Administration Security Agreement
Draft Version
Lawton Loan #202*-**-L0047
THIS SECURITY AGREEMENT (as it may be amended, this “Agreement”) is made as
of this ____ day of ________________________, 202*, by [Borrower] (the “Borrower”), in favor
of the MARYLAND ENERGY ADMINISTRATION, an independent agency of the State of
Maryland (together with its assigns or successors, the “Administration”).
1. Simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement, the Administration will make
a loan to the Borrower in the principal amount not to exceed [Loan Amount] plus applicable
interest thereon (“Loan”).
2. The Loan will be made pursuant to a Loan Agreement dated the date hereof,
between the Administration and the Borrower, as it may be amended (“Loan Agreement”).
3. The Loan is evidenced by the Note issued in favor of the Administration.
4. As a condition to the making of the Loan, the Administration has required that the
Borrower execute this Agreement to secure its Obligations under the Note and the Financing
5. All capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning
assigned and set forth under the Loan Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the agreements and covenants
contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of
which are hereby acknowledged, the Borrower and the Administration, intending to be legally
bound, agree as follows:
1. Recitals. The recitals set forth above form an integral and substantive part of the
Agreement and are incorporated herein.
2. Definitions: For the purposes of this Agreement the following terms shall have the
following meanings:
“Borrower’s Obligations” means all existing and future indebtedness and
obligations of the Borrower to the Administration, including the Loan and the Obligations (as
defined in the Loan Agreement)
"Collateral" has the meaning used and set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and
made a part hereof.
Administration Security Agreement
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"Equipment" has the meaning used and set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and
made a part hereof.
"Project" has the meaning used and set forth in the Loan Agreement.
1.2 Grant of Security Interest. To secure the full and prompt payment and performance
of all of the Obligations, the Borrower hereby pledges and assigns to the Administration, and grants
to the Administration, a continuing security interest in all of the Collateral, wherever located,
whether in the Borrower’s possession or in the possession and control of a third party for the
Borrower’s or the Administration’s account. All of the Borrower’s Books and Records, in addition
to all of the Borrower’s ledger sheets, files, records, books of account, business papers and
documents relating to the Collateral shall, until delivered to or removed by the Administration, be
kept by the Borrower in trust for the Administration.
2. Financing Statement Filing. The Borrower authorizes the Administration to file
financing statements, and any amendments to existing financing statements, covering the
Collateral and all personal property of the Borrower and containing any legends which the
Administration deems necessary or desirable to protect the Administration’s interest in the
Collateral. The Borrower agrees to pay all taxes, fees, and costs (including attorneys’ fees) paid
or incurred by the Administration in connection with the preparation, filing or recordation of
financing statements.
3. Representations and Warranties. The Borrower (to the fullest extent applicable to
its Eligible Borrower status) represents and warrants:
3.1. No Other Financing Statements. No financing statement covering any of
the Collateral is or shall be on file in any public office or land or financing records except for
financing statements in favor of the Administration.
3.2. Ownership of Collateral. The Borrower is the legal and beneficial owner of
all of the Collateral, free and clear of all liens, security interests, and other encumbrances. The
Borrower is and shall remain the sole owner of the Collateral and is able to sell, transfer, pledge
and grant to the Administration a continuing security interest in the Collateral. Each material
document and agreement relating to the Collateral shall be true and correct in all material respects.
All signatures and endorsements of the Borrower that appear on such documents and agreements
shall be genuine, and the Borrower shall have the full capacity to execute those documents and
3.3. No Violation of Other Agreements or Contracts. This Agreement and each
of the other Financing Documents (as defined in the Loan Agreement) will not violate any
provisions, or result in a breach, of any existing mortgage, deed of trust, indenture, lease, contract,
or agreement of [Borrower] or affecting its property including the Collateral.
3.4. Borrower’s Name and Addresses. The Borrower’s correct legal name and
each legal or trade name of the Borrower for the previous 12 years is specified on Exhibit A
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attached hereto. The addresses of the Borrower’s executive office and each other place of business
of the Borrower is set forth on Exhibit A (collectively with any other place of business of the
Borrower, the “Borrower’s Facilities”).
