The TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite
Beneit Coverages Guide
This document contains important and useful information
about your embedded Insurance Beneits and Services for your
TDFirstClass Visa Ininite* Card. Please keep this document in
a secure place for future reference. A copy of this document is
also available online at for future reference.
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This document includes:
Travel Medical Insurance Certiicate
Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption Insurance Certiicate
Common Carrier Travel Accident Insurance Certiicate
Delayed and Lost Baggage Insurance Certiicate
Flight/Trip Delay Insurance Certiicate
Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage Insurance Certiicate
Purchase Security and Extended Warranty Protection Certiicate
Emergency Travel Assistance Services
Mobile Device Insurance Certiicate
Hotel/Motel/Burglary Insurance Certiicate
If You are 64years of age or under: Coverage is provided for the irst
21consecutive days of Your Covered Trip. If You are 65years of age or
older: Coverage is provided for the irst 4consecutive days of Your Covered
Trip. If the duration of Your trip will be longer than 21days or 4days, You
can apply to extend Your coverage by contacting Our Administrator at
Coverage under this Certiicate is provided by:
TDLife Insurance Company (“Insurer”)
P.O.Box1, TDCentre, Toronto, ON M5K1A2
Claims administration and adjudication services are provided by:
Global Excel Management Inc. (“Administrator”)
73Queen Street, Sherbrooke, QC J1M0C9
Phone: 18663741129or +14169774425
We want You to understand (and it is in Your best interest to know) what
Your coverage includes, what it excludes, and what is limited (payable but
with limits). Please take time to read through Your Certiicate before You
travel. Italicized and capitalized terms are deined in Your Certiicate.
Travel insurance covers claims arising from sudden and unexpected
situations (e.g., accidents and emergencies).
To qualify for this insurance, You must meet all the eligibility
This insurance contains limitations and exclusions (e.g., Medical
Conditions that are not Stable, pregnancy, child born on trip, excessive
use of alcohol, high risk activities, etc.).
This insurance may not cover claims related to Pre-Existing Medical
Conditions whether disclosed or not.
• Contact Our Administrator at 18663741129 (toll-free) from Canada
or the U.S., or +14169774425 (collect) from other countries before
seeking Treatment or Your beneits may be limited or denied.
In the event of a claim Your prior medical history may be reviewed.
Please read Your Certiicate for speciic coverage, details, limitations
and exclusions. If You have questions, call 18663741129 or visit
Section1– Summary of Beneits
Beneits Maximum Beneit Payable
Medical Emergency Insurance $2,000,000 per Insured Person per
Covered Trip
Section2– Introduction
Certiicate of Insurance
This Certiicate applies to the TDFirstClass Travel Visa Ininite Card, which
will be referred to as a “TDCredit Card” throughout the Certiicate. TDLife
Insurance Company (“TDLife”) provides the insurance for this Certiicate
under Group Policy No.TGV002 (the “Group Policy”). Our Administrator
administers the insurance on behalf of TDLife, and provides medical and
claims assistance, claims payment and administrative services under the
Group Policy. This Certiicate contains important information. Please read it
carefully and take it with You on Your trip.
How to contact Us
Prior to travel, contact Our Administrator: Call 18663741129
(toll-free) from 8a.m. to 8p.m.ET, Monday to Friday.
When travelling and You require emergency health care or
24Hour Emergency Assistance, contact Our Administrator:
Call 18663741129(toll-free) from Canada or the U.S., or
+14169774425 (collect) from other countries.
In a Medical Emergency, You must call Our Administrator immediately,
or as soon as reasonably possible. If not, beneits will be limited as
described in Section6– “Limitations and Exclusions”, under “Medical
Emergency Treatment requires pre-approval of Our Administrator.”
Some expenses will only be covered if Our Administrator approves
them in advance.
Section3– Eligibility
The Primary Cardholder is eligible to be insured under this Certiicate if,
throughout the Covered Trip, the Primary Cardholder:
is a resident of Canada;
is covered under a GHIP or a valid health care plan in Canada for
members of the Canadian Armed Forces; and
has an Account in Good Standing.
The P
rimary Cardholder’s Spouse is eligible to be insured under this
Certiicate if, throughout the Covered Trip:
• the Primary Cardholder is eligible to be insured under this Certiicate
as described above, even if the Primary Cardholder is not travelling;
• the Spouse:
is a resident of Canada;
is covered under a GHIP or a valid health care plan in Canada for
members of the Canadian Armed Forces; and
continues to meet the deinition of Spouse of the Primary
The Primary Cardholder’s Dependent Child is eligible to be insured under
this Certiicate whether or not the Primary Cardholder or the Primary
Cardholder’s Spouse travels with them if, throughout the Covered Trip:
• the Primary Cardholder is eligible to be insured under this Certiicate
as described above, even if the Primary Cardholder is not travelling;
• the Dependent Child:
is a resident of Canada;
is covered under a GHIP or a valid health care plan in Canada for
members of the Canadian Armed Forces; and
continues to meet the deinition of Dependent Child.
Exclusion: If a Dependent Child is born while the child’s mother is outside
of her province or territory of residence, the Dependent Child will not be
eligible to be insured with respect to that trip.
An Additional Cardholder is eligible to be insured under this Certiicate if,
throughout the Covered Trip:
• the Primary Cardholder is eligible to be insured under this Certiicate
as described above, even if the Primary Cardholder is not travelling;
• the Additional Cardholder:
is a resident of Canada;
is covered under a GHIP or a valid health care plan in Canada for
members of the Canadian Armed Forces; and
continues to meet the deinition of Additional Cardholder.
Note: The Spouse and children of an Additional Cardholder a
re not eligible
for coverage under this Certiicate unless they meet other eligibility
requirements set out above (e.g., if the child of an Additional Cardholder is
also the Dependent Child of the Primary Cardholder).
Coverage after the Maximum Number of Covered Days:
• T
his Certiicate does not oer any coverage after the end of the
Maximum Number of Covered Days.
If an Insured Person 64years of age and under is planning a trip that
will last more than 21days, or an Insured Person 65years of age or
older is planning a trip that will last more than 4days, the Insured
Person may want to purchase separate insurance for the number of
days that the trip will exceed the Maximum Number of Covered Days.
Coverage may be available under a dierent TDLife group policy.
Dierent terms and conditions will apply and, depending on the
Insured Person’s age and the length of their trip, the Insured Person
may be required to provide information about their health. Call Our
Administrator at 18663741129 prior to Your Departure Date for more
information or if You would like to obtain a quote.
Section4– Deinitions
In this Certiicate, the following words and phrases capitalized and
italicized have the meanings shown below. As You read through the
Certiicate, You may need to refer to this Sectionto ensure You have a full
understanding of Your coverage, limitations and exclusions.
Account means the Primary Cardholder’s TDCredit Card Account that the
Bank maintains.
Additional Cardholder means a person to whom a TDCredit Card has
been issued at the authorization of the Primary Cardholder.
Bank means The Toronto-Dominion Bank.
Certiicate means this Certiicate of Insurance.
Coverage Period means the time between when the eligible Insured
Person departs on a Covered Trip and the return date up to the Maximum
Number of Covered Days. Please see Section7– “How to Become Insured
or Extend Coverage” of the Certiicate for full details.
Covered Trip means a trip:
made by an Insured Person outside the Insured Person’s province or
territory of residence;
that does not exceed the Maximum Number of Covered Days,
including the Departure Date; and
that does not extend to or past:
the date the Insured Person no longer meets the eligibility
requirements; or
the date coverage terminates.
Note: In the event of a claim, the Insured Person w
ill be required to submit
proof of the departure. Only a Medical Emergency occurring during
a Covered Trip will be eligible for consideration. Note that the day of
departure counts as a full day for this purpose.
• A Covered Trip does not include any trip for the purpose of commuting
to or from an Insured Person’s usual place of employment.
Coverage is only provided under the Group Policy if the Medical
Emergency occurs within the Maximum Number of Covered Days
that the Insured Person is irst away from their province or territory of
residence. Note that the day of departure counts as a full day for this
Note: If the Insured Person’s trip exceeds the Maximum Number of Covered
Days, the Insured Person may want to purchase separate insurance under
a dierent TDLife group policy for the number of days that the trip will
exceed the Maximum Number of Covered Days.
Dierent terms and conditions will apply and, depending on the Insured
Person’s age and the length of their trip, the Insured Person may be
required to provide information about their health. Call Our Administrator
at 18663741129 prior to Your Departure Date for more information or if
You would like to obtain a quote.
Departure Date means the date the Insured Person left their home
province/territory of residence.
Dependent Children mean Your natural, adopted, or stepchildren who are:
• unmarried;
dependent on You for inancial maintenance and support; and
under 22years of age; or
under 26years of age and attending an institution of higher
learning, full-time, in Canada; or
mentally or physically handicapped.
Dollars and $ mean Canadian dollars.
Eligible Medical Emergency Expenses a
re deined in Section5–
“Description of Insurance Coverage”.
Government Health Insurance Plan (GHIP) means a Canadian provincial
or territorial government health insurance plan.
Good Standing means an Account i
s in Good Standing if:
• the Primary Cardholder has applied for the Account;
• the Bank has approved and opened the Account;
• the Primary Cardholder has not advised the Bank to close the Account;
• the Bank has not suspended or revoked credit privileges or otherwise
closed the Account.
Hospital means:
an institution that is licensed as an accredited hospital that is
staed and operated for the care and Treatment of in-patient and
outpatients. Treatments must be supervised by Physicians and there
must be registered nurses on duty 24hours a Day. Diagnostic and
surgical capabilities must also exist on the premises or in facilities
controlled by the establishment;
• a Hospital is not an establishment used mainly as a clinic, extended
or palliative care facility, rehabilitation facility, addiction treatment
centre, convalescent, rest or nursing home, home for the aged or
health spa.
Hospitalized or Hospitalization means conined as an in-patient in a
Immediate Family Member means an Insured Person’s:
Spouse, parents, stepparent, grandparents, natural or adopted
children, stepchildren or legal ward, grandchildren, brothers, sisters,
stepbrothers, stepsisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews; and
mother-in-law, father-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law,
sons-in-law, daughters-in-law; and
• the Insured Persons Spouse’s grandparents, brothers-in-law and
Insured Person means a person who is eligible to be insured under this
Certiicate described in Section3– “Eligibility.
Maximum Number of Covered Days means the irst 21consecutive days
r Insured Persons 64years of age and under, and the irst 4consecutive
days for Insured Persons 65years of age or older. The Departure Date
counts as one full day for this purpose. Age will be measured as of the
Departure Date for this purpose.
Medical Condition means any disease, illness, or injury (including
symptoms of undiagnosed conditions; complication of pregnancy within
the irst 31weeks of pregnancy; a mental or emotional disorder, including
acute psychosis that requires admission to a Hospital).
Medical Emergency me
ans a sudden and unforeseen Medical Condition
that occurs during the Covered Trip and requires immediate Treatment. A
Medical Emergency no longer exists when the evidence reviewed by Our
Administrator indicates that no further Treatment is required at destination
or You are able to return to Your province/territory of residence for further
Mountaineering means the ascent or descent of a mountain requiring the
use of specialized equipment, including crampons, pick-axes, anchors,
bolts, carabiners or lead-rope or top-rope anchoring equipment.
Physician means a person who is not You or
Your Immediate Family Member or Your Travelling Companion, licensed
in the jurisdiction where the services are provided, to prescribe and
administer medical treatment.
Pre-Existing Medical Condition means any Medical Condition that exists
in the Pre-existing Medical Condition Period.
Pre-Existing Medical Condition Period with respect to any beneit under
this Certiicate is as follows:
Insured Persons 64years of age and under– 90days immediately
before the beginning of the Coverage Period; and
Insured Persons 65years of age or older– 180days immediately
before the beginning of the Coverage Period.
Primary Cardholder means a person who applied for a TDCredit Card,
whose name is on the Account and to whom a TDCredit Card has been
issued. A Primary Cardholder does not include an Additional Cardholder.
Spouse means:
the person who the Insured Person is legally married to; or
the person the Insured Person has lived with for at least 1continuous
year in the same household and publicly refers to as their partner.
Stable: a Medical Condition, is considered Stable when all of the following
statements are true:
1. There has not been any new Treatment prescribed or recommended,
or change(s) to existing Treatment (including a stoppage in Treatment);
2. there has not been any change to any existing prescribed drug
(including an increase, decrease, or stoppage to prescribed dosage),
or any recommendation or starting of a new Prescription Drug; and
3. the Medical Condition has not become worse; and
4. there has not been any new, more frequent or more severe symptoms;
5. there has been no Hospitalization or referral to a specialist; and
6. there have not been any tests, investigation or T
reatment recommended,
but not yet complete, nor any outstanding test results; and
7. there is no planned or pending Treatment.
All of the above conditions must be met for a Medical Condition to be
considered Stable.
Note: The following exceptions are considered Stable:
the routine adjustment of Coumadin, warfarin or insulin (as long as
they are not newly prescribed or stopped) and there has been no
change in Your Medical Condition; or
a change from a brand name medication to a generic brand
medication of the same dosage.
Travelling Companion means any person who travels with You during the
Covered Trip and who is sharing transportation and/or accommodation
with You.
Exceptions: No more than 3individuals (including You) will be considered
travel companions on any one trip.
Treated or Treatment means a procedure prescribed, performed or
recommended by a Physician or other authorized healthcare professional
for a Medical Condition. This includes but is not limited to prescribed
medication, investigative testing or surgery.
Usual, Customary and Reasonable Charges mean charges that do
not exceed the general level of charges made by other providers of
similar standing in the geographical area where charges are incurred
for comparable Treatment, services or supplies for a similar Medical
We, Us and Our mean TDLife Insurance Company.
You and Your mean the Primary Cardholder.
Section5– Description of Insurance Coverage
Travel Medical Emergency Coverage
Travel Medical Emergency coverage provides beneits to travellers in
emergency medical situations outside of Your province/territory of
residence. We will pay a Medical Emergency Beneit if an Insured Person
suers a Medical Emergency during the Coverage Period on a Covered Trip.
Medical Emergency Beneit means, subject to the maximum beneit
payable of up to $2,000,000 or the beneit amount payable described
below (whichever is lower), the Usual, Customary and Reasonable Charges
for Eligible Medical Emergency Expenses, less all amounts payable or
reimbursable under a GHIP or any group or individual health plans or
insurance policies.
Eligible Medical Emergency Expenses m
1. Hospital beneit: Attendance at a Hospital for Treatment as an
inpatient, outpatient, and emergency basis, when approved in
advance by Our Administrator.
2. Physicians’ bills: Fees charged by a Physician, when required as part
of Treatment for a Medical Emergency and approved in advance by
Our Administrator.
3. Private duty nursing: Up to $5,000 for services performed and
deemed necessary by a registered nurse; including medically
necessary nursing supplies.
4. Diagnostic services:
Charges for diagnostic tests, laboratory tests and X-rays, which are:
prescribed by the treating Physician; and
approved in advance by Our Administrator if the tests involve:
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
computerized axial tomography(CAT) scans;
ultrasounds; or
any invasive diagnostic procedures including angioplasty.
5. Ambulance:
charges for emergency ambulance service to the nearest approved
6. Air Ambulance:
charges for emergency air ambulance only if:
Our Administrator determines that the Insured Person’s physical
condition precludes the use of any other means of transportation;
Our Administrator makes the determination before the service is
provided; and
Our Administrator pre-approves this service; and
Our Administrator arranges this service.
7. Prescription Drugs:
reimbursement of prescription drugs prescribed during the Covered
Trip and required as part of emergency Treatment.
Exclusion: V
itamins and patent, proprietary and experimental drugs
are excluded.
8. Ac
cidental Dental: Up to $2,000 for dental Treatment that is:
required during the Coverage Period; and
necessary because of a blow to natural or permanently installed
teeth, which results from an accident causing a Medical Emergency.
9. Emergency relief of dental pain: Treatment for emergency relief of
dental pain is covered up to a maximum of $200.
10. Medical Appliances: cost of casts, crutches, trusses, braces, slings,
splints, medical walking boots and/or the rental cost of a wheelchair
or walker if:
prescribed by a Physician; and
required as a result of a Medical Emergency.
11. Emergency return home: The cost for a one-way economy fare and,
if required to accommodate a stretcher, a second one-way economy
fare if:
as a result of a Medical Emergency, Our Administrator determines
that an Insured Person should return to Canada for medical
reasons; and
Our Administrator approves the transportation in advance.
12. Transportation to Bedside: if an Insured Person is Hospitalized
and is expected to remain Hospitalized for at least 3consecutive
days, the cost of one round-trip economy airfare from Your Bedside
Companion’s province or territory of residence, if it is:
for the Insured Person’s Spouse, parent, child, brother or sister; and
approved in advance by Our Administrator.
13. Bedside Companion Beneit
up to $150 per day, to a maximum of $1,500, for food and
accommodation for a person if:
Our Administrator has approved transportation for the person
under either a Transportation to Bedside beneit or a Travelling
Companion Beneit; and
Our Administrator has
approved the Bedside Companion Beneit
in advance.
14. T
ravelling Companion Beneit
The cost of a single one-way economy airfare if:
an Insured Person suers a covered Medical Emergency; and
as a result, a Travelling Companion stays beyond their scheduled
return date; and
Our Administrator approves, in advance, the cost of a one-way
economy airfare back to the Travelling Companion’s place of
15. Meals and accommodation
Up to $350 per day to a maximum of $3,500, for Your:
commercial accommodations and meals; and
essential telephone calls and internet usage fees; and
taxi fares (or rental car in lieu of taxi fares).
If, upon a Physician’s discretion, You, or Your Travelling Companion,
are relocated to receive medical attention for a Medical Emergency
covered under this insurance; or
You are delayed beyond Your return date in order to receive Medical
Emergency Treatment; or
Your Travelling Companion requires Medical Emergency Treatment
for any Medical Condition covered under this insurance.
Note: Subject to pre-authorization from Our Administrator.
16. Incidental Hospital Expenses
Up to $50 per day to a maximum of $500, for the Insured Person’s
incidental Hospital expenses (telephone calls, television rental,
parking), while the Insured Person is Hospitalized for at least 48hours.
17. Vehicle Return: up to $1,000 towards the cost of returning an Insured
Person’s vehicle to their home or the nearest appropriate vehicle rental
agency if:
• the Insured Person is unable to return the vehicle because of a
Medical Emergency; and
Our Administrator a
rranges for the return of the vehicle.
18. Return of Deceased
p to $5,000 towards the cost of preparation and transportation
home of a deceased Insured Person if death results from a covered
Medical Emergency; or
one round-trip economy airfare, if:
an Immediate Family Member is required to identify or obtain
release of the deceased; and
Our Administrator approves the transportation in advance.
Note: The cost of a burial casket or urn is not covered. The cost of
funeral expenses at home province or territory is also not covered.
19. Baggage Return
If an Insured Person returns to their province or territory of residence
by air ambulance because of their Medical Emergency, this
insurance covers the cost to return the Insured Person’s baggage up
to an overall maximum of $500 per Covered Trip.
What to do in a Medical Emergency
In a Medical Emergency, You or someone on your behalf must call Our
Administrator immediately, or as soon as reasonably possible. If not,
beneits will be limited as described below in Section6– “Limitations and
Exclusions”, under “Failure to Report”. Some expenses will only be covered
if Our Administrator approves them in advance.
You can get help 24hours a day, 7days a week by contacting Our
Administrator: Call 18663741129(toll-free) from Canada or the U.S., or
+14169774425(collect) from other countries.
Our Administrator wi
ll verify whether coverage is in eect and, if so, will
direct You to the nearest appropriate medical facility. Our Administrator
will arrange for direct payment to the medical services provider wherever
possible. If a direct payment cannot be arranged, You may be asked to
pay for services and then submit a claim for reimbursement of eligible
NOTE: All payments and payment guarantees are subject to the terms,
conditions, limitations and exclusions of this Certiicate.
Section6– Limitations and Exclusions
Limitations and exclusions that apply to a particular beneit are found
above, in the description of those beneits. In addition, for all beneits, this
Certiicate does not cover any Treatment, services, or expenses of any kind
caused directly or indirectly as a result of the following:
1. Pre-Existing Medical Condition
There is no coverage and no beneit will be paid for any Pre-Existing
Medical Condition that was not Stable during the Pre-Existing
Medical Condition Period immediately preceding the beginning of the
Coverage Period.
Pre-Existing Medical Condition Period:
For Insured Persons 64years of age and under– 90days
immediately before the beginning of the Coverage Period; and
For Insured Persons 65years of age or older– 180days
immediately before the beginning of the Coverage Period.
2. Failure to report
• A Medical Emergency must be reported by You to Our Administrator
within 48hours of admission to a Hospital, or as soon as reasonably
possible. If it is medically impossible for You to call, We ask that You
have someone call Our Administrator on Your behalf within 48hours
of admission to a Hospital, or as soon as reasonably possible.
