Data Structures and Functional Programming Problem Set 2
CS 3110, Spring 2014 Thursday, February 13
Version: 1 Last Modified: February 7, 2014
This assignment contains a number of short exercises centered around folding, a powerful
technique used in many functional programs.
Use folds over lists to implement a variety of tasks
Gain familiarity with the List module
Generalize the fold_right function on lists to other types
Use lists, options, tuples, and higher-order functions
Reason about the impact of code style on readability and maintainability
Recommended reading
The following supplementary materials may be helpful in completing this assignment:
Lectures 4 and 5
Recitations 4 and 5
The CS 3110 style guide
The OCaml tutorial
Real World OCaml, Chapters 1-3
The OCaml List module documentation
What to turn in
You should complete the files,,,, and with
your solutions for exercises 1, 2–3, 4, 5–6 and 7–8 respectively. Any comments you wish to
make can go in comments.txt or comments.pdf.
If you choose to submit any Karma work, you may submit the file (be sure to
describe what you’ve done in your comments.txt).
Folding on lists
Exercise 1:
To start, you will warm up with a few simple questions using List.fold_left. In these
exercises you are not permitted to use the rec keyword.
(a) Write a function sum (lst : int list) : int that sums up the elements of lst.
(b) Write a function rev (lst : ’a list) : ’a list that reverses lst.
(c) Write a function max2 (lst : ’a list ) : int that returns the second greatest unique
element in lst, or fails if the list contains fewer than two distinct elements.
# max2 [0; 1; 4; -13];;
- : int = 1
# max2 [1.; 3.5; 3.5; 5.];;
- : float = 3.5
# max2 [" one " ; "two "; " three " ];;
- : string = " three "
# max2 [" whoops "; " whoops " ];;
Ex cepti on : Fail ure " max2 : Fewer than two di stinct elements "
# max2 [5; 5; 1; 2];;
- : int = 2
Exercise 2:
Folds are very general list operations. However, the OCaml List module has many other
useful functions that are often better suited to a particular task than a fold. Other times, a
library function may not even be the best choice.
Write each of the following functions in each of three ways:
(i) as a recursive function, without using the List module (append _rec to the function
name for this implementation),
(ii) using List.fold_left or fold_right, but not other List module functions or the rec
keyword (append _fold to the function name for this implementation),
(iii) using any combination of List module functions other than fold_left or fold_right,
but not the rec keyword (append _lib to the function name for this implementation).
(a) Write a function lengths (lsts : ’a list list) : int list that computes an int list
containing the length of each element of lsts. You may use List.length in all three
strategies for this problem.
# len gth s_l ib [[ " zar "; " doz " ]; []; [" ocaml "; " rocks " ]];;
- : int list = [2; 0; 2]
(b) Write a function find_first_value (lst : (’a * ’b) list) (x : ’a) : ’b option that eval-
uates to Some z for the first pair (y,z) in the list such that x equals y. Return None if no
such pair exists.
# f ind_ firs t_va lue_ rec [( x , 2); (y , 4); ( z, 8); (x , 12)] x ;;
- : int option = Some 2
# f ind_ firs t_va lue_f old [( x , 2); (y , 4); (z , 8); (x , 12)] w ;;
- : int option = None
Exercise 3:
Now write the following functions, using any of the three strategies. It is worth taking some
time to choose which strategy or combination of strategies will be most effective before you
start coding.
(a) Write a function confirm_outputs (fs : (’a -> ’b) list) (i : ’a) (o : ’b): bool that
evaluates to true if and only if each function in fs evaluates to o when applied to i.
# conf irm_out puts [(+) 1; (+) 1; fun x -> 2] 1 2;;
- : bool = true
# conf irm_out puts [(+) 1; (+) 2; (+) 1] 1 2;;
- : bool = false
(b) Write a function total_length (lsts : ’a list list) : int that evaluates to the total
number of elements in all the lists in lsts.
