THIS DATA SECURITY AGREEMENT, including Exhibits attached hereto and made
a part hereof (this “Agreement”) which are incorporated by reference herein, is made as of this
_____ day of ________________ , 20___ by and between _____________________________, a
New York corporation with offices at ________________
______________________________________ (“Utility”) and ___________________________
a _______________ with offices at _________________________________________________
(“Aggregator); and together with Utility, the "Parties" and each, individually, a “Party.”
WHEREAS, Aggregator desires to have access to certain utility customer information in
order to administer a community choice aggregation program (the CCA Program”) for the
benefit of its members in accordance with the New York State Public Service Commission’s
(“PSC” or the “Commission”) Order Authorizing Framework for Community Choice
Aggregation Opt-Out Program (the “Order”) in Case 14- M-0224 (effective April 21, 2016); and
WHEREAS, (i) the Order directs Utility to provide to Aggregator certain aggregated and
anonymized information of Utility’s residential and small commercial customers that do not
currently take service from an energy services company (“ESCO”) and are located within
Aggregator’s service area, including, without limitation, aggregated usage and capacity tag
information as well as certain Customer-Specific Information applicable to such customers,
including, without limitation, all customer specific information such as, but not limited to, name,
address and utility account number (or Point of Delivery Identifier) for the sole and limited
purpose of facilitating the CCA Program and (ii) Utility may assess a reasonable fee in
connection with its provision of such information as set forth in the Utility’s tariff or as
otherwise approved by the Commission; and
WHEREAS, Utility and Aggregator also desire to enter into this Agreement to establish,
among other things, the obligations of the Aggregator with respect to such Confidential Utility
Information and the price at which the Aggregator may acquire access to the Confidential Utility
Information; and
Whereas, Utility and Aggregator also desire to enter into this Agreement to establish,
among other things, the full scope of Aggregator’s obligations of confidentiality with respect to
the Confidential Utility Information in a manner consistent with the rules and regulations of the
Commission; and
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the covenants herein
contained, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which
are hereby acknowledged, the Parties, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows:
1. Definitions.
a. Customer-Specific Information” shall have the meaning attributed to it in the
b. “CCA” shall have the meaning attributed to it in the Recitals.
c. Confidential Utility Information” means, collectively, information provided by
Utility to Aggregator including, without limitation, all aggregated and anonymized
information, Customer-Specific Information, Personal Data and Utility Data.
d. “Data Protection Requirements” means, collectively, (i) all national, state and local
laws, regulations or other government standards relating to the protection of
information that identifies or can be used to identify an individual that apply with
respect to Aggregator or its Representative’s Processing of Confidential Utility
Information; (ii) the Utility’s internal requirements and procedures relating to the
protection of information that identifies or can be used to identify an individual that
apply with respect to Aggregator or its Representative’s Processing of Confidential
Utility Information; and (iii) the Order and Commission rules, regulations and
guidelines relating to confidential data.
e. “Data Security Incident means a situation where Aggregator reasonably believes
that there has been: (A) the loss or misuse (by any means) of Confidential Utility
Information; (B) the inadvertent, unauthorized and/or unlawful Processing,
corruption, modification, transfer, sale or rental of Confidential Utility Information;
(C) any other act or omission that compromises the security, confidentiality, or
integrity of Confidential Utility Information or (D) any breach of any Data
Protection Requirements in relation to the Processing of Confidential Utility
Information by Aggregator or any current or former Representatives.
f. “Destroy” means (a) shredding; (b) permanently erasing and deleting; (c)
degaussing; or (d) otherwise modifying Confidential Utility Information in paper,
electronic or other means so as to make it unreadable, unreconstructible, and
indecipherable. All Confidential Utility Information containing Personal Data and
other information, as may be specifically requested by Utility, must be disposed of in
a manner described in (a) through (c).
g. “ESCO” shall have the meaning set forth in the Recitals.
h. “Personal Data” means any information that can be used to identify, locate, or
contact an individual, including an employee, customer, or potential customer of
Utility, including, without limitation: (A) first and last name; (B) home or other
physical address; (C) telephone number; (D) email address or online identifier
associated with an individual; (E) “Sensitive Data” as defined below; (F) ZIP codes;
(G) employment, financial or health information; or (H) any other information
relating to an individual, including cookie information and usage and traffic data or
profiles, that is combined with any of the foregoing.
i. “PSC” or “Commission” shall have the meaning attributed to it in the Recitals.
