A Virtual Retirement Tribute
December 20, 2020
As the members of the Board of Action for Post-Soviet
Jewry we want to tell you what a pleasure it has been to
work with you over these many years. We appreciate all
that you have done as Executive Director of APSJ. It is an
honor to welcome you as an Emerita member of the
board. We wish you all the best in your retirement.
Members of the Board of Action for Post-Soviet Jewry
I first met Judy in the fall of 2000. I was helping my cousins
who lived in St. Petersburg, Russia. They had just received
notice that they had been granted an interview in Moscow.
In my queries for help I had been told that Judy Patkin was
the person to talk to about the interview process. I called
Judy and she told me to come to the office. When I arrived,
she handed me a two-page list of possible questions. She
told me clearly that it was particularly important to able
to answer the questions. With that list I was able to help
my cousins prepare. Their interview was a success and
they received refugee and parole status. Judy’s help was
invaluable in securing their visa status.
A year or so later I joined the Board of Action for Post-Soviet
Jewry as Vice President and the following year became
the President of the Board. My first trip with Judy was in
October 2003. Four of us traveled to Ukraine and Belarus
to visit with our community coordinators and clients. It
was the first of 9 or 10 trips I made with Judy. We met
with many elderly and occasionally young needy Jews.
Sometimes their stories were uplifting, other times sad and
depressing. But always the visits and Judy’s personal
attention lifted spirits. Our travels included long road trips
over unbelievably poor roads in Ukraine, several van
breakdowns on the highway, on one occasion an unheated
hotel room in freezing temperatures, an overnight train
trip from Kiev to Dnipro in a crowded sleeper car with no
available lower bunks, and a few side trips to cities of our
ancestors. We saw first-hand the revival of Jewish life
where none had really existed during the Soviet years.
Our adventures were many and fascinating.
It has been such a pleasure to work and travel with Judy.
Barbara Karchmer
President of the Board of Action for Post Soviet Jewry
Judy Patkin embodies what it means to live as a
global Jewish citizen and care for the most vulnerable
both here and around the world.
On behalf of CJP, I express deep gratitude to Judy for her
many years of leadership at Action for Post-Soviet Jewry
and for her pioneering work with our sister city of Dnipro.
Both Adopt-a-Bubbe and the Warm Houses are critical
initiatives that continue to provide social connection,
clothing, food, and medicine to elderly Jews in need in
Dnipro and the surrounding vicinity.
Judy’s passion and commitment for Jews around the
world is inspiring. On behalf of CJP, we thank you for
paving the way and showing our community how to do
more, give more, and care more for our Jewish brothers
and sisters around the world.
Rabbi Marc Baker
President and CEO
Combined Jewish Philanthropies
Dear Judy,
All of us at Temple Isaiah join in saluting you for all of the
extraordinary work that you have done throughout the years
on behalf of those trapped by the oppression of Soviet Jews,
and then, subsequently, supporting those trapped by the
poverty that their circumstances in the former Soviet Union
brought upon them. Your absolute dedication and leadership
have made a material difference in the lives of countless
individuals, not only those who have been the direct beneficiaries
of these efforts, but everyone who is had the privilege to support
these efforts. You have spearheaded, facilitated, and led the
efforts to fulfill two critical mitzvot: pidyon shvuyim - the captives;
and gemilut chasadim - acts of lovingkindness that make a
material difference in the lives of those in need.
All of us who know you know how you have undertaken these
efforts from a place of deep commitment, never seeking fanfare
or recognition, always pressing forward simply for the reward
of the work itself and the difference it made. You have been a
blessing to us at Temple Isaiah, serving as our first woman
president, and to our greater Jewish community, along with all
those who have been and continue to be blessed by the efforts
that you have initiated and carried forward.
Judy, may you continue to grow from strength to strength
Rabbi Howard L. Jaffe
and the entire Temple Isaiah family
Temple Beth Elohim is proud to support
Action for Post-Soviet Jewry
TBE honors our dear friend, Judy Patkin
as she enters retirement after decades
of meaningful commitment.
