Housing & Dining
YOUR CONTRACT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
RATES & FEES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
ROOM & MEAL PLAN RATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
RATES/FEES OF CONTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
LIVING IN COMMUNITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
YOUR ROOM AND ROOMMATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
ITEMS IN YOUR SPACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
MAINTENANCE OF YOUR SPACE. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
MOVE IN AND MOVE OUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
MEAL PLANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
CONDUCT POLICY VIOLATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
We’re so happy to be your home-away-from-home for
the upcoming academic year. This booklet contains
information you will need to make your time with us as
comfortable and enjoyable as possible. Have a great year!
University Housing
3rd floor Willa Cather Dining Complex
530 N. 17th St. | PO Box 880622 | Lincoln, NE 68588-0622
Open 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday
(402) 472-3561 | (800) 742-8800 | TTY: (402) 472-1497
fax: (402) 817-4952
web: housing.unl.edu
Purpose of this Document
The purpose of this document is to transparently outline
the policies associated with applying for, living in, and
moving out of on-campus housing at the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). This document also includes
policies governing meal plans at UNL.
Revisions to Policies in this Document
This document was last updated as of November 1, 2023.
Every eort has been made to ensure the accuracy
of information contained in this electronic document.
In general, the terms and conditions and associated
processes are reviewed and adjusted annually. University
Housing reserves the right to change processes, make
corrections, or update information as necessary; if that
were to occur, students would be notified of material
changes through email.
University Housing has established email as an ocial and
primary means of communication with all its past, current
and future residents. However, students may also be
contacted by telephone, text or campus mail.
Once students receive their ocial Huskers email address,
University Housing will communicate with the student
using the ocial Huskers email address. Students are
responsible for reading all information sent to them via
this email account. Electronic communication sent by
University Housing will be deemed received on the next
university business day after the email was sent.
University Housing is not responsible for email
communication blocked due to spam filters, restrictions
imposed by the recipient’s email service, or the student
not checking and reading emails daily.
Students can provide a parent email address on the
contract; however, all communication will go to the
student’s email of record at UNL. Once the contract
is signed, parents may receive a copy of the monthly
important information emails (February through August), if
we have a parent email address on file.
May 1, 2024
Recommended deadline to submit Fall 2024 housing accommodation requests to
Services for Students with Disabilities
July 15, 2024 Last day to request cancellation for Fall 2024 with 100% refund
August 18-21, 2024 (tentative)
Move In Days for incoming Fall 2024 residents. Specific Dates and Times provided in
August 18, 2024 Fall Meal Plan Begins with Breakfast
November 15, 2024
Recommended deadline to submit Spring 2025 housing accommodation requests to
Services for Students with Disabilities
December 21, 2024
Fall Meal Plan Ends after Breakfast for Premium, Big Red, Platinum, Diamond, and
Sapphire meal plan holders.
Deadline to move-out for students not returning for spring
Last day to request cancellation for Spring 2025 with 100% refund
January 15, 2025
Incoming Spring 2025 residents may begin moving in this day at 1PM
Spring Meal Plan Begins with Breakfast
May 17, 2025
Spring Meal Plan Ends after Breakfast
Halls Close at 1PM. All residents must be checked out
All incoming first-year students enrolled for six or more
credit hours are required to reside in approved on-campus
housing. This policy is in eect for the entire academic year.
Every incoming first-year student must complete one of
the following:
Submit a housing application to live in the residence halls.
Access the housing application on the Housing
Portal in MyRed.
Submit confirmation of residency in university-
approved Greek Housing.
Work directly with the Fraternity or Sorority Chapter
to set up your housing accommodations in the
Greek House.
Access the confirmation of residency form on the
Housing Portal in MyRed.
Submit a request for exemption to the on-campus
residency requirement.
Access the exemption request form on the Housing
Portal in MyRed.
Allow up to one week for a response to your request.
If your request is not approved, you must complete
a housing application to live in the residence halls.
Deadline to comply with the residency requirement is the
first day of the housing contract period.
Academic Year/Fall Admits: August 19, 2024
Spring Only Admits: January 15, 2025
If a student is registered for coursework but does not
submit one of the three items above by the associated
deadline, the student will be charged for an unassigned
traditional double bedroom and the Big Red meal plan.
All contracts include:
A bed, desk, chair and dresser/wardrobe
Laundry facilities provided at no charge
High-speed Ethernet (wired) and wireless Internet
Membership in the Residence Hall Association (RHA)
Refrigerator (size diers by hall style)
Utilities, including heat/AC, water, electricity, and
Study rooms
TV lounges and game rooms
Several meal plan options
See each hall style for hall-specific information.
Traditional-style halls are home to new first-year and
returning students in double bedrooms and a limited
amount of super double and single bedrooms. Depending
on the hall, rooms may be same gender (one gender per
room) or gender inclusive (see “Housing Assignments
Gender”). A meal plan is required. Traditional halls are:
Abel, Harper, Sandoz, Schramm, Smith, Selleck and
Massengale (on East Campus).
The traditional residence hall contract Includes all the
amenities listed under “All Hall Contracts Include” and a
mini refrigerator.
Traditional-Style Hall Single Room Eligibility*
To be eligible for a single bedroom, a student must:
Have previously lived in a UNL residence hall, or
Be a newly admitted transfer student, or
Have a housing accommodation plan provided by the
Services for Students with Disabilities Oce.
Suite-style halls are home to both new first-year and
returning students in a combination of four-person, double-
bedroom suites (shared bedrooms) and four-person, single-
bedroom suites (individual bedrooms). A limited number
of private suites may be available for students. Suite-style
halls are connected to each other. Suites may be same
gender (one gender per suite) or gender inclusive (see
“Housing Assignments Gender”). A meal plan is required.
Suite-style halls include: Knoll Residential Center (Honors
Community), University Suites and Eastside Suites. All
suite-style halls are located on city campus.
The suite-style residence hall contract includes all the
amenities listed under “All Hall Contracts Include” and:
A shared living room area with sofa, easy chair, and
entertainment stand
A shared snack prep area with a microwave and full-
size refrigerator
Suite bathroom areas with two sinks, separate toilet
area and shower
Suite bathrooms regularly cleaned by University
Housing sta
Suite-style hall single-bedroom suite (four individual
bedrooms) eligibility*
To be eligible for a single-bedroom suite, a student must:
Have previously lived in a UNL residence hall, or
Be a newly admitted transfer student, or
Be accepted into the University Honors Residential
Community (in Knoll), or
Have a housing accommodation plan provided by the
Services for Students with Disabilities Oce.
Apartment-style halls are home to upperclass and
returning students in a combination of four-person,
single-bedroom units (individual bedrooms) and two-
person, single bedroom units (individual bedrooms).
They are designed for students who are ready for a more
independent living environment. A limited number of
studio apartment units in Massengale may be available
for students. Apartment units may be same gender
(one gender per apartment unit) or gender inclusive
(see “Housing Assignments Gender”). A meal plan is not
required. Apartment-style halls include Village, Courtyards
and Massengale (on East Campus).
