Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor Emeritus,
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Research Director of
The Melissa Institute for Violence Prevention and
Treatment of Victims of Violence
Miami, Florida
Email: dhmeich@aol.com
Prologue pg. 2
Conceptualization of Vicarious Traumatization (VT): Relationship to pg. 3
Related Constructs (Secondary Traumatic Stress,
Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, Countertransference)
Caveat: Status of Concept of VT pg. 4
Most Common Signs of VT: Increasing Self-awareness pg. 5
Feelings, Cognitions, Behavior, Organizational Indicators
Risk Factors For Developing VT pg. 6
Characteristics of the Client, Job, Helper
Assessment Tools of VT and Related Reactions pg. 8
Measures and Self-assessment of VT
Interventions: Ways to Cope with VT pg. 11
General Guidelines
Ways To Cope With VT: An Overview
Individual Level: Practice Self-care
Peer and Collegial Level
Organizational and Agency Level
Special Case of Dealing with Violent Clients: Risk Assessment, pg. 23
Risk Management and Suicidal Clients
Epilogue pg. 25
References pg. 26
Internet Resources pg. 29
Trauma-focused treatments can be emotionally difficult and taxing for therapists
and care-givers leading to vicarious traumatization, burnout, secondary stress disorder
and compassion fatigue. Research indicates that
-50 % of professionals who work with trauma patients report feeling
-30% of trauma psychotherapists report experiencing "extreme distress"
Such distress is exacerbated by the fact that some30% of psychotherapists have
experienced trauma during their own childhood (see Brady et al., 1999; Figley, 1995;
Kohlenberg et al., 2006; Pearlman & Mac Ian, 1995; Pope & Feldman-Summers, 1992).
At a personal level, I have treated and supervised trauma psychotherapists, as well
as having to deal with my own emotional reactions of working with a wide variety of
victimized individuals, families and communities. I have often been asked how I cope
with such stressful situations? This Handout addresses how to:
1) increase self-awareness of possible vicarious traumatization;
2) engage in self-care skills and self-soothing activities;
3) engage social supports
4) mobilize organizational supports to prevent and address vicarious
5) and where indicated, access personal therapy.
In addition, I will address the special case of having to deal with violent clients
and the suicide of one's clients.
This Handout is dedicated to the memory of an esteemed colleague and friend
who wrote insightfully about vicarious traumatization. We miss you Michael
Milton Erickson used to say to his patients, “My voice will go with you.”
His voice did. What he did not say was that our clients' voices can also go
with us. Their stories become part of us – part of our daily lives and our
nightly dreams. Not all stories are negative - indeed, a good many are
inspiring. The point is that they change us. (Mahoney, 2003, p. 195).
Vicarious Traumatization (VT) –is defined by Pearlman and Saakvitne (1995, p. 31), as
the "negative effects of caring about and caring for others". VT is the “cumulative
transformation in the inner experience of the therapist that comes about as a result
of empathic engagement with the client’s traumatic material”. Empathy is the
helper’s greatest asset and also possibly his/her greatest liability.
VT is not the same as burnout, although burnout may be exacerbated by VT. VT
places emphasis on changes in meanings, beliefs, schemas and adaptation. VT is
more likely to lead to imagery intrusions and sensory reactions. Hatfield
Cacioppo and Rapson (1994) describe the type of emotional contagion that may
lead psychotherapists to the “catching of emotions" of their clients.
VT permanently transforms helpers’ sense of self and their world. VT can
influence Countertransference responses
Burnout is often defined as a prolonged response to chronic emotional and interpersonal
stressors on the job which consists of three components: Exhaustion,
depersonalization (defined as : disengagement or detachment from the world
around you) and diminished feelings of self-efficacy in the workplace. It reflects a
form of "energy depletion".
Secondary Traumatic Stress or what Figley (1995) calls Compassion Fatigue, refers
to the adverse reactions of helpers who seek to aid trauma survivors. STS is often
used interchangeably with VT, although VT implies more permanent, than
temporary stress responses (See Stamm, 1999).
Countertransference implies that the helper’s response is influenced by the helper’s
own unresolved issues (e.g., lingering impact of the helper’s victimization
experiences). This may lead to avoidance and overidentification with the client.