3.5. Location of Collateral, etc. The Collateral and the books and records
concerning the Collateral as well as the Books and Records regarding the Project are located at the
Borrower’s Facilities indicated on Exhibit A attached hereto.
3.6. Patents, Trademarks. The Borrower owns or has the right to use all
necessary patents, patent rights, licenses, trademarks, trade names, trade name rights, copyrights
and franchises to conduct its business as now conducted, without any known conflict with any
patent, patent right, license, trademark, trademark rights, trade name right, trade name, copyright
or franchise right of any other person. The Borrower has not received any notices of infringement
or misappropriation from any Person with respect to the patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade
names, trade secrets or licenses which it owns or has a right to use.
3.7. Fixtures. Any Collateral that is a fixture is or will be attached to the real
property described in Exhibit C attached hereto, and the record owner of that real property is
[Name of Property Owner].
4. Covenants. The Borrower covenants that:
4.1. Payment and Performance. The Borrower will pay the Borrower's
Obligations when due and payable and will perform and observe the terms of the Financing
Documents to be performed and observed by the Borrower.
4.2. State of Organization. The Borrower shall not change the Borrower’s state
of organization or the Borrower’s name.
4.3. Amendments to Financing Statements. The Borrower shall not file any
amendments, correction statements, or termination statements concerning the Collateral without
the prior written consent of the Administration.
4.4. Maintenance of Collateral. The Borrower will maintain the Collateral as
required under the Financing Documents and in good order and condition, ordinary wear and tear
excepted, and will use and maintain the Collateral in compliance with all laws and in compliance
with all applicable insurance requirements and regulations. The Borrower will promptly notify
the Administration in writing of any litigation affecting the Collateral which the Borrower knows
or has reason to believe is pending or threatened. The Borrower will promptly pay when due all
taxes, charges, and fees relating to the Collateral and shall defend the Collateral, at the Borrower’s
expense, against all claims and demands of any persons claiming any interest in the Collateral
adverse to the Borrower or the Administration.
4.5. Transfer and Other Liens. The Borrower will not sell, lease, transfer,
exchange, or otherwise dispose of any part of the Collateral without the prior written consent of
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the Administration and will not permit any lien, security interest, or other encumbrance to attach
to any part of the Collateral other than those in favor of the Administration or those permitted by
the Administration in writing.
4.6. Location of Collateral and Books and Records. Except for mobile
equipment and motor vehicles, the Collateral and all books and records pertaining to the Collateral
will be located at one of the Borrower’s Facilities in Maryland. The Borrower will immediately
advise the Administration in writing of the opening of any new place of business and of any
anticipated change in the location of the places where any part of the Collateral or any of the books
and records concerning the Collateral or the Books and Records regarding the Project are kept.
4.7. Inspections of Borrower’s Facilities and Collateral. At all reasonable times
the Administration and its agents and designees shall have full access and the right to enter any of
the Borrower’s Facilities to inspect the Collateral and to audit, check, inspect and make abstracts
and copies from Borrower’s Books and Records or any of its books, records, audits,
correspondence and all other papers relating to its assets and the operation of Borrower’s business
relating to the Project and the Borrower shall pay the reasonable costs of such inspections.
