WASHINGTON DC 20350-3000
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release;
distribution is unlimited.
MCO 4790.2
21 Jan 2016
From: Commandant of the Marine Corps
To: Distribution List
Ref: (a) MCO 4790.25
(b) MCO 4400.150
(c) MCO 3000.13
(d) MCO 3000.11E
(e) MCBUL 3000 (canc: Mar 16)
(f) SECNAV-M 5210.1
(g) SECNAVINST 4410.23
(h) TM-4700-15/1H
(i) MSG 141835Z Nov 14
(j) MCO 5040.6H
(k) NAVMC DIR 5040.6H
(l) MCO 4400.160
(m) MCO 4400.16H
(n) MCO P4400.82F
(o) GPN 2-14
(p) DLM 4000.25-1
(q) MCO 4733.1C
(r) MCO 5100.29B
(s) MCO 5215.1K
(t) MCO 1553.3B
(u) MCO P3500.72A
(v) MCO 4855.10C
(w) NAVMC 4855.1
(x) DoD Directive 4151.18, “Maintenance of Military
Material,” March 31, 2004
(y) MCO 4105.2
(z) MCO 5600.31A
(aa) MCO 4790.24
(ab) MCO 4790.18C
(ac) SECNAVINST 5211.5E
(ad) TM 10793A-OD/1
(ae) TI 10793-ID
1. Situation. In accordance with references (a) through (ae),
this Order outlines the Commandant of the Marine Corps’ (CMC)
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policy for implementing and managing field level maintenance.
It is designed to integrate requirements, policy, programs, and
procedures to synchronize maintenance and sustainment
activities. When properly implemented, this Policy will
significantly increase equipment readiness and effectively apply
maintenance resources.
2. Cancellation. MCO P4790.2C.
3. Mission. To define and establish Marine Corps maintenance
and maintenance management policies and procedures in order to
improve staff planning, organization, direction, coordination,
and unit readiness.
4. Execution
a. Commander’s Intent and Concept of Operations
(1) Commander’s Intent. Purpose: To enable commanders
to prioritize and manage maintenance resources, increase
equipment availability through a comprehensive maintenance
effort, accomplish the unit’s maintenance mission, improve
overall readiness, and extend the useful life of Marine Corps
equipment. Method: Define and establish uniform management
policies and procedures for ground equipment maintenance
management. End state: Achievement of a ground maintenance
management system that supports and extends operations by
identifying requirements, optimizing maintenance actions,
minimizing resource consumption, and properly managing
(2) Concept of Operations. Accountability and equipment
stewardship is accomplished by the execution of the programs
directed herein and references (a) and (b) and applies to all
levels of leadership. Organizations will perform Field Level
maintenance actions as prescribed in their respective mission
statement and reference (a). Maintenance will be performed at
the lowest unit level possible, consistent with the mission,
nature of the repair, authorized repair parts, tactical
situation, time available, personnel, skill set, logistical
lift, stock positioning of inventory/spares, and authorized
(3) Subordinate Element Missions. The Marine Corps
Total Force and supporting establishments responsible for
informal and formal weapon systems and equipment training will
ensure that the provisions of this Order are effected in the
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administration of the Marine Corps maintenance and maintenance
management programs. All commanders will ensure that the
procedures in this Order are followed. Specific
responsibilities are as follows:
(a) Deputy Commandant, Installations and Logistics
(DC I&L)
1. Serve as the Marine Corps Enterprise Ground
Equipment Manager, responsible for ensuring the roles and
responsibilities identified in this Order are adhered to by the
appropriate stakeholders in order to achieve and maintain strict
equipment accountability and visibility.
2. Serve as the functional advocate for
logistics information systems; ensure these systems are
available and effective to enable Total Life Cycle Systems
Management of ground equipment.
3. Ensure that the Field Supply and Maintenance
Analysis Office (FSMAO) conduct analyses for compliance with
this Order and provide assistance to Marine Corps organizations
as necessary.
4. Coordinate with Commanding General, Training
and Education Command (CG TECOM) to ensure that effective
training programs are implemented on the contents of this Order.
5. Coordinate with Commander Marine Corps
Systems Command (COMMARCORSYSCOM) and affiliated Program
Executive Offices (PEO), in the development of maintenance
(b) Deputy Commandant, Plans, Policies, & Operations
(DC PP&O). Support field level maintenance in accordance with
reference (a).
(c) Deputy Commandant, Combat Development and
Integration (DC CD&I)
1. Coordinate efforts with DC I&L to ensure
this Order is both implemented and in consonance with current
2. Coordinate with CG MARCORLOGCOM and
COMMARCORSYSCOM/PEO to ensure Total Force Structure Management
System data reflects the most current and accurate information
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available to enable effective ground equipment maintenance
operations at the field level.
(d) Deputy Commandant, Programs and Resources (DC
P&R). In coordination with DC I&L, CG MARCORLOGCOM and
COMMARCORSYSCOM/PEO, and Marine Forces (MARFORs), to ensure
adequate resources are programmed through the Program Objective
Memorandum process to support Intermediate and Organizational
maintenance and Secondary Reparable (SecRep) replenishment.
(e) Commanding General, Marine Corps Logistics
1. Support field level maintenance in
accordance with reference (a).
2. Serve as the Marine Corps Enterprise Ground
Inventory Manager for military equipment, ensuring policies
contained in this directive are supported and that emerging
maintenance and maintenance management practices are addressed
(f) Commanding General, Training and Education
Command (CG TECOM). Establish entry-level training for ground
maintenance and maintenance management programs. Coordinate
with occupational field advocates to establish intermediate
maintenance and maintenance management programs as appropriate.
(g) Commander, Marine Corps Systems Command
(COMMARCORSYSCOM)/Program Executive Offices (PEO)
1. Support field level maintenance in
accordance with reference (a).
2. Monitor and analyze Logistics Information
Systems to determine trends impacting equipment readiness and
asset availability.
3. Establish and maintain a principal agent
that will serve as the Command’s representative for integrated
product support providing processes, policy, tools, training and
services that enable Program Managers to support the warfighter
and Total Lifecycle Systems Management (TLCSM).
(h) Commanders, Marine Corps Forces. Support field
level maintenance in accordance with reference (a).
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(i) Commanders
1. Ensure field level maintenance is conducted
on assigned equipment in accordance with reference (a).
2. Ensure maintenance management and
maintenance receive full command support.
3. Establish training programs which address
maintenance management, reliability, and continuous process
improvement targeting equipment operator(s), maintenance
personnel, clerical, and supervisory personnel.
4. Develop and implement a comprehensive
internal maintenance management inspection program to ensure
command policies, procedures, and training are focused on
compliance with maintenance policy.
5. Coordinate and integrate the maintenance
management and maintenance efforts of command activities, and
implement internal control procedures to ensure compliance with
maintenance policy.
6. Coordinate Contracted Logistics Support
(CLS) and warranty support maintenance and sustainment actions
throughout respective areas of operation.
7. Capture and report data used in assessing
performance and sustainment metrics, operational readiness
assessments, costs and ground equipment condition readiness
reporting in accordance with references (c), (d) and (e).
8. Provide feedback on deficiencies or
initiatives within maintenance procedures, concepts and plans,
policy, technical data, equipment design, or logistics chain
processes to the appropriate authority via official channels,
and through participation in the appropriate Operational
Advisory Groups.
b. Coordinating Instructions
(1) Develop, review, update, and implement internal
policies and procedures to facilitate the intent and execution
of this Order.
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(2) Ensure accurate reporting of requirements, readiness
status and other data into appropriate supporting maintenance
and sustainment systems.
5. Administration and Logistics
a. Recommendations concerning the contents of this Order
are invited and should be submitted to Assistant Deputy
Commandant, Installation and Logistics (LP) attention Logistics
Policy and Capabilities Branch via the appropriate chain of
b. Records created as a result of this Order shall be
managed according to National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA) approved dispositions per reference (f) to
ensure proper maintenance, use, accessibility and preservation,
regardless of format or medium.
c. The generation, collection or distribution of personally
identifiable information and management of privacy sensitive
information shall be in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974,
as amended, per reference (ac). Any unauthorized review, use,
disclosure or distribution is prohibited.
6. Command and Signal
a. Command. This Order is applicable to the Marine Corps’
Total Force as outlined herein:
(1) To organizations with assigned Table of Organization
and Equipment (T/O&E), including task organized units, except as
indicated below:
(a) Aviation materiel furnished by the Navy which is
subject to policy prescribed by the Chief of Naval Operations.
(b) Medical and dental materiel which are subject to
the policies of Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.
(c) Musical instruments.
(d) Industrial plant equipment.
(e) Government Furnished Materiel (GFM), Government
Furnished Property (GFP), Government Furnished Equipment (GFE),
or Non-Tactical Vehicle, when specific procedures are delineated
in other directives.
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(f) Research and Development equipment unless
specified by MARCORSYSCOM/PEO and/or the Marine Corps
Warfighting Laboratory (MCWL).
(g) Class V (W), ground conventional ammunition.
(h) Dive equipment.
(2) This Order applies to equipment maintained by the
Marine Corps under approved PBA, Inter-service Support Agreement
(ISSA), Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU), Statement of Work (SOW), etc.
(3) Ground equipment maintenance will be managed as
outlined in this and other directives and manuals in the 4790
b. Signal. This Order is effective upon date signed.
Deputy Commandant for
Installations and Logistics
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i Enclosure (1)
Marine Corps Order
(MCO) 4790.2
Maintenance Management Policy
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ii Enclosure (1)
Location: ____________________________________________________
(Indicate location(s) of copy(ies) of this Order.)
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iii Enclosure (1)
Log completed change action as indicated.
Date of
Signature of Person
Incorporated Change
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iv Enclosure (1)
1. GENERAL.......................................1-1
2. RESPONSIBILITIES..............................1-1
3. MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION....................1-3
4 SUPPLY SUPPORT................................1-8
5. EQUIPMENT AVAILABILITY........................1-11
1. GENERAL.......................................2-1
2. TIME..........................................2-1
3. PERSONNEL.....................................2-1
4. MAINTENANCE TRAINING..........................2-1
5. MATERIEL......................................2-1
6. FACILITIES....................................2-2
7. FUNDS.........................................2-2
1. GENERAL.......................................3-1
2. MAINTENANCE PHASES............................3-2
3. MAINTENANCE CYCLE TIME (MCT)..................3-6
AND SERVICES (PMCS)...........................3-8
5. RELATIONSHIP OF PMCS TO CM....................3-10
6. CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE........................3-10
7. OVERFLOW MAINTENANCE..........................3-15
1. GENERAL.......................................4-1
3. TRAINING PROGRAM..............................4-1
4. MODIFICATION CONTROL PROGRAM..................4-2
6. PUBLICATIONS CONTROL PROGRAM..................4-4
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v Enclosure (1)
10. WARRANTY PROGRAM...............................4-6
11. INVENTORY (TOOL) CONTROL PROGRAM...............4-6
MAINTENANCE PROGRAM............................4-7
13. SAFETY PROGRAM.................................4-8
POLICY .....................................................A-1
APPENDIX B SHOP ORGANIZATION............................B-1
APPENDIX D ACRONYMS................................D-1
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Enclosure (1)
Chapter 1
Maintenance Management
1. General. Maintenance management integrates requirements,
policy, programs and procedures to synchronize maintenance and
sustainment activities. Maintenance Management plays a critical
role in maintaining unit readiness and, as such, Commander’s
will assign a Maintenance Management Officer (MMO), in writing,
when the billet is not identified by the T/O.
2. Responsibilities
a. Maintenance Management Officer. The MMO serves as
special staff officer to the Commander under either the staff
cognizance of the G-4/S-4 with respect to ground equipment field
level maintenance management. The MMO supports and provides
oversight of the eight functional areas of maintenance
management; maintenance administration, training, records and
reports, PMCS, equipment availability, publications control,
supply support and maintenance programs. The MMO will:
(1) Plan, organize, and coordinate the use of all
maintenance resources within the unit.
(2) Establish, plan and document the execution of the
unit’s maintenance related inspection program in order to
conduct detailed inspections ensure effective maintenance
operations through oversight of the maintenance management
functional areas.
(3) Conduct assessments of the maintenance management
functional areas to ensure effective maintenance operations.
(4) Establish, monitor and coordinate with responsible
officers and maintenance commodity managers to ensure the timely
performance of corrective and preventive maintenance programs.
(5) Coordinate with commodity and maintenance officers
to establish and monitor quality control programs.
(6) Establish evacuation procedures of equipment to
external maintenance activities.
(7) Monitor the documentation of labor hours and tasks
within the Major Automated Information System (MAIS).
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(8) Coordinate with supporting/supported maintenance
activities and ensures compliance with established procedures
and assist in ensuring prompt submission and retrieval of
(9) Coordinate with the G-3/S-3 in the balancing of
operational requirements with maintenance scheduling.
(10) Coordinate with the G-4/S-4 in identifying facility
requirements for maintenance operations and training, and
coordinates= the use of available facilities with commodity
(11) Assist commodity managers in the development and
maintenance of desk-top procedures/turnover files for each
maintenance management functional area.
(12) Establish and monitor procedures for validation and
reconciliation procedures.
(13) Coordinate with commodity managers to ensure the
establishment and administration of the functional areas
outlined below:
(a) Maintenance Administration.
(b) Training.
(c) Publications Control.
(d) Equipment Availability.
(e) PMCS and Corrective Maintenance (CM).
(f) Supply Support.
(g) Maintenance Programs.
(h) Records and Reports.
b. Maintenance Officer/Commodity Manager
(1) Serves as the technical adviser to the commander on
all commodity maintenance functions.
(2) Schedules, directs, and supervises the maintenance
operations for the commodity.
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(3) Coordinates efforts with internal and external
activities for maintenance related operations and issues.
c. Responsible Officer/Equipment Owner
(1) Develops and maintains an effective
scheduled/preventive maintenance program within his assigned
(2) Coordinates with supporting maintenance activities
for scheduling of equipment requiring preventive/corrective
(3) Responsible for the accurate and timely reporting of
the current operational status of equipment.
3. Maintenance Administration
a. Desk-Top Procedures and Turnover Folders
(1) Desktop Procedures
(a) The frequent change of personnel within units
results in a lack of expertise and continuity in day-to-day
operations. Proper use of desk-top procedures and turnover
folders greatly alleviates this situation and improves the
overall efficiency of an organization. Maintenance Management
Standard Operating Procedures/Maintenance Management Policy
Letter (MMSOP/MMPL) can state the requirements, contents,
details, and the billets that require desk-top procedures and
turnover files.
