Syria, probably refers to Varus. If so, his second
term could well have been about 1 BC, when there
is no record of anyone else as Governor.
The principal source for the life of Herod is the
works of (Flavius) Josephus, a Jewish historian
who wrote near the end of the first century. His
methods are not always clear and he is sometimes
inconsistent so care must be exercised to cross-check
his chronology with other sources. Events that are also
dated in Roman history are usually the strongest
evidence to correlate his history with our calendar.
Josephus states that Herod captured Jerusalem and
began to reign in what we would call 37 BC, and
lived for 34 years thereafter, implying his death
was in 4–3 BC. Other evidence both from Josephus
and coins indicates that his successors began to
reign in 4–3 BC. Moreover, Josephus also men
tions a lunar eclipse shortly before Herod’s death.
For centuries the evidence from astronomy has
appeared decisive; a lunar eclipse occurred on
March 13, 4 BC, whereas there was no such eclipse
visible in Palestine in 3 BC. Thus, the eclipse has
played a crucial role in the traditional conclusion
that Herod died in the spring of 4 BC.
In short, the primary, and perhaps sole basis for the
belief that Jesus was born from 6 BC to 4 BC depends
on Josephus’s account of the death of Herod and
the eclipse he reported.
Some scholars have noted that the 4 BC eclipse is
unsuitable, because it happened only one month
before that year’s Passover. Therefore, during that
month, the following had to occur: (a) Herod became
sick and died of a horrible wasting disease, but not
before (b) being taken to warm baths and treated;
(c) executing his son Herod Antipater after also hav-
ing made him co-regent (causing a bemused Caesar
Augustus to observe that it was better to be Herod’s
pig than his son, since Jews do not kill or eat pigs);
(d) dying and being buried after a magnificent
funeral which needed days to prepare; (e) this was
followed by a seven-day mourning period and (f) fol
lowed by yet another mourning period for those
whom Herod had executed before the eclipse. These
scholars believe that one month is not nearly enough
time to account for all these events, so they have
browsed around for other eclipses which give a more
generous and realistic span of time for these events
to unfold.
For this reason, Timothy D. Barnes preferred the
eclipse of September 15, 5 BC;
time for all the above events to occur. However,
Ernest L. Martin disagreed, arguing that this would
mean that Herod Archelaus would have waited six
months, until after the following Passover, before
going to Rome and asking Caesar Augustus to con
firm him as the next king.
And furthermore, if
212 Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith
Astronomical and Historical Evidence for Dating the Nativity in 2 BC
Herod died some time in 5 BC, then that could
mean that Jesus conceivably was born in 7 BC,
which is simply too early; Quirinius was not yet
governor of Syria.
Josephus dated the length of Herod’s kingship
in two different ways. (1) Josephus says Herod re-
ceived his kingship from two of the three triumvirs,
Marcus Antonius (Antony) and Gaius Octavius
(the future Caesar Augustus) in the year Gnaeus
Domitius Calvinus (for the second time) and Gaius
Asinius Pollio were consuls, which was 40 BC;
from this date he counts 37 years to Herod’s death.
(2) Josephus says Herod captured Jerusalem and
killed his chief rival in the year when Marcus
Agrippa and Caninius Gallus were consuls (37 BC),
and thereafter ruled for 34 years. However, in this
case, and since Jewish regnal years commenced on
that would mean that Herod’s first year
began around the time of the vernal equinox in the
spring of 36 BC, and if Herod died in the 34th year
of his reign thereafter, he would have died in 3 BC
before Passover, then according to Josephus’s
34-year countdown from the time of the taking of
Jerusalem, Herod had to have died early in 2 BC.
Even if we count from 1 Nisan in the year 37 BC as
the first year of Herod’s rule, then Herod had to
have died early in the year 3 BC. So already, we have
good reason to discount using the eclipse of 4 BC
as the herald of Herod’s death.
Furthermore, Josephus says that Herod captured
Jerusalem on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement,
also the anniversary of the Roman Proconsul Gnaeus
Pompeius Magnus’s (Pompey) capture of Jerusalem
27 years earlier.