# total_length [[]; [17;2];[5]] ;;
- : int = 3
# total_length [[7 ;8;9]; [1 7;2 ];[5]] ;;
- : int = 6
(c) Write a function find_last_value (lst : (’a * ’b) list) (x : ’a) : ’b option that eval-
uates to Some z for the last pair (y,z) in the list such that x equals y. Return None if x
does not appear in any pair.
# find _last_v alue [( x , 2); (y , 4); (z , 8); (x , 12)] x ;;
- : int option = Some 12
# find _last_v alue [( x , 2); (y , 4); (z , 8); (x , 12)] w ;;
- : int option = None
(d) Write a function median (lst : ’a list) : ’a option that evaluates to the median of
the list. For even sized lists, choose the lesser of the two middle objects. For empty lists,
return None.
# median [3; 6;9; 12; 0;2] ;;
- : int option = Some 3
# median [3;6;12; -4 ;0;2] ;;
- : int option = Some 2
# median [];;
- : int option = None
Exercise 4:
In this exercise we will represent non-negative integers in binary using the following types:
type bit = Zero | One
type bits = bit list
As an example, the integer 3110 is represented as the list:
[ One ; One ; Zero ; Zero ; Zero ; Zero ; One ; Zero ; Zero ; One ; One ; Zero ]
We assume that most significant bit is at the head of the list. By convention, values of type
bits should not have leading Zeros. For example, we represent 0 as the empty list [] and not
(a) Write functions
bi ts_ to_ int : bits -> int
in t_t o_b its : int -> bits
that convert between non-negative integers and their binary representations using bits.
# int _to _bi ts 0;;
- : bits = []
# int _to _bi ts 1;;
- : bits = [ One ]
# int _to _bi ts 2;;
- : bits = [ One ; Zero ]
# int _to _bi ts 42;;
- : bits = [ One ; Zero ; One ; Zero ; One ; Zero ]
# bit s_t o_i nt [ Zero ; One ; Zero ; One ; Zero ];;
- : int = 10
# bit s_t o_i nt [ One ; One ; One ; One ; One ; One ; One ];;
- : int = 127
Your implementation of int_to_bits should not produce leading zeros in its output,
although bits_to_int should correctly handle leading zeroes in the input.
(b) Write a function binary_addition that implements addition of numbers represented in
binary using bits.
binary _additi on : bits -> bits -> bits
Your implementation should remove any leading zeros from the output (although it
should correctly handle leading zeroes in the input).
# bina ry_addi tion [ Zero ; One ; Zero ] [ Zero ; Zero ; One ];;
- : bits = [ One ; One ]
# bina ry_addi tion [ Zero ] [Zero ; Zero ; Zero ];;
- : bits = []
Your implementation must also work on the bits directly (in particular, operations such
as (+) or (-) are forbidden).
We have provided you with some helper functions in the Binary module (
and binary.mli) that you may wish to use. You may also find the library functions
List.fold_left2 and List.fold_right2, as well as the helper function normalize useful in
developing your solution.
Folding on trees
In this section, we will work with the following binary tree type:
type a bi ntree = Leaf | Node of a bintree * a * a bintree
We will refer to the following tree in our examples:
# let example _tr ee =
Node (
Node (
Node ( Leaf , 2 , Leaf ),
Node ( Leaf ,
Node ( Leaf , 8 , Leaf ))) ,
3110 ,
Node (
Leaf ,
Node ( Node ( Leaf , -3, Leaf ) ,
14 ,
Leaf )));;
ex ample_tree : int bintree = ...
2 7
Exercise 5:
(a) Write a function tree_sum : int bintree -> int such that tree_sum t evaluates to the sum
of the elements in t. Example:
# tree_sum ex amp le_ tre e ;;
- : int = 3148
(b) Write a function tree_mem : ’a -> ’a bintree -> bool that evalutates to true if the ele-
ment exists in the tree and false otherwise. Example:
# tree_mem 8 example_t ree ;;
- : bool = true
# tree_mem 8 Leaf ;;
- : bool = false
# tree_mem 100 example_tree ;;
- : bool = false
(c) Write a function tree_preorder : ’a bintree -> ’a list such that tree_preorder t eval-
uates to a list containing the data in t ordered by preorder traversal.