4.8. Financial Statements, Books, and Records. The Borrower will (a) at all
times maintain, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or other consistently
applied accounting methods, accurate and complete books and records pertaining to (1) the
operation, business, and financial condition of the Borrower, (2) the Collateral, and (3) any
contracts and collections relating to the Collateral; (b) furnish to the Administration promptly upon
request, and in form and content and at the intervals specified by the Administration, any
information concerning the operation, business, affairs, and financial condition of the Borrower as
the Administration may request; (c) at all reasonable times and without delay, permit the
Administration and its agents to enter any of the Borrower’s Facilities where any books, records,
and other data concerning the Borrower or the Collateral or the Books and Records regarding the
Project may be kept and to examine, audit, inspect, and photocopy any of those books, records,
and other data; (d) furnish to the Administration promptly upon request and in the form and content
specified by the Administration lists of purchasers of inventory, aging of accounts, aggregate cost
or wholesale market value of inventory, schedules of equipment, and other data concerning the
Collateral as the Administration may specify, and (e) mark its books and records in a manner
satisfactory to the Administration so that the Administration's rights in the Collateral will be
4.9. Insurance. The Borrower shall obtain and continuously maintain insurance
for so long as the Loan remains outstanding in accordance with the requirements set forth in
Exhibit C to the Loan Agreement. The specified insurance shall protect the Collateral against any
risks, in amounts, deductibles, and with companies acceptable to the Administration, and each
policy shall contain an endorsement satisfactory to the Administration (a) naming the
Administration as loss payee and additional insured, and (b) prohibiting the policy from being
cancelled or altered or the Administration from being removed as loss payee without at least 30
days prior written notice to the Administration. In all events, the amounts of insurance coverage
shall conform to prudent business practices and shall be in amounts so that the Borrower will not
Administration Security Agreement
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be deemed a co-insurer under applicable insurance laws, policies, or practices. The Borrower
hereby assigns to the Administration and grants to the Administration a continuing security interest
in any proceeds of such policies and authorizes the Administration to adjust or compromise any
loss under those policies and to collect and receive all proceeds. The Borrower authorizes and
directs each insurance company to pay all proceeds directly and solely to the Administration. The
Borrower hereby designates the Administration and its designees as attorney-in-fact of the
Borrower (which appointment is coupled with an interest), irrevocably and with power of
substitution, with authority to execute and endorse in the Borrower’s name all proofs of loss, drafts,
checks, and any other documents necessary to accomplish such collection. Any person making
payments to the Administration under the terms of this section is hereby relieved from any
obligation to see to the application of any sums paid.
After deducting all costs and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) incurred by the
Administration in the collection and handling of the proceeds from any insurance proceeds, the
net proceeds shall be applied as follows: (a) If no Event of Default as defined under § 8 below
currently exists, net proceeds may be applied, at the Borrower’s option, either toward replacing or
restoring the Equipment, in a manner and on terms satisfactory to the Administration, or as a credit
against any of the Borrower’s Obligations, whether matured or unmatured, as determined by the
Administration. In the event that the Borrower elects to replace or restore the Equipment, then net
proceeds shall be deposited in a segregated account of the Borrower subject to the sole order of
the Administration and shall be disbursed by the Administration in the manner and at the times as
the Administration deems appropriate to complete the replacement or restoration. If an Event of
Default occurs at any time before the completion of replacement or restoration, then the
Administration shall have the option to apply all remaining net proceeds either toward replacing
or restoring the Equipment, in a manner and on terms satisfactory to the Administration, or as a
credit against any of the Borrower’s Obligations, whether matured or unmatured, as determined
by the Administration. (b) If an Event of Default occurs prior to the deposit of the net proceeds,
then the Administration may apply the net proceeds either toward replacing or restoring the
Equipment, in a manner and on terms satisfactory to the Administration, or as a credit against any
of the Borrower’s Obligations, whether matured or unmatured, as determined by the
The Borrower will cause each insurance company to deliver annually to the Administration
evidence, satisfactory to the Administration, that all required insurance is in effect.
4.10. Assignments. Whenever required by the Administration, the Borrower
shall promptly deliver to the Administration, with all endorsements and assignments required by
the Administration, all instruments, chattel paper, guaranties and the like received by the Borrower
relating to any of the Collateral or proceeds of any of the Collateral. Any assignments are to secure
payment of the Borrower's Obligations and performance under the Financing Documents and do
not constitute a sale of any property to the Administration, whether or not any assignment is in
absolute form.