If the Medical Emergency is not reported as required, the maximum
beneit payable with respect to the Medical Emergency will be 80%
of the Eligible Medical Emergency Expenses, to a limit of $30,000.
3. Failure to obtain advance approval
Where an Eligible Medical Emergency Expense speciies that it must
be approved in advance by Our Administrator, if advance approval
is not obtained, no beneit will be payable for that expense.
No beneit will be paid with respect to any surgery or invasive
procedure that has not been approved in advance by Our
Administrator, except in extreme circumstances where a request for
prior approval would delay necessary surgery in a life-threatening
medical crisis.
4. Treatment once it to transfer to another facility or return to Your home
province or territory
If O
ur Administrator determines that You should transfer to another
facility or return to Your home province/territory of residence for
Treatment, and You choose not to, beneits will not be paid for further
medical Treatment.
5. Ongoing M
edical Emergency Treatment requires pre-approval
(Investigations, Treatment and surgery)
After Your Medical Emergency Treatment has started, Our
Administrator must assess and pre-approve additional medical
Treatment. If You undergo tests as part of a medical investigation,
Treatment or surgery, obtain Treatment or undergo surgery that is not
pre-approved, Your claim will not be paid. This includes but not limited
to invasive testing, surgery, cardiac catheterization, other cardiac
procedures, transplant, and MRI.
6. Non-Emergency Services
We will not pay a beneit with respect to non-Medical Emergency,
experimental or elective Treatment, including:
cosmetic surgery, chronic care, rehabilitation including any
expenses for directly or indirectly related complications;
placement of new crowns, bridges, dentures.
7. Recurrence or ongoing Treatment once Medical Emergency has ended
We will not pay a beneit with respect to the continued Treatment,
recurrence or complication of a Medical Condition or related
condition, following Treatment during Your trip, if Our Administrator
determines that Your Medical Emergency has ended.
We will not pay a beneit with respect to the continued Treatment,
recurrence or complication of a Medical Condition or
related condition where Treatment was received without notiication
to Our Administrator and Your Medical Emergency has ended.
8. Failure to meet the requirement to be covered by a GHIP or Canadian
Armed Forces health care plan
We will not pay a beneit if You are not covered under the GHIP of
Your province or territory of residence prior to and for the entire
duration of the trip. It is Your responsibility to check that You do
have this coverage. There is no coverage if You do not have a valid
GHIP. Members of the Canadian Armed Forces must have a valid
health care plan in Canada prior to and for the entire duration of the
9. Travelling for the purpose of obtaining Treatment
We w
ill not pay a beneit if a trip is made for the purpose of
obtaining a diagnosis, medical Treatment, surgery, investigation,
palliative care, or any alternative therapy, as well as any directly or
indirectly related complication.
10. T
ravelling when Treatment could be expected
We will not pay a beneit if any Medical Condition or symptoms
for which it is reasonable to believe or expect that Treatment or
Hospitalization will be required during Your trip.
We will not pay a beneit if any evident symptoms that would be
reasonable to expect You to investigate in the 3months prior to Your
Departure Date on a Covered Trip.
11. Medical Emergency occurring outside the Coverage Period
We will not pay a beneit if a Medical Emergency that occurs before
the Coverage Period begins or after it ends:
For an Insured Person 64years of age and under, this means, for
example, that no beneit will be paid with respect to any Medical
Emergency if an Insured Person’s Medical Emergency occurs after
the irst 21days following an Insured Person’s Departure Date from
their province or territory of residence.
For an Insured Person 65years of age or older, this means, for
example, that no beneit will be paid with respect to any Medical
Emergency if an Insured Person’s Medical Emergency occurs after
the irst 4days following an Insured Person’s Departure Date from
their province or territory of residence.
For clarity, no beneit will be paid with respect to a Medical Emergency
that occurs after 11:59p.m.ET on the last day of the Coverage
Period, if You have not purchased top-up coverage. Note: The day of
departure counts as a full day for this purpose.
12. General
As noted above, the beneits payable under the Group Policy will be
the actual cost of the covered expense less:
the amount reimbursable under GHIP; and
the amount reimbursable through any other insurance or health
plan coverage.
13. No beneit will be payable in connection with Treatment, services or
expenses related to or resulting from:
a) Misrepresentation
• Any M
edical Condition for which You or an Insured Person
provided Our Administrator or Us with false or inaccurate
information regarding Hospitalizations, Treatment or medications.
b) C
laims related to expectant mother’s complications of pregnancy,
or delivery
claim related to routine pre-natal or post-natal care; or
claim related to pregnancy, delivery or complications of either,
arising 9weeks before the expected date of delivery or any time
after delivery; or
child born during the Covered Trip.
c) Intentionally self-inlicted injuries
intentionally self-inlicted injuries, suicide or attempted suicide,
(whether or not the Insured Person is aware of the result of their
actions), regardless of the Insured Person’s state of mind.
d) Non-compliance with prescribed Treatment
• any Medical Condition that is the result of You not following
medical Treatment as prescribed to You, including prescribed or
over-the-counter medication.
e) Abuse of alcohol, drugs or intoxicants
• Any Medical Condition, including symptoms of withdrawal, arising
from, or in any way related to, Your chronic use of alcohol, drugs
or other intoxicants whether prior to or during Your trip.
• Any Medical Condition arising during Your trip from, or in any way
related to, the abuse of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicants.
f) Illegal Act
Claim that results from or is related to Your involvement in the
commission or attempted commission of a criminal oence or
illegal act in the country where the claim was incurred, including
driving while impaired or over the legal limit.
g) Professional Sports or Racing
participation in professional sports or any organized racing or
speed contests.
h) War or civil unrest
an act of war, whether declared or undeclared; or
hostile or warlike action in time of peace or war; or
willing participation in a war, riot or civil unrest; or
rebellion; or
revolution; or
insurrection; or
any service in the armed forces while on duty.
i) Commuting
ny trip that is primarily for the purpose of commuting to or from
the Insured Persons usual place of employment.
j) Sports and High-Risk Activities
accident that occurs while You are participating in:
any sporting activity for which You are paid;
any sporting event for which the winners are awarded cash
any extreme sport or activity involving a high level of risk, such
as those indicated below, but not limited to:
parasailing, hang-gliding and paragliding;
parachuting and sky diving;
bungee jumping;
cave exploration;
scuba diving, outside the limits of Your certiication;
any airborne activity in any aircraft other than a passenger
aircraft that holds a valid certiicate of airworthiness;
any competition, motorized speed event or other high-risk
activity on land, water or air, including training activities,
whether on approved tracks or elsewhere.
k) Travel Advisory
where an oicial travel advisory was issued by the Canadian
government stating, “Avoid all non-essential travel” or “Avoid all
travel” regarding the country, region or city of Your destination,
before Your Departure Date; or
if the travel advisory or formal notice stating “Avoid all
non-essential travel” or “Avoid all travel” is issued after Your
Departure Date, Your coverage under this policy in that speciic
country, region or area will be limited to a period that is
reasonably necessary for You to safely evacuate the country,
region or area.
To view the travel advisories, visit the Government of Canada Travel
This exclusion does not apply to claims for a Medical Emergency or
a Medical Condition unrelated to the travel advisory.
14. Travel against medical advice
ny claim incurred after a Physician advised You not to travel.
15. Coverage and/or payment beneit prohibited by law
this coverage shall be null and void and no beneit will be payable
where the coverage and/or payment of the beneit is prohibited
by Canadian law or by any other applicable national economic or
trade sanctions law or regulation.
16. Family Members of an Additional Cardholder
No beneit will be payable with respect to a person merely because
that person is the Spouse or a Dependent Child of an Additional
Cardholder, unless that person is otherwise eligible for insurance
under this Certiicate.
Section7– How to Become Insured or Extend Coverage
How to Become Insured
You will have coverage if You meet the Eligibility Requirements for
insurance described in Section3– “Eligibility.
When does Coverage Start and End
When Your Coverage Period Starts:
The Coverage Period begins on the Insured Person’s Departure Date for
their Covered Trip.
Note: If the Insured Person’s trip is longer than the Maximum Number of
Covered Days (21consecutive days for Insured Persons 64years of age
and under, and 4consecutive days for Insured Persons 65years of age or
older), then only a Medical Emergency occurring within the irst Maximum
Number of Covered Days following the departure from the Insured Person’s
province or territory of residence will be eligible for coverage. The day of
departure counts as a full day for this purpose.
When Your Coverage Period Ends:
Your Coverage Period ends on the earliest of the following:
the date the Insured Person returns to their province or territory of
residence from the Covered Trip; or
the end of the Maximum Number of Covered Days for that Insured
Person (except as described in the Automatic Extension of Coverage
section); or
the date the Group Policy terminates.
When Your Coverage Terminates:
overage for the Primary Cardholder under this Certiicate will terminate
on the earliest of the following dates:
the date the Account is cancelled, closed or otherwise ceases to be in
Good Standing;
the date You cease to be eligible for coverage; or
the date the Group Policy terminates.
Coverage for an Insured Person other than the Primary Cardholder under
this Certiicate will terminate on the earliest of the following dates:
the date coverage terminates for the Primary Cardholder; or
the date the Insured Person ceases to be eligible for coverage.
No beneits will be paid under this Certiicate for losses incurred after
coverage has terminated.
Automatic Extension of Coverage
If an Insured Person is suering from a Medical Emergency at the end
of the Maximum Number of Covered Days for that Insured Person (the
“Termination Date”), then the Coverage Period is automatically extended to
72hours following the end of the Medical Emergency:
for that Insured Person; and
for any other Insured Person if:
Our Administrator has approved a Travelling Companion Beneit for
that other Insured Person; and
that other Insured Person was insured under this Certiicate with
respect to the Covered Trip at the Termination Date.
However, under no circumstances will coverage continue after termination
of the Group Policy or the Account.
How to Top Up the Coverage Period
You can apply to top up the Coverage Period b
y contacting Our
Coverage may be available under a dierent TDLife group policy. Dierent
terms and conditions will apply and, depending on the Insured Person’s
age and the length of their trip, the Insured Person may be required
to provide information about their health. Call Our Administrator at
18663741129 prior to Your Departure Date for more information or if You
would like to obtain a quote.
Section8– How to Submit a Claim
Who to Contact to Submit a Claim:
A Medical Emergency should always be reported immediately, or beneits
will be limited. You can get help 24hours a day, 7days a week by
contacting Our Administrator at 18663741129 (toll-free) from Canada or
the U.S., or +14169774425 (collect) from other countries.
Complete the Required Form
a) Request the Form: To request a claim form, call Our Administrator at
18663741129 (toll-free) from 8a.m. to 8p.m.ET, Monday to Friday.
b) Time limit from date of event: If You are making a claim, You must send
Our Administrator the appropriate claim forms, together with written
proof of loss (e.g.,original invoices and tickets, medical and/or death
certiicates) as soon as possible. In every case, You must submit Your
completed claim form with required documentation within 1year from
the date of the accident or the date the claim arises. Failure to provide
the applicable documentation may invalidate Your claim.
Provide the Information Requested
To make a Medical Emergency claim, as part of the requirements above,
under “Time limit from date of event,We will need documentation to
substantiate the claim, including but not limited to the following:
a completed claim form; and
proof of payment by You and by any other beneit plan; and
the original itemized receipts for all bills and invoices; and
proof of travel (including departure and return dates); and
medical records, including complete diagnosis by the attending
Physician or documentation by the Hospital, which must support that
the Treatment was medically necessary; and
proof of the accident if You are submitting a claim for dental expenses
resulting from a Medical Emergency; and
Your historical medical records (if We determine applicable).
If You Do Not Report the Claim Immediately
In a Medical Emergency, You must call Our Administrator immediately,
or as soon as is reasonably possible. If not, beneits will be limited as
described in Section6– “Limitations and Exclusions”. If an Insured Person
incurs Eligible Medical Emergency expenses without irst contacting Our
Administrator for assistance and claim management, they must irst submit
receipts and other proof to:
GHIP; and
then to any group or individual health plan(s) and/or insurer(s).
Eligible Medical Emergency expenses not covered by a GHIP o
r other plan
or insurance must be submitted to Our Administrator with proof of claim,
receipts and payment statements.
The Insured Person must also provide proof of the actual Departure Date
from their province or territory of residence.
What Claimant Can Expect from Insurer
Once We have approved the claim, We will notify You and payment will be
after receipt of the required claim forms, documentation and written proof
of loss. If the claim has been denied, We will inform You of the claim denial
reasons after receipt of the required claim forms and written proof of loss.
If You Report the Claim Immediately
If Our Administrator guarantees or pays eligible expenses on behalf of an
Insured Person, then You and, if applicable, the Insured Person must sign an
authorization form allowing Our Administrator to recover those expenses:
from the Insured Person’s GHIP; and
from any health plan or other insurance; and
through rights You may have against other insurers or other parties
(see Section10– “General Conditions”, under “Right of Subrogation”).
If Our Administrator pays eligible expenses that are covered under other
insurance or another plan, You, and if applicable, the Insured Person must
help Our Administrator to seek reimbursement as required. The Insured
Person must also provide evidence of the actual Departure Date from
their province or territory of residence. If requested, an Insured Person
must conirm any return dates to their province or territory of residence,
including any return dates related to an interruption in a Covered Trip.
Note: If Our Administrator makes an advance payment for expenses that
are later discovered to be ineligible under this Certiicate, the Insured
Person must reimburse Us.
Section9– How To Contact Our Administrator
1. 24Hour Emergency Assistance Number
To report a Medical Emergency or apply for a top-up or extension
for a Covered Trip, contact Our Administrator, 24hours a day, 7days
a week, at 18663741129(toll-free) from Canada or the U.S., or
+14169774425(collect) from other countries.
2. Customer Service
Re: TDTravel Insurance c/o Global Excel Management Inc.
73Queen Street, Sherbrooke, Quebec J1M0C9 Fax: +1
To request a claim form or for claims support, call Our Administrator at
18663741129(toll-free) from 8a.m. to 8p.m.ET, Monday to Friday.
Section10– General Conditions
Unless this Certiicate or the Group Policy states otherwise, the following
conditions apply to Your coverage:
Access to Medical Care
We and/or Our Administrator will assist You to access care whenever
possible, however, will not be responsible for the availability, quality or
results of any medical Treatment or transport, or for the failure of any
Insured Person to obtain medical Treatment.
Beneit Payments
This Certiicate contains provisions removing or restricting the right of the
Insured Person to designate persons to whom or for whose beneit money
is to be payable. This means that under the Group Policy, neither You nor
any Insured Person has the right to choose a beneiciary who will receive
any beneits payable under this Certiicate. Beneits are payable to You or,
on Your behalf, to Your medical service provider.
Coordination of Beneits with other insurance
All of Our coverages are excess insurance, meaning that any other
sources of recovery You have will pay irst, and this insurance
coverage will be the last to pay. The total beneits payable under all
Your insurance, including this Certiicate, cannot be more than the
actual expenses for a claim. If an Insured Person is also insured under
any other insurance certiicate or policy, We will coordinate payment
of beneits with the other insurer.
In no case will We seek to recover against employment-related plans
if the lifetime maximum for all in-country and out-of-country beneits
is $50,000 or less. If the lifetime maximum for all in-country and
out-of-country beneits is over $50,000, We will coordinate beneits
only above this amount.
All amounts are shown in Canadian currency.
False Claim
If Yo
u or an Insured Person make a claim knowing it to be false or
fraudulent in any respect, neither You nor the Insured Person will be entitled
to the beneits of this coverage, nor to the payment of any claim under the
Group Policy.
Group Policy
ll beneits under this Certiicate are subject in every respect to the Group
Policy, which alone constitutes the agreement under which beneits will
be provided. The principal provisions of the Group Policy aecting Insured
Persons are summarized in this Certiicate. The Group Policy is on ile at the
oice of the Policyholder and upon request, You are entitled to receive and
examine a copy of the Group Policy.
Legal Action Limitation Period
Every action or proceeding against the Insurer for the recovery of insurance
money payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless commenced
within the time set out in the Insurance Act (for actions or proceedings
governed by the laws of Alberta or British Columbia), The Insurance Act (for
actions or proceedings governed by the laws of Manitoba), the Limitations
Act, 2002 (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws of Ontario), or
other applicable legislation. For actions or proceedings governed by the
laws of Quebec, the prescriptive period is set out in the Civil Code of Quebec.
Proof of Loss
The appropriate claims forms together with written proof of loss must be
furnished as soon as reasonably possible, but in all events within 1year
from the date on which the loss occurred.
Relationship between Us and the Group Policyholder
TDLife Insurance Company is ailiated with The Toronto-Dominion Bank
Review and Medical Examination
When a claim is being processed, We will have the right and the opportunity,
at Our own expense, to review all medical records related to the claim and
to examine the Insured Person medically when and as often as may be
reasonably required.
Right of Subrogation
There may be circumstances where another person or entity should have
paid You for a loss but instead We paid You for the loss. If this occurs, You
agree to cooperate with Us so We may demand payment from the person
or entity who should have paid You for the loss. This may include:
transferring to Us the debt or obligation owing to You from the other
person or entity;
• permitting Us to bring a lawsuit in Your name;
• if You receive funds from the other person or entity, You will hold it in
trust for Us;
acting so as not to prejudice any of Our rights to collect payment from
the other person or entity.
We will pay the costs for the actions We take.
Coverage under this Certiicate is provided by:
TDLife Insurance Company
and TDHome and Auto Insurance Company (“Insurer”)
P.O. Box 1, TDCentre, Toronto, ON M5K 1A2
Claims administration and adjudication services are provided by:
Global Excel Management Inc. (“Administrator”)
73 Queen Street, Sherbrooke, QC J1M 0C9
Phone: 18663741129 or +14169774425
This Certiicate contains a clause which may limit the amount payable.
We want You to understand (and it is in Your best interest to know) what
Your coverage includes, what it excludes, and what is limited (payable but
with limits). Please take time to read through Your Certiicate before You
travel. Italicized and capitalized terms are deined in Your Certiicate.
Travel insurance covers claims arising from sudden and unexpected
situations (e.g., accidents and emergencies).
To qualify for this insurance, You must meet all the eligibility
This insurance contains limitations and exclusions (e.g., Medical
Conditions that are not Stable, pregnancy, child born on trip, excessive
use of alcohol, high-risk activities, etc.).
This insurance may not cover claims related to Pre-Existing Medical
Conditions whether disclosed or not.
• Contact Our Administrator at 18663741129 (toll-free) from Canada
or the U.S., or +14169774425 (collect) from other countries before
You need to cancel or interrupt Your Covered Trip or Your beneits may
be limited or denied.
In the event of a claim Your prior medical history may be reviewed.
Please read Your Certiicate for speciic coverage, details, limitations and
Section1– Introduction
Certiicate of Insurance
Claims administration and adjudication services are provided by Global
Excel Management Inc. This Certiicate applies to the TDFirstClass
Travel Visa Ininite Card, which will be referred to as a “TDCredit Card”
throughout the Certiicate. TDLife Insurance Company (“TDLife”) provides
the insurance for the Medical Covered Causes for Cancellation and the
Medical Covered Causes for Interruption under this Certiicate under Group
Policy No.TGV003.
TDHome and Auto Insurance Company(“TDH&A”) provides the
insurance for the Non-Medical Covered Causes for Cancellation and the
Non-Medical Covered Causes for Interruption under this Certiicate under
Group Policy No.TGV006. Together, these policies are referred to as the
“Group Policies”. This Certiicate contains important information. Please
read it carefully and take it with You on Your trip.
Section2– Summary of Beneits
Beneits Maximum Beneit Payable
Trip Cancellation
$1,500 per Insured Person per Covered Trip
$5,000 total per Covered Trip for all Insured
Persons on the same Covered Trip
Trip Interruption
$5,000 per Insured Person per Covered Trip
$25,000 total per Covered Trip for all Insured
Persons on the same Covered Trip
Note: If the value of an Insured Person’s Covered Trip exceeds the amounts
listed above, You may wish to speak to our travel agent or other travel
supplier for excess coverage.
If You need to cancel or interrupt a trip: If a Covered Cause for
Cancellation or Interruption occurs, You or, if applicable, an Insured Person,
must call the Administrator.
Section3– Eligibility
The Primary Cardholder is eligible to be insured under this Certiicate if,
throughout the Covered Trip, the Primary Cardholder:
is a resident of Canada; and
has an Account in Good Standing.
The P
rimary Cardholder’s Spouse is eligible to be insured under this
Certiicate if, throughout the Covered Trip:
You are eligible to be insured under this Certiicate as described
above, even if You are not travelling; and
• the Spouse:
is a resident of Canada; and
continues to meet the deinition of Spouse of the Primary
The Primary Cardholder’s Dependent Child is eligible to be insured under
this Certiicate whether or not the Primary Cardholder and the Primary
Cardholder’s Spouse travels with them if, throughout the Covered Trip:
You are eligible to be insured under this Certiicate as described
above, even if You are not travelling; and
• the Dependent Child:
is a resident of Canada; and
continues to meet the deinition of Dependent Child.
