What Small Business Owners
Need to Know about Insurance
Maryland Insurance Administration
Introduction to Commercial Insurance
What Type Automobile Policy Do You Need for
Vehicles for Your Business
What Type of Insurance Do You Need for Your
Physical Space and Equipment
What Type of Insurance Do You Need If You Can't
Operate Your Business
What Type of Insurance Do you Need If Someone
Is Injured Related to the Operation of Your
Cyber Liability Insurance
Flood Insurance
Business Owners Policy: A Package Solution
Home-Based Business Insurance
Tips and Considerations
The Maryland Insurance Administration (MIA) is the state agency that
regulates insurance in Maryland. The MIA:
Licenses insurers and insurance producers (agents or brokers).
Examines the business practices of licensees to ensure compliance.
Monitors solvency of insurers.
Reviews/approves insurance policy forms.
Reviews insurance rates to ensure rates are not inadequate, excessive
or unfairly discriminatory.
Investigates consumer and provider complaints and allegations of
What is the Maryland Insurance Administration
If you feel that your insurer or insurance producer acted improperly, you have the right to file a
complaint. Examples of improper actions include:
Improperly denying or delaying payment of all or portions of a claim;
Improperly terminating your insurance policy;
Raising your insurance premiums without proper notice;
Making false statements to you in connection with the sale of insurance or processing of
insurance claims; and
Overcharging you for services, including premium finance charges.
What is the Maryland Insurance Administration
Introduction to Commercial Insurance
Many kinds of insurance are available to businesses.
Which one you should purchase depends upon the
individual risk characteristics of your business and the
type(s) of loss you want to insure against.
A licensed insurance producer will be able to present
you with different policy and coverage options. It is
very important that the insurance producer
understands the nature of your business so that they
are able to evaluate the risk and provide you with the
appropriate options.
Introduction to Commercial Insurance
While your business may not need all types of
commercial coverages, it is a good idea to have basic
knowledge of the types of insurance coverages
available. As your business changes and expands,
you should reassess your coverages and determine
what additional coverages you may wish to
purchase. This is particularly true if your business
grows and new risk exposures arise.
Do you Need a Commercial or Personal Auto Policy?
While personal and commercial auto insurance policies
provide similar types of coverage, there are important
distinctions. Commercial auto insurance policies
typically have higher liability limits than a personal
automobile liability insurance policy. For example, a
typical commercial auto policy may have a liability limit
of $1 million. A commercial auto liability insurance
policy also may have provisions that cover rented and
other non-owned vehicles, such as employee-owned
vehicles that are driven for company business.
What Type Automobile Policy Do You Need for
Vehicles for Your Business
Several factors should be considered when determining
whether a personal or commercial policy is appropriate.
These include:
Who owns or leases the vehicle, you or the business as
an entity? Who drives the vehicle, you or your
How is the vehicle principally used, for transporting
people, delivering packages or carrying hazardous
What Type Automobile Policy Do You Need for
Vehicles for Your Business
Do you allow your employees to take the vehicle home or is its
use restricted to work hours?
Discuss these issues with a licensed insurance producer
who is knowledgeable about commercial and personal
auto insurance. Also, consider purchasing collision and
comprehensive (coverage for losses other than collision)
coverage to protect your business from losses and
damage to your vehicle.
Banks and other financial institutions with a security
interest in your vehicle will require both comprehensive
and collision coverage to protect their interest in the
What Type Automobile Policy Do You Need for
Vehicles for Your Business
Tips and Considerations Concerning Commercial Auto Insurance:
If your business owns or leases a vehicle, make sure the
name of the business is listed on the policy declarations
page as the insured.
If you are relying on either a personal auto or personal
umbrella liability insurance policy to provide you with
protection for your companys use of vehicles, closely
review the policy language. Many personal insurance
policies exclude business-related liability claims.
What Type Automobile Policy Do You Need for
Vehicles for Your Business
More Tips and Considerations Concerning Commercial Auto
If your employees operate a company car, make sure they
have good driving records and are trained properly before
you entrust your company vehicle to them. Failure to do so
may expose your company to additional liability. The risk
presented by your employees may exceed the companys
underwriting guidelines and prevent you from getting
insurance with the company you desire.
Consider increasing insurance on your business vehicle(s)
to cover permanently attached items, such as a generator
or a storage unit.
What Type Automobile Policy Do You Need for
Vehicles for Your Business
Property insurance protects small business
owners from losses due to damage to their
business property, including the businessphysical
space or equipment. For insurance purposes,
business property includes the physical building in
which the business resides, assuming the business
owns the building, as well as the property owned
by the business that is located within the building
and other assets of the business.