4.11. Further Assurances. The Borrower will defend its title to the Collateral
against all persons and will, upon request of the Administration, (a) furnish any further assurances
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of title required by the Administration, and (b) obtain, deliver and execute, or cause to be obtained,
delivered and executed, in form and content satisfactory to the Administration, any document
requested by the Administration in order to perfect, preserve, maintain, or continue the perfection
of the Administration's security interest in the Collateral or its priority, including, for example, the
filing of financing statements and other notices and amendments, renewals, continuations, or
terminations of any financing statements or security agreements, and the Borrower shall take any
and all steps and observe such formalities as the Administration may reasonably request, in order
to create, perfect, protect and maintain a valid lien upon any and all of the Collateral. The Borrower
will pay the costs of preparation and filing of any document under this subsection, including any
required recordation or transfer taxes. All charges, expenses and fees the Administration may
incur in doing any of the foregoing, and any local taxes or fees relating thereto, shall be charged
to the Borrower’s account and added to the Obligations, or, at the Administration’s option, shall
be paid to the Administration immediately upon demand.
5. Care of Collateral. The Borrower shall bear all risk of loss of the Collateral. The
Administration shall have no liability or duty, either before or after the occurrence of an Event of
Default, for loss or damage to any part of the Collateral, to collect or enforce any of its rights
against the Collateral, to collect any income accruing on the Collateral, or to preserve rights against
account borrowers or other parties with prior interests in the Collateral. If the Administration
receives any notices requiring action concerning any Collateral in the Administration’s possession,
the Administration shall take reasonable steps to forward those notices to the Borrower. The
Borrower is responsible for responding to notices concerning the Collateral, voting the Collateral,
and exercising rights and options, calls and conversions of the Collateral. The Administration’s
sole responsibility is to take any action reasonably requested by the Borrower in writing; but the
Administration is not required to take any action that, in the Administration’s sole judgment, would
adversely affect the value of the Collateral as security for the Borrower’s Obligations. Regardless
of any instruction from the Borrower, if the Administration determines that action is needed to
preserve and maintain the Collateral, the Borrower authorizes the Administration to take such
actions. Following the occurrence and during the continuation of an Event of Default the
Administration: (a) may at any time take such steps as the Administration deems necessary to
protect the Administration’s interest in and to preserve the Collateral, and (b) shall have, and is
hereby granted, a right of ingress and egress to places where the Collateral is located, and may
proceed over and through any of Borrower’s owned or leased property. All of the Administration’s
expenses of preserving the Collateral shall be charged to the Borrower’s account and added to the
6. Authorization and Power-of-Attorney. The Borrower authorizes and designates the
Administration (which appointment is coupled with an interest), irrevocably and with power of
substitution, to take any action authorized under this Agreement or the Financing Documents,
whether in the name of the Administration or the Borrower. The Borrower hereby also irrevocably
authorizes and directs all accountants and auditors employed by Borrower at any time while the
Loan remains outstanding to exhibit and deliver to the Administration copies of any of Borrower’s
financial statements, trial balances or other accounting records of any sort in the accountant’s or
auditor’s possession, and to disclose to the Administration any information they may have
concerning Borrower’s financial status and business operations.
Administration Security Agreement
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7. Performance by Administration. If the Borrower fails to comply with any term of
this Agreement, the Administration, without notice or demand to the Borrower and without
waiving or releasing any of the Borrower's Obligations or any Event of Default, may (but is not
obligated to) perform any act necessary or appropriate to comply with such terms for the account
and at the expense of the Borrower, and may enter upon any of the Borrower’s Facilities for that
purpose. Expenses paid, and costs (including collection fees and expenses) incurred, by the
Administration in connection with the foregoing (collectively, the “Expense Payments”), together
with interest thereon at a per annum rate of interest equal to 12 % per annum from the date the
Administration notifies the Borrower in writing of the Expense Payments, until repaid in full, shall
be paid by the Borrower to the Administration on demand and shall become a part of the
Borrower's Obligations secured under this Agreement.