The Apartment-style Residence Hall Contract includes all
the amenities listed under “All Hall Contracts Include” and:
A private bedroom
A shared living room area with sofa, easy chair, and
entertainment stand
A shared kitchen with microwave, stove, and full-sized
Bathroom in apartment-style unit
Apartment bathrooms regularly cleaned by University
Housing sta
Apartment-Style Halls Eligibility*
To be eligible for an apartment-style room, a student
Have previously lived in a UNL residence hall, or
Be a newly admitted transfer student, or
Have a housing accommodation plan provided by the
Services for Students with Disabilities oce.
*University Housing reserves the right to grant exceptions based
on occupancy, among other reasons
By Federal law and University policy, room assignments
and room changes cannot be made based on race, color,
religion, disability, national or ethnic origin, gender identity
or sexual orientation.
Behaviors with the purpose to bully, intimidate, harass,
and/or physically harm a potential roommate either in-
person, verbally, or through electronic medium (including
but not limited to social media websites, texts, email,
and/or instant messaging) may result in one or all the
Assignment to a dierent room and/or residence hall
Cancellation of the housing contract*
Referral to the Oce of Student Conduct and
Community Standards.
*Cancellation of a student’s housing contract by University
Housing does not relieve that student of any fees and/or charges
owed under this contract.
All preferences submitted on the residence hall contract,
including requests for single rooms and learning/
residential communities, are subject to availability and
University Housing Contract Policies and Procedures.
University Housing may need to:
Assign students to any hall (East or City Campus),
even if not requested by the student.
Move a student to another hall/room or cancel a
student’s contract if the student does not adhere to
University Housing policies.
Alter room/unit and hall assignments when deemed
necessary. This includes the consolidation of those
students residing in a room with vacancies. (See
section on “Consolidation Assignment Policy”).
Assess applicable rate/fees associated with the room
in which the student is residing. Students may request
to be moved by contacting the University Housing
Contracts oce before August 1 or by contacting the
residence director two weeks after the halls open.
Convert single rooms to double room assignments.
House three students in large end rooms not
designated or furnished for permanent triple
occupancy and/or assign to converted lounges.
Students designated as a temporary assignee will
be required to move as permanent space becomes
available. Students who are involuntarily residing in
such temporary spaces will be eligible for a reduction
in their housing rate until oered a permanent space.
Any expense incurred by the student moving from a
temporary space to a permanent space will be borne
by the student. Students who are going to be assigned
to a temporary arrangement will be notified before
arriving on campus.
Housing Assignments Gender
University Housing is committed to providing spaces for
students to feel at home and respecting their right to
self-identify gender. For this reason, we oer students the
option between living in same-gender or gender inclusive
Students signing up for same gender rooms search for
and/or are assigned a roommate and room based on their
self-identified gender (male or female).
Students signing up for gender inclusive rooms search
for and/or are assigned a roommate and room regardless
of gender. Gender inclusive rooms are not single gender.
Gender inclusive housing strives to maintain a welcoming
and inclusive environment and is available to students of
any gender identity and allies to the LGBTQIA+ community.
Read more about gender inclusive housing at:
The University of Nebraska is committed to providing
an equitable and inclusive process and environment to
all students. University Housings first-year students’
assignments are processed randomly to provide equitable
access to housing types for all students.
University Housing is committed to providing
accommodations to students with disabilities. Students
who require an accommodation due to a disability must
have an accommodation plan issued by the Services for
Students with Disabilities (SSD) Oce. University Housing
will contact students with their options once the SSD
oce sends housing the accommodation plan.
To ensure that appropriate arrangements can be made,
students who need an accommodation in the residence
halls must contact SSD at (402) 472-3787 by
May 1 (for the fall semester) or
November 15 (for the spring semester)
Academic Year contract begins – August 18, 2024
Spring Only contract begins – January 15, 2025
Academic year and Spring Only contracts end – 1PM on
May 17, 2025*
*Students participating in May graduation can discuss a late
checkout time with their residence director.
The Residence Hall Contract covers the entire academic
year (fall and spring semesters) or the portion that remains
when a student contracts to enter the residence halls after
the opening date. This contract is legally binding for the
entire academic year. If the academic year calendar changes,
University Housing will adjust the contract length accordingly.
Contracts eective on or after August 18, 2024 (fall
semester) and January 15, 2025 (spring semester):
After finalizing the contract, the student must wait 24
hours to move into their assigned room. This allows
time for sta to inform current residents of their new
roommate. Housing will communicate with a student when
their room space is ready.
No rate adjustment will be made for those who have
contracted for space as of a certain date and enter the
hall later.
Once a University Housing contract is signed, it is a legally
binding document and is subject to a cancellation policy.
It is in the student’s best interest to be certain that they
will live in a university residence hall before completing
a housing contract to avoid accruing cancellation and/
or other fees. If, for example, a student decides to
live in a fraternity or sorority after signing a contract
or if anticipated financial aid is not granted, etc., the
cancellation policy will still apply.
All contracts for traditional and suite-style contracts
include a required meal plan. Apartment-style contracts
can opt out of the meal plan portion of the contract.
The student’s signature on the contract indicates that the
student has read, understands, and agrees to the contract,
the policies outlined in this document, and the University
of Nebraska Student Code of Conduct
A student’s room/bed may not be used by anyone other
than the resident to whom it is assigned. Subletting one’s
contract/room is not permitted.
The online Residence Hall Contract is adopted and
incorporated as if fully set forth herein.
The University Housing contract is only for the student.
Partners, family members, or children of students/
residents with a University Housing contract are not
permitted to reside in the residence halls.
To be eligible to live in the residence halls, a student must be:
Enrolled in at least six semester credit hours . If
during the contract term a student is not enrolled for
at least six hours of classes, they must request and
receive a waiver of this requirement to remain in the
halls; otherwise, they need to cancel their contract
online and check out.
17 years old or older. Students 16 years old or younger
must get prior approval by the Executive Director of
Housing & Dining or their designee.
A parent or guardian must co-sign as a guarantor if a
student is under age 18, when they sign a contract. By
axing their signature as a co-signer and guarantor,
the parent or guardian acknowledges responsibility for
payment of room, meal plan, and other fees under the
conditions of this contract should the student default on
In accordance with Neb. Rev. Stat. §76-1408 (1) Reissue
1996, 2002 Cum. Supp.) as amended, the student is
entering into this contract for a residence at an institution,
which is incidental to the provision of educational
services, and therefore this contract is not subject to the
Nebraska Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act.