(b) Each unit/section will prepare desk-top
procedures for each billet involving administrative and
management functions. For example, desk-top procedures will be
established for personnel serving the following billets:
1. Maintenance personnel in key billets
(Quality Control, Maintenance Chief, etc.).
2. Shipping and Receiving.
3. Publications Clerks.
4. Supply Clerks.
5. Dispatchers.
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Enclosure (1)
6. Equipment Readiness.
(c) It is not intended that desk-top procedures be
all inclusive or formalized but, rather, a simple listing of
significant items or notes pertinent to everyday operations
within a particular billet. Normally, they would include such
items as current references, procedures for carrying out
required duties, telephone numbers of individuals who might need
to be contacted, and reports required. Each will prescribe
steps to follow in the accomplishment of all authorized
maintenance or related actions. Procedures will standardize
requirements, actions, and recordkeeping.
(2) Turnover Folders
(a) A turnover folder will include information about
policy, personnel, status of pending projects, references,
management controls, functioning of the section, ways and means
of accomplishing routine as well as infrequent tasks, and other
information of value to an individual assigned to that billet.
The MMSOP/MMPL can outline the requirement, contents, details,
and the billets that require turnover folders.
(b) Folders will be arranged in such a manner as to
permit ease in changing those sections requiring frequent
modification. The degree of detail must be flexible and is
subject to the discretion of organizational commanders. The
important consideration is that the content of folders be
directed towards rendering maximum assistance to the relief.
Turnover folders may be organized by functional area. At a
minimum, turnover folders will be prepared for the following
1. Maintenance Management Officer.
2. Maintenance Management Chief.
3. Maintenance Officer.
4. Maintenance Chief.
(c) Turnover folders will be titled with the billet
and contain, at a minimum, statements concerning the following:
1. To whom the individual occupying the billet
reports and incumbent billets subordinate thereto.
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2. The mission of the billet (broad billet
3. The functions involved in accomplishing the
mission (principal action taken).
4. Tasks and basic operations regularly
performed in accomplishing specific functions.
5. List of orders or other directives pertinent
to the billet.
6. List of required reports and dates of
7. List the relationship with activities both
in the official and unofficial chain of command, including
unofficial liaison and coordinating functions. Brief statements
concerning the type of matters with which these agencies are
consulted will be included.
8. Contacts within or external to the command,
listing telephone numbers and/or addresses. The purpose served
by the contact will be included.
9. Miscellaneous information will be included.
For example, administrative or operational procedures peculiar
to the billet, such as dual responsibility for certain functions
or limitations in responsibility or authority within particular
functions. Include any other information that might assist in
carrying out the responsibilities.
10. Past, pending, and anticipated projects
will be itemized and kept current. A short resume of past
projects considered unusually important to include, a status
report of each pending project, a brief outline of the project,
and a brief outline of projects considered worthwhile for future
b. Standard Operating Procedures and Policies. Marine
Force or Major Command (MajCom) Commanders will designate which
subordinate commands will publish an MMSOP/MMPL. The
instructions contained in the MMSOP/MMPL will be clear and
applicable to the unit level, and detailed to ensure each
subordinate unit can perform its maintenance mission. A MMPL is
warranted when amplification or clarification to an order/
directive or higher level directive (e.g., MMSOP) is required.
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If MMPLs are used they must also include justification as to why
the guidance provided within the order/directive or MMSOP is
inappropriate or requires clarification.
c. Assessments and Inspections
(1) Assessments. Internal assessments are utilized to
measure, preserve and support the unit’s maintenance management
program. Through proper implementation, units will ensure
effective use of resources. These assessments will identify the
unit’s strengths and weaknesses and will assist in evaluating
the command’s current processes, procedures and training
requirements. Below are some guidelines in conducting internal
(a) Designate times for internal assessments, (i.e.
on the Training Exercise and Employment Plan (TEEP), and unit
training plan).
(b) Use or incorporate HQMC or HHQ checklist
questions in your unit’s internal assessment.
(c) Involve Marines in the process; invite HHQ or
external support if needed. The quality and effectiveness of
the assessment is reliant on subject matter expertise and
(d) Read and understand the references in the
checklist (seek assistance if unsure): be critical, thorough and
(e) Document discrepancies and establish corrective
actions and follow on review of discrepancies.
(f) Pick a sample of items to review (you don’t need
to look at 100%).
(g) Conduct causative research as needed.
(h) Develop and execute a plan to correct records
and procedures.
(i) Follow MMSOP or MMPL to report corrections.
(j) Update desk-top procedures and turnover folders.
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(k) Create and follow-up on corrective action plans
with a focus on discrepant areas from the initial assessment.
(l) Retain internal assessment results.
(m) Verify that Marines have access to required
(n) The effectiveness of reconciliations; ensure
they are comprehensive and timely.
(2) Inspections. Inspections are one of the principal
means available to unit commanders to ascertain whether planning
and organization are sound and their staffs are functioning
effectively. Inspections are either formal or informal and can
be performed by internal or external sources. When conducted
inspections should document, corrective actions initiated
through follow on review of discrepancies. Local policy will
dictate the frequency of the required inspections. The
following are typical inspections that maintenance management
officer may be subject to:
(a) Informal Inspections. Informal inspections may
examine the unit or certain areas of the unit’s activity to the
same extent as a formal inspection or to any lesser extent. A
spot-check inspection of equipment or personnel in the conduct
of routine operations is an example of the simplest of the
informal inspections. Inspection checklist may be prescribed;
however, are not necessary. Results can be communicated written
or orally.
(b) Formal Inspections
1. Field Supply and Maintenance Analysis Office
(FSMAO). Scheduled FSMAO analysis of field units are designated
as formal analyses. Reports are filed at the conclusion of each
analysis. The FSMAO’s mission includes identifying and
reporting deficiencies in supply and maintenance operations,
compliance to policy, and recommending remedial action. In
addition to the formal analysis, the unit commander can request
assistance in specific problem areas. Details of the FSMAO’s
mission and responsibilities are found in reference (l).
2. Inspector General of the Marine Corps
(IGMC). The IGMC ensures that unit’s maintain the highest level
of readiness, effectiveness, discipline, efficiency, integrity,
morale, economy, and ethics encouraging public confidence. This
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Enclosure (1)
program is administered under the Marine Corps Readiness
Inspections and Assessments references (j) and (k). The IGMC
conducts inspections, investigations, or inquiries into any and
all matters of deemed important within a command and includes
the Commanding General’s Inspection Program and Command
Inspection Program (CIP).
4. Supply Support. Effective supply support requires close,
and continuous, coordination between the MMO, supply officer,
equipment owner and maintenance officer to ensure:
a. Requisitioning. Standardized submission and
requisitioning procedures are established for the unit through
the MAIS that supports and ensures:
(1) Repair parts and maintenance related supplies are
requisitioned in accordance with time standards outlined in
reference (m). The application of the time standard will be
applied from identification of the equipment problem or stock
list item shortage to submission into the MAIS.
(2) Requisition priorities are equal to, or lower than,
the priority of the associated maintenance repairs being
conducted and consistent with the mission essentiality of the
item being requisitioned.
b. Validation and Reconciliation. The preservation and
management of resources through implementation of effective
validation and reconciliation procedures ensures repair parts,
secondary reparables, components, and collateral equipment,
unless properly controlled, represent a continuing drain on the
unit’s resources. Effective validation and reconciliation
procedures will ensure that requirements are known, promptly
processed, and applied when received.
(1) Validation. The process used to confirm repair part
requirements. It involves confirmation of requirements that are
still needed, cancellations, receipts, scrounges, and current
status. When confirming needed requirements, the customer must
ensure that the items have been made known, still exist, and are
resident in the supply system.
(a) Ensure that all receipts, cancellations, and
scrounges have been identified and that required transactions
have been submitted and processed within the MAIS.
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(b) Ensure all parts requirement can be associated
to open requests.
1. Weekly
a. Deadline operational status of readiness
reportable equipment against the MAIS.
b. Readiness reportable equipment report
within the MAIS to ensure operational statuses is correct.
c. Supporting maintenance activities for
unit-owned and temp loaned equipment that is in the maintenance
d. Review readiness, management and
production reports within the MAIS to identify the following:
(1) Recurring Errors. Trends in data
input errors should prompt a review of a unit’s procedures or
discussions with the Logistics Systems Coordination Office
(LSCO) concerning possible system problems. Any program/system
issues will be identified to the chain of command.
(2) Requisitioning Delays. Comparing
the date of the status, the approval date, and document
transaction run date will reveal any delays in processing
requisitions and identify the source of the delay.
2. Monthly
a. Unit readiness report within the MAIS
with the T/O&E, and reference (e) to ensure all readiness
reportable ground equipment reflects the correct authorized
b. Unit readiness report within the MAIS
and the Mechanized Allowance List (MAL) with the equipment
physically on-hand to ensure "possessed" quantities are reported
c. Any program/system issues will be
identified to the chain of command.
(2) Reconciliation. Reconciliation is the process used
to ensure that validated requirements are properly logged within
the MAIS.
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(a) Proper reconciliation between the maintenance
and supply sections.
(b) Continuous monitoring of requisitions.
(c) Commodity Manager/Shop/Maintenance Officer.
After the weekly validation, the commodity manager or
shop/maintenance officer or chief will accomplish the following
with the MMO and Supply:
1. Ensure that the supply status provided is
current, acceptable, and understood. Request the supply office
clarify any status that is not understood or does not
sufficiently correspond to requisition priority.
2. Identify corrections and necessary updates
and assist Responsible Officers, maintenance commodity sections,
and the supply section to correct and update the MAIS.
c. New Equipment Fielding. Fielding of new equipment
involves coordination throughout the using unit amongst the
supply officer, gaining responsible officer and maintenance
commodity. The Commanding Officer will place newly fielded
equipment into service in accordance with the fielding plan
prior to conducting operations. The MMO will ensure:
(1) Fielding plans (FP) are reviewed to ensure
maintenance resource planning is coordinated.
(2) Validate or initiate the equipment’s life-cycle
attributes within the MAIS to include: warranty, configured
status validated, PMCS interval validated, PMCS scheduled
established, counter established, and counter reading entered.
d. Demand Supported Items (DSI). Monitor approved DSI
inventories and strict adherence to reference (b), to ensure
proper accounting and capture of class IX (repair parts) through
the MAIS.
e. Funds. Whether in terms of hard dollars, budgets, or
operating targets, funds are not directly seen by the MMO or
maintenance sections. The adequacy of funding is indicated in a
maintenance section by the availability of repair parts, tools,
and other maintenance related supplies. Even though the impact
of funding is indirect, the role of the MMO is vital.
Coordination ensures the input of maintenance requirements for
all commodity areas.
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Enclosure (1)
(1) In the budgeting process the MMO ensures that the
data collection is accurate. All costs of repair parts will be
captured when funds are expended. Field budget guidance and
staff coordination with G-3/S-3 and G-4/S-4 will provide the
information regarding the tempo of future operations, logistic
commitments, and new equipment receipts. Using this information
will assist commodity and maintenance sections in expressing
requirements while fulfilling staff responsibility for input to
the budget process.
(2) Planning. Information will be captured routinely in
the MAIS or local system routinely on the obligation and
subsequent expenditure of funds.
(3) Control. Once allocated, funds must be controlled.
There are numerous regulations concerning obligation authority.
The MMO’s responsibilities include providing staff advice on
internal allocation/reallocation, ensuring that funds obligated
for maintenance resources are applied in the best manner, and
ensuring that periodic fiscal reviews are conducted. Below are
two examples that best illustrate the control function of the
(a) The MMO fulfills the control function and meets
a staff responsibility by coordinating with the supply,
maintenance and fiscal officers and then presenting the
commander with the necessary information to decide on the
allocation/reallocation of funds, cancellation of requisitions,
or request for additional funds.
(b) The MMO, in conjunction with the unit’s supply
and fiscal officers and in coordination with the command’s
comptroller, must develop the unit’s job order number structure
allowing information collection and permitting sound command
decisions based on readily available information.
5. Equipment Availability. The MMO advises the commander on
all matters relative to equipment readiness and the impact to
the unit’s mission. Timely and accurate reporting of all
equipment and its operational status shall be executed in
accordance with references (b), (c), (d), and (e).
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2-1 Enclosure (1)
Chapter 2
Maintenance Resources
1. General. Maintenance resources are time, personnel,
maintenance training, materiel, facilities, and funds.
Commanders influence the allocation of maintenance resources
through budget submissions, T/O revisions, and T/E changes.
2. Time. Commanders at all levels must plan time for the
effective accomplishment of maintenance operations. Doing so
increases command attention on the importance of maintenance and
facilitates increased equipment and personnel availability.
Maintenance Officers, Chiefs and MMOs must maintain awareness of
time as a resource and shall continuously monitor to ensure
maintenance and non-maintenance activities are synchronized in
an effective manner.
3. Personnel. Commanders will ensure the proper allocation of
human resources to accomplish all maintenance tasks in support
of an organization’s assigned equipment. The allocation will
address the required manning levels and skill sets. Equipment
to manpower reviews will be continuous and official Table of
Organization and Equipment Change Request (TOECR) will be
submitted when required.
4. Maintenance Training. A critical aspect of personnel
resourcing, in support of maintenance operations, is the
effective management and oversight of maintenance training.
Maintenance Officers, Chiefs and MMOs must continuously evaluate
mission requirements and tables of organization against on-hand
personnel training readiness levels. Doing so ensures that
appropriately trained personnel exist to support maintenance
requirements. Effective planning and forecasting is required
in ensuring that training remains aligned to mission
requirement. Maintenance personnel should become familiar with
training systems and shall coordinate closely with unit training
personnel to ensure proper scheduling and effective execution of
maintenance training. Maintenance personnel and MMOs will
utilize applicable Training and Readiness (T&R) Manuals as
guides to ensure training readiness is maintained and provided
in the most appropriate method.
5. Materiel. Consists of all materiel items required to
support the operation and maintenance of military equipment.
Materiel to be considered in resource planning include, but are
not limited to, Class IX repair parts, Class III fluids and
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lubricants, required tools, test or support equipment, and
technical publications. Maintenance personnel shall
continuously consider and plan for materiel requirements
throughout phases of maintenance.
6. Facilities. Facilities are real estate or structures that
provide support for missions, functions, and tasks. It is
important that land and facilities be accorded the same
commitment, concern, and support as other war fighting systems.
The staff functions and considerations and factors effecting
site selection, shop layout, and organization are established in
Appendix B (Shop Organization).
7. Funds. The funding of maintenance at the field level is
achieved by accurate budget planning. Budget submissions will
account for forecast based on historical demand for repair
parts, future estimates for operations and exercises,
appropriate materiel forecast, new equipment fielding, aged
equipment and average cost of maintenance programs.