May you continue to inspire our
community for years to come.
Rabbi Joel Sisenwine
Cantor Emerita Jodi Sufrin
Rabbi Rachel Saphire
Rabbi Philip Sherman
Cantor Shanna Zell
Neil Silverston, President
And the entire TBE Congregation
Judy Patkin with love and admiration for a job well done.
Ruth Karp
Judy Patkin for her many years of service to this
important cause in helping Jews in the Soviet Union and
post Soviet Union times.
Marjorie Minkin
Congratulations and thanks for all your hard work and
Fay & Julian Bussgang
Inspired by Judy and her dedication and action over these
Shirley & Charles Hurwitz
I first met Judy Patkin in the 1990s, when I read that Dnepropetrovsk
had become a sister city of Boston. Since both of my mother's parents
had emigrated from there in 1912, I had an intense interest in the
city. I went down to the Action office in Waltham to see if they had
any names of current residents. The answer was basically "no," but
both Judy and the late Sheila Galland were so cordial, and the cause
so compelling, that I ended up getting involved with their work. Over
the years, I played a variety of roles and watched the organization
struggle to reinvent itself after glasnost. The ultimate irony is that I
put an ad in a Jewish paper that the local rabbi published, along the
lines of "American cousin looking for descendants of...."--and heard
from my mother's first cousin, who send a picture of their grandfather
she had never seen!
But that is just a side note in the story of my relationship with Judy. I
never got over being impressed with her energy, her compassion, her
single-minded dedication to the underserved, almost forgotten Jews
of Eastern Ukraine. I could never get over her ability to travel under
arduous conditions and to use her time abroad to meet with as many
people as possible. Her clients were the "pensioners," as she called
them, and her pain at the straits they found themselves in was palpable.
She kept up a remarkable schedule and wrote lengthy trip reports
recording her activities and observations.
Back home, she worked tirelessly to build partnerships, establish
relationships, and enlist both financial and other support for her
pensioners. Her activities ranged from working with refuseniks/emigres
and local rabbis to collecting left-over clothing from temple rummage
sales. If no one else could help her, she did it herself.
I think it is not a secret to note that, when times were hard, she didn't
take any salary. She could never stop, not even slow down, hardly ever
even take time off. In every way, on every day, this was a labor of love.
Judy is one of the most incredible people I have ever met. She MADE
Action for Soviet Jewry, kept it alive, and is the single person most
responsible for its success. No tribute to her is sufficient, but I hope
that she feels cherished and respected on this day devoted to her.
Carol Clingan
I admire her devotion to the cause.
Richard Pierce
In honor of Judy Patkin's 45 years at APSJ.
Michael Mirman
Judy Patkin and her many, many years of stubborn,
focused, and creative work on behalf of Jews in the former
Soviet Union. With deep respect and appreciation.
Joshua Rubenstein
Judy Patkin"s enduring work for Post-Soviet Jews.
Polly Slavet
In honor of Judy Patkin’s 45 years of service & dedication
to PSJ.
Nancy Gold
In celebration of Judy Patkin.
Rabbi and Mrs. Henry Zoob
We remember the early days of meetings sitting on boxes
in the basement of Store 24 and organizing protest rallies
on the North Shore!
Mazel Tov for all these years of dedication.
Janice and Elliot Wyner
Our trip to the Soviet Union with Action to help refuseniks
was one of the most satisfying events of our lives.
We thank Judy Patkin for facilitating this experience so
effectively for us.
Dan & Louise Tarsy
It's been inspiring to learn more about Judy's work and
contributions. Thank you for including me!
Meg Cimino
Dear Judy, I consider myself very luck for having worked
with you for the last 10 years. I have learned so much
from you. We've been through a lot together and have
shared some great times. Please be well, and thank you!