In the event that any of the housing provided pursuant
to this contract becomes unavailable or is no longer
advisable for residents to remain in University Housing
for any reason including fire; floods; embargoes; war;
health epidemics or pandemics; quarantine; acts of war;
riots; civil commotions; strikes, lockouts or other labor
disturbances; acts of God; or acts, omissions or delays in
acting by any governmental authority (including, without
limitation declarations of emergency by the federal or
state governments or by the university), then the university
shall have the right to in its discretion (i) terminate this
contract; (ii) encourage some or all residents to leave
University Housing for some or all of the days remaining
under this contract; (iii) relocate some or all residents to
replacement housing; and/or (iv) take any other measure
the university deems reasonable. In all such instances, the
university may in its discretion issue any credit or refund
the university deems appropriate under the circumstances
and the university shall not be liable to the resident
for any damages resulting from action(s) provided the
university’s action(s) were not arbitrary and capricious.
The university has made every reasonable attempt to
make sure the information contained herein is accurate
at time of publication. However, we reserve the right to
make corrections when necessary. University Housing tries
to respond quickly to student concerns and to facilitate
the best possible housing and dining program. We further
reserve the right to make changes in operations as
needed. Such changes may include, but are not limited to,
location and availability of certain special interest housing,
and changes in dining service hours. Please refer to the
University Housing and Dining website
(housing.unl.edu, dining.unl.edu) for changes and updates.
Cancelled contracts may be reinstated. A student who
wishes to reinstate the contract will be required to resubmit
a $100 application fee with the new contract. To reinstate a
contract email housing.contracts@unl.edu and include their
name, NU ID and request to reinstate.
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln has a centralized
billing system. After the contract processing fee has been
sent to University Housing, remaining payments should be
made to the Bursar’s Oce. University Housing charges,
fees and any other incidental University Housing charges
will be billed to the student through this system. The
monthly bills are generally posted around the 25th day of
each month and due the 12th day of the following month.
It is the student’s responsibility to view their account/bill
through the University’s MyRed portal and make payments,
as directed, to the Bursar’s oce.
The Husker Deferred Payment Plan (HDPP) oers students
and parents an alternative payment option to ease
the burden of having to make one large payment each
semester. Students can either pay the full amount of
their semester bill on the semesters first payment due
date or pay it in two or three monthly installments. The
plan is available for the first and second semesters to
all enrolled UNL students and covers tuition, mandatory
fees, and contracted University Housing charges. Go to
studentaccounts.unl.edu for more information.
The Oce of Scholarships and Financial Aid will credit
all awards to the student’s UNL Student Account to
be applied against tuition, fees, housing, and other
institutional charges that have been incurred. Payments
made for University Housing are transferable to other
charges on the centralized bill, which will have a summary
page detailing the specific charges and telephone numbers
to call for questions about those charges. Unpaid bills
are subject to late fees and possible cancellation of the
University Housing contract.
For further information on receipt of payments (excluding
the contract processing fee) and financial aid, contact the
Husker Hub (402) 472-2030.
Room rates and meal plans are billed to the centralized
student bill, once for each semester. If a student moves
to a dierent room type or selects a dierent meal plan,
the cost will be prorated for by the dates the student
occupied each room. Please note that rates are subject to
change if the academic year dates change.
University Housing charges are applied to the student’s
UNL Centralized Student Bill.
A nonrefundable $100 application fee is due with the
application submission. Applications fees are due and
payable to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Once the
application fee is submitted, it is not refundable.
If the Admissions Enrollment fee is deferred to the
centralized student bill, the $100 application fee will
automatically be deferred to the centralized student bill.
The student will sign a deferment agreement within the
application. Once the contract is signed, the student is
responsible to pay the $100 application fee even if they
cancel their contract.
The September bill will have a one-time, non-refundable
$95 charge for students participating in a first year
Learning Community.
Students living in a double occupancy room without
a roommate, must leave half of the room ready to
be assigned a new roommate at any time. Housing
sta may conduct regular checks to make sure that
these vacant beds are open and clean. If the room is
not deemed “move-in ready” and available to receive
the new roommate, the occupant will be billed a $50
inconvenience fee. A student who refuses to prepare the
room for a new roommate may be subject to other action,
which could include being moved to another room or
having their contract converted to a single room contract
and charged for the cost of a single room.
If the steps for moving out and/or changing rooms is not
followed, an improper check-out fee of $50 will be posted
to the student’s account.
See the Cancellation Policy and Procedures sections for
all fees and charges relating to cancelling the University
Housing contract.
Residents will be liable for fees relating to:
Cleaning of any hall and/or room/unit left unclean.
Damage to the hall and/or unit, including, but not
limited to: paint, walls, cabinets, carpets, floors,
furniture, and appliances resulting from failure to
exercise reasonable care.
Replacement of damaged furniture.
Students living in halls are required to leave by 1 p.m.,
Saturday, May 17, 2025.
It is important to make transportation and other
arrangements accordingly. Students needing an exception
due to participation in graduation ceremonies or have
other reasons for requesting additional time should
contact the hall residence director.
In cases of inclement weather, University Housing will
monitor travel conditions and will, if warranted, announce
extended closing times.
Because unapproved late closing and checkout can
adversely aect hall sta travel arrangements and
cleaning schedules, students who do not clear the
premises by the announced scheduled date/time will be
charged. The fee for not removing your items will be $50
per day. It should be noted that access may be limited
once the hall is closed. If the room needs to be cleaned,
as it will be reused immediately, the charge may also
include a charge for sta boxing belongings and a storage
fee for those items.
Each resident is responsible for keeping noise levels to a
minimum at all times inside the residence halls and on
adjacent property outside the residence halls. Certain
specialized floors, study rooms, and study areas may
further restrict noise levels. Noise levels should be low
enough so as not to disturb others.
If stereos or other electronics are played out of windows
or are a problem in any area around the residence halls,
owners risk removal of the equipment from the residence
hall and may be held accountable for the expense of having
their equipment boxed and shipped o campus. Due to the
nature of these musical instruments, drums and amplified
guitars cannot be played in any on-campus housing.
If a resident has a problem with noise, the first step is
to talk to the resident(s) creating the noise. If the noise
continues after a resident has discussed the situation with
the other resident, your Resident Assistant (RA) should
be contacted. If that RA is not available, contact the front
desk or the RA on call for that building/area.
Courtesy Hours
Courtesy hours are in eect at all times; 24 hours a day,
7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Noise originating
anywhere on one floor should not be audible within
another floor, within the building or outside. During
courtesy hours, a resident may ask another resident to
reduce the noise.
Compliance is necessary to maintain community standards
and to ensure an environment for academic success.
Quiet Hours
During the established quiet hours, the noise coming
from a resident’s room, lounge, apartment, or bathroom
must not be audible within the rooms of other residents
or within another floor/section or building. Residents and
their guests must also keep noise in the hallways to a
minimum. Residence Life sta may confront violations
with or without a complaint from another resident.
All residents will adhere to the following quiet hours:
Sunday through Thursday: 10:00 pm – 8:00 am; Friday and
Saturday: 11:59 pm – 10:00 am.
The Noise Policy will be amended to 24-hour quiet period
on the last day of classes through the final exam period.