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Chapter 3
Field Maintenance Production
1. General. Maintenance involves those actions taken to
restore or retain materiel in serviceable or operational
condition. Maintenance tasks are grouped into two types,
preventive and corrective. Preventive maintenance is the
practice of maintaining equipment on a regular schedule based on
elapsed time or counter reading. Corrective maintenance
involves those actions to restore materiel to a serviceable
a. Maintenance Authority. A unit’s authority to perform
maintenance tasks corresponds directly to the assigned
capabilities and available resources for accomplishment of the
mission. Units are not authorized to conduct maintenance
outside of their assigned capabilities except when coordinated
through the supporting/supported relationship or as outlined in
reference (a). An organization’s assigned personnel and
authorized equipment form the foundation of the assigned
capability. The concept of operations for a given mission that
establishes the supporting and supported relationships will
influence and further refine the assigned capability. Reference
(a) is the principal document that provides maintenance
authority and defines maintenance capability within a two level
of maintenance concept:
b. Levels of Maintenance (LOM). Field and Depot. The
distinction between field and depot LOM is based on the
maintenance tasks performed, within each LOM and as communicated
through the Source Maintenance Recoverability (SMR) code. The
levels of maintenance are summarized below however; reference
(a) is the principal document that establishes the levels of
maintenance for the Marine Corps.
(1) Field LOM. Field maintenance is any maintenance
that does not require depot maintenance capability and is
performed by equipment operator(s) and mechanics/technicians
within Marine Corps organizations and activities, and/or by
approved commercial/contract sources. Maintenance tasks
performed within the field LOM are categorized as organizational
or intermediate. A unit may perform any field maintenance tasks
for which it is manned, trained and equipped. Units are not
authorized to conduct maintenance outside of their assigned
capabilities. However, supported and supporting unit commanders
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are authorized to coordinate in order to ensure the most
effective use of maintenance resources within their respective
capabilities, and will incorporate local standard operating
procedures to ensure the same. Additionally, commanders must
consider their impacts not only to their own operations and
resources, but also on those of their supporting/supported
(2) Depot LOM. Maintenance actions taken on material or
software involving the inspection, repair, overhaul, or the
modification or reclamation (as necessary) of weapons systems,
equipment end items, parts, components, assemblies, and
subassemblies that are beyond field maintenance capabilities,
and/or are authorized and directed by HQMC.
2. Maintenance Phases. Appendix C provides a series of steps
depicting a logical sequence necessary to complete the various
types of maintenance functions, which are described below.
a. Acceptance Phase. The acceptance phase is the initial
step of the maintenance production process. It consists of
inspection, scheduling, and assignment within the maintenance
(1) Inspection. The purpose of the acceptance
inspection is to verify that the equipment is complete and
prepared for the required maintenance service and is conducted
upon initial receipt by the maintenance activity. The
procedures to be followed in the acceptance inspection are as
(a) Determine that the equipment is complete by
locating, identifying, and inventorying equipment and its
components and ensuring that appropriate operator maintenance,
including cleaning, configuration and application of appropriate
modification has been performed. Remove and store collateral
materiel and annotate accompanying documentation unless
collateral equipment is required during the active maintenance
phase. Equipment incomplete or not properly prepared by the
unit or activity requesting maintenance should be reported to
the owning unit via the MMO.
(b) Verify the request for maintenance has been
properly prepared in order to facilitate any maintenance
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(c) Accept the equipment for the required service.
(d) Assign a production priority for use within the
maintenance section. This priority will be based upon the
Urgency of Need Designator (UND) assigned and as outlined in
reference (m).
(2) Acceptance Scheduling. The purpose of acceptance
scheduling is to have equipment requiring maintenance arrive at
the maintenance facility at or after the time that the required
maintenance resources are available. This procedure allows the
equipment owner maximum operational use of this equipment while
avoiding needlessly large concentrations of equipment awaiting
maintenance at the maintenance facility. Acceptance scheduling
applies to maintenance functions performed at the field level.
To be effective close coordination between the equipment owner
and the maintenance section is required. Acceptance scheduling
normally applies to all PMCS, modification, calibration, or
routine repairs. Procedures for acceptance scheduling are as
(a) Initiation of requests through local procedures.
(b) Validate and or assign the UND in accordance
with reference (m).
(c) Acceptance by the maintenance section includes
establishment, when appropriate, of the date for delivery of the
equipment for the required service.
(d) Tentative scheduling of the equipment to a
specific maintenance section/shop within the maintenance
(e) Determining the parts required for the service
and initiating requisitions to ensure availability of parts at
the time of the service.
(3) Shop Assignment. The assignment of equipment to a
specific maintenance section/shop within the maintenance
activity occurs upon completion of the acceptance inspection and
scheduling, when appropriate. In maintenance activities
comprised of only one maintenance shop, shop assignment occurs
at the time of acceptance of the equipment during the acceptance
inspection. Procedures to be followed in the shop assignments
are as follows:
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(a) Identify the type of shop to perform the
required service.
(b) Review the workloads and available resources of
individual shops within the maintenance section and determine
which shop should be assigned responsibility for repairs.
(c) Assign the responsibility to a specific
maintenance shop. When assigning, always consider the UND
assigned to ensure that the equipment readiness of supported
units is not impaired.
(d) Assign the DSI required for the service to
ensure availability at the time of induction.
b. Induction Phase
(1) Induction is the physical delivery of the equipment
requiring service to the maintenance activity.
(2) Induction of equipment into a specified maintenance
activity must be by the priority established in the equipment
acceptance phase.
c. Active Maintenance Phase. Production actions performed
following induction of the equipment into a maintenance shop
constitute the active maintenance phase and the beginning of the
repair process. This phase is performed in a sequence of
logical steps designed to ensure that the required services are
conducted in an efficient and effective manner. During this
phase, continual emphasis is placed on quality control of the
actions and tasks performed. The frequency of quality control
inspections will depend on the skill and experience of the
individual technicians or mechanics and the overall complexity
of the actions. The steps to be followed in the conduct of
active maintenance are described in the following:
(1) Inspection. Maintenance personnel assigned to
perform the service will perform a detailed inspection of the
equipment upon its induction into the maintenance activity.
This inspection serves as a basis for the performance of the
maintenance and includes verifying all equipment records
associated with the required service is current.
(2) Preparation. Preparation includes the assembly of
the appropriate technical publications and other technical
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information, support equipment, and Test Measurement and
Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) to perform required service.
Adequate preparation reduces the actual time required to perform
the maintenance and ensures that maintenance actions are not
initiated when the required resources are not available.
(3) Performance. Maintenance tasks such as PMCS, CM,
calibrations, and modifications will be performed per the
appropriate technical publication by qualified personnel.
(4) Quality Control (QC). QC requires a complete
inspection of equipment to determine completion of maintenance
actions and update of equipment records within the MAIS (if
required). Equipment will be inspected by assigned quality
control personnel. Equipment not performing satisfactorily will
be rejected and recommendations made for further maintenance
action. Acceptable performance results in the completion of the
active maintenance phase and the movement of the equipment to
the closeout phase.
d. Maintenance Closeout Phase
(1) The closeout phase of the maintenance process
commences when equipment has been repaired or disposition has
been executed. Maintenance personnel will ensure that the
closeout process is accurate, complete, and coordinated.
(2) The closeout phase requires close coordination with
owning unit personnel to ensure that they are notified as soon
as the equipment is ready for pickup. Special packaging,
preservation, transportation, and shipping requirements must be
taken care of at this time. Adhering to the UND timelines
established in reference (m) the using unit must make every
effort to pick up completed equipment promptly.
(3) In the closeout phase, owning unit maintenance and
supply personnel must ensure that equipment records
accountability records have been updated; this includes but not
limited to ensuring proper accounting of class IX, documenting
maintenance tasks performed, level of effort (time) to conduct
the tasks, and updating of equipment readiness status.
3. Maintenance Cycle Time (MCT). Maintenance Cycle Time is the
period of time covered from the initiation of maintenance
actions until repairs and maintenance records are complete.
Maintenance cycle time begins when the equipment is
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inducted/accepted into the maintenance activity and ends upon
the closeout.
a. Maximum Maintenance Cycle Time (MMCT). The MMCT is the
maximum prescribed time an asset is to remain in the maintenance
cycle. The prescribed time is established as a decision making
threshold. Every asset type has a unique maintenance cycle time
and therefore maintenance managers will focus on minimizing
maintenance cycle times and will only reach the maximum by
(1) End Items. An end item is a full equipment
capability set. It includes all components assembled and
configured to form a specific mission. An end item is a class
VII supply item.
(a) MMCT for end items will be 120 days CONUS / 150
days OCONUS.
(b) MMCT for an end item is measured from the date
the organizational level maintenance activity receives the item
for maintenance until all maintenance actions are close. This
time includes any days the end item or one of its component
items is evacuated to an intermediate maintenance activity.
(2) Component Items. Component items are assets that
are configured to end items. A component item can sometimes be
categorized as an end item, if it is not configured under a
different end item. An example is a truck. A truck can be an
end item or it can be a component of a system. A component item
is also a class VII supply item.
(a) MMCT for a component items is 60 days CONUS / 90
days OCONUS.
(b) MMCT for a component item is measured from the
date the maintenance activity receives the item in for
maintenance until all maintenance actions are closed. In cases
where the Intermediate Maintenance Activity (IMA) has received
an end item, the component item MMCT applies. The owning
organization is capturing the MMCT for the end item.
(3) Secondary Reparable (SecRep). A SecRep is a class
IX supply item that is not consumable. It is repaired and
returned to a class IX supply block.
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(a) MMCT for a SecRep is 45 days CONUS / 60 days
(b) MMCT for a SecRep is measured from the date the
IMA receives the item in for maintenance until all maintenance
actions are close.
b. Expiration of MMCT. When the MMCT expires or
documentation shows that repairs cannot be completed within the
MMCT, the following action will be followed:
(1) Organizational Maintenance Activity Actions
(a) If the asset is not evacuated to an IMA, the
organization will submit an official request for disposition per
references (n) and (o) on controlled items. Include in the
remarks paragraph of the disposition report all actions taken to
obtain required parts.
(b) Other-than-controlled items will be disposed of
per appropriate orders and reference (i).
(c) Exceptions. Maintenance cycle times can be
extended when directed via disposition instruction. Commanders
may extend maintenance cycle times for any unique scenarios that
are not due to supply support or maintenance resources, which
are covered by official request for disposition.
(2) IMA Actions (End Items and Component Items)
(a) IMAs will submit an official request for
disposition per references (n) and (o) on controlled items.
Include in the remarks paragraph of the disposition report all
actions taken to obtain required parts, including follow-up
message traffic to the Marine Corps Logistics Command
(b) Other-than-controlled items will be disposed of
per appropriate orders and reference (i).
(c) Exceptions. The supporting maintenance
activity’s maintenance officers are authorized to extend the
MMCT when directed via disposition instruction. Commanding
officers of the owning organization must approve all MMCT
extensions for any unique scenarios that are not due to supply
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support or maintenance resources, which are covered by official
request for disposition.
(3) IMA Actions (SecReps)
(a) Supporting maintenance activities will conduct a
review with the Reparable Issue Point (RIP) manager to determine
the appropriate action.
(b) RIP managers are responsible for all requests
for disposition of SecReps or for initiating the Material
Returns Program (MRP).
(c) Exceptions. The supporting maintenance
activity’s maintenance officers are authorized to extend the
MMCT when directed via disposition instruction. RIP managers
must approve all MMCT extensions for any unique scenarios that
are not due to supply support or maintenance resources, which
are covered by official request for disposition. Each extension
will be no longer than 30 days, at which time the need will be
revalidated prior to any subsequent extensions.
c. Documentation
(1) Commanders shall establish local procedure for the
extension of MMCT.
(2) Personnel authorized to extend MMCT shall be
appointed in writing.
(3) Maintenance Officers and Maintenance Management
Officers will ensure that all approved extension letters and/or
extension documentations be added within the MAIS. At a
minimum, the record will be annotated to explain the reason the
cycle was extended, who approved the extension, and the length
of the extension.
4. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS). PMCS is
a sub-function of field maintenance and is performed by
equipment operator(s) and maintenance personnel; it includes
servicing, adjustment, and tuning for the purpose of maintaining
equipment in an operationally ready condition. PMCS is
condition based and shall be accomplished by systematic
inspection, detection, and correction of failures as set forth
in applicable equipment technical publications.
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a. Scheduled PMCS. Scheduled PMCS are maintenance tasks
that are required to be scheduled; the performance will be by
trained maintenance personnel and assisted by the equipment
operator(s) as required.
(1) Intervals are established for equipment at the
program office level and within the MAIS in accordance with
applicable technical publications.
(2) Scheduled PMCS is the responsibility of the
equipment owner or unit using the equipment.
(a) Commanders are authorized to increase the
frequency for scheduled PMCS, when operating conditions warrant.
(b) PMCS will be scheduled and recorded within the
(c) For equipment with no PMCS interval designated,
the commanding officer will designate an interval not to exceed
(d) Equipment not under a warranty period may have
PMCS intervals deferred when placed in administrative storage or
administrative dead-line per this Order. Equipment under
warranty will have the respective technical publication reviewed
to determine appropriate procedures for inclusion into an
administrative storage program.
(e) Commanders are not authorized to deviate beyond
the minimum established schedule(s) for the conduct of PMCS
tasks. When tasks are identified that are either redundant and
conditions warrant change Commanders will recommend changes to
these tasks to the appropriate program manager via NAVMC 10772
or PQDR.
(3) PMCS tasks conducted by equipment operators are not
required to be scheduled or captured within the MAIS.
b. Equipment Counters. Equipment counters are used to
measure the operating intervals of equipment. Equipment
requiring a measurement of use (i.e. hours, miles or rounds)
will be configured with a counter(s) within the MAIS.
Commanders will ensure equipment counters are updated and
reconciled against the MAIS at a minimum of monthly or as
operational conditions warrant.
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5. Relationship of PMCS to CM. The objective of PMCS is to
reduce or identify CM requirements and increase the useful life-
cycle of equipment. When defects are identified a decision must
be made whether to perform the CM independently or in
conjunction with the PMCS. Equipment requiring evacuation for
CM shall be closely coordinated between the using unit and the
supporting maintenance activity. Time, distance between the
organizations, available personnel, quantity and nature of the
equipment involved are factors to be considered in determining
if the owner or the supporting maintenance activity will perform
6. Corrective Maintenance. CM consists of all maintenance
actions performed, as a result of a failure, to restore
equipment to an operational condition. The CM process commences
when equipment is reported as requiring CM. It terminates when
equipment is either restored to a serviceable condition,
determined not reparable through disposition instructions. The
owning unit is responsible for the timely performance of all CM
actions within its responsibility. The designated supporting
maintenance activity is responsible for the timely performance
of all CM actions exceeding the owning unit’s
capacity/capability. CM will be performed per the procedures
established in appropriate equipment technical publication.
