Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for registering your child and
supporting our afterschool programs. This
year marks our 39
year in providing quality
out-of-school time programs for the families
in Decatur. We are striving to offer the best
programs possible and want to welcome you
and your children to the afterschool program
this school year.
We, at Decatur Parks and Recreation,
operate in partnership with the school district
and collaborate regarding plans for operation
of our afterschool programs.
This school year we will explore the theme of
Around the World in 180 Days where your
child will be immersed in activities that will
inspire, ignite and foster imagination.
Our staff is eager to meet you and your child.
They have received training focusing on child
and youth development, First Aid/CPR, risk
management, age appropriate activities and
behavior management prior to beginning to
work. Throughout the school year we
conduct monthly training on topics that both
enhance the program and highlight the
safety of the participants.
In an effort to keep you informed and to get
your input, a new parent orientation meeting
is held at the beginning of school each year.
Monthly newsletters are available at
individual sites as well as bulletin boards and
parent programs or Family Nights.
We appreciate your participation in our
programs and welcome your comments and
In service,
Sara Holmes
Assistant Director of Recreation
We provide quality out-of-school time
programming that empowers children to
become responsible, healthy, engaged
members of their community.
The philosophy of our program is to provide
participants with a safe, enriching, and fun
place to spend their out-of-school hours.
Program activities are specifically selected in
order to lead participants from our short-term
to long-term outcomes and thus to
accomplishing our mission.
We hope to accomplish outcomes in the
following areas:
Cultural Competence awareness of
differences and showing respect for those
differences, respecting yourself and others,
positive attitudes about culture
Healthy Lifestyles 60 minutes or more of
movement through active play, choosing
healthy foods, strategies to self-soothe and
calm down
Leadership listening, collaboration, taking
on responsible roles and following through,
having a voice and sharing it with others
Social and Emotional Responsibility -
being collaborative, learning conflict
resolution skills, understanding how to make
and keep friends
The City of Decatur is an organization that
embraces diversity, equity and inclusion with
clear intentional actions in order to dismantle
systemic racism and bias. We commit to
proactively listen, learn and act to promote
equitable outcomes and to cultivate a culture
where everyone feels valued and welcomed.
We accept this responsibility and pledge to
hold ourselves accountable for our actions.
Supervision 3
Enrollment 3
Registration 3
Pre-registration 3
Lottery 4
Open registration 4
Wait lists 4
Payment 4
Due Dates 4
Payments 4
Financial Assistance 4
Refunds 4
Withdrawals 5
Cancellation 5
Tax Information 5
Termination 5
Programs, Hours and Pick Up 5
Afterschool 5
All Day Camp 5
Absences 5
Check-In 6
Check-Out 6
Late Fees 6
Early Release Days 6
Special Events 6
Walkers 6
Transportation 7
Bus Riders
Parent Involvement 7
Health and Wellness 8
Parent Questions and Concerns 8
Participant Essential Functions 8
Illness and Injury 8
Allergies 9
Medications 9
Environmental Procedures 9
Snacks 10
Description of Activities 10
Homework 11
Special Activities 11
Structured Program
Components 11
STEAM Squad 11
Cultural Enrichment 11
Daily Schedules 12
Animal Crackers 12
Whiz Kids 12
Participant Behavior 13
Expectations 13
Code of Conduct 13
Discipline Policies 13
Reports to Parents 14
Rights and Responsibilities of
Children, Youth, and Families 15
Responsibilities of Afterschool 15
Fee Schedule Afterschool 17
and All Day Camp for 2023-2024
Director, Greg White
DeputyDirector: Claire Miller
Assistant Director of Recreation Sara Holmes
Assistant Director of Operations: Nancy Brune
OST Supervisor: Animal Crackers Rashad Crowell
OST: Whiz Kids Dajānē Martin
Administrative Assistant: Lillie Johnson
Animal Crackers Site Coordinators
Clairemont Jazmine Milton-Dates
Glennwood Deyanna Mills
Oakhurst Dejon Pope
Westchester Joslyn Cos
Winnona Park Xaviea Conover
Whiz Kids Site Coordinators
F.AVE Stephen Chapital
Talley Street Kiara Weems
Afterschool Counselors: Our program operates with a
12:1 child to staff ratio. Afterschool Counselors are hired
based on the number of children enrolled at each program
site. Counselors are provided ongoing professional
development opportunities to promote their knowledge of
the afterschool field. All staff members complete an
intensive training covering topics such as: behavior
management, how to work with different age groups,
specific activity training, prevention of child abuse, first
aid/CPR, supervision and much more.
Counselors’ names and photos are posted on the site
bulletin board. Please get to know our staff as they want
to get to know you!
Commitment to Quality in Our Industry -
Accredited Programs:
Animal Crackers Date of accreditation
Clairemont 2023
Glennwood 2019
Oakhurst 2023
Westchester 2019
Winnona Park 2019
Whiz Kids
Fifth Avenue 2019
Talley Street Pending 2024
Contact Information
If you need to get in touch with our staff or your child,
please call the Administrative Offices at 404-378-1082.
Please talk to the staff person most closely involved first
1. Please talk to the counselor to get details.
2. Talk to Site Coordinators
3. Contact OST Supervisor
It is the policy of Decatur Parks and Recreation to enroll
children without bias toward sex, religion, race or physical
disability. Every reasonable effort is made to
accommodate the special needs of children. Our program
provides supervisory care and not medical or nursing
care. Should your child require special care, please
contact us to arrange a consultation between the parents,
teacher and/or the school social worker.
Part-Time Enrollment: DPRD accepts children on a
part-time basis 1 to 4 days per week. Days of attendance
will remain the same throughout the session. Part-Time
enrollment is subject to availability and must be requested
in writing from DPRD. Changes to part-time registration
should be requested in writing to DPRD by the 15th of the
month prior to the start of the session in which the
changes will go into effect. Changes to part-time
registration made for a current session will cost $25 per
child. Families should be aware that while reducing days
is easy, adding them back is dependent upon space.
Registration: Families must enroll children into the
program by:
1. completing registration forms and
2. paying the fees due before children can
participate. Minors cannot enroll or participate in
the program without consent from a parent or
legal guardian.
