Why did you get involved in your student organization(s)?
I didn't
As a graduate student it was hard to find a social arena to interact with peers who shared the same values and
professional goals. Getting involved in the organization has been positive for it's social aspects as well as
creating opportunity to broaden our professional knowledge and interests.
As a first semester graduate student, I wanted to simply get involved with both my program and community.
Love of volleyball and competition
I realized that even though I used to go to church and go through the motions of typical "Christianity" I began to
realize that I was on the road to Hell. I was living for myself rather then Jesus Christ who is the only way to get
to Heaven and until I denied myself and lived for him I was going to spend eternity in Hell. Campus Crusade for
Christ has led me to understand the reality that life is short and we will all die someday and that there is an
answer to eternity. Its surrendering your life to Jesus Christ who was crucified on the cross for our sins so that
we may have eternal life through him.
It was for my major.
Friends invited me.
Because of of the social aspects of it, the chance to make friends, to enrich my life, networking
It is a student chapter of a professional organization that I plan to be in when I graduate.
Better knowledge of my major.
because i got pissed that i was part of an organization where the president and leaders didn't do anything. I
wanted to have meetings and go places
Because I had a passion for this sport
to get involved.
I am a married, non-traditional student, also working for this campus. As such, I'm more involved with
professional and other work organizations, rather than student organizations.
Because it relates to my major.
because something was missing in my life and i know leadership was that
I was asked by a formal student if I wanted to take over her job and I felt extremely honored to take it.
My friends took me to the meeting last year and I kept going because I liked it. Eventually I became a leader in
the organization.
becuase I am a believer in Jesus Christ and wanted to surround myself with fellow believers
career help, excercise, tight-knit community (all reasons for different organizations)
Jesus is my Lord and Savior. I wanted an organization that reflected my beliefs and would help me to grow in my
leadership and faith. We are also called to "make disicples of every nation." This is one way I can do that where
I am.
I believe firmly in Christianity, and want to be used by God to do amazing things on this campus!
to be more involved on campus, to experience the sisterhood, and for later on in life on job aplications
It sounded really fun and its not availible at any other campus in wisconsin
because I had friends that convinced me to join them.
I like literary and fine arts journals.
For fun and looks good one the resume.
asked to
To have a "say" on campus...
meet other students and get involved with program
Meet people and participate in community/campus activities
resume builder, meet new people, have a good time
I joined because it gave me a way to meet new people and I thought it would be fun. I had thought about
transferring after my freshman year because I did not like it here and didn't feel like I fit in. My involvement in
my student organization is the only thing that kept me from transferring to another school.
The sport club was not being run effectively, so I took over and tried to steer it in a more positive direction. I
love being in leadership positions and am passionate about this sport, having been involved in high school.
Because i wanted to interact with people and make friends.
I thought it was a good way to meet people and be involved in school.
I have gotten involved in science club and my hall bible study because they help me feel connected to the
campus and offer oppuntites that help me get more involved.
It will look good on a resume with the organizations that I am in. Gives me on the spot projects and volunteer
time in my community.
For fun.
to meet people and have a vioce
To meet people with similar interests and be envolved with activities I enjoy.
Initial interest.
I wanted to be invovled with a service organization so I can contribute to the community and beyond. I want to
support others who do not have the priviledges I do. It is important to me to help others live and enjoy life a
little more and being part of this organization is part of it.
To enhance my resume
I am passionate about it, and it was the perfect fit.
I was lead by GOD to it and He has shown me many things through the orinization. I could see that I was needed
and wanted and that I was another piece of the puzzle.
Because I found Stout was missing out on a huge sport that they could really benefit students with.
because i have a passion for what i love to do, and found others with that same passion
to further my knowledge in that particular area, to meet new people, to learn better leadership, to build my
Wanted to meet new people and be involved in an organization that shared the same beliefs that I do.
Becasue I love music and enjoy participating in it
I was roped into it by an RA that needed a secretary, and someone who needed a member
I wanted to meet a wider range of people and gain valuable experiences.
Learn new things and new faces
To meet people like myself and to put it on my resume.
To build my resume. To gain experience in leadership. Because I was already a member and figured a little
extra work was worth it.
