Choosing a Lab and Applying Successfuly
Compiled by Maya Schuldiner, Senior Scientist and Tslil Ast, First year Masters
student. Dept. Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science
The lab is a place in which you spend much of your life in. The work you do in your
lab and the perspective you get on how to do science may influence the rest of your
career. Choosing a lab is an important decision, so take it seriously and make it
Different stages in your scientific career have different purposes. Choosing a lab can
therefore have different considerations depending on the stage of your studies. For
example, the purpose of a good rotation is NOT to achieve results, but rather to get to
know a lab- and see if it’s a good fit for you, as well as learn new schools of thought.
The purpose of your Masters and PhD research is not only to produce papers
(although writing a paper is an important part of the research). Think of it as giving
yourself a gift, time to work on a project you find fascinating without external
concerns. It can be the best years of your life. The precise subject is less important
than learning how to do science (and keep sane) by being close to good (and
supportive) scientists. If you want to continue in an academic career, the postdoc is
where you choose the field that you will work on as a Principal Investigator (PI), not
the PhD. Most successful scientists switch to a new field in their postdoc, so choose
PhD labs by mentor more than by subject.
So – how do you take such an important decision?
What is your personality and work style?
Labs are not one size fits all. Some scientists excel in labs where others would
flounder. One of the most important relationships you are going to have in the next
few years is with your PI - so seriously consider what kind of mentor it is you're
looking for. Do you work better with a PI who is very hands- on or would you prefer
a PI who lets/expects you to solve your own problems? Do you want a PI who
motivates you by encouragement or by criticism? Would you prefer a large lab or one
that is smaller? There are no right or wrong answers; just be aware of what you prefer.
And consider that personality and work style conflicts are probably the most common
reasons why scientist leave labs, so choosing a PI and lab that are a good fit for you is
What are your research interests?
What areas of research really interest you? Which labs are doing research that you
find compelling? If you choose thesis work that you find interesting and exciting, you
will enjoy discussing your research with others. You will enjoy thinking up
experiments to test your ideas and carrying them out. You will enjoy reading journal
articles, going to seminars, and attending meetings in your field. By the end of your
thesis work, you will be an expert in your area, and you will have enjoyed getting
there. Don’t try and choose a lab based on what other people find interesting or what
is considered “hot” at the time you make your decision. Styles in science change fast
and by the time you finish your time in the lab no one knows what will be in the
center of interest.
If you feel like biology is too big and wide to decide what interests you, try to define
at least several parameters:
1. What kind of science do you find rewarding - basic or applied?
2. Are you a risk-taker in which case you may prefer a lab that conducts
nonstandard, risky research, or do you prefer to go with safer options in which
case mainstream research may fit you better?
3. Are you prepared to work with mammals (mice, rats, monkeys)?
4. What do you enjoy telling to others that you read or “science gossiping” about
with your friends. Is it cool animal behavior? The environment? New
technologies? Stem cells? This gives an excellent insight into what you are
really interested in.
MOST IMPORTANT: When you read the latest paper from a lab, think: DO I WISH
What are your career goals?
What would you eventually like to do with your training? Are you interested in doing
research in industry or academia? What are the skills you want to learn
experimental, mathematical, or other skills? Think about the kinds of research that are
compatible with your career goals.
Here are a couple of aspects to think about when looking at a lab:
Research area: Are you interested in the area? Will it fit with your career and life
goals? Is it interesting to others?
Publications: What journals does the PI publish in? Are the journals peer-reviewed
and well-respected? Is there a history of the lab publishing something every (or about
every) year?
Track record: How many students/postdocs has the lab had? How many have
graduated with what degrees and how long has it taken them? What are they doing
Lab size and age: Would you prefer to join a lab that's already fully functional and
running, or would you like to join a younger lab where you'll have a more active role
in shaping the lab's personality? Are you looking for a large lab, where you'll get
input from many outlooks and backgrounds, or will you thrive in a smaller lab, where
you'll get more personalized attention from the PI?
Physical resources: Is the lab well equipped (including equipment, lab space,
computers, meeting space)? Do the students spend the majority of their time doing
research, or dealing with the technical details around research (making buffers,
mediums, filling tip boxes, etc.)? Is the lab well-funded?
People resources: Are there enough people in the lab to help you out/ make it fun to
work (including, where relevant: an ordering person, technicians, post docs, other
grad students, etc…).
Lab meetings: Does the lab have them? Are they regularly held? Are they effective
in providing useful feedback from others on your project?
Safety: How safety conscious is the lab? Do you prefer a lab that is a super-stickler
for every safety regulation or do you prefer a lab that is more relaxed about safety?