An Additional Cardholder is eligible to be insured under this Certiicate if,
throughout the Covered Trip:
You are eligible to be insured under this Certiicate as described
above, even if You are not travelling; and
• the Additional Cardholder:
is a resident of Canada; and
continues to meet the deinition of Additional Cardholder.
Note: An Additional Cardholder’s Spouse and children are not eligible
to be insured. unless they meet one of the other eligibility requirements
described above (e.g., if the Additional Cardholder’s child is also the
Primary Cardholder’s Dependent Child).
Section4– Deinitions
In this Certiicate, the following words and phrases shown in italics have
the meanings shown below. As You read through the Certiicate, You may
need to refer to this Section to ensure You have a full understanding of Your
coverage, limitations and exclusions.
Account means the Primary Cardholder’s TDCredit Card Account that the
Bank maintains.
Account Holder means the person who was issued a TDCredit Card,
whose name is on the Account and who is a resident of Canada.
Additional Cardholder means a person to whom a TDCredit Card has
been issued at the authorization of the Primary Cardholder.
Bank m
eans The Toronto-Dominion Bank.
Certiicate means this Certiicate of Insurance.
Common Carrier means any land, air or water conveyance (e.g.,
passenger plane, ferry, cruise ship, bus, limousine, taxi or train), which is
licensed to carry passengers without discrimination and for hire, excluding
courtesy transportation provided without a speciic charge.
Coverage Period means the period of time during which a covered event
must occur for a beneit to be payable. Furthermore, it means the Trip
Cancellation Coverage Period or the Trip Interruption Coverage Period, as
applicable and as deined in Section7– “How to Become Insured” of the
Covered Trip means a trip:
made by an Insured Person outside the Insured Person’s province or
territory of residence;
that does not extend to or past:
the date the Insured Person no longer meets the eligibility
requirements; or
the date coverage terminates
that was booked or reserved prior to Departure Date from the Insured
Person’s province or territory of residence; and
for which the full cost of the Covered Trip has been charged to Your
Account and/or using Your TDRewards Points.
Departure Date means the date the Insured Person left their province/
territory of residence.
Dependent Children mean Your natural, adopted, or stepchildren who are:
unmarried; and
dependent on You for inancial maintenance and support; and
under 22years of age; or
under 26years of age and attending an institution of higher
learning, full time, in Canada; or
mentally or physically handicapped.
Note: A Dependent Child d
oes not include a child born while the child’s
mother is outside her province or territory of residence during the Covered
Trip. The child will not be insured with respect to that trip.
Eective Date means the date Your Certiicate takes eect with respect to
You, which is the date on which an Account is opened by the Bank for You
and You meet the eligibility requirements. Covered Trips booked on or after
the Eective Date shall be eligible for coverage.
Good Standing means an Account i
s in Good Standing if:
• the Primary Cardholder has applied for the Account;
• the Bank has approved and opened the Account;
• the Primary Cardholder has not advised the Bank to close the Account;
• the Bank has not suspended or revoked credit privileges or otherwise
closed the Account.
Hospital means an institution that is licensed as an accredited hospital
that is staed and operated for the care and Treatment of in-patients and
out-patients. Treatment must be supervised by Physicians and there must
be registered nurses on duty 24-hours-a-day. Diagnostic and surgical
capabilities must also exist on the premises or in facilities controlled by the
Note: A Hospital is not an establishment used mainly as a clinic, extended
or palliative care facility, rehabilitation facility, addiction treatment centre,
convalescent, rest or nursing home, home for the aged or health spa.
Hospitalized or Hospitalization means to be an in-patient in a Hospital.
Immediate Family Member means an Insured Person’s:
Spouse, parents, stepparent, grandparents, natural or adopted
children, stepchildren or legal ward, grandchildren, brothers, sisters,
stepbrothers, stepsisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews; and
mother-in-law, father-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law,
sons-in-law, daughters-in-law; and
• the Insured Persons Spouse’s grandparents, brothers-in-law and
Insured Person means a person who is eligible to be insured under this
Medical Condition means any disease, illness, or injury (including
symptoms of undiagnosed conditions; complication of pregnancy within
the irst 31weeks of pregnancy; a mental or emotional disorder, including
acute psychosis that requires admission to a Hospital).
Note: A chronic condition or complications of a chronic condition are not
considered a Minor Ailment.
Mountaineering means the ascent or descent of a mountain requiring the
se of specialized equipment, including crampons, pick-axes, anchors,
bolts, carabiners and lead-rope or top-rope anchoring equipment.
Physician means a person who is not You or Your Immediate Family
Member or Your Travelling Companion, licensed in the jurisdiction where
the services are provided, to prescribe and administer medical treatment.
Pre-Existing Medical Condition m
eans any Medical Condition that exists
in the Pre-Existing Medical Condition Period.
Pre-Existing Medical Condition Period with respect to any beneit under
this Certiicate is as follows:
Insured Persons 64years of age and under– 90days immediately
before the beginning of the Coverage Period; and
Insured Persons 65years of age or older– 180days immediately
before the beginning of the Coverage Period.
Primary Cardholder means a person who applied for a TDCredit Card,
whose name is on the Account and to whom a TDCredit Card has been
issued. A Primary Cardholder does not include an Additional Cardholder.
Spouse means:
the person who the Insured Person is legally married to; or
the person the Insured Person has lived with for at least 1continuous
year in the same household and publicly refers to as their partner
Stable: a Medical Condition, is considered Stable when all of the following
statements are true:
1. there has not been any new Treatment prescribed or recommended,
or change(s) to existing Treatment (including a stoppage in Treatment);
2. there has not been any change to any existing prescribed drug
(including an increase, decrease, or stoppage to prescribed dosage),
or any recommendation or starting of a new prescription drug; and
3. the Medical Condition has not become worse; and
4. there have not been any new, more frequent or more severe
symptoms; and
5. there has been no Hospitalization or referral to a specialist; and
6. there have not been any tests, investigation or Treatment
recommended, but not yet complete, nor any outstanding test results;
7. there is no planned or pending Treatment.
All of the above conditions must be met for a Medical Condition to be
considered Stable.
Note: The following exceptions are considered Stable
the routine adjustment of Coumadin, warfarin or insulin (as long as
they are not newly prescribed or stopped) and there has been no
change in Your Medical Condition; or
a change from a brand name medication to a generic brand
edication of the same dosage.
TDRewards Points mean the rewards units earned for goods and
ervices charged to the Account through the TDTravel Rewards Program
associated to the Account.
Travelling Companion means any person who travels with You during the
Covered Trip and who is sharing transportation and/or accommodation
with You.
Exceptions: No more than 3individuals (including You) will be considered
Travel Companions on any one trip.
Treated or Treatment means a procedure prescribed, performed or
recommended by a Physician for a Medical Condition. This includes but is
not limited to prescribed medication, investigative testing and surgery.
We, Us and Our mean:
TDLife with respect to the medically covered causes for Trip
Cancellation and Trip Interruption Insurance; and
TDHome & Auto with respect to the non-medically covered causes for
Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Insurance.
You and Your mean the Primary Cardholder.
Section5– Description Of Insurance Coverage
Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Insurance Beneits
Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Insurance provides coverage for the
following causes for Cancellation and Interruption.
Trip Cancellation Insurance Beneits
We will pay a Trip Cancellation Beneit with respect to an Insured Person
if they are required to cancel a Covered Trip due to a Covered Cause
for Cancellation listed below that occurs during the Trip Cancellation
Coverage Period for the Covered Trip.
Trip Cancellation Beneit means Eligible Trip Cancellation Expenses,
subject to the Maximum Beneit Payable described in Section2–
“Summary of Beneits”.
Eligible Trip Cancellation Expenses mean one of the following two options:
1. Reimbursement for:
a) the portion of the Insured Person’s unused travel arrangements,
which were:
Paid in advance and the full cost was charged to Your Account
and/or using TDRewards Points;
Forfeited as a result of a Covered Cause for Cancellation; and
Non-refundable on the date the Covered Cause for Cancellation
arose or non-transferrable to another date; and
b) travel point administration cancellation fees that applied on the date
he Covered Cause for Cancellation arose, where applicable;
2. Or, in the alternative, if the Insured Person misses the scheduled
departure as a result of a Covered Cause for Cancellation, payment
of reasonable transportation costs that are:
a) required for the Insured Person to travel to the destination of the
Covered Trip by the most direct route; and
b) approved in advance by the Administrator.
Exclusion: There will be no reimbursement for the cost of any additional
travel insurance or any expenses for which You are entitled to receive
any form of compensation, including but not limited to credits and
Covered Causes for Cancellation
Covered Causes for Cancellation mean Medical Covered Causes for
Cancellation and Non-Medical Covered Causes for Cancellation, as
described below.
a) Medical Covered Causes for Cancellation mean:
death of an Insured Person or Travelling Companion;
sudden and unexpected sickness or accidental injury of an Insured
Person or Travelling Companion if:
it did not result from a Pre-Existing Medical Condition that was
not Stable during the Pre-Existing Medical Condition Period
immediately preceding the beginning of the Coverage Period;
it prevents the Insured Person from starting the Covered Trip;
a Physician certiies, in writing:
they have advised the Insured Person or Travelling Companion
to cancel the Covered Trip; or
the sickness or injury made it impossible for the Insured Person
or Travelling Companion to start the Covered Trip; and
the medical reason for the decision; and
the Insured Person or Travelling Companion provides the
Physician’s certiication to the Administrator before the
scheduled Departure Date;
death of an Immediate Family Member of the Insured Person;
sudden and unexpected sickness or accidental injury of an
Immediate Family Member of the Insured Person; or
the sudden and unexpected death or hospitalization of an Insured
rson’s host at the destination.
b) N
on-Medical Covered Causes for Cancellation mean:
an enforceable call of an Insured Person or Travelling Companion
to jury duty or sudden and unexpected subpoena of an Insured
Person or Travelling Companion to act as a witness in a court
of law requiring the Insured Person’s or Travelling Companion’s
presence in court during the Covered Trip;
a written formal notice issued by the Canadian government after
the Insured Person’s Covered Trip is booked, advising Canadians
not to travel to a country, region or city originally ticketed for
the Covered Trip for a period that includes an Insured Person’s
Covered Trip;
an employment transfer of the Insured Person by the employer
with whom the Insured Person was employed on the date the
Insured Person booked their Covered Trip, which transfer requires
the relocation of the Insured Person’s principal residence within
30days before the Insured Person’s scheduled Covered Trip
departure date;
a delay causing an Insured Person to miss a connection for a
Common Carrier or resulting in the interruption of an Insured
Person’s travel arrangements, and is limited to the following:
delay of an Insured Person’s Common Carrier resulting from the
mechanical failure of that carrier;
a traic accident or an emergency police-directed road
closure (either must be substantiated by a police report); or
weather conditions.
a natural disaster that renders an Insured Person’s principal
residence uninhabitable;
• an Insured Person is quarantined in a situation where no Medical
Covered Cause for Cancellation applies;
• an Insured Person is hijacked; and
an enforceable call to service of an Insured Person or Travelling
Companion who is a military, police or ire reservist.
Exclusion: T
he outright cancellation of Common Carrier travel is not
considered a delay.
Limitation: The beneit under this Covered Cause for Cancellation is the
Insured Person’s one-way economy fare via the most cost-eective route
to the Insured Person’s next destination.
Trip Interruption Insurance Beneits:
We w
ill pay a Trip Interruption Beneit with respect to an Insured Person
if he or she is prevented from continuing a Covered Trip as a result of a
Covered Cause for Interruption listed below that occurs during the Trip
Interruption Coverage Period for the Covered Trip.
Trip Interruption Beneit means Eligible Trip Interruption Expenses, subject
to the Maximum Beneit Payable described in Section2– “Summary of
Eligible Trip Interruption Expenses mean:
if the Insured Person must terminate the Covered Trip as a result of the
Covered Cause for Interruption, the lesser of:
the cost of a one-way economy airfare to the point of departure, if
the Administrator approves this transportation in advance; or
the fee charged by the airline to change the Insured Person’s date of
if the Insured Person is delayed in reaching the next destination of
their Covered Trip as a result of a Covered Cause for Interruption,
payment of reasonable additional transportation costs that are:
required for the Insured Person to rejoin a tour group by the most
direct route; and
approved in advance by the Administrator; and
the portion of any unused land arrangements which were:
part of the Insured Person’s Covered Trip;
paid prior to the Insured Person’s date of departure; and
non-refundable on the date the Covered Cause of Interruption
occurred or for which You are entitled to receive a credit or any
other form of compensation.
Exclusion: T
here will be no reimbursement for the cost of any additional
travel insurance or any expenses for which You are entitled to receive
any form of compensation, including but not limited to credits and
Covered Causes for Interruption
overed Causes for Interruption mean Medical Covered Causes
for Interruption and Non-Medical Covered Causes for Interruption, as
described below.
a) Medical Covered Causes for Interruption mean:
death of an Insured person;
accidental injury or sickness of an Insured Person if:
it does not result from a Pre-Existing Medical Condition that
was not Stable during the Pre-Existing Medical Condition Period
immediately preceding the beginning of the Coverage Period;
in the opinion of the Administrator, it requires immediate medical
attention; and either:
it prevents the Insured Person from continuing with the Covered
Trip; or
the Insured Person will be delayed in reaching the next
destination of their Covered Trip;
death of an Immediate Family Member of the Insured Person;
sudden and unexpected sickness or accidental injury of an
Immediate Family Member, which requires an overnight stay in a
b) Non-Medical Covered Causes for Interruption mean:
a written formal notice issued during the Covered Trip by the
Canadian government, advising Canadians not to travel to a
country, region or city originally ticketed for the Covered Trip for a
period that includes an Insured Person’s Covered Trip;
a delay causing an Insured Person to miss a connection for a
Common Carrier or resulting in the interruption of an Insured
Person’s travel arrangements, and is limited to the following:
a delay of an Insured Person’s Common Carrier, resulting from the
mechanical failure of that carrier;
a traic accident or an emergency police-directed road closure
(either must be substantiated by a police report); or
weather conditions.
a natural disaster that renders an Insured Person’s principal
residence uninhabitable;
• an Insured Person’s quarantine or hijacking; and
an enforceable call to service of an I
nsured Person who is a military,
police or ire reservist.
Exclusion: T
he outright cancellation of a light is not considered as
Limitation: The beneit under this Covered Cause for Interruption is the
Insured Person’s one-way economy fare via the most cost-eective route
to the Insured Person’s next destination.
What to do if You need to Cancel Your Covered Trip
Reimbursement for the portion of the Insured Person’s unused travel
arrangements which were paid in advance and the full cost was charged
to Your Account and/or using Your TDRewards Points. The amount payable
under Trip Cancellation Insurance coverage is limited to the cancellation
penalties in eect on the date the Covered Cause for Cancellation occurs,
so it’s important to cancel the Insured Person’s plans immediately but no
later than within 24hours of cancellation with Your travel agent or travel
supplier. After the Insured Person has cancelled their travel arrangements
with the travel supplier, the Insured Person will need to call Our
Administrator immediately, and follow the instructions in Section8– “How
to Submit a Claim.
What to do if You need to Interrupt Your Covered Trip
The Insured Person must call Our Administrator immediately at the 24-hour
Emergency Assistance number found in Section9– “How to Contact
Our Administrator. Some expenses are only covered if they’re approved
in advance by Our Administrator. All transportation expenses must be
pre-approved. Only the expenses that are non-refundable on the day the
Covered Cause for Interruption occurs are eligible for reimbursement, so
contact Our Administrator immediately but no later than within 24hours to
discuss alternate travel arrangements.
Section6– Limitations and Exclusions
Limitations and Exclusions that Apply to Trip Cancellation
For Trip Cancellation, this Certiicate does not cover any Treatment,
services, or expenses of any kind caused directly or indirectly as a result of
the following:
1. Pre-Existing Medical Condition
There is no coverage and no beneit will be payable for any
Pre-Existing Medical Condition that was not Stable during the
Pre-Existing Medical Condition Period immediately preceding the
Coverage Period.
2. Reasonably foreseeable conditions
No beneit will be payable with respect to a sickness, accidental
injury or quarantine of the Insured Person that was reasonably
foreseeable when the Trip Cancellation Coverage Period began.
3. Cancellation penalties arising after Covered Cause for Cancellation
eneits will be limited to cancellation penalties in eect on the
date the Covered Cause for Cancellation arises, so it is important to
cancel the Insured Persons travel plans immediately.
4. Causes not covered
No beneit will be payable with respect to cancellation of a Covered
Trip for any reason other than those listed under Covered Causes
for Cancellation.
Limitations and Exclusions that Apply to Trip Interruption
For Trip Interruption, this Certiicate does not cover any Treatment, services,
or expenses of any kind caused directly or indirectly as a result of the
1. Pre-Existing Medical Condition
There is no coverage and no beneit will be payable for any
Pre-Existing Medical Condition that was not Stable during the
Pre-Existing Medical Condition Period immediately preceding the
beginning of the Coverage Period.
2. Reasonably foreseeable conditions
No beneit will be payable with respect to a sickness or accidental
injury of the Insured Person that was reasonably foreseeable when
the Insured Person departed on the Covered Trip.
3. Interruption occurring outside the Coverage Period
No beneit will be payable with respect to an interruption that
curs before the Trip Interruption Coverage Period begins or after it
4. Su
ms that become non-refundable after the Covered Cause for
Interruption occurs
Only the sums that are non-refundable on the day the Covered
Cause for Interruption occurs will be eligible for the purposes of
this claim, so it’s important to call the Administrator immediately to
discuss alternate arrangements.
5. Causes not covered
No beneit will be payable with respect to Interruption of a Covered
Trip for any reason other than those listed under Covered Causes
for Interruption.
6. Unused Return Travel
Under no circumstance will Trip Interruption Beneits include the
t of prepaid unused return travel.
Limitations and Exclusions that Apply to Trip Cancellation
nd Trip Interruption
For all beneits, this Certiicate does not cover any Treatment, services,
or expenses of any kind caused directly or indirectly as a result of the
1. Pre-Existing Medical Condition;
2. reasonably foreseeable Medical Conditions;
3. failure to report a Covered Cause for Trip Cancellation or Trip
Interruption immediately;
4. failure to obtain advance approval from the Administrator for certain
expenses, including travel arrangements.
5. False Claim
If You or an Insured Person makes a claim knowing it to be false or
fraudulent in any respect, neither You nor the Insured Person will be
entitled to the beneits of this coverage, nor to the payment of any
claim under the Group Policies.
6. Illegal act
claim that results from or is related to Your involvement in the
commission or attempted commission of a criminal oence or
illegal act in the jurisdiction where the claim was incurred, including
driving while impaired or over the legal limit.
7. Abuse of alcohol, drug, or intoxicants
claim that results from or is related to Your chronic use of alcohol,
drugs or other intoxicants whether prior to or during Your Covered
Trip; or
8. Claims related to expectant mother’s complications of pregnancy, or
claim related to routine pre-natal or post-natal care; or
claim related to pregnancy, delivery or complications of either,
arising 9weeks before the expected date of delivery or any time
after delivery.
9. Child born during the Covered Trip
claim related to Your child born during the Covered Trip.
10. War or civil unrest
an act of war, whether declared or undeclared; or
hostile or warlike action in time of peace or war; or
willing participation in a riot or civil unrest; or
rebellion; or
evolution; or
insurrection; or
any service in the armed forces while on duty.
11. Travel advisory
where an oicial travel advisory was issued by the Canadian
government stating, “Avoid all non-essential travel” or “Avoid all
travel” regarding the country, region or city of Your destination,
before Your Coverage Period; or
if the travel advisory or formal notice stating “Avoid all non-essential
travel” or “Avoid all travel” is issued after Your Departure Date, Your
coverage under this policy in that speciic country, region or area
will be limited to a period that is reasonably necessary for You to
safely evacuate the country, region or area.
To view the travel advisories, visit the Government of Canada Travel
12. Other– Sports and High-Risk Activities
participation in:
any sporting activity for which You are paid;
any sporting event for which the winners are awarded cash
any extreme sport or activity involving a high level of risk, such as
those indicated below, but not limited to:
parasailing, hang-gliding and paragliding;
parachuting and sky diving;
bungee jumping;
cave exploration;
scuba diving, outside the limits of Your certiication;
any airborne activity in any aircraft other than a passenger
aircraft that holds a valid certiicate of airworthiness;
any competition, speed event or other high-risk activity
nvolving the use of a motor vehicle on land, water or air,
including training activities, whether on approved tracks or
13. Intentional self-inlicted injury
ntentional self-inlicted injury, suicide or attempted suicide (whether
or not the Insured Person is aware of the result of their actions),
regardless of the Insured Person’s state of mind.