I loved the people when I showed up to the first meeting, and loved all the organization does.
so I could be involved more and put it on my resume
Apart of/related to my major, similar involvement with high school group
Free time and interest
I feel like I need to be involved to discover who I am and I recently found out that I want to minor in sociolgy
with a multicultural emphasis.
I was new to te campus and I wanted to meet other people in my major.
Matches my major
To get connected on campus
related to my major, gives me a lot of information that i need to know to finish school and go out into the world
with my career, networking with peers in my major. gives me opportunities to give back to the community where
my heart is in, education.
Personal interest in the ethnic group, and a desire to increase awareness/ tolerance of them on campus.
because it gives me a place to socialize and get to know others, a sense of belonging since i live off campus
it would look good on my resume, to have fun, meet new people, network
To develop my social skills.
Because I wanted to network outside of the friends I am always around.
Got to move in early and was paid, looked good on resume
I wanted to meet new people, and serve others.
To earn money and gain respect.
excercise, socialize
to take part in the end of the year event
I am passionate about what the organization stands for and I wanted to give others the opportunity to show their
passion for dance as well. I feel the organization is fair because anyone can join and everyone is able to perform
on a stage.
I got involved because I had new friends in it and they brought me to the events and I liked the others in the
organization. Also it helps me get more socially active and away from homework when I need a break.
-Directly outreached by leadership.
To be involved in my graduate program and get to know those in my program more. I also wanted to be able to
learn more about the field in general. It is also good to have on your resume.
I saw the name of the organization on the list online but noticed that the link wasn't working. I asked my
program director how I could find out more information and found out that it was no longer active. I decided to
start it up again and appointed myself President and found a Vice President and Treasurer to help out too.
Build resume
Looks good to potential employers.
I have a personal relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and I knew He wanted me to be in Campus
Crusade for Christ.
I love God and I wanted to surround myself with others that also do. Not only to teach, but to be taught.
I wanted to get more involved and help out. I took the leadership position to grow personally and to help the
organization grow.
For the challenge and the practical expierience.
Needed something to do.
I wanted to feel as if I belonged to campus and really enjoyed everything this organization did and represented.
Learn more about the event planning industry.
It was offered to me and will look good on a resume.
looking for a sense of accomplishment, time well spent. looking to deepen my spiritual life.
To do something, so I wasnt just sitting around all day
To learn more about the school and to get to know more people. Also to possibly find the opportunity for a job
that involved skills of my major (Graphic Design)
peer pressured
because I wanted experience
To get to know other people who like to do things for a good cause.
To become more knowledgable about my major and to meet others in the same field as me.
Fall 2007
It looks good on your resume and I was always told to get involved on campus.
Support a Cause
intrested at first
I was influenced by a fellow student on my residance hall floor freshmen year.
it was part of my major
I wanted to start a group that was not currently available on campus, that fit the things that I wanted in a
Because it gives me a sense of belonging to the ca.mpus, Now I will always have something to come back for in
the future. I really liked the people in my organization. It has helped me develop a large network of friends and
people for future employment
Familiarity with the group of people and the opportunity to have a network of connections to further my
advancement after school.
Looking for a good people to surround myself during my college experience to benfit the most form it.
i am not in student organization
peer pressure
Networking and to gain some life long friends.
Play a sport and imporve resume
I hopes of it imporving my experience for future jobs
to meet more people and get involved in promoting diversity.
I joined to network with other students on campus and to get to know them as a person. I wanted to contribute
what I have to offer to the campus and I want to enrich the lives of the student body and faculty/staff and make
them aware about diversity.
For networking and to become more involved in the campus
I had a lot of friends in it, good resume booster.
I wanted to get involved with something related to my feild of study.
I am not involved in any student organizations currently, but did play intramural volleyball at one point
I am a Christian and wanted to get involved with a Christian organization on campus.
Because it was a sport i had played in H.S.
better opportunities
I saw it as a place to express my faith, exercise my talents, and grow as a human.
Have to for my major
Because that is where the people are at
enjoy the sport
to have a sense of worth, to meet people, to have fun
To experience more in college and get involved.
Friendly atmosphere
my GPA was high enough
It is a very special fraternity. Ideals of the organization are in line with mine, beliefs too. Co-ed, open-minded.