Since Pompey did that in 63 BC,
it would mean that Herod actually captured Jerusa
lem, not in October 37 BC, but in October 36 BC. And
if this is the case, we can move the earliest possible
date for the death of Herod to 1 BC, or maybe 2 BC.
either in 3 BC or in 2 BC, so it therefore seems that
Herod could not have died in these years either.
With regard to the coins issued by Herod’s sons
indicating that they began their reigns in 4 BC, Pratt
argues thusly. Before Herod executed his son Herod
Antipater, he allowed Antipater to become co-regent
with him. This happened around 4 BC. After Herod
himself died, his surviving three sons, who became
tetrarchs, all antedated their own reigns back to the
time when Antipater was co-regent, in order to keep
an unbroken chain between themselves and the
deceased Antipater, thereby giving their own reigns
more legitimacy.
Since we are already highly skeptical as to whether
Herod really died in 4 BC, let us look more closely at
that eclipse of 4 BC, which for centuries has been
regarded as the herald of Herod’s death. Can we find
evidence which will further strengthen or weaken
the supposition that Herod died in 4 BC? The eclipse
commenced at 12:07 a.m. Jerusalem Local Time in
Jerusalem on the night of March 12–13, 4 BC.
any lunar eclipse, a “penumbral” period commences
and concludes the eclipse, and this portion of an
eclipse is either invisible or barely visible. The um-
bral portion of this eclipse commenced almost
exactly ninety minutes later, at 1:38 a.m. on the
morning of March 13. The eclipse reached its maxi-
mum totality about an hour later, at 2:42 a.m., but
was only 36% total at the time of maximum totality. The
eclipse then receded for another two and a half hours
or so, concluding at around 5 a.m.
This is a puny eclipse. Having seen several dozen
in my life, I know from experience that at this level
of totality, the moon is still bright; it simply has a
smudge in its corner. There is no reddening of the
moon, characteristic of deep eclipses, at this minor
level of totality. It is a fact that in all of his writings,
the eclipse which preceded Herod’s death is the only
eclipse Josephus ever mentioned. But what a meek
little eclipse it was—if, indeed, this is the correct
eclipse. Furthermore, as Pratt notes in his paper, few,
if any, souls in the ancient Jerusalem of 4 BC would
even have been awake to behold this eclipse. Given
that this eclipse was insignificant, and moreover
seen by next-to-nobody, it is highly unlikely that any
memory of this eclipse would have survived for over
75 years by word-of-mouth, to be eventually noted
by Josephus as shortly preceding the death of Herod.
Given all of the problems associated with the
March 13, 4 BC, eclipse, W. E. Filmer proposed the
eclipse of January 10, 1 BC, as the eclipse associated
by Josephus with the death of Herod.
Since this
eclipse occurred a full three months before Passover,
it solves all the chronological difficulties presented by
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James A. Nollet
the eclipse of March 13, 4 BC, giving ample time
the eclipse and Herod’s death, and its aftermath.
Furthermore, unlike the barely noticeable eclipse of
March 13, 4 BC, this eclipse was more visible, and
would have been worth remembering and reporting
decades later to Josephus—if, however, anybody had
actually seen the eclipse. This eclipse, too, suffers
from the same problem that plagued the eclipse of
March 13, 4 BC: it happened when almost everyone
would be asleep.
Here is the ephemeris for the January 10, 1 BC eclipse:
First penumbral contact: 10:31 p.m.
(January 9, 1 BC)
First umbral contact: 11:28 p.m.
Total eclipse: 12:25 a.m. (January 10)
Maximum totality: 1:15 a.m.
End of totality: 2:05 a.m.
Last umbral contact: 3:03 a.m.
Last penumbral contact;
eclipse over: 4:00 a.m.
This eclipse would have begun to be visible between
11:00–11:30 p.m. That is two to three hours better than
the 1:38 a.m. or so of the eclipse of March 13, 4 BC.
But that benefit is likely cancelled by the fact that the
January 10 eclipse occurred at a time of the year
when the sun went down (5:05 p.m.) a full fifty min
utes earlier than it did on March 13, 4 BC (5:54 p.m.).