14. Reasons for Cancellation or Interruption occurring outside the
Coverage Period
an incident that occurs outside the Coverage Period.
For example, no beneit will be paid with respect to an incident that
occurs after 11:59p.m.ET on the last day of the Coverage Period, if
You have not extended Your Coverage Period.
Note: The day of departure counts as a full day for this purpose.
15. Coverage and/or payment beneit prohibited by law
This coverage shall be null and void and no beneit will be payable
where the coverage and/or payment of the beneit is prohibited
by Canadian law or by any other applicable national economic or
trade sanctions law or regulation.
16. TDRewards Points or any other Frequent lyer plan rewards units
Under no circumstance will any beneit be payable in connection
with the value of frequent lyer plan rewards units that have been
lost or wasted.
Section7– How To Become Insured
How to Become Insured
You will have coverage if You meet the requirements in Section3–
“Eligibility” for insurance.
When does Your Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Insurance
Coverage Start and End
Trip Cancellation Coverage Period (when the Covered Causes for
Cancellation occurs before Your trip)
The Trip Cancellation Coverage Period begins on the date the Covered
Trip is booked or reserved with the travel agent or other travel supplier
and the full cost of the Covered Trip has been charged to Your
Account using a TDCredit Card and/or Your TDRewards Points.
The Trip Cancellation Coverage Period ends on the earlier of:
the date the Insured Person departs or plans to depart on the Covered
Trip; and
the date this Certiicate terminates.
Trip Interruption Coverage Period (w
hen the Covered Causes for
Interruption occurs during Your trip)
he Trip Interruption Coverage Period begins on the date the Insured
Person completes a portion of the Covered Trip as shown on their
invoice or ticket provided the Covered Trip is booked or reserved with
the Insured Person’s travel agent or other travel supplier and the full
cost of the Covered Trip has been charged to Your Account using a
TDCredit Card and/or Your TDRewards Points.
The Trip Interruption Coverage Period ends on the earlier of:
the date the Insured Person is scheduled to return from the Covered
Trip; or
the date this Certiicate terminates.
When Your Certiicate Terminates
Coverage for the Primary Cardholder under this Certiicate will terminate
on the earliest of the following dates:
the date the Account is cancelled, closed or otherwise ceases to be in
Good Standing;
the date the Primary Cardholder ceases to be eligible for coverage; or
the date the Group Policy terminates.
Coverage for an Insured Person other than the Primary Cardholder under
this Certiicate will terminate on the earliest of the following dates:
the date coverage terminates for the Primary Cardholder; or
the date the Insured Person ceases to be eligible for coverage.
No beneits will be paid under this Certiicate for losses incurred after
coverage has terminated.
Section8– How to Submit a Claim
IMPORTANT NOTE: You must report Your claim to Our Administrator
immediately. You must provide completed claim form with required
supporting documentation to Our Administrator as soon as possible, but
no later than 1year after the date it occurred.
Who to Contact to Submit a Claim
Once the Insured Person has cancelled or needs to interrupt their Covered
Trip with the travel supplier, contact Our Administrator at 18663741129
(toll-free) from Canada or the U.S., or +14169774425 (collect) from other
Complete the Required Form
. Request the Form: To request a claim form, call Our Administrator at
18663741129 (toll-free) from 8a.m. to 8p.m.ET, Monday to Friday.
2. Time limit from date of event: If You are making a claim, You must
send Our Administrator the appropriate claim forms, together with
written proof of loss (e.g.,original invoices and tickets, medical and/or
death certiicates) as soon as possible. In every case, You must report
Your claim and submit Your completed claim form with required
documentation within 1year from the date of the accident or the date
the claim arises. Failure to provide the applicable documentation may
invalidate Your claim.
Provide the Information requested
To make a Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption claim, as part of the
requirements above, under “Time limit from date of event,We will need
documentation to substantiate the claim, including but not limited to the
a completed claim form;
Your Account statement and any other documentation necessary to
conirm that the full costs of Eligible Expenses were charged to Your
Account and/or using Your TDRewards Points;
a medical document, fully completed by the legally qualiied
Physician in active personal attendance and in the locality where the
Medical Emergency occurred, stating the reason why travel was not
recommended, the diagnosis and all dates of Treatment;
written evidence of the covered cause of cancellation, interruption or
a travel supplier or tour operator terms and conditions detailing
any cancellation penalties or reimbursement for unused travel
complete original unused transportation tickets and vouchers;
reports from the police or local authorities documenting the cause of
the missed connection;
all receipts for the prepaid land arrangements as detailed in Your
travel documents or itinerary prior to departure;
all receipts for subsistence allowance expenses as approved by Our
original passenger receipts for new tickets;
detailed invoices and/or receipts from the service provider(s);
any receipts for or proof of refund already obtained from travel
uppliers or tour operators;
• the Insured Person w
ill also be required to provide evidence of their
actual or planned Departure Date from their province or territory of
where the claim relates to a Medical Condition, a signed “Release of
Medical Information” authorization to allow Us to obtain any further
information required to complete the claim review.
Note: If Our Administrator makes an advance payment for expenses that
are later discovered to be ineligible under this Certiicate, the Insured
Person must reimburse Us.
If You Report the Claim Immediately
If Our Administrator guarantees or pays eligible expenses on behalf of an
Insured Person, then You and, if applicable, the Insured Person must sign an
authorization form allowing Our Administrator to recover those expenses:
from any health plan or other insurance; and
through rights You may have against other insurers or other parties
(see Section10– “General Conditions”, under “Right of Subrogation”).
If Our Administrator pays eligible expenses that are covered under other
insurance or another plan, You and the Insured Person (if applicable) must
help Our Administrator to seek reimbursement as required.
The Insured Person must also provide evidence of the actual departure
date from their province or territory of residence. If requested, an Insured
Person must conirm any return dates to their province or territory of
residence, including any return dates related to an interruption in a
Covered Trip.
Note: If Our Administrator makes an advance payment for expenses that
are later discovered to be ineligible under this Certiicate, the Insured
Person must reimburse Us.
If You D
o Not Report the Claim Immediately
It is important to cancel or interrupt Your Covered Trip immediately, but
no later than 24hours following the Covered Cause for Cancellation or
interruption because the amount payable under this Certiicate may be
limited to any penalties imposed by Your travel provider(s) which are in
eect on the date the Covered Cause for Cancellation or interruption
occurs. If not, beneits will be limited as described under “Trip Cancellation
and Trip Interruption Insurance Limitations and Exclusions”. Refer to
Section9– “How to Contact Our Administrator” for information on how to
get a claim form.
What Claimant Can Expect from Insurer
Once We have approved the claim, We will notify You and payment
will be made within 60days after receipt of the required claim forms,
documentation and written proof of loss. If the claim has been denied,
We will inform You of the claim denial reasons within 60days after receipt
of the required claim forms and written proof of loss.
Section9– How to Contact Our Administrator
24-hour Emergency Assistance Number
To enquire about these beneits, or to make arrangements with respect
to Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Insurance, contact Our
Administrator, 24hours a day, 7days a week, at 18663741129 (toll-free)
from Canada or the U.S., or +14169774425 (collect) from other countries.
To request a claim form or for claims support, call Our Administrator at
18663741129 (toll-free) from 8a.m. to 8p.m.ET, Monday to Friday.
Section10– General Conditions
Unless this Certiicate or the Group Policy states otherwise, the following
conditions apply to Your coverage:
Access to Medical Care
We and/or Our Administrator will assist You to access care whenever
possible, however will not be responsible for the availability, quality or
results of any medical Treatment, care or transport, or for the failure of any
Insured Person to obtain Treatment.
Beneit Payments
This Certiicate contains provisions removing or restricting the right of the
Insured Person to designate persons to whom or for whose beneit money
is to be payable. This means that under the Group Policy, neither You nor
any Insured Person has the right to choose a beneiciary who will receive
any beneits payable under this Certiicate. Beneits are payable to You or,
on Your behalf, to Your medical service provider.
All amounts shown are in Canadian currency.
Group Policy
All beneits under this Certiicate are subject in every respect to the Group
Policy, which alone constitutes the agreement under which beneits will
be provided. The principal provisions of the Group Policy aecting Insured
Persons are summarized in this Certiicate. The Group Policy is on ile at the
oice of the Policyholder and upon request, You are entitled to receive and
examine a copy of the Group Policy.
Legal Action Limitation Period
Every action or proceeding against the insurer for the recovery of
insurance money payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless
commenced within the time set out in the Insurance Act (for actions
or proceedings governed by the laws of Alberta or British Columbia),
The Insurance Act (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws of
Manitoba), the Limitations Act, 2002 (for actions or proceedings governed
by the laws of Ontario), or other applicable legislation. For actions or
proceedings governed by the laws of Quebec, the prescriptive period is set
out in the Civil Code of Quebec.
Other insurance
All of Our coverages are excess insurance, meaning that any other sources
of recovery You have will pay irst, and this insurance coverage will be the
last to pay. The total beneits payable under all Your insurance, including
this Certiicate, cannot be more than the actual expenses for a claim. If
an Insured Person is also insured under any other insurance certiicate or
policy, We will coordinate payment of beneits with the other insurer.
In the event that You are found to be ineligible for coverage, or that a claim
is found to be invalid, or beneits are reduced in accordance with any
policy exclusion or term or condition, We have the right to collect from You
any amount which We have paid on Your behalf to service providers or
other parties.
Relationship between Us and the Group Policyholder
TDLife Insurance Company and TDHome and Auto Insurance Company
are ailiated with The Toronto-Dominion Bank (“TDBank”).
Review and Medical Examination
When a claim is being processed, We will have the right and the
opportunity, at Our own expense, to review all medical records related to
the claim and to examine the Insured Person medically when and as often
as may be reasonably required.
Right of Subrogation
here may be circumstances where another person or entity should have
paid You for a loss but instead We paid You for the loss. If this occurs, You
agree to cooperate with Us so We may demand payment from the person
or entity who should have paid You for the loss. This may include:
transferring to Us the debt or obligation owing to You from the other
person or entity; or
• permitting Us to bring a lawsuit in Your name; or
• if You receive funds from the other person or entity, You will hold it in
trust for Us; or
acting so as not to prejudice any of Our rights to collect payment from
the other person or entity.
We w
ill pay the costs for the actions We take.
Coverage under this Certiicate is provided by:
TDLife Insurance Company (Insurer)
P.O. Box 1, TDCentre, Toronto, ON M5K 1A2
Claims administration and adjudication services are provided by:
Global Excel Management Inc. (“Administrator”)
73 Queen Street, Sherbrooke, QC J1M0C9
Phone: 18663741129 or +14169774425
Section1– Introduction
Certiicate of Insurance
Claims administration and adjudication services are provided by Global
Excel Management Inc. The Certiicate applies to the TDFirstClass
Travel Visa Ininite Card, which will be referred to as a “TDCredit Card”
throughout the Certiicate. TDLife Insurance Company (“TDLife”) provides
the insurance for this Certiicate under Master Policy #TGV009 (the “Policy”)
issued to The Toronto-Dominion Bank. This Certiicate contains a clause
which may limit the amount payable.
Section2– Eligibility
Insured Person as deined provided that:
Your Account privileges have not been terminated or suspended; and
Your Account is not more than 90days past due; and
Your TDCredit Card must be in Good Standing.
Section3– Deinitions
In this Certiicate, the following words and phrases shown in italics and
capitalized have the meanings shown below. As You read through the
Certiicate, You may need to refer to this Section to ensure You have a full
understanding of Your coverage, limitations and exclusions.
Accidental Bodily Injury means bodily injury, which is accidental, is the
direct source of a Loss, is independent of disease, illness or other cause
and occurs while this Policy is in force.
Account means the Primary Cardholder’s TDCredit Card Account that the
Bank maintains.
Account Holder means the Primary Cardholder to whom the monthly
Account statement is issued, and who is a resident of Canada and any
Additional Cardholder who is a resident of Canada. The Account Holder
may be referred to herein using “You” and “Your”.
Additional Cardholder m
eans a person to whom a TDCredit Card has
been issued at the authorization of the Primary Cardholder.
Certiicate means this Certiicate of Insurance.
Bank means the Toronto-Dominion Bank.
Coma means a profound state of unconsciousness from which the Insured
Person cannot be aroused to consciousness even by powerful stimulation,
as determined by a physician. (Note: Coma beneits are available only to
Dependent Children.)
Common Carrier means any licensed land, water or air conveyance
operated by those whose occupation or business is transportation of
persons or things without discrimination for hire. Common Carrier is
extended to include any Airline having a Charter Air Carrier’s Licence or its
equivalent, provided it maintains regularly scheduled lights and publishes
timetables and fares consistent with scheduled airline practices and
provided the aircraft is limited to ixed-wing turbo-prop or jet aircraft. Rafts,
amusement park rides, jet skis, balloons, ski lifts and hang-gliders are not
considered to be a Common Carrier.
Covered Trip means travel on a Common Carrier, the fare for which is
fully charged to Your Account, or paid for either in full or partially using
Your TDRewards Points earned on Your TDTravel Rewards Program. If Your
TDRewards Points have only partially paid for Your Common Carrier fare,
the balance of that fare must be fully charged to Your Account.
Dependent Child(ren) mean(s) Your natural, adopted, or stepchildren who
unmarried; and
dependent on You for inancial maintenance and support; and
under 21years of age; or
under 25years of age and attending an institution of higher
learning, full time, in Canada; or
mentally or physically handicapped.
Good Standing means:
• the Primary Cardholder has applied for the Account;
• the Bank has approved and opened the Account;
• the Primary Cardholder has not advised the Bank to close the Account;
• the Bank has not suspended or revoked credit privileges or otherwise
closed the Account.
Immediate Family Member m
eans the Spouse, parents, grandparents,
children age 18 and over, brother or sister of the Insured Person.
Insured Person m
eans the Account Holder, as well as the Account Holder’s
Spouse and Dependent Children whose name is on a ticket or a rental
Loss means the types of Accidental Bodily Injuries for which this insurance
provides coverage.
Primary Cardholder means a person who applied for a TDCredit Card,
whose name is on the Account and to whom a TDCredit Card has been
issued. A Primary Cardholder does not include an Additional Cardholder.
Permanent Total Disability means that the Accidental Bodily Injuries
sustained in a covered accident solely and directly:
prevent the Insured Person from performing all the substantial and
material duties of the Insured Person’s occupation; and
cause a condition which is medically determined, by a physician
approved by Our Administrator, to be of continuous and indeinite
duration; and
require the continuous care of a physician, unless the Insured Person
has reached their maximum point of recovery; and
prevent the Insured Person from engaging in any gainful occupation
for which the Insured Person is qualiied, or could be qualiied, by
reason of education, training, experience, or skill.
The Permanent Total Disability must have existed for 12consecutive
(Note: Permanent Total Disability beneits are not available to Dependent
Rental Car means a four-wheel private passenger motor vehicle designed
for travel on public roads and rented from a licensed rental company for
no more than 48consecutive days. It does not include trucks, trailers,
campers, recreational vehicles or motor vehicles propelling or towing a
trailer or any other object, o-road vehicles (meaning any vehicle used
on roads that are not publicly maintained), vans, or minivans that are
manufactured to seat more than 8occupants (including the driver) or
when the vehicle is used to carry, haul or transport any type of cargo or
property or passengers for hire.
Spouse means:
The person who the Account Holder is legally married to; or
the person the Account Holder has lived with for at least 1continuous
year in the same household and publicly refers to as their partner.
TDRewards Points mean the rewards units earned for goods and
ervices charged to the Account through the TDTravel Rewards Program
associated to the Account.
We, Us and Our mean TDLife Insurance Company.
Section4– Common Carrier Accident Coverage
Beneits will be paid as speciied in the Schedule of Beneits below if an
Insured Person suers a Loss arising from and occurring on a Covered Trip
while the Insured Person is:
1. riding as a passenger in or entering or exiting any Common Carrier; or
2. at the airport, terminal or station, at the beginning or end of the Covered
If the purchase of the Common Carrier passage fare is not made prior to
the Insured Person’s arrival at the airport, terminal or station, coverage
begins at the time the entire Common Carrier passage fare is charged to
the Insured Person’s Account.
Coverage includes circumstances arising from and occurring on a Covered
Trip while the Insured Person is riding as a passenger in, entering or
exiting any Common Carrier, while travelling directly to or from the airport,
terminal, or station:
1. immediately preceding the departure of the scheduled Common Carrier
conveyance on which the Insured Person has purchased passage; and
2. immediately following the arrival of the scheduled Common Carrier
conveyance on which the Insured Person was a passenger.
Section5– Rental Car Accident Coverage
Beneits will be paid as speciied in the Schedule of Beneits below if an
Insured Person suers a Loss while operating or riding as a passenger in,
or boarding or alighting from any Rental Car provided that:
a) the cost of the Rental Car was fully charged to Your Account; or paid
either in full or partially using Your TDRewards Points earned under
Your TDRewards Points program. If Your TDRewards Points have only
partially paid for the cost of Your Rental Car, the balance of that cost
must be fully charged to Your Account; and
b) there has been no violation of the rental agreement by the Account
Holder; and
c) the driver of the rented automobile is not legally intoxicated nor under
inluence of any narcotic unless prescribed by a licensed physician.
The maximum beneit payable for any one Rental Car Accident is
$2,000,000 in total.
Section6– Schedule of Beneits and Important Conditions
If an Insured Person has multiple Losses as the result of one accident,
only the single largest beneit amount applicable to the Loss suered is
payable. The following beneits are provided if the Loss occurs as a result
of an accident within 1year from the date of the accident:
A. Accidental Death or Dismemberment, Loss of Sight, Speech or
Hearing and Paralysis Beneits
Accidental Loss of Beneit Amount
Life $500,000
Speech and Hearing $500,000
Both Hands or Both Feet or Sight of Both Eyes
or a Combination of a Hand, or Foot or Sight
of One Eye $500,000
One Arm or One Leg $375,000
One Hand or One Foot or Sight of One Eye $333,350
Speech or Hearing $333,350
Thumb and Index Finger of the Same Hand $166,650
Quadriplegia (complete paralysis of both upper
and lower limbs) $500,000
Paraplegia (complete paralysis of both lower
limbs) $500,000
Hemiplegia (complete paralysis of upper and
lower limbs of one side of body) $500,000
Loss” with reference to hand or foot means complete severance through
or above the knuckle joint of at least four ingers of the same hand or
threeingers and a thumb of the same hand or the ankle joint; with
reference to arm or leg means complete severance through or above the
elbow or knee joint; with reference to sight of an eye means the permanent
loss of vision in one eye; and with reference to thumb and index inger
means complete severance through or above the knuckle joints of the
thumb and index inger.
Loss” w
ith reference to speech means the permanent and irrecoverable
loss of the capability of speech without the aid of mechanical devices;
with reference to hearing means the permanent and irrecoverable loss of
hearing in both ears.
Paralysis” means complete and irreversible loss of all motion or
all practical use of an arm or leg provided the loss is continuous for
12consecutive months.
B. P
ermanent Total Disability and Coma Beneits
Loss Beneit Amount
Permanent Total Disability $500,000
Coma $500,000
i. Permanent Total Disability beneits are available only to You and Your
Spouse. Beneit amount (less any amount paid under Section6–
“Schedule of Beneits and Important Conditions” (A) and (B) is
payable if an Insured Person sustains Permanent Total Disability within
365days after the date of the accident and the Permanent Total
Disability continues for 12consecutive months.
ii. Coma beneits are available only to Your Dependent Child(ren). An
elimination period of 31days applies, which commences on the date
the Dependent Child(ren) enter into a Coma. Coma beneits are not
payable, nor do they accrue, during an elimination period. The Coma
beneit amount is payable monthly at a rate of 1% of the beneit
amount shown above until the earliest of: 1)the date the Dependent
Child dies; 2)the date the Dependent Child is no longer in a Coma; or
3)total payments equal the Coma beneit amount shown above. If the
Dependent Child dies as a result of the accident during the period for
which this Coma beneit is payable, we will pay a lump sum equal to
the Dependent Child’s loss of life beneit amount, less Coma beneit
amounts already paid.
C. Exposure and Disappearance
i. When by reason of an accident described in Section4– “Common
Carrier Accidental Coverage”, the Insured Person is unavoidably
exposed to the elements and as a result of such exposure suers a
Loss, the amount set out in the Schedule of Beneits shall be paid.
ii. If the Insured Person h
as not been found within 1year of the
disappearance, stranding, sinking, wrecking or breakdown of a
Common Carrier in which the Insured Person was covered as an
occupant, it will be assumed that the Insured Person has suered a
loss of life.