The helper may take on a protective role for the client, becoming the “champion”
of the client and adopt a role of rescuer”. The helper may inadvertently become
a “surrogate frontal lobe” for the client.
While the concept of VT has received widespread attention (Avery, 2001; Blair &
Ramones, 1996; Danieli, 1988; Norcross, 2000; Pearlman & MacIan, 1995; Neumann &
Gamble, 1995; Schauben & Frazier, 1995; Sexton, 1999; Stamm, 1997) leading to
various self-help books for mental health workers (Baker, 2003; Gamble, 2002; Herbert
& Wetmore, 1999; Rothschild, 2006; Saakvitne et al., 2000; Saakvitne & Pearlman,
1996; Williams & Sommer, 1995), Sabin-Farrell and Turpin (2003) provide a number of
cautionary observations that are critical to keep in mind.
“There is yet no one questionnaire that has been designed to measure
the concept of VT as a whole.” (p. 469)
“Symptoms of PTSD, burnout and general psychological distress have
been found by some studies, although most correlates are weak.” (p. 472)
“The evidence for VT in trauma workers is inconsistent and
ambiguous.” (p. 472)
With these caveats in mind, there does appear to be some mental health workers for
whom the work with victimized clients is traumatizing and can cause PTSD symptoms,
particularly intrusive symptoms, and more general symptomatic distress and disruptions
in beliefs concerning safety, trust and world view. Helpers who have a personal trauma
history, who are newer to such work, who have had little or no past or ongoing
supervision, and who experience high related job stress may be most vulnerable to
developing VT. What are the signs of VT and what can be done to reduce and prevent
Feel overwhelmed, drained, emotionally draining and exhausted, overloaded,
burnt out
Feel angry, enraged, and sad about client’s victimization; these feelings linger
Feel loss of pleasure, apathetic, depressed, despairing that anything can improve
Overly involved emotionally with the client
Feel isolated, alienated, distant, detached, rejected by colleagues
Experience bystander guilt, shame, feelings of self-doubt
Preoccupied with thoughts of clients outside of your work. Overidentification
with the client. (Have horror and rescue fantasies.)
Loss of hope, pessimism, cynicism, nihilism
Question competence, self-worth, low job satisfaction
Challenge basic beliefs of safety, trust, esteem, intimacy and control. Feel
heightened sense of vulnerability and personal threats
Distancing, numbing, detachment, cutting clients off, staying busy. Avoid
listening to client's story of traumatic experiences
May experience symptoms similar to those seen in clients (intrusive imagery,
somatic symptoms)
Impact personal relationships and ability to experience intimacy
High overall general distress level
Overextend self and assimilate client’s traumatic material
Difficulty maintaining professional boundaries with the client
Organizational Indicators of VT
High job turnover
Low morale
Job Dissatisfaction
Organizational contagion
In summary, the negative impact of VT can involve personal costs of altered beliefs
and frames of reference, negative impact on feelings and relationships, poor decision-
making social and professional withdrawal, substance abuse and clinical problems
(Pearlman & Saakvitne, 1995a, b, c; Rothschild, 2006)
Characteristics of the CLIENT that can contribute to VT
Work with demanding patients who evidence therapy-interfering behaviors (e.g.,
no shows, non-payment, noncompliance with treatment regimen, calling too
frequently, repeatedly demanding extra session time)
Working with patients who are hostile and threatening the therapist, others, or the
treatment program (e.g., verbally and physically threatening, stalking the
therapist, bringing weapons to sessions)
Work with suicidal patients
Work with clients who may relate trauma stories of human cruelty and intense
o Graphic details of trauma, especially sexual abuse, work with rape and
torture victims, Holocaust survivors
o Descriptions of acts of intentional cruelty and hatred (e.g., child physical
and sexual abuse)
o Client reenactments in therapy aspects of the trauma
o Ongoing risk of further revictimization to client and possible threats to
health care providers (e.g., work in domestic shelters)
o High suicide risk or risk of aggression against others
Work with survivors who are also perpetrators.