Marina Javits
Judy is perhaps the most remarkable and unselfish
woman I have had the privilege of knowing and working
with over many years. Her commitment and passion to
the Jews of both the Soviet Union and the Former Soviet
Union is unparalleled. Highly intelligent, pragmatic and
determined, Judy was both Puach and Shifra to all Jews in
need there. Undaunted in spirit, she is Action for Soviet
and Post-Soviet Jewry! May Judy go from strength to
strength in the years ahead, and rich in the knowledge
that she has most definitely made a difference.
Barbara Palant
You are a quiet hero. I will always be grateful for the
contact names for hook ups in 1990 and your eagerness
to accept supplies over the decades that followed. I wish
we could have traveled together. With best wishes always
and thanks for your tremendous work. Sincerely,
Ann C B-H
In 1978 (many, many years ago), it was Judy's expert
advice and coordination that made it possible for my
colleague Rabbi Stanley Davids and I to undertake our
mission to visit, teach and support Jews in the Soviet
Union. Without Judy's wealth of knowledge and warm
support, I do not know how we would have managed.
That her work has continued and been reshaped with
changing circumstances over all the intervening years
bespeaks the heart, mind and utter dedication Judy has
brought to this cause and the people it serves. There are
people who perform mitzvot, and then there are people
who turn their lives into an enduring mitzvah. Judy
belongs in the latter category. Blessings, Judy, as you
move toward retirement!
Rabbi Neil Kominsky
On this very special anniversary of your important work
at the Action, I would like to congratulate you, Judy, and
wish you years of active life in good health so that you
can now accomplish all those things, which you always
wanted to do, but never had enough time to actually get
to doing them. I was very privileged to have known,
worked and traveled with you. I will always remember
and cherish our trips to Ukraine and Belorus.
I have come to know you as an extraordinarily wise and
big-hearted woman.
Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday!
Wishing you to stay strong and enjoy life
Galina Z.
Thank you, Judy, for your inspiration, dedication, and
leadership. Through your work you have brought
freedom, hope and sustenance to so many.
Michael Luckens & Sharon Schumack
Judy Patkin-We are happy to join the celebration to thank
you for all your help and support of the Jewish people,
especially mothers and grandmothers, over the years. We
are proud to know you and look forward to your visits
with us in Florida. Congratulations on your retirement!
We wish you many healthy and fulfilling days! Much love
from your cousin and friend.
Emily and Dana
Judy Patkin for the wonderful work she has done for 45
years at Action for (Post) Soviet Jewry.
Abby Brown
Judy and Boston Action for Soviet Jewry were an integral
part of the community-based activist wing of the Soviet
Jewry movement, tirelessly advocating for our brethren in
the USSR, and helping to welcome them in their new
homes in freedom. When almost all of us closed up our
offices when the USSR collapsed, Action kept striding
along. When the parade passed by and the cheering
stopped, Judy and Action established critical and effective
relationships with Jews in need in Ukraine, Belarus and
Moldova. And they haven't been only friends from afar,
but personally visiting cities and towns, many off the
beaten path. This is chesed of the highest order. We,
veterans of the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry (and
now a bit older than student age!) remained in awe of
Judy's dedication and focus.
May Debbie and her team be blessed with similar success.
Glenn Richter
Judy's courageous personality is something to admire.
Few people would have ventured to places, and in most
challenging times, to do the work she has continued to do
to this day. Hundreds of people's lives have been changed
by her programs and organization. Thank you Judy!
Laura and Ery Magasanik
We admire: Her persistence. How she continued to work
on behalf of the Jews of the former Soviet Union for these
many years. Our favorite memory: Traveling with Judy a
few summers ago to Ukraine, visiting families with her,
seeing the marvelous work she was doing, and how her
elderly clients loved her.
Adele and Joel Sandberg
Thank you, Judy!
Rise Singer
Judy Patkin has been a valued, respected, and beloved
colleague for more than thirty-five years. Our organization
worked in the Caucasus and Central Asian republics of
the former Soviet Union and collaborated with Action for
Soviet Jewry whenever Judy had cases in our area. Judy
always could be relied upon to do whatever she had
promised to do in a timely and professional manner. We
stood in awe when she transitioned her organization into
an on-the-ground charity and repeatedly traveled to
Ukraine to facilitate hands-on work that undoubtedly
eased – and even saved – the lives of elderly Jews, many
of whom were Holocaust survivors. Yasher koach and a
well-deserved rest to one of our favorite comrades in the
Soviet Jewry movement.