Deviations from these procedures must be minimized and
consistent with the effective performance of the specific
maintenance action. Recommendations for the improvement of
established CM procedures will be forwarded to the appropriate
PM via NAVMC 10772, to include the challenge of an SMR code. CM
process is contained in Appendix C.
a. Field Maintenance – Organizational Category
(1) Field maintenance in the organizational category is
normally performed by the owning organization with its assigned
capabilities and resources. This is commonly referred to as
organizational maintenance.
(2) Organizations will perform all CM tasks that are
within their assigned capabilities/responsibilities. If an
asset requires maintenance that exceeds the assigned
capability/capacity, the items will be evacuated to the
supporting maintenance activity.
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(3) Organizations will replace defective secondary
reparable components by conducting an exchange with the
supporting RIP. SecReps with a source maintenance and
recoverability (SMR) code with an “O” in the 3rd character
position are authorized to conduct an exchange. SecReps with an
SMR code of “F”, “H”, “D”, or “L” in the 3rd character position,
require the end item to be evacuated to the appropriate
supporting maintenance activity.
b. Field Maintenance – Intermediate Category. Field
maintenance in the intermediate category is normally performed
by an organization that has been established and assigned a
mission to perform maintenance tasks that require a higher level
of technical training, specialized tools and/or facilities.
Command maintenance support relationships must define the link
between supporting maintenance and supported organizations. A
typical example is the Marine Logistics Group’s Maintenance
Battalion providing general support (GS) intermediate
maintenance to the supported Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF).
Regardless of the nature of the supporting/supported
relationship, the procedures for conducting intermediate
maintenance will be the same.
(1) Military Equipment
(a) Equipment will be accepted into the supporting
maintenance activity with the priority assigned by the owning
organization. Authorized personnel in the supporting
maintenance activity are authorized to approve Urgency Need
Designator (UND) “A”, “B” and “C” requisitions consistent with
the originating unit’s request and reference (M).
(b) Supporting maintenance activities will replace
defective secondary reparable components on military equipment
by conducting an exchange with the supporting RIP. Supporting
maintenance activities are authorized to conduct the exchange of
SecReps with an SMR code of “F” and “H” in the 3rd character.
If the secondary reparable has a “D” or “L” in the 3rd character
position, the unit must request disposition.
(2) Secondary Reparables (SecReps). SecReps are
generally categorized as Line Replacement Units (LRUs) and Shop
Replacement Units (SRUs). An LRU is a direct sub-assembly to
military equipment. An SRU is a direct sub-assembly to an LRU.
A systematic SecRep exchange is required, no matter if the item
is an SRU being exchanged against and LRU or an LRU being
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exchanged against an end item. The process and system
requisition flow will follow the same general procedures.
Typically SRUs are only exchanged by SecRep repair activities
while performing maintenance on LRUs.
(a) SecRep Repair Field. Field LOM on SecReps
consists of testing and verification, verification of
modifications, software restoration, tuning and alignments,
fault isolation, replacement of defective pieces, parts and
subassemblies. The authorized LOM on SecReps within the MARFORS
will not exceed the field LOM as defined by this Order and
reference (a). The intent is to rapidly perform repairs and
return serviceable components to RIP stocks in a condition code
“A” status.
(b) SecRep Repair Depot. Depot LOM on SecReps
consists of in depth testing and verification, repair and
restoration, overhaul and rebuild of a component and its
subassemblies. Depot LOM on SecReps often requires specialized
TMDE and tools, the intent of depot LOM on SecReps is to restore
an item to a like new/OEM specification. Depot LOM is provided
by Third Party Logistics (3PL) providers, Original Equipment
Manufacturers (OEM) and DoD depot maintenance.
(c) Supporting Maintenance Activity/Reparable Issue
Point (RIP) Relationship. LSCOs within the MARFORS will ensure
these systematic relationships are established within the MAIS.
(d) SecRep Maintenance Capacity. Capacity
management will be achieved through the observation of
production, throughput over time, and resource availability,
which will guide management decisions. Analyses will be made on
each asset type/group (NIIN level) while considering the
following key variables.
1. Throughput Ratio. This is the ratio of the
number of unserviceable assets received into the work section
compared to the number of serviceable assets returned to stocks;
over a time span long enough to form a production analysis.
(Will differ depending on the asset group)
2. RIP Stock Levels/Backorders. Assets that
have customer backorders registered at the RIP, or low stock
levels require thorough capacity review. RIP managers and
maintenance officers will collaborate when these variables
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3. Maintenance Cycle Times. Maintenance cycle
times are variables that will aid capacity managers in
determining the volume of assets that can be effectively managed
over time.
4. Repair Parts Availability. The availability
of consumable and reparable supplies that support SecRep
maintenance is a variable that maintenance officers will
continuously monitor.
5. SecRep Budgets. RIP managers will routinely
communicate fiscal concerns to maintenance officers to better
inform capacity management decisions.
6. ME Readiness. ME readiness is addressed by
maintaining adequate stock levels at the RIP to meet demands.
However, when backorders/low stock levels exist on multiple
asset types, ME readiness will aid in establishing priorities
for capacity management. RIP managers and maintenance officers
will collaborate when these variables exist.
7. Manpower. Manpower analyses will consider
the availability of trained personnel who possess the
appropriate core competencies. Maintenance officers must ensure
manpower issues are considered and mitigated to the maximum
extent possible.
8. Workspace. Shortage of workspace
(Shop/floor/bench) is a variable that can have a negative impact
on capacity. Maintenance officers must ensure workspace issues
are considered and mitigated to the maximum extent possible.
(e) SecRep Source of Repair Decision. Decisions in
determining source(s) of repair at the RIP are inherently the
responsibility of the RIP manager. Backorders, stock levels,
and warranty information will have an impact to the source of
repair decision. The following considerations will aid in the
determination of source of repair:
1. Warranty, if applicable, and within the
scope of coverage.
2. Capabilities of the supporting maintenance
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3. Maintenance capacity of the supporting
maintenance activity (current throughput ratios and average
maintenance cycle times).
4. Results of initial testing, if applicable.
(field or depot level maintenance requirements). Some assets
will require a repair source determination that can only be
obtained by limited testing (e.g. engine tested on a
dynamometer). If the asset has no obvious defects (e.g. visible
engine block damage) and the local maintenance organization is
capable of performing a test, it will do so prior to making the
repair source decision. The purpose of the initial test is to
determine the required LOM. Initial testing will be documented
on the system generated maintenance record within the MAIS. It
is not cost effective to exercise MRP, 3PL, or OEM actions on
SecReps without testing and screening for field level repair
candidates when the capability exists. Source of repair
decision should normally be completed on the same day the
unserviceable item is received at the RIP. This process will
not exceed 5 days and inclusive of the MMCT. The intent is to
allow time for initial testing, when necessary (e.g. an asset is
scheduled for a dynamometer test on day 5 and found to be within
the field LOM and can be accepted). If the item under test is
found to be outside the scope of the field LOM, maintenance
officers will ensure the MAIS is documented accordingly to
capture the resources used, and testing performed (e.g., accept,
record, and close) and inclusive of the MMCT.
(f) SecRep Configuration. Approved configuration
checklists are published by MARCORLOGCOM. SecReps will be
inspected for configuration by trained maintenance personnel
upon arrival to the RIP, regardless of the source of repair
(g) Close out Condition Code Assignment(s). Assets
restored to a serviceable condition will be closed out with a
serviceable status ready for issue. Unserviceable assets will
be returned to the RIP in a condition code (F) status for
processing under the following conditions:
1. Uneconomical to Repair. A SecRep is
considered uneconomical to repair if the repair cost exceeds 45%
of the replacement cost, and a replacement is obtainable.
During combat operations, time and stock posture will be
considered over cost of repair.
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2. If after acceptance into maintenance, is
found to require repairs that exceed the field LOM.
3. If the item exceeds the MMCT identified
herein, and does not have a valid authorization for extension
and an extension is not anticipated.
4. Supply Support. Supply support
determinations will to be made within 5 days from the date of
requisition. In those instances where supply support cannot be
obtained a supply assistance report (SAR) will be submitted in
accordance with reference (p). Repair parts that are clearly
obtainable, but historically have a slower lead time will be
reported to the supporting Supply Management Unit.
Organizations are authorized to establish and hold DSI in order
to reduce maintenance cycle times. SecRep repair is repetitive
in nature and maintenance managers shall stay abreast of supply
support issues that impact maintenance and must be capable of
making these decisions early in the maintenance cycle.
5. Product Quality Deficiency Program (PQDR)
(SecRep). Often times a customer rejected asset will be
reevaluated by the supporting maintenance section and result in
a PQDR submission. SecRep maintainers have the technical
expertise to observe quality deficiency trends on assets that
are undergoing repairs. Regardless of the scenario, the
supporting maintenance activities will submit a PQDR when
quality deficiency trends are discovered in accordance with
references (v) and (w). RIP managers will be notified on all
PQDR submissions for SecReps. This requirement does not relieve
RIP customers from their responsibility in PQDR submissions.
7. Overflow Maintenance. Overflow maintenance is maintenance
tasks within the unit’s responsibility but beyond its capacity
because of restrictive and/or unusual circumstances and is
consequently performed by another unit or supporting maintenance
activity. The following conditions may prevail:
a. Insufficient maintenance resources; for example,
shortage of technicians or mechanics, shop space or facilities,
maintenance equipment, or inadequate supply support.
b. Cost-effectiveness; for example, instances when it would
be more cost-effective for the supporting maintenance facility
to perform organizational maintenance on supported equipment in
conjunction with or independent of intermediate maintenance.
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Such overflow maintenance will be contingent on the availability
of maintenance resources at the supporting activity and
agreement between the support activity and the supported
8. Exceptional Maintenance Practices. Exceptional maintenance
practices require continual monitoring in order to ensure these
practices do not become common place. Within the Marine Corps
there are two exceptional maintenance practices; Cannibalization
and Selective Interchange. When reviewing requests for the
conduct of cannibalization and selective interchange each should
be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and authorized only when
operational availability of the equipment is essential to
mission accomplishment. Cannibalization and selective
interchange are exceptions to established Marine Corps
maintenance practices. These practices increase maintenance
workload, complicates lifecycle planning and serialized
management of materiel, increase the potential for degraded
asset performance and reliability relative to established
standards, and may result in the failure of demand to be
registered within the supply chain. Due to these challenges and
risks, approval of request to conduct will be closely
scrutinized and authority to execute will be granted when it is
absolutely necessary for mission accomplishment. These practices
will be documented, recorded and reported as directed in
reference (x) and outlined below.
a. Cannibalization. The removal of serviceable parts or
components, without replacement, from one unserviceable end item
of equipment in order to install them on another unserviceable
end item of equipment in order to restore equipment to an
operational condition. The purpose of cannibalization is to
restore equipment when those items are required for mission
accomplishment and the required repair parts are not readily
available through the supply chain.
(1) Authority. Marine Corps Logistics Command
(MARCORLOGCOM), as the Marine Corps Ground Asset Manager for
military equipment, is the sole approval authority for
cannibalization. Commands and maintenance activities will
submit requests for cannibalization via the disposition process
to MARCORLOGCOM. MARCORLOGCOM will provide an appropriate
response approving/disapproving the removal of repair parts.
(2) Commands and maintenance activities will not conduct
cannibalization with the objective of building an inventory of
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operational stocks. When cannibalization has been authorized by
a MARCORLOGCOM item inventory manager, serviceable parts will be
returned to the supply system for accountability and reissue.
(3) Organizations conducting maintenance on Marine Corps
ground equipment via memoranda of agreement or maintenance
contract will not conduct cannibalization without prior approval
from the appropriate MARCORLOGCOM inventory manager.
(4) Commands and maintenance activities will implement
strict internal control procedures to ensure that
cannibalization is not conducted unless authorized by
MARCORLOGCOM. Commands and maintenance activities will also
publish standard operating procedures for conducting, capturing
and recording cannibalization.
(5) Documentation of cannibalization. The MAIS will
capture the minimum data requirements for use by HQMC to report
to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (OASD) as
required by reference (x).
(6) Reporting. Commands and maintenance activities will
capture when parts or components are removed from equipment that
will not be returned to service and applied to other equipment
in order to render it operational.
(7) Cannibalization of Small Arms/Light Weapons (SA/LW)
is not authorized.
b. Selective Interchange. The controlled removal and
replacement of an unserviceable repair part or component from
one end item with a serviceable part or component from another
end item to return the end item to an operational status. Parts
or components must be exchanged between end items for the action
to qualify as selective interchange. A requisition for the
replacement part or component may be used in lieu of the actual
unserviceable part or component in the exchange. Selective
Interchange is a lesser degree of Cannibalization as defined by
the Marine Corps.
(1) Authority
(a) Operating Forces. Battalion/squadron commanders
are authorized to approve selective interchange.
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(b) Supporting Establishment (SE). Supporting
establishment commanders are authorized to approve selective
interchange in support of field level maintenance requirements.
(c) Intermediate Maintenance Activities. Direct and
general support maintenance activities are authorized to conduct
selective interchange for equipment within their purview, and
under the conditions specified in paras below:
1. The equipment or secondary reparable is in
the intermediate category of maintenance.
2. The commander of the unit accountable for
the equipment from which the serviceable part or secondary
reparable is to be removed has authorized the interchange.
(d) Organizations conducting maintenance of Marine
Corps ground equipment via memoranda of agreement or maintenance
contract will not conduct selective interchange without prior
approval from the appropriate battalion/squadron commander
(accountable officer (AO) responsible for the equipment).
(e) Commands and maintenance activities will
implement strict internal control procedures to ensure that
selective interchange is not conducted unless authorized by the
appropriate Commander. Commands and maintenance activities will
publish standard operating procedures for conducting, capturing
and recording selective interchange.
(2) Documentation and Reporting. Units will utilize the
MAIS to capture the minimum data requirements for OASD reporting
as directed in reference (x). Commands and maintenance
activities will use the selective interchange function within
the MAIS when serviceable parts or components are removed from
equipment in exchange for unserviceable parts or components. A
requisition for the replacement part or component may be used in
lieu of the actual unserviceable part or component in the
9. Additional Maintenance Considerations
a. Maintenance Stand-Down. Maintenance stand-downs are a
pause in training that permits the unit to focus on maintenance
requirements. An effective maintenance stand-down requires
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consideration of all maintenance resources and establishment of
clear objectives in order to maximize results. Maintenance
stand-downs can be initiated to address but are not limited to
the following issues:
(1) Low readiness either throughout the unit or when an
equipment platform has specific issues.