Work style: Some labs are absolutely silent. Some labs play music or the radio
loudly. Will it drive you nuts if someone else in the lab likes playing loud music that
you dislike? Do members in the lab have cleaning duties? Does everything in the lab
have a proper place? How much neatness or disorder do you prefer?
A good advisor will serve as a mentor as well as a source of technical assistance. A
mentor should provide, or help you to find, the resources you need (financial,
equipment, and psychological support); introduce you and promote your work to
important people in your field; encourage your own interests, rather than promoting
their own; be available to give you advice on the direction of your thesis and your
career; and help you find a job when you finish. If it is a PI during your postdoc they
should also continue to support you as you start your independent scientific career.
They should help you to set and achieve long-term and short-term goals.
Guidance level: Are students/postdocs expected to completely develop their own
project or does the PI get them started? Is the lab a "sink or swim" environment or
does the PI try to offer ideas and assistance when a project isn’t going well? How
hands-on, hands-off, or micromanaging is the PI?
Expectations of graduate students: “What is expected of a student/postdoc in the
lab?” Ask both the PI and the students in the lab. Do the answers match? If they don’t
match be careful.
Honesty and trustworthiness: Does the PI do what they says they will? Can you
trust them to give you credit for the work you do? Does the PI have your best interests
in mind? Will the PI look out for you professionally and personally? Can you always
believe what they say?
Communication style: Is the PI confrontational or non confrontational? Is the PI
flexible or inflexible?
Temperament: Is the PI moody or even-tempered? Are they generally an optimist or
pessimist? Does the PI play favorites or treat everyone the same? Does the PI
motivate students by praise and encouragement or by criticism and blame? Are these
done in public or private?
Management competence: Does the lab run smoothly? Will your work constantly be
interrupted by having to take care of administrative duties that the PI has failed to
Accessible or inaccessible: Is the PI physically present or traveling every other
week? Is the PI in the office, the lab, or in meetings all day long? Can you speak with
them if necessary?
Approachable or unapproachable: Do people feel comfortable talking with the PI?
Scientific reputation: Is the PI well thought of by his peers? Are the PI's scientific
beliefs shared and/or respected by others in the field? Is this a PI with a reputation for
groundbreaking work?
Collaborations and contacts: Does the PI collaborate with other groups? Does the PI
have contacts that will help you further your career goals?
While the project offered to you at the beginning of your
rotation/Masters/PhD/postdoc has been thought up by the PI, you should be certain
that you're happy to be conducting this line of research. Try not to go after a project
just because you think it touches upon a scientifically fashionable subject, or because
you would like to learn the techniques it involved; hot subjects will change with
times, and some techniques can be picked up in weeks. (although other techniques
take years to master). Make sure that you're excited by the topic; do you think that it's
relevant and interesting? When you read a paper on this subject, do you feel engaged,
or are you just flipping forward to see how many more pages there are?
The topic first thought up at the beginning of your work may be the stepping-stone for
your later work. Try and think if you can attack this topic from several angles, and
connect it to several systems. At the same time, the beginning stages of your research
should be as simple as possible - look for projects that will allow you to glean the
most amount of information in the least amount of time. Building systems from
scratch can be immensely rewarding, but take into account that even deceptively
simple systems can have their kinks that must be worked out before any data can be
Finally, if you have a project that you think might be wonderful - don't be afraid to
suggest it to the PI.
Special Points for Choosing a Rotation Lab
Choosing a rotation lab is very confusing. Often students will not have prior
experience in research or working in a lab environment, do not yet have solid ideas of
what they want to do in science and are not given enough tools to assess the quality of
laboratories. This all is in addition to the fact that there are tens or hundreds of labs to
choose from and pressure (external and internal) to make the “best” choice.
Remember: there is no “best” choice. Different labs fit different people and you never
know where you will thrive. SO…make sure you choose a lab that you are happy to
go to. However, one of the best tools to figure where you'll be happy is gaining
experience both in lab work and in how different lab style suits you. That's why its
recommended NOT to pick your rotation projects in advance. Give yourself the
opportunity to be exposed to new ideas and new attitudes, which can only be done
when you've been attending seminars and talking to people about their work.
However, the first rotation lab must still be selected with little to no prior experience.
To try and do this without reading hundreds of web pages you can:
1. Limit yourself to the type of science that you want to do (i.e.: only
experimental biology and not computational biology or only theoretical
physics and not experimental labs).
2. Limit the departments that you consider. Remember that the department you
are in has a lot of influence of what you will be exposed to. It guides the types
of talks you will hear at seminars, the types of people you can ask questions
about your work and the types of interests that will be in the lab
3. Try to choose three different departments (but NO more than three to scan at
first) for the three rotation projects – this will give you a feeling of how for the
very different approaches conduct in science and will give you chance to get
to know different work environments from the inside. Since you don’t have to
choose your Masters lab from the rotations knowing these different
departments will also also give you a chance to know more people in case
none of the three rotations suited your needs, and you need to choose a
Masters lab from scratch.