Pre-Registration: Families with at least one child
enrolled in the current school year through Session 6 with
fees paid in full by January 15 are eligible for the Pre-
Registration process. During the three week Pre-
Registration period which begins in January, enrolled
families are invited to complete registration forms for the
upcoming school year to indicate their interest in
remaining in the city’s programs in the fall. A detailed
instruction letter will go out via email to each eligible
household in January.
Every child in the eligible household who will be in K-5
grade in the new school year may be pre-registered
through this process. Although there is no guarantee of
re-enrollment, we make every effort to enroll every eligible
child for the next school year. Families are notified by the
end of February as to their enrollment status for the new
school year.
Lottery Registration: Lottery registration is open to
families whose children are not enrolled in Animal
Crackers or Whiz Kids as of January of the current school
year. Detailed lottery information is available in
downloadable format on the city website at
Lottery enrollment is available online from 10:00 am the
day after Presidents Day in February through the second
to last Friday in April. Children who will be in K-5th grades
in the fall may be registered for the Afterschool lottery
spin. On the last Friday in April, we will activate the lottery
spin to place registrants in the available afterschool spots
for all Animal Crackers and Whiz Kids programs.
Fees will be applied to each family’s account where
children are placed in afterschool programs via the lottery
spin ($35 per child). Those who are not placed in the
program will be placed on the waitlist for the program in
order of lottery number. Lottery registration can be
confirmed by logging into CommunityPass, selecting My
Account from the menu and then reviewing the activities
by each family member’s name. Families will be
contacted to confirm enrollment no later than the second
week in May.
Open Registration: Open Registration begins after the
lottery process is complete in early May and remains open
throughout the school year. When programs are full,
parents may place children on the waiting list for the
Waiting Lists: In the event that a site fills prior to your
registration, you may place your child on the waiting list.
You will be contacted if a spot becomes available.
Due Dates: Fees are due on the 15th of every month,
except December, in advance of the session start date.
Session fees will be applied to each household on the first
of each month in which fees are due.
We will send reminders regarding payment due dates via
email using the address you provided as your contact
email on your CommunityPass family account. Emails
and calls will be generated for our entire contact list and
will continue to the designated number and email address
until you ask us to remove you from our contact list or give
us updated contact information. For updates or removal
please call our office at 404-377-0494.
On-line Payments: Payments can be made via our
online registration system, which can be accessed from
the City website. CommunityPass requires
payment in full. Visit
https://register.communitypass.net/cityofdecatur. You will
need your username and password to access the
website. CommunityPass will accept Visa or MasterCard.
Forgot Your Password? You can request it on the
CommunityPass login screen or call DPRD.
Phone Payment: Fees may be paid by phone using Visa
or MasterCard at 404-378-1082 or 404-377-0494.
Mail checks to: Decatur Parks and Recreation, PO Box
220, Decatur, GA 30031.
Hand Delivered: Payments may be hand delivered to the
Decatur Recreation Center.
9 a.m. 6 p.m Monday - Friday
10 a.m 4 p.m. Saturday
Financial Assistance: Limited financial assistance is
available for City of Decatur families demonstrating a
need. You will need to complete the online application and
provide proof of both residency and income. Applications
are reviewed and awards are determined once all
required documentation is received.
Non-Payment of Fees: Our office will communicate with
you via email if afterschool fees have not been paid by the
start of a new session. You will be notified that your child
is no longer eligible to attend the program and will be
withdrawn from the program. That space will be made
available to another family. The only exception is in the
case of special arrangements made with the OST
Note: Late fees are to be paid before the session is
ended. Failure to make payment or repeated tardiness
will result in child’s removal from the activity and
ineligibility for other City programs.
Note: Our staff members are not permitted to accept
program payments on site.
Refund request is made prior to the start of the
new session.
Refund is made in writing and will apply from the
next program date following the refund request.
Any refund requests prior to the fee due date for
a session will be made in full.
Written refund requests made after the relevant session
due date will be charged a $25 late change fee and will
be pro-rated for session days elapsed. Refunds are not
available for subsidized fee rates after the start of an
afterschool session.
All Day Camp: Camp fees are not refundable and non-
transferable within two weeks (13 days or less) of the
start of camp.
A refund, is available if:
Cancellation in writing is received 14 days prior to
the session start date.
The camper is physically unable to attend camp
due to illness or injury. A physician’s statement is
required before a refund can be granted.
Weather Related Closing: In the event All Day
Camp is cancelled prior to opening for the day a
full refund will be provided. If the program is
closed after the start of the program, no refunds
will be provided.
If you choose to withdraw from the program during the
school year, please email your request to us at
Withdrawal notification should be received on or before
the date session payments are due (the 15th of the
month, prior to the start of the new session). Otherwise,
you will still be considered to be enrolled in the next
session and will be held responsible for payment for the
upcoming session. You will remain responsible for any
outstanding fees. Fees are non-transferable.
Cancellation Policy
Afterschool: In the event the program is not able to
operate, due to weather, facility issues, or any unforeseen
occurrence more than 5 consecutive days you will be
issued a partial refund for the days missed.
If the program is not able to operate and therefore
cancelled for an extended period of time, you will be
refunded for all of the affected dates. Families will be
notified in writing.
All Day Camp: If a session is cancelled by DPRD then all
fees are refundable. If minimum enrollment is not met for
any camp session at least 10 days in advance, DPRD will
cancel and notify families of the change.
Although DPRD prefers not to cancel scheduled all day
camp sessions, cancellation may be necessary in the
event of staffing, facility, enrollment or other issues.
Tax Information
The City of Decatur tax ID number is 58-6000560. At tax
time, you can generate your own Childcare Statement
through CommunityPass.
Login to CommunityPass at
https://register.communitypass.net/cityofdecatur. Select
the My Account tab, choose View/Pay Balances and
select the season, then choose view a seasonal
Termination Policy
Children and Youth Services reserves the right to
terminate your child’s afterschool or all day camp
enrollment with or without refund if the staff deems it in
the best interest of the safety of the child, other children,
parents or staff. If a child’s enrollment termination is
deemed necessary by DPRD staff, parents will be
informed of reason for termination of services.
Afterschool: Afterschool operates in sync with the City
Schools of Decatur schedule and provides afterschool
care from the end of each school day until 6:15 pm,
Monday through Friday. Please make a note on your
calendar regarding school holidays. Afterschool will not
operate on school makeup days.
