Repository Software Evaluation using the Audit Checklist
for Certification of Trusted Digital Repositories
Joanne S. Kaczmarek
University Archives, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1408 W. Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61801
+1 217-333-6834
Thomas G. Habing
Grainger Engineering Library,
University of Illinois at Urbana-
1301 W. Springfield Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
+1 217-244-4425
Janet Eke
Graduate School of Library and
Information Science, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
501 E. Daniel Street
Champaign, IL 61820-6211
+1 217-333-4701
The NDIIPP ECHO DEPository project [1] digital repository
evaluation will use an augmented version of the draft Audit
Checklist for Certification of Trusted Digital Repositories (Audit
Checklist) [2] to provide a framework for examining how well
currently popular repository software applications support the
notion of a “trusted digital repository.” The evaluation will also
demonstrate the application of a scoring software evaluation
methodology similar to one developed by the Center for Data
Insight (CDI) at Northern Arizona University [3], used for
evaluation data mining software. This scoring methodology in
conjunction with the Audit Checklist can be used as a tool by
librarians, archivists, and other data custodians to make informed
decisions as they develop digital preservation management
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.3.7 Digital Libraries, Systems Issues
General Terms
Measurement, Documentation
Digital Preservation Management, Repositories, Evaluation
The ECHO DEPository is a 3-year Library of Congress National
Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program
project at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The
project is undertaken in partnership with the Online Computer
Library Center (OCLC) [4] and a consortium of content provider
partners. One component of the project is the evaluation of
various open source repository software applications. The
evaluation will focus on how these applications support activities
of an institution or organization interested in providing services
associated with a trustworthy digital repository. The framework
for the evaluation has been developed from the Audit Checklist
undertaken by widespread efforts coordinated by the Research
Libraries Group (RLG) [5] and NARA [6]. Repository software
application evaluations previously conducted have included
initiatives on behalf of the Open Society Institute [7] and as part
of other NDIIPP-related activities [8]. While these efforts have
focused on some technical attributes of some of the repository
applications to be evaluated in this study, they predate the release
of the Audit Checklist. The highly successful Digital Preservation
Management workshops of Cornell University concisely articulate
a three-pronged approach to digital preservation, including
technology, resources, and management. [9] The ECHO
DEPository project’s adaptation of the Audit Checklist is
undertaken with an interest in evaluating repository applications
in their context as components within the larger organizational
commitment toward trustworthy digital preservation. The
evaluation also aims to inform decisions in the future
development of digital preservation management services.
The Audit Checklist, still under development, provides a means
by which an institution can perform a self-evaluation to determine
how well it is positioned to provide an expected level of
trustworthiness. Project team members reviewed the list to
determine which items might apply specifically to repository
software applications. For each item on the Checklist the question
was asked, “How might a repository software application support
an institution to meet this criterion?” Items that did not appear to
apply to repository software applications were ignored and items
that did seem to apply were expanded.
Expanded items have specific details listed. These details are the
benchmark criteria used with each application. Original checklist
document language has been modified where appropriate to
conform to language used in the Reference Model for an Open
Archival Information System (OAIS).[10]
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B. Repository Functions, Processes & Procedures
B.1.3. Repository has an identifiable, written definition for
each SIP or class of Content Information ingested by the
How well does the repository software document its
submission requirements?
Figure 1: Sample of Modified Audit Checklist
In addition to a narrative qualitative evaluation presented using
the Audit Checklist as a framework, we plan to explore the use of
a scoring methodology. based on standard decision matrix
concepts. [3] We do not intend to provide quantitative scores of
the repositories under consideration within the context of the
project, but rather to suggest a methodology that may provide an
additional useful tool for those charged with developing digital
preservation services for their institutions. As an added aid, we
will present an example case study showing the application of the
scoring methodology based on a local repository scenario.
The selection criteria of the methodology will be our modified
Audit Checklist, available through our project website. In
applying the scoring methodology, each of the selection criteria is
weighted. These weights must necessarily be assigned according
to local needs and intended uses of the software; therefore, the
weights will vary across different uses of the methodology. For
purposes of our example evaluation, sample weights will be
assigned according to our example scenario. The individual
repository software packages are then scored based on how well
they meet the criteria. The methodology requires assigning one
software package an average score for all criteria. This becomes a
reference repository used to compare additional repositories rated
as to whether they are: much worse (1), worse (2), the same as (3),
better (4), or much better (5) than the reference. The scores
across all criteria are then totaled to give an overall score for each
repository. The criteria may also be categorized to give subtotals
for different categories of criteria with each category potentially
having its own weight.
Criteria Wgt. Repo A Repo B
B1. Ingest/acquisition of content
B1.1 Repository identifies prop…
B1.3 Repository has an identi… 0.20
Figure 2: Sample of Scoring Matrix
Data used for evaluating the repository software applications is
gathered by project team members throughout the project
timeline. The repository software applications to be evaluated by
the ECHO DEPository project include DSpace, Eprints, Fedora,
Greenstone, and the OCLC Digital Archive. Other repository
systems may be included as project resources permit.
Initial data gathering has been undertaken during the course of
installing each repository within the project environments
provided by the University of Illinois Grainger Engineering
Library and the Graduate School of Library and Information
Science. Other data is being collected during the course of
ingesting digital content into each repository software application
as well as during dissemination of digital content between
repositories. Collected data will be used to provide narrative
feedback using the Modified Audit Checklist for each repository.
Anticipated outcomes for this portion of the ECHO DEPository
work include a simple qualitative methodology and framework
that can be used to assist in decision-making when considering
digital preservation management services. A spreadsheet or an
interactive web application may be developed to assist decision-
makers in applying the framework and methodology within their
own environments. Separate white papers will also be produced
to articulate specific details of our experiences with each
repository software application, as well as recurring themes noted
during data ingest and data exchange activities.
We would like to thank the Library of Congress for funding and
supporting this work. We also wish to acknowledge the hard work
and dedication of our graduate assistants, Justin Davis, Karen
Medina, Kyle Rimkus, Richard Urban, and Wei Yu.
[1] ECHO DEPository Project
[2] An Audit Checklist for Certifying Digital Repositories
[3] Collier, K., Carey, B., Sautter, D., and Marjaniemi, C. A
Methodology for Evaluating and Selecting Data Mining
Software. In Proceedings of the 32nd Hawaii International
Conference on System Sciences – 1999. IEEE.
[4] OCLC
[5] RLG
[6] NARA
[7] The Open Society Institute Guide to Institutional Repository
[8] Archive Ingest and Handling Tests (AIHT) Reports and
[9] Digital Preservation Management Workshop
[10] OAIS Reference Model