(2) Post inspection where the results indicate a trend
that could be addressed via a stand-down.
(3) Maintenance requirements following exercises or
b. Mobile Maintenance Teams (MMT). The mission of
maintenance teams is to diagnose problems, route repairs, and
replace combat unit equipment as far forward as possible on the
battlefield. There are two types of maintenance teams:
maintenance contact teams and maintenance support teams.
(1) Maintenance Contact Teams (MCT). The maintenance
contact team is a key element of organizational maintenance. The
maintenance contact team has organizational maintenance
repairmen with tools, test equipment, technical publications,
and limited repair parts. The maintenance contact team may have
communications, engineer, motor transport, or ordnance repair
personnel depending on the table of equipment. The unit
commander determines the exact number of personnel and mix of
skills in the maintenance contact team. The MCT is reactionary
in nature. Normally the MCT is quickly tasked organized to
respond to a remote maintenance requirement. The MCT skill sets
and maintenance resources are normally tailored to respond to
the maintenance requirement. Normally an MCT will be dispatched
for a specific task, or set of task and return their origin upon
(2) Maintenance Support Teams (MST). The Logistics
Command Element (LCE) commander may form maintenance support
teams from available assets. The LCE commander determines the
task organization of the maintenance support team. At a minimum,
the maintenance support team contains intermediate level
maintenance (i.e., engineer, motor transport, ordnance, or
communications-electronic), special tools, and transportation,
as required. The LCE commander uses maintenance support teams to
support either organizational maintenance contact teams within
the Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) or to augment
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subordinate LCE capabilities during surge periods. The MST is
normally formed with a robust spectrum of capabilities.
Normally the MST is planned in advance to an operation. The MST
is capable of providing support for an extended period of time.
A key enabler to a successful MST is the proper planning of
maintenance resources. Typically the MST will be capable of
dispatching MCTs as remote maintenance requirements arise.
c. Equipment Recovery
(1) Definition. Recovery of equipment is the removal of
the equipment or a component or part of it from an area where it
has been disabled due to the effects of terrain, enemy action,
or mechanical malfunction. It also includes the recovery of
specified components or parts from equipment declared
unserviceable or otherwise identified for disposal.
(2) Responsibility. Equipment recovery is the
responsibility of the using unit. Recovery operations not
within the capability of the using unit will be performed by the
designated supporting unit. The recovery of equipment will be
accomplished per the instructions contained in appropriate
technical publications.
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Chapter 4
Maintenance Management Programs
1. General. This chapter outlines the maintenance programs
which fall under the purview of the maintenance management
officer. The programs as outlined within this chapter
2. Training Program. Maintenance and maintenance management
training requirements will be included in the unit’s training
plan in accordance with reference (u). Training standards,
regulations and policies regarding the training of Marines and
assigned Navy personnel in ground combat, combat support, and
combat service support occupational fields are established in
reference (t). Unit readiness and individual readiness are
directly related. Individual training and the knowledge of
individual core skills serve as the building blocks for unit
combat readiness.
a. The Commander’s unit training plan or local policy must
include the following: the Commander’s policy on maintenance and
maintenance management training. The policy will establish the
minimum hourly training requirements for maintenance personnel,
maintenance management clerks and maintenance supervisors
b. To ensure maintenance and maintenance management
training objective are met the MMO will coordinate with the G-
3/S-3 to ensure standardized lesson plans are prepared,
identification of qualified instructors, documentation of
classes conducted/attended, and feedback/evaluation of training
conducted. The MMO will coordinate and ensure that unit the
training program addressees but is not limited to the following:
(1) Maintenance management functional areas
(2) The functions of maintenance.
(3) Uniform Materiel Movement and Issue Priority System
(UMMIPS) will ensure training, proper and effective application
of UMMIPS for all personnel in their commands who assign UNDs.
c. Training will enforce the objectives of this policy,
maintenance production process, and the responsibilities of
maintenance personnel within the unit maintenance management
program and the functional areas of maintenance management.
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d. Training and Readiness standards will be sustained and
evaluated in the conduct of training.
3. Product Quality Deficiency Report (PQDR) Program. Establish
and maintain standardized procedures for submission and
monitoring of the unit’s PQDR per references (v) and (w).
4. Modification Control Program. Establish and maintain
standardized procedures that identify, perform, records and
monitors equipment modifications records within the MAIS.
Equipment modification consists of those maintenance actions
performed to change the design or assembly characteristics of
equipment systems, end items, components, assemblies,
subassemblies, or parts in order to improve equipment
functioning, maintainability, reliability, and/or safety
characteristics. Field recommendations for equipment
improvement (PQDRs, beneficial suggestions) frequently establish
the requirement for equipment modification.
a. Validation. Equipment records will be inspected upon
initial receipt and during the acceptance phase of maintenance
to ensure all MI have been recorded and verified within the
MAIS. Discrepancies noted during equipment record(s) inspection
require physical action to validate completion or application of
required modification(s).
b. Modification Instructions. Modification Instructions
(MI) provide detailed step-by-step procedures for accomplishment
of equipment modifications. MI identifies specific types and
items of equipment to be modified as well as the maintenance
resources, skills, and time necessary for their accomplishment.
MI specifies the authority to perform the modification.
Equipment requiring modification is identified by nomenclature,
ID number, National Stock Number (NSN), and the manufacturer’s
serial number for individual equipment, when appropriate.
Modification kits, or parts or fabrication materials are
identified by NSN and quantity.
c. Modification Authorization. Marine Corps equipment will
be modified only as directed by HQMC.
d. Modification Category. Modifications are classified in
two categories “URGENT” and “NORMAL”. The MI will state if a
modification is "URGENT" or "NORMAL."
(1) Urgent. Those modifications that are implemented in
order to prevent death or serious injury to personnel prevent
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major damage to equipment, or make changes considered so
essential to equipment that their application must be
accomplished at the earliest possible time are designated
“URGENT”. MI categorized as “URGENT” shall specify a required
completion date and may contain restrictive operating
(2) Normal. MI categorized as “NORMAL” may be scheduled
to coincide with PMCS periods. These MI will be accomplished
with 1 year of the effective date of the MI, unless the MI
indicates otherwise. Equipment in level “A” or an
administrative storage program status need not be opened to
perform a normal MI. The modification will be applied when the
equipment is removed from that status.
5. Calibration and Maintenance Program (CAMP). The Marine
Corps CAMP supports the unit by ensuring TMDE are properly
calibrated and available for safe maintenance operations. The
MMO will; coordinate and document an annual validation of the
unit’s TMDE, in accordance with reference (q) and as outlined
a. Identify. Using the unit’s T/O&E, the MMO and
maintenance personnel must identify all items of TMDE within the
b. Locate. All TMDE within the unit should be located. As
the equipment is located, the section holding the equipment must
ensure records within the MAIS are current and updated as
required. Locating TMDE includes items that are component
parts; for example, pressure gages, meters, micrometers, etc.
c. Account. When all equipment has been located, the MMO
and maintenance section representatives should match the
equipment, equipment calibration records, and the T/E and unit
allowances to ensure that all items have been inventoried, and
d. Schedule. The end result is the establishment or
validation of calibration categories and due dates within the
MAIS for proper scheduling.
e. Control. The MMO will designate which techniques for
calibration control will be used and by what section within the
unit and when they will be used.
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6. Publications Control Program. The MMO coordinates with G-
1/S-l and commodity managers to establish an internal
publications management program that supports the
identification, and internal distribution of publications for
the unit’s equipment to support safe and continuing maintenance
operations that ensures:
a. Standardizes use of a publications Information
Technology (IT) system that identifies and manages technical,
non-technical publications and directives inventory.
b. Adequate quantities of maintenance and maintenance
management related publications and directives are resident on
the unit’s current publications listing (PL) in accordance with
reference (z) (if applicable).
c. Establish the internal distribution list.
d. All publication libraries are up-to-date and that all
shortages obtained through requisition or electronic
e. Establishes procedures for periodic reconciliation of
technical publication libraries.
f. Establishes training in the proper use of Recommend
Changes to Technical Publications Form NAVMC 10772.
7. Corrosion Prevention and Control (CPAC). The MMO will
establish a CPAC program in accordance with reference (ab) that
ensures established procedures for assessments, and scheduling
of corrosion related services including:
a. Monitor and provide the corrosion condition of equipment
to the Commander.
b. Conduct and or coordinate corrosion assessments to
identify equipment corrosion category codes in accordance with
reference (ab).
c. Nominate, coordinate and prioritize the induction of
equipment into the Corrosion Repair Facility (CRF) utilizing the
CPAC Database.
d. Initiate internal corrosion related programs that
address the servicing of equipment.
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e. Review the CPAC database for CCC 5 assets and
coordinates/initiates disposition.
f. Coordinate and schedule with Corrosion Service Team
(CST) for corrosion related services.
8. Deferred Maintenance Programs
a. Administrative Storage Program (ASP). ASP is a method
of deferring maintenance that allows commanders to preserve
resources when operational conditions allow. Major Commands
(MajCom) or Major Subordinate Command (MSC) Commanders are
authorized to authorize, establish or operate an ASP. Unit
Commanders inducting/operating an ASP will ensure equipment
inducted into the ASP meets the following criteria:
(1) Stored no less than 18 months and no more than 36
(2) Maintained and reported in a mission capable status.
(3) Equipment is current on all scheduled PMCS prior to
induction into the program.
(4) Visually inspected quarterly.
(5) Exercised semi-annually.
(6) Scheduled PMCS conducted/validated upon removal.
(7) Current CPAC assessment and servicing.
(8) Corrosion Category Code Condition (CCC) 3 or better.
b. Administrative Deadline (ADL) Program. The ADL program
is a method of deferring maintenance that allows unit Commanders
to preserve resources when operational conditions allow.
Commanding Officers may; authorize, establish and operate an ADL
program. When authorized, equipment inducted into the ADL
program will meet the following criteria:
(1) Stored less than 18 months.
(2) Maintained and reported in a mission capable status.
(3) Equipment is current on all required scheduled PMCS
prior to induction into the program.
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(4) Visually inspected quarterly.
(5) Exercised semi-annually.
(6) Scheduled PMCS validated/conducted prior to removal.
(7) Current CPAC assessment and servicing.
(8) Corrosion Category Code Condition (CCC) 3 or better.
c. Equipment Used as Training Aides. Individual training
command formal learning centers may defer maintenance for
equipment maintained as training aides. Applicable equipment
will not be dispatched, operated outside of the maintenance
bays/classrooms, or returned to the Operational Forces until
required scheduled PMCS have been completed.
(1) Individual Training Command (TrngCmd) formal
learning centers will create and maintain a complete list, by
TAMCN, NSN and serial number, of each type 1 and 2 allowance
training aid.
(2) TrngCmd is required to maintain a compiled list, by
school, TAMCN, NSN and serial number, of each type 1 and 2
allowance training aide.
9. Enterprise Lifecycle Maintenance Program (ELMP). In
accordance with reference (aa), ELMP is managed by Marine Corps
Logistics Command. In support of ELMP the MMO must ensure
equipment is properly accounted for, reported and equipment
returns are processed and monitored within the MAIS.
10. Warranty Program. Establish warranty procedures within the
unit that identifies equipment under warranty and ensures
induction and recording procedures for proper execution of
warrantied maintenance in accordance with references (v), (w)
and (y).
11. Inventory (Tool) Control Program. Tools, test and
maintenance support equipment are key enablers to effective
execution of maintenance production. The MMO will establish
procedures in accordance with reference (b) to ensure effective
inventory control and management measures are implemented to
a. Inventory periodicity requirements are established to
increase accountability and reduce losses.
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b. Validate tool, test and maintenance support equipment
requirements during scheduled command TO/E reviews.
c. Garrison tool allowance requirements are identified,
authorized and inventoried.
12. Miniature/Micro-Miniature (2M) Maintenance Program. 2M is
a multi-service (Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard) program and
is conducted by Marine Corps organizations who have assigned
capabilities for circuit card testing stations to conduct field
level maintenance on electrical/electronic equipment. This
Order will align with the multi-service efforts, and establish a
reporting requirement that promotes compliance as delineated
within references (ad) and (ae). These technical publications
provide the framework to properly administer the 2M program.
The intent is to perform, capture and report 2M repairs and
expenditures of materiel and labor resources on electronic
circuit cards and components located thereon and within, wires,
terminals, connectors, flexible printed circuitry and edge
lighted plastic panels.
a. Quarterly Reporting. 2M cost-avoidance is reported to
the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), Field Engineering
Office, Detachment, Norfolk, Virginia and in accordance with
reference (ae). In addition to documenting these criteria
within MAIS, these organizations are required to use the Module
Test and Repair Tracking System (MTRTS) resident on the test
station controllers, to submit cost-avoidance data in accordance
with reference (ae). The MMO of these units will establish
procedures for reporting. The reporting must be done within 15
days of each quarter.
b. "Gold Disk" Repair Capability. Navy, Coast Guard and
Marine (Ground and Air) conduct standardized and precise testing
on select circuit cards to capture suspect electronic signatures
that are matched against "known good" signatures. Circuit cards
that have these signatures documented are referred to as being
"Gold Disk". Matching "Gold Disk" information from a suspected
circuit card avoids/averts and reduces costs by repairing
SecReps and minimizing depot level maintenance program
requirements. "Gold Disk" repair procedures are developed at
the field level by maintenance activities in accordance with
reference (ad).
13. Safety Program. A comprehensive, effective, and continuous
safety program institutes effective and safe operating
conditions and is achieved through supervision of work methods
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which minimizes risk to personnel and equipment. Safety
programs will be implemented in accordance with reference (r)
and applicable directives.
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A-1 Enclosure (1)
Appendix A
1. Introduction. An MMSOP or MMPL are directives used to
provide local policies and procedures. The publication of these
directives reduces the impact of personnel turnover by
establishing a reference point for all members of the command.
When published, these directives reduce training requirements by
standardizing the manner that maintenance operations are
performed. Further, they conserve time by prescribing how
repetitive functions will be accomplished. This appendix
contains guidance as to content to be considered for inclusion
into an MMSOP or MMPL. MMSOPs or MMPL will be written in
accordance with reference (s).
2. Preparation
a. These directives must be written so that it is
understood by all personnel required to use it. When published,
these directives must be detailed enough that personnel can
follow it with as little additional guidance as possible. To be
of value, it must be available to and understood by all.
b. The directives need not contain all of the procedures
necessary to accomplish the command’s functions when those
procedures are already established and readily available for use
(e.g. UM or TM). Additionally, these directives should minimize
duplicating higher level policies and procedures.