The specific dates will be posted within the residential
areas, depending on the academic term. Residents are
responsible for knowing the dates for the 24-hour quiet
Students share the responsibility with sta members to
ask others to be quiet, turn down stereos, turn o alarm
clocks, etc., if you are being disturbed. At the same time,
you will be expected to use your own stereo and other
electronics in such a way that no one will be disturbed.
Responsibility for Common Areas
University Housing provides clean common areas and
restrooms. The condition of the common areas (lounges,
bathrooms, hallways, elevators) is also the responsibility of
the floor residents.
Students who damage or misuse any hall facility will be
responsible for the cost of repairs and may be referral to
the Oce of Student Conduct & Community Standards.
Floor residents may also be held accountable for damages
to the common areas should those responsible not come
Public area furniture: Furniture owned by the university
may not be removed from common areas to be used in
student rooms/suites/units.
Students should report malfunctioning laundry machines
to the front desk or complete a Fix-It ticket at
Change Requests – Hall/Room
By July 1
Incoming First Year Students: Students will have an
option to put their name on a waitlist for a room in a
dierent building. This process will be detailed in your
initial room assignment email.
Returning Students: Return to the Housing Portal and
select an available open room.
July 2 through September 8 // December 9 through
February 3
As University Housing prepares to move students into
their Husker Home at semester, requests to change room
assignments will not be taken and/or accommodated
during this timeframe.
September 9 through December 8 // February 4 through
May 4
Any student wishing to make changes to their room
assignment must get permission and complete paperwork
from their current residence director.
No room moves will be processed after May 4.
Room consolidation is necessary to provide the maximum
amount of space to students in the residence halls. The
process aects students who live in a unit or bedroom
that is not completely occupied because of a roommate
not arriving, cancelling, being assigned to a dierent room,
or moving out of the room.
While most students are being aorded the opportunity to
select their living space, University Housing reserves the
right to relocate and consolidate students to maximize
occupancy. The consolidation process ensures fairness to
all residents.
Guest/Host Responsibility
In every residence hall/living unit, you are responsible
for informing your guests of residence hall policies,
and for the behavior and actions of your guest(s), up to
and including being responsible for policies that your
guests violate. These regulations apply to the residents
of all residence halls, regardless of room type. Students
living in residence hall communities are responsible for
their residential space and what happens in the space
regardless of the resident’s participation.
Residents are defined as those students living in the
residence hall by virtue of holding a housing contract and
Guests are defined as people visiting a specific student(s)/
resident(s) who resides in the residence halls by contract
assignment (e.g. someone visiting a resident in the hall, a
partner who lives in the hall, etc.).
Escorting Guests:
All guests must have an escort, which means the resident
host is responsible for escorting and being with the guest
to and from the room, as well as any other areas in the
building at all times. Guests may visit your room at any
time. Some bathroom facilities in residence halls are
designated for certain genders. It is expected that all
persons use the bathroom facilities that best match their
own gender identity. There are public restrooms located in
the lobby of most residence halls.
Overnight Guests:
Residents may have overnight guests in their room subject
to the limitations listed below:
Overnight guests are only allowed with the consent of
other roommates. Visitation or overnight guests of one
roommate should not infringe on the rights or access of
other roommates.
The stay of the overnight guest(s) may not exceed four
days (96 hours) in one month and such guests may not
disturb roommates or other residents.
University sta reserves the right to require a guest to
leave if university policies and/or residence hall policies
are violated or if complaints are received from members of
the floor/hall community.
Violation of any of these policies may lead to the limitation
of guests visiting the resident(s) involved, nonresidents
being charged with trespassing and residents (both guest
and host) having their housing contract status reviewed.
The privilege of having guests may be revoked if the
privilege is abused or residence hall or University policy
violations occur involving the guests.
Trespass Restrictions:
Residents are not permitted to host guests who have any
active trespass restrictions.
Each room/suite/unit comes fully furnished. All furniture
provided must remain in the room/suite/unit at all times.
Beds must remain on their frames, and desk units and
other furniture must be left completely assembled.
Beds are adjustable/loftable, and if a resident elects to
lower their bed so there are excess pieces of equipment,
such excess parts must be stored within the confines of
the unit.
Waterbeds or self assembled lofts are not permitted.
Students may not modify their beds beyond what the beds
are designed to accommodate.
Students are not allowed to bring their own lofts.
Loftable/adjustable beds are provided in all halls. Bed
ends are intentionally designed to be used as ladders to
get into and out of your bed. If you do not feel comfortable
using bed ends this way, University Housing can provide
you with a special ladder which attaches to the side of
your bed. Guardrails are also available. By lofting your
bed, you understand there is some risk of injury and you
voluntarily choose to assume this risk. Students may not
modify their beds beyond what the beds are designed to
All items placed on the door of the room/unit must be
above the doorknob to comply with fire code standards.
No personal decorations can be placed on the door frame
or in the hallway.
You are not permitted to paint, wallpaper, use stickers
or decals, or otherwise modify finished surfaces in any
permanent manner.
You are not permitted to use screws, staples, “Plasti-
Tak” or other gum type adhesives, 3M command hooks or
strips, Scotch/duct/electrical/masking/painter’s tape, rope
lights with adhesive (or other similar products) because
those items cause permanent damage to painted or
finished surfaces (walls/doors/floors).
You are permitted to use “3M” tabs provided by Housing
for lighter-weight posters, pictures, etc. and a very limited
amount of small nails.
If you have questions about specific products that you
may want to use within your room/suite/unit, please check
with the Facilities Operations oce before installation of
such items.
In apartment-style and suite-style halls: Picture rails
are provided in living rooms and bedrooms for your use;
hangers to use with the rails will be provided at no cost to
Cut greenery, trees or branches are NOT permitted in
rooms/suites/units, and light strings are not allowed in
For safety reasons candles, incense and other flame
emitting articles are prohibited for use in University
Housing properties. Only candle warmers or potpourri
burners with an enclosed heating element and an
automatic shut o are allowed.
All extension cords must be UL approved (safety tested).
Multiple outlet plugs must be in good working order and
contain a circuit breaker or surge protector.
The following guidelines have been put into place in order
to provide the safest environment, to prevent damage to
the facilities and in recognition of the electrical services
available in our buildings.
No open heating element or flame.
Does not release grease, grease laden vapor, smoke,
shooting steam/water.
800 Watts or less and UL approved.
Besides meeting the other requirements on this list,
room heaters must also have anti-tip technology and
cool front.
Items that produce grease and limited smoke/steam
can be used in designated residence hall public area
kitchens and apartment style halls.
Non-dangerous fish which live completely underwater are
the only pets permitted in the halls. No cats, dogs, gerbils,
snakes, birds, crabs, turtles, frogs, spiders, etc.; only fish
are allowed. Aquariums may be no larger than 25 gallons.
Aquarium gravel must not be disposed of in toilets or drains.
Other animals may be permitted in housing units with
prior approval from Services for Students with Disabilities
and Housing & Dining (i.e. emotional support animals).