4. In each department quickly “weed” out labs that you will never consider, such
as those which don’t fit your research style or work style (see above). Try to
remain with 2-3 labs that are high on your list and invest more time in
researching them. Read their webpages in depth, read several abstracts of their
latest work, read their entry in the Wiezmann Life Science book
( talk to students in the
lab or to people who know that lab and read what former rotation students had
to say about that lab at the student council services page (but remember to take
this with a grain of salt).
5. DO NOT OVERWHELM YOURSELF 3 labs from each department is still
a lot of labs to go through. Don’t make decisions on all three rotations at once.
It is better to start working and learn more about labs as you go along. With
time you will get more of an idea of what you prefer in a lab or a project and
this will make it easier for you to make the choice for the second or third
rotation lab. Still – try to talk to at least 2 or 3 PIs before making a decision on
your first rotation. You can use the questionnaire below as a guideline, but of
course you should not feel pressure to ask as many questions as when looking
for a PhD lab as it may seem too detailed for such a short time.
6. Remember that you can learn great things in each and every lab. Nobody
discovers the “cure for cancer” or wins the “Nobel prize” from their rotations
so just enjoy them and learn as much as you can. When used correctly, they
can give you a lot of power for shaping your later projects and interests. Even
bad experiences are important for guiding you on what you DO NOT want
from your project or lab experience sometimes more important than good
experiences. So – just make the most of each rotation!
The first impression a PI will get from you will usually be from your request letter, so
make sure to send a letter that is polite, gives enough background on yourself and is
specific about your interests (i.e., do you want to rotate, do a Masters degree, a PhD
or a postdoc) as well as expresses how and why you are interested in the lab and its
1. Oftentimes, you'll decide on which labs to approach based on scanning the
labs' webpages to get an idea of what they do. However, keep in mind that this
information isn't always up to date, so it's always good to read an abstract or
two of the labs recent papers. In your request letter, be sure to state what
particular aspect of their research/ experiment it is that caught your attention.
2. ALWAYS attach a CV (resume) to your request letter. Make sure someone
goes over your CV as it makes a bad impression if it contains many typos
and/or looks sloppy. Remember the resume is what presents you so make it
look good. A resume in English makes a better impression. Moreover Often
a PDF file (and not a word file) looks more professional as you don’t see the
nonprinting characters (tabs, spaces etc..).
3. If you've done any work that's similar to the lab you are applying to, point that
4. Include contact information for yourself (some PIs prefer to get in touch via
phone rather than e-mail), and names, titles (i.e.: my previous boss, teacher
from BA course etc…) and telephone numbers of at least one referee (who has
been updated in advance that they might get a call). If you make life easy for
the PI there is a greater chance they will take the time to consider you.
5. If applying for a postdoc position make sure to have someone that knows the
PI talk to them and let them know you are planning to apply in increase the
chances of your application being considered.
If it's been a couple of days and your e-mails have yet to be answered, don't take it to
heart. Some PIs are so busy they cannot open all of their emails or perhaps your
emails ended in the PI's SPAM folder (it happens) and weren't noticed at all. Be
persistent. Send another email and if that doesn't get a reply - pick up the phone or
drop by the lab. Make sure to actually get an answer and not assume that you've been
Questions to Ask a PI before Joining the Lab
1. What do you see as your role as an advisor?
2. What do you expect from graduate students/postdocs in your lab? Or: What do
you think makes a successful student/postdoc in the lab?
3. For rotation students: How many slots do you think you'll have open for
masters' students this upcoming year? And doctorate positions in two years?
4. How many graduate students have joined your lab as a thesis lab? Did those
students do well in your lab? How long did it take them to graduate? What
degree(s) did they receive? What are they doing now?
5. What do you think are the strengths or weaknesses of the lab as a whole?
6. Do you have scheduled weekly one-on-one meetings with your students? Or
do you prefer to talk to them spontaneously / according to need?
7. What level of participation is expected of the student in choosing a thesis
8. I know that I am year(s) away from it now, but how do you handle journal
article writing—do students actually do the writing or do you prefer to do it
some other way?
9. What participation levels in journal clubs, seminars are expected? Is
attendance at international meetings encouraged?