3. Contents
a. Introduction. The MMSOP must contain an introduction
statement on the scope and objectives.
b. Command Responsibilities
(1) Specify that subordinate commanders will be held
responsible for the proper conduct of the equipment maintenance
program within their units. This responsibility must extend
down to and include the lowest tactical and administrative
elements of all subordinate units.
(2) State responsibilities of subordinate commanders in
the conduct of the subordinate unit's equipment maintenance
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(3) Require subordinate commanders to always be prepared
to advise the higher headquarters on the status of maintenance
within their respective units.
(4) Specify the responsibilities of all levels of
command to report all maintenance problems that cannot be
resolved through normal channels and procedures.
(5) Designate an individual(s) who will be responsible
to ensure maintenance is conducted on all equipment within the
(6) State the authorized levels of maintenance and the
sources of maintenance support for all equipment commodity
c. MajCom/MSC and subordinate unit’s organization for
maintenance, to include established maintenance support
relationships between subordinate units within the MajCom or
d. Desk-Top Procedures and Turnover Folders
(1) State the billets that require desk-top procedures
and turnover files.
(2) State the required contents and details of desk-top
procedures and turnover folders.
e. Maintenance Policy
(1) Outline any unique maintenance policies or
procedures that are not covered by current orders and
(2) Identify requirements for the conduct of the
subordinate unit's equipment maintenance program (e.g., PMCS, or
f. Allocation of Maintenance Training/Performance Time
(1) Contain a statement on the importance of placing
equal emphasis on both maintenance and tactical training.
(2) Contain a policy requiring allowance of adequate
time for maintenance following deployments, tactical exercises,
or training.
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(3) Contain a policy for conducting PMCS and supervision
of personnel. Time, distance between the organizations,
available personnel, and quantity and nature of the equipment
involved are factors to be considered in determining if the
owner or the intermediate maintenance activity will perform
g. Shop Operations. Establish policy and procedures on
internal shop operations.
(1) A statement that maintenance services be forecasted
and scheduled.
(2) A quality control program will be established.
(3) Designate the title, authority, and responsibilities
of key personnel in shop organization.
(4) Designate responsibility and procedures for
assignment of priorities for maintenance, tasks, and parts
requirements priorities by authorized and trained skilled
(5) Contain procedures for changing the priority
designator and operational status for maintenance, tasks, or
parts requirements.
h. Equipment That Exceeds Maintenance Capabilities
(1) Establish policy for evacuation of equipment
exceeding maintenance capabilities.
(2) Establish policy and procedures for requesting
maintenance support teams and/or overflow maintenance, to
include justifying circumstances.
i. Performance Of Maintenance Services. The performance of
maintenance services will establish and outline the following:
(1) Commander's policy for scheduling and the
performance of required PMCS, to include changing the frequency
of scheduled PMCS.
(2) Maintenance processes for any commercial off the
shelf equipment purchased by the command, to include PMCS
schedules and maintenance recording procedures.
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(3) Procedures for integration of maintenance services
with other operational requirements of MSC and subordinate
(4) Responsibility for the performance of each type of
maintenance service.
(5) Outline the procedures to process the equipment
through each phase of maintenance.
j. Records. State who is responsible for the preparation,
filing and disposition of equipment maintenance records and
ensure procedures are in compliance with higher headquarters’
k. Reports
(1) Provide policy and procedures for the use of MAIS,
addressing report preparation and submission, distribution,
handling, reconciliation, validation, and use of output reports.
(2) Provide policy and procedures for reporting
requirements to higher headquarters.
l. Modification of Equipment
(1) Establish modification control points.
(2) Establish procedures for modification control:
(a) Identification of modifications.
(b) Performance of modifications.
(c) Recording modifications.
m. Support and Test Equipment
(1) Establish a calibration control point and the method
of control.
(2) Establish procedures for the evacuation and
servicing, use, and accounting for support equipment and TMDE.
n. Recognition of Performance. Establish procedures to
participate in higher headquarters maintenance recognition
programs (e.g. Phoenix award, MT Marine of the year, etc.).
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o. Supply Support
(1) Establish policy and procedures for unique
procedures not covered by higher level policy.
(2) Establish policy and procedures for coordination
between maintenance and supply elements to achieve maximum
equipment readiness.
p. Repair Parts Request Process
(1) Establish policy and procedures for the
requisitioning of system and non-system repair parts, exchanging
secondary reparables. When such procedures are contained in the
supply Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), the MMSOP/MMPL needs
only to reference the appropriate sections of the supply SOP.
(2) Establish policy and procedures for determining,
warehousing, replenishing and maintaining DSI.
(3) Establish policy and procedures for the
upgrade/downgrade of requisition priority designators.
(4) Establish policy and procedures for the proper use
of required delivery dates.
q. Repair Parts Control
(1) Establish policy and procedures for the receipt,
storage, and use of repair parts and maintenance materials by
maintenance elements.
(2) Establish policy and procedures for the
establishment and use of DSI at the unit level.
(3) Establish policy and procedures for storage, use,
and turn-in of excess repair parts and maintenance materials.
(4) Establish policy and procedures for
cannibalization/selective interchange and procedures for
reclaiming repair parts.
(5) Establish policy and procedures for the creation,
use, and management of parts locations, to include the inventory
frequency of created locations and control of parts bins and the
responsibility for maintenance and control.
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(6) Establish policy and procedures for accounting and
usage of repair parts received from other than normal supply
sources, such as scrounged parts.
(7) Establish policy and procedures for annotation of
the maintenance requests as parts are received into the parts
bin, transferred, and issued for installation on equipment.
r. Direct Exchange. This paragraph is not required for the
MajCom or MSC and subordinate units that do not have access to a
maintenance float.
(1) Establish policy and procedures for the use of
floats for secondary reparable items and end items.
(2) Establish policy and procedures for the management
of direct exchange secondary reparables and end items.
(3) Establish policy and procedures for requesting and
processing float items.
(4) Establish policy and procedures for the preparation
and submission of recommendations and maintenance float
allowance changes.
(5) Establish policy and procedures for the
implementation of higher headquarters' directives concerning
secondary reparable/end item floats when reparable/end item
floats or sub-floats are authorized.
s. New Equipment. Establish policy and procedures for the
introduction of new equipment and cite the appropriate
directives on the activation of new equipment.
t. Validation and Reconciliation
(1) State the frequency of validation and reconciliation
of supply requirements with maintenance records.
(2) State the procedures for validation and
reconciliation of supply requirements with maintenance records.
(3) State the procedures for validation of parts
received and in parts locator bins.
(4) State the procedures to validate the status of
SecReps within the MAIS.
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(5) State the procedures to ensure all SecReps are
properly transferred to and from the RIP on and off of the unit
property control records.
(6) Ensure proper accountability of SecReps for parent
child relationship.
u. Sets, Kits, Outfits and Tools (SKOT)
(1) State the requirements/procedures for the control of
tool room and SKOT for both commonly and individually assigned
(2) State the procedures for maintaining tools in a
serviceable condition.
(3) State the procedures for requisitioning replacements
for missing/unserviceable tools.
(4) Validate the parent child relationship of serialized
assets on property control records with the ROs.
v. Maintenance Training
(1) State the procedures for implementing the
maintenance and maintenance management training policy of higher
(2) Emphasize command interest and intent towards a
workable training program.
(3) State specific responsibilities of general/executive
and special staff officers and subordinate commanders with
respect to maintenance and maintenance management training.
w. Training Requirements
(1) State the minimum time requirements of higher
headquarters for both maintenance management and maintenance
training in the MajCom/MSC's and subordinate unit's annual
training plan.
(2) State the policy and procedures for maintenance
schools or classes and assign staff responsibility for them.
(3) State the policy and procedures for:
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(a) Applications for service school quotas.
(b) Prerequisites for selection of individuals for
service school training.
(4) State the policy and procedures for subordinate
commanders and staff officers to ensure that only qualified
personnel are sent to service schools.
(5) Track the enrollment and completion of resident
training at major commands.
x. Field Training
(1) List the minimum number of hours of training in the
designated training period to be devoted to maintenance training
in the field.
(2) List the requirement to conduct field training using
only T/E equipment.
(3) List the requirement to conduct field training
exercises including recovery, evacuation, and use of field
maintenance expedients.
y. Managed-On-The-Job Training (MOJT)
(1) State the requirement that MOJT be scheduled and
recorded and those trainees are periodically tested to determine
(2) State the policy and procedures for obtaining
training assistance from support maintenance activities.
(3) Emphasize the availability of maintenance-oriented
correspondence courses and the desirability of participation in
such courses.
(4) State the policy and procedures for unskilled
personnel to be provided supervision by skilled personnel.
z. Technical Training
(1) Specify that technical training be conducted
whenever new equipment is introduced or new maintenance
personnel are introduced to the subordinate unit's equipment.
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(2) Specify the requirement for testing the technical
knowledge of maintenance personnel and presentation of refresher
training, as necessary.
(3) Specify the requirement for training in the use of
the various tools and TMDE used within the MajCom/MSC and
subordinate units.
aa. Cross-Training
(1) State policy and procedures for cross-training of
mechanics and technicians, both within that individual's field
and related occupational fields.
(2) State policy and procedures for maintaining records
of the personnel who have been cross-trained.
ab. Inspections/Visits and Quality Control. State policy
on inspections/visits, minimum inspection requirements, and
quality control procedures.
(1) Formal Inspections
(a) Provide specific instructions for the conduct of
formal inspections within the MajCom/MSC and subordinate units,
to include out briefs and follow up inspections.
(b) Require the use of maintenance inspection
(c) Outline the types of formal inspections used
within the MajCom/MSC and subordinate units.
(2) Informal Inspections. State policy and assign areas
of responsibility for informal inspections/visits within the
MajCom/MSC and subordinate units.
(3) FSMAO Analysis Visits. Outline procedures for
preparing for FSMAO visits and forwarding analysis reports.
(4) Inspection Reports
(a) Require that a critique be held immediately
after each inspection conducted within the MajCom/MSC and
subordinate units.
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(b) Require the preparation and submission of
inspection reports on all formal inspections within the
MajCom/MSC and subordinate units.
(c) Establish a system for the consolidation and
analysis of inspection reports by higher headquarters, the
MajCom/MSC, or subordinate units.
(d) Require each element within the MajCom/MSC and
subordinate units to maintain on file for a specified period
those inspection reports conducted by a higher headquarters.
(5) Correction of Discrepancies
(a) Establish quality control program, and identify
by billet those authorized to inspect, accept, and approve work.
(b) Establish the billet within the MajCom/MSC and
subordinate units that are responsible for managing the PQDR
program and procedures for its accomplishment.
ac. Facilities
(1) Assignment and Responsibilities
(a) Specify staff responsibility for assignment of
maintenance facilities.
(b) State the procedure for requesting additional
facilities in garrison.
(2) Administrative Storage and Deadline
(a) Specify the availability and procedures for use
of storage facilities, to include dehumidified storage
facilities and their use.
(b) State the procedure for equipment storage in
maintenance facilities.
ad. Publications
(1) State the requirement that a full allowance of
required maintenance publications be maintained.
(2) Provide procedures for determining all allowances
and acquiring and maintaining maintenance publications.
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(3) Specify each subordinate unit’s responsibility
during a PL review.
(4) Specify the location and quantity of publications
libraries that are maintained to support the subordinate unit’s
concept of employment; for example, task organizations,
detachments, or deployments.
(5) Specify procedures for quarterly validation of on
hand technical publications with the SL-1-3/1-2.
(6) Responsibilities
(a) Specify staff responsibilities for timely
submission of request for publications.
(b) Establish the points/locations that maintenance
publications will be held.
(c) Require that each commodity section or activity
maintain a consolidated list of publications required in its
area of responsibility.
(d) State the requirement for maintaining any
technical publications allowances for contingency deployments.
(e) Identify by billet the individual responsible
for publications control and internal distribution control.
(f) Specify the method to be used for publications
control and internal distribution.
(g) Specify the policy for use of form NAVMC 10772.
ae. Maintenance Programs
(1) Contain a general statement for the relationship of
maintenance personnel to maintenance programs.
(2) Specify unit staff and maintenance section/activity
requirements/responsibility for contribution to maintenance
(3) State the required Maintenance Automated Information
(4) State the element responsible for the input.
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A-12 Enclosure (1)
(5) Provide the procedures for developing and providing
(6) Contain policy and procedures for the ASP and ADL.
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B-1 Enclosure (1)
Appendix B
Shop Organization
1. Introduction. Maintenance personnel and support equipment
assigned to a unit comprises the primary resources for the
performance of a unit’s maintenance mission. Since both are
required to satisfy the unit’s maintenance requirements, they
must be considered as complementary to each other in determining
the unit’s organization for maintenance operations. The unit’s
mission may require the establishment of a central maintenance
shop(s) or the use of contact teams to perform maintenance on
site or a combination of both to accomplish maintenance. When
maintenance shops are established, their layout must be planned
to ensure the efficient flow of equipment requiring maintenance.
The establishment of standard procedures for maintenance
operations, both within the maintenance shop and by contact
teams, is essential to the efficient conduct of the unit’s
equipment maintenance program.
a. The maintenance management techniques and procedures
used in the accomplishment of maintenance requirements are
standard, whether maintenance is being performed in an
operational platoon of a using unit (organizational) or in
supporting maintenance unit or activity (intermediate). The
maintenance workload will vary with the size of the unit,
complexity of the unit’s mission, and the unit’s maintenance
capabilities and requirements; but basic maintenance management
requirements will not change.
b. The maintenance management techniques are standard as
well as the techniques for shop organization. The same
functions and tasks must be performed, regardless of the unit
size or assigned maintenance mission. The difference between
maintenance shops will be the workload associated with each
function or task and the resultant resources required. This
appendix discusses the functions and tasks rather than the
personnel and equipment, thus the organization shown herein will
fit any circumstance once the work assignments are made to fit
the available resources.
2. Site Selection
a. Maintenance area site selection is governed by the
characteristics as follows: terrain, environment, tactical
situation, size and mission of the unit, and the maintenance
requirements dictated by the mission. In organizational units,
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the maintenance area will normally be within the limits of the
unit’s command post. The location of a unit’s maintenance
facilities in this type of unit is largely determined by the
unit’s S-1 in coordination with the S-4 which has responsibility
for the selection of the specific command post site and the
allocation of space within it. Maintenance areas are not
normally required in those using units where maintenance
capabilities are assigned directly to the supported elements of
the unit.
b. In major and force level commands, the logistic areas of
subordinate service support units will normally be located
separate from the major or force level unit command post. A
maintenance area within the logistic areas of these type units
will be selected by the unit’s G-3/S-3 with the assistance of
the unit’s MMO.
c. Field Site Selection. All basic considerations that
pertain to command post site election are applicable to the
selection of maintenance sites in the field; for example, cover,
concealment, perimeter security. Other factors include:
(1) Space Requirements. Space limitations in a
maintenance area can cause congestion which could impair
maintenance efficiency and safety. A maintenance area should be
large enough to provide for the adequate dispersal of equipment
and maintenance activities.