What Type of Insurance Do You Need for
Your Physical Space and Equipment
While the terms of coverage, and the specific property covered, depends upon the specific language
of the policy you obtain, the following types of property may be considered business property:
What Type of Insurance Do You Need for
Your Physical Space and Equipment
the building or physical plant where the
business is located;
furniture, equipment and supplies;
computers and other data processing
valuable papers, books and documents;
antiques and artwork;
televisions, VCRs, DVD players, and
satellite dishes;
signs, fences and outdoor property not
attached to a building; or
intangible items such as trademarks,
copyrights and other intellectual property.
There are three types of property insurance plans:
Basic form, which provides coverage for losses resulting from a fire, lightning, windstorm, hail and
explosion, plus the cost of removing property to protect it from further damage.
Broad form, which includes the coverages described above, plus extended coverage for other
types of perils, such as a roof collapse due to snow or ice, or broken windows caused by a riot and
civil commotion.
Special form, which includes the basic and broad coverages, as well as all direct physical losses
except those conditions specifically excluded in the policy.
What Type of Insurance Do You Need for
Your Physical Space and Equipment
With property insurance, you can purchase
either actual cash value (ACV) or replacement
cost value (RCV) coverage. ACV insurance
reimburses you for the value of lost, damaged or
stolen goods after depreciation is taken into
consideration. RCV insurance reimburses you the
amount it would take to replace, rebuild or repair
damages with materials of similar kind and
quality, without any deduction for depreciation.
What Type of Insurance Do You Need for
Your Physical Space and Equipment
Business interruption insurance, also known as business
continuation insurance, provides coverage for expenses
associated with running a business, such as payroll and
utility bills, when the business is unable to operate for
an extended period of time because of a fire, or other
type of loss as specified in the policy. While the policy
will specify how such expenses are to be determined
and how many days coverage will be provided, the
amount of coverage is typically based on the companys
financial records.
What Type of Insurance Do You Need If
You Can't Operate Your Business
Business interruption/continuation coverage can be
added to a property insurance policy or purchased as
part of a package insurance product. Even if you
purchase business interruption coverage, you should
be aware that this type of coverage typically is not
triggered until a specified period of time has passed
following a covered loss that results in the
interruption of the business. That time period will be
set forth in your policy.
Business Interruption/Continuation Insurance
Liability Insurance, also called Commercial General Liability (CGL)
insurance, protects your business against the economic loss and
expense associated with claims filed against your business for bodily
injury, property damage, injury to reputation caused by slander and
libel, and also the harm caused by false or misleading advertising.
Bodily injury claims include claims for damage that results when
someone falls while visiting your business or one of your products falls
on the person. It can, depending on the language of the policy, also
include coverage for claims of damage that occurs as a result of your
business operations. For example, if your business serves food, this
may include the cost of medical tests to detect hepatitis because of
contamination due to food-handling.
What Type of Insurance Do you Need If Someone Is Injured
Related to the Operation of Your Business
Property damage includes property belonging to someone else that
is physically damaged or lost by your business. Whether a particular
loss or expense is covered, will depend on the source of damage and
the language of your policy. For example, damage to business
inventory belonging to another person or business while in your
possession, may be a covered loss if it is damaged from an accidental
fire, but the same damage might not be covered if the inventory is
damaged by flood waters and the policy does not provide coverage
for flood-related damage. The scope of coverage available under
your policy will depend upon the policy and endorsements you
select, so be sure to discuss all of your concerns with your insurance
producer and to learn about all of the different types of coverages
available for purchase.
What Type of Insurance Do you Need If Someone Is Injured
Related to the Operation of Your Business
A CGL policy is advantageous for two reasons:
First, the insurer will defend you against any covered claim at no out-of-pocket cost to you.
Second, if your business is found responsible, the insurer will pay at least part of, and maybe
even all of, the damages owed.
What Type of Insurance Do you Need If Someone Is Injured
Related to the Operation of Your Business
The amount the insurer will pay depends upon:
the amount of damages; and
the type of damages sought. When a valid claim is made, the insurer will pay up to the
stated maximum. If the claim for damages is greater than the policy maximum, you as the
policyholder are liable for the balance. Also, while most CGL insurance policies provide
coverage for compensatory and non-compensatory damages, punitive damages are
typically not covered. Compensatory damages include expenses incurred by the claimant as
a result of the injury, such as the cost of medical services and lost wages from missing work,
as well as projected future losses and expenses. Non-compensatory or general damages
include non-monetary losses suffered by the injured party, such as “pain and suffering” or
“mental anguish.” Punitive damages are additional monies awarded as a penalty and
sanction against the defendant as a form of punishment for its actions.
What Type of Insurance Do you Need If Someone Is Injured
Related to the Operation of Your Business
This type of insurance is customized to fit the particular needs of
your business. The policy may cover security breaches where
sensitive information is either hacked or inadvertently disclosed.