Hours of Operation
Animal Crackers 2:50 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
Whiz Kids 2:15 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
All Day Camp is a theme-based daily program designed
to allow children to have a safe, fun place to engage in
recreational activities under the guidance of our
afterschool staff. All Day Camps are provided on teacher
workdays and school breaks as listed on the attached fee
schedule. Camp runs 7:30a.m. 6:00 p.m. and is located
at the Cochran Building at Legacy Park. Everyone must
bring their own lunch. Snack is provided.
Registration: All Day Camps require separate
registration and an additional fee. You must pre-register
to attend. No registrations will be taken on the day of
camp. Children must be at least 5 years old and attending
Kindergarten through 5
grade at the time of the program.
There will be no age or grade level exceptions. Activities
are designed with curriculum and programming for
campers of a certain age/grade level.
Absences and Schedule Changes
If you know in advance that your child will be absent or
his/her schedule will change, we ask that you notify the
Site Coordinator the day prior or send a note. If your
child's schedule changes without notice, please contact
the Children and Youth Services office at (404) 378-1082
and leave a message for your site staff.
NOTE: Please do not call the school office
to leave messages. The afterschool
program is not operated by your child’s
school but by City of Decatur Parks and
Recreation Department.
Check In Check Out
Check in: We require that all children be checked in
directly with a staff member through our digital attendance
program each day upon arrival. Children are dismissed
from their classrooms directly to afterschool and walk to
the program space under school supervision.
Check out: All individuals picking up children must
physically enter the building to sign children out. We
cannot send a child out to your car or send your child to
meet you at the door.
To ensure your child’s safety, we require written
notification including the name of the authorized party as
well as the dates/times of authorization if anyone other
than the persons listed on child’s pick-up list. All persons
(including parents) must present a valid picture I.D. to
staff at pick up. Authorized adults may be added in your
CommunityPass account. Upload a photo to maximize
ease of checkout.
Siblings 13 years of age and older can check out a
younger child if parent has notified the site in writing and
included a photo of the older sibling to prove identification.
You may add additional people you give permission pick
up by logging into your CommunityPass account, giving
written information to your Site Director in person, or by
sending email permission to DPRD@decaturga.com.
Note: Appropriate legal paperwork is required to be on file
with DPRD when a custodial parent requests us not to
release the child to the other parent or guardian.
Parent Tardiness: The program ends at 6:15 pm. It is
the parent or guardian’s responsibility to ensure that
children are picked up by that time. Repeatedly being late
to pick up children may result in expulsion from the
Emergency Contact: At 6:15 pm we will call the people
designated as emergency and alternate pick-up names in
order to secure a ride for your child. If no one can be
reached, the child will be transported (a $25 fee will be
charged) to the Decatur Recreation Center to wait to be
picked up.
Late Fees: Parents will be assessed a late fee of $10.00
every 10 minutes beginning at 6:16 p.m. 6:16-6:26 =
$10.00, etc. The CommunityPass software will
automatically record the time of pick up and late fees will
be assessed by our administrative office. The late fee will
be added to your account balance. All late fees must be
paid online or at Decatur Recreation Center. Late fees
cannot be collected on site
Children at Risk: Parents or
other adults who arrive to pick up
a child in an incapacitated
condition (i.e. alcohol, drugs)
present a risk to their child. The
staff in charge will advise the
parent of their options regarding
the transportation of their child to his/her home. Some
options that may be exercised are:
Call the other parent or legal guardian
Call another person on the child’s emergency
contact list
Call a ride share
Call a nearby neighbor or friend
If a reasonable conclusion cannot be reached, the
parent will be advised that either DFCS or the City of
Decatur Police will be called.
Extracurricular Activities: If your child will leave our
program for another after-school activity, i.e. scouts,
soccer, any school sponsored afterschool activity, etc. we
must have written notification of these plans including the
name of the person who will pick your child up. Children
will be expected to sign in to afterschool and then sign out
to attend activities outside our program including meeting
with a teacher afterschool.
If your child is scheduled for activities, both in and out of
school, please put this schedule in writing for the
afterschool staff. This will allow the program staff to know
what days and times to expect your child. If your child is
to return to the afterschool program following an outside
activity, please let the Site Coordinator know what time to
expect the child’s return. Our staff will contact parents
concerning any child not accounted for at the scheduled
Early Release Days: The school system has scheduled
monthly early release days during the year. Your child is
automatically enrolled to be released into the afterschool
program immediately following dismissal if those days are
your normally scheduled day to attend the program. Part
time (do not attend five days per week) participants who
attend on Wednesdays will be charged an additional $10
per session. Participants not scheduled to attend on early
release days cannot enroll to attend.
Holidays: On City of Decatur holidays we will not offer
programs for children and youth as the DPRD Department
will be closed.
Special Events: Occasionally your afterschool site will
offer a special event. Children that are enrolled part-time
are welcome to attend the event with parent supervision
(we cannot add that day for your child, but welcome you
and your child together). Your site coordinator will inform
you of the special event days that are open for
Un-Scheduled Site Closure: If the buildings need to be
cleared for any reason during program hours we will notify
parents by calling the number provided on the registration
forms and/or emailing pick-up instructions.
Walkers: Children ages 8 and younger cannot walk home
unaccompanied. Children 9 and over can walk home with
written permission from parents stating the days the child
should walk home and the time of dismissal. Children will
be dismissed from the program 30 minutes before dark or
at 6:15 pm (whichever comes first).
Weather: In the event of extreme weather the program
will adhere to the decision of the City Schools of Decatur
regarding operation. The decision will be announced on
local radio and TV stations, the school system hotline, and
school system and city websites. When schools are
closed, afterschool will not be in operation.
Booster Seats: Booster seats in combination with
shoulder strap belts are used for all five to eight year olds
per state law when travelling by City van.
School buses will be used in the event of any planned
field trip outing involving a large number of participants.
CSD is responsible for all children riding on the bus. For
shorter or small group trips, children will be transported
via City van with an approved driver.
Bus/Van Riders Code of Conduct.
Parents please review this with your child.
Attendance will be taken while boarding
and at destination.
Remain seated
throughout the trip.