j. “Processing” (including its cognate, “process”) means any operation, action, error,
omission, negligent act, or set of operations, actions, errors, omissions, or negligent
acts that is performed using or upon Personal Data or Utility Data, whether it be by
physical, automatic or electronic means, including, without limitation, collection,
recording, organization, storage, access, adaptation, alteration, retrieval, use,
transfer, hosting, maintenance, handling, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure,
dissemination, exfiltration, taking, removing, copying, processing, making available,
alignment, combination, blocking, deletion, erasure, or destruction.
k. “Sensitive Data” is that subset of Personal Data, including Social Security number,
passport number, driver’s license number, Utility customer account number, or
similar identifier.
l. “Third Party Representatives” means those Representatives of Aggregator that are
contractors or subcontractors, including without limitation, ESCOs.
m. Utility Data means data held by Utility, whether produced in the normal course of
business or at the request of Aggregator or a third party and whether or not it is
provided to Aggregator.
2. Scope of the Agreement. This Agreement shall govern and apply to all Confidential Utility
Information disclosed to Aggregator or to which Aggregator is given access by Utility in
support of the CCA Program, including all archival or back-up copies of the Confidential
Utility Information held or maintained by Aggregator (or it its Representatives). All
Confidential Utility Information, in whatever form, media or medium provided or held, and
all extracts, compilations, studies or other documents based on, derived from or containing
Confidential Utility Information, and all correspondence between or among the Parties or
their respective Representatives pertaining to the same, shall constitute confidential
information hereunder. No financial information is to be provided pursuant to this
Agreement. If any information outside the scope of the Order is sent to Aggregator, the
Aggregator will immediately notify the Utility and destroy any such information in the
appropriate manner.
3. Provision of Information. Utility agrees to provide to Aggregator or its Representatives,
certain Confidential Utility Information, as requested, provided that (i) Aggregator and its
Representatives are in compliance with the term of this Agreement; (ii) Aggregator has
provided and has caused its Representatives to provide, to the satisfaction of Utility any
Vendor Product/Service Security Assessments, attached hereto as Exhibit A or such other
risk assessment forms as Utility may require from time to time (“The Assessment”) and
Aggregator will comply with the utility __________ program; (iii) Aggregator (and its
Representatives, as applicable) shall have and maintain throughout the term systems and
processes in place and as detailed in the assessment acceptable to Utility to protect
Confidential Utility Information; (iv) Aggregator complies and shall cause its third party
representatives to comply with Utility’s data protection programs; and (v) Utility receives
written confirmation from New York State Department of Public Service Staff that certain
prerequisites identified in the Order have been satisfied. Provided the foregoing
prerequisites have been satisfied, Utility shall within twenty (20) days of receipt of
Aggregator’s written request for such Confidential Utility Information, provide such
Confidential Utility Information as required by the Order. Specifically, Utility shall
provide, as requested by the Aggregator, aggregated data, including the number of
customers by service class, the aggregated peak demand (kW) (for electricity) by month for
the past 12 months, by service class to the extent possible, and the aggregated energy (kWh)
for electricity or volumetric consumption for gas by month for the past 12 months by service
class and customer-specific data, including the customer of record’s name, mailing address,
account number, and primary language and any customer-specific alternate billing name and
address, to the extent available. Unless the Parties otherwise agree, the provision of
Confidential Utility Information by Utility shall be effectuated electronically, as a file
transfer made via encrypted FTP or other secure process acceptable to Utility.
4. Confidentiality.
Aggregator shall: (a) hold all Confidential Utility Information in strict confidence; (b) except as
otherwise expressly permitted by Section 4 hereof, not disclose Confidential Utility Information
to any other person or entity (including but not limited to ESCOs, subcontractors, affiliates or
members of Aggregator); (c) not Process Confidential Utility Information outside of the United
States; (d) not Process Confidential Utility Information other than in connection with the CCA
Program or otherwise as authorized by this Agreement; (e) not Process Confidential Utility
Information for any marketing purposes other than in connection with the CCA Program; (f)
limit reproduction of Confidential Utility Information to the extent required for the CCA
Program; (g) store Confidential Utility Information in a secure fashion at a secure location in
the United States that is not accessible to any person or entity not authorized to receive the
Confidential Utility Information under the provisions hereof; (h) otherwise use at least the same
degree of care to avoid publication or dissemination of the Confidential Utility Information as
Aggregator employs (or would employ) with respect to its own confidential information that it
does not (or would not) desire to have published or disseminated, but in no event less than
reasonable care; and (i) to the extent required by the utility, each person with a need to know the
Confidential Information shall sign the Representative Agreement set forth as Exhibit B to this
Agreement. At all times, Utility shall have the right to request further assurances that the
foregoing restrictions and protections concerning Confidential Utility Information are being
observed and Aggregator shall be obligated to promptly provide Utility with the requested