Characteristics of the JOB/Work Setting that can contribute to VT
Job-Related Stressors that Increase the Risk of Developing VT
Large caseloads – overextension due to work demands
Large percentage of clientele who have trauma experiences and suffer PTSD
Back-to-back clients who are trauma survivors
Cumulative exposure to traumatized clients over time
Lack of clinical/personal support in the workplace
Absence of peer support and supervision
Few resources to which to refer clients for ancillary services
Professional isolation
Cultural clash between clients and agency
Workplace structural and personal strains-lack of resources, personnel, and time
to complete a job
Reimbursement issues, managed care
Legal consequences for helper
Barriers to achieve interventions goals
Barriers to the helper seeking help concerns about confidentiality, fear of
Characteristics of the HELPER that can contribute to VT
Personal victimization history that is unresolved – issues of shame, guilt, anxiety,
Lack of experience – novice workers are at greater risk
Additive effects of trauma and other stressors
Lack of coping skills-impose excessive demands from self, others or work
Current personal stress experience
Helpers who are more aware of VT and countertransference are less susceptible to
Secondary Traumatic Stress
Low level of subjective personal accomplishments – low fulfillment of goals.
( There is a need for psychotherapists to establish doable goals in each session)
Unrealistic expectations around recovery of patients
Excessive time in the same job
Presence of protective factors that promote resiliency including high self-
esteem, resourcefulness, desire and ability to help others, faith, and opportunities
for meaningful action and activities.
(See Website Addresses at end of this Handout)
Traumatic Stress Inventory (TSI-BSL) Pearlman, 1996a
Traumatic Stress Inventory Life Event Questionnaire (LEQ) Pearlman, 1996b
Compassion Fatigue Self-Test Figley, 1995a
Maslach Burnout Inventory Maslach, 1996
Secondary Trauma Questionnaire Motta et al., 1999
Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL) Stamm, 2004
Self-report Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Scale (PSS-SR) Foa et al., 1993
Impact of Event Scale – IES Horowitz et al., 1979
Trauma Symptom Checklist-40 Elliott & Briere, 1992
Symptom Checklist-90 (Revised SCL-90-R) Derogatis, 1983
Brief Symptom Inventory Derogatis, 1993
Self-assessment of VT
Review these questions with a trusted and supportive colleague.
“How am I doing?”
“What do I need?” "What would I like to change?"
"What is hardest about this work?"
"What worries me most about my work?"
“How have I changed since I began this work? Both positively, and perhaps,
“What changes, if any, do I see in myself that I do not like?”
“Am I experiencing any signs of VT?” (See the previous list of common
“What am I doing and what have I done to address my VT?”
“As I think of my work with my clients, what are my specific goals? How
successful am I in achieving these goals?”
“What is my sense of personal accomplishment in my work?”
“What work barriers get in the way of my having more satisfaction and how
can these barriers be addressed?”
"What am I going to do to take care of myself?"
"How can I keep going as a person while working with traumatized clients?"
“How can I use social supports more effectively?” Draw a picture (web
diagram) of your social supports on the job (colleagues) and in non job-related
areas (family, friends).
“For instance, have I talked to other people about my concerns, feelings and
rewards of my job?”
“Who did I talk to (both in the past and now)? What were their reactions”
What did he or she say or do that I found helpful (unhelpful)?
“What were my reactions to their reactions?”
“Is there anything about my work experience or other stressful events in my
life that I have not told anyone, that is ‘unspeakable’, that I have kept to
myself (a secret)?” (Try putting it into words, such as, “I haven’t’ shared it
because …” or “I am very hesitant to share it because …” What is the
possible ongoing impact, toll, emotional price of not sharing and working
through these feelings?)
“Is there anything about my stress experience that I keep from myself? An
area or an event that I have pushed away or kept at arm’s length from myself?
Or about which I say to myself, ‘I can’t handle that.”? What aspect of my life
have I not put into words yet, that is still lurking in that corner of my mind
that I have not looked into yet?”
“How will sharing these feelings help?” Remember, what cannot be talked
about can also not be put to rest!
In addition, Kohlenberg et al. (2006, p. 189) challenges psychotherapists to ask
themselves the following questions:
"What are my own issues and how do they play out in my therapeutic
"How do I find the balance between caring too much and caring too little?"
"How do I handle the situation when what is in the best interest of the client
clashes with what is in my own best interest?"
"How can I keep growing as a therapist and as a person while working with
my clients?"