This eclipse of January 10, 1 BC, became palpably
visible about 6.5 hours after sundown, whereas the
March 13, 4 BC, eclipse became palpably visible about
7.5 hours after sundown. In a time and place where
people generally retired at darkness, there is little real
difference between the timing of these eclipses; both
would have been seen by few people. This is particu
larly true in January, when the nights even in Judea
are markedly colder than they are in March.
There was another eclipse on September 15, 5 BC,
which Barnes, at least, believed was the eclipse which
Josephus said preceded the death of Herod:
First penumbral contact: 7:46 p.m.
(September 15, 5 BC)
First umbral contact: 8:44 p.m.
Total eclipse: 9:44 p.m.
Maximum totality: 10:34 p.m.
End of totality: 11:23 p.m.
Last umbral contact: 12:22 a.m. (September 16)
Last penumbral contact;
eclipse over: 1:22 a.m.
This eclipse began to become palpably visible a couple
of hours or so after sundown. But few people other
than Barnes have ever believed that this was the
eclipse Josephus spoke about. It would date the
death of Herod too early for other accounts.
Finally, we arrive at the eclipse of December 29,
1 BC, which Pratt argues was the eclipse which pre
ceded the death of Herod.
Here is the ephemeris of that eclipse:
First penumbral contact: 2:20 p.m. (December 29,
fore moonrise, when the
moon was still below the
horizon, and invisible.)
First umbral contact: 3:28 p.m. (moon still in-
Maximum % of totality: 4:44 p.m. (moon still in-
visible; moon is under a
57% partial eclipse)
Time of complete
5:02 p.m. (moon is visible
and 53% eclipsed)
Last umbral contact: 5:59 p.m.
Last penumbral contact;
eclipse over: 7:07 p.m.
While it was not a total eclipse, it is actually a highly
eye-catching event to see an expectant full moon
rise misshapen and eclipsed. Pratt reasons that the
dramatic nature of seeing a full moon rise under
eclipse is dramatic and startling; it seldom happens,
and people therefore tend to remember it. Due to the
striking nature of this eclipse, and due to the fact
that it occurred at a time when many people must
have witnessed it, it would be a memorable occasion,
and from then on, used to date other events. Pratt
very reasonably believes the partial eclipse of Decem
ber 29, 1 BC, was the eclipse that Josephus says
preceded and heralded the death of Herod. As does
the eclipse of January of that year, this eclipse, too,
occurs three months before Passover, allowing
enough time for the various events to happen which
had to occur between the Josephus eclipse and the
214 Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith
Astronomical and Historical Evidence for Dating the Nativity in 2 BC
following Passover. If so, then Herod died early in
AD 1, and Jesus therefore was born in 1 BC or 2 BC.
There are some problems left to resolve: Who was
governor of Syria at the time of the census of the
Nativity? And how well does this harmonize with
Matthew’s account of the infant Jesus being born
before Herod died? And what about Josephus
statements that the sons of Herod (other than the
executed Antipater) came into their tetrarchies in
4–3 BC, implying, as this does, that Herod died in
4 BC after all?
See Tables 146 and 147 below, found in Jack
Finegan’s Handbook of Biblical Chronology,bothof
which give listings of the governors of Syria from
Gaius Caesar died in Syria in AD 4,
so even if Table 147 does not mention his replace
ment, it is reasonable to suppose that L. Volusius
Saturninus replaced him until AD 6.
Josephus said that Varus was governor of Syria
when Herod died. Looking at the tables, we see
general agreement that Varus began being governor
in 6 BC and this continued into 4 BC. But then,
in Table 147, there is a notation that Varus was also
governor in 1 BC. Since this does not appear in
Table 146, what does its appearance in Table 147
mean? Why is it in Table 146 but not in the other
table, and can we trust it? The usually accepted list of
governors is from the Schürer-derived Table 146.
Thus we are left with Varus as governor (who
Josephus said was governor when Herod died and
therefore after Jesus was born) if Jesus was born
in 4 BC, or with Quirinius as governor if Jesus was
born in 3 BC or 2 BC.
tion was found near his old manor in 1784, referring
to a certain unnamed man who was twice governor
of Syria.