Helene Kenvin, President
Goldie Ellman, Chairman of the Board
My SSSJ colleague Henry Gerber Z”L and I shlepped for
years on an almost annual basis to the Action office in
Waltham in a rented van filled to the brim with quality
clothing collected by my shulmates at Lincoln Square
Synagogue in Manhattan. Judy and often her colleagues
would be there to welcome us with delicious sandwiches
from a kosher deli in Brookline. We'd marvel at the
hundreds of clothing items Judy's team were stuffing into
boxes to be shipped to the Former Soviet Union, and
feel like we entered a time capsule, being in the only
community-based Soviet Jewry office still around,
transitioning from advocacy to direct care.
Glenn Richter
Thank you, Judy, for everything you have done.
Stephen Jones
When I think about Judy it’s her quiet power and determi-
nation that I admire most. Doggedly focused on one goal,
she will leap tall buildings herself to bring help to needy
Jews. She is the personification of how one person,
mobilizing just a small army of the willing, can be a force
for good in the world.
Ann Levin
Dear Judy
Here are some memories of the big rally in Washington
1987. I will never forget the impact you had on me when I
became a board member of AFSJ in 1978 and joined the
fight for refuseniks.
I wish you a long enjoyable retirement. With admiration.
Galina Nizhnikov
In her letter to Zeya Krasko, Judy wrote:
“Thank you for introducing me to Tarusa Hospital and
Maxim Osipov. I hope we helped them a little”.
Maxim Osipov , a cardiologist and a writer, whose books
were translated to 18 languages, including last year
publication in English, lives and works in Tarusa, a small
town 60 miles from Moscow. He established a charitable
foundation to ensure the survival of Tarusa hospital and
to improve its standard of care. Since I knew Maxim from
his childhood years in Moscow and was aware of difficulties
Tarusa hospital was experiencing, I told Judy about it.
Judy’s response was: “Sure, let’s help them”. Since that time
we sent to Tarusa hospital many boxes with all kind of
medical supplies - surgical, orthopedic, gloves. I told Maxim
about forthcoming celebration and he emailed me the
following greeting for Judy:
Dear Judy, Many happy returns of this day! Here in Tarusa
we are very grateful for all you did to our small hospital
throughout all these years. God bless you, and many,
many thanks from all of us!
Judy is an angel on earth. The work she has done has kept
so many people alive! I have always been in awe of her
work and her dedication. I feel honored to have worked
with her over these past 20 years. When I think of taking
care of the elderly with dignity, I can only think of Adopt a
Bubbe and Warm Houses- 2 of my most favorite programs.
Wishing her good health in her retirement.
Beth & Michael Moskowitz
Greetings from UCSJ:
Judy is extremely effective in all her activities. Thou
outwardly restrain, she is extremely sensitive to other
people's hardships, responsive, responsible, reliable,
generous and modest. Whenever we applied to her with
problems of our Moscow refuseniks community, or with
our own ones, she reacted immediately and always was
I will never forget how Judy, at one of her visits to
Moscow, presented me with a beautiful, brand-new
jacket. For refuseniks, it was the time of total deficit for
everything. I was very pleased and grateful to her. But the
best was ahead: in several days a meeting was appointed
in the Great Britain Embassy in Moscow of several
refuseniks with Prime-minister Margaret Thatcher. I have
proudly put on Judy's jacket and feel quite confident.
I have and save like a treasure a picture of the meeting.
On it, I am just next to jacket was more
elegant than her's!
Thank you, Judy!!!
Leonid and Natasha Stonov
Happy Birthday Judy!
All the best in everything you do!
Good Health, Happiness! You have a big,
wonderful heart. All the pensioners always
remember you, they always comment
that you are a very nice, and
pleasant person to be around.