# tree_pr eor der example_tree ;;
- : int list = [3110; 4; 2; 7; 8; 6; 14; -3]
(d) Write a function tree_inorder : ’a bintree -> ’a list such that tree_inorder t evaluates
to a list containing the data in t ordered by inorder traversal.
# tree_inorder e xam ple _tr ee ;;
- : int list = [2; 4; 7; 8; 3110; 6; -3; 14]
(e) Write a function tree_postorder : ’a bintree -> ’a list such that tree_postorder t eval-
uates to a list containing the data in t ordered by postorder traversal.
# tree _po storder exa mpl e_t ree ;;
- : int list = [2; 8; 7; 4; -3; 14; 6; 3110]
Exercise 6:
(a) Identify the similarities and differences between the functions you implemented in Ex-
ercise 5. Write a single higher-order function
tr ee_fo ld : b -> ( a -> b -> b -> b) -> a bintree -> b
that abstracts their common structure. For example, you should be able to write the
# let tree _su m_fold = tree_fold 0 ( fun l x r -> l + x + r )
tree_sum_ fol d : int bintree -> int
# tree_su m_f old example_tree
- : int = 3148
# let t ree _cou nt_ fold = tre e_fold 0 ( fun l x r -> l + 1 + r )
tree_c ount_fo ld : a bintree -> int
# tree _count_ fold exampl e_t ree
- : int = 8
(b) Use tree_fold to reimplement the functions from the previous exercise in the file
Name them tree_sum_fold, tree_mem_fold, tree_preorder_fold tree_inorder_fold,
and tree_postorder_fold. You may not use the rec keyword for these implementations.
Folding on expressions
In this section we will work with arithmetic expressions constructed from integers and the
operators + and *. We represent these expressions using values of the following type:
type exp = Val of int | Plus of exp * exp | Times of exp * exp
For example, the expression (1 + 1) * ((3 * 4) + 1) would be represented as follows:
# let example_exp =
Times (
Plus ( Val 1 , Val 1 ) ,
Plus (
Times ( Val 3 , Val 4 ) ,
Val 1
ex amp le_ exp : exp = ...
1 1
3 4
Exercise 7:
Write a function
exp_fold ( val_op : int -> a)
( plus_op : a -> a -> a)
( time s_op : a -> a -> a)
( exp : exp ) : a
that recursively processes each subexpression of exp and then combines their results using
the following scheme:
It applies the operation val_op to each Val subexpression.
It applies the operation plus_op to each Plus subexpession.
It applies the operation times_op to each Times subexpression.
Exercise 8:
Use your implementation of exp_fold to complete the following functions. You may not use
the rec keyword in this exercise.
(a) Write a function eval : exp -> int that takes an input expression and evaluates it ac-
cording to the rules of ordinary integer arithmetic.
# eval exa mpl e_e xp ;;
- : int = 26
(b) Write a function to_string : exp -> string that returns a fully parenthesized string rep-
resentation of the input expression, with no spaces between operators and their operands.
# to_strin g example _ex p ;;
- : string = " ((1+ 1)*( (3*4 )+1) ) "
[written] At the end of the file, please include any comments you have about the problem
set, or about your implementation. This would be a good place to document any extra
Karma problems that you did (see below), to list any problems with your submission that
you weren’t able to fix, or to give us general feedback about the problem set.
Release files
We have provided you with the files,,,, and,
with signatures under which your solutions should go. Each also has a corresponding .mli
Karma Suggestions
Note: We encourage you to think about different directions that
you can take the problem sets or different parts of OCaml or functional
programming that you are curious about.
You may submit any extra work you do in the Karma section of each
problem set. We will comment on any extra work that you turn in, but
Karma is completely optional and will not affect your grade
in any way.
Here are some suggestions that may pique your interest:
Implement median as a recursive function. This can be done in O(n) time.
Implement fold_left in terms of fold_right and vice-versa.
Write a version of tree_fold to work for nodes with arbitrarily many children.
Write a version of tree_fold to work for nodes with infinitely many children.
Extend the expr type to include if-then-else expressions. Extend expr to include other
OCaml features.