Leave your seat only
when the bus has reached its
destination and comes to a
complete stop.
Keep your back pack and belongings on your lap
or put them under the seat.
Always keep the aisle clear.
Do not talk to the driver except in case of an
Avoid doing anything that might disturb or
interfere with the driver.
Do not talk loudly or yell. Be courteous at all
Never stick hands, arms, head or feet out of the
Do not open windows without the drivers
Do not throw anything within the vehicle or out of
a window.
Do not touch the emergency door or exit
controls or any of the safety equipment
without the
drivers permission.
Do not discard garbage in the vehicle.
Do not eat or drink in the vehicle, with the
exception that students may drink water from
plastic water
Communication: We encourage parents to
communicate daily with staff members at the site. We
believe this builds a positive relationship that greatly
benefits your child. In addition to this personal
communication, parents can expect to receive periodic
Facebook updates and announcements, and direct email
from the program. Please check the bulletin board at the
site for postings, snack menus, lesson plans and other
pertinent information.
Concerns: If you have an individual concern, please
discuss this with your Site Coordinator. If you feel you
need further assistance in resolving any concerns after
working with your Site Coordinator, please contact the
Program Supervisor at 404-378-1082.
Evaluations: In addition to visiting, we welcome parent
feedback on program procedures and encourage you to
provide your input. We have worked with an evaluator to
create a targeted evaluation system that relies heavily on
your participation at the end of the school year. Your
participation in this written evaluation process helps us
make changes to ensure we are providing the highest
quality program for your child/ren.
Orientation: An orientation meeting is held at the
beginning of the school year to orient new parents,
introduce full-time staff and to answer questions. Once
enrolled, parents are provided a Parent Handbook at
orientation or may be located online. The purpose of this
packet is to familiarize both the child and the parents with
the program policies and procedures.
As new families enter the program throughout the school
year the Site Coordinator will facilitate introductions of the
program staff and to the program’s policies and
procedures. Our bulletin board on site provides ongoing
information to keep families informed about a variety of
relevant topics, including staff names.
Special Events: We hold Family Nights and Parent
Enrichment Events throughout the school year. These
may be during the afternoon hours or during the evening.
These events give the parents a chance to get to know
their site staff and see and experience the variety of
activities your children are engaging in during our
program. Families are encouraged to participate in these
Visitation: We welcome parent visitation to outdoor
events and activities during the program. If you wish to
visit please check in with the Site Coordinator upon
arrival. There will be opportunities for parents to be
involved in a variety of roles including helping with special
events, sharing skills, etc. If you are interested in
participating, please make your Site Coordinator aware.
Parent Questions and Comments
If you have any special concerns or health needs
regarding your child, please discuss these with the site
coordinator so that we may be best prepared to fully serve
your child. We cannot adequately support your child’s
safety during afterschool/all day camp unless you share
all relevant behavioral and medical information that might
affect him/her during his/her time with us. Thank you for
working with us to provide the very best care for your
Let Us Be Your Parenting Partner
Our Child Health History including the Asthma Action
Plan, Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan and Health Form
contains space for personal information regarding your
child. We would like to take a moment to talk with you
about this important information.
Some parents hesitate to provide afterschool programs
with personal information about their child’s behavior or
past experience. Some fear the information may be
misused, while others are concerned about their child
being labeled, singled out or treated differently. All
parents want to see their child have a strong, fresh start,
unencumbered by past problems.
As seasoned afterschool professionals, we appreciate
these concerns. We also know how invaluable such
information can be in assisting us help your child make as
smooth and happy adjustment to our program as possible
something we know all parents want, too!
Having prior knowledge about a learning difficulty, ADHD,
sensitivity to lights or sounds, medical condition or recent
loss or major change in the family or child’s life makes a
tremendous difference in helping us be sensitive to your
child’s need for patience, understanding and reassurance
especially in the first few days of the program. This is
especially true for children who have an attention problem
or who are nervous about new situations. Many parents
fear that an afterschool program will not accept their
children if they are completely forthcoming about these
situations, yet children need us to be partners with you in
planning for a safe and successful experience.
Furthermore, children often use their behavior rather than
their words to tell us something is bothering them. Having
advance knowledge of areas that might be difficult for
your child helps us understand the message in their
actions. The better we understand your child, the more we
can assure you of a better afterschool experience for your
Our commitment is to use such information only to help
your child adjust to the program environment. It will only
be used at the program when necessary and then only
with the greatest discretion and your prior knowledge.
Remember, when faced with challenges, we can help
your child have great success if you help us. We
encourage you to make us a full partner in planning for
your child’s afterschool needs. Please contact the Site
Coordinator before attending the program to set your child
up for a successful experience.
Participant Essential Functions
In order to attend the City of Decatur afterschool and All
Day Camps, children must meet the following essential
Able to move independently from place to place
Able to effectively interact in a group based on
program content
Be able to meet personal needs (toileting, diet
management, etc.)
Capable self-manager of chronic illness
Can communicate needs and is able to
understand and follow instructions in order to
comply with the site’s safety expectations.
We will not be able to offer one-to-one care or supervision
for any participant.
Essential Forms
Each child must have a completed afterschool information
and release form and health history form on file. Children
may not attend sessions if the forms are not completed.
Please be sure all information is accurate and complete.
Address and Phone Numbers
Please inform DPRD in writing of all changes to address
and phone numbers. If your emergency numbers change,
it is important that we are notified immediately. Also, if you
are going out of town please let us know as this will allow
us to quickly contact someone on your emergency pick up
Chronic Illness: If a child is chronically ill, the child will
be included in the program when it is feasible. Our staff
will work with parents and doctors to include the child in
any way possible.
Communicable Diseases: Children with communicable
diseases are not permitted to attend the program until the
symptoms have been resolved for at least 24 hours.
Examples of possible communicable disease symptoms
a temperature of 100º or more,
copious respiratory secretions (especially yellow
or green secretions)
eye discharge
severe coughing
change in behavior, lethargy, inability to focus
In the event that we find your child to have any of these
symptoms we will contact you to pick them up. It is
imperative that we maintain a current contact list in case
of emergency. Please notify us regularly of any changes
in phone numbers or emergency contacts. Children with
communicable diseases will be readmitted to the program
according to the school’s health policy. Our policy
supports your child’s recovery from illness by reducing
his/her exposure to other children and also allowing time
for him/her to rest and recover. This policy also helps to
prevent illness in other children by reducing exposure risk.