Pavlograd. Nela Zatz
Judy, congratulations on your big birthday!
Your humanitarian work for our
small Lubni’s community –
is a breath of fresh air.
Due to your loving care, our community
gets help on regular bases.
Please accept our warmest wishes!
Let the years pass by, excluding all life challenges,
We wish you well, health, love, and happiness!
Lubni. Rudman Boris & Ludmila
I am wishing Judy Happy Birthday!
I am wishing you – health, happiness
from your kids, and grandkids.
I am very grateful, that I met such kindhearted
people like Judy, Tanya and Yakov.
These are the people with huge and kind
hearts/souls. I am grateful for all the help
and care our pensioners get.
I am expressing gratitude from them as well.
Kind regards
Cherkassi. Tamila Ganopolskaya
Good day!
From everyone in the Berdyansk
Jewish community “Тхия”
Wishing you the happiest birthday!
Wishing you good health and longevity!
Mazal Tov till 120!!! Everyone remembers our
wonderful meetings with Judy!
Everyone loves her high energy and optimism!
Health and happiness!
Berdyansk. Alexander Drozdov
Dearest, kindness Judy!
From me, and my clients -
I want to congratulate you with your 85 birthday!
Wishing you health for many years, peace, and
nahes from your kids and grand kids!
Thank you for all the love and care, for your big
heart! Cant wait to see you back in K-R
Координатор Борисенко Марина.
Krivoy Rog. Marina Borisenko
Our dearest Judy! Happy Birthday!
Wishing you longevity, happy days and years,
prosperity, nahes from your kids and grand kids!
More creative plans and ideas!
You are a wonderful person with the open heart
and a huge soul! You help so many people during
such difficult time! I am grateful to my destiny
that I got to know you, Tanya and Yakov.
All of you became our extended family!
It does not matter that geographically you are
so far away from us! We feel your presence!
Dear Judy! Mazal Tov till 120!
When a woman has a kidness and warmth –
age is just a number!
Kind regards from Luba
and all the members of our community!
Uman. Bezprozvanaya Lubov
Congratulations on your birthday!
You only have one life to live!
It flies away too fast.
You have to make all the decisions yourself.
Your skills are your secret power!
Please take good care of yourself!
We need you!
There is no one else like you! Till 120!
Melitopol. Zamchevskaya Ludmila
All of us from Z V wants to congratulate Judy!
Wonderful, beautiful, kind woman!
She gives so much warmth!
Wishing you health, to stay in good shape,
and keep your beauty for many years to come!
Huge thank you for your support
and attention to our community!
Zheltie Vodi. Margarita Lebedinskaya
Our dearest Judy!
The best wishes from the heart on your birthday!
You are our Judy! Number 85 is very important,
it’s as significant as you are in our lives for all of us!
For hundreds of people across the world you became family!
Your life experience, wisdom, attention, and care,
willingness to help – its priceless!
One can not count the number of mitsvots you did!
Thank you!
You are an example of positivity, wiliness to live, tenacity!
Please accept our best birthday wishes!
Wishing you many more years of this beautiful,
healthy live, surrounded by people who love you!
Please keep your fire/ sparkle going!
Wishing you well always, not just on your special day!
Please keep dreaming and making new plans! Till 120!
Mazal Tov!
Kind regards!
Kamenskoe. Elena Lyanguzova
Tatyana Markovna and myself want to wish Judy
Happy, happy Birthday!
We wishing you great health, prosperity,
longevity! All the best in everything you do!
Huge hug from all of us for your kindness
and care! Huge thank you for the
help that she provides!
Poltava. Tatyana Halimon
Adopt a Bubbie/Warm House Program
Care-Coordinatore team
with Coordinator in Ukraine of
A&B\WH Tatyana Sidelkovsky
and DKP-CJP Coordinator Yakov Sidelkovsky
in the center of the picture with Cake.