Remember treating trauma patients is not for everyone
Issue is managing VT, rather than totally avoiding it
Emphasis should be on early identification and treatment, reducing the long-term
negative impact of VT
Interventions need to be multi-leveled and should not be left up to the individual
Psychotherapist or helper should not feel ashamed or guilty about experiencing
VT. Attitude should be on validating and normalizing such reactions. Reframe
VT as being a sign of being a committed and a sensitive therapist.
Nurture Awareness, Balance and Connections
(See the next pages for a fuller description of each coping strategy.)
A. Increase Your Self-observations
1. Recognize and chart signs of stress: Vicarious traumatization and burnout.
Maintain self-awareness.
2. Conduct self-analysis: Fill out Self-report Scales
B. Engage in Emotional Self-care Behaviors
3. Engage in relaxing and self-soothing activities. (Use mindfulness, meditation).
Nurture Self-care.
4. Ensure physical and mental well-being
5. Maintain a healthy balance in your life.Have outside outlets
6. Engage in healing activities in and outside of therapy. Express feelings
through writing or art.
C. Use Your Cognitive Abilities
7. Recognize you are not alone: Normalize and monitor your “story-telling
8. Set realistic expectations to enhance feelings of accomplishment. Avoid
wishful thinking. Set specific achievable goals for each session.
9. Adopt a more philosophical accepting stance. Appreciate the rewards.
10. Do not take on responsibility to “heal” your clients”: Use “midwife” metaphor
11. Challenge negativity: Don’t play the blame game!
Find meaning and hope. Solicit “the rest of the client’s story”. Focus on
resilience in therapies.
D. Engage in Behavioral Activities
12. Balance the composition of case loads (victims and non -victims)
13. Limit overall case loads. Monitor work balance and work/life balance.
14. Share reactions with clients: Nurture therapeutic alliance and monitor and
impose personal limits
15. When necessary, take time off. Take a break (daily, weekly, monthly).
A. Helper Initiated Activities
16. Assess social support network
17. Seek social support from supervisor, colleagues, and family members
18. Provide support: Don’t over do it!
19. Use buddy system, especially for novices
20. Obtain peer supervision- use Consultation Teams
21. Engage in “debriefing”. Develop informal opportunities to connect
22. Participate in training opportunities
23. Participate in agency building or community building activities
24. Continue to learn more professionally
25. If indicated, participate in time-limited group therapy or individual
26. Agency should be proactive in reducing VT
27. Schedule team meetings – “emotional check-ups”
28. Agency should balance the psychotherapist's (helper's) case load
29. Provide ongoing supervision, especially for novice helpers
30. Promote education and training
31. Ensure staff takes care of themselves in terms of nutrition, exercise, sleep and
that they take frequent breaks. Help foster spiritual renewel.
32. Maintain professional connections and establish professional networks.
33. Address boundary issues, "Manage boundaries".
34. Support “altruistic” activities
35. Provide Stress Inoculation Training and General Resilience Training and
Acceptance/Mindfulness Skills Training, and where indicated, provide
individual and group psychotherapy
36. Provide a psychologically healthy workplace
“Self-care is a skillful attitude that needs practice throughout the
day.” (Mahoney, 2003, p. 25)
A. Increase Your Self-observations
1. Recognize the signs of incipient vicarious traumatization (VT) and the
impact of job stress (Burnout): Chart warning signs. Take your
“emotional temperature”. (See list of common VT reactions).
2. Conduct a self-analysis. (Fill out self-report measures of stress levels)
B. Engage in Self-care Behaviors
3. Engage in self-care behaviors such as relaxation exercises between
clients, engage in soothing activities like going for a massage. Leave
work at work. Develop a ritual for the transition for leaving work at
the office. As Mahoney (2003, p. 26) suggests, “Even though you are
likely to carry your clients' struggles with you after work, learn to
formalize a transition from your profession to your personal life (a
walk, a prayer, a brief period of meditation, etc.).
4. Ensure physical and mental well-being (nutrition, sleep, relaxation,
creative expression, use humor). Replenish by having a get away
weekend or vacation. Give yourself permission to escape when
necessary. Cherish your friendships and intimacy with family.
5. Have some outlet for emotional discharge outside of your clinical role
(exercise, writing, building, gardening, family, social action). Engage
in activities that are positive and that have concrete outcomes or
products that foster a sense of accomplishment. Have a vocational
avenue of creative and relaxing self-expression in order to regenerate
6. Engage in healing activities that renew meaning of life both in therapy
and out of therapy settings. For example, some therapists report
bringing into their offices “signs of life and beauty” such as plants that
remind them of beauty and rebirth. Engage in life-generating activities
such as gardening, painting, enjoying nature.