Our counselors support infection control policies by
encouraging frequent hand washing, by cleaning shared
items, and encouraging “vampire sneezing and
Accidents/Emergencies: In the event that a minor injury
occurs, basic First Aid will be administered by camp staff.
The following procedures will be followed:
First Aid will be provided and the incident
recorded on an incident/accident report.
The child will periodically be observed after First
Aid has been applied.
In the event of a medical emergency, immediate action
will be taken by the staff as per your instructions on both
the registration and health forms. Please keep these
forms updated. If parents or other responsible adults are
unable to be reached, the child will be taken to the nearest
hospital for necessary treatment.
In general, in the event of a major injury or
a health problem arises and professional
medical care is required, the following
steps will be taken:
You will be contacted. If you
cannot be reached, the emergency contact
person will be notified.
Immediate First Aid will be administered by the
911 will be called.
A staff person will accompany your child to the
hospital and remain until you or your emergency
contact arrives.
The incident will be described in writing on the
DPRD incident/accident report.
The City of Decatur does not incur the cost of medical
treatment or transport and it is imperative that you indicate
on your child’s health form what type of health insurance
you carry.
Allergies: We will try our best to make reasonable
accommodations for children with severe allergies to
peanut products and other allergens. If you are aware that
your child is severely allergic to something, it is your
responsibility to notify the Site Coordinator in advance so
we may take proper precautions.
Please complete the Allergy Action Plan form, located on
our website, to indicate what steps should be taken in
case of reaction.
We will not administer prescription medication to your
child except in case of a life sustaining medication such
as an Epi-Pen or asthma inhalers.
Lifesaving medications will only be
dispensed with written consent from the
Complete the Allergy Action Plan form
Provide medication in the original
container with the prescription label and dosage
directions attached.
Medication must be labeled with the child’s name,
the name of the medication, the dosage amount,
and the time or times to be given.
Hand all medication to the Site Coordinator in a
labeled zip lock bag. Children are not allowed to
keep medications on their person, in their lunch
bags or backpacks unless they have parent
permission to self-carry medication. After a
discussion with the Site Coordinator, it may be
determined that a child who uses an
inhaler/EpiPen on an as needed basis may carry
the inhaler/EpiPen in his/her backpack to all
activities. The parent and Site Coordinator will
determine if the child can take on this
responsibility. In this situation, we recommend a
second inhaler/epi-pin remain with the Site
Coordinator if the other one is misplaced.
All medications will be locked up or maintained by
a staff member when away from the site and
given to your child when needed.
Air Quality: In the event of an orange or higher rating for
air quality by the EPA at www.airnow.gov we will move all
activities indoors.
Bug Spray: Should your child need to use bug spray
while participating in the program, the following
procedures will be followed in accordance with DPRD
Keep the insect repellent in the original container,
labeled with your child’s name
Staff will remind children to apply bug spray as
Staff will assist children 5 - 8 years old in applying
bug spray at parent’s request. All children that
are older than 9 will be expected to apply their
own bug spray or ask a counselor for assistance
in applying spray or stick.
Extreme Heat and Cold: We monitor the air temperature
and both heat and cold index numbers to ensure the
health and safety of our participants and staff. Activity
time outside will be shortened or cancelled if the
conditions are excessively hot or cold.
No Tobacco, No Vaping, No Pets, Drive Slowly
Thank you, in advance, for respecting our facilities when
you visit. We ask that you leave your pets at home, do not
use tobacco or vape devices while on the property.
Smoking or vaping is prohibited inside the buildings where
our programs are held or outside in activity areas where
our participants are located.
As you drive in and out of parking area please keep the
children in mind and drive slowly.
Sunscreen: Should your child need to use sunscreen
while participating in the program, the following
procedures MUST be followed in accordance with DPRD
Keep the sunscreen (spray or sticks) in the
original container, labeled with your child’s name.
Staff will remind children to apply sunscreen at
scheduled times.
Staff will assist children 5 - 8 years old in applying
sunscreen at the parent’s request. All children
that are older than 9 will be expected to apply
their own sunscreen or ask a counselor for
assistance in applying spray or stick.
Inclement Weather Procedure: In inclement weather
children will participate in activities inside. During light rain
showers without thunder or lightning, we will continue our
normal programming.
Daily Snack: We provide a daily snack that meets and/or
exceeds the USDA snack guidelines. The guidelines are
based on an average caloric amount for the week. As
such, snacks may vary in terms of nutritional and caloric
value during a week and still be in compliance with USDA
guidelines. Snacks include fruit juice or milk as well as a
food item. Please see the bulletin board for weekly
menus. City Schools of Decatur Nutrition Department
plans the snack menu. Please share any feedback or
concerns you have regarding snack selections with us as
we work to offer quality snack offerings in partnership with
the City Schools of Decatur Nutrition Department. If you
have suggestions for appropriate snacks that are
individually packaged, please let us know.
Hand washing: Children are directed to wash their hands
prior to getting/preparing snacks and after using the
Food Projects and Parties:
Occasionally, the children prepare
additional snacks as a food project.
We also have monthly birthday parties
and occasional seasonal celebrations.
Special foods may be served at parties.
Kid’s Choice/Stations/Fun Centers: Each afterschool
day is organized around the concept of choices. This is
an opportunity for children to choose how to spend their
time in the program. A variety of activities offered include
homework, board games, reading, free art, outside free
play, blocks and other manipulative objects, science and
nature activities, food projects, nutrition activities,
imaginative play, drama and quiet games. The activity
choices vary during the program day.
Arts and Crafts: Children have the opportunity to be
creative with the Free Art Center each day. This center
provides paper, markers, crayons, scissors, glue, and a
variety of other items for the children’s use. Also, each
week a simple arts and crafts project activity is planned.
This gives the children an opportunity to explore different
Community Time or Group Time: Community Time is a
weekly sharing time where children talk about important
happenings and plans for the day. Children are
encouraged to share art projects and other
accomplishments. Children might also share a poem, joke
or story. At this time the activities for the week are shared,
new opportunities are presented, rules are reinforced and
policy changes are introduced to the children.