Knowing that Varus was governor of
Syria at least once, whom else could this refer to but
when Augustus called for the census and when
Herod was still alive—but if Varus was governor
Volume 64, Number 4, December 2012 215
James A. Nollet
Year Name of Governor, Table 146 Name of Governor, Table 147
9 BC M. Titius M. Titius
8 BC C. Sentius Saturninus Titius
7 BC C. Sentius Saturninus Titius, then P. Q. Varus
6 BC Saturninus, then P. Q. Varus P. Quinctilius Varus
5 BC Varus Varus
4 BC Varus Varus, then C. S. Saturninus
3 BC P. Sulpicius Quirinius C. Sentius Saturninus
2 BC Quirinius C. Sentius Saturninus, then Varus
1 BC Gaius Caesar Varus
AD 1 Gaius Caesar Varus, then Gaius Caesar
AD 2 Gaius Caesar Gaius Caesar
AD 3 Gaius Caesar Gaius Caesar
AD 4 G. Caesar, then L. V. Saturninus Gaius Caesar
AD 5 L. Volusius Saturninus
AD 6 Quirinius
AD 7 Quirinius
Tables 146 and 147 of Jack Finegan’s Handbook of Biblical Chronology listing the governors of Syria from 9 BC to AD 7.
when Herod died—that means Varus could not have
followed Quirinius as governor after Quirinius
stepped down after AD 7, because Herod was long
dead even before AD 6. And furthermore, after AD 7,
Varus was involved with the legions in Germany,
Luke and Josephus could agree if both Quirinius
and Varus were each governor for two periods. That
scenario fits with the evidence of the Lapis Tiburtinus.
According to Schürer, Varus was governor in 4 BC
and was succeeded the following year by Quirinius
(see Table 146), who therefore was governor of Syria
for both of the censi which Augustus called for the
Holy Land, one in 2 BC to affirm him as Pater Patriae,
and the other in AD 6 after Rome deposed Herod
Archelaus and annexed and governed Judea
This means that the order of Roman governors
was Varus (4 BC) / Quirinius (3 BC and 2 BC) /
Varus again—but wait a minute here; we also know
that Gaius Caesar became governor in 1 BC, so how
could Varus possibly have been governor a second
time—the Lapis Tiburtinus notwithstanding? The an-
swer may lie with considering who Gaius Caesar
was. Gaius Caesar was Emperor Augustus’s beloved
and oldest living grandson. He was currently the
heir apparent, expected to become emperor after
Augustus died. He was royalty.Josephussaysthat
Gaius Caesar was in Rome after Herod died; this
would seem to make perfect sense, since Caesar was
one of the two consuls for the year AD 1, although
certain Roman sources say Caesar was made gover
nor of Syria in 1 BC.
This objection is really no
objection at all, because there is no reason why he
could not have been both.
Robert Graves notes that while Caesar was on
his way to his station in Syria, he stopped on Chios,
met his step-uncle Tiberius, and agreed to take a let
ter back to Rome for Tiberius
—this would mean
that he returned to Rome immediately and did not
actually arrive at his duty-station. Dio Cassius notes
that the Parthians came to terms with the Romans
in AD 1,
thus making the governorship of Syria
an easy, peaceful one, thereby allowing Caesar to
slip back home to Rome for a visit, and to resume
his other duties as consul. Absentee governors were
tolerated if they were important enough. A few
decades previously, Pompey had been an absentee
governor of Spain for several years, and he was
allowed to rule his province from Rome, sending
out viceroys to govern in his absence.
Knowing that Gaius Caesar was a consul of Rome
as well as governor of Syria in AD 1 (which meant
he had official duties in Rome also) and knowing
place him in Rome after Herod died. So this then
begs the question: when Gaius Caesar was not
minding the shop in Syria, who was? At this point,
Publius Quinctilius Varus comes into the picture
twice as governor of Syria: the first of those times
was after 4 BC, according to the Lapis Tiburtinus,
and the second time was as acting governor of Syria
when Herod died, to believe Josephus. He must have
substituted for the sometimes absent Gaius Caesar
(who, in addition, was hardly twenty years old;
Augustus would not have objected to having an
experienced governor while his stripling grandson
gallivanted back and forth). It all fits together.