C. Use Your Cognitive Abilities
7. Recognize that you are not alone in experiencing vicarious
traumatization (VT) and in experiencing job stress. Validate and
normalize your reactions. It is not that you experience VT and job
stress, but rather what you tell yourself and others about your
reactions. Listen for the “stories” (narratives) you tell yourself and
8. Set realistic expectations for yourself and your clients. Recognize
your limitations and the fact that therapists will make mistakes. The
percentage of goals and subgoals achieved is critical to foster feelings
of accomplishment.
9. Remind yourself of the treatment rationale. As Taylor (2006, p. 132)
observes, the intense emotions that the client experiences is a
necessary component of effective treatment.
"Remember cognitive-behavior therapy for PTSD is similar
to dentistry for treating patients with root canal problems, but
represents a treatment intervention that is empirically supported
and generally effective. But like dentistry, cognitive-behavior
therapy enlists some degree of pain"
10. Adopt a more philosophical or religious outlook. Use your spirituality.
Accept those aspects that cannot change, and work on those aspects
that are potentially changeable, and as the adage goes, “know the
difference”. Take pride in the work you do in helping serve human
development. Honor the privilege of the helping profession.
Remind yourself that you cannot take responsibility for the client’s
healing, but rather you should act as a “midwife” on the client’s
journey toward healing. Remind yourself that there are some things
(like traumatic grief) you can’t fix. “People in deep grief want to feel
that you have heard their pain. If you try to ‘fix it’, you may rob
them of that passage. They often want someone they can trust, cry
with, confess to, someone who is nonjudgmental. Remember it is a
privilege to be part of the healing process,” as noted in Gail Sheehy's
(2003, p. 366) moving account of the aftermath of September, 11.
11. Challenge negativity. Minimize self-blame and blame in others.
Address feelings of shame, guilt, incompetence, frustrations. See
stressors as problems-to-solved or use acceptance strategies and not as
occasions to “catastrophize”. Focus on finding meaning and hope by
attending to the client’s “rest of the story”, (i.e., "signs of resilience").
Use humor.
D. Engage in Behavioral Activities
12. Where possible, balance the composition of victim and non-victim
caseloads. Diversify your caseloads. Do not spend all clinical hours
with trauma clients-- "dose" yourself to a manageable limit. There is a
suggestion that clinicians should not spend more than 60% of their
time, or at most three days, working with trauma survivors (Taylor,
13. If possible, limit overall caseloads.
14. Where appropriate, share reactions with the client in a respectful
manner. For example, the helper can comment to the client:
“Sometimes there is a part of me (that is, the helper) that does not
want to hear that such horrific things happened to you (the client).
But there is another part of me that says that we must continue
because it is important, and moreover, doing so is part of the healing
process. But, I would not be honest with you (the client) if I did not
comment that no one should have suffered, nor endured, what you
have experienced.
I am heartened by your willingness and by your ability, your
courage to share your story, as part of the healing process.
I am also impressed to learn about the “rest of your story” of what
you did to survive. As I have come to know you in spite of X
(specific victimization experiences) you have been able to (highlight
specific examples of resilience).
Such helper statements to the client can foster a stronger respectful
collaborative therapeutic alliance as the helper conveys empathy and
humanity. Such statements also convey to the client that his or her
reactions are not unique and that the client is being “heard” and that
the helper’s reactions are also not unique.
The helper can also go on and ask the client’s permission to share
(make a gift of his or her experiences and suffering with others) – find
meaning in -- The helper can ask the client:
I would like to ask you a question. Could I obtain your permission
to share what you did to survive, to keep going in spite of X, with my
other clients or with my colleagues? I would not mention your name
and I would describe your situation in very general terms so no one
could identify you. But, I would like them to benefit from your
example. Would it be okay to “make a gift” of what you have done
with others I see? Would that be okay?