Cooperative Play: The programming will include a
variety of non-competitive and cooperative games
designed for participation by all. The guiding principles of
cooperative play are "play hard, play fair and play safe."
The games involve working together, participation by all
players, and using imagination and creativity. All children
are encouraged to participate.
Animal Crackers: Homework is a scheduled activity
required for all children. All children are expected to
spend 20 minutes on homework at a set time at least two
days per week. If a child does not have homework, we
require 20 minutes of quiet reading during this time
period. If completion of homework becomes an issue for
your child, please talk with the Site Coordinator to make
an agreement between you, your child and the staff
relating to your homework expectations for your child.
Whiz Kids: Homework is a scheduled activity required for
all children. All children are expected to spend 30 minutes
on homework at a set time each day. If a child does not
have homework, we require 30 minutes of quiet reading
during this time period. If completion of homework
becomes an issue for your child, please talk with the Site
Coordinator to make an agreement between you, your
child and the Whiz Kids staff relating to your homework
expectations for your child.
Afterschool staff will not mandate that children complete
homework. If you wish to mandate homework time for
your child, you and your child should reach an agreement
on that issue. Please do not ask staff to enforce
completion of homework or punish for non-completion.
We are happy to work with you to remind and encourage
children during homework time. A verbal contract may be
created between staff, child and parent upon parent
request. Staff will report daily homework activities to
parents upon request as well. Parents may wish to ask a
child’s classroom teacher to share weekly assignments
with program staff for follow up.
Homework Supplies: For those children who
forget their supplies, each site is provided with
a homework box including a dictionary, ruler,
pencil sharpener, pencils, paper, etc.
Nutrition: Nutrition activities designed to teach good
eating habits and increase positive attitudes toward
healthy foods are included each week.
Physical Activity: All programs offer at least 30 minutes
of outside time per day. Where weather prevents outside
time, active indoor activities will be substituted. This
portion of the program is designed to provide children an
opportunity to exercise and improve their fitness level.
Fitness activities include: parachute games, kid aerobics,
curricular activities from CATCH Kids Club (Coordinated
Approach to Child Health) and active group games.
Sports Skills: We provide active, skill-building activities
where children have the opportunity to play organized
games or games of their choice and utilize playground
equipment. This program is not designed to provide
specialized sports or fitness programming.
Field Trips: Periodically children may take a field trip for
special programs or visit other sites or other special
opportunities. Parents will receive advance notice of any
off-site trips with beginning and estimated ending times
and locations of trips.
Occasions: This time will be used for monthly birthday
and holiday parties, speakers, films, field trips, and/or
other "non-routine" events. These days will be mentioned
in our monthly newsletters.
Animal Crackers: Participants attend hands-on sessions
with trained instructors in small groups to expand their
knowledge of science, technology, engineering, arts and
math and to complete group projects using a range of
technology tools and software.
Whiz Kids: STEAM Squad is a program choice through
our enrichment program and is offered at the discretion of
the site coordinator. Topics are
planned by the Site Coordinator
and STEAM Squad coordinator
based on the children’s interest.
Animal Crackers: Participants are offered exposure to a
wide range of supplemental experiences with Artist
Instructors ranging from mixed media visual arts and
pottery to puppetry and improvisational theater. Sessions
generally last four weeks and occur two days per week
(days may vary by site and by offering). Children that
attend at least 4 days per week have the opportunity to
attend least one session per week when enrichment is
offered. Parents will be invited to attend closing sessions
where children may showcase their creativity at the end
of each enrichment session.
Whiz Kids: Whiz Kids offer activities called Whiz Kids
Circles. The Whiz Kids will sign up monthly. At the third
week of each month the Whiz Kids will select four Whiz
Kids Circles to participate in for a 4 week period.
Animal Crackers
2:50 pm Dismissed from school to program
3:00 pm Choice Activities: Snack, Homework, Outside
Activities, Manipulatives, Board Games,
Quiet Reading/Rest, Dramatic Play, Free Art,
Rotating Centers
3:20 pm Community Time
3:30 pm Choice and Scheduled Activities
Enrichment M & F
STEAM Squad Tu, W, Th, (depending on
program enrollment)
5:00 pm Choice and Scheduled Activities
Enrichment M & F
6:00 pm Closing and Wrap Up Choice Activities
6:15 pm Program Closes All children must be picked
up. Late fees begin at 6:16 pm
Whiz Kids
2:15 pm Dismissal
2:20 pm Arrival to Program
2:30 pm Snack and Group Meeting time
2:55 pm Outdoor Play and Free Choice
3:30 pm Homework Time
4:00 pm Enrichment sessions
4:00 pm Choice Activities
5:15 pm Choice Activities & Enrichment
6:15 pm Program Closes
Expectations of Participants
Children are entitled to a pleasant and safe environment
while participating in afterschool. We know that everyone
is not always going to get along or agree on things,
especially when competition is involved. However, we
expect that these disagreements will be handled in a non-
violent and non-threatening manner. We want everyone
to feel that they are in a safe environment where they are
valued. All children should use their number one resource
when an unexpected altercation happens, that is to self-
report to a counselor right away.
Please review with your child daily the types of behaviors
that we expect as outlined below and discuss their
importance in order for your child to have a successful
time during the afterschool program.
Be Friendly: Honesty and respect will be the basis for all
relationships and interactions. Reach out and make a new
friend each week. Show and give respect to each other in
our group. If we listen to others, they will listen to us. Use
please and thank you often when working with others.
Be Inclusive: Teamwork and cooperation will be the
basis for including every one. Use positive language at all
times. Speak for yourself, not anyone else. Encourage
others by avoiding put downs. Show respect. Keep your
hands and feet to yourself at all times. Keep touch
Build Community: We encourage each child to make
new friends, play with old friends, learn new games, try
something new, build skills and just have fun. The proper
use and cleanliness of the area, equipment, supplies, etc.
is the responsibility of all. Clean up is important and we
need your support to respect the environment, put up
supplies, and put trash in the trash cans and not to
intentionally cause damage to property. Be responsible
for your words and actions. Be responsible for personal
belongings. Stay in program areas with your counselor
running away is not acceptable. Cooperate with staff and
follow directions so everyone can be safe and have fun.