8. Events of Default. The occurrence of any one or more of the following events shall
constitute an Event of Default under this Agreement:
8.1. The Borrower fails to pay the principal amount of the Loan and any
applicable interest thereon according to the terms of the Note or any other payment required by
any of the Financing Documents, including the Borrower's Obligations and failure to cure such
event within 30 days of written notice to Borrower;
8.2. The Borrower ceases to use the Project for the purposes listed on Exhibit A
to the Loan Agreement, as contemplated in the Loan Agreement, the Application, and the
Commitment Letter for more than 30 days after written notice of default shall have been provided
from the Administration to the Borrower;
8.3. If, for any cause whatsoever, except for strikes, acts of God, or other causes
beyond the reasonable control of the Borrower, the construction of the Project is at any time
discontinued for a period of 30 days, or if the Project, as determined by the Administration, has
not been completed or is not progressing in accordance with the Application and the certified
energy savings contained in the Application;
8.4. Any Loan proceeds are used for any purpose other than Eligible Project
Costs as defined in the Loan Agreement;
8.5. The Borrower breaches any covenant, representation, warranty, or other
provision of any of the other Financing Documents, subject to any applicable cure periods;
8.6 Any statement made in any certificate, report or opinion (including legal
opinions), financial statement, or other document furnished in connection with the Loan was
incorrect in any material respect when made;
8.7 The Borrower breaches any covenant, representation, warranty, or other
provision of this Agreement, which breach is not cured within 30 days from the date the Borrower
receives written notice of the breach from the Administration; provided, however that the
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Borrower shall not receive a 30-day cure period under this subsection for any breach for which
there is a specific default set forth in this section;
8.8 Any change in any zoning ordinance or any other public restriction is
enacted which limits or defines the uses that may be made on any part of the Project, so that the
use of the Project would be in violation of the restriction or zoning change and the Project would
not be useable for a purpose consistent with the Act (as set for the in the Annotated Code of
Maryland State Government Article §920A03) for more than 10 days after written notice of
default shall have been provided from the Administration to the Borrower;
8.9 Any portion of, or interest in, the Project is sold, leased, subleased,
transferred, encumbered, or otherwise conveyed, without the prior written consent of the
8.10 The Borrower fails to comply with any requirement of any Governmental
Authority within 30 days after written notice of the requirement is made or within any other time
period set by the Governmental Authority; or if any proceeding is commenced or action taken to
enforce any remedy for a violation of any requirement of a Governmental Authority or any
restrictive covenant affecting any part of the Project;
8.11 A default occurs under the terms of any bond, debenture, note, or other
evidence of indebtedness of the Borrower and remains uncured beyond any applicable grace or
cure period;
8.12 Any court of competent jurisdiction makes a final order:
(i) Adjudicating the Borrower a bankrupt,
(ii) Appointing a trustee or receiver of a substantial part of the property of the
(iii) Approving a petition for, or affecting an arrangement in, bankruptcy, a
reorganization pursuant to federal bankruptcy law, or any other judicial modification or alterations
of the rights of the Administration or of other creditors of the Borrower,
(iv) Assuming custody or sequestering any substantial part of the property of the
Borrower, or
(v) Attaching or garnishing any substantial part of the property of the Borrower;
(vi) Or if the Borrower:
A. Files such petition,
B. Takes or consents to any other actions seeking any such judicial
C. Makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors,
D. Fails to pay debts generally as they become due, or
E. Makes an admission in writing of inability to pay debts generally as
they become due;
8.13 A permanent or preliminary injunction is issued that lasts for more than 90
days, that prohibits the Borrower from using the Project as set forth in the Application and the
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Commitment Letter for more than 10 days after written notice of default shall have been provided
from the Administration to the Borrower;
8.14 Without the prior written consent of the Administration, the Borrower:
(i) Sells or transfers all or substantially all of its business assets,
(ii) Begins any proceeding to dissolve or liquidate,
(iii) Changes the form of business entity through which it presently conducts its
business, or
(iv) Merges or consolidates;
8.15 Without the prior written consent of the Administration, the Borrower is
dissolved by operation of law or in any other manner;
8.16 The Administration makes a good faith determination that a Material
Adverse Change has occurred;