(2) Terrain Features. Ideally the terrain should offer
concealment from ground and air observation; favor defense
against air or ground attacks and facilitate local security;
have a hardstand for vehicles and equipment; and be accessible
to road, water, and air routes for evacuation and resupply.
(3) Access Routes. Access routes should avoid congested
areas and be convenient to users of the maintenance facilities
of the unit. A maintenance area of support maintenance units
should be located along the main supply route to provide easy
access to supported units and to allow for the evacuation of
(a) Proximity to Supported Units. A maintenance
area should be positioned to allow each maintenance section to
effectively perform its mission. A maintenance area of support
maintenance units should be located far enough from supported
combat elements to allow continuity of maintenance operations.
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(b) Proximity to Other Logistic Elements. A
maintenance area should be located in close proximity to other
logistic elements of the unit to maximize use of common
facilities and services.
d. Garrison Site Selection. With the exception of the
tactical influence, considerations in selecting maintenance
areas in garrison do not differ appreciably from field site
considerations. Since mobility normally is not a major factor
in garrison, restrictions on the amount of maintenance
capability to be collocated with the commodity users are limited
only by the unit’s maintenance capabilities. Commercial
equipment resources should be used to the maximum extent
practicable in garrison to extend the life of tactical
equipment. Proximity of the unit’s maintenance area to dining,
billeting, and administrative facilities will reduce time lost
due to travel.
3. Organization of the Maintenance Area. Organization requires
the active participation of the unit’s MMO in coordination with
maintenance/commodity officers.
a. The MMO will advise the commander and commander’s staff
on the assignment of facilities, placement of maintenance areas,
distribution of utilities, and the priority of installation
within the maintenance area. The MMO will establish positions
for common services (such as welding) and when possible, avoid
duplication of effort. Except for purely tactical
considerations, the MMO’s recommendations apply equally to the
maintenance area in garrison.
b. Maintenance management officer will coordinate the
organization of the maintenance area with unit staff officers
applying the following principles:
(1) Facilities will be assigned according to equipment
size, density, and the anticipated maintenance workload.
(2) Shops will be positioned according to equipment
types. Tracked vehicle maintenance normally will be conducted
outside or on the outer limits of the central maintenance area.
Structures will be erected or assigned according to needs for
equipment protection from climate and essential comfort of
personnel. Drainage considerations are paramount when assigning
outside work and Storage areas.
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B-4 Enclosure (1)
(3) Shops with a common requirement for extensive
electrical power will be positioned so that generators can be
shared. Wash racks will be established to serve several users.
(4) Defensive positions will be accessible to the place
of work.
(5) Maintenance hardstands will be installed where
(6) Outside illumination will be positioned and used so
as not to jeopardize tactical soundness.
(7) Necessary secure areas will be established away from
the perimeter of the unit and where a minimum number of
personnel need be in attendance.
(8) Common issue points will be located where more than
one shop can be served; commodity-oriented issue points, where
they can best serve the Commodity shop.
(9) Storage areas will be designated for fuel and other
(10) A fire plan will be established, and fire-fighting
equipment positioned.
(11) Points of access to and egress from the maintenance
area will be established, and traffic will be regulated within
the maintenance area.
(12) Hazardous work areas will be designated.
(13) In tactical situations, protection for personnel
and equipment must be provided.
c. Figure B-1 is an example of a maintenance support area
in the field.
4. Organization for Maintenance
a. Information. A unit’s organization for maintenance is
dependent on the unit’s T/O&E. The T/O&E provides the resources
and the structure; however, the actual arrangement of the
personnel, equipment, and other resources is dependent upon the
mission, situation, facilities, terrain, and other circumstances
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B-5 Enclosure (1)
at that time. The alternative organizations are central shop,
contact teams, task organizations, or a mixture of these.
b. Central Shop
(1) The organization of unit maintenance personnel and
equipment into a central maintenance shop, when compatible with
the unit’s mission, is normally preferred over distribution of
maintenance personnel throughout equipment operating elements.
Central maintenance shops provide for increased economy in
operation and decreased time required for maintenance while
improving the quality of maintenance.
(2) A maintenance shop’s organization will vary. In
general, it will consist of a shop office/operations Section,
administrative section, services Section, maintenance section,
and an issue point as shown in figure B-2. The issue point is
not an organic element of the shop. The issue point may be
internal or external to the shop or a central issue point
serving a MajCom or geographical location.
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Figure B-1.--Field Layout of a Maintenance Support Area.
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Figure B-2.--Central Shop Organization.
(a) Shop Office/Operations Section. A shop office
manages the overall conduct of maintenance within the shop.
This includes:
1. Assigning personnel within the shop.
2. Scheduling maintenance and the orderly flow
of equipment requiring maintenance through the shop.
3. Ensuring the economic use of maintenance
resources, including the proper use of Repairable Issue Points.
4. Ensuring that maintenance operations
interface with maintenance programs.
5. Establishing and executing the shop safety
6. Supervising maintenance training within the
7. Ensuring that proper transactions are
submitted into the supporting logistics information technology
maintenance actions completed and changes in operational status.
(b) Administrative Section. An administrative
section performs functions associated with equipment receipt and
transfer, technical data research, tool issue, shop property
control, and the recording and reporting of completed
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maintenance actions within the shop. In large maintenance
shops, there may be several personnel in each element of the
section. In small shops, one individual may perform all of
these functions.
1. Shipping and Receiving. Shipping and
receiving functions include:
a. Receipting for equipment.
b. Conducting the equipment acceptance
c. Requesting required repair parts that
are identified during the acceptance inspection.
d. Administrating of repair parts bins.
e. Storing and securing equipment awaiting
induction, customer pickup, or disposition.
f. Issuing equipment and allowing
maintenance personnel to conduct active maintenance.
g. Releasing equipment to the customer or
shipment or evacuation upon completion of maintenance.
h. Ensuring in storage maintenance of
equipment awaiting maintenance, pickup, or evacuation.
2. Technical Library. Each shop has a
requirement for access to current technical publications.
Technical library functions include:
a. Identifying required publications, and
review of the unit’s table of allowance for publications and
distribution control forms.
b. Maintaining an inventory of current
maintenance and supply publications for the types of equipment
c. Providing assistance to maintenance
personnel in the cataloging and identification of salvaged
maintenance parts.
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d. Providing contingency packages of
maintenance and supply publications for equipment to be
e. Assisting maintenance personnel in the
proper identification of parts required.
f. Issuing appropriate technical data to
maintenance sections.
3. Tool Issue
a. Central tool issue provides for economic
use of and property controls for commonly used maintenance tools
and test equipment. The performance of this function includes:
(1) Issuing tools.
(2) Repairing or replacing controlled
issue unserviceable tools.
(3) Servicing and maintaining controlled
issue test equipment.
(4) Providing secure storage for tools
and other support and test equipment.
b. Support and test equipment items
peculiar to a particular equipment type should be located in the
maintenance section which is performing repairs to that
equipment type. Support and test equipment items having common
application should be distributed among the maintenance sections
in a quantity proportionate to workload and available personnel.
Low-density items with common application should be controlled
from a central issue point.
c. In establishing allowances and issuing
test instruments, the requirement for calibration and the recall
cycle must be considered in order to stagger equipment turn-in
times. Low-usage items are best retained at a central point to
prevent their cluttering the work area and to control
maintenance and calibration schedules.
d. Whenever the authorized allowance
permits, each mechanic or technician will be issued an
individual toolbox. Tool boxes should be complete with
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serviceable tools, and secure storage should be provided when
the tools are not in use.
4. Shop Supply. Internal shop property control
and supply needs will be accomplished by the shop supply
activity. Shop supply functions include:
a. Maintenance of custody receipts on shop
b. Requisition and replacement of
unserviceable shop property.
c. Requisition of materiel to maintain
minimum levels of DSI.
d. Requisition of lubricants, solvents,
rags, and other consumables (shop overhead).
e. Maintenance of the layette bins for the
shop when not maintained by the unit supply or central issue
5. Information. Recording and reporting of
shop action within the MAIS to include:
a. Recording work performed, expenditures,
and changes.
b. Reporting of maintenance actions
performed, including completions and changes of shop status per
reference (e).
c. Reporting/recording modifications
performed per reference (i).
d. Reporting per Marine Corps maintenance
programs; for example, recoverable items, secondary reparables,
(c) Services Section
1. Services section performs functions in
support of equipment maintenance; for example, welding, battery
shop, inspection, and quality control.
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2. In small shops or shops not requiring all of
these services, the functions of the services section may be
performed by one individual or assigned to other sections.
3. The inspection and quality control functions
are required in all shops. This function may be performed by
one individual, several individuals, or a team. The
individual(s) must be designated and assigned the following
responsibilities of inspecting equipment:
a. Before induction to ensure completeness,
performance of lower maintenance tasks maintenance, and when
possible determination of parts requirements.
b. After completion of maintenance to
ensure proper performance of maintenance actions.
c. Prior to delivery to and prior to
acceptance from higher external maintenance activities.
d. Commanders will provide procedures to
ensure in those instances where there is only one mech/tech
quality control measure are addressed/supervised.
4. The assistance of other individuals in
various sections may be required for specific equipment.
(d) Maintenance Sections. The actual performance of
maintenance is accomplished by the maintenance sections. These
sections may be organized in a number of different ways as shown
in the following:
1. By function; for example, PMCS, CM,
2. By equipment; for example, heavy, single
side band, specific equipment type.
3. By commodity; for example, communications,
engineer, motor transport, ordnance.
c. Mobile Maintenance Teams. Mobile maintenance teams are
comprised of MCT, MST, and Limited Technical Inspection (LTI)
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B-12 Enclosure (1)
(1) When it is impractical to deliver equipment to a
supporting maintenance activity or the equipment type is
concentrated in a particular location, it is often economical to
divide the total maintenance capability and locate a mobile
maintenance team on site. The establishment and operation of
this team may be for a limited or extended period of time and is
an extension of the central maintenance activity.
(2) An MCT is a temporary organization consisting of one
or more maintenance personnel (with tools and equipment/repair
parts) formed to accomplish its specific task and dissolved upon
completion thereof. A mobile maintenance team is normally
tailored to a commodity or weapon system. It performs onsite
maintenance or provides technical assistance.
(3) Use of mobile maintenance teams normally should be
restricted to periods of short duration and for specific
maintenance requirements. The team should consist of the
minimum number of qualified personnel to expeditiously complete
the job and be equipped with the minimum essential tools, test
equipment, and necessary materiel for repair to perform the
assigned maintenance. Maintenance resources available at the
equipment site will be used to the extent practicable.
Transportation must be coordinated to keep travel time to a
(4) Management decisions to use mobile maintenance teams
depend on the following:
(a) Equipment Size and Complexity. Large equipment
systems, such as an inoperable Amphibious Assault Vehicle, tank,
or radar set, often make it impractical to transport the
equipment to the maintenance activity. A team may be deployed
to make an initial determination of maintenance requirements and
a second team sent equipped per recommendations made from the
initial diagnosis to affect repairs.
(b) Equipment Installation. Equipment installed in
a fixed or semi-fixed manner may necessitate use of mobile
maintenance teams.
(c) Equipment Security Classification.
Classification of the equipment may necessitate that it be
located in a secure area and preclude shipping to a maintenance
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B-13 Enclosure (1)
(d) Distance From the Maintenance Area. The road
network, transportation requirements, and tactical situation may
necessitate onsite maintenance.
(e) Quantity of Equipment Involved. Large
quantities of equipment requiring maintenance service may
justify use of a mobile maintenance teams. Examples of this
include an LTI of equipment to determine serviceability, LTI of
an equipment type to determine need for modification, and onsite
performance of equipment modification.
(f) Availability of Qualified Personnel and
Serviceable Test Equipment. Shortage of skills or test
equipment may preclude use of mobile maintenance teams when the
general maintenance effort is a prime factor.
(g) Availability of Repair Parts and Supplies. Lack
of repair parts and supplies may delay or prevent the use of
mobile maintenance teams. Coordination between the supporting
and supported unit to determine the availability of required
repair parts and supplies must be accomplished prior to
dispatching the mobile maintenance team.
(h) Transportation and Travel Time. In planning for
mobile maintenance team support, consideration should be given
to the effect of type, size, and speed of available
transportation on the contact team size; its ability to carry
necessary tools and test equipment; and the time spent by the
team away from the central maintenance activity.
d. Mobile and Portable Maintenance Facilities
(1) Mobile and portable maintenance facilities are
authorized to individual support units by their T/Es. These
facilities are compact, self-contained units which are self-
propelled, towed, or otherwise lend themselves to easy movement.
They consist primarily of maintenance shop vans and shelters.
The inherent mobility of these facilities allows the rapid
deployment of support maintenance units with minimal
interruption of the maintenance effort or loss of maintenance
capabilities. Mobile and portable maintenance facilities
augment unit maintenance capabilities while in garrison but
serve as principal support facilities in field operations.
These facilities must be used while in garrison to enhance the
maintenance production and training effort of the unit.
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B-14 Enclosure (1)
(2) Unit maintenance managers are responsible for the
proper upkeep, readiness, and use of unit mobile maintenance
facilities. PMCS and CM on these maintenance facilities must be
accomplished per applicable TMs. Scheduling of PMCS on mobile
maintenance facilities must be accomplished in such a manner
that the regular maintenance mission of the unit will not be
(3) Intermediate and MajCom maintenance management
officers will review subordinate units’ use of mobile and
portable maintenance facilities to ensure their optimum use.
e. Task-Organized Maintenance
(1) Because of the Marine Corps mission and air-ground
task force organization, maintenance units must not only be
capable of supporting task organizations but also themselves be
capable of task organizing.
(2) Task-organized maintenance units, whether part of a
logistics support unit or a detachment itself, are central
shops, the composition of which is determined based on the same
factors listed in paragraph 4c, preceding. Two other factors
must be considered: the duration and mission of the task
organization being supported.