During the first month of afterschool, all expectations and
guidelines will be covered and explained by the site staff.
Please review the following rules with your child:
General Rules
Listen to the staff and follow their directions
During afterschool time, child should remain in
the group unless given permission to leave
Children should not be alone at any time while at
No cell phone or electronics are allowed.
Please respect nature, do not pick leaves, grass
or harm plants or animals
Please do not throw sticks or stones
Keep the program space clean. This includes
picking up litter, no writing graffiti, and returning
equipment to a counselor
No fighting. If you have a problem, walk away
from the situation and tell a counselor
Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times
Children should always strive to be caring,
honest, respectful and responsible
Hallways are quiet places where there is no
running/eating or horse playing.
Code of Conduct
We are committed to providing a safe and welcoming
environment for all of our participants, family members
and guests. To ensure the safety and comfort for all, we
ask individuals to act appropriately while they are in our
facility or participating in a DPRD program. This applies
to staff, participants and their parents. We expect persons
to behave in a mature and responsible way and to respect
the rights and dignity of others.
Our code of conduct does not permit language or action
that can hurt or frighten another person or that falls below
a general accepted standard of conduct. Specifically this
Angry or vulgar language including swearing,
name calling and shouting;
Physical contact with another person in an angry
or threatening way;
Any demonstration of sexual activity or sexual
contact with another person;
Harassment or intimidation with words, gestures,
body language or other menacing behavior;
Behavior which extends to or results in the theft
or destruction of property;
Carrying or concealing weapons or devices that
may be used as weapons.
Please be responsible for your own personal conduct and
safety. If someone’s behavior threatens your personal
comfort or safety, please ask that person to refrain. Staff
are trained and expected to respond to any reported
violation of our code of conduct. Please do not hesitate to
notify a staff person if you need assistance. We want to
OST Administrators will investigate all reported incidents.
Dismissal from a program may result from any violation of
the code of conduct. No refunds will be given.
Discipline Policies
Our staff will work with children to help them resolve their
own conflicts during the program. Parents will be
informed of any safety related concerns, willful harm
infractions or any repeated rule infraction by their child.
Children with repeated disciplinary incidents relating to
safety will be suspended. Children who continue to
behave in unsafe or harmful ways may be expelled.
Behavior Management Plan: If your child has been
receiving assistance in behavior management during the
school year, it is imperative that this information be shared
with the site coordinator. This will enable us to work more
effectively and productively with your child.
Note: The afterschool program does not have access to
behavioral information that you have supplied to the
school system.
Financial Responsibility: Parents/guardians will be held
financially responsible for any damage caused by the
willful misconduct of their child.
Rules and Consequences: Our afterschool program is
structured to provide your child a safe, supportive, and
positive environment in which to learn and grow. We try
to allow many avenues for creativity, freedom of choice
and new experiences. The afterschool staff is trained to
utilize conflict resolution and violence prevention skills to
supplement what is taught during the school day while
helping children to solve their own problems.
Your child's safety is our primary concern. We want
children to be safe in activities and kind to others and
things around our program. We want to clarify our
conduct/consequences protocol with you and hope you
will review it with your child. It outlines our course of
action in case of problematic behavior.
Minor Infraction to Rules (Non-Safety): After minor
infractions to rules an initial warning is given for
inappropriate behavior and an explanation for the
existence of the given rule with an emphasis on safety
will be offered to the child. Each K-2
site has a Peace
Center that children are encouraged to use to work out
their frustrations and to talk with others to resolve their
conflicts. Whiz Kids programs have a quiet area. The
"Time Out" system will be used, when required. If the
conflict cannot be resolved or an inappropriate behavior
is repeated, children will sit out for an appropriate amount
of time to "regroup and rethink" (usually 3-10 minutes),
then will be allowed to rejoin the group. Children will be
encouraged to "work out and solve" problems as well as
accept responsibility for their actions. Logical
consequences will result from unacceptable behavior.
Safety Infractions: Following a safety-related rule
infraction, more immediate consequences will be
imposed. Staff will intervene immediately, rules are
reiterated and a time out is likely to be given in order to
allow a child the opportunity to calm down and reflect on
the safety rules in question. Counselors will discuss the
importance of the safety rule with the child, assure
understanding, and allow the child to rejoin the group after
an appropriate amount of time. If safety rules continue to
be broken, parents will be involved as allies in reinforcing
rules with children. Continued infraction of safety rules
may result in suspension or expulsion.
Willful Harm Infractions: A willful harm infraction, in
which one child deliberately harms or tries to harm
another child, will result in immediate consequences.
Depending upon the seriousness of the violation a child
will be disciplined immediately and appropriately and may
be suspended for one or more days. Parents may be
asked to meet for a conference prior to the child’s return
to the Afterschool program to help ensure that the child
understands the program rules as well as the
consequences of non-compliance. Any incident of willful
harm may result in expulsion from the program for the
remainder of the afterschool year.
Reports Will Be Made to Parents in the Event of:
Destruction of property and inappropriate use of
Running away from the school or a staff member
Being away from the group without a staff
member's knowledge
Repeated refusals to take necessary time outs
Excessive fighting or conflicts
Engaging in inappropriate behavior or cursing
Disregarding program safety rules
Repeated or significant infractions of any rule or
Immediate Dismissal from Program:
Hitting children or staff and/or physically
endangering others
Refusing to stop dangerous activities, throwing
objects, using objects as weapons, etc.)
Uncontrollable behavior
Leaving the program without permission, or
refusing to remain with the assigned group.
Theft, defacing or destruction of property
Possession of weapons, tobacco, alcohol or
illegal drugs
Inappropriate touching of other children/staff or
sexual misconduct.
Backpacks brought into the afterschool program can be
searched at the discretion of the site coordinator.
Note: We want to keep you informed of your child’s
positive accomplishments as well as his/her negative
behavior. We strive to be accessible to your questions
and suggestions as we value your opinion. Please feel
free to speak with us about your concerns or questions.
Child Care Licensing Information: Decatur Parks and
Recreation afterschool programs are exempt from child
care licensing by the State of Georgia because we are
operated by a government agency. As a result, the
programs are not licensed childcare programs.