At the same time it is important for the therapist to also set personal
limits with challenging clients. As Miller et al. (2007) observe:
"Therapists must take responsibility for monitoring their own
personal limits, and clearly communicate to their clients which
behaviors are tolerable and which are not. Therapists who do
not do this will eventually burn out, terminate therapy, or
otherwise harm clients" (p. 65)
For example, Miller et al. (2007) suggest that a therapist might tell a
challenging client:
"When you mimic me, insult me, and frequently compare me
(unfavorably) to your last therapist, it makes it hard for me to
want to keep working with you. A different therapist might not
have a problem with this, but it just crosses my personal limits"
(p. 80).
15. Be gentle with yourself. Find a comfortable pace. Make yourself
comfortable at work and at home. Give yourself permission to be
cared for and counseled. Enjoy yourself. Finally, when necessary,
take a break from PTSD practice. Engage in other activities like
teaching, research, clinical, administrative activities. Come back to
work gradually.
A. Helper Initiated Activities
16. Taking stock. Assess your network of supportive people at work and
outside of work. Draw a map of supportive people. Who is there to
provide emotional, informational, material supports? Note, it may not
be the same folks for each type of support. What is your “game plan”
to access and use supports? Who are the people in your life who can
provide a “holding environment”?
17. Seek peer support. Talk with colleagues and friends. Maintain
connections with others. For example, Kohlenberg et al. (2006, p. 189)
suggest that the distressed psychotherapist might say to a supportive
"I am feeling very upset, hopeless and helpless right now. I don't
seem to be enough for my client. I feel inadequate, angry and
upset. Will you help me understand my feelings better and
develop a perspective that will be helpful to my client"
Caregivers are often quite good in nurturing self-care in their clients.
Taylor (2006) remind psychotherapists that they need to remind
themselves that emotional self-care is also important.
With regard to family members, psychotherapists often set limits about
what they disclose and share about their trauma work in order not to
burden family members. Loved ones can provide nurturance and
sustenance for the challenging work of dealing on a daily basis with
human cruelties and adversities.
18. Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed to ask for support, as well as
reciprocate and offer support to others. But don’t overdo it or you can
increase your level of "caregiver stress".
19. Use a buddy system at work, especially if you are a novice helper.
Novices should be buddied up with more experienced helpers.
Identify a colleague with whom you can discuss your work, its
challenges and rewards. Have weekly consultation meetings with a
colleague to discuss their difficulties in providing treatment.
20. Obtain mentor and/or peer supervision. Review cases on a regular
bases. Audiotape or videotape cases to be reviewed. Use a therapy
consultation group to review difficult cases.
One way to enhance capabilities and motivation of therapists is to use
regular (weekly) team consultation. For example, those who advocate
the use of Dialetical Behavior Therapy (DBT) with clients who are
suicidal and who evidence Borderline Personality Disorder
characteristics highlight the value of requiring all DBT therapists to
attend such team consultation meetings. (Linehan, 1993; Miller et al.
2007). They propose that such team consultation meetings are integral
to therapy and that team notes be taken and kept in the therapy records.
Miller et al. (2007) propose that the team leader can use at the team
meetings what they call a small "mindfulness bell" and ring it
whenever team members make judgmental comments (in content or
tone) about themselves, each other, or the client, or if they fail to
adequately assess a problem before jumping to conclusions. The
instant feedback provides members with ongoing reminders not to be
" too harsh on themselves and on others".
21. Beyond case reviews, engage in “debriefing” (either informally or
formally) around difficult and challenging cases (e.g., where threat of
violence is an issue). In such debriefings the following questions can
be addressed:
“What is it like to work with “traumatized” clients or with client
families who have experience multiple problems, or with patients
who have a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder?”
“What is most difficult or challenging in such cases?”
“What is most rewarding in working with these clients?”
“What do you (the helper) need right now?”
“How can we (other helpers, friends) be of most help?”
22. Participate in educational and training group forums about vicarious
traumatization and job stress, focusing on possible solutions. (Do not
just attend group sessions that can lead to more “emotional”
23. Participate in agency building or community building activities. Join
others around a common purpose or value.
24. Continue to learn more professionally. Join a study group, attend
continuing education conferences and workshops about PTSD, and
evidence-based interventions.
One way to reduce staff burnout is to enhance therapists' capabilities
and motivation by means of implementing effective evidence-based
interventions such as Dialetical Behavior Therapy with suicidal
patients (see Katz et al. 2004).