Section7– Special Beneits
a) Family Transportation Beneit
i. When an Insured Person is conined as an in-patient in a hospital due
to Accidental Bodily Injuries that result in a Loss, TDLife will pay for
the expenses incurred to transport an Immediate Family Member of
the Insured Person to the hospital. Such personal attendance must be
recommended by an attending physician, and such transportation
must be via Common Carrier on the most direct route available.
ii. When an Insured Person’s Loss of life results in a Loss of life beneit
amount being payable, TDLife will pay for the expenses incurred by
an Immediate Family Member of the Insured Person for transportation
to the place where the Insured Person’s body is located for the
purpose of identifying the Insured Person’s body. Such transportation
must be via Common Carrier on the most direct route available.
The maximum Family Transportation Beneit payable is $5,000 per
Insured Person who is hospitalized as described above.
b) Repatriation Beneit
When Accidental Bodily Injuries result in a Loss of life beneit amount
being payable, and the Loss of life occurs at least 100kilometres from
the Insured Person’s permanent city of residence, TDLife will pay for
the cost of preparation and transportation of Insured Person’s body to
such place of residence. The maximum Repatriation Beneit payable is
$10,000 per Loss of life.
c) Rehabilitation Beneit
When Accidental Bodily Injury results in a Loss, an additional amount will
be paid for covered Rehabilitation expenses. Covered expenses are the
reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred up to a maximum
of $10,000 for treatment by a therapist or coninement in an institution
of an Insured Person provided:
i. such treatment is required in order to retrain the Insured Person for
work in any gainful occupation, including the Insured Person’s regular
occupation; and
ii. expenses are incurred within 2years from the date of the accident.
No p
ayment will be made for ordinary living, travelling or clothing
Section8– Payment of Beneits
The Loss of life beneit of an Account Holder will be paid to the designated
beneiciary. This choice must be in writing and iled with Our Administrator.
All other beneit amounts for Losses suered by the Account Holder
are paid to the Account Holder. The Loss of life beneit of a Spouse or
Dependent Child will be paid to the Account Holder, if living, otherwise to
the designated beneiciary. This choice must be in writing and iled with
Our Administrator. All other beneit amounts for Losses suered by the
Spouse or Dependent Child are paid to the Spouse or Dependent Child,
except that any amount payable for Losses sustained by a minor will be
paid to the minor’s legal guardian. If the Insured Person has not chosen a
beneiciary, or if there is no beneiciary alive when the Insured Person dies,
TDLife will pay the beneit amount to the Account Holder’s estate.
Section9– Exclusions
This Policy does not cover Loss caused by or resulting from any of the
a) Loss occurring while the employee is in, entering or exiting any aircraft
while acting or training as a pilot or crew member.
b) Loss resulting from suicide, attempted suicide or Loss that is intentionally
c) Loss caused by bacterial infection except bacterial infection of an
Accidental Bodily Injury, or if death results from the accidental ingestion
of a substance contaminated by bacteria.
d) Loss caused by or resulting from:
an act of war, whether declared or undeclared; or
hostile or warlike action in time of peace or war; or
willing participation in a war, riot or civil unrest; or
rebellion; or
revolution; or
insurrection; or
any service in the armed forces while on duty.
We shall not provide any coverage or be liable to provide any indemnity
or payment or other beneit under this certiicate which would breach
economic, inancial, or trade sanctions imposed under the laws of
Canada, the European Union, the United Kingdom or any other applicable
Section10– How to Submit a Claim
IMPORTANT NOTE: You must report Your claim to Our Administrator within
30days after the date of the occurrence of commencement of any Loss
covered by this Certiicate or as soon as reasonably possible. You must
provide completed claim form with required supporting documentation to
Our Administrator as soon as possible, but no later than 90days after the
date of Loss.
Who to Contact to Submit a Claim
To submit a claim, please contact Our Administrator at 18663741129
(toll-free) from Canada or the U.S.; or +14169774425 (collect) from other
Complete the Required Form
1) Request the Form: To request a claim form, call Our Administrator at
18663721129 (toll-free) from 8a.m. to 8p.m.ET, Monday to Friday.
2) Time limit from date of event: If You are making a claim, You must report
Your claim to Our Administrator within 30days after the date of Loss. You
must send Our Administrator the appropriate claim forms, together with
written proof of Loss (e.g.,original invoices and tickets, medical and/or
death certiicates) as soon as possible, but no later than 90days after
the date of Loss. Failure to provide the applicable documentation may
invalidate Your claim.
Section11– When Your Coverage Terminates
The insurance coverage of any Insured Person shall terminate on the
earliest of the following:
a) the date the Policy is terminated;
b) the expiration of the Policy term for which premium has been paid;
c) the date the Account Holder’s Account is cancelled or their Account
privileges are terminated.
Section12– General Conditions
Conformance with Statutes
Any terms of this Policy which are in conlict with the applicable statutes,
laws or regulations of the province or territory in which this Policy is issued
are amended to conform to such statutes.
Group Policy
This Certiicate is a description of coverage provided by Policy #TGV009
issued to The Toronto-Dominion Bank. All terms and conditions of the Policy
govern. In no event does possession of multiple certiicates or TDCredit
Cards entitle an Insured Person to beneits in excess of those described
herein for any Loss sustained.
Legal Action Limitation Period
Every action or proceeding against the insurer for the recovery of
insurance money payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless
commenced within the time set out in the Insurance Act (for actions
or proceedings governed by the laws of Alberta or British Columbia),
The Insurance Act (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws of
Manitoba), the Limitations Act, 2002 (for actions or proceedings governed
by the laws of Ontario), or other applicable legislation. For actions or
proceedings governed by the laws of Quebec, the prescriptive period is set
out in the Civil Code of Quebec.
Physical Examination and Autopsy
Our Administrator h
as the right to have the Insured Person examined
by a physician approved by Our Administrator, as often as reasonably
necessary while a claim is pending. Our Administrator may also have an
autopsy done, unless prohibited by law. Any examinations or autopsies that
we require will be done at Our Administrator’s expense and by a physician.
Coverage under this Certiicate is provided by:
TDHome and Auto Insurance Company (“Insurer”)
P.O. Box 1, TDCentre, Toronto, ON M5K 1A2
Claims administration and adjudication services are provided by:
Global Excel Management Inc. (“Administrator”)
73 Queen Street, Sherbrooke, QC J1M0C9
Phone: 18663741129 or +14169774425
Section1– Introduction
Certiicate of Insurance
Claims administration and adjudication services are provided by Global
Excel Management Inc. The Certiicate applies to the TDFirstClass Travel
Visa Ininite Card, which will be referred to as a “TDCredit Card” or “Card”
throughout the Certiicate. TDHome and Auto Insurance Company
(“TDH&A”) provides the insurance for this Certiicate under Master Policy
#TDVB112008 (the “Policy”) issued to The Toronto-Dominion Bank. This
Certiicate contains a clause which may limit the amount payable.
Section2– Summary of Beneits
Beneits Maximum Beneit Payable
Delayed/Lost Baggage $1,000 per Covered Person per Trip
Section3– Eligibility
Covered Person as deined provided that:
Your Account privileges have not been terminated or suspended; and
Your Account is not more than 90days past due; and
Your TDCredit Card must be in Good Standing.
Section4– Deinitions
In this Certiicate, the following words and phrases shown in italics and
capitalized have the meanings shown below. As You read through the
Certiicate, You may need to refer to this Section to ensure You have a full
understanding of Your coverage, limitations and exclusions.
Account means the Primary Cardholder’s TDCredit Card Account that the
Bank maintains.
Account Holder m
eans the Primary Cardholder to whom the monthly
Account statement is issued and who is a resident of Canada, and any
Additional Cardholder who is a resident of Canada. The Account Holder
may be referred herein as “You” or “Your”.
Additional Cardholder means a person to whom a TDCredit Card has
been issued at the authorization of the Primary Cardholder.
Baggage Delay mean a Covered Person’s Checked Baggage is delayed
by more than 6hours from the Covered Person’s time of arrival at the Final
Bank means The Toronto-Dominion Bank.
Certiicate means this Certiicate of Insurance.
Checked Baggage means suitcases or other containers speciically
designated for carrying personal belongings, for which a baggage claim
check has been issued to the Covered Person by a Common Carrier.
Common Carrier means any land, air, or water conveyance, which is
licensed to carry passengers for compensation and which undertakes to
carry all persons indierently who may apply for passage, so long as there
is room, and there is no legal excuse for refusal.
Covered Person means the Account Holder, Account Holder’s Spouse or
Dependent Children whose name is on the Ticket, or, if no name is on the
Ticket, for whom a Ticket has been purchased.
Dependent Child(ren) mean(s) Your natural, adopted, or stepchildren
who are:
unmarried; and
dependent on You for inancial maintenance and support; and
under 21years of age; or
under 25years of age and attending an institution of higher
learning, full time, in Canada; or
permanently, mentally and physically challenged and incapable of
Essential Items m
ean essential clothing and toiletries that the Covered
Person was carrying in the baggage, which the Covered Person must
replace during the period of Baggage Delay.
Final Destination means the away-from-home ticketed destination for any
particular day of travel, as shown on Your Ticket.
Good Standing: An Account i
s in Good Standing if:
• the Primary Cardholder has applied for the Account;
• the Bank has approved and opened the Account;
• the Primary Cardholder has not advised the Bank to close the Account;
• the Bank has not suspended or revoked credit privileges or otherwise
closed the Account.
Primary Cardholder means a person who applied for a TDCredit Card,
whose name is on the Account and to whom a TDCredit Card has been
issued. A Primary Cardholder does not include an Additional Cardholder.
Spouse means:
the person who the Account Holder is legally married to; or
the person the Account Holder has lived with for at least 1continuous
year in the same household and publicly refers to as their partner.
TDRewards Points mean the rewards units earned for goods and
services charged to the Account through the TDTravel Rewards Program
associated to the Account.
Ticket means evidence of the fare paid for travel on a Common Carrier
and paid in full by (1)charge to Your Account, (2)by redemption of
TDRewards Points earned under Your TDTravel Rewards Program, or (3)by
a combination of (1) and (2).
Our means TDLife Insurance Company.
Section5– Description of Insurance Coverage
Delayed and Lost Baggage coverage provides beneits when baggage is
delayed, lost or stolen while with the Common Carrier.
A. Delayed Baggage
In the event of Baggage Delay, the Account Holder will be reimbursed for
the cost to replace Essential Items provided those purchases are made
before the baggage is returned to the Covered Person but in no event
more than 96hours after arriving at the Final Destination.
B. Lost Baggage
In the event the Common Carrier never locates the Covered Person’s
Checked Baggage, the Covered Person will be reimbursed for the portion
of the replacement cost of lost personal property that is not paid by the
Common Carrier or other insurance.
The total beneits payable in respect of sub-sections A and B are subject to
a m
aximum of $1,000 per Covered Person perTrip.
To activate coverage, use Your TDCredit Card to pay the full cost of the
Ticket. Coverage will be in force while baggage is in the custody of the
Common Carrier.
Section6– Limitations and Exclusions
No coverage is provided for: Losses occurring when the Checked
Baggage is delayed on a Covered Person’s return home to their province
or residence; expenses incurred more than 96hours after arriving at
the Final Destination shown on the Ticket; expenses incurred after the
Checked Baggage is returned to the Covered Person; losses caused by
or resulting from any criminal act by the Covered Person; baggage not
checked; baggage held, seized, quarantined or destroyed by customs or
government agency; money; securities; credit cards and other negotiable
instruments; Tickets and documents.
Section7– Termination of Coverage
Coverage terminates on the earliest of the following:
1. When Your Account is closed;
2. When Your Account is 90or more days past due, but coverage is
automatically reinstated when the Account is returned to Good Standing;
3. When the Policy is cancelled except that the Insurer will remain liable
for the claim if the event giving rise to the claim occurred prior to the
eective termination date and the claim is otherwise valid.
Section8– How to Submit A Claim
The Account Holder must furnish the Insurer with proof of claim. This shall
include a signed Loss report.
Who to Contact to Submit a Claim
a) Initial Notiication – If You have incurred a claim covered under the
Delayed/Lost Baggage Plan, You must give notice by contacting Our
Administrator within 45days from the date of the occurrence of the
Call 18663741129 (toll-free) from Canada or the U.S., or
+14169774425 (collect) from other countries between 8:00a.m. and
8:00p.m.ET, Monday to Friday.
The Covered Person will be asked to provide or, if writing, should provide:
the name, address, and telephone number;
the account number;
the date, time and place of the occurrence of the delay or Loss; and
the amount of the claim.
b) Written Proof – Complete the Required Form
Request the Form: To request a claim form, call Our Administrator at
18663741129 (toll-free) Canada or the U.S., or +14169774425
(collect) from other countries from 8a.m. to 8p.m.ET, Monday to
Time limit from date of event: If You are making a claim, You must
send Our Administrator the appropriate claim forms, together with
written proof of Loss (e.g.,original invoices and Tickets) as soon
as possible. In every case, You must submit Your completed claim
form with required documentation within 90days from the date of
occurrence of the delay or Loss. Failure to provide the applicable
documentation may invalidate Your claim.
Provide the information requested
The Loss report shall include but may not be limited to:
a copy of the Ticket;
a copy of the baggage claim Ticket;
a copy of the Account charge receipt or TDCredit Card statement for
the cost of the Ticket and/or proof of redemption;
a copy of a statement from Your homeowner’s or tenant’s insurance
carrier indicating the extent to which You have been reimbursed for
any items permanently lost with Your baggage;
itemized receipts for actual expenses incurred for essential clothing
nd toiletries;
a w
ritten statement from the Common Carrier conirming all of the
following speciics:
the date and time of delay or Loss;
the date and time that baggage was returned, or if not returned,
a statement of the amount of liability accepted by the Common
Carrier, if any;
the reason or circumstances surrounding the delay or Loss; and
any other information reasonably required by the Insurer.
What Claimant Can Expect from Insurer
Once We have approved the claim, We will notify You and payment
will be made within 60days after receipt of the required claim forms,
documentation and written proof of Loss. If the claim has been denied, We
will inform You of the claim denial reasons within 60days after receipt of
the required claim forms and written proof of Loss.
Section9– General Conditions
Conformance with Statutes
Any terms of this Policy which are in conlict with the applicable statutes,
laws or regulations of the province or territory in which this Policy is issued
are amended to conform to such statutes.
False Claim
If an Account Holder makes any claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in
any respect, such Account Holder shall no longer be entitled to the beneits
of this protection nor to the payment of any claim made under the Policy.
Legal Action Limitation Period
Every action or proceeding against the Insurer for the recovery of
insurance money payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless
commenced within the time set out in the Insurance Act (for actions
or proceedings governed by the laws of Alberta or British Columbia),
The Insurance Act (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws of
Manitoba), the Limitations Act, 2002 (for actions or proceedings governed
by the laws of Ontario), or other applicable legislation. For actions or
proceedings governed by the laws of Quebec, the prescriptive period is set
out in the Civil Code of Quebec.
Master Group Policy
This Certiicate is a description of coverage provided by Policy
#TDVB112008 issued to The Toronto-Dominion Bank. All terms and
conditions of the Policy govern. In no event does possession of multiple
certiicates or TDCredit Cards entitle a Covered Person to beneits in
excess of those described herein for any Loss sustained.
Other insurance
All of Our policies are excess insurance, meaning that any other sources
of recovery You have will pay irst, and this insurance policy will be the
last to pay. The total beneits payable under all Your insurance, including
this Certiicate, cannot be more than the actual expenses for a claim. If
a Covered Person is also insured under any other insurance certiicate or
policy, We will coordinate payment of beneits with the other insurer.
Subrogation with Respect to Lost Baggage
As a condition to the payment of any claim to an Account Holder under the
Certiicate, the Account Holder and/or any Covered Person shall, upon request,
transfer or assign to the Insurer all legal rights against all other parties
for the Loss. The Account Holder shall give the Insurer all such assistance
as the Insurer may reasonably require to secure its rights and remedies,
including the execution of all documents necessary to enable the Insurer to
bring suit in the name of the Account Holder and/or Covered Person.
Coverage under this Certiicate is provided by:
TDHome and Auto Insurance Company (“Insurer”)
P.O. Box 1, TDCentre, Toronto, ON M5K 1A2
Claims administration and adjudication services are provided by:
Global Excel Management Inc. (“Administrator”)
73 Queen Street, Sherbrooke, QC J1M0C9
Phone: 18663741129 or +14169774425
Section1– Introduction
Certiicate of Insurance
Claims administration and adjudication services are provided by Global
Excel Management Inc. The Certiicate below applies to the TDFirstClass
Travel Visa Ininite Card, which will be referred to as a “TDCredit Card”
throughout the Certiicate. TDHome and Auto Insurance Company
(“TDH&A”) provides the insurance for this Certiicate under Master
Policy #TGV010 (the “Policy”) issued to The Toronto-Dominion Bank. This
Certiicate contains a clause which may limit the amount payable.
How to contact Us:
You may contact Our Administrator by calling: 18663741129 (toll-free)
from Canada or the U.S., or +14169774425 (collect) from other countries.
Section2– Summary of Beneits
Up to $500 for reasonable expenses for meals and accommodation if your
light/trip is delayed for an eligible cause for 4hours or more.
Section3– Eligibility
The Insured Person is eligible to be insured under this Certiicate, if the
Primary Cardholder has not advised the Policyholder to close the Account
and/or the Policyholder has not suspended or revoked credit privileges or
otherwise closed the Account. The Account must be in Good Standing.
Section4– Deinitions
In this Certiicate, the following words and phrases shown in italics and
capitalized have the meanings shown below. As You read through the
Certiicate, You may need to refer to this Section to ensure You have a full
understanding of Your coverage, limitations and exclusions.
Account means the Primary Cardholder’s TDCredit Card Account that the
Bank maintains.
Account Holder means the Primary Cardholder to whom the monthly
Account statement is issued, and who is a resident of Canada and any
Additional Cardholder who is a resident of Canada. The Account Holder
may be referred to herein using “You” and “Your”.
Additional Cardholder means a person to whom a TDCredit Card has
been issued at the authorization of the Primary Cardholder.
Bank means The Toronto-Dominion Bank.
Certiicate means this Certiicate of Insurance.
Common Carrier means any licensed land, water or air conveyance
operated by those whose occupation or business is transportation of
persons or things without discrimination for hire. Common Carrier is
extended to include any Airline having a Charter Air Carrier’s Licence or its
equivalent, provided it maintains regularly scheduled lights and publishes
timetables and fares consistent with scheduled airline practices and
provided the aircraft is limited to ixed-wing turbo-prop or jet aircraft. Rafts,
amusement park rides, jet skis, balloons, ski lifts and hang-gliders are not
considered to be a Common Carrier.
Covered Trip means travel on a Common Carrier, the fare for which at
least 75% has been charged to Your Account and/or using Your
TD Rewards Points.
Dependent Children mean Your natural, adopted, or stepchildren who are:
unmarried; and
dependent on You for inancial maintenance and support; and
under 22years of age; or
under 26years of age and attending an institution of higher
learning, full time, in Canada; or
mentally or physically handicapped.
Note: A Dependent Child do
es not include a child born while the child’s
mother is outside her province or territory of residence during the Covered
Trip. The child will not be insured with respect to that trip.
Good Standing means:
• the Primary Cardholder has applied for the Account;
• the Bank has approved and opened the Account;
• the Primary Cardholder has not advised the Bank to close the Account;
• the Bank has not suspended or revoked credit privileges or otherwise
closed the Account.
Insured Person means the Account Holder, as well as the Account Holder’s
Spouse and Dependent Children whose name is on a Common Carrier ticket.
Primary Cardholder means a person who applied for a TDCredit Card, whose
name is on the Account and to whom a TDCredit Card has been issued.
Spouse means:
the person who the Account Holder is legally married to; or
the person the Account Holder has lived with for at least 1 continuous
year in the same household and publicly refers to as their partner.
TD Rewards Points mean the rewards units earned for goods and services
charged to the Account through the TD Rewards Program associated to the
We, Us and Our mean TDHome and Auto Insurance Company and/or
Section5– Description of Insurance Coverage
In the event that a departure of a Common Carrier on a Covered Trip
on which the Insured Person had arranged to travel is delayed for
4hours from the time speciied in the itinerary supplied to the Insured
Person, We will pay up to $500 for reasonable expenses for meals
and accommodation while delayed and reasonable additional ground
transportation expenses. Beneits payable are subject to the following:
1. Delay of a Common Carrier is caused by inclement weather, which
means any severe weather condition that delays the scheduled arrival or
departure of a Common Carrier; or
2. Delay caused by equipment failure of a Common Carrier, which means
any sudden, unforeseen breakdown in the Common Carrier’s equipment
that delays the scheduled arrival or departure of a Common Carrier; or
3. Delay due to an unforeseen strike or other job action by employees of a
mmon Carrier, which means any labour disagreement that delays the
scheduled arrival or departure of a Common Carrier.