Confidentiality: Information about our participants is
kept at each program site in a locked space and at the
DPRD Administrative offices for quick access in case of
Release of confidential information:
In the event of suspected child abuse or neglect, the City
of Decatur will release confidential information regarding
children and families to DCFS and/or the police
department without the knowledge or consent of the
Written information about incidents and/or accidents
involving children may be requested in writing to DPRD
administrators. Identifying information about children
other than your own child(ren) will be redacted for privacy
purposes. NOTE: Depending on the type of information
being requested to be released, you may be directed to
submit an open records request through the City
Manager’s office.
Fair and Equitable Treatment: Children, youth and
families have the right to fair and equitable treatment
including the right to be treated in a non-discriminatory
manner; and the freedom to express and practice
religious and spiritual beliefs. Children and youth have the
right to receive individual attention for social, physical and
emotional needs in an atmosphere which treats them with
dignity, fairness and consistency.
Grievance Procedures: In the event of a problem at the
program, talk with the staff person most closely involved.
If a satisfactory resolution is not achieved, children, youth
and families should follow the supervision hierarchy for
the Out of School Time Division as follows:
Counselor Site Coordinator OST Supervisor OST
Manager Assistant Director of Recreation. Children,
youth and families may contact any person in this
supervision chain to request assistance resolving a
problem or concern.
If a resolution is not achieved through this process,
children and youth and/or their families have the right to
file a formal grievance in writing without fear of
interference or retaliation. The Director of DPRD will notify
the family of resolution in writing and provide an
explanation of any further appeal, rights or recourse. In a
situation where the Director was involved in the decision
about which the grievance is filed, the Assistant City
Manager will serve as the unbiased reviewer of the
situation and will notify the family of the resolution in
writing, providing an explanation of any further appeal,
rights, or recourse.
Parent/Family Conferences
Parents and families may request a conference at any
time with DPRD staff members. At times a conference
may be requested by DPRD to discuss problems or
concerns relating to a child or youth. Parents/guardians
may opt not to participate in a parent conference when
called by the program; however, parents should be aware
that this may result in more immediate suspension or
expulsion from the program.
Responsibilities of Children:
Abide by school and program rules and
Treat others with respect
Communicate with program staff about personal
needs and interests and ask for help when
Items Not to Bring: cell phones, electronic games,
weapons of any kind, money, toys or other items
of value. The City of Decatur is not responsible
for lost or stolen items.
Responsibilities of Parents:
Keep the program informed about their child’s
medical, physical, academic or other types of
needs as well as current contact information.
Adhere to school rules and program policies
whenever at the program including use of
appropriate language, a civil tone of voice, and
calm demeanor. Parents/guardians who do not
fulfill these responsibilities should know that their
child may be removed from the program based
on parent misbehavior.
Support the program in reinforcing expectations
for children’s behavior while in the program.
On-time pick up of children daily
Timely communication with program staff in the
event of any issues or concerns.
Responsibilities of the Afterschool Program:
Inform families of any research to be conducted
on behalf of or during the program and obtain
consent from parents/guardians and assent from
children and youth regarding participation in any
such research.
Provide high quality enrichment, technology, arts
and recreation activities
Provide parents/guardians with assistance in
understanding program policies, procedures and
Keep parents informed about any challenges,
issues, accomplishments, concerns or other
topics related to the success of each child in the
afterschool environment
Help parents feel welcome and receive any
feedback with attentiveness and professionalism
Make reasonable efforts to address the written
and oral communication needs of all families
Conform to the legal requirements of a mandated
reporter by making confidential reports, including
family information, to the Department of Family
and Children Services in any event of suspected
child abuse or neglect.
Volunteers: We occasionally utilize volunteers to
enhance our program experience for children. Adult
volunteers are interviewed and background checked prior
to interacting with children. Underage volunteers are
interviewed and must have an adult sponsor with a valid
purpose. All volunteers are chaperoned by a staff
member during their time at the program.
We look forward to working with you and
your child during afterschool this year!
OF EACH MONTH (except December). Participants will be re-enrolled on the
first of the month unless family submits a written withdrawal request in advance. Each Session = 20 School Days (9 sessions x
20 school days = 180 days of school).
Payments for financial assistance are based on a sliding scale. Payments are due on the same dates.
Amount Due
Due Date
Animal Crackers
Whiz Kids
Session/All Day Camp
At Registration
$35/$15 FA
$35/$15 FA
One-time annual fee for t-shirt and admin costs
July 15
Session 1 (August 128)
August 15
September 5
$50 day/$15 FA
$50 day/$15 FA
Session 2 (August 29October 3)
All Day Camps September 18,19,20,21,22
September 15
Session 3 (October 431)
October 15
Session 4 (November 1December 6)
October 15
$50 day/$15 FA
$50 day/$15 FA
All Day Camp November 7
November 7
$50 day/$15 FA
$50 day/$15 FA
All Day Camps November 20,21
November 15
Session 5 (December 7January 18)
December 15
$50 day/$15 FA
$50 day/$15 FA
All Day Camp (January 2-3)
December 15
January 15
January 27
$50 day/$15 FA
$50 day/$15 FA
Session 6 (January 19February 22)
All Day Camps February 12,13,14,15,16
February 15
March 15
March 15
April 15
$50 day/$15 FA
$50 day/$15 FA
Session 7 (February 23March 21)
Session 8 (March 22April 25)
All Day Camps April 1,2,3,4,5
Session 9 (April 26-May 22)
Non-residents $25 additional per session, $10 per day partial enrollment
Enrollment Fees (Resident):
Full Session
FA Financial Assistance is based on a sliding scale for Decatur residents who demonstrate a need.
* Part-time schedules that include Wednesdays will cost $10 more per session due to early release Wednesdays
Non-resident fees are $420/session AC/WK and $100/$200/$300/$400 part-time; All Day Camps are $50/day (K-5).
Spaces for All Day Camp are limited and accepted on a first come basis. No new registrations accepted on the day of
camp. We will adhere to All Day Camp Registration Deadlines to determine if we have adequate enrollment to
operate camp and for staffing numbers.
HOLIDAYS (No Afterschool or All Day Camp Programs)
Labor Day
September 4
Thanksgiving Holidays
November 22-24
Winter Holidays
December 21-31, Jan 1
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 15