8.17 The Administration makes a good faith determination that the prospect of
payment of any of the Borrower's Obligations is impaired for any reason; or
8.18 An Event of Default occurs under the terms of any of the other Financing
9. Rights and Remedies of the Administration.
9.1. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, the Administration may,
without notice or demand, exercise in any jurisdiction in which enforcement hereof is sought, the
following rights and remedies, in addition to the rights and remedies available to the
Administration under the other Financing Documents, the Maryland Uniform Commercial Code,
or any other applicable law:
(a) Require the immediate repayment of the entire outstanding principal
indebtedness, together with all accrued interest, under the Note and any Obligations, without
presentment, demand, protest, or notice, all of which the Borrower expressly waives;
(b) At any time proceed to protect and enforce all rights and remedies
available to the Administration under this Agreement or by Law, by any other proceedings,
whether for specific performance of any agreement contained in this Agreement, damages, or other
(c) Take possession of the Collateral, and enter any of the Borrower’s
Facilities and remove the Collateral without any liability to the Administration, the Borrower
hereby waiving any and all rights to prior notice and to judicial hearing concerning repossession
of the Collateral, and require the Borrower, at the Borrower’s expense, to assemble and deliver the
Collateral to any place designated by the Administration.
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(d) Operate, manage, and control the Collateral (including use of the
Collateral and any other property or assets of the Borrower in order to continue or complete
performance of the Borrower’s obligations under any contracts of the Borrower), or permit any of
the Collateral to remain idle, and collect all rents and revenues therefrom and sell or otherwise
dispose of any of the Collateral upon any terms and conditions as the Administration may
determine, and purchase or acquire any of the Collateral at any such sale or other disposition, all
to the extent permitted by applicable law.
(e) Enforce the Borrower’s rights against any account borrower or
other parties obligated on the Collateral.
9.2. Power of Attorney. Effective upon the occurrence of an Event of Default,
the Borrower hereby designates and appoints the Administration and its designees as attorney-in-
fact of the Borrower, irrevocably and with power of substitution, with authority to endorse the
Borrower’s name on any notes, acceptances, checks, drafts, money orders, instruments or other
evidences of payment or proceeds of the Collateral that may come into the Administration’s
possession; to execute proofs of claim or loss; to adjust and compromise any claims under
insurance policies; and to perform all other acts necessary and advisable to enforce this Agreement
and the other Financing Documents. All acts of the attorney or designee are hereby ratified and
approved by the Borrower and said attorney or designee shall not be liable for any acts of
commission or omission, any error of judgment, or any mistake of fact or law. This power of
attorney is coupled with an interest and is irrevocable so long as any of the Borrower’s Obligations
remain unpaid or unperformed or there exists any commitment by the Administration which could
give rise to any Borrower’s Obligations.
9.3. Notice of Disposition of Collateral and Disclaimer of Warranties. It is
mutually agreed that commercial reasonableness and good faith require the Administration to give
the Borrower no more than 5 days prior written notice of the time and place of any public
disposition of Collateral or of the time after which any private disposition or any other intended
disposition is to be made. It is mutually agreed that it is commercially reasonable for the
Administration to disclaim all warranties which arise with respect to the disposition of the
9.4. Costs and Expenses. The Borrower agrees to pay to the Administration on
demand (a) the amount of all Expenses paid or incurred by the Administration in consulting with
counsel concerning any of its rights hereunder, under the Financing Documents or under applicable
law, (b) all Expenses, including attorneys’ fees and court costs incurred by the Administration in
exercising or enforcing any of its rights under this Agreement, the Financing Documents, or
applicable law, together with interest thereon at a rate of interest equal to 12% per annum from
the date the Administration notifies the Borrower in writing of such costs or expenses incurred,
until repaid in full, and (c) the portion of the Administration’s overhead that the Administration
allocates to collection and enforcement of the Borrower’s Obligations (“Enforcement Costs”).
Any proceeds of sale or other disposition of the Collateral will be applied by the Administration
to the payment of the Enforcement Costs and Expense Payments, and any remaining proceeds will
be applied by the Administration to the payment of the remaining Borrower's Obligations in any
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order and manner elected by the Administration. The provisions of this subsection shall survive
the termination of this Agreement and the Administration’s security interest hereunder and the
payment of all Borrower’s Obligations.
10. Deficiency. If the sale or other disposition of the Collateral fails to fully satisfy the
Borrower's Obligations, the Borrower shall remain liable to the Administration for any deficiency.