Enjoy being part of an elite heriarchy :) I also saw that the organization was about more than just parties, and
actually did some real good for Stout and Menomonie.
Sense of place at Stout.
For personal interest and for resume building
to build leadership skills, networking, make new friends
I'm not in one, except swimming for a while but it was the worst organization ever if you could call it that.
Because it gave a tie to a campus that goes beyond the city of Menomonie. Also it provided something to do on
weekends when the campus was empty and something to look forward to when classes are difficult.
My roommate freshman year forced me to go, then I ended up liking it
I barel did, no need to be involved, wouldnt help me anyways.
The primary reason was because I believe that positive interaction/experiences in the Residence Halls are
important. The secondary reason is that my academic major does not offer any leadership opportunities of
substance. The tertiary reason is that University Housing offers compensation for student leadership--this is
important to any student because attending a university is quite costly.
It is a pre-professional group and I wanted the chance to network.
Because I knew that it would be beneficial to me and my major and teach me how to get out and meet
professionals, while having something in common.
to see and be around others with the same beliefs as i
good for my major and finding a job in the future -- learn what's out there, making connections
I have a passion for music and BDP lets me turn my passion into a job. BDP also has a great reputation and I
loved attending the events sponsered by BDP.
I love hockey!
It allowed me to continue something that i love.
God changed my life and showed me how much He loves me. I wanted to love Him back by serving Him.
I believe in the cause we support and have been personally affected by what we are fighting against.
For academic and exerpience in my major so for professional organizations.
Get connected with other people in my program, learn about things they don't teach you in school related to my
future job.
In order to become more involved in my program and to help join members together academically and socially.
Also I wanted to give back to the community through volunteering.
My RA told me it would be a great oppurinty
Because it seemed like a good oppourtunity
Because I want to be the best leader I can be
I love ultimate Frisbee and I thought that Out@Stout needed a leader and i'm a lesbian. Others clubs i'm in for
majors related and enjoyment
Interest in biking and ultimate frisbee
In high school I was involved in sports and I enjoyed doing that so that is why I joined a club team on campus
i thought it would be fun
to get involved with others and to meet new people
to feel a sense of belonging on campus...second family away from home.
It correlates to my major and will look good on resume
I get involved in my student organization(s) because I want to experience new opportunities the university has
Because I wanted to take an opportunity to get involved and learn how to develope leadership skills through the
members in the organization, and importantly to discover my own inner confident.
self identification because of lack of campus diversity and sense of acceptance
To help and make a difference, to meet new people.
To help and meet new people.
This group has to do with my major and it is important to have connections when looking for a job.
Becuase I like playing Lacrosse
They are professional organizations that look good on my resume.
To go further in my minor program and have not contacts and involvement. To get more knowledge and
experience in the minor and topics To have a better resume and get a better intership, along with experience in
leadership roles within an organization.
My friend from home and my boyfriend encouraged me to join.
because I had interests that I wanted to explore, and a sport that I wanted to be in.
It is associated with the church I attend and I was invited.
Involvement on campus, my major, and the community, I was nominated, and because it would look good on a
I felt it would be a phenomenal opportunity to help the community and deepen my skills and character.
I joined the Ski and Snowboard Club becuase it allowed me to ski and snowboard for very little money and meet
other students who shared the same intrests as me. I choose to run for the position of "President of the club"
becuase noone else would take the anishitive and I wanted to make sure I could continue to keep the club
I love cycling
I have a special interest in the club and there is a fun group of members involved in the club.
Because the organizations all have something to do with personal interests, and a good social and recreational
I wanted to find more people who had the same interests as I do. As a special interest group, our club speaks to
a very specific group of people. I wanted to help connect these people together.
Look good on resume... wanted to get involved on campus and meet new people
I wanted to stay active in college and to meet people
Free food, seriously. I'm not even kidding.
I enjoy being busy and because of my friends.
It makes me feel more connected to the campus and to the other people of the group. It also makes me feel
more accomplished and better about myself. It's nice to help others, too.
I wanted to get more involved in school and with my major.
to have fun, to get to know more people.
to become more involved and belong to the campus; meet people; add it to my resume; networking..