5. Exceptions Allowing Aggregator To Disclose Confidential Utility Information.
(a) Disclosure to Representatives. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 4
hereof, Aggregator may disclose Confidential Utility Information to those of its municipal
members and contractors, including without limitation, ESCOs as well as its and their respective
officers, directors and employees (collectively, “Representatives”) who have a legitimate need to
know or use such Confidential Utility Information for the sole and limited purposes of
administering and/or conducting the CCA Program, provided that each such Representative first
(i) is advised by Aggregator of the sensitive and confidential nature of such Confidential Utility
Information; (ii) agrees to comply with the provisions of this Agreement, provided that with
respect to Third Party Representatives and this subsection (ii), such Third Party Representatives
must agree in writing to be bound by and observe the provisions of this Agreement as though
such Third Party Representatives were Aggregator; and (iii) signs the Representative Agreement.
All such written agreements with Third Party Representatives shall include direct liability for the
Third Party Representatives towards Utility for breach thereof by the Third Party
Representatives, and a copy of such agreement and each Representative Agreement and
Aggregator agreement shall be made available to Utility upon request. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, Aggregator shall be liable to Utility for any act or omission of a Representative,
including without limitation, Third Party Representatives that would constitute a breach of this
Agreement if committed by Aggregator.
(b) Disclosure if Legally Compelled. Notwithstanding anything herein, in the event
that Aggregator or any of its Representatives receives notice that it has, will or may become
compelled, pursuant to applicable law or regulation or legal process to disclose any Confidential
Information (whether by receipt of oral questions, interrogatories, requests for information or
documents in legal proceedings, subpoenas, civil investigative demands, other similar processes
or otherwise), Aggregator shall, except to the extent prohibited by law, immediately notify
Utility, orally and in writing, of the pending or threatened compulsion. To the extent lawfully
allowable, Utility shall have the right to consult with Aggregator and the Parties will cooperate,
in advance of any disclosure, to undertake any lawfully permissible steps to reduce and/or
minimize the extent of Confidential Utility Information that must be disclosed. Utility shall also
have the right to seek an appropriate protective order or other remedy reducing and/or
minimizing the extent of Confidential Utility Information that must be disclosed. In any event,
Aggregator and its Representatives shall disclose only such Confidential Utility Information
which they are advised by legal counsel that they are legally required to disclose in order to
comply with such applicable law or regulation or legal process (as such may be affected by any
protective order or other remedy obtained by Utility) and Aggregator and its Representatives
shall use all reasonable efforts to ensure that all Confidential Utility Information that is so
disclosed will be accorded confidential treatment.
6. Return/Destruction of Information. Within ten (10) days after Utility’s written demand,
Aggregator shall (and shall cause its Representatives to) cease to Process Confidential Utility
Information and shall at the Utility’s option: (a) return such Confidential Utility Information to
Utility in such manner, format and timeframe as reasonably requested by Utility or, if not so
directed by Utility, (b) Destroy all copies of all Confidential Utility Information (including any
and all extracts, compilations, studies or other documents based upon, derived from or containing
Confidential Utility Information) that has come into Aggregator’s or its Representatives
possession, including destroying Confidential Utility Information from all systems, records,
archives and backups of Aggregator and its Representatives, and all subsequent use and
Processing of the Confidential Utility Information by Aggregator and its Representatives shall
cease. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Aggregator and its Representatives shall not be obligated
to erase Confidential Utility Information contained in an archived computer system backup
maintained in accordance with their respective security or disaster recovery procedures, provided
that Aggregator and its Representatives shall (i) not have experienced a Data Security Incident,
(ii) not permit access to or recovery of Confidential Utility Information from such computer
backup system and (iii) keep all such Confidential Utility Information confidential in accordance
with this Agreement. Aggregator shall, upon request, certify to Utility that the destruction by
Aggregator and its Representatives required by this Section has occurred by (a) having a duly
authorized officer of Aggregator complete, execute and deliver to Utility a certification and (b)
obtaining substantially similar certifications from its Representatives and maintaining them on
file. Compliance with this Section 5 shall not relieve Aggregator from compliance with the other
provisions of this Agreement. The obligations under this Section shall survive any expiration of
termination of this Agreement.