11. Remedies Cumulative. Each right and remedy of the Administration set forth in
this Agreement or the other Financing Documents, or now or hereafter existing at law, in equity,
by statute, or otherwise shall be cumulative and concurrent and shall be in addition to every other
right or remedy available to the Administration. The exercise of any right or remedy shall not
preclude the simultaneous or later exercise of any other right or remedy.
12. Waiver. A failure or delay by the Administration to insist upon the strict
performance of any term of this Agreement or the other Financing Documents, or to exercise any
right or remedy for any breach thereof, shall not constitute a waiver of that term or breach and
shall not preclude the Administration from exercising any right or remedy at a later time. By
accepting payment after the due date of any of the Borrower's Obligations, the Administration
shall not be deemed to have waived the right either to require payment when due of all other
Borrower's Obligations or to declare an Event of Default for failure to effect payment of any future
Borrower's Obligations. The Borrower waives presentment, notice of dishonor, and notice of non-
payment with respect to accounts and chattel paper.
13. Miscellaneous.
13.1. The headings of this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not limit
or otherwise affect any of the terms of this Agreement. In the event of any conflict between the
Loan Agreement and this Agreement, the Loan Agreement shall control.
13.2. This Agreement may only be changed, waived, discharged, or terminated
by an instrument in writing signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought.
13.3. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Maryland.
Any action instituted against the Borrower under this Agreement or against the Collateral may be
brought in any court of competent jurisdiction located in the State of Maryland.
13.4. This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, personal representatives,
successors, and assigns of the Borrower and shall inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns
of the Administration.
13.5. As used in this Agreement, the singular number shall include the plural, the
plural the singular, and the use of the masculine, feminine, or neuter gender shall include all
genders, as the context may require, and the term “person” shall include an individual, a
corporation, an association, a partnership, a trust, and an organization.
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13.6. Unless varied by this Agreement, the Loan Agreement, or the Financing
Documents, all terms used herein which are defined by the Maryland Uniform Commercial Code
shall have the same meanings in this Agreement as assigned to them by the Maryland Uniform
Commercial Code.
13.7. All decisions or determinations which may be made by the Administration
under this Agreement shall be in the sole discretion of the Administration.
13.8. The invalidity of any part of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of
the remaining provisions of this Agreement.
[Signature page to follow]
Administration Security Agreement
Draft Version
Lawton Loan #202*-**-L0047
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Borrower has caused this Agreement to be executed and
delivered under seal as of the date written below.
Print Name: ___________________
Print Name: ___________________
By: ______________________________(Seal)
Print Name: [Signatory Authority]
Title: [Title]
Date: ____________________________
By: ______________________________(Seal)
Mary Beth Tung, Director
Date: ___________________________
Administration Security Agreement
Draft Version
Lawton Loan #202*-**-L0047
Address of Borrower
Address of Borrower's President:
Address(es) where Collateral is Address(es) of other place(s)
or is to be located: of business of the Borrower:
Previous legal or trade
name(s) of the Borrower:
Administration Security Agreement
Draft Version
Lawton Loan #202*-**-L0047
The Collateral shall consist of (i) (iii) noted as follows:
(i) All equipment and fixtures listed on Attachment B-1 of this Exhibit B, together
with all warranties by third parties relating thereto; all attachments, additions, parts, fittings,
accessories, special tools, accessions, machinery, and equipment now or hereafter affixed thereto
or used in connection therewith; all substitutions and replacements thereof, wherever located,
whether now owned or hereafter acquired (collectively, the "Equipment"); and all books, records
and other property and general intangibles at any time relating to the Equipment.
(ii) All products and proceeds of all of the foregoing, including, without limitation,
insurance proceeds thereof.
Administration Security Agreement
Draft Version
Lawton Loan #202*-**-L0047
Administration Security Agreement
Draft Version
Lawton Loan #202*-**-L0047
Administration Security Agreement
Draft Version
Lawton Loan #202*-**-L0047
Project Location
Real Property Description
The property known as [Property Address]