Another important area for professional development is that of Risk
Assessment of patients who are potentially violent towards others or
toward themselves. Therapists can reduce their stress levels by being
informed about how to conduct ongoing risk assessments and having
in place backup teams or colleagues (See discussion below).
25. For helpers who have a history of trauma and for those who are being
most impacted as a result of working with traumatized clients and
high job stress, the use of time-limited group therapy can be helpful.
The group can address self-doubts and countertransference issues and
nurture varied levels of coping. Engage in self-analysis and use
personal coping skills. Ask for and accept comfort, help and counsel.
Find others whom you trust to talk to. If you can’t find a therapist,
create an imaginary one (who doesn’t charge too much!). Embrace
your spiritual searching. ( See Pearlman & Saakvitne, 1995a;
Saakvitne et al. 2000).
26. Agency should be proactive in recognizing and accepting vicarious
traumatization and job-related stressors.
27. Regularly schedule team meetings and support groups that include
“emotional checkups”.
28. Work toward distributing and decreasing the number of demanding
victimized clients.
29. Provide ongoing supervision and mentoring (buddy system), especially
for novice workers.
30. Promote education and training about vicarious traumatization and
wellness programs.
31. Help workers seek spiritual renewal. (See Handout on Spirituality by
Meichenbaum on www.melissainstitute.org)
32. Maintain professional connections and identity. Collaborate with other
helping agencies to foster a sense of a team working toward common
33. Conduct meetings and run workshops on boundary issues between
clients and helpers in order to reduce this source of stress. Help
helpers limit their trauma exposure outside of work.
34. Agency can support a “mission” and accompanying activities to
actively change the circumstances that lead to victimization. This may
be done at the local, organizational and national levels such as
advocating for legislative reform and social action. Help workers
transform stress into ways of finding “meaning” and “purpose”.
35. Provide Stress Inoculation Training for workers (See Dane, 2000;
Meichenbaum, 1994, 2001, 2003, 2007) and General Resilience
Training (see Reivich and Shatte, 2002). Reivich and Shatte highlight
that resilience is a “mind set” and they describe how a variety of
cognitive and affective factors can block or erode resilience. They
propose seven skills designed to nurture resilience including:
(1) Self-monitoring your thinking processes;
(2) Avoid “thinking traps” such as blaming yourself or others,
jumping to conclusions, making unfounded assumptions,
and ruminating;
(3) Detect “icebergs” or deeply held beliefs that lead to
emotional overreactions;
(4) Challenge these assumptive beliefs and examine the “if
..then” rules that are implicitly accepted; rather engage in
problem-solving that is “realistically optimistic”;
(5) Put events into perspective;
(6) Learn ways to stay calm and focused;
(7) Practice skills in real life as you change counter-productive
thoughts and behaviors into more resilient thoughts and
To be added to this list of practical skills, is the need to learn to use
acceptance and meditative – mindfulness skills which emphasize the
ability to accept things as one finds them, perceptual clarity and
freedom from the judgmental aspects of language. These coping
procedures call upon individuals to treat thoughts as “just thoughts”
and they highlight the value of diminishing self-absorption, being less
defensive and more open to experience, more accepting and the
cultivation of moment-to-moment attention. (See Hayes et al., 1999;
Kabat-Zinn, 1990; Salmon et al., 2004). In mindfulness training
thoughts are viewed as "normal" and compared to clouds passing by
through the sky. Individuals are encouraged to notice them and let
them go and return them to the sky.
36. Promote psychologically healthy workplace programs that may
-employee orientation, training, development and recognition,
celebrate accomplishments;
-employee involvement in decision-making;
-flexible work schedules;
-enhance communication;
-onsite health and fitness centers and child care centres;
-build a sense of communication;
-translate these objectives into actionable steps
The Stress Inoculation Training procedure (Meichenbaum, 2003,
2007) that has been used to reduce job stress incorporates varied
cognitive-behavioral skills into a three phase intervention:
Phase I – Initial Conceptualization that collaboratively educates
individuals about the nature and impact of stress and coping;
Phase II – Skills acquisition and consolidation where individuals
can acquire and practice both intrapersonal and interpersonal
coping skills that follow from the initial conceptualization phase;
Phase III – Application Training where individuals in groups can
practice the intra and interpersonal coping skills, both in the
training sessions and in vivo. These application trials should be as
similar as possible to the real life demands, activities and settings.