7. Audit. Upon reasonable notice to Aggregator, Aggregator shall, and shall require its third-
party representatives to, permit Utility, its auditors, designated audit representatives, and
regulators to audit and inspect, at Utility’s sole expense (except as otherwise provided in this
Agreement), and no more often than once per year (unless otherwise required by Utility’s
regulators): (a) the facilities of Aggregator and Aggregator’s Third Party Representatives where
Confidential Utility Information containing Personal Data is Processed by, or on behalf of,
Aggregator; (b) any computerized or paper systems used to Process Utility Confidential
Information containing Personal Data; and (c) Aggregator’s security practices and procedures,
facilities, resources, plans, procedures and books and records relating to the privacy and security
of Confidential Utility Information containing Personal Data. Such audit and inspection rights
shall be, at a minimum, for the purpose of verifying Aggregator’s compliance with this
Agreement, including all applicable Data Protection Requirements. Notwithstanding anything
herein, in the event of a Data Security Incident Aggregator shall and shall cause its Third Party
Representatives to permit an audit hereunder more frequently than once per year, as may be
requested by Utility. Aggregator shall immediately correct any deficiencies identified by Utility.
8. Investigation. Upon notice to Aggregator, Aggregator shall assist and support Utility in the
event of an investigation by any regulator or similar authority, if and to the extent that such
investigation relates to Confidential Utility Information containing Personal Data Processed by
Aggregator on behalf of Utility. Such assistance shall be at Utility’s sole expense, except where
such investigation was required due to the acts or omissions of Aggregator or its Representatives,
in which case such assistance shall be at Aggregator’s sole expense.
9. Data Security Incidents. Aggregator is responsible for any and all Data Security Incidents
involving Confidential Utility Information containing Personal Data that is Processed by, or on
behalf of, Aggregator. Aggregator shall notify Utility in writing immediately (and in any event
within twenty-four (24) hours) whenever Aggregator reasonably believes that there has been a
Data Security Incident. After providing such notice, Aggregator will investigate the Data
Security Incident, and immediately take all necessary steps to eliminate or contain any exposure
of Confidential Utility Information containing Personal Data and keep Utility advised of the
status of such Data Security Incident and all matters related thereto. Aggregator further agrees to
provide, at Aggregator’s sole cost, reasonable assistance and cooperation requested by Utility
and/or Utility’s designated representatives, in the furtherance of any correction, remediation, or
investigation of any such Data Security Incident and/or the mitigation of any damage, including
any notification required by law or that Utility may determine appropriate to send to individuals
impacted or potentially impacted by the Data Security Incident , and/or the provision of any
credit reporting service required by law or that Utility deems appropriate to provide to such
individuals. Unless required by law, Aggregator shall not notify any individual or any third
party other than law enforcement of any potential Data Security Incident involving Confidential
Utility Information containing Personal Data without first consulting with, and obtaining the
permission of, Utility. In addition, within 30 days of identifying or being informed of a Data
Security Incident, Aggregator shall develop and execute a plan, subject to Utility’s approval, that
reduces the likelihood of a recurrence of such Data Security Incident. Aggregator agrees that
Utility may at its discretion and without penalty immediately suspend performance hereunder
and/or terminate the Agreement if a Data Security Incident occurs.
10. No Intellectual Property Rights Granted. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as
granting or conferring any rights, by license or otherwise, expressly, implicitly or otherwise,
under any patents, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights of Utility, and
Aggregator shall acquire no ownership interest in the Confidential Utility Information (which, as
between Aggregator and Utility, shall be and remain the proprietary and confidential information
of Utility). No rights or obligations other than those expressly stated herein shall be implied
from this Agreement.