Of course this is not an exhaustive list of questions to ask. The first questions help
you understand what the PI sees as his role and what they expect from their graduate
students. If your views on topics differ greatly from what the PI expresses, then you
should be very careful about choosing that lab. Your relationship with your PI is very
important for the next steps in your career, and if you and the PI disagree
fundamentally on your expectations, it is unlikely that you and the PI will have a good
working relationship while you are in the lab.
conversation did you enjoy talking to the PI? Do you think you will like working
with them? You will spend a lot of time with this person in the future so make sure
you feel like you will get along.
After you talk with the PI, your "PI research" is not over. A PI may answer your
questions in ways that suggest that you may be able to have a good working
relationship; however, you need to evaluate whether or not those answers match up to
what actually happens in the lab. You do this by discussing the PI and lab with others.
Some PIs will say one thing, but when you talk to others who are in the lab or who
have been in the lab, they will tell you that this is not the way things really are.
Questions to ask other students/post docs/technicians
1. Are you happy with your project? The PI? The lab equipment? The
2. Would you recommend this lab?
3. Does the PI keep your best interests in mind? Do you feel that you are
developing into a good scientist in the lab? Do they encourage your ideas or
only promote his own?
4. How do you think that the PI is thought of in his field? In the Institute?
5. Does the PI react well to your suggestions for experiments or directions for
your project?
6. How does the PI handle it when the project has setbacks or isn’t working?
7. What level of your participation for deciding directions for your project is
8. Do grad students work primarily with a Post-Doc, with other students in the
lab, with the PI himself, or on their own?
9. Do you feel that the PI pays enough attention to your project? Do they have
enough time to give everyone’s project sufficient attention? Or are they too
10. What do you think about the scientific ideas that the PI has? Are they well
thought out? Practical? Innovative? Are they of interest to other scientists?
11. Does the PI help students find post-docsdoc positions, etc.., after graduating
from the lab?
12. Does the PI support students to apply for prizes and fellowships?
13. Is the PI hands-on or hands-off, moody or even-tempered, have favorites or
treat everyone the same etc. (see if these answers match what the PI has said
and your experience in the lab.)
14. What do you think is the best thing about the PI? The worst?
15. Is there anything about the PI that drives you nuts?
16. What participation levels in journal clubs, seminars are expected?
17. What participation level in writing journal articles is expected?
18. What other training do people in the lab get (writing reviews, reviewing
papers, giving journal clubs, writing parts of grants)
19. Is attendance at international meetings encouraged?
20. Is it acceptable to have interest/activities/children outside of lab?
21. What is “work?” (some PIs measure work only by what experiments get done,
not other activities such as reading articles, thinking about your project,
attending seminars/journal club, or TAing.)
22. What are weekend and vacation policies?
23. How did students in the lab succeed in the past?
24. Does the PI give good advice?
25. Does the PI treat lab members well?
26. Do you enjoy talking about science with the PI? Do you enjoy talking about
things not pertaining to science?
27. Is he/she good at managing the lab? Does the lab run smoothly?
28. How does the PI handle disagreements between lab members?
29. How diverse are the projects in the lab? Do people readily help each other?
30. If you were able to start your project over again is there anything that you
would do differently?? (sometimes this helps identify flaws a PI might have—
for example, if a student says that he/she might have focused his direction
better, it might indicate that this is an area in which the PI is weak.)
31. Is there anything you wish you had known before you joined the lab?
32. How do you like working with other people in the lab? Are there many people
that enjoy working together? Do you like doing non-science stuff with them
(lunch/lab outings etc…).
You don’t have to ask every single one of these questions but DO ask questions
whose answers may influence your decision. Remember to consider the source: one
person’s perceptions may be wrong, but if you hear the same thing from a couple of
independent reliable sources, it is probably true. MOST IMPORTANT IS: LISTEN
AND DO NOT DISCOUNT what people tell you. If you like the lab and so think you
can “overlook” major problems which lab members raise in your discussions think
again about your choice. If they are all suffering, don’t think you will be different.
Other students, technicians, post-docs, PIs, and staff will be able to provide you with
a clear picture of what working with the PI in the lab will be like. Students,
technicians, and post-docs who are happy with their lab and PI will be delighted to
tell you so. Those who are unhappy may not be as willing to discuss it; so if several
lab members don’t answer your questions directly or aren’t willing to discuss the lab
or PI, be very careful about choosing that lab. Remember that you can always go to
the lab next door and ask about the atmosphere in the neighboring lab. However, it's
always important to keep in mind that even in a good lab, not all grad students and
their PIs will have a harmonious relationship.
Choosing a lab is one of the most important decisions you will make. You must
take your time and make your decision well. You must talk to others about the
PI and lab before making any commitment to a lab or PI.
Some of the information found here has been modified from an article in Journal of
Chemical Education, 1993, 70, 303-306.
Copyright April 29, 1992 Journal of Chemical Education
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