For example, the policy may pay for the increased expenses to:
provide credit monitoring for consumers in the event of a
security breach;
repair or replace business assets damaged as a result of a
security breach; or
operate the business if the security breach causes an
Cyber Liability Insurance
If your business could be damaged by rising water,
you should consider buying flood insurance
because property insurance policies generally do
not cover damage caused by rising waters. Even if
your building/business is not in a flood zone, it may
be at risk for flooding. Flood insurance is an
optional coverage offered through the federal
government and some private insurers. It may be
purchased by contacting your insurance producer.
Flood Insurance
When deciding whether to purchase federal flood insurance, you should be
aware of these important facts:
There are two types of coverage available under the National Flood
Insurance Program:
Structural coverage for walls, floors, insulation, furnace and items
that are attached permanently to the insured structure, and
Contents coverage for the business’ personal property. These
coverages do not come together automatically, but must be
purchased separately.
There is a 30-day waiting period for a new or modified flood insurance
policy to become effective, unless the lender requires that flood
insurance be purchased in connection with a mortgage loan. If the
lender requires this coverage, then there is no waiting period.
Flood Insurance
The standard flood insurance policy covers direct
losses caused by a flood, less an insurance deductible
(usually $1,000). You may buy a policy that covers
flood damage to both the structure and contents, or a
policy that covers damage to only one. A business may
need only one type of coverage if, for example, it does
not own the building in which it is located, and the
lease agreement does not require it to insure the
premises. By law, the maximum allowable commercial
property limit for a small business is $500,000.
Flood Insurance
Many small business owners purchase a business
package policy (BOP). A BOP typically includes
liability insurance, property insurance, business
interruption/continuation insurance and crime
coverage. A BOP packages various types of coverages
into one policy, so, for small businesses, it is often a
less costly option than purchasing several separate
policies. Many insurers customize BOPs for specific
types of businesses.
Business Owners Policy: A Package Solution
You should be aware that a BOP does not cover
claims of professional liability (claims arising from
allegedly wrongful practice by professionals), auto
insurance, workers’ compensation, health or
disability insuranceall of which require separate
policies to be purchased.
Business Owners Policy: A Package Solution
Home-based businesses like all businesses should be
properly insured to protect the business’ assets and its
owners against certain risks. Often, home-based
businesses are underinsured a fact the business
owner usually discovers after an incident or loss occurs.
Then the business owner learns that the insurance
he/she has is inadequate or insufficient to address the
type or amount of loss the business is facing. Talk to an
insurance producer to be sure that you have the
necessary coverages in place to protect yourself and
your business against a loss or claim.
Home-Based Business Insurance
As a small business owner, you can take steps to minimize
risk in the workplace, thereby helping to lower your
insurance premiums. Here are some tips that could benefit
your business, employees, customers and clients:
Install fire and security alarms.
Plan and train employees for an emergency on the
premises, such as fires and evacuations.
Have employees keep wallets and other personal
items in a secure place. Keep the business’ cash and
other valuables in a safe.
Tips and Considerations for Reducing Business Risk
If employees work with machinery, provide goggles,
gloves and other recommended safety gear to help
prevent injuries.
Keep office space in good physical condition.
Maintain carpeting and railing on stairs. Make sure
telephone and computer wiring is in good working
condition and does not create any hazards.
If your employees operate company cars, ensure
they have clean driving records and proper training.
Tips and Considerations for Reducing Business Risk
Review all insurance policies each year, and note
any changes that may affect your coverage costs.
For example, your premiums could be impacted by
the addition or reduction of employees, client
product offerings or inventory; alterations to your
building or equipment; or changed state
Find out how plans differ to ensure you are
purchasing the best policy for your particular
business at a competitive price.
Tips and Considerations for Lowering
Property and Liability Insurance Costs
Claim a tax deduction for your premiums on fire,
casualty and burglary insurance.
Avoid purchasing overlapping policies. Carefully read
the terms to make sure you are not covered for the
same item in two separate policies. This type of policy
examination also helps you ensure that you are not
missing crucial coverage in other areas.
Tips and Considerations for Lowering
Property and Liability Insurance Costs
Maryland Insurance Administration
800-492-6116 or 410-468-2000
Contact Information
Maryland Insurance Administration
Maryland Insurance Administration
Maryland Department of Transportation
March 8, 2023
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MD Small Business
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Womens Business Centers (WBCs)
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MD Capital Enterprises, Salisbury (410) 546-1900
Maryland WBC, Rockville (301) 315-8091
Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC)
One-on-One Mentoring and Consulting
State government,
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Non-profit organizations
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An estimated 25% of
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*According to the Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS).
Businesses can protect
themselves with an up-
to-date plan of action.
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