Owners of such animals are required to ensure the animal
is well cared for at all times. University Housing may
require an animal be removed, temporarily or permanently,
from any of its facilities if:
The animal is out of control and the owner does not
take eective action to control it;
The animal is not housebroken;
The animal is unhealthy, neglected, mistreated,
abused, or poorly cared for;
The animal is infested with fleas, ticks, or other pests;
The animal is loose in or around university housing
The animal poses a direct threat to the health or
safety of others; or
The animals behavior is unreasonably disruptive to
others, such as barking/whining, destroying property,
The prompt reporting of maintenance issues can often
prevent more extensive problems. Requests for repairs or
services must be submitted online to University Housing
through MyRed, in the Housing Portal, under the FIXIT tab,
or through the fixit.unl.edu website. Be as specific about
the problem as possible. By submitting the request, you
are giving permission for a maintenance sta member to
enter your room and complete the work.
Notify University Housing Sta Immediately
In case of malfunction of utilities or damage by fire, water,
or similar cause.
In case of water leaks, electrical problems, broken glass,
broken locks or latches, malfunction in heating, air
conditioning or other equipment, and any condition which
poses a material hazard to health or safety.
For safety reasons, windows and doorways may not be
obstructed, and cords or wiring may not be run through
them. In addition, the following guidelines apply:
In an eort to reduce egress obstructions during an
emergency that requires window exit, cans, bottles,
neon signs, flags, posters, personal messages, images,
aluminum foil, solicitation, personal messages, or
other materials are prohibited from display in or
attached to room windows.
Residents may have curtains on windows, but they
may not have visible images or messages.
Throwing, pouring, or dropping anything (including
keys) from and/or at windows, balconies, ledges, or
landings is strictly prohibited.
Residents and guests are prohibited from being on the
roof, ledge, or French balcony areas, and from placing
objects on these areas. Residents and guests are
prohibited from climbing through windows. Climbing
on any exterior building wall or similar structure is
prohibited. Objects found on ledges will be removed.
For the purposes of this community standard, “ledge
areas” include the exterior sides of any building.
Tampering with, opening, or removing screens is
prohibited. Residents will be held responsible for
damages if Housing and Residence Life sta must
replace the screens.
No reflective film or other materials are to be applied
to windows or patio doors (if applicable).
Do not leave windows or doors open during inclement
Patios should be uncluttered and swept clean. In
addition, the following guidelines apply:
Only outdoor patio furnishings are allowed on patio
areas. You may not store, dry, hang, or drape items
such as clothing, towels, linens, lights, rugs, signs,
flags, or have unsightly personal property on your
patio or balcony.
For the safety of all, no sitting on, hanging from,
or climbing on railings, or throwing items from
balconies is allowed.
In order to maintain its property and a safe environment
for students, University Housing reserves the right to
have authorized personnel wearing identification enter
and inspect residence hall rooms at reasonable times, as
deemed necessary. University personnel may enter a room
after first knocking on the room door and announcing
a request to enter. Reasonable time will be given for
occupants to respond before entry occurs. If residents are
not in the room, a room entry report will be left to notify
residents of such an entrance.
Sta may enter a residence hall room for reasons
including, but not limited to, the following:
In order to protect and preserve UNL property and
enforce University Housing policies;
At invitation or agreement by an occupant;
To respond to a complaint of a disturbance, which
includes hearing unreasonably loud or continuing
sound from a room with the occupants failing to
To complete repairs to previously reported damaged
Whenever someone moves out of a room, for check-
out purposes;
To respond to health and safety issues, to ensure
the safety of people and facilities, for any emergency
reason (e.g. spray for insects, fire or broken pipes, etc.)
and for periodic, routine, health and safety inspections
with at least 24 hours notice,
In Suite-style and Apartment-style Buildings:
University Housing Facilities sta will enter suites/units
monthly on a scheduled basis to maintain/clean bathroom
areas. Students living in these halls agree to scheduled
access for this purpose. Residents who fail to maintain
their bathrooms and keep them accessible for facilities
sta may be charged a deep-cleaning service fee.
You will be expected to clean your room/suite/unit
and dispose of trash properly and on a regular basis.
Please place all trash in tightly closed plastic bags and
immediately take them to the trash receptacle/chute.
Trash may never be left in the hallways or on the balcony/
patio outside your unit.
Unclean conditions may create an unhealthy environment
for your roommate(s) and neighbors or cause permanent
damage to appliances and fixtures. Residents will be billed
for any actual costs incurred if it becomes necessary for
University Housing to have the unit cleaned and restored
to safe and sanitary conditions.
Residents shall never dispose of hazardous materials of
any nature whatsoever in any trash receptacles, dumpsters
or similar containers such as “Sharps, etc. Containers are
provided for usual and customary housing complex waste
and trash. Residents will be liable for storage of dangerous
materials, chemicals, gas, poisons and to damage the
unit, including paint, walls, cabinets, carpets, floors,
furniture, and appliances resulting from failure to exercise
reasonable care. Contact Facilities Operations in your hall/
complex if you require a “Sharps” container.
Residents will be liable for storage of dangerous materials,
chemicals, gas, poisons and for damage to the unit,
including paint, walls, cabinets, carpets, floors, furniture, and
appliances resulting from failure to exercise reasonable care.
Cleanliness and sanitation are a necessity of community
living. You must maintain your room/suite/unit in a clean,
orderly, and sanitary condition at all times, in order to
meet reasonable health and safety standards.
You and your roommate(s) are responsible for the condition
of your room/suite/unit and its contents and will be charged
for any damages beyond normal wear and tear. The condition
of the common areas (lounges, bathrooms, hallways,
elevators) is also the responsibility of the floor residents.
Students who damage or misuse any hall facility will be
responsible for the cost of repairs and may be referral to
the Oce of Student Conduct & Community Standards.
Floor residents may also be held accountable for damages
to the common areas should those responsible not come
forward. In addition, cleanliness and sanitation are a
necessity of community living. We provide clean common
areas and restrooms. You will be expected to clean your
room and dispose of trash properly and on a regular basis.
If you are responsible for unsanitary conditions that have
an eect on your room or others, you may be assessed
a cleaning fee and other sanctions/outcomes may result
from your disrupting the community.
Fall move-in dates are projected to be August 19-21, 2024.
We aim to provide curbside move-in during assigned
move-in times during this window. Curbside move-in is
available only on these dates during those hours, not during
rescheduled appointments. More information on arrival
policies, dates, and times will be provided in May 2024.
Students who need to arrive later than the first day of
classes, need to email University Housing at
housing.contr[email protected] to give an ocial delay of
arrival statement, to avoid contract cancellation and
applicable fees, due to the no-show policy. See “No-Show
section for more information.
A student falls under our no-show policy if they did not:
Complete the online cancellation request and
Check into (pick up keys) their room by 6 p.m. on the
first day of classes.