To meet people and make my experience here the best it can be.
For something to do. It really got me involved and is the reason I stayed on this campus.
I got invovled early on in my college career, because I knew I wanted to feel a sense of belonging. I found what
I was looking for and the oppotunity of growth was amazing. I stuck with it and have networked, met, and
imporved myself throughout the time at Stout.
I wanted to get to know others with my major and network with people from different grade levels. It's nice
knowing upperclassmen with my major, so I can ask for advise.
Because I love the sports themselves, and the people are great!
HEC- My RA SAS- related to major
I wanted to learn how to be a leader.
I wanted to find an organization that i would feel at home, i could further develope into womanhood, and to get
involved in an organization that had a great philanthropy.
To be involved in something and to network.
I have a friend who is in a fraternity that suggested looking into the Greek Community.
wanted the feeling of sisterhood
I chose to get involved because I the clubs i joined are 1 for my major and 2 for personal experiences. The clubs
are clubs that help me socially, academically, and personally.
Because it was in my interest.
Looks good on a resume, and helps me be involved with stuff outside of class
to meet people and to have something to do, learn and have fun.
it's important for me to make and see change
i am an RA, and HEC is just an easy thing to get really involved in.
I got involved in swing club because a friend told me about it, and I love to dance. Then it turned into my
favorite thing to do, and I've helped the group grow and am an officer and future president. I also read about it
in the SSA e-mail.
Because it enriches my major and gives me a platform to display my work.
Passion for the activity
It is the professional organization for my major. I value involvement and working within the community I am
learning in; however, I do not live in Menomonie and it is not realistic for me to be super involved in student
I was asked to participate.
The organization was on interest to me.
Great for resume
To make friends
I was automatically assigned to it for my major
I like to be involved in school activities. Not only do they look good on resumes, but they give me the chance to
meet new people and get experience in leadership and other things related to my major.
To build myself a better resume and get involved on campus.
I got involved because I knew numerous people already in the organization and they encouraged me to join.
It enhances my academic and university experieince.
I felt I could be a valuable asset and wanted to get involved.
To give back to others and spend time with people of similar interests and values.
Friends got me interested so I went to meetings and then became incredibly involved with them.
to become more involved on campus and to meet more students
A friend told me about it, and wanted to join.
Initially I got involved to boost my resume, but I ended up boosting a lot more.
Wanted something to do to keep me busy. Always interested in a sorority.
Getting involved on campus, meeting new people, resume, leadership, service, parlementry procedure, life long
friendships, networking, fun activities, community involvment.
more experience, resume
In my earlier hall government/ IRHA years i did it because a friend introduced me and i enjoyed it a lot. It felt
like a difference was being made on campus. then as years went on it felt more like a puppet show and nothing
of worth was being accomplished. So i left I joined my professional major group because i enjoy my major. now
i can not go because i work over 30 hours a week and the meetings are never on my days off
I became involved with this organization because it looks good on my resume and it's very beneficial to my
major and helps keep my informed about educational issues.
to feel like i belonged somewhere on campus.
Because I love the profession I am going into and I want to make myself become even better and help others in
the profession as well!
relevant to my major
became interested through friends already in the org.
I was involved with an on-campus organization for numerous years- a friend recommended it. I became a part
of an academic group after it was suggested by my professors.
I have a strong desire to better others and myself with knowledge of this field.
Career advancement and financial oppertunities.
To get out in the community.
I was going to join the Army, so this offered me the best opportunity for success in life.
I love the military and the people who are a part of it. I have always wanted to become a leader.
My friends were in it.
It sounded like something new, different, and that I would love, and I do. I am very glad I joined. I love the
people and the service we provide.
I feel it is important because I am getting real hands on experience besides an education. I have a great passion
for the organizations I am involved with. I know the organizations involvement on campus has a profound impact
on students.
Professional Organization linkage/professional networking/events
Own interest
A friend introduced me to the group and then I became more and more involved
It was something to do, and I wanted to get more involved in something. It was a way to get out and be active.
had just came out wanted help understanding what it ment
It interested me and I wanted to be a part of it
Started officially this last semester. Went in the Fall O7' a few times before break.
To belong, to be involved
To learn better leadership skills, get involved & meet people at school.