Finally, we have the small matter of dealing with
Josephus’s seeming to state that the surviving sons
of Herod assumed their tetrarchies in 4 BC after
he died. Pratt has already discussed the reasonable
possibility of antedating their regnal years.
But there is an even stronger argument against
Josephus’s assertion—the witness against Josephus,
again, being Josephus himself, or rather the variant
versions of Josephus. In Antiquities, Josephus states
that Herod Philip died in the twentieth year of the
reign of the emperor Tiberius, after having served as
tetrarch for 37 years.
Since Tiberius came to power
in AD 14; this places Philip died in AD 33 or AD 34,
which places the commencement of his tetrarchy in
4 BC or 3 BC. However, Finegan writes as follows:
Already in the nineteenth century Florian Riess
reported that the Franciscan monk Molkenbuhr
claimed to have seen a 1517 Parisian copy of
Josephus and an 1841 Venetian copy, in each of
which the text read “the twenty-second year of
Tiberius.” The antiquity of this reading has now
been abundantly confirmed. In 1995 David W.
Breyer reported to the Society for Biblical Litera
ture his personal examination in the British Muse
um of forty-six editions of Josephus’ Antiquities
published before 1700, among which twenty-seven
texts, all but three published before 1544, read
“twenty-second year of Tiberius,” while not
216 Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith
Astronomical and Historical Evidence for Dating the Nativity in 2 BC
a single edition published prior to 1544 read “twen
tieth year of Tiberius.”
Likewise, in the Library
of Congress, five more editions read the “twenty-
second year,” while none prior to 1544 records the
“twentieth year.” It was also found that the oldest
versions of the text give various length of reign for
Philip of 32 and 36 years. But if we allow for a full
thirty-seven year reign, then “the twenty-second
year of Tiberius” (AD 35/36) points to 1 BC as
the year of the death of Herod.
Summary of the Argument
The date of Jesus’s birth has long been thought to
have been at sometime from 6 BC to 4 BC, based
solely on Flavius Josephus, who reported that a lunar
eclipse shortly preceded King Herod’s death, and we
do know a lunar eclipse occurred on March 13, 4 BC.
1. Josephus himself contradicts his own dates
repeatedly, leaving us uncertain about all of his
2. Different versions of Josephus exist which add to
the uncertainty, in that they give different years
for the death of one of Herod’s sons, which there-
tetrarchies in 4 BC or in 3 BC. Furthermore, there
is reason to suppose that they intentionally ante-
dated when their tetrarchies commenced, for
political credibility.
3. Publius Quinctilius Varus appears to have been
twice the governor of Syria, one of those times
after 4 BC. Josephus says he was governor when
nor in 3 BC or in 2 BC, this leaves him perhaps as
a sometimes viceroy, filling in for the sometimes
absent Governor Gaius Caesar starting in 1 BC,
the date therefore of Herod’s death.
4. There were two Roman censi in the final decade of
the BC era. One was in 8 BC. This was not the cen
sus mentioned in the Gospel of Luke, because
according to Luke, Quirinius was not the gover
nor of Syria in that year, and because this census
counted only Roman citizens; the Holy Family,
like almost all residents of Judea, were not Roman
citizens and so would not have been affected
by this census. However, the census/registration
which occurred in 2 BC as a consequence of the
Senate and Roman people naming Caesar Augus
tus the Pater Patriae, the “Father of the Country,”
would have affected the residents of the Holy
Land, since all were required to affirm Augustus
in his title. In any event, since Herod did not die
when there was no census.
5. Most of the ancient sources reported that Jesus
was born between 3 BC and AD 1.
6. Josephus said that Herod captured Jerusalem and
executed his rival for the Jewish throne on the
Day of Atonement, the exact anniversary of the
capture of Jerusalem by Pompey 27 years earlier,
that is, in 63 BC; this means that even if Herod
reigned for only 34 years thereafter (and not
37 years), he therefore must have died in 2 BC
or 1 BC.