Once a student is considered to fall under the no-show
policy, the contract will be cancelled as of the first day of
classes unless an ocial notification of delay of arrival has
been emailed to housing.contr[email protected] by 6 p.m. on
the first day of classes. These students will be assessed
room and meal charges according to the cancellation policy.
Any student who has signed a Housing & Dining contract
has a valid/legally binding contract. If a student decides to
not reside in university housing, they will be subject to the
cancellation policy and procedures.
Eligible students may request to cancel their housing
contract via the housing portal on MyRed. Before
submitting a request, students should ensure eligibility.
To cancel your housing contract, you must meet at least
one of the following criteria:
Approved exemption to the on-campus residency
Not Enrolled at UNL
Life event (Marriage, Birth of Child, Significant
Incident, Medical)
Military Service
Students not subject to the on-campus residency
requirement (generally, second year students and
Study abroad
Submitting a cancellation request is not an automatic
release from your contract, nor does it guarantee a
release. Each request is reviewed on a case-by-case
basis. Requests will be responded to within one week of
submission. If approved, and depending upon the details
submitted in your cancellation request, you may be
responsible for a cancellation fee and/or a portion of the
contracted rate.
Fall Semester
On or before July 15,
100% refund
July 16, 2024 to
October 20, 2024
Eligible for partial refund
based on refund schedule.
On or after October
21, 2024
No refund
Spring Semester
On or before
December 21, 2024
100% refund
December 22, 2024 to
March 16, 2025
Eligible for partial refund
based on refund schedule.
On or after March 17,
No refund
Fall Semester
On or before August
17, 2024
100% refund
August 18, 2024 to
December 8, 2024
Eligible for partial refund
based on refund schedule.
December 9 to
December 21, 2024
No refund
Spring Semester
On or before January
14, 2025
100% refund
January 15, 2025 to
May 4, 2025
Eligible for partial refund
based on refund schedule.
May 5, 2025 to
May 17, 2025
No refund
A student’s meal plan is automatically cancelled when a student
moves out of the residence halls.
Steps to Move Out of the Halls
Student should notify their Resident Assistant (RA)
and schedule an appointment to check out.
If the RA is not available at the time of check out,
the RA will work with the student to find another
sta member to check the student out.
Clean room and remove belongings.
Meet sta member at agreed upon time to check out.
They will inspect the unit with the student and help
them turn in room keys.
On the Housing Portal in MyRed, enter a mail
forwarding address by selecting “Mail Forwarding.
If the student does not make an appointment with an
RA in advance, report to the front desk. The front desk
sta will work on finding a sta member to help with the
checkout within an hour.
Please note, if the steps below are not followed, an
improper check-out fee of $50 may be posted to the
student’s account.
Abandoned Property
Any personal property with an estimated value of
$250 or more that is abandoned on the premises of
University Housing will be subject to the following:
A notice will be emailed to the student’s university
email account. A housing sta member will also
attempt to contact the student on their cell phone.
The notice will be sent within one week of the
end of the contract between the individual and
University Housing.
The notice will describe the abandoned property,
a contact person and phone number, the location
where the property can be claimed, and date by
which the property must be claimed. This date will
be no later than 14 days from the date of the email
If the property has not been claimed by the
specified date, the property will become the
property of UNL and will be subject to UNLs policy
on surplus property.
Notice is not required to the student for abandoned
property with an estimated value of less than $250. If
the property is determined to have an estimated value
of less than $250, a 14-day waiting period will ensue at
the end of which ownership shall immediately transfer
to UNL, and will be subject to UNLs policy on surplus
Meal Plan Eligibility
Residents of traditional and suite-style halls are
required to have a meal plan. Love Memorial residents
are not required to have a meal plan, but are instead
charged a food allowance. Apartment-style residents
and students not living in the residence halls can
purchase any available meal plan, but it is not required.
First-year students living in the residence halls (ex-
cept Love Memorial) are required to choose one of the
following meal plan options:
Premium Meal Plan – Provides 18 meals per week +
$200 Dining Dollars per semester
Big Red Meal Plan – Provides 14 meals per week
+$200 Dining Dollars per semester
Platinum Meal Plan – Provides 12 meal swipes per
week + $400 Dining Dollars per semester
Diamond Meal Plan – Provides 10 meal swipes per
week + $600 Dining Dollars per semester
Sapphire Meal Plan – Provides 8 meal swipes per
week + $800 Dining Dollars per semester
Returning and o-campus/apartment-style student
meal plan options include:
Any of the five first-year options (Premium, Big Red,
Platinum, Diamond and Sapphire)
Gold Meal Plan – Provides 125 meal swipes + $500
Dining Dollars per semester
Silver Meal Plan – Provides 75 meal swipes + $500
Dining Dollars per semester
Bronze Meal Plan – Provides 50 meal swipes + $275
Dining Dollars per semester
Herbie 25 Meal Pack Add-On – 25 swipes may be
purchased and added to the Gold, Silver and Bronze
meal plans.
A student must scan their NCard to access their meal plan at
the traditional dining centers and Herbies Markets. A student
can use the mobile ordering app (dining.unl.edu/mobile-
ordering) to use their meal plans at various campus locations.
Only dining dollars can only be used at the Union restaurants
and Yes Chef Café – and you must order through the mobile
app. (Swiping your NCard at any of these locations will add a
charge to your centralized student account.)
The University Dining meal plans are valid at the:
Four city campus residence hall dining areas (Abel,
Cather, Harper and Selleck)
Nebraska East Union Dining
Two city campus Husker Heroes (Abel and Cather)
Five city campus Herbie’s Markets (Knoll, Cather, Abel,
Selleck, Village)
Nebraska East Union Herbies Market
Nebraska Union vendors (dining dollars only, through
the mobile app)
Yes Chef Café in the College of Business (dining dollars
only, through the mobile app)
Any student living on campus must have a meal plan
except for students living in apartment-style spaces or in
Love Memorial.
The fall meal contract begins August 18, 2024. The spring
meal contract begins January 15, 2025.
Hours of operation for all dining locations, including changes,
will be posted on the University Housing website.
Premium, Big Red, Platinum, Diamond, and Sapphire meal
There is a limit of two (2) card scans per meal period
at any combination of restaurants.
Meal swipes are refreshed weekly on Sunday morning.
Meal swipes do not carry over from week to week or
from fall to spring semester.
Fall Meal Plan: Starts August 19, 2024, Ends December
21, 2024
Spring Meal Plan: Starts January 15, 2025, Ends May 17,
If a student is on-campus over the winter break
period, options include:
Credit/Debit Card
Utilize dining dollars left from Fall semester, or
purchase $100 dining dollar reload
Use NCard to charge to the centralized student bill
Purchase a Herbie 25 add on meal pack
Dining dollars on the first-year plans expire at the end
of each semester. Dining dollars will not carry over
from Fall to Spring plans.
All meal swipes and dining dollars expire on the last
day of spring service and are not refundable.
Gold, Silver, and Bronze meal plans:
There is a limit of two (2) card scans per meal period
at any combination of restaurants.