5. Shop Layout
a. Information. Shop layout concerns itself with
organization of the equipment and area assigned a particular
shop for the conduct of maintenance operations after the site
for the maintenance area has been selected and specific shop
sites designated. Shop layout provides for efficient work flow,
safety to personnel, and economic use of support and test
(1) Inspection Area. An initial inspection and holding
area to serve as a control point for equipment entering the shop
is the first step in promoting orderly work flow. This area can
be divided so that it also provides for final inspection and
holding of items of equipment upon which maintenance has been
completed. This area prevents overcrowding the active
maintenance area of the shop by controlling input, holding
completed work, and eliminating customers from the active
maintenance area.
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B-15 Enclosure (1)
(2) Shop Office. The shop office should be located
adjacent to the inspection and holding area for convenience in
processing paperwork and contact with shop customers. The
administrative and management support provided by the shop
office require that office personnel have easy access to the
remainder of the shop.
(3) Common-Use Items. Areas and equipment to which
access is required by all maintenance personnel of the shop
should be located so that they are easily accessible.
(a) Support and Test Equipment. The central
location of low-density common-use tools at an easily accessible
issue point facilitates tools availability. Support and test
equipment used primarily by one mechanic or workday should be
located at the point where it is used most.
(b) Technical Library. The shop library should be
immediately accessible to the work area.
(c) Repair Parts and Materials. Shop stores and DSI
should be located in proximity to the work areas.
(d) Scrap Collection Point. A central collection
point for scrap should be established to keep work areas clear
and facilitate easy collection and removal of refuse from the
(4) Active Maintenance Area. The area in which
equipment maintenance is actually performed should be large
enough to sustain the maintenance requirements of the shop. Its
use should be restricted to active maintenance. Support and
test equipment, technical data, supplies, and administrative
support required should be so positioned that they are
convenient to the mechanics and technicians. The work area
should be divided into groupings of like maintenance operations
which have common power, lighting, or ventilation requirements.
Adequate space should be kept clear as aisle ways to allow for
safe movement of personnel and controlled movement of mobile
equipment. Figure B-3 shows an example of maintenance shop
b. Work Flow. The flow of work through the shop is
controlled by the shop office through the inspection and holding
area. Every effort is made to prevent work stoppages on work
begun so that active maintenance space is not taken up by
equipment which cannot be worked on.
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B-16 Enclosure (1)
c. Records Flow. Records whether electronic, paper,
logbooks, and other equipment records, as appropriate, should
accompany the equipment through the active maintenance process
and phases. At the acceptance inspection, a Service Request
(SR) and other equipment records necessary for the performance
and recording of maintenance actions are checked for accuracy
and completeness. During the active maintenance phase, it is
necessary that the SR and other appropriate equipment records be
available to mechanics and technicians performing the work.
(1) A shop office monitors and controls the process
flow. Monitors and logs and status boards where automated
reports are not available, are recommended methods for
monitoring both supply and maintenance actions.
(2) Accuracy and completeness of SR which include
equipment record entries for maintenance actions are essential
aspects of quality control. Accuracy recording and reporting of
maintenance information are essential shop functions and must be
controlled in quality as are the actual maintenance actions.
(3) When active maintenance is completed and the
equipment is ready to leave the shop, records must be returned
to the administrative section for processing and SRs must be
closed. When equipment is picked up, the person receiving it
must ensure that all records delivered with the equipment are
present and complete.
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Figure B-3.--Maintenance Shop Layout.
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C-1 Enclosure (1)
Appendix C
Maintenance Production Process
1. Introduction. The following series of steps depict the
logical sequence necessary to complete the various types of
maintenance functions.
2. General Information
a. Equipment requiring Field Maintenance is conducted in
four phases, acceptance, induction, active and closeout phase.
Field maintenance units will capture the maintenance effort and
requisition supplies through the authoritative MAIS or
Accountable Property System of Records (APSR).
b. The terms maintenance “activity” and “section” are
defined as any activity, section, and/or commodity that has been
assigned capability to conduct maintenance.
c. Update the equipment’s operational status as it changes
through the maintenance production process.
3. Acceptance Phase. Field-Level Maintenance includes
Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS), CM,
Modification, and calibration of TMDE such as SKOT.
a. Step 1. The preparing activity will accomplish all
maintenance tasks within their assigned capability/
responsibility if all resources are available. The preparing
activity will ensure that the SR is initiated and assigned to
the appropriate resource group of the supporting maintenance
activity. If the automated system incorporates the integration
of equipment records, then physical paper based records do not
have to accompany the equipment for induction.
b. Step 2. During acceptance, the supporting maintenance
activity will ensure all maintenance within the preparing
activity’s assigned capability/responsibility is completed and
the SR contains all required information. Maintenance not
completed due to unfulfilled requirements, such as open
requisitions, may be deferred until maintenance tasks can be
completed at the supporting maintenance activity.
(1) In the event that incomplete maintenance at
preparing activity’s assigned capability/responsibility
prohibits the maintenance activity from performing maintenance
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C-2 Enclosure (1)
and/or the preparing activity’s SR is incomplete; return
equipment and reassign SR to the preparing activity. Once
accepted by the supporting maintenance activity, the maintenance
production process should not be interrupted.
(2) The preparing activity will reassign the SR and
return the equipment to the supporting maintenance activity once
all identified deficiencies have been corrected.
c. Step 3. When all prerequisites have been met, the
supporting maintenance activity will accept the equipment. The
supporting maintenance activity will record information
validated during induction within the MAIS. This step does not
apply when the equipment owner and supporting maintenance
activity are the same entity. Examples of information to be
validated will include, but are not limited to:
(1) Each SL-3 component accepted will be listed. If all
SL-3 items are accepted, a statement of “accepted SL-3 complete”
will be entered as a task note.
(2) If there are no visual defects, other than normal
wear or tear, a statement of “no visual defects” will be entered
as a task note. If a visual defect is identified that requires
further investigation (e.g., SF-91 Motor Vehicle Accident
Report) the acceptance inspection stops until the equipment has
been released from investigation.
d. Step 4. In the event where equipment is evacuated
outside the preparing activity’s assigned capability/
responsibility the supporting maintenance activity will print
and sign a custody receipt for the equipment owner. Custody
receipts are not required for inter-shop transfers or when the
equipment owner and supporting maintenance activity are the same
e. Step 5. The maintenance activity will record
maintenance actions via the designated MAIS. Maintenance
activity/section will accomplish the following:
(1) Manage work flow.
(2) Ensure the current job and operational status of
maintenance is reflected throughout the maintenance production
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C-3 Enclosure (1)
f. Step 6. The maintenance section will determine the type
of maintenance actions required and will record each major task
(1) Determining required maintenance actions include,
but is not limited to, validating the original discrepancy as
identified by the preparing activity. Additional discrepancies
will be identified and annotated for corrective action.
(2) Determine and indicate any modification
(3) Determine and indicate any modification requirements
for SecReps. This process will be coordinated with the RIP.
4. Induction Phase
a. Step 1. The maintenance section will determine the
maintenance resources required. Maintenance activities will
accomplish the following:
(1) When maintenance resources become available initiate
the DRIS by changing the status of the SR to “EQUIP ACCEPTED.”
(2) Prepare and submit a parts requirement on a
“Maintenance” task type when identified parts and materiel are
(3) If equipment is requested for recall by the
preparing activity, determine if the equipment is suitable for
Unit Recall utilizing the following guidelines.
(a) The following general guidelines include, but
are not limited to, in determining equipment’s suitability for
Unit Recall.
1. Parts required do not deadline or cause
further deterioration of equipment’s capability.
2. Unit can continue to operate equipment
3. Geographical location of preparing activity
will not impede the supporting maintenance activity’s ability to
complete required maintenance.
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C-4 Enclosure (1)
(b) When equipment is suitable for unit recall, the
maintenance section will accomplish the following:
1. Upon approval notify the preparing activity.
2. Change the SR job status to “Unit RCL.”
3. Once the preparing activity has recovered
the equipment the supporting maintenance activity will recover
the custody receipt.
4. Continuously monitor Maintenance Production
Reports and layettes for parts availability.
5. Notify the preparing activity when receipt
of all required parts, the availability of the Mechanic/
Technician, and a suitable maintenance area support the
induction of equipment back into the maintenance cycle.
6. Upon receipt of equipment, update status of
the SR to reflect current maintenance posture and provide a
custody receipt to the preparing activity.
(c) When equipment is not suitable for unit recall
the maintenance activity will retain the equipment.
b. Step 2. When resources and maintenance area become
available; induct the equipment into the active maintenance
5. Active Maintenance Phase
a. Step 1. Upon induction the maintenance activity will
accomplish the following:
(1) Commodity managers will assign equipment, SR and
appropriate resources to a mechanic/technician or maintenance
(2) Maintenance personnel assigned the SR will conduct a
detailed inspection of the equipment.
(3) Completion of tasks within the maintenance section’s
assigned capability/responsibility consists of, but is not
limited to, the following:
(a) Parts and DSI requirements identified.
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C-5 Enclosure (1)
(b) Maintenance actions performed for CM, PMCS,
Modifications and Calibration
(c) Identification of PQDR requirements.
(d) Inter-shop repair requirements.
(e) SecRep requirements.
(f) Warranty replacement.
(g) Validation of outstanding requisitions.
b. Step 2. When the required maintenance is beyond the
maintenance activity’s assigned capability/responsibility the
following will be accomplished:
(1) Complete all maintenance tasks within assigned
capability responsibility utilizing available resources.
(2) Change the status of original SR to “AWTG EVC” and
coordinate with supporting maintenance activity for acceptance
process and procedures.
(3) Create a copied SR and link the copied SR to the
original, by use of the “related objects” tab and assign the
copied SR to the supporting maintenance activity group.
(4) Upon induction to the supporting maintenance
activity, change the status of the original SR to “EVC HECH.”
(5) When all maintenance actions have been completed by
the supporting maintenance activity follow steps provided in the
Closeout Phase.
6. Closeout Phase
a. Step 1. When all required maintenance is completed, the
maintenance activity/section will ensure the following:
(1) Materiel (parts) requirements are received or closed
within the MAIS.
(2) Materiel, labor (tasks) are properly documented
within the MAIS.
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C-6 Enclosure (1)
(3) Quality assurance measures will be conducted to
ensure equipment and MAIS reflect maintenance actions performed
and documented.
(4) Ensure operational status reflects the current
status of equipment.
(5) Notify preparing activity of equipment availability
(if applicable).
(6) Ensure all equipment counters are updated.
b. Step 2. Upon notification that equipment is ready for
pick-up, the equipment owner is required to complete the
(1) Inspect equipment to ensure that required
maintenance was properly completed.
(2) Validate all maintenance requirements were properly
documented within the MAIS.
c. Step 3. If the equipment owner has determined that all
maintenance requirements were not/improperly completed or the SR
did contain all required information, the following actions will
be taken:
(1) Notify the maintenance section that all required
maintenance is incomplete or unsatisfactory.
(2) Notify the maintenance section that all required
elements have not been annotated on the SR.
d. Step 4. When the preparing activity has determined that
all maintenance requirements have been properly completed and
the SR contains all required information, the following actions
will be taken:
(1) Return the custody receipt for the equipment to the
maintenance section (No requirement for retention).
(2) When required, update the equipment records within
the MAIS with information provided in the SR (e.g., Item
Instance Note, Mods, PMCS, Cal, etc.).
(3) Set SR status to “CLOSED.”
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C-7 Enclosure (1)
7. Evacuation of Equipment. Evacuation of equipment for
maintenance includes PMCS, CM, Modification, and TMDE for
calibration. All units will prepare a maintenance requests to
evacuate equipment for maintenance.
a. Prepare the appropriate maintenance type SR to evacuate
equipment requiring maintenance using the type of SRs outlined
(1) Maintenance Mod.
(2) Cannibalization.
(3) Maintenance Cal. Calibration
(4) Maintenance CM. Corrective Maintenance on ME
(5) Maintenance MISC.
(6) Maintenance SL-3.
(7) Maintenance SRP. Secondary Reparable Maintenance.
(8) Maintenance PM. Preventive Maintenance
(9) Selective Interchange
b. When the maintenance activity cannot complete the
maintenance on the type SR initiated due to a requirement for
corrective maintenance, change the operational status if
required and document the CM task utilizing the type of tasks.
The maintenance activity must notify the owning unit when
changing the operational status.
c. Use the appropriate maintenance type task to capture
maintenance tasks outlined below:
(1) Calibration.
(2) Maintenance.
(3) Preventive Maintenance.
(4) Recovery.
(5) Requisition.
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C-8 Enclosure (1)
(6) Resource Move.
(7) Selective Interchange.
(8) Cannibalization.
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D-1 Enclosure (1)
Appendix D
AO Accountable Officer
ASP Administrative Storage Program
APSR Accountable Property Systems of Record
CAMP Calibration and Maintenance Program
CIP Command Inspection Program
CLS Contracted Logistics Support
CM Corrective Maintenance
CMC Commandant of the Marine Corps’
CPAC Corrosion Prevention and Control
DRIS Date Received in Shop
DSI Demand Supported Items
FLMMP Field Level Maintenance Management Policy
FP Fielding Plan
FSMAO Field Supply and Maintenance Analysis Office
GFE Government Furnished Equipment
GFM Government Furnished Materiel
GFP Government Furnished Property
IGMC Inspector General of the Marine Corps
IMA Intermediate Maintenance Activity
ISSA Inter-Service Support Agreement
LCE Logistics Combat Element
LOM Level of Maintenance
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LPC Logistics Policy and Capabilities
LTI Limited Technical Inspection
MAGTF Marine Air Ground Task Force
MAIS Major Automated Information System
MajCom Major Command (MEF or Supporting Establishment
MAL Mechanized Allowance List
MARCORSYSCOM Marine Corps Systems Command
MARFORs Marine Forces
MI Modification Instruction
MCO Marine Corps Order
MCT Maintenance Cycle Time
MCWL Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory
ME Military Equipment
MMO Maintenance Management Officer
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MSC Major Subordinate Command
NAVMC Navy, Marine Corps
NARA National Archives and Records Administration
NSN National Stock Number
PBA Performance Based Agreement
PCN Publication Control Number
PMCS Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
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D-3 Enclosure (1)
PQDR Product Quality Deficiency Report
R&E Replacement and Evacuation
SE Supporting Establishment
SKOT Sets, Kits, Outfits and Tools
SMR Source Maintenance Recoverability
SOP Standard Operating Procedures
SOW Statement of Work
TAMCN Table of Authorized Materiel Control Number
TEEP Training Exercise Employment Plan
TLCSM Total Lifecycle Systems Management
TMDE Test Measurement Diagnostic Equipment
T/O&E Table of Organization and Equipment
TOECR Table of Organization and Equipment Change
T&R Training and Readiness
TRNGCMD Training Command
UMMIPS Uniform Materiel Movement and Issue Priority
UND Urgency of Need Designator