11. Additional Obligations.
a. Aggregator shall not create or maintain data which are derivative of Confidential
Utility Information except for the purpose of performing its obligations under this
Agreement or as authorized by Utility. Data collected by Aggregator from customers
through its website or other interactions based on those customers’ interest in
receiving information from or otherwise engaging with Aggregator or its partners
shall not be considered Confidential Utility Information or a derivative of
Confidential Utility Information for the purpose of this Agreement. Aggregator shall
not collect or retain customer account numbers through such interactions associated
with its CCA Program.
b. Aggregator shall comply with all applicable privacy and security laws to which it is
subject, including without limitation all applicable Data Protection Requirements
and not, by act or omission, place Utility in violation of any privacy or security law
known by Aggregator to be applicable to Utility.
c. Aggregator shall have in place appropriate and reasonable processes and systems,
including an Information Security Program to protect the security of Confidential
Utility Information containing Personal Data and prevent a Data Security Incident ,
including, without limitation, a breach resulting from or arising out of Aggregator’s
internal use, Processing or other transmission of Confidential Utility Information
containing Personal Data, whether between or among Aggregator’s Representatives,
subsidiaries and affiliates or any other person or entity acting on behalf of
Aggregator, including without limitation Third Party Representatives.
d. Aggregator shall safely secure or encrypt all Confidential Utility Information during
storage or transmission.
e. Aggregator shall establish policies and procedures to provide reasonable and prompt
assistance to Utility in responding to any and all requests, complaints, or other
communications received from any individual who is or may be the subject of a Data
Security Incident involving Confidential Utility Information Processed by
Aggregator to the extent such request, complaint or other communication relates to
Aggregator’s Processing of such individual’s Personal Data.
f. Aggregator shall establish policies and procedures to provide all reasonable and
prompt assistance to Utility in responding to any and all requests, complaints, or
other communications received from any individual, government, government
agency, regulatory authority, or other entity that is or may have an interest in the
Personal Data, data theft or other unauthorized release of Personal Data , disclosure
of Personal Data, or misuse of Personal Data to the extent such request, complaint or
other communication relates to Aggregator’s Processing of such Personal Data.
12. Payment. In consideration of Utility’s agreement to provide Confidential Utility
Information in accordance with Section 2, Aggregator shall pay to Utility fees pursuant to its
13. Specific Performance. The Parties acknowledge that disclosure or misuse of Confidential
Utility Information in violation of this Agreement may result in irreparable harm to Utility, the
amount of which may be difficult to ascertain and which may not be adequately compensated by
monetary damages, and that therefore Utility shall be entitled to specific performance and/or
injunctive relief to enforce compliance with the provisions of this Agreement. Utility’s right to
such relief shall be in addition to and not to the exclusion of any remedies otherwise available
under this Agreement, at law or in equity, including monetary damages, the right to terminate
this Agreement for breach and the right to suspend the provision or Processing of Confidential
Utility Information hereunder. Aggregator agrees to waive any requirement for the securing or
posting of any bond or other security in connection with Utility obtaining any such injunctive or
other equitable relief and hereby authorizes, to the extent lawfully possible, any court of
competent jurisdiction to dispense with any requirement for such bond or other security which
might otherwise be judicially imposed.
14. Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Aggregator shall indemnify and
hold Utility, its affiliates and their respective officers, directors, trustees, shareholders,
employees and agents, harmless from and against any and all loss, cost, damage or expense of
every kind and nature (including, without limitation, penalties imposed by the Commission or
other regulatory authority or under any Data Protection Requirements, court costs, expenses and
reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of, relating to, or resulting from, in whole or in part, the
breach or non-compliance with this Agreement by Aggregator or any of its Representatives.
15. Notices. With the exception of notices or correspondence relating to potential or pending
disclosure under legal compulsion, all notices and other correspondence hereunder shall be sent
by first class mail, by personal delivery, or by a nationally recognized courier service. Notices or
correspondences relating to potential or pending disclosure under legal compulsion shall be sent
by means of Express Mail through the U.S. Postal service or other nationally recognized courier
service which provides for scheduled delivery no later than the business day following the
transmittal of the notice or correspondence and which provides for confirmation of delivery. All
notices and correspondence shall be in writing and addressed as follows:
If to Aggregator, to:
Aggregator Name:
Name of Contact:
If to Utility, to:
Utility Name:
Name of Contact:
A Party may change the address or addressee for notices and other correspondence to it
hereunder by notifying the other Party by written notice given pursuant hereto.
16. Term. This Agreement shall be effective as of the date first set forth above and shall remain
in effect until terminated by Utility upon not less than 10 days’ prior written notice specifying
the effective date of termination, or on ___________, 20__, whichever occurs first; provided,
however, that any expiration or termination shall not affect the respective obligations or rights of
the Parties arising under this Agreement prior to the effective date of termination; and provided,
further, that Utility may terminate this Agreement immediately upon notice to Aggregator in the
event of a material breach hereof by Aggregator or its Representatives. For the purpose of
clarity, a breach of Sections 4-10, 12-14, 17, and 25 shall be a material breach hereof. Upon the
expiration or termination hereof, neither Aggregator nor its Representatives shall have any
further right to Process Confidential Utility Information and shall immediately comply with its
obligations under Section 6.