Meal swipes and dining dollars do not carry over
from the fall to spring semester. Fall Dining Dollars
will extend through the Holiday break but end on the
All first-
living on
living o
living in
a sorority
18 meal
14 meal
12 meal
10 meal
8 meal
125 meals
75 meals
50 meals
25 meals
per pack
$200 per
$200 per
$400 per
$600 per
$800 per
$500 per
$500 per
$275 per
Dining Dollars do not carry over from Fall to Spring semesters. Dining Dollars left from Fall can
be used through the Holiday break but end when the Spring plan begins.
$100 Dining Dollar reload blocks can be added to any meal plan. Multiple Dining Dollar reload
blocks can be purchased.**
limits &
Swipes can be used in any combination at any dining center, Husker Heroes, or Herbie’s Market location.
Up to two (2) meal plan swipes per meal period.
Students who use their alotted weekly meal plan swipes
can use their Dining Dollars until their swipes reload on
Sunday morning.
Students who use their two (2)
meal plan swipes are prevented
from eating elsewhere during the
same meal period unless they use
their Dining Dollars.
can be
*Can be added to any meal plan
**Reload Dining Dollars in the Housing Portal on MyRed
x x x
day before the Spring meal plan begins. All meals
and Dining Dollars expire at the end of the spring
Meal Plan: Starts August 18, 2024, Ends May 17, 2025
Meal swipes and dining dollars can continue to be
used during the winter break.
All meal swipes and dining dollars expire on the last
day of spring service and are not refundable.
The meal plans allow great flexibility both in dining times
and locations. They presuppose occasional absenteeism,
therefore, no refunds will be granted for missed meals.
In the case of prolonged illness, a credit (applied against
future payments) may be given for days surpassing the
first 14 days of illness. All requests for meal refunds due to
prolonged illness must be:
Applied for within two weeks of the end of the illness
Send an email with a letter from a doctor to Student
Advocacy and Support at studen[email protected]
There will be an opportunity to change meal plans at
the beginning of the Fall and Spring semester. Housing
& Dining sta will communicate this change period to
students via email. Please note there may be a dierence
in price when switching meal plans.
Please see cancellation policy section of this document.
Living in a university residence hall requires students to
possess the life skills that are needed to live independently
and to interact with other residents in mature, civil,
respectful, and healthy ways. It also requires students
to recognize, understand, and appreciate that a room,
floor, and building are a community. A community is more
than common physical space and time together, though
those are important. Rather, it is a collection of diverse
people with interests and needs that are fulfilled by
sharing resources according to fair rules and expectations
about how to treat one another while using those shared
resources to achieve individual educational goals.
You are responsible to know what the rules and
expectations are and what you must do to follow them.
Refer to this document, as well as the University of
Nebraska Student Code of Conduct. If you are not sure,
please ask your resident assistant (RA) or residence
director (RD).
If sta observe or learn about residents acting in
ways that are inconsistent with this handbook or with
the University of Nebraska Student Code of Conduct,
sta will respond by confronting and documenting the
situation or condition. Failing to comply with requests for
identification or other lawful commands from emergency
personnel, police ocers, or University employees that are
reasonably related to their job responsibilities. Once they
have completed their incident report, it will be sent to
the Oce of Student Conduct and Community Standards.
Residents will then be contacted by a Conduct Ocer
regarding next steps.
Students living in residence hall communities are
responsible for their residential space and what happens
in the space regardless of the resident’s participation.
When residents’ alleged conduct is inconsistent with the
University of Nebraska Student Code of Conduct (Code),
the process to resolve the allegations is established by the
Code. For more information about the Student Conduct
Process or the Code, please visit: studentconduct.unl.edu.
State law and University regulations state that the
possession or consumption of alcohol in any University
residence hall is prohibited, regardless of the student’s age.
In the Presence of: It is a University policy violation to be
in a residence hall room where alcohol is present.
Possession or display of containers with residues that held
or were intended to hold alcoholic beverages is also not
Hosting: Individuals responsible for hosting a gathering at
which alcohol is present are also in violation of University
policy. Hosting is defined as awareness or knowledge of
such a gathering in one’s own room with the resident
taking no steps to discourage its occurrence. Alcohol-
related conduct that infringes upon the rights of others to
a quiet, orderly living environment or that poses danger to
self or others is not acceptable under any circumstances.
University Police and residence hall sta reserve the right
to dispose of alcohol.
Your guests are subject to this policy; residents will be
held similarly accountable for the actions of their guests.
Alleged violations of the alcohol policy will be referred to
the Oce of Student Conduct & Community Standards.
State law and University regulations prohibit possession,
use, and/or distribution of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia
and/or controlled substances (including marijuana, THC,
narcotics, or prescription drugs intended for use by
another individual) in any University residence hall.
In the Presence of: it is a violation of the Student Code of
Conduct to be in a room where drugs are present or being
used. The University uses a more likely than not standard
of proof – or a preponderance of the evidence – as a
basis to determine whether a student is in violation/not in
violation of a policy. Any of the following evidence could
provide a preponderance of evidence, indicating that the
student charged with the drug violation more than likely
engaged in the alleged misconduct.
Your guests are likewise subject to this policy, and
residents will be held similarly accountable for the actions
of their guests.
Alleged violations of the drug policy will be referred to the
Oce of Student Conduct & Community Standards.
Possessing or using weapons (including imitations or
replicas) in a campus residence regardless of permit
status is prohibited.
Dangerous weapons are prohibited on university
property. A dangerous weapon includes, but is not
limited to, firearms, air pellet or BB guns, swords,
knives, explosives, or other items, which in the manner
used or intended is capable of producing death or
serious bodily injury.
Residents may possess stun guns; however,
unnecessarily brandishing a stun gun or similar device
in a manner that could terrify, threaten, or intimidate a
reasonable person is prohibited.
Possessing or storing ammunition in residence hall
communities is also prohibited. For more information
regarding the University Weapons policy, see bf.unl.
Canvassing or solicitation of funds, votes, memberships,
literature, signatures, sales or subscriptions, or operating
a business, is not permitted in the residence halls. All
nonstudent groups, agencies, and on-campus organizations,
except the Residence Hall Association (RHA), the National
Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH), the Association of
Students of the University of Nebraska (ASUN) and hall/
complex governments, must seek permission from the
Executive Director of Housing & Dining or their designee for
approval of solicitations. If you have a solicitor at your door,
contact the front desk, RA or RD.
United States census sta conducting the American
Community Survey (ACS) have permission to be in the
residence halls. If you have census questions, see your
Residence Director (RD).
Your personal safety and the protection of your
possessions require a joint eort between you and the
University. Any behavior that jeopardizes the safety of
residents or sta is prohibited. In order to make residence
hall living at UNL a safe and pleasant experience, please
adhere to the following policies.
Living in a residential community requires students to take
independent responsibility for their own self-care and the
impact of their behavior on others.