This coverage for Flight/Trip Delay does not include any loss caused
irectly and/or indirectly due to:
1. An event which was made public or known to the Insured Person prior to
the date the trip was booked;
2. Laws, regulations or orders issued or made by any government or Public
3. Strikes or labour disputes that existed or of which advanced warning
had been given prior to the date the Covered Trip was booked;
4. Cancellation due to the withdrawal from service temporarily or
permanently of any Common Carrier on the orders or recommendations
of any Port Authority or the Aviation Agency of any similar body in any
country; or
5. A bomb search or bomb threat.
The Flight/Trip Delay beneit is excess over any other insurance or
indemnity (including any reimbursements by the Common Carrier)
available to the Insured Person.
Section6– When Your Coverage Terminates
Your Coverage Terminates when:
Coverage for the Primary Cardholder under this Certiicate will terminate
on the earliest of the following dates:
the date the Account is cancelled, closed or otherwise ceases to be in
Good Standing;
the date You cease to be eligible for coverage; and
the date the Group Policy terminates.
Coverage for an Insured Person other than the Primary Cardholder under
this Certiicate will terminate on the earliest of the following dates:
the date coverage terminates for the Primary Cardholder; and
the date the Insured Person ceases to be eligible for coverage.
No beneits will be paid under this Certiicate for losses incurred after
coverage has terminated.
Section7– How to Submit a Claim
If You have incurred a claim covered under the Flight/Trip Delay Insurance
Certiicate, You must give notice by contacting Our Administrator within
45days from the date of the delay.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You must provide completed claim form with required
supporting documentation, including the Loss Report, to Our Administrator
as soon as possible, but no later than 90days from the date of occurrence
of the delay.
The Loss Report shall include but may not be limited to:
a copy of the Common Carrier ticket;
a copy of the Account charge receipt or TDCredit Card statement for
the cost of the Common Carrier and/or proof of redemption;
itemized receipts for actual expenses incurred for essential items and
other expenses incurred as a result of Your Flight/Trip Delay;
a written statement from the Common Carrier conirming the date and
time of the Common Carrier delay;
the reason or circumstances surrounding the delay; and
any other information reasonably required by Our Administrator.
Who to Contact to Submit a Claim:
A claim should always be reported within 45days. You can get
help 24hours a day, 7days a week by calling Our Administrator at
18663741129 (toll-free) from Canada or the U.S., or +14169774425
(collect) from other countries.
Complete the Required Form
a) Request the Form: To request a claim form, call Our Administrator at
18663741129(toll-free) or +14169774425(collect) from 8a.m. to
8p.m.ET, Monday to Friday.
b) Time limit from date of event: If You are making a claim, You must send
Our Administrator the appropriate claim forms, together with written
proof of loss (e.g.,original invoices and tickets) as soon as possible. In
every case, You must submit Your completed claim form with required
documentation within 90days from the date of the accident or the date
the claim arises. Failure to provide the applicable documentation may
invalidate Your claim.
What Claimant Can Expect from Insurer
Once We h
ave approved the claim, We will notify You and payment
will be made within 60days after receipt of the required claim forms,
documentation and written proof of loss. If the claim has been denied, We
will inform You of the claim denial reasons within 60days after receipt of
the required claim forms and written proof of loss.
Section8– General Conditions
False Claim
If You or an Insured Person make a claim knowing it to be false or
fraudulent in any respect, neither You nor the Insured Person will be entitled
to the beneits of this coverage, nor to the payment of any claim under the
Group Policy.
Group Policy
All beneits under this Certiicate are subject in every respect to the Group
Policy, which alone constitutes the agreement under which beneits will be
provided. This Group Policy is issued to the Bank. The principal provisions
of the Group Policy aecting Insured Persons are summarized in this
Certiicate. The Group Policy is on ile at the oice of the Bank. In no event
does possession of multiple certiicates or TDCredit Cards entitle an
Insured Person to beneits in excess of those described herein.
Legal Action Limitation Period
Every action or proceeding against the Insurer for the recovery of
insurance money payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless
commenced within the time set out in the Insurance Act (for actions
or proceedings governed by the laws of Alberta or British Columbia),
The Insurance Act (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws of
Manitoba), the Limitations Act, 2002 (for actions or proceedings governed
by the laws of Ontario), or other applicable legislation. For actions or
proceedings governed by the laws of Quebec, the prescriptive period is set
out in the Civil Code of Quebec.
Other Insurance
All of Our coverages are excess insurance, meaning that any other sources
of recovery You have will pay irst, and this insurance policy will be the
last to pay. The total beneits payable under all Your insurance, including
this Certiicate, cannot be more than the actual expenses for a claim. If
an Insured Person is also insured under any other insurance certiicate or
policy, We will coordinate payment of beneits with the other insurer.
Right of Subrogation
here may be circumstances where another person or entity should have
paid You for a loss but instead We paid You for the loss. If this occurs, You
agree to co-operate with Us so We may demand payment from the person
or entity who should have paid You for the loss.
This may include:
transferring to Us the debt or obligation owing to You from the other
person or entity; or
• permitting Us to bring a lawsuit in Your name; or
• if You receive funds from the other person or entity, You will hold it in
trust for Us; or
acting so as not to prejudice any of Our rights to collect payment from
the other person or entity.
We w
ill pay the costs for the actions We take.
Coverage under this Certiicate is provided by:
TDHome and Auto Insurance Company (“Insurer”)
P.O. Box 1, TDCentre, Toronto, ON M5K1A2
Claims administration and adjudication services are provided by:
Global Excel Management Inc. (“Administrator”)
73 Queen Street, Sherbrooke, QC J1M0C9
Phone: 18663741129 or +14169774425
Please note that in Alberta and British Columbia, Statutory Conditions
are deemed to be part of every contract that includes insurance against
loss or damage to property and said Statutory Conditions are included in
Section1– Introduction
Certiicate of Insurance
The Certiicate below applies to the TDFirstClass Travel Visa Ininite Card,
which will be referred to as a “TDCredit Card” throughout the Certiicate.
Please read this Certiicate carefully. It outlines what Collision/Loss
Damage Insurance is and what is covered along with the conditions under
which a payment will be made when You rent and operate a rental vehicle
but do not accept the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) or its equivalent
oered by the Rental Agency. It also provides instructions on how to make
a claim. This Certiicate should be kept in a safe place and carried with You
when You travel.
TDHome and Auto Insurance Company (referred to in this Certiicate
as the “Insurer”), provides the insurance for this Certiicate under
Policy TDV092010 (referred to in this Certiicate as the “Policy”). Our
Administrator administers the insurance on behalf of TDHome and Auto
Insurance Company, and provides claims assistance, claims payment and
administrative services under the Group Policy.
This Certiicate is not a contract of insurance. It contains only a summary
of the principal provisions of the Policy.
All beneits are subject in every respect to the Policy which alone
constitutes the Agreement under which payments are made. This
Certiicate contains a clause which may limit the amount payable.
This coverage may be cancelled, changed or modiied at the option of the
card issuer or the Insurer Company with at least 30days written notice to
the Primary Cardholder.
How to contact Us
u may contact our Administrator by calling: 18663741129 (toll-free)
from Canada or the U.S. or +14169774425 (collect) from other countries.
Section2– Eligibility
Who is Eligible for Coverage?
Insured Persons as deined provided that:
1. Your Card Account privileges have not been terminated or suspended;
2. Your Card Account is not more than 90days past due.
Coverage Activation
For coverage to be in eect, You must:
1. Use Your TDCredit Card to pay for the entire rental from a Rental Agency.
2. Decline the Rental Agency’s CDW option or similar coverage oered
by the Rental Agency on the rental contract. If there is no space on
the vehicle rental contract for You to indicate that You have declined
the coverage, then indicate in writing on the contract “I decline CDW
provided by this merchant”.
Rental vehicles which are part of prepaid travel packages are also
covered if the total package was paid by Your TDCredit Card.
You are covered if You receive a “free rental” as a result of a promotion
where You have had to make previous vehicle rentals and if each such
previous rental was entirely paid for with Your TDCreditCard.
You are covered if You receive a “free rental” day(s) as a result of the
TDTravel Rewards Program for the number of days of free rental (or
similar TDCredit Card program). If the free rental day(s) are combined
with rental days for which You pay the negotiated rate, this entire
balance must be paid by Your TDCreditCard.
You are covered if TDRewards Points are used to obtain the rental. If
partial payment is paid using Your TDRewards Points, the remaining
balance of that rental must be paid using Your TDCreditCard in order
to be covered.
TD Rewards Points or any other Frequent Flyer Plan Rewards Units
Under no circumstances will any beneit be payable in connection with the
value of TDRewards Points or frequent lyer plan rewards units that have
been lost or wasted.
Section3– Deinitions
In this Certiicate, the following words and phrases shown in italics and
capitalized have the meanings shown below. As You read through the
Certiicate, You may need to refer to this Section to ensure You have a full
understanding of Your coverage, limitations and exclusions.
Account means the Primary Cardholder’s TDCredit Card Account that the
Bank maintains.
Account Holder means the Primary Cardholder to whom the monthly
Account statement is issued and who is a resident of Canada, and any
Additional Cardholder who is a resident of Canada. The Account Holder
may be referred herein as “You” or “Your”.
Additional Cardholder means a person to whom a TDCredit Card has
been issued at the authorization of the Primary Cardholder.
Bank means The Toronto-Dominion Bank.
Car Sharing means a car rental club which gives its members 24-hour
access to a leet of cars parked in a convenient location.
Certiicate means this Certiicate of Insurance.
Good Standing means:
• the Primary Cardholder has applied for the Account;
• the Bank has approved and opened the Account;
• the Primary Cardholder has not advised the Bank to close the Account;
• the Bank has not suspended or revoked credit privileges or otherwise
closed the Account.
Insured Person means:
1. You the Account Holder who presents themselves in person at the Rental
Agency, signs the rental contract, declines the Rental Agency’s Collision
Damage Waiver (CDW) or its equivalent and takes possession of the
rental vehicle and who complies with the terms of this Policy.
2. Any other person who drives the same rental vehicle with Your
permission whether or not such person has been listed on the rental
vehicle contract or has been identiied to the Rental Agency at the time
of making the rental, however, You and all drivers must otherwise qualify
under and follow the terms of the rental contract and must be legally
licensed and permitted to drive the rental vehicle under the laws of the
jurisdiction in which the rental vehicle shall be used.
Important: Check with Your p
ersonal automobile insurer and the Rental
Agency to ensure that You and all other drivers have adequate third-party
liability, personal injury and damage to property coverage. This policy only
covers loss or damage to the rental vehicle as stipulated herein.
Loss of Use means the amount paid to a Rental Agency t
o compensate it
when a rental vehicle is unavailable for rental while undergoing repairs for
damage incurred during the rental period.
Primary Cardholder means a person who has applied for a TDCredit
Card, whose name is on the Account and to whom a TDCredit Card has
been issued.
Rental Agency means an auto Rental Agency licensed to rent vehicles and
which provides a rental agreement. Throughout this Certiicate the terms
‘rental company’ and ‘rental agency’ refer to both traditional auto rental
agencies and Car Sharing Programs.
Rental Agencys CDW means an optional Collision Damage Waiver (CDW)
or similar coverage oered by car rental companies that relieves renters of
inancial responsibility if the car is damaged or stolen while under rental
contract. Rental Agency’s CDW is not insurance.
Tax-free Car means a tax-free car package that provides tourists with a
short-term (17days to 6months), tax-free vehicle lease agreement with a
guaranteed buyback. The Collision/Loss Damage Insurance program will
not provide coverage for Tax-free Cars.
TDRewards Points mean the rewards units earned for goods and
services charged to the Account through the TDTravel Rewards Program
associated to the Account.
Section4– Description of Insurance Coverage
Collision/Loss Damage Insurance at a Glance
Only the Cardholder may rent a vehicle and decline the Rental
Agency’s CDW or an equivalent coverage oering. This coverage
applies only to the Insured Person’s personal and business use of the
rental vehicle.
Your TDCredit Card must be in good standing.
You must initiate and complete the entire rental transaction with the
same TDCreditCard.
The full cost of the rental must be charged to Your TDCredit Card to
activate coverage.
Coverage is limited to one rental vehicle at a time, i.e.,if during the
same period there is more than one vehicle rented by the Cardholder,
only the irst rental will be eligible for these beneits.
The length of time You rent the same vehicle or vehicles must not
exceed 48consecutive days, which follow one immediately after the
other. In order to break the consecutive day cycle, a full calendar
day must exist between rental periods. If the rental period exceeds
48consecutive days, coverage will not be provided from the irst
day onwards, e.g.,coverage will not be provided for either the irst
48consecutive days or any subsequent days. Coverage may not
e extended for more than 48days by renewing or taking out a new
rental agreement with the same or another Rental Agency for the
same vehicle or another vehicle.
Coverage is limited to loss/damage to, or theft of a rental vehicle
only up to the rental vehicles actual cash value plus valid Loss of Use
• The Cardholder must decline on the rental contract the CDW option
or its equivalent oered by the Rental Agency. (The Collision/Loss
Damage Insurance coverage does not pay for the premium charged
by the Rental Agency for the CDW oered by the Rental Agency.)
Most vehicles are covered by the Policy. (A list of vehicles excluded
from this coverage is outlined in the subsection “Types of Vehicles
Collision/Loss Damage (CLD) Insurance provides coverage when You
use Your TDCredit Card to pay for the full cost of a rental vehicle and
decline the CDW (or an equivalent coverage) oered by the Rental
Agency. There is no additional charge for the CLD Insurance. The
coverage compensates You or a Rental Agency for loss/damages up
to the actual cash value of the rented vehicle and valid Rental Agency
Loss of Use charges when the conditions described below are met.
Coverage is available except where prohibited by law.
Claims must be reported within 48hours of the damage/loss
occurring by calling 18663741129 (toll-free) from Canada or the
U.S., or +14169774425 (collect) from other countries.
CLD Insurance is primary insurance (except for losses that may be
waived or assumed by the Rental Agency or their insurer, and in such
circumstances where local government insurance legislation states
otherwise) which pays the amount for which You are liable to the Rental
Agency up to the actual cash value of the damaged or stolen rental
vehicle as well as valid Loss of Use charges resulting from damage or theft
occurring while You are the renter of the rental vehicle.
The length of time You rent the same vehicle or vehicles must not exceed
48consecutive days. If You rent the same vehicle or vehicles for more than
48consecutive days, no coverage is provided for any part of your rental
Where Coverage is Available
This coverage is available on a 24-hour basis unless precluded by law
or the coverage is in violation of the terms of the rental contract in the
jurisdiction in which it was formed (other than described in Section5–
“Limitations and Exclusions”, under #7). (See Section9– “H
elpful Hints” for
tips on locations where use of this coverage may be challenged and what
to do when a Rental Agency makes the rental or return of a vehicle diicult.)
Types of Vehicles Covered
The types of rental vehicles covered include:
All cars, sport utility vehicles, and Mini-Vans (deined as vans made by
an automobile manufacturer and classiied by the manufacturer or a
government authority as Mini-Vans made to transport a maximum of
8people including the driver and which are used exclusively for the
transportation of passengers and their luggage) except those excluded
Section5– Limitations and Exclusions
Collision/Loss Damage (CLD) Insurance does NOT include loss arising
directly or indirectly from:
1. a replacement vehicle for which Your personal automobile insurance
is covering all or part of the cost of the rental;
2. third party liability;
3. personal injury or damage to property, except the rental vehicle itself
or its equipment;
4. the operation of the rental vehicle at any time during which any
Insured Person is driving while intoxicated or under the inluence of
any narcotic;
5. any dishonest, fraudulent or criminal act committed by any Insured
6. wear and tear, gradual deterioration, or mechanical or electrical
breakdown or failure, inherent vice or damage, insects or vermin;
7. operation of the rental vehicle in violation of the terms of the rental
agreement except:
a) Insured Persons as deined, may operate the rental vehicle;
b) the rental vehicle may be driven on publicly maintained gravel
c) the rental vehicle may be driven across provincial and state
boundaries in Canada and the U.S. and between Canada and
NOTE: It must be noted that loss/damage arising while the vehicle is
being operated, as described in #7, is covered by this insurance. However,
the Rental Agency’s third-party insurance will not be in force and, as
such, You must ensure that You are adequately insured privately for
8. s
eizure or destruction under a quarantine or customs regulations or
coniscated by order of any government or public authority;
9. transportation of contraband or illegal trade;
10. war; or civil unrest; or an act of war, whether declared or undeclared;
or hostile or warlike action in time of peace or war; or willing
participation in a riot or civil unrest; or rebellion; or revolution; or
insurrection; or any service in the armed forces while on duty;
11. transportation of property or passengers for hire;
12. nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation, or radioactive contamination;
13. intentional damage to the rental vehicle by an Insured Person.
Vehicles that are NOT covered are:
1. vans, cargo vans or mini cargo vans (other than mini-vans as
described above);
2. trucks, pick-up trucks or any vehicle that can be spontaneously
reconigured into a pick-up truck;
3. limousines;
4. o-road vehicles– meaning any vehicle used on roads that are not
publicly maintained roads unless used to ingress and egress private
5. motorcycles, mopeds or motor bikes;
6. trailers, campers, recreational vehicles or vehicles not licensed for
road use;
7. vehicles towing or propelling trailers or any other object;
8. mini-buses or buses;
9. any vehicle with a Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP),
excluding all taxes, over sixty-ive thousand dollars ($65,000)
Canadian, at the time and place of loss;
10. exotic vehicles, meaning vehicles such as Aston Martin, Bentley,
Bricklin, Daimler, DeLorean, Excalibur, Ferrari, Jensen, Lamborghini,
Lotus, Maserati, Porsche, Rolls Royce;
11. any vehicle which is either wholly or in part hand made, hand inished
or has a limited production of under 2,500 vehicles per year;
12. antique vehicles, meaning a vehicle over 20years old or which has
not been manufactured for 10years or more;
13. Tax-free Cars.
Luxury vehicles such as BMW, Cadillac, Lincoln and Mercedes Benz are
overed as long as they meet the above requirements.
Section6– When Coverage Terminates
There is NO Coverage when:
1. The Rental Agency reassumes control of the rental vehicle.
2. This Policy is cancelled.
3. Your rental period is more than 48consecutive days, or Your rental
period is extended for more than 48consecutive days by renewing or
taking out a new rental agreement with the same or another Rental
Agency for the same vehicle or other vehicles.
4. Your TDCredit Card is cancelled or Card privileges are otherwise
Section7– In the event of an Accident/Theft
Within 48hours, call Our Administrator at 18663741129 (toll-free)
from Canada or the U.S., or +14169774425 (collect) from other
countries. Our Administrator’s representative will answer Your
questions and send You a claim form.
Decide with the rental agent which one of You will make the claim.
If the rental agent decides to settle the claim directly, complete the
accident report claim form and assign the right for the Rental Agency to
make the claim on Your behalf on the claim form or other authorized forms.
It is important to note that You remain responsible for the damage/loss and
that You may be contacted in the future to answer inquiries resulting from
the claims process. The rental agent may fax the required documentation
to +18195692814 (toll-free).
Original documentation may also be required in some instances. (If You
have any questions, are having any diiculties, or would like the claims
Administrator to be involved immediately, call the number provided above).
• If You will be making the claim, You must call the claims Administrator
within 48hours of the damage/theft having occurred. Your claim
must be submitted with as much documentation, as requested by Our
Administrator below, within 45days of discovering the loss/damage.
You will need to provide all documentation within 90days of the date
of damage or theft to the claims Administrator.
The following claim documentation is required:
the claim form, completed and signed;
Your sales draft showing that the rental was paid in full with the
TDCredit Card and/or proof of redemption;
the original copy of the vehicle rental agreement;
the accident or damage report, if available;
the itemized repair bill, or if not available, a copy of the estimate;
he receipt for paid repairs;
the police report, when available;
a copy of Your billing or pre-billing statement if any repair charges
were billed to Your Account;
Under normal circumstances, the claim will be paid within
15days after the claims Administrator has received all necessary
documentation. If the claim cannot be assessed on the basis of the
information that has been provided, it will be closed.
After Our Administrator has paid Your claim, Your rights and recoveries
will be transferred to the Insurer to the extent of Our Administrator’s
payment for the loss/damage incurred when the rental vehicle was
Your responsibility. This means the Insurer will then be entitled, at its
own expense, to sue in Your name. If the Insurer chooses to sue another
party in Your name, You must give the Insurer all the assistance they may
reasonably require to secure its rights and remedies. This may include
providing Your signature on all necessary documents that enable the
Insurer to sue in Your name.
Once You report damage, loss or theft, a claim ile will be opened and will
remain open for 6months from the date of the damage or theft.
Payment will only be made on a claim or any part of a claim that is
completely substantiated as required by the claims Administrator within
6months of the date of loss/damage.