We are 20 years together for
and with APSJ – Judy Patkin
Chief of Rabbi Shmuel Kaminezki
(Dnepro & Dnepro Region)
Gives a Blessing to All APSJ Care Coordinators
and for their Blessing work for!
Strategic Planning and sharing experience on
20 years Jubilee Seminar ( June, 2018. Dnepro)
Coordinator A&B\WH Program in Ukraine
Tatyana Sidelkovsky (from the right)
Up to $10,000 & beyond
Betsy Gidwitz
Robert and Doris Gordon +
Up to $5000
Shirley and Charles Hurwitz
and Hy and Greta Berkowitz
Foundation +
Rabbi Michael Luckens
and Sharon Schumack
Polly Slavet
Dr Al.W. and Barbara Karchmer*
Betty Dyer
Susan & Michael Brown +
Up to $1800
Anonymous x2
Rosalind and Mark Kaplan +
Tatyana Goldwyn +
Boris & Natalya Katz +
Barbara Anatolev +
Lauren Gordon Fisher
Ena & Michael Feinberg
Mrs. Ruth Karp
Laura & Ery Magasanik
Temple Isaiah
Carol Clingan *
Emily Corbato
Beth & Michael Moskowitz
Melinda Harrison and family *
Up to $500
Arthur and Barbara Safran
Fay & Julian Bussgang
Stephanie Kent Flood
Joshua Rubenstein
Marjorie Minkin
Sharon and Elliot Rivo
Laura and Paul London
Debbie Kardon +
Inna Frankel
Sager and Bornstein Charitable
Giving Fund
Rachel and Joel Reck
Richard and Nadine Lindzen
Laurie Wenk-Pascal
Andrea Schievella & Robert Karp
Dr. Emily McNally &
Dr. Dana Finnegan
Joan Honig
Lois & Arthur Finstein
Barbara Palant
Dr David & Laura Eisenberg
Polina Zatsman
Dr Sheldon Benjamin &
Miriam Rosenblum
Barbara Gaffin
Zale Anis +
Susan Shnidman
Rabbi Bernard Mehlman
Galina Zilberstein
Laurie Rosen
Jane Weingarten
Thank you for honoring Judy and helping to continue
her life’s work with your generous donation to Action
for Post-Soviet Jewry.
Up to $180
Anonymous x8
Dena Davis
Galina Nizhnikov
Betsy Hecker
Karen Sokol
Rabbi Henry and Barbara Zoob
Richard H. Pierce
Esther Finch
Judy Blatt
Stephen Whitfield
Nan Gold
Terri and Jeffrey Goldberg
Michael Mirman
Mary Giuliano & Yuri Tuvim
Rabbi Lawrence M. Silverman
Marcia Camac
Zeya Krasko
Sergey Broude *
Barbara Palant
Aron and Olga Futer
Bebe & Gary Fallick
Ellen Korpi
Amy Mates & Billy Mencow
Susan Wolf-Fordham
Morey & Barbara Schapira
Yakov Glauberman &
Ukrainian American Society
Vicki Bram
Glen Richter
Ann Polunsky
Karole Mendelsohn
Alan Strauss
Judy Lash Balint
Rise Singer
Alexandra & David Dohan
Robert Berger
Carrie Miner
Joan Bush
Margaret CImino
Fredda & Burt Sage
Lisa Romeo
Mark & Irina Chulsky
Abby Brown
Dr. Hankus Netsky
Mila Bronstein +
Judith Gibel and Jeffrey Bolts
Michael Pinnolis &
Miriam Newman
Susan Myerow
Janice and Elliot Wyner
Marsha Byrnes
Sydell Rosen
Nathan Vogel
Bruce and Ruth Lynn
Martin Weinstein
Temple Beth Elohim
The Waldoks Family
Sandy Pollack+Family
Lynn Geltman
Wendy C. Rudner
Galina Gilman
Don Detweiler
Merryl Goldberg
Andrew and Laurie Warren
Helene Kenvin
Harriet Silverman
Judy Wolf
*Board member
+Board member and host committee
As of 12/18/2020