Residents are expected to independently manage daily
life functions, including appropriate personal hygiene,
management of mental health conditions, medical concerns
or illnesses, and/or disability-related personal needs. To
request disability-related accommodation, please contact
Services for Students with Disabilities.
Residents may not ask roommates, Housing and Residence
Life sta, or other residents living within their community to
be responsible for their self-care needs. If a student needs
care providers to have access to their hall/room, they should
contact their residence director (RD) to make arrangements.
Students whose behavior disrupts the community may be
asked to adhere to an action plan. Residents are expected
to utilize the various resources available to them to
provide this care for themselves.
When an act of self-destructive behavior or an apparent
threat of serious harm occurs, University Housing reserves
the right to notify the resident’s parent or guardian.
In order for safety measures to be eective, students
must make proper use of these features. Residents are
encouraged to lock their doors when leaving the room/
suite/unit for any reason and while sleeping. Residents are
also reminded that propping open exterior doors for any
reason is also a safety hazard since it may allow unwanted
visitors access to the building and is a policy violation
subjecting the resident to disciplinary action.
Residence halls are only as safe and secure as residents
help to keep them. All residence halls are locked 24 hours
a day (with a few exceptions).
To protect the safety and security of all residents, do
not prop open an outside door to a residence hall.
Jeopardizing residence hall security in any way is
prohibited (e.g. propping outside doors open, holding doors
open for strangers, vandalizing security cameras).
Any unsafe situations you cannot correct, such as lights
out in a stairwell, safety hazards, etc., should be reported
to a building sta member as soon as possible.
Residence halls are locked 24 hours a day (with a few
exceptions). Each resident will be issued NCard access
rights to their residence hall’s exterior entry doors, which
will allow access to get into the building. Each resident
will be issued NCard access rights to other residence halls
(not including Love Memorial or Kauman), which allows
access from 6:30 a.m. – midnight daily.
Each resident will be issued a key/card to their assigned
room/suite/unit. Keys are for the sole use of the person to
whom they are issued. It is a violation of the Student Code
of Conduct and University Housing policies to duplicate
this key or loan it to anyone else. If you are locked out of
your room/suite/unit or lose your key/card, you can get a
replacement room key/card from the hall front desk.
Keeping your room/suite/unit door locked at all times is
highly encouraged. Responsible living requires you to take
reasonable action in the security of your possessions. Help
protect your property by making a list of serial numbers
and by locking your door when you leave the room and
not leaving your items in public places. Please note,
University Housing assumes no responsibility for students’
personal belongings and does not provide personal
property insurance. University Housing strongly encourages
all students living on campus to have an active renters
insurance policy.
Familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures in your
hall. Contact your RA, RD, or University Police if you need
emergency assistance.
Everyone must evacuate to the designated tornado shelter
immediately when directed by announcement/bells/sirens.
Follow posted procedures for tornado evacuation. You are
expected to participate in hall drills to familiarize yourself
with building evacuation procedures and shelter areas.
Everyone must evacuate the hall immediately when a
fire alarm sounds. Follow posted procedures for fire
evacuation. You are expected to participate in hall drills to
familiarize yourself with building evacuation procedures.
As a member of the residence hall community, you are
relied upon and held responsible for keeping fire safety
equipment in good working order. Therefore, you may not
render the smoke detector(s) in your room/unit inoperable,
and you should report any malfunctions or inoperable
smoke detector(s) to the facilities sta as soon as possible.
According to the State Fire Marshal, the residence halls at
UNL meet, and in many cases exceed, the state fire and
life safety codes. Halls are equipped with safety equipment
including smoke detectors and sprinklers in each room in
most halls.
Any person who misuses fire safety equipment (including,
but not limited to the following: misuse of smoke
detectors, tampering with the sprinkler system, etc.) will
be subject to severe disciplinary action and/or arrest.
If you are aware of anyone who misuses fire safety
equipment, report this to the sta.
Objects are not to be hung on or within 18 inches of the
sprinkler heads. Any sprinkler head discharge will lead to the
immediate dispatch of the fire department, evacuation of the
aected areas, and a prompt and thorough investigation.
Anyone who fails to adhere to this policy will be held
responsible for any resulting damages.
Fire regulations state that hallways shall not be used for
storage of any personal property at any time.
DO NOT store any items in the furnace closet area of
your suite or block air intake vents outside of the furnace
closet area. This can result in a fire that endangers not
only your life, but the lives of others in the building.
Anyone who fails to adhere to this policy will be held
responsible for any resulting damages. No storage of
flammable materials in the units is allowed.
All students residing in University Housing shall be given
the opportunity to provide a confidential contact person
to notify should they be missing for 24 hours or more. In
instances where the missing student is under 18 years
of age, parent(s) or legal guardians will be contacted in
addition to the confidential contact person. Individuals
should report anyone believed to be a missing person to a
member of the Residence Life sta and/or UNL Police. If
a student is believed to be missing, hall sta will contact
University Police to begin an investigation.
Should a situation occur in which medical attention
appears needed, University sta may summon emergency
medical assistance. The cost of such assistance will be
borne by the student/parents/guardians.
Any activity deemed by Housing sta to be a threat to the
health and safety of residents is strictly prohibited. This
includes, but is not limited to:
Residents and their guests are prohibited from
tampering with, jumping/jostling within, or riding on top
of an elevator at any time. Ringing the elevator bell or
call button in nonemergency situations is also prohibited.
Residents and their guests are prohibited from riding on
any elevator designated as FREIGHT ONLY.
The residence halls are not designed for athletic events
or horseplay. It is important to keep hallways intact
and maintain safety and minimize disruption of the
sleep/study atmosphere, because of the risk of injuries,
accidents and potential property damage. Sporting
activities, including, but not limited to, skateboarding,
scooters, bicycle riding, soccer, playing Frisbee, golf,
hockey, rollerblading, throwing or bouncing balls, etc., in
the hallways or public areas of the residence halls are
prohibited. In addition, sporting equipment including,
but not limited to, skateboards, scooters, etc. are not
allowed in the dining centers. Violations can result
in confiscation of equipment, as well as sanctions/
outcomes and/or restitution for damages.
Practical jokes and pranks may damage property, injure
other students, and can also increase the noise level
and disturb other residents. Students who engage in
practical jokes and pranks will be held responsible for
damages and disciplinary action may be taken. Because
of the danger to others, dropping or throwing any object
out of, or into the residence halls is strictly prohibited.
Violators will be referred to SCCS.
Possessing or using fireworks.
Mopeds, motorcycles and gasoline powered scooters
may not be stored in rooms/ buildings.
The use of hoverboards, electric scooters, and other
electric propulsion devices are not permitted in any
University of Nebraska– Lincoln residence hall, dining
facility or apartment building. Electric propulsion
devices may be stored in your room/suite/unit but
must be UL2272 approved.
Any device deemed unsafe or used inside University
Housing buildings is subject to removal or
The University of Nebraska does not discriminate based upon any
protected status. Please seego.unl.edu/nondiscrimination.©2023