You should use due diligence and do all things necessary to avoid or
reduce any loss or damage to property protected by this Collision/Loss
Damage Insurance. If You make a claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent
in any respect, You will not be entitled to the beneits of this protection, nor
to the payment of any claim made under this Policy.
Section8– General Conditions
Legal Action Limitation Period
Every action or proceeding against the insurer for the recovery of
insurance money payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless
commenced within the time set out in the Insurance Act (for actions
or proceedings governed by the laws of Alberta or British Columbia),
The Insurance Act (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws of
Manitoba), the Limitations Act, 2002 (for actions or proceedings governed
by the laws of Ontario), or other applicable legislation. For actions or
proceedings governed by the laws of Quebec, the prescriptive period is set
out in the Civil Code of Quebec.
Section9– Helpful Hints
Before You rent a vehicle, ind out if You are required to provide a deposit
if You wish to decline the Rental Agency’s CDW. If possible, select a Rental
Agency which provides an excellent rate AND allows You to decline the
CDW without having to make a deposit.
Rental Agencies in some countries may resist Your declining their CDW
coverage. These Rental Agencies may try to encourage You to take their
coverage or to provide a deposit. If You experience diiculty using Your
CLD Insurance coverage, please call 18663741129 (toll-free) from
Canada or the U.S., or +14169774425 (collect) from other countries and
the name of the Rental Agency involved;
• the Rental Agency’s address;
the date of the rental;
the name of the Rental Agency representative with whom You spoke,
and Your rental contract number.
The Rental Agency will then be contacted and acquainted with the CLD
Insurance coverage.
In certain locations, the law requires that Rental Agencies provide Collision
Damage Coverage in the price of the vehicle rental. In these locations (and
in Costa Rica or elsewhere where Cardholders may be required to accept
CDW), the CLD Insurance will provide coverage for any required deductible
provided that all the procedures outlined in the Certiicate are followed
and the Rental Agency’s Deductible Waiver has been declined on the rental
You will not be compensated for any payment You may have made to
obtain the Rental Agency’s CDW.
Check the rental vehicle carefully for scratches or dents before and after
u drive the vehicle. Be sure to point out where the scratches or dents are
located to a Rental Agency representative.
If the vehicle has sustained damage of any kind, immediately phone one
of the numbers provided and do not sign a blank sales draft to cover the
damage and Loss of Use charges or, a sales draft with an estimated cost
of repair and Loss of Use charges. The rental agent may make a claim
on Your behalf to recover repair and Loss of Use charges by following the
procedures outlined in Section7– “In the Event of an Accident/Theft”.
Coverage under this Certiicate is provided by:
TDHome and Auto Insurance Company (“Insurer”)
P.O. Box 1, TDCentre, Toronto, ON M5K1A2
Claims administration and adjudication services are provided by:
Global Excel Management Inc. (“Administrator”)
73 Queen Street, Sherbrooke, QC J1M0C9
Phone: 18663741129 or +14169774425
Section1– Introduction
Certiicate of Insurance
The Certiicate of Insurance (“Certiicate”) below applies to the
TDFirstClass Travel Visa Ininite Card, which will be referred to as a
“TDCredit Card” throughout the Certiicate. Note: This insurance is excess
insurance, meaning that any other sources of recovery You have will pay
irst, and this insurance policy will be the last to pay. For example, if Youre
covered under home insurance, You will be eligible for the amount of the
deductible under this Certiicate.
Claims administration and adjudication services are provided by Global
Excel Management Inc. The terms of the TDCredit Card Purchase Security
and Extended Warranty Protection Group Policy #TDVP112008 (“Group
Policy”) issued by TDHome and Auto Insurance Company (“Insurer”) to
The Toronto-Dominion Bank are described in this Certiicate. Please note
that in Alberta, Statutory Conditions are deemed to be part of every
contract that includes insurance against loss or damage to property and
said Statutory Conditions are included in the Group Policy.
Section2– Deinitions
In this Certiicate, the following words and phrases shown in italics and
capitalized have the meanings shown below. As You read through the
Certiicate, You may need to refer to this Section to ensure You have a full
understanding of Your coverage, limitations and exclusions.
Account means the Primary Cardholder’s TDCredit Card Account that the
Bank maintains.
Account Holder means the Primary Cardholder to whom the monthly
Account statement is issued and who is a resident of Canada, and any
Additional Cardholder who is a resident of Canada. The Account Holder
may be referred herein as “You” or “Your”.
Additional Cardholder means a person to whom a TDCredit Card has
been issued at the authorization of the Primary Cardholder.
Insured Item me
ans a new item of personal property (a pair or set being
one item) for personal use for which the full Purchase Price has been
charged to the Account of the Account Holder.
Manufacturer’s Warranty means an express written warranty issued by or
on behalf of the manufacturer of the Insured Item at the point of sale at the
time of purchase of an Insured Item. The Manufacturer’s Warranty must be
valid in Canada.
Primary Cardholder means a person who applied for a TDCredit Card,
whose name is on the Account and to whom a TDCredit Card has been
issued. A Primary Cardholder does not include an Additional Cardholder.
Purchase Price means the actual cost to the Account Holder of the Insured
Item, including any applicable sales tax.
Spouse means:
the person who the Account Holder is legally married to; or
the person the Account Holder has lived with for at least 1continuous
year in the same household and publicly refers to as their partner.
Section3– Description of Insurance Coverage
a) Purchase Security
Purchase Security automatically protects most Insured Items purchased
with the TDCredit Card for 90days from purchase for all risk of direct
physical loss or damage, except as herein provided, anywhere in the
world, in excess of other applicable insurance. If the item is lost, stolen
or damaged, it will be replaced or repaired, or the Account Holder will be
reimbursed for the Purchase Price.
b) Extended Warranty Protection
(i) Extended Warranty Protection automatically provides extended
warranty coverage for Insured Items, such coverage to commence
immediately following the expiry of the applicable Manufacturer’s
Warranty for a period equal to the period of the Manufacturer’s
Warranty coverage or 1year, whichever is the lesser on most items
purchased with the TDCredit Card as long as there is a Manufacturer’s
Warranty valid in Canada (automatic coverage is limited to warranties
5years or less). Manufacturer’s Warranties greater than 5years are
covered if registered with the Administrator within the irst year after
purchase of the item.
(ii) To register an Insured Item with a warranty greater than 5years for
Extended Warranty Protection, the Account Holder must contact the
Administrator and provide:
a copy of the sales receipt;
the Credit Card record of charge or Credit Card statement;
the serial number of the item, if available;
e original Manufacturer’s Warranty valid in Canada; and
a description of the product.
Section4– Policy Limits
There is a maximum aggregate lifetime beneit per Account Holder of
$60,000 for all TDCredit Cards of the Account Holder. The Account Holder
will be entitled to receive no more than the full Purchase Price of the Insured
Item as recorded on the Account receipt or Account statement. Claims for
items belonging to a pair or set will be paid for at the Purchase Price of the
pair or set provided the parts of the pair or set are unusable individually
and cannot be replaced individually. The Administrator, at its sole option,
may elect to:
a) Repair, rebuild or replace the item lost or damaged (whether wholly or in
part), upon notifying the Account Holder of its intention to do so within
45days following receipt of the required Loss Report; or
b) Pay cash for said item, not exceeding the full Purchase Price thereof
paid using the Account and subject to the exclusions, terms and limits of
liability as stated in this Certiicate.
Section5– Exclusions
Any loss or damage of any aspect of any product, device, or equipment to
function properly as caused by any change in date will be excluded. This
exclusion applies to Purchase Security and to Extended Warranty Protection.
Purchase Security
(a) Coverage is not extended to loss or damage to the following:
1. cash or its equivalent, travellers cheques, tickets and any
negotiable instruments;
2. art objects, bullion, rare or precious coins;
3. perishables, animals or living plants;
4. jewellery and watches in baggage unless carried by hand and
under the personal supervision of the Account Holder or Account
Holder’s travelling companion previously known to the Account
5. automobiles, motorboats, aircrafts, motorcycles, drones, motor
scooters and other motorized vehicles, parts and accessories
6. ancillary costs incurred in respect of an Insured Item and not
forming part of the Purchase Price;
7. parts and/or labour required as a result of mechanical breakdown;
8. used and pre-owned items, including antiques and demos;
9. any item purchased by and/or used for a business or commercial
10. items consumed in use; and
11. services.
(b) Loss or damage resulting from the following perils are excluded from
1. abuse or fraud;
2. lood or earthquake;
3. war, invasion, hostilities, rebellion, insurrection, terrorism,
coniscation by authorities, contraband or illegal activity;
4. normal wear and tear;
5. mysterious disappearance (used herein to mean disappearance
in an unexplained manner marked by an absence of evidence of
the wrongful act of another);
6. radioactive contamination;
7. inherent product defects;
8. normal course of play; or
9. willful acts or omissions; and
10. indirect, incidental or consequential damages, including bodily
injury, property damage, economic loss, punitive or exemplary
damages and legal costs are not covered.
Extended Warranty Protection
In addition to any exclusions which may be set out in the Manufacturer’s
Warranty, this Certiicate does not cover:
1. wear and tear, gradual reduction in operating performance, negligence,
misuse and abuse;
2. automobiles, motor boats, aircraft, motorcycles, drones, motor scooters
and other motorized vehicles and parts and accessories thereof;
3. willful acts or omissions and improper installation or alteration;
4. ancillary costs;
5. used or pre-owned items, including demos;
6. any item purchased by and/or used for a business or commercial
purpose; and
7. consequential damages, including bodily injury, property damages,
economic loss, punitive or exemplary damages and legal costs are not
8. inherent product defects.
Section6– How to Submit a Claim
Who to Contact to Submit a Claim
To submit a claim, please contact Our Administrator at 18663741129
(toll-free) or +14169774425 (collect) between 8:00a.m. and
8:00p.m.ET, Monday to Friday.
Provide the Information requested:
(a) Initial Notiication
If You have incurred a loss covered under the Purchase Security or
Extended Warranty Protection, You must give notice by contacting the
Administrator within 45days from the date of loss or damage.
The Account Holder will be asked to provide or, if writing, should
the name, address and telephone number;
• the Account number used to purchase the Insured Item;
a description of the Insured Item; and
the date, place, amount and cause of the loss or damage.
(b) Written Proof
(i) Purchase Security
A Loss Report will be mailed by the Administrator. Complete in full,
sign and return within 90days from the date of loss or damage. The
Loss Report shall include but may not be limited to:
a copy of the Account charge receipt and/or Account
a copy of the store receipt;
the serial number of the Insured Item (where applicable); and
any other information reasonably required by the Administrator
such as a police or insurance claim report.
(ii) Extended Warranty Protection
You must report the claim information as detailed above prior to
proceeding with the repair or replacement. The Administrator will:
1. Authorize the repair, if appropriate; and
2. Ask the Account Holder to:
return the Insured Item to the manufacturer’s service dealer as
speciied on the Manufacturer’s Warranty;
have the authorized dealer contact the Insurer; and
if repairable, pay for the repair and submit:
a c
opy of the Account charge receipt and/or Account
a copy of the paid repair invoice;
a copy of the store receipt;
the serial number of the Insured Item; and
a copy of the Manufacturer’s Warranty.
In the event that the damaged Insured Item is not repairable, submit
all applicable information to the Administrator as outlined above. The
Administrator may require the Account Holder, at the Account Holder’s
expense, to send the damaged Insured Item to an address designated by
the Administrator.
If the claim is made in respect of an Insured Item which is a gift, the claim
may be made by the Account Holder or the recipient of the gift subject to
compliance with the terms and conditions of the Certiicate.
Section7– When Your Coverage Terminates
This coverage terminates on the earliest of the following:
a) When Your Account is closed;
b) When Your Account is 90 or more days past due but coverage is
automatically reinstated when the Account is returned to good
standing; and
c) The date the Group Policy terminates.
Section8– General Conditions
Beneits Account Holder Only
This protection provided by the Purchase Security and Extended Warranty
Protection Plans shall inure to the beneit of the Account Holder. No other
person or entity shall have any right, remedy or claim, legal or equitable, to
All amounts shown are in Canadian currency.
Due Diligence
The Account Holder shall use due diligence and do all things reasonable
to avoid or diminish any loss of or damage to property protected by the
Master Policy. Where damage or loss is due to a malicious act, burglary,
robbery, theft or attempt thereat, or is suspected to be so due, the Account
Holder shall give immediate notice to the police or other authorities having
jurisdiction. The Insurer will require evidence of such notice with the Loss
Report prior to settlement of a claim.
False Claim
If an Account Holder makes any claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent
in any respect, such Account Holder shall no longer be entitled to the
beneits of this protection or to the payment of any claim made under the
Master Policy.
Group Policy
All beneits under this Certiicate are subject in every respect to the Group
Policy, which alone constitutes the agreement under which beneits will be
provided. This Group Policy is issued to the Bank. The principal provisions
of the Group Policy aecting Account Holders are summarized in this
Certiicate. The Group Policy is on ile at the oice of the Bank.
Legal Action Limitation Period
Every action or proceeding against the insurer for the recovery of
insurance money payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless
commenced within the time set out in the Insurance Act (for actions
or proceedings governed by the laws of Alberta or British Columbia),
The Insurance Act (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws of
Manitoba), the Limitations Act, 2002 (for actions or proceedings governed
by the laws of Ontario), or other applicable legislation. For actions or
proceedings governed by the laws of Quebec, the prescriptive period is set
out in the Civil Code of Quebec.
Other insurance
All of Our coverages are excess insurance, meaning that any other sources
of recovery You have will pay irst, and this insurance policy will be the
last to pay. The total beneits payable under all Your insurance, including
this Certiicate, cannot be more than the actual expenses for a claim. If
an Account Holder is also insured under any other insurance certiicate or
policy, We will coordinate payment of beneits with the other insurer.
Following the Insurer’s payment of an Account Holder’s claim or loss or
damage, the Insurer shall be subrogated to the extent of the cost of such
payment, to all rights and remedies of the Account Holder against any
party in respect of such loss or damage, and shall be entitled at its own
expense to sue in the name of the Account Holder. The Account Holder
shall give the Insurer all such assistance as the Insurer may reasonably
require to secure its rights and remedies, including the execution of all
documents necessary to enable the Insurer to bring suit in the name of the
Account Holder.
Emergency Travel Assistance Services is provided by:
Global Excel Management Inc. (“Administrator”)
73 Queen Street, Sherbrooke, QC J1M0C9
Phone: 18008718334 or +14169778297
Provided by Our Administrator under a service agreement with TDLife
Insurance Company (“TDLife”).
This is not an insurance beneit but assistance services only.
This is a service provided by Our Administrator. The Emergency Travel
Assistance Services below applies to the TDFirstClass Travel Visa Ininite
Card, which will be referred to as a “TDCredit Card” throughout.
Description of Emergency Travel Assistance Services
Multilingual Assistance Coordinators are on call 24hours a day. Our
Administrator’s Assistance Coordinators are supported by a network of
medical professionals, including physicians experienced in emergency
medical assistance.
For Emergency Assistance 24hours a day, call Our Administrator at
18008718334 (toll-free) from Canada or the U.S., or +14169778297
(collect) from other countries.
Section1– Deinitions
Account means the Primary Cardholder’s TDCredit Card Account that the
Bank maintains.
Account Holder means the Primary Cardholder to whom the monthly
Account statement is issued, and who is a resident of Canada and any
Additional Cardholder who is resident of Canada. The Account Holder may
be referred to herein using “You” and “Your”.
Bank means The Toronto-Dominion Bank.
Primary Cardholder means a person who applied for a TDCredit Card,
whose name is on the Account and to whom a TDCredit Card has been
Additional Cardholder means a person to whom a TDCredit Card has
been issued at the authorization of the Primary Cardholder.
Our means TDLife Insurance Company.
Section2– Medical Assistance Services Medical Referrals
Medical Referrals
If a medical emergency arises while travelling, You can contact Our
Administrator’s Emergency Assistance Centre and You will be referred to
the nearest designated physician or medical facility.
Medical Consultation and Monitoring
Our Administrator’s network of medical professionals is available 24hours
a day, 365days a year, to consult with Your attending physician to ensure
that Your medical needs are being met. Our Administrator’s network of
medical professionals is experienced in working with physicians outside of
Canada to determine the adequacy of care being received and the need
for further assistance.
Medical Transportation
When Our Administrator, in consultation with its network of medical
professionals and in conjunction with Your attending physician, determines
that a transfer to another medical facility is necessary, Our Administrator
will coordinate all aspects of the transport to and from the hospital and
airport, at the point of departure and arrival. Our Administrator’s Assistance
Coordinators will arrange for qualiied medical accompaniment, if
Neither the Bank, TDLife or any other insurer, nor Our Administrator is
responsible for the availability, quality or results of any medical treatment
You receive or fail to receive for any reason.
Section3– Payment Assistance
Our Administrator can assist You in arranging or coordinating payment to
emergency medical or hospital service providers. Full liability for payment
of these services will rest with You.
Section4– Travel Assistance Services
You are fully liable for repaying the following services that are charged to
Your TDCredit Card.
Legal Assistance
Our Administrator can assist You to post bail and pay legal fees, if
Emergency Cash Transfer
In the event of theft, loss or emergency, Our Administrator can assist You to
obtain cash which will be charged to Your TDCredit Card.
Lost Document and Ticket Replacement
In the event of theft or loss, Our Administrator can assist You to replace the
necessary travel documents or tickets.
Lost Luggage Assistance
In the event of theft or loss, Our Administrator can assist You to locate or
replace luggage and personal eects.
Account Holders are also eligible for Delayed and Lost Baggage Insurance;
however, this coverage is entirely separate (see Your Delayed and Lost
Baggage certiicate of insurance).
Translation Services
Our Administrator can provide immediate translation services in an
emergency situation.
Our Administrator will make a good faith eort to provide these services,
however, it has no liability to You if local laws, insurrection, epidemic,
unavailability of health care providers, strikes, severe weather, geographic
inaccessibility or other factors beyond their control delay, interfere or
prevent the provision of these services.
Coverage under this Certiicate is provided by:
American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida
5000 Yonge Street, Suite 2000,
Toronto, Ontario M2N7E9
Phone: 18008590694
This Certiicate of Insurance contains a clause which may limit the
amount payable.
The coverage outlined in this Certiicate of Insurance is eective
October30, 2022, and is provided to eligible TD First Class Travel Visa
Ininite Cardholders. Refer to the Deinitions Section below or to the
paragraph following this one for the meanings of all capitalized and
italicized terms.
Mobile Device Insurance is underwritten by American Bankers Insurance
Company of Florida (the “Insurer”) under Group Policy No.TD102022
(thePolicy”) issued by the Insurer to The Toronto-Dominion Bank (the
Policyholder”). The Insurer, its subsidiaries, and ailiates carry on business
in Canada under the trade name of Assurant®. Assurant® is a registered
trademark of Assurant, Inc.
The terms, conditions and provisions of the Policy are summarized in this
Certiicate of Insurance, which is incorporated into and forms part of the
Policy. Mobile Device Insurance beneits are subject in every respect to
the Policy, which alone constitutes the agreement under which beneits
will be provided. You or a person making a claim under this Certiicate of
Insurance may request a copy of the Policy and/or copy of Your application
for this insurance (if applicable) by writing to the Insurer at the address
shown below.
American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida’s head oice is located
at 5000 Yonge Street, Suite 2000, Toronto, Ontario M2N7E9.
Claim payment and administrative services are arranged and/or provided
by the Insurer.
In no event will a corporation, partnership or business entity be eligible for
the insurance coverage provided by this Certiicate of Insurance.
Section1– Deinitions
The following words and phrases, shown capitalized and italicized in this
Certiicate of Insurance, have the meanings shown below. You may need
to refer to this Section to ensure You have a full understanding of Your
coverage, limitations and exclusions.
Accidental Damage means damage caused by an unexpected and
unintentional external event such as drops, cracks, and spills that occur
during normal daily usage of the Mobile Device as the manufacturer
Account means the Primary Cardholder’s TDFirst Class Travel Visa Ininite
Card account, which must be in Good Standing with the Policyholder.
Additional Cardholder means a natural person resident in Canada to
whom a TDFirstClass Travel Visa Ininite Card has been issued at the
authorization of the Primary Cardholder.
Cardholder means the Primary Cardholder and any Additional Cardholder.
The Cardholder may be referred to as “You” or “Your”.
Dollars and $ mean Canadian dollars.
Good Standing means, with respect to an Account, that the Primary
Cardholder has not advised the Policyholder to close it or the Policyholder
has not suspended or revoked credit privileges or otherwise closed the
Household Member means a spouse, parents, stepparents, grandparents,
grandchildren, in-laws, natural or adopted children, stepchildren, brothers,
sisters, stepbrothers and stepsisters whose permanent residence and
address is the same as the Cardholder.