7. The lunar eclipse of March 13, 4 BC, may be dis-
regarded as the herald of Herod’s death because
it was nothing more than a minor partial eclipse,
which furthermore appeared at a very late hour
when next-to-nobody would have seen it. It was
not a sufficiently memorable occasion for public
8. Since there were no lunar eclipses in 3 BC or 2 BC,
but there were two in 1 BC, one of these eclipses
has to be the eclipse which Josephus says heralded
the death of Herod. The first eclipse occurred
on January 10, 1 BC, and was a full-blown total
eclipse of the moon. While this eclipse is suitable
because of its grandeur and because it gives three
months between its occurrence and Passover, this
eclipse is unlikely to be the eclipse of Josephus
because it occurred at a later hour. It also was
at a time of the year when people went to bed
even earlier than at other times of the year, and
moreover it was cold at night in Jerusalem, which
would tend to reduce even more the number of
9. This leaves us with the partial eclipse of Decem
ber 29, 1 BC, twelve lunar months later. In terms
of allowing enough time for certain significant
events to occur (again, three months before Pass
over), this eclipse is ideally suited to be Jose
phus’s eclipse in that the full moon that rose
that night was already under half-umbral eclipse
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when it was first seen at sunset, thereby assuring
that many people would have noticed it, many
more than the eclipse of January 10.
10.This remembered eclipse is the most likely one
that Josephus had in mind as heralding the death
of Herod. Granted that aside from the issue of
how many people saw it, the other 1 BC eclipse
might fit the descriptions too.
11.Finally, the major gap in the Gospels separating
Luke’s account from Matthew’s account has been
resolved and eliminated. We have long supposed
that Luke’s gospel requires Jesus to have been
born after AD 6, whereas Matthew’s gospel
requires Jesus to have been born between 6 BC
and 4 BC. However, thanks to understanding
Josephus’s errors and understanding more about
the Pater Patriae registration of the entire Roman
Empire in 2 BC, this allows us to bridge the 10–12-
year gap between Matthew and Luke by moving
Luke’s timeline back eight years from the typical
dating and moving forward Matthew’s timeline
by 4–6 years from the most common description,
actually causing them to meet and indeed
King Herod died, not in 4 BC as commonly
believed, but either early in 1 BC before Passover,
or early in AD 1, again before Passover.
If Herod died in 1 BC, Jesus was born between
If Herod died in AD 1, Jesus was born between
2 BC and AD 1.
The Pater Patriae registration of all inhabitants of
the Roman Empire initiated in 2 BC (and not the
popularly believed census of Palestine taken in
AD 6) is the census which Luke reported as having
occurred when Quirinius was governor of Syria;
he was governor in 2 BC and again in AD 6.
It should also be noted that Luke did not say that
Quirinius was governor when Herod died; only
that he was governor at the time the Pater Patriae
registration was ordered (and Herod presumably
was still alive). Furthermore, when Luke reported
that the census was of the entire (Roman) world,
we now see that he did not exaggerate, if we regard
the Pater Patriae census of 2 BC and not Quirinius’s
local census of AD 6 as the census he was talking
about. The streams of evidence resolve: Jesus was
probably born sometime in 2 BC.
There is no such a thing, of course, as the “Year 0.” There
is 1 BC (Before Christ) which is immediately followed by
AD 1 (Anno Domini, Latin for “the year of the Lord”).
Irenaeus, Against All Heresies in The Ante-Nicene Fathers:
Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to AD 325,
10 vols. (1885–1887; reprint, Peabody, MA: Hendrickson,
1994), 3.21.03.
Clement of Alexandria, Stromata, in The Ante-Nicene Fathers
3, 151, note 1.
Eusebius, The History of the Church, trans. G. A Williamson
(New York: Dorset Book edition, 1965), Book 1, 5.5.
Jack Finegan, Handbook of Biblical Chronology (Peabody, MA:
Hendrickson Publishers, 1998), 302, Table 146, who cites
Emil Schürer, A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus
Christ, 5 vols. (New York: Scribner’s, 1896); G. Vermes and F.