There is a high co-occurrence of PTSD resulting from trauma exposure
and violent behavior toward others, as well as toward oneself (see Bongar, 2002;
Meichenbaum, 1994, 2001). Consider the following illustrative data and the potential
impact on the stress level of psychotherapists.
-Nearly one-half of psychotherapists will be threatened, harassed
or physically attacked at some point in their careers by their
clients. This may take the form of unwanted calls, verbal and
physical attacks, stalking behavior on self and loved ones, or even
-Between 4% to 8% of individuals brought to psychiatric
emergency rooms in the U.S., bring weapons.
-50% of all staff compensation cases of psychiatric facilities result
from patient assaults. The mental health personnel who are at the
lowest ladder of the organization are the most likely to be
-Full time psychotherapists will average 5 suicidal patients per
month, especially among those clients who have a history of
-1 in 2 psychiatrists and 1 in 7 psychologists report losing a patient
to suicide.
-1 in 3 clinical graduate students will have a patient who attempts
suicide at some point during their clinical training and 1 in 6 will
experience a patient's suicide.
-1 in 6 psychiatric patients who die by suicide die while in active
treatment with a health care provider.
-Work with suicidal patients is considered the most stressful of all
clinical endeavors. Therapists who lose a patient to suicide
experience that loss as much as they would the death of a family
member. It can become a career-ending event.
-Such distress in psychotherapists can be further exacerbated by
possible legal actions. 25 % of family members of suicidal
patients take legal action against the suicidal patient's mental
health treatment team (See Bongar, 2002).
What Can Psychotherapists and Other Mental Health Professionals
Do To Address their Patient's Violence Potential Towards Others
and Toward Themselves?
I have discussed this topic at some length elsewhere. See
Meichenbaum1994, 2001, 2005. First, there is a need to be informed about possible
warning or danger signs and conduct ongoing risk assessment. Second, there is a need to
implement best practice guidelines on ways to manage violent patients and remove
weapons and reduce suicidal risk. (See Meichenbaum, 2001, pages 192-195 on the "Do's"
and "Don'ts" in handling violent patients and see Meichenbaum, 2005 for a Risk
Assessment Checklist for suicidal patients). To be informed and prepared for probable
high-risk assessment and risk management are valuable ways to reduce stress in
psychotherapists. There are effective psychotherapeutic interventions for violent and
suicidal patients. Third, there are resources to help clinicians who have lost patients to
suicide. The American Association of Suicidology has put together a Clinical Survivor
Task Force for "Therapists as Survivors of Suicide". Visit
See their extensive bibliography on the impact of patient suicide on clinicians and ways
to cope.
Tom Ellis, who is in charge of the listserv for the American Association of
Suicidology has offered the following advice on What To Do If You Lose a Patient To
1. Procedural (Immediate)
a. Notify supervisor
b. Notify director of service
c. Contact hospital attorney
d. Strongly consider contacting family
e. Consider attending funeral
2. Emotional (soon)
a. Attend to your need to mourn
b. Seek support from your supervisor, colleagues, significant others
c. Use cognitive strategies to dispute dysfunctional self-statements
and beliefs
3. Educational (later with supervisor or review group)
a. Write a case summary, including course of treatment
b. Review case formulation, identifying risk and protective factors
c. Review intervention strategies
See [email protected] for additional resources
Work with traumatized patients can alter psychotherapists' views of the
world and of themselves and can affect many aspects of their psychotherapeutic efforts.
Vicarious Tramatization (VT) comes with the territory of working with victimized
individuals. The present Handout enumerates over 35 different ways to cope with VT at
the individual, social and organizational levels. There is a need to translate these coping
strategies into active ongoing coping activities to be conducted at the individual, group
and organizational levels. How many of these coping procedures and strategies do
you, your colleagues, and your agency employ?
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American Association of Suicidology
American Psychological Association Help Center
Clinician Survivor Task Force
Tapping Your Resilience in the Wake of Terrorism: Pointers for Practitioners
The Cost of Caring: Child Trauma Academy--Bruce Perry
Traumatic Stress and Secondary Traumatic Stress --Hudnall Stamm
Professional Quality of Life Scales assess job satisfaction, burnout and secondary stress reactions
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health