Mobile Device means a new or, if purchased directly from an original
equipment manufacturer or Provider, a refurbished cellular phone,
smartphone or tablet (portable single-panel touchscreen computer), which
has Internet-based and/or wireless communication capabilities, and which
has not been purchased by a business and/or used for business or for
commercial purposes.
Mysterious Disappearance m
eans the vanishing of a Mobile Device which
cannot be explained, i.e., there is an absence of evidence of a wrongful act
of another person.
Other Insurance means all other applicable valid insurance, indemnity,
warranty, or protection available to the Cardholder in respect of a loss
subject to a claim under this Certiicate of Insurance, including group and
individual insurance, credit card coverage (whether group or individual),
and any other reimbursement plans.
Plan means a ixed-term contract oered by a wireless service Provider.
Primary Cardholder means a natural person, resident of Canada, whose
name is on the Account and to whom a TD First Class Travel Visa Ininite
Card has been issued. A Primary Cardholder does not include an Additional
Provider means a Canadian wireless service Provider.
Purchase Price means the portion of the Total Cost paid and charged to
the Account if purchasing a Mobile Device outright, or the Total Cost the
Cardholder will pay if funding the purchase of a Mobile Device through a
Total Cost means the cost of a Mobile Device, including any applicable
taxes, and less any Trade-In Credit(s) and costs for fees associated with
the Mobile Device purchased such as insurance premiums, customs duty,
delivery and transportation costs, or similar costs or fees.
Trade-in Credit(s) mean(s) an in-store credit or certiicate issued by a
retailer or Provider to the Cardholder when the Cardholder trades in an old
mobile device.
Section2– Coverage
You are eligible for Mobile Device Insurance when You purchase a Mobile
Device anywhere in the world, and You:
a) charge at least 75% of the Total Cost to Your Account. If the Mobile
Device is equipped with cellular data technology, You must also
activate Your Mobile Device with a Provider; or
b) charge any portion of the Total Cost that is required to be paid
up-front to Your Account, fund the balance of the Total Cost through a
Plan, and charge all monthly wireless bill payments to Your Account for
the duration of Your Plan; or
c) fund the Total Cost t
hrough a Plan and charge all the monthly wireless
bill payments to Your Account for the duration of the Plan.
Mobile Device coverage takes eect on the later of:
a) 30d
ays from the date of purchase of Your Mobile Device; and
b) the date the irst monthly wireless bill payment is charged to Your
Mobile Device coverage ends on the earlier of:
a) two years from the date of purchase;
b) the date ONE monthly wireless bill payment was not charged to
Your Account, if You are funding the Total Cost of Your Mobile Device
through a Plan;
c) the date the Account ceases to be in Good Standing; and
d) the date You cease to be eligible for coverage.
If a Mobile Device is lost, stolen or suers mechanical breakdown or
Accidental Damage, You will be reimbursed the lesser of its repair or
replacement cost, not exceeding the depreciated value† of Your Mobile
Device at date of loss, less the deductible, to a maximum of $1,000,
subject to the Limitations and Exclusions below.
The depreciated value of Your Mobile Device at date of loss is
calculated by deducting from the Purchase Price of Your Mobile Device
the depreciation rate of 2% for each completed month from the date
of purchase.
The amount of the deductible is based on the Total Cost of Your
Mobile Device less any applicable taxes, as determined from the
following table:
Total Cost (Less Taxes) Applicable Deductible
$0– $200 $25
$200.01– $400 $50
$400.01– $600 $75
0.01 or more $100
For example: If You p
urchase a Mobile Device for a Purchase Price of
$800 ($700 + $100 in applicable taxes) on May1, and ile a claim on
January21 of the following year, the maximum reimbursement will be
calculated as follows:
1) Calculation of the depreciated value of Your Mobile Device:
Purchase Price $800
Less depreciation cost (2% × 8months × $800) − $128
Depreciated value $672
2) Calculation of the maximum reimbursement:
Depreciated value $672
Less deductible (based on Total Cost) − $100
Maximum reimbursement $572
In the event You ile a valid repair claim and the cost of repair is $500,
including applicable taxes, upon approval of Your claim, the maximum
reimbursement available to You will be $500.
In the event Your Mobile Device is lost or stolen and, upon approval of
Your claim, You purchase a replacement Mobile Device for a price of
$800 including applicable taxes, the maximum reimbursement available
to You will be $572.
A replacement Mobile Device must be of the same make and model as
the original Mobile Device, or in the event the same make and model
is not available, of like kind and quality with comparable features and
functionality as the original Mobile Device.
All claims are subject to the terms, conditions, and Limitations and
Exclusions set out in this Certiicate of Insurance.
This coverage complements but does not replace the manufacturer’s
warranty or warranty obligations.
This coverage does, however, provide certain additional beneits for
which t
he manufacturer may not provide coverage. Parts and services
covered by the manufacturer’s warranty and warranty obligations are
the responsibility of the manufacturer only.
If You have one or more Account providing Mobile Device Insurance,
the maximum number of claims under all Your Accounts is limited to
one claim in any 12-consecutive-month period and two claims in any
48-consecutive-month period.
Mobile Device Insurance does not cover:
1) a
ccessories, whether included with Your Mobile Device in the original
manufacturer’s package or purchased separately;
2) batteries;
3) Mobile Devices purchased for resale, professional or commercial use;
4) used, previously owned Mobile Devices;
5) refurbished Mobile Devices (unless provided as a replacement for
Your Mobile Device under the manufacturer’s warranty or purchased
directly from an original equipment manufacturer or Canadian
6) Mobile Devices that have been modiied from their original state;
7) Mobile Devices being shipped, until received and accepted by You in
new and undamaged condition; and
8) Mobile Devices stolen from baggage unless such baggage is
hand-carried under the personal supervision of the Cardholder or the
Cardholder’s travelling companion with the Cardholder’s knowledge.
No beneits are payable for:
1) losses or damage resulting directly or indirectly from:
a) fraud, misuse or lack of care, improper installation, hostilities of any
kind (including war, invasion, rebellion or insurrection), coniscation
by authorities, risks of contraband, illegal activities, normal wear
or tear, lood, earthquake, radioactive contamination, Mysterious
Disappearance or inherent product defects;
b) power surges, artiicially generated electrical currents or electrical
c) any occurrence that results in catastrophic damage beyond repair,
such as the device separating into multiple pieces;
d) cosmetic damage that does not aect functionality;
e) software, cellular/wireless service provider or network issues; or
f) theft or intentional or criminal acts by the Cardholder or Household
Members; and
2) incidental and consequential damages including bodily injury, loss of
use, property, punitive and exemplary damages and legal fees.
le Devices given as gifts are covered under the Mobile Device
coverage provided all eligibility requirements are met. In the event of a
claim, You, not the recipient of the gift, must make the claim for beneits.
ile Device Insurance beneits are in excess of all Other Insurance
available to You in respect of the Mobile Device subject to the claim.
The Insurer will be liable only:
for the amount of loss or damage over the amount covered
under such Other Insurance and for the amount of any applicable
deductible; and
if all such Other Insurance has been claimed under and exhausted,
and further subject to the terms and Limitations and Exclusions set
out herein.
This coverage will not apply as contributing insurance notwithstanding
any provision in any Other Insurance.
PRIOR to proceeding with any action or repair services or replacement
of the Mobile Device, You must irst obtain the Insurer’s approval.
Failure to do so will make Your claim ineligible.
Immediately after a loss or an occurrence which may lead to a loss
covered under Mobile Device Insurance occurs, but in no event later
than 30days from the date of loss, You must contact the Insurer by
calling 18008590694 between 8:00a.m. and 8:00p.m.ET, Monday
through Friday to obtain a claim form.
To ile a claim online, please visit cardbene
In the event of loss or theft, You must notify Your Provider to suspend
Your wireless services within 48hours of the date of loss. In addition, in
the event of theft, You must also notify the police within seven days of
the date of loss.
You must submit a completed claim form containing the time, place,
cause and amount of loss, and provide documentation to substantiate
Your claim, including:
1) the original sales receipt detailing or similar document detailing the
date, description of Your Mobile Device, and any pay upfront amounts
and trade-in credits;
2) a copy of Your Wireless Service Agreement or similar document
indicating the date, a description of Your Mobile Device and the
non-subsidized retail cost of Your Mobile Device;
3) the date and time You notiied Your Provider of loss or theft;
4) a copy of the original manufacturer’s warranty (for mechanical failure
claims) may be required;
5) a copy of the written repair estimate (for mechanical failure and
dental Damage claims);
6) if You purchased Your Mobile Device outright, Your Account statement
showing the Purchase Price;
7) if Your Mobile Device was funded through a Plan, Your Account
statement showing any portion of the Total Cost paid up-front,
if applicable, and credit card statements for up to 12months
immediately preceding the date of loss showing Your monthly wireless
bill charged to Your Account;
8) a copy of any document detailing any Other Insurance beneits or
protection and reimbursements received for this occurrence;
9) a police report, ire loss report, or other report of the occurrence of the
Accidental Damage, loss or theft of Your Mobile Device.
You must obtain a written estimate of the cost to repair Your Mobile
Device by a repair facility authorized by the original Mobile Device
manufacturer. At its sole discretion, the Insurer may ask You to return, at
Your own expense, the damaged item on which a claim is based to the
Insurer in order to support Your claim.
Section3– General Provisions and Statutory Conditions
Unless otherwise expressly provided herein or in the Policy, the following
general provisions apply to the beneits described in this Certiicate of
As a condition to the payment of any claim to a Cardholder, the
Cardholder shall, upon request, transfer or assign to the Insurer all
legal rights against all other parties for the loss. The Cardholder shall
give the Insurer all such assistance as the Insurer may reasonably
require to secure its rights and remedies, including the execution of all
documents necessary to enable the Insurer to bring suit in the name of
the Cardholder.
All coverage under this Certiicate of Insurance terminates on the earlier
a) the date the Account is cancelled or closed; and
b) the date the Policy terminates.
No beneits will be paid for any loss incurred after coverage under this
Certiicate of Insurance has terminated, unless otherwise speciied or
he Cardholder shall use diligence and do all things reasonable to avoid
r diminish any loss under the Policy.
tten notice of claim must be given to the Insurer as soon as
reasonably possible after a claim occurs, but in all events provided
within 90days from the date on which loss occurred.
Failure to provide notice or furnish proof of claim within the time
prescribed herein does not invalidate the claim if the notice or proof is
given or furnished as soon as reasonably possible, and in no event later
than 1year from the date a claim arises hereunder, if it is shown that it
was not reasonably possible to give notice or furnish proof within the
time so prescribed. If the notice or proof is given or furnished after 1year,
Your claim will not be paid.
Beneits payable under the Policy will be paid upon receipt of full written
proof, as determined by the Insurer.
Every action or proceeding against an Insurer for the recovery of
insurance money payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless
commenced within the time set out in the Insurance Act, Limitations Act
or other applicable legislation in Your province or territory.
If You make a claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any respect,
You will not be entitled to the beneit of coverage under the Policy, nor to
the payment of any claim made under the Policy.
If You have a concern or complaint about Your coverage, please call
the Insurer at 18008590694. The Insurer will do its best to resolve
Your concern or complaint. If for some reason the Insurer is unable to
do so to Your satisfaction, You may pursue the concern or complaint in
writing to an independent external organization. You may also obtain
detailed information for the Insurer’s resolution process and the external
recourse either by calling the Insurer at the number listed above or at:
The Insurer may collect, use, and share personal information provided
by You to the Insurer, and obtained from others with Your consent, or
as required or permitted by law. The Insurer may use the information to
serve You as a customer and communicate with You. The Insurer may
process and store
personal information outside Your province
in another country, which may be subject to access by government
authorities under applicable laws of that country. You may obtain a copy
of the Insurer’s privacy policy by calling 18887788023 or from their
website: If You h
ave any questions
or concerns regarding the privacy policy, the purposes and means for
which Your information is being collected, Your rights, Your options
for refusing or withdrawing Your consent to the use of Your personal
information, You may call the Insurer at the number listed above.
Coverage under this Certiicate is provided by:
American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida
5000 Yonge Street, Suite 2000,
Toronto, Ontario M2N7E9
Phone: 18008590694
This Certiicate of Insurance contains a clause which may limit the
amount payable.
The coverage outlined in this Certiicate of Insurance is eective
October30,2022, and is provided to eligible TD First Class Travel Visa Ininite
Cardholders. Refer to the Deinitions Section below or to the paragraph
following this one for the meanings of all capitalized and italicized terms.
Hotel/Motel Burglary Insurance is underwritten by American
Bankers Insurance Company of Florida (the “Insurer”) under
Group Policy No.TD102022 (the “Policy”) issued by the Insurer to
The Toronto-Dominion Bank (the “Policyholder”). The Insurer, its subsidiaries,
and ailiates carry on business in Canada under the trade name of
Assuran. Assurant® is a registered trademark of Assurant, Inc.
The terms, conditions and provisions of the Policy are summarized in this
Certiicate of Insurance, which is incorporated into and forms part of the
Policy. Hotel/Motel Burglary Insurance beneits are subject in every respect
to the Policy, which alone constitutes the agreement under which beneits
will be provided. You or a person making a claim under this Certiicate of
Insurance may request a copy of the Policy and/or copy of Your application
for this insurance (if applicable) by writing to the Insurer at the address
shown below.
American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida’s head oice is located at
5000 Yonge Street, Suite 2000, Toronto, Ontario M2N7E9.
Claim payment and administrative services are arranged and/or provided
by the Insurer.
In no event will a corporation, partnership or business entity be eligible for
the insurance coverage provided by this Certiicate of Insurance.
Section1– Definitions
The following words and phrases, shown capitalized and italicized in this
Certiicate of Insurance, have the meanings shown below. You may need
to refer to this Section to ensure You have a full understanding of Your
coverage, limitations and exclusions.
Account means the Primary Cardholder’s TDFirst Class Travel Visa Ininite
Card account, which must be in Good Standing with the Policyholder.
Additional Cardholder means a natural person resident in Canada to
whom a TDFirstClass Travel Visa Ininite Card has been issued at the
authorization of the Primary Cardholder.
Cardholder means the Primary Cardholder and any Additional Cardholder.
The Cardholder may be referred to as “You” or “Your”.
Check In means the moment the Cardholder registers at the Hotel/Motel.
Check Out means the moment the Cardholder vacates the Hotel/Motel
room and pays the cost incurred for the duration of the stay.
Dependent Children mean the Cardholder’s unmarried natural, adopted
or stepchildren who are dependent on the Cardholder for maintenance
and support and who are either under 21years of age, or under 25years
of age and in full time attendance at a recognized institution of higher
learning in Canada. Dependent Child(ren) also include(s) children 21years
of age or over who are permanently mentally or physically challenged and
incapable of self-support.
Dollars and $ mean Canadian dollars.
Good Standing means, with respect to an Account, that the Primary
Cardholder has not advised the Policyholder to close it or the Policyholder
has not suspended or revoked credit privileges or otherwise closed the
Hotel/Motel means an establishment located in Canada or the United
States that provides lodging for the general public, and usually meals,
entertainment, and various personal services. Hotel/Motel does not
include a privately-owned residence oered for rental through an online
marketplace service, or other similar online service.
Insured Person means a Cardholder and, when travelling with the
Cardholder, the Cardholder’s Spouse, Dependent Children, and parents
residing with the Cardholder.
Other Insurance m
eans all other applicable valid insurance, indemnity,
warranty, or protection available to the Cardholder in respect of a loss
subject to a claim under this Certiicate of Insurance, including group and
individual insurance, credit card coverage (whether group or individual),
and any other reimbursement plans.
Primary Cardholder means a natural person, resident of Canada, whose
name is on the Account and to whom a TD First Class Travel Visa Ininite
Card has been issued. A Primary Cardholder does not include an Additional
Spouse means the person who is legally married to the Cardholder or the
person who has been living with the Cardholder for a continuous period of
at least 1year and is publicly represented as the Cardholder’s Spouse.
Section2– Coverage
You are eligible for Hotel/Motel Burglary Insurance coverage when You
charge at least 75% of the total cost of the Hotel/Motel room to Your
Account and/or paid for using Your TD Rewards Points.
Hotel/Motel Burglary Insurance coverage is in eect for the period of time
between Check In and Check Out, and ends on the earlier of:
1) the date the Account ceases to be in Good Standing; and
2) the date the Insured Person ceases to be eligible for coverage. No
beneits will be paid for losses incurred after coverage has ended,
unless otherwise speciied and agreed.
Hotel/Motel Burglary Insurance coverage protects the Insured Person
from theft of most items of personal property from a Hotel/Motel room
where there is evidence of forceful entry. The maximum beneit payable
per occurrence for all Insured Persons is $2,500, in excess of Other
Insurance and/or payments made by the Hotel/Motel.
Hotel/Motel Burglary Insurance does not cover the following items:
1) cash;
2) travellers cheques;
3) securities;
4) credit cards or any other negotiable instruments;
5) tickets; and
6) documents.
You M
UST give immediate notice to the police or other authorities having
jurisdiction upon discovery of a loss.
To obtain a claim form in order to present a claim, notify the Insurer as
soon as reasonably possible, but in no event later than 45days from the
date of loss, by calling 18008590694 from Canada and the United
States between 8:00a.m. and 8:00p.m.ET, Monday through Friday. To
ile a claim online, please visit cardbene
You must
maintain original copies of all documents required.
u will be required to complete a claim form and include copies of the
TD First Class Travel Visa Ininite charge slip or transaction conirmation,
Account statement, a written statement from the Hotel/Motel conirming
the date, time and details of the loss, police report, payout documentation
from the Hotel/Motel and/or Other Insurance carrier, if applicable, and
any other information reasonably required by the Insurer to determine
coverage eligibility. If a copy of the police report is not obtainable, You
must provide the police department address and telephone number,
incident report ile number, and contact name on the ile.
The completed claim forms together with written proof of loss must be
delivered as soon as reasonably possible, but in all events within 1year
from the date on which the loss occurred.
Section3– General Provisions and Statutory Conditions
Unless otherwise expressly provided herein or in the Policy, the following
general provisions apply to the beneits described in this Certiicate of
As a condition to the payment of any claim to a Cardholder, the
Cardholder and/or any Insured Person shall, upon request, transfer or
assign to the Insurer all legal rights against all other parties for the loss.
The Cardholder and/or any Insured Person shall give the Insurer all such
assistance as the Insurer may reasonably require to secure its rights
and remedies, including the execution of all documents necessary to
enable the Insurer to bring suit in the name of the Cardholder and/or
All coverage under this Certiicate of Insurance terminates on the earlier of:
a) the date the Account is cancelled or closed; and
b) the date the Policy terminates.
No beneits will be paid for any loss incurred after coverage under this
Certiicate of Insurance has terminated, unless otherwise speciied or
The I
nsured Person shall use diligence and do all things reasonable to
avoid or diminish any loss under the Policy.
Written notice of claim must be given to the Insurer as soon as
reasonably possible after a claim occurs, but in all events provided
within 90days from the date on which loss occurred.
Failure to provide notice or furnish proof of claim within the time
prescribed herein does not invalidate the claim if the notice or proof is
given or furnished as soon as reasonably possible, and in no event later
than 1year from the date a claim arises hereunder, if it is shown that it
was not reasonably possible to give notice or furnish proof within the
time so prescribed. If the notice or proof is given or furnished after 1year,
Your claim will not be paid.
Beneits payable under the Policy will be paid upon receipt of full written
proof, as determined by the Insurer.
Every action or proceeding against an Insurer for the recovery of
insurance money payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless
commenced within the time set out in the Insurance Act, Limitations Act
or other applicable legislation in Your province or territory.
If You make a claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any respect,
You will not be entitled to the beneit of coverage under the Policy, nor to
the payment of any claim made under the Policy.
If Yo
u have a concern or complaint about Your coverage, please call the
Insurer at 18008590694. The Insurer will do its best to resolve Your
concern or complaint. If for some reason the Insurer is unable to do so
to Your satisfaction, You may pursue the concern or complaint in writing
to an independent external organization. You may also obtain detailed
information for the Insurer’s resolution process and the external recourse
either by calling the Insurer at the number listed above or at:
The Insurer may collect, use, and share personal information provided
by You to the Insurer, and obtained from others with Your consent, or
as required or permitted by law� The Insurer may use the information to
serve You as a customer and communicate with You� The Insurer may
process and store Your personal information outside Your province
in another country, which may be subject to access by government
authorities under applicable laws of that countryYou may obtain a copy
of the Insurer’s privacy policy by calling 18887788023 or from their
website:� If You h
ave any questions
or concerns regarding the privacy policy, the purposes and means for
which Your information is being collected, Your rights, Your options
for refusing or withdrawing Your consent to the use of Your personal
information, You may call the Insurer at the number listed above�
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners�
* Trademark of Visa Int�, used under license�
® T he TDlogo and other trademarks are the property of The TorontoDominion Bank
or its subsidiaries