Millar, 3 volumes in 4, rev. ed. (Edinburgh: T&T Clark,
1973–1987), vol. 1.1, 350–7; Realencyclopäie der classischen
Altertumswissenschaft (Real Encyclopedia of Classical Ancient
Knowledge), Zweite Reihe (2nd Row), 4.2, col. 1629.
Flavius Josephus, Jewish Antiquities Book 18, paragraphs 1–2
in Loeb Classical Library, No. 433, trans. L. H. Feldman,
(Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1963), 12.
Josephus, Antiquities 18.4.
Schürer, The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus
Christ, 1.257.
Ernest L. Martin, The Star That Astonished the World, 2nd ed.
(Portland, OR: Associates for Scriptural Knowledge, 1991),
174–9, 232–4. He writes about the Lapis Tiburtinus, the stone
found near what was Publius Quinctilius Varus’s estate
outside Rome.
Josephus, Antiquities 17.2.1; 17.5.2.
Josephus, Antiquities 14.16.4 (year specified by the two
consuls); 17.6.4; 17.8.1; 17.8.2; 18.2.1; 18.4.6. A pair of men
always served a one-calendar-year term as consuls of Rome,
and careful records were kept of who was consul in what
year. Matching an event with the time of the consulships of
X and Y is therefore a very solid way of dating that event.
John P. Pratt, “Yet Another Eclipse for Herod,” The
Planetarian 19, no. 4 (Dec. 1990): 8–14 (emphasis added).
The paper is also available from Dr. Pratt’s own website
Timothy D. Barnes, “The Date of Herod’s Death,” The
Journal of Theological Studies 19 (1968): 204–9.
Ernest L. Martin, The Birth of Christ Recalculated (Pasadena,
CA: Foundation for Biblical Research Publications, 1980).
Josephus, Antiquities 14.389; 14.487; 17.191.
Babylonian Talmud Tractate Rosh Hashanah, 10b.
Josephus, Antiquities 14.389; 14.487; 17.191.
Pratt, “Yet Another Eclipse for Herod,” 3.3 in the online
For astronomical information, I have used a program
throughout this book called Skylights, written and
218 Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith
Astronomical and Historical Evidence for Dating the Nativity in 2 BC
copyrighted in 1994 by G. Vecchi, and sold by Zephyr
Services of Pittsburgh, PA. Jerusalem Local Time, when the
position of the sun is at its zenith, is defined as 12 o’clock
High Noon. All stated times are relative to this reference.
W. E. Filmer, “The Chronology of the Reign of Herod the
Great,” The Journal of Theological Studies 17 (1966): 283–98.
Barnes, “The Date of Herod’s Death,” The Journal of
Theological Studies, 204–9.
Pratt, “Yet Another Eclipse for Herod,” 2.5.
Jack Finegan, Handbook of Biblical Chronology, 302, 304.
Schürer, The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus
Christ, 1.257.
Martin, The Star That Astonished the World, 174–9, 232–4.
Josephus, Antiquities17.9.5; Dio Cassius from E. Cary, Dio’s
Roman History (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, 1980),
40.9–10.4; Barnes, “The Date of Herod’s Death,” 208.
Robert Graves, I Claudius: From the Autobiography of Tiberius
Claudius, Born 10 BC, Murdered and Deified AD 54 (New York:
Vintage Books, 1989), 81.
Dio Cassius 40.10.4.
Josephus, Antiquities 18.106.
Finegan, Handbook of Biblical Chronology, 301.
Filmer, “The Chronology of the Reign of Herod the Great,”
298; Barnes, “The Date of Herod’s Death,” 205; Riess, Das
Geburtsjahr Christi (The Year of Jesus’ Birth) (Freiburg: Herder,
1880); David W. Beyer, “Josephus Re-examined: Unraveling
the Twenty-Second Year of Tiberius,” in Chronos, Kairos,
Christos II, ed. E. Jerry Vardaman (Macon, GA: Mercer
University Press, 1998).
Beyer, “Josephus Re-examined,” 4.
Volume 64, Number 4, December 2012 219
James A. Nollet
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