Basic report format adapted from Cleveland State University, Office of Student Learning Assessment. Used with permission.
Concord University Assessment
Degree Program/Content Area Assessment Report Template
In an effort to develop a unified reporting format for assessment of student learning, both for general studies
education and for individual programs, please utilize the following report format. To ensure inter-rater
reliability and reporting of results, the information requested in this newer format is what most programs are
already providing, we are just asking for the reports to provide the information in the same order and answer
the same questions.
Please continue to include the five-column summary format provides a quick snapshot of the programmatic
assessment process.
Identify the following information on the first page of the report:
Report prepared and submitted by
1. Introduction/Context & Program Highlights
a) Provide summary information about your program that is important for peer reviewers to contextualize your
assessment report.
(Writing an introduction or describing the context of your program is very helpful to the reviewers of assessment reports, as they do not
review assessment reports in their own programs. This means that presenting some background information about your program will help
reviewers situate your assessment efforts, both in terms of achievements and improvable areas.)
b) Outline any improvements or changes since the last 5-year program review based on review of findings related to:
i) curriculum AND/OR
ii) assessment plan
(As a result of engaging in continuous improvement efforts, one possible outcome has to do with improvements made to the
curriculum of your program. Improvements may have been made to the assessment processes in place. In either case, outline
these changes as evidence of use of assessment data.)
c) Share a preliminary forecast related to anticipated improvements or changes for the coming year:
(Based on the data presented as evidence of continuous improvement related to program curriculum (or structure and/or sequence of
services) AND/OR assessment processes, generate some statements representing expected developments in the program over the course
of the next academic year. All this information will frame the review of your assessment report.)
2. Program Learning Goals
a) What are the goals of your program in terms of student learning? Indicate which of the University’s Learning
Goals( align with the learning goals of the academic
(This question focuses on the set of goals (sometimes called objectives) each program has in terms of what students are expected
to learn by attending classes in your program. Please reference University Learning goals as Knowledge/Mastery of Content,
Critical Thinking, Communication, and/or Personal, Civic, Cultural, and Global Competence.
b) Is there any change in terms of program goals compared to the previous year?
If YES, what triggered the change? How has it been implemented?
(These questions help reviewers determine changes to the set of student learning goals based on a collaborative effort to develop,
implement, and evaluate them.)
Basic report format adapted from Cleveland State University, Office of Student Learning Assessment. Used with permission.
3. Program Outcomes:
a) What are outcomes of your programs in terms of student learning? Include student learning outcomes mapped to
the University Learning goals identified in section 2 above, as well.
(This question relates to the evidence students in your program could produce to demonstrate their learning or needs are being
met through services provided. In other words, at the end of a cycle of instruction, what proof do you have that students learned
(or did) what they were expected to learn (or do)? For academic programs, the outcomes should be stated in terms of what
students will know, be able to do, and/or demonstrate as dispositions deriving from the teaching and learning process.)
b) Is there any change in terms of program outcomes compared to the previous year?
If YES, what triggered the change? How has it been implemented?
(These questions help reviewers determine the changes to the set of student learning outcomes based on a collaborative effort to develop,
implement, and evaluate them.)
4. Data Collection
a) What direct and indirect methods did you use to measure the degree to which the student learning outcomes meet
(align with) the goals of your program? Provide a description of assessment tools (see sample chart).
(Your program determines how to collect evidence of student learning. To this end, your program could utilize a range of direct
methods of assessing student learning, such as standardized or instructor-created tests, projects, portfolios, performances, etc..
Additionally, your program could use several indirect methods of assessing student learning, among which we mention surveys,
questionnaires, individual student or focus group interviews, etc.)
b) Is there is any change in terms of data collection methods compared to the previous year?
If YES, what triggered the change? How has it been implemented?
5. Data Analysis & Findings and Reviews
a) How did your program analyze the student learning assessment data collected? What are your findings/results? How
do they compare to the findings/results from the previous academic year?
(Every program is expected to have new data so this section should be updated each academic year. Comparing the most recent
results to previous years is important in determining if improvements are being made or could be made.)
b) If applicable, have the reviewers’ recommendations from the previous year’s report been addressed? If so, please
explain how this has been done.
c) Who was involved in the review of the findings from your analysis of student learning assessment data? When did the
review process take place?
(Every program should review collaboratively student learning assessment data at least once a year)
6. General Education
a) What courses in your program are part of and report data for General Education? Indicate which of the University’s
Learning Goals the courses report data. (Not all program may contribute to the General Education Program)
b) How did your program analyze the general education assessment data collected? What are your findings/results?
How do they compare to the findings/results from the previous academic year?
c) Who was involved in the review of the findings from your analysis of general education assessment data? When did
the review process take place? (Every program should review collaboratively general education assessment data at least
once a year.
7. Follow-Up Actions
Basic report format adapted from Cleveland State University, Office of Student Learning Assessment. Used with permission.
a) Based on your review of findings, what changes have been made to the curriculum, OR activities, OR services, OR
goals, OR student learning outcomes (choose all that apply) in your program? Also, have any of these changes led to
modifications in the process of collecting and/or reviewing student learning assessment data?
(This is one of the most important sections of the report and should be updated each year. Assessment of student learning is a
form of data-driven decision making that impacts our curricula, instructional practices, and quality of support services provided.
With this in mind, elaborate on the actions taken as a follow-up to the analysis of the student-learning assessment data. If no
actions were taken, what was the rationale behind that decision?)
b) If the case, have the reviewers’ recommendations from the previous year report been addressed? If so, please
explain how this has been done.
8. Minor
a) For each program minor, answer the following questions.
a. What are the goals of the minor in terms of student learning?
b. What are the outcomes of the minor in terms of student learning? How do they compare to the
findings/results from the previous academic year? Describe data collection methods.
c. How did program faculty analyze the student learning assessment data collected? What are the
findings/results? How do they compare to the findings/results from the previous academic year?
d. Who was involved in the review of the findings from the analysis of student learning assessment data?
When did the review process take place? (Every program should review collaboratively assessment data
at least once a year)
9. Viability Assessment
This section was added as part of the WVHEPC Series 10 policy change.
If the program 5-year average sophomore retention rate is not at or above the overall University sophomore
average retention, please provide, in detail, a program improvement plan. The program improvement plan will be
updated by the department annually and reviewed by the Provost.
If the program enrollment is not at or above the programs 5-year average, please provide, in detail, a program
improvement plan.
(Program Assessment Summary Table Format Summarize the program’s assessment efforts. NOTE: column 3 is not limited to/expected to have 3 assessment criteria
& procedures; this is just the requested format to summarize the assessment report.)
Degree Program:
Period Covered:
Program Mission
Program Learning Goals
aligned to CU Learning
Student Learning Outcomes
Assessment Criteria &
Assessment Results
Follow-Up Actions
Program Goal:
Aligned to CU Learning