17. Consent to Jurisdiction; Selection of Forum. Aggregator irrevocably submits to the
jurisdiction of the courts located within the State of New York with regard to any dispute or
controversy arising out of or relating to this Agreement. Aggregator agrees that service of
process on it in relation to such jurisdiction may be made by certified or registered mail
addressed to Aggregator at the address for Aggregator pursuant to Section 10 hereof and that
such service shall be deemed sufficient even under circumstances where, apart from this Section,
there would be no jurisdictional basis for such service. Aggregator agrees that service of process
on it may also be made in any manner permitted by law. Aggregator consents to the selection of
the New York State and United States courts within ________ County, New York as the
exclusive forums for any legal or equitable action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this
18. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted and the rights and obligations of the
Parties determined in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, without recourse to
such state's choice of law rules.
19. Survival. The obligations of Aggregator under this Agreement shall continue for so long as
Aggregator and/or Aggregator’s Representatives continue to have access to, are in possession of
or acquire Confidential Utility Information even if all agreements between Aggregator and
Utility have expired or been terminated.
20. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of
which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall together constitute one and the same
instrument. Copies of this Agreement and copies of signatures on this Agreement, including any
such copies delivered electronically as a .pdf file, shall be treated for all purposes as originals.
21. Amendments; Waivers. This Agreement may not be amended or modified except if set
forth in writing signed by the Party against whom enforcement is sought to be effective. No
forbearance by any Party to require performance of any provisions of this Agreement shall
constitute or be deemed a waiver of such provision or the right thereafter to enforce it. Any
waiver shall be effective only if in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the
Party making such waiver and only with respect to the particular event to which it specifically
22. Assignment. This Agreement (and Aggregator’s obligations hereunder) may not be
assigned by Aggregator or Representatives without the prior written consent of Utility, and any
purported assignment without such consent shall be void.
23. Severability. Any provision of this Agreement which is determined by any court or
regulatory body having jurisdiction over this Agreement to be invalid or unenforceable will be
ineffective to the extent of such determination without invalidating the remaining provisions of
this Agreement or affecting the validity or enforceability of such remaining provisions.
24. Entire Agreement. This Agreement (including any Exhibits hereto) constitutes the entire
agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and any prior or
contemporaneous oral or written agreements or understandings with respect to such subject
matter are merged herein. This Agreement may not be amended without the written agreement
of the Parties.
25. No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is solely for the benefit of, and shall be
binding solely upon, the Parties and their respective agents, successors and permitted assigns.
This Agreement is not intended to benefit and shall not be for the benefit of any party other than
the Parties and the indemnified parties named herein, and no other party shall have any right,
claim or action as a result of this Agreement.
26. Force Majeure. No Party shall be liable for any failure to perform its obligations in
connection with this Agreement, where such failure results from any act of God or other cause
beyond such Party’s reasonable control (including, without limitation, any mechanical, electronic
or communications failure) which prevents such Party from performing under this Agreement
and which such Party is unable to prevent or overcome after the exercise of reasonable diligence.
27. Relationship of the Parties. Utility and Aggregator expressly agree they are acting as
independent contractors and under no circumstances shall any of the employees of one Party be
deemed the employees of the other for any purpose. Except as expressly authorized herein, this
Agreement shall not be construed as authority for either Party to act for the other Party in any
agency or other capacity, or to make commitments of any kind for the account of or on behalf of
the other.
28. Construction. This Agreement shall be construed as to its fair meaning and not strictly for
or against any party.
29. Binding Effect. No portion of this Agreement is binding upon a Party until it is executed on
behalf of that Party in the space provided below and delivered to the other Party. Prior to such
execution and delivery, neither the submission, exchange, return, discussion, nor the negotiation
of this document, whether or not this document is then designated as a “draft” document, shall
have any binding effect on a Party.
[signature page follows]
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed and delivered this Agreement as
of the date first above written.
_____ ___
By: ______________________________ By: ___________________________________
Name: ____________________________ Name: ________________________________
Title: _____________________________ Title: ________________________________